#micro 43
allycat75 · 6 months
This is the face of a man that screams "I am so completely fucked!!"
And yes. Yes you are.
Did you just read the reaction of your Nazi walk with the little wifey, thinking "Why did I not consider this color combination could be a bad choice? Oh yeah, all the weed. And the fact I am an insensitive prick who doesn't think about the micro world because it gives me cyclical unhappiness."
I guess you have graduated to primary unhappiness. Hope it was worth it! 👋
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selidor · 5 months
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Badlands national Park by This is a image from our recent tri…
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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kramlabs · 2 years
X-43: High-hypersonic* scramjet Micro Craft
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* high-hypersonic speeds are Mach 10-25 or 7,673 -19,183 mph
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karingottschalk · 2 years
DPReview TV: What is 'open gate' video and why should you care? – Commentary
DPReview TV: What is ‘open gate’ video and why should you care? – Commentary
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prokopetz · 8 months
Code Green
A game for 3–7 players, about being where you're not supposed to be.
Last night, you were suspended in a tube of brightly coloured goo in an underground research facility, operated by an organisation whose three-letter initialism's meaning is strictly need-to-know. This morning, someone noticed your tube was empty. Nobody has determined how that happened yet, and you're not inclined to stick around until they figure it out!
Or, in other words, it's been nearly a whole week since I got that massive revision to Space Gerbils out the door, and apparently my brain has decided that's enough of a break. This thing was written start to finish in under 12 hours, so let the circumstances of its authorship guide your expectations. Special thanks go once again to Caro Asercion, whose micro-RPG Dwindle introduced me to the design space I'm fucking around with here. Go buy their stuff.
What You'll Need
Code Green is a tabletop RPG for one game moderator (GM) and up to six players. Each player will need a copy of the Profile Grid, below, as well as three tokens of some sort: dice, coins, beads, etc. You'll also need at least five six-sided dice (for the whole group, not per player, though it's fine if each player has their own set). If you're using dice for tokens, it's recommended that the dice you plan to roll be visually distinguishable in case they land on someone's Profile Grid.
Rolling Dice
There are two ways you'll be asked to roll dice in this game: rolling d66, and rolling a dice pool.
To roll d66, roll a six-side die twice, reading the first roll as the "tens" place and the second roll as the "ones" place, yielding a number in the range from 11 to 66. For example, if you rolled a 3 and then a 5, your result is 35. You may also be asked to flip a d66 roll; to do this, take your result and swap the digits without re-rolling. In the preceding example, if you flipped your roll of 35, your new result would be 53.
To roll a dice pool, pick up the indicated number of six-side dice, roll them, and take the highest individual result. Duplicates have no special significance. For example, if you rolled a pool of three dice and got a 2, a 4, and a 4, your result would be 4. If you would ever roll a pool of zero or fewer dice, roll two dice and take the lowest instead.
Character Creation
Each player should create their own character. There are three things about your character which are always true:
You are newly born into the world. You may know things about the world (e.g., from your programming, having read them on a computer terminal, etc.), but you haven't experienced them.
You are implausibly good at remaining inconspicuous; unless you're deliberately drawing attention or doing something which requires a dice roll, humans will almost always fail to spot you.
You are not human. You can decide what that means.
To find out what else is true about your character, roll or choose three times from the Form table, and three times from the Function table, placing your results into the correspondingly labelled slots on the Profile Grid, below, in any order you please. Your three results from each table should be different; if you elected to roll and get the same entry multiple times, flip your result, and re-roll if it's still a duplicate.
Think about what your three Form traits and three Function traits imply about your character's physical makeup, but don't set anything in stone just yet – you'll see why not in a moment.
Finally, roll a six-sided die five times, and record the results in the order in which they're received. The resulting five-digit number is the only name your character has when play begins.
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Table 1: Form (d66)
11–12. Blood 13–14. Bones 15–16. Brain 21–22. Claws 23–24. Ears 25–26. Eyes 31–32. Guts 33–34. Hands 35–36. Heart 41–42. Hair 43–44. Legs 45–46. Lungs 51–52. Nose 53–54. Skin 55–56. Tail 61–62. Teeth 63–64. Tongue 65–66. Wings
Table 2: Function (d66)
11–12. Accelerated 13–14. Autonomous 15–16. Auxiliary 21–22. Cryogenic 23–24. Cryptic 25–26. Elastic 31–32. Electric 33–34. Entropic 35–36. Invasive 41–42. Invulnerable 43–44. Kinetic 45–46. Magnetic 51–52. Phasing 53–54. Polymorphic 55–56. Projectile 61–62. Pyrogenic 63–64. Telescopic 65–66. Toxic
Playing the Game
Play proceeds in a series of scenes. In each scene, the GM will set the stage: a challenge to overcome, a peril to escape, a mystery to investigate, etc. Given the nature of your characters, most things will be mysteries to you!
Initial Token Placement
Once the stage has been set, place each of your three tokens on a different square on your Profile Grid. If you have no preference, you can roll d66 for each token and place it in the square whose marked numeric range contains the number you rolled, flipping or re-rolling your result if you get a square which already contains a token. The placement of these tokens represents your initial state when the scene opens. Depending on the nature of your character, this may be reflected by a shifting of internal focus, or by a physical transformation.
To participate in the scene, simply tell the GM what your character does; the GM will describe how the world responds, and ask what you do next. Whenever you wish – or are forced – to do something more than lurk and observe, you are obliged to make a test.
Making Tests
To make a test, first choose a pair of traits – one Form trait, and one Function trait – with which to face the challenge. For example, if your Form traits are Legs, Tail and Teeth, and your Function traits are Cryptic, Invulnerable and Phasing, you might test your Invulnerable Legs against the trouble at hand.
Next, count the number of tokens present in the rows extending from each of the chosen traits. The illustration below shows which squares would be consulted in the preceding example:
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Next, roll a dice pool containing a number of dice equal to the number of tokens present on squares extending from the chosen traits. Do not count a token twice if it's on the square where the two traits intersect (e.g., the green square in the illustration above). In the event that no tokens fall on squares extending from appropriate traits, remember that you are allowed to roll a pool of zero dice by rolling two dice and taking the lowest rather than the highest.
Finally, compare your result to the following table:
1–3. Less than human. Whatever you'd intended to try still happens, but it cannot overcome human opposition (or adversity which would challenge a typical human), and any lasting effects are transitory and easily explained away. 4–5. Mostly human. Your effort can contend with human opposition (or circumstances which would challenge a competent human), and its lasting effects make it obvious that someone (or something) has been interfering with matters. 6. More than human. Your effort easily brushes aside any human opposition, and its lasting effects are impossible to rationalise as anything other than the intervention of inhuman forces.
Without Applicable Traits
In the event that you're forced to make a test and no possible pairing of your traits is applicable, you don't get to roll anything, not even with a pool of zero dice; simply resolve the outcome as though you'd rolled a result of 1–3. Other characters may attempt to preserve you from this fate by assisting you, in which case you roll one die per assisting friend; see below for more details.
If you wish to assist another character in making a test, consult your own Profile Grid, considering only those squares which contain tokens. Only the specific pairs of traits represented by the squares on which your tokens fall are eligible for assistance; for example, if one of your tokens falls on the intersection of Cryptic and Teeth, you may assist with Cryptic Teeth, but not any other pair of traits involving Cryptic or Teeth unless those squares also have tokens on them.
If you're able to identify an eligible pair of traits that seems applicable to the test at hand, explain how you're using it to help, and hand the player making the test one extra die. Any number of characters may assist on a given test.
Providing assistance neither requires nor permits your character to adapt (see below) – it needs to be your own test for that!
After resolving a test, your character adapts, shifting focus or form to reflect what they've learned. Take one token of your choice from your character sheet, and move it to a different square which doesn't already contain one. You can move any token you wish, but it must end up on a different square than the one it started on unless no valid destinations are available. Adapting is not optional, and must be carried out after every test.
Suffering Strain
If whatever you're making a test against is particularly strenuous or dangerous, you might suffer strain as a consequence. Strain will often be incurred on a result of 1–3, and rarely on a result of 4–5; only the most foolhardy efforts will incur strain even on a result of 6!
To incur strain, roll d66, and place a small X on the square on your Profile Grid whose indicated numeric range contains the number you rolled. If there's a token on that square, immediately move it to an empty square of your choice, unless fewer than three unmarked squares now remain; in that case, simply remove the token entirely.
For the remainder of the scene, tokens may not be moved to any marked square. In addition, if you suffer further strain, and the square indicated by your d66 roll is already marked, your character is incapacitated, and may not participate in tests at all until they recover.
All strain is cleared – and any discarded tokens restored – at the end of each scene. Incapacitated characters also recover at this time.
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for-a-longlongtime · 17 days
Guilty Pleasure (6/7) - dbf!Joel Miller x reader
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An open bar and Joel in a tailored black outfit mean trouble at your father's garden party. Enough reason to do something you haven't done before.
Rating: Explicit, 18+ only, mdni 🔞🔥 Series warnings (tba): Age gap (reader is 22, Joel is 43), masturbation (f), use of sex toys, oral sex, PiV, anal, hair pulling, dirty talk, getting caught, playful use of 'daddy', outrageous flirting, groping, reference to m/m, Joel's arms should always come with a warning. No outbreak!AU. Word count: 3.4K A/N: I finished writing the final chapter last night and y'all, I'm giddy as fuck. Big BIG thanks to @milla-frenchy and @reallyrallyauthor for your support and reading Part 6 and 7 early to make sure this hits juuust right!
< part 5 | series masterlist | main masterlist
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There are too many people in your backyard. Mingling, chatting, networking, kissing ass - all accompanied by canapés that are too fancy, beer that is so painfully hip and micro-brewed that you don’t even want to try it, and outfits intended to seem semi-casual yet also upstage everybody. You hate these gatherings. It’s far from the first time you’ve had to endure them because of your father’s work, though. Even your grandmother liked reminding you when you were little that your grandfather also hosted affairs like this. “It’s important to build connections.”
You don’t care. All you give a damn about tonight - or maybe these days, if you are honest with yourself - was Joel, dressed like a fucking vision. Well fitting black pants, that you suspect are tailored, an ever better fitting black dress shirt which is absolutely tailored, and matching black boots. His hair, usually curly and messy, now looks so sharp that you wonder if he got a haircut this morning; it’s a little shorter, definitely neater, and brushed back a little.
But what your eyes keep going back to the most are the few buttons on his shirt that are undone, showing off his tanned skin and a smattering of freckles you had barely noticed before. It makes you want to trace every single one with your tongue and find out if he would whine when you'd suck a hickey on his neck.
He’s at the bar, waiting for his drink, so you slide in right next to him and bump against his arm. “Hey. Don’t tell me you’re drinking those craft beers?”
“Jesus. No, of course not.” 
The expression on his face is one of instant disgust, and you can’t help but laugh at the candid response. “Wow, didn’t think there’d be someone else who’d hate them as much as I do.”
Joel grumbles something, then gives the bartender a nod as he takes a glass of whiskey from him. When the guy turns to you to take your order, you point at Joel’s glass. “I’ll have whatever he’s having.”
The guy gives you a doubtful look. “Can I see some ID?”
“Yes, you can. It’s called ‘I’m the daughter of the guy who is paying your salary tonight’ and I’m twenty two. Thanks for making that drink now.” You stare at him, daring him to push back against you - you are NOT in the mood for this tonight, especially not in front of Joel. After a few moments, the bartender sighs and shrugs as he turns around, reaching for a glass and some ice. You can feel Joel’s eyes on you, so you turn towards him to give him a similar look. “What? Go ahead. Say it.”
“Say what?”
“That I’m being a brat.”
“Nah.” Joel shakes his head as he sips from his whiskey. “You’d just get off on that. That’s not brattiness - you’re actually being rude,” he says, then wanders off to go talk to someone nearby.
You stare at him with an open mouth, anger starting to creep into you. How the fuck does he dare to just say something like that to you? It hurts, and most of all it gives you a pang of concern that maybe you’ve ruined your chances with him - between this and the way he responded at the pool a few days ago.
“Oh honey, forget about it.” The bartender gives you a look that’s bordering on pity and disdain, his inflection drastically different all of a sudden as he pushes a glass towards you. “That man ain’t into you. Wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole. Why don’t you go find somebody of your own age to play with, hmmm?”
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself?”, you snap at him as you grab the glass and stalk off, his words feeling like claws that have sunk into your skin and won’t let go of you. The burn of the liquor doesn’t help you in the way you’d hoped for, and you find yourself craving something stronger, sweeter. Anything that’ll help you take the edge off.
Anything, in this case, turns out to be 6’3”, blond, looks like a jock and is named… Brady? Brody? Brad. Ben. Blake. Something like that, you can’t remember, but it’s unimportant after having chatted with him for all of ten minutes. What matters is that he’s not a bad kisser, smells fine - not woodsy like Joel unfortunately - and his hands are large as well as eager, pressing you with your back against the solid wood of the pergola. 
If it wouldn’t ruin the mood for him, you probably would’ve laughed at the irony of making out with Blaine - Brandon? Brayden? No. Bruno. Bruce. Barry. Maybe it was Chad after all - right against the pergola that Joel had built over the past couple of days. 
You’d been watching Joel from your bay window, his muscles straining in the sun, while he grunted the way you had memorized from his Instagram videos. And for all of those three days, you’d had several orgasms as you’d watched him. Some of them were thanks to your fingers, others due to toys - varying from the small bullet vibe to the thrusting rabbit vibrator you used for longer sessions. But in the end, all of this had been going on for too long. The flirting, the way you’d feel him look at you regularly, the build up of tension; it had you feral by now, and you just wanted Joel.
You are gonna get him. Soon. Even if it means needing to make him jealous.
“Should we- should we go inside?” Jock guy pauses his kisses, leaning his forehead against yours as he runs his hands down your body, and you can feel him press hot and heavy against your thigh. Fuck, he is hung. “We’ll have some more privacy, and…”
“No, this is fine,” you say quickly, your eyes scanning the crowd of people across the yard. Most of them are unaware of your makeout session, and your glance slides right past them, but suddenly you detect Joel not too far away from where you are. He is staring right at you, gripping his whiskey glass in your hand, and when the guy next to him says something, he only shakes his head, not breaking his glance with you.
“Are you…”
“I said this is fine,” you said sharply to the guy with his hands on your hips. A frown plays over his face, and in a gesture of good will you let your hand brush over the crotch of his pants, tracing the outline of his dick. “Nobody is watching.”
He groans, his lips finding yours again as he pushes himself against your hand. You kiss him back eagerly this time, your arms around him as you turn him just the slightest bit so you can keep your view of Joel. He’s talking to the guy next to him now, a back and forth conversation, but every now and then his eyes slide back to you, and then there’s a nod he gives you that makes you shiver.
Baxter, or Bart, Bobby, or whatever the hell his name is, slips his hand under your skirt, and you moan when his fingertips trace your lacy underwear. You hear how he sucks in air for a second, then his chest almost puffs up in pride at how wet he finds you. Silly guy. He thinks it’s because of him, that his not-too-bad kisses have riled you up so much. Has no damn clue how Joel’s eyes are back on you again.
“Touch me,” you breathe at him, and then hold your breath when he does so. Thick fingers - though not as thick as Joel’s - slipping under the fabric of your panties, pulling them to the side while your eyes remain locked on Joel. You’re trying to merge the touches with your fantasies and the visual of Joel right in front of you, conjuring up his voice. You think of the way he’d tease you with slow, playful strokes over your pussy, each time a little more focused on your clit, making you delirious with need before he’d even consider sliding a finger into your soaked cunt.
But reality seems more than unwilling to blend with your fantasies. While initially the guy seemed to smell fine, you’re now noticing the overwhelming amount of generic fuck boy cologne he’s wearing, the scent unsettling and clearly something Joel would never even wear. He doesn’t smell like a hard day’s work on Joel does and his hands are too smooth, too well taken care of. No roughness from manual labor whatsoever, no finesse to tease you, and definitely not much muscle memory on how to properly get a woman going. 
Instead he’s just clumsy, perhaps because all the blood has rushed to his cock that’s pressing insistently against you. Substitute-Joel’s fingers slide over your folds only one disappointing time, clearly not even attempting to find your clit. He fumbles around as his own breathing grows heavy, then suddenly tries to push two fingers inside of you - without any further prep or even checking if that’s okay with you. 
It abruptly ruins the horny spell you’d been under several minutes ago, and you swear as you grab his hand to stop him, your pussy strongly objecting to his fingers trying to invade you. 
“Hey! Fucking hell,” you hiss, pulling his hand out of your underwear before he can go any further. “You always fingerbang girls without properly prepping them?”
“What? You’re practically dripping on me,” he hisses back as he looks confused. But you’re not about to end up in a discussion about how being wet doesn’t mean he can just shove his fingers inside of you - let alone without any warning.
“Never mind,” you say as you push him away from you, then straighten your clothes as you move away from the pergola. “Let’s just forget this happened, okay? I’ve gotta go say hi to someone.”
“Bitch,” he mutters at you, adjusting his tie and the collar of his shirt. On most days you would’ve gladly torn him a new asshole for that, but you’re just not in the mood to further engage with him. So you start to head into Joel’s direction, but then see that he seems to have moved elsewhere, leaving you to look around in confusion.
You look up when you hear a group of men laugh, and see your father shake some hands as he offers his audience a few more words. Joel is there too, you realize, still with a drink in his hand. Your father gives him a friendly pat on his arm, which is returned with Joel’s signature nod, as he then heads over to some other people who look more than eager to greet him. It makes your skin crawl to see him acting like some kind of politician, eager to make a good impression on everyone, and you quickly turn away from him to look back at Joel - who is now looking straight at you again, without saying anything.
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It’s not until you’re back at the bar for another whiskey - you’ve lost track of how many you’ve had - that he shows up next to you, giving you a gentle nudge like you had done to him earlier. “D’you eat anything recently?”, he asks, absentmindedly playing with a coaster on the bar. You can smell the smokey alcohol on his breath, see that the buttons on his shirt are just a little more opened than they were a little while ago, and it just makes you ache for him.
“Shut up, Joel,” you mutter, but he doesn’t follow your suggestion - instead he picks up the whiskey that the bartender slides over to you and takes a sip of it.
“A water for her, please?”, he asks, then covers the liquor glass with his hand when you try to reach for it. “No. You’re done.”
You’re starting to seethe at this point. “Who the fuck you think you are telling me how much I can drink?,” you snap at him. His eyes are infuriatingly calm, but the smirk tugging at the corner of his lips makes it clear he’s a lot more amused than you are.
“Easy, darling. Just looking out for you, okay?” He pushes the glass of ice water on the counter over to you, but you have half a mind to throw it at him.
“Why are you bothering me?”
His eyebrows raise at the word ‘bothering’, but he doesn’t quite respond to it. “Just have some water and food,” he says softly. “You’ll feel like shit if you don’t.” 
“You’re drunk too.”
Joel rolls his eyes at you. “Yeah, well… have to get through this all somehow, don’t I? Been drinking water too, though.” He gives you a look as he takes another sip of whiskey, sighing.
“I don’t get why you’re here.” Your head is spinning a little, but at this point you’re not sure if it’s the booze or proximity to Joel that’s getting to you. The memory of that jock guy’s cologne is far from your mind by now, replaced now by that smell that you crave - the cologne you would recognize anywhere, layered with Joel’s own scent. And it’s driving you mad. “Nobody is making you, unlike they’re doing with me.” 
A smile plays over Joel’s face and he shrugs. “Your mom asked me.”
You can’t help but laugh. “My— what? And that’s why you’re voluntarily subjecting yourself to all of this?” You gesture around the yard, the groups of stuffy people, pretentious bite sized food and music that makes you desperately want to connect your phone to the speaker system. “I’ve been to so many of these. It’s awful, every single time.”
You’re waiting for him to tell you it’s not that bad, or even that you should suck it up. But instead he simply doesn’t respond, and only gives you a raised eyebrow as he has some more whiskey. When he puts the glass down on the bar, you impulsively swipe it and drain it before he can interfere, waiting for an actual retort this time. 
A frown slides onto his face and you grin almost triumphantly at the reaction, pushing the empty glass back towards him, only ice cubes remaining in it now. “I think you like dramatic,” you then blurt out, and see how he blushes slightly, the red flush creeping up from his chest to his neck.
“That what you think?” His eyes flick over you, and you nod, poking him in the chest with your finger. 
“Yeah. You’re… practical. Proper. Maybe kinda boring. You got your routine.” You really should stop talking with all that liquor in your system, but you refuse to admit he was right about you needing to sober up. “Maybe getting close to a midlife crisis? Working your job and then all the reno on your house. Don’t see you chill a whole lot.” 
You run your finger a little down his chest, then place your full hand against his shirt as you lean over to his ear. “I think you want some fun,” you whisper in his ear, barely audible due to the music playing at the party. “Somebody who shakes things up. Brings a little drama and excitement.”
Joel’s eyes are slightly unfocused from the whiskey, just like yours probably are, and you can tell that his guard is down in ways that you haven’t experienced before. “Old, huh? Boring, old, and close to a midlife crisis,” he says after a moment, a smirk on his face as he shakes his head. “But you would shake things up? Why would you bother with an old man?”
“Maybe I’m into that.” You bite your lip as you hesitate for a moment. “The whole DILF thing. And don’t think I haven’t noticed you watching me.”
His smirk widens into an actual grin now as he laughs, looking away at some commotion or a gathering that’s happening at the party. When he looks back at you, his eyes are darker than usual, and you can’t help but feel a shiver run down your spine.
“Little girl. You are in over your head.” His words are measured and quiet as he seems to pick them carefully, his hand now reaching for yours that’s still resting against his chest, and he gently pulls it off his shirt. “ Y’don’t even have a clue of what you’re playing with, darling. What are you gonna do? Rock my world? At your father’s party?”
“I don’t give a shit about his party,” you say sharply, but he shakes his head, interrupting you.
“But that’s the thing. You do,” he murmurs. “Y’couldn’t be more thrilled than to do so here, just to make a scene. Like you did with that guy.”
You feel victorious hearing him confirm that he had been watching you, and together with his ‘little girl’ comment it’s enough to make you soak your panties on the spot. “Were you jealous?”, you ask him challengingly.
He chuckles again, this time getting up from the barstool, and you take in his physique, admiring the way those tailored pants fit around his thighs. “Have some more water. And food,” he tells you, and in the split second you have before he turns away, you make up your mind. Perhaps it’s more like instinct, to do what you’ve been stopping yourself from doing for a while now. 
You grope him. 
Fingers quick as you cup him through his pants, closing around his balls and a part of his dick. It takes effort to bite back a whimper at finally feeling him, thick and hot and heavy in your hand, after all those weeks that you’ve been here and tried to figure out what the right move was. You hold his eyes defiantly, lips parted as you’d like to use your words but they all seem stuck in your throat.
His surprised intake of air when you grab him is immediate, and he looks frazzled as he shakes his head, tugging your hand abruptly away from his cock. “You out of your damn mind?”, he hisses, looking more than just a little flustered. “In front of everyfuckingbody?”
“So come insi—” The words die on your tongue when you suddenly see your mom approaching from a couple of feet behind Joel, unaware of what’s happening between the two of you, but apparently in search of you as she calls your name. Joel and you immediately step away from each other, him leaning against the bar as he seems to need a moment to compose himself. You have even less time to plaster a smile on your face for your mother, so you just nod enthusiastically as she rambles at you about some person’s son you should come meet. Your heart feels like it’s hammering out of your chest as you force yourself to tell her that you’d love to meet them, bringing a smile to your mom’s face.
Just as you’re about to join her to meet this person, your mom pauses at the bar and puts her hand on Joel’s shoulder. “By the way, he said that he could use your help with moving that thing, if you have time? Think he’s inside, couldn’t find you,” she said, and Joel nods while humming something affirmatively. His eyes flit to you for a split second before he looks down at the bar again, and he seems to wait until the two of you have moved away until he goes inside.    
You’re in a mild daze as you follow your mom through the crowd, performing the role you’re expected to play, while the moment that you grabbed Joel plays on repeat in your head. The gasp that spilled from his lips, the way he didn’t say “no” - just “in front of everybody?”, which was an entirely different thing, and frankly… he wasn’t wrong.
You can wait. Just that little bit longer. It’ll be so worth it.
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Joel's outfit at the party (as a dress shirt and pants instead of a jumpsuit):
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Thank you for reading, commenting or reblogging - I appreciate it so very much 🙏
🚨 Follow @longlongtime-updates + turn on notifs to see when the finale drops later this week!
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antimony-medusa · 7 months
MCYT on Ao3 - February '24
The state of MCYT on Ao3, just for fun. Yes I do this every month, I like numbers.
The Cube SMP (8 works)
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (10 works)
iDots SMP (23 works)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works)
Legacy SMP (27 works)
Cogchamp SMP (29 works)
Content SMP (30 works)
Epic SMP (34 works)
Art of Survival SMP (36 works)
Dominion SMP (40 works)
Tiredtwt (Video Blogging RPF) (42 works)
Showtime SMP (48 works)
Shady Oaks SMP (49 works)
X Life SMP (51 works)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (55 works)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (56 works)
Bear SMP (59 works)
SadSMP (66 works)
My Inner Demons - Aphmau (Web Series) (70 works)
Mer SMP (84 works)
Area Unknown SMP (88 works)
Kaboodle SMP (94 works)
Tortillaland SMP (115 works)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (151 works)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (174 works)
New Life SMP (177 works)
WitchCraft SMP (190 works)
Rats SMP (238 works)
Pirates SMP (233 works)
SMPLive (299 works)
SMPEarth (318 works)
Mianite (Web Series) (386 works)
Afterlife SMP (402 works)
Outsiders SMP (413 works)
MindCrack RPF (505 works)
MyStreet - Aphmau (Web Series) (567 works)
Evolution SMP (713 works)
Karmaland SMP (857 works)
Minecraft Diaries - Aphmau (Web Series) (964 works)
Fable SMP (1,072 works)
Origins SMP (1,594 works)
Lifesteal SMP (1,607 works)
The Yogscast (3,220 works)
Empires SMP (6,596 works)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (8,104 works)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (10,894 works)
Hermitcraft SMP (20,809 works)
Dream SMP (84,460 works)
Minecraft (Video Game) (110,435 works)
Video Blogging RPF (282,935 works)
Some notes
A new fandom this month! Showtime SMP is new, bringing this up to 49 tags that I track.
Fics are still primarily in english, but we have three exceptions with significant spanish fics. Karmaland (750 of 857 are in spanish, from 740 last month), Tortillaland (109 of 115 are in spanish, down from 110 last month), and QSMP (827 of 8104 are in spanish, from 752 last month.)
QSMP also shows 43 fics in French, up from 39 last month, and 452 in Brasilian Portugese, up from 405 last month. While I did not check every language this month, I checked on the languages I knew had a fic in QSMP and we see 1 fic in ASL (probably a misclick as it appears to be in english), 1 fic in Bahasa Malaysia, 1 fic in Dansk (Danish), 1 fic in Deutsch (German), 1 fic in Esperanto, 1 fic in Filipino, 5 works in European Portugese, 2 fics in Polski (Polish), 7 fics in Русский (Russian) (up from 5 last month), 1 fic in Suomi (Finnish), 1 fic in Svenska (Swedish), 1 fic in Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese), and 3 fics in 中文-普通话 國語 (Mandarin Chinese, I believe). While a 한국어 (Korean) speaker was recently added to the QSMP, there are currently no fics in 한글 (written Korean).
In the small and micro-sized fandoms, several of the smaller fandoms posted a decrease, including Legacy SMP, Bear SMP, and Area Unknown. HBG, on the other hand, posted a frankly impressive 16-fic increase, and both New Life and Witchcraft saw a 8-fic increase.
In the mid-sized fandoms, the showstopper was Minecraft Diaries, which went up a staggering 140 fics, which makes me suspect a sub-tag got wrangled into them. Pirates SMP and Outsiders SMP both saw 20 fic increases, and Mystreet saw an increase of 24 fics.
In the post-canon big fandoms, Empires went up by 188 works, which is an increase on both January's 178 and December's 117, but not beating November's 240. Dream SMP's increase of 591 works is the single lowest number I've seen since I've started tracking tags, being exceeded by both January's 918 and December's 767, which were the first months I'd seen the increase being lower than a thousand. 3rd Life, now that we're outside of a season, posted a respectable 558 fics, down from last month's record high of 831.
In the currently airing big fandoms, Hermitcraft saw that new-season boom, as it posted 716 fics, not as high as January's 784 (holiday exchanges), but beating both December and November's 574 and 651. QSMP posted 729 fics this month, which is part of a four-month decline (865 last month, 894 the month before, 913 the month before), but is still the fandom with the single biggest increase over a month. Incidentally, that means that Dream SMP is beat by both Hermitcraft and QSMP this month, and 3rd life is close behind it.
Overall, the number of fics posted under Video Blogging-RPF (the umbrella fandom that contains all MCYT), is 3,513 fics, down from January's 4,223, December's 3,489, and November's 4,035. Incidentally, it's very close to what we saw last year at the same time, as February '23 saw a VB RPF increase of 3,674.
Detailed breakdown under the cut.
The Cube SMP (8 works, 8 last month, 0-fic increase)
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (10 works, 10 last month, 0-fic increase)
iDots SMP (23 works, 23 last month, 0-fic increase)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works, 27 last month, 0-fic increase)
Legacy SMP (27 works, 28 last month, 1-fic decrease)
Cogchamp SMP (29 works, 29 last month, 0-fic increase)
Content SMP (30 works, 30 last month, 0-fic increase)
Epic SMP (34 works, 32 last month, 2-fic increase)
Art of Survival SMP (36 works, 36 last month, 0-fic increase)
Dominion SMP (40 works, 38 last month, 2-fic increase)
Tiredtwt (Video Blogging RPF) (42 works, new tag this month)
Showtime SMP (48 works, new tag this month)
Shady Oaks SMP (49 works, 49 last month, 0-fic increase)
X Life SMP (51 works, 51 last month, 0-fic increase)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (55 works, 54 last month, 1-fic increase)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (56 works, 56 last month, 0-fic incrase)
Bear SMP (59 works, 60 last month, 1-fic decrease)
SadSMP (66 works, 66 last month, 0-fic increase)
My Inner Demons - Aphmau (Web Series) (70 works, 67 last month, 3-fic increase)
Mer SMP (84 works, 82 last month, 2-fic increase)
Area Unknown SMP (88 works, 89 last month, 1-fic decrease)
Kaboodle SMP (94 works, 91 last month, 3-fic increase)
Tortillaland SMP (115 works, 115 last month, 0-fic increase)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (151 works, 135 last month, 16-fic increase)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (174 works, 174 last month, 0-fic increase)
New Life SMP (177 works, 169 last month, 8-fic increase)
WitchCraft SMP (190 works, 182 last month, 8-fic increase)
Rats SMP (238 works, 234 last month, 4-fic increase)
Pirates SMP (233 works, 213 last month, 20-fic increase)
SMPLive (299 works, 294 last month, 5-fic increase)
SMPEarth (318 works, 304 last month, 14-fic increase)
Mianite (Web Series) (386 works, 379 last month, 7-fic increase)
Afterlife SMP (402 works, 395 last month, 7-fic increase)
Outsiders SMP (413 works, 393 last month, 20-fic increase)
MindCrack RPF (505 works, 504 last month, 1-fic increase)
MyStreet - Aphmau (Web Series) (567 works, 543 last month, 24-fic increase)
Evolution SMP (713 works, 693 last month, 20-fic increase)
Karmaland SMP (857 works, 842 last month, 15-fic increase)
Minecraft Diaries - Aphmau (Web Series) (964 works, 824 last month, 140-fic increase)
Fable SMP (1,072 works, 1,012 last month, 60-fic increase)
Origins SMP (1,594 works, 1,575 last month, 19-fic increase)
Lifesteal SMP (1,607 works, 1,546 last month, 62-fic increase)
The Yogscast (3,220 works, 3,215 last month, 5-fic increase)
Empires SMP (6,596 works, 6,408 last month, 188-fic increase)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (8,104 works, 7,375 last month, 729-fic increase)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (10,894 works, 10,336 last month, 558-fic increase)
Hermitcraft SMP (20,809 works, 20,093 last month, 716-fic increase)
Dream SMP (84,460 works, 85,051 last month, 591-fic increase)
Minecraft (Video Game) (110,435 works, 110,119 last month, 316-fic increase)
Video Blogging RPF (282,935 works, 279,422 last month, 3,513-fic increase)
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tecontos · 4 months
Minha primeira transa com o meu sobrinho. (Março-2024)
By; Clara
Ola, vou contar algo que vem acontecendo comigo a uns meses.
Me chamo Clara, sou uma mulher de 43 anos, bem cuidada pois malho e faço pilates, cintura fina e bunda (ou melhor raba kkk) muito grande, louca e tarada por sexo, amo dar o buceta e o cu quase sempre rsrs, meu marido e eu nos separamos a 2 meses e eu então fui passar uns dias na casa da minha irmã mais nova.
- Monica minha irmã você está acabada.
Disse minha irmã Clara quando me viu, naquele dia saímos, fomos ao salão, pintei meus cabelos de loiro bem claro e resolvi fazer depilação total.
Quando voltamos para a casa, meu sobrinho Pedro estava lá com o amigo, o amigo dele um rapaz magro baixinho, mais meu sobrinho era estava lindo, alto, forte, bem bronzeado porque era viciado em praia. O beijei no rosto e confesso que fiquei excitada, mais me contive.
No sábado fomos a praia, minha irmã voltou mais cedo pois lembrou que tinha um evento( ela trabalhava com eventos de festas), eu fiquei com Pedro e os amigos dele, como eram jovens resolvi deixa-los sozinhos e fui para a areia pegar sol e uma marquinha, coloquei a toalha no chão e tirei a saída de praia, confesso que fui bem putona mesmo, usava um micro biquíni fio dental preto, meus seios fartos ficavam quase descobertos, a frente mal cobria minha bucetona kkk e atrás meu bumbum ficava parecendo que eu estava nua.
Percebi que todos olhavam, inclusive Pedro, pedi para ele passar bronzeador nas minhas costas, o garoto me olhava como um macho querendo devorar a presa, meu sobrinho era muito gostoso, usava uma sungão branco que dava pra ver seu imenso volume, pernas grossas e meio peludas, seu peitoral era bem definido com poucos pelos, um rosto de macho alfa, enquanto ele passava o bronzeador eu me empinava bem safada, as vezes até sentia o pau dele encostar em mim kkk.
Na volta para casa minha irmã já tinha ido para o evento dela, eu fui tomar banho e claro fingir que esqueci a toalha.
- Pedro pega a tolha pra mim querido. Eu dizia
Deixe a porta do banheiro aberta, o box do chuveiro era e vidro transparente, ele entrou e percebi que ele ficou parado. Abri a porta do box e vi seu pau quase explodindo pela sunga.
- vem tomar banho comigo querido, talvez eu demore.
Ele entrou, não aguentei e tirei sua sunga, cai de boca no pauzão grosso dele.
- caralhoooo, a senhora é bem pu. Ele gemia de tesão.
- sou puta, pode dizer amor, me xinga. Eu dizia enquanto me lambuzava no pauzão dele.
Saímos e fomos para o quarto, ele me pegou de jeito, me jogou na cama de pernas pra cima e começou a chupar minha buceta, me tremia toda de tesão.
- gostosa pra caralho.
Ele falava e gemia, tomava todo o mel que saia de dentro da minha buceta carnuda e totalmente depilada.
- vem fuder meu cu amor. Eu implorava.
Me pôs de 4 e foi chupando meu cuzinho, enfiando a língua e os dedos, então começou a introduzir o pau.
- aiiiiiiii, mete caralho. Eu gritava.
Ele me fodia com força, certamente percebeu que eu era muito puta safada e portanto podia me usar a vontade, me colocou de pernas pra cima e foi me comendo.
- ta gostando filha da puta. Ele me xingava, e eu amava.
- fode essa buceta.
Eu pedia, ele me penetrou fundo, aquele homem jovem e grande em cima de mim metendo pressão, comecei a gozar de prazer e quando percebi seu leitinho quente escorria de dentro da minha buceta, eu comecei a lamber seu pau, deixando bem limpinho.
Depois daquele dia, meu sobrinho começou a me comer com frequência.
Enviado ao Te Contos por Clara
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honourablejester · 1 month
A Space-Themed Trinkets List for TTRPGs
Exactly what it says on the tin. Roll a d100 or choose from the following list of space-themed trinkets for your character to have with them:
01-02. A tattoo showing the galactic coordinates of your homeworld.
03-04. A sheared metal bolt from a spacewalk tether mounting unit.
05-06. A frayed cloth patch torn from your old uniform when you left.
07-08. A small display case containing soil samples from every planet you’ve visited.
09-10. The last vacuum-sealed bar of a discontinued line of rations that you’re keeping as half collector’s item and half item of last resort.
11-12. A small holo-unit that projects an image of your parents.
13-14. A poster showing a luxurious pleasure resort that you’ve never had the money to visit.
15-16. A small chip of a reddish mineral that glows in the dark that you have no idea of the origins of.
17-18. A small holo-unit that you bought in a junkshop near the spaceport and that purports to show a partially-corrupted map to a hollowed-out treasure asteroid.
19-20. A portable lamp that mimics the sunlight and day cycle of your homeworld.
21-22. A chunk of rock from the first asteroid you helped mine.
23-24. A metal box containing a horrific lump of congealed engineering fluids that you found on an inspection and are keeping partly as an example but mostly out of curiosity.
25-26. A strange metal object bearing a weird greenish symbol on one surface that you found on an otherwise completely uninhabited asteroid.
27-28. The smashed remnants of a medical scanner from your first, ill-fated mission.
29-30. A collection of tiny bottles of the weirdest alcohols you could find on various worlds you’ve visited.
31-32. A picture of you and your old crew in a protective sleeve.
33-34. A bio-locked address book containing the contact details of friendly faces in the various spaceports you frequent.
35-36. A holo-unit showing a person you don’t know that you salvaged from the personal quarters of a derelict ship.
37-38. An electronic portable library of choice reading material to keep you company on long hauls.
39-40. A really cool jacket that you bought with your first pay check and like to wear for shore leave.
41-42. An ‘emergency depressurisation kit’ that consists of a grappling hook and a canister of ‘sprayable oxygenated face mask’ that you bought from a shady guy at a spaceport and have no idea if they’re functional or not.
43-44. A medical pass granting you permission to leave the quarantine zone around your homeworld.
45-46. A disabled distress beacon from your escape pod fifteen years ago.
47-48. An inert and cracked AI core module that you really weren’t supposed to have taken from that derelict ship.
49-50. A ‘lucky coin’ you won in a game on leave that your opponent seemed weirdly upset to lose.
51-52. Your grandmother’s lucky bone-handled knife from when she used to be part of the distant exploration corps. She never told you what type of bone it was.
53-54. Your trusty environmental scanner that is four models out of date but has never failed you yet.
55-56. A tiny metal disc that a weird guy once paid you for a job with, which if pressed to your skin somehow perfectly regulates the temperature of the air in your vicinity to your preferences by no visible means. It works on every planet with an atmosphere that you’ve been on so far.
57-58. A beautifully carved spice chest containing spices from your homeworld, for when you’re feeling homesick. It’s been getting really hard to restock it out here.
59-60. A disabled registration chip from the labour camp that you kept after escaping, even though it would be a really stupid thing to have on you if you’re ever back in that sector of space.
61-62. A tiny bag of glittering micro-crystals from the surface of a moon. Worthless, but so pretty.
63-64. A canister of engineering lubricant that you are literally never without.
65-66. A tattoo of a series of unknown symbols that you and your buddies from your old military unit got after a particularly hellish mission. None of you took any pictures of the lab you found them in, but somehow all of you remembered them perfectly.
67-68. A portable mining lamp your dad ‘borrowed’ when they decommissioned the old colony. The batteries on this thing are incredible, as they haven’t run out nearly 55 years later.
69-70. A seashell from the first time you ever saw an ‘ocean’ after growing up in space.
71-72. A portable personal forcefield that only stops rain, from the first time you experienced ‘weather’ and decided you didn’t like it very much.
73-74. The helmet of a spacesuit that has clearly been partially melted through by some sort of acidic substance and which you refuse to answer questions about.
75-76. An object which you found in a junk bin at a salvage yard and which no one you’ve ever met has been able to identify.
77-78. A single live seed in a viability canister that everyone who leaves your homeworld is given to take with them.
79-80. A religious pamphlet that some nutjob on the hub station gave you. It’s got some seriously weird and somewhat apocalyptic stuff in there, but for some reason you haven’t thrown it away yet.
81-82. A well-read, second-hand copy of ‘Myths of Hyperspace: A Collection of Spacer Tales’ that you bought for funsies and totally don’t believe in, no sir.
83-84. A collection of antique medical equipment that your old captain gave to you, for reasons you aren’t entirely sure of.
85-86. An unlabelled collection of beautiful music recordings you found in a spaceport, and which you’ve been idly trying to identify ever since.
87-88. A dataset of sightings, speculation and other information regarding a mysterious ship that has been seen on and off for the last fifty years by gas miners and illegal racers in the clouds of your gas giant homeworld, and which you’ve been obsessed with since you caught what might have been a glimpse of it yourself.
89-90. A ring gene-locked to your lost partner that will never come off your finger.
91-92. A tiny realistic-looking but robotic animal that was the only type of pet allowed on your company’s spaceships.
93-94. A bottle of extremely heavy-duty and almost definitely expired anti-nausea medication that you kept from your first shuttle ride into space.
95-96. A dog-eared magazine containing a two-page spread of the most beautiful spaceship you’ve ever seen in your life, and which you’ve sworn to yourself that you will one day own.
97-98. A corporate logo of the company that left your colony to die, torn off the side of one of the cheap delivery crates full of useless equipment that they supplied.
99-100. A recording of a garbled and unintelligible transmission one of your old buddies sent you, and which you’ve only kept because they vanished not long afterwards. There’s a weird sound that keeps repeating in the background, but you don’t know what it is.
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scopophilic1997 · 10 months
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_813 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
December 8, 1980 - A voice that, no matter how flawed at moments, spoke out to better humanity not only through his music but thru political action. We lost a Working Class Hero to senseless gun violence 43 years ago today and his fall is still felt.
Love always and forever to John Ono Lennon and Mother
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mamaspark · 1 year
More quilts for sale! Same info as previous post. Prices are USD. Will ship anywhere outside US at buyers expense. Inside contiguous US it’s free shipping
Here we go. Round 2!
This quilt is from the pattern called Summer Haze. The background is a soft gray and the triangles are a micro stripe. Backing is a royal blue dot Minky. The quilting is divine!!
Size 35” x 49”
Price is 175
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This quilt reminds me of tribal animals. The border is animal paw prints! The backing is quilting cotton. Quilted in a tribal pattern
Size 37” x 52”
Price is $75
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Crazy birds is a raw edge appliqué quilt with some hand stitching on the birds! Backing is a light aqua Minky (a bit difficult to capture with my camera). The quilting compliments the quilt so well.
Size. 39” x 43”
Price $150
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Last quilt is Clown fish!! Back is very plush navy fabric. Can you see those fish swimming along in the bubbles?
Size 46” x 54”
Price $125
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Well I can only add 10 images. If you are interested in this one message me and I’ll show you the back
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karingottschalk · 2 years
A slow day in Pymble at the start of private and public school holidays
A slow day in Pymble at the start of private and public school holidays
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wayfayrr · 3 months
“43. undone” for the micro story prompt!
It was months of careful planning in order to do this. Months of careful waiting, watching, lurking to get to this point. Months wasted as he watched it all fall apart in his hands. It failed, he failed, and like before all he could do was wait and watch while it was all undone.
Prompt list
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arendaes · 3 months
43. Undone - for the micro-story prompts
Thank you! Yet more spoilers for Dance of Masks.
43. Undone (Gen, 386)
“Ah, girl, there you are! I believe you are the most qualified person to consult for the nature of my current experiment.”
Nenio had made herself at home at a table in the corner of the Defender’s Heart. Ariadne had to stop to get their bearings for a few reasons - one, it was unusual not to see Daeran and the Storyteller occupying this particular corner, their favored chairs stored away somewhere else for the evening, and two, the set up they were currently privy to would not have been out of place back home in their father’s laboratory.
“Girl? What happened to Ariadne?” She asked, deciding to leave the most obvious questions alone for a moment. Like what Nenio was doing with five different types of alcohol that close to an open flame.
“Yes, yes, Ariadne. Old habits die hard, I’m sorry.” Nenio’s voice was distant, though thankfully not in the way it had been when she’d been undone in Areshkagal’s realm. This was the distance of distraction, most of her focus riveted on the bottles in front of her. “Anyways, I have decided to rely on your expertise here.”
“Oh.” Ariadne tried not to let their disappointment show. They might not act like it, but they were a bit of a genius, after all! Instead, they followed up with, “Is this a repeat of the experiment where you got drunk?”
“Which one? Oh, no, not right now. Right now I am testing the theory that mixing certain types will increase the combustibility. Which two do you recommend?”
So it was alchemy after all! Visibly brightening, Ariadne surveyed her results. On one hand, there was a combination that was sure to leave an impression…but considering Gemyl already didn’t seem to like them, perhaps blowing up half his tavern wasn’t the way to go about getting into his good graces.
“Mix the elven absinthe with the firewater from the Five Kings Mountains.” Was it just them, or was there an indignant gasp from Daeran’s general direction?
Nenio nodded, mixing the two liquids together as assuredly as they’d just said that. A flame rose from the mixture, crackling cheerfully, embers dancing in a hypnotizing pattern.
“Hm…it is lacking the explosion I was hoping for,” Nenio said, then sighed, “But I have to admit it is pretty.”
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antimony-medusa · 6 months
MCYT on Ao3 - March '24
The state of MCYT on Ao3, just for fun. Yes I do this every month, I like numbers.
There were some very significant changes in the MCYT space with certain people being outed as abusive or predatory, with some people describing the wave of people coming forward as "mcyt's #metoo moment", so I would expect to see that reflected in the statistics. Let's go for it!
Incidentally, I reached the limit for bullet points on Tumblr, so it's time to switch this over to a spreadsheet! Which means I get to do colour coding, fun.
Some Notes:
I didn't see any new fandoms this month, but ocassionally I've missed something. Feel free to let me know if I've missed a fandom!
Fics are still primarily in english, but we have three exceptions with significant spanish fics. Karmaland (751 of 860 are in spanish, from 750 last month), Tortillaland (109 of 115 are in spanish, the same as last month), and QSMP (845 of 8,475 are in spanish, from 827 last month.)
QSMP also shows 47 fics in French, up from 43 last month, and 454 in Brasilian Portugese, up from 452 last month. While I did not check every language this month, I checked on the languages I knew had a fic in QSMP and we see 1 fic in Bahasa Malaysia, 1 fic in Dansk (Danish), 2 fic in Deutsch (German) up from 1 last month, 1 fic in Esperanto, 1 fic in Filipino, 5 works in European Portugese, 2 fics in Polski (Polish), 7 fics in Русский (Russian), 1 fic in Suomi (Finnish), 1 fic in Svenska (Swedish), 1 fic in Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese), and 4 fics in 中文-普通话 國語 (Mandarin Chinese, I believe) up from 3 last month. While several 한국어 (Korean) speakers were recently added to the QSMP, there are currently no fics in 한글 (written Korean). The one fic in ASL has been either re-filed or deleted.
In the small and micro-sized fandoms, HBG's atypical increase of 16 fics last month was followed by a decrease of 7 this month. So not sure what happened there but something happened there. The fandom with the greatest increase is New Life, with an increase of 11, followed by My Inner Demons, with an increase of 9.
In the middle sized fandoms, another Aphmau fandom took the flag, with MyStreet showing an increase of 42 fics. That is followed by Minecraft Diaries and Evolution SMP, at 26 and 25 respectively.
In the post-canon big fandoms, 3rd Life was our standout, with an increase of 398 fics (less than last month's 558 or the previous month's record 831. Origins was noteworthy for posting an actual decrease of 30 fics, in contrast to the previous month's increase of 19. Dream SMP was probably the fandom hardest hit by the outing of abusers mentioned at the start, and far from last month's increase of 591, they showed an actual decrease of 801 fics. So a difference in expected fics posted of approximately 1,400 fics.
Dream SMP was actually not the fandom that posted the greatest decrease, as that belongs to Minecraft (Video Game), which saw a decrease of 1,555 fics, a difference in expected fics posted of approximately 1,800 fics. So many fics were deleted that Video Blogging RPF, which showed an increase of 3,513 last month and this time last year had 3,343 fics posted, only showed an increase of 51 fics.
In the currently airing big fandoms, Hermitcraft's increase of 628 did not reach the previous month's 716 or the month before that's 784, but does beat December's 574. QSMP was also, presumably, hit by the deletion wave, as this month's 391 did not reach the previous month's 729. This marks the fifth month of decline for QSMP.
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