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lyteandronix · 1 year ago
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get the out meme (ft. Ampoo and Watt)
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pakscimission · 3 months ago
Punjab schools announced winter vacation schedule: Holidays will start on Dec 20
Punjab has declared winter vacation for all public and private schools in the province. According to Punjab Secretary of Schools Khalid Nazir Wattoo, schools would be closed for 20 days from December 20, 2024, to January 10, 2025, during the winter break. The statement coincided with the Lahore High Court’s (LHC) order to provide pick-and-drop services for kids following winter break to combat…
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alfredsmanor · 5 months ago
It also comes from the fact that he was a slave for the first ten years of his life. He got just enough formal education to be a good mechanic and nothing more, and showing signs of curiosity and intelligence is never safe for a slave. (10 year old Ani is functionally literate, though. A mechanic who can’t read or understand technical manuals is a dangerous mechanic. And Anakin would need to read Basic as well as Huttese because Wattoo ended up buying a lot of exotic equipment from the Core.)
"I AM a slow learner"
There’s that quote from Labyrinth of Evil going around where it starts out with Anakin saying “My mind isn’t as fast as my lightsaber…” and I was kind of thinking. Anakin actually puts himself down in terms of his intellect more than once over the course of the saga. The quote from AotC above is meant to sound cheeky and obstinate in context but it does seem to come from a place of Anakin having heard a similar refrain many times over.
I wonder how much is the Order saying these things (“Anakin doesn’t think”, “Anakin has raw talent but doesn’t know how to apply it”, etc) and how much is Anakin internalizing what he experiences vis a vis things like being the oldest in the initiate classes, like struggling with things that seem to come so easily for his peers (meditation, a less volatile relationship with the Force), like feeling as though he has failed his mother.
One can assume that Anakin’s education at the Temple was exemplary, but that perhaps he excelled only in those areas in which he truly found passion. While I doubt Obi-Wan intentionally contributes to Anakin’s low sense of intellectual self-worth, it is important to remember that Obi-Wan himself was at the time experiencing great turmoil and self-doubt. We also know that Obi-Wan can have a biting wit when he wants to, and I can see where he might make remarks not meant to strike deeply, but which do so anyway.
Anakin talks about acting on his gut instinct a lot. There’s a scene in Kidnapped during the Slaves of the Republic arc where he disarms the bomb with his lightsaber while Ahsoka is studying its innards. He claims he used his instinct, which Ahsoka takes to mean “you guessed.” Anakin counters that it was “an educated guess”. And that is the crux of the issue, I think.
Anakin is incredibly intelligent. Some of the areas are obvious: engineering, navigation - which one would assume would include the ability to do complex math. He speaks at least three languages fluently - one of which (binary) is a language hardly any humans have mastered. One could also assume he is at least conversational in several more languages - and consider that it stands to reason Basic was not his first language.
There are places where his intellect is not as obvious but no less keen: politics, for one thing. Anakin is accused of being naive when it comes to the realm of politics, but it’s not so much he doesn’t understand the concepts: he does, he just doesn’t agree with the majority of the people he spends time with. His ideas are tyrannical and we all know how that ends up for him and for the Galaxy, but it doesn’t mean he arrived at those ideas without any previous thought or understanding of the factors involved.
He is articulate when explaining the Jedi’s role in the War, and is able to break down complex Jedi doctrine; while his interpretation isn’t always what the Jedi likely intend, he’s still able to think critically about what he’s saying.
Anakin Skywalker isn’t a stupid man, but he seems to think he is - mostly by merit of disagreeing with the status quo and how that is received by the people around him - and I think that’s sad.
I have more to say about this but I have to go to work now.
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lahore-division-updates · 4 months ago
With compliments from, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph. 99201390.
PHA decorates Lahore temples for Diwali
LAHORE, Nov.01: The Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) has decorated several temples in Lahore with colorful lights for Diwali, the biggest festival in Hinduism, a spokesperson announced on Friday.
Following orders from Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, the PHA adorned Krishna Mandir on Ravi Road, the historic Valmiki Temple in the Neela Gumbad area, and the Jain Mandir near old Anarkali Bazaar.
Traditionally, a special ceremony to celebrate Diwali is held at Krishna Mandir, where Hindus from across Punjab attend the event.
These lights are a gift from the PHA to the Hindu community, the spokesperson said. Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, is celebrated by Hindus around the world with special prayers in temples.
PHA Director General Muhammad Tahir Wattoo congratulated the Hindu community on this special occasion and emphasised the PHA’s commitment to religious tolerance and harmony. 
Previously, the PHA has also decorated churches across the provincial metropolis for the Christian festival of Easter.
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fredfugues · 6 months ago
I have nothing but respect for Wattoo. Man was just trying to run a legitimate junk-trading business, but because he was in a low-income area he kept getting harassed by those disrespectful police officers.
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Exhumed Specimen Analysis -- Chaudhary, Wattoo, Ashiq, Afzal, Sarwar, Tahir
"Forensic toxicologists receive a variety of biological samples, but exhumed biological specimens with varying degrees of putrefaction pose a greater challenge for analysis." (Chaudhary, 2016, Page 1)
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piyasahaberleri · 1 year ago
PTI Başkanı Imran Khan (sağda) ve eşi Bushra Bibi. — AFP/DosyaLONDRA: Eski First Lady Bushra Imran Khan'ın kız kardeşi Maryam Riaz Wattoo, ev hapsinde tutulduğu Bani Gala'da kız kardeşinin yaşamının tehlikede bulunduğunu iddia etti.Eski başbakan İmran Han'ın eşi Bushra, kendisi ve kocası yolsuzluk iddialarından suçlu bulunduktan sonrasında kocasının İslamabad malikanesinde ev hapsine alındı. Khan ve eşi, eski başbakanın devlet deposundan alınan armağanları küçümsediği ve ülkenin en üst düzey ofisini elinde bulundurduğu sırada bu armağanları satarak kar elde etmiş olduğu suçlamalarıyla ilgili bir davada 14 yıl hapis cezasına çarptırıldı.Wattoo söyledi Haberler "Busra'ya hapishane yetkilileri tarafınca fena işlem yapıldığı" için kız kardeşinin güvenliğinden oldukca kaygı duyduğunu söylemiş oldu.Bushra'nın güvenliğinden hapishane müdürü Adiala'nın görevli bulunduğunu sadece "kanıtların" hapishane yetkililerinin görevlerini yerine getirmediğini gösterdiğini söylemiş oldu.Mesleği eğitimci olan ve Dubai'de yaşayan Bushra'nın ufak kız kardeşi Wattoo, kız kardeşinin kızının kendisiyle 10 günden fazla bir süre sonrasında tanıştığını ve Bushra'ya "altı gün ilkin garip, tadı oldukca keskin bir yiyecek verildiğini ve bunun onu yaktığını" söylemiş oldu. boğazı ve midesi tamamen öyleki ki, son altı günden beri hiçbir şey yiyemiyor, oldukca zayıflamış ve durumu iyi değil”.O gün kendisine yiyecek veren polis memurunun o zamandan beri başka yere nakledildiğini iddia etti.Wattoo, kendisini yoklamak için hiçbir doktorun zamanında çağrılmadığını ve gecikmenin, kız kardeşine verilen iyiliklerin tesirinin azalacağı anlamına geldiğini söylemiş oldu.X'teki bir gönderide Wattoo, kız kardeşiyle ilgili endişelerini de altını çizdi.Şunları söylemiş oldu: “Danışım için hiçbir tabip çağrılmadı. Kadın Bushra Imran Khan tutuklanmak suretiyle teslim olduğunda oldukça sağlıklıydı. Şeker, hipertansiyon vb. herhangi bir hastalığı yok” dedi.“Korkusu, yavaş yavaş hastalanması ve hemen sonra hasta ve depresyonda olduğundan öldüğünün açıklanması. Elhamdülillah inancının kuvvetli olduğu mesajını verdi ve milletimize gerçek özgürlüğün gelmesi umuduyla tüm bunlara katlanıyor.”“Aile, Kadın Bushra Imran Khan'ın aile tarafınca atanan bir tabip tarafınca muayene edilmesi için acil izin istiyor. Detaylı sıhhat kontrollerinin yapılması için bizim seçeceğimiz bir hastaneye götürülmelidir. Devletin atadığı doktorlar da eşlik edebilir.”Wattoo söyledi Haberler kız kardeşinin başına gelenlerin farkına varması için Pakistan yargısına çağrıda bulunuyor. "Pakistan yargısını acilen harekete geçmeye ve endişelerimizi dikkate almaya çağırıyorum."
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year ago
[ad_1] LAHORE : Lahore Electric Supply Company (Lesco), in recovery campaign with the help of tehsildars (recovery), recovered a total of Rs31.77 million from 977 chronic defaulters, here on Saturday. According to a Lesco spokesman, Chief Engineer O&M (T&G) Zafar Iqbal, with the help of Tehsildar City Mujahid Zia and Tehsildar Shalimar Noreez Humayun, recovered outstanding dues of Rs4.43 million from 81 defaulters in Northern Circle, and Rs4 million from 162 defaulters in Eastern Circle, respectively.Similarly, Lesco Manager (Material Disposal) Engineer Anwar Wattoo, along with Tehsildar Model Town Rana Arsal and Tehsildar Cantt Sajjad Qureshi, recovered Rs5.23 million from 110 defaulters in Central Circle and Rs3.15 million from 88 defaulters in South Circle, while Manager (Technical) Engineer M Farooq, with the help of Tehsildar Nankana Sahib M Iqbal Rasheed and Tehsildar Sheikhupura M Aslam Gujjar, recovered Rs1.49 from 41 defaulters in Nankana Circle and Rs3.66 million from 88 defaulters in Sheikhupura Circle.The spokesman said that Lesco Manager E&S (PMU) Engineer Abbas Ali, in collaboration with Naib Tehsildar Kasur and Okara Mirza Zahid Baig recovered outstanding dues of Rs2.17 million from 128 defaulters in Okara Circle and Rs7.64 million from 279 defaulters in Kasur Circle.Lesco Chief Executive Officer Engineer Shahid Haider said that the company is facing loss due to chronic defaulters, and vowed to continue action against them.Lahore Divisional Commissioner had assigned additional charge of Tehsildar Recovery to relevant tehsidars, while Lesco Chief Executive Officer Engineer Shahid Haidar had also been designated four senior officers to assist them in the dues recovery from defaulters. Top 100 defaulters in each circle owed total outstanding dues of Rs4.545 billion to Lesco, he added.527 more power pilferers detectedThe Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO) found 527 consumers involved in electricity theft in all its circles on the tenth consecutive day of anti-power theft campaign on Saturday.A Lesco spokesman told the media here that the company also submitted applications against all electricity thieves to the respective police stations, out of which 247 FIRs [first information reports] were registered while 42 accused were arrested. During the operation, he said, large agricultural and commercial consumers were also found involved in electricity theft and all of them were also disconnected and charged with detection units.Among the seized connections were 10 industrial, 28 commercial and 489 domestic, and all these connections were disconnected and charged with a total of 966,566 units as detection bill amounting to Rs40,574,412. On the tenth day of anti-power theft operation, the Lesco charged 48,520 detection units worth Rs2 million to an industrial connection in Mandiali Stop Sheikhupura, 5,874 detection units of Rs350,000 to another customer in Rahmat Colony Wandala Road, 4,158 detection units of Rs277,550 to a connection in Muridwal Thokar Niaz Beg and 4198 detection units amounting to Rs264,327 to a customer stealing electricity directly from transmission line in Chah Meeran area. [ad_2]
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risingpakistan · 12 years ago
Mian Manzoor Ahmad Wattoo
Mian Manzoor Ahmad Wattoo is a senior statesman, politician and the current minister of the ministry of states, frontiers and Kashmir affairs. He is the current provisional president of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). Active in national politics since over 30 years, Wattoo dissolved his party and campaigned on party ticket of the Pakistan People's Party in 2008 general elections. On May 30, he joined the cabinet and served as an advisor to Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani before assuming the charge of the ministry of states and frontier affairs.
Career highlights
Mian Manzoor Ahmed Wattoo was first elected as Chairman District Council Okara in 1983 during the non-party elections of the Zia era. Then in 1985, he secured the office of the Speaker of the Provincial Assembly of Punjab, the largest province of Pakistan on Pakistan Muslim League ticket. Thrice elected for the same office, he secured the office of the Chief Minister of Punjab in 1993 on the PML (Junejo) ticket after a vote of no-confidence in the Punjab legislature against PML-N's serving chief minister Ghulam Haider Wayne.
After a tug-of-war between Wattoo and Nawaz Sharif, the then restored (by Supreme Court) Prime Minister of Pakistan and head of the Pakistan Muslim League (N) (PML (N)), all assemblies were dissolved and only after a fresh election, Wattoo was elected the Chief Minister of Punjab again on PML (Junejo) ticket, ruling a coalition consisting chiefly of Pakistan People's Party (PPP), PML (Junejo), minorities, and some independents.
It was in 1995 that Wattoo formed his own PML (Jinnah), when he parted ways with Hamid Nasir Chattha who wanted to be the president of PML (Junejo), which Wattoo was previously a part of. The differences cropped up in the same year when Wattoo was removed as the Punjab Chief Minister in the power struggle between the province (headed by PML (Junejo) and the center (headed by rival PPP), leading Arif Nakai another PML (Junejo) candidate to be the new Chief Minister.
In Summer of 1995, Wattoo's father Mian Jahangir Ahmed Khan Wattoo died. Wattoo did not attend his father's funeral owing to the difference in religious ideology between a father and a son. Mian Jahangir Wattoo converted to the Ahmedi sect under the influence and training of the school headmaster of their native village, Muazzam, in Fazilka district, India. Wattoo, on the other hand, took his mother's and forefather's (except father's) religion and is a Sunni.
Painted corrupt by the PPP, PML-N, he was removed from the office of Chief Minister only to be restored to office a year later in 1996 by the High Court. Corruption allegations and court proceedings were started against Wattoo by archrival and then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of the PML-N, Mian Manzoor Wattoo was sentenced by an accountability court to more than 10 years in prison besides being fined 10 million rupees only later to be set aside by a higher court.
Amid mounting tensions within his district between his faction and his rival Syed Afzal Ali Gillani, his son Khurram Jahangir Wattoo was elected the Nazim of the populous tehsil of Dipalpur. Widely regarded as an astute politician, almost having never miscalculated any political situation besides trying to reconcile with his arch rival Mian Nawaz Sharif, Manzoor Wattoo was initially released on bail later to be exonerated of any wrongdoing. Earlier convictions were set aside and he was allowed to run for any public office.
His daughter Rubina Shaheen Wattoo served as a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan for the PML(Q). He actively began taking part in politics and soon became a close ally of Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf. Having merged his political party, Pakistan Muslim League (Jinnah), in to the ruling PML (Q) on presidential advice, he was made the Senior Vice President of the ruling party. His relations with the party's leadership remained sour from the beginning, who tried at marginalizing Wattoo and anyone associated with him.
Wattoo remained part of the ruling PML (Q) until November 2007, despite differences with the party leaders Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and the Punjab Chief Minister, Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi who suffered heavily under Wattoo's reign in Punjab in 1993-95.
With the upcoming elections Wattoo left the PML(Q) due to differences in seat allocations for his constituencies and decided to run as an independent.
Wattoo announced to join forces with the Pakistan People's Party on May 29, 2008 along with party members in Islamabad soon after winning a decisive victory in February 2008 elections in which he won from two constituencies NA-146 and NA-147 as an independent and his daughter Rubina Shaheen Wattoo won PP-188. His local ally Mian Moeen Wattoo and Malik Abbas Khokhar also had victories with their common support. 
Wattoo served as Federal Minister for Industries and Production in the PPP government of Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani and in November 2009, his portfolio was changed and he became Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas.
In 2012, his son, Khurram Jahangir Wattoo, who won NA-147 after his father left his home constituency was made the Parliamentary Secretary for Establishment and Cabinet Divisions by the PPP leadership.
In 2012, in a surprise move, President Asif Zardari instituted Mian Manzoor Wattoo as the Provisional President of the Pakistan Peoples Party Central Punjab which was at its weakest now owing to Punjab being the stronghold of the Shareef brothers further strengthened by stay orders by the new judiciary headed by Iftikhar Mohamed Chaudhry and the partial news coverage by Jang Group whose Daily Jang and GEO News have the most viewership in Pakistan.
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selenesparis · 5 years ago
Anakin was a creative and innocent child. Even though he lived his whole life as a slave he was hopeful and brave, he had a strong will and he wasn't willing to be broken. He wanted to explore the stars and he was sure that he would have freed his people; he had dreams and he had them because he knew that he wouldn't be a slave forever because it was NOT RIGHT.
He dreamt about becoming a Jedi and going back to Tatooine for his people, he wanted to free every single slave of the galaxy because it was right and he thought that the Jedi were MEANT TO DO THIS. He had this belief about the Jedi as holders of peace and knights of justice, and when Qui Gon and Obi-Wan appeared he thought that they'd came to rescue everyone and LOOK AT HIS FACE WHEN HE REALIZES HIS MOTHER IS NOT COMING WITH HIM!! She knew they wanted him because of his powers, but she also wanted him to have a better life and with her he couldn't. Wrong choice.
With Wattoo he was forced to work, that's true, but he was aware of being a slave, plus, he was with his mother. In the Jedi Order he was all alone against lies, doubts, diffidence, they made him think he was bad, a mistake. When he says « I want more and I know that I shouldn't. » he wanted freedom. He just wanted to be free once and for all.
In ROTS we see Master Windu talking to Yoda saying that is dangerous to put Anakin and Palpatine together, and what are they doing? putting them together. Anakin's self destruction was started by the Jedi. When Yoda found out what he did to the younglings he said « the boy you trained gone he is, consumed by Darth Vader. » and that's NOT TRUE!! Yes, killing the younglings was a terrible thing, but on Mustafar Anakin was STRUGGLING and I believe he wanted to be saved. He just didn't have the courage to come back after what he did to the younglings. And, of course, Obi-Wan didn't help.
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lyteandronix · 1 year ago
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windona · 5 years ago
I kinda wish more works would dive into the fact that Padme didn't free Shmi.
It's a major theme of the Prequels that most of the major actors with power are concerned about grand change and huge swaths of population: planets, the whole galaxy, to the detriment of the individual. Jedi aren't supposed to care about individuals but the galaxy as the whole. Padme is focused on her planet and then the Republic, etc.
The most any major character from the Republic did to free Shmi in the movies was Qui-Gon attempting to barter for both of them, and he ended up backing down to only free Anakin.
Going strictly by the movies, who freed Shmi? The Lars, a family of farmers who had no grand power. Yet they did what Jedi and politicians were unwilling to do.
And going strictly by the movies, Padme was surprised by the fact Anakin hadn't contacted his mother or felt unable to check on her, and the fact they went to Wattoo shows they assumed he still owned her. Padme hadn't considered Shmi.
This also ties into the OT. Luke, who was raised by the Lars, does consider going to risk his life to save one person worth it. He's not going for the sake of the galaxy or the Force. But he ends up saving everyone because he cares about one person.
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siliconvalleytechtalks · 4 months ago
Discover the best technology podcasts and stay on top of the latest technology trends
Being up to date with the latest technological advancements in today's fast-paced world isn't easy. Listening to tech podcasts is an excellent way to stay informed about the most recent technological advances. Whether you're a professional, a student or working in the artificial intelligence (AI) and fintech cloud computing podcasts are a great way to learn while on-the-go. Silicon Valley Tech Talks is a great podcast that offers insight from the top experts in the field and intense discussions on the latest issues. It's an excellent place to learn for both tech-savvy students and enthusiasts alike.
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What are Tech Podcasts?
Tech podcasts are audio-based programs designed to investigate various topics related to technology. They have something for everybody in these shows, which often feature interviews with subject matter experts, industry leaders and innovators. Listening to tech podcasts is an excellent way to remain current and informed, whether you're working out or on the move.
Silicon Valley Tech Talks is one of these podcast platforms. Hosted by technology expert Faisal Wattoo who has over two years of experience with the top tech companies, including Qualcomm, Amazon and Meta The podcast provides information from Silicon Valley into AI, semiconductors and cloud technologies ideal for students and professionals alike!
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Podcasts on tech can be useful to all types of people, including beginners and professionals. Silicon Valley Tech Talks content is geared towards professionals and students, breaking complex concepts down to make them more accessible to all listeners.
In dispelling these myths listeners will be able to comprehend the impact that podcasts have on their learning experience.
Stay on top of your tech skills Keep Your Tech Skills Sharp Silicon Valley Tech Talks Podcasts
Tech podcasts are an excellent source to keep up-to-date with the constantly changing world of technology. Podcasts such as Silicon Valley Tech Talks allow experts in the field to impart their knowledge and provide real-world perspectives to help inform listeners about the latest developments within AI and fintech. Silicon Valley Tech Talks provides valuable insight into AI and cloud computing, allowing listeners to stay competitive in their profession or program.
You can listen to the podcasts on Silicon Valley Tech Talks to gain knowledge about technology. Subscribe to their YouTube Channel to get the latest information from experts in the area.
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lahore-division-updates · 4 months ago
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Minar-i-Pakistan lights up with Turkish flag on Republic Day anniversary
LAHORE: The Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) lit up Minar-i-Pakistan on Tuesday night to celebrate Turkiye’s 101st Republic Day anniversary.
The iconic monument displayed the red and white colors of the Turkish flag in a show of solidarity with the brotherly nation, according to a PHA spokesperson.
A large crowd gathered at Greater Iqbal Park to witness Minar-i-Pakistan draped in Turkish colors. Many attendees expressed their admiration for Turkiye, referring to it as a “brother country.”
PHA Director General Muhammad Tahir Wattoo extended his congratulations to the people and government of Turkiye. In a statement, he highlighted the strong historical and cultural ties between the two nations, emphasising their shared bonds of religion and fraternity.
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arslanwattoo-blog · 7 years ago
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‎‏نَصْرٌ مِّنَ اللَّـهِ وَفَتْحٌ قَرِيب 🗳🗳🗳 Getting ready to vote. I feel change is in the air. I feel good times around the corner. I feel no longer being under control of the corrupt mafia. I feel we have our futures in our own hands. Today is the day for the ultimate change. Get up and vote for change NOW #Election2018 #Think_before_VOTE #VOte_for_PAKISTAN #New_pakistan #pakistan #election #pti #pmln #ppp #2018 #imrankhan #faisalabad #satiana #vote #freedom #newpakistan #azadi #free #arslan #wattoo #kamran #national #future #democracy #pakarmy #pakistanzindabad #14agust #party #curruption (at Faisalabad)
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mypakistan · 8 years ago
حویلی لکھا
ضلع اوکاڑہ کی تحصیل دیپالپور کا قصبہ جسے وٹو قبیلے نے آباد کیا تھا۔ دیپالپور سے ۳۰ کلومیٹر کے فاصلے پر واقع ہے ۔ ستلج کے دونوں کناروں پر آباد ہوئے اور بڑے رقبے کے مالک بنے۔ اسی وٹو قبیلے کا ایک سردار لکھا تھا، جو ۱۷۵۰ء کے لگ بھگ نہ صرف یہ کہ اس بڑے علاقے کا مالک تھا بلکہ اس نے خود مختار حیثیت سے اس علاقے پر حکومت بھی کی اور اسی دوران حویلی کے نام سے گائوں کی بنیاد بھی رکھی۔ پہلے پہل اس نے یہاں ایک بڑی حویلی قائم کی تھی۔ اسی کے نام پر قصبہ حویلی لکھا مشہور ہوا۔ موجودہ قصبہ اس جگہ پر موجود نہیں، جہاں یہ حویلی تعمیر کی گئی تھی۔ لکھا وٹو کے انتقال کے بعد اس کا پوتا احمد یار خاں اس کاجانشین بنا، جو ہیرا سنگھ نکئی کی شکست کے وقت موجود تھا۔ بعد ازاں بھنگی سرداروں نے وٹوئوں کے اس علاقے پر قبضہ کرلیا۔ 
بھنگی مثل کے سرداروں نے زرعی ترقی کے لیے اہم کردار ادا کیا البتہ ۱۷۸۳ء میں قحط کی وجہ سے بُدھ سنگھ نے اپنی جائیداد لوگوں کے ہاتھ بیچ ڈالی تھی۔ ۱۸۰۷ء میں حویلی لکھا سمیت علاقے پر رنجیت سنگھ قابض ہو گیا اور یہاں کاہن سنگھ نکئی کو نگران مقرر کیا۔ کھڑک سنگھ کی موت تک یہ پہلے کلال خاندان اور پھر مہان سنگھ دت کی جاگیر رہا۔ ۱۸۴۹ء میں انگریزوں کے ماتحت آگیا اور اسے ابتداً ضلع گوگیرہ، پھر ضلع منٹگمری یعنی ساہیوال میں شامل کیا گیا، پھر اوکاڑہ ضلع بننے پر اس میں شامل ہوا۔ ۱۹۱۹ء کی رپورٹ کے مطابق یہاں تھانہ، ڈاکخانہ اور ریسٹ ہائوس موجود تھے۔ پہلے اسے ٹائون کمیٹی کا درجہ حاصل تھا۔ ۲۰۰۱ء کے بلدیاتی نظام کے تحت اسے تین یونین کونسلوں میں تقسیم کر دیا گیا۔ بنیادی طور پر یہ ایک زرعی علاقہ ہے اور آلو، گندم، چاول اور مکئی یہاں کی اہم فصلیں ہیں۔ حویلی لکھا کو ایک زرعی منڈی کی حیثیت حاصل ہے۔ کسی زمانے میں یہاں کے حُقّے بڑے مشہور تھے۔ کسی حد تک اب بھی بنتے ہیں۔
یہاں طلبا و طالبات کے کالجز، سکول، ہسپتال اور دیگر دفاتر موجود ہیں۔ سابق وفاقی وزیر خزانہ میاں محمد یسٰین وٹو (مرحوم) اور سابق وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب میاں منظور احمد وٹو کا تعلق اسی قصبے سے ہے۔ ۱۹۹۸ء کی مردم شماری کے مطابق حویلی لکھا کی آبادی ۶۱۷۴۱ افراد پر مشتمل تھی جبکہ آج کل اس کی آبادی ۷۵ ہزار کے لگ بھگ ہے۔ یہاں کے اہم قبائل میں چشتی، پٹھان اور وٹو شامل ہیں جبکہ دیگر ذاتوں کے لوگ بھی آباد ہیں۔ صدربازار، مارکیٹ کمیٹی بازار، چھوٹی گلی، غلہ منڈی، سبزی منڈی، ہیڈ سلیمانکی روڈ، منور سعید روڈ اور حجرہ روڈ اہم کاروباری مراکز جبکہ جھنڈی محلہ، ہتھوڑاں والا محلہ، محلہ پیر اسلام، ڈھکی محلہ، گرین سٹی، المعصوم ہائوسنگ سکیم، محلہ شکور آباد، محلہ درس، محلہ مال منڈی، اسلام نگر اور الکرامت سٹی وغیرہ رہائشی علاقے ہیں۔ ہیڈ سلیمانکی یہا�� سے ۱۸کلومیٹر کے فاصلے پر ہے۔ شعر و ادب کے حوالے سے مزمل احمد یہاں کی قابلِ ذکر شخصیت ہے۔ آپ ۱۹۶۳ء میں پیدا ہوئے۔ پنجابی قاعدہ، اُردو ضرب الامثال اور کہاوتیں، پنجابی ضرب الامثال اور کہاوتیں، نیلی دے لوک گیت، فارسی ضرب الامثال اور کہاوتیں، انگریزی کہاوتیں اور پنجابی انسائیکلوپیڈیا آپ کی کتب ہیں۔ 
(کتا�� ’’نگر نگر پنجاب:شہروں اور قصبات کا جغرافیائی، تاریخی، ثقافتی اور ادبی انسائیکلوپیڈیا‘‘ سے مقتبس)
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