#idek anymore au
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artsolotl-hours · 4 months ago
I had. an Idea.
okay, concept. Bruce Wayne never becomes Batman. He goes to therapy as a child, and becomes a functioning member of society instead. However. He still adopts all of the Batfam, and they're all still batshit (heh) crazy, so, one day he'll wake up to Tim three inches from his face, clearly not having slept all night, and Tim'll just be like, "Stacy Brighton in embezzling funds." before dropping a huge-ass file on Bruce and walking away. And somwtimes he'll walk out of his room to see Dick hanging from the chandelier, about to a flip while the others are recording. Or he'll turn around and damn near have a heart attack when he sees Cass behind him. Or he'll find Jason in a random-ass warehouse beating the shit out of people and have to scold him.
But he's just a normal dude. Like, he still has trauma, obvs, but he's working past it and helping his community. When the kids come up w/ smth that's going on, he'll j get his lawyers on it nip it in the bud. And if he can't, then hell buy the company and get his lawyers on it
Idk, just an idea I had
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hinamie · 2 months ago
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red sky at dawn
chapter 3 of Like the Moon Haunts the Sun is out now!! first chapter release of 2025 yippee yay wahoo we hope u enjoy!! read from the beginning here ooh u wanna read from the beginning so badddd lmhs blog: @lmhsfic sam my love: @philosophiums
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itslilacokay · 4 months ago
after this loredrop (IM INSANE) about Ballista, (IM CLAWING AT THE WALLS) could we perhaps get some Ballista art please? :D (💥💥💥)
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also also i thought of a feeeeew hcs since that dropped!
like fooor example, primal fought with ballista years ago!
(apologies btw. i struggled to get the anatomy right with this one)
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and alllsoooo the "some sticks resurfaced ballista's body that managed to find its way into the outernet and along the way, rocketcorp brought in the body to research it (how they got it. um. dont ask) and then they eventually found out about how powerful ballista was and victim thought theyd be a good merc idk, then they manage to revive ballista but he has no memory of the past whatsoever!!!!" hc/theory!
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also freellista was born that day. that day was yesterday btw i am now not normal about these two
theyre exes btw (never properly broke up but ballista died while they were dating so. rip)
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thats referencing the ballista gijinka design i have btw! i decided to make it something freedom made to modify his cape as a gift! also so that they match hehehe
the fact that this is in my current design of him means that ballista still has that scarfcape thing on after all these years, even after his death
he has a fragment of the past but he will never remember it. sayang,,
at least it looks cool on him still!!!!!
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everytimewetouch-dot-mp3 · 25 days ago
svsss transfem binghe au bc i’m a bitch for those, featuring disciple shen yuan and sj redemption bc im a bitch for that too
luo binghe has never felt comfortable in his own skin. as a small child, it was a little bit easier to ignore the discomfort. his mother never placed too much importance on the man he would become, but she treasured the little child she had. he often dreamed that one day he would grow to be as kind as her, beautiful inside and out. he imagined surrounding her with beautiful things, and making himself beautiful enough to fit. sometimes he daydreamed of dressing his mother in bright, happy colors and painting her face with pretty makeup. sometimes, he imagined treating himself the same.
he envied the girls in the city. he never saw the wealthy boys being cruel to them. they got to wear happy colors and eat sweets, and the world was kind to them. would the world have been kind to him too, if he got to be a girl? perhaps not—the world was cruel to his mother, after all, and she was the most wonderful, beautiful, deserving woman alive. still, he couldn’t help imagining. maybe, at the very least, the older boys wouldn’t beat him so viciously. it was nice to imagine. if the world were kinder, perhaps he would have gotten to be a girl.
and then his mother died, and he was alone, and he remembered that the world wasn’t kind, and pretty things weren’t for him. being alone so small was hard, and he put away his dreams of happy-colored silks and pretty makeup. what use was it to imagine that sort of thing when there was no one to share those joyful dreams with?
when he joined cang qiong mountain sect, he was greeted by ming fan, the head disciple, who looked down his pointy nose at binghe as soon as they met. he seemed much like those older boys from before, the ones who beat him for the crime of being poor and hungry, and who despised his hardworking mother for being the same. but this was a new beginning, a new life, and cultivators were not like the cruel children in the city. they were better. they protected the weak, and they opposed evil at every turn. luo binghe reminded him of this fact as he followed his new shixiong to their shizun’s house.
twenty minutes later, luo binghe slunk to the baths to wash the tea from his skin.
there was only one other disciple there, a towel over his eyes as he soaked, and luo binghe did his best to be quiet and unobtrusive. he didn’t know the rules of the cultivation sects yet—clearly, he must have violated one to have offended his shizun so terribly. he resolved to be quiet and attentive, to listen and learn from his seniors, and to repent quickly should he cause further offense from his ignorance.
so, he did his best to bathe quietly and quickly, but he must have made too much noise splashing about in the water, because the soaking shixiong jolted and the towel dropped from his face into the bath. he jolted again upon seeing luo binghe’s face, and nearly dunked himself below the water’s surface as he recoiled in surprise.
‘this luo binghe greets shixiong,’ binghe said, his eyes averted and voice just loud enough to be heard. ‘i apologize for disturbing shixiong; i can leave first and return when shixiong is finished.’ he quickly moved to do just that, but after a moment that shixiong’s warm voice called for him to wait.
‘apologies to luo-shidi,’ he said, hunching in on himself. his profile was illuminated only by the fire burning toward the other end of the bath, but from what luo binghe could see, his features seemed sharp and elegant. ‘this shixiong is shen yuan. i must have dozed off; i didn’t realize there was anyone else here. you, ah—shidi was chosen today? have you met shizun already, and da-shixiong?’
luo binghe’s cheeks burned at the memory of tea splashing over his head, of his embarrassing display afterward. his eyes still felt puffy from his tears, and his throat was sore. childish. ‘yes. i wonder how—that is, this one wonders whether shixiong…how was it meeting shizun for the first time?’
at the question, shen yuan let out a decidedly graceless snort. ‘it’s complicated. i met shizun three years ago, in one of the villages at the base of the mountain. it was a difficult situation, and there was more to worry about than making good impressions at the time.’ he sniffed and brought a hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. ‘shizun is not very good at making positive impressions. was it that way with you?’
those words uncoiled something small and terrified in luo binghe’s chest, even as he felt a sense of heavy guilt at being relieved to hear his senior speaking about their shizun so disrespectfully. ‘shizun is a renowned cultivator,’ luo binghe said carefully, ‘and as the lord of qing jing peak, of course he is unmatched in elegance. i must have offended him somehow… he didn’t accept my tea, but he didn’t throw me out either, and for that i’m grateful. this disciple only wants to improve himself, and to be worthy of the kindness shizun has shown in allowing him to stay and learn’
shen yuan…scoffed. scoffed? had binghe said something wrong again? of course he had—this was a peak of elegant, wise scholars and artists and strategists, and luo binghe was a street rat. of course he’d offend everyone he met; he was—
‘shizun can be an asshole.’
unperturbed, as if he hadn’t just spoken with such incredibly crude disrespect, shen yuan continued. ‘he can be cruel and calculating and mean. i doubt luo-shidi did anything wrong. i will speak with him tomorrow on shidi’s behalf, and see whether we can come to a resolution before things become more complicated than they need to be.’
‘shixiong needn’t trouble himself!’ panic flooded luo binghe at the thought of causing such problems so quickly after being accepted here. surely, shizun would throw him out if he found out binghe were so arrogant as to complain to the first shixiong he saw. ‘shizun is the master of qing jing peak; how can his judgment be called into question? if he says this disciple was wrong, this disciple was wrong and will correct himself. please don’t trouble shizun over this disciple’s failure. i don’t wish to cause problems, only to learn and improve myself. please.’
a long, heavy silence stretched between them, and luo binghe became acutely aware that he was not dressed. how embarrassing, to be undressed and begging for mercy from a shixiong he had only just met. he pulled his knees to his chest on the bench, covering as much of himself as he could.
finally, shen yuan let out a heavy sigh. ‘alright,’ he said, his voice barely loud enough to be heard over the distance and the water. ‘this shixiong won’t make trouble for luo shidi. only, if shizun doesn’t accept anything luo shidi does, you must promise to tell me. the same with any other disciple; if anyone is cruel to luo shidi, you must let me know. this shixiong hates bullies, and i would hate for anyone to embarrass qing jing peak with childishness—shizun included.’
how terribly bold. the daring words of his shixiong unsettled something in binghe’s chest. clearly, he was a troublemaker binghe should be careful of, lest he be pulled into the boys schemes himself.
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paperstorm · 2 months ago
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Thanks for the tags @whatsintheboxmh @annoyingcloudearthquake @heartstringsduet @henrygrass @thisbuildinghasfeelings and @nisbanisba! This is from Somewhere in a Song, chapter posting tomorrow :)
“Are your parents gonna come to a show?” TK asks, as they toss the empty boxes and napkins and begin to stroll side by side.
Carlos swallows. It’s a complicated question, and something he hasn’t even talked about with Grace. She knows the gist, she knows his parents aren’t as excited about his chosen career path as Carlos wishes they were, but there’s something that always scratches in the back of his skull telling him he shouldn’t be talking about them that way, even if what he’s saying is true. Obligatory respect, maybe a sprinkling of Catholic guilt, Carlos is never sure exactly what causes it. He just knows it makes him feel awful to even consider disparaging them.
“Maybe,” he says, noncommittally.
“Do they live in Austin? We have one there later in the summer.”
“Yeah.” Carlos nods. “Summer is a really busy time, though, for my dad.”
“What does he do?”
“Owns a cattle ranch just outside the city.”
TK’s quiet for a moment, and when Carlos glances over TK’s eyebrows are raised comically.
“What?” Carlos laughs.
“You were raised on a literal cattle ranch?” TK cries.
“That’s incredible.”
“Is it?”
“Yeah, man, you’re like an actual cowboy, not like all those guys singing about dirt roads and cosplaying as working class when they’re actually a millionaire.”
Carlos cracks up. “Damn, shots fired.”
“Am I wrong?”
“Not entirely, no. Although again, it is my dad’s ranch, not mine.”
TK grins at him. “Even still. I like that you’re authentic.”
“Thanks.” Carlos returns his smile. He’s never thought of it that way. He isn’t resentful of his upbringing but since there are things about it that he wishes were different, he’s never been as proud of it as maybe he should be. He likes the spin TK’s put on it.
“I – sorry, excuse me, you’re …”
Carlos looks up. There’s a young woman standing a few feet away from them, lips parted and cheeks bright pink. She’s staring at TK with wide eyes, and Carlos looks back and forth between them a few times, worried just for a second that she’s another person following TK around the country and showing up at his hotel.
But then she meekly asks, “Are you TK Strand?”
Carlos feels his shoulders lower.
TK nods. “I am, yeah. Hey.”
“Oh my God,” she mutters, head shaking quickly back and forth. She takes a step forward but then quickly backs up. “Sorry. I’m usually not weird.”
Laughing softly and holding out his hand, TK kindly says, “It’s okay. It’s nice to meet you.”
Something inside Carlos seems to melt, as the awestruck fan reaches out and shakes his hand. He knows a little bit about how she feels – awestruck and bowled-over. TK has that effect on people.
“Allison,” she says in a trembling voice.
“Hi, Allison.” TK nods his head to the side. “This is Carlos.”
She looks over and then comically jumps in surprise and blushes an even deeper crimson. “Oh my God. Yes, hi, I’m so sorry, I didn’t even see you. That’s so rude.”
“It’s okay,” Carlos chuckles. In an audible stage-whisper, he tells Allison, “I get it, he’s pretty impressive.”
“Yeah,” she agrees breathlessly.
“Were you at the show last night?” TK asks.
Allison shakes her head quickly. “I’m coming tomorrow.”
“Oh, great. The second night’s always better.”
With a nervous giggle, she folds her hands together and Carlos watches the color drain out of her fingers as she squeezes them. “I saw you on your last tour, you guys were so amazing.”
“Thank you.” TK says it so sincerely, and the imaginary warmth spreads to Carlos’s extremities.
“I – um. Sorry, I won’t take up more of your time, I just …”
“It’s okay, you’re good.”
Taking a breath, Allison’s eyes shine a little brighter in the lights from the streetlamps and her voice shakes as she tells him, “I know this is probably, um, trauma dumping, or whatever, but I just, um. Wanted you to know I started getting help after you went to rehab.”
Carlos glances at TK. His focus is lasered on the fan standing in front of them, a slight down-turn of his mouth but he doesn’t look upset. Maybe overwhelmed.
“I just – you had to deal with so much shit,” Allison babbles, one hand waving anxiously in a circle, “so I just wanted you to know that you also helped people. I thought if you could do it, I could too.”
“I’m so proud of you,” TK tells her, a tiny waver in his voice. “Thank you for telling me that.”
TK takes a step forward and reaches for her hand again. He takes both of them, squeezing and smiling at her, and suddenly Carlos feels very much like an intruder – like he’s eavesdropping on a private, personal moment, and yet he can’t seem to look away.
Tagging @theghostofashton @reyesstrand @strandnreyes @eclectic-sassycoweyes @carlos-in-glasses
@bonheur-cafe @actual-sleeping-beauty @herefortarlos @heartstringsduet @alrightbuckaroo
@goodways @lightningboltreader @emsprovisions @freneticfloetry @liminalmemories21
@reasonandfaithinharmony @ladytessa74 @never-blooms @sanjuwrites @orchidscript
@lemonlyman-dotcom @jesuisici33 @kiwichaeng @honeybee-taskforce @hereghostslive
@just-inside-her @firstprince-history-huh @captain-gillian @tellmegoodbye @ironheartwriter
@butchreyes @anactualcaseofthetruth @ditheringmind @thisbuildinghasfeelings @whatsintheboxmh
@irispurpurea @nisbanisba @corsage @chicgeekgirl89 @nancys-braids
@carlossreaders @denizoid @everlastingday @rangersoup
Want to be added or removed from the list? Lmk
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eumillipes · 1 year ago
Hello Bro
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turtlecase · 1 year ago
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Woahh it’s the guy from the stareater au
I love this guys design sm and I’ve been meaning to draw something based one the stareater au by @skimmeh and @kairamuwu (sorry for tag) so I did some drawings of him :]]
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non-un-topo · 1 year ago
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Young adults kaysanova?
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petrichal · 4 months ago
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vaguely SEA coded (non specific for reasons) modern!au Strawhats, because why not
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chariix-creates · 2 months ago
Had a thought..needed to sketch it...maybe I'll finish this someday...
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girlsonic · 5 months ago
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considering i do not ever post abt tlob (stupid stupid name . i love it) i doubt it will get very far but i made this real quick for the au tournament . i love you tlob
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sleepyzz0h · 1 year ago
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nirikeehan · 1 month ago
wip wednesday (slightly late as always)
thank you for the tag @saltyowlets!! i have been writing..... i must confess..... smutty literature
anyway this is @monocytogenes's fault bc i described lucanis dellamorte (tevinter nights edition) to her and her immediate response was "he likes to be flogged sexually" and fuck it idk what i'm doing with my LIFE anymore?
but anyway here's some kink negotiation between him and my oc Meira once they've gotten together
Tagging: THE CULPRIT (ilu ammy) | @theluckywizard | @sweetjulieapples | @highwayphantoms | @wishforhome | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | anyone i've missed who wants to participate
Belly still flipping, Meira reached out and snatched up the riding crop. It looked the most innocuous. 
“Mm,” Lucanis said. “Interesting choice.” 
Meira froze. “Why is it interesting?”
“It is a light weapon that requires only a light touch. A delicate flick of the wrist is really all it takes. Makes sense for someone who favors agility over brute strength.” He tilted his head, taking in her and the riding crop in her hand. “You are well-suited for it, I think. Do you ride many horses?”
“Oh, no,” Meira said, with a nervous giggle. “They scare me, to be honest.”
Lucanis chuckled. “Well. You needn’t fear me. I am far better behaved than a wily horse, you will find.” 
Meira laughed harder, because she didn’t know what to say. Was this foreplay? Was she supposed to flirt back? She wasn’t sure she wanted to compare Lucanis to a horse, because she thought they were big smelly beasts, and he was not that. But there was the obvious pun with the… riding and whatnot. Maker, she must be beet red by now. Why was he continuing to put up with her? 
Lucanis seemed not to notice how tongue-tied she was. He shut the other cases and moved them aside, then slid closer to her on the duvet. His breath was hot on her neck, his touch light as he drew arms around her to manipulate her wrists. He had her hold it horizontally, one end in each hand palms up. 
“It is the same as with a blade,” he said softly in her ear. “Feel its weight and its balance. That will help you know how much pressure to use.” He used his hand to close her around the leather handle, mimed the movement of her wrist. “Quickly, now. Try it.”
Meira had been having trouble concentrating on anything but him, but he removed his hands and she gave it a shot. The crop cut through the air with little resistance. Lucanis laughed. “See? You are a natural.” 
Meira turned toward him, and their gazes locked. His smile was joyful, showing off a lovely row of straight teeth. He had just a hint of laugh lines around his eyes. 
Meira leaned in and kissed him, the riding crop forgotten. Lucanis put his hands on the sides of her face and kissed back. She leaned one palm against his doublet, and their lips smacked between one, two, three kisses— and Lucanis parted them, still chortling. 
“Mmm, I think you would like to distract me, Meira,” he said, drawing his fingers through her hair. “But we must not forget the task at hand.” 
“Right,” Meira said, with palpable disappointment. 
“The sweet part will come later. Pain, then pleasure.” He drew his thumb under her chin, taking her in with besotted eyes. “Though your impatience is flattering.”
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arlesposting · 3 months ago
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hetalia x homestuck au art ahrnejyewhekwkehwheeksbsnen ok bye
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crescentrivers · 7 months ago
Question for fellow paulkotho fans, do we like them in aus where they aren’t toxic??? This information may lead to things
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solarbird · 4 months ago
The Arc of Dominion, Edda 25: Across All These Emptied Lines Chapter 10: The Live Poets Society Words: 1629 Rating: This instalment E (for Everyone); series M (for Mature) Summary:
A spider and a mad scientist talk about poetry.
Yeah really that's what they talked to me about so, uh, guess what new chapter?
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