#michael ryan you fucking idiot i love you
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starcraftt · 4 months ago
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GLAICER ;; a dorky writer who's trying her best
heya there, nd welcome to my little corner on tumblr! my name is glaicer or cienna, but you're so very welcome to come up with most any nicknames for me ( dfagd, i love nicknames,,, :star_struck: ).
𖤓 my original username would've been .periwinkleyes, but apparently someone already took that?? so,, uh,, frick you man ( not really im sorry. ) but my current username is referencing the pc game of Starcraft ( II ), which i haven't played in a while but you know.
𖤓 I AM ACTUALLY REALLY AFFECTIONATE ND HAVE A WEIRD WAY OF INTERACTING, SO I WILL SOMETIMES JST RESPOND WITH A '🫶' or '<3' or smth im so sorry if this makes you feel weird, jst let me know !!
𖤓 i use she/her/hers pronouns ( won't correct you if you use they/them but please no masculine pronouns ) and identify as a female. <3
𖤓 my messages are always open, and never feel stressed to message me, i love talking to people on here and meeting others with similar interests ( read: pls pls pls pls pls message me pls ). jst dm if you have anything to say, such as asks, questions, headcanons, fanfictions, requesting me to do/write something, literally anything!! send me a keyboard slam!! i promise i'm nice :3
⤷ 𖤓 if you'd like to stay anonymous, you're always welcome to use some sort of symbol or emoji as a pseudonym ! just let me know on the message what you're gonna use, haha!
𖤓 i am a minor ( under eighteen ), so please don't send or talk about any nsfw things around me.
𖤓 i sometimes get very opinionated on some subjects?? it's,, its kind of insane.
𖤓 any comments/reposts/likes/kudos mean the world to me,, tysm to whoever does. ^^ ( forewarning i can't respond to compliments im an anxious nervous wreck. )
𖤓 dedicated band kid, try me. i play the clarinet, and some piano!
𖤓 weird humor, you'll hopefully get it. it's kinda dark i dunno.
𖤓 i do/can rp btw !! i have more detailed responses and ocs, but for sure i can rp most any of my fandoms, and willing to also do original ideas as well! <3 just message me ^^
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before you follow, i tend to use profanities and curse quite a bit ( which is weird because i used to never curse lmao ), and tend to use dark humor to cope often. i'm extremely awkward with any type of compliments ( or maybe just conversating in general ahaha ) and usually just respond with a keyboard slam and a 'thank you smmmm <33 😭🫶🫶' ( :D ). i promise i try my absolute best to be friendly and keep this blog at least pg-13 so if i post anything problematic or triggering, i'm so, so sorry and please speak up about it. sometimes my content can be dark and angsty so um,, prepare yourself !
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currently in an eighties movie kick, in my c. thomas howell phase ( jst wait, i'll go through a phase for each outsiders cast member ), in love with robert morris from red dawn 1984 ( pls ask about him pls pls pls im on my knees begging ), in love with patrick swayze's laugh ??, debating finishing those fics, in love with sam and dean winchester whilst being scared that there's smth behind me in the dark :3, possessed sam winchester has my ENTIRE heart btw.
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ask and you shall be answered - simply answering a message! starcraftt - will be on my answers to messages or fanfics/original works! blog check up - jst what it reads !!
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other profiles : @pixelsdepleting ⨳ @starrsforyou ⨳ @eastsidetulsa ( under construction )
socials : quotev ⨳ c.ai ⨳ ao3
posts : user starcraftt ⨳ fandoms ⨳ likes/dislikes ⨳ ask away ! ⨳ golden hour ?! ⨳ soda's death
masterlist ; a labyrinth of unwritten works, do you dare enter?
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glitterarygetsit · 5 months ago
ok ok instant rewatch of the relevant scenes - reposting because the cut didn’t work for my wall o’spoilers
Eddie’s confession: noting that after Christopher, the first person he says he lied to is Buck 👀 👀 👀
“you can even take Eddie” “really?” FORESHADOWING
buck needing to be reminded that tommy is gay because everyone is hot to him hashtag just bisexual things 🩷💜💙
genuinely this is one of the funniest things that’s ever happened on this show
“How many men did Abby turn gay” - Abby sleep with Eddie next challenge and get this over with
Can I also just say. I love Josh’s pre- vs post-Glee speech. Not to be an old lady yelling at a cloud but even growing up in the early 2000s, when we were starting to get a little bit of rep—Gen Z has no idea. It’s a COMPLETELY different world.
I also really like how Tommy lying to Abby parallels Michael and Athena. I don’t love how close the show comes to completely condoning stealth queer folks lying to an unwitting partner for convenience but like. you cannot conceive of how different the world was, just as I can’t fully conceive of how different it was in the 80s. the 2000s seem like they were recent but the change is enormous.
Ugh I hate Eddie’s constant no homo thing. YES HOMO.
Isn’t the point of confessionals that what happens in the confessional stays in the confessional? literally no-one in this show has any professional ethics
Man this show really loves putting children in pipes huh? but also like MAJOR callback to the well episode. We Know Something LGBTQ+ Is Gonna Happen Today. further professional ethics failures.
uh huh i bet he shared his spumoni with you buck
what even is spumoni
oh it’s a creamy fruity treat 🍨 yeah he definitely shared that 👀
Tommy realising that if Buck is half Abby’s age… he would also have been half Tommy’s age at the time…
Groaned OUT LOUD when Buck was like “and we have that right [to get married] because of the brave people who came before” BUCK YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD FUCKING ALLY 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ he’s so embarrassing
Tommy like are you breaking up with me? UNO REVERSE BITCH
God everything hitting Tommy at once—realising he’s always known he was on borrowed time, that he needs to get out before he gets too badly hurt. on the other hand tommy you’re an idiot and you need to give buck more credit.
Tommy thinks he understands where Buck’s at because he’s gay and all his relationships with women were lies. But excited as Buck is, he’s not gay—his relationships with women were real! Abby was his “oh shit, next one could be For Real” relationship. The gender doesn’t matter! That’s how bisexuality works!! I really hope Buck gets to talk about that in later episodes.
Holy shit Eddie dancing scene sure is something. I love that they gave Ryan that chance even if it’s cheesy as hell. Also. THIGHS. BUTT. FUCKING THE COUCH ARE YOU KIDDING ME. gays we’re reclaiming couch-fucking jd vance doesn’t get to keep that one.
Eddie opening the door to Buck, seeing him devastated—he’s GOTTA know. And he doesn’t stop smiling. He takes the beer. He looks at it. He looks at Buck. He looks back at the beer, like “why not?” AND THEN THEY BOTH SIT ON THE COUCH HE WAS JUST WRITHING ON
holding the bottle straight like it’s a dick
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milfgyuu · 1 year ago
I haven't sent one of these in a hot minute! The last gifset had me thinking: Sincr it's 🎃time, how about assigning the typical horror movie roles/tropes to Seventeen? Like, we already know Mingyu is The Hot Girl that Dies First™️ 🤣 (grouping them is also fine!)
HELL YEAH, it's spooky time!!!!! I am popping these under a read-more jusssst in case there are some sweet angels on my blog that may be sensitive to the themes or aren't into the horror genre <3
but if you're into SVT and horror film roles/tropes, read below!
Cheol - is surviving. idc. he's giving Chad Michael Murray in House of Wax like he definitely is kind of the asshole with a seedy past in the movie but it's also the reason he is making it out alive because he's fighting back. mf is running around with a tire iron and a gash down the side of his face and he's PISSED.
Jeonghan/Minghao - is taking things a little too...unseriously. like "why are you guys freaking out? ooooh he's gonna getcha!" probably even finds himself getting caught or injured and laughs when everyone gets mad at him because "it was just a joke, omg u guys". definitely turns out to be the killer in the end.
Joshua - god, sorry, but he's the handsome, sweet, innocent boyfriend of the female lead who gets absolutely gutted by the killer in the first half of the movie. Like he is the letterman jacket-wearing jock bf of Drew Barrymore's character in the original Scream. He was truly a bystander but boy is he pretty.
Junhui/Hoshi - He's just a side character but the whole audience loves him! and then he gets kidnapped and disappears halfway thru the movie so everyone assumes he's dead but just when the killer is about to whack the main character he shows up out of nowhere and knocks them out with a fire extinguisher to save them. he's a hero, baby. he still might get got tho :/
Woozi - can we get fluffy for a sec? i know it's horror tropes but this is Thackery Binx from Hocus Pocus, ok? he was kind of a little shit and then he got turned into a cat so now he's chasing around these three idiot kids trying to help them stop the witches from eating all the kids in Salem and he's perpetually irritated at his lack of opposable thumbs bc if he had them, he could just do it all himself.
Wonwoo - he's the dark-knight detective on the case. he's scary, kinda shady, and is likely doing a ton of illegal shit to find leads and force information out of people, but he's not a bad guy. He's been on the case for over a decade and lives off black coffee and cigarettes. definitely makes it to the end and has a hand in taking the killer down.
Mingyu - ok, yes, i still think he's the token slasher-bimbo - like he's the opening kill before the title sequence BUT alternatively, he's the martyr...he's the character you end up loving and then you have to watch as he sacrifices himself so everyone else lives & we love/hate him for it. We weep for him. We write alternate ending fics for him.
Seokmin - Sigh, he's the dad who buys the super-haunted house in a paranormal horror flick. He can't afford to move because he poured his life savings into buying the house. Shit keeps getting progressively worse. His dog chased something into the woods and never came back. His kids are possessed. His wife is floating in the corner and making weird noises. but he's hot - like ryan reynolds in Amityville.
Vernon - bro, he is actually Darry from Jeepers Creepers. I literally can't explain this to you if you haven't watched this CLASSIC and those of you who have seen it...you get it. Like why tf is he ignoring Ms. Dabney????? she's trying to save him and he's like...ok weirdo...i'm gonna go check out that hole where it looks like bodies are being dumped...bye.
Seungkwan - he's not going in that fuck-ass house dude. he's not doing it. he will stand guard with whatever makeshift weapon he can find and he's talking mad shit about everyone and their stupid plan the whole time he's waiting. he is, however, a good friend, and he will run into the house the first time he hears someone scream. is soooo pissed when he finds out it was over nothing and now he's stuck with everyone else in the death trap.
Chan - he is the planner, the optimist, the strategist. he is getting everyone the hell out and he's got the brains and balls to pull it all off. like, my boi is setting traps as if he's Freddie in Scooby Doo. He is pissing the killer off left and right. definitely gets himself in a pinch - almost meets his end - and still, somehow finds a way to live.
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So I've been watching the office US recently ive got to season 5 here are my notes:
found a fic for jim/pam/ryan -and once ryan has done a tone of growth ofc- OT3!!! polyarmory is cool. I'm envious of their kids having a whole other parent, also seems easier to manage a schedule with 3 parents
S5 e10, Jim and Pam getting close enogh to kiss then whispering threats about the chair/photocopier, even as an aroace, that was hot. I want to write something about that, but like I have to finish my dissertation first :(
Jim and Pam, now that they are together, have a healthy relationship, this never happens to tv characters ??
Why was Jim so 'ooh i couldn't wait to get engaged' like dude it's just a patriarchal social construct
(Coincidently I think the detachment for the state is quo norm might be why I like their ot3 because they all grow and learn to be better ppl and better parents together and then realise that they love eachother, are better together and choose to do be happy despite it being untoward especially as in fanon they're living in texas - from my limited understanding, not a great place to be queer)
Pam is almost unrecognisable from who she was in s1 and I love that for her
god I hate Dwight sometimes
god do I hate Michel more must of the time
twice the show has mentioned or indirectly mentioned housing prices, jim buys his parents house- and they haven't even shown him like Scrimping to save for a deposit!! And their shopping habits haven't changed since they brought it bc their broke now.
Why does Michael hate Toby so much? Like sure he's boring, but he's not done anything gut hatred worthy
~Also at one point Andy in an interview said something along the lines of 'why trust some idiot when you can trust a guy who a and b and has a $400 a month apartment' if you could find somewhere to rent for £400 a month it would be a beach hut /garage, a fucking tiny room in someone else's house, or it would be at your parents house. It's fucking insane.
Fucking hell ryan he's so manipulative!! I think I might have liked him in season 1 bc he, like jim and pm were played as the 'normal' real ppl as opposed to the Caricature characters like Michael, Dwight, Angela or Creed
Creed is a funny character, but i would Not feel comfortable in a room with him
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jbankai89 · 7 months ago
Dream Daddy Preview #8
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Vance woke up slowly. His head was full of cotton, there was a stitch in his lower back, and his neck was stiff as a brick.
Also, he was on his couch in the entertainment room for some reason.
It took a moment for the memories of last night to come back to him. He remembered watching Finn nerd out over a movie, which had been too adorable for words. That definitely explained why he was still in the entertainment room, though he didn't actually remember draping a blanket over himself.
Vance smiled faintly as he sat up, grimacing as he stretched, but the muscles weren't as young as they once were, and utterly protested the action.
Fuck, I hate getting old, Vance thought as he yanked the blanket off before he stood up and did a few careful stretches. They helped a little with the pain, at least enough to get him to his bedroom for some ibuprofen, before he finally noticed that the upper levels seemed to be empty.
Had he…slept in?
Well, that was a first.
Vance briefly headed back down the hall, and peeked into Finn's open bedroom door to be sure. He saw the bedsheets in a rumpled heap on the floor, but no sign of his house guest.
Vance wasn't exactly worried, probably because he was still waking up. Plus, he could hear an awful lot of noise coming from downstairs, which caused Vance to assume that Finn and his friends were having a good time, while Vance slept the day away.
Vance showered and changed, then meandered downstairs, intent on asking the cook for some lunch, given that it was well past noon by that point.
Luckily, he didn't have to as he found Finn, Ryan, and Mara all gathered around a lunch spread of lobster rolls and coleslaw with enormous bottles of discount cola. It was an entertaining sort of contrast between the food and drink, but he didn't say anything, especially when he noticed that someone (Finn, most likely) had set a place for him.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Finn said teasingly behind his tall, frosted glass, and Vance chuckled a little when Finn pushed a Perrier bottle over to Vance's place setting. Ryan and Mara began to vigorously sign to one another, which Finn seemed to be trying to ignore, though Vance couldn't help but notice how his face was getting progressively redder and redder the longer the couple signed.
“Morning,” Vance replied with a warm chuckle as he accepted the bottle and cracked it open with a satisfying hiss. He noted that it was lime flavoured—his favourite. “How did you guys pass the morning?”
“Ryan gave me a concussion,” Finn said, while at the exact same moment Ryan shouted, “We had pancakes!” and Mara said, “These two were being idiots.”
In spite of all the words being smashed together as one big, confusing mess, Vance wasn't a CEO for nothing, and had gotten pretty used to a bunch of people talking to him at once—especially when his best friends were Michael and Seth. He easily sifted through the word mixture, and he fixed his gaze on Finn first, which for some reason caused Ryan to start giggling.
“Do I want to know how he gave you a concussion?” Vance asked dryly, and he saw Mara scoff out of the corner of his eye.
“They were horsing around,” Mara began, only for Finn to sputter as he cut her off.
“I was attacked!” Finn protested. “In my sleep!”
“I did it out of love!” Ryan interjected, putting on a hurt voice that he was clearly struggling to maintain while he continued to laugh. Vance helped himself to some food as the explanation quickly devolved into bickering, half verbally, and half in sign.
Though Vance felt a little bit like the odd man out while he watched the friends interact, he was surprised that he felt no bolt of jealousy as he observed the trio. They were like siblings, and though they had a tendency to get wrapped up in their conversation, Finn always dragged Vance into the middle of it before long, giggling happily as he tried to get Vance to defend his honour when the other two ganged up and began to tease him.
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years ago
Danny made Frank watch Deadpool
so Danny, true to his Ghostface identity, is a huge movie nerd
like huge hUGE
anyways Frank is… not
he went with Susie to see La La Land. In order to make up for sleeping through it, he let her talk him into dancing on the LA hilltop when they visited America— but he wasn’t quite as graceful as Ryan lmao (it’s okay they were just messing around ^^)
he also went with Julie to see Black Phone (Danny too)
Joey dragged him to see Bullet Train
and all those were fine, but Frank would never sit and rant about them for whatever like Danny did
explosion big. parkour cool. nice murder. that’s all that goes through Frank’s head
at some point, Danny asks him if he wants to watch Deadpool 2, because he hadn’t gotten around to it but thought Frank would love it
only Frank hadn’t seen the first one. that was unacceptable, so it was time for a DP marathon
Frank is grumpy about it because he’s got better things to do than lay around and watch movies, but Danny isn’t taking no for an answer
as expected, Frank fucking loves both of them (despite his bitching)
every time Wade is on screen, they both point and go “that’s you”
dumbass bisexuals watching the Deadpool franchise:
Frank complaining that everyone is hot while Danny laughs endlessly
anyways because he can’t exactly… die in the Realm, he wants to try all that shit for himself IMMEDIATELY
the idiot deadass steals Oni and Spirit’s katanas
that's how bad he wanted to try them all
Danny is singing Wham! in his ear the entire time and Frank would have stabbed him a long time ago if he weren’t pressing kisses to all the exposed skin around his neck he can reach in between verses (Frank is pretty sure Danny isn’t even watching the movie and he’s apparently attempting to prevent him from doing so either, despite it being his idea)
“That holiday fucking thing they have going on isn’t a bad idea…” (Danny chokes on his popcorn)
it’s truly astonishing how similar Danny and Frank are to Vanessa and Wade
when Warhead and Yukio pop up Frank gasps dramatically and screams “IT’S JULIE AND SUSIE!!!!”
and after that every character is compared to someone in the Realm
Michael would make a lovely time traveling dude with a big gun (or knife)
Juggernaut has been twinsies with Pyramid Head since he first showed
that shiny alien dude I don’t remember the name of is dubbed Ji-Woon
Domino is Joey (SLAY KING)
anyways for Halloween Frank wears a DP suit and makes sure to crack a joke before stabbing survivors
“sack of assholes” is Frank’s new favorite thing to call people
shit-biscuits also becomes a regular thing
super. hero. landings. as often as possible
Frank has turned into so much more of a gremlin since watching the movies
everyone blames Danny for creating a monster but he just thinks it’s hot when Frank cuts a survivor clean in half with those stolen swords
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justonemorechapternicercy · 2 years ago
Warnings: thoughts on self harm, injury, mild nsfw
He was no stranger at getting injured. A scraped knee here, an accidental paper cut there… then all the things that came with living with Gabe. Bruises, bleeding wounds and broken bones were all familiar to him. Then, after the whole lightning thief and "you are a demigod, Percy" thing, injuries became such an everyday occurrences that they didn't even beeped on his radar anymore unless they were life threateningly serious.
Yet, that thing changed everything.
He was teaching sword fighting to an Apollo kid who wanted to learn how to wield something that wasn't bow and arrow, and he was open to help them out. They weren't the most talented at it, so it was just the question of minutes when somebody would be injured, but even Percy himself didn't foresee the extent of it.
Ryan, the Apollo kid was definitely not a healer material, just stared at the blood gushing out of the wound, looking deathly, white and green around the edges.
"Oh, gods, I'm so- no, no, no, we need help! I can't! Bandages. We need ban-bandages. Or Michael. Michael! Michael! Okay, wait here, I'll get him!" Percy would have laughed at their obvious panic, if he could. Maybe later, when he wasn't afraid of losing too much blood and/or the movability of his left leg.
Before long, Michael ran towards him, his white coat flopping behind him, making him seem like a big bird of some kind. The healer immediately kneeled beside him, tearing bloodied fabric to look at his leg.
"Fucking idiots, fighting with real swords," the head counselor growled, while pouring water on the wound. It didn't close miraculously as the cut was too deep, but it took off the dizzying edge, allowing Percy to focus on not bleeding out.
"I would have made sure personally that your headstone included 'here lays the bloodbender, who blessed out; here lays the best swordsman, bested by an eight years old' if you'd died," the healer grunted, while he did everything he could to seal off the wound. "Annabeth's role should be a paid job, keeping you alive in spite of your stupidity," he continued berating Percy.
The sting of his words were worse than the wound's, yet as his gentle fingers rubbed a healing cream over the wound, it felt like Michael rubbed it directly over his heart. The tender, gentle touches were in contrast to his harsh words, and they soothed something within him that he didn't even notice the existence of.
Watching Michael, his intense concentration, his tender movements, his careful caresses, it was something new never felt before. Before, all his injuries were either not bad enough to warrant a trip to the infirmary, or were too severe that he was passed out, so he never really experienced how great it felt when somebody took care of him. He loved his mother, she was always there for him, but he didn't even get this type of attention from her.
It was a heady feeling.
It was something he wanted to experience more.
The swipe of Michael's fingers, the rubbing motion as he massaged the cream and the clear water into the wound, the careful movements as he cleaned up the blood from his leg caused a heat pooling in his stomach, a tingling warmth running through his body.
"You still with me?" The healer asked gruffly, suspiciously looking at Percy, who tried to hide his pinking cheeks. "No dizziness, no nausea, no other symptoms?"
"No. I'm okay," he said quickly, putting his hand in his lap so as not to arouse suspicion. "Thanks," he added.
"Hm. Pay attention next time. It wouldn't be good if the big hero of the camp would be killed by a newbie."
"I'll try," Percy promised, and he hoped Michael had no connection to his father's other realm.
Previously, getting injured was something he wanted to avoid. Injuries meant pain, limited movability and intrusive questions. Never something like this.
He took guilty pleasure when Michael's eyes ranked over him, looking for any other sign that something was amiss. Feeling somebody's concern - Michael's concern - because something happened to him…
He rushed to his cabin, after the healer instructed him to do so. For the first time, he felt lucky that he was the only person living in the Poseidon cabin. Tracing his fingers along the pale line of the new wound, remembering how good being cared for made him feel, he felt something dark raising its head within him. He ended up jerking off that night, moaning into his pillow as he wished it was gentle calloused fingers that were doing that instead of his.
He promised he would try paying attention the next time - he just didn't elaborate that he would pay attention to the opportunity to get injured again. Michael's attention was just too addictive.
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lovecolibri · 4 years ago
SaL anon here still mostly on my Malex high, and while there's about 50 of the songs we've covered that could work for this week, I'm going to go with Love Me Like You Do. So this is a recent Covers release, and like most of the covers its the emotion in Ryan's voice thst carries the song. I decided to hold onto it because it's been 2.5 seasons of these idiots circling their feelings for each other and now that they know how the other feels they answered the question "what are you waiting for"?
Ooooh, good choice nonnie! One of my favorite things is either popped up versions of slower, sadder songs, or stripped and slowed versions of poppy songs (Bootstraps did a stunning slow version of “I wanna dance with somebody” that you should absolutely listen to and wallow in some Malex feels), and this is such a great example of that! And you’re right, it’s Ryan’s voice that really carries this song and makes the lyrics shine through. 
You're the light, you're the night You're the color of my blood You're the cure, you're the pain You're the only thing I wanna touch Never knew that it could mean so much
Oh man, this verse gives me big Michael feels. Teen Alex being a bright spot in his very hard young life, but also the comfort Michael finds in the night, thinking of home, although “you’re the color of my blood” is exceedingly rude and painful. “you’re the cure, you’re the pain” gives me lots of Lost Decade feels because I’m sure that’s exactly how Michael felt 😭😭😭 and if that wasn’t bad enough, “you’re the only thing I wanna touch” just makes me think of Michael’s hand and now I’m crying. Also, Michael discovering love? Discovering what it means to be loved through Alex? Never knowing love could be like this? Stooooop, I’m hurting my own feelings!
You're the fear, I don't care 'Cause I've never been so high Follow me through the dark Let me take you past our satellites You can see the world you brought to life, to life
If the last bit was Michael, this one is Alex, because a lot of his fear centers on Michael and so much is tied up in that moment of Michael being hurt by his dad, but it wasn’t enough to keep him away because, like Michael, he never knew love could be like this, so soft, and gentle. And Alex asking Michael to follow him, to trust him is so perfect for this last episode and I’m just dying over “you can see the world you brought to life” after we got Alex talking about wanting to build a safe world for Michael, for them. 😭😭😭
So love me like you do, love me like you do Love mе like you do, love me likе you do Touch me like you do, touch me like you do What are you waiting for?
*sobs* This plea is both of them, begging for the other to love and touch them like only they can. And after all this time, “what are you waiting for” has been their motto because they were never quite ready at the same times.
Fading in, fading out On the edge of paradise Every inch of your skin Is a Holy Grail I've got to find Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire
I'll let you set the pace 'Cause I'm not thinking straight My head's spinning around, I can't see clear no more What are you waiting for? 
Oh man, this is just perfect for that kiss this week!! (also fire imagery is going to make me think of Michael and Malex foreeeever!) and this is moment where Alex was looking like, “what are you waiting for” and Michael was like, fuck if I know, *smooches*
Love me like you do, love me like you do Love me like you do, love me like you do Touch me like you do, touch me like you do So what are you waiting for? Love me like you do, love me like you do Love me like you do, love me like you do Touch me like you do, touch me like you do What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
*cries in Malex*
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ethaninthewilde · 4 years ago
#ShareYourPride day 7
pride month playlist
oh boy this is gonna be a long one :
boys will be boys - Miles McKenna
boys will be bugs - cavetown
take me to church - hozier
girls like girls - Hayley kiyoko
not worth hiding - alex the astronaut
queer as in fuck you - dog park dissidents
verbatim - mother mother
they/them - atlas, jhfly
I don't trust u anymore - left at London
3am - Halsey
IDK if I'm a boy - blue foster
Michael in the bathroom - be more chill
This is home - cavetown
Gender binary (fuck you) - Ryan cassata
Carry on wayward son - Kansas
The village - wrabel
I wanna be your girlfriend - girl in red
She - dodie
Just fucking let me love you - Lowen
Seashore - the regrettes
18 - anarbor
Daughter - Ryan Cassata
The cult of Dionysus - the Orion experience
Sincerely, me - dear Evan Hansen
we fell in love in October - girl in red
I think we're alone now - Tiffany
Share your address - Ben Platt
Kill our way to heaven - mitski
A shitty gay song about you - smoothboi Ezra
It's alright - mother mother
girls - girl in red
2 queens in a king sized bed - girl in red
Space oddity (David Bowie cover) - alex the astronaut
To thine own self - something rotten
I love you like an alcoholic - the taxpayers
Gender is boring - she/her/hers
oh GOD - orla gartland
American idiot - green day
Fresh concrete - bears in trees
It's gonna be okay, baby - MUNA
crying in the bathroom - MUNA
hologram - tacocat
Dysphoria - saint wellesley
I'll make a man out of you - Mulan
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years ago
Totally missed the nonny time! However I actually came here because I need a spoonful of good analysis to cheer me up. I was rewatching Glee lately (I'm the nonny who is around your age :D) and had the bad idea to go and check the reviews of the episodes done at that time by tvline and sites like that. The amount of hate I saw for Blaine was so bad I actually felt sick, they didn't like Kurt either but for Blaine it was bashfest on every episode. And I don't understand the reason behind it. Why?
I mean... it’s always Nonny time really ;)
Well, Nonny, to answer your question - some people hate joy.  **shrugs**
Ah, TVLine, so, fun story about that...  there was this one writer, Michael Ausiello, who hated Klaine.  Cause he was a dick who hated joy apparently.  And because he had a hard on for Karofsky -- maybe bullies seek out other bullies? I have no idea.  
Anyway, I believe it was him for both of these stories.  The first time -- he wrote something in his blog about Kurt taking Adam to Will and Emma’s office.  And Ryan Murphy shut that shit down, spoiling his own show, talking about how Kurt takes Blaine, they sing a duet together, and make out in a car.  And we were like -- wtf??? Like, seriously, we didn’t even believe Ryan, but we got it confirmed, and then it aired.  But really, RM spoiled his own show to shut that idiot up. 
The second story is later on when there was a casting for two frat boys who have a scene who think the people they’re talking to are gay.  Now, in actuality, this was for Sweet Dreams, and it was a scene with Finn and Puck.  But This dude thought it was Adam and Kurt because clearly that was a romance for the ages right there.  Boy he looked like an idiot after that.  
Anyway, go read the After Ellen recaps, those are a delight, and much more positive, even when pointing out the nonsense.  Keep in mind that after the first season, it started being ‘cool’ to trash Glee, so that’s what a lot of those sites did.  I don’t know what got their panties in a twist, but always remember -- Darren doesn’t give a fuck, Ryan Murphy definitely doesn’t give a fuck, and neither should you -- love what you love and leave the joyless dickbags to their own misery.  
Happy holidays! <3 
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karajaynetoday · 5 years ago
And now that I'm without your kisses, I'll be needing stitches | luke hemmings
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Image credit: Ryan Fleming
So @spicycal​ wrote a beautiful blurb about winning Duke over with a knitted blanket, and a delicious piece about a 5sos weekend away in a winter cabin (in the same universe as these two brilliant stories 1 2 from the brilliant @talkfastromance4​), so inspired by these incredible pieces and the fact that it’s the middle of bloody winter here, I’m miles away from my friends and I’ve started knitting again (because what else do you do in quarantine?) - here’s a little something about being homesick and teaching Luke how to knit. This is the third 5sos thing I’ve written ever, so feedback is always welcome :) hope you’re having a lovely day, wherever you are in the world! 
More writing here | send feedback/thoughts/suggestions here
(This is a fem reader insert)
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.6k
Life in Los Angeles had certainly been an adjustment. Moving overseas for the first time was intimidating, and it felt like the first day of school but over and over again. You got lost more times than you could count, struggled to order a coffee every morning thanks to your accent, and tipping was still terribly confusing. But the people in your new office were friendly, and one day one of them, a girl named Sarah, invited you out for drinks, and from there things started to get a little easier.
Sarah’s birthday was coming up, and her boyfriend Andy had organised a weekend away up in the mountains to celebrate. Sarah begged you to come along, promising snow, mulled wine, and roasted marshmallows – how could you say no? Even though Sarah being the only person you knew made you nervous, you tried to convince yourself that going on trips like this was all part of the adventurous experience you were determined to have when you left home all those months ago. YOLO, or whatever, right?
The day of the trip arrived, and Andy and Sarah were in your driveway waiting for you to join them. It was a fun journey up to the cabin, with lots of singing along to the radio and delicious homemade snacks, and you arrived mid-afternoon. A couple of cars were already parked outside the cabin when you pulled in, and you took a deep breath to yourself before following Andy and Sarah inside. Shouts and cheers met you as you entered, as the guys and girls gathered in the living room rushed forward to greet the birthday girl. You awkwardly stood off to the side, not exactly knowing what to do with yourself, when a tall man with a black buzzed haircut approached you and stuck out his hand.
“I’m Calum, nice to meet ya!” He said with a grin. You reciprocated, and shook his hand gently.
“Here, let me grab that for you. Come meet everyone!” Calum, your apparent new friend, tugged your overnight bag out of your grip and dragged you over to the rest of the group, introducing Luke, Ashton, Michael, and a few others that had come along for the weekend of celebrations. You could’ve sworn that Luke held onto your hand a little too long when he shook it, but surely you were imagining things. As the day progressed, you felt your nerves begin to dissipate, and you starting enjoying everyone’s company. Andy had organised a series of games, including Sarah-based trivia, competitive snowman building, and generally boisterous revelry. You quickly learned that Ashton and Michael were fiercely competitive, so you tried to either get onto their team or stay out of their way. After a loss in trivia (“How were we supposed to know her star sign?!” “It’s her birthday tomorrow, you dickhead!”) and a win in the snowman building (“Excellent creative execution and structural integrity. It’s the key to any construction-based art-task.” Ashton explained, in that mattter-of-fact shit-talking way of his), you shared pizza for dinner and then changed into leggings and a hoodie under your overcoat before meeting everyone outside near the campfire for s’mores. You were two marshmallows in when suddenly the wave of homesickness hit you.
The smokiness of the fire, and the gooey sugary goodness of the marshmallows took you right back to your childhood summers, where your grandparents would take you and your siblings camping for a week or so. Your granddad taught you how to start a fire, and your sister taught you how to braid your hair, and your grandma taught you how to knit as you sat around the fire for hours at a time and told stories and watched the stars. You closed your eyes and breathed in the smoke of the fire, when the laughter of the group around you brought you back to reality and snapped you out of your reverie. There was a lump in your throat that you couldn’t quite get over, so you quietly excused yourself and headed inside the cabin.
It felt silly to get so upset about a memory, especially in front of people that were basically strangers to you a few hours ago, but it was moments like this where you felt every inch of distance that separated you from your loved ones. You dug around in your overnight bag before retrieiving your craft bag that held your set of knitting needles and the deep orange half-finished scarf you’d been working on, and settled on the couch in the living room in front of the fire. As your fingers moved swiftly, looping the wool around and pulling through the stitches, you felt yourself start to relax. You had no idea how much time had passed, but you’d knitted a good ten rows before a voice behind you made you jump in your seat.
“You okay in here?” Luke spoke up, shuffling into the living room and removing his coat.
“Y-yeah. All good, just got a bit… cold.” You offered, inwardly cursing at your awkward delivery. If Luke noticed how nervous you sounded, he didn’t show it, instead smiling at you and sitting down next to you on the couch.
“What are you making?” Luke asked, peering curiously at the project in your hands.
“Oh, just a scarf. They’re the easiest thing, basically just a giant rectangle. My grandma always said that craft should calm you, not stress you, so I pretty much exclusively do scarves.” You heard yourself say back, warmth creeping up your cheeks as you met Luke’s gaze.
“Calm you, not stress you… I like that. Your grandma sounds like a pretty switched on lady.” Luke smiled at you as he moved slightly closer to you on the couch.
“Yeah, she… she was.” You said softly, stopping your knitting and twisting the wool absently around your fingers as you remembered your grandma with a fond smile. It’d been years without her, but knitting always made you feel like she was still with you. You shook your head and snapped back to reality when Luke gently squeezed your hands reassuringly.
“Could you teach me?”
“Teach you… to knit?” You said slowly, not quite sure if he was being serious or not.
“Yeah, to knit! I’m always up for learning something new. And word on the street is that I’m pretty good with my hands.” He smirked at you, wiggling his eyebrows. You couldn’t help but laugh, and you realised the lump in your throat had gone away.
“Alright, let me get you started.” You said, reaching into your bag for another set of needles and some wool. “Red or blue?” You asked, holding up two balls of wool.
“Red! It’ll go nicely with your orange one. We can match!” Luke said, grabbing the wool out of your hands. Smiling to yourself, you sat closer to him on the couch and placed the needles in his hands.
“Okay, so to cast on, we start by looping your first stitch…” You began, gently wrapping the wool around the needles and moving Luke’s hands with your own. It took a little while, but he soon had the hang of it, and you returned to your own knitting, but you were pressed into Luke’s side as you both relaxed back into the couch. Conversation flowed easily between the two of you, and you felt your eyes starting to droop as the warmth of the fire and the cosiness of being snuggled up to Luke on the couch overcame you.
“Hey… let’s make a move. Sleeping on the couch will fuck up your neck, and we need you limber for the ski races Andy’s got scheduled for tomorrow.” Luke nudged you gently, taking the knitting out of your hands and tucking it under his arm as he stood and pulled you up off the couch. You trudged up the stairs, hand over your mouth as you suppressed a yawn.
Coming to a stop outside the door of your bedroom for the night, you detached yourself from Luke’s arms and took your knitting from his hands.
“Night Luke. Thanks for hanging out with me.” You said, smiling sweetly up at him. (Damn, he was tall. How were his eyes so blue? And his hair, were his curls just like that when he woke up every day? Imagine waking up next to Luke… there you go, getting lost in your thoughts again)
“Any time, angel. Thank you for teaching me how to knit. Maybe we can have another lesson tomorrow? I wanna learn how to do stripes!” He spoke excitedly, making you laugh at his enthusiasm as you quickly nodded.
“Night. Sleep tight, I’m just across the hall if you need anything.” Luke stepped forward as he spoke, and settled his hands loosely on your hips before leaning in and softly pecking your lips in a quick kiss. You felt yourself grinning like an idiot and reached up to run your fingers through his blonde curls before kissing him again. And again. Before you caught yourself and remembered you were in a house full of people and you probably shouldn’t be standing on the landing making out where anyone could see you.
“Goodnight. See you in the morningggg!” You said in a bright sing-song voice, opening your bedroom door and smiling brightly at Luke, who chuckled at you before stepping away and opening his own bedroom door. You stole one last glance before stepping into your room and closing the door behind you, pressing yourself up against it as you brushed your fingertips over your lips. It felt cliché, but your lips were tingling. Who would’ve thought Grandma and her knitting would land you here?
You smiled to yourself as you realised that Grandma would’ve thought it. She worked in mysterious ways, that woman. The homesickness was still there, but instead of anxiety it was bringing you warmth and a sense of content. That, and the boy who was metres away, trying his hardest not to drop any stitches or make any knots as he worked on his red scarf in hopes of impressing his new companion.
More writing here | send feedback/thoughts/suggestions here
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cust-archive · 5 years ago
This took a WHILE to transcribe, but the transcription is below the cut (it’s VERY long). This moment is probably one of the funniest things in Achievement Hunter history. I love how Michael gets only one line, he doesn’t even wanna get involved in this shit. Original is here.
Ryan: We’ve headed—we’ve—we’ve lost ground. We were—
Jeremy: Yeah, like if I—if I look at the sun right now…
Gavin: Alright, someone—someone take the damn compass off Jeremy.
Jeremy: Alright fine, take it! I’m just saying if I look at the sun the red line’s going straight up.
Michael: Can the Achievement Hunter boys continue their voyage in the sea?
Gavin: Will they make it, or is Jeremy too thick?
Jeremy: Am I—am I reading it wrong? If the red line’s going straight up, I’m looking north?
Ryan: That means you’re looking north.
Jeremy: Yeah, I’m—when I look at the sun, I’m looking north.
Ryan: So what direction are we going now?
Jeremy: Well I thought we s—now we are going kinda—now we are going kinda east.
Gavin: If we have the SMEGGING compass Jeremy, you don’t need to look at the FARTING sun…
Jeremy: Well I’m just trying to give Ryan an idea of where to turn!
Gavin: …because you have a compass in your SHITTING hand Jeremy!
Jeremy: I’m trying—YOU RETARDED FUCK! I’m trying to tell Ryan which direction to go, so he can use the sun as a reference!
Gavin: Ya know what else works? Left and right.
Jeremy: Yeah, left of the sun is west. If the sun is north, west is to the left!
*Please Stand By*
Jeremy: According to the compass…
Ryan: I don’t care about the compass! Shut up about the compass! Alright…
Jeremy: Compass is broken.
Jack: Are we going south?
Ryan: That is going down on the map
Jack: So that’s south. Okay so the way that…
Geoff: Doesn’t the compass just—
Jack: The—the sun goes east to wes—er, yeah, east to west.
Ryan: WHO CARES! WHO CARES! WHO CARES! I don’t care!
Geoff: Can I—can I—can I ask maybe a stupid question?
Ryan: What’s up?
Geoff: Doesn’t the compass just points to your spawn?
Jack: Yeah. 😎
Gavin: OOOHHH!
Jeremy: AWWWW! 
*Gavin and Jack start laughing.*
Jeremy: FUCK!
Gavin: Yeah, it points to your bed doesn’t it?
Jeremy: Aw, well that’s why I’m like “fucking Christ”!
Jack: I known that after so long!
Gavin: We’re all so stupid!
Ryan: You guys are all—all idiots.
Geoff: Some of us are.
*Geoff starts laughing.*
Jack: I was wondering how long it would take. Oh, that’s so good!
Geoff: Oh Jack.
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years ago
Another supernatural/urban fantasy AU where, like.
Jeremy’s from a long line of magic users/Chosen Ones and doesn’t know it at first? (Because genre rules?)
Inherits this old mcreepy mansion in the middle of the city, because of course he does. (Like the house in Up, only Scooby Doo-esque type mcreepy mansion.)
When he gets there he’s greeted by this asshole who is the very epitome of the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  emoji in Matt.
This asshole who answers the door with a donut in hand (let’s be real, half a donut) and most likely in some nerd-ish graphic t-shit and all that? Little streak of color in his hair and “Can I help you?”
At which point Jeremy realizes Matt’s the house’s “Caretaker” although he doesn’t know why?
Aside from realizing he has a roommate he has no idea what to make of and all that, things are kind of sort of normal for a while.
But then Shenanigans.
Creepy stuff like ghosts that wander about the mansion at night and things moving by themselves - Jeremy knows for a fact he put the thing down here, but now it’s in an entirely different room?
At first he thinks it’s Matt, but the asshole insists he isn’t doing it. Jeremy doesn’t quite believe him but it’d be super awkward to call him a liar to his face and the whatnot without proof of any kind since roommates and all?
More Shenanigans in which strangers show up at the mansion expecting whatever relative Jeremy inherited the place from and getting him instead.All of them looking to Matt for explanation and him just being ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  because he’s just the Caretaker.
Something happens/someone mentions something and Jeremy gets all curious because apparently Matt’s been around for a while? Mentions working for the house’s former owner at a time that doesn’t line up with Matt’s apparent age because no way the asshole’s much older than Jeremy, you know?
And he does some digging, the whole Library Montage and whatnot and finds all these old photos to do with the mansion - newspaper articles and the whatnot - and Matt’s in more than a few of them.
Photos that go way back, long before Jeremy was born. Before his parents were born and wouldn’t you know it?
There’s fucking Matt in the background along with whichever relative of Jeremy’s lived in/owned the house at the time. Sometimes Matt’s facing the camera head on, sometimes looking at something off to the side or completely unaware he’s in frame or some such.
All this along with vague-ish comments from Matt and the others Jeremy’s run into have him going back to the mcreepy mansion to ~confront Matt about it although he doesn’t know what the hell good it’s going to do? (Like. Weird as hell, yeah, but he hasn’t gotten the impression Matt’s dangerous  - to him - at any point? But still DRAMA.)
When he lays out all his ~proof, Matt (who has yet another donut in hand) is like “...I thought you knew?”
And while Jeremy is just HOW WOULD I KNOW Matt sorts through the copies to the photos Jeremy made, this oddly wistful smile on his face at most of them, and this -
Grimace? Something bad on a few that he shuffles to the bottom of the stack like he’d like to forget they existed.
And it turns out that the mcreepy mansion is ~*MAGIC*~ because of course it is.
Started out as your regular mcreepy mansion but Jeremy’s relatives and their friends poured magic into it over the years. Protective spells and the like, and a few of them got all creative or just mucked about with stuff they shouldn’t have?
And then bam, you got yourself a magical - living - house.
One that decided it needed a human-shaped form to manifest in becasue reasons (some crisis or other having to do with one of Jeremy’s relatives) and a summons for help that went sideways and oh, hey, Matt has hands and fingers and legs and toes and all the other human-ish bits?
All that magic and the whatnot that was poured into the house also Matt’s (and it’d been years by that point, you know? All these powerful magic users and their spells and whatever artifacts they had laying around soaking into the very foundations and just.
Matt’s pretty fucking powerful in his own right, is the thing. Mostly defensive magics and the whatnot given everything? But he’s had a long, long time to tinker with his magical abilities and the wolfish look that flits across his face as he says that tells Jeremy he’d be an idiot ot underestimate him.
And then, just.
Jeremy’s convinced he’s nothing special, didn’t even know the whole magic user lineage thing was real before this? Thought they were all stories and the whatnot his parents told him as a kid and nonsense and he doesn’t even have magic abilities!
To which Matt is like. “Uh-huh,” as he’s heard that line before and something’s always proven it wrong, but whatever.
Anyway, anyway.
Matt’s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  about Jeremy finding out Matt’s not just his asshole roommate doesn’t really change things too much and honestly it stops being such a big deal to Jeremy after a bit. (Because Matt being Matt?)
Jeremy’s curious and starts asking questions and Matt indulges him by telling him stories about ~adventures he had with Jeremy’s relatives over the years.
Clams up when he gets to this one in particular, someone who was apparently a complete bastard and had weird ideas as to what it meant with Matt being the mcreepy mansion’s human-shaped manifestation meant if they owned the house?
“Moving on,” Matt says, and does just that. Distracting Jeremy from dwelling on that matter further by telling him about that time one of Jeremy’s relatives almost got them drowned in the sewers?
At some point there are more Shenaigans in which Jeremy discovers that hey, wow, he actually does have magic abilities and he and Matt team up to thwart some Evil Bastard’s attempt to enslave all of humanity or whatever his plan was?
Also he meets the others in the middle of all this Thwarting they’re doing, because reasons.
Weird/creepy Ryan with his basement lab/workshop for magical things and the whatnot, who leads him to Geoff and Jack’s shop of curiosities and other magic shit.
Gavin and Michael who are - fuck if Jeremy knows, but there’s a lot of talk about keeping Ryan in line because guy’s a lunatic? But they seem to be a relationship with him when they’re not out hunting monsters or whatever and it’s all Very Confusing. (Also Ryan may or may not be a vampire, and Matts just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  about it even though some of those old photos Jeremy found also have Ryan in them, and just. It’s a lot, okay, a lot.)
Lindsay swans in at some point with Fiona and they’re like. Magic police? But cooler, because of course, and did Jeremy know he’s broken several rules??? (But since he did save the world, they’ll just give him a warning this time.)
Fuck knows what’s going on with Trevor and Alfredo because they just show up at the mcreepy mansion at some point and kind of never leave?
But Matt seems happy to see them and everyone else are okay with them and they only tried to kill Jeremy that one time, so it’s probably okay???
Also, also.
Jeremy may or may not have a Thing for Matt, which is weird and awkward because magical human-shaped manifestation of the mcreepy mansion and all that?
But also Matt and his love for donuts and cats (like, fucking really, adorable as shit watching Matt with the strays that somehow end up living there full-time to the point they can no longer be called strays) and everything else?
Matt being Matt and Jeremy being Jeremy and both of them so stupid it hurts.
But also adorable as hell and everyone is so fucking done with their bullshit even though they start a betting pool about when the two of them get their shit together, and just.
Also! While Thwarting a baddie at some point Matt ends up using so much of his ~magic that he can’t do the whole human-shaped manifestation for a while and Jeremy, okay.
He knows Matt’s okay? Just recovering and will do the human-shaped manifestation bit when he’s better and all that? (Ryan reassured Jeremy he would, and Geoff and Jack confirmed it as well, and apparently it’s happened before?)
But still.
Matt drained himself protecting Jeremy and so there’s moping and the whatnot over that and when it gets really bad the mcreepy mansion kind of kicks Jeremy’s ass into stopping that shit?
Little things here and there, like that time Jeremy was all :(((((((((((( in the shower and the hot water was replaced with ice-cold water? Doors shutting in Jeremy’s face when he’s going to tinker about with magic things down in the workshop/whatever and isn’t in the right frame of mind for it? (Might cause an accident and just. NO. Other things like that until Jeremy is like FINE and stops being dumb about things.)
When Matt does finally show up as a human-shaped manifestation it’s at the perfect time to give Jeremy shit for some dumb thing he’s just done, the way one does?
And Jeremy turns around, ready to get into it with him the way they do?
But Matt’s for this stupid soft, horrifically fond smile on his face and he looks tired, you know? Like shit. That streak in his hair that’s usually some color not found in nature (bit of ~rebellion on his part after that one relative of Jeremy’s who shall not be named that he’s kept up all this time) is colorless, and just.
Jeremy can’t be blamed if he just marches on over and kisses Matt after everything that happened, okay? (Because reasons.)
And if Matt kisses back, well. That’s no one’s business but their own.
(But also everyone else with the whole betting pool shenanigans once they find out and it’s a disaster watching them sort out who won, so yes.)
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daniellesimagines · 5 years ago
❀❀ a list of lines from every single work-in-progress to be linked later when i actually post them just bc i’m bored ❀❀
ashton irwin
And I get that it may seem obviously to other people, but... I’m not watching this on TV and you’re not here and I don’t know what people are saying about me being my back
If she’s not back by sunset, I’m leaving camp to look for her. And if something happened to her, you’re dead
I don’t care about what everyone else will say -- I care about you and your safety, so you can either stay with me at my place until everything with him is sorted out or I can sleep on your couch, but I am not leaving you alone
She deserves better than that, Ashton! She deserves better than you!
I’m a burden on everybody! That’s why I’m here -- that’s why they threw me in a mental hospital and left!
Nothing ever means anything to you anyway
She’s still my ex! Just because she ‘needed help’ doesn’t make it less weird!
Remember how you said if I needed anything, you’d do it...? C-Can I just have a hug?
You fucking heard me. Stop the fucking car
I’m not dating your ex. I asked her out if that’s what you mean
Maybe you could argue that ‘just friends’ do that too, but it’s not ‘just friends’ when Ashton does it for you
I just... I can’t...handle losing someone right after I almost lost you
Are you tall enough to ride the merry-go-round at the fair by yourself?
I’m all for taking credit for my work, but I’m not taking credit for this because 1) I didn’t do it, and 2) it’s sloppy as hell
She clearly needs someone right now and unfortunately for me, she chose you
I’ve heard your friends talking... I know no one thinks he’s still alive
I may be desperate for money, but I’m not selling my body for some rich, entitled frat guys to jack off to!
If you want to be embarrassed, that’s fine, but I’m not going to stand here and listen to you berate yourself like this
Those spirits at the prison we investigated a couple weeks ago really liked you
awsten knight
What could possibly be so hard for her?! She’s a Princess, for Christ’s sake!
Can’t imagine keeping everything bottled up is any easier than letting someone in
calum hood
I know you don’t like her, but telling her she’s not allowed to hug me around you is fucking ridiculous
Do you make it a habit to spy on people or am I just today’s lucky winner?
You can’t lie just to get me there -- I would have gone anyway
I’m not lying to Calum; I’m just not telling him how I feel
You know how you said I should be falling in love instead of living in that house...? I’m glad it’s gonna be with you
How am I meant to have fun with him around?
You wouldn’t do the things you do if you really loved me
When you’re not here, it’s easier to pretend you still love me
I have a question -- why is that guy looking at his corn dog like that?
Please don’t make me say it again -- the first time was embarrassing enough
If he knew he was going to meet you, he never would have told her those things
I can guarantee you that baby’s not his
I never stopped wanting you either
He wouldn’t have dumped me if he was still in love with me
If you were getting tired of me, you could have just said so
Always knew I’d cry if I met you guys -- just didn’t think this would be the reason
I can’t just not pay you for watching my dog for 5 months
Will you at least let me know what it’s like to kiss you?
Do you know how weird it is to have feelings for your boss?
If they want nothing to do with you, then I want nothing to do with them
Secrets don’t stay that way forever; They all have to come out eventually
He keeps asking if he can call you Mummy
It’s heartbreaking in all the right places
I told you getting the blonde put into your hair was a bad idea
cody carson
The day you get something different from Starbucks is the day I let Pistol sleep in your bedroom
At least I’ve never lied when I told you I love you
Wait, someone tried to kidnap that little girl on your lap?
dacre montgomery
My worst nightmare is disappointing Steve Irwin
damien haas
Am I even on this show right now? Is this all just some freakishly realistic dream?
harry styles
Would you have apologized if your daughter hadn’t made you?
Daddy doesn’t love me anymore
Since when are you afraid of getting rejected? 
jamie follese
I can’t help when I disappear! The cake batter calls to me and I must answer her!
He asks if I love you all the time even though I always say yes
I think I could talk my way out of jail
louis tomlinson
Nothing’s ever scared me more than the thought of losing you
luke hemmings
If I’m feeling this bad about meeting his friends, I don’t know what I’m gonna do when he wants to tell the fans
We’re only here for a few days; You’re just going to have to deal with sharing a bed until we leave
We made a bet on which one of you would confess your feelings first
Even if it wasn’t what he wanted to hear, he still needed to
She closes the store alone tonight -- you didn’t hear it from me
How many strings did my husband have to pull for this?
She doesn’t even want him! She’s only with him because she knows I do!
You know I don’t like when you do this to yourself
I got my ass handed to me by an 11-year-old and her Pokemon master of an aunt
I have nightmares almost every night, but I only come in here when they’re about you
She’s a hostage in a bank robbery! Of course I care about her being in there!
You’re by yourself in the stables at 11pm with tears on your face. Don’t tell me nothing’s wrong
Don’t be mad just because your siblings love me more than they love you
You know that means nothing to me! Stop bragging about having colors!
Even I’m not heartless enough to leave you without a dance partner
marshall traver
Nobody is alone -- not even in this world
You’re only apologizing because I’m the Princess; You wouldn’t be if I were a nobody
maxx danziger
I told him you hate water; I told him and he decided to try and throw you in anyway
Too used to blowing me off on the phone, you forgot how to talk to me in person?
I think they deserve a teacher who wants to see them succeed
If she’s still wearing her ring, she’s clearly not ready to date other people
You’re staying even though my dad’s an idiot, right?
We’re gonna circle back to the fetish thing later because I don’t believe you don’t have one for a second
michael clifford
Wouldn’t want you to stay longer than you have to just because of me
If you never say ‘I love you’ back to me, that’s completely okay
You’ve been crying, kitten; I can tell
Is there any point when you’re not going to be useless to us?
You fired her because you’re in love with her?!
What can I say? His parents are raising him right
Don’t even think about touching my brother again
Hit me like you mean it
Last day of camp -- won’t be able to do this until next summer
I know you paid my rent
Nothing would piss off that asshole more than getting the girl he wants
Since when would he jump at the chance to defend me?
I know you’ve seen how different he is with me now
The first thing I heard when I woke up was ‘I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things’ and I did 
Unlike the girls you sleep with, I actually like being with a guy who can make me cum
It can’t possibly get worse than the hell you’re living right now
I love Michael... Oh my God... Ashton, I’m in love with Michael
Please bless us with this work of art
The only good thing about this tie is that it’s blocking some of the brightness from how pale you are
Why do you even have this song on cassette in the first place?!
She’s safe -- that’s all I’m allowed to say
How did two 11-year-olds manage to pull off the biggest switch ever?
You know they’re not going to let you marry me
I’m not a stranger to staying with people who treat me poorly
If I can handle you, I think I’m prepared for pretty much anything
You make Mumma forget about him and be happy and I like when Mumma’s happy
You said you weren’t going to let go of me
Can you write a song telling your soulmate to be less depressing? It’s really starting to worry me
I’m not stupid; I’ve seen your face -- I know I’m not getting out of this alive
I can either push past you or you can let me go, but I am going to go kiss my wife whether I have your permission or not
Not the worst injury I’ve ever had and definitely won’t be the last
This is not who I expected to be kissing when I put this dress on
ryan follese
Best of luck with your engagement to the Princess
I can’t put myself in a relationship I know won’t last
spencer reid
I didn’t marry a profiler, Spencer! I married you!
Any of us would have gone in to save your daughter -- it just happened to be me this time
tom holland
I know you love me, Tom -- I know you do... But it hurts that you don’t want other people to know it too...
trevor collins
I kinda wanted to wait and see if you were actually real before I said anything...
You may not be irreplaceable to the company, but you’re irreplaceable to me
I know you’re not sick; I know you just said it because you wanted to leave work early
zach dewall
I told you they were gonna be angry when they said it...
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splendidshinobi · 4 years ago
been awhile since i’ve watched but.... another day, another emotional rollercoaster 
episode 26: her reason
who’s her and what’s her reason
bother him ALLLLL you want maria ross...bother him all day long
he deserves it
dont yell at maria fuck off!!!! 
i screamed i did
i love sig and izumi sm!!!!!!
omg ed and al’s faces
why does she have an automail arm whAT
i feel almost insulted for paninya’s dope weapon legs
oh wait ive seen this arm wrestling scene before lmao
go paninya goooo
i do not tolerate this mr dominic slander
sucks to suck!!!!
i do think winry may have just fallen in love
ed is such a simp though
JUMBO????? his name iS JUMBO??????
al’s mousy little what?
yikes yeah you know what winry id be pissed too
she felt so good about her work!!!
crush over
jk theyre soulmates
wow roy ur so smart
damn oh ok they kept paninya’s legs too
so she only has 1 biological limb wow
paninya is definitely a lesbian 
we’ve all known that though i mean-----the camo pants
i saw paninya wearing army pants and flip flops, so i bought army pants and flip flops
oh my god winry you DEVIOUS BASTARD
i can see why people ship paninya and winry but im sorry im an edwin simp
young pinako is hot i get it dominic
kill him?? pANINYA think about that before you shoot someone!!! 
AWWWWWW ED!!!! “best automail in the world!!!!” IM CRYING
“hello sir” alphonse you sweet boy
sheska u good???
ed why are you sad
omg winry dont cry!!!! 
hahahaha sig
episode 27: teacher
izumi time lets gooooooooooooo
the ominous music lolololol
xerxes drop
edward you are being so foreboding
izumi queen of my life lets go girl!!!
umbrella king sig curtis!!!
ed you dumbass!!!!!
angry face boys
mom dad and the kids on the train!!!! makes me cry
awww win’s gonna miss the dudes
omg havoc plzzzz
why is he calling riza like she doesnt already know shes going too
do not leave my boy falman behind!!!
oh good ok
mason my dude!!!
“yes maam”
guys i simp for sig tbh
omg al scary boy
uh oh she SAWWWWWWW you!!!
aww i forgot about the dead cat goddamnit
ok but those baby kittens need some MELK
its all over for you two watch out
cant hide JACK SHIT from mama bear
she gonna kick your ass oof
hugs oh thats nice
episode 28: all is one, one is all
island timeeee
wait theyre on island time PART 2???? ok
the way sig’s HAND---- anyway
ok so creepy naked child??
im suspicious
clearly the boys didnt read my hero academia 
or the three musketeers
al really got YEETED
oh the kid has clothes on. leaf clothes
i know dublith is in the “south” but is it really a tropical locale?
aww the bunny
“kill it”
owie hope you dont get rabies edward
the ost man so good for both series
al really said J’ACCUSE
they didnt know the masked man was mason the first time around? aight
im really having trouble typing and eating dumplings at the same time
might pause for a dumpling break
i made these in the microwave theyre pretty good
def not the best ive had but they were, ya know, microwaved
anyways sad al hours
it’s the circle of life simba
getting REAL philosophical rn
“dont call me small”
now we’re getting REAL scientific
im just imagining these idiots on shrooms rn
wow what a yummy snake breakfast
izumi said 👁 👄 👁
izumi is so hot
that is the creepiest motherfucker i ever did see
ok im gonna go rinse this dish out be back in a min!!!
episode 29: the untainted child
i am the tainted adult
you SURE his parents are lookin?
i feel like izumi is being very loving towards this child
what happened to tough love bbygirl
im not saying shes not loving in her ways but shouldnt she by nature be a litttttleeee bit more sus of this kid???
dont tell me
this is sig and izumi’s “child”
theory pending
winry is such a protective lil egg
here’s whats cookin in my head
its sig and izumi’s child and ed’s arm and leg smooshed together into a homunculus...theory still pending but im definitely right
whole situation is a mess my dudes
what did u do kid????? 
“i know ed lies sometimes”
l oh fucking l
who transmutes themselves with a bed though
not the move kid
of course winry slept through this whole thing
sheska and elicia and gracia. my heart.
did the colonel just LEAVE HER BEHIND? god what a dick
sheska WENT OFFFFFFFF!!!!!!
yes maam!!!!!!!
u tell that dumbass!!!!!!
why does envy have to sit like that
gon make me SIMP
*debby ryan hair tuck meme*
i love the way al sits
hes so dainty
what a gent
oh that lil kid was in the gate!!!!
how a homunculus is born? please tell me more
ARCHER....my sister was texting me about him when she asked how far i was. i googled him i saw his....bod....
my brain waves are unparalleled
off goes the kid
why is she upset??? what did you realize izumi
that its your baby??? probs
im just that smart
episode 30: assault on south headquarters
seeing yoki and scar makes me miss mei chang
yoki really about to snitch
everyone showing up this episode
greed is gonna roll up with a venti frappuccino any minute now
archer is a creep
is this footage from the arnold classic?
“the muscles did the talking for them”
archer is a creep
who ru calling a freak HAHA AL’s angwy voice
how IS hughes doing
pls not the pain
how did this kid come into the corporeal world
armstrong what
so he’s either wrath or pride ig
i dont think bradley is a homunculus in this one
yoki is basically michael yagoobian aka the bowler hat guy
there’s greed lmao 
with the ladies
izumi taking on the military
of course
kimblee JESUS 
this is rOUGH
there are so many parties vying for the kid
i still cant get over kimblee like WHAT
AGAIN it just seems like bradley is everywhere at all times
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fahc-nova-lesbian · 5 years ago
this isnt super well defined but: fahc where everyone in the crew is terrified of ryan so he is sad, but then jeremy joins and he immediately decides ryan is his favorite buddy, so ryan is all :D
Ok so I may have gone a little overboard with this one but that’s because I adore this AU so much. And I totally have to write something for this that's the rules. Part of the Send me an AU and I’ll give you 5 headcanons thingie. 
1) Ryan isn’t as cold and heartless as everyone seems to believe. Sure he’s quiet when you first meet him but he actually is really cool and can even be as loud as the lads. At first, the fakes being terrified of him was at first really funny to him but they just never stop being scared of him. He tries to hang out with them and get them to warm up to him but they don’t.
2) When Jeremy joins the main 6 Ryan is just about to quit. Against what he wants to do Ryan decides to stay a little longer. His thought process is if Jeremy doesn’t work out with them he doesn’t want to leave just the 4 alone. They don’t like him much but Ryan does like them a lot. And Ofc Jeremy does fit in but he also decides to attach himself to Ryan pretty much 24/7.
3) Ryan being a touched starved bastard he absolutely loves this. He and Jeremy form the Battle Buddies within a week of knowing each other. The rest of the crew watch in horror as Jeremy leaps onto Ryan’s back and are shocked when their newest member doesn’t get his arms taken off. But rather Ryan just slings his arms under Jeremy’s legs effectively giving him a piggyback ride. Ryan just starts to come out of his shell more and he ends up deciding to stay for Jeremy. 
4) Ryan hangs out with Jeremy all the time, finally having a friend for the first time for a long time. He’s laughing as Jeremy throws some C4 into a group of cops and smiles when Jeremy invites him to get food for the crew. It’s a whole new world for him. 
5) Geoff and Michael think this is some long play by Ryan that will only end with bloodshed. Jack starts to reconsider her opinion of Ryan and wants to try to be nicer to him but doesn’t know-how. Gavin is a mixture of the sides but his opinion depends on how close Ryan is to him specifically. 
6) Jeremy takes notice of the crew’s reactions to Ryan in particular. He sees them flinch whenever Ryan laughs a little too loudly. Jeremy notices how Ryan only hangs out with him and the crew won’t hang out with him if Ryan is around. His heart practically drops when he sees Geoff throw away some food Ryan had made them all. He almost punches Michael when the lad snarled at Ryan for being too close to him and Gavin. And he knows Ryan can see this. Ryan isn’t an idiot. Jeremy can see Ryan’s shoulders drop when Gavin gets up and moves to the other couch with some sort of stupid excuse. Jeremy also can see Ryan’s eyes light up when Jeremy invites him out somewhere or when he interacts with Ryan at all. 
7) One night while the crew (minus Ryan ofc) were out at some bar Jeremy brings it up. The rest of them just look awkwardly at each other, nobody wants to speak up. Gavin starts “he’s bloody terrifying” Michael next “yeah and fucking creepy as shit” Geoff “did you hear what happened to his last crew? He wasn’t supposed to be here more than a few missions” and even Jack joins in “He kills people without a second thought!” Jeremy just feels rage. “Guys Ryan isn't’ even that bad!” Geoff just goes “how do you know his name?” (They had been referring to him as V for the whole time.) Jeremy just goes ape “I asked him! Like the second time I met him I told him you guys didn’t tell me his name so I asked him!” And in Jeremy’s mind at least the Fakes had the nerve to look sorry. 
8) The next few weeks the fakes pull away from Jeremy too. But he can’t even care he’s more than happy to be doing missions with his Battle Buddy. Jeremy knows Ryan is happy hanging out with him and so that makes him happy.
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