We needed more imagine blogs for this show, so here I am. Go ahead and send something in! Askbox: CLOSED
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Do you do non-halloween request imagines?
I do, but the asks are closed right now! If you have an idea, feel free to send it in once they’ve opened again!
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Could you do a story were the reader is a werewolf who is usually self-controlled. Except one night she gets absolutely hungry and attacks Max. //He only gets a few cuts and bruises though// But David manages to drive her off. ((hurting her in the process)) Once the reader is in control. She turns back to normal and gets depressed as well as refuses to be near the two. And at some point David finds a scar where he hurt her and manages to find out the truth? ((Sorry if this is a bit long!))
(I love this, it’s so good. I’ve set the reader as a counselor for this!)
A small voice residing in the back of your head begged, screamed for you to stop, but your body was moving on it’s own. In vision tinted red, you stared hungrily down at the small boy struggling and shouting in your grasp. The forest was silent except for the blood rushing in your ears and the child’s yelling echoing through the trees. Usually you would have just fed on your pray by now, but you couldn’t help hesitating for a reason you couldn’t remember. Just as you parted your maw and revealed your teeth, you felt something strike the back of your head, hard. In your shock, you allowed your meal to slip away. He didn’t look back while he sprinted away, unable to see the reason for your slip up.
Fast as a whip, you were facing your assailant, fangs bared. A familiar looking man stood terrified with a red and silver emergency axe in hand. He took a shaky step forward and tightened his grip. Before he could change his mind, you lunged at him, landing a deep scratch on his arm. He yelped and swung blindly, sticking the axe into your shoulder. A pained cry left you as he yanked it back out. The scent of blood would have reminded you of your hunger had you not been in excruciating pain. You howled and blindly darted back into the underbrush, ripping through the thick woods and sprinting away from camp.
The pads of your feet landed deftly on cold, damp grass as you wearily made your way back to your cabin. If you had to guess, you’d say it was barely five in the morning. The sun had come up, and you had awoken next to the mauled and ravaged bodies of multiple forest animals. Worry was evident on your face. You remembered. You remembered everything you had done, and weren’t sure how you would be able to go back, but you had to. If you didn’t, the campers and counselors would become concerned, or worse, suspicious.
Luckily you had managed to make it back to your cabin unnoticed. Once there you cleaned yourself up, put on a tank top, some shorts, and a sweater, and went immediately to sleep. No restful sleep came to you. Just hazy nightmares of the night before that had you tossing and turning. It felt like a never ending series of bizarre and torturous fever dreams. The sun was near setting by the time you finally woke up. You woke up to voices. For a moment you panicked, you thought that maybe you had somehow changed again and were attacking the campers, but your fears left you as you began to actually listen to what was being said. Your eyes remained closed while you tuned in.
“David, I’m not going to call an ambulance. (Y/N)’s only tired. God knows I would sleep in that long if I could.”
“I know, Gwen, but what if-!” David’s voice cracked. He sounded scared. “What if something’s wrong? What if they were attacked last night too? And now they’re in a coma, or worse?? They won’t wake up, no matter what I do! I’ve tried everything!”
They were talking about you, you realized. The anxiety in David’s voice sent a stab of guilt through your heart. You were the cause for his worries, after all. With a deep breath, you slowly sat up, careful not to put too much weight on your injured shoulder. David’s back was turned to you, so naturally it was Gwen who made eye contact with you first.
“Y’see? I told you. Everything’s alright. I’m gonna go get dinner with the campers now, okay? Bring (Y/N) with you when you’re ready to come with, some of the campers are still kind of shaken up. I think…They’d feel safer with as many counselors around as possible.” She nodded at you, and exited the cabin, headed towards the cafeteria. Oh. You didn’t blame her for the statement because she couldn’t have known it was your fault, but you felt guiltier still to know that you had thoroughly frightened the kids.
“Huh?” David turned to see you with opened eyes for the first time in hours, and lit up immediately. “(Y/N)! You’re awake! Oh, thank God you’re okay!” He was hugging you tightly before you even had time to react. He squeezed you firmly and you recoiled, shouting with pain. Unknowingly, he had irritated the wound on your shoulder. The gash opened up again.
Immediately, David was off of you, hand covering his mouth. “Did I hurt you?? A-Are you alright?” He creeped closer to you, hand dropping from his face and reaching towards you. “Are you hurt..? I knew-!”
David paled, eyes wide. The sleeve of your sweater slowly turned red as fresh blood seeped into it. “Oh my God, (Y/N)! What happened to you?!” He was on his feet and rushing to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit before you could respond. “Let me see it.” He demanded, hands on his hips. With a sigh, you slowly removed your sweater, wincing as you had to peel off the part that was stuck to your wound. The sleeve of your (white) tank top was a deep red, and you looked away, almost ashamed as David gawked and fawned over you. The whole time he took care of you, you couldn’t help but look at the bandages on his arm.
Often times when David is worked up like this, he begins to ramble. Which is exactly what he was doing. Lucky for you, he wasn’t all that bad with first aid, but that didn’t mean it was painless. The thing that actually concerned you, though, was David hesitating for a moment, and going completely silent. This only lasted about two seconds, but afterwards he didn’t speak another word. That made you worry.
You couldn’t understand why he would have just stopped like that. He looked more concentrated than before, brow furrowed and hands skillfully bandaging you. There was another moment of hesitation as he sat back down after putting the kit away. You became filled with anticipation as he opened his mouth to speak.
“(Y/N).” The serious way he said your name made your stomach churn. “How…How did you get that?”
“Oh…” You started, internally cursing for forgetting to come up with a story the night before. “Last night, in the woods…I-”
“Please be honest with me, (Y/N).” His hand gently rested on yours. He recognized that wound, and his suspicions were growing. “Who gave that to you..?” You could see the pleading in his eyes as he waited for a response.
You attempted to speak again, but he beat you to it, promising something that pulled the guilt and pain and anxiety you were feeling all back up to the surface.
“I won’t be upset.”
Tears pooled in your eyes, and you gripped his hand in your shaking one, pursing your lips.
“David, I’m.. I’m so sorry.. I didn’t want to-” You hiccuped- “I wanted to stop, but I- A-And the campers, I-” A sob shook your body, and you couldn’t continue.
He leaned forward and hugged you tightly, careful of your injury this time. Tears began to form in his eyes as well, but he held them back for your sake. “It’s Okay. It’s..” He paused, taking a deep breath and putting a hand on the back of your head, pulling it to his shoulder.
“It’s okay.”
#Literally Why is it So Hard for Me to Write Something Short: A novel#(a really fucking long novel lol)#cc max#CC Gwen#CC David#CC David X reader#camp camp x reader#Camp camp imagine#Imagine camp camp#camp camp david#camp camp david x reader#blood#cc halloween#imagines
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Favorite Halloween candies ? Idk whay this ask it's about I just want to know yours ? Or campers ? Or ??
(My favorite candy is probably either Kit Kats or Whoppers. I also love anything with mint chocolate!)
David: David’s happy with just any type of chocolate. Prefers milk chocolate.
Gwen: Any dark chocolate (She also likes almonds in her chocolate)
Nikki: Sour stuff! Warheads, rainbow trails, and most of all-Sour gummy worms
Max: Charleston Chews (he likes marshmallows and chewy things)
Neil: He likes coffee flavored things, but those aren’t easy to come by. So he’ll settle for a Snickers.
Nerris: Pop rocks and Cola Candy!!
Harrison: Lemon Zots! (also likes cola candy. Nerris got him hooked)
Preston: Mr. Goodbar!
Ered: Pretzel M&M’s. She likes crunchy things. (and gummy worms)
Space kid: Will literally eat anything. Probably likes soft things.
Dolph: He likes Nerds and lifesavers!
Nurf: Candy Corn!
#cc halloween#Camp camp#camp camp imagines#Imagine camp camp#imagines#headcanons#cc max#cc Nikki#CC Gwen#cc ered#cc Neil#cc nerris#cc harrison#cc preston#cc space kid#cc dolph#cc nurf
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Any idea for what Halloween is like for Daniel?
Halloween isn’t really his favorite, but he definitely doesn’t have a problem with it
Typically he’ll just stay in. He’ll give out candy though.
And he dresses as something cute and friendly
So that when he gives out informational pamphlets, including how to have a nutritional detoxification diet, and how to purge yourself of your negative emotions, he’s more likely to gain people’s trust :)))
If he has the opportunity to spread the word, he will
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Spoopy scary skeletons blasts in the background from God knows where, David peaks his head into the kitchen to find the one and only QuarterMaster blarring it, a straight look on his face as he merely says 'Happy Halloween', even though it's weeks away
Are you describing a fever dream to me
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What would everyone in Camp Campbell dress as for Halloween?
David: He’d probably be like, a dog or something. Or a tree lol. Or I could see Him dressing up as an angel just because Gwen wants to be a devil. (Lmao I wouldn’t be surprised if he dressed as Cameron Campbell tho)
Gwen: She likes devils. She just wants to be a devil (Or an Imp). Or she’ll be something from some mildly obscure pop culture reference.
Nikki: She wants to be either an explorer or a werewolf. She ends up going with werewolf, cause she’s convinced it even slightly raises her chances of being adopted by wolves.
Neil: He doesn’t plan on dressing up at first, but eventually agrees. Nikki wants him to be a mad scientist, but he thinks that’s stupid, and dresses up as some obscure scientist, like Giovanni Aldini or James Clerk Maxwell
Max: He also isn’t too keen on dressing up, but Nikki (And David) insist. So he finds the laziest costume he can. He probably just puts on black cat ears, draws whiskers on his face, and calls it done.
Nerris: Her costume is basically just her typical attire but a bit more advanced. Like, she has more realistic looking ears and a full cloak and sorceress outfit
Harrison: He wants to dress up as Houdini. Not because he’s his favorite magician, but more because he thinks that his tricks would be terrifying.
Preston: Preston goes as either Hamlet or Alexander Hamilton (the musical version). Trying to decide is nearly impossible for him.
Ered: Erid goes as a zombie punk rocker. The makeup is actually pretty good, and the rest of the costume looks cool too.
Space Kid: LITERALLY already in costume. No one is surprised except for Neil, who is more just annoyed that Space Kid counts his usual attire as a costume.
Dolph: Dolph dresses up as a rabbit because he loves rabbits and thinks that they’re cute.
Nurf: He’s a giant potted flower lol
#camp camp#camp camp imagines#imagine camp camp#Camp camp david#camp camp Gwen#camp camp Nikki#Camp camp Neil#Camp camp Max#Camp camp Nerris#Camp camp Harrison#Camp camp Preston#Camp camp Ered#Camp camp Space Kid#Camp camp Dolph#Camp camp Nurf
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Hey, do you have any requests in your inbox from before Halloween? I want to make sure Tumblr sent mine
(I do have some, but I also deleted some that I wasn’t feeling up to. If you’d like, you can let me know which one it is off anon so that I can answer it privately. Thanks!)
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You don’t have to send in only Halloween asks (although they are appreciated), you can also just send in fall themed asks (or regular asks) if you want. I’m just down for spooks all the time lol.
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not a spoopy ask (sorry) but just try to imagine a more flirty david give me some hc maybe???
I think if we’re trying to imagine a more flirty David, we should say that he can be flirty if he wants, but it usually isn’t intentional
His typical method of flirting is just complimenting you
Sometimes he’ll make a joke or use a dumb pick up line, but a lot of it is just praise
He’s super physically affectionate too, so another thing that comes up a lot is him hugging you or brushing against you
A more flirty David would be more bold, and might just do things like Hold your hand or even kiss your cheek, if he’s feeling particularly brave
He’s able to do this because he just brushes it off as normal. It works for him
The only problem is, sometimes that makes it hard to tell if he’s flirting with you or not
But when he confesses (which he will, cause he can’t bear not telling you), you’ll know for sure just how much he cares
Once he’s in a committed relationship, he won’t flirt with anyone else
Actually, that’s usually the case. He tends to just flirt with one person at a time cause he feels weird and dishonest if he flirts with multiple people at once
#headcanons#cc headcanons#Imagines#camp camp#cc david#cc david x reader#camp camp david x reader#camp camp david
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For the spelling prompt: D A V I D. Thanks!
D: How they react to being flirted with? David becomes a blushing mess immediately after any flirting or affection or anything like that. He’ll get all flustered and stutter. And if it’s someone he likes and wants to impress he’ll probably try and fail to flirt back.
A: What are/were this character’s best subjects in school? He was great with English and French!! (and he teaches English!)
V: What’s the easiest way to annoy them? I mean, Max and the gang’s antics can be a little irritating to him sometimes, but can you ever really annoy David? I mean, they tied him and Gwen to the flagpole and he wasn’t even a little mad about it.
I: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do they love themselves? A solid 5 and a half(please love yourself, David, you’re wonderful)
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r u rdy 4 sum sp00ks this month
Dude you have NO idea I love horror so much I love all of it i LOVE HORROR I AM LIVING
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Askbox: OPEN (And spooky time)
Hey!! The askbox is open again!! I’ve got a few more posts to finish in my drafts, but go ahead and send some in! Because tomorrow is the first day of October.. May I suggest... Some spooky asks..
(Please I love October and Halloween and Horror please feed my soul)
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could you do nsfw headcanons for gwen?
(Oh boy oh boy, first nsfw ask. Let’s go bitches)
So Gwen is a little vanilla at first
She’ll initiate things, sure, but it’ll take her a little time to really get comfortable with you in the bedroom
She gets kind of giddy on the nights she knows something is gonna go down between you two
DEFINITELY cuddles after the fact
She wants to buy some cute lingerie for you, but she’s a little shy about it, so make sure you compliment her lots
Gwen is a switch, pass it on
One minute she’s handed the reigns to you, and the next you’re completely at her mercy
If you’ve got the time, the best foreplay is just making out
Making out with lots of neck kisses
I hope you’re ready to have to wear a scarf regardless of weather to hide all those hickies lol
She tries not to be too loud, but sometimes she just can’t help herself
Usually in these moments it’s your name that slips out, and she’s very sheepish about it afterwards
Oral isn’t her favorite. She’d rather receive it than give it, but she’d gladly do it if you like it
If it’s been a hard day for her, she’s a total pillow queen
But don’t worry, she’ll return the favor the next day
One of her favorite things when she’s on top is to see you flustered
tie her up and let her do the same to you
She actually has a pretty high sex drive, so if you’re apart from each other it’s likely she’ll want to sext
#cc Gwen#cc gwen x reader#Gwen x reader#camp camp#camp camp x reader#camp camp reader insert#imagine camp camp#camp camp imagines#imagines#headcanons#nsfw#camp camp nsfw
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Older! Preston X reader. Reader is a dancer and likes to show off on stage, often pisses off Preston and flirts too. Preston is impressed but hates her and just ends up making out with her behind stage? (Or just kissing if you prefer.)
Lights blared as you performed one final spin, then stopped and bowed. A grin made it’s home on your face, and the audience cheered for you as the music faded. Curtains were pulled closed with a swift movement, and you righted yourself, brushing dust from your outfit and cockily walking backstage Recently, your dance instructor and the director of Preston’s theater troupe had started working together for musicals. Your squad would provide dancing, the theater troupe would provide actors, and together you produced stunning performances.
Preston, who had been watching your routine with awe, postured up before you passed and nodded begrudgingly, as though he couldn’t care less about you. “(Y/N).” He said flatly in acknowledgement.
“Hey, stranger.” You responded smugly. “Break a leg out there.” He rolls his eyes and pushes past you, taking a breath, then entering stage right. You watch him go, your smirk turning into a gentle smile while he began his monologue. Cute.
That night had been opening night of a huge show, directed by the theater troupe, written by Preston. Everyone had been working for months, you had a full house, and the pressure was on. The director and stage manager were going around double checking everyone, triple checking everyone, doing everything they could to make sure the show would go off without a hitch. You wished Preston good luck. He didn’t hear you until the second time you said it, and even then his response was dismissive. If you looked hard enough in the dim dark atmosphere of the backstage area, you could see him jittering. Your expression turned sympathetic, and you gave him a pat on the shoulder. He took a breath as the announcer began welcoming everyone to the show, and turned to you.
“Thanks, (Y/N). You too.” To your surprise, he actually sounded pretty genuine. Faster than you thought possible, he was told to go on stage, and the first act was underway. From then on, everything was a hectic blur until you were on stage. While you performed time went slower than ever, but as soon as you stepped off stage, you were flung back into the storm of stage hands, actors, and dancers scurrying around as quietly as possible. It was frenzied, it was nerve-wracking, and it was the most fun you’d ever had. But soon enough, it was over. Everything went perfectly, and the crowd loved it. You all went through the typical curtain call procedure, and filed back stage.
You started to follow your fellow dancers to the dressing room, when you were suddenly yanked away from them and pulled into a more secluded section of the backstage area. You made eye contact with a familiar face for only a split second before you felt a soft pair of lips being pressed firmly against yours. Immediately your eyes closed and you leaned in, wrapping your arms around your captor’s neck. He pulled away and put a hand on your waist, slightly out of breath. His smile was a mix of sheepish and relieved as he looked at you.
“You did amazing.” He started, brushing a lock of your hair back.
“So did you.” Your heart jumped as he inched closer to your face, and a giddy feeling bubbled up in your chest. Without another word spoken, you closed the short distance between the two of you and pulled him closer. You felt him smile against you, and there you stayed unaware of how long, with the bustling energy of your team long forgotten.
#This one took me a long time lol??#idk why#I'm v tired rn#cc preston#camp camp preston#camp camp#camp camp x reader#camp camp reader insert#cc preston x reader#imagines#yeet
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Anyway I know this is an imagines blog but like here’s a callout post for my mutuals
Sweet and kind?? Very genuine?? Good people, I like them.
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