#mi6 agent o x reader
hauntingcryptids · 2 years
Work Hard, Rest Hard
O x Reader ( Dhawan!Master x Reader)
Summary - Your roommate O is incredibly kind; he is very willing to help you calm down in any way he can.
Based On This Request - Anonymous requested - “Hi! May I ask for a soft fic with The Master where they hypnotise The Reader?”
Warnings - the reader is incredibly stressed, anxiety, hypnotism, hypnotism without consent
Word Count - 947
A/n - Gender Neutral Reader. Requested by this lovely anon! I will link the other fics inspired by this request HERE, if you would like to read them. I hope that you enjoy!
You had been living with O for a couple of weeks now. Your last roommate moved out randomly and you had been scrambling every day to find a new roommate at such short notice. Thankfully, O moved in pretty soon after and was able to pay for half of the rent, which you had been struggling to pay in full on your own.
O was very willing to pay for the next couple of weeks' rent in full to make up for when you had to pay the rent in full. But you refused. You didn’t want your new roommate to be forced into doing something like that. But O did that anyway. He wanted to relieve some stress from your shoulders. He could see that you were tense, and he wanted to help you without being too intrusive about your personal life.
With O’s help, a lot of stressors were removed from your plate, but you still had so many things to do. The thing that kept you up most nights, however, was your work. You were a bit behind on things and were given a notice to have everything completed by the upcoming Monday, but you also had to complete this week's work, as well. You would have to stay up late to finish it all in time. 
You were currently pacing around the kitchen, waiting for the kettle to boil, when O walked into the kitchen.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s great.” You mumbled insecurely while tapping your foot wildly.
“You seem a little stressed.”
“No, I’m perfectly fine.” O walked up to you as you were preparing your tea.
“You can tell me anything. Just so you know.”
“You don’t mean that.” You huffed. To you, O was still a stranger and why would a stranger care about you and your health?
“I do.” O tentatively placed a hand on your shoulder causing you to finally look into your roommate's eyes. He did look to be incredibly sincere, so you broke down and told O the truth.
“Things are just a bit complicated with work. I’m struggling to stay on top of things.”
“I have some work to do. We could maybe just work together. Make sure that we through everything.” You nodded, relieved, to O. 
You and O worked together for a while. O seemed to be flying through all of his work, but you, on the other hand, were still struggling immensely. You looked over at O typing away on his laptop then returned to stare at your own computer; barely a sentence was written on the open document. You switched to writing some notes in a notebook; you hoped that physical handwriting would make your brain flow better. But unfortunately for you, that did not help. You slammed your notebook down on the table and groaned in mental agony.
“I can’t do this O! It's just too stressful! And I’m not good enough!”
“Don’t say stuff like that. I know that you can do this.”
“No! No, I can’t. I should just quit because I’m such a failure!” You stood up and began pacing as you had before in the kitchen. You felt yourself begin to start heaving breaths. Air didn’t seem to fill your lungs fast enough. You then began to flap your hands back and forth in an attempt to call yourself down. But nothing worked and now you felt like your head was spinning.
“Shh shh, look at me.” O was suddenly in front of you, holding you by your shoulders.
“Just look at me. You can do that right?” You nodded as O cradled your face in his hands. O’s soft thumbs were resting on your temples, rubbing circles into your flesh every so often.
“Now take some deep breaths with me.” O instructed and you did as you were told.
“Better?” O asked after a few minutes of the two of you breathing deeply together and you nodded in response. How did you suddenly feel so much better? 
“Do you want me to make you some food?” O’s hands returned to your shoulders and continued to hold you tightly.
“You don’t have to.” 
“Look at me.” O said sternly, but with a lace of warmth; that mix of emotions you had never been on the receiving end of before. You locked eyes with your roommate and felt that feeling again, that feeling of calm and reassurance you had after O had helped you relax.
“Do you want food?” O asked again and you nodded.
“Okay, I’ll make you your favourite. Why don’t you take a nap while I prepare it?” You nodded again as an intense wave of tiredness washed over you. You felt like you had nothing to say even though many responses were rippling around your mind. But before you could question anything that had happened you were fast asleep on the couch.
You woke up to O stroking your arm and muttering something that you couldn’t understand. 
“Hello, sleepy head. Have a nice rest?” O crooked his head to the side to look at your fully.
“Yeah, surprisingly I did.”
“The food’s ready and I planned out a system to best complete everything.”
“O, you didn’t have to do any of this.” You said as you fully sat up.
“Of course I did! Now, let’s get through this together, shall we?” O held out his hand for you and you took it, happily, excited for the evening with O. You didn’t know why, but you just had this gut feeling that O would do anything to help you, and that feeling calmed you down more than anything else in your life had.
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Hello how are you? I'm wondering if I can request a dhawan!master x reader. (Someone has posted an art which they did of Dhawan!master using a pocket watch and saying "You will obey") im wondering if I can request a fic inspired by their amazing art. Maybe he is disguised and can't use his time lord powers of maybe he just wants to be dramatic. Maybe the reader asks to be hypnotised.
Hi there :) I'm so sorry this took me a long time to write but I've been pretty busy lately. Anyhoo, thank you for the request and let me know what you think!
Plot: the reader and the Master meet the Doctor disguised as agent O and his bodyguard. That's when the reader discovers another one of the Master's abilities.
Warnings: things get heated but nothing really happens.
The Master loved to disguise. It had always been interesting to him to change his appearance, his mannerism, to alter every aspect of his being to fit, to confuse, to lie.
But sometimes, it could be a little frustrating, mostly when he had to pretend to be a human. Humans were a weak species compared to his and many more. They didn't have claws or natural armour or poison in their organism to defeat the predators. That was why their planet was such a target for alien invasions. So whenever he had to pretend to be human, he had to put a lot of effort into his play, even just to prevent himself from just killing all the dumb humans around him. They had a way of getting on his nerves that made it all harder. Another frustrating particular was that he couldn't use all the tools he had access to being a Time Lord. Humans had no powers whatsoever, they weren't particularly smart or fast or strong or interesting in general. Sure, there were exceptions. Like you. You were the first human being to spark his interest. You were feisty, clever, quick-witted and curious and when you didn't like something, you spoke up and made sure you were heard. He admired that of you. That was why he had taken you to travel with him.
-Master, have you seen my fake badge? -
The control room of the TARDIS was not exactly the best place to look for your stuff but you were going crazy.
-Have you looked under your bed? - the Master asked without looking up from the console.
You huffed and went back to your room and, sure enough, there it was, under your bed.
You came back to him, waving the badge in your hand.
-Thanks, mum-
The Master hummed.
You put yourself in front of the mirror to pin the fake badge on the lapel of your jacket. You examined your attire, satisfied.
-You look perfect, my dear- the Master said, rubbing his hands with a pleased smile.
You smiled back, turning around for him.
-You think they're gonna fall for it? -
-Of course! We're amazing actors- said the Master with a dismissive hand gesture. You scoffed, amused.
-Besides, I know the Doctor- he said, walking toward you and putting his hands on your hips to draw you closer.
-She's gonna be thrilled to meet her dear friend O- he gave you a big, wicked smile.
-And you're sure she's not gonna recognize you? -
-A hundred per cent. Regeneration helped with that one-
-It sure did- you said, giving him a peck on the lips and an allusive smile.
The plan was simple. You both had roles to play: the Master would be agent O, one of MI6's best and an old friend of the Doctor she had never met in person and you would be his bodyguard. You blindly trusted the Master and you knew how important it was to him that this worked, so you put all the effort you could into your little play and, as the Master had predicted, the Doctor did indeed fall for it.
You greeted her and her friends in your TARDIS, disguised itself as a country house. And everything ran smoothly.
-So, how long have you been working as a bodyguard? - Graham, one of the Doctor's pets, as the Master called them, was really prone to conversations.
-It's been ten years more or less, four of which for agent O- you replied coldly, but not too much. You had to seem professional, reserved but a trustworthy person.
Graham nodded. -You seem to have a pretty good connection there- he said, pointing to the Master, who was chatting excitedly with the Doctor. You tried hard to fight back the smile which threatened to form on your lips as you looked at him playing his part perfectly. He looked like a happy puppy like he couldn't believe he was finally in the presence of the Doctor.
-Yeah, four years will do that to you- you said, looking down at the tea in your cup.
-I bet. It's nice to get along with your employer. Mine's never been that nice- he chuckled. You smiled politely. They seemed like nice chaps, after all, but that hardly mattered. You had a plan, and you were going to stick to it no matter what.
It didn't take too much for things to start moving. The Doctor and her friends clearly trusted you, and they needed your help. Later that night, they brought you along to the birthday party of Daniel Barton, the CEO of an engine company and, unbeknown to them, your secret ally.
The birthday was themed casino and you all dressed in appropriate clothes. Which meant you had to try your hardest to keep your hands to yourself when the Master looked like that. He was wearing a black smocking with a matching black bowtie and he looked damn good.
But you weren't the only one trying to contain themselves. You two hardly had any time to speak, but when the Doctor proposed to divide to study better the place, the Master took you aside.
-I told you everything would be fine- he said, looking around and fixing his jacket.
-Yeah, everything's going smoothly- you nodded. -You heard from Barton? -
-He's here- he said. -The Doctor will probably try to question him. She'll get nothing-
You nodded again, unable to stop staring at the way the Master's hair was gelled back and the jacket fit his shoulders perfectly.
The Master looked back at you and smirked, noticing how your gaze wandered all over his body.
-Enjoying the view? -
Your eyes shot up and you blushed. -I always do- you readily replied.
He licked his lips and nodded. -We better get back to the others or we'll draw too much attention on us-
You nodded and started to walk away, but the Master grabbed your wrist.
-Also, I think you should know that this black dress is driving me insane- he whispered in your ear. You could feel goosebumps rising on every inch of your skin as you looked back into his eyes. He winked and let you go before walking away.
After that, it was quite hard to get back in the part, but you managed to keep your facade for a while more.
-Are you sure you two are not...you know- Yaz said to you while you were playing one of the many casino-themed games.
Yaz was a very smart one. She was the cleverest out of the Doctor's companions and you had understood that pretty soon. You cleared your throat.
-We've grown close over the years, but that's it. It's hard not to become friends with the person you've protected for over six years- you replied. You threw the dice over the green-covered table.
-Six years? - you heard Yaz say.
-Yeah- you said, keeping your eyes on the table. The dice landed on a three.
-Damn, I'm terrible at this game- you sighed.
-You said it was four years-
-What? - you looked at her quizically.
-Earlier today. You said to Graham you had worked for O for four years-
-Right- you forced a laugh. -I was thinking about the number I wanted the dice to land on and I somehow said that out loud-
Yaz nodded and you prayed she had believed you as she grabbed the dice. She looked suspicious, which was not good. You needed to warn the Master.
-I need to use the toilet. I'll be right back- you said and went to look for him.
You found him cheering at one of the tables as Ryan shouted in victory.
-Agent O- you called. He turned to you and the look on your face made his smile fade slowly.
-What happened? -
You signalled him to follow you outside since the others seemed too busy to notice your absence. On your way out, you turned to be sure you weren't being followed and you caught glimpse of Yaz looking in your direction as she talked to Graham and Ryan, a serious expression on her face.
Once you stepped on the porch of the big house, his whole demeanour shifted.
-What? -
-I think Yaz suspects something- you said, looking behind him to be sure no one was approaching you.
-Why? -
You nibbled at your bottom lip.
-I slipped. I said I've known you for six years instead of four and she noticed-
The Master cursed under his breath. You looked down at your feet. You hated to disappoint him.
-I'm sorry I got distracted I...-
-It's okay, she doesn't know yet. We can fix it- he said fixing his hair.
-I'll take care of it. You stay in character-
You nodded and followed him back inside.
-Hey, where were you guys? - asked Graham.
-We were just getting some air. I'm not really good at crowded events- the Master replied, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.
They nodded, but Yaz kept looking at you like she was trying to read your mind.
-Come on, let's play some more- he said putting a hand on Ryan's back and taking him and Graham away.
-We should try and move to that side of the house, I don't think anyone got that covered- you told Yaz and she agreed to follow you.
As you walked through the crowd of people chatting loudly and drinking champagne in their expensive clothes, you tried to keep calm, but Yaz seemed determined to know what was going on.
-What were you and agent O talking about? - she asked.
You reached a pretty isolated part of the house, anyone was hardly passing through there.
-Mh? - you asked with nonchalance. -Oh, nothing much. He gets anxious around crowds-
-So he said- she replied. -You just looked awfully serious-
You nodded. -Well, it must have been an impression, I was just trying to distract him-
Yaz crossed her arms. -Could I see your badge again? -
You gulped but kept your composure.
-Why? You don't trust me? -
-If you have nothing to hide, show it to me-
It wasn't the fake badge that worried you. The Master had done a great job with it. It was that she knew, clearly. And you were running out of excuses. If she told the Doctor, your whole cover would be blown.
-Alright- you said as you fished for the badge inside your bag.
You handed it over to her and she analyzed it in silence for a while.
-Satisfied? - you asked as she gave it back.
-Not yet- she shook her head. -Look, I know something is wrong so just tell me or...-
-Hey you two-
The Master entered the room, his hands in his pockets.
-Is there something wrong? -
You thanked him silently, but his attention was focused on Yaz.
-I could ask you the same thing- said the girl crossing her arms.
The Master gave her a puzzled look.
-I don't know if you two are hiding something but it looks to me like you're being suspicious and I just want to make sure this whole thing works out. That Barton could be seriously dangerous and I'm starting to think you're on his side-
The Master didn't say a word. He looked at her until she shifted on her feet, uncomfortable. Then, he smiled.
-What? - she asked.
The Master took a few steps toward her.
-I'm sure we can give you a satisfying explanation- he said. -But first, could you please look at my watch here? -
Yaz raised her brow in confusion but still glanced down at the pocket watch the Master had taken out. You looked attentively as Yaz's eyes became hollow and her lips parted.
-You will obey-
Hearing him say that made you shiver. You moved your gaze from Yaz to the Master, again and again, captured by the scene unfolding in front of you.
-You will forget every suspicion you have toward us, you never asked us anything and we never said anything to make you doubt our loyalty. Everything is fine-
He said in a soothing voice. Then he snapped his fingers and Yaz seemed to wake up from a slumber.
-Agent O? Y/n? What's going on? -
The Master put his pocket watch back. -What do you mean? You asked us to come here, you wanted to talk- he said, a confused expression on his face.
You almost laughed out loud at that. He was too good.
-Oh...- she said, stretching her head. -I...can't remember. I'm sorry- she chuckled, embarrassed.
-Don't worry. If you can't remember it was probably not that important- he shrugged. -Let's go back to the others-
Yaz nodded and walked away. The Master turned toward you.
-I told you I'd take care of it- he winked.
The rest of your plan worked perfectly. Even when the Doctor found out about your real identities, you both managed to escape, leaving the Doctor and her friends on the plane with a ticking bomb.
-You were amazing! - you exclaimed as you both returned to the TARDIS. You threw your arms around his shoulders and he made you spin, while you both laughed.
-You were not so bad yourself, my dear. Ever thought about a career in the movie industry? - he asked as he kissed your cheek and went to the console.
-I'd get pretty big, wouldn't I? - you joked.
-Now all we have to do, is wait. The bomb is gonna go off any minute! - he said as he mimed the explosion with his hands. You laughed.
-Oh by the way- you said. -What was that thing you did? With the watch? -
-Mh? Oh, hypnosis- he said distractedly.
You watched as he ran around to press buttons and levers.
-I didn't know you could do that-
The Master looked up. You were staring at him intently, biting your lip.
-It was...interesting- you said, your voice lower.
-Was it? - the Master asked, leaving the lever he was holding to take a step toward you.
-Mhmh- you nodded, putting your hands on his shoulders. -I gotta say, it was hard to focus afterwards-
The Master kept moving his gaze from your eyes to your lips.
-That's...very good to know- he said, your faces inches apart.
-It is, isn't it? - you moved your hands down his clothed chest. -I was thinking maybe you could...you know, use it on me-
The Master widened his eyes in surprise. -You want me to hypnotize you? -
You smiled shyly. -Why not? You could ask me to do anything you like. Not that there is much I wouldn't do- you chuckled.
The Master licked his lips and smirked, gripping your hips tighter.
-Are you sure? -
You nodded. -I am-
He looked into your eyes, studying them, but he found nothing but sincerity and lust.
-Alright then- he said as he slowly moved one of his hands away from your side and took out his pocket watch. He glanced up at you once again and you smiled, biting down on your lip.
The Master smiled back and opened the watch.
-Look at it for me, doll-
You did as he asked as a shiver of excitement ran up your spine.
As soon as your eyes met the old silver watch you felt a soothing sense of calm like your mind had just emptied of every thought. You had never felt so relaxed. The plan, the Doctor and her companions, Barton, everything seemed like a faraway dream. You heard the voice of the Master echo in the silence as he whispered in your ear: -You will obey-
Even in that state, his voice pronouncing those words made you melt, a warm sensation spreading through your body.
You felt the Master's hand cup your face.
-Now, what shall we do with you? - he looked at you, tilting his head.
-First off, take off your clothes. Yes, that's a good start-
You automatically took off your dress, leaving your bare body in front of him. He crossed his arms and let his eyes roam over your skin.
-Absolutely stunning- he said caressing your cheek with a feather-like touch.
-Now, kiss me-
You felt your body move as your lips met and your hands came up to his soft, dark hair. Your tongues moved slowly one against the other, his mouth tasting of champagne.
-God, you're poison, doll- he breathed out when you parted.
Even when you felt like a spectator of the scene, incapable of actually acting out of your own decisions, you could feel your body reacting to his words. This had proven to be a great idea, already.
Right then, the Master's phone started to ring.
He huffed in annoyance and debated whether to pick up or not. Your current activity was way more fun. But Barton's name was on his screen and he couldn't forget about the plan. He picked up and you saw his expression change from annoyed to preoccupied to angry.
-What do you mean they escaped?! - he shouted.
Whatever Barton replied must have been not good because the Master pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed loudly. -Alright...yeah yes I'll fix it. You focus on your part of the deal- and he hung up.
He put his phone back in his pocket and looked at you.
-I'm sorry, darling, we're gonna have to save this for later- he said, caressing your face.
He snapped his fingers and you came back to reality, batting your eyelids repeatedly.
-Everything alright? - he softly asked.
-Yes, I'm fine- you looked around, then down at your naked body and at his still clothed form, disappointed.
-I know, I'm sorry. Barton called. The Doctor survived the bomb- he said and his face darkened.
You nodded. -It's okay, we have work to do- you said picking your dress off the floor. -Let's go finish this, then we can pick up where we left off-
The Master nodded and kissed your lips, leaving you longing for more. But business called and you had to answer.
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Finding Hugo: Hugo x Male!Reader
*Requested by @jiejie-eonni-onee-sama @owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tammykelly @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182 @marlenemarauders @what-the--curtains @taikawho @spookybearlandtaco  Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
____________ ***Winter-1943***
You had been on the run for a year or so, ever since they took Hugo from you. Actually....it wasn't so simple. Hugo had been arrested, of course, for what made him infamous all over the western front: Killing 13 Gestapo officers. But that was just it... He'd only killed half of them. You killed the other half. You were a team, partners in crime. He loved you, and you had no doubts about it. The only problem was that he'd protect you even if it cost him his life. And that's what happened. He took a bullet for you, really. Literally, and figuratively. He took the blame for all 13 kills, and made sure you got away safely  by taking a bullet that was meant for you. By the time you realized he wasn't behind you, it was too late. But  ever since you heard he broke out of prison, you'd been looking for him. You were on the run, crossing Europe, trying to find him. You still had Hugo's knife with you. You never stopped using it. You had to if you were going to survive long enough to find him. Now, you had crossed over to Nazi-occupied France, losing your way, losing your head, and losing any remaining hope of finding Hugo.
***Meanwhile The basterds were carefully trudging through France, trying to get their shit together, really. It had been so long since they'd had a safe place to stay, running hot water, food other than stale sandwiches, which worst of all, were made by Aldo, who was a major fan of mayonaise. Which half the baterds hated. "And on top of that, it's fucking snowing!" Omar shivered, crossing his arms, clutching onto his thin sweater tightly, and clenching his teeth. "It's a...dusting." Donny looked up at the snow, which was now falling even more heavily. "We're also out of ammo. And...we've probably been spotted by way too many patrols by now. And-" Smitty tended to get more nervous the more he explained things, so Aldo cut him off, "Alright. So we're in a tight place. We been in hell, son. We'll damn sure be alright." As the sky dimmed, and the snow kept falling, they went up a steep, isolated slope in the countryside. Well, it seemed isolated. Until they saw a figure bounding down the hill. Aldo stretched out his arm, signaling the boys the stand down, in case it was just a civilian "Steady..." But in case it wasn't, each of them gripped a knife hidden in a pocket. Donny held on to his bat, of course. Hugo...well... His eyes went wide, and he couldn't believe them. "Y/n..." You froze. You were paranoid. You thought you'd been caught. But before you reached for your luger, you realized you knew that voice. It had been a lifetime since you heard him say your name.... But there it was, like a dream all over again. "Hugo!" You ran to him, wrapping your arms so tightly around him to convince yourself it wasn't a dream, that  it was real this time. He buried his face in your shoulder, his hand pressed against the back of your head as he tried to convince himself that it really was you. He took a deep breath, perhaps the only time he'd been able to really breathe since he last saw you. "Y/n..." You were frozen in time, until...well, you remember you were in France. "Now, this is touchin' n' all, but we got some real trouble, Hugo. You 'n your friend can catch up on our way to...anywhere but here, sergeant." Aldo chuckled, but signaled everyone to follow his lead to 'anywhere but here.' "Fuck a duck," Donny muttered. "We lost, lieutenant?" "We ain't lost if we don't know where we're goin, son." Aldo sighed, tired, wondering if they'd make it to the end of the week without any ammo, or clue of what to do. Wicki looked around, recognizing they were near the edge of France, not too far from Switzerland. "Gstaad." Hirschberg snorted, and laughed "We ain't takin' a vaction now, Wicki!" Wicki rolled his eyes, quickly explaining as he pushed ahead, up the slope, now taking lead "No. I know a place." "You know a place in Gstaad?" "My sister and her husband are MI6 agents. They run a small place in Gstaad, and help agents. If we can make it into Switzerland, we can make it there." Aldo stopped, "Well, that's one hell of a gamble." Hugo, for a moment, left your side. "What choice do we have?" Donny nodded, as he took a bite his last share of sandwiches. "He's got a point." And so, you were off, back up the slope, through the countryside in the dead of night. As you walked up, Hugo's hand brushed against yours, and you glanced at him with a smile warm enough to help him forget the sharp winter night. "So tell us 'bout your friend," Aldo was a little ahead of you. "This is Y/n. He used to work with me." Wicki nudged Hugo, as he had a bit of an inkling about the way you and Hugo glanced at each other, "By work you mean..." "Those 13 Gestapo officers? Half of them were his work." Hugo chuckled, though his eyes lingered on yours, with a wistful, soft smile. Sleepless endless days of secrecy and a gamble of a train ride later, you were there. It was night again, maybe nine o clock.  It was a nice little town, with towering snowy slopes, and an endless sky sprinkled with bright stars. You glanced at Hugo, and he looked down at his feet, with a shy smile. Maybe it would be a nicer place to be if you weren't being hunted. You laughed softly to yourself. You all followed Wicki, who was going off of his memory of a picture he received in a letter just before being drafted. "Here." He stood outside of an inviting wooden lodge, orange lights filtering out of a few windows, and a slow stream of smoke flowing from the fireplaces. He opened the door, and the rest of you followed. There was a man at the desk in the lobby, looking through some records. A little girl, maybe thrree or four years old. Wicki only recognized them from photographs. The man didn't look up. "Juste une minute, monsieur." "Just a minute, sir." He put the pen down and looked up. "Wilhelm?" He'd never had the honor of meeting his brother in law, but now was a good time as any. He turned back, calling "Eva!" Eva walked in, surprised to see her brother. Normally, only people with reservations were let in. And...the only ones who could make reservations were agents and spies working for the allies. Still, there was room for an exception. Especially this one. Still, Wicki's surprise family reunion was not the most eventful part of the night. Once the basterds ate, had a drink or two, showered, and were split into rooms, Aldo got down to business, poking around, speaking to a few agents who could hook the basterds up with some well needed and deserved guns and ammo. Wicki, of course, spent as much time as he could with his family. So he stayed in the room. His sister and brother-in-law, being MI6 agents, had some information to help the basterds. Wicki and Aldo started working on a plan and path back to France. Donny joined them soon after. Being the sergeant meant he had to be informed. The rest of the basterds rested up in their rooms. Still, this was Gstaad. When else would these boys have the chance to be in a place like this? They were surrounded by agents from all the allies, making this both the safest, and most dangerous place to be. But you and Hugo...it had been so long... Exploring the town  with the younger basterds sounded fun, but there were things more important to you. To both of you. You sat on the edge of Hugo's bed. He had never been a man of many words. But he never let you forget how much he loved you. Tonight was no different. He kissed you, trying to make up for all the lost time all at once. You'd showered and eaten, and warmed up a little. But that didn't erase the worries and questions in Hugo's restless mind. It also didn't erase the fact that you were covered in blood (both yours, and not yours) when you found him. "Wo warst du?" "Where've you been?" "I've just been looking for you," You paused, and smirked a little, "Mostly." You handed his knife back over to him. He sighed, smiling softly, resting his hand againast your cheek. He shook his head. He wanted you to keep it. "You found me." "I did," You smiled, annd kissed him again. "HEY HIRSCHBERG LET'S GO!" The door suddenly swung open, and both Omar and Utivich stumbled in, laughing, expecting to find Hirschberg. Hugo's eyes shot open, "GET OUT." "W....SORRY!" Omar and Utivich quickly shuffled out of the room blushing, but...that wasn't enough. Hugo glared at them with the knife in hand.   "Hugo," You put your hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down,  and he sighed. The boys looked terrified. You slipped your hand into his, though you were also scared.  "They said they were sorry, now-"
Hirschberg walked down the hall, pulling on his jacket, "ALRIGHT GODDAMNIT, WH-....what's uh..." He peeked through the door, "OH NICE!" Hugo was fuming, "GO AWAY." Now, the rest of the basterds rushed in, having heard the commotion, they thought there was trouble. Donny peered over the basterd's heads, "WHAT'S GOIN' ON?!" He saw you and Hugo and shrugged, "Aw fuck a duck." He took a breath and lowered his bat. "You uh...you three needa learn how to knock." He'd unfortunately had a similar run in. Hirschberg and Smitty had walked in on him and a...lady of the night...back in Paris once. They really needed to learn how to knock. Wicki stood there, and chuckled "Already, huh?" Hugo had told him about you, once.... Well...he mentioned you. But the way he said your name was enough to tip Wicki off about what was going on between you. He muttered through clenched teeth and impatient glares, "Gehen. Weg." 'Go. Away.' Aldo cleared his throat, "Alright, alright, everyone get the hell out." The basterds did as they were told, and just as Aldo closed the door, he peeked in "Hugo?" "What?" Normally, he was a little more formal, especially around his lieutenant. But right now...he was a little eager to be alone with you. "Way to go, boy." Aldo smirked and shut the door, and Hugo scowled. Still, he sighed, sitting down by you. He knew the basterds meant well. That was your very first night as a basterd. It was quite a welcome, but you wouldn't have had it any other way. The boys would become like your brothers, and Hugo remained your everything. That first, slightly embarrassing, night was something you all looked back on fondly and had a laugh about later. But to you and Hugo, it was just one page in a story of your own. Now that you'd found him, you were sure it would never end.
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apples-r-rubbish · 4 years
Institute (13th Doctor x reader) Part 4
Summary:  An adventure with the Doctor leads you the outback, with a mysterious stranger Word Count: 2.8k AN:  2 parts on one night because I’m feeling nice :) hope you enjoy! -L x Warnings: none Tags: @startrekkingaroundasgard @penguinwithitsarseonfire​
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Travelling in the TARDIS was weird, you’d imagined it handful of times and yet it couldn’t actually compare to it happening
“It’s bigger on the inside. Sorry I always wanted to say that,” You chuckled in awe of the ship
“Any weird burning questions?” She asked flipping a few switches and looking at you over the console
“Is it actually psychic? And are the bunk beds still around? I really want to believe Amy was kidding about both of those”
“Yes, no and no. Yes it is psychic, no the bunk beds aren’t around although I still love them and no she wasn’t joking,” She explained stepping over to you and tapping a few buttons “We’re here, wardrobe is down the corridor, a left then a right then another right. I mean I am assuming you don’t want to wear a work suit on another planet, that is” She said with a small laugh escaping her lips. She was beautiful. 
Eventually you found the wardrobe got dressed and wandered back out, the TARDIS was suspended in the air and she was on the phone, “Just calling to say hi, fam. Where are you? We said an hour. You're late. Very late. All of you. And I picked up (Y/N), on the way we finally matched so we had that date, right see you soon,” 
“You have a group chat?” You asked disrupting her thoughts as she messed with various tubes and cables
“Yeah, just in case. You look nice, I think that’s the most casual I’ve ever seen you, other than New years,” She laughed, helping you out of the box with her surprisingly strong arms. She didn’t notice the black cars pull up behind her, or a few men dressed in all black step out
“We need you to come with us,” One of them stated, in a monotone voice
“Can I finish up first? I'm just draining the water slides. And the boating lakes. And the rainforest floor. Plus, I'm waiting for my mates,” She frowned clearly not pleased by his request 
“Your friends are inside the car. We went to your office to find you Miss (L/N), however you weren’t there,” The agent further explained. At that point Graham stuck a cautious and slightly confused head out of the window “This is the worst uber ever,” He joked
“Please, it’s in your best interest you come with us,” The man urged again. The doctor looked at you, and you nodded and gave a cautious smile, she took your hand and stepped into the car. She got into the front and you got into one of the backseats, greeted by the confused faces of Graham, Ryan and Yaz. You explained the situation quietly to them whilst they nodded at brief intervals. That was until the car got murder obsessed and killed the driver and decided to fire at you until the Doctor managed to fix it and you arrived at M.I.6 headquarters in one piece. 
MI6 was busy and despite the Doctors lack of faith in them they managed to get the TARDIS to the building in one piece. A heavy looking, important man wandered over to the group and tried to introduce himself to Graham, “Well, well, well. Finally we meet. You actually do exist.”
Graham stood there a confused look clear on his face, whilst an advisor whispered into the man's ear. You recognised him as C due to brief encounters MI6 and the institute had had over the years
“No, I’ve read the files. The Doctor is a man,” was his response. You laughed at that, earning a glare from both C and the Doctor. 
“Some of us have been lucky enough for an upgrade. Hi sorry, I’m the Doctor, the car you sent for us tried to kill us,”
“Oh we tried to escort you here not kill you,” He man laughed
“I swear, we have better tech at the institute and we aren’t ran by the government,” You frowned
“Ah Miss (L/N), lovely to see you again. How’s the institute? Still up to date on conspiracy theories and wasting money I see?” He shot back, a smug smile resting on his face “We need your help Doctor.”
After showing you all, the body of a former human in a coma and various spy gadgets, C explained the situation. “All of the spies that have ended up like this have been assigned to one man, Daniel Barton. Founded VOR.”
“We need skywatcher on this, where is he? I haven’t seen him yet?” 
“We fired him-” He began. The Doctor pulled out her phone, typed a text and sent it, “kisses. Very french isn’t it?” She said another small wink aimed in your direction. Her phone dinged, in response a picture of a fish. She pushed the phone back into her pocket
“I can’t believe you fired the only person with an open mind about aliens-” 
“Can we focus, look, we think Barton may be a double or triple agent he could be working for-” You heard the glass smash first, before C’s head rocked forward revealing a gun wound. You all ducked, running out the room as fast as you could, sprinting to the TARDIS. The Doctor typed away at the console as you stared in horror as something broke through the doors and tried to reach for you as the others were busy arguing
“That’s definitely not supposed to happen!” You shouted as the final button was pushed sending the thing vanishing
“Right, Ryan, Yaz, undercover work, investigating Daniel Barton, anything you can get on him, anything unusual, anything alien. (L/N) you can hack the list and get them in right? You can do it through the console,” 
“On it,” you nodded calming down, and clicking away at a few buttons on the console
“So me Graham and (Y/N) will go and investigate my friend. Me and her, we’ve got the best chance of getting him to listen, I’m literally an alien and she’s my assigned stalker.” You stuck your tongue out at that, as you finished typing.
“I see you decoded my message. Fancy a cuppa?” A man sat in a chair asked, when the three of you exited after dropping off Ryan and Yaz.
“Always. Hello, this is my friend Graham, and my other friend (Y/N), she works for the Bad Wolf institute,” 
“And you’re?” Graham asked
“O,” He responded, standing to greet the you all
“O. It was an inside joke, C would always say it when I entered a room and it just stuck,” O explained
“Can I take a nose around your gaff?” The doctor asked, not waiting for a response before heading in
“Sorry to hear about you being fired. I would have offered you a job if I’d have known about your interests,” You smiled
“Thank you, that’s kind. I heard about the attack, I’m so sorry that happened cybermen are especially awful,”
You wandered into your house, a mess of technology and paperwork was strewn about the house
“What is all this stuff?” Graham asked, trying to sound as polite as he could
“The full MI6 record of the unexplained, as compiled by me. Human disappearances, sightings of unidentified objects, mysterious beings, possible alien incursions going back centuries,”
“So basically my department then?” You asked sipping something that vaguely resembled tea
“I’ve read about you,” O began “You’re amazing. A missing person’s case, a ghost but you have all that power, that knowledge.” 
“Had no family left, and a few friends when I joined the institute, no one to miss me. Better that way, connections to the institute make you vulnerable. Especially dealing with aliens and time travel,” You explained
“Still, you appear throughout history, that’s amazing! Even as a missing person,” he rambled, light in his eyes. The Doctor cringed at that, she did not appreciate the way he looked at you or asked questions like that
Panic flooded your system, the two guards were gone, and one of those glowing figures remained. 
“It’s coming through the wall!” Graham shouted
“There’s another trap, it won’t release we need to get it to that spot,” O gestured as he fiddled with controls. Without thinking, you rushed to the spot and made lots of noise, it took steps toward you until the heavy trap glass cage slammed down over it. More typing and shouting between the two of them until the energy had been rerouted. You fell to the floor in relief after it was contained
“You ok?” The doctor asked, waiting for a brief nod before she turned to scan the thing, ignoring you. O helped you to your feet, “It worked, it actually worked. You were brilliant, thank you for doing that. You can stay if you like. It worked,” He buzzed, small excited jumps coming from him as he held you hands for support. You simply laughed at him as the Doctor attempted to interview the being. It had begun glowing
“It’s fighting back,” O announced, suddenly rushing back to the monitor  “It’s trying to overload the systems,” The monitor shocked him angrily. The thing vanished and in its place was Yaz.
After a bit of time hopping you were back, you’d picked up Ryan. It was daytime in the outback. You were sat on a kitchen counter, as Graham and O talked at the table
“How do you know her?” Graham asked O in attempt to make conversation
“I had brief encounter with her once, back when she was a man,”
“Everyone keeps saying that. Even her. She was actually a man?” Graham questioned as you and O laughed
“What do you know about her home planet? They can cheat death, on there,” O started before he was cut off by the Doctor existing the TARDIS holding a large glass jug. More explanations, more confusion, more plans. Barton’s DNA was only 93% human. A vaguely threatening animation. Your head was spinning, you were overwhelmed. O went to talk to you, the doctor stopped him and offered him a trip as you had to break into a party, talk to Barton, she guided him towards the TARDIS. Before turning back to you, “You alright?”
“Overwhelmed, tired. Very different to case files and vortex manipulators,” You mumbled, resting a cautious head on her shoulder. She pressed a finger to one of your temples and the sensation went, “should be fine now. C’mon party to investigate, let’s get dressed up,” She said, tugging you towards the TARDIS as O exited it and rambled about how impossible everything was. 
You were dressed in a suit and at the party, it was crowded and loud. “Is this the time to mention I never did much undercover work?” 
“You said you worked for MI6 didn’t you, son?” Graham asked
“Yeah as analyst,” O responded “I don’t think I did any missions,”
“Breathe, you’ll be fine. Done this loads of times,” You responded, the Doctor frowned, “What? I don’t just use my time in other periods for work purposes, my time travel isn’t too dissimilar from yours.”
You split up, Graham and Ryan going in one direction, Yaz going in another, you nodded at the Doctor before splitting from the others O trailing behind you.
“Sorry, you just seem to make this look so easy,” 
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it, we'll play some games and try to get you relaxed and also look for Barton.” You reassured him. You selected a game and played.  You tossed the dice casually as people cheered
“Did we win?” You asked confusion clear
“No, not remotely, but you know what they say unlucky in dice, lucky in love,” O said, staring at you a small smile on his face
“I’ve never heard that,”
“That’s because they don’t actually say that,” He laughed. The Doctor stormed back into the room, “We have to go now, Barton’s getting away,” You nodded and sped after her. She insisted on stealing motorbikes outfront and insisted you stay with her
“Promise me, you know how to ride this,” You said as you held her waist tightly
“I have a vague idea, I’m sure we’ll be fine,” She said as she started it and sped away the others following closely behind her “I could get used to this you know, you clinging to me,” There was smug element to her voice
“You chose to flirt now when we’re being shot at? And when you’re riding a motorbike,” you hissed slightly sarcastically
“Never a better time, I do some of my best work under pressure,” She laughed
Eventually you arrived at an aircraft carrier and you snuck past what little security there was.
“We can’t let him get away c’mon,” the doctor said chasing the plane, 
“It’s not as if we’re going to jump on the plane- no- you can’t be serious-” Graham muttered. The Doctor threw herself into the plane followed, by you, the fam and O trailing slightly behind, you grabbed his arm and helped pull him into the plane
“It’s alright, I’ve got you,” You said as he caught his breath. The Doctor frowned as she closed the hatch. The six of you headed further into the plane. “Sorry about that, I’ve never been good at sprinting. I was the last one in every race at school” O  explained a sheepish smile stuck to his features
“Sorry what?” The Doctor asked, cogs turning in her brain “I read your file, you were a champion sprinter?”
There was a heavy pause. Followed by a laugh and a shift in O’s demeanor “Got me. Well done.” A sharp clap punctuating his sentence
“I’m sorry what?” Yaz piped up
“Might want to look out the window, a little bit wicked witch, but you get the gist. Maybe. Maybe not.” His house was hanging outside the window suspended in midair.
“No,” was all the doctor managed to say
“Come on Doctor, catch up you can do it!” He pointed a finger at you “And you should be using your pathetic human brain, c’mon you can do it, you’ve read all the files,” 
“Oh,” was all the doctor managed to say. You swore, loudly.
“That’s my name, that’s why I chose it. Oh, so satisfying. Doctor, I did say look for the spymaster. Or should I say spy... Master? Hi. And you, you’ve read countless files upon files about me and yet, you couldn’t figure it out,” 
You sat there stunned, unable to move in shock “But you can’t- you shouldn’t- you- you died-” was all that managed to stutter out of your mouth
“I can be and I very much am, sweetheart,” He replied, cool confidence in his tone
“So, what’s going on? He’s not O?” 
“I’m her best enemy, call me Master. Me and her,” he said gesturing towards the doctor “go way, way, way back,”
“But I met O years ago?”
“I know, I know,” He laughed jumping like a giddy child
“But there was an O? C mentioned him,” Ryan asked clearly still confused
“Yeah, a man very close to my heart,” he said placing a hand on his chest “Not that one the other one. Well, my pocket actually,” He pulled a small matchbox out of his pocket revealing a small miniaturized figure within it “It’s always good to keep a backup of one’s work. Tissue compression it’s a classic. Aw you should have laughed at that,” He nudged you as he said it, “ambushed him on his way to work for the first day, shrunk him down and took his identity. That staff canteen was surprisingly good,” He tossed the matchbox casually to one side “I have had SO much fun!”
The doctor snapped into action, “We have to warn Barton! He’s not here? What did you do?”
He fell into the chair next to you, “I don’t understand what you see in her, she’s not very bright is she, love? Wrong question, dear. Check the seat,” He smirked, you sat there still processing everything. “Oops, made it sonic proof, no parachutes, deadlock sealed. Cockpit bomb, short fuse. I can relate,” The master stood up overdramatically. 
“Where’s Barton then?” You asked
“Called away before take off. Stick with me (Y/N), I control everything.” He clicked his fingers and two of the Kaasavan appeared. You backed into your seat and shook your head violently
“Get back, I can’t stop it!” The doctor shouted, slamming the door as a loud boom sounded.
“Oops. One last thing, Something you should know in the seconds before you die, everything you know is a lie.” And with that, he had vanished. The last thing you saw of the Doctor was her panic filled eyes staring at you.
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how-masterful · 4 years
Call Him Master
Dhawan!master x reader
Summary: Stuck on a plane with no way out, the Doctor and team tardis find that their newest travelling companion and MI6 ally aren't who they appear to be after all.
Notes: This is my first published fic! I knew I had to rewrite this scene and add some reader insert to it, I hope you all enjoy! ❤ all feedback is greatly appreciated!
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O's eyes went dark, face settling from his guilty expression to a deep, unsettling glare.
"Got me...well done."
You bit your lip and held back a smirk, gripping the fabric of your gown in anticipation as confusion travelled across the face's of everyone on the plane.
"Whats going on, Doc?" Graham asked, O turning to look at the Doctor and raising his eyebrows. "I don't know" she replied, tilting her head and leaning closer to his face. O let out a chuckled and turned to you, smiling condescendingly. "She doesn't know!" He mocked, causing your smirk to deepen.
"I suggest you all take a look out the window." The four travellers scrambled to the window seats of the plane. You couldn't help but laugh. "How's your house out there?" Graham gulped, confusion lacing his tone. O shrugged his shoulder's. "Its a bit wicked witch of the west, but you get my gist" he mused, the confused ramblings of the companions making you giggle.
"So damn slow, arent they?"
O's eyes turned to you, a sick smile gracing his lips at your comment. You wanted nothing more but to run into his arms there and then. The Doctor stormed down the middle isle towards you, grabbed your arm and yanked you behind her protectively, causing you to roll your eyes. O returned the sentiment, a small growl in his tone. He didn't enjoy seeing you manhandled.
"Who the hell are you?"
O grinned mischievously. "C'mon doctor, catch up- you can do it" the Doctor's gaze met O's, her mind rapidly thinking as the agent before her coaxed her on, practically begging her to figure it out. You held your breath in delight, ready for the penny to drop. And when it did, it was delightful. "Oh!" The Doctor gasped, the pair of you giggling. Her face dropped in horror as she stepped back, holding you behind her, as if protecting you from the man before you.
"That's my name, and that is why I chose it! So satisfying, isn't it dear?" You nodded in agreement, the companions behind you looking remarkably lost. You smirked darkly- they never were that bright.
"Doctor, I did say look for the spymaster" O started, taking an ominous step closer. The Doctor pulled the four of you back, trying to protect you from his predatory stance. Your heart was racing, eyes begging him to finally say what you'd been waiting to hear for months on end.
"Or, should I say spy... master."
Your smile was wide as ever, heart pounding out of your chest. There he was, in all his glory- you hadn't heard that name in so long. And god, he sounded good when he said it. His devious smirk confirmed your hopes: O was well and truly gone, and the Master, your Master, was back. Gone was the wide eyed wonder and innocent facade, gentle nature and humble grin- now he stood over the five of you proud and dangerous, a sight you'd been desperate to see for a very, very long time.
"Hi." The Master gave a playful wave, your smile widening as he stalked towards you, the Doctor standing her ground. "You cant be!" She cried, the Masters smile falling as he gestured to his chest, eyes dark. "I can be, I very much am." The Doctor growled as he scrunched his nose at her, laughing smugly as she covered her mouth- she looked like she was going to be sick.
"So who is he?" Graham asked, the Doctor turning to face you all with wide eyes. You sighed in annoyance and turned to the man. "Oh keep up, will you?" You snapped, before turning back to the master, who wore a devilish grin. "I'm her best enemy. We go way, way back, don't we Doctor?" He jibed, laughing again as the Doctor looked dangerously pale. Ryan frowned in confusion. "So hes not really O?" You shook your head with a dark laugh.
"Of course not" you teased. The Master reached out his hand, all eyes falling on you as you eagerly sauntered down the isle, taking his hand and meeting his proud gaze.
"Call him Master."
You nestled close into the masters side, arms winding around his middle. He hummed in appreciation, arm curling around your waist possessively, your head resting against his shoulder.
"I certainly do"
The Doctor gasped quietly, mouth agape and eyebrows shooting up to her hairline. Her eyes drooped sadly. "Y/N, what are you doing?" She all but whispered, standing before the pair of you. The Master grinned. "Thats it, thats the face I told you about. The face of utter betrayal." The Master gently held your chin, turning your face to meet his gaze. "When she finally realises her shiny new pet was truly mine, all along." You blushed lightly, his tone making you shiver in his grasp.
"Did I do well, Master?" You purred, hand resting on his chest, the comforting symphony of his hearts under your palm.
"You did phenomenal, love" he replied, before pulling your lips to meet his own, crashing them together in a hungry kiss.
"What the hell?" Yaz cried. The four travellers before you gaping at the scene. You'd travelled with them for months, why were you suddenly siding with the man who claimed to be the doctors enemy? You sighed contently as you broke for air, resting your head back on his shoulder and giggling at the faces in front of you. The Master was right- it was so satisfying.
"You didnt think you met the perfect new pet to travel with by accident, did you Doctor?" The Master sneered, glancing at the other companions aboard the plane and brushing the hair away from your face. "Just like myself at MI6, my darling Y/N went undercover and posed as your companion." You waved teasingly, slowly parting from the master and stepping towards the Doctor. "I must admit, it was painful pretending to enjoy your company- but watching you slowly trust me more and more? An absolute thrill."
Ryan tilted his head. "So you knew this would happen, all along?" You nodded, pursing your lips. "I knew what and how, but not when. I may be a good actress, but I too like to be surprised now and again" you giggled, the Master looming over you from behind, watching you intently. The Doctor grabbed your arm and met your eyes, expression hopeful yet sad. The Master snarled lowly, stepping closer to you.
"When did he get you, Y/N? He's hypnotising you, none of this is real." You laughed incredulously, the Doctor tightening her grip. "This isnt the Y/N I know."
You leaned down and smirked triumphantly at her. "He wasnt the O you knew either, but here we are."
The Master smirked as you yanked your arm away, retreating back into the timelords arms and sinking into his embrace. "Speaking of O, poor chap, do you want to see him?" You smiled knowingly, the Master reaching for his inside pocket. "A man close to my hearts...well, my pocket." He slowly produced the matchbox from his jackets inside lining, presenting it to the Doctor and co with delight. He reluctantly moved his arm from your waist.
"Like I told you love, always good to keep a backup of ones work. Tissue compression, its a classic. "
Butterflies swarmed in your stomach, the sight of a miniaturised corpse in the box making the other humans before you practically retch. It was so delightfully him, the Master laughing with pride as the Doctor watched on with pained eyes. His reveal had truly broken her, and you had the best seat in the house. Well, the plane.
"I shrunk him, on the way to work on his first day- stole his identity, and set myself up in MI6. All that was left then was to plant our dear Y/N at the perfect point in your timeline, and watch the magic happen." The Master taunted. He crushed the matchbox in his hand and threw it over his shoulder. "Surprisingly good stuff."
"So you two were working together the whole time?" Graham asked, causing you both to laugh. "Oh yes! And we have had... a LOT of fun." Waves of furious excitement rippled off the Master as you clapped with glee, his eyes alit with manic joy. The Doctor glowered at the sight, rage bubbling in her gut as she watched you both. You'd just ripped the rug out from under her, TWICE, and now you were rubbing your victory in her face. She suddenly gasped.
"I have to warn Barton!" The Doctor stormed down the middle isles, hastilly shoving you into the Masters arms, your hands flying to his shoulders. He instinctively gripped your hips to steady you, comically raising his eyebrows in concern as the doctor burst into the cockpit, dramatically wincing behind her back. The Doctor cried out in shock at the sight of the empty room, returning to the cabin in horror.
"Wheres Barton?! He's not here!" She cried. The Master playfully jumped in terror, pulling you down the plane in mock panic, companions scrabbling behind you. "Oh no, Barton!" He gulped, suddenly pulling you onto his lap, ducking down onto one of the seats.
"What did you do?!" The Doctor yelled, the Master playing with your hair as the humans beside her yelled in terror. You gave a shiver of pleasure as he tucked a strand behind your ear, Graham peeking into the cockpit with trepidation as you raked your nails through his hair. The timelord shivered. "Whos flying the plane?!"
The Masters eyes widened in glee- he was so hoping someone would ask. "Wrong question." He growled, hand on your thigh. You trailed a row of quick kisses down his jaw, your lips against his stubble causing him to practically purr. As much as you loved his clean shaven chin, you absolutely adored his usual beard. He squeezed your thigh teasingly as four sets of terrified eyes landed on you both expectantly. "Check the seat."
A delicious smirk grew on the Masters face as the Doctor ran to the pilot seat of the plane, his hand landing on the small of your back as he guided you up from his lap, following you down the plane. "Cockpit bomb, Doctor!" You declared. "Made from parts I aquired over our little adventures together."
The Master gazed down at you proudly, arm around your waist. "Short fuse, I can relate" he teased, sending a wink your way with a hummed laugh. A blush tinged your cheeks, hands wandering up his jacket collar, his other arm meeting around your waist and cementing you in his grasp. "Mm, i'm loving all this" your hands smoothed out his lapels, the Master chuckling down at you.
"Oh really?"
"Yes really."
"Well, I did dress to impress."
"Mm, that you certainly did."
A playfull giggle escaped your lips, the continuous chaos at the front of the plane the least of your concerns. The Master flashed his ever charming smile, joining your laughter. You bit your lip- even in the middle of all the panic, the Master would never resist a chance to flirt. He loved seeing you hot and bothered too much to hold back. The Master glanced hungrily at your purple gown, raising his eyebrow knowingly.
"Was the purple just for me?"
"You're not the only one aiming to please, master."
The Master purred lowly, grip tightening on the small of your back. The Doctors ramblings flittered through the plane, your attention too focused on the Master to care. He leaned his face in close, hot breath on your cheek causing you to bite your lip. His pupils were blown, raking up and down your form. The moment was close to perfect.
The sound of the Doctors sonic suddenly pulled the Master from your gaze. His face instantly fell, proud grin mutating into a furious sneer as he pushed you behind his back, pointing threateningly at the female timelord. You let out an annoyed growl, narrowing your eyes. Of course she had to ruin your moment. It was all going so well.
"No!" He yelled, practically shaking with anger. "You really think I wouldn't make that sonic proof, Doctor?!" You grasped ahold of his bicep, feeling his trembling rage as you released a huff. He was almost spitting in pure malice.
Your hand slid down his arm, his balled fist slowly opening as you slipped your hand into his grasp. You squeezed his palm, grounding him. The Master took a shaking breath, squeezing back.
"Deadlock seal, and I made sure there were no parachutes on board." The Doctor was visibly panicking, raking her hands through her hair. The timer on the bomb continued to tick. Yaz turned to the Master, expression furious.
"Wheres Barton? We saw him coming in!" The master smirked smugly, his grip on your hand tightening. You moved closer to his side. "Pulled away before takeoff- by me" he replied, your other hand snaking over his bicep. The Master turned to glance at you, your devious gaze making him smile. "Stick with us, Yaz" he laughed, sighing contently.
"Because I control... everything. Even these guys!" He finished with a flourish, whistling with a spin and a snap of his fingers.
The roar of the Kaasavin filled the cabin, the creatures pulling themselves out of the plane floor. The Master pulled you tight to his chest, breath shallow. "Hold on tight" he cautioned, the Doctors panicked wail emerging from the cockpit. "I can't do it!" She cried, and the Master laughed triumphantly.
The timelord slammed the cockpit door shut, the plane suddenly rocking with the force of the explosion. A manic laugh emerged from your throat, your grip tight on the leather seat.
The plane was starting to crash.
The ricocheting bang began to pull the air out of the cabin, a tunnel of wind errupting as the six of you held on for dear life. You kept tight hold of the chair before you, nails digging into the leather as the wind began to pull at your form. You growled in protest, legs kicking against the wind as the Master stood over the Doctor.
"Something you should know, in the seconds before you die!"
His voice was furious, pushing himself against the wind on the plane seat backs. He leaned in close and glared.
"Everything that you think you know, is a lie!"
You grip was faultering on the seat, the leather squeaking under your palms as you used all your might to hold on. The force was becoming too strong, your head turning to the Master as he straightened up before the Doctor.
"Master!" The renegade timelords head snapped in your direction, arm lurching for your waist.
"Y/N please!" The Doctor screamed, but the master would never let you fall. He pulled you tightly to his side, your hair and gown bellowing in the wind as you clutched onto his chest, laughing manically from the shock.
"Got you!"
The Master grinned, the four travellers before you both screaming in desperation as they clutched onto whatever they could grab purchase on. The Master leant in close, forehead on your own as he sighed with resolution, gaze meeting your own.
His grip never slipping from your middle, an elated giggle pulling itself from your lips. The Master glanced at the Doctor and her companions a final time, before pulling a cylindrical device from his pocket and pressing hard on the button. You braced yourself as a white light engulfed the pair of you, pulling you from the plane- the last noise you heard being the terrified screams of the Doctor and her friends, and the Masters devilish laughter.
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whittakerjodie · 5 years
Blind Date (Dhawan!Master X Reader)
Prompt (s) 1.  Could I request a Dhawan!Master x reader fic where they go on a blind date during the master’s time at MI6 and they hit it off really well but the reader is one of the doctor’s companions and he doesn’t find out until the reader starts talking about their travels and he starts to piece things together? requested by @theaussietimelord​
2.  Would you write something dhawan master X reader? Something like the reader falling for him (and that gorgeous hair of him) and he falling too (and maybe getting flustered and confused or something)? Thanks! Also, let's appreciate his hair, because it stopped my heart. requested by @therustictea​
Authors Note: I combined two because I’ve been busy haha! Thank you both and I hope you enjoy
Words: 2k 
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   The Master knew that his plan would pay off eventually. Every grueling day of pretending to be human, doing paperwork,  and putting up with the idiots who were employed at MI6 would give him the reward he was always desperately chasing: the Doctor. It just seemed to be taking a remarkably long time. It was also getting incredibly boring. 
“I know we’re supposed to be secret agents and all, but I know nothing about you” One of his coworkers pointed out to him one day. Yes, because all I want to do is reach over this table and strangle you. He thought to himself. But that wouldn’t do- he was the lovable, geekishly-charming O! O didn’t strangle people. At least, not to the public's knowledge. 
   He took a sip of his tea, thanking whatever force in the universe had arranged for him to have, at the very least, access to good food and drink at work. 
“Just busy.” He said with a smile. “Things to see, research.” 
Another one of his coworkers scoffed. “Chasing after the aliens again, O?” 
   The Master gripped his fork a little tighter, resisting the urge to stab the woman with it. That was another downside of his current facade; None of the apes he had the displeasure of being near seemed to care or believe about any of his research, even when the signs of alien invasion were right under their noses. It drove him mad to the point where cracks would appear in his disguise; he would have to kill either to cover up the slip or to temporarily quiet his rage. 
   He would still mess with things when he could, causing enough damage to send the world spinning but not enough to alert the Doctor of any wrong-doing. Every time his coworkers would grumble and run around trying to fix the mess he’d created for them. It was a nice bit of revenge, even if he couldn’t take credit for it. 
“Still chasing after aliens.” He confirmed. 
“You’ve got to give it up, man. Focus on other things. There's Torchwood and UNIT for that, isn’t there? Tell you what, you should come out with the boys and I. Meet someone nice, instead of staying cooped up inside all day. What d’you think?” 
He stared at the man blankly. He couldn’t be serious. 
   It took him four days of pestering before he finally entertained the idea. Each day the offer changed. First, they wanted him to join them on a night out. Then, they wanted him to try and flirt with the computer analyst, making bets to see if he would do it. On the third day, they joked about him getting off with aliens. Finally, on the fourth day, they slipped him a piece of paper across the canteen table with smirks. 
His eyes glanced over the folded note, processing the information. There wasn’t much- just a date and a place. 
“What is this?” He asked, trying to make his tone innocent as opposed to annoyed. 
“It’s a blind date. “ He moved to protest but his coworker cut him off, waving a hand. “Don’t worry, man, she’s a nice girl. Works here, too.” 
“I am not going on a ‘blind date’ “ He grumbled. Everyone at the table groaned. 
“Come on, man. You’re going.” 
   The Master tugged on the hem of his suit, smoothing out any of the rough edges. It felt nice to dress up, even if he was half-dreading the night that lay ahead of him. He’d entertained humans before in other bodies, even marrying one despite being disgusted by the idea. He didn’t plan on taking things that far at all, seeing as it no longer served purpose, but if the date helped ease his boredom for a moment he would allow it. 
   Even after days of interrogation he still couldn’t determine the identity of who he was meeting. According to the rules of ‘Blind Dates’ you didn’t know you were meeting him either. The small bit of chaos was the only thing that he was looking forward to.
   He flicked his wrist and glanced at the fancy watch placed on it, noting the time. He arrived outside of the restaurant 15 minutes before the dinner began. Men like O tended to be anxious and arrive early. He pushed open the door and smiled at the waitress, resisting the urge to ruin the night for everyone in the building. “Reservation for...Simmons? I’ve got a blind date” The waitress nodded, walking down the aisle.
“She’s already arrived, but she hasn’t been waiting long. Menu’s and wine list are on the table.“ She stepped aside to gesture to one of the chairs, and his eyes landed on his date for the evening. 
   When your friend brought up the idea of a blind date, you had laughed. She’d been pressing you to be more involved “in the real world’ for months, not knowing that you were involved, just in a different context. It was kind of hard to keep up with gossip and pub trivia nights when you were busy saving the universe. 
   It wasn’t until the Doctor accidentally disappeared for ten days that you became hyper aware of just how lonely your real life was. You’d missed so much during your time on the TARDIS. The silence and awkward conversations finally got to you and you asked your friend about the blind date that she’d mentioned. 
“I know him, he’s great. You can’t know him, though, that's the point, but I do think you’ll hit it off. “ 
   You were sitting alone at the restaurant, getting more anxious every minute you spent alone despite showing up super early. Would he be nice? Would he even show up? Would you really hit it off? If you did, how would you explain to him all of your absences? Maybe the was a mistake. 
    Your worries temporarily subsided, though, when the waitress led a man over to your table. He was gorgeous. You nearly choked on the water you’d just sipped from your glass, eyes scanning over him. His hair was a dark fluffy mass laying neatly combed to the side, framing his (dare you say) adorable face. His smile was wonderful, bright, and all too charming for someone you’d just laid eyes on. 
He sat down and the waitress left, giving you both a small smile as she went. You shifted in your seat, unsure of what to do next. 
“I should say,” He began. “I’ve never done this before.” 
You laughed, and he joined you. “Shall we shake hands or something?” He suggested. You laughed again, feeling yourself start to relax immediately. You reached your hand across the table and he shook it briefly, grinning. “So. Names next, probably.” 
“I’m Y/N” You told him. “You?” 
“Oh?” You said, eyebrows raised. He paused. He’d gotten so used to everyone at MI6 referring to him as such he’d forgotten to maintain a proper ‘real’ name. 
“Sorry, O is a bit of a nickname, something everyone calls me at MI6. My real name is… Harry.” 
“That’s a nice name” You tried. The conversation was a little hard to pick up on at first, so the two of you mainly focused on ordering your food and drinks. When that was settled, you excused yourself to the bathroom to quickly google conversation starters. He seemed nice; the last thing you wanted to do was bore him. 
When you came back, he was swirling his wine, looking bored. Great, you’d failed already. You sat back down, smoothing your dress. 
“So, Harry, what do you do at MI6?” 
He set his glass back down, as if just noticing you’d come back. 
“I dabble, but I specify in researching extraterrestrials” You perked up at the final word. 
“Aliens, do you mean?” If he was researching aliens… talk about a coincidence. Not that you could unload and tell him all about the Doctor, though, even if it was incredibly tempting. He nodded. 
“Aliens, yeah. Not exactly the most popular man at MI6” 
“Why not?” You asked, frowning. He blinked. 
“Well, everyone there isn’t exactly keen on the idea of aliens. They write me off as a mad conspirator.” 
“Well that’s stupid,” You giggled as you took a sip of your wine. Harry watched you for a moment, then grinned broadly. 
“Yeah, yeah it is. You believe in them?” Believe in them? You’d seen them. Fought with them, against them. Traveling with them. But you couldn’t say that, so you nodded eagerly. “Good that's uh, that’s good. I haven’t talked with someone who does in quite a while.” 
   The conversation seemed to flow much more easily after that, snowballing into a night full of sharing and theorizing. You hardly touched your food when it came. 
   It was nearly 10 at night when you started to feel tired and a bit dizzy from the amount of drinking and talking you’d done. Despite the alcohol, you’d managed to properly dodge most of Harry’s questions like “what do you do for fun?” with vague answers like ' ‘I travel” It felt really nice. You felt like you’d found the best of both worlds in Harry: the fun outlandish bit and the normal life bit you’d been trying to reconnect with it. 
   At the end of the night, phone numbers were exchanged and you promised to meet again. Thankfully, the promise was fulfilled. Leaving the TARDIS no longer felt like you were going in for a long day of work. You had something- or, more accurately, someone- to look forward to. 
   The Master’s blood was boiling with a mix of odd emotions. He could feel himself growing quite appreciative of the time he spent with you, but that appreciation made him irritated. You were human; you were a distraction. Yet you felt like much more. Then, he felt angry with himself for being conflicted in the first place. 
   It was nice, though, to have company that didn’t treat him like garbage. He really enjoyed going on dates with you. Sure, sometimes he was completely lost during the movies, but if he had survived Frozen he could survive anything. He much preferred the ‘dates’ that were spent at your flat where you would read and talk about aliens. 
   It took roughly three months for him to start to get suspicious. Well, that was a lie- He was always on the lookout for problems and deception, but he had just started to believe that you were lacking in those departments. It began when his coworkers asked why you hadn’t made things “official” yet. He frankly didn’t care how you wanted to define your relationship, but it made him consider a lot of the inconsistencies he’d ignored. 
   You were rarely reachable by cell and texts were always answered hours after. Even the Doctor answered Whatsapp messages quicker than you did. Then, there were times when you’d been gone for days at a time. Dates where you’d show up out of breath and in a different outfit then you’d been in all day- even if you were arriving to your own flat. 
   Slowly but surely, he started to notice things during your talks as well. You knew a lot more than you were letting on about aliens. He began to include facts that couldn’t possibly be known by any human scientist or historian. You were so absorbed you didn’t even notice yourself nodding along and even adding some of your own. Silly human. 
   You had fallen asleep on the couch 45 minutes ago, curled up into his side. His eyes didn’t leave you. He was disappointed. Not only in you, for being one of her pets, but in himself for somehow getting attached to you. How could someone so wonderful be such an inconvenience? With a sigh, he brushed your hair behind your ear and connected his fingers to your temple. 
Sure enough, his suspicions were confirmed.
    He sifted through memories of meeting the Doctor and exploring the universe with her. Facing all kinds of villains no matter the fear  you felt. Meeting him for the first time, quickly falling for his charms. He smiled lightly and pocketed a copy of that memory for himself. It would be difficult, he supposed, when he finally got the Doctor back on Earth and enacted his brilliant plan. But with time, and a little effort, he could get you on his side where you belonged.
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oswildin · 5 years
An Old Face, An Old Foe, And A Crush ~ Dhawan!Master x F!Reader
Request: Y/N accidentally ends up travelling with Eleven, a Doctor that she travelled with years ago, threw shenanigans. They meet O during an adventure and she immediately pulls him aside like “Oi, dickhead. I know it’s you” and he’s all confused and playing innocent until he drops the act but she can’t reveal to The Doctor that it’s The Master without breaking the timeline so it’s just the two of them arguing whilst trying to avoid Eleven. ( @giantolivia )
Summary: (Y/N) travels with Eleven again, she hasn’t seen him in years... They bump into someone from (Y/N)‘s past and the Doctor’s future...
Warning: Bickering, Angst, All things good and pure.
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Y/N had travelled with The Doctor for a long time. She didn’t know how she’d managed to survive for that long, or put up with his antics for that long either, but she had. She had to watch him go through the most pain she’d ever witnessed someone go through, losing friends, everyone around him dying, the loss of his planet... and the regaining of it.
It was like a rollercoaster with him. She liked to think she knew him extremely well, but with each Doctor it’s different. She had to relearn their expressions, their troubles... She knew they were the same person but each regeneration came with new worries and fears.
(Y/N) wasn’t there when his twelfth regeneration changed. He had decided it was best she left the TARDIS and him. After losing Clara, he became scared to lose her too. The one person who had been there through years of his travelling. So, she was a little confused when a woman appeared at her flat door, acting like nothing had happened and that she should know who she was. It took a little minute before (Y/N) recognised her. It was The Doctor.
Instead of staying on the TARDIS this time round, (Y/N) would go home after their adventures. She felt it was healthier for her. After having some time away she finally was able to work on herself. Her life didn’t revolve around the Doctor anymore.
They had just had a run in with the Master, who was pretending to be a special Agent for MI6. (Y/N) had run into the Master previously, with her travels with twelve, but they were different then... They were almost... Good? But not really... it was hard to explain. Whereas this regeneration was hellbent on killing the Doctor and her companions.
(Y/N) woke up early one morning to loud knocking on her door. She groaned as she wondered who it could be. She wasn’t impressed to have to be up at such an ungodly hour. She threw on a cardigan as she headed towards her door, sleepily. She yawned as she unlocked it, swinging it open to see who on Earth was disturbing her beauty sleep.
(Y/N)‘s eyes widened at the sight of an old face. She looked confused but also felt happiness seeing the person she started her travels with, the one person she could count on.
“Doctor...” She whispered, seeing the bow-tie wearing Doctor grinning madly at her. She instantly reached out, pulling him in for a hug. He was shocked at first but gave her a hug back.
“You only saw me a few hours ago!” He exclaimed as he laughed lightly, pulling away from the tight hug. “Did you grab what you needed to get?”
Realisation dawned on her. He got the wrong time. She rolled her eyes. Classic Doctor. She dragged him inside as she shut the door behind them.
“You idiot.” She told him. “It’s 2019.” She told him as realisation also dawned on him. He began to stare off into the distance.
“Right...” He muttered. “Did think you looked a little different.” He commented as she folded her arms.
“Be careful where you’re going with that comment.” She warned playfully as he smirked at her.
“Well... seeing as I have once again messed up, can’t really blame the TARDIS this time. You may as well assist me in my adventure.” He told her happily. “Like the good old days!” He cried. “For you at least, I only saw you a few hours ago.” (Y/N) smiled at him as he went to pull her with him.
“Wait! I’m not going out like this!” She gestured to her PJ’s and messy hair. He rolled his eyes.
“You have clothes on the TARDIS, remember?” She paused before nodding:
“Oh yeah.”
The Doctor filled her in on the readings he had picked up in London. Always London. It appeared as though alien technology had been used around the MI6 headquarters. (Y/N) had made herself look presentable as she strolled back into the console room. The ship finally landed as they stepped outside, guns aimed at them by guards as they quickly held their hands up in a surrender.
“It’s ok. They’re with me.”
(Y/N) recognised the voice instantly. She looked over to see none other than... O... Well, the Master. She narrowed her eyes at the man, before the Doctor smiled at him. The guards lowered their guns as they began to back off.
“Apologies for the rude welcome.” O told them both as the Doctor shook his hand, rather excitedly.
“Oh don’t worry! That was probably one of the nice welcomes to be honest.” The Doctor told him. “Think the worst welcome I’ve had was from her.” He gestured to (Y/N) as she raised an eyebrow at him.
“Right. Well.” O raised his brows, smiling slightly. “Thank you for coming, Doctor. I’m Agent O.” He turned to give (Y/N) a hand shake as she tightly smiled, reluctantly shaking his hand.
“I bet you are.” She muttered just loud enough for him to hear. He looked confused at her words before leading them to an office.
The Doctor was scanning the room with the sonic as (Y/N) approached O. He was sat at the desk as she leant forwards, resting her hands on the wood.
“I know who you are.”
She told him lowly, knowing the Doctor couldn’t know. It was his future, her past. Now she knew how River felt. O raised a brow, pretending to act confused.
“I’m sorry?” He questioned, leaning forwards in his chair.
“Little Agent O... befriending the Doctor... Trying to take down the Earth.” She whispered as he proceeded to not know what she was talking about. “Don’t play dumb, Master.” She hissed as his eyes widened slightly, his expression darkening for a moment.
“Right! I think I may have found where the readings are coming from!”
The Doctor interrupted them as he noted how close they were to each other. He smirked slightly as he proceeded with his explanation.
Whilst the Doctor was off doing something, The Master grabbed (Y/N) by the throat, shoving her against a wall. She gasped at the sudden impact as he glared down at her. O’s once kind eyes turning angry.
“How do you know who I am...” He asked, his eyes narrowing. She smiled slightly, despite the situation. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her anyway, he couldn’t, not with the Doctor about and him playing undercover.
“Let’s just say, we kick your butt in the future.” She taunted him as he growled.
“Where did I go wrong?” He asked threateningly. “You will tell me, or you will die.” She laughed lightly.
“That’s where you’re wrong... you can’t kill me. If you kill me, there’s a risk of blowing your cover...” She smirked. “And a risk of you altering the timelines in the future, meaning something may drastically change and screw up your plans even more.” He sneered before releasing her. She got back her breath as the Doctor poked his head round the corner.
“You guys coming or what?!” He exclaimed, noticing the pair out of breath. He smirked once again, wondering what on Earth they could’ve been up to. (Y/N) sent him a look that clearly read ‘fuck you’ as she followed the Doctor, leaving the Master to compose himself, falling back into O’s character.
“Okay! So! Plan!” The Doctor exclaimed, clapping his hands. “Looks like you have an infestation of cybermats in your network. Which means we need to find the hive, destroying it so we can’t stop them. They’re collecting information, and where better to get information than MI6.” He explained, as (Y/N) listened intently.
“But why didn’t they just sent in the big guns?” She asked. “I mean, Cybermen usually just go in headfirst, convert the humans yada yada, but what do they need information for?” The Master was actually impressed at the human asking the right questions. Not that he would ever admit that. She turned, sending a glare his way as the Doctor began to look at blueprints of the building.
“Good point.” He told her. “Perhaps their planning something bigger... Something more than just converting anything and everything that isn’t Cyber.” He finally found what he was looking for. “There! We need to get down there.” O looked at the map.
“You need clearance for that.” He told him as the Doctor stared at him.
“Good thing we’ve got it then.” He showed O his physic paper as (Y/N) smirked, the three of them heading underground.
“Why don’t you have clearance?” (Y/N) questioned O as she raised a brow. “Not trustworthy enough?” He bit his tongue, as the Doctor looked at the pair. He had noticed the tension between them.
“I am an Agent. Only the top dogs get clearance.” He simply stated, trying to control his anger as she nodded at his answer.
“Bet it’s annoying having the follow someone else’s orders all the time.” She pushes him further.
“Oh I don’t know. It’s better than being someone’s loyal dog.” He fired back as she glared at him. The Doctor continued leading the way, trying to ignore the obvious bickering between the two.
“I need you two to attach this into this device.” The Doctor told them as they stood in front of a panel. “It’ll corrupt the Cybernet for a few minutes, giving me enough time to hack into the hive and shut it down.” He handed (Y/N) the tiny chip.
“Do you always just carry around things incase you need them?” O asked, raising a brow as the Doctor shrugged.
“You’ll need this as well.” He went to hand O his sonic, but (Y/N) quickly snatched it from the Doctor, knowing she couldn’t trust it in his hands. “I’ll meet you back here in two minutes.”
(Y/N) shoved the Master back, kneeling down to the panel. He rolled his eyes as he knelt beside her, looking at the panel, trying to figure out how it worked.
“Okay, so, I’m assuming this piece fits in there.” (Y/N) spoke to herself as she saw a chip shaped hole in the panel. “But we need to figure out what wires to attach.”
“Let me have a look.” He told her as she moved out the way hesitantly. He inspected the wires as he held his hand out for the chip. She handed it him.
“This is ironic.” She said. “You’re saving the same planet you intend to destroy in a few years time.” He ignored her. “Which doesn’t work, by the way. I mean, it was so flawed. What idiot comes up with such a flawed plan-“ He snapped his head round to her, causing her to jump back slightly.
“And yet, you are still afraid of me.” He smirked, pleased with himself.
“Yeah, who wouldn’t be. You’re a psycho.” She told him as he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, and you’re a puny human.” He started to pull out the wires as he held his hand out for the sonic. She laughed.
“No chance.” She shook her head, sonicing the wires to the chip as they both stepped back, seeing the chip attached.
“You know I could kill you at any moment.” He threatened.
“But we’ve already discussed this.” She folded her arms. “You can’t. You’d break the timeline.”
“Time can be rewritten.” He argued.
“And would you really risk that?” They didn’t realise how close their faces were are they argued.
“I hope you know how much I loathe you right now.” He spoke lowly as she raised a brow.
“Ditto.” She scowled at him. She didn’t know why, but she was enjoying their interaction... way too much. She couldn’t explain it. Little did she know, the Master was also enjoying it. He didn’t know why at all. She was infuriating, annoying, petty but it made him want to entertain it more.
“How we getting on gang?!”
The two pulled their glares away from each other as the Doctor reappeared.
“Great!” They both forced tight smiles as they responded at the same time. The Doctor raised a brow as he gave them a suspicious glance. (Y/N) threw him back his sonic as they moved onto the next room.
They all stood in front of the Cyber hive. The Doctor circling it to try and stop it from working. They only had a few minutes to do it before the chip would be destroyed by the cybernet.
“How do I know you aren’t behind all this?” (Y/N) asked quietly to the Master.
“And why would I do that?” He turned to her, hands behind his back.
“For attention.” She shrugged. “Future you admitted to a few things. One of them being you can’t live without the attention of the Doctor.” She teased as he flared his nostrils.
“It’s more than that.” He told her sincerely. “You wouldn’t understand. You’re just a human.”
“Stop taking cheap shots!” Her volume raised a little. “I’ve seen more than most, I’ve been with him for years, I’ve seen death, life, planets fall, destruction, invasions...” She paused, her anger evident in her face. The Master smirked slightly, knowing he’d pushed her to the edge. “I’ve probably seen everything you ever have. And I’m not a psychopathic killer!” The Doctor noticed how annoyed his companion looked as he quickly intervened.
“Okay gang!” He exclaimed, distracting her. “Let’s save the world!”
(Y/N) sighed, walking away from the Master as she followed the Doctor to the hive. He threw a large metal wire her way, as she caught it. He also threw one O’s way.
“Now, listen carefully. I need to you hold those two wires together for as long as you can. They’re going to heat up. And I mean... really heat up.” (Y/N) sent him a cautious glance. “But I need them to be touching as I shut this down.” The pair nodded. “Get ready.” (Y/N) felt slight panic as the two wires connected, electricity flowing through them. She instantly felt the metal burning up as she tried her best to keep her grip. She struggled as O noticed.
“Doctor-“ O said as he glanced up to see (Y/N) struggling.
“One second!” He exclaimed as he frantically typed in something on the screen of the hive. O looked over as he began to see the pain forming on her face. He didn’t even think before grabbing the wire from her hands, keeping them together himself. She fell back, her hands sore, but not burnt on the skin. She looked over to see the Master holding the two wires himself. She knew Timelords had a higher body temperature than humans. A second later the machine fell dead, the wires falling to the ground as the Doctor ran to check on (Y/N). She waved him off.
“Why did you do that?” She asked the Master as he looked over at her, offering his hand as she hesitantly took it, helping her off the floor.
“It’s in the job description.” He shrugged, as the Doctor sighed as everyone was ok.
The Doctor and (Y/N) were back at the TARDIS, standing outside as O joined them. The Doctor and O said their goodbyes as he went into his ship. (Y/N) sighed, looking over at the Master.
“So... About what happened down there-“ She began.
“Do not breathe a word of it to anyone.” He told her. “I did it because if the cybermen had succeeded with their plan, it would’ve messed up mine.” She gave him a small smile.
“Sure.” She smirked. “I think you just have a soft spot for me.” She teased. “Besides you were a lot nicer to me than the others in the future.” She commented as he rolled his eyes.
“You probably annoyed me so much I couldn’t be bothered to even deal with you.” He retorted as she pursed her lips.
“Well... this is goodbye for now. See you in a few years.” She told him as she went to turn away. He grabbed her wrist, turning her round as he placed a rough kiss to her lips. Her brows raised in shock as she pushed him away, confused. He smirked down at her.
“I look forward to it.”
(Y/N) entered the TARDIS seeing the Doctor at the console as she walked up to him. He quickly pushed the screen away from him as he smirked at her.
“What?” She questioned, confused.
“Seems like someone has a crush.” She shook her head, laughing to herself as realisation dawned on her. Just because she found him handsome and interesting, and somewhat charming in a weird evil twisted way didn’t mean-
Oh. God.
Taglist: @blamerogertaylor @a--1--1--3 @dannighost @koschei-taylor @impalasquiptyseven @hannahlilyyx @the-sweet-space-bi @yourlocalspacebisexual @drapetxmaniia @lostshadow12 @imthedoctorlove @wonders-of-the-multiverse @crescentandstar @koschei-studies
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Sunshine- James Bond x Reader
A/N: GUESS WHOS BACK BINCHES. Oh man uni really did run me over with a semi-trailer. Hot Tip: biochem really do be the work of the devil. Feel free to send in fic or mixtape requests, I’ve got all the time in the apocalypse for them.
Look, I know Judi Dench dies in Skyfall but she’s the only M I will ever recognise (even though I do love Ralph Fiennes). Nothing makes me happier than the time M straight up calls Brosnan!Bond a misogynist. Also, I decided to tell this from the perspective of Q, just because I feel like he’s the only one with the emotional range to articulate in vivid detail the absolute delight that would be watching James Bond have Soft Romantic Feelings. God he was just so soft in Casino Royale before all that shit went down (rest in pieces my girl vesper lynde).
Title: Sunshine Original Request: Could you do a James Bond x reader where the reader is a doctor at MI6 and when Bond comes back from his missions, she’s really gentle and sweet in taking care of his wounds? And Q and M hardcore shipping them because they have never seen Bond flustered ever, and the reader kinda just manages to make him blush when she smiles at him and immense fluff ensues (and sweet pet names for each other) (x) Tags: @roseslovedreams​ , Fluff, sass, S O F T N E S S, Craig!Bond, Q, M, Doctor!Reader Words: 1300+ Masterpost: here (x) Prompt List: here (x) Mixtape Archive: here (x)
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“Bond? Bond, were you even fucking listening to anything I said?” Bond raised his head from staring at his hands with vague disinterest- no. No Q wouldn’t call it disinterest. He watched the way the man stood up, adjusting his suit and leaving M without his usual pathetic quips.
No, Q was intrigued. This was something wholly different. In fact, if he was so bold as to suggest it, the man was distracted… on edge almost.
“Did I just see what I just saw?” M asked him, disbelief clear on her face. “I almost miss the blatant insults.”
“Well, it’ll be a nice change for a while, I suppose. Keeps bullying me into making him exploding pens.” Q muttered under his breath.
“Oh, Q, don’t let the bastard get to you. Its just his way of trying to be helpful.”
But even later that afternoon, at his appointed meeting with the surprisingly forlorn agent, there were no questions about exploding pens. Absolutely no protest about having a fancier car than 006 (to be fair, he was glad, she would take care of that car far better than 007), and even no jab about how Q’s non-existent acne was today. Usually, it would be cause for celebration and something to tell his cats. But this was just unsettling. It seemed wrong.
In fact, Q was on the verge of considering himself genuinely concerned about 007. Or at least he would have been until he very quickly connected the dots. He watched as the man stared after the woman who had just entered the room, looking mildly irritated as she threw a stack of papers at the agent.
“Don’t fucking lie on my reports, Bond. I spent years training to be where I am now and I think I can tell when sample baselines have been meddled with.” Q considered this to be a fairly mild telling off by her standards, but oh no, the man appeared to be mildly enjoying it. He considered the slight rise of colour in his cheeks to be the most emotion he’d gotten out of him all month.
“I just don’t want you to concern yourself, Sunshine, I’m perfectly fine,” 007 murmured, struggling to make eye-contact with their resident doctor.
“You’re not.”
“I am, and I will be fine, and I will come back in one piece.” He protested stronger this time, his hands resting on her upper arms, trying to convince her that he would indeed be fine and not crash yet another expensive car into the mountainside.
“You promise?” Her question was softer this time, the intensity of her gaze and Bond’s solemn stillness had absolutely transfixed Q’s attention. The way the man released her from his grasp, his fingers barely, just barely brushing her skin for longer than would be deemed necessary- the way he cleared his throat and gave the shiest smile possible. He didn’t even know Bond could look that way.
Hopeful. Hopeful and for once scared of fucking up. He fidgeted with a well-polished cufflink, staring at his shoes before meeting her gaze once more.
“Of course, can’t have you spending your time around 006.” He scoffed sarcastically. The doctor raised a brow.
“Oh, but she’s far prettier to look at than you.” She teased, her smile sharp and predatory. If Q wasn’t mistaken, the small smile pulling at the corner of Bond’s mouth meant that he enjoyed the sensation of somehow looking like a rabbit about to be slaughtered by a wolf.
And so he hurriedly relayed everything back to M who, after clearing up the tea she had choked on and spilled over her paperwork, immediately descended into a minute forty-seven of breathless laughter. Tears spilling from the corners of her eyes, she asked him if it would be worth forcing the man to retire early. She would love nothing more, she had finally gotten out after a few seconds, than to see the man in a ‘kiss the chef’ apron and serving their doctor a home-made dinner.
“Oh god, could you imagine him taking dogs for a walk? Or just… just…” She faltered now, leaning back in her chair with a softer smile on her face.
“Just?” Q asked.
“Be happy.” She finished, “They all know what they signed up for. Just that none of us ever expect to find something worth losing. You don’t remember what he used to be like, do you?” He shook his head in response, “After Venice something happened to him. He lost whatever soul he had left. Most of us lose it along the way, but I didn’t realise it turned him into something else outright.”
Well, that made his decision for him.
Within the hour he and M and made the oh-so-very solemn pact that they would do everything possible to get Bond kicked out of the service due to his overwhelming feelings for one particular woman. He even made the note to prepare a best man’s speech just in case he was asked.
And eventually (after some days or maybe weeks, he wasn’t even sure anymore) Bond sauntered back home, bruised and bloody and sporting a smug grin as he handed M the stolen spyware.
“Must you drip blood everywhere?” M sniffed, though Q pretending to show interest in the gadgets that had just been handed over, noticed her stifle a grin. “Anyway go and get yourself patched up, god knows why I keep you here.”
“Oh you love me,” M only deigned to roll her eyes.
Q escorted the man down to the medical centre, watching with rapt attention at how the façade just crumbled before him. The man who naught but five minutes ago was all bravado and quips now reduced to nerves once again. Okay, okay, you got this. “So, 007…”
The agent let go of a long-suffering sigh, “Haven’t you got 006 to equip with some laser high-heels?”
He took a deep breath, trying to steel himself, “Well, no, actually I’ve got to remove your biometric chip. Doctor Y/N has agreed to assist me with the whole process.” Bond stopped in his tracks, turning to face him with a look somewhere between excitement and fear. “If you have no objections of course.” He winced at how brightly that last statement came out.
“No… not at all.” And they continued on their way, eventually reaching the clinic.
And he couldn’t do anything but watch in amazement at how Bond suddenly shifted. He’d almost laugh if it didn’t genuinely hurt his cold heart at how happy the man looked. He watched as she’d gently cut away burned fabric, cleaning wounds and beginning her stitches. She would apologise and with an unfairly attractive smile he’d say she barely hurt him. Q wasn’t even sure if this sort of bodily contact was considered professional, the way her hand cradled against his jaw as she dabbed away at his bloodied temple. And he couldn’t help but smile as the man simply looked both flustered and confused at just how achingly gentle she was being, as if he deserved none of this. M had once described Bond as a blunt instrument, incapable of nothing but brute force. But here he was, nothing but softness in his manner and the blue of his eyes.
It felt as if he were intruding as he instructed her in removing the biometric chip, her hand caressing the nape of his neck as well-practised hands were expertly trying to remove the small implant. She would hum under her breath, like a soothing lullaby putting Bond at ease, her hand suddenly reaching for his as he held back a groan of pain and the bloodied chip hit the floor.
“Easy now darling, it’s done. I’m here.” Her voice was soft as she knelt before him now, her hands atop his.
Bond, his gaze never wavering from hers, brough her palm to his lips and pressed a chaste kiss. He murmured his thanks and she merely smiled back in return.
God help him, the man was a romantic. He was going to need a drink after this.
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hauntingcryptids · 2 years
Lie Down With Me
O x Reader (Dhawan!Master x Reader)
Summary - The Reader, an agent at MI6, is obsessing over their current mission and O helps them with their stress.
Based On This Request - Anonymous requested - “Hello there how are you? I hope that you’re doing well. If it’s okay I was wondering if I could request an O x Reader (Dhawan!Master) where the reader is a secret agent and after working hard on a mission they are tired but cannot sleep. So O offers to hypnotise the reader to make them sleep”
Warnings - the reader being stressed and overstimulated, The Master hypnotises the reader with their consent, but obviously the reader doesn’t know about The Master and his powers
Word Count - 2697
A/n - Gender Neutral Reader. Requested by a lovely anon.
You were an excellent secret agent. Truly one of the best. The only flaw you would say that you had would be that you were too committed to your job. MI6 was worried for you, for your mental health in particular, but even your physical health. For as long as you were a secret agent at MI6, you spent every second of your day committed to whichever case you were scheduled to complete. Even though MI6 was proud of your work, they expected a level of relaxation after a big, often traumatic, case. But you never took time off. Ever.
MI6, specifically C, decided to step in. You required a new flat because your old base house was compromised. So, C assigned you to a new base house, and this time the organisation assigned you a roommate. 
You had seen O occasionally around MI6 headquarters. The two of you were assigned to different departments, so you never had any real opportunity to get to know each other. However, you always found O’s research to be incredibly valuable to your agency’s cause. C disagreed with your opinion constantly, but you would always stand up for O and his work.
There had been an incredible amount of alien interference in Human affairs since the early nineteen sixties, but since around 2005 sightings of aliens have nearly quadrupled. You couldn’t understand why so many of your fellow agents and C thought that O was a loon when he seemed to be ahead of the curve. Maybe your kindness towards the quiet agent was why he was chosen as your roommate. Or maybe it was because of his perseverance. To C, O might be the only person within MI6, or even the Universe, to actually get you to take a break.
So far, though, O was not successful. Since moving in together, you continued to work long hours, way into the night, and you rarely took longer than a normal weekend to recover from a case. O tried everything in his power to make you feel safe and calm around your flat and in the office, and it only seemed to bring the two of you closer. Which O loved, but that wasn’t what he was tasked to do. He wasn’t here to be your friend, he was here to protect you, and he was failing in that manner.
The current case you were working on was getting to you. More than any other case before. You didn’t know how to feel. Even though you had stressful cases before, none were like this. No case before was ever so agonising. For some reason, nothing seemed to be falling into place, clues weren’t lining up and leads were falling flat. Even C, who was usually more slow when reacting and responding to national and international threats, was getting stressed and hounding you to do better. C even went behind your back three days ago to berate O on the “lack of timeliness” regarding your mission.
You had been awake since O told you about his interaction with the head of MI6. You probably fell asleep at some point, but for no substantial amount of time. After hours of pacing around your room, agonising over the clues, you finally walked to the kitchen to get a caffeinated drink. It didn’t really matter what drink it was at this point; you just needed the energy in order to keep going. You couldn’t stop. You just couldn’t.
You decided to make something warm. Maybe the heat would also jolt you awake along with the caffeine. As you waited for the water to boil, you began pacing again. You even started muttering to yourself, just replaying the clues and the scenarios that could possibly be important to your end goal. You huffed in frustration when nothing, again, ended up connecting or resolving itself.
“Are you okay?” You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard O’s question. You really must be losing your mind because you didn’t even hear O enter the room. You were one of MI6’s best agents; you refused to lose your spot in the organisation just because of one case.
“Of course I’m okay. Are you okay, O?”
“I’m just a little worried.” O’s brows knitted together as he stared at you in your frantic state.
“Maybe you should take a nap or eat some food, maybe go for a walk.” You pondered out loud as you prepared your warm and heavily caffeinated beverage.
“Right … Yeah, I would, however, it is not myself that I am worried for.” O said this softly, tentatively, almost as if he was scared of your reaction, but you knew that O wasn’t scared of you. He saw you bundle home after a brutal case completely covered in blood and never treated you differently after the fact. So that must mean that O was worried for you and he was scared that you might be offended.
“What? Me? I’m perfectly fine! Don’t be ridiculous, O.” You turned around animatedly to O, trying to appear healthy and stable. All you needed was to complete this case and then everything would go back to normal. 
“Well, C said that you have the habit -”
“Who cared what C said?!” You screamed across the room. O’s face fell and his eyes widened in shock. You had never spoken to him like that before. Immediately, you regretted what you had done. You groaned and covered your face in embarrassment.
“I’m sorry! O, I didn’t mean that. I really didn’t. I guess the stress has been getting to me lately.” You admitted defeatedly. You had been trying to suppress your growing emotions for O since moving in together, but now you couldn’t deny them now. Seeing O’s shocked face after you yelled at him broke your heart.
“Y/n, you’re totally fine. I’m not mad. I just want to make sure that you are taking care of yourself.” O walked over to where you were now leaning against the kitchen counter and held your arms firmly in his hands.
“Please, let me help you.” O tried to look you in the eyes, but you continued to hide them from him.
“You don’t have to do that. I can just-”
“No. Okay, no. C asked me to watch over you and to make sure that you take care of yourself. And I have been trying to help, but I have not been doing that well enough. So, please, let me help you now.” You sighed. You really didn’t like feeling like a failure. It caused you to feel an all-consuming hatred for yourself. You collapsed into O’s shoulder, completely crestfallen.
“I don’t know how to be calm, O. I don’t know what to do if I’m not working. And now I can’t even do the one thing I am good at properly.” O wrapped his arms around you and began rubbing circles on your back.
“Well, you can just spend some time with me.”
“O … I don’t have time for friends or relationships. You know this.”
“Maybe having more than just a workplace relationship will be good for you.” You were going to respond, but O suddenly removed you from the hug and then pulled you out of the kitchen and into the hall.
“Where are we going?” You asked with exhaustion finally reaching your voice.
“Your room.”
“You need sleep.” You rolled your eyes but choose to not comment. You knew that you needed sleep, but you had been unable due to your anxiety over the case. You still thought that trying to sleep before completing your research was a lost cause, but maybe O could actually help you. He was an incredibly intelligent agent and person, and he was chosen to keep an eye on you, maybe an inch of trust could go a long way.
Once in your room, O let go of your hand before crawling onto your bed. He got comfortable horizontally against the head of your bed, sitting right up against your pillows. He then looked up at you with a smile and patted his lap as if to say that there was where you should be. You tentatively moved to the edge of your bed but stopped there before moving onto your soft and inviting mattress.
“O, what are you doing?”
“I’m going to help you sleep. Now come on up here.” O pushed the covers back and motioned you over again. 
“I don’t know O …”
“Trust me, Y/n, I’m soft and cuddly. You will absolutely get the rest you need with me. And if that is not enough convincing, I could tell you about all of the people I put to sleep with my lectures.” You laughed under your breath, still trying to stay strong to your convictions, but O’s warm and inviting smile won you over. You crawled into your bed tentatively and sat on your feet as you stared at O.
“What do you want me to do?” You asked. O stared back at you for a moment before a more playful smile crept on his face.
“Well, first you should lie down.” You stared at O for a long time, trying to deduce his motives, but, eventually, you did as O said and lied down on your bed beneath your blankets. You made sure to not touch O. You didn’t want to indeed his space or make him uncomfortable.
“It would be best if your head was on my lap.” You sighed, unsure of what O was planning, but you moved yourself up the bed and then laid your head on O’s lap.
“I don’t think I will be able to sleep, O. My brain is too anxious and loud. So, you don’t have to do anything.” You muttered in a rushed matter. You knew that you were in a bad state, and you were very appreciative of everything O had done and was continuing to do for you. You just didn’t think that anything would actually succeed in soothing you until you completed your case. You didn’t want O to waste his time with you when he could be doing something more important.
“Don’t be ridiculous. I have to help you. You need this.” O said firmly while looking down at you.
“O … how?”
“I could always hypnotise you.”
“No, you can’t.” You chuckled in disbelief.
“I study alien tech and UFO visits to our planet; I absolutely can hypnotise you.” 
“Fine. Hypnotise me, O.” You still didn’t believe O, even though you could hear the intense conviction within his voice, but you let O help you. In your drained state, with O holding you, you finally realized that O was the only person you truly had in your life. Everyone else either left you or you left them. So, letting O help you and trusting him, just a little, sounded like the only option you had for connection. And, if you were being honest with yourself, you wouldn’t want to grow a connection with anyone other than O.
“You need to look into my eyes.” O leaned over you again, bringing you out of your mind. Slowly he moved to hold your face in his hands. You sucked in a breath when O’s soft yet slightly calloused hands touched your skin. You relished in the feeling of his fingers brushing along your temples as you prepared yourself to look into O’s eyes for a long time. You were familiar with some forms of Human hypnotise, even though you didn’t necessarily believe in its effects. You knew that hypnosis sessions could be very vulnerable. Your old ways of masking yourself plagued the back of your mind, but you pushed them away and reminded yourself that O was here to help you. He wouldn’t hurt you. You were safe being in a vulnerable state with O.
Finally, you looked into O’s eyes after preparing yourself. He smiled sweetly at you, reassuringly and rewardingly. You let out a sigh of relief. Opening up to O wasn’t as difficult as you thought it was. And now you got to see a part of O he rarely ever showed; you got to see O’s more vulnerable side as you continued to open up to him. 
O continued to look at you while brushing his hands along the curves of your face. He was being so attentive, so focused on you and your breathing and your state. You mostly focused on O’s eyes, though. O’s eyes were so beautiful. You had observed that his eyes were stunning before, but that was from far away. Up close, you could see that his eyes were a beautiful mix of amber, honey, chocolate, and dark coffee. They almost looked as if they had intricate galaxies or nebulas trapped within them, but that would be impossible. Either way, O was beautiful and alluring. You didn’t know if this hypnotise was working, but you, at least, were drawn into a calming state because of O.
“Now take some deep breaths with me.” O instructed in a whisper. You followed him in his directing of your breaths. For a couple of minutes, you and O proceeded to breathe as one all while looking each other in the eye. You definitely felt more relaxed than you had before. And, instead of mind-numbing exhaustion, you felt a wave of calm tiredness wash through you, almost as if you were being called to sleep. 
You began to feel O massaging your temples. His fingers dug into your skin in relaxing circles and occasionally he brushed his hands down your face before returning to your temples to massage them again. The headache that had been slowly growing throughout the day eased itself out of your brain. Finally, your eyes were starting to grow heavy and began to droop. You tried to keep them open out of latent stubbornness, but O quickly saw that, and he urged you to give into your body’s needs.
“Let your eyes close. You can tell that they want to close.” With your remaining energy, you rolled your eyes at O, and he chuckled at your drowsy yet stubborn state.
“It’s fine. You’re safe. You’re safe with me. We will work through everything together once you rest first. No, go to sleep.” You looked at O one last time before letting your eyes finally close. You were close to sleep, but before you succumbed to the side effects of hypnosis you picture O right before you closed your eyes. His eyes were so soft and warm, and his fingers were so nimble while massaging your temples. He nodded reassuringly before you closed your eyes like he was confirming again that you were safe.
“Let yourself sleep, love.” You heard O say just before you drifted off into the world of calming sleep.
The Master petted your head and caressed your face even after you were completely asleep. You wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon thanks to his hypnotism. He made sure that, at the very least, you would receive a good eight hours of sound and deep sleep. Frankly, he should have done this days ago. The Master knew this, but his plans against The Doctor were now getting in the way of his goal of protecting you. He was upset that he let you get to this point. He reprimanded himself for not intervening sooner.
He was conflicted of course. The Doctor versus a Human. This was a scenario that The Master could never foresee happening, but it did and now you were here in his arms. You were really becoming an important part of The Master’s life. 
The Master stayed with you while you slept. He simply and easily could have sent a bit more hypnotic waves into your mind and moved you so he could work on his plan to destroy The Doctor, but you were more important. You really were more important, even though it was difficult for The Master to admit that to himself. He could deal with The Doctor later. Right now, The Master would just focus on you.
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bitemealiienboy · 4 years
Sonder | D!Master x F!Reader (Pt 1)
Summary: The year is 2014, The Master has been posing as O as MI6 for a year and is slowly but surely gaining the trust of the most important members of MI6. He is asked to work on a new project where he meets Agent S (the reader).
Word Count: Over 2300
Warnings: mentions of death.
Notes: Should probably warn you now that this is gonna be a slow build. The Prologue to this series and any other parts (providing they have been published) can be found here.
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“With a thousand lies and a good disguise.” — The Offspring
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Earth, what an awful planet. The Master hated every moment of his life here. He struggled to understand why The Doctor loved this planet so much, why they would even go as far as to befriend some of its inhabitants. He couldn’t wait to destroy this pathetic planet. He couldn’t wait to show The Doctor the charred and burnt remains of this insufferable planet. In his dreams he could clearly see the look of horror on The Doctor’s face, the moment of realisation when they find out that every human they have ever loved and known is gone with their planet. 
The Master had been working at MI6 for just over a year now and was still yet to meet a human who he found tolerable. He wished that he could miniaturise the whole lot of them. Acting like kind and sweet O all day long was draining and boring. Was it too much to ask for a little bit of excitement? 
The last time he had done anything remotely fun was the day he ambushed the MI6 Agent on his way to work. He would often think back on that day, his last act of brilliance in over a year. Shame there was no one there to see it. He remembered how he stalked the man on his way to work. The Master couldn't even remember his name. Either way, it wasn't important. As far as he was concerned the man was just collateral damage. A means to an end, at the time he didn’t care if the young man had a family who’d miss him. He still doesn’t care. 
The Master couldn’t help but smile as he remembered how he held up MI6 Agent against a wall forcing the man to give him all of his ID cards and his tie. He remembered how he let the man go, watching the man run for a small second, long enough to give him hope before pointing the TCE at him and killing him at the simple push of a button.
    The Master would re-live that day, a lot. Especially when things at his job got incredibly boring. 
The last thing you wanted was to see C first thing on a Monday morning. It was way too early for another one of his long and boring meetings. You needed a coffee or at least some sort of caffeine in your system to have the strength to sit through a pointless meeting.
You despise your new role at MI6. Your fall from field agent to an analysis wasn’t graceful. Despite it being over a year ago, you were still annoyed at C’s decision to remove you from the field over a minor injury.
You let out a sigh of annoyance as you reached the door to C’s office. You knocked on it a few times before opening the door and poking your head round. Much to your relief it wasn’t a meeting. C was sitting at his large desk, opposite him was a man with dark hair and a white shirt on.
    “Oh, If you’re busy I can come back later.” You said, about to close the door.
    “No, no. S, I would like you to meet, O.” C said getting up from his chair.
“O?” You said walking into the room. You walked toward the man called O. He stood up, he turned to face you. He has a warm and welcoming smile as he places his hand out to you. You shook it.
    “I’ve asked O to join you and your team,” C explained.
You turned to face C, raising a brow at him. “No one told me about this,” you said.
    “It was a last minute decision.”
    “Of course.” You said, trying to hide your doubt.
The meeting, if you could call it that, didn’t last long after that. C asked you to explain to O his new role and introduce him to the new office. So you did exactly that. You rushed through the office politics first. Small but important things like how you're expected to get everyone a round of tea and coffee once in a while.
After that you went on to explain what he would be expected to do. Your team's work mainly consisted of researching the public, in particular anyone who seemed suspicious or dangerous. Most of the time you and your team were wrong with your suspicions, the flaw of working in a somewhat dangerous job was that everyone was suspicious.
O followed you into the office kitchen, you put the kettle on to make yourself a much needed coffee.
    “Want anything?” You asked.
    “A tea please,” O said rather quietly.
You leaned back onto the kitchen counter as you waited for the kettle to boil. You glanced at O, quietly studying him. You could tell that he was still relatively new to MI6. The shy way in which he carried himself. There was also a certain naivety about him.
    “So what were you doing before?” You asked.
    “Same role but for a different department.” O said as the kettle finished boiling. “What about you?” He asked, helping to make the drinks.
    “I was a field agent. Undercover work.”
    “What happened?” O quickly said. He paused and quietly said “sorry, I’m being nosy.”
    “It's fine,” you reassured him. “I got an injury and C insisted on putting me on desk duty.”
O simply nodded. He could read your mind, well parts of it anyway. Upon meeting you he knew small fragments about you, bits of your mind that were on show to him. Of course there were some bits of information he would like to know, but he would get them from you in good time. The best part about it was that you would never even know about it.
    “So who are you currently looking into?” O asked, taking a sip of his tea.
    “Several Politicians and some ex-spies,” you said. “But if you’re asking about the most known person then it would be Daniel Barton.” 
O quietly and quickly noted how direct you were. He presumed it was a part of the job or perhaps the fact that you had no time or patients for wasting time.
    “So,” O looked at you as you spoke. “Are you ready to meet the team?”
O nodded. In reality he didn’t want to meet ‘the team’, he didn’t want to be a part of ‘the team’. He didn’t even want to be here for that matter. He would much rather be back in his TARDIS, or miles away from Earth terrorising a planet. He knew it was going to be a long few years. He knew he was going to hate every moment of it. But the look on The Doctor’s face would make it all worthwhile.
Upon meeting them he didn’t think much of ‘the team’ which consisted of S and three other agents named G, L, and M. There was nothing special about the three agents. They were all predictable and weak humans, they would all become collateral damage once his plan had begun.
He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to face one of the agents, it was L. Agent L was the tallest of all the other agents. He was lanky and looked younger than the rest of the team. You could see the acne scars on parts of his pale face, although most of his face was covered by a curly mop of brown, greasy looking hair.
    “I’ve heard of you before,” L said. “Use to work with a mate of mine.”
    “Oh really who?” O asked.
    “He said you did a lot of research on Aliens.”
He withheld a frustrated sigh. It annoyed him that L completely ignored his question. But what annoyed him more was the smirk of the boy's face when he said Aliens. He thought the urge to strangle him right there and choose to innocently smile and nod.
    “Well I can save you a lot of time,” O bit down on his tongue as L continued to speak. L’s tone was mocking, he made a small laugh before saying, “Aliens don’t exist.”
O faked a laugh and smiled. He walked away from him and went to greet the other agents. He didn’t want to but anything was better than L being am embarrassment. 
    He silently decided that L was going to have to disappear.
O kept to himself for the rest of the day. He had a small conversation with M and G but quickly knew all that he wanted to know about the two agents. M was a kind-hearted woman who hates her room mate and has a cat. As for G he was a man of average height but was incredibly built, he insisted on performing every task to perfection and had dreams of becoming a field agent.
    “Just ignore L. He’s only picking on you because you’re new.”
He looked up to see S holding two mugs. He smiled as you handed him a cup of tea and went to take a seat opposite him. To O smiling seemed like the simplest reaction for most situations. No talking was involved, meaning he wouldn’t slip up by accident. Also humans seemed to appreciate it a lot. “It’s like being back at school.” He said. It was partly true, one thing Earth and Gallifrey had in common was that school was a nightmare for some people.
    “That’s because L still has the mental age of a 15 year old school boy.”
O laughed at your comment. It was genuine, not a fake smile like before. You were the most bearable out of the team. Perhaps he would be nice for once and you wouldn’t become collateral damage in the years to come.
    “L is rather young. He still looks like he’s at school.” He decided to keep the conversation going.
    “Straight out of University. L might be childish but he’s smart.” You said, taking a small sip of your drink.
    “So he’s still got a lot to learn?” 
    “Something like that.”
The next few months were not fun at all for O. The work was fine, the work was bearable. What he hated was the people. Listening to his colleagues talk about their personal lives and to act like he cared about them was perhaps one of the greatest challenges that he ever faced.
But none of that compared to L and his constant jokes about Aliens. O wished that he could show L everything. To prove the smug git wrong. He imagined what it would be like to show him the stars and then to throw him into them and watch the fear on his face as he slowly died. O dreamed pushing L into the sun or a black hole.
His desire to kill L was endless. As O realised that his lust for murder wasn’t going to end anytime soon he had to take a week off. Just a week to leave Earth and become The Master again. He thought that perhaps burning a world would stop his need to kill L for a while. He thought wrong.
O sighed as he saw L. He was on his way home. He really didn’t want to deal with L. “What?” O grumbled in annoyance.
    “Why didn’t you give C my research pack?”
“Because it’s not my job to.” O watched in boredom waiting for L to reply. He didn’t. “If you have nothing else to see then—” O didn’t finish his sentence. He started to walk off.
But he couldn’t shake off the darkness that overcame him this time. He turned around and marched up to L. His hand went to his throat as he pushed the agent up against the wall. He watched L struggle and whimper for a second, feeling a warm buzz.
    “You know nothing,” He spoke darkly. 
He smirked at L, his grip on the man slowly got tighter the more he struggled. As soon as L realised this he became limp. All of sweet and innocent O was lost. He was The Master again. The Master used his free hand to touch L’s temple, he was going to prove him wrong. He sent him a flash of images of burning worlds and creatures from other worlds. He stopped once he decided that L had seen enough, he let go of the man and watched him run. He let out a laugh of excitement.
But that came to a quick halt. He ran a hand through his hair, his heart's racing as he slowly began to realise how big he messed up. Adrenaline began to run through him as he thought about what he was going to do. He had to get rid of L before Monday morning. He couldn’t risk the possibility of L telling on him.
It was Friday morning. L hadn't been in work for a few days and The Master was still buzzing from what he did earlier that week. For the time being, that feeling kept his mind off of the worry that L still told someone or that someone saw him.
He continued to carry on with the week as normal, he would do his work quietly and not bother anyone. Occasionally he would glance over at L’s empty desk, he would lock eyes with M or G who were doing the same thing. He would mirror their look of confusion and mouth a “I don’t know,” when they asked if they knew where L was.
It was late afternoon on Friday when S came into the shared office asking for everyone’s attention. O looked up at S, he took his earbuds out. From the look on her face he could tell that it was about L.
    “S, what’s going on?” M asked.
    “L has gone missing. . .”
O watched to see what G and M were doing. He saw Agent G put a hand to her mouth in shock. He slowly copied, he placed a hand to his mouth and kept it there. It hid the grin he couldn’t help but show.
    “You’re joking,” O gasped.
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Our Next Adventure Part 2 (The Master X Reader)
WC: 1531
Warnings: None really, it’s pretty sweet though there is a teensy description of violence but nothing major.
Summary: After years of posing as MI6 agents, the time has come for Y/N and the Master to finally face the Doctor, though Y/N reflects on their time undercover
A/N: I got a major inspiration wave and cranked this out lol. Hope y’all enjoy!
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Spending several years on Earth disguised as boring, basic humans was not something Y/N and the Master would normally do voluntarily, however they knew the end result would be more than worth it.
The pair had spent the past few years pretending to be agents O and N from MI6. The Master asked his wife why she chose N to replace, and her response was that together the initials spell ‘no’ and she couldn’t think of a better pairing than that for them. 
After a few years they decided to move out to the Australian outback, using the Tardis as their ‘house’, and although it was boring they did find ways to kill time together, some more creative than others.
As soon as they received the call that the Doctor would be coming to visit them, in desperate need of assistance regarding an unknown alien race threatening intelligence officer, they both nearly jumped up and down with glee. All their hard work had finally paid off.
Y/N sat in the living room, clutching a cup of tea as she thought back to their time at MI6, realising it wasn’t totally bad.
“O, N. You guys coming out for drinks tonight?” Y/N looked up from her desk, seeing agent Z standing rather close to her. She would’ve rejected in a heartbeat, however she decided she wanted to be a little mischievous. A little mischief never hurt anyone, right?
“I would love to, though I can’t be sure about O. He’s never been a social creature, isn’t that right, O?” Y/N said, raising her eyebrows as she looked over at her husband.
He clenched his jaw, knowing exactly what Y/N was doing. He hated social gatherings with the other agents, and if drinks were to be anything like last year’s Christmas party then he certainly wanted no part. However, he wasn’t letting his wife get away with anything that easily.
“Drinks sound like a lot of fun. All this work has been scrambling my brain, so some relaxation would be wonderful.” He said, giving Y/N a pointed look before turning his gaze to Z.
“Wicked. I’ll meet you lot at the pub after work, let’s say 5?” Z said, and the pair nodded, watching him leave before turning to each other.
“You are the absolute worst, you know that right? I can’t stand working in the same building as these pathetic creatures, let alone being forced to make small talk with them for hours while drinking terrible alcohol. I hate you so much.” The Master ranted, glaring at Y/N who simply smiled widely back.
“Love you too Koschei, though you should probably work on your geeky, charming demeanour. It’s supposed to be O’s trademark characteristic, right love?” Y/N said, and the Master narrowed his eyes, scoffing before looking back down at his computer, signalling that the conversation was over.
“You’ll be the death of me, Y/N. I swear.” He muttered to himself, flipping through the pages of yet another boring document as he cursed the menial nature of this job. Y/N was the only thing that made it interesting.
Y/N chuckled at the memory, remembering how her husband sat through drinks absolutely fuming, aching to leave at every possible moment. She glanced over at him now, fiddling with the computers while muttering to himself under his breath.
“You know talking to yourself is the first sign of madness, darling.” Y/N piped up, and even though his back was to her she could tell he was rolling his eyes.
 “You and I both know we are well past the first stage.” He retorted, and Y/N nodded, laughing to herself as she walked over towards him.
 “Oh I am well aware of that. I saw the look in your eyes when we watched Gallifrey burn, and it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Y/N said, wrapping her arms around his waist as she waited for his reply.
“As flattered as I am, you’re forgetting that I’ve seen you choke a man so hard his eyes nearly popped out, and then laugh as he scuttled away broken. Now that, my dear, is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. You amaze me, honestly. I count my lucky stars every day that we were classmates in the Academy.” He said, turning around so that he could face Y/N, an adoring look in his eyes as he watched her react to his words.
 “You really know how to flatter a girl, Koschei. I just might swoon, so let’s hope you can catch me in time.” Y/N said, and although her words were playful, the Master knew that there was a strong sincerity to them.
There was a comfortable silence that quickly settled over them, and just as Y/N was about to lean in and kiss her husband, they were interrupted by the all-too-familiar sound of a Tardis landing.
“She’s here.” The Master muttered, reluctantly pulling away from his wife and straightening his vest. Y/N took in a deep breath, fiddling with the ring on her left hand. The sight of the ring brought back memories of their time on Earth, and she smiled widely as she recalled those memories.
“So, what’s the relationship like between you and O, because half of the office thinks you hate each other, and half think you’re madly in love.” Y/N jumped slightly at the sound of agent G’s voice. Y/N and G had become surprisingly close, but then again Y/N was always fonder of humans than her husband was.
“We’re actually married, have been for a while now.” Y/N said, and G’s eyes widened, a surprised laugh escaping her mouth.
 “No way! How come I don’t see a ring on that finger, N?” G said, and Y/N chuckled awkwardly, shoving her hands in her pockets.
“O’s always been a bit unorthodox, and I didn’t mind that he didn’t have a ring. It was a pretty spur of the moment thing anyway. We were really young and all we knew was that we wanted to get married and run off together, so we did.” Y/N said, smiling subconsciously as she remembered the wedding.
“So you two eloped, got it. It actually sounds kind of cute, but do you want some woman to woman advice?” G said, and Y/N nodded, wondering what she had to say.
“You should make him buy you a proper ring for you next anniversary. Surely you want a nice big rock you can show off, huh?” G said, and Y/N chuckled, nodding her head.
“What would I do without you, G?”
“You need to buy me a wedding ring.” Y/N said on their way back to the Tardis (which was currently disguised as a small house in London) and the Master stopped in his tracks.
“I’m sorry, what? Did you just say you want a wedding ring?” He said and Y/N nodded, looking him dead in the eye.
“Yeah, a wedding ring. I know Gallifreyans don’t have rings, but I was talking to G and I told her we were married and she asked why I didn’t have a ring and she said I should make you buy me one for our next anniversary. I obviously couldn’t tell her that we don’t celebrate anniversaries, but I have decided that I want a ring.” Y/N said, standing taller as she waited eagerly for a response.
“How do you propose I pay for this ring, because the ones I’ve seen are rather expensive.” He said, and Y/N raised an eyebrow, looking at him curiously.
“You’ve been looking at rings?” Y/N said, coming to a complete halt once she realised what her husband had said.
“It was meant to be a surprise, because I know how much you love stupid human things and I’m not normally a present-giver so I thought it would be nice to treat my wife to something special.” He said, and Y/N was shocked because for once she saw her husband looking somewhat sheepish.
 “You’re such a softie underneath that hard façade, darling, and I love you so much for it. Also you don’t have to get the ring for me now, do it whenever you feel ready.” Y/N said, kissing her husband briefly before pulling away.
 “Actually, I think we should go see what jewellers are open. Lord knows if I got you the wrong ring, I’d be hearing about it for the next hundred years or so, so it’s best to have you with me. Any opposition to that, love?” He said, and Y/n’s face broke out in a brilliant smile.
 “None whatsoever.”
 The sound of her husband pacing brought Y/N out of her memories and back into the real world. She made sure the collar of her shirt was fixed before letting out a sigh.
“I’d ask if you were ready for this but that’s a stupid question. You’re always ready.” Y/N said, earning a smile and a kiss on the cheek from the man standing opposite her.
“And so commences the beginning of the end. Shall we, my dear?” The Master said, holding his arm out for his wife to take. Y/N took it with a smile, ready to face the Doctor.
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cali-holland · 4 years
Golden Bullets - Harrison Osterfield Series
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“Martini. Shaken, not stirred.”
Harrison Osterfield X Reader, James Bond!AU
*moodboard is mine, pics used are not*
Masterlist   Harrison Osterfield Masterlist
Let me know if you want to be added to the series tag list
Series Warnings: sexual themes (no smut!), violence, pretty much anything a james bond movie would have (w/o the sex scenes)
Harrison Osterfield, Agent 007, was once the best MI6 agent around with the astounding reputation as a womanizer. Between illegal gold smuggling and black market trading of weapons, he finds himself deeper in his latest mission than intended, weaving himself into a web of the criminal organization, S.P.E.C.T.R.E.. At the center of it all is the one woman who’s never fallen for his charms- you, Agent 006, the best MI6 agent, the new assistant director of the program, and his new partner.
Agent 006 Moodboard
Tom Holland as Agent Q Moodboard
Playlist + Extra Moodboard
Series Teaser:
“I don’t need a nanny, M.” Harrison scoffed, shoving his hands in his suit pocket.
“No, you need a handler. You used to be one of my best agents until you got so reckless, but your new partner is my best agent and you will work under her orders.” M said definitively.
“Her?” He questioned, and, as if on cue, you walked through the large oak door.
“Q’s not quite done with the prototype DB10 yet.” You informed M, and Harrison looked between you and the director.
“Agent 007, meet the new assistant director and your new partner, Agent 006, Y/N Y/L/N.” M stated, and you smirked as Harrison’s jaw dropped. He was in for it now.
Chapter One: On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Chapter Two: License to Kill
Chapter Three: All The Time in the World
Chapter Four: Moonlight Trail
Chapter Five: Kiss of Death
Chapter Six: The Spy Who Loves Me 
Series Completed 8/12/20
Sequel series: Golden Hearts
Extra Things To Know About This Series
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moon-in-daylight · 4 years
Save you (Part 2) / Dhawan!Master x reader
clSummary: Traveling with The Doctor had shown you incredible things: The existence of extraterrestrial live, the possibility of time travel and the most beautiful and remote places you could have ever imagine... But being with her had also made you develop some strong values. To be kind and always help those in need. But would you be up to help The Master now that he is the one who needs to be saved?
Words: 6594
What’s written in italics are the reader’s memories.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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A few hours had passed, maybe more. Or maybe less. Time was perceived different when dying, as The Master was experiencing.
He wasn’t sure of how much time had passed since you had left the console room, but he did know it was too much time for his liking. He was getting bored. Also, he would never admit it out loud, but he kind of enjoyed having you around. Basically because he could mess you up and play with you all he wanted, which according to what he told himself, was a consolation during his final moments. If he had known how fun it was to have a pet, he would have probably gotten one earlier. Or probably not.
Regardless his agonizing state, he got up from the couch he had been in practically since the both of you escaped from Gallifrey, and ignoring the weight of his body pushing him back, he slowly dragged himself to wherever room you were in.
He had to hold himself against the wall as he walked, knowing that he would fall to the ground if he tried to stand by his own foot. Dying was the most infuriating thing he had got to experience. The Master would have been okay with having an instantaneous death, one in which he hadn’t had to witness the vulnerable and humiliating state he was in. Being dead was infinitely better than dying.
His efforts finally got him to your room, the one the TARDIS had created for you to stay in. The Master was surprised to find that you had already settled in like you were in your own home. That’s what humans were like, always appropriating of everything and making themselves at home where they’re not wanted.
Before getting into the room, he took a few seconds to try and regain the little composure he still had left. It was humiliating enough for him to witness his own decay, he needed to look as threatening as possible in front of you. To live up to his reputation, since that was all he had left now.
Finally, he opened the door without even knocking first, only to find you deeply asleep on the desk, your head buried in one of the books you had used as the sourced of your investigation.
To be honest, it surprised him the way you had committed to this. He believed that humans were lazy, that they gave up at the most minimal inconvenience. But seeing all the notes you had been taken and the fact that you had fallen asleep with the pen still in your hand made him reconsider that. Not that all that effort was going to pay you off, but it was still impressive.
And the thing that truly amazed him the most was that all of that effort was being put on him, the person that hadn’t done anything but lying and playing with you. He was supposed to be your enemy, and you still did everything in your hand to help him. What wouldn’t you do for someone you actually loved?
“You must have really fallen for O.” The Master sighed under his breathe, observing the way your chest calmly went up and down. He stood against the doorframe as he kept watching you, your face almost angelic as you didn’t move a muscle. “You’re a lot less annoying when you’re asleep. Why can’t you be like this all the time?”
He almost smiled involuntary when you, obviously, gave him no answer. You were the weirder human he had ever met, noisy and chaotic, yet always well intended. Sometimes you were too easy to deceive, excessively trusted, and sometimes you could read his intentions from miles away. It was the way you always ran to trouble, instead of running away from it. The way you constantly got yourself into life or death situations. And most importantly, the stupid urge he had of taking you out of them. He had never been protective of a human pet before. But it was different with you. You were his human.
Without giving it much thought, he carefully placed a blanket around your shoulders.
That was the main reason he hated having you around. He didn’t like what he was when you were there, but no matter how hard he tried, it was like he always got dragged back to you. It had started back when he was pretending to be O. You had only spent around a day and a half together, but that time seemed to be more than enough for him to develop a sixth sense when it came to protect you.
As much as he claimed he hated that feeling, he hated the possibility of you being hurt or killed even more.
The Master turned around to leave, frustrated and angry because of those feelings.
Dying was making him soft.
You adjusted your suit before following The Doctor, O, and the rest of the fam inside of Daniel Barton’s birthday party. The place was full of people, all dressed in really expensive clothing and walking around like that was their daily live. You did your best to pretend you were comfortable in that space.
When The Doctor told you to blend in and keep an eye on the VOR’s CEO, you made sure to go alongside O.
“I’ve never been to anywhere like this before.” You confessed the MI6 agent as you walked beside him. “I don’t know how to ‘blend in’.”
“Me neither. Analyst here, new to undercover work.” He gave you a reassuring smile. “I suppose we should do what everybody else is doing.”
“Which is?”
“Having a good time.” O grabbed two glasses of champagne from a waiter that was walking around and handed you one. “Where do you want to go?”
“I don’t know…” You looked around the place. You didn’t know how to play any of the games, so it didn’t really matter what you chose. Finally, you decided to point out the place in which you saw less people. “What about there?”
With a kind smile, O offered you his arm. Taking it, the both of you walked to the game you had chosen.
The thing was that you couldn’t stop thinking about that conversation the both of you had had earlier. The Doctor had interrupted you in the worst possible moment. But then again, was it okay for you to know what O was going to tell you? Maybe The Doctor kept it from you for a good reason. Were you entitled to sneak around her past behind her back? Trying to get out of your mind, you tried to focus on the game, which was really hard since you didn’t know the rules of it. When it was your time to roll the dices, you extended your hand to O.
“Blow for good luck.” You asked him. You had seen it in movies, so you thought it wouldn’t hurt to try and summon your luck with that little ritual. O did as you told him with a wide smile. You shook the dices in your hand for a few seconds before finally rolling them. Everyone at the table started to cheer. “What happened? Did we win?”
“No.” He shook his head slightly.
“I didn’t know what I was doing anyway.”
“You know what they say.” He turned to you. “Lucky at dice, unlucky at love.”
“Do they really say that?” You raised an eyebrow.
“No.” O admitted with a chuckle, causing you to laugh too. “I’m just saying that the luck I just gave you must have ended up somewhere.”
“Let’s hope you’re right.” As it was a habit for you when you got nervous, you placed some of your hair behind your ear. “O, about what you were saying earlier of Gallifrey…?”
“Mmm?” He insisted you to finishing your question.
“How did you gather all that information?”
“You’re not the first ones to travel with The Doctor.” He informed you. “I interviewed some of her former companions and they told me some very useful things.”
“They just stopped travelling with The Doctor?” You frowned, confused. It was stupid to think you were one of the first humans to be lucky enough to travel with her, but you hadn’t really contemplated the possibility of other people doing it before you.
O nodded his head before looking at you in the eye. “I suppose not everyone is made for that kind of life. Are you planning on travelling with her forever?” His question moved something inside of you. You had never considered the possibility of leaving your life with The Doctor.
“I don’t know, I never thought about all of this having an end.” You admitted, looking away. “I suppose someday I might go back home and settle down…” You shrugged. “But not for the moment.” He gave you a sympathetic smile. “So… What happened with that war on Gallifrey?”
“Apparently, it was one of the most cruel and bloody ones in the history of the Time Lords.” His eyes observed your every reaction at what he was saying. “They fought for so long that they got out of control. Children, elderly, it didn’t matter. People were killed day after day for centuries. That was until The Doctor came up with a drastic solution to put an end to the massacre.”
“What did she do?” You immediately asked, watching her playing cards from afar. O stayed silent. “What was the solution?”
“Genocide.” He finally answered as you tried to process everything. “She killed off her entire species.”
“The Doctor wouldn’t–“
Before you could finish your sentence, he cut you off. “Think about it. You’ve travelled the universe, Y/N.” He looked into your eyes while he spoke. “Have you ever met another Time Lord?” You silently shook your head. “That’s because there are none left.”
In that moment, you watched Barton get in the room from the corner of your eye.
“Don’t tell her I told you any of that.” O was quick to add. You watched The Doctor go after Daniel Barton to interrogate him.
“But why have you told this to me and not to the others?” You questioned. He grabbed your hand and looked you in the eye.
“Because I care about you.” You felt your cheeks blushing at his words. It was stupid to think about that kind of stuff in a situation like that, but you couldn’t deny you felt attracted to him. “I want you to be safe. I gave you this information so that you could be prepared for anything. You decide what to do with it.” His eyes were on yours as he carefully caressed your hand. “And if you decide you want to stop travelling with her for a while, I have a spare bedroom. Maybe you could come work with me. If you want, of course.” You returned him the smile as you both went back with the group.
You had never pictured The Doctor as a killer, and certainly not as a person who would be able to commit genocide against her own people. She had been nothing but a pacifist since the first time you had met her. Maybe O was lying to you, or maybe he was simply wrong.
But that story would explain why The Doctor was so secretive about her origins, and why she never wanted to take you see her home planet. The more you thought about it, the more sense it made. If what O had said was true, could you trust her anymore?
You had been consumed by your thoughts for the last half hour. O had told you that you could do whatever you wanted with that information. Should you confront her about it? Should you act like nothing had happened? Should you just stop travelling with her?
Those questions were running through your mind as all of you followed Daniel Barton to the airport. Unfortunately, you didn’t have much time to think about what your move towards The Doctor should be, as the CEO of VOR was running away inside of his private plane. Not even contemplating the idea of letting him get away, The Doctor began to run to the moving vehicle.
Her, you and the fam got inside the plane with relatively easily, but when you looked around you found that O was getting left behind. You extended him your hand as he finally got to the plane, helping him get on board. He commented you how he had always been bad at running as the others ran to the main cabin. You followed them.
“Never been good at sprinting?” The Doctor asked O about what he had said earlier.
“I was the last one in every race at school.” He justified himself as he made his way to sit beside you.
“No, no, no. I read your file. You were a champion sprinter.” The alien insisted. You looked at the MI6 agent in confusion, seeing something change in his features.
“Mmm. Got me. Well done.” His tone was darker, colder as he spoke.
“What's going on, Doc?” Graham asked. You weren’t the only one that had noticed his sudden change of behavior.
“I don't know.” She squirmed her eyes, trying to understand what was going on.
“You'd best take a look out of the window.” ‘O’ pointed out the small plane’s window you were sitting next to. You did as he told just to find his house flying through the sky.  
“How's your house out there?” The eldest of your human friends asked again.
“Bit Wicked Witch of the West, but you get the gist. Maybe. Maybe not.” The so–called agent made his way to the front of the plane. “Oh, come on, Doctor, catch up. You can do it. Come on.”
“Oh!” The Time Lord exclaimed like she had suddenly figured everything out. The rest, on the other hand, couldn’t be anymore lost.
“That's...that's my name, and that is why I chose it.” A big, mischievous smile appeared on his face, one so different to the ones he had been given you all day. “Oh, so satisfying. Doctor, I did say look for the spymaster. Or should I say spy... Master? Hi.” He waved his hand at The Doctor
“You can't be.”
“Oh, I can be. I very much am.”
What where they talking about? If The Doctor had known that man from before, how could have he tricked her into making her believe he was O?
“Who is he, Doctor?” You finally dared to ask. As it turned out, whoever that person was had been lying about his identity this whole time. Chances were he had lied about The Doctor being a killer too.
“I'm her best enemy, love.” He looked at you in the eye, impersonating O’s calmer tone. “Call me Master.”
This ‘Master’ proceeded to explain how he had infiltrated MI6 and how he had been in an alliance with Barton and the creatures made of light all along. You couldn’t help but to feel stupid for having once believed anything he had said. When The Doctor went to check on Barton, she realized there was a bomb in his place, set by The Master.
The Doctor couldn’t do anything to deactivate the bomb and a minute later the plane burst out in flames.
“One last thing. Something you should know in the seconds before you die. Everything that you think you know... is a lie.” He told The Doctor.
With all of your strength, you gripped to one of the seats, but couldn’t help your fingers to slip. You closed your eyes, scared as you had ever been as you felt your body flying away. Heights were one of the things you feared the most, and realizing that you were about to fall to the ground from about 30,000 feet was making you live your worst nightmare. You thought you were doomed when you suddenly felt The Master grabbing you by your arm just in time.
“Got you.” He laughed before teleporting the both of you away.
Your whole body was sore from the uncomfortable position you had fallen asleep in. You didn’t know how much time you had been asleep, but you did know it hadn’t been much. Plus it hadn't been a restoiring sleep either, since you were almost as tired as you were when you fell asleep. As you got up from the chair you had been for the last hours, you felt your body longing to lay down and have some proper rest. Sadly for you, you didn’t have time for that.
Well, at least you supposed you didn’t. In fact, you had no idea of how many time you had before The Master passed away. And for that reason you needed to work faster, if you truly wanted to save him.
There was no denying that you had had second thoughts about helping him. You knew he wouldn’t be up to anything good if he did survive this. But if you left him to die on his own you would be just like that part you hated about him, wouldn’t you?
As you observed the last notes you had written before falling asleep, you realized there was a blanket around your shoulders. You didn’t remember grabbing it, but you supposed you must had gotten cold in the last moments before you passed out.
Giving it no second thought, you walked out of your room and walked to where The Master was with the intention to check on him. He was lying on the couch where you had left him to rest earlier, his eyes closed and his body immobile. You walked slowly to him and placed two fingers on his neck, looking for his pulse. You weren’t sure if his pulse worked like yours, so when didn't find it you moved your fingers to the other side of his neck. Maybe you were too late…
“I’m still alive.” He muttered bitterly without opening his eyes as you finally found the beating of his heart, their rhythm being delicate, but still faster than yours. His voice sounded even weaker than it did the last time you had spoken to him.
“Just checking.” Putting your hand away from him, you sighed.
It was strange to be there again, you thought as you watched your surroundings. You had first been there when you thought he was O, but since you had found out about his true identity, the same place had a different vibe. O’s house had always been The Master’s TARDIS, they looked exactly the same –except for the console that was on the center of the room now– but they seemed like worlds apart to you. You had always liked the place anyway, even though it was messy and a bit chaotic. It suited him.
Still thinking about that, you started to prepare some tea. You didn’t even bother to ask The Master if he wanted some, knowing that he would immediately reject anything that came from you. You silently prepared an extra cup for him.
When the drink was ready, you placed it in a small table next to the place where he was lying.
“I didn’t ask you for that.” He said as he watched you sit across from him.
“I know.” You shrugged and took a sip of your own cup just to put it away when the hot liquid burning your tongue. The Master laughed at you. “What’s so funny?”
“You are.” He stated. He couldn’t hold back a cough while he tried to sit. “Have you given up yet?” You immediately shook your head. “You’re wasting your time. Don’t you think that if there was a possible solution I would have come up with it already?” The Master grabbed the cup that you had prepared for him, the hot that the mug irradiated heating up his chilled hands. “The Cyberium is an AI, it’s not a common cold like the ones you have on Earth. It knows what it’s doing and it won’t stop until I’m dead.”
“Neither will I.” The Master laughed again at your impertinence before taking a small sip of tea.
“It will be useless.” He looked at you in the eye. Not being able to hold his gaze, you looked down at your cup.
“Well, if I don’t get to cure you, at least you won’t be dying on your own.” You looked back at him to find that he was still staring at you. “I need you to tell me everything you know about the Cyberium, the books don’t say much about it.”
“There’s not much to know.” He said. “The Cyberium it’s the essence of all cyberknowledge.”
“How does it choose its host? Why did it choose you?” You kept asking. For some reason The Master was being especially receptive, you needed to take advantage of it.
“Because I told it to.” He shrugged, letting the cup back on the table next to him. “I promised it control over the universe, and when that plan failed it decided I needed to get punished.” He reminded you. “The Cyberium needs a capable host, one that will do as it pleases. If the host refuses to help or fails at their task, they are killed.” He pushed away some of the hair falling on his face.
You kept looking at The Master, trying to formulate the question in your mind. After a few seconds, you realized there was no right way to ask that.
“Are you afraid to die?” The words simply came out of your lips, making him form a weakened smile.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He avoided answering. “You keep getting yourself into life or death situations and I’m not longer going to be there to get you out of them.”
The widest smile appeared on your face when he finally admitted what you already knew, that all the times he had saved you hadn’t been fortuity.
“Then it’s my time to return the favor, don’t you think?” You told him, a plan already forming in your head.
The Master didn’t even reply to that, he just gave you a concerned look as he laid back on the couch, his body shivering and aching. He was way too exhausted to keep the conversation any longer.
Him being nicer than usual worried you. It was surprisingly pleasant to have a conversation with him that didn’t end up with the both of you arguing, but that only meant he was getting worse. He didn’t even had enough strength to put up a fight. That was a sign.
A sign that you didn’t have much time left.
Next thing you knew, you were in O’s house, only that it was different now.
There was a big, red console in the middle of the living room, like the one The Doctor had on her TARDIS. Was that a TARDIS? But how could he have one?
You waited until Barton left to start asking your questions.
“Who are you really?” The Master turned to you when he heard you.
“Oh, sorry.” He laughed. “Completely forgot you were there. Can I bring you anything? Fancy another cup of tea there, darling?”
“You have a TARDIS.” You ignored his mocking and kept digging for answers. “You said you and The Doctor knew each other from way back, but she didn’t recognized your appearance. Are you a Time Lord?”
“Smart one, eh?” The Master confirmed your theory in his own twisted way. “I must say you weren’t that bright when you fell for O though. You made it too easy to manipulate you. Such a shame my cover blew up so soon, I had great plans for you.”
You bit your lip as you did your best not to fall in his game.
“If you’re in fact a Time Lord, everything you said about Gallifrey was a lie.” You figured out, feeling ashamed for having doubted of the Doctor.
“No, I was being serious about that.” You frowned as he seemed to speak with all the sincerity in the world. “The Time War did happen, and your precious Doctor ended it by killing everyone. Cross my hearts, you can ask her if you don’t believe me.”
“If she killed off all of your species how can you be here?”
“I wasn’t in Gallifrey when that happened.” He clarified. “I was the only one who survived.”
“Why would I believe anything you said?” The Master laughed when you asked that and got closer to you.
“It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not.” His eyes looked into yours, the complicity his gaze showed earlier now gone. “But if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be asking so many questions about it.” You stayed silent and looked away, not being able to hold his stare. “In her defense I will say they were all monsters.”
“Then why do you hate her so much?” You looked back at him as he laughed in a manic way. He was completely out of his mind.
“Your pathetic, useless human brain wouldn’t even begin to understand.” His voice was dead serious as he spoke, his face inches away from yours as he looked at you with pure hatred. “We’ve known each other for thousands of years, since we were just little children at the Academy. You pitiful humans can’t even conceive what it’s like to live more than a few years, how could you comprehend what it’s like to have the kind of relationship The Doctor and I have?”
You were about to reply when the TARDIS began to make an extremely loud sound. Visibly upset, The Master walked to the console and after looking at the screen, he hit it repeatedly. He looked in your direction, frustration all over his face.
“How has she got there?”  Before you could ask him what was he talking about, he spoke again. “It doesn’t matter. It’s nothing I can’t deal with. I’m going to take care of it.”
The Master began to set the controls of his TARDIS, setting up a destination.
“You better change your clothes to something more fitting.” He told you without even looking at you. “We’re going to 1834, we’re paying our mutual friend a visit.” When he saw you stood still he insisted again in a more demanding tone. “Go change! NOW!”
Slowly, you dragged yourself deeper into his TARDIS, getting to the wardrobe and trying to find something suiting for the 19th century. A few minutes after getting yourself into one of the most uncomfortable dresses you had ever wore, The Master came looking for you. You couldn’t help but notice he had also changed himself.
“Come on, The Doctor is waiting for us.” He rushed you, grabbing you by the arm and guiding you out of the TARDIS.
He took you through the crowded streets without saying a single word. You weren’t sure of what was going on. Sure, he had said he was going to take you to see The Doctor, but why would he take you to see her? And how had she ended up in 1834? Last time you had seen her, she was in the plane crash. Oh damn, the airplane. Well, if The Doctor was alive and in 1834, you hoped the rest of your friends had also survived.
As you entered a notoriously big building, you noticed some strange device in The Master’s hand. You didn’t have time to ask him what it was as he took you both inside of an exposition full of people.
“Ladies and gentleman!” He shouted, getting the room’s attention without letting go of his grip on you. “See the incredible shrinking device! Want to be smaller, ladies? You can!” Pointing the device at one of the ladies in the room, he turned her into a small doll, causing panic to take over the entire building.
So, that was what the mysterious device was for. And that was how he had turned the real O into the tiny doll he had showed on the plane, now that you recalled it. Barely giving them time to react, The Master proceeded to shrink random man. Letting you go for a second, he grabbed both of the miniaturized bodies from the floor and showed them to you.
“Aren’t they a lovely couple?” He asked before throwing them away. The people on the room freaked out, trying to escape. “Do not move! Hands on heads. Hands on heads!”
“Let them go.” You heard The Doctor’s voice as she approached the both of you. The Master quickly grabbed you by the arm again. “Let her go, and you can have me.”
“I’ve got you anyway.” He stated, looking into her eyes. Out of nowhere, he used the device again on another woman nearby. “When I kill them, Doctor, it gives me a little buzz. Right here, in the hearts. It's like... How would I describe it? It's like... It's like knowing I'm in the right place, doing what I was made for.” The Master pointed his device at you in a threatening way. “Do you think it will feel this good when I kill her, Doctor?”
“What do you want?” She asked, trying to keep the situation under control, and most importantly, keep you alive. The Master thought about her question for a few seconds, holding you in place.
“Kneel.” He commanded, only getting a look of disbelieve from her. “Kneel or you’re going to have to get a doll house for your pet to live in.” The Doctor looked at you before getting on her knees. “Call me by my name.”
“Master.” She muttered.
“Beg your pardon?”
“Master.” The Doctor repeated.
“Can you hear her?” He asked you, his grip on your arm starting to cause you pain as he squeezed you closer to him. “We can’t hear you, love.”
“Master.” He let go of you to dramatically place his hand over his mouth, pretending to be moved.
The conversation between them went on as you tried your best to remain calmed. The last thing you wanted was to make a wrong move and triggering The Master into turning you into one of those little dolls. As they kept talking, The Doctor began to decode his plan, realizing that he didn’t even know what those creatures made of light were.
“That’s one uneasy alliance. Trust each other, do you?” The Doctor mocked her oldest friend.
“Oh, completely.” He said. “But Barton and the Kasaavin aren’t the only ones I’ve been talking to. Your precious Y/N here and I have become quite close. Turns out there’s a lot about you that she didn’t know.”
“What have you told her?” The Doctor asked, you could hear the worry in her voice. Why was she worried? Did she truly had anything to hide?
“Down, Doctor!” A voice was heard before the room was filled with the sound of a firearm.
When you looked up, you saw a woman shooting one of the weapons that formed part of the exposition. The Master quickly pushed you behind him just to be shot in his left arm.
“Ada, I really do not approve!” The Doctor screamed at the woman.
Taking advantage of the state of confusion that filled the room at the sight of a woman using a weapon, he took you by the wrist and got you out of there. He knew The Doctor couldn’t get far without a TARDIS anyway.
As you ran back to his ship, you could see the way he kept his left arm close to his body, probably trying to ease the pain. When you finally arrived to his TARDIS he let go of you.
You weren’t sure what had happened, but you could swear he had saved you from getting that bullet yourself. The Master took off the long coat that he was wearing and rolled up the sleeve of his shirt, showing the wound that the bullet had left on him and the blood coming out of it. Under your worried stare, he rushed to one of the chest of drawers in the room to get a pair of tweezers.
He was about to remove the bullet himself when you stopped him.
“Wait.” You muttered, getting closer to him so you could take the tweezers from him.
“What are you doing?” He angrily asked.
“Let me help.”
Before he could complain, you gently took his arm and proceeded to remove the bullet yourself. It was the first time you found yourself in a situation like that one, and you didn’t exactly had plenty of idea of what you were doing, but you just couldn’t stand there and watch as he did that all by himself. If it was as painful as it looked, you simply couldn’t let him suffer more than necessary. Not if you could do something to help.
Luckily, it didn’t take long for you to remove the bullet and within a few seconds you threw it to the floor. The Master kept looking at you as you ripped the sleeve of your dress and put the fabric around his arm as an improvised bandage.
“Are you out of your mind?” You could sense the confusion in his tone for the first time since he had shown his true self. For a second there, he seemed to be out of place, like he didn’t know what to do in that situation. He wasn’t used to it, and he hated the feeling. “Why are you helping me? Are you dumb?”
“A simple ‘thank you’ would be nice.” You replied. He observed you closely, almost as if he was trying to study you. To be honest, you weren’t really sure of why you were helping him either.
His stare soon turned to one of disgust as he let himself free of your grip and walked to his console, ready to travel back to the 21st century. You kept yourself quiet as your mind went back to that last moment with The Doctor.
What could be so bad about her that she had to hide it? Was it the genocide of her own people or something even worse? Why couldn’t she be open and honest with you for a change? As ironic as it was, you had the feeling that The Master had been more open with you in a few hours than what she had ever been in all the time you had known her. He was supposed to be the bad guy, right? Then what sense did it made?
“I helped you because you have taught me more about yourself and your species than The Doctor ever has.” You said, even though he didn’t seem to pay much attention to you.
“Is it me or are you changing sides?” He mocked you, or so you thought. When he didn’t hear you answering, he turned to you.
You couldn’t even hold his stare as the idea started to cross your mind. Was that a possibility? You didn’t want to destroy Earth or end the human race, but after finding out about The Doctor’s secret you weren’t sure that you wanted to be on her side either. Why couldn’t be a third side, one that wasn’t looking for the destruction of the world and that could be honest with their companions?
“I’m not.” You finally stated, not sounding as confident as you would have liked. “But you could though. There’s good in you, I’ve seen it.”
“You must be having hallucinations then.” He harshly answered, looking away from you.
“You saved my life twice today.” You insisted, trying to make him see what you saw. “Once on the plane and also earlier when you took that bullet for me. I wasn’t hallucinating when that happened.”
“You just got really lucky today, that’s all.” His tone was getting more and more bitter as he tried to prove you wrong. “You must be mistaking me for your little boyfriend O. Wake up, he doesn’t exist.”
When you were about to reply, the TARDIS started to make that noise again. Not paying you anymore attention, he checked the screen in front of him, his face showing the despair he was feeling. How had she ended up in 1943? Good thing he had some contacts in the Gestapo. Without wasting a single second, he set the coordinates to the Nazi-occupied Paris.
“I’m tired of babysitting you.” He told you, grabbing some clothes as he made his way out. For the green color of it, you supposed it was an uniform. “Don’t go out or you’ll finally end with my patience. And you don’t want to see what happens next.”
After The Master left, you decided to go out for a second and check where his ship had landed, when you saw a group of men dressed at Nazis patrolling around, you realized you were in the middle of World War II. For once, you decided to obey the orders you were given and stay inside the TARDIS. You hadn’t exactly heard the best things about this time period, and going out there on your own was a step you weren’t sure you were ready to take.
The hours passed, and you couldn’t help but to start feeling worried when The Master didn’t come back. In his current incarnation, a territory occupied by the Nazis wasn’t the ideal place to be. What if they had captured him and he never came back? Your head was spinning around, considering whether if you should go out and look for him or not. You were about to take the step when the door finally opened, showing someone you weren’t expecting to see.
“Y/N!” The Doctor exclaimed as she ran to you and hugged you. She came in the company of two other women, one of them the one that was with her in 1834, Ada. “Are you okay?” You nodded as you embraced her back, happy to see her despite all the things you had learned about her. But you still needed to know the truth.
“Is it true, Doctor?” You dared to ask after a few seconds, getting away from her. “What The Master said about Gallifrey, about the Time War… Did you kill your own people?”
Her eyes turned dark for a second when she heard your words, finally realizing what was what The Master had told you.
“For a long time, I thought I did.” She answered you sincerely. “I thought that I had no choice. I thought that I had detonated my own planet.” You could hear the pain in her voice. “But many years later I came up with a solution to save Gallifrey, to let everyone live.” You heard her story as tears filled your eyes. You didn’t know what to believe anymore. “I trapped Gallifrey in a bubble, in an universe of its own, where it has been until now.” The Doctor said, avoiding to tell you about what The Master had insinuated at the Eiffel Tower.
“Where is The Master?” You asked, feeling deceived. You felt stupid for falling into his games over and over, but for some reason you couldn’t help but to still be worried about him.
“He’s been taken care of.” The Doctor assured you as she moved closer to the console, rushing to get back to the rest of your friends. “Don’t worry about him, we got more important things to solve right now.”
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ventureonward · 4 years
Ninjak returns in 2021 with the team of Jeff Parker and Javier Pulido
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Valiant Comics is pairing writer Jeff Parker (Batman ’66, James Bond Origin, Thunderbolts) and artist Javier Pulido (The Amazing Spider-Man, Robin: Year One, She-Hulk) for a new comic book relaunch starring the enigmatic superspy Ninjak.
Co-created by Mark Moretti and Joe Quesada Ninjak is a wealthy British son of privileged Colin King. The character has been a fan favorite ever since his debut back in Bloodshot #6 of July of 1993 with a spin-off book following soon after. Without any superpowers of his own but the skills of being a ninja and a spy already under his belt, Ninjak had previously crossed paths with the other biggest Valiant heroes like X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, and Shadowman. 
The former ex-MI6 agent that once started in a short-lived web series Ninjak Vs. The Valiant Universe has now been called back into duty with a Ninjak #1. With Ninjak’s secrets now exposed to the world, Colin must deal with a whole new set of rules. One of which is he must now contend with the criminal underworld.
Jeff Parker describes the series as: “I don’t want to give too much away about the storyline of DAYLIGHT just yet. But it’s rude to not at least hint so: Colin King is going to see the mighty institution he’s served most of his career, MI6, turned inside out and left vulnerable to all its enemies, and the same happens to him. It’s extremely hard to be a ninja or spy when all your secrets are exposed. Over the year Ninjak is going to experience a serious paradigm shift.”
Parker also praises the artist, Javier Pulido saying: “I love how Javier’s mind works,” said Jeff about the acclaimed artist. “He comes up with the most brilliant panel progressions and layouts, and very striking compositions that look so simple, but you have to be a next-level talent to attempt a lot of what he does.”
“Senior Editor Lysa Hawkins’ relentless support, along with Jeff’s steely story-sense for adventure, and NINJAK is the action book I’ve wanted to work on for years,” stated Javier in a statement provided by Valiant. “In fact, it’s designed to grab the reader by the throat as soon as the first page is opened.”
Senior Editor Lysa Hawkins calls Jeff and Javier an unstoppable creative team and a perfect fit for this globe-trotting spy saga. “Jeff weaves a spy thriller that starts at full throttle and never lets up! Coupled with the eye-popping bold strokes of Javier’s art style, you’ve never seen Ninjak like this before!”
Check out Pulido artwork that is provided by Valiant Entertainment below:
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Ninjak will arrive in comic stands in 2021 with the first title arc entitled, Daylight. Stay Valiant.
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hauntingcryptids · 2 years
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[Image Reads] Anonymous said - Hi! May i ask for a soft fic with the master where they hypnotize the reader?
I accidentally deleted the original request, so the image above is my copy.
Thank you so much for the request, anon! I enjoyed writing these. I think that they were all really cute!
I ended up writing multiple versions for this request because I didn't know which regeneration of The Master you wanted.
In the future, if anyone requests can you specify which regeneration or a couple for me to choose from. Or just stating that you don't have a preference of regeneration. Either way is fine for me, but knowing what you prefer eases my anxiety.
Below is the list of fics and when they will be posted. I will link them here once they are posted.
Soft Spot In The Hearts Of A Murderer
Simm!Master x Reader - Will be posted on 24 February 2023
Secret Date
Gomez!Master x Reader - Will be posted on 26 February 2023
Work Hard, Rest Hard
MI6 Agent O x Reader - Will be posted on 28 February 2023
Torturous Flirting
Dhawan!Master x Reader - Will be posted on 2 March 2023
Attempted Backstabbing
Whittaker!Master x Reader - Will be posted on 4 March 2023
Thank you again, anon. And I hope that you enjoy! :)
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hauntingcryptids · 2 years
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[Image Reads] Anonymous said - “Hello there how are you? I hope that you’re doing well. If it’s okay I was wondering if I could request an O x Reader (Dhawan!Master) where the reader is a secret agent and after working hard on a mission they are tired but cannot sleep. So O offers to hypnotise the reader to make them sleep”
Accidentally posted then deleted the original request because I keep forgetting that I left things in my queue. So, this is just my copy of the ask.
Thank you so much for the request, anon! I really enjoyed writing this. I hope that you enjoy this, too.
I will link the fic here once I post it.
Lie Down With Me - 6 March 2023
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