#mia/min attraction
pkmn-edits · 1 year
Random Pokemon x random Pride flags edit!
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madridfangirl · 3 months
Star crossed lovers (Jude Bellingham fic)
Chapter 7
(Series Link)
Jude * female reader. Mature Language in parts.
Synopsis: A chance encounter in a tiny Madrid cafe with the newest superstar of her fav club. The two couldn't be more different, yet both feel the pull toward the other. Would this girl be the one he finally falls for? Would she make him change his ways? Even though she resists him every step of the way, would he fight all odds (& her) to have her in his life? Or would life come in the way of these star-crossed lovers?
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Wednesday morning started off on a foul note for Jude. The team landed after a red eye flight & below is what he saw at 6:30 am. 
Ananya: Heyy. Listen, I am so sorry but I can’t make it tonight. NY office just got back and we have tons more to do. All hands on deck. Will be MIA most of today & tmrw. Hope you put something on your bruises. Take care & see ya soon! 
He groaned in frustration. Yesterday had been horrible & he was really looking forward to seeing her tonight. It was his primary motivation to get through the day. But the universe seemed to be conspiring against him.
He stayed in a pissy mood for a bit but sanity prevailed some time later. 
Jude: Heyy, it’s fine. Work is work. Go kick some ass. Lemme know if you get done soon ya?
His message remained unseen till 10:30 pm. She hadn’t come online. He knew, since he had checked more than a few times.
He was about to crash when his phone buzzed.
Ananya: Still in office. Will be a long night. How was your day?
He perked up immediately & grabbed his phone. 
Jude: Talk for a few mins?
Ananya: In conference room with folks, can’t step out.
Deflated, he fell back on the bed, trying to find a comfortable spot. All he needed was some attention from her tonight. For her to fuss over him like she had done yesterday. But alas. 
Jude: Day was ok I guess. Debriefed on the game, lads were being extra nice which was irritating but had a good chat with Boss. How was yours?
Ananya: Hectic, but this deal is so cool it’s blowing my mind.
Jude smiled for the first time today. Her ambition & drive was relatable. Admirable. And so so attractive. 
Ananya: Ok gotta go now. Ciao.
And just like that, his smile faded. 
Jude: Ciao. Eat something. C ya soon!
He twisted & turned in bed a few times. Finally, exhaustion took over and he drifted off to sleep.
Next day was worse, if that was even possible.
He again woke up irritated. The UK tabloids were going to run a trashy story about him & some girl. His team had been contacted for comments & the decision was to not entertain them at all. The story could drop any time now - that was the heads-up he had gotten.
Great, just what he needed.
The message that he wanted to see was not there. Not a single peep from Ananya. He scrolled through the previous messages, re-reading some. And then he froze.
She was going to see the article too. 
Such gossip pieces on him were not uncommon but he mostly ignored them earlier. As did his team. 
But this time, it was different. Because of her. 
He had to get ahead of the situation.
Jude: Morning dove. I know you are busy. Quick heads up - you may see a tabloid piece today about my ‘girlfriend’. It’s all bull ok? I will explain when we talk. 
Burying himself with work seemed like the best solution today. He went extra hard in the gym, pushing himself more, & then some. Letting his irritation be sucked out through sweat and sore muscles.
He was extra feisty in training, didn’t joke around & was super competitive in duels, earning all the applause of the coaching staff and some jeers from his teammates.
Cama and Vini teased him about his new girlfriend who he was apparently smitten by - the article was splashed all over social media by now. He evaded them after engaging in some superficial locker room banter.
Still no reply from her, even though she had seen the first message. 
Jude: (Link) - This is what I was referring to. Like I said, it’s bull. How’s your day going?
When the messages were still unread after 2 hours, he started getting jittery. And did something he wouldn’t have done had he been thinking with a clear head.
He called her, knowing fully well she was dying at work today.
The number was unreachable. He tried again. Same message.
The jitters got stronger. Of the zillion things he was capable of doing to mess this up, this shouldn’t have been it.
It was one of those moments when the house looked emptier. Felt lonelier. He missed his home in Birmingham. He wished his mom were here with him.
She had called him earlier today to check on him, & could tell something was off in his voice. She didn’t push, knowing that he wanted to be left to his own devices.
Boy, he could do with her hug right now.
It was 8:30 pm. He had done everything he could for the day. There was nothing else to busy himself with. His friends from the team were all otherwise occupied tonight. He had no other real, normal friends in the city - ones he trusted/liked enough to hang out with. 
He didn’t wanna talk to his Birmingham friends either - didn’t wanna bring up the article or the match. Wanted to block those out. Jobe was busy with his training too. 
So he gulped his dinner while watching some random episodes of The Great British Bake Off. Something that used to be a family ritual back home.
Still no word from her. It was 10 pm.
It wasn’t fair. He hated feeling this restless. That’s why he stayed away from the complications of attachments - too much fucking drama that he absolutely didn’t need in his life right now. As if the pressures on him weren’t enough already.
His treacherous messed up self didn’t comply with his brain though.
Jude: Don’t overthink this. Talk to me once.
10:30 pm. Still nothing. 
He was about to get up from his couch & drag himself to bed, when he saw the blue ticks started coming on her chat. She hadn’t blocked him then?
He grabbed his phone & dialled her number, shoving his pride aside. She picked up in two rings.
‘Heyyyy Judeyyy.’
She slurred on the line. Jude was stunned. Was this for real? 
He channelled all his inner calmness - wanting to get the facts first.
‘Ananya - are you drunk?’
‘Siiii. We just downed half a bottle of tequila in three sixty minutes. No thirty-six. I meant thirty-six mins.’
He took a few deep breaths, as she giggled on the line. 
‘Tell me where you are. I am picking you up.’
‘I am in a moving car - how will you pick me up from a moving car?’
‘What the fuck do you mean you are in a car? Who are you with? And why the fuck are you drinking in a car?’
He lost his patience despite his best efforts.
‘Yikes why the screaming? Hurting my ears Jude. So rude. Heyyy, that rhymed.’
He nearly pulled out a few of his flawlessly trimmed hair in frustration. When he spoke next, he broke up each word like he was talking to a child.
‘One step at a time yeah? Send me your live location.’
She managed to do that after a few failed attempts. Relief flooded over him when he saw she wasn’t too far from her home & on the right route.
‘Good girl. Now, are you alone, or is someone with you?’
‘I am in a limo. A black limo. Like in the movies. Can you believe it?’
‘That’s great. Not what I asked though. Is someone with you, Ananya?’
‘Roma. But she’s passed out. Wait let me see again? Yup - passed out.’
‘Was it such a smart thing to drink so much that you pass out in the back of a car? When you are alone?’
‘Hey, she passed out. Not me. Pls - my capacity is legendary. Ask me the square root of 1576 & I'll tell you.’
He was amused but had to remind himself that he was still mad. 
‘Where were you today?’
Somehow, from her broken sentences, he gathered that the MD of their team lived on the outskirts of Madrid and there was a presentation of the final work at his mansion today. It was his limos that were dropping the team home. And the girls found the tequila in the car & just went for it after the grueling last 48 hours of work.
He also understood that her phone was on airplane mode most of the day. So she hadn’t seen his messages. Hadn’t seen the article either. 
Suddenly, there was some commotion on the line.
‘Roma is hitting me to talk to you. Putting you on speaker.’
‘Heyyy lover boyyyy - finally.’
This time he couldn’t stop himself from smiling.
‘Well hello to you too.’
‘You should know that you owe me. I convinced Ananya to go to the match. And, most importantly, I convinced her to GO WITH YOU after the match.’
‘Oh, I thought she came because of me. How sad.’
‘A little coz of you. But mostly it was me.’
‘I see. Then I definitely owe you one, Roma.’
‘Remember that when I ask for signed jerseys of the WHOLE TEAM. And Zidane. And of course our one true love Ronaldo.’
‘Ahh you too.’
‘Of course, we share a common love. But Ananya loves him more.’
‘Believe me, I know.’
The car swerved to their street soon after, stopping outside their apartment building.
‘Girls, focus now, ya? - watch your step, go inside, lock the door. Ananya - call me after. I am waiting.’
‘Sir yes sir.’
‘Byeee lover boyyyyy.’
Jude groaned as they hung up - staring at the phone for it to ring again. Praying that they don’t trip & fall on their assess. 
The wait was excruciating. He got to his room, changed into his sleeping shorts, paced around, still nothing. How fuckin irresponsible. Finally, after 13 long mins, she called.
‘What took you so long?’
‘Code wasn’t working. Had to call neighbors to buzz us in.’
‘Wasn’t working or you forgot it?’
‘Pretty sure it wasn’t working.’
He shook his head & let it go, understanding how it was a lost cause. 
Then he started blurting out some instructions to her like ‘re-check the door’, ‘grab some water’, ‘tell me you ate something before drinking’ etc.
Ananya followed them diligently, and the slurring reduced as the liqueur settled down. Still quite out of it, but he could hear the girl he knew in there.
Knowing she was safe now, his mood improved, and her antics even started looking cute. 
It felt like forever since he had seen her last. Held her last. 
When he finally laid eyes on her, all his frustration & anxiety of last two days started to evaporate.
‘Hey you.’
She waved back happily, snuggled into her pillow, still in her work clothes. All dopey from the alcohol. 
‘If I fall asleep on you tonight, don’t take it personally. Haven’t slept in 2 days.’
‘But you kicked ass though didn’t ya? 
Her face brightened, despite the exhaustion.
‘Kinda did.’
‘Knew it. Proud of ya.’
He really was. She could tell. She was starting to learn how to read his bright, expressive, goofy eyes. Tonight, they were deep & sincere. And a little anxious.
‘How’s your mood now?’
20 minutes ago he would have had a very different answer. 
‘Now? All fine, dove.’
She was about to tease him, call him cheesy & sickly sweet but he doubled down with his big brown doe eyes.
‘Missed you.’
Again, the sincerity hit her square in her heart. Throwing her off guard. He seemed different tonight. Vulnerable. The trademark blend of cocky flair & casual nonchalance not at the forefront. 
‘Missed you too.’
She sighed, as her eyes fluttered shut. Not that she had had much time for any active thought the last few days. But seeing him like this just reminded her how much she was looking forward to meeting him last night.
As she gathered herself, he took in her surroundings. The baby pink pillows amused him the most; somehow he hadn’t associated that with her. 
‘Can’t believe this is how I get to see your bedroom. On FaceTime.’
He didn't realize he had said it out loud. She giggled at his groans, batting her eyelashes at him. The vixen.
‘Yeah? What else did you have in mind?’
Jude shifted uncomfortably in the sheets. 
‘Don’t tease. Not tonight.’
‘When’s a good time, then?’
‘When I am in touching distance of you, tease away, by all means.’
‘I am not stupid, Jude.’
‘Never thought you were, dove.’
Challenging each other was kind of becoming their thing. Neither liked backing down & both loved the dynamic.
But she was tired. Ready to drop dead anytime.
‘Gimme 2. Need to change out of these.’
‘Cool, I’ll stay here.’
She placed the phone on the bed. Then, on second thoughts, she covered the phone with her blanket. Suddenly, his screen was filled with baby pandas.
‘Seriously? I was facing the ceiling, what was I gonna see?’
‘Don’t trust you & your peripheral vision.’
Jude groaned audibly, facing the disorienting pandas, starting to seriously dislike the otherwise adorable creatures.
He could hear her bouncing around her room, humming something in a foreign tongue, heels clicking on the floor. Still quite buzzed, clearly.
And then, a loud thump.
‘What happened? You ok?’
‘Zipper got stuck in heels. Knocked over a carton. Am fine.’
Jude turned & buried his face in the pillow, trying very hard to drown out the thoughts of what she was doing right now.
He couldn’t afford to let himself wander, since they hadn’t yet discussed the matter at hand.
But it was hard, he nearly bit the pillow to rein himself in. 
That’s how she found him when she returned in her tank top. The same one she had on that night, when he kissed her. Great.
‘What’s with you?’
She eyed him curiously, and he recovered quickly, game face back on.
‘Need to talk about something.’
‘Go on.’
Something had shifted in the environment. In him. Putting her on the edge.
Ripping off the band-aid quickly seemed like the best strategy to him.
‘A tabloid piece came out today about me & a girl, saying she is my girlfriend and we have been dating for 2 months. Which is not true. Never dated her. No idea how they came up with this. Wanted to give you a heads-up. Sent you the link in chat earlier today.’
He got it all out quickly. Then zeroed in on her face to gauge her reaction.
Her face had hardened like she was preparing for something unpleasant. Expressions too neutral, too blank for his liking. Almost cold. A more agitated reaction would have been less unsettling.
Ananya had a feeling it was something like this. The shield was up. Plus she was too spent to give any kind of outward reaction. 
She replayed his words in her head, and read through the article, while he waited patiently.
Her insta feed was also full of this now. This was everywhere. She found the ID of the woman and clicked on her profile.
‘She is pretty.’
This was not the first thing he had expected to hear. But he had the good sense to know that no response was the best response. Both confirmation and denial would have been scoffed at. 
‘You say you didn’t date her, but you do know her, right? Didn’t hear you deny that.’
Her tone was matter-of-fact, business-like. As if she was slicing & dicing a work project.
‘Yes. I do.’
‘Met her through insta. Liked some pics of each other. Chatted on DM. Then, met in person. Once.’
‘Two months ago.’
So the article had gotten at least something right.
‘Slept with her?’
Both were surprised by her cutting to the chase like this. The alcohol had lowered her inhibitions significantly plus she wasn't in the mood to entertain any nonsense.
‘Why only once?’
‘Why not again? She is pretty.’
‘Umm…she is not from here.’
That wasn’t a good answer, he knew it the moment he said it. It wasn’t the complete truth either. But the damage was done.
‘Any exchanges after?’
‘Not from me.’
The unsaid hung heavily in the air. She chose to not address it. 
Mindlessly, she kept scrolling through the girl’s profile and the details in the article, not wanting to say anything more immediately. Not wanting to look at him, while his eyes were glued to her face throughout. 
Eventually, he couldn’t handle the silence & spoke softly.
‘Remember, this was in the past. Nothing has happened since we met. Nothing will happen.’
The deep baritone was back, trying to lull her into a sense of security. 
She smiled wryly. If only it were that simple to believe. If only her mind was not filled with images of him frolicking at his home with this woman, as was so definitively stated in the article. 
He felt the chasm widening between them, pulling her further away.
Some core truths, albeit crude, needed to be said out loud now. 
‘Ananya - I’ve never lied to you. Never not answered anything you threw my way. Never painted a false picture of my lifestyle. We’ve discussed these encounters before. Yes this put a face to it & I get it’s hard. But that doesn’t change the fact that I was single, and both consenting adults always knew it was just sex, nothing more.’
Her eyes shot up at him at the last line, which he was expecting. But he stood his ground.
‘I can see you are judging me hard, and them too. Look…’
She cut him off sharply.
‘THEM? Who are they to me? Why should I judge women I don’t know anything about?’
‘And me?’
‘YOU? I am TRYING to understand you. Your DECISIONS. It is NOT EASY. Not something I ever imagined dealing with.’
‘I get it.’
He really did. She didn’t hear what he said though, still stuck on his previous words.
‘And THEM? Seriously how many are there? How many such GIRLFRIENDS should I be prepared for?’
He blanked & panicked simultaneously. How was he supposed to answer that? Thankfully, she intervened.
‘You know what? Scratch that. Don’t answer that, I don’t ever wanna know. I don’t care.’
She jerked her face away, trying to compose herself.
But he couldn’t stop staring at her. The usually calm, jovial features a picture of irritation & exhaustion right now. The need to hold her close & comfort her paralyzed him.
‘Can we do this in person? I can be there in 20-25 mins.’
It was a firm, decisive no. Leaving no scope for discussion. He figured it was also her showing him he wasn’t just gonna get his way with her, that she wasn’t like the others. 
But he knew that already. That’s what had fascinated him so about her. She was unlike anyone he had been with before. How he wished she could see that too.
For the first time, the silence between them was not comfortable. Or comforting. 
The silence was interrupted by constant pings on her phone - two calls followed by a few messages. He saw her eyes go wide as she focused on the screen.
It was 12 am. Jude had a sinking feeling who it could be from. Last two days, he had really behaved himself. Despite knowing she would have spent every waking minute at work around that insufferable colleague of hers. Sticking to her like a leech. Pinging her at odd times. 
But, in a grand display of restraint, Jude hadn't uttered a word to her. It was her work after all. 
‘Jude I’m gonna need two mins.’
She muttered urgently, getting up from the bed.
‘I will stay online if that’s ok.’
She was already out the door, leaving the phone, leaving him behind.
Jude found himself facing the ceiling of her room again. Seriously, what the fuck just happened? Could this day get any more rotten?
She returned in a minute. He could hear her but not see her yet. Bile rose in his throat when he realised who she was talking to.
‘Hey Arjun, yes I found it. It’s with me now. Thank you so much for letting me know, this could have gone anywhere. You are a lifesaver.’
A pause for a few seconds, in which Jude plotted getting that cockroach permanently banned from the Bernabeu (Ananya had mentioned how big a fan he was), and then her voice again. Filled with genuine gratitude. Jude wanted to puke. 
‘Yeah all good, thanks again. Good night, see you tmrw.’
If her intent was to hurt Jude, then someone should hand her the Balon d’or immediately.
Ananya hung up, came back to the bed, and realized her phone was not on mute. She couldn’t find it in herself to care though, not right now.
‘All ok?’
Jude would have put monks to shame at the evenness he was able to muster in his voice.
‘Roma was drunk-texting on our work group. Some questionable stuff. Hv deleted the texts, will keep her phone tonight. Glad Arjun alerted me.’
And just like that, evenness went out the window. Replaced with sarcasm, laced with disdain.
‘How sweet of him, what a gentleman.’
Ananya turned the full force of her glare at Jude, which he met head on. Fire dancing in both their eyes. 
‘Would you GROW UP? Not everything is about you. And yes, he IS a gentleman. Your petulance will not change that.’
‘A FUCKIN TWAT is what he is. Always interrupting us. Always trying to cozy up to you. Even when he doesn’t have a shot. Classic small-dick energy. Quite fuckin LITERALLY in his case.’
Ananya could punch him through the screen. The insufferable, entitled, derisive prick that he was being. So full of himself. He needed to be put in his place. 
‘Yeah? Maybe I should verify that.’
The bodyblow landed as intended. Making him double over with pain.
Jude felt like someone had kicked him in the gut and in the nuts at the same time. His throat went dry and his hands turned clammy.
The numbness hitting his brain, then his body. The rage dissipated & he realised he didn’t have a leg to stand on, given how they had gotten here tonight.
Plus she would never do the thing she hates the most. She would never cheat, he was convinced.
His tone went down several notches, as did his attitude.
‘I know you are angry. I know you didn’t mean it.’
‘Oh no - I really do want..’
‘ANANYA PLEASE. Please. Slap me if you want to, smack me all that you like but NOT THIS. Please.’
The distress in his choked voice made her stop. Knocking the fight out of her. 
Her voice lost its edge, coming out in a whisper.
‘A hypothetical scenario broke you. Whereas….you…..you have actually..’
She didn’t finish the sentence. But the message was well understood.
‘I know it’s unfair. Even hypocritical of me. But I can’t help it. Can’t handle even the idea of you with anyone else. I want all of you. All for me. All the time. I’d go nuts otherwise I swear.’
This moment, she saw a young, sensitive, insecure boy in Jude, not the mature, articulate, sorted, in-control grown man known to the world. 
She found it strangely healing; a distinct warmth seeping into her skin and settling into the pit of her stomach. 
It was 12:30. Two emotionally charged hours they had spent on the phone. Dead tired from work. Yet, the idea of hanging up & calling it a night never occurred to either. 
Just then, her doorbell rang, making her jump.
‘Don’t be alarmed. Answer it.’
She eyed him curiously, checking his background again. He was still in his bed. 
‘What did you do now?’
‘Answer the door & you’ll see.’
Huffing, she got out of bed & walked out. Leaving him facing the ceiling again. Third time that night.
When she came back, he finally saw a ghost of a smile on her lips. And the light returned to her gorgeous soft eyes.
She was still gazing at the bouquet, stroking & smelling with contentment.
‘White Tulips for dove. Thought it’d be fitting.’
She sighed deeply, and buried her head in the flowers, letting the strong scent drown her senses.
This was never going to be easy, she knew that from the start. But every time she got wobbly, he steadied her. Every time doubts pulled her away, he clawed his way back to her. Lack of effort was definitely not something she could hold against him. 
Maybe he means what he says. Maybe it is different for him this time.
She turned to look at his smiling face, still leaning on the flowers.
‘How did you even find these in the middle of the night?’
‘To be fair I ordered them in the evening, when I thought you blocked me.’
‘Blocked you?’
He just shrugged in response. Slightly embarrassed but trying to not show it.
She laughed at the absurdity of it all, and he finally let go too, letting himself relax. The sound of his little giggles bounced on her ears, doing things to her.
‘You are such a loon.’
‘Wanna be your loon.’
She was starting to melt now and wanted to arrest the fall. So she switched gears.
‘Tell me - what was the plan if I had blocked you?’
There had to be a plan. He wasn’t the kind to take things lying down. 
‘Cheesecake & churros from our cafe tmrw morning. Along with a letter stating how a 20-year-old boy has the same psychological maturity as a 15-year-old girl. Therefore you should cut me some slack given women are far smarter biologically and also coz you are you. I’m not saying it, science is. Facts.’
‘Reallyyyyy? So a 20 yr old boy lacks psychological maturity, but somehow that’s not a problem when he fucks half the world with impunity? What does science say about that? No disadvantage there?’
Jude’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, still trying to process how his attempted humour had backfired in about 50,000 ways.
To his credit, he recovered fast.
‘See? A smart person would not have walked into that hole like I did. Exhibit A of how dumb I am. This just proves my point.’
‘How come the world fawns over your intelligence & maturity then?
‘They don’t know me. It’s a scam. Trent says I should still be in diapers. He said that to Jobe once & the little scoundrel agreed.'
He had done it again. Pacified her without her even realising. Yeah, she wasn’t buying the dumb act. This boy knew his power & used it unabashedly, to his full advantage.
It was 1 am. She yawned while checking the time & Jude suddenly got hit by pangs of guilt.
He would let her go soon, just needed to hear one thing.
‘We ok? 
He barely blinked till she responded.
‘I guess so.’
She shrugged, realising she wasn’t mad anymore.
He figured that’s the best he would get tonight. But soon, when they are together, he’ll make up for this mess.
It was time to let her get some well deserved rest.
Jude leaned in, eyes firmly locked into hers, and kissed his phone screen. He had never done that for another girl before. But this one, she made him do this twice in a span of 2 days.
She followed his movement closely, meeting his gaze. Somehow feeling his lips brush her skin. 
‘End my misery and meet me soon?’
She nodded, and he flashed her a trademark ear-to-ear Jude smile. Crinkling eyes n all. Making her heart leap in her chest. 
‘Now go, get some rest. And since you won’t let me come over, hug the flowers instead when you sleep tonight. You’ll feel me around.’
‘Bye Jude.’
‘Bye dove.’
Goes without saying, she did hug the flowers as she slept that night. 
This chapter was very different in my head when I posted the previous one. But then, stuff happened the last few days & I felt like writing about it.
As always, would love to hear your thoughts / comments / feedback. Hope you are liking the story & these two, lots more to come :)
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thewitcheswitch89 · 2 months
The Witches Image
Papa Emeritus IV - Part 27
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
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You hear the name through the door. 
Your eyes widen and you get up to open it and stand next to Copia. "Where is she?"
Copia furrowed his brow, a look of concern on his face. "Sister Madison, hmm? That's not good... Follow me, quickly."
He started down the corridor, gesturing for you and Terzo to follow. "She's being held in the library right now. We had to restrain her, she's quite belligerent."
You started to run past Copia and Terzo.
Copia and Terzo exchanged surprised glances as you suddenly ran down the corridor.
"H-hey, wait! Don't go alone!" Copia called after you, but you were already several meters ahead of him. Cursing under his breath, he picked up the pace and hurried down the hall after you, Terzo close behind.
You ran fast, worried about Madison.
You raced through the halls of the Ministry, your feet practically flying across the floor as you pushed yourself to move faster. Your heart raced with concern for Madison, fueled by an intense sense of urgency. You could hear Copia and Terzo calling after you, but you barely paid attention. All that mattered was getting to Madison as fast as possible.
You reached the library and stopped. There was Madison standing in the middle of the library, surrounded by the other Papas. They were trying to calm her down, she had a wicked grin on her face, her hair was a mess. She stood there screaming...her voice not her own, much darker, almost a growl. "Non potes prohibere me...nuntium ad liberandum habeo....!" she said in Latin....
Your heart sank at the sound of Madison's distorted voice. The dark, guttural tone was unlike anything you had ever heard before, and it sent shivers down your spine. The realization hit you that she was indeed possessed, and the sinister message in Latin made your stomach turn.
Copia and Terzo caught up with you, panting heavily as they took in the scene.
Primo raised his hands..." What message, demon?"
Madison's menacing grin grew wider, her eyes flickering an unnatural shade of red. At that moment, it became clear that she was no longer in control of her own body or mind.
"Nuntius ad liberandum," she repeated in that dark, sinister voice. Her head tilted unnaturally to the side, almost as if studying Primo intently.
Copia's eyes widen and he steps over to the other papas with Terzo.
Copia, Terzo and the other Papas exchanged worried glances, the gravity of the situation sinking in even more. They huddled together, keeping their voices low so as not to attract Madison's attention. Copia's face was tense and serious, his eyes darting between the possessed sister and the other Elders.
"Do you know what she's talking about?" Copia whispered to the others, his voice barely above a murmur.
Madison's head snapped at Copia.
Copia's blood froze in his veins as Madison's head snapped in his direction with eerie speed. His heart pounded against his chest as those cold, calculating eyes locked on him.
"Cazzo... she heard us," he murmured, his face paler than usual.
Her eyes scanned the room...then found you.
Madison's eyes scanned the room, moving with almost robotic precision as she took in everyone. Then they landed on you.
Her gaze fixed on you, and a mischievous smile crept across her face. At that moment, it was as if all her attention was on you and you alone.
Copia tensed when he saw the shift in Madison's focus. He knew that look in her eyes all too well.
"She's zeroing in on you," he said urgently, his voice low. "Stand back, mia cara. Let us handle this."
You could not move, you just stared at your friend.
Copia placed a gentle but firm hand on your shoulder, trying to pull you back to safety.
"Mia cara, listen to me," he said, his eyes fixed on Madison. "You need to get away. It's not safe for you here. Let us deal with this."
Madison screamed. "Immo stat!"
Copia's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and fear crossing his face as he heard Madison's command in Latin.
"No, wait-" he started to say, but it was too late. Madison's voice echoed through the room, her words ringing out in a clear, cold tone that sent a shiver down Copia's spine.
"Immo stat..." Copia repeated under her breath, bracing herself for what was to come.
You did not understand what she was saying...you could understand a few words in Latin...but no more. "What did she say?" you asked Copia. Madsion growled and looked at you.
Copia looked away from Madison for a moment to answer your question.
"She said... 'stay.'" He paused for a moment, his eyes darting back to Madison, who was now fixated on you. "She commands you to stay, mia cara. Don't come any closer."
"Copia claudite!" she growled at Copia. "Haec nuntius est illis," she pointed her finger at you.
Copia's eyes widened as he heard Madison's command, and he felt his heart skip a beat. "Claudite..." The gravity of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks, and he felt a chilling sense of dread wash over him.
Before he could answer, she pointed her finger at him, and Copia's mind immediately went into overdrive. "No, no, no, no, no..." he muttered under his breath.
"What does she mean...? "you asked, looking at the other Papas in panic.
Copia's face paled as he took in your panicked expression. The other Papas looked equally alarmed, their expressions a mixture of worry and fear.
"She's... She says the message is for you," Copia finally managed to say, his voice strained. His eyes darted between you and Madison, his mind racing as he tried to find a way to protect you.
"What message?" you asked in panic, but then you felt a hand at your throat. But there were no hands. you looked at madison. she had raised her hand as if to choke the air. you felt your feet leave the ground and you floated towards her.
"What is she saying? " you asked, looking at the other Papas in panic.
Copia's eyes widened when he heard Madison's command and he felt his heart skip a beat. "Claudite..." The gravity of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks, and he felt a chilling sense of dread wash over him.
Copia's face paled as he took in your panicked expression. The other Elders looked equally alarmed, their expressions a mixture of worry and fear.
"She's... She says the message is for you," Copia finally managed to say, his voice strained. His eyes darted between you and Madison, his mind racing as he tried to find a way to protect you.
"What message?" you asked in panic, but then you felt a hand at your throat. But there were no hands. you looked at madison. she had raised her hand as if to choke the air. you felt your feet leave the ground and you floated towards her.
Copia's eyes widened in horror as he saw you suddenly lifted off the ground by an invisible force. His heart clenched in his chest as he watched you hover closer and closer to Madison, the realization dawning on him that she was using some sort of dark power to bring you to her.
"No, no, no!" he cried, stepping forward and reaching out to grab you. "Stop! You can't do this!"
Her hands wrapped around your throat as you reached her. The other Elders gasped in shock.
Copia's heart raced with fear as he watched Madison's dark hands wrap around your neck, his eyes widening in horror. The other Papas gasped in disbelief, their faces paler than usual.
"Let her go!" Copia yelled, his voice filled with a mixture of desperation and anger. "Put her down, NOW!"
Terzo stepped forward. But Nihil stopped him with his hand. "Wait!"
Copia's breathing was labored as he watched you dangling in the air, fists clenched at your sides. He shot a pleading look at Terzo, the fear in his eyes evident.
But then Nihil stepped in and stopped Terzo, holding his hand up in a gesture of restraint. Copia's heart clenched in his chest as he waited, not knowing what to expect.
"I have a message for you ... from Lilith," Madison said, speaking English as her hand suddenly grabbed her wrist.
Copia's eyes widened in shock as he heard Madison suddenly speak English. It was surreal and unnerving, and the mention of Lilith sent a shiver down his spine. He could see the panic in your eyes as you struggled for air, your hand clutching desperately at Madison's wrist.
Copia's mind raced, trying to make sense of what was happening. The situation was getting more dangerous by the second, and he felt powerless to do anything about it.
"She sent me to tell you...that there is no way to hide from her...even if she cannot reach you when you are with Copia...she will find a way!" laughed Madison.
Copia's heart skipped a beat when he heard Madison's chilling words. The mention of Lilith's determination to reach you, no matter the circumstances, sent a shiver down his spine.
He clenched his fists, a deep frown creasing his face. "What does she mean, no place to hide?" Copia shouted, his voice filled with anger. "What is she planning?"
Madison's head snapped to Copia, who was still in her grip. "You'll see soon enough!"
Copia's heart pounded in his chest as he heard Madison's ominous words. The way she looked at him sent a shiver down his spine, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was about to happen.
He took a step forward, his voice strained with worry. "What do you mean, 'soon'? What's going to happen?"
You choked. "Madison...? Madison let me go!"
Copia's heart ached as he watched you struggle against Madison's grip, your voice hoarse and strained from the pressure around your throat.
He stepped forward again, desperation in his eyes. "Stop! You're hurting her! Let her go!"
Madison's head snapped back to you. "I'm not Madison....Remember my words, Lia...," Madison grinned. Her head snapped back and she let go of your throat. You fell to the ground with a loud thud, gasping for air. As Madison collapsed next to you.
Copia rushed over as soon as you were freed from Madison's grip, dropping to his knees beside you as you sprawled on the floor. He gently helped you up into a sitting position, his hand cupping the back of your head as he held you close.
"Mia cara, are you okay? Can you breathe?" Copia asked, his voice trembling with concern. He looked at the others, his eyes dark with anger.
tears rolling down your face, "Madison!" you said in a strained voice, choking.
Copia held you tightly as you spoke, his heart twisting in his chest at the strain in your voice. He could see the worry and fear etched into your face, and it only fueled his own anger and worry.
"I know, I know," he whispered softly, trying to calm you. "It's okay, just breathe. Madison's safe now. Just breathe. Slowly, okay?"
The other Elders rushed to Madison's body.
Copia held you gently as the other Papas rushed to Madison's motionless body. They huddled around her, confusion and worry etched on their faces.
Copia looked up at the other Papas, his eyes wide with concern. "Wh-what's happening? Is she...?"
Before the other Papas could answer Copia's question, something changed in the air. Suddenly, Madison's eyes fluttered open and she let out a soft moan as she slowly sat up.
The other Papas jumped back in surprise, shock written all over their faces. Copia's grip on you tightened as he watched the scene unfold before him.
Madison slowly sat up, her eyes unfocused and her movements sluggish. She looked dazed and disoriented, seemingly unaware of the others watching her intently.
Copia exchanged glances with the other Papas, all of them equally puzzled and suspicious. Something was wrong, and they could sense it.
"Madsison?" they said.
Madison slowly looked up at the sound of your voice, her eyes still somewhat unfocused and dazed. She blinked a few times, trying to clear her head, and then recognition flooded her eyes.
She looked at you, a mixture of confusion and relief on her face. "What...? What happened...?"
you cried, leaving Copia to crawl over and hug her.
Copia watched as you left his side and crawled over to Madison, tears streaming down your face as you wrapped your arms around her in a tight hug.
Madison was taken aback, but she slowly returned the hug, her arms wrapped around you in a gentle but firm embrace. "It's okay... I'm okay..." she murmured, her voice hoarse and strained.
Copia stood aside, a mixture of relief and caution on his face. He watched you cling to Madison, his heart still racing from the earlier ordeal.
The other Elders began to murmur among themselves, their voices low and hushed. Copia caught glimpses of their conversation, worried words and speculation filling the air.
He approached them to hear what they were saying.
Copia approached the other Papas, his ears straining to hear their conversation. They huddled together, their faces pale and worried.
"What just happened...?" one of them whispered, his voice low.
"Is she okay? What was that...whatever that was?" asked another, his eyes still on Madison and you.
Copia joined the circle, his voice soft but urgent. "Do you think... Do you think Lilith had anything to do with this?"
"Yes, she did!" said Copia.
The other Elders looked up at Copia, surprised at his sudden assertion. They nodded in agreement, the realization that Lilith was behind this ordeal sinking in.
"That's what I thought..." muttered Primo, his face paler than usual.
Terzo added, "This is worse than we thought..."
They looked at you and Madison.
The Elders' eyes were all on you and Madison, still embracing on the floor. The room was eerily silent, except for the sound of soft sobs coming from you.
Copia's heart ached at the sight, his concern for you and Madison growing with each passing moment. He could tell that the other Elders felt the same way.
"We need to get her to the infirmary...and make sure she stays away from Sister Lia...we need to do an exorcism to make sure the demon is really gone!" whispered Nihil.
The Elders nodded in agreement, their faces serious as they absorbed Nihil's words. Copia clenched his fists, his mind racing with worry and anger.
"You're right," he said, his voice tense. "We must get them to the infirmary, and quickly. I don't want to take any chances with Lilith still involved."
Copia made his way over to you and Madison, his heart heavy with worry and trepidation. He crouched down beside you and gently placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Mia cara," he said softly, "we need to get Madison to the infirmary. We need to make sure she's okay... and safe."
"I'm going with her!" you said.
Terzo shook his head, his expression stern and worried. "No, no. You can't go with her. It's too dangerous. We don't know if the demon is really gone."
You looked at Madison, who looked back at you with fear in her eyes.
Madison looked back at you, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. She was pale and shaken, and the sight pained you. But Terzo's warning rang in your ears. You knew he was right; it was too dangerous to accompany her to the infirmary.
"I cannot leave you alone!" you said to Madison, both of you crying.
Madison's tears continued to fall, her voice trembling and strained. She gripped your hand tightly, her fingers intertwined with yours.
"Please..." she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Don't leave me alone... I'm afraid..."
Terzo's voice was firm and determined as he intervened once more. "I'm sorry, but it's too risky. The safest thing is for you to stay here while we take care of Madison. We'll make sure she's safe and treated properly."
"No!" you said. Madison closed her eyes and slowly realized that Terzo was right.
Madison squeezed your hand gently, her eyes slowly opening as she realized the truth in Terzo's words. She looked up at you, her expression pained.
"It's... it's okay," she whispered, her voice soft and resigned. "I'll be fine... just... stay safe, okay?"
The other Elders approached her. You shook your head. "No, but she's fine...!"
The other Papas approached Madison, their expressions serious and determined. Copia put a gentle hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her.
"We don't know," he said, his voice low and firm. "We must be careful. This is not something we can take lightly. We have to evaluate her properly."
Primo helped Madsion to her feet, still shaking. Madsion looked at you. "I'll be fine!"
Primo helped Madison to her feet, his strong and sturdy frame providing support. Madison continued to shake, her face pale and her eyes glassy. She turned to you, her voice soft and reassuring despite her own fear.
"Yes... I will be fine. You don't have to worry."
The fear and panic in Madison's eyes were obvious, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. Even through her reassurances and brave facade, you could see the worry and terror that lay beneath the surface.
"Let's go, Sister Madison," Primo said, wrapping her around his waist and leading her out of the library. The other Papas followed. But Terzo stayed with her and Copia.
Primo led Madison out of the library, the other Papas following closely behind. Terzo stayed behind with Copia and you, his eyes fixed on you as he watched you struggle with your emotions.
"I know this is difficult," Terzo said. "But it's for her own safety."
"You better stay with her, Copia! It seems that Lilith cannot reach her when she is with you...I do not know why...but we have to keep her safe!", Terzo said, nodding to Copia.
Copia nodded in agreement with Terzo's order. He shared the same concern for Madison's safety, knowing that Lilith's influence was still a threat.
"I will not leave her side," Copia replied. "I will do everything in my power to keep her safe and out of Lilith's reach."
You grabbed Copia and buried your face in his chest.
Copia wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly against his chest. He could feel your fear and sadness, and it pained him to know that there was little he could do to ease your worries.
"It's okay," he murmured softly, his voice gentle and soothing. "I'm here. Madison will be fine."
Terzo nodded again. "I'll talk to you later," and he followed the others out of the library. Copia and you returned to his apartment.
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0-cal-princess · 1 year
I'm super hungry so imma shitpost to distract myself
Lately, I've been thinking about everything in my life. I have always gone with the flow. I acted like I didn't care about my appearance, but that was a lie. I do care, and I hate myself. I hate how fat I look, how I let myself get here, how I act oblivious when I look in the mirror, and how much I break down when I see candid pictures of myself.
I gained a lot of weight during my last year of college because of the pressure. I would forget to eat, sleep, and take care of myself for the sake of studying but I think deep down it was because I was avoiding my issues. I realized how much weight I gained when I had to buy two sizes up in pants. Years ago I lost a lot of weight very quickly and went on a shopping spree, I tried on one of my old jeans and I couldn't get them up past my thighs. I look so boxy and hideous, like somebody who really does NOT give a shit about what she looks like. My waist disappeared and my belly folds over.
I developed mia 2 years ago. I already struggled with BED and it just made so much sense, I could eat anything I wanted with no repercussions. Last summer I worked at a bakery and they would give me a free cookie every shift. I would take it home and eat it on my drive home, then immediately get in the shower and put on loud music so i could purge it. It only got worse when I started living alone. The first week I was officially alone I bought a whole pecan pie (my favorite) and ate it then purged it for days. I ate out a lot with my friends and I just couldn't wait to go home to bend over my toilet and shove my fingers down my throat. It became a daily occurrence and even did it multiple times a day.
I decided to put some order in my life in May when school was over. I realized that binging and purging like a maniac was not the answer. I started tracking my calories because it makes me feel in control. Every time I eat I get this urge to just purge it all out but tracking makes me feel more calm. I've drastically decreased the number of times I purge since May. Mostly because I came back home for the summer and no longer have the freedom to do as I want without getting caught, but I still do it. When nobody's home I struggle with holding myself back from buying food or binging on whatever so I can purge it later. It is so addictive to see my belly bloat then go back to my regular weight after I purge.
I remember when I was 13 one of my friends confessed to me that she was bul1m1c and I acted disgusted. It's very ironic looking back at it honestly. I really want to stop but I feel like I can't. I just can't but I'll still try. I guess I'll take it more seriously when I'm at my ugw and on the brink of a health crisis ig.
I just want to be thin so I can love myself and not be afraid of being loved. I always felt like when my partners were attracted to me it was a lie. Like I'm so fat and disgusting, how can you like that? Why are you choosing me when I look like this??? Sometimes I feel lonely and crave attention but once I get it I'm afraid to be more serious because deep down I hate how I look and that's that.
Anyways hopefully I'll be closer to 45kgs by december so I can look pretty in the family pictures and dress up and feel worthy of self love
I have 20 mins left so i guess i'll just do my homework.
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whyyourteamisgood · 9 months
2023 - Week 18
BUF - The Bills are the 2 seed in the AFC
NE - The Patriots have a top 3 pick and a chance at a generational QB to kickoff a new era
MIA - Tyreek Hill looks like the clear best WR in the NFL
NYJ - Breece Hall was second to Christian McCaffrey in yards from scrimmage for a RB
BAL - The Ravens have home field advantage throughout the playoffs
PIT - The Steelers are on to the playoffs in their 17th straight non-losing season
CLE - The Browns are onto the playoffs with the likely Defensive Player of the Year in Myles Garrett
CIN - The Bengals seemingly have 2 of the best 3 QBs in the division
TEN - if this was it for Derrick Henry, he finished with a bang, spoiling the Jags season and vaulting himself up the rushing leaderboard to lead the AFC for the season
JAX - Evan Engram had 114 receptions this year, second most all time for a TE
IND - The Colts barely missed the playoffs and are getting their dynamite QB back next year
HOU - The Texans went worst to first in their division and picked up their franchise QB in the process
KC - The Chiefs have Patrick Mahomes and no one else does
LV - The Raiders finished with a positive point differential, a second place finish in the divison, and may have identified their coach of the future
LAC - Justin Herbert will be back healthy next year and will likely have reeled in an elite coach to take the team to the next level
DEN - The Broncos successfully tanked to get a top 12 draft pick
DAL - The Cowboys are the 2 seed in the NFC
WAS - The Commanders have a top 2 pick and a chance at a generational QB to kickoff a new era
PHL - Jalen Hurts set an NFL record for rushing TDs in a season for a QB
NYG - The Giants beat the hell out of the Eagles to end the season on a high note
GB - The Packers are back in the playoffs and it sure looks like they may be onto their third elite QB in a row
CHI - The Bears were close to playoff position and still get the first overall pick
DET - The Lions are hosting a playoff game for the first time in more than a quarter century
MIN - Justin Jefferson is unguardable when healthy
NO - The Saints finished the season winning 4 of their last 5
TB - The Bucs won the NFC South
ATL - The Falcons wasted no time firing Arthur Smith and have enough top offensive talent to attract a top mind to shape them
CAR - The Panthers defense allowed the fewest yards per game in the NFC
SEA - The Seahawks finished the season winning 3 of their last 4
LAR - The Rams are in the playoffs and have a case for both the offensive and defensive rookies of the year
ARI - The Cardinals played some impressive football to close the season, and still tanked enough to get a top 4 pick
SF - The Niners have home field advantage throughout the playoffs
0 notes
shop-korea · 1 year
Watch "BEST & WORST Rides in Magic Kingdom" on YouTube
NEEDS - 2 B - CLEANED - 11:25A -
NO - REST - PLACE - 4 - CARS -
SW 8 ST - MIAMI AVE - ON - M -
$35, 000 - BY - US - SPOUSE -
COMA - HEART - $35, 000
10 A MLK
$500 BILLION - SELL - IN - 30 MIN
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caspianxth · 2 years
Oh my gosh hi!!!! Im sorry ive been mia 🤶 ive been doing so mhch and going so many places, ive been so exhausted. Or maybe im jdut fucked in the head. So whats your favorite song (or the one you were attracted to the most first listen) off each album
oh don't worry bestie!! this is a crazy time of year so no stress on my part!! I hope u get a chance to get some rest soon tho<3 and ur not fucked in the head at least any more than me!! ok fave songs off each album ok
debut-should've said no
fearless-bye bye baby OR mr. perfectly fine
speak now-enchanted!!
red-holy ground or atw (10 min)
1989-on this one I am a basic bitch it's style <3
reputation-endgame but also love komh
lover-cruel summer
midnights-antihero OR would've could've should've but also hits different <3
what are urs bestie??
0 notes
happytroopers · 2 years
Andor eps 2-  4 shit post
Maybe its my depression maybe its the show but I'm entirely apathetic towards this series so now im like 5 eps behind but this is me trying
Ep 2 spoilers below duh
-starting with a flashback tbh the flashback scenes were the More interesting bits from the first ep
-I love when there's random seemingly defect machinery just everywhere in Star Wars
-strip mining????
-idk who this man is or what he's doing but I love it
I wanna be Star Wars dramatic bell clanger
Star Wars Quasimodo
most of this show is just different characters suspiciously speed walking through alley ways
momma andor???
"It's all your women I'm worried about." Icon behaviors
oh what's his face is gonna turn Cassian in bc he's jealous I'm calling it now
I know this bc men suck
fuck u box's boyfriend who's name I can't remember. I was on board with you until you did this
this show is so dark. like lighting wise. I'm in my pitch black living room and im still having trouble making out all the faces
put me back on Tatooine where the desert suns burn my retinas through my silly lil screen
"corporate tactical forces" privatized police you mean
I love that this guy despit4e being ostensibly handsome definitely gets no bitches. Absolutely no play
I have that lantern in my camping gear rn
not to be off topic... I wonder what Boba is doing rn
its 5 years pre rogue one, so I'm assuming bounty hunting and being generally annoyed at Han Solo's existence but like... I want to go to there. (there is boba's lap)
insert the Cassy-Casssssy tik Tok audio here but this time its Cassian- Kassaaaa
are those Jedi issue sir? Ahhh fives I miss u every day
hes an icon. fave character too far
abandoned after imperial mining incident.. Mandalor type beat
at least in legends
Edward Cullen type beat
how many darks can this bad boy hold
also are they poison or just tranqs
-that is an UGLY ship
-"if you can't find it here it's not worth finding" me at my local thrift store
-wow were two episodes in and approximatley one thing has happened. And it was the thing that happened int he first 5 mins of the first episode
EPISODE 3 spoilers obvi
-I want to be interested so bad
-pls let my depressed lizard brain latch on to this
-also why does Tumblr fuck up my formatting when im on desktop
-desktop is supposed to work better and yet
-why does this give me among us vibes
I never even played among us
for some reason I feel as though this is going in the direction of somehow in some indirect way something Cassian does is gonna be the root cause of Kenari's mining incident
that seems very par for the course
me too Cassian. I also react that way when I see my reflection
idc what his Star Wars name and back story is
just as with the marvel movies- that is simply Bill Anderson, Swedish adventurer, author, and singer of silly songs
soo not mamma andor
perhaps even clone wars era
idk what that weapon that bill's got, but I like it
"the drowser" new gear just drpped
"you know how cold she gets" im soft
aww even fictional cops break citizens rights
bc hes a rat
of course his name is fucking Tim
Bill that was Optimus prime level inspiration
woah I love the organized signaling
bill I love you
a lil attracted to u rn
what is the lay out of this building
was it made to be one big OSHA violation
what is its purpose other than dramatic destruction
RIP Timm this was kind of ur fault
I love how even despite the fact that we know Cassian is a morally grey character, we're really doubling down that these blue guys are evil evil and it wasn't just those two assholes
love cassian emerging from the shadows
very sexy of him
they even made gun ships, my fave ship, ugly
RIP to the cop that got exiled
smart but sad. that speeder waS neat
I swear I know the Maarva actress
"we need to get out of here." no response "SIR WE NEED TO GET UOT OF HERE"
at least things happened this episode 5/10
EP 4 spoilers below obvi
-mon mommy sorry mommy?
-Bill has his wn ship... just like in mamma mia
-the parallels are amazing
-"you're bleeding on my floor"
-Med Nog? SAY MOORE RN. is it just more alch??? is it bacta infused? miracle healing Elixar??? I need mor4e information immediately
-Sep??? is the separatist / confederacy of independent systems still kicking for am I missing something?
-"you'll ultimately die fighting these bastards" its sad bc its true
-nt the imperial security beureua
-"are you being purposely vague?" me at this show
-kyber crystal????
-Blue kyber??? hmmm
-dont steal the ship Cass
-hmmm why are we lying to the rebellion folk
-tie fighter sound effects my beloved
"close to nothing. But not very far from everything" also could be said about my hometown
-this is a nemik fan account.. for now. Idk he has good vibes
-I wish to be on Corucsant. concrete jungle where dreams are made of. There's nothing you can't do
-marriage problems??? fuck this guy
-I can't wait to see the CGI for the celestial event
-who is this blonde girl and why do we care about her
-"can I eat my food?" me too Cass
There's been significant improvement ! ok thats all the new content my brain can handle today good night.
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markantonys · 2 years
winter’s heart chapter 22-27
“[min] nestled in the back of [rand’s] head more strongly than elayne or aviendha, or alanna. he was only vaguely aware of the others. min seemed alive inside him.” yes this is only because min is physically nearby him and the others aren’t, but still, it just feels like such a slap in the face to avirandlayne enjoyers 😒 especially seeing as elayne is the only one who ever wanted rand as her warder in the first place or should even have a warder. the other two have no business having a warder (especially min, whereas avi at least is a channeler if not an aes sedai) and just co-opted what should’ve been a randlayne-only bond and i’ll never stop being mad about it.
“in far madding, a wealthy man was one whose wife gave him a generous allowance or a widower who had been provided for” a city of sugar mamas, love to see it!
“at best, he would have to abandon his sword, which he was reluctant to do. it was a gift from aviendha.” 📣📣 rand just had an independent individual thought about aviendha! instead of only thinking of her in the Girlfriend Blob! stop the presses!
but rand does not have a single independent individual thought about elayne. like, he saw her again for the first time in months and found out she loves him after all, despite the confusion of the letters, and slept with her for the first time, and he’s just? not going to even mention that? have any thoughts about it? i hate it here.
min gets plenty of independent individual thoughts, of course, when rand returns to the inn and sees her and thinks about how beautiful she is and how he can feel her love in the bond. i hate it here!!!!!
could we not have been spared one (1) scene of rand pov when he was with all of them in caemlyn? he’s just had major relationship developments and we don’t get to hear a peep about how he feels about it! i know he’s busy with world-saving stuff to do, but good god!
it’s so unfair. why can’t elayne or avi be the ones traveling with rand and having adventures with him and pretending to be his wife at the inn and sharing a room and feeling his (lack of) emotions in the bond and vice versa? oh, right, because they actually have important roles in their own plotlines, how could i have forgotten.
anyway, rand’s like “why is nynaeve wearing so much jewelry and attracting attention to our party” but i recognize at least one piece as an angreal, so i’m guessing they all are. why wouldn’t she explain that to rand? they’re working together on a super important mission and still aren’t telling each other stuff?
we learn that the traitor asha’man are all darkfriends and i’m annoyed about it. every time a character turns out to be a traitor or villain or what have you, they’re always a darkfriend. i want more villains who aren’t actually darkfriends or serving the dark one! villains who do bad things without being Evil™! i think all we’ve got on that front are elaida (who’s under the control of a darkfriend), the seanchan, and the whitecloaks (who’ve been MIA for many books and aren’t a real threat). this was my same frustration when it turned out elayne was poisoned by darkfriends and not political rivals as i was expecting it to be.
lews therin is good at drawing! a random little factoid that i love. always nice to see wholesome lews therin memories. the only other one i can remember is one where he was climbing olive trees as a kid.
luc. forgot about that guy. still no clue what his deal is, but we get confirmation that he is indeed luc mantear and rand’s uncle. i can’t muster up the energy to be interested in him, i’ve already got more than enough characters and plotlines to be dealing with.
speaking of, the next 2 chapters are in some windfinder’s pov and i don’t care. i think that it should be illegal for anyone to have pov for more than 1 page unless they are rand, mat, elayne, nynaeve, egwene, aviendha, faile, gawyn, morgase, moiraine, or lan (tho i don’t thiiiiink we’ve seen any pov from him yet in the series). perrin is on thin ice. min’s ice has all cracked. everybody else never had ice to begin with.
the one good thing about the windfinder is that she’s unambiguously and canonically bi! she is married to a man whom she misses and wants to be with again, but she also had an affair with a cairhienin woman (ailil, the icon who was making fun of rand’s Can’t Kill Women shit in the last book and is now more of an icon due to being canon wlw). throughout her chapters she describes both men and women as pretty. good for her! i still don’t want to hear from her for 2 whole chapters though.
but we do have the sweetest  of moments when, after spending 2 chapters hearing how her younger sister harine is always mean and authoritative towards shalon since she ranks higher than her, harine says when she sees how scared shalon is to be cut off from the source (we also learn that far madding has ter’angreal that make it like a stedding where no one can channel): “i was afraid of the dark when i was a child, and you never left me alone till the fear passed. i will not leave you alone either, shalon.” 🥺
rand is playing his flute!!! yes!!! if only it was mat sitting in the inn room with him instead of min. i miss the cauthor roadtrip.
“how would he feel at dying? sadness at leaving [min], at leaving elayne and aviendha.” and once again we have min separated out and elayne and avi together in a blob 😒
“he would like to see his father again before the end.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭 if we never get a rand-tam reunion i’ll kill myself
“he had been told [that he had to die] by those he had to believe. to live, you must die.” the snaky folk perhaps?? i don’t think we’ve heard what rand’s questions and answers were. (also, we got an aelfinn namedrop somewhere in these chapters but i don’t think we’ve yet learned that that’s the proper name of the snaky folk. whenever i see you guys talk about the aelfinn i go “the who now? oh, you mean the Snaky Folk™” that’s who they’ll always be to me.)
“‘if you hadn’t [let us bond you], we’d have tied you up and done it anyway.’ best not to ask how that would have differed from what alanna had done, he decided. certainly, [min] saw a difference.” uh yikes min! big “it’s not rape if he’s my boyfriend” energy. elayne and avi have definitely had their moments, but min is by far the worst when it comes to stripping rand of all agency in his own relationship, what with this line + how she said “us 3 women will decide about marriage” + how she told elayne they would slice him up between them like a pie + her entire books 4-7 approach of “i’m gonna chase rand down and force him to love me”
when rand says alanna’s about to walk into the room, min drapes herself all over him on the bed so that alanna will see them that way. once again i’m asking for min to find some dignity and self-respect. she’s just so possessive of rand and insecure about her relationship with him. there is no doubt in my mind that she would not hesitate to cut elayne and avi out of the relationship if she had the chance.
alanna mentions that she asked cadsuane if she could transfer rand’s bond to her: “only, she refused. she was furious that i suggested it without asking you, outraged” nice, cadsuane has one (1) right
“a man who trusts everyone is a fool, and a man who trusts no one is a fool” lews therin does come out with good advice sometimes
rand initially thought of having aes sedai swear fealty to him as only a power move, but now alanna makes him realize that if he puts a little trust in them he can use them to help him out and solve some of his political problems in other lands. nice!
“he hoped elayne and aviendha masked the bond when he was making love with min.” aren’t they way too far away to feel it anyway? “when the two of them were together in bed, no one else existed except her, the same as it had been with elayne.” an independent individual thought about elayne and their night together!!!!!! but also, harem vibes. it’s weird to have them all bonded but not all banging. either have them all bonded and all banging, or have them banging separately and rand is bonded to none (or only to elayne). i’m all for warder bond sex benefits but rand is clearly uncomfortable with the thought of the other two girlfriends feeling what he’s doing with the third girlfriend, just as min and aviendha were clearly uncomfortable feeling what he was doing with elayne. and it seems that the warder can’t mask the bond but that min also wasn’t able to despite being the bondholder, i’m guessing because she can’t channel, which is EXACTLY why she has no business being a warder’s bondholder.
verin is native to far madding but was exiled and seems to be a wanted woman? girl what did you DO?? “hastily filling a second cup, verin slipped the small vial back into her pouch unopened. it was good to be sure of cadsuane at last. ‘do you take honey?’ she asked in her most muddled voice. ‘i never can remember.’” GIRL!?!?!??!!! i never have any idea what verin’s up to but i love her. add her to my “characters who can legally have pov” list. i would gladly read the whole series from verin’s pov.
cadsuane again talks about how she needs to help rand relearn to be human and to laugh and cry. why do you think that bullying him is helping accomplish this at all? and why the hell is this role falling to cadsuane? still struggling to see why she needs to exist at all. why can’t it be rand’s friends and family and partners (ALL of them, not just min) chipping in and teaming up to bring him back from the brink?
i guess this is why we have so much plot-mandated character separation - for narrative and character arc purposes, rand isn’t allowed to realize how many loved ones he really does have. readers say how sad it is that everyone abandons rand, but they don’t, rj just forbids them from spending time with him. but before they were separated from him (and separated from him largely not of their own choice), we’ve seen in elayne’s and mat’s and perrin’s pov that they notice rand is unwell and are worried about him, and nynaeve’s too, tho at least she’s with him rn so i have hope. and while egwene is tower-focused now, in the next chapter she does tell elayne that she loves rand, and when they were together in loc it was clear she cared for rand and worried about him even though she always misinterpreted his growing hardness as arrogance rather than trauma. and rand thinks that lan sees only tdr now and is afraid of him, but i wouldn’t be at all surprised if that’s just rand’s self-loathing making him think that and lan actually does still care and worry about him.
i would kill for the pivotal scene in rand’s emotional arc to be ALL his loved ones showing up and being there for him and making him finally see that he’s not alone and that he’s so loved, but i know i’m not going to get that and i’m devastated about it.
“egwene seemed stunned by [the changes in emond’s field]. when she first appeared in tel’aran’rhiod, a long braid had dangled down egwene’s back and she was in a plain woolen dress, of all things, with stout shoes peeking out beneath her skirts as she walked.” 😭😭 egwene is the one who’s left emond’s field furthest behind, and it both heals and hurts me to see that she DOES miss it and her family (later in the chapter she wonders if her family is well and elayne suggests Traveling to visit them, but egwene says that she “can’t face confronting emond’s field as amyrlin” she misses her home but knows she’s changed too much to go back and have things be the way they once were 😭)
“[elayne] hoped rand could still love emond’s field, but it was no longer the village where he and egwene had grown up.” “here in tel’aran’rhiod, she could not know which direction he was. she missed that knowledge, small as it was. she missed him.” 😭😭😭 randlayne deserves betterrrrrrrr
“Traveling made such things [as egwene popping in to visit emond’s field] easy” YEAH IT SURE DOES SO WHY DO NONE OF YOU GUYS EVER TRAVEL TO HANG OUT WITH EACH OTHER
egwene is burdened by duty and elayne hugs her and comforts her. once again i am asking why the boys aren’t allowed to do this! “‘whatever i decide, people are going to die for it.’ she patted elayne’s arm. ‘well, you understand that sort of decision, don’t you.’” once again i am asking why neither of them are allowed to have this sort of conversation and duty-empathizing with rand!
from rumors, egwene thinks rand is chaining aes sedai like damane. aha, i remember back at dumai’s wells i predicted there would be a reckoning between rand and egwene when she found out about him making aes sedai kneel and swear fealty to him. elayne thinks “rand would never do that! if only for love of her, he would not!” bless her ❤️
“with him so far away, the veins of gold shone only in memory.” RANDLAYNE DESERVES BETTER
OKAY OH MY GOD aviendha and elayne are now sharing a bed!!! “every morning since they had begun to share the same bed” and elayne mentions “aviendha’s side of the bed” and they dress together and have breakfast together every morning, they are WIVES like straight up this is not even subtext anymore. i’m gonna jump out of order a bit here to present my evidence on this topic.
aviendha is unhappy about elayne pretending mellar is the father of her baby in order to protect them (since they’d be in danger if it was known rand was their father): “‘i see,’ aviendha said slowly, and frowned into her plate as though seeing something other than the eggs and plums she began pushing around with her spoon.” while she understands it, she’s upset about her wife pretending to be in love with someone else!
throughout these chapters, avi remains by elayne’s side and we are told many times about other people reacting to this with surprise and sometimes confusion/judgment. “the kandori studied aviendha surreptitiously when not listening attentively to elayne, and the illianers avoided looking at her at all after the first widening of eyes in surprise.” meanwhile, “if [reene harfor] had ever been uncertain about elayne calling aviendha sister, she had never shown it, and now she genuinely appeared to approve.” the sister business is all a euphemism and we are actually seeing people react to the daughter-heir having a wife.
like it’s just soooooo blatant at this point that i have to assume rj genuinely WAS intending their relationship to be subtextually romantic but just couldn’t make it explicit due to constraints of the times and/or publisher. there’s just no other explanation for this shit. they live together and share a bed by choice when other beds are available and elayne’s housekeeper approves of their ““sister”” relationship though others find it strange and avi is constantly fussing over elayne and the baby (i will get into that more in a moment bc it made my heart melt). and it seems to me that they started sharing a bed around the time of rand’s visit to caemlyn (i don’t THINK they were before that) so i can only conclude that all 3 of them got together officially that day (with min once again being the awkward outlier)
back to where i was chronologically. avi and birgitte told elayne that min told them she’s pregnant, but we learn later in the chapter that avi and birgitte got too drunk to remember that it was boy and girl twins so elayne thinks she’s having only a single baby and doesn’t know the gender. feels weird to me that avi and birgitte would remember elayne’s pregnant but not that it’s twins but whatever lmao
“she almost looked forward to the start of birthing sickness, so she could share the queasy belly with birgitte” jdfkjgh crying. also yet another reason why rand should be allowed to be near elayne again, it would be hilarious having to watch him deal with secondhand pregnancy effects.
elayne is so overworked that sometimes avi has to “half carry her to bed.” to bed, not to ELAYNE’S bed. because it is THEIR bed that they share, together, every night, as wives.
“‘do i need [birgitte] to tell me you spend too many hours inside and sleep too little?’ aviendha replied contemptuously. ‘you need fresh air.’” “‘monaelle has borne seven children. she says i must see you get fresh air.’” “elayne hastily ate her midday meal early. she had not sent for it; aviendha had. apparently, monaelle said missing meals was as bad as eating too much.” caretaker avi looking after her wife and baby 🥺
“whatever protected her baby, she was willing to do.” “nothing could be allowed to threaten her child. nothing!” 🥺🥺❤️❤️ elayne haters are always going on about how annoying pregnant elayne is, but i for one am adoring this so far. i love elayne and i love babies and i love elayne loving her babies!!
“no escort, birgitte. except for you. an aes sedai and her warder. and aviendha, of course.” of course! because elayne’s wife accompanies her everywhere! that goes without saying!
“dark-stockinged legs bared above the knee by straddling a saddle” elayne is looking at aviendha’s legs Respectfully
“unlike birgitte, [aviendha] had not ceased her attempts to dissuade elayne.” protective yet annoyed wife! “[elayne did not feel] at all ready to put up with badgering. but she did not want to snap at aviendha.” exasperated yet loving wife!
“it might be better to have a son first, so he could begin his training before his sister came. yet a daughter secured the succession, while a lone son would be pushed aside, and as much as she wanted more than one, nothing said she would have another child. the light send her more of rand’s children, but she had to be practical.” elayne i cannot wait for you to find out that you and your spouses are gonna end up with 6 kids!! she’s gonna be absolutely thriving!!
elayne finagles the borderland rulers into an agreeable deal with ease! i say that’s my baby and i’m really proud.gif!
“take care of him, min, she thought. take care of him for us.” elayne is so trusting of min and is all in on the polycule, contrasting back to my earlier thought about how i always get the impression min would jump at the chance to cut her and avi out and keep rand to herself.
“there was no time for sleep, no time for weariness. she had a city to defend.” baby 😭 she and rand are THE SAME
reading this post back, it’s amazing how much more cheerful my liveblogging became once i got to elayne pov lmao elayne and avilayne are literally saving me!
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pkmn-edits · 5 months
Random pokemon × random Pride flags edit!
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Official Coining Post ☄︎. *. ⋆
-Lutter is a suffix for when you're attracted to a certain gender but you struggle with that attraction for whatever reason it could be because of trauma or bad experiences but it doesn't have to be, some examples of this may be:
Fialutter/Finlutter - the stuggle with attraction to fia/fin/woman
Mialutter/Minlutter - the stuggle with attraction to mia/min/men
Xialutter/Xinlutter - the stuggle with attraction to xia/xin/xenics
Nialutter/Ninlutter - the stuggle with attraction to nia/nin/neutral/non-binary
Multilutter - the stuggle with attraction to all genders attracted to
Lutter - french for struggle
this term was coined on the 20th of July 2021 by me!
The flags were created on the 26th of July 2021 by the same user
if you have any questions or anything, feel free to dm/ask us on here!
Can be added to dictionaries, wikis, etc. as long as nothing about the term is changed, and the definition isn’t altered in any way
more flags below the cut!
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bellasguide · 3 years
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officialotakudome · 3 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, Tech, and Geek Culture
New Post has been published on https://otakudome.com/vampire-academy-adaptation-announced-for-peacock/
Vampire Academy Adaptation Announced For Peacock
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Vampire Academy has been announced for Peacock:
Showrunner / Writer / Executive Producer / Director: Julie Plec (The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Legacies)
Showrunner / Writer / Executive Producer: Marguerite MacIntyre
Executive Producers: Emily Cummins, Don Murphy, Susan Montford, Deepak Nayar and Jillian DeFrehn
Directors: Bille Woodruff (first episode), Luis Prieto, Jesse Warn, Erica Dunton, Geoff Shotz and Julie Plec
Author: Richelle Mead
Produced By: Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group
Format: 10 x 60 min episodes, YA drama
Filming Location: Spain
From executive producer Julie Plec comes a story of romance, friendship, death, sex, and scandal. Vampire Academy is based on a series of young adult paranormal romance novels by international bestselling author Richelle Mead. In a world of privilege and glamour, two young women’s friendship transcends their strikingly different classes as they prepare to complete their education and enter royal vampire society. This serialized and sexy drama combines the elegance of aristocratic romance and the supernatural thrills of the vampire genre.
Series Description: St. Vladmir’s Academy isn’t just any boarding school — it’s a hidden place where vampire royals are educated and half-human teens train to protect them from the savage ‘Strigoi’ vampires who would like to see them destroyed.
SISI STRINGER (Mortal Kombat) will play Rose Hathaway, a vampire-human hybrid known as a Dhampir.  Fiery and outspoken, Rose is a true fighter in spirit and in practice.  She always jumps into action, and more often than not, this results in demerits.  She might be the strongest fighter in her class, but her success will depend entirely on her willingness to toe the line when it counts.
DANIELA NIEVES (Sex Appeal, Five Points) will play Lissa Dragomir, a Royal Moroi vampire.  Growing up the younger sister to the heir apparent, Princess Vasilisa Dragomir is a carefree, kind-hearted, royal princess coasting through her studies and happily chasing fun.  Lissa is uninterested in the political machinations of the Royal Court or the hypocrisy of Moroi royal society.  But with a sudden death in her family, Lissa is thrust into a role she’s neither trained for nor is emotionally equipped to handle.
KIERON MOORE (Masters of the Air, Sex Education) will play Dimitri Belikov, the model of a Dhampir guardian: lethal, disciplined, discreet, and totally committed to his role as bodyguard to the ruling Moroi, the “good,” mortal vampires of his world. He lives by a deep moral code, but beneath his stoic, watchful surface, there’s an expansive spirit that could threaten to expose the underlying tension between his sense of what’s right and his formal duty to the Moroi.
ANDRÉ DAE KIM (Degrassi, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds) will play Christian Ozera, a Royal Moroi vampire.  Intelligent and thoughtful, Christian is the pariah of the school and royal court, due to his parents’ unforgiveable societal sins.  Well-read and hungry for knowledge, he searches for faith-based answers and discovers a kindred spirit who is also looking for the truth.
J. AUGUST RICHARDS (Angel, Generation) will play Victor Dashkov.  Victor is a Moroi noble vampire with a heart of gold who’s highly regarded for his role as advisor and political strategist to Moroi dignitaries.  He’s a fierce loyalist who uses his intelligence and influence to protect that which he values most: the well-being of his husband and two adopted daughters, as well as the betterment of his Moroi community.
ANITA-JOY UWAJEH (West End’s Cyrano de Bergerac and King Lear), will play Tatiana Vogel.  Tatiana is a Moroi vampire and political underdog who slowly takes the royal court by storm.  Motivated by love and a sense of justice, Tatiana has a unique skill of making herself seem of no consequence until we realize much too late that she was always the one to watch.
MIA MCKENNA-BRUCE (West End’s Billy Elliot The Musical, The Dumping Ground) will play Mia Karp, a student at St. Vladimir’s Academy. Witty, cutting, and just the right kind of ruthless when necessary, non-Royal Mia has a long-term plan to social climb her way into the ranks of royalty, with all the privilege and freedom that entails. A plan complicated by her instant chemistry with Meredith, a Guardian-in-training, as Mia struggles to reconcile her attraction to Meredith with her lowly status.
RHIAN BLUNDELL (Torchwood: Believe, Doctor Who: The Dread of Night) will play Meredith, a smart, strong-willed Dhampir who is a keen observer, which makes her an excellent strategist and a valuable asset. She has little patience for Rose’s volatility or Mia’s elitism, and regularly calls both of them out.
JONETTA KAISER (Tales, Breakwater) will play Sonya Karp.  Quiet, careful and decidedly odd, Sonya is not of royal bloodline and sits out on the fringe of Moroi society, preferring to spend her time in the library or her gardens.  Not a person who likes a scene, nonetheless she has a quiet but profound power of her own. She is taken by surprise when a Dhampir Guardian named Mikhail shows interest in her, a relationship that will expose both the brightest and darkest parts of her heart.
ANDREW LINER (Grown-ish) will play Mason Ashford.  Charming, loyal and popular, Mason is Rose’s main competition in the quest to become the number one Guardian-in-training.  Though their relationship is casual on her side, he is hopeful she will finally look at him and see him as something more.
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stanzoeywade · 4 years
Queen B Mamma Mia!AU pt.3
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Summary: This chapter will be about Poppy and MC, with Poppy having the role of Sam from Mamma Mia. After this I will be writing the endings, where I will write about MC’s future with Chloe, Veronica and Poppy. Trying to give all the stans what they want. Hopefully, I nailed Poppy’s character. Please tell me what you thought.
Taglist: @somewillwin @belvoiresqueenbee @origmansello @clownery-is-a-new-personality @kamilahtrash @poppysminion @poppysimp @minsinclair-lee @poppysmc @iiizdumb @uselesslesbianfr @scattered-to-the-winds @idiot-justidiot @toyhenoctus @begoniathotia @otakufangirl-12 @malvinghlein @ariaminsinclair @queenpoppyminsinclair @lavenderrtown
Warnings: smut, nsfw (not safe for clowns)
•You were making your way around the island after being dropped off by Veronica, and as you were exploring the many sights to be seen, a small little house catches your attention. You make your way towards it and enter, the place may look run down and old but you can already imagine how it would look if a little bit of TLC was used to build it up again.
• You can already imagine it as a popular hotel for people to visit, boosting the popularity of the island and hopefully increasing the economy for the people who lived there.
• There was a staircase and out of curiosity, you decide to go up and explore upstairs, it was dusty. The house clearly hasn't been used or cleaned for years. In all your excitement, you slide down the staircase which causes it to fall. Letting an awkward giggle you run away, hoping no one heard you.
• As you were making your way towards a small barn, the rain starts to pour and you can't help but think about what Veronica said. "A storm is coming." You just laugh in delight, as you run in the rain. You reach the stables and the building begins to creak and you're about to make your way out until you hear the sound of an animal in panic.
• You go in to see a panicking horse and seeing that you wouldn't be able to calm it down by yourself, you quickly reassure the horse that you'll be back with help. "I'll be back, I'm just coming to get someone to help, stay there okay."
• You quickly run outside, desperately hoping for anyone to pass by in the storm. You yell out desperately "I NEED HELP, ANYONE!", hoping to attract anyone's attention.
• You hear the sound of a motorbike, and a blonde woman stops in front of you. "Is there anything I can do to help?" she says and you're immediately awed by her beauty, even with her hair a mess from the rain and her clothes dripping, she still manages to look gorgeous. Her brown eyes glimmer in anticipation, as if eager to help.
• You quickly explain that you need her help to take care of the horse, she immediately follows you inside the stables, and the two of you carefully approach the horse, making sure not to startle it.
• "Well this is gonna be easy, I'm a veterinarian." she says and you're immediately relieved as you ask "Really?" She just looks at you with a wry smile and as she says "No, I'm not, I'm an architect." You just shake your head and say "Okay, just talk to horse gently, to make them feel at ease." She gives you an affirmative nod as she gently calms the horse down. "This would be easier if I was calm" she says.
• You take the reins off and immediately open the gate to let the horse out from the shaky building. You can't help the relieved sigh that comes out as you get out safely. You look at the stranger and say "Thanks, also it's nice to meet you. I'm Rosie Hughes by the way."
• She looks at you as she flashes you a charming smile "Poppy Min-Sinclair, the pleasure is mine Miss Hughes." The two of you smile at each other, and you suggest that you find a place for the horse to stay.
• The two of you decide to tour around the island together, and you both make your way to market, and you're looking for new clothes. Poppy makes conversation by asking "What brings you here?" and you just shoot her a smile as you say "I don't know, I just wanted to explore the world and this place is absolutely beautiful. Plus I wanted to piss off my mother, she's always touring." Poppy looks at you with something akin to understanding as she says "Your mother sings?" You nod at her. "Yes, with a voice as sweet as sugarcane."
• She sees a dress and is about to tell you "This will suit -" she's cut off as you appear in front of her wearing overalls. You laugh at her as you say "You really, don't know me at all."
• The two of you head down to a local pub, and you're immediately entertained by the band that is playing. "I absolutely, love this place, oh my God." you say as Poppy just gives you a questioning look that says "Are you serious?!"
• The two of you start to talk and you talk about your personal lives and Poppy asks "Your mother wouldn't miss you?" You just look and smile at her. The smile not quite reaching your eyes as you say "She's not that kind of mother." Poppy looks apologetic and she's about to apologise when you cut her off. "Don't be sorry, it's okay I'm not angry at her, it's not a sob story."
• Poppy tells you that her whole life has been planned for her. "I'm only here because I wanted to get away and finally achieve freedom. I'm not going to be able to stay forever, but hopefully, I find something to make me stay."
• Poppy hesitates and looks like she's about to say something important but you were already distracted by the band finishing their song. "That was amazing! I loved it!" you turn to the bar and speak to the lady. "Are you the owner?" she just points forward as she says "My son the owner, because no one else let his band play."
• The owner approaches you and says "Thank you, how do you like the island?" You practically vibrate with excitement and Poppy can't help but think that you're cute. "I love it here, it's very relaxing. I also love your band, you guys are amazing. I would love to sing with you guys and my friends from home." He looks at you as he says "You sing?"
• You're about to shyly deny, until Poppy interjects and says "Yes she sings, sweet as sugarcane." The man looks at you expectantly as he hands you the microphone. "Sing." he says and you're flabbergasted "Just like that? I need time to prepare." He just replies with "Here on island, everything just like that."
Play Andante Andante.
• As soon as you get up on the stage, your voice starts to fill the room, and Poppy's eyes are drawn to you. The whole pub becomes more lively as people start to sing along with you, and you're happy because you love singing. After, he says "You're hired!" as everyone claps.
• After that day, you and Poppy get a little bit closer, the two of you got out for long walks basking in the moonlight, where you both have your first kiss. The funny thing is that your first kiss was also in front of where you met.
• The two of you decide to go on a date, Poppy rowing, and you're off to go to on a picnic. For someone so small, Poppy can be strong. "I don't think you know what you're doing Pop." Poppy just laughs at you as she says "I'm hoping that if I keep rowing forward we'll bump into land. There's another island over there, I was hoping we might go for a picnic." You look at her, curious "Where are we going to get the food?" and she just says "I was hoping we can catch it on the way."
• Your expression turns serious, and you struggle to form the words until a sudden burst of courage overtakes you. You clear your throat. "Uh, we should probably talk about last night. I don't usually do that, I mean hardly ever. Well, sometimes. A bit recently in fact. But, on the whole, not." Poppy looks at you, clearly amused by your sudden shyness. "I thought it was miraculous." she says with a gentle smile.
• You bite your bottom lip shyly as you say "Um, I'm gonna say something, and you're probably going to think that I'm crazy but you should shut up as I'm saying it." Poppy tries to cut you off but you just keep going "I want to stay here, and I think you should too. I think we should choose to do something radical, wonderful, and amazing. To live in this extraordinary place with someone miraculous."
• Poppy looks at you entranced and you notice the way she was staring. You shake your head slightly as you say "I told you, you'd think it was crazy." Poppy makes eye contact, sadness hidden in those brown eyes "I just don't think it's that simple. Nothing usually is."
• "Everything is. When you break it down." you say voice unwavering, and Poppy looks away and it's clear that she's thinking. She chuckles as she says "I don't think it's crazy."
• Poppy starts to take photos of you, and she knows that she's become smitten in the short time you've spent together. The way the two of you look at each other with such affection in your eyes makes it obvious that you adore each other.
• Whilst Chloe was soft and sweet, Veronica passionate. Poppy was everything you wanted, the two of you knew exactly what the other needed and it was addicting. She was like a drug you can't quit or get enough of.
• The two of you spent the night together. For someone who looks as elegant and proper as Poppy, you're surprised to know that she can be quite the little minx in bed.
• It starts off with a bang, both of you can feel electricity with each kiss, neither of you know who kissed who first. The kisses start off slow and gentle as if you're just getting used to each other. Your hands find their way to the small of her back, and you start to circle your thumb against her.
• Poppy's moans into the kiss, and you're left wanting more because Poppy sounds so good. Her hands start to wander, and she reaches your lower back, which she gives a firm squeeze and you can't help the groan that escapes your lips. Poppy looks at you with half-lidded eyes and pupils blown as she starts to strip you until all that's left is your underwear.
• She deftly moves a hand to cup your breast, whilst the other unhooks your bra. Her mouth trails down from your jaw to your breasts where she nips and sucks at every patch of skin she can reach. You both stumble into bed, and Poppy's mouth finds your nipple, which she gently starts to tease with her tongue.
• The sounds that come out of your mouth is pure sin, a mixture of muffled moans and screams as you cover your mouth with the back of your hand. Poppy notices and she's quick to take your hand away. "I want to hear every noise you make. Don't be shy." she says huskily and it sends a wave of arousal down your inner thighs. This causes you to rub your thighs together. Poppy notices the moist fabric, and her fingers trail down to touch the strap of your underwear. You're already left whining at the contact because you want her to touch lower.
• "What is it that you want Rosie? Do you want me to touch lower?" she says voice dropping an octave. You're whining mess underneath her, and you know there's no point in playing hard to get so you just nod your head so fast it could have caused a normal person whiplash.
• Poppy moves her hands lower, and she removes your underwear. Her fingers find your clit and she presses the pad of her fingers on it. Desperate for any kind of friction your hips grind against her. Poppy holds your hips down as she makes a displeased noise. "Tsk tsk, Hughes, I'm in charge, you're only allowed to moved when I tell you to." Your head is spinning and you're, really desperate but you follow her wishes.
• Poppy starts off by teasing you, slowly tracing her fingers on your pussy, and as she feels how wet you are, she lets out a satisfied groan."You're so wet for me, how much did you want to do this?" she says as she slowly starts to insert her index and middle finger into your core.
• A sob escapes your lips and you have to bite your lips to stop moving against her finger. Poppy notices how needy you look and she says "What do you want me to do? Tell me clearly." Your voice sounds shaky as you stutter out the words she wants to hear "Poppy, please I need you to move your fingers, I'm begging you please."
• Poppy's eyes light up as she hears you beg, suddenly she leans forward to kiss your neck. "Anything my baby asks for she gets." She starts to thrust her fingers in and out at a steady pace, she can see your face contorted into a look of pleasure. "Does that feel good?" she asks and your answer is only to pull her in her closer. She gives you a noise of approval as she works you up faster. When you're close Poppy stops and you whine.
• She looks down at you and says "Grind" and you follow. You start to grind on her fingers as she thrusts it inside you. You can feel your muscles go taut, and your vision begins to turn white. Your body starts to spasm, as you reach your climax, letting out a scream as you do so, only to be muffled by Poppy kissing you.
• Poppy looks satisfied until she sees the troubled look on your face. "What's wrong? Did that not feel good?" she asks, worried. You just shake your head at her. "I want to make you cum too." Poppy flushes and she's about to deny you until she feels you tugging on her arm. "Sit on my face, princess."
• Poppy's whole body turns red and you laugh as she settles herself down on your face. "This is gonna be fun" you say as you lap at Poppy's cunt, eyes rolling back at the taste. Poppy's hands make their way to your hair where she tugs. "Fuck you taste so good Poppy. I could get addicted." you say as you let Poppy grind her hips against your mouth. You tease her entrance and flick her clit with tongue. The noises that escape Poppy are intoxicating, you don't think any song can compare." You can tell Poppy's about to cum when you hear her ragged breathing and her hips jerking faster.
• Poppy climaxes with a loud moan, so much so you're pretty sure everyone in the vicinity heard you. Poppy falls forward and has to put her hand against the wall to keep herself from falling. You catch all of her cum with your tongue, and it tastes uniquely of Poppy and you know its something you can't forget.
• Poppy gets off you and as she lies down on the bed, you can see her chest heaving and Poppy gasping for air. The two of you share a fond look, as you both bask in the afterglow. After a few minutes, Poppy drifts off to sleep and you know that you're falling for her really hard.
• The next day, as you make your way to the kitchen to make some breakfast a journal catches your attention. Curious, you open it to see a photo of Poppy with a man and a ring on her finger. Anger and rage fill you as you wake Poppy up to confront her.
• Poppy wakes up with a jolt. "When were you going to tell me that you were engaged?!" you yell angry tears falling from your eyes. Poppy looks at you and say "I can explain, please let me talk." You look at her, silent fury visible in your eyes. "Yeah you can talk, I have three questions for you and you're going to answer them for me" you say as calmly as you can.
• "Are you engaged to that wonderful man?" and she replies with "Yes." voice shaky as if she's scared to lose you. "And did you tell me about it?" you ask. She shakes her head at you "No" and you just throw your hands in surrender as you say "And did you seriously think that I was going to forgive you?" you say as you turn away from her. "Wait, please I can explain!" she pleads and you're done "No more talking, go!"
• Poppy packs her things as she gets ready to leave the island. She sees you as leaves, your figure fading in the distance, and she knows she blew it. She doesn't think that she can love someone else the way she loved you.
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themogaidragon · 3 years
Miscellaneous Sexuality
Sexual orientations that are not ace-spec and do not fall into any of categories fia/fin attraction, mia/min attraction, nia/nin attraction, xia/xin attraction, fluid sexuality, m-spec, or any other of sexuality subcategories. Some of the most common reasons for being in this category include: The attraction to a specific non-binary/genderqueer subcategory that doesn't inherently fall under any of the listed categories. Sexualities where the gender(s) one is attracted to is dependent on the gender of the identifier (and is not inherently m-spec) (e.g. gay and straight). Sexualities that do not explicitly say what gender(s) one is attracted to (and are not inherently m-spec). The attraction to people based on something other than gender or gender presentation.
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lgcmanager · 4 years
Tumblr media
charity day has come and gone, but legacy hopes that its trainees felt proud to be a part of a cause-worthy event and help their community become a better place.
trainees might not have realized while taking part in the event, but there were a number of representatives from CARIBBEAN BAY, TOURISM KOREA, and ROYAL CANIN that were observing the trainees during this volunteer event in search for models for their new cfs ! each brand will divide them into three groups and give them different themes to cover. the caribbean bay trainees will be provided with coats, heating pads and indoor breaks when filming outside.
to be eligible, muses must have a MODELING CONTRACT SLOT AVAILABLE and have completed ALL REQUIREMENTS for this event. as such, the following have been selected to participate.
GROUP 1 [ lifeguard training ] GEUM DANBI, JUNG AHIN, MIN SOYOUN, SEO YUMI, TSAI KING (filming october 20)
GROUP 3 [ family friendly attractions ]  CHWE HUNJI, JEON HARU, OK MIYOUNG, PONGSAK ARINYA, SON HANA, SON JIEUN (filming october 22)
note: group 1 trainees should wear something similar to this (guys and girls can choose to wear a long white tank top). groups 2 and 3 girls should wear something similar to this, this or this, while boys can choose whether to wear a shirt/tank top or not, all according to their level of comfort with showing skin. underage muses, whether male or female, need to wear a full tank top or shirt. groups 1 and 2 will mainly show the outside attractions, while group 3 will focus mainly on the outdoor aquatic center.
GROUP 2 [ shelter kittens ] HAN ALLIE, HWANG MINJUN, KIM ALEX, KIM JINAH, LIN YUE, OH EUNHYE (filming october 21)
GROUP 3 [ service dogs ] AHN JAEHWA, JANG TAESUNG, JIN EUNJI, KANG EUNHO, SEO YURA (filming october 22)
note: muses can choose to hold or touch animals or not depending on their own level of comfort. they will all be wearing casual clothing. group 1 and 2 will be playing and interacting with the animals as well as feeding them royal canin food. group 3 will be assisting in service dogs training and feed the dogs royal canin food.
GROUP 1 [ seoul historical sites ] BAE DOHA, HAN INSOO, JEON HAEUN, KIM LUCCAS, LEE AARON, PARK SEON, SEO GEONWOO, SONG AHRI (filming october 20)
note: group 1 will be wearing both modern fashion clothing and traditional clothing at various moments in the commercial to demonstrate the passage of time. group 2 will be wearing outdoor friendly clothing. group 3 will be wearing casual or chic clothing at various moments in the commercial depending on the type of restaurant or market. any food allergies will be taken in consideration.
congratulations to all of you ! trainees have been privately notified that their current fees are 12 MILLION WON ($10,000 USD) per CF for a contract of 6 months (meaning that from the filming of the CF to the removal of them on broadcast, there will be a total of 6 months). Due to their contract split, they will each be paid 6 MILLION WON ($5,000 USD). The CFs will start airing in November.
write a solo of 300+ words or a thread of at least two 8 lines replies per participant involving another muse taking part in the same opportunity as yours for +5 SKILL POINTS IN MODELING and +7 NOTORIETY.
you have until OCTOBER 24 at 11:59 EST to complete this event. use the hashtag lgc:gig011. make sure to submit your points before the end of OCTOBER 25 to the lgcpoints blog:
all muses who completed ALL REQUIREMENTS and aren’t listed above ( as a result of not having a modeling slot available ) have received +5 SKILL POINTS IN PERFORMANCE and +7 NOTORIETY.
under the cut you can see if your muse got a reward !
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