#mhin angst
vermilionsun · 3 months
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They are both so Mitski coded it hurts my being.
Heavy TWs on this one !
Word count: 1.5k Rating:- Fandom: Touchstarved (Red Spring Studio) Categories: Other Relationships: Mhin/Kuras, Mhin & Kuras Tags: HEAVY ANGST, Mhin-centric, Character study (?), Symbolism, Hurt/Mild comfort, Mentions of Blood & Gore, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm (depends on how you look at it tbh), Self-Hatered, Angst with a Happy Ending (surprise! I can do that), Soft Kuras, Smut (a little), Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
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"If you come any closer, you'll get hurt."
Mhin had crowned themselves a monster long before the actual entity rooted itself into their soul and bound them with unbreakable chains.
Chains that wrapped around their limbs and choked them. Claws, sharper than blades, marred the area just beneath their skin. Wings that sprouted from their back—a filthy, grotesque sight that sent shivers down the spines of anyone who dared to look upon them. Screams so tumultuously ear-piercing that could shatter glass constantly echoed in their mind.
Despite the constant torment and inner turmoil, Mhin found a twisted sense of comfort in the darkness that engulfed them—a sick kind of solace, a comfort born of morbid familiarity that whispered promises of power in exchange for their humanity. The monster within them thrived on fear and pain, ready to lash out at anyone who dared to come too close or become too entangled in the web of their twisted existence. The monster had become their closest companion, a part of their very being that they could not escape.
It made Mhin want to retreat further into the shadows, to embrace the darkness that consumed them, and to shield themselves from the harsh light of reality. The thought of letting go, of losing that sense of control and sanity, of fully surrendering to the beast within and letting it consume them entirely, horrified them, made them want to gnaw at their own flesh, pick out their feathers one by one until there was nothing left but raw, exposed skin in a desperate attempt to hold on—anything to avoid succumbing to the monster's overwhelming stimulus. Its insatiable hunger for chaos and destruction terrorized them day and night, whispering sweet threats to overtake their mind and leave them as nothing more than a shell of their former self.
The enormous bird wept and wailed in agony, feeling the weight of its own monstrous nature bearing down on it like a heavy burden that could never be lifted. The creature's once majestic wings now hang limp and lifeless, devoid of any semblance of flight—a cruel reminder of the creature's fall from grace. Its piercing cries rang through the arid terrain of Mhin's mind, a haunting dissonance that relayed the tragic fate that had befallen it.
It needed out.
The line between reality and fantasy soon blurred enough so that Mhin couldn't distinguish where one ended and the other began, leaving them trapped in a nightmarish existence of their own making.
And Mhin wanted to pay the debt.
"If you come any closer, you'll get hurt."
Mhin barked, steadying their quivering voice. A feral, wounded dog that kept running on instinct alone. Its eyes held a glimmer of recognition as it dared to reach its paw out to the world tentatively for the first time in what felt like an eternity.
And everything went up to flames. They danced and crackled around them, casting eerie shadows on the now vastly empty landscape as Mhin froze in fear, the hefty collar on their neck sending them tumbling around against their will. The guttural screams had long ceased, replaced by a deafening silence that seemed to suffocate them. That was, until their own emerged from deep within, a fervent cry that echoed through the desolate wasteland where hours ago stood Lovent.
"If you come any closer, you'll get hurt."
They chanted it like a mantra, a warning to all who dared to approach, so much so that it had worn out and lost its bite. So much so, it couldn't keep Kuras away.
So much so, they ended up falling onto white sateen sheets, their vulnerability exposed in the soft glow of the moonlight.
They promised themselves it'd never happen again; they wouldn't slip into superficial pleasures basked in the sinful kindle, sold as a cheap alternative to love.
Yet Kuras seemed otherworldly in the dim light of the bedroom, his golden eyes shining with an intensity that made Mhin's heart race.
Kuras saw beyond the façade of fear and pain, reaching out to touch the broken pieces of their soul with a tenderness that was both foreign and comforting.
Mhin's thoughts were a jumbled mess. They turned their head left and right, their eyes shut tightly, as if trying to wake up from a nightmare. Yet the sensations running through their body were anything but.
Kuras was so deep inside them that Mhin could feel him in their lungs. It hurt; he was bigger than anything they had taken before. Their body trembled underneath him, every nerve ending on fire with a mix of pleasure and agony, their breaths coming in short gasps.
Mhin couldn't understand why.
Why would Kuras risk his reputation and career for someone like Mhin? Why would the man risk his life just to take a look at what Mhin concealed underneath the thin veil of indifference they presented to the world that was threatening to break apart at any moment? Why would he push them to their limits and beyond, unlocking desires and emotions that Mhin had buried deep within themselves?
Mhin mustered the courage to open their eyes. Kuras was looking down on them with a mixture of concern and longing in his eyes, his hand reaching out to gently brush against Mhin's cheek. At that moment, Mhin could swear they saw a bright halo right above the man's head. With trembling hands, they reached out for it, but their bony fingers were met with nothing but air. 
Only then did Mhin realise the man's true nature, yet they couldn't bring themselves to be afraid.
How could they be? 
How could they be afraid of the man who had laid them down so carefully, exposed them so completely that it had made them feel more alive than they had ever felt before? How could they be afraid of the man who, when taking off their clothes, whispered praise along their burning skin, tracing each scar with gentle fingertips and planting soft kisses on every imperfection?
How could Mhin be afraid of Kuras, who worshipped them like a precious work of art, a sacred being, a divine masterpiece of pure beauty, deserving of nothing but adoration and reverence?
Instead, they let their hand fall onto Kuras' head and pulled him in for a kiss.
Their first kiss. This was the first time Mhin had initiated a kiss. It was a leap of faith, dare they say, but one that felt right at that moment. The warmth of Kuras' lips against theirs erased any doubts as he moved his lips carefully against theirs, like they were made out of porcelain—fragile and precious, adjectives that contradicted the rugged exterior Mhin had always projected, and Kuras' frantic thrusts that made jolts of electricity run through their body.
Every touch, every word that left the repentant angel's lips felt like a balm to their wounded soul, healing old wounds and banishing any lingering doubts, taming the malformed dove that had once been consumed by fear and self-loathing.
Mhin moaned the other's name shamelessly, a whispered plea for more of the healing touch that only Kuras could provide, their voice filled with a mixture of longing and relief as they finally allowed themselves to fully surrender to the overwhelming emotions that had been building between them for so long.
In that moment, all barriers and walls came crashing down, leaving them vulnerable but also free in the embrace of the one person who eagerly took hold of the key to their heart before they were able to even consider stopping him.
Mhin held onto him as Kuras nuzzled in their hair, whispering words of comfort, coaxing Mhin into a peaceful sleep unlike any they had ever experienced before. The gentle rhythm of Kuras' heartbeat against Mhin's ear lulled them away, transporting them to a place of serenity they had never known existed. As they drifted off into dreams, a solitary tear slipped from Mhin's tightly shut eyes.
And if Kuras saw any value in Mhin's wretched self,
just maybe
they were worth the risk after all.
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enviousbug2 · 5 months
Imagine Mhin hates people calling them short because it reminds them too much of past family and friends that teased them for their height before Lovent's fall
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trappolia · 16 days
HOUSE OF ERIDIA ── touchstarved x reader, high fantasy au
“Among the monarch's most intimate inner circle was their Master of Whispers (...) sharp and cunning, the mastermind of an intricate network of spies and informants that ran through the high aristocracy within the walls of the palace, down to the most slimy backwaters of the kingdom's outskirts. The truth of LEANDER’s threat, however, laid within his charm (...) it is said that not even his most beloved Eminence trusted him.”
Leander was devoted— as devoted as a man of such skill in less than legal information brokering could be, at least. Often times you wondered whether he was worth trusting; so much information he laid out at your feet like a suitor would bestow upon you with golds and jewels and fine silks, and just as much he kept away from you. Perhaps it was unwise to bestow upon the fickle position of Master of Whispers to a man who shared your bed, but never his own secrets-- or perhaps you thought too much of him. You did, after all, cradle your own secrets to your chest.
“To one such as the monarch, who clung onto their religion as if it were drywood amidst the furious seas, KURAS was a strange sort of salvation in himself (...) rumoured to be otherworldly, golden-eyed and infinitely wise not only in his knowledge of forgotten, they claimed him a lost eldritch being, shunned by the highest deities of the sky. Others said that he was a deity himself. But what deity hid in the shadows of the throne and kissed the feet of the mortal that sat upon it?”
Amidst the fickle serpents' game of politics and war, there was a superficial solace to be found in the religion you were raised in as a child. From that faith, your devotion extended to a gift from the gods laid at your door, the golden-eyed angel that you were not quite sure existed till they bestowed him to you. Strangely enough, he treated you with the same sort of reverence— as an acolyte might to their own deity. Yours was a strange relationship, a push-and-pull of prayer and religious guilt. Both of you hid your unholiness within a facade of worship and idolatry. You did not know why he has come, but you knew he saw you for what you were and bent the knee anyway. Be not afraid, he said. And so you were not, blindly so.
“The paramour was flame-haired and quick of the tongue, an exotic pet that graced the bed of Their Majesty easily enough once lured with the promise of lavish gifts and security (…) VERE traded his ugly iron shackles for a prettier set of golden chains, but he was not so cunning so as to let himself be lured in by the false promises of what he called “these damned monarchs”.”
It was not an uncommon feat for monarchs to take paramours even after marriage, but if the whore picked from the streets of silk was pretty enough, it could warrant the envious whispers of enraged nobles no matter how high a position one may hold within the royal family. Fortunately, Vere played the game of thrones well, you must admit. Of all the lovers and paramours you've taken over the course of your rule, he is the one you have to worry about defending in court the least… though his knowledge and skill holds up a different problem for you entirely. Perhaps your Small Council does speak some truth when they warn you of the lies he could entrap you in…
”THE STRANGER came like death on a misty night in the dead of winter. Who were they? What reason could they have to lurk around the castle halls, to indulge themselves in the benevolence of the monarch of which they did not worship? What did they seek, and why was Their Majesty so eager to offer their aid?”
A ruler as kind and benevolent as yourself was not so arrogant so as to be oblivious to the suffering of the smallfolk. Many called you naïve, too young to carry the burden of the crown, but you have inherited centuries of peace from your parents, and are intent on continuing such tradition. That is, perhaps, the reason why you welcomed MHIN into your palace that night, turning down your council’s suggestions of torturing them — where they’ve came from, why they’ve come, how a commoner possesses a gift for the magic arts. You offer them bread and wine and a place of rest, speaking nothing of how you’ve noticed their eyes flit about— not warily, but searching. It is naïvety then, in your hopes that MHIN finds what you seek in you, despite your sureness that you will one day stand at opposite ends of a looming war.
“Rare was a monarch who did not indulge in illicit affairs, whether it be a matter of simply flesh or true romance— but what transpired between Their Majesty and the creature of Crimson Grotto was so twisted that their story was told as both urban legend and warning even a millennia afterwards. But in the most desperate of times, even the most noble of the gods’ chosen are capable of such sin.”
AIS was already a figure of urban legend when you came to him him, a sopping wet half-adult playing dress up in an oversized crown and velvet robes weighed down by the grimy water that stained its hem. He never did tell you whether the stories you’d heard were true, only confirmed that yes, he is capable of what you beg him for. He thought of you foolish, to make a deal with an eldritch creature — or, at least, the vessel of one — but he realised too late that he’d gone off the deep end with you when it came to this deal. In the end, there was only his hope that they would not liken you, so good and so bright, to the hopeless thing that is whatever is left of him. Or, perhaps, it will be a last mercy to both of you, to be known in history side-by-side, mentioned alongside the other always— like a single entity.
© trappolia 2024
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tassqueen · 2 months
We're truly lacking on Mhin angst! Where are the skilled writes at? We need Sad tragic traumatizing mhin angst 😭🙏😩
No joking though we're really lacking on Mhin content in general 😭
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n--n · 1 year
You know the saddest thing abt Mhin is that they keep their distance from everyone bc they’re scared they’ll get hurt but given all of the others are monsters both literally and metaphorically they’re technically dodging like a ton of bullets
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fruityfroggy · 1 year
Genuine question, is making playlists for characters you desperately need like a lot a normal coping mechanism?
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Mhin with a crow 🐦‍⬛
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Honestly couldn’t decide if this should have been angst instead but I hope this is fine^^;
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6okuto · 7 months
Could i have the same headcanon of falling in love but for Mhin? Thank you 🙏 😭
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gn!reader | mhin time! >____< lots of mhin fans here... awesome world. in case anyone is wondering yes i do have vere in my drafts. meowww
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predictably, a slowburn with angst.
hard to get to know, not because they aren't predictable, or because they're incredibly hard to read, but because they're Fawking persistent when it comes to keeping their guard up. which means you have to be even More persistent. an absurd cycle. but you can get there. You will get there.
i think something that slowly takes down(?) mhin's walls would be showing interest in them past working together and their secrets. asking something more mundane like what their favourite season or meal is, what kind of music they like, if they enjoy rain. they're wary to answer because ?? why are you asking. why are you being weird. but they realize it's nice to think of something else about themself other than being a monstrosity. wow. ow
^ and then maybe doing something with their answer! going out of your way to buy some sweets for them, asking if they're okay when it's super cold/hot because they mentioned not enjoying it. something they've forgotten you even know. it also makes them wonder what your answers would be. the first time mhin manages to ask "what's yours?" is !!!! woah!
another moment might be choosing to be sincere when you could've teased them for something. they give you a look (honestly more often than not, mhin's first reaction is always wary confusion/denial), and you promise you're telling the truth. and they might not thank you or anything, but it sticks in the back of their head while they try to ignore how flustered they feel.
another Little moment might be you catching them off guard by like. being mean. they've gotten used to you pestering and following them. they've gotten used to your list of questions and times where you're walking quietly. neither of you have spoken in 5 minutes, and they're rolling their eyes, thinking to themself "what an asshole" about some guy arguing with a server, and then you mutter "what a fucking asshole" out loud. and they just look at you like ?. and you look back like ?? like i'm wrong. and mhin can't help but snicker or scoff.
when they realize what's going on (waiting for you to find them, looking for you, enjoying your company, etc), mhin starts avoiding you like the plague. all that time learning your schedule/habits has made it easy to avoid you (until you realize what's going on, at least). even places that they enjoyed for themself, they time things so you don't cross paths. it's honestly impressive LOL
they kind of hate it though. they miss you. they tell themself they don't, but they do. yeah they avoid you, but you know, if you both happen to be shopping, they might trail you and notice how you're buying ingredients for your favourite dessert, or how your eyes linger on a necklace before moving on. they just happen to be taking a similar path as you, and it's not like they want something bad to happen, so it makes sense to watch out, even now.
i'm picturing a confrontation where they try to deny avoiding you, then say they're doing it for a reason... and then you ask what this is, what anything meant, if anything. and mhin thinks they've dug themself a grave already and tell you it was nothing, a mistake, you should go home.
and you can either wait for a second confrontation, or call out their bullshit there—they're a liar but it's obvious to you, so what's actually going on? and tension rises and you push a little further until they finally tell you of course they care about you! and their voice might break a little because they don't speak loudly often, and their words dawn on them and they purse their lips—that's why they're trying to stay away.
something something don't push me away, i won't let you push me away, the significance of promising to stay with them, to work through things together and not leaving them alone, of seeing them as something else other than a monster, of seeing them as mhin.
mhin falls in love with your kindness, your open heart that warms theirs until it remembers spring. not just in the way you help them, but the kindness you show yourself, the people around you, your friends. they fall in love with watching you see the world in a way they hope to one day.
they fall in love with someone who perseveres when things get hard, but reminds the both of them that pushing too much or isolating yourself won't help. they'll stand at your desk and watch until you put your things away, or frown when they find you asleep outside of bed, and they know you'll do the same with them. they believe you'll get better at this together
mhin falling in love is pushing themself out of their comfort zone and doing their best to speak, even and especially when they can't think of what to say. it's them finding you in a bad mood and getting you food and offering to listen if you need to vent. it's them opening up and being vulnerable about their past that still hurts them, letting you reach for their hand or hold them when all they can think is that they don't deserve it.
i've mentioned this before but in an established relationship, mhin is softer but...not? they're comfortable to the point that they enjoy when you rest your head on their shoulder, but also enjoy making fun of you and laughing afterward. they don't have to be cold or walled off!! you're getting the real mhin, all sides included!
in general, they aren't a very touchy person. whether this is because they're not used to it or actually don't enjoy it is up in the air in my head. either way, it makes moments of physical touch a little more special! leaning against you when they're tired, reaching for your hand in crowds, letting you tie or play with their hair, etc.
the first time mhin kisses you, you're asleep. it's just a little one on the forehead as they pull the blanket up a little higher. and they keep doing it, because maybe it'll make it easier for when you wake up. they don't realize that you've been awake for the past 3 kisses as you pretend to fall asleep.
they let you watch them do experiments, and if it's up your alley, will listen to your thoughts and suggestions! feel honoured because it isn't a place, or thing that they let just anyone see! even if you aren't very science-y, feel free to give your opinion. maybe something will click in their head, y'know. or just be like, what if you mix red and white to make pink. and watch mhin stare at you like. How did you pick the two that'd be the Worst possible combination. like okay sorry i like pretty colours woah /lh
saying i love you.... i think they'd try really hard. you've helped them so much and they really do care, even if they're scared to say they love you, they know they do, they don't know what else this could be. there's a few times you catch them staring at you weirdly focused, and they're making a face with scrunched brows and pouting lips, and you're like. What is happening. and they chicken out. and get angry at themself for a while.
it kind depends on you, of course, and what kind of person you are. if you're someone who says it easily but never pushes them to say it, they feel grateful but guilty. if both of you keep dancing around it, a little anxiety and insecurity creeps back in when they don't want it to.
it's kind of a big deal for them, so the first time you say it is at the same time. not like Simultaneously saying it, but the same. ...day. at least. LOL. although if they're the one to say it first (somehow??) and you don't say it back until later that night because ?? shock? processing? nervous excitement? they Will be having a rough time dealing with themself, even while they repeat over and over that you deserve time, too, and it's okay, and they shouldn't overthink, etc etc.
mhin is So visibly relieved when you say it back. "were you worried?" "no?" < their head was a cacophony of 27 ambulances and noisy garbage compactors
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grahhh i forgot to make a new tag list form. friends. I will make one eventually. but u r still here 4 now. kyaaa | @screaming-wea-sel @semifilms @cvhenia @mitskiologist @leiiii-i @sweet-milky-tea705 @khalixvitae
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mysilaan · 5 months
What type of person do you think the LIs would fall head over heels for? Touchstarved please!
Hello Anon!! I must admit that I haven't given the subject much thought before your question and it was quite hard to imagine because I don’t think they have any ‘ideal type’. I even asked @dreamtydraw about it to have someone else's opinion (I’m literally basing Mhin’s answer on hers because I had none before and I agree with her, HAHA HELLO) but we both agreed that we have so little information about the LIs that it’s almost impossible… 
BUT, I tried and here is what I’m thinking!
Hope I answered right despite all the blur around Touchstarved lore… I'm definitely better at writing angst about those guys I promise 😞
Kuras: To me Kuras doesn’t like nosy people and being asked too insistently to talk about things he wants to keep secret. So I think that someone who gives him space and privacy when he needs, is most likely someone Kuras will grow fond of. I think that he is attached to the notion of ‘mutual trust’, so as long as you trust him and don’t pry too much into his secrets he might show you what's closest to love for him… With his demeanor, it’s hard to imagine him falling head over heels for someone, he’d probably show his affection with quality time. Leander: Might be one of the most toxic amongst the LIs… Sorry… I think that like Kuras,   he’d love someone who doesn’t put their nose in his business and doesn’t ask too many questions. But -apart from his sexual life- he loves to be in control. From what we have seen of him, he might be interested in anyone who slightly catches his interests and is easily manipulated into being completely dependent on him. Nonetheless, as fucked up as he is, I’m sure he would fall head over heels for someone who dominates him instead of being another puppet. (He might moan if you call him garbage) Vere: This one is a mystery… He doesn’t like anyone except for Ais, so it’s kind of hard to tell yet… Maybe someone as fucked up as him (if not more)? God knows best my friend. Mhin: They are quite hard to understand because they didn’t show anything more than animosity yet but… I feel like Mhin would fall in love with someone deeply kind. They don't really like anyone except for Kuras, and it makes me think that even if Kuras isn’t what we can call ‘kind’ he at least seems to have no bad intentions in whatever he is doing, which might be a factor for Mhin’s appreciation of his person. Also, I remember that during the game, when you make them notice that they’re quite mean to you, they flutter a bit. Mhin is really a kind soul, I’m convinced about it, they may be antipathetic but they for sure appreciate good people. Ais: He can definitely fall in love with someone very self-assured, someone who knows what they want. Ais may give off the vibes of a ‘bad boy’ but he is one of the most well intentioned LIs for me. Bonus if you’re as freaky and teasing than him 🫡
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mo0nflower26 · 6 months
Ok so- I know how we're talking about Kuras and Leander glitching out in certain parts and how the singer's vocals also gets more intense and powerful (AND FRICKING ELECTRIC GUITAR BEING PULLED OUT OF NOWHERE) on their parts but can we talk about how Mhin slightly glitches out when it comes to certain words? Like the words Cry, Fall and Fly. I could only guess that these words have something to do with their curse and how since we all already know that their monster form is a bird. Or it could be a route prediction too though, I don't really have that much strong theories regarding that since I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but I would love to hear everyone's theories about it lmfao. I also really love the way the chorus was sung on Mhin's part, it feels so soft, sweet, very gentle and loving. I can imagine that their route is straight up angst-filled so we Mhin enthusiast should emotionally prepare for it happening LMAO.
Lastly, I'd like to say that the details in the cover were so UGH <333
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vermilionsun · 2 months
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This is a gift for @tassqueen - "We need Sad tragic traumatizing mhin angst" ;) Blame them /j
🕊 Please, please, please
🕊 Darlin' don't threaten me with a good time
🕊 A heart's catalyst
🕊 Limbs exchanged for leaves
🕊 The rain doesn't scare me (and neither do your tears)
🕊 Costumer Service
🕊 Erase my birth, forget the date
🕊 I'll worship your sins (just set me free)
🕊 To kill a (mocking)bird
🕊 Ingénu
🕊 As a hunter
🕊 The child of love
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enviousbug2 · 5 months
I'm so curious to how the other LIs would have reacted to Vere killing off the MC
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Like, I think at that point in the story some of them already held an obvious or shown amount of affection for MC (re: Leander and Ais iirc). How badly would they take the news? Considering how things went when MC resisted, would Leander be the one to find their body since he was already looking for them? The angst potential is so there.
everytime I think about it my artist brain supplies images of how Ais would pull a bored Vere in by the shirt with an angry, conflicted face, and Leander right by his side yelling asking for answers. Mhin and Kuras would be on the sidelines maybe, Mhin with quiet anger and Kuras just feeling disappointed.
The thought is still really unpolished and could use some work, but I'm letting my mind cook😭‼️
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lu-dao-writes · 5 months
— 𝐎𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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၇͜ᩘ𑁍𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) Some angst, Kuras not taking care of himself, and brief talks on his guilt, heat talk.
𝘼/𝙉 The favoritism maybe came out🫣. I love this man, okay? I mean, half the cast surprisingly got me in a chokehold, that’s a first, but I latched onto Kuras first when I saw this initially. He’s gorgeous. But finally I’m done!!
— Kuras is an omega that acts like a beta, but is built like a damn alpha.
— Not open about his status because I feel like no one asks, therefore when it’s revealed he’s like: “It simply never came up in conversation!🙂” If they do, I see he finds a way to not answer lmao.
— Many of course respect him because he’s a good doctor who does not charge, but he’s also 6’6… Who tf would want to start beef with the man who fixes your bones, and looks like he can break yours?
— If ever in contact with an aggressive person, he doesn’t feed into it (because he knows he can easily squash them like a bug). Overall, he won’t push, but won’t obey either.
— Some think he’s a beta since his scent isn’t so over powering or typically sweet, and overall he appears to be docile. He’s a doctor! He’s gotta be caring!
— Kuras smells of herbs, and others. His real scent is just covered, but it does get stronger during heats or when his emotions are high.
— Gets onto Mhin about repressing his omegan needs, but he in turn doesn’t practice what he preaches.
— His urges are seemingly low, and he’s scented Mhin twice, once directly, and the other on their cloak. And of course lets Leander scent him (and vise versa) whenever, knowing that it’s something he needs.
— Kuras doesn’t really need to eat, nor sleep, and he’s a busy man. And to take in account of his guilt… Kuras believes he does not deserve such luxuries.
— Trying to break that mindset is hard, Kuras managing to run circles around you and get you to let it go, or you two get interrupted. Only once he’s lost his temper. There you truly see how repressed he is.
— Kuras lets himself have heats, but overall his heats are irregular and can be pretty painful. He skips town and disguises it as collecting supplies for his clinic (which isn’t completely a lie).
— This man… Does not know how to make a nest. It’s kinda sad. When you ask him where his nest was, he just pointed at a chair, his reading chair. You’re honestly not sure if you want to laugh or cry.
“The bed is mainly there for show. And Mhin, or any other guest I happen to have. I do not need to sleep.”
— Thus this leads to you helping him out, now he actually uses the bed. He keeps his nest simple, not wanting it to be cluttered.
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ineed-to-sleep · 2 days
hii! so i saw you played touchstarved and i was wondering what you thought of all the people in the demo? thanks!!
Ohh I loved the characters tbh!! I think they all have great potential and I'm really excited to see where their storylines go. Especially Leander, I'm sure that man is secretly a freak kfkdkdkfk he's my second favorite and I really wanna play his route when the game comes out. Mostly out of curiosity though, bc my actual favorite is Kuras <3 I was just full heart eyes for him after the first interactions you have with him in the game and no other character got the same reaction from me djdjkckckf spent the whole rest of the game wondering when he was going to come back 💔 I just think his personality is very charming and the whole "repentant angel" concept has so much potential for angst. I love me a tragic boy 🫠 also the way he smiles............ his cunty little golden tears makeup..... his drip............ he has bewitched me body & soul
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I think the one I liked the least was Vere, mostly bc I didn't like how he got all up on my character's personal space right off the bat. I was like wow get this man AWAY from me <3 haha PLEASE. The whole interaction just made me kind of uncomfortable and I get that this is a type of character that's right up some people's alley or plays right into their kinks, but for me personally it was all just a big nope. I disliked Ais a little bit too bc he seemed very arrogant and aloof. Not very mindful not very demure 🤨 he did grow on me a bit after seeing him at the bar + playing through his ending in the demo, but honestly I think he's just not my type jdjfncmcm still super interested in seeing where his story goes tho, and I really like the fact he has a pet souless 🥺 watch me steal princess & run fjjckcmf
I honestly don't have much of an opinion on Mhin. I feel like we spend very little time with them in the demo so there's not much to go on. I don't see a problem with them being cagey and not trusting you right off the bat etc. Like, to each their own yk, it's not like they owe the mc any answers, or even friendship. I feel like I'm gonna like them eventually but just based on the fact my mc is a self insert I might end up barely getting to know them at all jdjfkskkxkf I get the impression you have to be a bit pushy with them to get them to talk and tbh like, I'd say at least 99% of the time, if you tell me to fuck off, I just straight up will. No discussion. Goodbye Mhin!! Have a good life!! See you never 👍🏻👍🏻 njdjfkckf that would NOT work out 🥲 so I think in order to do their romance route I'd probably have to play a different character, but I think I eventually will just bc I do find them interesting. From what I've seen from the devs, they might have a lot in common with the mc in regards to being cursed, so that sounds like it'll make for an interesting route.
This is all just my personal taste tho bc overall I think they're all interesting in different ways and I'm really curious to see where each of their routes go :]
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eniiart · 7 months
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I have this mini comic with Mhin&Merre I did out of boredom
Sometimes we need a little bit of nice interactions too instead of just the angst 😩
Merre would sometimes bring small gifts to Mhin if they see them being in a low mood (or if Merre just feels like giving gifts)
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euxeris · 2 years
sleeping beauty, but the kiss never comes
Touchstarved || Mhin x reader Fluff, mild angst?
You’re particularly at your most vulnerable when you’re sleeping. Something that Mhin, freelance Soulless Hunter extraordinaire, constantly made clear to you.
So when they had dozed off in the dewdrop-filled grass in the late afternoon by your side, you could only gawk at them in amazement. I mean, you knew that they’d had a particularly grueling day today, but… still. Surprising.
However, the shock factor eventually rubbed off, and so as the sun started to set into the smog-filled sky, you simply look down at Mhin.
Mhin looks very different when asleep.
Usually, they’re seen with a grimace, furrowed brows, and an irritated pout to the lips. But now? Mhin’s expression is relaxed and serene, and their lips are only gently parted as they breathe in and out.
You, as Mhin’s closest companion (friend? Acquaintance? Neither of you knew what the hell you two were at this point) only got to see this side of them every once in a while. The occasional joke that landed when sent their way, an especially delicious looking sweet, a random stray black cat… It happens every so often.
So, naturally, you couldn't help thinking that you were being excessively spoiled with the sight in front of you.
And yet, naturally, being a selfish human(?) being, you still couldn’t help wanting more.
The flutter of bangs as they’re moved by the breeze, the smooth surface of their cheek. The beauty mark by their lips. Lips. Uh.
(You get a bit flustered when you realize you’re looking too long at one particular feature of Mhin’s face, but hey. You just can’t turn away.)
You tentatively raise a hand, so close to Mhin’s face. You want to brush their hair to the side, to hold their cheek and rub the spot under their eye like you’ve seen couples do. You want to touch the beauty mark, and maybe… maybe…
But then you remember. Wide and bloodshot eyes, messy hair, lips pulled into a deranged smile, hands that grab and tear and bring pain to you through pained movements.
So it is with those thoughts that you drop your hand with a hitched breath, and with it you drop any desires you just let linger in your mind. Your bandages are tight, but you can only imagine the worst as you adjust them over and over again.
Such tender gestures, such soft skin and lips and pretty eyes weren’t meant for you here. Not like this.
And then, like Eridia wanted to give you an additional 'fuck you', a few drops of water drip onto your head.
And then a newfound rain shower proceeds to dampen the already wet grass. Great.
Mhin starts to stir as a droplet of water hits their nose. They blink rapidly, eyes wide. (They resembled the cats they so loved for just a moment).
Yet they don’t question how you haven’t woken them up yet, don’t berate you harshly. Mhin just rubs their eyes, looks at you fleetingly, to make sure you haven’t left, before turning to their soaked cloak to curse quietly.
The scowl was back. Against your mind telling you not to, you savor the memory of a peaceful Mhin for just a moment longer.
“...” Mhin glances back at you, opening their mouth to say something, but then stares and clamps it shut. They look at your pockets where your hands have been shoved inside.
They’re probably worried because your smile seemed a bit too forced. Your fingers fidgeted too much under bandages and cloth. The tease of ‘good morning, Sleeping Beauty’ had died on your lips long ago.
…But even if Mhin had noticed this, they didn't say anything. They turn back around, mutter that the two of them should find shelter, and start to run through the field.
And you almost truly hate, from the bottom of your heart, how that only makes you want them more.
(Your hands form fists within their pockets.)
But what can you say? When faced with such a nice sight?
You’re only ‘human’, after all.
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