#mia reed x you
jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
Hi I wanted to request a Mia Reed x f!reader, where they have been dating for a while and Mia doesn’t know that the reader struggles with anxiety/panic attacks. So Mia gets a panicked call from the reader and rushes over to her house to see her suffering from a panic/anxiety attack.
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Mia Reed x Fem!Reader
Summary: You've hidden all your panic attacks from your girlfriend. What happens when you can't hide them anymore?
Warnings: Panic attack, fluffy comfort
Word Count: 640
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To Mia, you were the most calm and collected person in her life. She barely ever saw you stressed, which sometimes concerned her. After a couple months of dating, she brushed it off as just a you thing. Still, there was some underlying uneasiness and uncertainty for your mental wellbeing. She knew what could happen if you bottle your anxieties up, and she really hoped that wasn’t happening to you.
Unbeknownst to her, you were in the exact situation that she feared. You were so used to people calling you a wimp and making fun of your anxieties that you began to try to push them down when you started dating Mia. You knew that she would never make fun of you, and that she would fully support you, but you couldn’t help but be scared. 
You knew that it wasn’t smart to continue to push things down, but it was too late. It got to the point where you were getting more and more stressed and anxious, but not doing anything to release that nervous energy, so instead, it was building up inside you. Throughout all of this, you managed to keep Mia out of the loop. 
Finally, it got too bad and you couldn’t keep it from her anymore. You were watching a movie alone in your room when you started to think about the shooting, and how close you were to not making it. You don’t remember why you were thinking about it, but the next second, a gun in the movie goes off. It catches you off guard, and sends you on a downward spiral.
You take shallow breaths in, unable to get enough air. You grab your phone with shaky hands and press call on Mia’s contact. When she picks up, you hear her excuse herself from whoever she had just been talking to.
“Hey, baby. What’s up?” When you don’t respond right away, Mia frowns. She then hears the hiccups and sobs coming from the other line, making her jump into action. She grabs her car keys and races towards your house, moving at breakneck speeds.
When she arrives, she quickly runs through the front door and up the stairs to your room. There she finds you, on the floor in the dark, rocking back and forth with tears streaming down your face. Silent sobs wrack your body as she quickly moves to be next to you. 
She wraps her arms around you comfortingly, pulling you into her. You quickly grip her shirt, pressing your face into her chest. Mia doesn’t even notice as her shirt gets soaked through, only worried about what was going on with you. 
It takes you a long while to come down, and Mia holds onto you the entire time. When you finally catch a breath, you turn to her with apologetic eyes. She interrupts you before you can even begin to speak. 
“Don’t you dare apologize to me. You are allowed to cry. But baby, what was that about?” You look down at your shaking hands, unable to make eye contact with her. “I have anxiety.” You mutter quietly. “That was a panic attack.” 
Mia just looks at you for a second before tilting your face up towards her. “Baby, why would you hide that from me?” You just shrug, mumbling, “I didn’t want you to hate me.” Mia gives you a look of shock. “I could never hate you! You’re literally my girlfriend! I’m just concerned about you.”
You nod your head, before snuggling deeper into her arms. She holds you close, knowing that this is what you need right now. You may have hidden this from her, but that could never cause her to stop loving you. She would be there for you for everything, and you would learn that nothing could make her leave you.
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jenna0rtega27 · 6 months
I love you Vada Cavell
Vada Cavell x F!Reader Summary: Y/n walks through the school hallways during class while a gunman prepares to enter the school to kill students. Warnings: School shooting, blood, gunshot, murder Number of words: 1341 Send me your requests here or anonymously. I love reading you!
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Pov Y/n: I walk through the empty corridors of the school. For what? Quite simply because I don't want to meet Vada. So I've been skipping all math classes for a month now. You see, Vada and I were the best of friends. But obviously, like the gay girl that I am, I had a huge crush on this girl. But Vada stopped talking to me overnight for no reason. So I never got to tell him that I loved him.
Now seeing Vada hurts me because 2 weeks after she stopped talking to me, she was dating stupid Logan. Do you know the popular rich boy at school? Well it's him. I don't even see what Vada sees in him. He's ugly, stupid and fucking stupid. Every girl would like to have him in their bed. Please note, I do not include myself in all his girls. Because I only want one person in my bed.
It's now been about 10 minutes since math class started and I'm wandering the halls of this stupid school. I say she's stupid because there are no supervisors in the hallways or if there are supervisors, they're not even monitoring because they're either in the moon or on their fucking phones.
20 minute skip
It's been 30 minutes now and I'm honestly starting to get bored. But suddenly, while I'm walking down the halls, I hear a loud sound and screams of fear. I immediately cover my ears and start to panic. I hear 2 more shots and more screams. I start to run but with the panic, I don't really know where I'm going.
I turn right to go to the other corridor and I see the horror. I see two students lying on the ground with lots of blood on and around them and not moving. Which tells me they were killed. I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming and tears flow down my cheeks. I'm shaking from head to toe.
Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming towards me. The fear of being killed goes to my head.
“You move and I’ll kill you.” » A man's voice said behind me. But like the bitch that I am, I turn around and find a man with a shotgun aiming at me.
“I’m telling you not to move, bitch. » The man insults me and pulls me in my stomach. I fall to the ground in pain and cry. The man leaves to I suppose kill another person.
I look at my wound and a lot of blood is coming out of my wound. I put my hand on my wound to try to stop the blood from flowing but nothing works. Too much blood is flowing.
I try to get up while keeping my hand on my wound. " Whore. » I swear, gritting my teeth in pain.
I walk to a nearby bathroom. I open the door and fall straight to the ground. I can see there's already blood on the bathroom floor leading to a stall and I see 6 feet there but I'm too focused on my wound to notice who was in the stall. I continue to moan in pain with tears streaming from my eyes.
I hear police sirens and then no more shots. So I think the shooter was either arrested or killed. After about 1 minute, the three people come out of the cabin and I hear someone almost screaming but my wound hurts too much to notice who it is.
“Y/N!? » I turn my head and see Vada, Mia Reed and Quinton Hasland. Quinton was bloody but he looked good so it wasn't his blood.
“Oh my god Vada are you hurt? I ask immediately, checking to see if Vada was hurt but she didn't seem to have any injuries. Which makes me breathe in relief but I immediately grit my teeth in pain.
“No, but you are injured. » Vada said worriedly. She sits on the floor and takes my head and places it on her knees.
“Don’t worry about me. I say with a smile as I start to feel dizzy from the lack of blood in my body.
“I will always worry about you. » Vada said to me looking into my eyes with teary eyes and running one hand through my hair and the other pressing on my wound to stop the blood. But the blood still comes out. I don't want to die, but I feel like it's my destiny. But I am grateful that I die with the image of the love of my life. Even if it's not the image I would have wanted.
After a few seconds of not speaking, Vada decides to speak.
“I’m so sorry Y/n. »
“Vada, you don’t have to apologize. »
“No Y/n you don’t understand. If I stopped talking to you it’s because I was afraid. » Vada told me with tears streaming down her cheeks.
" Afraid of what? » I ask confused wiping her tears but more is falling. “I was afraid of my feelings. » Vada whispered to me.
“I was scared because I love you Y/n. I have always loved you. But I thought you didn't love me like I love you. So I stopped talking to you and started dating Logan to try to get you out of my head. But you were always on my mind. » Vada told me while crying.
I feel like my heart wants to come out of my chest. I've been waiting for his words from him for so long.
I place my bleeding hand on his cheek and caress his cheekbone with my thumb.
“Vada, I have always loved you. I loved you the first time I saw you. » I say as my own tears roll down my cheeks. “I am in love with you Vada Cavell. » I say as I cough. I start to see blurred and black spots appear in my vision.
“I’m in love with you too Y/n L/n.” I regret so much that I didn't confess my feelings to you. » Vada tells me as her lower lip trembles.
“But at least you did it.” » I said weakly with a smile. I feel myself slowly leaving. But before I leave I want to do the thing I've wanted to do for so long. " Kiss Me. » I say to Vada. And Vada doesn't wait and immediately places her lips on mine. Our lips move slowly in sync. His lips taste of cherry. My new favorite taste that I unfortunately won't have the chance to taste again.
Vada pulls back and places her forehead on mine.
" I love you. » Vada whispers against my lips.
" I love you too. » I say as I feel my eyes weakening and wanting to close.
I look at all of Vada's features for the last time before she slowly dies in her arms. I look at her freckles for the last time, her brown eyes, her lips, her nose, her brown hair.
I never want to lose his images. I love him and I will love him endlessly. Vada has always and always will be my person, my soulmate.
" Do not forget me. » I say as I feel myself getting closer and closer to leaving.
" Never. » She responds by placing her lips on mine for one last kiss that tastes like cherries mixed with tears. The kiss represents the love that could never be demonstrated.
“You were my best moments. » I say as I close my eyes. The last thing I hear before leaving for the next world is me too with a last kiss on my lips which unfortunately I was not able to return.
I thank the Earth and the sky for bringing this girl to life. To have had my kiss with her. Although it was short, my best moments were with her.
I love you Vada Cavell.
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tonyspank · 1 year
Summary: Months after admiring the girl from afar, you finally begin your relationship together.
Warnings: smut and idk…
Words: 9.3k
A/N: Longest imagine ive ever wrote. So please bare with me i did not edit or revise this
Vada Cavell x Footballer!GP! Reader
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You walk through the crowded hallways, a black bookbag hanging off your shoulder. You look around and see the people you know, and those you don't. You make your way to your classroom, immediately recognized by your best friend. "There she is!" He shouts from his seat, raising his hands in the air.
"Ethan... it's like eight in the morning. Why are you shouting?" He laughs and pats the seat next to him. You take your seat and start to unpack your bag. "Coach cancelled practice for today. Something about giving us time to mentally prepare for the game."
You raise an eyebrow in surprise. "That's so unlike him." Ethan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but I'm not complaining. It's nice to have a day off."
"Wanna hang out after school?" You ask, placing your notebook on your desk. The brown-haired boy leans into his chair, a smug smile on his face. "No, can do."
A smile makes its way on your face. "What's that look for?"
He shrugs, "Oh, nothing. It's just that Mia Reed and I are going to this Taylor Lift concert together."
You snort at the mess up of the Singer's name. "You mean Swift?" He rolls his eyes. "Yes, that's what I said, Taylor Swift." You shake your head, amused. "Just don't make that mistake in front of Mia."
Ethan has had a crush on Mia since middle school. But he's always been too scared to talk to her, so he'd always comment and support her dance videos on Instagram. He would often try to find ways to run into her, but he could never find the courage to talk to her.
"Wait," You furrow your eyebrows, turning to Ethan completely. "How did you even finesse a date with Mia Reed?" Ethan smiles and shrugs. "What do they say again? Drunk words are sober thoughts?"
You shake your head and laugh. "I was drunk out of my mind during Max's spring break party, and then I saw Mia... and I just went for it." You had seen Mia around school but had never actually talked to her.
You were surprised that she even agreed to go out with him. Ethan could be surprisingly daring when he wanted to be. "You're a brave guy," he holds up a finger. "A brave drunk guy!"
"Also you'd never believe who else I seen at Max's party." "Who?" you asked, curious. He grinned, "Fucking baby Adam Sandler, Vada!"
You stared in disbelief. "You're such a liar." He shakes his head, sitting up in his seat. "Bro! I swear to god! She was there! In her oversized clothes and everything."
You narrowed your eyes at him, still skeptical. He laughs at your facial expression, "Maybe if you had gone then you could've seen yourself." He says in a sing-song tone.
You shake your head and turn away, still unconvinced. He laughs again, "Well, believe me, or not, I'm telling the truth." He shrugs.
Your teacher then walks into the classroom. You glance back at him, trying to figure out if he's telling the truth. He winks at you and turns away, leaving you unsure. As your teacher brings the lesson your mind wanders off.
Vada Cavell, whose last name you only found out due to her Instagram page. Kind of like Ethan, you've been liking Vada for a while but never built up the courage to talk to her or ask her out.
It's been months of admiring her from afar. She was beautiful in person and you found yourself totally mesmerized by her. You liked the way she dressed, unbothered by how anyone else thought of it, you liked the way her smile lit up the room.
You just had to talk to her, but you hesitated. You felt like you could never measure up to her. You wondered if she could ever like you, too.
You only seen Vada talk to her friends from the beginning of the year. It was Nick, Mia, and Quinton. You felt like an outsider, not part of their group.
You were too shy to approach her, and you were afraid of getting rejected. You also felt like you were the total opposite of Vada's type, so you decided to stay on the sidelines and admire her from a distance. You wanted to get to know her but you weren't sure how to start a conversation.
The rest of the day went by fast. Before you knew it you were back home, greeted by your cat and your mom. "Hey, honey. You're home early."
Your mom speaks up from the kitchen, while your cat rubs itself against your leg. Taking off your jacket and bookbag, you smile and reply. "Yeah, coach cancelled practice." You give your cat a few scratches before heading off to the kitchen to join your mom.
"Really? That's surprising." You laugh, peeking into the pot your mom was stirring. "Yeah, that's what I said."
"What are you making?" you ask, taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Spaghetti." She smiles, adding stuff to the pot. You feel a wave of warmth wash over you as the familiar smell of your mom's cooking fills the kitchen.
You watch as she expertly moves around the kitchen, adding ingredients to the pot. "I have to work late tonight, so I figured I'll start dinner early." She stirs the contents and you can smell the delicious aromas wafting from the pot. She gives you a smile, and you are grateful that she is willing to take the time to make dinner for the both of you.
"Ma, you should be resting. I can cook dinner." She waves her hand at you dismissively. "I want to do this. After all, it's my job to take care of you."
She pours some more ingredients into the pot, and the smell of the food intensifies. "What if I got a job? So you don't have to work late shifts anymore?" You suggest, a frown on your face.
She pauses for a moment, before shaking her head. "No, you need to focus on your studies and football. You worked hard for your starting spot, honey." She smiles sadly at you, before stirring the pot and humming a song.
She stops, "Now, go take a shower. It's almost finished." You nod and walk away, feeling a bit defeated. You know she only wants the best for you, but it's still hard to hear. You take a deep breath and head for the bathroom.
You take a long shower, letting the hot water wash away the disappointment. You remind yourself that you are doing your best and that will have to be enough.
Taking a deep breath, you step out of the shower and head back into the kitchen. After eating dinner with your mom, you begin scrolling through Instagram and TikTok. You soon find yourself laughing at memes and videos, allowing yourself to forget the stresses of the day for a few moments.
Hours pass and you soon realize it's time for bed. You turn off your phone and crawl into bed, just as you're about to drift off to sleep, your phone dings. It was a message from Ethan.
ethan - best fucking concert ever
ethan - im officially a swiftie
ethan - taylor's songs are anthems for my life. everything she does is iconic. she's my queen.
you - i'm guessing it went well with mia?
ethan - well? it went amazing bro
ethan - she wanted to hang out tmr but she has plans w adam sandler
you - oh thats a shame
ethan - omg i jus got the best idea evr
you - which is
you - ethan no.
You place down your phone, and it vibrates from the amount of messages you're receiving. You lay back down, but of course, your phone starts ringing. And it's Ethan, obviously.
You sigh, but you pick up the call anyway. "Listen to me! It's a great idea!" He shouts through the speakers of your phone, You groan and roll your eyes, but you can't help but be amused. You reply, "Okay, I'm listening."
Ethan begins to explain his idea in more detail, "Okay look! If I text Mia, right now saying what if me and you both go to the arcade with them, she'll be like sure! Then that means I get to hang out with Mia and you finally get to meet Vada."
Ethan smiled, knowing he had found the perfect plan. You chew the inside of your cheeks, debating if you should agree to Ethan's plan. You take a deep breath and finally give in, deciding that this could be the start of something good.
He quickly texts Mia, and after a few moments, she replies agreeing. "Looks like we got ourselves a double date." Ethan and Mia started to chat excitedly about the date, and you couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement as well. You hadn't been on a date in a while and it felt like a new adventure. But was this actually a date, or just a way to hang out with friends? You weren't sure.
You woke up to a shout of your name. You quickly scrambled out of bed and rushed to the living room. There was your mom standing in the doorway with a wide grin on her face and Ethan right beside her.
"Ethan's here." You send a tired smile to your mom, "How was work?" She shrugs, "It was alright. Come here and give Ethan a hug." You side-eye Ethan, who opens his arms wide, a goofy smile on his face.
"C'mon Y/N/N! Hug me!" You reluctantly walk over and give Ethan a hug. He squeezes you tightly and laughs. Your mom smiles, watching the two of you before turning to head upstairs. Ethan lets you go and gives you a pat on the back.
You take a few steps back and he grins at you. You smile back, "Why are you here so early?" Ethan shrugs, "Your mom said it was okay. Plus it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon." You nod, and Ethan takes a seat on the couch.
He looks around and then turns back to you, "So, what have you been up to today?" You shrug, "Not much. Sleeping."
"I can tell," he motions his hands above his head, basically telling you your hair was a mess. You laugh and run your hand through your hair, trying to tame it. You look back at Ethan and smile, "What about you? What have you been up to?" He grins, "Talking to Mia."
"Oh, really?" You raise your eyebrows. "And what did she have to say?" He shrugs. "She said that they'll be at the arcade at around six."
You nod, sitting down on the couch as well. "Wanna watch The Walking Dead?" He nods and smiles. "Sure, let's watch it!" You grab the remote and search for the show getting comfortable on the couch. The episode starts with a bang, and you both settle in to watch.
Two hours later, you two are still glued to the screen, eagerly awaiting the next plot twist. Once the episode ends, you turn to your friend and say, "Shit! What time is it?"
Ethan, eyes wide, checks his watch and gasps. "We have to go, now!" He exclaims. You both jump up but you pause, "Wait! I gotta shower, do my hair-"
"Less talking and more doing!" Ethan pushes you to the stairs, and you begin sprinting up them, almost running into your mom. She steps aside to let you pass, a mix of surprise and amusement on her face as she watches you go.
Quickly you take a shower and change into a clean set of clothes. Not before fixing your hair and spraying on cologne, you head downstairs, ready and excited. Ethan is waiting for you, a satisfied smirk on his face, and together you leave.
When you arrive at the arcade you see Mia and Vada. Mia's smiling and waving excitedly at you both while Vada kicks a nearby rock. You both walk over and Mia gives Ethan a big hug.
Vada stands off to the side, her arms crossed but a small smile on her face. You look around and see the arcade bustling with activity, and you know you're in for a night of fun. "Hey, guys!" Ethan says, smiling. You look at Vada, and your heart beats like crazy.
"Hey, Vada." She smiles. "Ready for a night of fun?" she asks, her eyes twinkling. You can only nod as you follow the couple into the arcade. Almost immediately, Ethan and Mia go off and do their own thing leaving you and Vada alone.
Vada points to a game ahead of you. "Let's see who can get the highest score," she says with a mischievous smile. You nod and the two of you start to play. After a few minutes of intense competition, Vada ends up with the highest score.
She laughs and celebrates her victory, and you can't help but smile widely. "If I knew you were such a sore winner I would've tried harder." Vada gives you a playful shove and giggles. "You'll have to try harder next time!" she says. The two of you soon move on to the next game.
In watching you press the start button, Vada admits, "I'm bad at basketball." You pick up a ball, looking at her smiling. "That's ok, I'm pretty bad at it too," you reply. She furrows her eyebrows, "I thought you played basketball?" You shoot the ball, and it doesn't even hit the rim.
"Actually-" She starts, and you let out a loud laugh. She joins in your laughter. "I play football," you say continuing the shoot the remaining balls in front of you.
"But like aren't you supposed to at least have good accuracy? A blind person could shoot better than you." You chuckle, "I'm more of a receiver, not a quarterback." You shoot the last ball which ends up bouncing out of the cage from hitting the rim.
You catch the ball easily, placing it down. She shakes her head and grins. "I stand by my statement. You're terrible." She presses the button, picking up the basketball in front of her. "Watch and learn."
The first one she shoots goes in, "Lucky shot." You mumble, and she smiles in response. The second one also goes in, and the third and fourth too. "You lied to me. You said you sucked." She laughs, and sets up the next shot. "I never said I was suck, I just said I was bad." She takes the shot and it swishes through the net. "What the fuck?"
She turns to you and grins. "You see? I told you I was bad, not suck." You can only stare in amazement as she lines up the next shot and scores again. She laughs and walks away, leaving you in awe. "You lied!" You yell out as you follow her. She laughs again. "I'll let you in on a secret."
She stops and turns around, her face serious. "In order to score all the shots, you have to aim for the back of the rim. And then once you do that, calculate how much power you're putting into your shot. That way you'll be able to get a better idea of the trajectory the ball will take. And you'll have a better chance of making the shot." You squint your eyes at the girl, tilting your head a bit.
She bites her lip in response. Adorable, she thinks. "How do you know all of that? Or like, how'd you even figure that out?" She shrugs, a smirk playing on her lips. "I came here before with Quinton." Your eyes widen in surprise. "Really? You two are...close?"
"We're friends." Is all she says. She looks away and takes a deep breath. "But yeah, he's a good friend." She smiles and looks back up at you, her eyes twinkling. "Wanna get something to drink?"
You nod and smile, and the two of you head to grab a drink. "Look, I'm gonna show you how to make the best slushie you'll ever fucking taste in your life." You grab a cup, joining Vada in front of the slushie machine.
Vada begins to explain the steps, and you find yourself getting more and more invested in the process. You join in, and together you prepare the perfect slushie. You take a sip and it's everything Vada promised. "Wow."
"Right!" Vada grins with satisfaction. Your eyes look around the arcade and you notice Ethan and Mia shooting water blasters at the target together. "You know, they're kind of cute together." Vada looks at the two, nodding in agreement. "It was bound to happen eventually. She's been crushing on the guy since sixth grade."
You furrow your eyebrows, your head snapping at the shorter girl next to you. "Really? Ethan too!" Vada laughs, a smile on her face. "That's crazy. It's been obvious to everyone but them." She turns back to the two, watching them laugh and shoot water blasters in sync. "They just need to tell each other how they feel."
"I mean...It's not that simple." You say, taking another sip of your slushie. Vada shrugs. "It's worth a try. I mean, what have they got to lose?" You shake your head. "I don't know. It's a risk they might not want to take."
You're beginning to wonder if you're talking about Ethan or yourself. Vada looks at you with a knowing look. "You never know. Sometimes taking a risk can be the best thing to do." You take a deep breath, considering her words. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
"I'm glad you agreed to come, I would've been third-wheeling the entire night." You laugh, "I'm glad I came too." You never know. Sometimes taking a risk can be the best thing to do. Vada's words basically repeat in your head, "I uh, I've actually been wanting to talk to you for a while." You admit.
She looks surprised but pleased. "Really? I had no idea!" You nod and smile, feeling relieved that you finally said it. "Yeah! I just didn't know how to approach you." She smiles, her dimples appearing on her cheeks. "Dude, it's not like I would've bit you if you tried to make a conversation with me."
You both laugh and the tension between you dissipates. She looks at you, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "So, what do you want to talk about?" You shrug, using your straw to stir around your drink. "Favorite color?"
"Easy. All of them." She smiles and takes a sip of her drink. "I guess I can't argue with that. Favourite movie?" She pauses for a moment, thinking. "It's hard to pick just one, but I think it's The Staircase. I watched it a thousand times." You hum, "I've never watched it before."
"Wait, what?" She shakes her head in disbelief. "You have to watch it. It's a classic!" You shrug. "I'll watch it. What's it about?" She grins. "It's about this white guy who murders his second wife, and probably his first wife, and gets away with both."
You look at her, surprised. "That sounds intense. Is it a true story?" She laughs. "No, it's a movie. You'll love it. What's yours?"
You open your mouth to speak but she cuts you off. "Lemme guess. Tom Brady Documentary: True Stories." You start to laugh. "Yeah, that's it. It's a classic." She laughs. "See, I knew it!"
"But actually, it has to be How To Build a Better Boy." You say, watching her face to see her reaction. She looks shocked, "Wait that one sappy Disney movie?"
"It's not sappy." She laughs, "Yeah, right. I'm sure it's full of life lessons and cheesy dialogues." You smirk, "Maybe, but it's still worth watching."
She shakes her head, "I don't believe you. There's no way it can be that good." You shrug, "Trust me. I promise you won't regret it." Vada takes another sip of her drink, only to realize she's finished it. She looks up at you with a questioning gaze.
You smile and offer her some of your drink. "Trust me how I trusted you to make this drink." Vada hesitates, then takes the drink from you. "Okay. I'll watch it tonight, and then first thing in the morning I'll tell you if it was good or bad."
You nod and watch her take a sip. "You'd need my number for that." She smiles, takes out her phone and hands it to you. You add your number, then hand it back. "I'll be waiting for your call then." You wink and she laughs, taking another sip of the drink.
Ethan and Mia make their way toward you two, smiles on their faces. "You guys ready to go?" You both nod, and you all make your way out of the arcade. You all walk out, the cool night air bringing a sense of peace. You and the girl share a glance, and she smiles. You both head to your respective cars and drive off in different directions.
"How was it with Vada?" You reply, "It was great. She's a really cool girl." Ethan smiles and you ask him how it went with Mia. "We had our first kiss." Ethan's face lit up with excitement. "WHEN?"
He shyly looks away and replies, "Just a few minutes ago. You missed it being too oo la la with Vada." You roll your eyes smiling and give him a high five. Ethan grins and says, "It was amazing." He then pulls out of the parking lot, turning on his blinker and making a left towards your place.
Meanwhile, in Mia's car, she and Vada are talking about you. Mia teases Vada about her crush on you. Vada blushes and laughs, still a little embarrassed. "I mean she's cute and I can tell she really likes you."
Vada looked away, still blushing. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said, laughing. Mia just smiled and shook her head. As soon as Vada got home she was questioned by her mom.
Vada quickly changed the subject, not wanting her mom to know what had happened. Vada's mother gave her a knowing look but didn't press the issue. Instead, she just said, "Well, I'm glad you had a good time." Vada smiled and nodded, grateful that her mom hadn't pushed the matter any further.
She fell against the couch, hesitating before turning on How To Build a Better Boy, your favourite movie. The movie started and Vada felt a sense of relief as her mom left the room. She curled up in her blanket and let herself get lost in the movie.
"Perfect boy but his name is Albert! And how'd he get a car...plus why'd he just throw his keys to a random guy?" Vada mumbles to herself, confused at the logic of the movie.
She giggled at the absurdity of it all, hoping the movie would eventually make sense. Despite the silliness, she couldn't help but be drawn in by the characters and their stories. Vada watched with anticipation as the movie unfolded, eager to find out what would happen next.
Until Amelia comes down, standing in front of the TV. Vada groans at her little sister, "Dude. I'm trying to watch something." Amelia turns to her with a small frown, "I wanna watch too." Vada reluctantly scoots over to make room for her, rolling her eyes in an attempt to hide her growing smile. They cuddle up on the couch, ready for whatever the movie had in store.
The sisters watched the movie, laughing and pointing out silly things until it was time for bed. Vada tucked Amelia in, giving her a hug and a kiss on the forehead, before heading off to dreamland herself.
When you woke up in the morning the first thing you did was grab your phone, checking for any recent messages. You felt a wave of disappointment as you saw that no one had messaged you. You decided to go downstairs to make breakfast.
Your mom had already left for work, so it was just you and your cat, Goose. You started making a simple omelet. It was one of your go-to recipes. But gosh, was it delicious.
As you ate the omelet, you had a moment of peace, just you and your cat, and the warm and comforting taste of the omelet. Goose jumps onto the table, meowing in your face. "Goose down."
Goose meows in protest, but eventually jumps off the table. You take a deep breath, savouring the last bite of the omelet. You look down at Goose and smile, "I'll make sure to give you a treat later." Goose purrs in response, contentedly rubbing against your leg. You get up to clean the kitchen, and your phone goes off in the middle of the dishes.
xxx-xxx-xxxx - ok. i'd admit it's a very good movie
You smile, she had finally texted you.
you - see it's not sappy, but a work of art
vada - i wouldnt take it that far
you - lol, i still have to watch the stairless
Three dots appear on the screen, then disappear. You frown, continuing to wash the dishes. You pause and turn off the water, drying your hands. You pick up your phone again, Vada had texted back.
vada - we could watch it at my place
you - when?
vada - today if u want
you - ok sure
you - send me ur address
You ring the doorbell, shifting your weight from one leg to the other anxiously. "Mom! Do not open the-" The muffled voice stops once the door is swung open. You stand there, frozen, unable to move. The blonde woman smiles at you, "Hi! You must be Vada's friend. Mia is it?" You shake your head, hearing a groan come from inside the house. "Mom, this is Y/N."
You smile awkwardly, feeling embarrassed. Mom chuckled and stepped aside, motioning for you to come in. You nervously step inside, smiling at the woman who let you in.
Vada sends you a wave which you return, placing your hands in your pocket. You take a deep breath as you take in your surroundings. The home was warm and inviting, with decorations all around the place.
You follow Vada, who leads you to the living room. She offers you a seat and you sit down, feeling somewhat more at ease. "Sorry about that." You wave it off, "It's fine. She seems sweet."
"If sweet means extremely noisy and out of touch with this generation, then yes. She's very sweet." Vada sighs and sits down on the couch next to you. You can't help but laugh at her comment. She shakes her head and smiles. "She means well, I suppose." She says with a shrug.
You lean further back into the red couch, as Vada picks up the remote turning on The Stairless. Vada and you sit back and watch the movie, exchanging comments and laughs. Time passes quickly, and soon enough you both find yourselves lost in the story. "Off the bat, I knew he killed his first wife." You laugh, slightly turning your head to Vada. "I'm telling you, he did it!" Vada exclaimed.
You both chuckle and then continued watching the movie. As the movie plays, the closer you two get. Now leaning into each other, you can feel the warmth of Vada's body as your hands occasionally brush against each other.
Your conversations become more meaningful, and the laughs become genuine. The movie fades away, and all that's left is the two of you, living in the moment.
As the credits rolled, you both looked at each other in amazement. "That was one hell of a movie," you say. "I told you. That movie is the shit." You sit up a bit, your shoulder brushing against Vadas. "Okay, rate How to Build a Better Boy and then I'll rate this."
Vada takes a moment to think, then finally responds. "It was an 8/10 for me," she says. "I really enjoyed it. How about mine?" You pause to consider the movie before finally saying, "Hmm, I'd give it a 9/10. Definitely worth watching again."
Vada grins. "I knew you'd like it." She leans back against the couch and stretches her arms out. "I'm glad we got to watch it together." You give her a smile and nod in agreement.
You give her a smile and nod in agreement. You both take a few minutes to relax in the comfortable silence. Then, you break it.
"I'm really craving one of your slushies." Vada laughs. "Wanna get one?" You nod and she jumps up, pulling you up from the couch. "Let's get Albert!" Furrowing your eyebrows, you both head out the door. "Albert?"
Vada laughs again. "I was thinking about it and you literally are the fully human version of him, except you don't really look alike." You roll your eyes, but you can't help but laugh. "Albert's a douche, I'm not a douche."
Vada snorts as you unlock your chair door, getting inside together. "Albert is not a douche. He's a sweet young boy who cares about his girlfriend, and he's really good at football."
You can't help but smile, shaking your head. "Yeah, okay, maybe he's not a douche." Vada grins as you start the engine. "Exactly. So therefore you're Albert." You chuckle and put the car in gear. "Are you trying to say that I'm perfect and really good at football?"
She laughs."No, I'm saying you're not a douche. Now let's go! The slurpies are calling my name." You roll your eyes and drive away, the two of you laughing as you go.
Since that day you've been texting Vada non-stop. She doesn't seem to mind it either. You feel like you can talk to her about anything. And to add to that, you've also been talking during school. Vada had even come over to meet your cat, when your mom was at work. You two have become really close over the past few weeks. Every day you look forward to talking to her and spending time with her. You can't help but feel like you are falling for her.
"Are you coming to my game tonight?" Vada smiled at you and nodded. You felt your heart flutter. You knew for sure, you were starting to fall in love. "Yeah, of course. Even though I barely understand football." You laugh at her response, leaning into the lockers. She smiles back, her eyes twinkling. "I'll explain the rules to you," you say, your voice soft as it can be. Vada can feel her heart skip a beat, and you smile at her.
She looked away for a moment, then back into your eyes. "But if you don't carry four people on your shoulders and score like Albert, then I'm leaving mid-game." She jokes causing you to smile. You tried to think of a witty reply, but all you could do was laugh. "I'll try my best."
She smiled and put her hand on your shoulder. "That's all I ask." She patted your shoulder and walked away. You watched her leave, feeling content with your exchange. Ethan, who you didn't notice was behind you places a hand on your shoulder.
You jump in surprise. "Jesus!" He laughs. "You should relax, man. I didn't mean to scare you." He removed his hand and stepped back. You take a deep breath and let it out, relieved.
"What were you guys talking about?" You shrug, "Nothing important. She's coming to our game tonight." Ethan's eyes widen in shock, "Are you serious?" "Yeah, why?" You reply, slightly confused. He shakes his head, "Nothing, just... Mia asked herself and Vada said no."
"Hm..." You hum, unsure of what to take from the situation. "I don't know maybe she changed her mind last second." A goofy smile makes its way onto Ethan's face, "Or maybeeeeee... she likes you."
You look away, blushing. "No way," you say, shaking your head. "She's definitely not interested in me that way." Ethan gives you a knowing look. "You've been talking for weeks. I've seen the way she looks at you," he says. "You should ask her out dude." You hesitate, not sure if you should take his advice.
The bell rings, and you look at Ethan with a smirk. "Saved by the bell." Ethan rolls his eyes and laughs. "Just ask her," he says, and you cover your ears humming as you walk through the hallway.
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"Check, check! Elvis, Elvis!" Ethan yells. You look at the cornerback in front of you, and give Ethan a thumbs up. You take a deep breath and get into your stance. You know that if you can get past the cornerback, and potentially win your team some yards. You focus on the cornerback and wait for the snap.
The snap comes and you explode off the line. You easily beat the cornerback and break into the open field. You know you have a chance to make a big play and you sprint as fast as you can. Ethan throws the ball to you, and you catch it successfully.
Only making it to the 45-yard line before you're tackled. The crowd erupts in cheers as you get up from the tackle, smiling. You know you've made a huge play and energized your team. As you jog back to the huddle, you can feel the momentum shifting in your favour.
The team regroups and prepares for the next play. Everyone is pumped up and ready to take it to the end zone. Ethan calls the next play and the team breaks the huddle, ready for action. Ethan snaps the ball, handing it off to the running back who earns just about 8 yards from the play. It's third down, and you need 10 more yards to get to first.
Ethan calls out the next play and the team runs it perfectly. The running back manages to break free and run for 20 yards, giving the team a first down. The team cheers in excitement as they get a fresh set of downs and move closer to the end zone. "Y/N," you perk up at the sound of your name, "Be ready." You nod as Ethan pats your helmet.
You take a deep breath as you prepare yourself for the next play. You watch as Ethan signals the play and the team begins running it. You run up to the line of scrimmage, ready to make your move.
You see a gap in the defence and make your move, sprinting forward. You catch the football with both hands and take off, running for the endzone. You feel the wind in your face as you cross the goal line and score the touchdown.
The crowd erupts in cheers as you spike the ball in celebration. You jog back to the sidelines, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride. You know you just made a game-winning play.
Meanwhile, Vada is in the stands beside Mia yelling, "GOAALLLLLLLLL!" Mia and Vada jump up and down excitedly, hugging each other in joy. The crowd continues to cheer as you take off your helmet and raise your arm in triumph. You feel a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that your hard work has paid off.
You wave to your mom who waves back, a huge smile on her face. "That's what I'm talking about!" Your coach saying patting your back. You take off your helmet, rubbing the sweat off your forehead with your towel. "Just one more touchdown and we've made it to the playoffs, baby."
You take a moment to take in the sound of the cheering crowd and the feel of the cool night air. The team gathers together in a huddle, the defensive team heading onto the field.
As the players take their positions on the field, the energy in the stadium is palpable. The coaches call out the plays and the team readies for the snap. The opposite team's quarterback takes the ball and the game resumes.
Thankfully your defensive side was able to stop the other team, and you're back on the field. Your team huddles up and the coach gives the next play. You take your position and get ready for the snap. As the ball is snapped, you make your move and the play is underway.
You make a break for the end zone, dodging and weaving past the other team's defence. Catching the ball with ease, you can feel the cheers of the crowd getting louder as you get closer. You feel someone hop on your back, but you continue running.
You keep going until you cross the goal line and score the winning touchdown. The crowd erupts as you raise your arms in victory. You look back to see your opponent still on your back, frustrated and disappointed.
The referee quickly signals for a touchdown and you can see the joy on your teammates' faces. You look back at your opponent and offer a friendly handshake to congratulate them on a good game. The team celebrates your victory as the crowd continues to roar.
You run to the sidelines, ecstatic about the win. The coaches congratulate you on your performance and the team gathers for a group hug. You look into the stands and see Vada staring back at you, her mouth open in shock. You take off your helmet, dropping it on the ground before holding up a heart.
Vada smiles and laughs, she mimes a heart back to you, and you smile widely. Ethan brings you into a tight hug, patting your back, "HELL YEAH!" You finally feel the euphoria of a victory. You had worked so hard and it had all paid off.
You look back at the field one last time, taking in the feeling of success before you turn to join your team in their celebration. You have made it, and nothing can take this moment away from you.
Moments pass and the entire team makes its way into the locker room. Everyone is in high spirits, laughing, hugging and even dancing to the sound of the music playing in the background. You can't help but smile, happy about the win.
As the team disperses, the coach takes you aside. He looks you in the eye and says "I'm proud of you. Great job today." You feel a thank him before leaving the locker room, walking outside to the front of the school building.
Ethan, Mia, and Vada are already there waiting. Once Vada sees you she runs to you, basically jumping into your arms. You hug her tightly, feeling a warmth inside. "You did it!" She shouts, her eyes bright with excitement.
"You like actually carried that guy onto your back? I told you you're Albert!" You laugh and hug her again. "Thanks, Vada." You are interrupted by a throat being cleared, and it's your mom.
"Hey, Ma." Your mom smiles at you, holding out her arms and you step into them, contentment washing over you. She pulls away slightly, with a proud smile and says, "You should be proud of yourself, Y/N. You did something remarkable today."
You smile, feeling a warmth in my chest. "I'm glad you think so," She hugs you again and says, "I always have, sweetheart. Now go hang out with your friends." You smile wider, feeling a warmth in your chest and your eyes start to mist.
You hug her tightly and thank her, before turning to go. You pause for a moment and look back, feeling so thankful for the unconditional love you have been given.
"TIME TO PARTYYYYY!" Ethan shouts from beside Mia, who joins him. You shake your head at the two, turning to Vada who raises her head, joining in as well. You can't help but laugh at their enthusiasm and join in, feeling the energy of the night.
The four of you make your way towards Max's house. He's known for throwing the best parties at your school, but you've never gone to any of them. You've never really had a reason to, but now you kind of do.
You knock on the door and Max welcomes you all in. The house is filled with people, and loud music and the air is thick with laughter and energy. You can feel a sense of anticipation and excitement as you all take in the scene.
You look around and take it all in, feeling a bit overwhelmed but excited. You make your way through the crowd, looking for a place to sit down and relax. You finally find a spot and settle in, ready to enjoy the party. "No way you're sitting down at a party," Vada says from beside you. You swallow your drink before sending a small smile at her.
She grins and grabs your hand, leading you to the dining room. "We're gonna play beer pong. I hope you have better accuracy."
"Any challengers?" A dark-haired boy says from the other side of the table, his friend close by. "Yeah." You speak up, wrapping an arm around Vada's shoulders. "Me and her," Vada smiles, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ready to go?" you ask, and she nods.
The boy nods, "Okay. But just know beer pong is my calling." You and Vada exchange a knowing look, and you set up the table. The game begins and you soon find yourself in a heated battle with the dark-haired boy.
It's drink after drink, throw after throw, and soon the game is over. The boy is declared the winner with a triumphant grin on his face. Vada and you exchange an impressed look and congratulate him on his victory.
"I can't believe he won that." You mutter, a bit tipsy. Vada shakes her head, "I can. You still suck at aiming balls into stuff." You laugh and throw your hands up in defeat. "You're right, I do. But maybe I'll get better one day." You continue following Vada around the party until she suggests something.
"Wanna get high?" You look around the party and then back at Vada, "Let's do it." She smiles and grabs your hand, leading you away from the party. You quickly found a secluded corner outside, and she produced a joint from her pocket. Taking a lighter from her other pocket, "You always have a lighter and a joint in your pocket?"
She laughed, "No but... I knew I'd be going to this party. I wanted to prepare myself." You hum with a nod, Vada's eyes leave the joint before meeting yours. "Have you done this before?" You shake your head, "No. I haven't.."
She smiles, takes the joint and takes a deep breath. "It's ok, I'll show you how."Vada inhaled, and slowly exhaled. She passed the joint back to you and said, "Just take a tiny puff. Don't hold it in, just let it out." You took the joint and followed her advice. You felt a tingle in your chest as the smoke lingered in the air. You coughed a bit, but it was a good feeling. You exhaled and smiled. "See? Not so bad."
You handed the joint back to Vada, feeling a bit more at ease. You sit down on the grass, and Vada joins you laughing. "Just wait till it hits."  You close your eyes and lean your head back, savouring the moment.
You feel the warm sun on your skin and the cool grass beneath you. You can feel the effects of the marijuana start to take hold, and a peaceful calm overtakes you. "I wonder what kind of high you'll be."
"There kinds?" You smile and nod, feeling content. "There's the body high, the mental high, and the spiritual high. Each one has its own unique experience." You take a deep breath and sigh, feeling the effects of the marijuana wash over you.
You close your eyes and relax, feeling the tension in your body slowly dissipate. You smile, feeling a sense of peace and clarity that you hadn't felt in a long time. You open your eyes and take another deep breath, feeling a deep sense of connection to the world around you.
"I wonder who wrote the script for How to Build a Better Boy," Vada's eyes widen. She can't believe that's what you're talking about mid-smoke. You laugh and shrug. "It's just something I thought of. I was just trying to relax." She smiles, understanding. "Well, it seems like it worked. You look much calmer now."
You take a deep breath and smile. "Yeah, I guess it did. I'm glad I was able to take my mind off things for a bit." Vada nods in agreement, then takes a deep drag from the joint. You both take a moment to enjoy the silence and the feeling of companionship.
You turn to the shorter girl, smiling. "I wanna kiss you. Badly, I've been wanting to kiss you, but now I just really really really-" You're cut off by a pair of lips onto yours. You close your eyes and kiss her back, savouring the moment. When you pull away, you can't help but smile.
You look into her eyes and feel a warmth inside you that you never thought was possible. "I've been wanting to kiss you too." You smile wider, bringing her back into an intense kiss.
Bringing the girl into your lap, gripping her waist tightly. You can feel her heart pounding against your own. You can feel her body relax into your embrace as you kiss her more passionately. You don't know if this is just Vada or the cannabis you've inhaled, but this is definitely one of the best kisses you've had.
She pulls away and smiles at you, her eyes twinkling. You can feel the electricity between you, like something that will never be broken. You know this moment will stay with you forever.
She leans in and whispers in your ear, "I love you." You can feel your heart swell at the words. You hold her close and whisper back, "I love you too." Everything around you fades away and all that is left is the two of you in this moment. You kiss her tenderly as your hearts beat in unison.
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"You've gotta be quiet!" Vada whisper yells at you, trying her best to support your weight. You nod and press your lips together, trying your best to muffle the sound of your breathing.
You feel Vada's arms tremble as she carries you through the darkness. You can sense her fear. "Ma is probably..." You start snoring and begin laughing at your own joke.
Hopefully, your mother is sleeping because of the way you're acting right now, she'd definitely tell if you're not sober. Vada stops walking and scolds you.
She tells you to keep quiet and you quickly apologize. You try to remain quiet for the remainder of the journey, but you can't help but feel a bit of excitement as you approach your bedroom.
On the second to last step, there's a creaking noise. You both tense up at the sound, waiting there a few moments before resuming your movements.
"Are we gonna make out, V?" Vada blushes, a slight smile playing on her lips. "Shh, we're almost to your room." You make it to the room, closing the door behind you. Vada then pushes you onto the bed, plopping down beside you with a heavy sigh.
You begin giggling, turning to the girl beside you. She smiles, leaning in closer. You close your eyes, feeling her warm breath on your face. You both press your lips together, eagerly exploring each other.
Your heart races as you feel her hands on your back. You break away, looking into her eyes. You both share a knowing smile, "Are you sober enough to consent?" You nod, "Yes. Now hurry... sober thoughts and drunk thoughts."
Vada laughs at your mess-up, fuck it. She was high as hell as well. She was just handling it way better than you.
You both kissed again, feeling the warmth as your bodies pressed against each other. You felt the alcohol between you, but you both knew that you were sober enough to make a conscious decision. Your hearts were pounding as you embraced each other, both of you eager for more.
You pull away, climbing onto of Vada. Vada smiles up at you as you look deep into her eyes. You lean in and kiss them passionately, your hands exploring her body. You two stay like this for what feels like an eternity, until finally you pull away, and you begin undressing.
You throw your hoodie away, and try to rip apart your white tank top but fail. Vada notices your frustration and giggles, then helps you take off your tank top, revealing your toned abs. She smiles, before reaching up and kissing you again.
She then fumbles with the buttons of your pants, and pulls them down, before pushing you onto the bed. She climbs on top of you, and begins to passionately kiss your neck and chest. You can feel her hands trailing up and down your body as she continues to kiss you.
She moves her hands to your back and pulls you closer. You can feel her breath on your skin as she whispers into your ear. She then moves her lips to yours and you become lost in the moment.
You pull away slightly, "Vada take off your damn clothes." You say fiddling with her shirt. She complies taking off her bra as well. Your mouth moves to her chest, kissing, licking and suckling as your hands wander to her shorts. You slip them off her hips, leaving her in just her panties.
She moans in pleasure as you continue your ministrations.
You move your hands further down, gently stroking her inner thighs. You pause, taking in her beauty before slowly slipping off her panties.
She smiles at you, her desire and anticipation palpable in the air. "My heart is racing so much," she admits, smiling. "Mine too," you reply, leaning in to kiss her.
Her lips are soft and inviting, and you can feel the heat of her body radiating around you. You both lose yourself in the moment, the anticipation of what's to come envelops you both.
You flip her over, laying her on her back. You begin to explore her body with your hands. Her skin is soft and smooth beneath your fingertips. She moans softly, her eyes closed in pleasure. "Y/N..."
You move your hands up and down her body, exploring every inch of her. She gasps softly as you reach her most sensitive areas. You press your lips against her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body.
She grabs hold of your hair, her moans getting louder as you keep going. You feel her body quiver beneath you as you continue to pleasure her, her breathing becoming rapid and her body shaking with pleasure.
You can feel her nearing her climax and you increase the intensity of your motions, pushing her over the edge. Her body convulses with pleasure as she reaches her orgasm. "Ohmygod."
You kiss her body as she recovers from her orgasm, her breathing slowly returning to normal. She looks up at you with a satisfied smile, her eyes still filled with pleasure. You return her smile, happy to have been able to bring her pleasure.
You feel yourself hard against your underwear, and you know that you're ready for your own pleasure. You pull her closer to you and whisper in her ear, letting her know that you're ready. She responds with a mischievous grin, her hand moving to pleasure you.
You moan as her hand slides up and down, the pleasure building inside you. She moves her lips to yours, her tongue exploring your mouth as her hand continues to work its magic.
You can feel yourself getting closer to the edge, and you grab her hand to slow her down. She smiles in understanding and pulls away, the pleasure ebbing away. You look into each other's eyes, and you both know that this is only the beginning. "I'm gonna grab a condom." You mumble, rushing off the bed and into your drawer.
She nods in agreement, and you can sense the anticipation in the air. You come back to the bed, and she eagerly takes the condom from you. Opening the gold wrapper, you take out the condom and unroll it onto yourself, before moving to lie on top of her.
She wraps her arms around you as you take a deep breath as you slowly slide inside her, and you both gasp in pleasure.
You both moan in pleasure as you start to move, and she wraps her legs around you. You start to build up momentum, faster and faster, as you move together. The friction of the condom creates a warm, smooth sensation that sends pleasure through both of you with each thrust.
With each movement, you feel your connection with her deepen and you can feel the sensations in both your bodies become more intense.
"Vada," you sigh out, resting your head in the nape of her shoulder. She looks up at you and smiles, her eyes twinkling in the dim light. You kiss her softly and she wraps her arms around you tightly.
You can feel the warmth radiating from her body and you feel the love you have for her in that moment. You want to stay like this forever and the thought of having to part from her is too much to bear. You tightly embrace her and whisper that you love her. You feel her body trembling as she returns the embrace.
"I'm about to cum." She moans into your ear as she cums. You feel her body quivering and it sends waves of pleasure throughout your body. You hold her tight as you release as well. You collapse onto the bed, panting heavily. You lay there in each other's arms for a few moments, basking in the afterglow of your lovemaking. You kiss each other tenderly and drift off to sleep.
"Was I your first time?" She replies with a soft whisper, "No, Mia was." Your head snaps to her and she laughs, sighing out shortly after.
You take a moment to process what she said. "Really?" She nods, "It happened... multiple times... the fifth week of school." You take a deep breath and look away for a moment, trying to contain your confusion.
"Was I yours?" You shake your head smiling, "No, Ethan was." She lets out a loud laugh at your joke, laying her head on your chest. You take a deep breath and hold her close.
You feel a wave of emotions wash over you, grateful for the moment of comfort. You are filled with a sense of peace, knowing that you have someone to talk to and share your feelings with.
"I need to shower." You say. Vada nods rolling over. "You can join me, but you gotta be quiet." You smile, "Oh, you're telling me to be quiet now?"
You chuckle and lead her into the bathroom. You both take your time showering, enjoying the warmth of the water and each other's company. After, you dry off and return to your bedroom, both content and peaceful.
You wake up to a shout of your name. Looking to your left you notice Vada is still sound asleep. "Fuck," you rush up out of bed putting on your clothes before nearly darting downstairs to the kitchen, following the smell of breakfast.
Your mother is standing over the stove. Three plates of eggs and bacon already waiting for you on the table. She gives you a stern look before turning back to the stove. "There are three..." You mutter to her confused.
She points to the plates. "One for you, one for your girlfriend, and one for me. Now wake her up and come and eat."
You sheepishly smile turning on your heels to go wake up Vada.
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bobbin-buckley · 2 months
Dumb Game
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Vada Cavell x Gamer!Fem!Reader
Summary: Vada thinks R’s game is dumb and tries to distract her, it works out too well
Warnings: Smut, Oral & Fingering (R receiving), praise, kinda getting caught? R is just on a chat with friends, hair pulling, slight overstimulation, right into the smut
(Just a Drabble, I got bored)
“V-Vada..please I can’t…”
Vada’s slender fingers pumped in and out of your completely soaked cunt. Her fingers and the seat below you were already drenched from your previous orgasm.
Yes, it’s been your second orgasm now and Vada wasn’t happy yet. You’ve basically neglected her all day because you were mad she wouldn’t have sex with you the previous night. Because she was hanging out with Mia Reed all yesterday.
So you’ve just been playing video games ever since she came over to hang out. Letting her whine on your bed and be annoyed alone, and you can’t tell if you regret it.
Cause here you are being pleased while playing your game.
She was on her knees, her head between your thighs as she sucked on your filthy sensitive clit, fingers curled into your sweet spot.
Fuck you were a mess. Cum all over your thighs and gaming chair, panting..but quietly since you were on a group call with your friends.
You told Vada that you should mute before she began to fuck you, but she said no. Making it harder for you to stay quiet, and focus on your game.
“Mamas you gotta’ be quiet for me…don’t want em’ knowing what I’m doing to ya,” Vada husked from below you.
“I-I can’t baby…” you whispered, your hands digging into her dark hair..tugging gently when she hit a good spot in you.
“Yes you can.” She gripped your thigh with her free hand, spreading your legs more so her fingers could go deeper. “Be a good girl for’me yeah? Be quiet.”
It was getting harder to be quiet. Her fingers sunk deeper in you and you tried to restrain the urge from just screaming for her. Though you had to admit it felt so good.
Vada knows how to please you well, she knows the good spots that make your back arch beautifully. Making your eyes roll back enough you think they could get stuck that way.
She had such an effect on you. It was driving you crazy.
“Yo, you’ve been afk for a long time Y/n. You alright?”
You heard your friend through your headset. Not a good time right now. You thought to yourself.
“Gonna answer him baby?” Vada said below you, now her fingers were on your clit..rubbing it gently. Teasing you
Vada chuckled when you huffed, “I-I’m fine Nick. Just..period cramps…ya know, girl stuff.” Your girlfriend rolled her eyes at your lie.
“Alright then- get better soon, we’re almost done with this match.” He replied, making you sigh in relief when he stopped talking to you.
“That was close love, would’ve been bad if he knew what we were doing.” Her voice was driving you crazy, low and raspy. She knew what she was doing. “Unless you want him to know…”
“Vads…” you said, clearly needing something from her. She was just rubbing your poor abused clit. Her eyes trailing your body, seeing how you were sweating in the seat. She could smell your sex, it was so strong..she might as well get high off it.
“Yes mamas?” She looked up at you with lust, and trying not to smirk so much. This was fun for her
She loved watching you struggle, that’s why teasing was her favorite thing ever. So pda was a struggle at times.
You struggled to speak, cheeks flaring a bright red. “Fuck’me please…eat me out..” you begged, running your hands through her hair.
“Yeah? Want me to eat you out baby? Wanna make you cum all over my tongue?” Vada praised against your pussy lips, licking through them. “Beg for it. And tell me I’m more important than your dumb game.”
“I-I..fuck..Vada, need you so m’bad. Y-you’re more important than..m-my dumb game..just please. I can’t take it anymore…” Vada smirked at your begging, now fully giving in.
“That’s my good girl.”
She licked up from your entrance to your clit, repeating that pattern. She did that for a while before plunging her tongue into your aching hole.
She was desperate to make you cum
“Mm’ m’close baby..so..so close.” You groaned, your back arching and pulling her hair. Your stomach boiled up a strong sensation, edging for your release.
Vada grinned, rubbing your clit with her thumb faster, tongue plunging deeper inside you. She was so good with her tongue, you swear it’s her secret talent. Not so much of a secret anymore
“Oh god baby…” your eyes rolled back, toes curling once Vada hit your sweet spot repeatedly. She replaced her tongue with her fingers again, curling them deep.
“Cum, cum on my fingers babe. Wanna see you come undone in front of me.” She sat up a bit to examine your face and body.
Your body felt overstimulated as you finally came with a snap, your cum drenching her fingers once more. It was so much it leaked past her still moving fingers onto the seat and thighs.
Your legs were still shaking violently even as you started to relax. She slapped them lightly, more as a playful matter.
Vada examined the cum that was all over your thighs and her fingers. “Jesus- you’ve made such a mess pretty girl.” Vada kissed your cheek, smirking. “Now get off your dumbass game and fuck me too.”
You somehow got to win your game though
Short but needed some Vada smut
171 notes · View notes
delfiore · 1 year
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pairing: vada cavell x reader
synopsis: the summer before college, vada joins mia's family on vacation in france and falls in love with the scenery, and a charismatic lifeguard.
word count: 9.6k
warnings: talk of the shooting
a/n: it's summer so you know my cmbyn flare ups are happening. i’ve been writing this for a few weeks now and i’m super pumped it’s done. pls let me now what you like, what you don’t like about this! i’d really appreciate some feedback!! and i’m sorry if i can’t reply to you if you comment on this as this acc is a secondary blog
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The villa had one feature that stood out in particular—a hallway that ran through the base of the house, connecting the kitchen to the open grass area in the back. Even the tiniest gust of wind could collect into a large breeze to combat the sticky heat of the day.
Vada closed her eyes and lifted her arms by her side as she felt the breeze glide through her. She could smell an earthy, hay-like smell of flowers that had been bathing in sunlight wafting in from the garden behind the villa. It didn’t take much to notice; summer in southern France was in full swing.
I could live here, she thought. Four weeks of this? Away from the repetitive scenery of the American suburbs, away from expectations. Only a few minutes since she’s gotten off the car and seen the yellow walls and red bricks of the Mediterranean villa, and she’s been buzzing ever since. She’s never actually left the country before, and the long flight over was jarring, to say the least. But the beauty of what she saw as soon as she landed made up for it.
Mia had instructed her to come along upstairs to put her things away; Vada would be occupying the guest room next to hers. She swore her friendship with Mia Reed started because they both went through a traumatic thing together, but it was moments like these when she was grateful for the perks.
“I could use a nap,” Mia said, rubbing her face.
It was nearly nine in the morning when the girls finished unpacking. Mia’s parents had given them the morning to get settled and get used to the jet lag.
“I’m not too tired,” Vada said, “maybe I’ll go into town for the morning.”
“You sure you don’t need me to come with you?”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun. It’s about time I put my four years of high school French to the test.”
The road into town winded downhill, and she was grateful she used one of the bikes the Reeds had available at their villa, as she would have dreaded the trek back up, had she gone on foot. She mapped out exactly the way into the town square and was determined to check everything out before returning for lunch. Thank god for Google Maps.
She had also bought a paper map of the town in a nearby kiosk and, after nearly two hours of exploring, mapped out a general layout of notable places in town. There was a fountain in the middle of the square in front of a church that Vada would use as a reference for everything; from the Fountain facing the church going left would be the town hall and that little kiosk, going right would be the local post office and the way back to the villa, opposite the church facing ahead lead down a slanted cobblestone alley full of restaurants and gift shops, as well as the way to the beach.
It must have been in the high 80s (30s Celsius) that day, so Vada decided to reward herself with some ice cream in the town square before she headed back. It was so hot that when sitting on a bench in the shades, she still had to try and keep the ice cream from melting all over her lap.
“Lillian’s ice cream is nice, but it melts quickly. You should try Karim’s down the street.”
Vada looked up at the voice in surprise, as it was English that was being spoken to her.
“Oh, totally!” She replied quickly. “How did you know I speak English?”
“I haven’t seen you around here.”
“But I could have also known French, right?”
“Touché, but I also recognize a compatriot when I see one.”
You wore an oversized white button-up that barely skirted past your black shorts, and your flip-flops indicated that you might have had a better idea of what the weather was going to be like as opposed to her in her high-neck basketball shoes. Peaking out from between the hem of your shirt was a necklace in the shape of a hummingbird, dangling and reflected in the sun.
“That obvious, huh?”
“Maybe a little." You grinned and shook your head from side to side. "Only tourists go to Lillian for ice cream.”
“So you’re not one, I assume.”
“I wouldn’t say so, no. My family has been coming here every summer ever since I was eight. These people are probably sick of me by now.” You chuckled.
This is your time, Vada, be smooth. “Lucky for you, you’ll have someone new to entertain.” She grinned and pointed at herself.
. . . Adequate.
The melodic laugh that escaped you gave her a new-found confidence, and she decided that it was to be her new favorite sound.
“Alright, since you seem to know the area so well,” Vada said. “What’s fun to do around here?”
Conversation flowed so easily between the two of you, she had almost forgotten that she only met you 15 minutes ago. Granted, you were also easy on the eye, and Vada would always remember the way the water from the fountain reflected in waves across your skin.
At one point she had started talking about the time her family got stranded in the middle of nowhere on a road trip to Phoenix. Vada felt like she was talking too much, but the way you laughed along with her story made her feel like it wasn’t for naught.
The bell tower of the church rang throughout the square. Vada widened her eyes and checked her phone, it was noon.
"Shit, I have to get back. My host family's gonna wonder where I am." She stood up quickly and collected her bike. The height of the seat and her haste caused her to stumble, and she would have fallen if not for you grabbing her by the arm and holding her up.
"Oh, okay. I’m sure there’s a story about a daytime Cinderella somewhere.”
She looked up and you were smirking. "Vada," she said. Maybe she shouldn’t have told you, Cinderella was fine, you didn’t know each other.
She could barely make out your attempt at her name on your lips before you nodded.
“Y/N.” You held your hand out for her to take. There was that touch that changed the course of her summer, the one touch that set into motion a journey toward a certain feeling that Vada had never felt before.
"Bye, Y/N!" She called behind her before rounding the corner, past the post office, and back to the Reed villa.
Mia had been waiting by the front door and breathed a sigh of relief when she spotted Vada cycling uphill.
"Where the hell have you been? We thought you'd been kidnapped!"
"Wait, could you get kidnapped here?" Vada’s face dropped at the thought, even though she was positively out of breath.
"You could get kidnapped anywhere, V."
"Well, I got lost." She hopped off her bike and set it by the entrance. "My phone died so I couldn't use Maps."
Her friend rolled her eyes and led her inside where a hearty lunch awaited. It was mid-June and apricots were in season for dessert.
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It wasn't until late afternoon the next day that Vada regained the energy to go outside again. The jet lag had finally caught on, and she spent the morning asleep until noon. Mia had suggested going to the beach, which was great because she could see how things were, and either get into the water or take another nap.
Mia—being Mia—wore her bathing suit and a thin cardigan as her attire, while Vada decided on wearing an oversized tee and shorts over her bathing suit.
"Don't freak out. I've invited some friends. Just kids from the area," said Mia, once they arrived at the beach.
Vada stayed back, as Mia was greeted by several people similar in age to her, speaking in French at a pace her high school education couldn’t help her understand.
“This is Vada, she’s a friend from home.”
A curly-headed boy stood up from his lounge chair and sauntered over to give Mia a kiss on each cheek, then looked over to Vada and did the same. “Corentin, but please call me Coco,” he said and took both their bags. Vada didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on Mia’s form a bit longer than normal.
“Come, Vada! Mia, where have you been hiding this one? I’m Marlène. This is Sasha.” The brunette pulled her by the hand and gestured to the boy sitting next to her. He was slender with blonde hair part in the middle. “We’re about to go into the water if you want to join.”
“Where’s Noémie?” asked Mia.
“Déjà à l’eau. No doubt to show off to the lifeguard.” Sasha snickered, nodding his head towards the water. He took another drag from his cigarette and rested his arm back against Marlène’s chair.
“Speaking of the lifeguard . . .” Vada followed Marlène’s gaze towards . . . you.
Her mouth hung open as she watched you, in red shorts and a white T-shirt, a whistle hanging from your neck. You pulled your sunglasses up to your head and gave Mia la bise.
Of course, she thought. She had hoped to see you again, but only when there was no one else around, and that you’d catch her by surprise when she was alone once more. She’d only met you, but she wished that she could have you all alone, not like a secret, but like a prized possession.
“And just how many people have died while you’re on watch?” Mia teased.
“Zero, but very soon,” you pointed at her, “one.”
When you turned to Vada, her breath hitched. “Hi,” you greeted with that warm smile again. Even in your work attire, she spotted that necklace next to your whistle.
“Y/N, this is—”
“Vada, the daytime Cinderella. We met yesterday in the square.” You replied. “Did I forget to mention I work here?”
Vada was grinning like an idiot, her cheeks tinted pink at the nickname. “Yup, you did.”
“Y/N!” Over jogged a gorgeous girl, even Vada had to admit. Her black bathing suit hugged her curves perfectly, and though her hair was completely wet, the water droplets clinging to her olive skin made her glow. “T'as prévu aller en boîte ce week-end, ou bien? J'ai chopé l'info qu'y a un nouveau DJ en ville, et il envoie du pâté!”
She was clinging onto your arm, and speaking way too fast for Vada to understand, but she picked up on some keywords: ce week-end, and nouveau DJ.
When she finally noticed Vada there, her excitement subsided, but she walked over anyway to greet her, like an afterthought. “Salut. I’m Noémie.”
“Hi. Vada.”
Just as quickly as you arrived, Noémie had led you away, talking your ear off about something that Vada didn’t have the heart to eavesdrop on. Her eyes followed your form, picking up on the way you kept your arms by your side even when Noémie was practically hanging off of you. In a sporadic moment, Vada thought she saw you looking back over her shoulder at the friend group, and maybe toward her.
“Your phone died, huh?” Mia poked her elbow into her side with a teasing grin.
“Shut up,” Vada murmured. “What’s the deal with them anyway?”
“They were together last summer,” Sasha replied, then turned to the others. “Plan cul, how do you say?”
“A fling, but Noémie seems more attached than Y/N ever did,” said Coco.
“No doubt Y/N has already found a new paramour for the summer,” Marlène commented.
“It’s summertime. Anything’s possible.”
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As much as she hated it, you plagued her mind, much more than she cared to admit. She didn’t want to think about what your initial conversation meant to you (if it did at all), or what the lack of words in your second meeting meant. She didn’t want to think about Noémie either, how she seemed so confident to get your attention, and an up-and-down look from her made Vada want to crawl into a hole.
She remembered the handshake. The speed at which she rode away wasn’t entirely to get home in time before Mia’s parents called the police, but to get away from the butterflies that burst in her stomach that moment her hand firmly shook yours. She’d seen how you greeted your friends, but to her, she offered a handshake. Though the gesture itself was completely platonic and can be passed off as a farewell between two strangers, she felt a sense of exclusivity, that American camaraderie you shared with her in a foreign land. Common courtesy as a mode of intimacy. Revisiting it now, Vada recognized it as a sign of attraction and an apprehension to the speed at which it enveloped her.
She would see you around town in your work uniform after your shift, sometimes you’d be talking to people, sometimes you were the buyer yourself. No matter the person though—from the tourists asking for directions to the old owner of the bookstore by the fountain, they always loved you and talked to you like you were their best friend. She’d see you from afar, wanting to talk to you, but then get anxious the moment you spotted her a give her a friendly wave.
Then there were times when you would come by the Reed villa. Philip and Andre always received you like you were an esteemed guest, gifting you fruits from the trees in the backyard. She loved to see how you acted around different people, and to the Reeds who had known you for years, you were awful shy.
“Invite your parents over. We should all have dinner sometime!”
“Oh, my parents aren’t here this summer. My dad’s busy with a conference in Singapore, but they’ll drop by at the end of July.”
Even the times you were invited to stay for supper, it was clear you knew how to hold a conversation over the dinner table. She wondered if you were studying to be a politician because you seemed to charm everyone and had the best manners. Mia would not-so-subtly yield the spot next to you for Vada, and secretly, she was glad to be sitting next to you.
For the first time in her life, she felt a force holding her back, preventing her from reaching out. Maybe it was because she had only known you for a couple of weeks but felt like you’d always been there, like a puzzle finally piecing together.
And every time, right before you left, after you had said goodbye to the Reeds, you’d find her somehow. “Bye,” would be all you said with an adoring smile, but Vada would be thinking about it until the next day.
She and Mia met up with the group again one night, this time at a nearby open-air disco. When she arrived, she could spot Sasha and Marlène already twirling each other around on the dance floor, she was laughing as he spun her around, cigarette between his lips. She felt a pang of envy, imagining that it was your arms around her waist instead as you spun her around without a care in the world, in front of everyone. Let them see. Let them see that you’re mine and I’m yours. If she were being honest, she only agreed to come just so she could see you again. She found you sitting at a table with Coco and Noémie, chatting away.
“Hi.” Her attention was focused on you. She couldn’t be more sober, and she wished she had taken a few puffs before coming.
As if having read her mind, Coco pulled out a couple of joints, lighting one and taking a puff himself before passing it to Noémie.
“You partake?” You shouted over the loud music.
“Oh, she partakes.” Mia nodded enthusiastically. “The first time she did weed she smoked most of my joint. Then proceeded to blabber on nonstop for two hours.”
You let out a laugh. “I like this one!”
She hated, despised even, the overwhelming feeling of wanting to be near you, to impress you, to feel special in your eyes as you were in hers. It was human nature; everyone liked feeling special, but somehow getting validation from you would make her ten times happier. She sat two seats away from you—next to Mia and Noémie—and once in a while, she would try and dart her eyes over to look at you ever so subtly. On a couple of occasions, her heart would jump when she noticed you were already looking back.
A few minutes later, Vada started to feel the effect of the weed, and Mia must have too because she pulled her toward the dance floor. Looking back, she saw you talking to Noémie. You didn’t look too happy and neither did she, having her arms crossed in front of her chest. Then, she walked outside and you followed her impatiently. When you returned, a polite smile was on your face when you noticed her looking for you.
“Are you okay?” She shouted, the weed had made her feel bold.
“Yeah! Everything’s fine.” You shouted back.
It might have been the weed or it was something that’s already been there, but Vada couldn’t take her eyes off of you. She took you by the hand, and there was that same spark of electricity again. You let her guide you, your hands never leaving hers as you moved with her.
It was about a quarter to midnight when everyone decided to split because frankly, everyone was too tired to continue. Vada said goodbye to Sasha and Marlène, the latter of whom gave her a big hug and repeatedly expressed her delight that Vada had decided to join them. Coco, already sober, offered to drive Mia home, but his ride was a scooter.
“Sorry, les gars,” Coco smiled sheepishly and asked Mia if she was ready, to which the girl only nodded.
“I’ll walk you home.” You said quietly, surprisingly timid. “Promise me you won’t turn into a pumpkin at midnight?”
She huffed through her nose and gave you a shove, but she was grinning. It was just the two of you now. Her pride was on the line, and so was her heart.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Your voice cut through the stillness of the night. Before that, the only sounds were that of your shoes brushing against the ground and the soft sighs of the ocean.
“Is everything okay with Noémie?”
You averted your eyes, your hand coming up to play with the hummingbird on your neck.
Maybe she shouldn’t have. “Shit, did I overstep?”
“No, no. It’s fine. It’s just Noë being Noë, she was out of line.” Your walls were up. “We were always close, she was the first friend I made here. And last summer we slept together.”
“Oh.” Her steps faltered.
“I stopped it before it could progress into anything beyond that, though. I’m just not ready.”
Vada nodded slowly. Loud and clear. Maybe that was the signal she needed, the insecure part of her thought it was that, but when she was with you, all she wanted to do was listen to the other part.
“I slept with Mia once, sophomore year.”
You looked over at her, seemingly surprised. “Mia? Huh. Never would have thought.”
“It was just that, though.” She flashed you a smile.
Vada felt that surge of closeness between you, your arm swinging beside her as you walked. The obsession with finding anything to relate to you prompted her to say it, like Hey, I’m like you, I know how you feel. Maybe it wasn’t the best thing to tell you, she might have screwed up.
You mirrored her smile, but something about it told her that your heart wasn’t entirely in it. Tell me what you’re thinking, Y/N. She wanted to get inside your head and know everything you were thinking, to go all the way with that closeness. Even as friends, one has to start from somewhere.
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It was radio silence from you for the next few days. Vada came up with all the excuses as to what it could have been, and when she grew tired and angry at herself for thinking so much about you, she tried to distract herself by doing other things. She helped Philip collect figs from the trees in the backyard; she looked up the fortress nearby you told her about the day you met and biked all the way over there, even though it was a half an hour's ride each way; she finally took out the book she packed with her and began reading it whilst sunbathing. It was starting to feel like a summer that she should be enjoying.
Her mom called and was happy to hear that her daughter was going outside and doing fun things. “The people are nice,” Vada would say, “I met some of Mia’s friends.” And in true Mom fashion, her mom would quickly squeeze in a “Don’t do drugs and use protection” to which she ended the call and almost threw her phone across the room.
She would also call Nick every other day. I met someone, she said one day after having finally gathered the courage to vocalize her crush. Girl, I know. Mia had told him. When? Literally the second day. She said you were so obvious.
It was as if the weather knew too. It started raining all day when she decided to go to the beach one day, souring her mood entirely. She would sit by the entrance in the backyard watching the rain, and sure enough, she was thinking about what you were doing on the opposite end of town.
“It’s unlike you to be so hung up on someone,” Mia told her when they were hanging out in Mia’s room.
“I’m not hung up on someone,” her words trailed at the end, mindlessly flipping through the magazine in front of her.
“So am I just crazy for thinking that you want to pounce on Y/N every three seconds?”
“Okay, but what about you and Coco? He follows you around everywhere like a lost puppy.”
“Coco’s just shy,” her friend blushed. “And stop changing the subject.”
“There’s nothing between us, at least not yet.”
“So you do want something to happen.”
“Shut up! Mia!” She hid her face behind her hands and writhed on Mia’s bed in embarrassment. “I’m not talking to you about this anymore.”
“Alright, alright,” Mia held her hands up as her laughter subsided.
“Look, I just want to—” Vada took a moment. “I want to test the waters, okay? Y/N is special, and I don’t want to ruin anything.”
Mia nodded, understanding. “I just don’t want you to be misled. I mean, you’ve seen how it was with Noémie.”
“I know.” Vada smiled softly. “I know what I’m getting into. Zero expectations.”
She wanted to believe what she told Mia too, but then when she saw texts from you the next day, there was no hiding that a connection was what she so tirelessly wanted, and needed.
hey it’s y/n Sent 3:23pm
mia gave me your number, i hope you don’t mind Sent 3:23pm
call me when you see this? Sent 3:24pm
Damn you, Mia, but also, thank you.
She didn’t work up enough courage to call you until later that night. Of course, it could have been something dire, but then you would have called her first, right? I am such a wimp.
“Hi,” she rubbed her hands against her shorts. “it’s Vada. You wanted me to call you?”
“Yeah. I was gonna just text you, but I don’t know . . .” You hesitated for a moment. “Anyway, you ever been to Antibes?”
“No, why?”
“Well, I’m going there on Friday for my apprenticeship, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with? I’m just giving some manuscripts to my mentor, and then leaving them with him for a few hours to review, so we can make a fun day out of it. It’s a one-hour drive, so I don’t plan on staying overnight.”
“Friday you said?” Vada took a deep breath to still her racing heart. “I don’t think I got anything better to do that day.”
“Great!” You said. “I’ll pick you up at 9am?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Cool, see you then!”
There was something frightening about when things go exactly how you wanted them. It was inch-perfect, the puzzle pieces just slotted in place as if they were always fated to be. You were the first to reach out; she thought it would be easier that way, she’d just have to take your hand and come along. But there was a certain apprehension that Vada had as if she was walking straight into the lion’s den like a deer blinded by hunger. What if she loses her heart? She was aware of the dangers of heartbreak, of course—she was no fool—but the thought of giving her heart to you, then watching you walk away with it like an unwanted gift was too devastating.
Mia was practically bouncing off the walls when Vada told her about the phone call, saying that in all seven years of knowing you, she had never been special enough to receive a call. She didn’t exactly say the latter part, but she all but implied it.
On Friday morning, Vada woke up earlier than usual, made herself some breakfast, and was already waiting at the door with a backpack by 8:45. No later than 9:05, you arrived with a Volkswagen Golf, sunglasses on, and a bright smile.
“Music?” You offered, turning on Bluetooth. “Also, if you need a pee break, please tell me. Bladders can be untimely.”
“Noted,” Vada giggled.
The car ride was mostly silent, aside from the music you let her pick and the fun facts you enlightened her with about some of the landmarks you drive past.
“That one I believe was built in the later 1600s and owned by a minor Provence viscount. It was also in a strategic location for the military until it was abandoned after the French Revolution. Also, the viscount built the castle for his second wife, but she died shortly after giving birth to their child.”
“That’s a little sad,” said Vada.
“She was also 14 when she died and he was in his 50s.”
Vada grimaced. “Maybe death was a sweet relief.”
“Yeah. It was more common back in the day than you think.”
“How do you know all this?” She brought her legs up against her chest.
“I like history. I like to learn about the areas I’m in, and in the time that I’ve been here, I’ve had a lot of opportunities to learn.”
She watched your side profile for a moment. “You mentioned some manuscripts. What is it for?”
“Is this an interview now?” You laughed and glanced over at her, and she looked down with a blush. “It’s for my bachelor’s thesis. Technically I don’t start writing until next year, but I like to practice whenever I can. This one that I’m giving to my mentor is a collection of essays.”
“Can I read them?” You looked over for a moment, then reached behind you to grab a file of paper and handed it to her.
Vada settled back and opened the first pages, and read in silence. She could feel you spare short glances at her from time to time, nervously watching for her reaction, but she was so engrossed in your writing it almost didn’t matter that you were sitting next to her. This might have been what it feels like to peer into someone’s soul, to see the traces of fresh blood as they lay their heart onto paper.
It was a beautiful sunny day, the waters shone a deep turquoise, and the French Riviera looked glorious as ever. And yet, she could only get lost in your words.
“This is beautiful,” Vada breathed, setting the papers down on her lap. “You’re amazing.”
You looked ahead at the road, eyes covered by shades, but your large grin was unmissable.
You parked the car on the side of the street in front of several apartment buildings. “Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back.” Vada only nodded and watched you cross the street with the manuscripts in your hand. She liked how it felt between you two, and she would gladly accompany you on every trip until you were sick of her.
Mere minutes later, you returned. “I hope you’re ready for the best adventure of your life.”
Only, she knew it would be.
You first led her to the market in the vieille ville, where you bought some fruits and snacks for the way. Vada also got to witness firsthand your bargaining skills, asking for a price and then pretending to walk away until the vendor becomes desperate enough to settle. “I used to be really bad at this, but then I watched my mom do it, and now I kind of just do. These vendors hike up their prices for tourists like crazy.” You walked away proudly with a bag of food.
As the both of you walked through the picturesque alleys and streets, you proceeded to tell her more about the city and its history. She listened carefully, hanging onto every word that left your lips. You told her about how Antibes was first named Antipolis and part of Ancient Greece before it was built by the Romans in the time of Julius Caesar; how in the Middle Ages the city fell under the fiefdom of the Grimaldi family, the main branch of which is now royalty of Monaco.
“Sorry, you gotta stop me before I go on a tangent,” you chuckled, scratching the back of your neck. “I’ve been talking for ages.”
“No, I like it.” She said quickly. “I like listening to you talk. It’s no surprise many artists were so taken with this place.”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise.
“Hemingway, Picasso, and Monet all had a fascination with this city.” She had to look that up, but you didn’t need to know that.
“That’s right,” you nodded. “In fact, I’ll show you the spot where Monet painted one of his paintings later.”
After lunch, you both walked along the city walls that looked out to the beach.
“I’m just saying, Ratatouille piqued a lot of interest in the dish, and it wasn’t a coincidence. I mean, I’ve never tried it but I’d love to, just because it looked so good in the movie.” Vada said.
“You’ve never had ratatouille?!” You exclaimed loudly making Vada laugh. “Man, it’s a staple here in southern France! I’ll have to make you some because that is just criminal.”
“Okay, Chef Remy. I’m looking forward to it.”
“Actually, I’ll make a whole batch for you and the Reeds too. They always give me fruits from their backyard,” you said. “How did you meet Mia anyway?”
At the question, Vada’s smile collapsed into a frown. “Um . . .” You watched her, a confused look on your face. “I’ve always known who she was. I mean, it’s Mia, you know? But one day we met officially in the bathroom at school.”
“Oh,” you voiced. You must be confused as to why that was so hard to squeeze out, but the latter part, the part she kept hidden, she had been trying to squeeze out for two years.
“We were in the bathroom while there was a shooting going on.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but you only ended up watching her. Then, a moment later, “I didn’t mean to . . .”
“No, it’s fine.” Vada shook her head. “You didn’t know.”
“I’m so sorry. You don’t have to tell me anything else if you don’t want to.” Your eyes softened and you looked like you had kicked a puppy.
“I know,” she said, taking a breath.
“I see it on the news all the time, but I can’t imagine what it’s like to be there,” you said quietly. “Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me.”
Vada hated having to talk about it. If she could have it her way, she would bury it deep down so it never sees the light of day again. Still, she has to talk about it to her friends, her family, her therapist sometimes. She hated talking about it because she’d have to see the way people’s faces contort uncomfortably as they scramble to find consoling words to say. They don’t make her feel any better, and she never liked people seeing that broken side of her reflected back at them.
But when she looked at you right now, there wasn’t a trace of ego in the way that you look back at her. Deep down, she had always wanted to lay it on you, to give you a piece of her, not because she had to, but because she wanted to.
Because she wanted you to see it.
Vada found your hand by your side, soft and comforting. She kept her eyes on them; her hand and your hand, intertwined together. You embraced it and rubbed the back of her hand with your thumb before kissing it. A kiss of friendship, a kiss of love, a kiss of two young people in a city far from home together who had only just met. A kiss that said I see you, I hear you, you’ve got me around your corner.
“You wanna go grab some dinner?” She asked.
Dinner turned into even more talk. Towards late afternoon, you said you wanted to catch the sunset before going to the spot you claimed Monet painted the city. It was a quick drive, but you pumped your fists in the air when you got out of the car and were happy with how the sun rolled over the city just right.
“Come on, you’re gonna miss it!” You jogged towards the edge of the water, beaming like a little kid. It had become natural between the two of you to share skin-ship.
Behind the trees, there it was. Across the blue water, Antibes basked in the last few rays of sunlight in stoic tranquility, just as Monet had seen it. Perhaps she was in one of Monet’s paintings, frozen in time, stuck with you.
She found your hand again, your left this time, and once again your gaze followed, but this time, you trailed your gaze to her eyes. God help me, she thought.
There were so many things Vada wanted to blurt out, and she was close to it. Holding back was never her strong suit, but once she got a good look at the depth of your eyes, she felt that they were better appreciated in silence. Words don’t do anything but snitch on you anyway.
She didn’t need to, because the moment she turned to look at you, she felt you grab her face gently and lay the softest kiss on her lips.
The sun continued to glare, yet Antibes stared on.
Did Monet ever paint lovers?
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Vada felt like she’d make a mistake for giving in to it. She saw her younger self in the square that day, by the fountain, eating ice cream. She saw you talking to her, and she wanted to scream and tell herself to stop, to save herself the heartache. No one else was to blame, not even you, only her.
Antibes was a week ago, and she hasn’t really spoken to you ever since. She replayed the kiss over and over in her head, trying to pinpoint exactly the moment when you decided that keeping your distance would be the best course of action.
But then she remembered the way you acted alone with her was much different than how you were with the others around. She saw the way your eyes linger on her when you thought she was admiring the sea. She noticed the way you smiled bashfully when she brought up how good your essays were in front of your mentor. She remembered how you never let go of her hand when she grabbed it while you watched the sunset.
Marlène and Sasha had been a big help in getting her out of her slump. Mia was there to cuddle with her the first couple of nights after Vada told her everything, but rendezvous with Coco had kept her busy. But Marlène and Sasha were cool, and probably one of the healthiest couples she’s ever seen at the age of 20. She felt like their adoptive child hanging out with them, especially when Sasha would greet her by endearingly calling her Petit Vada.
“And have you talked to her?” Marlène asked, leaning over the lounge chair. She and Vada had been sunbathing and swimming at the Reed villa that afternoon.
“No.” Vada sighed. “It’s just—I just don’t get it! Why does she have to be so mysterious all the time? Like one moment we would be fine, and the next she’s somewhere else, someone else entirely.”
“That’s Y/N,” Marlène chuckled and took a sip from her margarita. “You know, when I and Sash first got together, he wasn’t as talkative as he is now. In fact, I was the one to ask him out. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and tell them.”
“That’s so easy to say,” Vada muttered, and put her face in her hands.
“That’s the kind of attitude you should save for when you go back to your other life, your American life. Are you going to university this fall? Summer’s halfway over, you know? Are you going to mull over it and let it pass by you?”
“Yes.” Vada’s voice was muffled through her hands.
“Carpe diem, mon chère.” Marlène shrugged. “It’s cheesy but it’s true.”
Andre being the ever BBQ dad that he was, decided to host a get-together with some friends that night, and encouraged Mia to invite hers. Everyone that Vada met at the beach showed up, including Noémie, except for you.
“She said she was busy,” Noémie waved it off. Vada pursed her lips. The fact that you talked to Noémie first stirred uneasy envy in the pit of her stomach.
She didn’t have the stomach to sit outside and spoil everyone’s fun with her sour face (most of all she didn’t want to give Noémie that satisfaction), so she made a plate for herself and ate in the living room.
“Hey, kiddo,” she looked up and saw Philip walk past her toward the kitchen. “Not feeling the party?”
Vada made a face to indicate a yes, but she didn’t want to explain further. “Just not really in the mood, sorry.”
“It’s okay. You can’t stop Andre from barbecuing when he has the urge or he’d literally combust.”
She nodded and smiled. “We don’t want that.”
“We’re serving fruits now. Want me to get you some?” He pointed at her empty plate.
“Yes, please. Thanks.” She hesitated for a beat. “Hey, Philip?”
The man turned around.
“How did you know that you wanted to marry Andre?”
Philip contemplated for a second, then walked over to the couch where she sat, leaning against it. “I didn’t wake up one day and choose to propose to him, Vada. It’s just one of those things when you start to notice that gnawing feeling in your chest. And you’d have to ask yourself, ‘Would I be fine going the rest of my life without them?’”
Vada nodded slowly and smiled as the man went back to the kitchen. She opened her phone and went to your messages. The last text from you was from a week ago. She began typing.
can we talk? Sent 8:47pm
A mere five minutes later, you responded.
of course Sent 8:47pm
meet me at the fountain at 10? Sent 8:48pm
see u there Sent 8:48pm
Vada found you walking back and forth by the Fountain, one hand in deep your pants pocket, the other holding a cigarette between your thumb and index, and puffing it as if it would give you a lifeline. She got off her bike and set it by the railing of the Fountain where you stood.
“You smoke?”
“Not usually,” you attempted to smile, shaking your arms as if to shake off an invisible burden. You were anxious, it was clear.
Vada didn’t know what to say next, so she leaned against the railing of the Fountain, rolling a pebble back and forth underneath her shoe.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you earlier. I was busy.”
She nodded half-heartedly, not looking up. She wished you’d come up with a better excuse than that.
“Are you angry with me?”
“Angry’s a strong word, Y/N.”
Another puff. “Are you discontent with me?”
She should have prepared herself for the nit-picky bullshit from a writer. “I don’t have a valid reason to be upset with you, not really. Unless I’ve been reading this wrong.”
“You haven’t.” You answered quickly and met her eyes. “I promise. It wasn’t very mature of me. In fact, I think I acted like a total idiot. I’m really sorry.”
“Do you regret kissing me?”
“No, not at all. And you have to believe me.” You sighed exasperatedly, and she almost felt bad because you looked so anxious.
“Tell me what you’re thinking.” Vada stepped towards you, facing you head-on. “You’re asking me whether I’m upset with you, but I don’t even know what you’re thinking most of the time. And then you disappear as though I did something wrong! How fair is that?”
You nodded and took another drag from your cigarette. Then, you dropped the butt on the floor and stomped on it. “I’m thinking that I really want to kiss you right now.”
Vada scoffed. “I don’t believe you.”
You stood up from your spot against the railing, your face now inches from hers. “It’s true.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yeah, it is.”
She felt the exact moment her body became as light as a feather as your lips pressed against hers. Her hands clenched by her side, and come up to hold onto your shoulders, because she was afraid her legs might give out under her. You angled your face and deepened the kiss, and Vada sighed into your mouth. This is what the poets all wrote about, the inevitability of giving in to what you’ve wanted for so long. She’s caged in you in between her body and the Fountain, kissing you and touching you as though her life depended on it.
You moved to lower your kisses to her neck, but she leaned back and saw a dark look in your eyes.
The sound of a street musician playing the saxophone in the distance somewhere echoed through the square. Wordlessly, Vada took your hand.
She followed you by bike towards your house, which was towards the end of the street closer to the beach. You returned to speaking only one or two words to her, telling her to put her bike by the door next to yours, to take her shoes off before coming in, and whether she wanted some water.
“Nice place.” It was another thing that she never thought to ask you about, nor did you tell her. But it wasn’t a surprise that your family was loaded too, considering the vacation home in an area like this.
“Thanks. It’s my parents’, though.”
“What do they do again?”
“Well, my mom does interior design and my dad is a football agent.”
“Football agent? Who does he represent?”
“Mostly American players in Europe; Christian Pulisic, Luca de la Torre, Gio Reyna. I remember my dad bringing me along to dinner with Sergio Agüero once because he considered a move to LAFC. That was pretty cool.” You stood against the wall in the hallway, next to the staircase, kicking your feet aimlessly. The small talk was to cover up for something else.
You fell into a deep silence. Vada took a step forward under the yellow light of the hallway and took your hand, stroking it gently.
“Can I kiss you?” She asked quietly.
You and she both knew you were way past just kissing. This was new territory, and there would be no going back after this.
You nodded, and she surged forwards to kiss you slowly. This time, it felt different. You kissed her without the chastity and fear of being looked in on but without the hunger of overcoming lust. It was a perfect blend of passion and appreciation, a marriage of everything felt within the past few weeks.
You lead her upstairs, towards your room. Once inside, your lips were still glued to hers as you let her walk backward, though your eagerness made her trip on your feet and fall onto the mattress.
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry. ‘M sorry.” The two of you burst into a fit of giggles as you tried to make it up to her with a shower of kisses.
As her giggles quickly turned into pleasant sighs, she decided to surrender herself to you, to her deepest desires ever since the day she arrived. You had charmed her from the moment she laid eyes on you. But now to feel your hands on her in all the right places took her to new heights of pleasure that she’s never experienced before. How beautiful it was to be herself, to be here in this moment, and to cherish and be cherished by you. But most of all, to hear you whisper her name and profanities in the most sinful and vulnerable ways, so unlike your polished and composed self in front of other people.
Vada, Vada, Vada . . .
She awoke in the morning, the sun piercing through the horizontal slits of the shut windows. There was sweat sticking to her skin, but she didn’t want to get up and shower, not when you were still soundly asleep, arm loosely wrapped around her torso. It was then that she realized that you both were still very naked, but she reveled in the skin-to-skin contact like it was giving her strength and vitality. The golden hummingbird sat on your chest, rising and falling with each of your breaths.
Vada caught the moment your eyes fluttered open and focused on her. Then a smile.
“What time is it?” You asked.
Vada leaned over to check the clock on the wall. “7:41.”
You grumbled. “My shift starts at 8:30.”
“You better chop-chop then.”
“I don’t wanna go.”
“Then don’t.�� Vada placed her chin on your upper chest. “Stay here with me, and we can recreate last night.”
You chuckled and kissed her once. “That sounds really tempting.”
And yet, you moved to get up, but she held you back. “Five more minutes.”
“Only five?” You smirked.
“You don’t think I can do it in five?”
You grinned like a Cheshire cat and settled back.
Vada had to let you go eventually, you let her stay at yours and do as she pleased. She suddenly remembered that she never texted Mia back about staying out overnight, and sure enough, flipped her phone over to a few missed calls and text messages. After texting her back and reassuring her that she was okay, she got up and went to take a shower.
You came back around four and, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, it felt like forever until you walked through the doors again. And the moment you did, she pounced on you like a lion.
“I’m so sweaty,” you laughed but soon became lost in the sensation of her lips against yours.
You made love again that afternoon. Vada could almost picture the routine that she and you so easily fell into, how the puzzle pieces fit together so seamlessly. It almost felt like she had cheated somehow to feel this way, that it truly felt as magical and wonderful as it was laying in your arms, both of you stark naked. You had showered and smelled much like lavender. Your eyes were closed but you weren’t asleep, as she watched your chest rise and fall steadily. Sometimes you would murmur something and she would talk to you quietly, knowing you were tired from a day’s work at the beach.
“I knew I liked you from the first day, at the Fountain,” you said.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?!” Vada looked up and hit your chest playfully.
“I didn’t want to come on too strong and scare you away!”
“Jesus Christ,” she sat up and put her face in her palms. “Y/N, I wanted you so badly. Like, I could not go a day without thinking about you. It was actually becoming unhealthy how much I did.”
“Oh? I’m flattered.” You smirked and rubbed her knee. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because . . . After Antibes, I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way.”
Your face dropped slightly. “I was scared to get close to someone. I think I caught myself then after we kissed. It was scary how much I wanted your company.”
Vada could understand. You’ve only known each other for three weeks. What were you to each other? Maybe it didn’t matter, there was something comforting about just existing as two souls being present with each other. She realized that the fear she’d harbored about losing her heart was all in vain; you never took it for yourself, you’d only pressed your hand against her chest and encouraged it to keep beating—to keep being hers—while you’d hoped that she would do the same to you.
“If you could go back to that day at the Fountain, and do it differently, would you?” Vada asked.
You thought for a second, then shook your head. “No. I always want to remember you this way.”
Vada swallowed thickly and avoided your eyes. “We’re leaving next week.”
A silence hung in the air, unspoken words stuck in her throat. Tell me to stay. Tell me you’ll come back with me. Tell me you’ll never love anyone else. Tell me you’d forget about me so as to soothe the pain.
“Then let’s make it count,” you brushed a hair from her eyes. “We’re not the first, and we won’t be the last to love each other.”
She dreaded the flight back home, having to pretend leaving you wouldn’t be as hard in front of Mia and her parents, and about 300 strangers. She’d miss biking everywhere and the beach and Lillian’s ice cream (she had grown to like it over Karim’s). She’d remember Antibes and Monet’s spot. She’d remember your face and how you seemed to appear in every memory of this trip.
Vada felt you brushing your finger under her eye and realized that it was wet. Then you brought her into your arms and held her tight as she hid from the world in your neck. You cooed and somehow it made Vada feel worse and started crying harder, clinging to your skin desperately.
She’d find space for the grief she was going to feel in her heart somewhere because she knew she’d rather live with the pain than be without you again.
The last week started on a Wednesday. Vada did the usual things she did the last few weeks—go to the beach, bike to town, hang out with the group; she wanted to soak into that last semblance of her summer routine before she had to leave, and everything would be different. She hadn’t given college much thought either. Deciding to move halfway across the country for it was the least stressful part of the whole process, as she was going in undecided. Mia was happy though, because they would only be a few hours apart by train.
Until then, Vada was too afraid to ask you about what would happen after the summer ended. If she asked, it would mean that it was close and it was real. You’d go back to school in Paris and start on your thesis, and everything would go back to the way it was.
Everything would go back to the way it was. As if nothing happened.
She had lived four weeks with you, how was she ever going to go the rest of her life without you?
She met up with you after dinner one night at the beach. The tides had come in much closer and were pulling on her heartstrings mercilessly. In and out, in and out . . . You were as quiet as the night, your eyes gazed towards the distance somewhere, looking pensive.
Still, she was afraid to ask.
“I lied,” you finally spoke. “I wished I had told you sooner how much I liked you.”
Vada remained silent and nodded. “We’ll call.”
“It won’t be the same.”
She knew too that it would never be the same the moment she leaves France. She realized that though she was afraid to ask, time was not on her side, and she didn’t have the luxury to be afraid anymore.
“Will you stay over tonight?” Vada asked, and you looked so happy that she did.
Once you stumbled through the door, you leaned in to kiss her instantly. Between wanting to kiss you back and suppressing moans, she told you to be quiet as you followed her upstairs, hand in hand. You failed, however, actually, both of you did, as your giggles trailed up the stairs and through the hallway. Vada would be lucky if only Mia heard you.
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The day she left for the airport, you came over to say goodbye. You greeted the Reeds first, giving Philip and Andre big hugs, then turned to Mia to hug as well and kiss her on the forehead.
Vada waited in the backyard. She felt almost pathetic and needy for wanting you to come out here quicker. It won’t be the same.
“Andre gave me this to keep for my parents.”You held up a bottle of wine by the neck. “1983, nice.”
Your smile died down when you noticed her silence. “You got everything?”
She nodded. Wordlessly, she stepped forwards to wrap her arms around your frame. She thought she’d cry, but it was as if her brain was already actively shutting down trying to block out this memory to save her the future heartbreak.
You pressed her tightly against your chest and swayed her back and forth. Upon releasing her, you set down the bottle of wine next to your feet and took off your necklace.
“I want you to have this.” You opened her palm and neatly placed the jewelry inside. “That way, you won’t forget.”
How could you ever think that I would forget when I’m afraid I’ll never be able to let go of this summer?
“I wish we had more time,” Vada said.
“Bye, Cinderella.” Your eyes were glossy now.
The car door was wide open, waiting to take her away from you. For a split second, she considered dropping everything to stay.
She leaned in to kiss you once, deep and hard, “Bye, Y/N.” Then she walked away, the hummingbird clenched in her fist.
You followed her and watched her get in the car. You watched her close it with force and you watched her refuse to make eye contact with you, but you saw the way her lips trembled. You watched the car take her away from you and grazed the spot on your chest where the hummingbird was missing.
It was mid-July, the hottest day of the year, and yet, the ocean waves—blue as it gets—continued to crash against the shore, on and on and on.
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
my tears are becoming a sea
pairing: vada cavell x reader
summary: in which you have to wait, and wait, and wait
warnings: descriptions of school shooting, blood
word count: 900+
author's note: highly suggest listening to 'my tears are becoming a sea' by M83 while you read
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Cops surrounded the perimeter of the school, their radios chattering and the sirens on their cars screaming. Students were scattered along the parking lot in groups, holding onto one another tightly; tears slid down their faces so quickly that no one bothered to wipe them away. Teachers frantically tried to do head counts and swallowed down bile when they couldn't account for a child. Parents were desperately attempting to push through the police barriers, yelling the names of kids they prayed were outside.
You found yourself shell-shocked in the back of an ambulance, your eyes trained on the front doors of the school while an EMT bandaged your wound. A bullet had just barely skimmed your shoulder--enough for blood, but not nearly deep enough to need real treatment.
You had already scanned all of the faces that you could see, yet none of them were who you were looking for. None of them were Vada, and a rock settled in your stomach at the thought that she was still in there--there, where gunshots could be heard and screams were filtering out the windows.
Time was moving slower, each second that passed feeling like an hour, each minute feeling like a decade. For every moment that went by in which her head of brown hair or her face full of freckles didn't appear, you swore that you could feel a piece of your heart break.
And then, the gunshots stopped. There was silence from within the school.
You scrambled to stand as the first line of kids walked out, their clothes bloodied and their bodies trembling. No one missed the tears that cut through the grime on their faces; no one could ignore the cries that fell from their lips. A shiver ran through you when Vada wasn't among them.
You hopped down from the ambulance, ignoring the calls of the EMT, and pushed your way through the horde. No one tried to stop you. No one wanted to get any closer than they already were.
The police tape held you back from rushing forward. You were forced to stand there, behind that yellow line, and wait. You were forced to hope that you'd see her walking out, uninjured and alive.
You watched as your classmates walked past, into the arms of their friends, into the arms of their parents. The blood on them was passed from skin to clothing. A few of them were ushered to the ambulances, the blood painting them red coming from their own wounds.
Then, another line of students. More faces you recognized from classes, or the halls, or the football team, or the pep band. More students who looked like their legs were about to give out, who could barely seem to breathe without sobbing.
Still no Vada.
Anxiety was choking you, its strong hand squeezing your lungs and making it impossible for you to take a breath. You gripped the police tape like it would help and ignored the pain that shot through your shoulder. It didn't matter, not when she still wasn't visible.
The principal walked out, face buried in his hands as he wailed.
The gym teacher followed, his jaw clenched and silent tears rolling down his cheeks.
You saw your math teacher, one of the lunch ladies, a janitor.
Each person that exited the school made it harder for you to breathe, made your tears fall faster, made your hands tremble more. Each person that wasn't Vada made you pinch yourself, wishing that you would wake up from the nightmare.
One after another, students tumbled out of the doors, and the longer you waited, the more you prepared yourself for the fact that she may not walk out.
A boy from your history class; a girl you had asked to the dance back in middle school; Quinton Hasland; a teacher that should've retired years ago but never did; Mia Reed, her hand gripping tightly to--
"Vada!" you shouted, your voice cracking with relief as you saw her.
Her head whipped in your direction, and you sobbed at the sight of her, your breath finally returning to you. Her eyes were wide and her lips moved, saying something that you couldn't hear over the rush of blood in your ears.
She let go of Mia and sprinted to you on shaking legs, ducking under the police tape and launching herself into your waiting arms. You caught her with a strength you didn't know you possessed, your injury screaming but your mind only focused on her--her weight pressed against you, her hair in your face, her nails digging into your back.
"You're alive," she cried into your neck, tears drenching your shirt and turning it even darker than it already was from your wound. She was trembling viciously. "You're alive. I didn't--I wasn't--"
You held her tighter, like she would disappear if you didn't. "You're okay," you mumbled against the top of her head. "You're okay. I've got you. You're okay."
Vada choked out a breath and pulled back, eyes scanning your face. "You're alive."
You nodded, hiccuping. "I'm alive. You're alive."
She kissed you with salty lips, pressing herself into you as much as she possibly could, like you were the air she needed to breathe, like you were the only thing keeping her alive.
"We're alive," she muttered when she buried herself back into your neck. "We're alive."
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simp4wom3n · 2 years
Requited Love
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Reader
Requested: Yes/No ~ request
Summary: Y/N is cast to play Mia Reed in ‘The Fallout’ and her feelings for her costar, Jenna Ortega, start to resemble those of her characters. Love. ~ Word Count: 1887 ~ Warnings: tiny bit of angst if u squintttttt
A/N: Hello everyone!! Firstly I want to say thank you for all the support shown on my first few posts, and I also wanted to give you guys an update. I’m currently travelling overseas with very busy days so my time for writing is limited but I am writing I PROMISE. This one took a little longer than expected but I hope you enjoy it <3
It's your first day working on the set of ‘The Fallout’, your newest film in which you play Mia Reed. You are a little nervous despite having an impressive collection of films under your belt. When it comes to new sets, new environments, and more importantly new people, you were always anxious about how you would fit in. Your nerves certainly weren’t helped when you learned that Jenna Ortega had joined the cast. You are a huge admirer of hers. Since you've seen pretty much everything she's been in and respect her as an actress, the idea of sharing the screen with her was undeniably daunting.
You pull up to the ‘base camp’ of the film, where all the trailers are located, in an attempt to find yours and get a head start settling in. As you get out of the car your Y/E/C eyes scan the area in search of your trailer, your eyes instead landing on a girl. She appears to be about a foot shorter than you and has long, dark hair. She is dressed in baggy pants and a black singlet with headphones around her neck. Your breath hitches in your throat as you realise, “Holy shit… it’s her oh my god ok” you breathe as you hesitantly start walking in her direction, attempting to calm yourself down. ‘Relax Y/N it’s fine you got this just don’t be weird’.
The sound of your approaching footsteps catch her attention as she turns her head in your direction. Her brown eyes meet yours causing your breath to catch in your throat once again. To your surprise, a genuine smile crosses her face as she too starts walking towards you. “Hey, I’m Y/N. I’m your costar it’s really nice to finally meet you.” you start, giving her a little wave, thrilled you somehow managed to not stumble over your words. “It’s amazing to finally meet you too! I’m Jenna, and I have to say I’m a really big fan of your work” she smiles at you as you feel your cheeks start to burn. Your brain can’t even fathom the idea of THE Jenna Ortega knowing who you are, let alone being a big fan.
“Really?!?” “Of course I am I’ve seen almost everything your in.” she giggles at the disbelief painted all over your face. “And here I thought I was going to be the one fangirling. I’ve also seen pretty much all your stuff and you are incredible. Im still in disbelief that I get to work with you.” you rant, the words flying out of your mouth faster than you ever thought possible. “You are so adorable” she giggles, your cheeks at this point on fire. “Trust me the honour is all mine” she concludes.
You spent the remainder of the day talking to Jenna whilst walking around set, meeting all the important people who you will be working with over the next few weeks. To your delight, whilst exploring the set, you discover that Jenna’s trailer is right next to yours. If there was one thing you were sure of in this moment it was that you couldn’t wait to get to know her better.
*time skip*
You jump as you are awoken suddenly by a loud banging on your trailer door. “Sh*t what the hell” you mumble, rubbing at your tired eyes as you sit up. Your eyes glance towards the clock hanging on your wall, the hands reading 9:17. That’s odd your supposed to be at hair and makeup by 9. “Oh sh*t. I’m coming!” you launch off your trailer couch realising you must have fallen asleep whilst memorising your lines, meaning you didn’t set an alarm. You quickly attempt to fix your disheveled hair as you swing your door open, met with the disappointed glance of your makeup artist. “Sorry! I’m so sorry give me five minutes I’ll be right there I swear” you apologise rapidly, chucking on a random hoodie and running into the bathroom to check you don’t look too much like a corpse.
*small time skip*
Jenna jumps slightly as the door to the makeup trailer swings open, revealing a very cute and disheveled Y/N wearing… wait is that her hoodie? “Morning sleepyhead. I like your hoodie I’m surprised it fits you” Jenna chuckles as you look down and realise that you are actually wearing one of her hoodies. “Huh. I didn’t even notice.” “It looks cute on you” she flirts, your cheeks gaining their familiar warmth, one you often feel when you are around her. You drop into your makeup chair letting out a sigh as you allow your slightly irritated artist to get you ready for your scenes.
“You ready for today?” Jenna asks, smirking as she makes eye contact with you in the mirror. “As always. Why wouldn’t I be?” “We are filming the kiss scene today remember”. As soon as the words left her mouth you felt your stomach drop. “Oh. Right. Yeah I totally forgot about that haha” you chuckle nervously. Being completely honest with yourself, you had been harbouring a crush on Jenna for quite a while now, and whilst the idea of kissing her should fill you with excitement, you can’t help but be terrified. “You okay?” she asks sincerely, noticing the slight change in your demeanour. “Yeah! yeah no I’m fine I just had a rough sleep last night. I feel asleep on my couch memorising my lines so it wasn’t the most pleasant.” you ramble, trying to cover up your nerves, your attempt appearing to work.
“I think the way Megan has set the scene up is really smart.” she says whilst glancing towards you. Noticing the slight confusion on your face she elaborates, “I mean the way she has us kiss whilst we are both lying down. It gets rid of the whole height difference issue. Not that I have anything against it, I love it.” “Good to know” you reply, attempting to diffuse the tension by jokingly winking at her causing her to laugh and quickly hide her face with her hands. ‘Is she flustered?’ ‘Is there a chance she likes me back?’ you thought. However, just as quick as the thoughts came to your mind, you shut them down, ‘No Y/N stop. Don’t get your hopes up’. 
*time skip*
“Action!”. You are lying on the floor of Mia’s bedroom as Jenna, or Vada, rolls towards you. You stare deep into her eyes as she can’t stop giggling. Once she finally settles down, her face is only a few inches away from yours. She starts, “What?… ok I know your a woman of very little words… but I know you got some deep shit happening in this nice little head of yours.” she recites her lines perfectly as you giggle on cue. “God… ugh” you sigh. “Anything? Ok. Lets say this. Lets say you die tomorrow, ok, and what if you die sad because you regret not saying what you wanted to say… then what?”.
Those words, although scripted, make your heart sink, because as true as it is, you can’t tell her. You can’t ruin what you have with Jenna over some stupid crush. They say you should always pick roles you relate to, and you hate to agree that you relate to the fear that Mia is feeling right now, absolutely terrified of losing her best friend. You lie there in silence for a few seconds whilst your mind races. “I can’t say it” you whisper, drawing your eyes off of her. “Why?” she immediately responds. You can feel her eyes burning into the side of your face which both comforts and unsettles you.
When you finally pluck up the courage to face her, she looks almost ethereal in the ambient lighting of the room and you regret ever taking your eyes off of her. You aren’t able to seperate your own feelings from your characters, all you feel is love. You notice Jenna glance at your lips, as she is directed to, and the next thing you know she is leaning in. Your heart is racing faster than it ever has before, so much so you are worried she can hear it. When her lips touch yours, you feel warmth blossom in your chest. She pulls away slightly asking “Is this okay?” to which you nod softly. As she connects her lips to mine once more, her lips part slightly allowing my tongue to slip inside. Before I know it she is climbing on top of me, our bodies pressed together as our lips moved passionately against one another’s. Her hands begin exploring your body as your fingers travel through her hair as you breathed her in. It was utter bliss. Until it wasn’t.
“Cut! That was perfect girls well done. The chemistry was amazing, very believable.” “Thanks” you murmur as you seperate yourself from Jenna and get to your feet, avoiding all eye contact with her. “I think we got it guys you can head back to your trailers”. With that you made your way swiftly out of the room, attempting to avoid Jenna’s concerned stare and get to your trailer as quickly as possible. “Y/N! Y/N wait!” Jenna calls from behind you as you hear her rapidly approaching footsteps. She eventually catches up to you, stopping you when she grabs hold of your hand, swinging you around.
“Hey what’s wrong?” she asks, her hand still holding yours with concern written all over her face. You couldn’t help but think about how pretty she looked which didn’t help with your current predicament. “Nothing. I just… I need to be alone right now” you say, turning on your heels attempting to avoid having the conversation you have been dreading. She grabs ahold of your other hand in order to pull you back, not allowing you to avoid her and suffer in silence. “Hey.” she comforts softly “You can talk to me you know. Just tell me what’s wrong we can figure it out together.” “I can’t say it” you quote Mia as a tear rolls down your cheek, the weight of the conversation finally taking its toll on you as the fear of losing your best friend overcomes you.
You witness the moment it clicks in Jenna’s eyes, her gaze immediately softening as she wipes away your stray tear with her thumb. You see her lips twitch into a smile as her hands land on your cheeks, the two of you having a silent conversation with your eyes. Her eyes flicker down to your lips which doesn’t go unnoticed, but before you can comment on it she is guiding your face down to meet hers as her lips brush against yours tentatively. You were taken over by pure desire as you close the remaining distance, leaning into the kiss as you place your hands around her neck. The familiar feeling of her warm lips against yours makes your heart flutter as you begin to comprehend what is happening, she likes you back. Your lips slowly parted as your foreheads remained against each others. “I love you too Y/N” Jenna intimately whispered, placing a chaste kiss on your lips before pulling back completely. “So you really do love the height difference?” you joke, unable to take your eyes off of her. “Of course I do. I love everything about you”.
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writing-rat · 11 months
Panic Attack No More
Pairing: Vada Cavell x Mia Reed
Content Warning: Self Harm, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attack
Summary: Continuation of the end of The Fallout with Mia dating Vada and comforting Vada.
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Vada was shocked once she saw the news notification. ‘Twelve students confirmed dead in Ohio high school shooting’ it read. Vada could feel her body go into shock, her breath struggling and tears invading her eyes. She knew what was happening. She was just glad she wasn’t home, she didn’t want her mother to see her in this position again nor her dad. She was soon getting off the rock and hid behind it in an effort to hide.
Soon enough she heard footsteps, but barely as her heart was beating in her ears. She felt like she was having a heart attack, sweat also going down her forehead. She was gripping onto the rock, practically scratching at it before scratching her wrists in an effort to make herself silent. Vada was unaware of the wheezing breath however as she soon saw Mia come over in blurred vision. “Mia,” she tried to speak but it came out in a sob. Mia was rushing over at least before she was being put in a pressured hug. Vada slightly calmed down but she was clearly still having a panic attack.
“Ok Vada, I need you to breathe with me, got it? Nod if you’ve got it,” Mia spoke gently. Vada took a bit to nod before Mia took control. She had pressed herself against her girlfriend, breathing in. “Breathe in,” she spoke quietly. “Then breathe out,” she spoke after a bit. Vada did as Mia told, Mia repeating the words before Vada could breathe properly, her heart beating rapidly. Mia then offered a water bottle and put it to her lips, Vada stuck in shock. Vada slowly drank some water, before she leaned into Mia and hugged her, ignoring her bloody wrists as she was calmed down.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled out embarrassed that Mia had seen her like that.
“It’s fine babe, don’t worry. Do you want to go to my houes for a bit and we can take care of your wrists and talk. That ok?” she asked. Vada nodded, embarrassed and exhausted, hiding her wrists in her long shirt. Mia just held her hand and rubbed her knuckles, leading her away gently. Vada was happy for the gentleness at least.
Soon they were at the house and Mia quickly sat Vada down in the kitchen as she grabbed the first aid kit. “Talk to me babe, what happened?” she asked.
“I just… I got a news report notification,” she started, pulling her sleeves up and letting Mia sort out her wrists as she winced at the disinfectant. “It was about a school shooting and it started me into a panic. It was in Ohio which is the dumb thing but I just… remembered what happened and got caught into the memory,” she finished, talking a lot of pauses. By the time she had finished, her wrists were done and she held her arms around herself gently. Mia then hugged her gently and kissed her forehead.
“I’m here for you babe, always. Want to watch random youtube videos at your house then sleep?” she asked gently. Vada nodded.
She was happy she had a loving, understanding girlfriend.
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serialkilluh1996 · 3 months
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Feel free to read the pinned post on my main blog: @serialkilluh-1996
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use if you please.
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I'm Nova Valencia, but I usually just go by Nova. You can call me Nov, Val, Big Papa. Whatever fits.
Keep your requests short and simple. Feel free to throw some ideas of yours, but nothing too strict. I'm a free range writer and specifics stress me out.
Smut (rarely, and i dont do smut requests)
Age gap (15 year limit)
kinks (very few, im picky. Size kink, SLIGHT daddy kink, etc. I'm still exploring my boundaries)
fandom crossovers
Gore (descriptive. I dont write gore porn either. Gore may just be incorporated in the story.)
monster x human
yanderes (NOT abusive, just obsessive with slight stalking)
whatever my mood allows, really. I have a pretty open mind and I'm willing to indulge in anything that isn't in the following list.
⌕The "Following list"
Incest (not even stepfamily, ya ain't slick)
Fat fetishization
Abusive relationships (in a romanticizing sense, angst is an exception)
*ahem* Excrement: No shit, no piss, no vomit, not even spitting. I'll gag.
Call of Duty ➛
König, Horangi, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, John "Soap" Mactavish
Detroit: Become human ➛
Connor, Kara, Markus, Gavin Reed, North
SCREAM [1996] ➛
Ghostface (aka my husband), Sidney Prescott, Tatum Riley, Billy Loomis, Dewey Riley, Stu Macher, Randy Meeks, Casey Becker
SCREAM 2 [1997] ➛
Hallie McDaniel, Derek Feldman
SCREAM 3 [2000] ➛
Roman Bridger
Halloween [1978] ➛
Laurie Strode, Michael Myers
Friday the 13th ➛
Jason Voorhees
House of Wax [2005] ➛
Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair
Stay Out of the House [Puppet Combo]➛
Butcher/Night Shift Abductor
Murder House [Puppet Combo] ➛
Easter Ripper, Emma, Tom
The Night Ripper [Puppet Combo]➛
Rachel, Night Ripper
CANDYMAN [1992] ➛
Daniel "Candyman" Robitaille
Black Christmas ➛
Billy Lenz
Original characters ➛
Coming soon!
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ➛
Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Mia Fey, Maya Fey, Dick Gumshoe
I don't care about criticism towards my writing. I wouldn't make my work public if I didn't want the public to speak on what I write.
Freedom of speech includes you and your opinion and if you have something to say, say it. However, I kindly ask that whatever criticism you make is somewhat organized, as i get easily confused when reading rants. If you do have some writing tips, please drop em. T^T
⌕Extra statements
Do not repost or copy my writing without permission.
If you find yourself wanting to re-write one of my scenarios or for one of my ocs, tag me or send the link, I'm nosey.
However, do NOT repost my writing. I will post it myself on whatever platforms I feel comfortable with.
I make gifs and text banners for fun sometimes
I upload them on main under #☆moving pictures and #☆writing on the wall. I don't care if you credit me for them or not.
I do not encourage my younger audience (under 16) to read my smut.
I understand that I am under 18, but I am very aware of what I write. Just cause I'm fucked off, doesn't mean I want you to be fucked off with me. I recommend staying on my sfw side of the blog.
I'm not comfortable taking smut requests, and all smut written is based on my personal preferences, but I've made it public for others to enjoy as well.
My personal favorite writers
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C☆mshippers, Pr☆shippers, Dark fic writers, or anyone who reads things of that nature.
If you interact with me, that kind of content will be recommended to me, hence algorithm, and it makes it harder to block, as blocking tags doesn't always help.
Coming soon!
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Rest coming soon!
You can support me by liking, commenting, reblogging, and/or cashapping me @fundsbrownie. Donations are optional, but much appreciated. Have fun! And remember, take care of yourself.
⌕My tags
Regular: #Just a Serial Killuh™
Writing: #☆nova writes tag is old but you can still find old posts under it
Angst: #☆nova's tears
Fluff: #☆nova's puppies and kittens
Smut: #☆nova's lemonade
Brainvomit: #☆nova's vxmit
Asks: ⌕results found
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biggerbetterbat · 1 year
Daryl Dixon x OC!Charlie Reed
Summary: Charlie talks with Beth. Andrea leaves the girl alone and tragedy happens. Daryl gets mad at Charlie.
Warnings: suicide (nothing descriptive), language, agnst with a happy ending
Song: I Found Amber Run
A/N: Hello! I'm editing this chapter with almost no energy. I started my studies again and it's DRAINING me. But here you are, your chapter. I hope you like it - if you do please leave a comment, like and reblog. ENJOY!
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"Did Glenn say anything to you?" Maggie asked.
Lori and Charlie were in the kitchen, preparing food for Beth, who was still in a bad condition. Everything was on Maggie's shoulders, so they decided that it would be good to help her even a little.
"Just that it has gotten pretty bad." Charlie shrugged while cutting the cucumber. She was focused on the activity as if her life depended on it.
"He's not the same," Maggie said. "Says he froze. Blames me. Says I got inside his head."
Charlie looked at her with a deadpanned expression, that was expressing her disbelief in her best friend, who was actually like every other guy. Like...after sharing everything with him for those past two or three months, and talking for hours, Charlie really thought that Glenn was the one special guy, a different snowflake, a very rare flower. But no. Glenn was like everyone else, freaking out when things were getting serious. He didn't want to admit that he felt scared, so he just blamed a girl. Men...
But as soon as she thought about him, she realized one slight problem...she was also running away from feelings and when things were getting serious she was looking for a reason to go MIA. Thanks to some higher force, Lori joined the conversation. "He came back. That's what matters."
"Men have to do certain things, you know that." Charlie nodded as she was cutting a cucumber. "And they're either gonna blame the little woman as the reason they do them or the reason they don't."
"I'll tell you something," said Grimes, who was preparing the meat. She had the most experience with men and Charlie didn't mean her romance with Shane, but rather the marriage that lasted more than eleven years. "What happens out there, happens out there. And we...We're just trying to keep it together till they get back."
"Things were good. Maybe I-"
"Glenn's a big boy." Lori cut her off.
"He makes his own choices, and then you..." Charlie looked at her again. "Do you have anything to apologize for?" she asked and to answer her question Maggie just shook her head. "Tell him to man up and pull himself together."
"Just don't say man up," said Lori. "It never goes well."
Greene smiled gratefully and nodded her head. "Let me just get this to Beth."
"You go on." Lori stopped her. "I got it."
"Yeah. Put him in his place." Charlie said. "I'll clean up."
She knocked on the door, signaling that she wanted to come in. She proposed that Lori should rest and not walk around with plates and food, because Charlie could do it as well- that wasn't beyond her abilities. She entered the room and saw Beth sitting on a bed, then she looked at the untouched food.
"Didn't eat a thing, huh? You're gonna..." she said but saw wet traces on the younger girl's cheeks, so she kneeled next to a bed. "Hey. I know how hard it is. I tried for days to reach my mom and get her on the phone. I can only assume..."
"It's just so pointless."
"You have Maggie, and your father, and Patricia and Jimmy. And you've gotta stay strong for them." Charlie tried to convince her. "I wish I could promise you it would be all right in the end. But we can try..."
"You don't believe it." Beth cut her off.
"You don't believe in those words," she said. "I heard your conversation with Glenn. You want to die."
Charlie looked down and sat down on a bed instead of kneeling, suspecting that the conversation with Beth would be longer.
"I'm right," Beth said. "You want to end this just like me and yet you came here and tried to convince me not to?"
"I want to die." Charlie voiced those words for the first time. "I lost my whole family, Beth. I live with guilt for that. There's nothing for me out there. But you are different. You're sixteen! You have a boyfriend. You have never even had your first drink yet!"
Beth looked at her with sad eyes. "And you don't want to wait and see if there's something for you?"
"I still don't know it." she shook her head. "But you should live and make now better."
"Thank you." the blonde girl whispered.
"I'll be right back." Charlie smiled and got up. "I heard Lori promised you a walk."
She entered the kitchen, still thinking about Beth and how she just stated the fact that they were the same, it was obvious to her. Charlie started to wonder if any other person could see the same thing... Maybe Charlie just shouldn't help Maggie with her? Maybe she should clean or cook something that didn't involve talking to Beth because one day she just might help her. Because she understood her and her way of viewing the world in this moment.
"There was a knife," said Lori, snapping Charlie from her thoughts.
"Beth." Lori breathed and started running. "She took the knife."
Charlie was sitting on a kitchen counter, hitting the back of her head lightly on the shelf. After Andrea brought Maggie back house was filled with screams of the sisters. It seemed that the fight was a never-ending story and it would be done the moment they lost their voices.
"Where's Hershel?" Andrea asked.
"He doesn't want to find out yet," said Lori. "It's a family affair. We'll let them work it out."
"That's working it out?" Andrea opened her eyes wider.
Andrea was really from a different world. Charlie knew that she left her family house when Amy was still small and due to a big age gap, their relationship was different. A younger sister was more like a daughter to Andrea, so they probably never fought like that.
Charlie knew what that meant. Luckily Maggie and Beth were both girls, so even if they started fighting physically it wouldn't be that bad. She had brothers, and fighting with growing up men wasn't the greatest experience for a girl."When Beth stops fighting, that's when it's time to worry." Charlie answered.
"This could've been handled better," Andrea mumbled under her nose.
"How so?"
"You shouldn't have taken the knife away." she turned to Lori.
Both Lori and Charlie looked at the woman as if she had three heads. And the second one wanted to use the knife on Andrea. How she could even say something like that? Charlie understood Beth and was thinking similarly to her lately, but still it wasn't a reason to just give her a knife a say here, cut your wrist open. They should try to give her a reason to live first.
"Excuse me?" Lori opened her eyes wider.
"You were wrong, like Dale taking my gun," she said and Charlie whispered Oh, God. "That wasn't your decision. She has to choose to live on her own. She has to find her own reasons."
Charlie started to think about it. In some crazy way- which she would never admit to Andrea- she was right. If one wants to live, they should find their own reason. And that made her think what reason does she have to live? What was keeping Charlie Reed on the planet Earth with living and breathing people? Did she even have a reason? She shook her head quickly to get rid of those thoughts.
"Want me to tie a noose for her?" Lori asked.
"If she's serious, she will figure out a way," Andrea said.
"Doesn't mean I can't stop her or let her know that I care."
"That has nothing to do with it, Lori." The blonde woman shook her head. "She only has so many choices in front of her, and she believes the best one is suicide."
"That's not an option," Lori argued.
"Of course it is," said Andrea. "She doesn't need to be yelled at or treated like a child."
"She needs a loaded gun, right?" Charlie entered the conversation again. "Besides, she is a child."
Lori touched Charlie's knee, grateful that she got her back."You will understand if I don't let you in there."
"I came through it," Andrea said in disbelief.
"And became such a productive member of the group." Grimes nodded.
This time Charlie couldn't stop herself and didn't bite her tongue. "Who shoots other members, ignores what others say, and wants a teenager to kill herself."
"You both." Lori looked at them. "Let Maggie handle this her way."
"I contribute. I help keep this place safe."
Lori sent Charlie a look that said to keep quiet this time and don't start the fight again. Then she looked at the blonde. "The man can handle this on their own. They don't need your help."
"I'm sorry. What would you have me do?"
"Oh, there's plenty of work to go around." Lori leaned on a countertop that Charlie was sitting on.
"Are you serious?" she asked with wide eyes. "Charlie has been sitting and doing nothing since we came here and that's not a problem. She makes a drama every two days and you're in my face over skipping laundry?"
"Pardon? Let me break your bubble real quick." Charlie said, feeling the annoyance boiling inside. "I was running in that woods looking for a girl. I was playing a nurse after you shot Daryl. Patricia needed someone to help her clean? I was there. Jimmy couldn't handle horses? I helped. Hershel was taking cows on the field? I was with him." she said. "You were the one disappearing with Shane."
"Charlie's right." Lori nodded. "Your behavior puts a burden on the rest of us. On me, Carol, Patricia, and Maggie. Cooking and cleaning and looking for Beth. And you...You don't care about anyone but yourself. You sit up on that RV, working on your tan with a shotgun in your lap."
"No, I am on watch against walkers," Andrea argued. "That is what matters, not fresh mint leaves in the lemonade."
"Funny that the only Walker that you protected us from wasn't even a Walker." Charlie interrupted this time, still feeling pity for that. She really didn't know why she was still so angry for that and she knew it was getting annoying, but a small part of her just couldn't swallow it. It was funny because even Daryl didn't care about it so much.
Lori sighed. "We are providing stability. We're trying to create a life worth living."
"Are you kidding me?"
"Look, I went after Rick. I took down two walkers after crashing Maggie's car. Don't act like you're the only one..."
"Ever apologize for that?" Andrea interrupted her.
"You're insane." Charlie sighed.
"No, you are. Both of you." she almost yelled. "You, Charlie, are still a teenager that thinks everything is about you. But you know what? You're not even worth wasting my breath for." she said and turned to Lori. Charlie opened her mouth at her words, but didn't know that the woman would throw a bucket of trash on the other one."And you are the self-centered one, the way you take it all for granted."
"My husband is out there for the hundredth time. My son was shot." Lori answered. "Don't you dare tell me I take this for granted?"
"You don't get it do you?" she leaned on the table. "Your husband came back from the dead, your son, too. And now you've got a baby on the way. The rest of us have piled up our losses. Me, Carol, Beth...even Charlie. But you just keep on keeping up."
"We have all suffered," Lori said.
"Playing house, acting like the queen bee, laying down rules for everybody but yourself." she continued. "You know that? Go ahead. Go in there and tell that little girl that everything's gonna be okay, just like it is for you. She'll get a husband, a son, a baby, a boyfriend."
Charlie opened eyes and she didn't know where she should look. The silence after those words was just too loud. It wasn't nothing new for Charlie, but having Andrea just say this like it was nothing? That was another level of drama.
And Charlie would be the one saying exactly what Andrea did just a couple of days ago, but Lori was so nice to her. Truth be told, she began to like the pregnant woman.
"She just has to look on the bright side," Andrea said and left.
"I think I need some air," Charlie said and stood on her legs, going to the entrance.
It was a sunny day, even if the air was beginning to be cold. It was good though, after a steamy conversation with Andrea, she needed to cool down a little. There was a quiet, but steady sound of metal hitting on other metal, so Charlie followed that and saw Daryl. He was leaning on his motorcycle.
"You need help?" she asked.
He looked up at her and then on his motorcycle, examining what he needed. "Could you hand me a screwdriver?"
"The yellow one or the red one?"
"Allen one," he said.
Charlie looked inside his box and then at him with two question marks instead of eyes. "So the yellow one or the red one?
Daryl closed his eyes and sighed. He appreciated her help and missed her nonstop talking during those past few days, but he forgot how clueless she could be. "Just bring all of them."
So Charlie happily handed him his little box and watched how he took out the right screwdriver and started repairing whatever was broken.
"Were you a mechanic before?"
"Nah," he answered. "I taught myself when we didn't have money to pay an actual one."
"You learned how to hunt, how to repair cars...Any other abilities?" she smiled.
"I know how to open a beer with a shoelace."
No one ever said that he was impressive. For forty years he had never heard that from anyone, Merle spent with him every day and he did a lot of things for him, yet there were no words of gratitude. He had known Charlie for around two months and she was showering him with kind words. Maybe that's why she was in his mind so much? Because he tried to guess what was making her so kind to him. "Hmm."
"Got a way with those tools," Charlie said as he immersed himself into his task. She rested her chin on her hand, watching his muscles flex in the sun.
"Just doin' what needs to be done," he answered with a screwdriver between his lips. "Ain't much of a hobby."
"I was thinking more like skills. You're pretty handy, aren't you?"
"Well, survival tends to bring out unexpected talent."
"Lucky for me...I mean us. A hunter, a fighter, a mechanic. You're multi-talented," she said again. "Maybe you could teach me a thing or two about fixing things, too."
"Just gotta figure it out as you go," he looked up at her but quickly looking down again.
"If something goes down, I'd rather have you by my side instead of...figuring it out as I go."
"You're searching for protection or just looking for someone to fix your stuff?" he chuckled uncontrollably.
Daryl looks up from the bike, his hands still coated in grease, and meets Charlie's gaze. There's a momentary pause as their eyes lock, tension simmering beneath the surface. Despite the grime and weariness of their surroundings, there's an undeniable spark between them. Daryl's rugged features soften slightly as he returns Charlie's gaze, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips. Charlie's expression is equally suggestive, a playful glint in their eyes as they hold Daryl's gaze. There's a moment of tension as their eyes lock, a silent exchange of flirtatious energy passing between them. Neither speaks, but the intensity of the moment speaks volumes.
"So..." he cleared his throat. "You stopped playing house with Lori?" he asked, changing the subject to distract himself.
"Oh yeah. I was almost a wrestling referee," she said and earned a look from Daryl. "Andrea is getting out of hand."
"You really don't like her," he said and leaned in to continue his work.
"She didn't give me a reason to like her."
"Fair enough," he grunted. "How's the blond girl?"
"Not good," she said. "Took a knife from a trace."
"She wants to kill herself?" Daryl asked wiping a smear from his hands into his trousers.
"Yeah." Charlie nodded. "She thinks that life now is pointless."
"You agree with her?" he furrowed his brows. Charlie bit her lips, not answering. "You really agree with her."
Daryl felt this irrational anger in his chest. He felt similar back in the CDC. They never talked about it, so she never confirmed or denied it, but he saw how she hesitated, and if Glenn hadn't forced her to leave she would have stayed with Jacquie.
"She's not completely wrong and y..." she said, but was interrupted by screams that were coming from the house."Oh, shit." Charlie muttered and ran there.
She saw how Maggie stormed out of it with Lori just behind her, they were both looking worried. Well, Maggie was pissed off, if she could she would burn like a fire. If her eyes could kill, Andrea would be dead right now."Where were you?"
"I heard. Is she all right?" Andrea asked.
"She would be if you had stayed with her," Maggie said angrily and repeated her question. "Where were you?"
"How bad is she?" Charlie asked worried.
"It wasn't deep."
"She wants to live." she smiled clearly happy. "She made her decision."
"She tried to kill herself," Maggie said.
"No, she didn't."
"My father is stitching her wrist right now."
"She'll live," Andrea said and tried to pass Greene to enter the house.
"Stay away from her." she blocked her from entering the house. "From both of us. Don't you dare to step foot inside this house again?"
Charlie looked at Andrea and passed all three of them, so she could see what was with Beth. Honestly, she couldn't care less about the argument and about Andrea- she had it coming.
The room was getting dark as the sun was hiding behind the horizon. The only person in there was Beth with her wrist still placed on a table- it was already stitched and wrapped up in bandages. She noticed Charlie entering the room, so she looked up and gave her a pale smile."I'm sorry."
"Don't be." she smiled and touched her shoulder. "What matters is that you're alive."
"You should do it, too," Beth said. "Live."
Charlie looked at her. Her face was still pale, but something changed in the way she was looking at her. It was more sane, her eyes weren't so empty anymore.
"Maybe now you think there is nothing for you here, but I think differently now," she said. "I think there's still so much that life has to offer. You just need the courage to hold on through the bad times."
"You think it's going to be easier?" Charlie asked. "Losing people. Running from the Walkers. Killing."
"I don't know," Beth said and shrugged. "But I know there's a reason for you, too. You said that yourself. There's so many things that you didn't do."
"So drinking your first shot convinced you to stay alive?" she smiled and put a smile on Beth's face.
"I just want you to be sure of the decision," she answered. "I want to grow old, have my own kids, I want to watch them play with my Daddy. I just want a life."
Charlie smiled and placed her hand in hers, caressing the back of Beth's smooth skin.
"But don't try to do this, Daddy's out of painkillers," she said, placing her hand on Charlie's. "Dying is easy, Charlie."
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inactiveuser374 · 2 years
request status; OPEN
I only write male readers
I only write x reader fics (no character x character unless it’s a poly relationship w/ the reader)
I write in second person only, sometimes third person if specifically requested
Anyone is allowed to read/follow but please don’t request fem readers
★ ★ ★
MARVEL; Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Erik Killmonger, Eddie Brock
TLOU (game and/or show); Joel Miller, Tommy Miller,
COD MW2; König, Simon ‘ghost’ Riley, Mace, Kyle ‘gaz’ Garrick, John Price
MIA (simon riley x winter soldier!reader) 2 3 4
Star Wars; Din Djarin, Poe Dameron
DBH; Marcus, RK800 (Connor), RK900 (Nines), Gavin Reed
Gavin Reed GIF set
Other; David Loki (Prisoners, 2013), Officer K (Bladerunner 2049, 2017), TBA
additions to fics I’ve already written (if you want to request something that is based on a fic I’ve already written, I will keep the events that have happened and I won’t change the way the two interact)
fics inspired from given prompts or songs
characters that are not on the list BUT I know of (list is just the main ones)
sexual content (not PWP, it’s gotta have a story or plot of some sort) nothing past 3rd base
character and or reader deaths 
smoking/alcohol/drug use 
comfort (including potentially triggering topics like abuse, death, etc) - warnings will always be at the beginning
fetishizing or glorifying certain topics.
characters that I don’t know
female reader or anything besides male reader
I won’t write anything I’m uncomfortable with
real people
incest or anything close to that (no step siblings or parents either)
minor x adult (platonic or family is OK)
just ask first if you think your request might fall under something I won’t write, I’m pretty tolerant of most things, there’s just some boundaries I have
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
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simplybombshell · 1 year
by clicking the source , you will find a gif pack of Pia Mia in various Instagram Reeds via her account (#67 gifs). All gifs are sized as 240 x 146. All of these were made by me from scratch. please like/reblog if you use them!
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jcmarchi · 7 months
WWE 2K24's Full Launch Roster Revealed
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/wwe-2k24s-full-launch-roster-revealed/
WWE 2K24's Full Launch Roster Revealed
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WWE 2K24’s full roster has been revealed. This year offers a staggering line-up of Superstars hailing from Raw, Smackdown and NXT, as well as numerous Legends. 
Over 200 playable superstars will be available at launch, along with 8 managers. Check them out below. 
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Akira Tozawa
Alexa Bliss
Becky Lynch
Bianca Belair
Big E
Braun Strowman
Bronson Reed
Candice LeRae
Cedric Alexander
Chad Gable
Chelsea Green
Cody Rhodes
Damian Priest
Dexter Lumis
Dominik Mysterio
Drew McIntyre
Finn Bálor
Giovanni Vinci
Indi Hartwell
JD McDonagh
Jey Uso
Johnny Gargano
Kofi Kingston
Liv Morgan
Ludwig Kaiser
Maxxine Dupri
Nikki Cross
Piper Niven
Raquel Rodriguez
Rhea Ripley
Sami Zayn
Seth “Freakin” Rollins
Shayna Baszler
Shinsuke Nakamura
Sonya Deville
Tegan Nox
The Miz
Tommaso Ciampa
Xavier Woods
Zoey Stark
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AJ Styles
Alba Fyre
Angelo Dawkins
Ashante “Thee” Adonis
Austin Theory
Bobby Lashley
Cameron Grimes
Charlotte Flair
Cruz Del Toro
Dakota Kai
Elton Prince
Grayson Waller
Isla Dawn
Iyo Sky
Jimmy Uso
Joaquin Wilde
Karl Anderson
Karrion Kross
Katana Chance
Kayden Carter
Kevin Owens
Kit Wilson
LA Knight
Logan Paul
Luke Gallows
Michin Mia Yim
Montez Ford
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Ridge Holland
Robert Roode
Roman Reigns
Santos Escobar
Solo Sikoa
Xia Li
Zelina Vega
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Andre Chase
Angel Garza
Apollo Crews
Baron Corbin
Blair Davenport
Bron Breakker
Brooks Jensen
Brutus Creed
Carmelo Hayes
Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo
Cora Jade
Damon Kemp
Drew Gulak
Duke Hudson
Fallon Henley
Gigi Dolin
Ilja Dragunov
Ivy Nile
Jacy Jayne
Jinder Mahal
Joe Coffey
Joe Gacy
Josh Briggs
Julius Creed
Nathan Frazer
Nikkita Lyons
Noam Dar
Roxanne Perez
Thea Hail
Tiffany Stratton
Tony D’Angelo
Trick Williams
Tyler Bate
Veer Mahaan
Wendy Choo
Wes Lee
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Andre The Giant
Bad Bunny
Beth Phoenix
Big Boss Man
Booker T
Bray Wyatt
Bret “Hitman” Hart
British Bulldog
Bruno Sammartino
Cactus Jack
Doink The Clown
Dude Love
Dusty Rhodes (Part of the Nightmare Family Pack)
Eddie Guerrero
Eric Bischoff
Eve Torres
The Fiend
George “The Animal” Steele
Harley Race
Hollywood Hogan
Hulk Hogan
The Hurricane
Jake “The Snake” Roberts
Jerry “The King” Lawler
Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart
John Cena
Ken Shamrock
Kevin Nash
Kurt Angle
“Macho Man” Randy Savage
Mighty Molly
Molly Holly
Muhammad Ali
“Ravishing” Rick Rude
Rick Steiner
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat
Rob Van Dam
The Rock
Ronda Rousey
“Rowdy” Roddy Piper
Scott Hall
Scott Steiner
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Stacy Keibler
Stephanie McMahon
Stardust (Part of the Nightmare Family Pack)
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
“Superstar” Billy Graham (Part of the Nightmare Family Pack)
Ted DiBiase
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Tyler Breeze
Ultimate Warrior
Uncle Howdy
The Undertaker
Wade Barrett
William Regal
Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
Cathy Kelley
Mick Foley
Miss Elizabeth
Paul Bearer
Paul Heyman
Theodore Long
WWE 2K24 launches on March 8 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. You can read our in-deph hands-on preview here, watch us play a few matches in this episode of New Gameplay Today, or check out our gaming-focused interview with one of 2K24’s cover stars, Cody Rhodes. 
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bobbin-buckley · 8 months
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Vada Cavell Headcanons
Vada Cavell x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of school shooting, mentions of smoking & getting drunk, smut, fluff, mentions of anxiety and depression, some angst,
SFW (Some Angst)
-You & Vada we’re dating for about 3 months before the shooting happened. Then slowly drifted away after it.
-I wouldn’t perhaps say you broke up, Vada just was keeping herself away from you and everyone else, well, almost everyone else
-Nick told you Vada was hanging out with Mia Reed, this made you feel a lot of different things; confusion, anger, sadness and jealousy you wanted, no you NEEDED to ask her why she was all of a sudden hanging out with this Mia girl
-You felt as if she was cheating on you, maybe? You stormed into her room one day and started rambling about how she just started ghosting you and smoking with the blonde girl
-Vada did feel bad, infact she did regret everything after realizing how upset you were. That’s when you found Vada in your arms again
-She did start to invite you over at Mia’s house, you didn’t like the idea but accepted when Vada have you those puppy eyes
-Helping each other through all this depression and pain, venting
-Vada is a pretty affectionate person if you are really close
-She definitely has acts of service as her love language, she’ll buy you stuff (if she isn’t broke), take care of you, take you out somewhere etc
-Movie nights with make-out sessions throughout the film
-Shed love your pet(s) if you have any, (she totally seems like a dog person)
-Being besties with her little sister Amelia, she loves you sm, you both love to tease Vada, prank her and hangout together w/ Vada
-Finds it weird her family adores you
-When your alone together there can be three different moods; fluffy, sweet, soft, silly cuddly or hot, horny, lust & flirty, or sad, fluff, upset, depressed but you cope together by cuddling and talking
-Always being side by side, Vada craves your touch or needs to touch you. Wanting to cuddle but if she can’t she’ll hold your hand, pinkies intertwined under a table or knee to knee and head in shoulder
-You find it hilarious when Vada gets cranky and throws a fit. She smacks you when you laugh
“I’m dating a literal four year old”
“Then that would be fucked up also, nuh-uh!”
-Loves to make dirty jokes just to see you hot & bothered
-Can be a pretty flirty person
-Going off to college together
-Doing pretty much everything together
-There is never a time you and Vada will have serious sex
-This girl is full of humor, she’ll make all kinds of jokes when intimate
“Dude! You have huge tits.”
“There like literal melons”
-Preferring Vanilla sex most of the time
-making love to each other makes you both feel alive again
-I could see her as a switch
-Skin to skin the entire time
-Secretly loves your boobs
-Probably doesn’t shave much down there cause she’s scared she’ll hurt herself, you don’t mind though and you offer to help her
-Making sure her family isn’t home and won’t be home till late when having sex at her house
-She looooves shower sex
-One time Vada had gotten you something as a gift….it was a strap-on
“Vada where the hell did you get that? You’re broke.”
“Nick bought it for me.”
-Loves to use the strap-on on you, claims she wants to “breed” you even though she can’t (you think it’s hot though-)
-Took her a while to understand how to please someone but it’s okay
-Makes you suck on her strap
-Always wanting to take off your clothes for you
-I’d say for her first time (in this she doesn’t fuck Mia) she was pretty good
-You guys could go in for hours if her parents weren’t home so often
-Almost getting caught
-Attempting to have sex in the school bathrooms to make her less scared
-High sex
-Quite the begger
-Anytime you have sex it’s always soft and at a good pace (unless you have 10 minutes before her mom gets home)
You’ve got Vada wrapped around your finger that’s for sure
This seemed quick to write I hope it’s alright
Cairo will be next since you guys tied Vada & Cairo (You sillies)
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jaumesclub · 11 months
🎵195 #Tocamela en català!! Programàs! Grans èxits adaptats al català!!! 🎤Jau Fibla torna a ser darrera del micro amb un nou episodi del "Toca-me-la en català"! Prepareu-vos per riure i ballar mentre en Jau adapta al català i per-versiona alguns dels grans èxits musicals de tots els temps en un viatge musical únic i ple de sorpreses que no us voldreu perdre! 🎶😂 ÍNDEX DEL VÍDEO: 00:00:00 Presentació 00:02:30 Camila Cabello: Señorita 00:07:30 Elvis Presley: If I can dream 00:12:10 La Trinca: Mort de gana 00:15:25 Ricchi e poveri: Serà perchè ti amo 00:21:15 Franco Batiatto: Centro di gravita' permanente 00:25:50 Frankie Valli: Can't take my eyes off you 00:29:49 David Bowie: Starman (Titafreda version) 00:34:20 George Harrison: Got my mind set on you 00:38:35 La mirada del Mishu (Eye of the tiger) 00:44:00 Tema de la sèrie FLY 00:46:25 UB40: Kingston town 00:51:25 Roy Orbison: Blue Bayou 00:55:04 Roberto Carlos: Un millón de amigos. 00:59:50 Lluny de l'èxit (Shallow, de Lady Gaga i Bradley Cooper) 01:04:50 Beth: Dime 01:10:50 Abba: Mamma mia! 01:15:15 Celtas Cortos: ¡Tranquilo, majete! 01:23:25 El que pugui (Baccara: I can boogie) 01:28:20 Fran Sinatra: I've got you under my skin 01:32:30 Elton John: Your song 01:37:14 Lou Reed: Perfect day 01:42:40 L'hora del tortilla 01:49:00 Elvis Presley: Can't help falling in love with you 01:52:20 The Tyets: Coti x coti I si us heu passat bé, no oblideu deixar un bonic comentari, un bon like, subscriure-us al canal i compartir amb els vostres amics aquesta festa musical! 🕺💃
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