"the world as we see it passing" Paul of Tarsus
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passtheworld · 3 years ago
Giorgio Agamben, speech on the green pass to the Commission on Constitutional Affairs of the Senate, October 7, 2021
“I will focus only on two points that I would like to bring to the attention of the parliamentarians who will have to vote on the conversion of the Decree into law. The first is the evident, I stress the word evident, contradiction in the Decree in question. You know that the Government with a special Decree Law, number 44 of 2021, called the criminal shield, now converted into law, has exempted itself from any liability for damage caused by the vaccine. And how serious these damages can be is shown by the fact that Article 3 of the Decree in question, explicitly mentions Articles 589 and 590 of the Criminal Code, which refer to manslaughter and negligent injury.
As authoritative jurists have noted, this means that the State does not feel responsible for a vaccine that has not completed its testing phase and yet, at the same time, tries to force citizens to vaccinate themselves by any means, otherwise excluding them from social life and now, with the new Decree that you are called to vote, even depriving them of the possibility of working. Is it possible to imagine a situation legally and morally more abnormal? How can the state accuse of irresponsibility those who choose not to vaccinate, when it is the same state that first formally disclaims any responsibility for the possible serious consequences, remember the articles 589 590, death and injury from the vaccine. Here I would like the parliamentarians to reflect on this contradiction that in my opinion configures a real legal monstrosity.
The second point on which I would like to draw your attention does not concern the medical problem of the vaccine but the political one of the green pass, which should not be confused with the first, we have done so many vaccines without this forcing us to show a certificate. It has been said by scientists and doctors that the green pass has no medical meaning in itself, but serves to force people to get vaccinated. I believe instead that we can and should say the opposite, namely that the vaccine is a means to force people to have a green pass, that is a device that allows you to control and track, a measure that has no precedent, their movements. Political scientists have known for some time that our societies have long since moved from the model once called societies of discipline to the model of societies of control, societies founded on virtually unlimited digital control of individual behaviors that thus become quantifiable in an algorithm. We are now becoming accustomed to these control devices, but I wonder how far we are willing to accept that this control goes? Is it possible that citizens and a society that claims to be democratic, find themselves in a worse situation than the citizens of the Soviet Union under Stalin?
You may know that Soviet citizens were obliged to show a pass of confirmation of their address for every movement from one city or town to another, but we are obliged to show a green pass even to go to a restaurant, even to go to a museum, even to go to the cinema, and now, what is even more serious, with the decree that is being converted into law, even every time we go to work. Furthermore, how is it possible to accept that for the first time in the history of Italy, after the Fascist laws of 1938 on non-Aryans, second class citizens are created who are subject to restrictions that from a strictly legal point of view — obviously the two phenomena have nothing to do with each other and — I am speaking only of legal analogy — are subject to restrictions that are identical to those suffered by non-Aryans. In other words, everything suggests that the Decree-Laws should be framed in a process of transformation of the institutions and paradigms of government of the society in which we find ourselves. A transformation that is all the more insidious because, as was the case with Fascism, they take place without there being a change in the text of the Constitution, but they take place surreptitiously. The model that is thus eroded and cancelled is that of parliamentary democracies with their rights, their constitutional guarantees, and in their place is replaced by a paradigm of government in which, in the name of biosecurity and control, individual liberties are destined to suffer increasing limitations. The exclusive concentration of attention on health and contagion seems to me to prevent us from perceiving what the meaning of this great transformation is — and from realizing how governments themselves never tire of reminding us that security and emergencies are not transitory phenomena but constitute the new form of governance. I believe that in this perspective it is urgent that parliamentarians consider the political transformation underway with extreme attention, and that they do not dwell only on health. In the long run, this is destined to empty Parliament of its powers, reducing it, as is happening now, to simply approving, in the name of biosecurity, decrees issued by organizations and people that have little to do with Parliament.
Thank you.”
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passtheworld · 4 years ago
Erid Dubay’s Recommended Flat Earther Channels
Beyond the Imaginary Curve: Flatty McFlatFace: Daniel Pratt: Truth Center: Harry Growler: Elissa Hawke: Mary At Sea Level: Flat Earth Warriors: The Oddest Vegan Couple: My Perspective: Plane Ranger: Marilyn Spirit Level Teed: RealmWalker: Flat Earth City: A Flat Journey: Steve h v: Bill Flat Earth Florida: Mr. Cheswick: VortexPuppy: Plane Permaculture: Dan Dimension: ODD Reality: Seth Davis: For the Love of the Truth: P-Brane: MGTV Truth: Flat Earth Reset: Red Flag Media: Red Pill Philosophy: Stargods: Luke Dough Nelly: Gunna Doo: Flat Earth Banjo: RawKVIBRATIONS: Level Earth Berk: neo HUMAN eve: Zetetic Flat Earth: FastLine V: Hopefor Truth: Au Naturel Natalie: ColshyCats: Beyond Belief: Gibson225: Real World: Crazy Polish Flat Earther: Emily Suzanne: Billy Zig: stonedharry: Curved Water Music: Nee B: Conspiracy Music Guru: Jessica Davidson: Celtic 67: Authentic Intent: Lazy Diamond 369: Vic Ramirez: Stationary Plane: Who is Tesla: Masta Peace: Flat Earth Female: Paul Patry: Deanna Flat Earth: Emerald Rider: Flat Earth Hawaii: Flat Max UK: Immune2BS: Level Earth Observer: The Flat Out Truth: Maelstrom30: Nick Havok: Organic Flat Earth Prepper: Phuket Word: Stinky Cash: SubjecttoScrutiny: TheSeattleGreen: URBrainWash: WaykiWayki: Zoom Truth: Zorch Martino: John Thor: Shotgun Sus: Jay Decasby: Planet Plane: Hibbeler Productions: World Without Curve: Gorou the Fifth Son: Amish Space Station: Michael Prince 1954: Exploring the Plane: The Potters Clay: NZ Flat Earth Woman: Kirk Bufford: P900 Coolpics: Vlad on Flat Earth:
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passtheworld · 5 years ago
The Jesuit Superior General Ledochowski tells Mussolini he will fire the head of the Jesuit's American publication, and hire a pro-fascist to run it, and he does.
At 22:00
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passtheworld · 5 years ago
"We are all Jesuits."
Herman van Rompuy, Sept. 2012
President of the European Council 2009-2014
Early September, Van Rompuy spoke to the 'Interreligious Dialogue' in Florence...'Katholiek Nieuwsblad'...proudly quoted Van Rompuy as announcing: 'We are all Jesuits'. He was referring to those prominent European leaders with whom he is developing the architecture for the future Europe. 'It creates unbreakable ties. So there is a 'Jesuits International''.
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passtheworld · 5 years ago
The dire threat of the Jesuits
Reprinting of a letter from U.S. Brigadier General Herbert C. Holdridge to U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower (January 18th 1959) on the subject of the Jesuits--"The Pope's Commandos"
source :
"GENERAL HOLDRIDGE MINUTE MEN, P.O. Box 1086, Sherman Oaks, Calif.
TO: Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of the United States -- January 18, 1959
SUBJECT: "The Pope's Commandos"
Under the above title the Saturday Evening Post of January 17, 1959 presents such a shocking exposure of the dangers we face from the Jesuits (Society of Jesus) as to fill the heart of every loyal citizen with dread. This article {link : , } provides conclusive documentation of the dire threat of this Roman Catholic order and of the forces of the Vatican affiliated with this order, which I have attempted to drive into the consciousness of yourself, officials in the government, and the sleep-walking people of the United States for the past five years, risking my very life from day to day to do so. At last you must listen, for the truth is now spread before you from impartial sources. Permit me to re-analyze for youre comprehension the salient facts presented in this article :
I. PURPOSES : The fundamental purposes of the people of the United States are to promote the principles of liberty stated in our Declaration of Independence and in the Preamble and the Bill of Rights of our Constitution. The fundamental purpose of the Jesuits - an international Dictatorship - are diametrically opposed to our Charters of Liberty, and are publicly and arrogantly promoted on our own soil by this anti-American organization. I refer you to the "Syllabus of Errors" of Pope Pius IX, in which our freedoms are categorically condemned, point by point, thus establishing the forces of Jesuitism - Vaticanism as enemies of our state. The Constitution of the United States provides of democratic government of, by and for the people. The Constitution of the Jesuits (and imposed on all Roman Catholics by command of the Pope) , provides for a military dictatorship under the command of a "commanding general", the "Black Pope" for Roman Catholicism, to whom even the "White Pope" must yield authority, and backed by the claimed 30 million Roman Catholics in the United States. Further, the purpose of the free citizens of the United States is to "promote the general welfare", without regard to race, religion or color. The purpose of the "Pope's Commandos" is to promote the secular and religious philosophies of the Vatican, which are hostile to the peoples of the world, as an international, political state. This is clearly and publicly stated in the battle-cry of the Jesuit-Vatican forces : "Make America Catholic". If successful in its campaign this combination will destroy political and religious liberty in the United States.
II. LOYALTIES : The loyalties of our free citizens are to our Constitution and our free institutions, with freedom of spirit, mind and body. The loyalties of the "Pope's Commandos" and of conforming Roman Catholics, is to an International military dictator "to the death", with complete submission of soul, mind and body, under the fiction of loyalty to the Pope as a religious leader, since the Pope openly enforces the secular commands of the military dictatorship{The Jesuits}.
III. JESUIT MILITARY ORGANIZATION : ("Shock Troops" of the Vatican.)
A Commanding General
A "general staff" which includes U.S. citizens.
10 Jesuitical geographical "provinces" - territorial commands similar to our Army areas, each with its own commander.
350 recruits per year from U.S. citizens for the "commandos", one of these recent ones being the son of John Foster Dulles {Avery Dulles S.J.}, Secretary of State of of the United States, who promotes the foreign policy of the Jesuits as the foreign policy of the United States.
6000 "commandos" operating throughout the world, with concentration on the U.S. as the major prize war.
Unnumbered thousands of "shock troops" not part of the Jesuits but allied with them, composed of Knights of Columbus, Paulist Fathers, etc. , already possessing arms to be used against our citizens.
40 million male "troops of the line" operating internationally, comprising the League of the Sacred Heart, 6,000,000 within the United States - larger than the total armed strength of the U.S.
1,000,000 members of a "Woman's Auxiliary Corps" ( Sodalities of our Lady), operating within the United States alone.
Thousands of priests, nuns, lay-priests, and laymen permeating our society to promote philosophies hostile to our state.
120,000 citizens, students in Roman Catholic colleges under the influence of the Jesuits, with other thousands not directly under the Jesuits, being impregnated with such hostile philosophies.
Unnumbered millions of Roman Catholic children of Roman Catholic citizens subjected to the same hostile philosophies in Roman Catholic parochial schools to subvert our institutions.
In summation, a vast, hostile, cohesive body of individuals, trained in the use of arms and with access to arms, operating nationally and internationally, to impress upon the government and the rest of the people of the United States, programs of action representing dire peril to our government and our entire society.
IV : OPERATIONS : Subversion of our free institutions through schools, press, radio, TV ; infiltration into public office and particularly into the armed forces where they constitute an armed, tightly organized "task force" for violence against our people and our government, and where they have organized a "spy ring" to betray top secret documents to the Pope and the Commanding General of the Jesuits.
Potential : Armed violence against our own citizens such as occurred in Argentina when the people were bombed by planes from the Argentinian Navy, and like action by such "commandos" trained under the Vatican, the Jesuits, Cardinal Mindszenty, Allen Dulles, General Gruenther, who launched a wave of violence's and counter-violence's in Hungary. These "commandos", hastened to the U.S. in violation of immigration quotas and without screening, are now underground on our own soil, their "shock troops" - assassins - presumably under the command of General Russell as part of a foreign legion of NATO now undergoing training at Fort Bliss, Texas.
Mr. President, in this hour of dire peril to our country my authority and responsibility to defend the Constitution of the United States is equal to yours and to that of any other public servant at highest levels. Since you - since they all - have abdicated their authority and responsibility, I have no choice but to assume it. In the name of the Constitution which we are both sworn to defend, I direct you to take the immediate steps :
(1) To arrest, place in confinement, and bring to immediate trial, every Jesuit in the U.S. pretending to citizenship in the United States ; and every public official who has collaborated with this public enemy on the charge of High Treason.
(2) To dissolve, forthwith, all Roman Catholic secular or semi-religious orders as the Jesuits, Knights of Columbus, Paulist Fathers, etc. , and return their properties to the Public Domain.
(3) To break all diplomatic or semi-diplomatic relations with the Vatican and the Jesuits.
(4) To prevent the movement of finances from the United States to the Vatican and the Jesuits.
(5) To deport all Roman Catholics not citizens of the United States.
(6) To close all Roman Catholic colleges and parochial schools until their curriculum can be re-surveyed and brought into line with loyalty to our Constitution.
(7) To assure religious freedom, but under the McCarren Act, to revoke the citizenship of every Roman Catholic who refuses to recant on loyalties to the Jesuits and the Vatican inimical to loyalty to the Constitution of the United States, and to take into custody for trial and punishment under charge of sedition to the United States all who fail to do so.
/s/ Herbert C. Holdridge,
Herbert C. Holdridge, Brigadier General, U.S. Army (Ret.)"
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passtheworld · 5 years ago
The truth is paradoxical to the extent of being exactly contrary to the usual perception.
Georges Bataille
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passtheworld · 5 years ago
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passtheworld · 5 years ago
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passtheworld · 5 years ago
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passtheworld · 6 years ago
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passtheworld · 6 years ago
Cirucci Team Brief, 08 July 2019: EPSTEIN ARRESTED! (all carefully planned by the Pedocracy)
Will any other participants in the crimes be arrested?
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passtheworld · 6 years ago
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'A book must be an axe for the frozen sea within us' - Kafka
"Altogether, I think we ought to read only books that bite and sting us. If the book we are reading doesn’t shake us awake like a blow to the skull, why bother reading it in the first place? So that it can make us happy, as you put it? … We’d be just as happy if we had no books at all; books that make us happy we could, in a pinch, also write ourselves. What we need are books that hit us like a most painful misfortune, like the death of someone we loved more than we love ourselves, that make us feel as though we had been banished to the woods, far from any human presence, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. That is what I believe.”
Franz Kafka Letter to Oskar Pollak, 27 January 1904
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passtheworld · 6 years ago
Andy Jennings’ The Not So Dissident Future (TNSDF): chat with JOHNNY CIRUCCI, Part II
Andy Jennings’ The Not So Dissident Future (TNSDF): chat with JOHNNY CIRUCCI, Part II
View On WordPress
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passtheworld · 6 years ago
Roman Catholic Church conducts crusades against Protestants, in WW2 and many other times
Change in world population 1933-1948:
Protestant    -68,954,470
Jew           +438,279
R. Catholic   -1,724,317
"the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews."
A revision to the numbers of change in world population was made in 1949 to include more accurate losses of Jews in WW2.
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passtheworld · 6 years ago
My burning heart she humbly eats, trembling
Poi la svegliava, e d’esto core ardendo Lei paventosa umilmente pascea: Appresso gir lo ne vedea piangendo.
- From the third chapter "Years later she greets him" of Dante’s La Vita Nuova (The New Life), in the sonnet A Ciascun’Alma Presa e Gentil Core (To Every Loving, Gentle-Hearted Friend)
----- Patrick Cassidy - Vide Cor Meum (See My Heart) produced by Patrick Cassidy and Hans Zimmer is based on it.
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passtheworld · 6 years ago
Catholicism & Fascism
The first fascist movement to come to power, Italian fascism, did so in a country that was 99 per cent Catholic and the seat of the papacy, and ‘clerical fascist’ movements came to power in another two overwhelmingly Catholic countries, the first Slovak Republic and the Croatian Independent State. Fascist movements and regimes in other European countries also entered into relations with the Roman Catholic Church, and in broader terms, many Catholics, individually and collectively, were closely involved with fascist movements and regimes in the inter-war years. This article analyses the complex relationships between fascism, the institutional church, and Catholics more generally. It examines the initial attitudes of fascist movements to Catholicism/the Catholic Church, the encounter between fascism and Catholicism, and the interests and common enemies that brought them together in this encounter." - John Pollard, "Fascism and Catholicism" The Oxford Handbook of Fascism "Fascism is another word for the Catholic right-wing." - Christopher Hitchens "The advice given by the Pope to individual Catholics and to nations should be remembered, for during the following decade [after WW1] that emphasis on the necessity for strengthening authority, on the blind obedience owed by subjects, and on the duty of everyone not to allow difference of wealth and social ideology (i.e. Socialism) to incite class struggle, was to become the slogan of Fascist Totalitarianism." - Avro Manhattan, 1947 The Catholic Church Against the Twentieth Century, p.68 "In Catholicism I find the absolute completion of Judaism." - Henri Bergson Clerical fascism - combines religious elements with fascism, support by religious organizations for fascism, or fascist regimes in which clergy play a leading role.
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passtheworld · 6 years ago
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"What pictures of innocence and enjoyment are those who are quietly sleeping with their mouths shut, and their teeth closed, smiling as they are enjoying their natural repose!...
If I were to endeavour to bequeath to posterity the most important Motto which human language can convey, it should be in three words―
George Catlin, Shut Your Mouth, 1869
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