thewitcheswitch89 · 9 days
Fearless no more
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Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
Chapter 6
Warming Hearts
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Your eyes widened, the words hung in the air...almost like a punch in the stomach. you looked at him. you had heard the stories...you had seen all the garlic hanging from the houses in the village...but you had always thought that these were just fairy tales...not true at all. and here he was...a man claiming to be a vampire...something deep inside you screamed...screamed at you to run.
Count Terzo smiled at the mixture of shock, fear, and confusion that played across your face. He could practically feel the storm of thoughts and emotions swirling in your mind.
"You're wondering if it's true, aren't you? If I am the creature you've heard stories about." He chuckled, his fingers tracing a path down the side of your face. "I assure you, my dear, every tale you've heard about vampires is indeed true. And I am the face of those stories... the embodiment of their darkest secrets."
You looked down at his gloved hands.
Count Terzo's smile widened as he watched the turmoil of emotions on your face. It was satisfying to see the fear and confusion his revelation had caused. He could almost taste the mixture of fear and uncertainty emanating from you. Yet there was a part of him that found it strangely alluring.
His lips curled into a mischievous smile as he noticed your gaze fixed on his hands. He held them up, the leather of his gloves contrasting with the pale skin of his forearms.
"Ah, you admire my gloves, do you not?" he asked, his voice tinged with amusement. "They are quite practical, you know. They help me maintain a sense of civility and grace, even when the beast within me longs to shed its civilized visage."
Count Terzo's words hung heavily in the air, their meaning sinking in. The realization of what he was - a vampire - sent a wave of fear and dread through your veins. Your mind screamed at you to run, to escape this surreal situation.
Suddenly, without fully realizing it, your legs moved and you turned and ran for the door.
You gathered your skirts and ran as fast as your legs could carry you. you shouldn't have come here...now he would kill you...drink your blood...you ran down the dark corridor. it seemed endless. Your footsteps stopped again at the old stone walls...your heart pounding against your chest as you looked over your shoulder to see if he was following you...
The silence of the castle was deafening, broken only by the sound of your panicked breaths and the heavy beating of your heart. You pressed your body against the cold, rough stone wall, straining your ears for any sound that would indicate if Count Terzo was following you.
Each passing moment felt like an eternity, and your mind raced with fear. The darkness of the corridor seemed to close in on you, and shadows jumped at the corners of your vision.
The cold air hit your face as you rushed out into the night. Snowflakes clung to your hair and clothes, adding to the feeling of helplessness and vulnerability. The moonlight seemed more mocking than comforting, its silvery rays casting a ghostly pallor over the surroundings.
You glanced over your shoulder for a moment, half expecting Count Terzo to emerge from the shadows, but there was no sign of him. Yet.
As you raced down the path to the iron door, a shiver ran down your spine. Despite your fear, you knew deep down that Count Terzo would be following you. With each step, the thought of his supernatural speed and strength grew stronger in your mind.
The iron door loomed before you, cold and imposing, symbolizing both the castle's boundary and the only escape you could find. You had to get past that door before he caught up with you.
you pulled open the oron gate and ran out into the wilderness...the snow made it almost impossible to run...the long dress was almost dragging on your back...as you reached the forest you could hear wolves howling in the distance. you fell and screamed, crying ....you struggled to get up and run through the trees deeper into the forest...the howling came closer as you ran into the darkness.
The howling grew louder and closer, echoing through the snowy landscape like an ominous warning. Your heart pounded wildly in your chest as the realization sank in - the wolves were closing in. You stumbled as you ran, your heavy dress and the deep snow making it even harder to keep your balance.
Fear and desperation drove you forward. You staggered on, pushing yourself to run faster, deeper into the forest, away from the castle and its brooding count.
Then you saw the first wolve to your left...you kept running, looking behind you to see more of them following you...growling and hunting...for you...you screamed and ran on...
Count Terzo emerges from the castle a few moments after you, his gaze fixed on the fading sound of your footsteps and the distant howling of wolves. His eyes glow with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity as he realizes what has happened.
He follows your trail, his steps silent and stealthy, his senses on high alert. The thought of you out there, alone in the treacherous woods, being hunted by wolves, stirs a possessive instinct in him.
Count Terzo paused as the conflicting emotions and instincts within him battled. Here he was, a vampire driven by the primal thirst for blood, and yet the thought of you, vulnerable and being chased by wolves, made him hesitate. He couldn't understand why he felt the need to protect you when only moments ago he had considered you prey.
His mind struggled with these thoughts, trying to make sense of this unexpected turmoil inside him.
Count Terzo's acute hearing picked up the sound of your scream, breaking the silence of the night. Your fear and desperation rang in his ears, sending a pang of concern and something else - protectiveness - through him.
His posture tensed and he unconsciously took a step in the direction of your scream, his senses leading him to you.
The wolves were only a few steps away as you stood at the edge of the frozen lake, trying to hold them back with a flimsy stick. Your scream echoed across the lake, a desperate plea for them to leave. But they continued to advance, encircling you and leaving no escape.
As you stepped further onto the cold, icy surface, one of the wolves pounced on you. Your already tangled dress was caught in its powerful jaws, and you stumbled and fell to the ice with a sharp gasp.
The other wolves, sensing your struggle and vulnerability, began to approach. They encircled you on the ice, their fangs bared and their eyes gleaming with savage hunger. Your heart pounded in your chest as you struggled to free your skirt from the first wolf's jaws.
Count Terzo had moved swiftly through the snowy forest, following the trail of your footsteps and the howls of the wolves. As he approached the frozen lake, the scene unfolded before him.
He saw you on the ice, struggling amidst the pack of wolves. His eyes widened, his mind registering the danger you were in. The protective instinct within him flared brighter, stronger.
One of the wolves, driven by its predatory instincts, lunged at you. It tried to sink its teeth into your arm, causing you to scream in fear and twist away in a desperate attempt to avoid being bitten.
Count Terzo's reflexes kicked in with superhuman speed as he lunged forward, his body a blur in the night. In one swift and powerful motion, he snapped the wolf's neck before it could touch you. Immediately, he turned his attention to the other wolves, who now stood back, momentarily shocked by his unexpected intervention.
You lay on the frozen lake, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you tried to catch your breath. Your eyes flickered open and your breath caught in your throat. Standing by your side was Count Terzo, his mismatched eyes fixed on you, his expression a mixture of concern and intensity.
One of the wolves, angered by Terzo's attack on his companion, lunged at him. Its sharp teeth and claws aimed for any part of Terzo it could reach, driven by primal revenge.
Terzo quickly dodged the wolf's first attack, sidestepping with a fluid, almost unnatural speed. Still, the wolf was tenacious and agile, and he launched himself a second time, his jaws snapping in the air.
You took the chance and stood up...and continued running towards the lake.
Count Terzo quickly dispatched the attacking wolf, his strength and speed overwhelming it. He looked up just in time to see you seize the opportunity and continue running across the lake. The rest of the pack, seeing their comrade fall, seemed to hesitate for a moment before turning and fleeing into the darkness.
Caught up in the adrenaline rush, you continued to run across the ice, driven by fear and the need to escape. But in your panicked state, you didn't notice the ominous cracking sound echoing beneath your feet.
Count Terzo's keen ears picked up the sound of cracking ice, and his eyes widened as he realized the danger you were in. Knowing that the ice beneath you was giving way, he quickened his pace, trying to reach you before you crashed through the fragile surface.
The ice gave way beneath your foot, a sudden and unexpected crack revealing the thinness of the surface. Before you could register what was happening, you plunged into the icy water, the shock of the cold sending a shiver through your entire body.
The sudden shock of the cold water and the freezing temperatures took their toll on your body. Your mind struggled to comprehend the situation, but the cold quickly overwhelmed you, causing you to lose consciousness as you sank into the water.
Count Terzo's eyes widened in horror as you fell through the broken ice into the water, disappearing beneath the surface. In a split second, he discarded his usual restraint and leapt into the freezing water to save you.
The icy water closed around Terzo as he plunged into its depths, his body instinctively adjusting to the cold. His eyes, adjusted to the darkness, searched for you in the shadows of the water. Spotting your unconscious form, he quickly reached out and grabbed you, pulling you to his chest.
With you secure in his arms, he kicked you back to shore with powerful kicks. The water was cold and seemed to resist his movement, but his determination and supernatural strength propelled him forward.
Finally, he reached the edge of the frozen lake. With a heave, he pulled himself and you out of the water and laid you down on the snowy bank. He immediately began to assess your condition, his hands gently but urgently searching for signs of life.
Count Terzo listened carefully, his heightened senses picking up the faint rhythm of your heartbeat. With a mixture of relief and determination, he scooped your unconscious form into his arms and held you close to his chest. Then he walked out into the cold night, his swift footsteps carrying him back to the castle.
Each step was deliberate and precise, his powerful legs covering the distance with unnatural speed. The castle loomed in the distance, its imposing silhouette marking the end of his journey.
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thewitcheswitch89 · 10 days
The Phantom of the opera
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
Chapter 1
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It is 1870 at the Paris Opera. You are a member of the company and have just had your big performance. You are wearing a white ball gown, with a corset and your hair pinned up. Sighing, you sit down at your dressing table and find a rose with a black ribbon. Like every evening, the ghost of the opera had left it there for you. You looked around. Not knowing that behind the floor-length mirror... a dark tunnel was hidden.
From behind the mirror, Copia, the Phantom, was watching you. He was enchanted by your beauty, your elegance, your confidence. His icy blue eyes were fixed on you, a small smile on his lips.
He couldn't take his eyes off you as you sat at the dressing table, his breath catching in his throat as he watched you reach for the rose with the black ribbon. Copia couldn't help but wonder how you would react if you knew he was watching you. Perhaps you would be frightened... or intrigued. He found himself hoping for the latter.
Copia's mind raced as he watched you, his heart pounding in his chest. He had waited so long for this moment, planning and preparing for weeks. Tonight he would finally make you his own. He would take you to the Dungeon, the secret lair beneath the Opera House where he kept his wealth and his secrets. Copia imagined the look of surprise and wonder on your face when you saw his vast riches. He couldn't wait to have you all to himself in his dark, secluded domain.
He wanted to show you his music of the night. The place where he performed his strokes of musical genius. you were his muse, and this was to be your reward. You got up and disappeared behind your cubicle to change. when you came out, you were wearing your petticoat, your white corset, and a lace coat that hung loosely around your shoulders. the slit in your petticoat showed your stockings.
Copia's eyes widened as he watched you emerge from the Changing Cubicle in your petticoat, corset, and lace coat. The sight of your stockings under the slit in your petticoat sent a shiver down his spine and he had to take a deep, calming breath.
His heart ached with desire and his hands clenched into fists. He longed to take you in his arms, to feel your body against his, to whisper his wicked desires in your ear and make them real.
He snapped. and the candles in your dressing room were blown out with a puff of air. you stood still...what was going on?
You stood frozen as the candles in your dressing room suddenly went out, extinguished by a sudden, unexpected puff of air. The room was plunged into darkness, and a shiver ran down your spine as you tried to make sense of what was happening.
The darkness was thick, oppressive, and you felt strangely vulnerable in the sudden absence of light. You could hear the sound of your own breathing, quick and shallow, and you had the sinking feeling that you were not alone. And you weren't. In the shadows, Copia watched you intently, his eyes glittering in the darkness.
As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you caught a glimpse of movement behind the mirror. There, hidden in the shadows, stood Copia, the phantom. His blue eyes shone in the dim light, fixing you with a piercing, unblinking gaze. His face was pale, almost ghostly, and his black cloak seemed to swallow up what little light remained in the room.
As he stepped out of the shadows, closer to you, his presence filled the room, the air crackling with tension. He moved with a confident, predatory grace, like a cat stalking its prey.
Copia stepped out of the mirror as if it were made of smoke, not glass. He moved with a fluidity and ease that seemed almost supernatural, gliding toward you with a grace that was both captivating and threatening.
Your mouth hung open in shock as you stared at him, unable to tear your gaze from his form. The silence in the room was deafening, broken only by the sound of your own ragged breathing and the sound of his shoes on the floor as he approached you.
As he approached you, Copia's gaze never left your face. His eyes roamed over your figure, taking in every detail, every curve and contour. He paused for a moment and stopped just a few inches from you, his body almost touching yours. He raised a gloved hand and gently traced a finger down your cheek, his touch sending a shiver of desire down your spine.
His voice was deep and velvety, smooth as silk, as he spoke your name in a tone that bordered on adoration.
"Angel of music," you whispered.
Copia's mouth curled up in a small, rueful smile at your whispered exclamation, "Angel of Music.“
He moved even closer to you, his body pressed against yours. You could feel the heat radiating from his form, the solidity of his muscles beneath his cloak. He gently took your hand in his, his gloved fingers caressing the inside of your wrist. He brought your hand to his lips and planted a soft kiss on your skin.
His blue eyes met yours and he spoke in the same deep, velvety voice.
"I am your Angel of Music," Copia murmured, his words almost a reverent whisper. "I have come to claim you as my own, my love. Will you follow me, my sweet songbird? Will you let me take you to my domain and show you the magic of the music of the night?"
You looked at him in awe and squeezed his hand.
Copia smiled, his eyes glowing with satisfaction. He pulled you closer, wrapping his arm around your waist, his touch firm and possessive.
He led you to the hidden tunnel behind the mirror, the passage he had used to enter your dressing room. The tunnel was dark and narrow, the stone walls cool to your touch.
"Trust me," he whispered, his breath warm against your ear. "I will show you wonderful things."
"You're here!" you said, holding his hand as he led you through the now torch-lit corridors of the dungeon. "The Phantom of the Opera!"
Copia chuckled softly as you gasped in recognition, his touch guiding you through the torch-lit corridors of the dungeon. The nickname you had given him, "The Phantom of the Opera," had become something of a legend at the Opera House, and he was proud of it.
He led you deeper into the labyrinthine passages, the flames of the torches casting flickering shadows on the stone walls. As you walked, he spoke to you, his voice low and tinged with humor.
"You were expecting me, I take it?"
" I have been waiting for you...all your teachings from the shadows...but now your here...I can touch you, see you!" you said.
Copia chuckled again, his eyes roaming over your face as you spoke. There was a note of something almost possessive in his voice as he replied.
"Yes, my dear. Now you can touch me, see me, talk to me. I am no longer a shadow in the dark. I am real and I am here with you."
He pulled you closer as you walked, his arm around your waist like a silken ribbon.
Copia led you deeper into the dungeon, down stone stairs that spiraled deeper into the earth. When you reached the bottom, he stopped and raised his hand, snapping his fingers. Immediately, candles appeared, seemingly floating on the surface of the black lake before you. They flickered and danced, casting an otherworldly, ethereal light on the water and the gondola waiting at the edge of the lake.
He turned to you, his eyes shining in the candlelight, and gestured toward the boat.
"This way, my love. We still have a journey to make."
He held out his hand to help you into the gondola, and once you were seated, he pushed the boat away from the shore, sending it gliding out over the smooth black water. The silence was thick around you, broken only by the soft sound of the water lapping against the sides of the boat.
Copia stood facing you in the small boat, his blue eyes fixed on your face. The flickering light of the candles cast shadows on your features, and his expression was almost tender as he watched you.
As the boat glided across the surface of the black lake, you couldn't help but look around at the surreal and beautiful scene before you. The candles, their flames dancing and casting shifting shadows on the water, created a dreamy, otherworldly atmosphere. You felt as if you had been transported out of reality and into a realm of magic and mystery.
In the dim light, you could make out the vague shapes of the stone walls that surrounded the lake, rising up on either side of you like dark, silent sentinels.
Copia steered the gondola with a long, slender pole, skillfully maneuvering it through the dark waters of the lake. As the boat glided forward, he occasionally used the pole to push off the bottom, propelling the boat forward with a quiet splash.
He looked over at you and saw the look of wonder on your face as you took in the sights around you. His expression was almost cocky, as if he was proud of the effect this trip was having on you.
As you looked over at Copia, your eyes swept over his form, taking in the sight of him in the black Victorian suit that fit him so well. The dark cloak that hung around his shoulders billowed behind him, giving him an almost regal appearance. His mask, which covered half of his face, added an air of mystery and intrigue to his already striking appearance.
He smiled when he caught you looking at him, the corners of his mouth curled up in a mischievous grin.
You looked back at the river and saw an iron gate appear. As you approached it, it went up...
As the boat approached the iron gate, you watched in surprise as it slowly began to rise, revealing a dark passageway beyond.
Copia leaned forward, his eyes fixed on your face as you took in the sight of the gate lifting. A hint of a smile played at the corners of his mouth as he spoke.
"Do not be afraid, my dear. Trust me."
Torches appeared on the walls as before, lighting the way to some sort of island.
As the boat docked, Copia jumped down into the shallow water, throwing off his cloak. The candlelight cast flickering shadows on his face as he looked up at you, waiting to help you out of the gondola.
The island in the middle of the lake was a sight to behold. Thousands of candles, their flames dancing like fireflies, were placed in candelabras on every available surface, creating a bright, almost surreal glow. The organ, standing tall and proud in the center of the island, seemed to be the heart of this secret corner of the dungeon.
He held out his hand and motioned for you to take it.
"Come, my dear. Step onto the island. I want to show you something."
As you took Copia's hand and stepped out of the gondola, you were struck by the warm, almost reverent atmosphere of the island. The flickering candlelight and the soft, soothing sound of the organ music gave the whole place an aura of mystery and grandeur.
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thewitcheswitch89 · 12 days
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Found These on Pinterest ...😍🖤👀👻
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thewitcheswitch89 · 16 days
The Nightmare (?)
(I don't know how this has taken such a turn….but I kind of like it … let's see where it goes from here...)
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
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„Precognitive Dreams Precognitive dreams are experiences where an individual has dreams that predict future events. These are not vague sensations but specific episodes in which the dream content aligns with events that later occur in reality.“https://zenorzen.com/dreams/types/precognitive-dreams/#:~:text=Precognitive%20dreams%20are%20experiences%20where%20an%20individual%20has,aligns%20with%20events%20that%20later%20occur%20in%20reality
You awoke from a nightmare in your room, sitting up in your bed and panting heavily.
You looked around, taking in your familiar surroundings. It was all just a dream, you told yourself, and you laid back down. But the shadows seemed to come closer. You couldn't stand it anymore. You needed comfort. You needed him. Without thinking twice, you got out of bed, slipped on your slippers, and walked out of your room into the dark hallway of the Ministry. You made your way to his apartment, his keys in your hand. You opened his door and closed it behind you with a silent click. You locked it from the inside. You kicked off your slippers and tiptoed through his living room to his bedroom.
Copia was asleep in his bed, blissfully unaware. A blanket covered most of his body except for his head. He slept on his side facing the door. His chest rose and fell gently with each inhale and exhale.
Your heart swelled with emotion as you watched him sleep. You slipped into the room and closed the door behind you before tiptoeing over to his bed and carefully crawling into it and under his blanket.
Copia's breathing remained steady as you slid into the bed. The only sign that he noticed your presence was when he instinctively put an arm around you, pulling you closer to him without waking him.
You gasped. and your body went stiff. Did you wake him up?
Copia let out a small yawn. His eyes remained closed and he pulled you a little closer to him. His hand now rested on the small of your back. He hadn't woken up.
But he seemed to feel your presence. You looked at him for a while, making sure he was still deep in sleep, before turning to face him, shifting your position, letting your head rest on his pillow. Even though the bed was big enough, you needed his closeness now.
Copia's arm, still wrapped around your waist, felt you turn over. His other arm wrapped around your torso, pulling you closer so that you rested against his chest with your head on his shoulder. His hands lightly touched your back through your top.
You looked at him. "Are you awake?" you whispered, hoping he was.
Copia was awake now. "Mmh... barely." He murmured in a hoarse voice. "What are you doing in my bed, mia cara?" He asked, still sounding sleepy.
"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you!" you whispered. "But... I had a nightmare..."
Copia shifted to a more comfortable position. "Come here." He murmured as he pulled you even closer. One of his hands began to stroke your back.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly.
You sighed and played with his shirt. "It was just stupid, actually...I was dreaming about Terzo...they...dragged him off the stage and killed him..."
Copia pulled you closer until you were almost on top of him, your legs intertwined with his. "It was just a nightmare, mia cara. Terzo is fine." He reassured you as he continued to stroke your back gently with one of his hands.
"I dont know...it was so real...he is Papa now...but they dragged him off the stage and killed him...then there was you...and you were Papa Emeritus IV!" you said, remembering every detail of the dream, it made you shiver.
Copia tightened his grip on you as he felt you tremble. One of his hands moved to the back of your head to gently stroke your hair. "But I'm still me. I'm still Copia," he said, pulling you up a bit so that you were chest to chest with him.
"But in my dream you were Papa!", you insisted..." And that is what you will be... one day, right?"
Copia shifted under you so that he was lying on his back with you on top of him. He had his arms wrapped around you so that you remained on top of him.
 "You know I don't like to think about that, mia cara." He murmured as his hands continued to gently stroke your back.
"But it's true, isn't it?" your voice trembled.
He let out a sigh. "It is." He agreed as he looked up at you. "But it doesn't matter. I will still be me." He said as one of his hands moved to gently run his fingers through your hair.
"But they killed Terzo for it!" you said, feeling your tears well up.
Copia's heart ached when he saw the tears in your eyes. He shifted so that you slipped to the side, next to him. He quickly shifted so that he was holding you in his arms, his body pressed against your back. He held you in a comforting position as his hands continued to gently stroke your body. "Sshh, it's okay, mia cara." He murmured, planting a soft kiss on the back of your head.
"I saw Sister and Nihil...and one of the ghouls...and they killed him!" your tears ran down your cheeks.
Copia felt a pang in his heart. His hand that had been stroking your back suddenly stopped. He hated to see you so upset. He pulled you closer as he tried to comfort you.
 "It was only a dream, mia cara. None of this will happen, I promise." He whispered into your ear.
You sighed and looked at him through the darkness. "What if you become Papa... and they do the same to you after they no longer need you?“
Copia was silent for a moment, just holding you in his arms. He still hadn't fully come to terms with the fact that he would eventually succeed Papa Nihil as Papa Emeritus IV. He feared that the same fate as his predecessors might await him. But he didn't want to worry you with his own fears and doubts, all you had was a dream, right?  So instead of answering, he just tightened his grip on you. "Everything will be fine, mia cara." He told you softly.
You nodded. But there was still a strange feeling in your stomach. "It was just a nightmare...just a nightmare....Terzo is still alive and he is still Papa Emeritus III right? Alive and not dead....?"
Copia's heart ached again when he heard the doubt in your voice. One of his hands started moving slowly up and down your back again. "Yes, mia cara. Terzo is alive. He is still Papa Emeritus III. And he is perfectly well." He reassured you.
You took a deep, shuddering breath and laid your head on his chest.
Copia hugged you even tighter. He kissed the top of your head gently. He could still feel that you were tense. He continued to slowly rub your back with one of his hands while he thought for a moment about how best to comfort you.
He moved a little so that his body was pressed against you, surrounding you with his warmth. He used one of his legs to gently push yours apart so that he could slip his leg between them, pulling you even closer.
He continued to hold you in his arms, whispering soothing words into your ear from time to time as his hand slowly moved up and down your back.
Copia's mind was racing. As he lay there holding you in his arms, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He tried to push the feeling away, telling himself that it was just an overreaction to your nightmare. But the feeling remained.
He pulled you a little closer to him, desperately trying to calm himself as his hand continued to slowly rub your back.
He could feel your heart beating against his chest. It was still slightly elevated from the remnants of your nightmare. As he felt your heart begin to slow, he began to relax a little. He concentrated on the feel of your body against his and your steady breathing.
But even as he lay there with you in his arms, the feeling of unease still lingered in his mind.
"I love you," you whispered against his neck.
Copia's heart skipped a beat when he suddenly heard you speak. The words you had said made his heart ache. A wave of emotions washed over him.
He held you closer and buried his face in your hair. "I love you too, mia cara." He murmured against your skin.
He held you close in his embrace, feeling the warmth of your body against his and the steady rhythm of your heart beating against his chest. But even as he held you in his arms, that nagging feeling of unease still hadn't completely left him.
"It was just a nightmare," you whispered. "Just...a nightmare!"
Copia nodded. "Yes, it was just a nightmare." He agreed with a quiet voice. He knew you were trying to reassure yourself as much as he was.
But even as he said the words, he couldn't shake the feeling in his gut. He knew deep inside that something was wrong.
That something was about to happen.
Copia felt his heart sink as the feeling of unease intensified. He tried to push it aside, telling himself that it was just his mind playing tricks on him. But deep inside he knew that something was wrong.
He held you tighter as if to protect you from any possible danger. His mind was racing with worst-case scenarios.
Copia's grip on you tightened almost involuntarily. "Don't worry, mia cara." He murmured into your hair. His voice was soft and reassuring, but there was an undercurrent of concern. "It was just a nightmare." He repeated.
But even as he said the words, he knew he was partly lying. His intuition told him that something was about to go terribly wrong.
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thewitcheswitch89 · 18 days
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found this picture on Pinterest. why do i wish it was my leg/ hip …..WHY???? 😣😥😮🤐😯😪😭
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thewitcheswitch89 · 19 days
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Cardinals ✨
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thewitcheswitch89 · 20 days
shut up i’m busy having a fake relationship with a fictional character right now
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thewitcheswitch89 · 20 days
(the way you wanted it … the happy ending…. the other ending will come sometime anyway …🤣🤣🤣🤣)
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
Chapter 2
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Papa stops for a second.  The sound of your voice surprises him.  It comes from the other side of the pillar.  He slowly walks around the pillar, and when he's on the other side, he sees you hiding there.
He looks down at you, his head tilted, a grin on his face.  "Why am I like this, darling?  What do you mean?"
"So mean....so cold....you weren't like this when you were a cardinal!" you said silently.
Papa let out a laugh, the grin growing on his face.  "Oh, you thought you knew the real me?  No, my sweet.  The Cardinal is who I should be.  The nice and goofy Papa.  I don't play that game anymore."
He steps closer to you, his boots making a loud noise on the stone floor.  This time his voice is cold and authoritative again.  "I'll tell you why I'm cold.  This is who I really am."
He steps closer, towering over you as you crouch.  He looks down at you with an almost sadistic look in his eyes.  "You know damn well why I'm like this.  You know what you're supposed to do.  You know what you agreed to.  You're my buddy.  You're supposed to help me carry on the bloodline.  Instead, you're acting like a child."
"This is not who you are," you said, your voice shaking.
Papa lets out a dark laugh before grabbing your shoulders and lifting you up to stand.  "Oh my sweet, how little you know me.  I'm more me than ever.  My darling, you thought you could change me, bring out the good in me?"
He suddenly grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him.  "I don't have any good in me.  It's all evil here," he says, tapping his chest.
"No...that's not true...that's how they made you!" you tried to stay strong.
Papa's grip on your chin tightened and he moved closer to you, his body almost against yours.  "Oh, it's true, my sweet, sweet love.  You only know the good because I've shown it to you.  But that was all an act.  A performance.  I did what I had to do to gain the power of the papacy."
He leans in, his face now inches away.  "I'm the same man I was when I was Cardinal.  Cold.  Cruel.  Sadistic.  Evil."
"LIar....!" you said. "I know why you do this...you want your father's attention....your mother's attention....the love they never gave you...that's why you do everything they tell you!"
Papa's eyes widen and a mixture of anger and shock flashes across his face.  You've hit a nerve.  "Careful, my darling.  Careful what you say."
He moves his hand that was on your chin to grab your wrist.  "Yes, I need her attention.  Yes, I want her love.  But it doesn't change who I am.  They weren't the ones who put the evil in me.  It was already there.  You just brought it out."
"No...it's who you think you have to be to feel nothing, to numb the pain...you build a wall around yourself...to push everyone away!"
Papa tightens his grip on your wrist, the leather of his gloves digging into your skin.  "You think you know me, huh?  You think you got me all figured out, don't you?"
He pulls your body close to his, not letting you pull away.  "You don't know anything about me.  You only know the mask I wore as Cardinal.  You thought you could dig into the depths of my soul and pull out something kind and benevolent, didn't you?  Well, you're wrong.  Stop thinking you can change me.
"No...I know I am right!" you say, tears streaming down your face.
Papa rolls his eyes, a smug look on his face.  "Of course you think you're right.  You think you're right about everything, don't you, sweetheart?"
He leans closer to you, bringing his head down to your neck.  He moves his lips to your skin, letting them slide gently.  "You have no idea what goes on in my head or in my heart.  You're just a little thing, so innocent and sweet.  Why on earth do you think you can know me?"
"Because I can see it in your eyes....You can act cool all you want....Your eyes betray you!"
Papa scoffs, still holding your body close to his.  "My eyes?" He says, moving his head back to look at you.  "And what do my eyes betray?"
He tightens his grip on your wrist, the pressure almost painful, and moves his other hand to the back of your skull, his fingers digging into your hair.  "And for the love of Lucifer, stop talking like you know me."
"Why am I hitting a soft spot?"
Papa's eyes narrow and the grip on your wrist tightens.  Not enough to hurt, but enough to make you uncomfortable.  "I don't have any soft spots.  That's the point.  I'm a bad old man.  I'm cold, cruel, sadistic.  I have no empathy, no sympathy, no compassion.  I feel nothing but lust or anger.  Nothing.  Soft."
You looked at him.
Papa notices your expression, the way your eyes look at him intently.  "What?" he asks, his tone still cold and firm.  But there is a hint of curiosity.
You see something flash across Papa's face.  His expression softens slightly, his eyes darting back and forth to look at each of you.  It seems as if something is getting through to him.  He continues to hold you tightly against him, though his grip on your wrist is slightly looser.
You continued to look at him.
Papa keeps his eyes locked with yours, but his expression hardens again.  He's still trying to play the cold and heartless Papa Emeritus IV.  "Why are you looking at me like that?" He says softly, trying to intimidate you with his tone.
But you stare into his eyes.
Papa's expression falters, the intimidation on his face disappearing for a second as he sees the determination in your eyes.  His mind is racing, his emotions pulling him in different directions.  He's trying to figure out how to keep the game going, how to keep himself in control.  But it's getting harder and harder as your gaze penetrates his facade.
As Papa holds you close, he can feel his resolve weakening.  The wall he has built is slowly cracking, your gaze is breaking through.  Papa's grip on your wrist loosens further, but he holds you tightly against him, his other hand still tangled in your hair.
"Stop looking at me like that..." he says again, his voice lacking the authority it had before.  He's still trying to keep control, but it's getting harder and harder for him.  He feels your body, your warmth against his, and it takes everything he has not to give in to the stirring feeling in his chest.
"No!" you said, looking at him.
Papa lets out a frustrated sigh, his mind still racing.  He can feel his control slipping away, your unwavering determination and refusal to back down wearing him down.  He swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat.  "Damn you..." he mutters softly, barely loud enough for you to hear.
He looks at you, your unwavering gaze still locked on his.  Despite his efforts to maintain his cold demeanor, he feels a flicker of something else deep inside.  It's like a war is raging inside him - his instincts tell him to keep up the act, to maintain the persona of a cold and heartless papa, but something new, a flicker of vulnerability and a hint of affection, is beginning to win.  The grip on your wrist loosens even more and he almost unconsciously begins to run his thumb over your skin.
You continue to look at him, letting your eyes roam down his face to his lips.
As your eyes move down his face to his lips, Papa feels a jolt of something unfamiliar shoot through him.  He swallows hard, his lips parting slightly as he feels your gaze on them.  His grip on your wrist is loose now, his fingers brushing gently against your skin.
You shiver as you feel his hard, cold side crack.
Papa notices your shudder and the way his touch affects you, and it fuels the battle going on inside him.  He can feel his control slipping away, his cold exterior cracking more and more.  The desire to give in to the stirring feeling in his chest is growing stronger, but he's fighting desperately to keep his authoritative demeanor intact.
He clears his throat, trying to regain some composure.  "Stop looking at me like that," he says, his voice a little softer than before.  He's trying to keep up the facade, but the way he unconsciously strokes your skin betrays him.  Your gaze affects him more than he wants to admit, stirring up feelings he hasn't felt in a long time.
"And what if I don't?"
Papa lets out a frustrated growl, his inner struggle intensifying.  Your defiance, your refusal to give in to his demands, is driving him crazy.  "You're on thin ice, my sweet," he says, his tone a mixture of irritation and desperation.  "You're causing me to lose control here, and you'd be wise to stop it."
Papa's resolve continues to weaken.  Your unwavering gaze continues to break down the wall he has erected, and his body reacts to your proximity, despite his efforts to remain calm.  He swallows hard, his eyes darting back and forth as he tries to maintain some semblance of control.  The hand in your hair moves down to cup your jaw, his fingers gently caressing your skin.
You shiver at his touch....
Papa notices the way you shiver under his touch, and it sends a wave of something unfamiliar through him.  The way your body responds to him, the way your skin feels against his fingertips, makes it even harder for him to maintain his cold persona.  His eyes dart to your lips, and he can feel the desire to lean in and kiss you growing stronger.
"What are you going to do now?" you ask him.
Papa's expression hardens for a moment as he hears your question.  He tries to maintain his calm demeanor, but his eyes betray him, giving away a hint of vulnerability.  "What do I do now?" he repeats, his voice low.  He swallows hard, his thumb still caressing your jaw.  "You're pushing me to my limits here, my love.  You know what I have to do, what I want to do."
"But I won't do it!" you say silently.
Papa lets out another frustrated sigh, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You're testing my patience, my sweet."  His fingers move down to your neck, the leather of his gloves brushing gently against your skin.  "You know I am not a patient man.  You know what I need, what I want.  But you refuse to give in, to submit.  You play a dangerous game, my sweet."
"You would never hurt me or force me to do anything," you said silently.
Papa's expression softens slightly as he hears your words.  He knows that on some level you're right.  Deep down, he wouldn't hurt you, wouldn't force you to do something you didn't want to do.  But he also can't show any weakness, can't let you see him as anything other than the cold and unfeeling Papa Emeritus.  He grips your neck with a little more pressure, his fingers digging into your skin.  "You have no idea what I'm capable of," he says quietly.
"I know what you are capable of...!" you whispered, brushing your nose over his.
Papa lets out a shuddering breath as you press your nose against his.  The feel of your skin against his, the whisper of your voice makes it impossible for him to maintain his facade.  His grip on your neck loosens slightly, his fingers now resting only lightly against your skin.  He swallows hard, his expression almost pleading.  "You have no idea how you affect me," he breathes out, his voice low and hoarse.
"You would never .... force me," you whispered, stroking your cheek over his.
Papa's breath hitched as your cheek brushed against his.  Your words, your touch, erode the last vestiges of his control.  He can feel his facade crumbling, the cold and heartless papa giving way to the man underneath.  "No," he whispers, his voice barely audible.  "No, I wouldn't force you.  I want you, I need you.  But I can't show weakness.  I can't let you see how much you affect me."
"Well, ....it's too late for that, I guess..." Your lips brushed across his cheek to the corner of his lip.
As your lips brush his cheek and the corner of his lip, Papa's breathing becomes ragged again, a low moan escaping his throat.  His mind is racing, his body responding to your touch, and he knows he's lost the battle.  He can't keep up the act anymore, can't pretend to be the cold and heartless Papa.  He turns his head to press his lips gently against yours.
Your breath caught as he kissed you.
Papa's lips press gently against yours at first, his kiss tentative and hesitant.  But as he feels your breath hitch and your body respond to him, the kiss becomes more urgent.  He pulls you closer, his arms wrapping tightly around you as his lips devour yours.  It's clear that he can no longer keep up the pretense of being the cold and distant papa.  All his walls are coming down, crumbling under the force of his emotions.
Papa deepens the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth, tasting you, claiming you as his own.  His hands roam over your body, exploring every inch of you, as if he can't get enough of you.  The fire of desire he's been fighting to keep down now burns brightly, consuming him completely.
You pull back and catch your breath.
As you pull back to catch your breath, Papa takes a moment to look at you, his eyes roaming over your face, taking in every detail.  He's panting slightly, his chest heaving as he struggles to control his breathing.  There is a mixture of desire and vulnerability in his eyes, a hint of the man beneath the Papa Emeritus facade.
"There you are," you smile at him.
Copia swallows hard when he hears your words.  His heart skips a beat as he realizes that you can see through his cold facade.  He can't keep up the act around you anymore, he can't pretend to be the aloof Papa Emeritus.  He looks at you, his eyes roaming over your face, a mixture of desire and longing in his gaze.
He moves closer to you, his hands resting on your hips.  "You see me," he breathes out, his voice a little shaky.  "You see Copia.  You see the man behind the facade of Papa Emeritus.  The man who needs you, wants you, desires you more than anything."
"Finally!" you smiled.
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thewitcheswitch89 · 22 days
So…..I have another chapter for the Ritual series….now the question is I have a happy ending….and a messy…not so nice….ehh ….ending…whatever…
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if you have no idea what I'm talking about then look here…
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thewitcheswitch89 · 23 days
( Copia is not the nice and funny guy here…if you don't like that better don't read it !!!)
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
Chapter 1
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The room is dimly lighted with candles.  Heavenly and hellish landscapes are depicted in large stained glass windows.  A stone altar stands in the center, surrounded by candles.  A tall man with an intense gaze of one green and one white eye stands in front of the altar.  His face is painted in the shape of a skull, and his hair is slicked back.  He wears papal robes adorned with skulls, inverted crosses, and jewels.  Leather gloves, one holding a crucifix, cover his hands. "Welcome," he said.
You stepped into the church, your cloak draped over your shoulders, the hood of it hiding your face, just as they had told you. You stopped in front of him and looked down.
He looks at you, slowly, from top to bottom.  His gaze is unwavering, almost as if he is trying to see through you.  There is a slight smile on his face.  "How do you greet your Papa?  Without showing your face?"  Every word he speaks has a purpose, an authority.  He takes a step forward.
You pull your hood back and look down.
Papa takes another step towards you.  Now he's standing right in front of you.  He is several inches taller than you, towering over you.  He looks down at you as he speaks.  "Raise your chin.  Look into my eyes, sister."
Without saying a word, you do as he says and look at him.
He looks into your eyes as he says, "Much better.  I want to see who I'm talking to.  He's so close you can smell his scent.  Dark, earthy, almost burning.  His eyes roam over your features.  He grabs your chin gently and tilts your head slightly from side to side, his thumb just under your lip.
you tried to stay strong. actually you didn't want to. you didn't want to be here...even though your heart always beated for copia and you had a secret crush on him. you had imagined everything a little differently...he looked at you like an object...and that broke your heart.
Papa notices your attitude, how uncomfortable you are.  He smiles.  "I can see how insecure you are, sister.  Tell me, how did you imagine our meeting?"  He lets go of your chin and takes a step back, his eyes scanning your chest and lower body.
You knew you couldn't avoid his gaze, so you looked into the space between his eyes as you answered: "I had no idea, Papa. I was told to come here .... to receive your child!" Your voice was strong even though you were breaking down inside.
He smiled.  "Ah, so you know your purpose here.  Good.  Although..." he walks slowly around you.  "I sense there is something else in your words."  He stops behind you and puts both hands on your shoulders.  He leans in, his breath hot on your neck as he speaks.  "I can feel the fear emanating from you.  Something is wrong.  I doubt you're as ready as you sound to give yourself to me."
you felt his breath on the back of your neck and closed your eyes. you couldn't tell him the truth...you couldn't tell him that you had been in love with him for a long time. he wouldn't understand. he wouldn't care.
"It's nothing, Papa. I'm just here to serve you," was all you could get out.
Papa put his hands on your hips and slowly squeezed them tighter.  "You're a terrible liar, my love."  His body is suddenly against yours, his chest against your back.  His touch is firm, holding you in place.  "I can tell there's something you're not telling me.  Don't you trust your Papa?"
You swallow hard. "Yes, I trust you, but my feelings have no place here, do they? it's not about me!" you said, feeling the pain your own words were causing you.
Papa 's hand went from your hip to your belly, pulling you closer to him.  "All feelings have a place in my church, my love.  Including yours.  I know how you feel," he says, his voice low, hot, in your ear.  He chuckles softly.  "I knew it the moment I saw you.  I've seen the way you look at me during the sermons.  The way you look at me all the time."
As he moves closer to you, you let out a startled gasp.
Papa grins when he hears the gasp. "That's the first time I've ever heard you make a sound.  I can't tell, are you surprised or excited?" He asks, his hand going to your belly and pulling you even closer to him.  His other hand goes to your arm and he slowly caresses it with his gloved hand.  "Maybe you're enjoying this?"
You sigh softly. "If you know how I feel... then why are you doing this?" you said. "It's all just a joke to you!"
Papa suddenly turns you around to face him.  His eyes look down into yours and he presses your back against the altar.  He holds his body tight against yours, not letting you move.  He grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him.  "No," he says angrily, "this is no joke.  I must continue my bloodline.  And I need you to do it.  I care enough about you that I'll do this gently.  But you will do your duty as a child of Satan."
You gasped as you looked at him in fear, choking back tears, not knowing what to do, just looking at him and wondering if he was really that heartless.
Papa suddenly softens his gaze.  He caressed your cheek, felt your skin.  "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you.  I will not hurt you, I promise.  I will be as gentle as you need me to be.  We will take it slow, my love," he says.  You can tell that he's telling the truth.  That he's going to do everything he can to make you safe and comfortable.
But you didn't care. the fear was there and it wouldn't go away and you only now realized the situation you were in. even if it had been naive to expect anything else. you looked at him and shook your head... "I don't care if you want to be gentle or not... I don't want that!"
He grabs your chin again, this time in a firm and authoritative grip.  "You will accept this.  You will accept your duty as a child of Satan.  You will accept your duty and become my partner.  You.  Do.  Do not.  Have.  A. Choice." His voice is dark, sinister.  His eyes stare into yours with an intensity you've never seen before.  This is Papa now.  Not the one who has a soft spot for someone.  This is the cold, dark, evil one.
"No!" you said, taking his wrist in your hand, tears streaming down your cheeks. "No, please don't!"
He grabs your wrist and places both your arms on the altar, pinning them to the cold stone.  He leans in, his face inches from yours.  "Don't.  Defy.  Me." His voice is cold, firm, but not loud.  He says each word in the same tone that just screams his authority.  "You are MINE.  You will be my mate, my plaything, my puppet, if I so decide.  And you WILL give me heirs.  You will give me sons and daughters.  That is your purpose here.  You are no longer a sister in the ministry, you will be my mate.  You will be my everything.  Do you understand?"
His grip on your wrists is firm.  His gaze is unwavering as he stares into your eyes.  The once soft man you secretly loved is gone.  It's just Papa now.  The evil, sadistic Papa he was in charge of, a side of him you haven't fully seen yet.  "Do.  You.  Understand.  Me?" He repeats his last word with a little more emphasis, his grip on your wrists tightening.
you close your eyes and try to hold back the tears... it wasn't real. it was all just a bad dream. he wasn't that heartless. not in your imagination. not the way you had experienced him with others. you couldn't help it, the love you had felt turned to fear...
He leans in and puts his face right next to yours.  He presses his chest against yours and he can hear the way your breaths come out faster, scared.  He speaks in a deep, cold voice.  "I'm going to ask you again, my love.  Do it.  You.  Understand.  Me?" He slowly runs his fingers up your arms to the underside of your wrists above you.  His touch is gentle, but his grip is firm.  "I want to hear you say it."
You couldn't just give in like that, you couldn't...so you raised your knee and shoved it into his balls, "NO!" you screamed and ran out of the chapel.
Papa doubled over in pain, his hands immediately going to his groin.  He remains bent over for several moments, trying to catch his breath.  His face is contorted in a mixture of pain and anger.  When he is finally able to stand up, he straightens his clothes and walks out of the chapel.  "SISTER!!" He shouts, his voice loud and echoing through the halls of the Ministry.
As he steps out of the chapel, he looks out into the hall, his eyes searching for any sign of you.  "Sister, come back here!" He shouts again, his voice booming as his anger grows.  He slowly begins to walk up the hall, looking to see if you've gone the other way.
You ran down the hallway.
Papa follows in hot pursuit, his footsteps fast and firm.  His eyes scan the hallway as he runs, hoping to see which way you ran.  "Stop right now!  You can't escape me!" He shouts into the hall.  He has no intention of letting you get far.  He'll find you.
You heard his voice and ran into a dark passage, hiding behind a stone pillar.
When Papa comes to the crossroads, he looks down each corridor to see if he can see you.  He notices a dark spot in the corner where there is a stone pillar, and his eyes focus on it.  He slowly walks down the opposite corridor, approaching the pillar, his steps slow, cautious.
When he's only a few feet away, he stops.  He knows you're there.  He can feel your presence.  "It's no use hiding, love.  I know you're there.  I can feel your fear.  Your presence.  Come out now." He says, his voice firm but with a softer edge.
When you don't react or move from your hiding place, he takes a few steps closer.  "Come out right now.  Do not make me come and find you.  I will make it very uncomfortable for you," he demands, his voice beginning to sound more like a growl, frustration and anger still behind the words.
"Why are you like this?" he heard your voice
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thewitcheswitch89 · 23 days
Fearless no more
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
Chapter 6
Warming Hearts
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Your eyes widened, the words hung in the air...almost like a punch in the stomach. you looked at him. you had heard the stories...you had seen all the garlic hanging from the houses in the village...but you had always thought that these were just fairy tales...not true at all. and here he was...a man claiming to be a vampire...something deep inside you screamed...screamed at you to run.
Count Terzo smiled at the mixture of shock, fear, and confusion that played across your face. He could practically feel the storm of thoughts and emotions swirling in your mind.
"You're wondering if it's true, aren't you? If I am the creature you've heard stories about." He chuckled, his fingers tracing a path down the side of your face. "I assure you, my dear, every tale you've heard about vampires is indeed true. And I am the face of those stories... the embodiment of their darkest secrets."
You looked down at his gloved hands.
Count Terzo's smile widened as he watched the turmoil of emotions on your face. It was satisfying to see the fear and confusion his revelation had caused. He could almost taste the mixture of fear and uncertainty emanating from you. Yet there was a part of him that found it strangely alluring.
His lips curled into a mischievous smile as he noticed your gaze fixed on his hands. He held them up, the leather of his gloves contrasting with the pale skin of his forearms.
"Ah, you admire my gloves, do you not?" he asked, his voice tinged with amusement. "They are quite practical, you know. They help me maintain a sense of civility and grace, even when the beast within me longs to shed its civilized visage."
Count Terzo's words hung heavily in the air, their meaning sinking in. The realization of what he was - a vampire - sent a wave of fear and dread through your veins. Your mind screamed at you to run, to escape this surreal situation.
Suddenly, without fully realizing it, your legs moved and you turned and ran for the door.
You gathered your skirts and ran as fast as your legs could carry you. you shouldn't have come here...now he would kill you...drink your blood...you ran down the dark corridor. it seemed endless. Your footsteps stopped again at the old stone walls...your heart pounding against your chest as you looked over your shoulder to see if he was following you...
The silence of the castle was deafening, broken only by the sound of your panicked breaths and the heavy beating of your heart. You pressed your body against the cold, rough stone wall, straining your ears for any sound that would indicate if Count Terzo was following you.
Each passing moment felt like an eternity, and your mind raced with fear. The darkness of the corridor seemed to close in on you, and shadows jumped at the corners of your vision.
The cold air hit your face as you rushed out into the night. Snowflakes clung to your hair and clothes, adding to the feeling of helplessness and vulnerability. The moonlight seemed more mocking than comforting, its silvery rays casting a ghostly pallor over the surroundings.
You glanced over your shoulder for a moment, half expecting Count Terzo to emerge from the shadows, but there was no sign of him. Yet.
As you raced down the path to the iron door, a shiver ran down your spine. Despite your fear, you knew deep down that Count Terzo would be following you. With each step, the thought of his supernatural speed and strength grew stronger in your mind.
The iron door loomed before you, cold and imposing, symbolizing both the castle's boundary and the only escape you could find. You had to get past that door before he caught up with you.
you pulled open the oron gate and ran out into the wilderness...the snow made it almost impossible to run...the long dress was almost dragging on your back...as you reached the forest you could hear wolves howling in the distance. you fell and screamed, crying ....you struggled to get up and run through the trees deeper into the forest...the howling came closer as you ran into the darkness.
The howling grew louder and closer, echoing through the snowy landscape like an ominous warning. Your heart pounded wildly in your chest as the realization sank in - the wolves were closing in. You stumbled as you ran, your heavy dress and the deep snow making it even harder to keep your balance.
Fear and desperation drove you forward. You staggered on, pushing yourself to run faster, deeper into the forest, away from the castle and its brooding count.
Then you saw the first wolve to your left...you kept running, looking behind you to see more of them following you...growling and hunting...for you...you screamed and ran on...
Count Terzo emerges from the castle a few moments after you, his gaze fixed on the fading sound of your footsteps and the distant howling of wolves. His eyes glow with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity as he realizes what has happened.
He follows your trail, his steps silent and stealthy, his senses on high alert. The thought of you out there, alone in the treacherous woods, being hunted by wolves, stirs a possessive instinct in him.
Count Terzo paused as the conflicting emotions and instincts within him battled. Here he was, a vampire driven by the primal thirst for blood, and yet the thought of you, vulnerable and being chased by wolves, made him hesitate. He couldn't understand why he felt the need to protect you when only moments ago he had considered you prey.
His mind struggled with these thoughts, trying to make sense of this unexpected turmoil inside him.
Count Terzo's acute hearing picked up the sound of your scream, breaking the silence of the night. Your fear and desperation rang in his ears, sending a pang of concern and something else - protectiveness - through him.
His posture tensed and he unconsciously took a step in the direction of your scream, his senses leading him to you.
The wolves were only a few steps away as you stood at the edge of the frozen lake, trying to hold them back with a flimsy stick. Your scream echoed across the lake, a desperate plea for them to leave. But they continued to advance, encircling you and leaving no escape.
As you stepped further onto the cold, icy surface, one of the wolves pounced on you. Your already tangled dress was caught in its powerful jaws, and you stumbled and fell to the ice with a sharp gasp.
The other wolves, sensing your struggle and vulnerability, began to approach. They encircled you on the ice, their fangs bared and their eyes gleaming with savage hunger. Your heart pounded in your chest as you struggled to free your skirt from the first wolf's jaws.
Count Terzo had moved swiftly through the snowy forest, following the trail of your footsteps and the howls of the wolves. As he approached the frozen lake, the scene unfolded before him.
He saw you on the ice, struggling amidst the pack of wolves. His eyes widened, his mind registering the danger you were in. The protective instinct within him flared brighter, stronger.
One of the wolves, driven by its predatory instincts, lunged at you. It tried to sink its teeth into your arm, causing you to scream in fear and twist away in a desperate attempt to avoid being bitten.
Count Terzo's reflexes kicked in with superhuman speed as he lunged forward, his body a blur in the night. In one swift and powerful motion, he snapped the wolf's neck before it could touch you. Immediately, he turned his attention to the other wolves, who now stood back, momentarily shocked by his unexpected intervention.
You lay on the frozen lake, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you tried to catch your breath. Your eyes flickered open and your breath caught in your throat. Standing by your side was Count Terzo, his mismatched eyes fixed on you, his expression a mixture of concern and intensity.
One of the wolves, angered by Terzo's attack on his companion, lunged at him. Its sharp teeth and claws aimed for any part of Terzo it could reach, driven by primal revenge.
Terzo quickly dodged the wolf's first attack, sidestepping with a fluid, almost unnatural speed. Still, the wolf was tenacious and agile, and he launched himself a second time, his jaws snapping in the air.
You took the chance and stood up...and continued running towards the lake.
Count Terzo quickly dispatched the attacking wolf, his strength and speed overwhelming it. He looked up just in time to see you seize the opportunity and continue running across the lake. The rest of the pack, seeing their comrade fall, seemed to hesitate for a moment before turning and fleeing into the darkness.
Caught up in the adrenaline rush, you continued to run across the ice, driven by fear and the need to escape. But in your panicked state, you didn't notice the ominous cracking sound echoing beneath your feet.
Count Terzo's keen ears picked up the sound of cracking ice, and his eyes widened as he realized the danger you were in. Knowing that the ice beneath you was giving way, he quickened his pace, trying to reach you before you crashed through the fragile surface.
The ice gave way beneath your foot, a sudden and unexpected crack revealing the thinness of the surface. Before you could register what was happening, you plunged into the icy water, the shock of the cold sending a shiver through your entire body.
The sudden shock of the cold water and the freezing temperatures took their toll on your body. Your mind struggled to comprehend the situation, but the cold quickly overwhelmed you, causing you to lose consciousness as you sank into the water.
Count Terzo's eyes widened in horror as you fell through the broken ice into the water, disappearing beneath the surface. In a split second, he discarded his usual restraint and leapt into the freezing water to save you.
The icy water closed around Terzo as he plunged into its depths, his body instinctively adjusting to the cold. His eyes, adjusted to the darkness, searched for you in the shadows of the water. Spotting your unconscious form, he quickly reached out and grabbed you, pulling you to his chest.
With you secure in his arms, he kicked you back to shore with powerful kicks. The water was cold and seemed to resist his movement, but his determination and supernatural strength propelled him forward.
Finally, he reached the edge of the frozen lake. With a heave, he pulled himself and you out of the water and laid you down on the snowy bank. He immediately began to assess your condition, his hands gently but urgently searching for signs of life.
Count Terzo listened carefully, his heightened senses picking up the faint rhythm of your heartbeat. With a mixture of relief and determination, he scooped your unconscious form into his arms and held you close to his chest. Then he walked out into the cold night, his swift footsteps carrying him back to the castle.
Each step was deliberate and precise, his powerful legs covering the distance with unnatural speed. The castle loomed in the distance, its imposing silhouette marking the end of his journey.
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thewitcheswitch89 · 23 days
Tobias Forge about online bullying:
"For many, many years in modern life we prided ourselves on greater morals and being smarter than we were in the Middle Ages," Forge explains. "But I think that online mannerisms are very close to open-square stonings many hundreds of years ago when people were fucking barbarians."
He points specifically to online bullying. "Twenty years ago, before the internet and before social media, if you were a kid who was bullied, at least you had the luxury of being able to shut the door and leave the bullies outside," he says. "It was something that took place in the confines of school or [on] the way home from school. If you were spoken of in negative terms, it might not reach you, whereas now you cannot hide. You're constantly in the spotlight, open to anyone's spite. And I don't think that that's necessarily a good power to hand over to man."
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thewitcheswitch89 · 24 days
Fearless no more
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
Chapter 5
Nocturnal Admission
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As Count Terzo gave the command for the ghouls to leave, his firm voice filled the room. But he never broke his intense gaze with you, his mismatched eyes seemingly burning into your very soul.
As the ghouls silently left the room, leaving you and Count Terzo alone, your heart raced, the sound of your pulse loud in your ears. You couldn't help but watch them go, the sudden silence in the room making the moment all the more intense.
Count Terzo's presence seemed to fill the room, his intense gaze still fixed on you as he rose from his chair and took a slow step toward you. His movements were deliberate, his stride confident and predatory, sending a shiver down your spine.
As Count Terzo continued his slow approach, you couldn't help but look down, staring nervously at your hands in your lap. His presence was overwhelming, filling the room with an intense energy that made you feel both thrilled and intimidated. You could feel his gaze still on you, even as you avoided his eyes.
Count Terzo continued his approach, stopping beside you as you remained seated in your chair. The intensity of his gaze didn't waver, his eyes locked on yours as he reached down and gently lifted your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
His touch was cool, the temperature of his skin a stark contrast to that of a human. Despite his lack of radiant heat, there was a presence about him that was both captivating and intimidating.
You stared into his mismatched eyes and swallowed.
Count Terzo's mismatched eyes continued to hold your gaze, his touch still tipping your chin upward. He could feel the rapid beating of your pulse beneath his gloved fingertips, a grin forming on his lips as he relished the power he held over you at this moment.
Now that Count Terzo has you in his grasp, he might take the moment to explore your reaction further. He could lean in closer, his breath brushing your skin as he speaks in a low, seductive tone.
"You are trembling," he says, his mismatched eyes flickering across your face. "Are you afraid? Or maybe it's something else that's got your heart racing like that."
"I'm not afraid!" you whispered.
Count Terzo raised an eyebrow at your whispered reply, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"Oh, really? Then tell me, why is your heart beating so wildly, hmmm? It's almost like you're nervous, or maybe even excited."
He took a step closer, bridging the small gap between you and him even more, his voice dropping to a sultry whisper.
"There's no shame in admitting it, you know. I can see it in your eyes. The way they widen just a fraction when you look at me. The way your breath hitches in your chest."
"It's...because you are...close to me," you admitted.
Count Terzo chuckled softly, his eyes shining with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction.
"Ah, so it's my closeness that makes you so upset, huh? I see..."
He leaned down slightly, bringing his face even closer to yours.
His breath, cool and subtle, caressed your skin as he spoke, his voice dropping to an even lower, more seductive tone.
"And what if I move closer? Will your heart race? Will your breath quicken even more?"
His breath, cool and subtle, caressed your skin as he spoke, his voice dropping to an even lower, more seductive tone.
"And what if I move closer? Will your heart race faster? Will your breath quicken even more?"
you looked up at him, still sitting in your chair, watching him get closer and closer. your eyes wandered to his lips.
Count Terzo noticed your eyes moving to his lips, and the corners of his mouth turned up in a smirk. He enjoyed seeing the effect he was having on you, enjoying the way your eyes seemed to be drawn to him.
Count Terzo continued to close the distance between you. He leaned down further, his tall frame towering over you as you sat in your chair. His hand was still tipping your chin up, holding your face in place as he towered over you, his face only inches from yours.
His mismatched eyes held your gaze, his smile growing more pronounced as he took in your reaction. He could smell the subtle scent of your skin, your heart racing beneath your chest, your breath coming in short, shallow gasps.
Count Terzo could feel the familiar, primal desire stirring within him. The scent of your hot blood in his veins was maddening, the urge to give in to his nature nearly overwhelming his self-control. But he forced himself to hold back, clenching his jaw and maintaining a facade of control for your sake.
With every beat of your heart, the sound of your pulse was like a siren's call to him, a primal instinct screaming for him to take what he desired. But there was something about you, something that made him hesitate. He didn't want to give in, not to the animal part of himself that craved your blood. For once, he wanted something more...
Count Terzo's grip on your chin tightened slightly as he struggled to maintain his composure, his mismatched eyes fixed on yours. He was torn between the desire to draw closer and the need to keep his distance, his own inner struggle reflected in the intensity of his gaze.
In a moment of unexpected tenderness, Count Terzo gently placed his lips on yours in a soft kiss. It was a brief but intimate gesture, a stark contrast to his usual cold and calculated demeanor. Despite his struggle to maintain control, he couldn't resist the urge to feel your lips against his own.
You returned the kiss.
Your reaction to his kiss caught him off guard. The moment your lips met his, Count Terzo's eyes widened slightly, a mixture of surprise and pleasure flickering across his face. He hadn't expected you to return the gesture, and the feel of your lips against his was a welcome shock.
He deepened the kiss, his hand on your chin tilting your face further up as he pressed his lips more firmly against yours. His other hand found its way to the nape of your neck, gently pulling you closer.
You rose from your chair.
As you rose from your chair, Count Terzo broke the kiss for a moment, his grip on your chin shifting to your waist as he moved with you. He spun you around, pressing you against the edge of the dining table, his body molding against yours as he leaned down to capture your lips once more.
His kiss was hungrier now, his restraint slipping as his hands roamed over your body. He pulled you closer, the hard planes of his body pressing against yours as he explored your mouth with his tongue.
As you stood pinned against the edge of the dining table, Count Terzo's hands roamed over your body, exploring your curves and igniting a fire within you. He broke the kiss just long enough to whisper in your ear.
"You drive me crazy," he said, his voice deep and sultry. "I can barely control myself around you."
His words sent a shiver down your spine, the intensity in his mismatched eyes sending a wave of desire through you. But as much as you craved his touch, a voice in the back of your mind warned you to be careful. You were treading on dangerous ground and you knew it.
"Count..." you whispered and looked at him. "Why did you invite me here?"
Count Terzo's hands stopped exploring and he drew back slightly to look you in the eye. A hint of a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he spoke.
"Is it not obvious, my love?" he said, his voice dripping with a mixture of amusement and desire. "I wanted you here. Close to me. Alone."
"No... no, I mean in your castle?" You asked.
Count Terzo's gaze darkened slightly, the humor in his eyes replaced by a hint of seriousness. He leaned closer, his hand resting possessively on your hip.
"Ah, you ask about the castle. Well, let's just say I have my reasons for bringing you here," he admitted. His fingers played gently with the fabric of your dress. "And believe me, my dear, you will find out soon enough."
You looked at him and could not help but feel the fear that was creeping into your mind...like a voice in the back of your head telling you to turn away and run.
Count Terzo noticed the flicker of fear in your eyes, the subtle change in your expression that betrayed your growing unease. He tilted his head slightly, studying your face intently, a sly smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"You're afraid," he said, his voice dropping. "I can see it in your eyes. The way they widen just a fraction, the way your breath accelerates. It's delicious."
You swallowed hard and tried to calm yourself.
Count Terzo chuckled softly, his thumb tracing lazy circles on your hip. He leaned closer, his breath hot against your ear.
"There is no need to be afraid, my love," he whispered. "Not when I am the one in control." His lips brushed against your neck, sending a shiver down your spine in spite of yourself.
For a split second, Count Terzo considered using his vampiric powers to force your compliance. But he held back, an unfamiliar hesitation gripping him. He drew back slightly, his mismatched eyes studying your face intently. He couldn't quite put his finger on why, but the idea of forcing you to submit did not sit well with him.
"Perhaps," he murmured, almost to himself, "the hunt would be all the more enjoyable if you resisted."
Count Terzo's touch lingered on your skin, his fingers tracing a slow, gentle path along your jawline. Confusion and intrigue painted his face as he struggled with the unfamiliar sensations coursing through him.
"This is unexpected," he murmured, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I have spent centuries ruling with power, control and cruelty. Yet here you are," he continued, his hand moving to cradle your chin, "making me feel things I thought I had lost long ago.
You swallowed...."Centuries?" you said. What was he talking about...he looked almost in his mid-40s.
Count Terzo's lips curled into a mischievous smile at your question. He ran his fingers through his black hair, his eyes locked with yours.
"Ah, yes... centuries," he confirmed. "You see, my dear, I am not quite like the humans you are accustomed to. I have lived far longer than most mortals. And with age comes...experience, strength, and," he added, a flicker of darkness crossing his face, "an unquenchable thirst.
"What are you talking about?" you said, shaking.
Count Terzo's eyes darkened as he leaned closer, his voice dropping to a low, seductive tone. "I am talking about my true nature, my love," he replied. "I am talking about the hunger that runs through my veins, the thirst that is woven into the very fabric of my existence. I am a vampire, my sweet," he confessed, his words laced with a hint of pride and danger.
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thewitcheswitch89 · 24 days
Fearless no more
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
Chapter 4
The Deepest Desire Unveiled
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As Count Terzo sits alone in the dimly lit dining room, an aura of quiet authority surrounds him. The soft, flickering light of the candles casts a pallor over his pale skin, making his mismatched eyes seem to glow with an otherworldly intensity. The ghoul servants stand motionless at the edge of the room, like shadows waiting for their master's command.
The heavy oak door to the dining room remains closed, and Count Terzo's fingers tap impatiently on the table, the faint sound echoing through the tense silence. The air in the room is thick with anticipation as he awaits your arrival.
Suddenly, the door to the dining room creaks open and a sliver of light enters the room. Count Terzo pauses, his fingers frozen in mid-stroke, and turns his gaze to the entrance, his eyes fixed on your figure as you enter.
You enter the dining room, the hem of your black evening gown whispering against the cool stone floor as you make your way to the table. You curtsy, feeling Count Terzo's gaze on you, his eyes studying you intently.
He steps forward and gently takes your hand in his gloved hand, his cool, soft lips planting a kiss on the back of your knuckles. Raising your eyes to meet his mismatched ones, you feel a chill run through you as he speaks. "A perfect lady with a lovely curtsy. Come, sit with me."
"Thank you!" you said.
"Please," says Count Terzo, leading you to one of the chairs. "No need to thank me for a simple courtesy. Take a seat."
He pulls out the chair for you, gesturing for you to sit down. As you take your seat, you feel his gaze linger on you for a moment before he turns to his own chair at the head of the table.
As you sit, Count Terzo takes a seat across from you. His gaze drifts down to your cleavage, taking in the perfect expanse of your pale skin, now partially revealed by the plunging neckline of your evening gown. The flickering candlelight casts a soft, warm glow over you, accentuating the curves of your torso. Count Terzo's mismatched eyes linger on your form for a moment, his gaze almost admiring.
 As he gazes at you, his eyes linger on your exposed skin and the way the candlelight plays over it. A mixture of fascination and hunger flickers in his mismatched eyes as he drinks in the sight of you, the blood rushing beneath your pale skin. Despite his desire, he maintains his composure, a flicker of restraint barely noticeable in the taut set of his shoulders.
Count Terzo's mismatched eyes continue to roam over your form, his gaze lingering on the soft slopes of your shoulders, now partially bare in your evening gown. His mind wanders for a moment, thinking of the peasant he fed on earlier that night. He imagines the blood coursing through your veins, the warmth and vitality he craves, the sweetness he tasted earlier tonight. He clenches his jaw and looks away, the flicker of hunger visible in his expression. But he maintains control, his gaze returning to your face, his lips curving into a sardonic grin.
Count Terzo leans back in his chair and looks at you with a slight grin. "That's a very nice dress," he says, his eyes roaming over the black evening gown he had chosen for you earlier. "I must commend your courage in wearing something so revealing in the cold evening air."
His mismatched eyes remain fixed on your face, waiting to see your reaction.
"It was laid out on the chair in my chambers! The nice old maid helped me put it on," you said.
Count Terzo leans back in his chair with a slightly mocking smile. "Yes, the dress," he says, his mismatched eyes roaming over your figure. "I chose it myself, as it seemed appropriate. But, I must say, the cold air must feel quite... invigorating on your bare skin."
You looked at him, blushing slightly. Because of the warmth of the fireplace, I do not feel cold, but thank you for your concern, Count," you said.
Count Terzo watches you intently, his gaze flickering across your flushed cheeks. A hint of satisfaction crosses his face as he notices your slight blush.
"Ah, the fireplace," he says, his voice tinged with mockery. "How fortunate you are to have it. But tell me, do you always blush so easily?" He leans forward, his eyes gleaming with playful malice, as if he's enjoying making you nervous.
You smiled and looked down.
Count Terzo continues to watch you, his gaze lingering on your downcast expression. A smirk curls the corner of his lips as he watches the effect he has on you.
"Ah, so shy too," he remarks, his tone laced with mock admiration. "How delightful. You're like a delicate flower, easily flustered and so easy to... tease."
As if on cue, the door to the dining room creaks open again and a group of silent ghouls enter, carrying large platters of food and jugs of wine. Count Terzo glances at them briefly before returning his gaze to you.
He leans back in his chair, his mismatched eyes dancing with mockery and amusement. "Ah, the food has arrived. I hope you're hungry, my dear," he says, his tone slightly laced with sarcasm. "We wouldn't want you to waste away in these cold nights, would we?"
The food is placed on the table in front of you...the food in front of him remains untouched, as it's just for show.
As the ghouls place the food in front of you, Count Terzo watches with his keen eyes. "By all means, help yourself," he says, gesturing to the plates. "You must be starving." There is a hint of irony in his tone, for he knows he will not be partaking of the meal himself.
As you look at the array of dishes before you, Count Terzo watches in silence. He watches the way your eyes take in the selection of food, a subtle mockery in his expression. Meanwhile, the ghouls continue to move about the room, serving wine and refilling glasses as needed.
Count Terzo leans back in his chair, hands folded in his lap. "Go on," he encourages, his voice barely above a murmur. "Don't hold back. Dig in."
As you help yourself to some vegetables from the bowl in front of you, you take a moment to look up at the ghoul standing next to you. He is carefully pouring a deep red wine into your glass, his movements quiet and precise.
Count Terzo watches the entire scene in silence, his mismatched eyes taking in the small interaction between you and the ghoul.
Count Terzo takes his goblet and raises it to his lips, taking a slow, deliberate sip of the deep red liquid within. The wine leaves a thin streak of blood on his pale lips, a small reminder of his true nature.
As he sets the goblet back on the table, he reaches out and moves a few morsels from the bowl onto his plate. It's all part of the illusion, a performance to maintain the charade.
As you begin to eat, you find yourself stealing glances at Count Terzo. His mismatched eyes occasionally meet yours, his gaze lingering on your face for a moment before darting away.
Count Terzo does not touch his own food, just leans back with his glass of blood-soaked wine in his hand. His eyes roam over your features as if studying you intently.
Count Terzo watches you take a bite of food, his mismatched eyes following the movement of your lips. A mischievous smile crosses his face and he leans forward slightly, resting his elbows on the table.
"Enjoying your meal?" he asks, his voice a low purr.
"Yes, it is delicious!" you replied and took a sip of your wine.
Count Terzo's smile widens slightly, his eyes never leaving your face. "I'm glad to hear that," he replies, his tone slightly mocking. "I wouldn't want you to feel... neglected in any way."
He leans back in his chair, swirling the wine in his glass as he continues to watch you intently. "You have quite an appetite," he adds, his voice dripping with a hint of flirtation.
You look at him and pull your fork down. "Oh...I didn't mean to seem gluttonous, forgive me, Count!"
Count Terzo watches with a grin as you lower your fork, his mismatched eyes filled with amusement. "Oh, don't apologize," he says, his voice dripping with irony. "I find a healthy appetite quite charming. It's a refreshing change from the shy, demure women who scarcely eat anything."
He takes a sip of his wine, his eyes never leaving you. "No, no, go ahead," he adds, gesturing to your plate. "Eat your fill. I find it... fascinating to watch."
His voice takes on a slightly mocking tone again as he speaks. "Besides," he continues, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of his lips. "A woman with a healthy appetite is more likely to have a... healthy appetite in other areas as well, wouldn't you agree?"
You almost choked on your wine as you heard his words. I don't know what to answer.
Count Terzo watches you closely as you nearly choke on your wine. A wicked smile plays on his lips, as if he enjoys the effect his words have had on you. He leans forward, his mismatched eyes fixed on your face.
"Careful," he teases, his voice laced with a hint of mockery. "I wouldn't want you to choke on your wine."
He takes a few moments to let your cough subside, watching intently as your face reddens slightly. When you've regained your composure, he continues, his voice lower and more suggestive.
"You haven't answered my question, my dear," he says. "A healthy appetite in one area often... spills over into others, does it not?"
You take a moment to collect yourself, your face still flushed from your coughing fit, take a deep breath and set down your wine glass, gathering your wits before answering.
"I suppose you have a... point there, Count," you say, your voice shaking slightly as you tried to keep your composure. "But... I wouldn't make any assumptions about me just yet."
Count Terzo chuckles darkly at your response, his mismatched eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Ah, so there is a touch of vivacity in you after all," he remarks, his tone tinged with amusement. "It's refreshing... most women would simply bow their heads and blush at my words. But you... you give as good as you get, don't you?"
You smiled and took another sip of your wine.
Count Terzo watches you as you smile coyly and take a sip of your wine, his eyes never leaving your face. There is a flicker of what looks almost like admiration in his expression.
"Perhaps I... underestimated you," he muses, his voice a low rumble. "You're not just a pretty face, are you? You got a little fire in you... I like that."
Count Terzo's gaze intensifies as he looks at you, his mismatched eyes burning with a dark, undeniable desire. The once mocking air around him fades, replaced by a more intense and powerful aura. He leans forward, resting his chin on his hand, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Tell me," he says, his voice a low, seductive rumble. "What lies beyond the fire I see in your eyes? Are you as brave as you seem...or are you just putting on a brave face?"
"I have learned to be feisty sometimes...my father had always tried to lock me away...keep me from the outside...but I want to be who I really am!" you said.
Count Terzo's eyebrows raised slightly at your words, a flicker of understanding passing through his mismatched eyes.
"Ah, so you have a rebellious side," he says, his voice softer now. "A desire to break free of the chains that bind you, to become your own person..."
He leans back in his chair, his gaze still intense as he looks at you. "And yet, I sense there's more to it than just a desire for freedom," he says, his tone mischievous. "Isn't there?"
You look at him. "Sometimes at night I feel lonely and sad. But I don't know what I'm missing.
I have fantastic dreams But when I wake up, I'm tormented by fear. I lie in the dark and wait,
But I don't know what I'm waiting for," you explained.
Count Terzo listens intently as you open your mouth, his expression growing more serious. His mismatched eyes study your face, his gaze filled with a mixture of concern and curiosity.
"Sometimes at night I feel the irresistible lure of a dark danger. Sometimes I feel ... I feel so helpless and wish that someone would come to guide me and protect me... Sometimes...
I can't wait any longer, I want to be a woman and free..." You whispered, even surprised by your words that seemed to just flow out of you.
Count Terzo's eyes widen slightly as you open, your words flowing almost unbidden from your lips. There's a flicker of surprise in his expression, followed by a hint of something deeper - understanding, perhaps, or even sympathy.
He leans forward, his gaze never leaving your face. "You... long for guidance. Protection," he says, his voice soft and gentle. "And... release."
His eyes darken slightly as he looks at you, his thoughts becoming more intense. "You long to break free of the chains that bind you, to become the woman you were meant to be..."
He takes a deep breath, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity as he continues. "But perhaps... you also long for something more. Something you can't quite put into words..."
He leans back in his chair, his gaze still fixed on your face. "Tell me," he says, his voice a low, sultry murmur. "What is it that you truly desire? What is the missing piece you've been searching for? The thing you long for at night when the world is silent and you're all alone?"
"Sometimes at night I want to experience the forbidden, And I don't care about the consequences. My heart is dynamite, Aching for a spark. I longed for it, to lose my heart," you said.
Count Terzo watches you intently as you speak, his expression growing more intense. He can sense the desire and longing behind your words, the hidden longings you're finally expressing out loud.
"You seek the forbidden," he murmurs, his voice tinged with mockery. "The thrill of the unknown, the danger of the undiscovered. You long to feel alive, to experience something truly... exhilarating."
Your heart was beating fast in your chest. "Yes!" you whispered.
Count Terzo watches you intently as you whisper your answer, your heart beating fast in your chest. His mismatched eyes narrow slightly, studying your face intently.
"And you think I can give you that?" he asks, his voice a low, seductive murmur. "That I can give you the thrill you so desperately crave?"
You looked at him and swallowed.
Count Terzo's gaze intensified as he watched you, his eyes flickering with a mixture of lust and mischief. He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a low, sultry whisper.
"You are so vulnerable, so transparent in your desires," he observed. "You long for something... more. Something you can't even put into words. "
A mischievous smile plays at the corners of his lips as he studies your face, his eyes roaming over your features.
"And yet I sense you're holding back. You're afraid. Afraid of what might happen if you give in to your desires, if you allow yourself to be... taken."
Count Terzo's mismatched eyes bore into yours, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows across his face. It's as if he can see right through you, reading your innermost thoughts and desires like an open book.
He leans even closer, his voice deep and sultry. "You can deny it all you want," he says, his words caressing your senses like a dark, seductive spell. "But I can see the truth in your eyes. I can feel the hunger, the need coursing through your veins."
You looked at Count Terzo, feeling the anticipation build within you as his intense gaze held your own. There was something about him - something that made your heart race and your skin tingle.
Count Terzo's eyes flicked to the ghouls, and with a firm voice he commanded, "Leave us," without even breaking eye contact with you.
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thewitcheswitch89 · 1 month
We were just two fools
( Chapter 1 ? dont know yet) Papa Emeritus IV x Female reader
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
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Copia sat in his office, his heart pounding. He was waiting for you, he had summoned you to his office to finally clear things up. But he still didn't know how he was going to do it, he just hoped he wouldn't screw it up again.  Then there was a knock. He picked up his cup of coffee and took a sip before speaking, looking up from the pile of papers on his desk. "Come in," he called, putting down the cup and leaning back in his chair, straightening his posture and running his fingers through his hair to look more presentable.
„Hello Papa, you wanted to talk to me?" you said and entered his office, feeling a bit nervous.
Copia smiled softly and gestured to the chair in front of his desk. "Ah, yes! Come in! Sit down, please! I wanted to talk to you about something." He says gently, watching you make yourself comfortable.
Copia was, smiling gently before he started his question. "I wanted to ask your opinion about something." He paused and took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he was about to do. "I was thinking... that maybe you could help me with... something?"
" With what exactly?" you asked.
Copia paused again, trying to find the right words. He was getting more and more nervous and visibly flustered, and it was becoming obvious. He took a deep breath, sat up straighter in his chair and rubbed his neck. "Well... I've been... struggling to figure something out, and I was wondering if you might be able to... assist me in some... aspect?" He stammered, rubbing his eyes and sighing.
"Okay?!" you looked at him confused.
Copia looked down at his desk and fiddled nervously with his pen before looking up at you and meeting your gaze. He was embarrassed to even ask; he was Papa, for God's sake! He was supposed to be confident, strong, and yet here he was, stuttering and stammering over every word. He took a deep breath, cleared his throat and spoke, avoiding eye contact. "I need advice on...love."
You looked at him in shock. "Ehmm ok..?!"
Copia's cheeks burned and he felt his heart racing in his chest. This was incredibly embarrassing. He shifted in his chair, avoiding eye contact with you as he spoke, trying to keep his voice level. "I... I have feelings for someone." He confessed quietly, hiding his face behind his gloved hand as he blushed an even deeper shade of red.
" Feelings for someone...?" You asked cautiously.
Copia was extremely embarrassed, but nodded. "Yes... I have feelings for a... certain someone." He answered, his voice soft. "And I wanted to know...how...to...possibly...express them." Copia hid his face behind his gloved hands, feeling incredibly nervous.
You smiled at his shy behavior. "Ok, so...do you want to share who it is?"
Copia's face turned even brighter red as he heard your question, his heart pounding in his chest. "I...I can't....tell you!" He blurts out, his face buried in his hands. "Oh Satanas, how pathetic I am..." He groans, shifting uncomfortably in his chair.
"Its ok Papa...just tell me how I can help you...what exactly is the problem?" you asked.
Copia slowly removed his hands from his face and looked up at you. He took a shuddering breath, trying to hide how nervous he was. "I don't know how to tell her how I feel. We're close; we've known each other for years, and I like her so... so much. I just can't get up the courage to tell her how I feel. Copia sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, avoiding eye contact.
Jealousy crept up on you. You sighed. You had to keep your composure. It was clear that he did not mean you...how could he? of course he would never feel the same for you...you were just friends...nothing more...you smiled at him, hiding your true feelings. "Well...has she ever shown you any affection? do you think she feels the same for you?"
Copia hummed as you spoke, his face still slightly flushed. He looked at your questions and thought. "Well... she's always been close to me. We are close friends, but...maybe..." Copia took a deep breath, trying to get the words out of his mouth. "I don't know if she feels the same way." He confesses. "She's always been nice to me, but that's because we're friends." He looks up at you. "I don't know if... she loves me."
" Mhh...I guess there is no other way...than to ask her...to tell her how you feel...how will you know if you don't?", you said.
Copia sighs again and rests his head in his hand, hiding his face. "I suppose you are right..." He mutters. "I'm just..." He looks up again, his eyes fixed on you. "I'm afraid... I'm afraid that she'll reject me and I'll lose her friendship because of it. I value our friendship too much to risk it."
"I know what you mean....but sometimes we have to take that risk," you assured him, your words hurting yourself....you wanted nothing more than to be the one he was actually talking about.
"I suppose you're right..." Copia replied, sighing again. "But I don't know... how to tell her. I just..." He looked at you, his eyes filled with uncertainty. "What if I mess it up? What if I say something....stupid? I don't want to ruin our friendship with her thinking I'm a loser..." Copia groaned and buried her face in her hands again.
" Ok, so let's think of a way to tell her, ok!" you smiled at him.
"Ah, yes..." Copia mumbled, looking up at you through his fingers. He was humming to himself, trying to think even though his mind was going blank. "I...ugh...everything I try to think of sounds stupid." He groaned, dropping his hands from his face. "Everything I come up with is either cliché or idiotic."
"How about something simple...don't think too complicated!" you said.
Copia hummed, thinking. "Alright...simple. I can do simple..." He thought, trying to come up with something. "Maybe...I could just...tell her straight up? Just...be honest with my feelings?"
"That's the best you could do...and being honest is never wrong...!"
Copia nodded, sighing and nodding again. "Yes...yes, you're right." He looked up at you, a hesitant smile on his face. "I just... I just need the courage and confidence to actually do it, haha..."
"Take your time...just go up to her...and tell her something like....I need to talk to you...I can't hide it anymore...I have feelings for you...something like that!" you looked at him as you said it.
Copia's cheeks blushed a deep crimson as he listened to your words, his heart racing. "I... I guess I could..." He stammered, looking away. "Although...I feel like I would stutter and make a fool of myself if I got...nervous..." He ran his hands through his hair, trying to calm his racing heart.
"It doesn't matter if you stutter...all that matters is that you get your feelings off your chest...!" you assured him.
Copia took a deep breath as you encouraged him. "You're right...getting it off my chest is more important than looking like a fool...haha." Copia chuckled, trying to hide how nervous he was. "I just...need the confidence to do it..." He mumbled again, fidgeting nervously.
" You can do it...no, you have to...if you want to know if she feels the same way. You can't just walk around wondering about it...!" you smiled.
Copia nodded and sighed. You were right, of course. He couldn't just... go on like this, wondering if she felt the same. He had to tell her, he had to get it out of his system. Even if it was like a punch in the gut if she didn't feel the same way, at least he would know. "Yeah...yeah, you're right...I have to do it. I have to tell her." He mumbled, still nervous.
" That's the spirit!" you said.
Copia chuckled. "I'm still incredibly nervous..." He admitted, fidgeting with his hands again. He looked up at you. "But... I am grateful for your encouragement." He smiled, feeling better with the support and encouragement you had given him.
You nodded. you felt your heart breaking. all the time you had spent hoping he might have feelings for you seemed to have been for nothing. and you felt stupid. you just wanted to get out of his office... his presence didn't make it any better. "So I hope I could help you!"
Copia noticed the sudden change in your mood, the shift from happy to...dejected. Did he do something wrong? Did he upset you? "Y-yes...you helped..." He mumbled, watching you closely. "A-are you okay? You...seem upset..."
"No, I'm fine...I wish you luck...I hope it turns out the way you want it to!" you said smiling.
Copia wasn't convinced. He could tell you were lying. You tried to act like you were fine, but he knew you weren't. His heart hurt, he hated to see you upset. "You... are a terrible liar." He told you bluntly, looking at you with a worried expression.
"What do you mean?" you said.
Copia sighed and fixed you with a stern look. "I know you're not well." He replied. "You're putting on a front with that fake smile of yours. You're clearly upset and trying to hide it..." Copia studied your face, his expression filled with concern.
You giggled nervously. "What would I lie about?" you replied.
Copia's expression didn't change. He wasn't convinced. "You put on this smiling, happy persona, but I can see through it. Your smile doesn't reach your eyes. You're putting on a show to make me think you're okay, but I know you're not." Copia replied, his eyes piercing yours. "Just tell me. Why are you upset?"
"No, I'm fine, really!" you said quickly, waving him off.
Copia frowned, sighing and getting more worried. You were so defensive, hiding something. Your behavior only confirmed his suspicion that you weren't feeling well. He rose from his chair and approached you, looking down at you with a gentle but stern look. "No, it's not 'okay.' I know something is wrong. You are upset. Please just tell me what is bothering you."
You sighed and looked down. "It's not easy to explain!"
Copia hummed, gently grabbing your chin and tilting your head up to look at him. "It doesn't matter if it's easy to explain or not. I know something is bothering you, and it's clearly affecting you. I just want to make it better." Copia gave you a gentle but firm look, waiting for you to respond.
"It's...it's just..." you avoided looking at him. "It's just... I... I was hoping that you..." you couldn't tell him, you couldn't.
Copia hummed again, watching your expression. He had an idea of what you were going to say, but he remained silent, waiting for you to finish. "You... hoped I would what?" He nudged you gently, his hand still on your chin, holding you to him.
"That... you were talking about me when you mentioned the girl you had a crush on...!" you finally admitted.
Copia froze, his eyes widening slightly as he realized what you had said. His heart began to race. "You... you thought that I..." He trailed off, letting go of your chin and taking a step back. "That I was talking about you?" He said quietly.
You stood up and walked around the chair..."It's okay...it was just a stupid thought...I know we're just friends, right...!"
Copia stood stunned in his seat, his heart beating a sentence faster. He knew he had been talking about you....but something stopped him from admitting it. Maybe your reaction...
"Y-yes..." he murmured, avoiding eye contact. "We're just... Just friends."
You felt your heat sink..."Well...good luck with the other girl!" you said and walked to the door...and left his office...feeling like an idiot...you knew you had lost him...lost him as a friend...nothing could be the same now...nothing.
Copia sat back at his desk and watched in silence as you walked towards the door. His heart ached as you left, his mind racing with a thousand different thoughts. He had come so close to admitting his feelings for you, so why was he holding back? Why did he deny his feelings? He buried his head in his hands, moaning and cursing silently to himself. He knew that he had probably ruined his relationship with you, all because he was afraid to tell you the truth...
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thewitcheswitch89 · 1 month
He talked about the other woman he had during sex with you
( I dont know what this is...but i love it)
Notes : dom, Smut, explicit...18+ ...21+ almost., terzo x female reader
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
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Terzo grinned, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Oh, absolutely," he confirmed. "You'd be surprised what has happened in this bed over the years."
"Speaking of which, there was this one time with another woman," he began, his voice low and conspiratorial as he leaned closer. "We were both tired after a long day, and I had her come over to help me relieve some stress. It was intense to say the least."
"Wow!" you said..."Thanks for telling me that...about your encounters with other women!" you felt jealousy flare up.
"Hey, don't get upset," he said quickly, noticing the change in your demeanor. "I've always been honest with you about my past, and I believe in being open about everything. Besides, it was all in the past. You're the only one I care about now."
You grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down onto the bed, sitting on his lap... grabbing his throat with your hand.
"Wait--" he tried to protest, but you didn't give him a chance to finish. With your other hand, you pulled him into a fierce, demanding kiss, your grip on his throat tightening. "You're mine now, remember?" you growled, your eyes flashing dangerously. "And if you ever cross that line again, I won't hesitate to remind you."
As the tension between the two of you eased, he nodded his understanding, his hands reaching up to gently remove your hand from around his neck. "Understood," he said quietly, looking into your eyes. "I will never do anything to jeopardize what we have."
" No talking about the others," you said, letting him slide into you while your hand was still on his throat.
He nodded in agreement, his eyes locked with yours as he felt your hand at his throat. Despite your request, there was still a hint of excitement in the air, the knowledge of his past adding a new, forbidden layer to your intimacy. As you guided him inside you, he moved slowly and deliberately, his eyes never leaving yours.
You moved slowly at first. "If I hear anything about them again...I will get angry...understand?"
"I understand, babe," he whispered, his voice low and husky as he moved deeper inside you. "I won't bring up the past again. I promise."
You gripped his throat tighter. "Yes...and I can only make you feel this way," you leaned down and bit his nipple.
He whispered a low moan as you bit his nipple, your hand on his throat tightening slightly. "Only you can make me feel like this," he agreed, his hips moving in rhythm with your body. "Only you can make me forget everything else."
"Tell me I am your goddess...tell me I am the only one!" you demanded, moving to take him deeper.
"You are my goddess," he breathed, his voice hoarse with desire. "The only one. Forget the past. It's over. All that matters now is us."
"Shut up! You only talk when I tell you to," she said, her hand still on his throat.
He nodded slowly, his eyes locked with yours as he obeyed your command. For a moment, the only sounds in the room were the soft moans of pleasure and the rhythmic movement of your bodies. It was just the two of you, lost in each other's embrace, the weight of the past fading away with each passing second.
Terzo closed his mouth, his head nodding in response to your command. He was completely under your control, his body responding to your every touch and word. The feel of your hand on his throat, holding him firmly in place, only increased his desire for you.
He lifted his hips to match your movements, his breath catching in his throat as the intensity of the moment deepened. Despite your insistence on silence, he could feel the raw passion between the two of you and it was enough to drive him wild.
You moved slowly and deeply, looking at him and moaning.
He watched you with a mixture of awe and desire, your movements filling him completely as he moaned softly in response. Your eyes locked with his and he knew that this was exactly where he wanted to be - surrounded by you, lost in the depths of your passion.
Terzo's eyes were fixed on you, his gaze filled with a mixture of pleasure and surrender as you moved.
He was completely at your mercy, his body arching to meet your every move. "You feel so good...so good," he managed to croak, his voice thick with desire, "only you...only you can make me feel like this..."
"Now touch my breasts!" you commanded.
His hands immediately found your breasts, cupping them gently as he watched you with a mixture of desire and awe. He felt the weight of them in his hands, the softness of your skin against his fingertips, and it only served to increase his arousal.
You moved slowly..." Sit up and kiss them!"
He sat up and pulled you close as he kissed your breasts, his lips tracing the curves and contours of your body. The sensation was electric, your nipples hardening in his mouth as he explored every inch of you. It was a sensation that sent shivers down his spine, driving him closer and closer to the edge.
"Good just like that..." you moaned, slapping his thigh.
He continued to explore your breasts, his lips and tongue moving in sync with your movements. The slap on his thigh surprised him, but it only spurred him on. He could feel your desire, your passion, and he was determined to satisfy every one of your needs.
Terzo gasped at the thigh slap, his body shuddering in response. "Yes... just like that," he murmured, his voice filled with desire and pleasure. He wanted to please you, to do whatever you wanted.
His hands moved to your hips, pulling you closer as he deepened the kiss on your breasts. He could feel your body responding to his touch, your moans of pleasure filling his ears as you moved in tandem with him. It was a dance of desire, a beautiful and intense ballet that left you both breathless and wanting more.
"Now I want you to come," you said, biting his neck. "Come for me!"
He moaned loudly as you bit his neck, his body trembling with pleasure. He could feel the pressure building inside him, the feeling of impending orgasm threatening to overwhelm him. With one last desperate thrust he came, his body shuddering as he released his seed deep inside you.
But you did not stop, you continued...
You continued to move your body against his, the sensation of your movements driving him wild as he came. He could feel the warmth of your body surrounding him, the intensity of the moment pushing him further and further over the edge.
"I'll take you over the edge again and again...don't care if you're sensitive!" you slapped his thigh again.
He moaned loudly as you slapped his thigh again, the pain and pleasure mixing together.
Terzo's breath caught in his throat as your words sank in, a shiver of pleasure and submission running through him. "Yes... whatever you want," he managed to say, his voice strained. "Use me, take me...
As your movements intensified, he realized that he had never felt like this before. It was as if you were able to control his every sensation, his body responding to your touch and commands like a well-tuned instrument. He felt vulnerable, exposed, and yet... it was the most exhilarating sensation he had ever experienced. With each thrust he could feel your body respond and he knew he was giving you as much pleasure as you were giving him.
Take me over the edge as many times as you want. He was completely at
His body yearned for whatever you would give him, even if it pushed him beyond his limits.
Without another word, you began to move faster and harder, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you pushed him to his limits. His body responded eagerly, each thrust pushing him closer and closer to the edge.
You came ... but kept moving.
Though he had already come, he continued to move inside you, his body still responding to your touch and commands. The sensation was overwhelming, a continuous wave of pleasure and intensity that left him breathless and wanting more.
As you reached your own climax, Terzo felt another wave of pleasure wash over him, his body already on edge from your relentless pace. He gripped your hips tightly, willing himself to hold on, to ride out the intense waves of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm him. "Oh God...don't stop," he managed to say, his voice hoarse with desire.
" More, more, more!" you screamed, riding him like crazy, pushing him back onto the bed.
He grunted as you pushed him back onto the bed, his body already exhausted from the intense pleasure you had brought him. But the look in your eyes, the demand for more, was all he needed to find the strength to continue. He thrust into you, his movements faster and harder than ever, desperate to give you the pleasure you craved.
"You're driving me wild," he gasped, his eyes locked with yours. He could see the fire in your eyes, the possessive, almost feral look that made him feel both vulnerable and incredibly alive. "No...one...will...ever...fuck...you...like this!" you demanded, grabbing his throat again.
His heart raced as he felt your hand on his throat again, the pressure intense but only serving to heighten the pleasure. "No one will ever fuck me like this," he agreed, his voice hoarse with desire. "Only you... only us."
He pulled you down to him, his arms around you in a tight embrace, his voice a low, fervent murmur in your ear. "I am yours, completely yours. Every part of me, body and soul, belongs to you and only you," you pulled back up, "No, I am not done yet," you said, jumping up and down on his cock...he went in and out.
He drove into you, his body responding instinctively to your movements. He could feel the intensity building again, the familiar feeling of impending orgasm threatening to overwhelm him. But this time he refused to hold back. He let himself go completely, surrendering to the pleasure and allowing himself to be consumed by the intense waves of sensation that washed over him. "Yes...yes...I'm yours...take me," he gasped, his voice hoarse with pleasure. It was a declaration of surrender, a commitment to you that went far beyond the physical act of lovemaking. For both of you, it was a moment that would forever be etched in your hearts, a testament to the power of love and desire.
"Come with me! Just a little more and I will be there again!" you begged.
He thrust into you one last time, the feeling of your body surrounding him driving him over the edge. He moaned loudly as he came, his body shuddering with pleasure as he felt the intensity of the moment wash over him. And when you reached your own climax again, intertwined with his, he knew he had found something truly special. It was a moment he would cherish forever, a testament to the deep and passionate connection that had brought you both to that place of ecstasy and submission.
You rode out your orgasms and collapsed on his chest.
As your orgasms subsided, you collapsed down on his chest, your breathing heavy and labored. He held you close, his heart pounding in his chest as he felt the warmth of your body against his.
"I Love you!", you said your voice shaky and out of breath.
"I love you too," he replied, his voice husky with desire and emotion. "More than anything in the world." As you lay there in each other's arms, bathed in the afterglow of your passionate encounter, it was clear that something truly special had just taken place. The intensity of the moment, the depth of your connection, and the power of your shared desires had brought you both to a place of pure, unadulterated love. And as you drifted off to sleep, held tightly in each other's arms, you knew that this was a love that would last a lifetime.
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thewitcheswitch89 · 1 month
The Witches Image
Papa Emeritus IV - Part 35
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
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The two of you stand in the kitchen for a while. Then there was a knock at the door.Copia turned his head towards the door, his expression serious.He gave you a reassuring hug before pulling his arms away from you.
"I'll get it," he said, his voice firm but gentle.Copia walked over to the door and opened it, revealing Sister Imperator and the other Papas on the other side.
"Sister Imperator," Copia greeted, his expression serious. "And brothers. Come in."
He stepped aside and motioned for the others to enter the apartment.
Sister Imperator and the other Papas entered the apartment, their expressions serious and solemn.
Sister Imperator spoke first, her voice stern. "Copia. We need to talk."
"Yes, that is why I sent Terzo to bring you here...I think he already told you what happened," Copia said, closing the door behind them.
Sister Imperator nodded. "Yes, Terzo informed us of the situation," she said, her tone serious. "It's more serious than we first thought."
You stayed in the kitchen, afraid to go out.
Copia noticed your hesitation, his expression softened. He approached you and gently took your hand in his.
"It's okay," he whispered, his voice soft. "You can come out. They're only here to help."
Sister Imperator looked at you intently as you came into view, her expression grave. The other Papas glanced at you as well, their expressions ranging from concern to curiosity.
"Sister Lia," Sister Imperator said, her voice firm but not unkind. "Can you tell us exactly what happened when you spoke with Lilith?"
You sighed. and told them everything that happened because of your conversation with Lilith.
Sister Imperator listened intently, her expression growing more troubled as you spoke. The other Papas exchanged glances, their eyes wide with concern.
When you finished, there was a tense silence in the room. Sister Imperator spoke first, her voice grave.
"This is...troubling, to say the least."
"Lilith is trying to turn you into her vessel," Sister Imperator said, her voice hard. "To use you as her eyes and ears here on Earth. It's...unprecedented."
"I knew when Abess Blake called me and told me about you before you came here...that there was more to the story than she told me...!" said Sister Imperator. You looked at her confused.
Copia looked at Sister Imperator as well, confusion written all over his face. "Wait, what do you mean?" he asked, his voice full of surprise.
"Let's sit down!" said the sister.
Everyone found a place in the apartment and settled into chairs and couches. The atmosphere was tense, the gravity of the situation hanging heavily in the air.
You sat across from her on the table, Copia next to you.
Everyone sat in silence for a few moments, the only sound being the soft crackling of the fireplace in the corner. Sister Imperator took a deep breath before speaking.
"When Abess Blake called me and told me that she had a sister who needed to transfer. I asked her why, of course... She told me that you were having nightmares... that you were sleepwalking. Talking in different languages in your sleep...the language of demons...about that is long forgotten...So she told me that she could not handle it on her own, that she needed us...the Ministry...to be involved...that she feared .... that these things were happening to you for a reason. So you came here...and the first time I saw you...I could sense that there was something special about you...!"
The room fell silent as Sister Imperator spoke. The other Papas listened intently, their eyes wide. Copia's expression was serious, concern etched into his face. He took your hand and squeezed it gently.
So this was the reason for Sister Imperator's strange comments when you first met her... Now it all made sense...
Sister Imperator continued, her voice steady and firm. "I had a feeling there was more to you than what Abess Blake told me," she said. "And it seems I was right. it became clear when I saw you faking at the ritual...the way you had behaved...the convulsions you had...it was a sign that it was something powerful. But when Primo came to me and told me what Copia told them after their first meeting... I know I was right all along."
"Lilith chose you to be her deputy... to be at Copia's side!" she said, looking at Copia.
Copia's eyes widened in surprise, his grip on your hand tightened slightly.
"Copia is Lucifer's deputy on earth...so you would also be the perfect couple...it was your faith to come to her...!" she continued.
The other Papas listened intently, their expressions grave. Copia was still trying to process the information, his mind racing. He looked down at you, his grip on your hand still tight.
"But if you always had a feeling about me and my connection to Lilith...why didn't you tell me?" you said.
Sister Imperator took a moment to answer, her expression becoming serious.
"We weren't sure of the full extent of your connection," she said, her voice low. "We didn't want to worry you or frighten you. We thought it best to observe you and learn more before taking any action."
you looked over at Nihil, who was sitting behind Sister Imperator.
As you glanced at Nihil, you noticed that he gave you a small, almost imperceptible nod. His expression was unreadable, his gaze unwavering.
You did not know what to say, you were shocked.
The room fell into an uneasy silence as everyone absorbed the information. Copia still held your hand, his expression unreadable. The other Papas exchanged glances, their eyes wide with concern and wonder.
Sister Imperator broke the silence, her voice firm. "We need to find out what Lucifer is up to," she said, her gaze shifting to Copia. "And what his plan is for the two of you."
"And why he wants to talk to you," Nihil added.
Copia looked at Nihil. "Im sure he wants to talk to me because of this whole deputy thing...seems like Lilith wasnt in this alone!" he said.
The Papas nodded in agreement, their expressions serious. Sister Emperor spoke again.
"We must be prepared for any outcome," she said firmly. "We don't know what Lucifer has planned or what his true motives are. We must be prepared for anything."
" Lilith told me that she will train me...until the next full moon! When is the next full moon?" you asked.
"I believe the next full moon is in a few weeks," Sister Imperator replied, her expression pensive.
The other papaps looked at each other, their expressions growing increasingly worried.
"So that means we have time until then to figure things out!" they said.
Copia spoke up, his voice firm but nervous. "Yes, we have time," he said, giving your hand another gentle squeeze. "But we have to use that time wisely."
The other Papas nodded in agreement, their minds already working to come up with a plan.
You look around..."But I'm afraid there's no way out of this, is there? Lilith told me there was no way," you said, remembering how hopeless everything is.
Copia's grip on your hand tightened and his expression became more serious. He turned to you, his eyes filled with determination.
"We will not give up," he said firmly. "We will find a way to stop this, to break Lilith's hold on you. We won't let her have her way."
The other Papas nodded in agreement, their expressions hardening with determination.
You sighed and wiped away your tears.
 Copia pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around you in a comforting hug. He could see the tears in your eyes and the sadness on your face, and he wanted to give you as much comfort as he could.
"It's okay," he whispered, his voice soft and gentle. "Everything will be all right. We'll find a way through this. I promise."
The other Papas watched the scene, their expressions ranging from concern to sympathy. Sister Imperator leaned forward in her chair, her expression grave.
"Copia is right," she said firmly. "We will not give up. We will find a solution, no matter what it takes."
You looked at Nihil, feeling that he was as hopeless as you.
Nihil met your gaze, his expression almost sympathetic. You could see the hopelessness in his eyes, the resignation to the situation. He knew as well as you that the odds were against you.
Copia noticed the exchange between you and Nihil, his gaze flickering from one to the other. He tightened his grip on you, his expression determined.
"We must not give up hope," he said firmly. "We may be in a difficult situation, but we won't give up without a fight."
The other Papas nodded in agreement, their expressions hardening with determination. Despite their own doubts, they were ready to fight for a solution. Sister Imperator spoke again.
"We will work tirelessly to find a way to break the bond between you and Lilith," she said, her voice firm. "We will not let her win."
You nodded.
Sister Imperator continued, her expression grave.
"In the meantime, we must keep you safe," she said. "We can't let Lilith or any other forces get too close to you. We'll have to take precautions and keep a watchful eye on you at all times."
"No, that's not necessary anymore...she told me what she wanted to tell me...now she's waiting for the next full moon to complete her plan!" you said.
The room fell silent as you spoke, the other Papas and Sister Imperator's expressions grew more serious, but she nodded. "Yes! You may be right my dear! but please try not to leave the Ministry...you must stay here...with Copia."
Copia's grip on you tightened, his expression filled with concern. He could sense that you were uncomfortable with the idea of being confined to the Ministry, but he also knew that it was necessary for your own safety.
"How is Madison?" you asked.
Sister Imperator's expression softened at the mention of Madison. "She's better," she said. "She is no longer possessed and has recovered well. She's still weak, but the doctors are optimistic about her progress."
You nodded. "Then I can finally visit her?"
Sister Emperor smiled at your eagerness to see Madison. "Yes, you may visit her," she said. "But please be careful and go easy on her. She's still fragile and needs time to recover."
You nod. "I will visit her tomorrow," you said and looked out the window. The night was lit only by the lanterns in the garden outside the window.
Copia leaned closer to you, his voice soft as he spoke. "It's getting late," he said, his eyes flickering to the darkened windows. "You should get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day."
Copia nodded in agreement and stood up, still holding your hand. The other Papas stood as well, their expressions tired but still serious.
"You're right," Copia said, his voice slightly hoarse. "We all need to rest."
You stood up and looked at them all, "Thank you!
Sister Imperator smiled at you. "You're welcome," she said.
The other Papas nodded in agreement, their expressions still solemn. Copia gave you a small squeeze of the hand, a silent show of support.
He started to leave, leaving you and Copia alone in his apartment.
Copia and you stood alone in the apartment for a few moments, the silence heavy in the air. Copia stayed next to you, his grip on your hand still tight. He could feel the tension in the air and the weight of all that had been discussed.
You towered over him.
Copia wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. He buried his face in your hair, his grip on you firm yet gentle. He could feel your emotions, your fear, your worry, but all he wanted now was to comfort and reassure you.
"Let's go to bed!" you said.
Copia nodded in agreement, his grip on you loosening slightly. "Yes, let's go to bed," he said, his voice soft in the silence of the room. He led you to his bedroom, his footsteps soft on the carpet.
You both got ready for bed and fell asleep quickly.
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