#mfmm review
missingmissfisher · 11 months
Book Review: Locked in Pursuit by Ashley Weaver
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Nothing could take the place of our beloved Miss Fisher, but there's still other fantastic female heroes out there that are worth getting to know.
If you haven't already discovered it, I highly recommend you dive into the wonderful world of Electra McDonnell!
I absolutely devoured 'Locked in Pursuit,' Book Four in the series by Ashley Weaver within two evenings of receiving it, and after constantly checking for updates due to the cliffhanger she left us poor readers dangling from in Electra's previous adventure. I can't wait to go back and re-read it slowly as I rushed through it, in order to savour my favourite passages.
And what a love letter indeed to Ellie/Electra's devotees with enough backstory for any reader joining midway because this latest edition doesn't disappoint!
I was super delighted that this one picked up not too far along after where things left off previously, nor that we didn't have too wait long before Ellie and Major Ramsey are back on the trail of one of the things they do best together: sniffing out enemy spy activities. I was honestly guffawing out loud at the author's deft way of portraying their 'battle-of-the wits' intermingled with their warring personal emotions towards one another, which have been one of my favourite aspects of these characters and this series. I also love the addition of meeting others from the major's world that provide more insights to Ellie's (and us readers) need to discover more about his closed-book life.
Without going into spoilers territory, I also felt Ellie's increased uncertainty and post-traumatic stress from the events of the previous book rang true, especially during war time, as she tries to cope with it on her own. Even though she was keeping things from those she normally trusted, it was good to see her continue to delve into the intel she learned about her parents' past.
On the relationship front, I was glad to see more progress with the dreaded triangle, and Ellie's attempts to muddle through this quagmire. It's good to see her budding maturity in terms of wanting to clarify things with Felix and the major, even if things take heart-beating turns with both of them.
The mystery and sleuthing plot retained more of the wonderful WWII spy caperesque pacing from the first book that I love about this series. Again, without giving too much away, I could not have predicted the ending at all.
Fellow lovers of Electra and Ashely Weaver's writing, you will absolutely LOVE this continuing tale, and new readers, I highly recommend you go back and start at the beginning to get the full meal deal.
Huge thanks to Netgalley and Ashley for providing this advance copy that has actually whetted my appetite for the next one already.
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nerdraging4point0 · 6 months
Scorpion and the Scales // Chapter Six // Polyverse AU
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Tropes and Tags: MF, MFM, MFMM, instalove, too much sex, tattooed musicians, polyverse, friends to lovers.
Content warning: 18+ only MDNI, PinV, PinA, oral (f!recieveing, m!recieving), threesomes, light BDSM, voyeurism, exhibitionism, partner sharing, jealousy, angst.
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
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Active taglist: @ladyveronikawrites @tearfallpixie @beaker1636 @circle-with-me @synthetic-wasp-570 @itsjustemily @thesazzb @vinyardmauro @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @dominuslunae @mountains-to-move @sundamariis @caitcoreeeee @crimson-calligraphyx @letmeadoreyoux @starsomens @artificialbreezy @lma1986 @iknownothingpeople @lilrubles @shilohrosechicken 2@missduffsblog @jessicafg03 @thatchickwiththecamera @mysticdoodlez @chels3a-smile @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @deathblacksmoke @roley-poley-foley @ravieisunhinged @dethronetheveil @to-be-written @somewhere-diamond @somebodyels3 @sacredthefran @th0ughts-pr4yers @bloody-delusion-expert
The February wind outside howled like a pack of wolves as flurries danced past the frosty windowpane. The tour was great, but it's nice to be back where everything is familiar. I was lost in my thoughts at my desk, a mug of now cold coffee sitting off to my right when Vin’s name flashed on my screen. Sitting at my computer desk in my bedroom studio, I was deeply focused on reviewing and editing some music video footage I had recently shot. Our band just released a new album, and I was brainstorming more creative ways to promote it through visually striking music videos. As both the lead guitarist and an aspiring filmmaker, I was eager to take a hands-on role in the video production process. My mind was racing with ideas - perhaps I could assist the director, or even take full creative control and direct the video myself. Fueled by my passion for both music and film, I became completely engrossed in piecing together rough cuts on my editing software, trying out different sequences and visual effects. Just as I was fine-tuning a particularly complex montage sequence, the ringing notification jolted me out of my deep concentration.
I pushed the green button on my phone, putting it on speaker so I could keep working on my computer while I talked. "Hello," I answered absentmindedly, my eyes still focused on the screen in front of me as I edited videos. 
"Hey man," came Vin's cheery but muffled voice through the phone, the sounds of his chewing making it obvious he had food in his mouth. I knew he must be bored or feeling lonely since he never called just to chat otherwise.
I reached over to take a sip from my mug of now tepid coffee, grimacing at the lukewarm liquid that was no longer hot enough to be enjoyable. As Vin rambled on about his day so far, I found my focus divided between his meandering story and the editing work I was trying to finish up. His tone was aimless and wandering, confirming my suspicion that this call was just his way of combating boredom on a lazy afternoon. I made occasional noises of acknowledgement, letting him continue his monologue as background noise while I clicked and dragged video clips into place.
“Hey, so I got a call from Seth this morning. I guess he’s supposed to do a podcast with Chris tomorrow and called to confirm but the dude didn’t answer. I tried calling him and his phone is dead.”
I stopped working, turning in my seat to look at my phone with a furrowed brow. "You haven't heard from him lately have you?" Vin asked.
"No," I racked my brain for the last time I spoke to him and to be honest in our time off- all three weeks of it- I hadn't heard a peep from him. He'd been radio silent, social media silent, he was like a ghost. This was highly unusual for Chris, who was normally very active on social media and kept in frequent contact with friends. The fact that Seth had called looking to confirm a podcast recording and gotten no response was troubling. Chris wasn't the type to miss appointments or fail to return calls. A knot of worry began forming in my stomach as I thought back to our last conversation right before the break. Chris had seemed distracted and evasive, not his normal upbeat self.
As I gazed at the ominous clouds through the large window in my home office, I could see the flurries hadn’t yet started to stick to the ground. The sky was filled with menacing, steel-colored clouds that appeared swollen with moisture, ready to burst open and release their wintry payload at any moment. Though I was unsure just how much snow we'd be getting, the clouds foretold that it would be a significant amount - likely enough to disrupt travel plans and force people indoors.
Vin continued rambling excitedly through the phone about his successful streaming channel, oblivious to the weather outside. As he chattered on, I grabbed my heavy winter jacket from the closet and slipped it on over my hoodie to brace for the cold. I jammed my feet into sturdy boots and interrupted Vin mid-sentence to let him know I was headed over to check on Chris before the storm hit. Vin understood and we exchanged quick goodbyes before hanging up. I snatched my keys and wallet and headed out the front door into the freezing air, making sure to lock up behind me.
The apartment was eerily quiet as I unlocked the door, my voice echoing off the high ceilings as I called his name. No response. Where could he be? I scanned the living room to my left, noticing his expensive gaming system had been left untouched, neatly tucked into its designated space under the TV stand, the controllers precisely lined up next to it. My eyebrow raised in surprise - he never left his gaming system so tidy. The bright flashing lights and sounds of racing cars or epic battles were typically blaring at this hour as he lounged on the couch. His absence was odd. I wandered slowly through the open concept space - past the leather couch and recliner, both somehow free of his usual piles of laundry and takeout containers. The dining table was spotless, cleared of the stacks of mail and bills that normally covered it. I peeked into the kitchen expecting to see dishes piled up and counters covered in crumbs. But it was impossibly clean. The spotless marble gleamed under the lights, not a single dirty mug or plate left in the sink. The entire place felt sterile, like a model apartment ready for showing. Where was the comfortable clutter and busy energy that was usually present when he was home? Where were the signs of life? The apartment was untouched, everything perfectly in its place. Too perfect. Too quiet. Too still.
The takeout boxes from that vegan joint down the block are piling up in his trash. I open the fridge hoping to grab a snack, but it's practically barren - just a few protein shakes lining the door and not much else. The empty shelves and lack of fresh food signal that he hasn't been grocery shopping in a while. I gaze at the sparse contents, disappointed by the lack of options. Over the wind howling outside, I hear soft footsteps approaching. I stand up and gently close the fridge door, careful not to make any noise. As I turn around, our eyes meet and she freezes, poised on her tiptoes across the living room. Her eyes are wide, and her body stiff with tension. She looks caught off guard to see me standing in the kitchen. I offer a faint, awkward smile, unsure what to say. We stare at each other for a long moment, the howling wind outside filling the heavy silence between us. 
I can't take my eyes off her. She's wearing nothing but Chris’s horror mania shirt, her smooth legs on full display. Her dark hair cascades over her shoulders, looking slightly mussed in an alluring way. I know I've seen her before, but in this moment, I can't remember where. A deep blush spreads across her cheeks as she meets my gaze, making her even more irresistible. She starts fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, suddenly shy. But I'm drawn to her like a magnet. I want to be the one making her blush, making her nervous in that tantalizing way. I imagine what it would feel like to run my hands through that messy hair. She's a vision I can't look away from. I need to know who she is.
The apartment door opens and Chris comes in one hand holding a paper bag with what has to be food and coffee in his other. His brown eyes bug wide as he takes in me in his kitchen and her in his living room. The door closes slowly behind him as his lip curls into a smile, “Well, this is awkward.”
Setting the coffee and food on the table, Chris steps between me and his mystery girl, whispering something in her ear and she pads away back to his room. 
He turns to me. "What are you doing here, man?"
He's not mad. I've seen Mad Chris before, and this ain't it. I shrug. I gesture around the room. "I expected to find you in your boxers, surrounded by vanilla Coke cans and takeout boxes, face glued to the TV as you school some noobs at Halo. I didn't expect..." I point toward the bedroom. "Who is she?"
Chris grins as he picks up his coffee. "Eve. Remember that concert in Denver almost a year ago?"
"The one night stand you wouldn't shut up about as you dragged your sorry ass out of the hotel?"
Chris has always had a knack for pulling gorgeous women. Hell, I didn't even bat an eye when he was dating Emily or Melanie - I was completely wrapped up in my own relationship at the time. But this new girl of his...man, she's something else. The moment I saw her, I couldn't peel my eyes away. Her nervous smile, her cute face as she blushes, the way she moves...Chris hit the jackpot with this one. I hate to admit it, but I'm crazy jealous. For the first time, I find myself wishing I was in his shoes.
He'd gone on for hours about how spectacular the sex was, how it had been like a heavenly experience. I couldn't really understand. Sex for me was so...different. I never got myself physically involved with someone without knowing them enough to be certain I could make them writhe. For me, intimacy required a deep connection and understanding of my partner. I needed to know what made them tick, what drove them wild with pleasure. But for him, it seemed the act itself was enough. The sheer thrill of the moment overpowered any need for a profound bond. As long as the passion burned hot, he lost himself completely. We all seek intimacy in different ways, I suppose.
Now that I was connecting the dots it made sense all the days he’d be texting on his phone. him smiling down at the screen, his thumbs busily typing away messages to someone. His facial expressions and body language implied that some of those conversations were more intimate or exciting in nature. At the time, I was preoccupied with my own relationship troubles after a difficult breakup, leaving me feeling lonely, insecure and admittedly a bit resentful of other people's happiness. I simply looked the other way, too absorbed in my own problems to care or investigate further.
Now that I know he is alive I feel like I am suddenly a third wheel. I straighten my jacket and head for the door, ready to make a quick and quiet exit before they notice I'm leaving. But just as my hand reaches the doorknob, her voice stops me.
“Leaving already?” She's still wearing his shirt, though now with leggings peeking out from underneath the hem. Her long hair cascades over her right shoulder as she runs a brush through it, working patiently through the tangles. I turn to face her, but find myself struck speechless. No words come, either to my mind or my lips. I'm frozen, unable to articulate the storm of emotions swirling inside me. 
My hand is frozen on the doorknob as she steps closer, close enough I can see the beautiful color of her eyes. She throws the combed locks back over her shoulder giving me a reassuring smile. “It’s snowing like crazy, I’m sure Chris could have more food delivered. Stay for a while, please.”
I stand paralyzed, unable to turn the knob and exit into the blizzard outside. The howling wind rattles the windows as snow piles up, sealing us inside. But it's not the storm that roots me in place - it's her. As she approaches, her eyes lock onto mine, luminous pools of emerald that see right through me. 
I don't like feeling so exposed, I like to be sure I know what I'm doing, saying, wearing before I go anywhere, talk to anyone. I take so much time planning how my outfit will look, although my wardrobe is all black it is complimentary black, each piece fitting perfectly with the next. I carefully coordinate every detail, from the textures and drapes of my fabrics, to the subtle sheens on my leather accessories. My style is precise, polished, intentional. Even my hair is meticulously styled, whether I decide to shave it close or let it grow out a bit. My shoes are both functional and stylish - sleek boots or oxfords that allow me to stride with purpose. Everything I do is calculated, I run through every step, every word, every motion that I will take when I go somewhere. I visualize each scenario, planning my actions and reactions. I examine every angle of how I will be perceived. The satisfaction I feel when my external presentation aligns perfectly with my internal sense of self is profound. The confidence I exude stems from the control I exert over each aspect of my persona. My wardrobe, my grooming, my mannerisms - they are an artful composition designed to eliminate any unease. I find freedom in the mastery of my image and interactions. What some may see as exhausting is for me energizing - it is deeply fulfilling to meticulously shape how I am viewed by the world.
In this unexpected moment, my mind goes blank and I find myself utterly unprepared. All the carefully crafted excuses and explanations I had ready vanish into thin air. A wave of fear washes over me as I fumble for words, stuttering and stammering incoherently. I grasp for any plausible justification, rambling about the treacherous drive and hazardous weather conditions, but the absurdity of cautioning you against venturing out in the very storm I'm about to confront myself quickly dawns on me. My mouth flaps uselessly, spewing disjointed fragments like a fish flung onto land and gasping for breath. I'm flailing helplessly, lost in this unforeseen situation. Finally, my brain catches up and I clamp my lips together, silencing the nonsensical babble. An uneasy silence settles between us and I shift uncomfortably, racking my mind for something - anything - sensible to say. But I come up empty. The carefully constructed facade I had prepared so meticulously has shattered, leaving me exposed and unprepared in this unexpected moment.
She smiles so softly tilting her head as she asks me to stay one more time. The snow provides the perfect excuse to linger a little longer in her intoxicating presence. She must feel it too, the magnetic pull between us that demands more time together. As the flakes continue to fall outside, blanketing the world in white, inside sparks a flame that melts my frozen hesitance. 
I suddenly remember why I came, turning to Chris as I shove my hands in my pockets. “Seth called Vin, said you didn’t answer about your podcast scheduled for tomorrow.” Chris was busy shoving something in his mouth pausing mid bite with eyes wide. He swallowed hard mumbling curses under his breath as he dropped his food on the table to drag his phone out of his pocket.
 I watched as he frantically scrolled through missed calls and unread texts, no doubt seeing the reminders about tomorrow's podcast that he had ignored earlier. A look of frustration and self-annoyance crossed over Chris' face. He was upset with himself for overlooking something so important. As he processed the situation, Chris seemed to sink into a state of stress and anxiety. His eyes held a faraway look, likely imagining the work he'd have to hustle to get done before tomorrow's recording.
"You said you wouldn't be busy while I was here," she sounded wounded. "Now I feel guilty." Chris turned to her with an apologetic look, realizing that his oversight had not only affected his work responsibilities but also his personal commitments. He opened his mouth as if to explain or make amends, but no words came out. I could see the remorse on his face and knew he felt terrible.
“Well, hey, i’m free tomorrow. I have some errands to run and maybe she could tag along…” I find myself offering to have her tag along to run errands, even though I know so little about this person. Typically, I prefer my solitude when taking care of mundane tasks and avoid having others accompany me. Yet, in this moment, I feel compelled to extend an invitation. She intrigues me, and I'm curious to learn more in a relaxed, casual setting as we check off items on our to-do lists. I want to observe how we interact outside structured conversation - note the cadence of our chatter, what makes her laugh, what irks her. The everyday offers a glimpse into personality. In the routine of errands, guards drop and authenticity emerges.
“I wouldn’t want to bother you,” Her eyes dart nervously between the scuffed hardwood floor and Chris's warm, reassuring gaze from across the room.
“If Rick is offering it’s not a bother, he wouldn’t offer if he didn’t mean it.” Chris reassures her with a smile as he puts his phone to his ear, “Seth, hey man, sorry about that…” his conversation trails off as he paces to the back of the apartment. 
Of course that man knows me better than I know myself sometimes. I’m still standing there awkwardly in the door finding my eyes dropping to the handle as if it will be a quick escape from this uncomfortable situation. "I should go," I feel the words roll out of my mouth and almost instantly regret them, "I’ve got projects at home I need to finish before tomorrow. I’ll be back around 11, we’ll head out then." I don't let her respond or persuade me to stay again, instead taking the door knob in a vice grip and slipping out of the door and down the hall before she can say anything. My heart pounds as I make my hasty exit, feeling a mix of relief at avoiding further awkwardness but also regret that I couldn't bring myself to stay. All the way home I mentally kick myself for offering to take her out tomorrow in the first place. Now I can't cancel as that would be rude, but I can already feel my mind start to anxiously overthink the situation - what am I gonna do, what am I gonna say, what will I wear? My stomach ties itself in knots as I imagine all the ways I could embarrass myself, but also the possibility that maybe, just maybe, it will go well after all. I try to push the swirling thoughts from my mind, take a deep breath, and focus on finishing my work so I'll be ready for whatever tomorrow brings.
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The Gif Fiasco
First time getting in tumblr trouble I guess.
So, recently one of the main mfmm (miss fisher's murder mysteries) blogs mentioned me in a post accusing me of stealing their gifs. I don't know if I can mention them here as they have blocked and reported me. They also encouraged their followers to do the same.
I have been consistently posting mfmm gifsets as I have been watching the show and wanted to share my appreciation for it with the tumblr fandom. I found the gifs on google images and there was no watermark or anything else on them that would indicate that they belong to one specific person or blog. Also, I would like to add that this isn't even their original content as it is taken from the show in the first place.
Anyway, I can understand if the person was annoyed by this and recongised their gifs. I would rather they have messaged me and explained what was going on, than just make a post about it. I am still quite new to tumblr and do not really know how to make my own gifs. Nor do I think that only a few accounts for one show should be able to only post gifs.
In light of this I will I stop posting any new gifsets. I still plan on writing a short review when I have finished the show. Hope that this potentially clears up this somewhat strange situation.
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congolife · 2 years
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I posted 10,626 times in 2022
That's 3,819 more posts than 2021!
5 posts created (0%)
10,621 posts reblogged (100%)
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I tagged 2,781 of my posts in 2022
#jurdan - 277 posts
#tfota - 250 posts
#jude duarte - 228 posts
#cardan greenbriar - 203 posts
#jace herondale - 198 posts
#holly black - 190 posts
#miss fisher's murder mysteries - 185 posts
#mfmm - 181 posts
#the cruel prince - 180 posts
#clary fairchild - 169 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i’ve seen so many people like ‘omg christopher confirmed adhd’ bc of the blog but cc said asd not adhd it was a conversation abojt autism
My Top Posts in 2022:
Do you ever miss a friend who probably wasn’t always the best for you but you had some wonderful times together & sometimes nostalgic thoughts are an ass & get the better of you?? And you can’t really tell your friends cause they saw the signs of erratic behavior & what it did to you before you did... and no one wants to go back down that path.... cool maybe that’s just me.
0 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
0 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
I did not emotional damage from another marvel show & yet here we fucking are....
I’m not okay after watching moon knight episode 5 & yes I know I’m behind but I was busy....
2 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
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When @someabsolutenonsense & I have found new fandoms & give each other warnings cause we don’t to spoil things for each other. This specific example is in regards to The Locked Tomb & Enola Holmes. I’m the blue bubbles.
4 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So I’m visiting @someabsolutenonsense for the weekend. Last night we were talking about books & naturally gravitated towards TFOTA. Which led to re-reading analysis posts by @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 and gushing over their eloquence and this led us to going down a TFOTA tumblr rabbit hole. Included in this rabbit hole were @clockworkbee @duarteegreenbriar @jurdanhell @clockworkgraystairs
Today, we went to B&N and I bought a TFOTA paperback set & Ironside. And @someabsolutenonsense bought two box sets of other series.
17 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
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leliesblou · 2 years
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I posted 2,241 times in 2022
31 posts created (1%)
2,210 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,349 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#wooden overcoats - 171 posts
#that's because queue're not a telescope - 154 posts
#mfmm - 151 posts
#happifying things - 58 posts
#wo spoilers - 45 posts
#made me laugh - 40 posts
#dracula daily - 33 posts
#ofmd - 27 posts
#wolf 359 - 25 posts
#phrack - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i dislike him but i also love him but i also relate to him but i also want him to suffer a series of petty incidents that drives him insane
My Top Posts in 2022:
"He's ruined our lives for several years and we send each other Christmas cards"
PERFECT summary
21 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
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37 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Okay but Rudyard's book of records of historic sewer blockages in Piffling Vale was actually really cool
62 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
I loved how pleased Antigone was to have her melting-into-the-shadows skill appreciated
100 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Wooden Overcoats hitting all the feels today
193 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
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doctoraliceharvey · 2 years
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I posted 8,616 times in 2022
66 posts created (1%)
8,550 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 614 of my posts in 2022
#he'll only have partially queued - 45 posts
#au: all the world's a stage - 32 posts
#stranger things - 30 posts
#mfmm - 29 posts
#the doctor blake mysteries - 27 posts
#bridgerton - 24 posts
#alice harvey - 15 posts
#nano insp 2019 - 14 posts
#nano insp 2k19 - 14 posts
#au: traveling soldier - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#still being forced to work because my former boss is a trump supporter and didn't take shit seriously until the state went into lockdown
My Top Posts in 2022:
Summary: Matthew writes a letter all on his own, and mentions getting Addy home to Melbourne
AN: hi! depression is a bitch and I literally didn't have the drive to write ANYTHING since this last update in *checks* APRIL but school's starting back up again and the weather is getting mildly cooler so the creativity is returning from its slumber, enjoy! - Dee
shoutout to @randomkiwibirds, @blossom--of--snow, and @theloversthedreamersandme82 who kept rooting me on when I didn’t think I would actually be able to write a chapter for a bit (and for pushing me to get the help I needed <3)
15 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
Summary: Alice visits Moran, prepares for Addy's eventual arrival, and muses to Matthew about their future plans.
an: grad school and the soul-sucking properties of retail work strike again! wanted to get this chapter out before the heavy work of the semester really pile on (I still have two final projects, two papers, and three exams to get through before the end of the semester and the end of my first year in grad school). only 20 chapters left in this installment of IB! - Dee
17 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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Quick and delightful birthday present for @blossom--of--snow! I hope you enjoy it and your birthday!!
Listen to it here
19 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
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AMAZING love it
31 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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To Love A Beast
Cursed a beast until broken by true love’s kiss and believing your true love to be dead, what happens when an unlikely source of love walks into your home - ready with an apron and duster to breathe new life into your home?
for @rahleeyah‘s birthday and her new wonderful au! enjoy the beach, friend, you deserve it!
34 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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whatsabriard · 2 years
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I posted 2,022 times in 2022
That's 1,200 more posts than 2021!
356 posts created (18%)
1,666 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,956 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#it’s just queue and me kid - 888 posts
#cora crawley - 174 posts
#cobert - 160 posts
#hart to hart - 155 posts
#downton abbey - 145 posts
#robert crawley - 135 posts
#txf - 116 posts
#fancy entourage - 113 posts
#msr - 70 posts
#mfmm - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#i like to think he saw the kind of behavior of cora’s that was dismissed as just her being an american
My Top Posts in 2022:
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(imagine for a second you’re cora, and you’ve spent the better part of the last few weeks (months?) preparing for it to be you in that bed. surrounded by your husband and children, saying a witty and loving goodbye. you’re holding him to lend him your strength and to make sure he knows he’s not alone in this moment. but you’re also white-knuckled, gripping your lifeline, tethering yourself to the reality that it’s not you. and won’t be for some while yet)
141 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
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See the full post
148 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
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See the full post
173 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
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See the full post
236 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I’m not sure anything in the series (a n y t h i n g) is as funny as Robert standing with his tits practically out with no shirts asking “Are you not popular downstairs Thomas?”
263 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pixie-hood · 4 years
So, I watched Miss Fisher and the crypt of tears !
Spoilers ahead under the cut.
I enjoyed it though I must say, having discovered Miss Fisher only two weeks ago, watched all the episodes in one week, and watched the movie consecutively, it was a bit of a disappointment compared to the quality of the series overall, and season 3 especially.  But of course, I cannot know the joy of seeing your favorite characters on the screen again after a 5-year wait ;), which must be a delight !
Let's start with the things that bugged me most :
WTF was Phryne's reaction to seeing Jack at her memorial service? Season 3 Phryne would never have spent all evening entertaining her hosts without speaking with Jack first! In 3x02 she freaked out and went after him, abandoning her Air Force captain in the process, and you would like me to believe she would prioritize FENCING with some aristocrats over speaking with Jack? "Come-after-Jack-Robinson"-Jack?? Can't believe it.
Also, who the hell is this Jonathan and why is Phryne kissing him? How long has she been gone? Why didn't she go back to Australia? Where is her father ? Where the fell are Phryne's parents? Aren't they supposed to live in London ? 
What happened to the timeline? Why is August 1929 repeating itself? How long is she supposed to have been gone?
What happened with the fake death incident? Did she throw herself out of the train? Did she manage to get inside the wagon in time? How come Shirin is there and didn't know she had survived? Why would they assume she was dead if she was not found? I am waaay overthinking this, but you can't ask this girl to turn a blind eye on all the plot holes :'D 
The plot was quite weak in my opinion. I know they wanted to do something different from the series with the feature format, but it looses a lot of charm without the secondary characters, and I honestly wished they hadn't gone the "mystical curse" route. It feels too indianajonesy to me and not well enough executed. I actually liked that they never really went the mystical route in the series and there was always a rational explanation (ruddy gore, death comes knocking). It feels a lot more in sync with Phryne Fisher to me, than running in the desert to stop some random curse.
The opening sequence was really well executed, but then the pace felt off. Sooo much time in the middle of the movie spent on random aristocrats before running off to Palestine again... I guess if they were going the "adventures in the desert" way, I'd have liked more desert and less fancy London !
The whole Maharajah stuff... honestly don't see how it was needed except to make Jake jealous? And to pave the way to a potential second movie? Otherwise it was barely mentioned and not linked to the plot at all.
Nonetheless, the movie remains really enjoyable, even though I had seen the best parts in gifs a hundred times already :D !
Visually it was well orchestrated and the costumes were magnificent as usual.
Phryne in action is always worth watching ! (The all arrival in plane ! Excellent!)
The Phrack scenes <3 except the first where Phryne's reaction was a bit out of character, the rest was just marvelous. Jack going from "I'm done with you." to "you're not going to Palestine without me???!"-100%-married in a 0,2 sec span :'D
Jack being abroad and hence investigating the “miss fisher” way. Want to climb through this window to illegally inspect this crime scene ? Sure ! Why not !
The bridge ! The ball ! The rain ! Being interrupted once again! The quicksand !!! This once cracked me entirely.
The "tarantula" sequence :'D sooo nice to finally have a real clear canon declaration ! It was also handled in a very realistic Phryne-way :'D (You want to read your book ? You WISH ! Why don’t you come to my tent instead under totally false pretenses ?) They are finally communicating !!!
In a nutshell, I would of course have preferred a season 4, or at least a bit more continuity, but I enjoyed the movie, and I hope we get more !
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acrazyobsession · 5 years
“Framed for Murder” Episode Analysis
We had “Blood at Wheel” where Jack realizes how much he cares for Phryne. Not being able to face the idea of one of her reckless stunts taking her away from him, he steps away to save himself. Phryne realizes just how much a part of her life Jack has become, and the idea of them not working togetherーnot having after-case drinks together crushes her. Then we had “The Blood of Juana the Mad” where they have to work their first case together (thanks to Mac), yet not really together. At one point, Jack says, “I need you to go. Please, go home.” It was all very heart-wrenching. However, Jack can’t deny how well they work together and does come to realize that being away from her is more painful than the possibility of losing her. So he willingly decides to follow her lead: “I’ll try to stay in step.” And Phryne of course is happy to have him back in her parlourーand in her life.
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So, now we are at “Framed for Murder” - their first case officially back together. How easily are they going to be able to get back in step with each other? Did their estrangement have a negative effect on their case-solving abilities?
I think they have fewer interactions than usual; however, the times we see them together are GOLD. They seem to have not missed a beatーwith their banter or their partnership. If anything, I noticed more support for each other. They seem VERY happy to be working together again and are having fun. Though there are a few things that I would like to just ignore happen altogether in this episode.
It is also available on AO3
The faith and trust that Phryne has in Jack just warms my heart. Her friend Raymond calls, freaking out about a dead body in the studio, and she immediately calls Jack. Though I am confused...did she call Jack directly? Because he didn’t seem to know she was part of this. Maybe she just called the station, which would be weird because she usually calls and talks with him (most recently “Dead Man’s Chest”). I am not surprised that she called him, this isn’t just a case of a missing person, there is a dead body. 
Then there is the fact the Phryne seems to be looking for Jack as she walks through the studio with Raymond. I didn’t notice it the first time I watched the episode, or probably even the second or third time, but as I was rewatching it for this analysis, I noticed it. Of course, she could just be looking around at the studio, but my shipper heart says that she knows he is there somewhere and wants to see him. 
J: Miss Fisher. P: Hello, Jack. J: For once, it seems entirely appropriate that you should turn up. P: Well, of course. I'm the one who telephoned for you after Raymond alerted me to the situation.
I don’t know if I will ever get over how she says, “Hello, Jack.” The way his name comes from deep in her throat--Essie’s voice is always amazing. I need a compilation video of all the times she says his name! 
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Anyway, Raymond is unsure of Jack. He apparently just wanted Phryne’s detective skills, not wanting to bring a lot of attention to the studio. But she reassures him, “Don't worry about the Inspector. He's very discreet, Raymond.” This both gives Jack a compliment and shows her trust in him. She is very glad to be on good terms with him again. And when Raymond refers to Phryne as a “detective,” Jack doesn’t roll his eyes or even look vexed! Without missing a beat, he allows her access, “Well, I'd be interested to hear your opinion, Miss Fisher, as a fellow detective, since I have no doubt you'll make your opinions known as some point.” And why wouldn’t he? He had just experienced what it was like to not have her work a case with him, and he found he didn’t like it. Before this point he reluctantly let her join, but now it is more deliberate. They have crossed a bridge and have decided to do this dance together. She called him immediately instead of waiting until she gets into trouble, and he immediately welcomes her into the case. A little compromise on both their parts perhaps?
They do seem to be on the same page during this case - in agreement. 
After Phryne has given her opinion on the evidence she sees, Hugh states, “That's exactly what the inspector thinks.” Then, when Jack is questioning Raymond on where he was the previous evening, Raymond tries to get Phryne on his side, “You think I murdered him? I had to get my assistant to kill a spider the other day! Phryne, tell him.” I love how she glances at Jack for a second and you think she is going to back Raymond up, but then she turns to her friend, “It's a fair question.” Granted, she does stand up for Raymond later, but at that point, Jack is thinking of Raymond much more seriously as a suspect, and she just doesn’t believe he could have done it. But here, Jack is just trying to do his job and get everyone’s whereabouts. And Jack’s face!
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And then a little bit later, Phryne is talking with Lily Luscome and Jack shows up.
J: We seem to have come to the same conclusion. P: I knew you'd catch up.
They do know each other pretty well. The way they talked with Raymond and the cast/crew together, and then go their separate ways to do what they do best (Jack with Clara, and Phryne with Raymond to explore the dressing room), and then both arrive back at Lily…her party she takes Clara into the kitchen...And then at the end, while talking with Clara, they come to conclusion and Jack says, “I'll go to Raymond's, pick up Jefferson. You go to the studio.” He doesn’t even take a second to try and figure out how to get both Lily and Jefferson, he is actively involving her and it just made me so happy. He could have gotten a constable to do it, but he knows she can do the job. 
Let’s back up a little. It is really nice to meet one of Phryne’s childhood friends, and to see that he too was able to pull himself out of poverty and Collingwood and make something of himself. Plus we get this gem:
P: You always were a scaredy-cat!  R: What, because I wouldn't throw firecrackers at the police? That was just a bit of fun! Your sort of fun always led to trouble. P: Still does.
Also, before we move on, can we talk about the LOOK between Jack and Phryne when Lily says “The man was an octopus, but I wasn't about to kill him for trying to cop a feel.” These two just kill me!
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Let’s carry on...I don’t particularly care for the way that Jack almost flirts with Clara. There is definitely a twinkle in his eye. I think I am going to go with the idea that he isn’t so much flirting as he is just so freaking happy that he can’t help but have a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face. Because Clara isn’t flirting allーI think she keeps the same expression through the whole scene. Besides she has a thing for Raymond. But I like that he doesn’t make fun of her or disregard her when she says she has a photographic memory.  
On the other hand though, we have Phryne. Who is raking her eyes over the bare chested guy who pulls out chairs for her and Dot. Her obvious thirst seems hard to miss, but maybe I just didn’t pay attention the first 4 times I saw this episode, or maybe I just blocked it out, because I don’t remember seeing that look on her face. It looks like she just wants to eat him up right there. 
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I probably would have been fine with that piece, because it’s Phryne, except, I am guessing he is the one she sleeps with at the end. Let’s jump ahead to that bit, because I have some things to say to TPTB. [This is where it gets a bit ranty] I just feel like this season was building to something. Season 1 ends, Jack has gotten a divorce, leaving him available. Phryne really steps up her flirting game with that Roman soldier costume, and he looks almost ready to dive right in. “Murder Most Scandalous” hits a little close to home for Jack, with his former father-in-law as the prime suspect in a murder investigation, so we will give them that episode, and “Death Comes Knocking” there is Warwick. 
But, starting with “Dead Man’s Chest” we start to see a change. She calls him in need of a numismatist and then again because she needs someone more competent. He comes to her aid, and they have their date under the pier. Then comes “Deadweight” (granted she brought the Greek home with her, but that didn’t pan out) where they go on a roller coaster date, followed by “Murder a la Mode” and her “lethal dress” (Jack’s words), leading up to that moment in “Marked for Murder” at the footy match when he puts his scarf around her neck and they just stare at each other as the confetti falls around them. I die everytime I see it. I swear that is the moment when she realizes that her feelings are a little more than friendship. She isn’t comfortable with them or ready to act on them yet, but she feels it. Then, we go through a bit of a rough patch with “Blood at the Wheel” and “Juana the Mad,” but they figure it out! 
With the way they act together in “Framed for Murder,” it does seem like Phryne’s experience of losing Jack might have pushed her to think about her feelings for him. Now, I didn’t expect her to jump into a relationship with him, or even for us to see a lot of development in that area in this episode; however, I feel we kind of took a step backward. Phryne, you could have just ogled him. You didn’t have to sleep with him. My shipper heart hurts.
Rant Over...shall we continue?
I love Phryne’s response when someone asks Jack why she is there, and she butts in, “I am bankrolling a substantial portion of your salary, so I could advise you to answer the inspector's questions!” I just love how she doesn’t dive in with her own questions (I do love though when Jack sits back sometimes and just gives her the reigns), she again lets Jack do his jobーwhat she called him there to do.
When they meet Raymond’s house guest, we see normal Phryne levels of flirtation with Jefferson as she shakes his hand. I do love the little look Jack gives her, though. He seems amused, like he has missed this.
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Phryne decides that she should take the place of the now deceased director. Raymond must have determined that Jack was a good chap, because he gets his opinion on Phryne’s idea: 
R: “You always did have a knack for bossing people around, don't you agree, Inspector?” J: “Yes, I believe director would be the perfect role for you, Miss Fisher.” Jack is very playful, and easily goes along with Raymond’s teasing. However, back in “Blood at the Wheel,” there was an exchange that went very differently: P: I seem to be able to handle my Hispano-Suiza without any trouble. Don't I, Inspector?  J: I doubt a police officer is the right person to ask.
Quite a different tone in Jack’s response there. Overall, in this episode, it just seems like they are having a good time. Enjoying the fact that they have gotten back to this point. However, Jack does get a bit frustrated with both Phryne and Raymond as he doesn’t let her in on the interview. And another bit that I seemed to have missed the first couple go-rounds, was this line:
J: Clearly he was more afraid of you.
Phryne didn’t think it was funny, and walked out of the station, but I did! And Nathan Page’s dead pan delivery was perfect.
I was disappointed that Jack wasn’t invited to the party, but he probably had his hands full with the case. So, again, she was getting information her way and he was doing his part. And at least he shows up (even if it is to question Raymond), and we see that wonderful “how to remove one’s coat without letting go of one’s hat” piece. If you haven’t seen the pic play-by-play by @izzyandlouie​ seriously check it out.
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Can I just interject this gem as well:
R: You can operate a camera, can't you?  [You could hear a pin drop it’s so quiet, and it takes her a beat to respond] P: Of course! Blindfolded, in the dark.
Phryne Fisher may not like it to be known that she doesn’t know how to do something, but if she doesn’t know something, she is going to go figure it out! And doesn’t she look absolutely gorgeous in that scene where she catches Jefferson in Raymond’s office!
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Then we have the end scene...our favorite couple having a drink in the parlour...things are back to the way we like them.
J: And what were your girlhood dreams Miss Fisher? P: I’m living them Inspector.
I haven’t spent too much time thinking about what exactly Phryne means by her response to Jack’s question. But I guess I would like to think that as a child she had a lot of dreams, and now as an adult with resources, she is able to do them all. Maybe she has a checklist, and she is slowly getting to check them all off. 
Credit: screencaps | gifs by me | transcript
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lianabrooks · 4 years
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This is a review of MISS FISHER AND THE CRYPT OF TEARS from someone who loved the show and backed the Kickstarter for the movie. I am a long time fan so here are my thoughts, so spoilers above the break...
The movie is a classic 1920′s adventure movie that is true to the spirit of the Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries and the era they are set in. I did find myself comparing it to The Mummy (1999) and wishing they had the same budget.
We do get to see some of the old cast but not all, and there were a few key points the movie missed that don’t detract from it as a stand-alone, but left me frustrated as a fan of the series.
All that being said, if you want 1920′s fashion and adventure, this is a fun movie and you don’t need to know the series or books to enjoy it.
I loved the idea of this movie more than I loved the movie. There were just a few things that made it not click for me...
1) It’s S1 Phryne... this didn’t feel like a continuation of the series as much as it felt like an interlude between S1 and S2. It’s supposed to be a year or more after S3 ended but Phryne is acting like she doesn’t care about her found family at all. Yes, I could see her running off to save someone.
No, I can’t picture Phryne learning her friends think she’s dead and not immediately contacting Dot, Cec, Bert, Mr. Butler, and Mac at once. I don’t know why they left that scene out. She should have sent a telegram or letter or something. Maybe it was cut for timing? I don’t know. It just... it should have been there or at least it should have ended with them in Australia with the family.
2) Phryne’s Marriage ... of all the available people Phryne has to be the one to marry the gay guy to protect him? Why not fly Mac out and arrange it? Mac doesn’t need a husband and the gay guy clearly didn’t need a wife. Either way, it felt wrong to have Phryne leave Jack to marry someone else. They could have kept everything else the same and it would have been fine.
3) The Kiss For Jonathan... the movie went out of it’s way to establish that Phryne is a free woman with nothing holding her down. Jane is never mentioned. Phryne’s father isn’t mentioned or seen. And Phryne is kissing everyone in sight despite ending S3 with her being fairly clear that she hasn’t been picking up lovers because she wants Jack. Yet, there she is, kissing Jonathan in front of Jack as a sort of “Hello!” rather than establishing any relationship with Jonathan other than them being “friends” again and it felt unfaithful to the series and to Jack and it made me angry.
Those three things made the movie feel like the whole Han x Leia ship getting destroyed in the new Star Wars movies. Coming off a rewatch of the series the break felt forced. There was no explanation of why Phryne hadn’t come back to Australia. There was no explanation for why she didn’t care about what had happened to her friends and adopted daughter. It just felt strange.
And it could have been fixed with a quick conversation. A couple of lines about Phryne leaving to see her father, his death, Jane moving off to college abroad and Phryne felt lost and like going back to Jack would mean an end of everything she’d built and she was scared of that. It’s a valid arc that kept with the series.
The movie was lovely alone. Excellent artistry in the filming, as always. Some really beautiful scenes, especially in the first half.
It’s one of those movies where you can tell the budget was small and you look at it and go, “Oh, it could have been great... but it’s not bad.”
The story itself is meh and iffy. Not the greatest murder mystery plot. I would have preferred not adding magic sandstorms in and focused on something else, but it’s fine. I would have preferred the last five minutes being Phryne telling this story about how Jack convinced her to marry him and her embellishing to her own fun and Jack whispering, “You know that’s not what happened at all.” but that’s what fanfic is for.
What Was Good:
- All the actors were lovely.
- Despite the script Jack and Phryne were acting like a married couple the whole time, which is always fun.
- There were several very beautiful shots.
- The mystery makes sense and all the details are laid out so it does work, even if the writing could have been tighter.
So... what did you think?
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lucky-katebishop · 5 years
A Case for Shassie: An In-Depth Comparison of Psych and Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
I was rewatching Psych (as one does), specifically season 2′s Dis-Lodged, and I realized it’s almost exactly the same as Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries season 2′s Murder Most Scandalous, in which the head detective’s ex-father-in-law is being suspected of murder. Then I realized that all the characters are a lot like each other, and how they mirror each other, and how this can be a case for Shassie. (Note: this is for people who watch Psych, and if you have not watched Miss Fisher, don’t worry, I describe everything in depth.)
The premise for Miss Fisher is that it’s set in 1920s Australia and Phryne Fisher acts as a pseudo-detective for the local police station with the help of her maid, Dorothy “Dot” Williams after she stumbles across a murder case by chance. Phryne butts heads with the head inspector, Jack Robinson, but over time, they become friends and share an electric chemistry. 
Let’s start with our serious and no-nonsense head detectives: 
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This is Inspector Jack Robinson. He likes to play by the books, is recently divorced, and at the beginning of the show has little patience for the silly new person claiming they are a detective and keeps wiggling their way into murder cases. Sounds familiar? 
Carlton Lassiter and Jack Robinson are very similar in which they seem like “vicious hardass[es]” (in Leslie Knope’s words), but over time they show their compassion and humanity. They get used to the pseudo-detective’s antics and learn to love them (but more on this relationship later).
Let’s move on to the protagonist of the shows:
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Phryne Fisher grew up having a very difficult relationship with her father but turned out to be a very elegant woman who doesn’t take no for an answer when it comes to something she really wants. She’s incredibly smart, witty, and has incredible deductive reasoning. While she lacks in an eidetic memory, she gains in her observable talent, and she proves to be invaluable to the police station and Inspector Jack Robinson. Her ridiculous and quirky antics help murder cases seem less intense, and she has lots of compassion and generosity. She differs from Shawn Spencer in some aspects, but they really are very similar. 
Shassie versus Phrack:
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Phrack (aka Phryne and Jack) actually have a canonical relationship, and they were teased quite a bit up until the series finale, but still, their relationship is very similar to Shassie. Phryne was able to soften Jack up, get him to open up to her, to make him trust her. She teaches him how to take his defensive walls down. (SOUND FAMILIAR)
So what does Phrack mean in terms of Shassie? Well, in the great words of Lorelai Gilmore, “one is a man, and one is a woman.” If Shawn or Lassiter were a girl, then Shassie would be cannon. I’m sorry, but it’s true. Phrack is proof of this. It’s actual proof of concept. And it’s delicious and sexy, and absolutely gorgeous. And infuriating because I really really ship Shassie.
This doesn’t pertain to Shassie but it’s actually crazy how similar these two shows are??? Like, Gus is Dotty. 
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This is Dorothy “Dot” Williams. She worked a regular job before becoming Miss Fisher’s confidant and partner in crime (she worked as a maid for another woman). She constantly gets pulled out of her comfort zone to help solve cases for Phryne (like Gus does with Shawn). I’m reaching but her name is three letters just like Gus! Like they’re pretty much exactly the same people.
If Lassiter is Jack, then that means Jules is Hugh. 
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This is Constable Hugh Collins, Inspector Jack Robinson’s partner. He is a rookie, and Jack is training him to one day take over his job. Hugh is extremely impressionable and wants to please Jack, but he is also able to solve cases on his own and be a complete badass (looking at that wrestling episode, hot damn). He is charmed by Phryne and her ways, which can come at Jack’s dismay quite a bit. 
Also if you ship Gus and Jules, Hugh and Dot are a couple! 
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“Look at them! LoOk aT ThEM!” - Janet, The Good Place. No but seriously, they are adorable. Watch the show just for them if you want, they have a very interesting relationship because Dot is a Catholic and Hugh is a Protestant (and this was the 1920s in Europe so fuck, that means a whole lot). 
All in all, I love Shassie, and I love Phryne/Jack and I couldn’t help but notice the similarities while watching Psych. Watch Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, they’re making a movie soon that’ll come out early 2020 (seriously, they are the same goddamn show). 
Thank you so much if you made it this far. I sometimes make lists about television recommendations, it’s tagged rutherford’s reviews on my tumblr if that interests you. Thanks again!
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missingmissfisher · 4 years
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mommasaystoread · 2 years
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leliesblou · 4 years
2020 “year in review”
Thank you for the tag @a-wonderingmind!
rules: It’s time to love yourselves! choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
2020 was the first time I’ve gotten so involved in a fandom (and what a lovely fandom!)
Not surprisingly, all of these are for Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. Here goes:
into the sunlight tripping -I was hesitant about posting this fic in the first place because it’s very descriptive? But I’ve gotten a lot of lovely comments on it and that kinda made it grow on me.
Angry Birds -this is just fluffy hurt/comfort, and it’s very self indulgent because I find Jack’s hands extremely hot XD
through caverns measureless -my Whumptober fic. I’m still not sure how I feel about it but it was the first time someone beta-read one of my fics, and that was a great experience.
lend me your ears -my first MFMM fic! I still don’t know why I felt such a strong urge to write a modern AU, but I’m very glad that I did XD
What dream'd my lady? -this one is short and silly. I enjoyed writing it way too much, and I sometimes reread it when I get mad at the MFMM movie for not making sense.
a run-in with the law -a Jack & Dot friendship fic for the Break Down the Door Challenge. I really love Jack and Dot's interactions in the series and I wish Dot had more screentime in the movie :'(
Disco -time travel AU flashfic. The flashfic challenge was a lot of fun to do, although I only did one heat. It was so stressful to have to write and post it within the time limit but it forced me not to overthink things. I loved the feeling of writing at the same time as a bunch of other people, and it was great to have so many new fics to read afterwards.
The walk of shame, featuring an Utterly Mortified Jack - Idk if this counts, lol. Jack’s internal monologue during a certain scene in Death Defying Feats. I did this video kinda impulsively because I love flustered! Jack.
tagging @acrazyobsession, @arlome and @cleverwench if you want to do it!
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
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I posted 6292 times in 2021
666 posts created (11%)
5626 posts reblogged (89%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 8.4 posts.
I added 4109 tags in 2021
#winx club - 1231 posts
#quote - 589 posts
#fanart - 393 posts
#me af - 344 posts
#writing - 282 posts
#ask - 279 posts
#winx stella - 265 posts
#griffin x valtor - 261 posts
#winx bloom - 249 posts
#mfmm - 216 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#also she's probably bored in class and doesn't pay attention or gets distracted thinking about something she (and timmy) is working on
My Top Posts in 2021
Riven x Musa
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Musa’s hair is totally something Riven is in love with. He will never admit it but the fact that Musa allows him to run his hands through her hair feels super intimate to him and he loves it when she is cuddled up to his chest and lets him play with her hair. Sometimes she might even start humming a melody and he can feel his heart responding to her voice. He prays nothing will attack them in any of those moments precisely because he turns into a puddle and he’s not sure he’ll be able to react.
Musa’s favorite feature of Riven is his smile (and his lips in general). It isn’t very common of him to smile but when he does it totally feels worth the wait. And once they are together, Musa loves knowing that she is the reason while Riven is smiling. He’s usually so broody and mopey that Musa is happy she can bring him some joy. It’s like they’re each other’s reason to smile and Musa loves the security it brings her.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Riven finds himself listening to music in a different way. He actually finds himself thinking about the emotions that the songs are evoking in him. He swore he hates it when a song made him cry but it’s not true. Knowing that Musa is deeply connected to music in the very core of her magic and heart soothes him majorly because it makes him feel connected to her and makes it less scary when what he’s feeling is not what he’d like to feel. It really helps him get over the whole situation with Darcy.
Musa found herself getting distracted from studying or even music and instead wondering about Riven. Mostly about what would make him smile and give her a peek under his hard exterior. She was also imagining finding a way to kick his ass in a fight, though. She was sure they’d both love that even if Riven would never admit it.
25. Who needs more assurance?
Musa. Riven might get unreasonably jealous sometimes (more and more rarely as their relationship progresses) but since Musa is more open to showing affection than he is, that’s all the assurances he needs. Musa on the other hand, can easily panic if Riven does not feel like talking as much as usually. It can feel like he’s ignoring her so she needs him to be more assuring sometimes which is something Riven is working on.
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Because of what happened with Darcy, Riven sometimes can flinch away even from Musa’s magic. Especially when it’s the beats she’s playing touching his heart. It just reminds him so much of Darcy’s magic in his mind that even though it is supposed to be a special moment when Musa is putting it all in her music, it ends up being upsetting for both of them.
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Riven has been under mind control several times in his life and every time it was Musa who helped him snap out of it. It is tied to Musa’s concert at Red Fountain. Seeing her use her connection to people to become stronger and save her father touched Riven profoundly after he’d always felt like he had to find his strength only in himself and prove that he can make it on his own. It opened his heart to forming a bond with Musa that will make him stronger, not weaker. So every time he sees her, he is reminded of that and he can break free even from mind control when he’s reminded he doesn’t have to fight alone. Even if they aren’t necessarily together romantically.
67 notes • Posted 2021-03-11 18:12:58 GMT
What are the things you like about Fate?
1. Farah Dowling
That’s it. That’s the list.
71 notes • Posted 2021-02-01 03:46:45 GMT
Timmy: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Tecna: Cannibalism.
Timmy: *innocent, confused chewing*
72 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 02:20:35 GMT
Griselda: Why aren't the dishes in alphabetical order?
Palladium: What the fuck does that even mean?
94 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 02:20:27 GMT
Layla: *carries groceries with both arms*
Nabu: *reaches out to help*
Layla: *switches groceries to one arm to hold Nabu's hand*
Nabu: That's not what I- Okay.
203 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 02:20:33 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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whopooh · 7 years
MFMM Year of Tropes – the collected trope overviews
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The MFMM Year of Tropes isn’t completely over, since Amnesty Month is in full swing and bringing out the fics people didn’t manage to finish during the trope months. The overviews, however, are, and I’ve collected them here in one place, for people that are interested to check back and either read about fics or find their way to the actual fic.
The collections on AO3 now include 200 fics (!), and in my overviews below there are also some additional fics that I noticed were posted for the trope even if they weren’t put into the actual collection. (I’m sorry I won’t be able to add in the amnesty fics; I just don’t have the energy, apologies for that!) 
It seems that January, with the question of soulmates and how that would fit with MFMM, is still the one that managed to trigger most fics, but not by much. For a long time, March and it’s bottle episode-trope had the fewest, but that has changed during the amnesty month and it seems April's Body swap will end up as the trope with the fewest fics. The difference between the months is not huge, they range between 13 and 19.
I did a quick count, and not fewer than 43 writers have written for the monthly challenges! Every one has contributed between one and sixteen fics (the high number is possible because some have written more than one for a specific month). It’s so lovely both with writers digging into all the tropes, and writers jumping in for one or a couple that tickled their fancy especially.
Apart from the incredible numbers, the trope challenges have also for more than one writer been their first attempt at writing in the Miss Fisher universe, which is a wonderful effect. Well done all!
The overviews can also be found on AO3, although without images: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11371497/chapters/25458129  *
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Is there a bond between us, Jack, or are you just using your footy scarf? January’s soulmate trope.
The MFMM Year of Tropes 2017:
January: The (Soul)mating Game  https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/156686154208/when-the-soulmate-trope-meets-miss-fishers-world
February: Let’s Misunderstand https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/158001774013/miss-fisher-and-the-plight-of-miscommunication
March: Close Quarters  https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/159233067383/miss-fisher-and-the-close-quarters-marchs
April: Freaky Phryday (Body swap/Role reversal) https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/160367707883/miss-fisher-and-the-art-of-swapping-bodies-or
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Have you been drinking, Inspector? May’s Hurt/comfort trope.
May: Everybody Hurts https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/161659534643/miss-fisher-when-everybody-hurts-the-may-trope
June: Undercover Detectives https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/162986414318/undercover-or-under-the-covers-the-june-trope
July: Out of Space and Time https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/164032338923/miss-fisher-going-out-of-space-and-time-the-july
August: The Dulcinea Effect ** https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/164864465843/knights-in-shining-armours-or-shining-dresses
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“Now, you know I’m not one to pry…”  September’s Gossip and rumours trope.
September: Don’t Believe the Rumours https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/165945507793/miss-fisher-and-the-power-of-rumours-the
October: Breaking the Forth Wall https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/167026390803/miss-fisher-unleashed-walls-breaking-down-in-the
(October Bonus: We Need To Get Warm https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/167667202783/we-need-to-get-warm-the-fics-of-the-mfmm-bonus )
November: An (Un)expected Marriage https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/168602454373/did-someone-say-i-do-the-mfmm-november-challenge
* Please note I haven’t gone back and edited away the fics that phrynesboudoir wrote and then deleted; they’re still there but the links won’t work. This is the case both on the tumblr posts and on AO3.
** I never came around to write an overview about the lovely Bonus August Trope “Squeezing it in” and its eleven fics, but these are also really worth checking out. Here is the collection:   http://archiveofourown.org/collections/August_Bonus_MFMM/works
Thank you all for making the MFMM Year of Tropes so much fun!
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