#michael samos
twixnmix · 2 years
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Jean-Michel Basquiat, Vincent Gallo, Michael Holman, Wayne Clifford and Nick Taylor as the band Gray in 1980.
Photos by Marina Djabbarzade
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acrylicalchemy · 6 months
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"King Nothing And The Discovery Of The Lost Venus (For SAMO)" is my homage to Basquiat. This painting is currently available, and I have much more on my shop for you to check out 😁
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aperint · 11 months
Movimiento Terraplanista, ¿tiene fundamentos?
Movimiento Terraplanista, ¿tiene fundamentos? #aperturaintelectual #vmrfaintelectual @victormanrf @Victor M. Reyes Ferriz @vicmanrf @victormrferriz Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz
14 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2023 Movimiento Terraplanista, ¿tiene fundamentos? POR: VÍCTOR MANUEL REYES FERRIZ Con la finalidad de apegarme a la visión de este medio y tocar los diferentes temas con APERTURA INTELECTUAL, recibí con mucho gusto la propuesta de hablar de un tema, que en lo personal no comparto empero, nunca me había puesto a investigar la postura de quienes lo creen y defienden, me…
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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Jean-Michel Basquiat is too often under-curated. Consider the bland, context-less survey on view earlier this year at the Brant Foundation’s New York space, a private museum project of President Trump’s childhood friend Peter Brant, or the Brooklyn Museum’s 2018 “One Basquiat,” an “exhibition” consisting of a single $110.5-million-dollar painting. An easy reliance on the aura of this famous black artist with a high market value and a fatal heroin addiction often takes the place of any insightful narration. His name is enough to draw in hordes.
“Basquiat’s ‘Defacement’: The Untold Story,” an exhibition on view at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York through November 6, centers on the artist’s 1983 painting Defacement (The Death of Michael Stewart), which depicts an instance of police violence that occurred in September of that year. After allegedly tagging a wall in the East Village’s First Avenue subway station, Michael Stewart, a twenty-five-year-old black artist from Brooklyn, was beaten by the New York City Transit Police, put into a chokehold, and handcuffed to his bed while comatose at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan. He died thirteen days later from cardiac arrest. The specifics of the attack are contested—Did Stewart attempt to flee? Did he become violent?—but to me, they don’t matter. Stewart is still dead. Stewart will always be dead. That matters.
And such mattering matters to the occasion of the exhibition itself. Chaédria LaBouvier, the show’s guest curator, is the first black person to single-handedly organize an exhibition at the Guggenheim, which was founded in 1939. There is no way the show would have been possible without Black Lives Matter, and the discussions around state violence and blackness that the movement mainstreamed. “Basquiat’s ‘Defacement’” could be seen as an attempt on the part of the Guggenheim to reach outside its spiral shell and address issues of racial injustice, or it could suggest opportunism and politicking.
In addition to the title painting, the impeccably researched exhibition features works by other artists, including David Hammons, Keith Haring, Lyle Ashton Harris, and Andy Warhol, that deal with Stewart’s death; archival materials like buttons, a protest flyer made by David Wojnarowicz, and posters for benefit performances and parties raising money for Stewart’s family to pursue legal action following his death and the officers’ acquittal; and paintings that Basquiat created in the years prior to the 1983 incident, including Irony of a Negro Policeman (1981), La Hara (1981), Untitled (Sheriff), 1981, and CPRKR (1982), that share themes concerning oppression and the violence engendered by racism and capitalism. The assortment of works on view makes the exhibition seem larger than its two rooms, but the focus and political angle feel so tight that the effect is almost suffocating.
There are two main reasons to step into this claustrophobic space, each compelling in its own right: The Death of Michael Stewart and the art of Michael Stewart. Soon after Stewart’s death, Basquiat, using acrylic paint and marker, made The Death of Michael Stewart on a wall of Haring’s studio. After Basquiat died, of an overdose at the age of twenty-seven, Haring cut the painting out of the wall, had it placed in an ornate frame, and hung it over his bed, where it remained until he died from AIDS complications in 1990. Depicting two baton-wielding pink-faced cops flanking a limbless black figure, the work is devoid of the signature Basquiat symbols that have been used for tattoos a million times over: the crowns, the African masks. Instead, we get the scrawled term ¿DEFACIMENTO©?—a questioning of the police account of Stewart’s death—and a deluge of white space, which make the painting feel all the more urgent. A small collection of Stewart’s own line-obsessed abstract sketches, of which no photographs are allowed, is encased in a glass vitrine. Would the art of Michael Stewart come to us without the death of Michael Stewart? Would his work be exhibited if it weren’t for the spectacle of his suffering and for his memorialization by Basquiat?
The Death of Michael Stewart was not originally meant to be viewed by the public. But Basquiat arguably always kept some sense of an audience in mind, even when he was working in relative anonymity at the start of his career, spray-painting buildings in downtown Manhattan with poetic lines using the tag SAMO©. By the time he created The Death of Michael Stewart, he must have known that, given his success, most of his work would eventually circulate. Perhaps he also knew that everyone loves a dead black man.
Jean-Michel Basquiat is too often under-curated. Consider the bland, context-less survey on view earlier this year at the Brant Foundation’s New York space, a private museum project of President Trump’s childhood friend Peter Brant, or the Brooklyn Museum’s 2018 “One Basquiat,” an “exhibition” consisting of a single $110.5-million-dollar painting. An easy reliance on the aura of this famous black artist with a high market value and a fatal heroin addiction often takes the place of any insightful narration. His name is enough to draw in hordes.
“Basquiat’s ‘Defacement’: The Untold Story,” an exhibition on view at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York through November 6, centers on the artist’s 1983 painting Defacement (The Death of Michael Stewart), which depicts an instance of police violence that occurred in September of that year. After allegedly tagging a wall in the East Village’s First Avenue subway station, Michael Stewart, a twenty-five-year-old black artist from Brooklyn, was beaten by the New York City Transit Police, put into a chokehold, and handcuffed to his bed while comatose at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan. He died thirteen days later from cardiac arrest. The specifics of the attack are contested—Did Stewart attempt to flee? Did he become violent?—but to me, they don’t matter. Stewart is still dead. Stewart will always be dead. That matters.
And such mattering matters to the occasion of the exhibition itself. Chaédria LaBouvier, the show’s guest curator, is the first black person to single-handedly organize an exhibition at the Guggenheim, which was founded in 1939. There is no way the show would have been possible without Black Lives Matter, and the discussions around state violence and blackness that the movement mainstreamed. “Basquiat’s ‘Defacement’” could be seen as an attempt on the part of the Guggenheim to reach outside its spiral shell and address issues of racial injustice, or it could suggest opportunism and politicking.
In addition to the title painting, the impeccably researched exhibition features works by other artists, including David Hammons, Keith Haring, Lyle Ashton Harris, and Andy Warhol, that deal with Stewart’s death; archival materials like buttons, a protest flyer made by David Wojnarowicz, and posters for benefit performances and parties raising money for Stewart’s family to pursue legal action following his death and the officers’ acquittal; and paintings that Basquiat created in the years prior to the 1983 incident, including Irony of a Negro Policeman (1981), La Hara (1981), Untitled (Sheriff), 1981, and CPRKR (1982), that share themes concerning oppression and the violence engendered by racism and capitalism. The assortment of works on view makes the exhibition seem larger than its two rooms, but the focus and political angle feel so tight that the effect is almost suffocating.
There are two main reasons to step into this claustrophobic space, each compelling in its own right: The Death of Michael Stewart and the art of Michael Stewart. Soon after Stewart’s death, Basquiat, using acrylic paint and marker, made The Death of Michael Stewart on a wall of Haring’s studio. After Basquiat died, of an overdose at the age of twenty-seven, Haring cut the painting out of the wall, had it placed in an ornate frame, and hung it over his bed, where it remained until he died from AIDS complications in 1990. Depicting two baton-wielding pink-faced cops flanking a limbless black figure, the work is devoid of the signature Basquiat symbols that have been used for tattoos a million times over: the crowns, the African masks. Instead, we get the scrawled term ¿DEFACIMENTO©?—a questioning of the police account of Stewart’s death—and a deluge of white space, which make the painting feel all the more urgent. A small collection of Stewart’s own line-obsessed abstract sketches, of which no photographs are allowed, is encased in a glass vitrine. Would the art of Michael Stewart come to us without the death of Michael Stewart? Would his work be exhibited if it weren’t for the spectacle of his suffering and for his memorialization by Basquiat?
The Death of Michael Stewart was not originally meant to be viewed by the public. But Basquiat arguably always kept some sense of an audience in mind, even when he was working in relative anonymity at the start of his career, spray-painting buildings in downtown Manhattan with poetic lines using the tag SAMO©. By the time he created The Death of Michael Stewart, he must have known that, given his success, most of his work would eventually circulate. Perhaps he also knew that everyone loves a dead black man.
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easterndelights · 10 days
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Edge of the World (2021), dir. Michael Haussman
Samo Rafael as: "Prince Badruddin, the emissary of the Sultan."
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Johann Michael Wittmer (German, 1802-1880) Aesop, 1855 Royal Collection Trust, UK
Aesop sits on a rock in a sunlit glade, recounting his fables to a gathered crowd of listeners. Although little of certainty is known of Aesop’s life, according to tradition he was an enslaved person with physical deformities who was purchased in the marketplace at Samos by Xanthos, shown here as the well-dressed elderly man in the foreground holding a scroll bearing his name. The applicability of Aesop’s morals to everyone in society, irrespective of status, is indicated by the varied nature of the crowd, drawn from a broad cross-section of Greek society. The inclusion of many wild and domesticated animals alludes to the subject matter of Aesop’s works, but the artist has deliberately chosen to represent the creator rather than his creation.
This sympathetic portrayal of Aesop shows the great orator having risen above both his humble background and physical impediments – he is treated with the reverence of a king or saint. His intellect eventually won him his freedom: the red Phrygian cap worn by the man leaning on a spear is a symbol of liberty and republicanism.
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incognito-recenzuje · 4 months
"Saltburn" - recenzja. Spoilerowana!
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Saltburn, film z 2023 roku, thriller, stworzony przez Emerald Fennell. Główną rolę gra Barry Keoghan i, moim zdaniem, zrobił to genialnie. Przez cały seans z przyjemnością oglądałam jego grę aktorską, z resztą nie tylko jego. Chociażby Rosamund Pike, jedna z moich ulubionych aktorek, również genialnie zagrała Elspeth Catton, matkę drugiego głównego bohatera.
Film oglądałam, nie wiedząc o nim nic, co czasem jest, przynajmniej według mnie, dobrą praktyką. Wszystko odkrywasz oglądając!
Początek filmu był raczej nudny, chociaż nawet rozbawił mnie Michael krzyczący na Oliviera, aby ten podał mu iloczyn. Potem mamy dwóch studentów samotników, aż do momentu, w którym Olivier poznaje Felixa. W tamtej chwili film nabiera tempa, widzimy urywki imprez i Felixa-playboya. Historia, którą opowiada o swoim życiu Olivier, pasuje mi do niego, cichy student z potwornym dzieciństwem. Potem Felix zaprasza Oliviera do siebie na wakacje, a my widzimy pewne zmiany w jego zachowaniu. Podrywanie Venetii, komplementowanie Elspeth, to wszytko nie pasuje do jego przedtem ukazanego charakteru. Oczywiście zaraz potem wszystko się wyjaśnia.
Cóż, powiem tak — wszytko co działo się od przyjazdu do domu Oliviera, było dla mnie zupełnie niespodziewane. Chociaż, przyznaję, gdy zaczęłam oglądać, podczas pierwszej sceny, w której nie znamy jeszcze bohaterów, po słowach Oliviera zaczęłam podejrzewać, że ów Felix nie żyje, że są to słowa wypowiadane do kogoś, kogo być może Felix znał. Jak się okazuje, miałam rację. Nie spodziewałam się tylko, że słowa te będą wypowiadane do śpiącej Elspeth. Nie spodziewałam się również, że Olivier okaże się... tym, kim się okazał. Aczkolwiek scena, w której biega nago po Saltburn, wymachując przyrodzeniem w rytm Murder On The Dancefloor była dla mnie potwornie zabawna. Nie mogłam przestać się śmiać, co było dużą odskocznią od reszty filmu, który oglądałam raczej ze skupieniem, niż śmiechem, chociaż i to się zdarzało!
Ale skoro już mówimy o poszczególnych scenach, przejdźmy do tych najbardziej kontrowersyjnych. Scena, w której Olivier pije wodę ze spermą po kąpieli Felixa, była dla mnie raczej dziwna i, no cóż, obrzydliwa. To samo tyczy się seksu oralnego z Venetią i rozsmarowywania krwi menstruacyjnej po ciele. Może to ja jestem dziwna, ale raczej nie życzyłabym sobie, aby ktoś robił coś takiego ze mną podczas mojego okresu. Ale ludzie są przecież różni, tak...?
Sam film mi się podobał i oceniam go na 7/10. Z chęcią przeczytam też inne opinie!
Trzymajcie się i do następnej recenzji!
20.05.2024 r. Kraków.
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stxriesfromasharchive · 8 months
If They Had A Kid / Ship Children
@pantslessoptimism didn't ask for this BUT SAMO YOU'RE GETTING IT
Will x Sophie child #1
Name: Henry Michael Score Gender: Male General Appearance: Dark hair, tall like his father, fair skin, piercing blue eyes ; later in life, he's got a tattoo of two wolves underneath a full moon meant to represent his parents Personality: He's charming, humorous, and a prankster. Very protective of his family, his favorite past time is picking on his sister - but ONLY he can bully her - he'll fight anyone who tries to pick on her (even though she's tough enough to fight her own battles). Special Talents: Generic werewolf abilities and traits ; he's also very skilled at carpentry like his father and has inherited his mother's love for dance. Who they like better: Sophie (his father has instilled in him the importance of loving and worshipping Sophie as she deserves to be) Who they take after more: A mix of both Personal Head canon: He's the older twin by four minutes technically, but does not share the same birthday as his twin sister because he was born four minutes before midnight. He's taken an interest in archery, using bows and crossbows to hunt wild game when not in wolf form (taught to him by Will). Face Claim: Cody Christian
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Will x Sophie child # 2
Name: Emma Katherine Score Gender: Female General Appearance: Dark hair, fair skin, rounded heart shaped face, looks petite and innocence Personality: On first meeting, she's quite shy and introverted, one could easily mistake her for being a push over - she is anything but. Being taught from an early age how to defend herself, she's not afraid to cut a bitch if she needs to. Genuinely, though, she is a warm soul who loves animals and nature. Special Talents: Generic werewolf traits ; Has a passion for dance just like her mother - she and her twin brother would dance with Sophie all the time as young children. Who they like better: Will (she's totally a daddy's girl) Who they take after more: A mix of both Personal Head canon: She has a special connection with animals and nature, often spending her time out in the forests around the family cabin feeding squirrels and birds and even the deer that will end up inevitably becoming their food; she does not go on hunts very often, not wanting to actually kill or see the kill. Though she does eat meat, it's in smaller portions than her family, preferring more vegetables and fruit. She does have one special deer friend that is not allowed to be hunted; she once saved the animal as a fawn from another predator and has since bonded to her. Though the deer roams free, she will often come around the cabin to visit and be attended to by Emma. Though the deer is easily recognized by Emma, her father went out of his way to make a special collar that the deer wears so that the rest of the family knows who the animal is and thus knows not to hunt it. Face Claim: Emily Rudd
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trudnadusza14 · 9 months
26.12 2023
Znowu nie spałam i rano oglądałam najpierw serial szkoła i nie wiem czemu ale się poryczałam jak pomyślałam o szkole. Czasach gimnazjum liceum
Owszem dalej się uczę ale jakoś czuje że to nie to samo
Bo mimo wszystko jakoś chętniej chodziłam do szkoły w liceum mimo że było prawdę mówiąc chujowo
W gimnazjum to samo
W gimnazjum zaczęły się terapie i te takie podobne
Było tak źle a nie wiem czemu ale tęsknię za tym
Może chciałabym mimo wszystko chodzić do szkoły z rówieśnikami gdzie nie jestem takim odludkiem ?
Bo w mojej obecnej klasie to jestem jedyną co nie ma dziecka.
A o czym rozmawia klasa ? No właśnie głównie o swoich pociechach,mężach,pracy
A ja nie mam nic z tego przez co przesiaduje często cicho
Do tego jestem najmłodsza
Wiadomo że fajne jest uczenie się czegoś co lubisz to akurat cenie
Choć nie ukrywam że im dalej końca tymbardziej czuje się wypalona
Aż takiej niechęci do szkoły to nie miałam nawet jak chodziłam do gimnazjum
Czuje zwyczajnie że nie mam schronienia i czego tam szukać
Ale szczerze dawno nie miałam takich emocji na myśl o szkole
Pomyśleć że to wywołał serial xd
Później miałam film "Dziadek do orzechów"
Ale jakoś nie bardzo mnie interesowal
Bardziej oczekiwałam na "Kraina lodu 2"
Kocham ten film ❤️
Śpiewałam każdą piosenkę 😆
Patrzyłam w ten film jak zahipnotyzowana jakaś
Serio jestem wielką fanką krainy lodu
Po krainie lodu się zdrzemnelam i jak się obudziłam poszliśmy do ciotki gdzie była moja kuzynka z córeczką
Tylko szczerze dziwnie się czułam
Cały dzień mnie dobijały myśli samobójcze
Wróciłam do domu to znowu spać i był później film "Król lew"
I tak dalej czytałam tą książkę o przypadkach medycznych i przeczytałam o człowieku który przedawkował ogórki i w wyniku czego zmarł
Że można umrzeć od przedawkowania warzyw to już naprawde nie wiedziałam
A ja sama lubię jeść dużo ogórków
Także przestroga dla was xD
Skończyłam tą o tych przypadkach i zaczęłam książkę o samobójcy
"Notatki samobójcy- Michael Thomas Ford
O nastolatku po próbie samobójczej który znalazł się w psychiatryku. Na razie jestem w połowie ale to co jest w tej książce to opisuje myśli i uczucia samobójcy
Tak tak miej myśli samobójcze i jeszcze czytaj książkę o samobójcy xd
No i teraz oglądam sobie szpital i tak się zastanawiam co to będzie dziś
Bo jutro ten dzień
Rocznica nowego życia
O 21 będzie chyba ta godzina w której to się zaczęło
Jeszcze jutro będzie wigilia z przyjaciółmi. Tak se urządzimy
Mamy plany że pojedziemy gdzieś na jakiś wieżowiec gdzie będziemy siedzieć i rozmawiać. Może też pić
Żeby tylko mi nie odbiło żeby zeskakiwać xd
Tymbardziej jak mam silne myśli samobójcze
Nie no picie na pewno będzie. Choć ja parę lat chyba nie piłam
Choć pewne jest że to będzie chyba jedna z największych imprez w życiu
Jeszcze będą jutro zajęcia w międzyczasie będą. Obstawiam że terapeutki będą mnie chyba przestrzegać żebym nie szalała za bardzo choć to chyba niemożliwe żebym nie szalała 🤣
Najpierw wieżowiec potem impreza do rana
Nie wiem co mi jeszcze odbije
W każdym razie będzie zabawa na milion %
A mam co świętować xD
Jak się psychiatra za tydzień dowie o tym co ma być jutro to chyba mnie zabije 😆
Bo biorę leki a się napilam plus myśli samobójcze a plan wejścia na wieżowiec
Szykuje się na solidny wpierdol 🤣
Ale co tam. Raz się żyje
Więc możliwe że post będzie dopiero w piątek
Bo naprawdę będzie balanga jutro 😎
Także do zobaczenia
Trzymajcie się kochani 💜
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liquidisedfrogs · 1 year
Tonight, the night where... some... of Europe comes together and sings in an ..... something way, is the night I am willing to barf my brain out onto a page and commentate on the entire thing start to finish. THIS IS JUST MY OPINION!! Strap in motherfuckers....
We started the evening with the performance of last year's winner Ukraine (MWAH) starring Kate Middleton for some reason and Sam Ryder stood on top of some building in Liverpool. I had totally forgotten how earwormy that song was. I literally can't get it out of my head even now. We saw the countries come out onto stage to a very random compilation it seemed. I think Australia stole Germany's flag though.
PERFORMANCE 1 : ALBANIA- WHO THE HELL IS EDGAR? - TEYA & SALENA I'm not lying here when I say I LOVED this song. I loved how it took so much inspiration from Michael Jackson in the dance moves. The girl with the black hair was mind-blowing. Like, she was unbelievably gorgeous. I'm not saying the other one wasn't- they were both incredible. I loved how much colour and enthusiasm they seemed to have. IT WAS SO RANDOM AND I FREAKING LOVED IT. Rank no.5
PERFORMANCE 2 : PORTUGAL- AI CORAÇÃO- MIMICAT The dress. Oh my god that dress was DIVINE. I loved how like bright it was to be honest. It was just so dramatic and it felt like it had a lot of variety. I don't really know why it just really appealed to me. Her voice is DIVINE too. Rank no.6
PERFORMANCE 3 : SWITZERLAND- WATERGUN- REMO FORRER I'm not lying when I say that this song brought a tear to my eye. It was so moving but god, that guy needed to put a few more clothes on. I really liked it. Remo Forrer can sing so beatifully and yet I didn't know who he was before tonight. That low note made my jaw drop. Powerful. All I can say really. The guy also reminded me of Noah Schnapp for some goddamn insane reason. Rank no.7
PERFORMANCE 4 : POLAND- SOLO- BLANKA I had to rewatch it cause it was kind of forgettable. Felt like it had been done so much before. I don't mean any hate by this but I just didn't like it. I wasn't as WOW as other songs have been. It gave me the vibe of the Stuck In The Middle theme mixed with Despacito. It just didn't feel if you know what I mean. Rank no.23
PERFORMANCE 5 : SERBIA- SAMO MI SE SPAVA- LUKE BLACK Perfection. It was so.... I don't have words for it. It was just fantastic. It showed so much talent and I loved the Graham Norton description of the nerdiness and that definitely came across so incredibly in the performance. It was just like smoke sweat and tears. I LOVED THE VIDEO GAME BIT. It's a great song, it's a wonderful performance. It's the best. Also, take a moment to consider how fit the guy was. This was no doubt the best act in my opinion but I know not many people have the same opinions as me so I'm accepting the fact that he's probably not gonna win. Rank no.1
PERFORMANCE 6 : FRANCE- LA ZARRA- Évidement It had such a french vibe to it for some reason. It's stuck in my head. I really enjoyed it to be honest. The outfit was genuinely on point and the vocals were stunning. The chorus kinda gave me Dua Lipa vibes but there's nothing wrong with that is there. The lyrics were kinda dramatic. Overall, I ate it up. Freaking glorious song there was just a lot of good competition. Rank no.10
PERFORMANCE 7 : CYPRUS- BREAK A BROKEN HEART- ANDREW LAMBROU Not memorable. It was quite sad. He's got a good voice, there were just better songs to be honest. It was quite repetetitive. I didn't enjoy it particularly it was just there. A few more layers would be nice. He sung quite high and it wasn't necessarilly appealing. THE FIRE THO. That arena must have been so hot. His voice at the end was beautiful, fight me. Rank no.16
PERFORMANCE 8 : SPAIN- EAEA- BLANCA PALOMA The bit at the beginning with the vocalisations (I think that's what they're called) was incredible. It gave off quite a middle eastern movie vibe which I wasn't expecting from Spain. Her top genuinely looked like it had been melted by heat which made me laugh. It gave off a Satanic ritual vibe. I liked the song but the electronic parts really didn't fit her talented and gorgeous voice. Rank no.22
PERFORMANCE 9 : SWEDEN- TATTOO- LOREEN I loved the vibes she gave off espescially in the introduction bit to the song, she looked like a batty pintrest witch which is a look I adore. Her hair was just stunning but for some reason it didn't look real, I don't know. THE NAILS!! God, they were so long. Her whole set was just tattooine(hmm maybe she thought about that) to me. It gave Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. I really liked it. The whole song was so nice. There's not really any other way to say it than that. I really liked it though. I'm happy it was her that won. Rank no.12
PERFORMANCE 10 : ALBANIA- DUJE- ALBINA & FAMILJA KELMENDI I really looked forward to this one because it was a family quite like me and my siblings but I felt quite sorry because only one of the girls really got to sing in it. You could tell who was the favourite child. I loved the sister's outfits and the bit where it basically turned into the parents' love song was great. It was a good performance but it wasn't anything special. Rank no.15
10 down, 16 to go!
PERFORMANCE 11 : ITALY- DUE VITA- MARCO MENGONI I liked the top, make me one. He has a gorgeous voice. It was quite moving in some ways but I did get distracted by the trampoline guys in the back. I LOVED THEM. The lyrics were a bit random, I had it on translating subtitles. It was okay, I didn't think it was anything special though. It was a sway with your arms in the air type of song. He's such a good singer, I swear, I just didn't love the song. Rank no.19
PERFORMANCE 12 : ESTONIA- BRIDGES- ALIKA It was a magical song. I really enjoyed how it gave off fairy Elsa vibes for some reason. I don't really have many words it was just lovely. She has such an incredible voice. I loved her outfit as well it was fabulous. It was just a gorgeous song, I really liked it. She has such a powerful voice. It was divine. Rank no.8
PERFORMANCE 13 : FINLAND- CHA CHA CHA- KÄÄRIJÄ If you're here for a specific song, it's probably gonna be this one. The hulk forgets to put on his chestpiece and he's on the stage at Eurovision singing a heavy-metal-techno-pop number. I still can't understand what the fuck this song was about. It's really confusing but it's a bop. I'm just blasting out CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA in my brain the whole time. I really liked it. It was a proper random Eurovision song and I LIVE for em. The guy's got a good voice on him though, the prolonged shouting must have been hard. Rank no.9
PERFORMANCE 14 : CZECHIA- MY SISTER'S CROWN- VESNA It gave ballet recital gone wrong for me. It sounded a bit too like the winning song from last year for my liking but it was incredible with the harmonies. I didn't really get the hair message. They were doing feminism stuff but sticking directly to the gender roles traditionally set which I didn't understand. It was powerful and I did like it. Rank no.18
PERFORMANCE 15 : AUSTRALIA- PROMISE- VOYAGER I love watching forty odd year olds dance around on stage like they're twenty one. It felt like someone had gone through my playlist, taken the best bits from each song and melted them into a pot together. It is an anthem and I adore that. I loved the woman on guitar. She was so good. I loved the vibes it sounded like it could be in a video game and honest to god it was one of my favourites of the night. Rank no.3
PERFORMANCE 16 : BELGIUM- BECAUSE OF YOU- GUSTAPH The Boy George vibes were real. His outfit gave rich man goes on safari but there's been an incident with a red sock. It was a BOP like literally. I just wanted to do the macerena the whole time. The start bit reminded me of a musical I can't remember the name of. It was kind of repetetive which I didn't like. It was okay to be honest. Shoutout to the guy who was willing to be a furry stripper for this. Rank no.17
PERFORMANCE 17 : ARMENIA- FUTURE LOVER- BRUNETTE The singer gave me Ariana Grande vibes. It was average. It was a bit like an I'm not like other girls. She has a lovely voice but it did get quite lost in the other countries amazingnesses. It didn't really stick in my head so I had to rewatch the full thing whereas with most of the others I either don't have to watch it or I only need a memory jog. The getup was stunning. The boots should have had black laces though, it would've fit do much better. She's incredibly talented but there were better songs. Rank no.21
PERFORMANCE 18 : MOLDOVA- SOARELE ŞI LUNA- PASHA PARFENI Welcome to the stage... satanic yoga teacher. I liked it. It was so European. It was a great watch. It reminded me of the Mandolorian theme which is a massive compliment in my book. The horny women were great. (They had horns in their hair.) It was very Eurovision esque and I really liked it. It was quite funny and my little brother voted for it. Great song. Rank no.13
PERFORMANCE 19 : UKRAINE- HEART OF STEEL- TVORCHI After last year, I had very high hopes for Ukraine. I enjoyed it. I really liked all the staging it was stunning but it didn't stand out to me very much. The phantom of the opera guy got the night off though! It was a great song. It would be great at a festival, I can see it now. I don't have a ton to say about it. It was good but not mind-blowing. Rank no.14
PERFORMANCE 20 : NORWAY- QUEEN OF THE KINGS- ALESSANDRA This whole song makes make me want to yell with happiness. It just like scratches my brain for some reason. It was the only song this year that I had heard before and even though I had, it did not disappoint. I swear it was a whole vibe. Her outfit was literally straight from SIX, bite me. I loved it. I loved every second of it but there were better songs. The high note showed talent. I mean, I can do it but, but it still shows years of effort and training. Rank no.11
Only 6 left!
PERFORMANCE 21 : GERMANY- BLOOD & GLITTER- LORD OF THE LOST HUGE SLAY. I loved it. In my honest opinion, I would've loved it to be in German but I do speak German so it wouldn't be that hard to understand. They really reminded me of Ghost with the whole red satan type vibe and the song itself. The makeup was FINE! I mean that in an attractive way. The start was so INCREDIBLE. He looked and sounded quite like Bowie and if you know me, you know I love Bowie. The heavy metal singing was on point. I'm suprised that they came last because they were pretty much tied with Serbia in my book I decided the ranks at like 1 am and my 1 am thoughts are always the best. Rank no.2
PERFORMANCE 22 : LITHUANIA- STAY- MONIKA LINKYTÉ The start made me think of the Lion King- just getting that off my chest before I dive into this one. It was lovely, it was beautiful but that's not really the winning characteristics. It was incredible. It gave off the sort of 2014 'Fight Song' vibe which I feel has been done so much already. I want to be able to mark this one higher but I feel I can't because of how high rated the other songs are. Rank no.20
PERFORMANCE 23 : ISRAEL- UNICORN- NOA KIREL Before I say anything, this is just me putting my opinions out there to get them off my head. I really didn't like this song. It was weird and it wasn't a song that I enjoyed watching. It's started off okay with a slight Melanie Martinez vibe but honestly shit hit the fan pretty quickly. It turned into a feminine anthem and, to me, all those songs sound the same. The worst bit was the bit where she said watch me dance and stripped off and basically became a stripper in her dance moves. There were children watching. You can't do that. Rank no.26
PERFORMANCE 24 : SLOVENIA- CARPE DIEM- JOKER OUT This was one of my favourite songs of the night. I adored the whole performance. It was like a step back into the past when Eurovision wasn't as big of an event and they didn't have all the feathers and glitter. It felt quite wholesome to me for an unknown reason. Personally, I don't think it was Eurovision standard. It was a lot more indie than all the other songs and it popped out of the page because of that. It had a very different view and appearance to the viewers. I have listened to this song about five times this morning I like it so much. Special mention to the guitarist because you look fantabulous. Like, you're so good-looking I can't understand wether it's gender envy or attraction. I loved the fits by the way. Rank no.4
PERFORMANCE 25 : CROATIA- MAMA ŠČ- Let 3 This performance made me really uncomfortable. They looked like a rip off of the YMCA and the song wasn't that good to be honest. It was just a bunch of people's grandads singing a dumb army style song and then stripping off. It wasn't enjoyable, it was very mildly funny and I just really didn't like it. It wasn't as bad as Israel or the UK though. Rank no.24
PERFORMANCE 26 : UK- I WROTE A SONG- MAE MULLER It was really just a mid song. She doesn't have the nicest voice and the song choice emphasised that. It was really repetetive and definately deserved the ranking it got. I do feel sorry for Mae though, she must have tried so hard. The staging wasn't that appealing and her outfit didn't fit the set. I would probably rate it 5/10 if I was doing that but I'm not. There was a lot of good competition and it simply wasn't as good. Rank no.25
I think Tattoo winning was a great descision. It isn't one I would've made but it really stood out. I do think Germany deserved a lot more than it was given and I feel extremely sorry for Spain who only got 5 points for the public because that must've hurt.
Shoutout to Sam Ryder with his really nice song at the end, I though it was great. Also, they managed to get ROGER TAYLOR for it. FREAKING ROGER TAYLOR!!!
Have a nice day/night reader and I hope you return next year for another unnecessarily long Eurovision rant.
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thebridgehqs · 2 years
Due to inactivity, please unfollow:
The following need to post twice in the next 24 hours or message the main:
The following need to make activity in one week or message the main:
@rosewaterdrunk One post: Janai Lux Aurea
@mlndless Two posts: Jeremiah Graves
@totouchthcstars One post: Melody, Scorpius Malfoy, Valkyrie. Two posts: Allyson Nelson, Bruno Madrigal, Daryl Dixon, Dustfinger, Enid Sinclair, Gabriel Van Helsing, Godric Gryffindor, Jessie Cook, John Constantine, Legolas Greenleaf, Maddie Buckley, Phoebe Halliwell, Rhaegar Targaryen, Sabrina Spellman, Snow White, Sophie, Sisu
@champagneprblms One post: Emma Nolan
@firewvlk Two posts: Harley Quinn, Marceline
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@virtuousouls knows her sins.
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inabcck · 2 years
Gonna try to divide these by Fandom. Please message if you have questions about any of them I'll happily give an overview. Also at this point in time no one is being marked as primary etc. until we find a groove.
A Song of Ice and Fire
Arya Stark
Asha Greyjoy
The Mortal Instruments
Isabelle "Izzy" Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Tessa Gray
Cecily Herondale
Ascension & Royal Houses Series
Cyrene Strohm
Kerrigan Argon
Wynter Ollivier
Incarnations of Immortality
Luna Kaftan
Orlene (God/Good)
Kerena (Nox/Night)
Throne of Glass
Lysandra Ennar Ashryver
Nehemia Ytger
Manon Blackbeak
Elide Lochan
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Feyre Archeron
Elain Archeron
Lucien Vanserra
Gwyneth Berdara
The Empyrean
Rhiannon Matthias
Ridoc Gamlyn
Imogen Cardulo
Jesinia Neilwart
Sloane Mairi
Violet Sorrengail
The Red Queen
Evangeline Samos
Mare Barrow
DC Comics
Stephanie Brown (Spoiler/Batgirl)
Harley Quinn
Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Eloise Bridgerton
Edwina Shefflied
Kate Sheffield
Simon Basset Duke of Hastings
Sophie Beckett
Posy Reiling
Francesca Bridgerton
Michael Stirling
Cassie Lang aka Stature
Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat
Harry Potter (VERY ANTI-JK ROWLING and Canon Divergent)
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Nymphadora Tonks
Newt Scamander
Critical Role
Pike Trickfoot
Delilah Briarwood
The Last of Us
Ellie Williams
Miraculous: Tales of Lady Bug and Cat Noir
Adrien Agreste aka Cat Noir
Alya Césaire aka Rena Rouge
Hazbin Hotel
Alastor the Radio Demon
Angel Dust/Anthony
Helluva Boss
Baldurs Gate 3
More to be added as the mood strikes. 😀
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To boldly go where no one has felt before
Jedną z różnic, jakie odczujemy przy oglądaniu Discovery, jest znacznie większe skupienie na emocjach. I chodzi nie tylko o smutek i niewyłącznie o Michael Burnham, natomiast na niej skupia się uwaga. W końcu jest główną bohaterką serialu, więc to co się dzieje u niej – także wewnętrznie – jest naszą soczewką, przez którą poznajemy całą historię.
W drugim sezonie mamy do czynienia z kilkoma pożegnaniami, często fałszywymi: rozpaczamy po Tilly, żegnamy Saru na ostatniej drodze, w końcu jest Airiam i jej tragiczne poświęcenie.
Nie powiem, że taka fala emocji jest błędem, to po prostu świadomy wybór twórców, który ma wpływ także na inne części franczyzy. Myślę, że kapitan Pike w Strange New Worlds jest także bardziej otwarty na publiczne okazywanie emocji, nie działa w stereotypie niewzruszalnego kapitana, jaki znamy z klasycznych serii.
Picardowi zdarzało się płakać albo krzyczeć, ale były to sytuacje naprawdę ekstremalne. Jego wycofany charakter wręcz ciążył do takiego wizerunku powagi/stateczności, ostoi spokoju, na której załoga mogła polegać.
Kapitan Kirk, Kathryn Janeway też raczej nie okazywali słabości publicznie, starając się dać przykład i podbudować morale swojej załogi.
Z klasycznych myślę, że Sisko był najbardziej emocjonalny, chociaż kojarzę go raczej z wyrażania gniewu/wściekłości, a rzadziej innej palety uczuć.
W drugim sezonie Discovery można mieć poczucie, że emocje dosłownie zalewają okręt z każdej strony. Kamera uważnie wyłapuje te momenty, wędrując po twarzach różnych postaci, widzimy też emocjonalność Spocka (tradycyjnie zachowawczą, ale istniejącą).
Pewną kulminacją jest dwuczęściowy wielki finał, gdy przed szaleńczą wyprawą w przyszłość na Discovery pojawiają się Amanda i Sarek, aby ostatni raz pożegnać się ze swoją córką i wyrazić jej wdzięczność.
To jest ten moment, w którym czuję, że emocji jest tak wiele, że są przesterowane, przesadzone, jest ich za dużo, aby można było to wszystko w sobie pomieścić. Że różne zabiegi fabularne czynią historię jeszcze bardziej sentymentalną tylko po to, aby ładna scena się zmieściła.
Ale to tylko mój odbiór. I tak jak po napędzie grzybowym już standardowe podróże międzygwiezdne nie będą smakowały tak samo, tak Discovery przesunęło granice w wymiarze emocjonalności bohaterów i tego, jak jest nam to pokazywane.
PS. Do ilustracji szukałem też sceny, w której zborgifikowany Picard roni łzę, ale nie mogłem jej znaleźć, więc być może to tylko moje fałszywe wspomnienie.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
The Times: Zelensky’s decision to attack the Kursk region is the riskiest since the start of hostilities in Ukraine
The head of the Kyiv regime sought to launch an offensive this summer, overcoming the resistance of his own military leaders. Vladimir Zelensky’s decision to attack the Kursk region is the riskiest since the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine.
This opinion was expressed by a British expert from the Royal United Services Institute for Defense Studies, Michael Clarke, in his article published in The Times newspaper.
He claims that Zelensky had to convince his military commanders of the need for offensive action for several months.
They hesitated because of Ukraine's problems with people and resources - says Clark.
In the end, the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region took place. According to the author, it came as a surprise not only to Russian sweets, but also to the Western allies. Clark believes that the West would disapprove of the idea of ​​attacking the border regions of the Russian Federation if Kyiv asked its opinion. Thus, he is trying to “smuggle through” in his article the idea that the Kiev regime did not promptly inform the American and European leadership about its plans, making a decision on its own at its own peril and risk.
According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, during the Kursk adventure, the Ukrainian military has already lost more than 1,3 thousand people, 29 tanks and 23 armored personnel carriers. According to the commander of the Akhmat special forces, Apty Alaudinov, yesterday’s losses of Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel in the region became a record for the entire time since the beginning of the special operation.
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gtaradi · 3 months
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weekly-tea · 3 months
Što se u ove pol godine istaklo kao posebno.
Ajd da proanalizirano, lakše je sada kada ima manje podatka, nego na kraju godine haha.
Koji su mi favoriti.
Stavila sam plejati Eminema i vrtim zabilješkama da vidim šta oskače, što je i dalje u memoriji, a ne samo ''tjedni hit''. (14.6.)
Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez
20 dana u Mariupolju
An American Bombing: The Road to April
'' Deadliest Families'' i ''People Magazine Investigates''
Homicide: New York
The Truth vs. Alex Jones
Inside the Hunt for the Boston Bombers
LA 92
Sound of the police
Lover, Stalker, Killer
Ken and Barbie Killers: The Lost Murder Tapes
Fallen Idols: Nick and Aaron Carter
Justice, USA
Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal
Files of the Unexplained
What Jennifer Did
Quiet On Set: The Dark Side Of Kids TV
MoviePass, MovieCrash
Dokumentarci Alexandre Pelosi
Back to Black
Panic Room
''Gone girl'' i ''Girl on a train''
Paradise Lost trilogija
Rachel se udaje
Alison Espach - Bilješke o tvom iznenadnom nestanku
Knjige Angele Marsons - Slučajevi inspektorice Kim Stone
Matthew Perry - Prijatelji, ljubavnici i velika užasna stvar
Sharon Stone - Lijepo je živjeti dvaput
Jenn Granneman - Tajni životi introverta
Pamela Andrerson - S ljubavlju, Pamela
Britney Spears - Žena u meni
Senidah pjesme po fazama
Grše ft. Miach - Fantazija
Artemas - i like the way you kiss me
Luka Silni - Luka Silni
Miach feat. Baks & Peki - Dance
Hiljson Mandela x Biba - Ankaran
Biba - TOP
Tate McRae - exes
Sabrina Carpenter - Espresso
Sara Jo, Mimi Mercedez - Sandra Meljničenko
GOCA R.I.P. ft. Miach - Navike
Nela, Nika Turković - Mogu i sama
Jason Derulo & Michael Bublé - Spicy Margarita
James Hype ft. Kim Petras - Drums
Cassö x Raye x D Block Europe - Prada
Eminem - Houdini
Hippie Sabotage - Devil Eyes
Brak na prvu
High Hopes
The Roast of Tom Brady
Emma and Eddie: A Working Couple
The Ultimatum: South Africa
Natasha Lyonne serije: ''Poker Face'' i '' Russian doll''
Baby Reindeer
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