#michael a. stackpole
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mapas-fantasticos · 3 months
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Map of the world from the DragonCrown War Cycle by Michael A. Stackpole.
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You Have My Attention: X-Wing Series First Lines
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In the many, many series that comprise the Star Wars EU (the Legends Canon since Disney decanonized it in 2014), the X-Wing series is an interesting case because it is fairly cleanly bifurcated between two X-wing squadrons and two authors, and yet the series as a whole--and the characters who cross over between authors--feel remarkably consistent. That's a feat in and of itself, as anyone who has read over the shift from Robert Jordan to Brandon Sanderson in the Wheel of Time can attest.
My clear preference is for Aaron Allston's writing style and the Wrait Squadron missions, but I know readers who dearly love Stackploe's Rogue Squadron as well. So let's take a look at how these authors grab readers with their first lines!
"You're good, Corran, but you're no Luke Skywalker."
-- Rogue Squadron
"Even before his X-wing's sensors had time to scan and identify the new ship, Corran Horn knew he was in trouble."
-- Wedge's Gamble
"Commander Wedge Antilles would have preferred the ceremony to be private."
-- The Krytos Trap
"Somehow the dead of night amplified the lightsaber's hiss, allowing it to fill the room."
-- The Bacta War
"Twelve X-wing snubfighters roared down into the atmosphere."
-- Wraith Squadron
"He made no pretense at being fully human."
-- Iron Fist
"Naval Lieutenant Jart Eyan looked rested and cheerful."
-- Solo Command
"Sithspawn! When his X-wing reverted to realspace before the countdown timer had reached zero, Corran Horn knew Thrawn had somehow managed to outguess the New Republic yet one more time."
-- Isard's Revenge
"She was beautiful and fragile and he could not count the number of times he had told her he loved her."
-- Starfighters of Adumar
"Imperial Admiral Kosh Teradoc paused, irritated and self-conscious, just outside the entryway into the club."
-- Mercy Kill
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Oh, hoho yeah!
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Oh, ho ho YEAH!
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derdave · 1 year
So I’ve been re watching the battletech cartoon. Yeah it’s kind of rough but kind of enjoyable. However I decided to give the novels a chance. Download the first vil of the blood of Kerensky (aka the clan invasion story) and wow it’s been really really good so far.
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the-gershomite · 2 years
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The Wedding of Luke and Mara: Star Wars Union #3
January 2000 (1-10 of 21)
written by Michael A. Stackpole
illustrated by Robert Teranishi
ink and colors by Christopher Chuckry
letters by Vickie Williams
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realitys-ex · 6 months
A Really Shitty Review of "The Age of Discovery" By Michael A. Stackpole
So, this'll be worse than my normal "Mediocre Reviews" because I haven't read this series in probably 5? years, and tbh, I tried to re read it, but I couldn't get into it again.
Which, for me, is a bit of a inditement. I reread books. A lot.
If I haven't re read a book within 2 years of reading it initially, it's odd to say the least.
Now, it may be better than I recall, but tbh not the point of this post.
No, I want to talk about the magic system.
Basically the magic is as follows: If you study/practice/get good enough at something you can pass a threshold where you become magically good at it. This always confers 2/3 side effects, along with a few others depending on what you are magically good at.
1)Magical immortality. Or at least you stop aging, and probably heal super well. You can be killed though. 2)You are supernaturally good at whatever, and clearly superior to anyone who isn't also magically good at it. 3)Now I am not 100% on this but iirc when you use your ability there is a chance of random magic effects on the surrounding area. (though that might have only been if there are 2 people going at each other).
So, the first person we meet is a magic swordsman, then there is a magical courtesan, and some other stuff.
The important thing though, is eventually we get a magical beaurocrat.
Yup, some dude gets so good at dealing with paperwork he becomes immortal.
To this day it is one of the funniest concepts I have heard of.
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difunttichronicles · 1 year
La Grande Croisade
La Guerre de la Couronne, tome 3, Michael A. Stackpole tome 1 tome 2 PrésentationUN JEUNE VOLEUR DESTINÉ À SAUVER LE MONDE… OU À LE PRÉCIPITER DANS SA CHUTE. Une effroyable nouvelle sème la discorde dans le Conseil des Rois : Will Norrington, l’orphelin qui devait mettre un terme à la tyrannie de Chytrine, manque à l’appel. Tandis que tous s’interrogent sur la succession du jeune homme,…
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mightymur · 1 year
[ISvBW] Revisiting the Michael A. Stackpole Interview
Episode 4: Revisiting the Michael A. Stackpole Interview Old I Should Be Writing episodes are new again with classic podcasts from 2005! If you wonder what I Should Be Writing sounded like back in the old days, when podcasting was new and before I was published, look no farther! I’m releasing most of my old episodes with commentary, and maybe some new interviews with old friends. The shows will…
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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Intrepid hero: "My cat-like senses guide my first step into the impenetrable gloom, across the threshold of the Sewers of Oblivion!"
Goblin: "This joker walked right past me without noticing."
(Liz Danforth cover for Tunnels & Trolls Solo adventure #13 by Michael Stackpole, Flying Buffalo, 1980)
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holonetwork · 4 months
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legends-expo · 13 days
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Photos by Thor Parker / Bekah Marie Photo
We had such a great time with all of you a year ago today in Burbank, CA! We'll be back in the Los Angeles area in 2025 for another convention celebrating the Expanded Universe!
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jadecrusades · 1 year
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Star Wars Customizable Card Game promotional and play cards. “Reflections II: Expanding the Galaxy.” January, 2001.
Decipher’s Reflections II: Expanding the Galaxy series brought a handful of Expanded Universe characters to life including Mara Jade, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Talon Karrde, Corran Horn, Mirax Terrik, Dash Rendar, Prince Xizor, and Guri. Decipher also created an exclusive 5”x7” Promotional Oversized “Signature” Card depicting Mara, Talon Karrde, and Corran Horn for the summer ‘01 convention circuit. Model Shannon (Baksa) McRandle portrayed Mara Jade, while Timothy Zahn was made up to depict Talon Karrde, and Michael Stackpole was costumed to resemble Corran Horn. Stackpole had these memories to share on his blog:
The stuff done in a photostudio is really magic. At first glance, the guys they got for Corran and Karrde were right, in general. Good on the overall dimensions, hair color, eye color, etc., but they were just guys off the street. Then the hair and makeup folks went to work. Karrde got a wig and a full makeup job, which sharpened his features and totally changed him. By the end of the process - during which Tim's camera was clicking almost incessantly - I was believing the guy was Talon Karrde.
Once Karrde was made up and costumed, he was taken onto the photostage and lit. That's a fascinating process. If they put a yellow filter on a light, the light is considered "hot." A blue filter makes it "cold." The art director, photographer and photographer's assistant all discussed and debated, pulling lights this way and that, setting them up at angles, getting the model to look here or there. Then they took test Polaroid shots and digital shots and finally agreed that things were right. It was almost anticlimactic when the shooting got done, but the results were great. Talon Karrde lived.
Shannon Baksa actually did Corran's makeup, then he got lit and shot. One of my concerns had been that the model was a bit older than Corran would have been at that point, but the makeup and lighting slashed 15 years off him. And the models, they put up with a lot. At one point, while folks were off debating how Corran should be lit, the guy who had done Karrde's makeup commented that Corran was just sitting there rock-still. Corran said, "I'd move, but I'm afraid they'd have to re-light me."
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bornitereads · 7 days
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Isard's Revenge - Michael A. Stackpole
Star Wars: X-Wing Book 8
Read: Jul 2024
Another entry for the X-Wing novels, Rogue Squadron is back in action. Set in the aftermath of Thrawn's campaign against the New Republic, we find everyone's favourite director of Imperial Intelligence is still alive. And once again the Rogues are caught in her web.
This was a lesser entry in the series for me. I didn't enjoy it as much as the others. I think it was just the plot, because I did enjoy getting back together with some of my favourite characters. There were some presumed character deaths that should have been actual deaths in my opinion. Sometimes Star Wars writers are too afraid to kill off characters, especially if they're "good guys." I especially liked the end with Mirax and Iella though, that was so juicy haha. I think in the end nothing happened, like net zero gain for the timeline, just a small adventure that doesn't matter to the bigger picture.
Info: Bantam Spectra; 1999
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the-gershomite · 2 years
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The Wedding of Luke and Mara: Star Wars Union #2
December 1999 (1-10 of 21)
written by Michael A. Stackpole
illustrated by Robert Teranishi
ink and colors by Christopher Chuckry
letters by Vickie Williams
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