#mhs zuzu
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mhsnetflixblog · 1 year ago
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Masquerade MC Promo
Rosso: None
Kabo: Prince
Zobie: Princess
Borocca: Cowboy
Zuzu: Popstar
Quicky: Knight
Enton: Alien
Kami: Flower
Nonny: Pirate
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starwardzobie · 1 year ago
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Borocca, Kabo, Zuzu and I make up the Dream Team!
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lyteandronix · 1 year ago
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MHS Pixel Art #6
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nicezaiteva1985 · 8 months ago
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MHS in Shakira's style (reboot)
Æon the Meat Hammer
Ampoo the Electric Plug
Anto the Mermaid Fishnet
Borocca the Umbrella
Bri the Gift Box
Chaps the Candy
Dabble the Rattle
Docky The Skeleton
Enton the Chimney
Fonton the Fountain Pen
Friedi the Banjo
Furanzo the File Folder
Genie the Dictionary
Hikky the Double Sided Pencil
Inky the Ink Bottle
Juno the Plant Pot
Kabo the Pumpkin
Kami the Ghost
Karen the Windchime
Liddy the Piano
Magnero the Magnet
Noisy the Microphone
Nonny the Humidifier
Œther the Camera
Onpoo the Musical Note
Oozee the USB-C Flash Drive
Piranin the Piranha
Quicky the Clock
Ringring the Dreamcatcher
Rosso the Fire Hydrant
Shiro the Jack-In-The-Box
Spimon the Speaker Monkey
Tubee the Paint Tube
Usop the Spray Can
Vincent the Jellybean Jar
Watt the Lightbulb
Mr. X the Paper Bag
Yumyum the Banana
Zobie the Zombie
Zuzu the Cotton Candy
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seiilo · 2 years ago
jealous heizou }
heizou woke up to see nobody beside him, usually there would be his husband, kazuha staring at him lovingly, but that wasnt the case today. it was confusing.
"zuzu? where are you?"
he tried to call kazuha but he didnt receieve (i forgot how to spell) a reply. but he saw a familiar figure coming into the bedroom he was in and his love was there! :D yayy!!
"is there anything wrong, dear?"
heizous eyes fluttered at the sight of his husband and smiled with his hands reached out for some reason, he closed his eyes happily and he felt a pair of warm arms and body around him. kazuhas lips touched heizous ears and commented, "
"you did not reply to me, sweetheart. is there anything the matter? after all, you did call me."
kazuha started to shower heizou with kisses so heizou knows that he loves him. heizou rubbed against kazuhas warm body and responded.
"why weren't you beside me?"
heizou was kind of upset, i know, its a silly reason but kazuha found it adorable :)
kazuha chuckled and grabbed heizous waist and picked him up.
"i chose to make breakfast for you sweetheart. am i forgiven?"
heizou slightly blushed and nodded wrapping his arms around his husband that was now holding him.
a few moments later just to get through the morning so theyre ready for the day:)
kazuha was hanging out with ayaka, yoimiya, and ayato. meanwhile heizou was doing his detective work whatever and my girlie yoimiya came up with a FANTASTIC idea >:D
"hey guys, how about we play a prank on heizou!! what do ya say?" -yoimiya
"it depends what prank we are playing. i dont choose to join if it is hurtful." -kazuha
"i don't see why not." -ayato
"im feeling bored, so sure!" -ayaka
yoimiya chuckled and told them her idea.
so basically she wants to make heizou jealous (for fun ofcourse) and kazuha is gonna hangout w ayato for a while and see what heizou does
after they all agreed and they started the prank
after a while :D
kazuha and ayato were hanging in idk think of a random place im lazy and heizou ran towards kazuha, hugging him from behind and showering him with kisses. kazuha turned around and kissed him once, unlike he usually would, hed usually grab him and make his face red. (aw)
and ayato played along yk continuing to talk and so did kazuha.
heizou knew something was wrong.
"zuzu? are you mad at me? hmm??"
heizou made a sad puppy face with caused kazuha to fight the urge to apologize and frik the prank but he managed and pushed heizou lightly away and continued talking (just to let ya know, kazuha felt SO. SO. SO. bad,)
"heizou, do you mind going away for a while, im trying to speak to kazuha and you're disturbing us."
ayato told heizou as heizou was starting to tear up a bit and he ran back home, as soon as he was out of sight, the two started acting normally.
"i feel so bad.. i want to go and apologize. but i cannot..." - kazuha
"i dont blame you. it was so hard for me to say that to him."- ayato
heizous pov
heizou was at home rn, and he was cuddled up in the corner of their bedroom and he was crying, thinking to himself
what if i get cheated on??
am i not enough for him??
why? why? why?!
and he continued to cry until kazu came back and he didmt care, he contunued to cry so he can show kazuha what he done to him (naughty kazu nya).
kazuhas eyes slowly widened and he shook his head,to remind himself ab the prank. (obviously, he would be upset to see his wifey cry www)
during the night, heizou was facing the wall, he didnt even want to feel kazuha.
morning as heizou was making breakyfast
kazuha walked across the kitchen until he saw heizou and approched him to hug him from behind and wrap his arms around him.
"hello there, beautiful."
"mh.. dont talk to me."
heizou was mad at kazuha for what happened yesterday. but he didnt push him away or anything.
"whats wrong darling? am i not allowed to hug you?"
"thats not the problem...."
heizou explained what happened yesterday in his view and kazuha immediately felt bad for him and started biting his cheek softly as a sorry. :)
"it was a prank heizou dear, yoimiya thought of it. did i make you sad? i am very sorry, ill give you whatever you want, i promise sweetheart."
"i forgive you..."
heizou slightly turned and kissed him back.
"i love you so so much."
"i love you too too too!"
the couple laughed together:))
tHe eNd......
or is it?...
nah jk it is
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years ago
//Ugh hate leechers in monster hunter. Letting others do all the hard work while they just hang at home base. Wish there was a way to deal with them. Just had to block them.
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pamgkrthwrites · 4 years ago
Hello! Could you do a bakugou x littlespace reader where I break a rule and get spanked? If you don't do spankings could I just get time out? Could it also be really fluffy? Have a great day!!!
*Cracks knuckles* Let's begin, I need some little self-comfort. 
Minors Don’t Interact.
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: DDLG, Little Reader, Daddy Bakugou, Spanking, Gender Neutral Reader, hurt-comfort, Bakugou being cold.
Word count: 850
“Teddy Bear.” Said Katsuki, with a stern voice.
You were hiding away in one of the closets in the shared apartment you had with Katsuki. You knew Katsuki didn’t want you speaking to Izuku, but you didn’t want to be rude when he approached you. So when you saw Katsuki approaching you two, you started to panic. He luckily gave you a head start to head home, but once you were home you couldn’t help but hide away as your little space overtook you.
Katsuki must’ve known you entered into little space, either by the time of day, the mess around the apartment, or maybe that you had changed before hiding.
“You know I don’t like you talking to Deku, Teddy Bear.” Katsuki exclaimed. “If you come out now and explain the punishment won’t be as bad.”
You felt tears corner to your eyes and you gripped your Eevee plush. You opened the closet door and made your way to where Katsuki’s voice came from.
When you entered the living room, Katsuki’s eyes fell onto your frame, you being in your teddy onesie, hair all messy and clutching your plush as your big eyes looked up at him in worry.
He made his way to the couch and you followed. He didn’t look as angry as you expected.
Though in reality, he was steaming when he came back home. You were hiding from punishment, which confirmed to him you knew what you were doing when you talked to Deku. 
Though your worried eyes did make him rethink how he was going to have to deal with this, it looked like you had been crying so maybe this whole situation was just a mistake. Maybe he wouldn’t have to be so harsh with his punishment.
He sat down on the couch and tapped his thigh once to single to you to sit. 
You gulped before sitting down on his lap and holding your plush tighter.
He wrapped his arm around so he could block an escape but also grip your thigh.
“Now,” He said with a cold stern voice. “Explain how and why you were talking to Deku. What did you talk about with him?”
You shivered at his coldness. You didn’t like Katsuki being cold, but it was one of the ways he would punish you when he got you to explain things.
“Zuzu approached me-”
“Don’t call him that.” Katsuki grip hardened. “What did I say about nicknames and him?”
Your bottom lip quivered. “O-only Daddy gets nicknames, a-and I must c-call him Deku.”
“If you know, then why the stupid nickname, Teddy Bear?” He growled. “Are you trying to get punished?” 
You shook your head and leaned into Katsuki’s chest.
“That’s two mistakes today, Teddy Bear. I don’t want another one.”
You nodded you head, trying not to cry.
“Okay, now try again.”
“D-Deku approached me and I didn’t want to reject him outright because I didn’t want to be rude. He asked me how I was, how you were, and then asked how it has been like living with you.”
There was a pause from Katsuji. “That’s all you talked about?”
You nodded your head. “You came in after 5 minutes of talking.”
There was silence from Katsuki. So the situation was not that bad, you were just being nice to people as you usually do.
“Alright, I forgive you,” Katsuki said. “But you still broke a rule.”
“I know, I’m sorry Daddy.” You said as you quivered underneath his gaze. 
“Come on;, lay on my lap.” He let go of your thigh and took his arm away.
You rearranged yourself so you were laying on his lap, ass in the air and face stuffed into your plush. 
Katsuki hand rub your ass before he pulled it away then pushed it back down onto your ass hard.
You yelped and clung to your plush.
“You're doing well, Teddy Bear.”
You quivered as tears had fallen down your face.
You didn’t like Katsuki being bad at you. You may have liked his rules and punishments, but anger or disappointment in you was something that did scare you.
Katsuki moved down to lay next to you on the couch and wrapped his arms around you before kissing your forehead.
He looked down at your big eyes and wet cheeks.”Mh?”
“Are you mad at me for talking to Deku?”
Originally, yeah he was mad that he saw his baby talking to Deku, but he wasn’t anymore. He did over react, and he would have to apologise to you once you were no longer in little space.
“No.” He said, as kissed both of your cheeks. “Just don’t go breaking daddy’s rules, okay?”
You nodded before wrapped your around his neck and legs around his waist.
Katsuki wrapped his arms around you and sat up holding you still before nuzzling into your neck and giving it a soft kiss. 
“You are safe in my arms Baby. I love you.” Katsuki said.
You smiled as your cheeks warmed. “I love you too daddy.”
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fruity-octopus · 2 years ago
you zoomin zuzu, hm?
mh!! zom!!!!!!!!
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gloudscom · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on ZUZU DEALS - זוזו דילס
דיל חדש פורסם https://zuzu.deals/?p=6101
משלוח סוללות לישראל?!
סוללות ומטענים – עם משלוח לישראל?
כידוע לרובכם, עם שינוי מדיניות המשלוחים של מינהל התעופה האזרחי בסין ובארה"ב, לא נישלחו סוללות ליטיום לישראל בחודשים האחרונים. רבים מכם שהזמינו סוללות בחודשים האחרונים זכו לביטול ההזמנה בטענה שפשוט אי אפשר לשלוח לישראל. מצב מתסכל ללא ספק, שכן לא ניתן היה להזמין סוללות משום סוג ובאופן גורף ברוב החנויות ברשת.
גירבסט מצאו לנו פתרון עם דואר אזרבייג'ן, שלא רק שולח סוללות, אלא לפי העדויות, גם מהיר מאוד! (וכמובן, חינמי). כעבור זמן מה גם הם הפסיקו לשלוח והפסיקו לעבוד עם גירבסט לחלוטין, למרות היותם הדואר המועדף על כולם.
היום הם התווספו חזרה לאפשרויות המשלוח בגירבסט וגם ההגבלה על משלוח סוללות הוסרה (ותודה ליעקב על העדכון!). האם אכן ניתן לשלוח? אנחנו עוד לא בטוחים. כעת כבר מאוחר מידי בסין בכדי שנוכל לברר, אבל היי- זה שווה הימור!
מחר נעדכן אם נקבל אישור רשמי לאפשרות המשלוח.
  שימו לב לבחור בדואר אזרבייג'ן בקופה. 
אז הנה ההמלצות שלנו לסוללות הכי טובות (סקירות באתר):
  Xiaomi Ultra-thin 10000mAh Power Bank 2
הPOWER BANK (סוללת גיבוי חיצונית) הכי פופלארית ברשת! מבית שיאומי כמובן המבטיחים לנו איכות מצויינת, בטיחות (לפני הכל), עיצוב יפיפה ודקיק, נפח מעולה שמספיק לכמה הטענות והכי חשוב – טעינה מהירה דו כיוונית! תוכלו להטעין את המכשיר במהירות (18W!) אך חשוב עוד יותר – גם את הסוללה עצמה! החיסרון העיקרי של הסוללות האלו תמיד היה זמן טעינה ארוך להחריד. לילה שלם במטען לפחות. לא עוד! עם מטען מהיר תוכלו להטעין אותה תוך כמה שעות בלבד.
המחיר לכולם? 19.26$
  לצבע כסף לצבע כחול כהה
      Original Xiaomi Pocket 10000mAh
הלהיט המקורי, רק 14.99$ עם קופון MIPOCKES
  Xiaomi ZI5 AA 1800mAh
סוללות נטענות של שיאומי (סקירת השוואה).
4 סוללות AA מעולות במחיר מצויין!
    Xiaomi ZI5 / ZI7 AA AAA Ni-MH USB Battery Charger
כמובן בשביל סוללות נטענות, תצטרכו גם מטען סוללות, וכמו כל מוצר של שיאומי, המטען הזה חכם ומשתלם במיוחד!
מתאים גם לAA וגם AAA (ובכלל גם לסוללות נטענות של מותגים אחרים), כולל 7 הגנות זרם ומתח שונות לבטיחות מקסימלית, מעוצב וקומפקטי במיוחד וללא תאורה מיותרת ומעצבנת, נטען עם חיבור USB וגם מטעין עם USB! כלומר תוכלו להשתמש בסוללות ובמטען גם כמטען נייד לכל דבר! (שימו לב כי בטעינת טלפונים – מומלץ להשתמש בPOWER BANKS ולא בנ"ל, מאחר והטעינה תהייה איטית יחסית).
מוצר חובה לכל בית. להטעין את הסוללות של השלט טלויזיה, המזגן, הצעצוע של הילד, הפנס, הפלאש למצלמה ועוד, ואפשר גם לטעון עוד דברים על הדרך.
  וכמובן עוד שלל סוללות הזמינות למשלוח בגירבסט:
סוללות 18500/18650
סוללת ג'אמפ סטארטר
סוללות לרחפנים, מצלמות ועוד.
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mhsnetflixblog · 1 year ago
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Screenshot from S3E14 (It Makes Me Queasy Being Green)
Characters in the screenshot: Borocca (far left), Kabo (left), Zuzu (right), Zobie (far right)
Abnormalities: Borocca is wearing a red raincoat. Kabo is wearing a purple down vest. Zuzu is wearing an indigo tie. Zobie is shirtless and has his shirt tied around his waist, with a Z safety pin in the knot.
EN: "*sighs* Your idea of a fashion show is RADZICKULOUS." - Zobie, to Liddy (Voice: Donovan Patton)
JP: "*sighs* あなたのファッションショーのアイデアはばかげています-ゾビー。" - Zobie, to Liddy (Seiyuu: Yusuke Numata)
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lyteandronix · 1 year ago
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Here's Kabo, Zuzu, and Zobie as the wonder triplets (a parody of both the Wonder twins and the Wonder pets)
Kabo-Captain Kazam
Based on Linny
Uses elemental power
“Form of [element]!”
Wears Tuck's hat
The blue one
Based on Ming-ming
Uses colour-changing power
“Shape of [animal]!”
Wears Linny’s cap
The green one
Zobie-Good Eye
Based on Tuck
Uses multiple powers, including ultravision and tummy telepathy
“Power of [superpower]!”
Wears Ming-Ming's goggles
The red one
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lyteandronix · 1 year ago
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gloudscom · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on ZUZU DEALS - זוזו דילס
דיל חדש פורסם https://zuzu.deals/?p=6028
Maha PowerEx IMEDION 4 AA 2400 mAh Ni-MH - סוללות נטענות
  בהמשך לדיונים על הפוסט הזה על סוללות נטענות מסוג ENLOOP או VARTA, ויש שהציעו גם את ה AMAZON BASICS, חקרתי לעומק ומצאתי לכם את הסרטון המחכים הזה:
קרדיט ל Matt Granger
יש מותגים לא פחות טובים מENLOOP (שלאחרונה העבירו את המפעל מיפן לסין ויש טענות על אבטחת האיכות) במחיר דומה!
Maha PowerEx IMEDION 4 AA 2400mAh – לשימוש מקצועי וכללי – שמירת טעינה לשנה. 65 ש"ח לסט של 4. 127 ש"ח לסט של 8.
Maha PowerEx 8 AA 2700 mAh – למכשירים עם צריכת חשמל גבוהה. שמירת טעינה ל3 חודשים. 131 ש"ח לסט של 8
המטען המומלץ בסרטון עולה הון עם משלוח, לכן הנה כמה חלופות למטענים חכמים ואוניברסלים במחיר טוב –
Nitecore D4
Nitecore NEW i4
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psychedelic-charm · 6 months ago
Wait, is Zobie a girl in this version?
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Masquerade MC Promo
Rosso: None
Kabo: Prince
Zobie: Princess
Borocca: Cowboy
Zuzu: Popstar
Quicky: Knight
Enton: Alien
Kami: Flower
Nonny: Pirate
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psychedelic-charm · 9 months ago
Who's Zuzu?
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Borocca, Kabo, Zuzu and I make up the Dream Team!
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