#mh breth
sunnytheopossum · 3 months
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This was actually the first thing I planned on making for Pride Month, but I’m so unfamiliar with drawing this kind of thing (aroace who never draws ship art 🙋‍♂️), so the sketch took a long time to iron out, and I kept putting it off. Overlapping characters and headturns, man. It’s hard.
I was originally going to base the pose off of that one bisexual image of Anne Hathaway (you know the one), but I wanted this to feel more intimate than that, so I squished them closer together! There are definitely some very obvious flaws in this piece, and I decided against shading it for that reason, but I’m pleased with it overall! At the very least, it think I captured what I was going for.
Also: FINE! I hear you! I cut Brian’s hair and changed his eyes from blue to hazel, alright?! Can’t have any fun in this house >:| (/j). But for real, he’s definitely more recognizable like this, though I am probably gonna need a lot more practice with him like that before I feel confident drawing him again and seeing it as “Brian”! That hair style is hard to make look normal in my style tbh… but maybe it’s the head shape? I need to do some actual face studies of these guys sometime, I’m just over here winging it.
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Eddie finally explains why he's been avoiding you.
Part 6
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Eddie's room was messy to say the least.
The table near the bed and a nearby desk were covered with plenty of random objects and some clothes were scattered around the room.
The walls were covered with posters of metal bands, one in particular, bigger than the others, had the name "Corroded Coffin" written on it.
Some books were left around, a guitar with "this machine slays dragons" written on it was in the corner of the room and not far from it was a second one, dark red and black.
Eddie closed the door behind him as he entered his room after you.
"Don't tell me my room sucks, I know." He chuckled sitting on the edge of his bed. "I wasn't expecting anyone."
You looked around, walking slowly around the room like an animal discovering a place it had never seen before.
"That's so cool." You muttered as your eyes ran over the posters on the walls.
"I'm sorry?" Eddie raised his eyebrows, thinking he must have misunderstood.
"Your room. It's cool." You stopped in front of Eddie's guitar, turning your back on him and so not seeing the smile that was born on his lips.
You reached out to run your fingers over its strings, causing a soft sound.
Eddie felt the sudden dullness of telling you to stop: no one could touch his guitar but him, but then he stopped and almost had to repress the thought that he would have liked to teach you how to play it.
"So?" You asked before turning back to him and then sitting on the edge of the bed next to him.
"Why have you been avoiding me all day?"
He shook his head. "It's stupid."
He wasn't too sure about that though.
"It's not stupid if it made you ignore me all day."
"I talked to Aaron." He confessed.
You sighed. "Well, I'm sorry you had to do that."
"He said some things." Eddie wasn't looking at you anymore, suddenly the floor was much more interesting and his voice less confident.
Eddie sighed. "Promise me you'll tell me the truth no matter what."
"Eddie you're scaring me."
"He told me that you decided to become my friend because you wanted to buy drugs and you were hoping to get them for free." He choked out as if taking a weight off his chest.
"Well, that's not true." You responded promptly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Okay." He brethed in response.
Then silence fell in the room.
"Mh." He wasn't looking at you yet.
"Ed, don't tell me you believed him." Your voice was softer now.
His silence almost scared you. "Eddie...I would never do that."
"I know." He murmured, his fingers playing with his skull ring, his eyes still stubbornly not meeting your gaze.
"So why are you doing this now? Why have you been ignoring me all day and now you can't even look at me?"
"Because there's always a voice in my head telling me you'd be better off without me." He finally confessed while you, as if by instinct, reached out for his hand, grabbing it as it stopped shaking and intertwining your fingers with his. "It says there's no way you really want to be- friends with someone like me or be seen hanging out with Eddie 'the freak'."
The fact that after all that time you've known Eddie, he still doubted your relationship, it made you realize how much all those years of insults had really affected him, even though he always tried to hide it, pretending he didn't care.
"Eddie, I like you. I like you because you are you. Because you're kind, nice, caring and you always make me laugh when I'm feeling down." He finally looked up and his gentle brown eyes met yours. You wondered if the shimmer was caused by the yellowish light in his room or if it was beacuse of some unshed tears.
"You're such a good person, I'm sorry so many people can't see that." You smiled softly, hoping he believed you.
"I'm always scared that one day you'll start seeing me the way everyone else does." He mumbled, his voice like the one of a frightened child during a thunderstorm. "I can't loose you too."
If your heart hadn't already broken during that conversation, it did right now. "You won't."
"And I hope that one day they will see you as I do." You gently pulled his hand still in yours towards you, pulling him into a hug as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he buried his face in the crook of yours, closing his eyes. "Because you deserve it."
You felt Eddie's hands on your back, gently pushing you closer.
"Eddie, I care about you. I really do."
You didn't say anything about what you understood to be a tear falling on your skin.
"Oh, sweetie." You breathed out as you ran a hand through his hair, your fingers through his curly dark locks. "Don't let some asshole let you think I don't care about you. Don't think you're not important to me, that you're one of the best people I've ever met in my entire life and that I'm glad you're part of mine."
You pulled Eddie closer to you and he grabbed the fabric of your shirt on your back, squeezing it lightly in his hands as if he didn't hold you so tight you would have disappeared and as he wanted that moment to never end.
After a few moments, Eddie slowly raised his head. He would never admit he had shed some tears but you brought your hands to his cheeks to gently brush away the last of them.
Your hands lingered on his cheeks, cupping his face still inches away from yours.
He felt like you were a blessing he was never meant to found and by the gods he was so happy, that in spite of that he still had found you.
"Thank you." he whispered.
"For what?" You asked.
For being there with him, for waiting for him outside school in the morning, for not feeling ashamed to be with him in public, for making him feel important, for smiling every time you saw him in the hallway, for spending your time with him, for being there when he needed you, for showing him your affection when hardly anyone ever had in his life, for not judging, for getting along with Wayne...
"For everything." He murmured, your hands still on the sides of his face, your noses almost touching and your breaths felt on each other's skin.
Suddenly the bedroom door opened and Wayne peeped out.
"Just wanted to ask if you're coming to eat or not. The food will get cold." Said the man as your hands fell from Eddie's face to your lap.
You cleared your throat.
"Sure. We'll be right there." You nodded.
Eddie did the same, getting off the bed to look at you and offer you a soft sincere smile.
"After you." He said gesturing to the door, the feel of your fingers caressing his cheeks still hard to shake.
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"It was all really good." Wayne commented, sitting at the table across from you and Eddie, his voice easily audible despite the background TV playing some random program no one was paying attention to, mostly showing commercials.
"Thank you." You answered putting down your fork. "Ever since I nearly set Robin's house on fire trying to cook with her, I've decided maybe I needed to learn."
"I'm glad you did." Eddie said as he stuffed the last baked potato into his mouth. "Learn to cook, don't burn Buckley's house down." He specified causing a laugh on your part.
You read the time on the clock on the wall, noting that the sun had gone down and the sky had become completely dark.
"I think I should go home now, my mum always complains when I walk alone after dark." You said getting up from your chair.
"Walk?" Eddie did the same, raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah, I walked to get here." You explained grabbing your jacket off the chair.
"Okay, slow down." Eddie chuckled walking in your direction. "I'll drive you home."
"Oh look, I raised him well." Wayne commented softly from across the room.
Your eyes met Eddie's, who never lost their sincerity and kindness.
"I'll take you home." He repeated. "It's the least after what you've done for us. For me."
You smiled slightly at his words, your gaze passing over his face, the memory of your lips inches from his was hard to forget, like the desire to have nipped the space between you with a kiss when you had the chance.
"Okay." You said finally and Eddie grabbed his leather jacket.
"Thanks for making me stay Mr…Wayne. Thank you, Wayne." You said goodbye to the man, correcting your little mistake.
"Thanks to you. See ya soon, kid."
You and Eddie left the trailer, walking to his van, when you spoke again.
"I.. I forgot something."
"What?" He frowned as he opened the vehicle's door.
"Just one thing, I'll be right back." You hurried back to the trailer, opening the door again.
"Wayne?" You called him, the man raised his head from the dishes he was putting away in the sink.
"You did." You said and he looked at you questioningly.
"Raised him well. You really did." You specified and a corner of the man's lips lifted.
You smiled, you had just felt the need to let him know. Wayne must have been an amazing father when Eddie's biological one wasn't with him.
He just smiled, before you went back to Eddie, waiting for you.
"What did you forget?" He asked as you sat next to him.
"Oh, nothing. I realized I already had it."
Eddie looked at you suspiciously but didn't insist and started the van while a Black Sabbath song played softly.
During the journey you spoke relatively little but the silence between you was anything but awkward. It was calm and intimate, you didn't need to talk at that moment.
When Eddie parked in front of your house a few minutes later and said good night to you, you kissed his cheek before getting out of the car.
You chuckled when, despite the darkness, you saw that his cheeks had acquired a certain blush.
Who would have thought Eddie blushed?
"Goodnight Eddie." You whispered before starting to walk towards your house, your figure illuminated by the weak light of the street lamps as you walked away.
"Good- goodnight." He mumbled, almost stammered, even if you were already gone.
After you walked into the house he stayed there for a few more minutes, an almost stupid and lovesick smile plastered on his face.
After everything that had happened that day, after what you'd said and done, after your soft whispered words, your hug and that kiss, he couldn't help but smile.
And he kept doing it even on all his way home.
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Part 8
As I was writing this I was telling to myself "let them kiss!" and still... here we are :)
Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat @michaelfuckinglangdon
Love you from afar tags: @capitanostella @enam3l @saramelaniemoon @ang3lb44by @einkitty @themorriganisamonster @esme-viridian @daisyridleyyyy @whenshelanded @eggo-segual @comfortcharactercraze @callmeyn @expiredcum21 @unholyyylita @squidscottjeans @twilight-love-nochu-main @idkatee @bakugouswh0r3 @amira0303 @greatpizzascissorstaco @ebonybloom @emxxblog @lunaryasha @cherryobx @jasminelafleur @magicalchocolatecheesecake @tracymbcm @harrypotter-imaginees @eli-flower @mrsjellymunson @tttttttttttts-things @miabiar @wayfaring----stranger @princess-eddie @omgshesinsane @littlestarfighter03 @zoeymunson @tanyaherondale @bl4ckt00thgr1n @thebook-hobbit @eris-rose-86 @ly17 @jenuhlyn-blog @ximi1315 @avocadotoastwithegg @lomljigg @urdad-hot @1paire2vans @praline357
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lucia-has-thoughts · 2 months
somerimes i like to sit ouyside late at nighr, its thareputic- feel the grsas below me, the gentel wind against mh skin to remind me im alive, remind me i cna feel, i brethe witg the wind, feel thr breeze inn mh lungs
i look ti thr stars and ask them why i see thr dtars thst have led me yo where i am and i beg for an sanswer, but tgey never reply
so i sit an feel the wind, and rember im alive, and isnt thar enough fir now?
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bleed-more · 6 years
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Seth-has-a-crush-on-Brian doodle dump
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damnwyverngems · 7 years
『MHXX Nintendo Switch Ver.』×『The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild』
x CapcomChannel
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sunnytheopossum · 4 months
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So… I’ve been weirdly obsessed with the idea of totheark being a polycule recently?? I’ve literally never headcanonned a poly relationship before, but for whatever reason this one just tickles my brain, and I kind of really love it. It’s like, the farthest thing from canon I can imagine, which isn’t usually my thing, but I don’t even care.
So uh… here’s the three of them playing GameCube together, and they’re wearing each other’s clothes bc of course they are. My idea with this scene is that Seth and Brian were filming and editing a totheark video while Tim was at work, they took a break once it got dark to play Super Monkey Ball or something, and Tim comes home from his construction job and passes out on the couch against Brian (and Seth sits on the floor to make more room for Tim to lie down more because he’s a sweetheart like that). They also mute the tv so Tim can sleep because THEY LOVE EACH OTHER, YOUR HONOR! Also why yes, that is Brian’s weirdo forest fire painting hung up on the wall, thanks for asking!
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bleed-more · 6 years
Hot take. Brian and Seth would also be a cute couple because they are both dorks
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