#mick Rory x reader
p-taryn-dactyl · 11 months
Yayyy! Mick so deserves more love, honestly his character is so good, he's just m'wah 🥰
do you mind if I ask for mick angst s1, like something to do with the whole chronos thing. I'm not really sure about plot maybe reader is snarts sister. when chronos!mick captures and threatens len by saying he'll kill Lisa he mentions something about how he'd kill y/n too but he can't find her. And len says the reason he can't find her is cuz she left the ship to try and find mick when len 'got rid of him'. And later when the team have mick imprisoned on the ship they find y/n and don't trust her not to free mick so they put her in the cell with mick. Mick asks why she spent so long looking for him and left the team to find him and then she confesses that she loves him and that the only reason she agreed to join the team was to keep an eye on mick and leonard?
I'm not super great at coming up with plots lol so really just any chronos mick and snart!reader angst would be great ♡♡♡♡♡
(The angst potential micks character has is astronomical I don't understand how there isn't more mick angst on tumblr!)
a/n: hi! thank you so much for this request, I love writing for the legends!! I tried my best to follow the prompt but it might've gone off the rails at some point lol (also I agree, he has so much potential!! I hope to write more for him in the future!! word count: 1.2k
Safe and Sound
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You sat in the corner of the cell, arms crossed as you stared at the man across from you. Mick deliberately kept his gaze away from you, your icy stare unnerving him. Your foot tapped against the floor, the metal against your boot echoing throughout the still air. He fidgeted his shoulder, a nervous tick you had observed over the years, indicating he was uncomfortable or even nervous. He felt the stillness in the air as a noose whereas you thrived in it, turning it in your favor. You leaned forward, bracing your arms on your knees as you cocked your head to the side. Finally, Mick broke, turning his head towards you, eyes wide in his signature angry expression.
His voice was rough but you heard the undertone, the quiver in his words. You shook your head in response, leaning back against the glass, moving your eyes up to the ceiling, making direct eye contact with the not-so-hidden security camera. Wiggling your fingers in hello, you smirked a bit.
"You know why you're here?"
Mick's question was hesitant, like he was annoyed in the fact that he didn't know. You nodded, pursing your lips as you examined your hand. After a bit, you once more returned your stare to the fire-tinged man.
"They don't trust me. Looks like we got that in common."
Mick scoffed, shaking his head.
"Come on. Don't give me that bullshit. You probably have them wrapped around your finger, especially your brother."
You smirked, shrugging your shoulders.
"Of course I do. That's why we're not dead yet. You forget not everyone aboard the ship is a hero."
Mick turns his head to you, raising a singular eyebrow. He sighed in defeat, shaking his head.
"Alright, Y/N. Why don't they trust you?"
"Because they think I'll let you out, so," you raised your arms, "here I am."
Mick looked like he was about to respond but the door to the brig opened, revealing your older brother.
You waved at your brother, not making to stand up.
"Y/N...Mick," Len's eyes barely left yours to acknowledge Mick, "Just checking up on you."
You scoffed, zero malice in your tone.
"You mean you were sent on damage control duty. Don't worry, brother, we're both in one piece."
Len's eyes strayed over to Mick where they hardened with pain and apologies. He nodded stiffly before walking out of the brig without another word, very out of character for him you noted. It stayed silent before you felt Mick’s eyes on you. Stubbornly, you kept your eyes on the entrance of the brig. You had been in the cell for what felt like forever, why would he only want to talk now? 
“I threatened Lisa.” 
His rough words and tone made you stiffen before you forced yourself to relax, turning your head to face Mick, one eyebrow raised. Mick seemed to wait for your response before realizing you weren’t going to answer. Letting out a small growl of anger, he continued. 
“I threatened you as well, Y/N. But unlike Lisa, you were nowhere to be found.” 
You heard the hidden question in his words. Where were you? 
Gritting your teeth, you position your body away from the assassin, the atmosphere of the room no longer giving you comfort. You no longer had the high ground, with one question, you no longer held the power. 
Just your name.
That’s all it took. 
“I was looking for you. I didn’t believe Len when he said he took care of it, didn’t believe the team when they said you were dead. I was trying to get you back.” 
To your horror, your voice started to waiver towards the end of your words, breaking your composure. You were sure Mick noticed your weakness and you braced yourself for the taunting words of Chronos. But when you built up enough courage to finally look Mick in the eyes, all you saw was him. No Chronos, no time lords, no manipulation. Just the man who protected you for as long as you could remember, the man who had buried himself so deep in your heart you knew no one would ever take his place. 
“Why would you leave?” 
Before you could reply, he continued. 
“Why would you care so much to leave your family?”
At that you broke, allowing your emotions to show on your face.
“You are my family, Mick. I love the team, I really do but I lo-”
You stopped before you could let the words finish, Mick’s gaze becoming intense as his mind filled in the words where you stopped. Clearing your throat, you steadied yourself and then continued.
“We all promised each other we would stick together. I don’t break promises, you know that.”
The air was thick with tension and unanswered questions as you continued to feel Mick’s eyes boring into you. Scoffing, you waved your hands in the air, as if you could swat away your words like you would a fly. 
“Anyways, I think we-”
“What were you going to say?” 
Mick’s voice once again made you pause. You chuckled nervously, another weakness you internally scolded yourself for. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mick.”
Mick scoffed. You heard him stand up to walk the few steps to stand in front of you. You felt your heart beating so loud that it was the only thing you could hear. You slowly raised your head to look up at Mick, his eyes full of confusion. That surprised you. He knelt so that he was eye level, not letting you look away. 
“I-,” you swallowed, steadying yourself, “I was saying that I lo- oh, shit, am I really doing this?” You whispered to yourself as you put your head in your hands.
“I love you, Mick. That’s what I was going to say.”
The silence was loud as it stretched between you. When you finally worked up the nerve to remove your hands from your head, Mick’s eyes were filled with an emotion you couldn’t quite determine, while also shining with a dimmed hope. 
His question rattled you to your core. Which was evident in how you started sputtering. 
“What? What do you mean why? Mick, you’re amazing! Do you not know that?” 
The look in his eyes answered that question. 
“Oh come on,” you whispered under your breathe, deeply disturbed by the thought of Mick not knowing how incredible he is, “Mick, you’ve been through things that would make most people insane, you’re always there to be a support, no matter how hard you try to hide it, you genuinely care. That’s something that’s so beautiful about you. You give your all to your relationships, so much so that it burns you. I’m constantly amazed by you and if anyone has told you otherwise then-” 
You were interrupted by Mick pulling you into his arms, hiding his face into the crook of your neck. The only coherent thought in your mind throughout the internal screaming was how out of place this felt. That Mick was willing to drop his guard down to show his affection and gratefulness towards you. With tears in your eyes you returned the hug, knowing that while you and Mick had a long way to go, this was an incredible start.
a/n: i am so sorry for how rushed the ending is! i hope this was semi-ok
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jaesincorrectquotes · 2 years
your daughter, your princess...but my girl and my queen🔥🧊
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|| Main Pairing: Atom x Reader, Dad!Heatwave x Reader || Pairings: Dad!Mick Rory x Reader, HalfSister!Lita x Reader, Ray Palmer x Reader
|| Plot: You find comfort in your (secret) boyfriend Ray Palmer when you think that your dad (Heatwaves/Mick Rory) doesn't love and care for you anymore because of your half-sister coming into his life. Lita helps him and he now knows what to say. What he didnt expect is to see you and Ray Palmer cuddling in your room.
|| Story under the cut. Hope you enjoy.
|| OOC Mick
It was a very sunny day outside, but your feelings were gloomy. You were lying in bed, head deep in thought, when suddenly the door of your room opened.
"Wake up, N/n."
You internally groaned as you heard your dad's voice. You knew what it was about. Lita. Your sister. No, your half-sister who was the result of a one-night stand between your dad, and his ex-girlfriend, her mom. Ever since Lita came, your dad stopped thinking about you. He wanted her. It was always Lita this, Lita that. And you were sick of it.
You flipped to your right to face the doorway as to face your dad.
"What do you want?" You asked him.
He then answers saying "Do you think Lita would like this or this?" while showing a ruby necklace and an emerald bracelet.
You rolled your eyes, scoffed, and said under your breath "Oh sure give your other daughter jewelry but dont give the one your standing infront of one." You then cleared your throat and said "Give her the emerald. Now leave." You then turned away from, jealousy bubbling in you, and tears wetting your eyes as your brain overthinks.
As Mick turns his back, he thought he heard a sob from you, but didnt mind it as he thought it was a yawn. He was then feeling odd as you havent been treating him the same way before. He then thinks Lita can help. Mick takes the jumpship to visit Lita and that he does.
As he leaves, a certain brown-haired man speaks. "Gideon, where is Y/n?" "I do believe she is in her room Mr. Palmer." "Alright, thank you Gideon." "You're welcome, Mr. Palmer."
He then enters his girlfriend's room with a smile and says "Hey ba-" He then notices her sobbing and immediately runs to her and says, "Babe are you okay?" You then go onto his lap and hug him while saying "I don't think my dad loves me anymore." Ray was shocked. "I'm sure your dad loves you N/n." You just kissed him and said "I don't wanna think about it." Ray smiled and said "Let's cuddle then."
Mick and Lita were walking in the park. When Lita asks, "Anyways dad. How is Y/n?" Mick grumbled and says "I don't know. She's acting weird." Lita asked "How weird?" Mick just says "She just rolls her eyes at me. Doesnt talk to me much." Lita then says "She's probably jealous of me. Because you pay more attention to me now than you do to her. You need to learn how time management works. And before you say anything, go to her and comfort her. Now dad." Mick hugged her which wasnt anything like him. "Thank you."
Mick arrived to the ship and immediately rushed to his daughter's room. He barged in "Y/- HAIRCUT?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY DAUGHTER's ROOM?!" He yelled while marching and pinned ray to the wall.
|| Part 2 coming soon<3
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Mick Rory x Reader
Requested by Anon
December event
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Sara had arranged a buffet dinner for the holidays. A full spread of foods, including foods from different time periods that you had all come across that actually tasted good. Everyone had gathered, listening to holiday music and watching movies from different timelines.
“Where’s Mick?” You asked as you looked around. Sara frowned as she glanced towards the food table and Mick’s usual chair.
“I… I don’t know.” She said as she started looking for him.
“I’ll see if he’s in his room. Maybe he slept through Gideon’s alert about the party. I’ll go find him.” You left everyone and hurried through the ship until you reached Mick’s door and knocked several times. There was a groan and a lot of shuffling and something falling over before the door opened just a little.
“What?” He asked.
“Sara threw a party for everyone. There’s food and stuff.” You explained. He frowned at you and nodded before shutting the door on you. “Wait are you not coming?” You asked. The door opened again and he sighed.
“I have a deadline.” He said. You heard several people coming up the corridor behind you, they seemed to be looking for Mick as well.
"Everyone is celebrating." You said, unsure what else to say.
“Well if you have a deadline maybe we could help? We can celebrate later.” Ava offered. Everyone on board the ship had now gathered around Mick’s door. He let you all in and the rest of the evening was spent helping him finish his deadline. It was only after the book was finished and the ship landed near his publishers so he could deliver the book with Zari that Ray pointed out that everyone lived in a time shop and really Mick had all the time in the world to finish the book.
Mick tags:
@savagemickey03 @zoomdeathknight @pheonix4269 @bloodrose @sarahbullet235 @lovelyy-moonlight @stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @alexxavicry @multi-fandom5 @supernatural-wolfie @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @littlefreakingfangirl @Kaitieskidmore1
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fleurdelislily · 2 years
hi!! making a post to talk about requests again and get specific about who I write for, what I’m comfy writing, etc.
nsfw or sfw is fine!! gonna deal with requests on a case by case basis and if something makes me uncomfy I just won’t respond. don’t take it personally, I just know I wouldn’t give your prompt justice bc it’s not something I’m into :)
for now I only write x reader, not character x character. I am more than happy to do multiple characters x reader tho!! and I’m fine with platonic, romantic, or family relationships :)
unless specified in the request I’m going to write the reader as female, just because I’m writing kinda from my own perspective? I don’t feel comfortable writing male reader because that’s not me and I wouldn’t do it accurately!! gender neutral/non-binary reader is completely fine though, it may not be perfectly accurate but I will do my absolute best and if I write anything wrong I’m open to corrections :)
now for the fandoms I write for!!
-once upon a time
-legends of tomorrow (may do more arrowverse depending on the request!)
-schitts creek
-bridgerton/queen charlotte
-the vampire diaries
-the originals
-outer banks
-harry potter
if you have any other shows/movies/books you’d like to see on this list let me know and if I’ve seen it I’ll add it!!
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 7 months
A Kent And A Wayne (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Effects Of The Toxin (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Motherly (Diane Prince X Teen!Reader)
Family Visit (Diana Prince X Daughter!Reader)
Snow Day (Diana Prince X Reader)
Washing Up (Diana Prince X Male!Reader)
Little Gifts (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Anyone But Him (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Another Speedster (Barry Allen X Reader)
The Wayne Mystery (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Sorry!(Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Cancelled Plans (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Please Stop (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Actual Flirting (Barry Allen X Male!Reader)
Caught Red Handed (Barry Allen X Fem!Wayne!Reader)
How Did It Come To This? (Barry Allen X Sibling!Reader)
Would You Kindly? (Justice League X Male!Reader)
Hidden Scars And Memories (Justice League X Male!Reader)
New Start (Roy Harper X Male!Reader X Jason Todd)
A Mostly Successful Mission (Jason Todd X Male!Reader X Roy Harper)
Keeping Secrets (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader X Wally West)
The Quiet Son (Bruce Wayne X Son!Reader X Justice League)
Father's Day (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
No More Joker (Harley Quinn X Fem!Reader X Poison Ivy)
City Siren's Daughter (Harley, Ivy & Selina X Daughter!Reader)
Nightmares (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
Their Redemption (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
One Of Us Hurt (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
Penguin's Friend (Ed Nygma X Male!Reader)
Waiting For You (Jerome Valeska X Fem!Reader)
My Responsibility (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader)
There For Me (Harley Quinn X Batsis!Reader)
Never Going Back (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader)
We Could Be A Team (Deathstroke X Daughter!Reader)
Colleagues (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
What Happened?! (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Close Your Eyes (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Nothing Else (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Secret Meetings (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
We're Having A Baby? (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
She's My Sister! (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
I'm Not Letting You Go (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Future Child (Leonard Snart X Daughter!Reader)
Saving Up (Harrison Wells X Trans!Male!Reader)
Stubborn And Injured (Raven X Fem!Reader)
Not Fireproof (Raven X Reader)
Blues Music (Teen Titans X Reader)
A Little Help (Batman X Scarecrow) Pt 1 / Pt 2
Finally Married (Rip Hunter X Reader)
Cant' Wait (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
Sneaking Out (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
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bi-bard · 2 years
That’s My Ride or Die - Leonard Snart & Mick Rory Imagine (DC's Legends of Tomorrow)
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Title: That’s My Ride or Die
Pairing: Leonard Snart & Mick Rory X Platonic!Reader
Based On: Best Friend
Word Count: 562 words
Warning(s): mentions of break-up
Summary: A collection of moments between Leonard, Mick, and the human equivalent of a puppy, (Y/n). They take the form of the most chaotic trio in the universe.
Author's Note: I think this is quite cute.
I don't think anyone could've guessed the consequences of putting me on a ship with Leonard Snart and Mick Rory.
By all accounts, we should've hated each other. I had dedicated myself to protecting anyone I could... they were thieves with ice and fire guns that seemingly only cared for themselves.
But somehow, the three of us ended up being best friends. While there was a whole team around us, we each seemed more tied to each other than anyone else. Neither one of us could quite explain it. It just kind of worked out that way.
The first memory I have of how close we were was after a particularly embarrassing break-up.
I had been trying to maintain a relationship with someone on Earth that definitely didn't deserve the effort. After they had pulled the plug, I found myself hiding away in the kitchen. I wasn't really doing anything. I was just sitting there, quiet and disconnected.
I barely registered Leonard and Mick coming in to sit with me.
"For what it's worth," Leonard said. "They were a nightmare to be around."
I let out a scoff. "Of course, you would say that."
"I could burn them," Mick offered.
"I... I think I'm alright, thanks," I replied. "Why are you being so nice?"
"Because you're one of the few people on this ship that isn't completely irritating," Leonard shrugged.
"We're friends then," I asked.
"Best friends?"
"Don't push it."
I just chuckled. Yeah, that was the beginning of us being best friends.
My next favorite memory was while we were on a mission.
Rip had sent the three of us off on a task together. Poor choice on his part, but it had all worked out in the end. As we watched everything seemingly fall into place, I got just a little bit excited.
"Oh, hell yeah!"
Leonard and Mick both quickly looked at me. They both seemed a bit shocked. It took me a moment to realize that they were staring.
"I can cuss, y'know."
"It's just strange..."
"Always pictured you as a small... pug," Mick added.
"A pug," I asked.
"Pretty accurate comparison," Leonard added.
"I hate both of you."
"No, you don't," Leonard replied. "Now, come on, Rip doesn't like to be left waiting."
I rolled my eyes but followed close behind them. "I don't hate you guys."
"We know," Mick grumbled.
I chuckled.
It was times like these that I thought about those moments. The ones that made me happy. The ones that never failed to put me in a better mood.
Sometimes I needed them.
It's not because something bad had happened... Mick was just throwing up and I was sitting on the floor next to him. I needed the reminder about why I would choose to do this.
"You alright," Leonard asked as he walked in.
"I'm waiting for him to pass out, so I can make sure he doesn't choke on his own tongue," I shrugged.
"You can go change," he motioned toward the door. "I'll take care of him."
"Thank you."
I stood up and started walking out.
"I love you guys."
"Love you too," Leonard nodded. "And I'm sure Mick would say the same if he were sober."
I gave him a thumbs up before walking out of the room.
It was chaos, but I loved these boys. No matter what.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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jokingmisfit · 2 years
Lets Save The Legends
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alycosworld · 3 years
hi, I was wondering if you're do a valentine's day x reader oneshot on mick rory/heatwave from Dc's Legends of Tomorrow!
The Note
Mick Rory X Reader
btw takes place around s5 bc when I wrote writing this I only just started s6 👍
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"So...you're not gonna do anything?" Mona asked, dressed in some blue jeans and a pink and red loose cardigan with a repeating heart pattern and a white shirt underneath, perfectly on theme for Valentine's Day. It was still the 13th, but a romance enthusiast like Mona Wu decided that she should be in the spirit of the holiday at least a day in advance.
"About what?" Mick shrugged, taking a long sip of his beer.
"(Y/N), of course!" Mona rolled her eyes.
"What about them?" Mick asked.
"Well, tomorrow's Valentine's Day! There is no better time to confess your feelings." Mona smiled.
"I don't feel anything for them!" Mick insisted.
"Really? So, you don't wanna visit them in the med bay right now?" Mona asked.
"They're in the med bay?! What happened?" Mick hurriedly stood up as Mona laughed at his involuntary reaction.
"They're not in the med bay, they're fine. I just said that to prove you like them." Mona grinned.
"I don't." Mick denied.
"Hey, I'm not judging you! I mean, if I knew an attractive, badass, caring person that gets along with my daughter, I'd probably fall for them too." Mona said.
"I haven't fallen for anyone." Mick reiterated.
"Uh-huh. Look, Mick, you should just address your feelings head-on. The sooner you admit you like (Y/N), the sooner we can get to planning the perfect Valentine's Day date. I'll even get Lita in on it." Mona smiled.
"We? Date? Lita?!" Mick asked, clearly confused at the implications of the words.
"Well, you're not gonna plan it yourself. Your writing is phenomenal, but in practice...not so great-- no offense! Besides, Lita and (Y/N) get along amazingly! If anyone knows how to win them over, it's her." Mona nodded decisively.
"Asking my daughter for help with a Valentine's Day date...sounds complicated." Mick said.
"That's fine! You just...figure out what you're gonna say and we'll handle the rest, okay?" Mona grinned.
"I don't trust you to handle it."
"Well, we're handling it so, there you go." Mona said before excitedly walking off.
Soon enough, Lita and Mona had planned a classic Valentine's Day date for you and Mick (they had decorated the cargo bay so it was fit for a fancy dinner), but you were still blissfully unaware of the event. In fact, everyone on the ship excluding you was gossipping about it.
"Hey (Y/N)." Sara smirked as you walked passed the bridge.
"Hey...Sara..." You quirked an eyebrow up, confused at her expression and tone.
"So...Valentine's Day tomorrow." Sara said.
"Oh, yeah, guess it is." You shrugged.
"You-- you didn't know?" Sara asked in perplexity.
"Nah, I guess I forgot. Maybe I'll get Gideon to fabricate me some fancy chocolates while I watch romance movies." You decided.
"But, what about Mick?" Sara asked, unaware that Mick hadn't asked you yet.
"Mick?" You responded, still not understanding what Sara was getting at.
"What?" Mick asked, entering the bridge and thinking you were calling for him.
"Oh, god, Mick, hi." You tensed up at his voice and jumped slightly at his unexpected entrance.
"Yeah, hey Mick. We were just talking about Valentine's Day, y'know. I thought that you had already--" Sara stopped herself, gesturing to you and widening her eyes at Mick.
"Already what?" You asked, tilting your head in Mick's direction. He seemed stunned for a moment before letting out a half sigh, half groan kind of noise in an exasperated and overwhelmed fashion.
"I need a drink." He said, before unceremoniously storming out and towards the kitchen.
"No, wait, I-- Sara, what?" You asked, looking to the captain for some semblance of an answer.
"You better go ask Rory, not me." Sara suggested, and you sighed before rushing after him.
"Mick, wait up!"
When you arrived in the kitchen, you saw Mick sitting at the table with a crumpled note in one hand a beer in the other. He seemed to be reading whatever was on the paper over and over in his head, mumbling the words quietly and incoherently.
"Mick?" You asked hesitantly.
"What is it?" He asked, quickly scrunching up the note in his hand.
"I just-- what was that about?" You asked, taking a seat next to him and smiling comfortingly.
"I..." He started, before opening up his palm and allowing the balled up noted to rest on the table.
"Go ahead, read it." He said, before abruptly standing up and walking out of the kitchen, taking a swig if his beer as he left.
You made quick work of the paper, flattening it out and reading the words scrawled on it. You couldn't help but smile at the contents - the words had clearly come straight from Mick, in the strangely beautiful and profound way his writing came across. The paper, although seemingly worthless to anyone else, held Mick's confession and proposition of a date; a vulnerable and honest statement that you would treasure.
Suddenly re-realising that Mick had left, you tucked the note carefully into your pocket and chased after Mick for the second time.
You took a quiet breath to calm your nerves before knocking on Mick's door. He opened the door after a few moments of waiting but seemed surprised to see you there.
"(Y/N)...huh." He raised his eyebrows slightly but displayed no emotion other than slight confusion.
"Mick, hi...again. Uh, so-- you-- that note was really sweet and I...I also like you. I didn't really expect it but, I would love to be your valentine, if the offer still stands." You stuttered slightly as his gaze hardened, but he relaxed when he heard the last part.
"Tomorrow, eight o'clock, in the cargo bay. Lita mentioned a dress code, but...where whatever you like." Mick said, before smirking slightly and walking past you, out of the hall. You stood in front of his room, stunned for a few moments and still in disbelief that you had just scored a date with Mick Rory. You spun around to see him disappearing down the hall, and sighed for the third time that day, this time with an uncontrollable grin on your face.
"Dammit, Mick! Stop running away!"
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ghostspideys-moved · 3 years
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a/n: for the anon who wanted mick <3 sorry it’s not very long, I just barely found time to quickly type this up between classes and whatnot, but I hope it’s not too bad.
pairing: mick rory x reader
word count: 334
warnings: alcohol (no surprise, it’s mick lmao)
summary: You need to relax a little after a long day on a mission.
Missions often took a lot out of you, as you're sure they do for the rest of the team. Everyone had their own relaxing activities to fall back to once back in the comfort of the Waverider.
Mick, you knew, always grabbed himself a beer. Or two. You honestly didn't blame him, and you somehow found yourself joining him. As you grabbed yourself a drink, you hopped on the counter, and Mick gave you a surprised look.
This was certainly a first.
"That rough, huh?" he asked, taking a swig of his beer.
You shrug. "Well, maybe I just thought I'd actually grace you with my presence for a change. Besides, I could use a drink."
This mission hadn't been any less chaotic than any other, but sometimes you could only handle so much chaos in a row. Who could blame you?
Mick grunted, which you took as a sign that he wasn't objecting to your company. Knowing him, that was as good a sign as any.
Somehow, though, that one drink turned into two more. You weren't nearly as tolerant as Mick, who was more amused than anything. After a long day, maybe you needed it, though.
Mick was the one who cut you off, though, when it was clear anymore alcohol would not be a good call for you. In fact, you were pretty clearly getting tired.
Sighing to himself, Mick scooped you into his arms and carried you off to your room. You whined in protest, but he simply ignored you.
As he set you in bed, Mick covered and tucked you. If you hadn't been this drunk he probably wouldn't have been nearly as caring. He did have a reputation to uphold, after all.
You mumbled as you drifted off to sleep, and Mick couldn't help but watch you for a moment as you made yourself comfortable. Having some foresight, he left you water and ibuprofen before leaving you to rest, knowing full well you'd need it in the morning.
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multifandomfix · 3 years
Imagine taking care of Mick when he’s drunk.
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"And somebody take care of Mick," Sara shouted as she disbanded the team meeting. Things had been more stressful than usual lately, for everyone. So, you took it upon yourself to tend to Rory. He was always drunk, but it had been much worse recently.
"I know tensions have been high on the ship, but Mick, if you keep this up you’ll drink yourself to death," you chastised as you entered his room, having long ago learned how to pick the lock. "I brought soup. Gideon made your favorite," you told him. He only grunted in response as you sat the bowl before him. "I figured you couldn’t keep down solids after all the drinking you’ve been doing, so soup seemed best," you went on explaining, wishing he’d talk to you.
"You were always my favorite," Mick finally said. "You get me," he went on, sounding a bit out of it. He’d finally reached a new limit to his drinking. He was usually somewhat buzzed, but this was flat out drunk. He probably wouldn’t even remember this later.
But what better time to tell him what you’d been keeping to yourself for so long? "I’ve always had this crush on you," you told him, happy that he’d allowed you to crush up some crackers and feed him the soup. "Started when I first joined up with The Legends, but I suppose it’s silly."
It went quiet between you for a while as you got Mick to finish his soup. Content to leave him to rest and sleep off the worst of it, you got up to leave. Before you could, Mick reached out for your wrist, his grasp firm but not too rough. Then he pulled you to his level and kissed you.
"Well that was a first," you blurted after he let you go. "You, uh, take care, Mick. And take it easy on the booze. For me if nothing else, okay?" Mick gave you a gruff nod. "Get some rest. We'll talk about this when you’re back to yourself."
For anon
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emmarobertsslut · 3 years
Newest Member
Mick Rory x Female Reader
Request: Yes
Type: Flirty? Fluff. Make out/kiss
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“I have gathered you all here today to introduce you all to our new recuite.. Y/n.” You stand there awkwardly waving towards everyone.
“She masters in Martial Arts and will be helping us save the world.” You make your way to everyone smiling as they tell you about themselves.
When you go up to Mick Rory though, he is frozen. Lost in a trance per say. He’s looking at the beautiful girl in front of him.
“Hi.” He smirks, “What’s a pretty lady like you doing around here?” Right to the flirting, you can’t help but roll your eyes at the bold man.
“Well I’m here to ‘Save the World’ definitely not here for you though.” He frowns at your snarky remark, and blushes a little as everyone starts cheering for you.
You walk away and start making a conversation with the assassin herself, Sarah Lance.
New mission for Mick Rory, make Y/n L/n date him.
You sigh, “Why can’t I go on the mission Rip?” He looks at you before looking at his computer. “You have to look after Mick.”
You look at the troublesome adult, who messed up the mission you all went on. “It’s not like he is hurt.”
You argue, not backing down just yet. Of course to everyone it looks as if you hated the man, but you and your best friend Sarah know different.
You’ve had a little crush on the fire criminal and find yourself blushing as he continuously flirts with you day after day.
You can just so remember the day he really made you flustered.
“Hey Y/n/n” You playfully roll your eyes, waiting for the flirty comments.
“I’m jealous of your heart.” Okay.. not exactly what you were expecting, but you’ll humor him.
“And why is that, Mick?” He smirks
“Because, it’s throbbing inside you and I’m not.” You gasp audibly at the dirty joke, eyes widening and cheeks about as red as a tomato.
You feel your panties start to get soaked at the thought of Mick pounding himself into your pussy.
Your breath starts getting heavier as he stalks his way up to you, “If you want to see my naked all you have to do is ask.”
And with that he stomps away to go bother someone else.
“But he will leave the rider if someone isn’t watching him, and he seems to enjoy your company.” Rip’s bored tone takes you back from your own mind.
“Fine.” You relentlessly give in, watching as he and the others start getting ready. Sarah walks up to you and pats your shoulder
“Have fun. But not to much.” You scoff at the blonde, “Whatever.” She gives Mick, who is behind you a nod of her head and walks off the Rider, following the others.
“Want some?” He hold out his can of beer, waiting for you to take some. You shake your head, much to his surprise.
“I don’t drink.” Was all you said before walking to the library. You grab your favorite book, and sit down.
More recently you have been feeling a little homesick and hated it. But the only person who knew was Mick.
He could read you like an open book most of the time. He just couldn’t tell if you had a crush on him, which he hates.
So, to cheer you up a little bit he starts cooking up your favorite snack, deep fried Oreos. Yes it was a bit strange, but it brought good memories of your hometown.
He carries the Oreos and water to your spot in the Library, wanting go surprise you.
“Hey.” He said, bringing your attention out of the book and at him. He sets the items on the side table. “Thank you, this actually means a lot, Mick.” You sincerely look at him with appreciation.
“Listen, Y/n, I like you. Not as a friend as more. And I know you probably don’t like m-.” You cut him off by standing up and smashing your lips on to his.
This kiss is full of built up sexual tension and passion, as you sit him down and climb on top of him.
You unbutton his gray shirt as he takes of yours, leaving you in a bra. He starts sucking at your neck, a loud moan coming out in return.
What you and Mick seemed to not notice was Sarah Lance looking for you. You hear a loud gasp come out of her mouth at the sight in front of her.
Your lips were swollen and a couple of hickeys starting forming on your neck. Your shirt was thrown somewhere on the floor as was Mick’s.
You jump off of Mick’s lap and look at your best friend. “Glad you to sorted things out” You blushed at her words and put your shirt back on.
She smiled at you knowingly and left the room, leaving you and Mick. The latter walked up to you and bit your ear, “Mine.”
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
okok I'm writing a mick rory request rn and I realized I absolutely love writing for his character, so if you have any mick rory request, please send them my way!! also, any legend has open requests!!* I love writing for them lmao
*except leonard snart. I ship him too hard with barry to be able to write x reader fics with him. sorry
| I no longer write m!reader and I do not write smut. Please be respectful of this |
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taylorsage22 · 3 years
Butt Slapping(Mick Rory x Reader)
Warning-Short, Mick Slaps you butt alot.
A/n-Trying to write more consistently. Hope Yall like.
This is just a little drabble Imagine to get me back into the mood to write
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Mick Loved you and your perfect Body there was nobody every Doubting that.
"Hey Sweetcheeks." Mick say walking up behind you and smacking your ass definitely not gently either.
"Mick! Oh my god." You said putting your hands over your butt in case Mick Decides he needs to slap It again.
He grunts softly and moves your hands off of your plump ass and gently massages it. "Sorry Sweetcheeks." He says realizing how hard he accidentally hit you.
He knows that you like when he smacks your butt Almost as much as he likes to do it. But not when it turns your ass cherry red and stings like hell.
"Its okay Mick, just a little gentle next time." You say turning yourself around so your face to face with him.
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bonniebird · 3 years
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Mick Rory x Reader
Requested by Anon
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Valentine Event
You couldn’t help but feel a little down as you sat in the captain's chair and watched the rest of the team heading off the ship. It was valentines day. You wanted to be out there with them seeing how people celebrated. But you and Mick had been left behind on the ship.
Plodding through the ship to the kitchen you punched in the code for some kind of chocolate. The food went un-collected for the food synthesiser when you spotted Mick. 
“Sucks doesn’t it?” You asked. Mick stopped, grunted and said nothing else. “I mean being trapped here on valentines day.”
“Isn’t so bad.” Was all you managed to get from Mick.
“Aren’t you famous writer? For all this valentines stuff? Wouldn’t publishing a book today go really well or something?” You asked curiously.
“I’ve already published another book. I don’t need to do another one for a while.” Mick said as he frowned and thought about it.
“Well, I mean, you’re a romance writer. What are you planning to do for valentines day?” You asked and he smiled to himself before answering.
"I'm gonna get drunk and then I'm gonna order a three course meal where each course is made of dessert." He answered. You raised your eyebrows and huffed. Even Mick had better plans for the day than you.
“You could come with me if you wanted. I was planning on just eating in the kitchen but with the whole team out I can put whatever I want on the big screen.” Mick offered. You smiled and nodded
“Yeah, sure! That sounds good.” you followed Mick to the kitchen and he put in to have everything made. By the time everyone had come back you and Mick had covered the kitchen with food and had watched several files together. Eventually the request of them joined you, fixing themselves a plate of food and finding a seat around you and Mick.
Mick Tags:
@alexxavicry @multi-fandom5
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Nate: “Guys, you need to get in here and see this.”
Mick: “You take a pic and I’ll burn you to death.” 
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gatefleet · 2 years
My Kasai 4
DC The Flash: Leonard Snart, Mick Rory , Akame (OC), Remi Rory (OC) Word Count: 754 (T)W: Swearing, mention of magic, threats, fights, being pinned, loss of temper Request: Technically yes by the other writer for this blog (currently on hiatus) A/N: Trying to upload what's left from Sutoritaimu blog
Remi had you pinned against the wall her gun was pointed at your throat and you couldn’t reach your Katana, couldn’t move any of your extremities, nothing, you knew she’d planned this… waited until your Katana was attached to your back as opposed to by your side.  She wasn’t an idiot like most of the others thought, she was a tactician like Snart.  “Did you seriously think I wouldn’t find out Kame?! Seriously think I wouldn’t rather hear it from you than from the Rogues?!”  You had no idea what setting Remi had tampered with on her gun this time, you had no idea if she was electric, fire, ice, water… no idea what she’d made her gun this time.  This could be a quick death or a drawn out, painful one.  Although Remi wasn’t trained the same way you were, you knew she could hold her own in a fight with you, and that’s what made you respect her the most.  It also made you wary of her.  “How stupid do you think I am Kame?! You think I didn’t know the second I got back into town? I gave you plenty of chances to come clean, to tell me! And you didn’t!”
This was the angriest any of the Rogues had seen you, including Mick and he’d seen you at your best and your worst.  “Rem, Kiddo, let her go, it takes two to tango, you can’t just be mad at her” Mick was trying to reason with his baby sister, but she was too angry, too focused on you.  “My brother Kame, my fucking brother!”  You saw Mick move closer and immediately Remi’s gun turned on Mick while still keeping you firmly planted against the wall “Don’t Mick, don’t move” Shit, this was bad, she’d turned off her emotions, began to distance herself.  Snart was the first to pick up on that, then you, then Mick.  The other Rogue’s had watched with vested interest from varying distances in the base, watching, waiting.  “Remi, Snowflake, put the gun down” What the hell was Snart doing?  Was he seriously doing what you think he was?  He was slowly making his way toward Remi who was too focused on Mick and you to split her attention a third way.  Snart found an opening… found her blind spot… how?  You’d been trying for years to find a way to sneak up on Remi.
When you came to, Snart had Remi pinned to the wall while she tried to fight him off which subsequently ended with the two of them hitting the deck… hard.  Remi’s gun was nowhere to be seen until you looked up at Mick and saw him torn between helping Snart with his sister and checking on you “Get her out of here Mick, I got Remi!”  Mick nodded to Snart and picked you up and took you back to Remi’s.  Probably not his best idea, but Remi’s place was the only place any of you could go.  “So do you wanna tell me what happened?  I thought you two were fine.”  “I have no idea” You looked at the bruise which was slowly forming on your neck and shoulders.  “She’s right though, we should have told her” You looked at Mick through the reflection in the mirror “Do you think her reaction would have been any different?” It was your turn to look at him like he’d grown 3 heads as you said it.  He sighed and put his head in his hands “Honestly, if we strapped her down first and made her listen to reason then maybe she wouldn’t have blew her top”
Mick’s replacement phone started ringing, he answered it and put it on loud speaker “Hey, Mick I finally got Remi to calm down, she’s crashed out in the base, what d’ya wanna do?” You could hear Snart sigh heavily down the phone and saw Mick inhale.  “If you can keep her from attacking me, I’ll come down and talk to her” Mick was shaking his head now, you could tell he was mentally preparing to tell his sister everything, including how long he’d been in love with her best friend and how long you and Mick had been sleeping together.  “Mick, are you sure about this?” “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be sure about telling my sister about my little firebug?  Besides, I’m her brother, she has to forgive me at some point.”  You blushed at that and wished him good luck before he left to face his sister.
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(GIF Credit: @forbescaroline)
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