#mexican singers male
thedemostop · 3 months
Step into the world of iconic Mexican singers male, where tradition meets emotion in a symphony of timeless melodies. From the heartfelt ballads of legends like Juan Gabriel and Vicente Fernández to the dynamic performances of modern stars such as Luis Miguel and Alejandro Fernández, these artists have left an indelible mark on the music industry.
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yourdailyqueer · 2 months
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Ricky Rebel
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
DOB: 2 December 1980
Ethnicity: White - Mexican
Nationality: American
Occupation: Singer, songwriter, dancer, musician, actor
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mimencoleccion · 3 months
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bacusdraculacape · 4 months
My interpretation / findings regarding TLSP: Everything You’ve Come To Expect (album)
PART 1: The Album Cover
The initial interesting thing about EYCTE is it’s album cover:
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The image is a photograph of Tina Turner taken from a photography session on 25 November 1969 by photographer Jack Robinson.
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Jack Robinson is renowned for his work in the 1960s for his photography of fashion and celebrity portraits he shot for Vogue and Vanity Fair. In 1972, he gave up photography and found a creative outlet in the designing of stained glass windows. However, what’s most prominent and most interesting to me about him is that his work preserved valuable glimpses into the New Orleans gay subculture of the 1950s. During this time, Jack fell in love with a young man named Gabriel, whom he photographed many times - often in the nude. In 1954, Robinson and Gabriel travelled to Mexico. There, Robinson captured Mexican scenes in large and medium format photographs. He also photographed his travelling companions, including Gabriel and Betty Parsons- an American artist, art dealer, collector, and lesbian well renowned for her early promotion of Abstract Expressionism.
Aswell- the album cover for EYCTE is an image of Tina Turner- well-renowned singer/songwriter who is famously known for standing up and advocating for LGBTQIA+ community and rights in times when rarely any celebrities would because as we know they were irrational cowards then unfortunately.
Anyways ;) according to interviews, Alex Turner had the photograph hanging in his kitchen, and both our Monkey and Turtle (Miles Kane) liked the image so much that they ended up using it. When they got permission to use it, the original b/w photograph was giving a goldeny / orangey / yellowish tinge- On the LGBTQIA+ flag yellow represents sunlight. Orange represents healing. Sunlight is commonly a metaphor for: the light of truth and being. And the definition of healing is: to make well again.
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Sources of info:
Jack Robinson.html
Betty Parsons.html
images taken from pinterest :)
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deke-rivers-1957 · 1 month
Fun In Acapulco Review
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Elvis Presley never set a single foot in Mexico. And yet he was deemed a persona non grata due to a controversy involving quotes Elvis made that legitimately never happened. Unfortunately, because of this official status disallowing Elvis from entering the country all on site shooting had to be done with a body double. Elvis himself filmed the rest of the movie entirely on a Hollywood studio.
This movie marks the beginning of the rivalry between Elvis Presley and The Beatles. Beatlemania had taken hold in the UK in 1963 with the US quickly following behind it. While their appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show wouldn't be until another few months, Elvis' place on top of the pop culture pyramid was being challenge. Does this movie put those fears at ease, or is this an early indication of Elvis' irrelevance? Let's find out.
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"Fun in Acapulco" is surprisingly low key and pleasant. It genuinely gives you vibes that you're waking up in Acapulco at a resort by the beach. Then you see Elvis on a boat as a small group of Mexican singers come up and immediately realize none of his scenes will be in Acapulco. Instead, we're stuck with very obvious rear screen projections and Hollywood soundstages throughout the whole movie. There's a small moment of humor when Elvis just yells at the top of his lungs for the Mexican band to be quiet. It's not loud at all but you can tell he had to project to be heard.
Meanwhile we get a very uncomfortable interaction where a heavily implied teenaged girl named Janie is flirting with Mike Windgren. I don't like this plot point especially when we get a male gaze shot of her skirt as she walks away. Again she's heavily implied to be a minor and even in the movie it's seen as being inappropriate for an adult to show interest of any kind. It simply feels unnecessary to include that and doesn't age well at all given what we hear about Hollywood.
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Mike goes to a Mexican tavern to meet up with the musicians wearing the ugliest shirt I've seen. Usually the wardrobe does a good job of making amazing outfits, but this is personally a miss. Along the way he meets a young Mexican boy named Raoul in an act of foreshadowing about the relationship they're going to have. "Vino, Dinero Y Amor" and "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here" are both ok. This is when you realize the main goal of the movie is to sell a soundtrack. Mike also meets Dolores for the first time and I think this was a great way to establish their character dynamic since you easily believe that she's just looking to have fun while she's in town. It's also incredible how so many people smoked back then, to the point where the whole room looks hazy.
Before they get too involved in their dance, Mike sees Janie at the tavern drinking alcohol. I have no idea what the drinking laws in Acapulco was in 1963, but everyone treats this as being illegal. Janie's dad sees her at the tavern despite having no idea that she'd be there. She blames Mike for bringing her there and buying her the drink and of course gets him fired because that's the most obvious set up in the world. There are so many issues with this scene I won't take the time to explain it all. It's just so pointless to even have this plot point since we literally never see anyone outside of Dolores' camp ever again and only exists because we needed to have some reason to have Mike leave his job to team up with Raoul.
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Raoul informs us with something that will never lead to anything important plot wise. Mike would need to have a very specific VISA to work in Mexico. This actually makes sense given that Mr. Harkins isn't a Mexican citizen and therefore didn't require Mike to have a VISA. But since Raoul has an insanely high amount of connections he's able to get Mike a singing job while he fills in for a singer we literally never see in person and is always "out".
The logic of this surprisingly works since it's clear Raoul has genuine connections with numerous businessmen, but I'm just bummed that we never see who the actual singer is since it could've added conflict. You would think that the conflict would involve Mike working without a proper VISA and his rival planning to reveal that fact. But no, it's never brought up in a way that makes you think Mike has to worry about possibly being deported.
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Raoul picks up Mike on his bike. As much as it's cute to have them sing "Mexico" Raoul's singing vocals just didn't sound right. I know he's a pre-pubescent boy but at times you just cringe when he hits the high notes. So we get introduced to Moreno but uh oh Mike looks nervous about seeing him jump off a diving board because we need foreshadowing. Mike agrees to work as a lifeguard during the siesta so no laws are being broken. Mike gets on top of one of the diving boards and we surprisingly get a backstory. Mike is a trapeze artist and we see with no dialogue how during a performance he dropped his brother. The silent horror on his face when he saw his brother lying on the floor dead, was so well done by Elvis. It isn't realistic to have everyone react to a trauma by screaming. With Mike he felt instant shame to the point where he had to look away.
That memory was so brutal, Mike of course stepped down from the diving board feeling haunted. The worse thing about the incident is that it could've been avoided. Circuses started using safety nets in the mid 19th century, so the fact that you never saw one indicates overconfidence. Sadly when you're a trapeze artist, there are people who are so confident in what they do, basic safety precautions are neglected. In Mike's brother's case, it sadly costed him his life and Mike now has to live with that guilt. He sends a telegram to his parents and it's obvious that this is a deep trauma that he couldn't recover from at home. This should've been the focus of the whole movie because it's the only thing I feel invested in. The aftermath of someone's death, especially in avoidable circumstances, rarely gets to be the focus and this would've been the perfect way to change that.
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Mike sees Moreno and a woman named Margarita Dauphin. Moreno has a lot of issues with Mike being interested in her, and it's genuinely reasonable since they're actually dating. Mike meets Margarita and her father where he works as the head chef. I'm impressed he can cook so well knowing that he's a former Duke. We get a brief history lesson that they came from an unnamed European country (I personally believe it was Hungary since their monarch was abolished in 1946). This basically means that Mike is talking to a Duchess despite no longer having the title.
"El Toro" is a great song with an even better outfit. In a way it really honors the history of bullfighting and the bravery bullfighters have to possess. After his performance, he turns down publicity pictures. As much as it's rude, you understand why he doesn't want the attention. He's still working through his grief and doesn't want word getting out that he's in Acapulco since that would result in people asking him very uncomfortable questions. Mike runs into both Dolores and Margarita. Despite dating Moreno, Margarita is clearly jealous that Dolores has Mike's attention as well. Mike goes to see a man dive, and he's clearly traumatized from looking over the railing. Raoul organizes for Mike to sing a song at the restaurant. "Margarita" while good, is just a drag in terms of the story. Mike tries again to dive, but of course is too scared. He climbs back down and I love that Margarita and Raoul don't make fun of him. They surprisingly handle his trauma with respect.
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Mike performs "The Bullfighter Was a Lady" and he looks even better in this scene than "El Toro". This time he's specifically honoring Dolores since she's one of the best in the business. Female bullfighters even to this day are rare because of how dangerous it is. Margarita of course is jealous despite outright being on a date with Moreno. Dolores of course knows this and doesn't care. Because at the end of the day, Dolores isn't doing anything wrong. Margarita is the one who wants to 2 time with Mike.
So the two leave and we get a "serious conversation". Dolores makes it very clear that she has no interest in marriage and only wants to have casual relationships. I love that openness since for the 1960s, a career girl wasn't as well respected. "(There's) No Room to Rhumba in a Sports Car" is the clunkiest song ever. You could just cut it and nothing is lost.
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"Bossa Nova Baby" is great and there's a reason why it's so iconic. If you slowed down the playback you would see that the average person couldn't replicate this. After his performance, he wants to go see Margarita but notices Dolores is there too. Dolores is tied up with a tourist couple that I wanted to be Mike's parents so bad. Instead we never see them again. It just makes you wonder, what was the point?
In the morning, Raoul asks Mike what club he wants to work for. We see a different filming technique by showing these phone calls in a split screen which I thought was a neat touch. Mike however stalls since he still wants to get with Margarita. He meets with Moreno and Moreno things happen. Moreno meets up with Dolores manager, Jose. Jose reveals that he knows about the Flying Windgrens. Absolutely nothing important will happen because of this. Dolores arranges for a party to be arranged the next day. Margarita of course doesn't like it and makes an offhand remark to her dad that he should poison Dolores. The former Duke though has a dream to have her get married to an American so they can both get VISAs.
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This is when the movie drags. Even though he reveals his trauma to Margarita it's just so shallow because the scene quick cuts to Moreno finding the truth. That's also so rushed since as soon as he finds the newspaper article we immediately cut to Dolores' party. This is the only time we see Mike's family and it's such a waste of a good story to not see them interact with Mike in person.
"You Can't Say No in Acapulco" is pretty good for a poolside ballad. In a way it really reflects the sadness Mike feels. We see Moreno dive in preparation for his upcoming cliff dive and to entertain Dolores' guests.
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Raoul tells Mike about Margarita's desire to get a VISA, and Moreno tells Dolores about Mike's traumatizing past. Dolores becomes cold for no reason as she acts so disappointed that Mike is a "chicken". Mike despite feeling very hurt just walks away. Raoul meanwhile never leaves his side and it's pretty sweet that he does care about Mike beyond what he could do for him.
The former Duke clears things up with Mike. He explains that it was really his idea to get the VISAs. It was never meant to hurt anyone. He tells Mike that Margarita has gone to see Moreno dive for a famous astronaut.
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As he leaves, Moreno somehow knew he would be there and follows him out of the staff's kitchen. He keeps making fun of Mike for being a coward and I have no idea what this is meant to accomplish. Moreno was already a jerk so him knowing this information doesn't change anything. While I can see how it'd be him going too far, the timing is so off. Mike should've confronted him about it as soon as told Dolores.
We see Red West in the background who cameos in a couple scenes and it's amazing that he doesn't interact with Elvis at all since usually Elvis' friends had a line or two when they did cameo. They get into a fight and I have no idea why no one's stopping them. This is essentially a crowded entrance so you would think security would break it up because of the other guests possibly getting hurt from it. Moreno gets badly injured and Mike is able to just walk away with no resistance which would never happen in real life. Unable to see Margarita he goes around the club and hears from Raoul that the dive would otherwise be canceled. I understand a lot of people think this was a cheap way to resolve his PTSD, but given how the 1960s didn't really acknowledge it outside of the military I thought it was a good shot.
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The cliff scene is one of the best scenes in the movie. Mike had no obligation to fill in for Moreno, but he did it anyway. This wasn't a rash decision where in an act of heroics he stepped in. He knowingly did it with the full knowledge that it could get him killed. The near silence that comes with watching him ascend even though it's a body double for most of the scene is beautiful. Everyone watching this knows it's a risky thing to do.
Even though I'm not religious, it's very important in Mexican culture. Seeing Raoul cross himself and Mike pay tribute to the shrine on top of the cliff was absolutely necessary. Given the danger involved, it makes total sense to send a prayer. Mike had to do this before he made his jump. Symbolically speaking, he's asking for his brother's spirit to keep him safe and him diving into the water served as his baptism or rebirth. He's no longer consumed with the grief and guilt of his brother's death. He's a new man that's willing to go back to his family with his new love Margarita and his friend/manager Raoul.
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"Guadalajara" is a well deserved happy ending. Moreno at least admits he was wrong to call Mike a coward. I guess with him being interested in Dolores, his relationship with Margarita is over. The song itself is good but it does drag a bit. It's almost like they didn't know how to fill in the runtime which is so weird.
Margarita despite somehow getting back with Mike still looked a little jealous when Dolores kissed his cheek. I don't think this couple will last. Mike had more chemistry with Dolores but she out of nowhere turned standoffish. It's all boring and forced to the point where Mike has his best relationship with Raoul who's a 10 year old. I just really wish that Mike's relationship with his family had more focus. The pieces were there. It's just very unfortunate that a man expressing grief wasn't something worth focusing on back then.
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I think this is the first time reviewing these movies where I felt bored watching it. As much as I love the diving plot, the romance is a drag. It feels like the writing took a step backwards regarding what makes an Elvis vehicle interesting. Instead of making the romances engaging they're instead so forgettable that it's like they just included it because it's part of a checklist. I will say that it did do a good job highlighting La Quebrada Cliffs by making them integral to Mike's character arc since to this day it's a popular tourist attraction.
Because the diving plot gave me something to feel invested in, with the final dive providing a genuine sense of tension I give it a 7/10. If you're a new Elvis fan this should not be the first one you see since the songs can be very distracting, and nothing is developed enough to keep your attention. Now if you're a seasoned fan is it worth re-watching? Yes. I think you can watch it every now and then, but it's definitely the film equivalent of cotton candy: something you consume and forget relatively fast. Genuinely the first stumble in the road for Elvis' movie career where I didn't feel overly passionate about anything. And for someone in the entertainment industry, that's practically a death sentence.
Tagging: @thelonelyheart @whositmcwhatsit, @hooked-on-elvis, @smokeymountainboy, @atleastpleasetelephone,
@stitchlover0112, @tupelomiss, @vintagepresley, @eapep, @almightybigbrain,
@coltswael, @cieloestrelladoluna, @huhhhhsthings, @arrolyn1114, @peaceloveelvis,
@peskybedtime, @mercsandmonsters, @tacozebra051, @valloos, @ilovequeen978,
@elvisvideos, @presleyhearted, @depressedfairie, @kawaiiwitchy, @swingdownsweetchariot,
@ruggednessworld, @southcarolinawoman, @atrophyingaphrodite, @jrbrandi13, @summer56,
@elvismylove04, @eptodaytommorowforever, @lookingforrainbows, @araiarts, @fharysa,
@lett-them-eatt-cake, @fryb0rg, @wanderlustingtomboy, @slayingjd, @wildhorseinkansas,
@somethingaboutelvis, @jhoneybees, @elvisbooty76, @iloveelvisss, @presleyheart,
@anakinsvault, @illtakeyouhomeagain, @callieselvisobsessed, @50sexyshadesfashionista, @memphisflash,
@arianatheangel-girl, @madslovesmaws, @lucy114505, @presleygarden, @earthbaby-angelboy,
@nicferg068, @xanatenshi, @elvispresley1935, @iloveelvisss, @underthememphissun,
@cccayliexx, @thelonelyheart, @theelvisprincess and @ilovemyrockstarboyfriends.
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louisupdates · 4 months
Louis Tomlinson to Livestream FOR EVERY QUESTION WHY Mexico City Concert
Louis will be the first male solo artist to headline the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez venue, which is the home of the Mexican F1 Grand Prix.
By: Josh Sharpe | May. 20, 2024
In a landmark event for fans around the world, British singer/songwriter Louis Tomlinson is set to perform one night only at the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez - Curva 4 in Mexico City on Saturday, June 1, 2024. Louis will be the first male solo artist to headline the venue, which is the home of the Mexican F1 Grand Prix.
As part of his 'Faith In The Future World Tour’, the show is the culmination and the final stadium show of two back-to-back world tours that have sold over 1.5M tickets and taken Louis to 47 countries across 5 continents. Louis Tomlinson - For Every Question Why: Live and Direct from Mexico City will air LIVE on Veeps, offering fans around the world exclusive access to the first concert Louis has ever streamed in front of an in-person crowd.
The livestream will be directed by Grammy-nominated and Emmy award-winning director Sam Wrench, who has earned wide acclaim for his work on Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour film as well as Billie Eilish: Live at the O2. Individual tickets are on sale for $16.99 HERE. To cater to the timezones of a truly global fanbase, there will be two opportunities for fans to gather on the streams — a livestream direct from the show at approximately 8pm PDT / 9pm CST (Mexico)* on Saturday, June 1 and an encore broadcast on Sunday, June 2 at 6pm BST / 7pm CET.* The encore broadcast will include exclusive backstage and bonus footage not included in the first livestream.
Louis will be partnering with War Child UK for the livestream and donating a portion of the proceeds from every ticket sold. War Child UK is committed to ensuring a safe future for every child affected by war. With 30 years of experience, they work with local communities and governments to protect, educate, and support children in war zones, aiming to reach them quickly and stay long after the crisis has passed. War Child creates safe spaces for children to play, learn, and heal, advocating for their rights and amplifying their voices.
Veeps and Louis have partnered a number of times since Veeps’ inception, each time crafting unique and heartfelt experiences for fans tuning in — from his 2020 Live From London lockdown performance that brought together 160,000 fans for the biggest livestream concert ever held by a solo male artist, to an airing of his feature-length documentary All of Those Voices coupled with a live red carpet cross and intimate Q&A. (In a show of the closeness of Louis’s fans, the stream generated an enormous 30,000 chat messages amongst those that tuned in.)
Louis’s journey from global superstardom with One Direction to solo success has been marked by a series of bold, creative choices, kicking off with his debut album, Walls, which has sold over 1.5 million copies. Its 2022 follow up, Faith in the Future, went to No.1 in the UK, Spain and Belgium, and Top 5 in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and across Europe. In 2021, Louis was listed in the Guinness Book Of World Records for breaking the record for the most live streamed concert by a solo male artist, hosting one of the biggest live stream concert events ever held, selling over 160,000 tickets to fans in over 110 countries and raising funds for several important charities.
This month, Louis unveiled a surprise live album, LIVE, with the digital version comprising a collection of 15 songs, all released live for the very first time. Each song was recorded in a different city, at a different show, spanning the past 3 years across Louis's two global world tours which have seen him perform over 170 shows to date. LIVE will also be released on CD and LP on August 23 with 3 additional tracks exclusive to the physical formats only. Both are available now to pre-order. The CD includes exclusive live versions of “High In California” and “Where Do Broken Hearts Go,” while the LP includes exclusive live versions of “High In California,” “Only The Brave” and “Kill My Mind.”
As Louis wraps up his tour, Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez - Curva 4 will provide a dynamic backdrop for a livestream performance. As one of the biggest artists for new fans on Veeps, this concert is not just a show; it's a global event, bringing together fans from all corners of the world to celebrate the music of one of the most influential artists of our time.
Tickets to Louis Tomlinson - For Every Question Why: Live and Direct from Mexico City will be available for $16.99 at https://veeps.events/louis-tomlinson-live-from-mexico. The show will air live on June 1, 2024 at 8pm PDT / 9pm CST (Mexico), with the special encore broadcast airing at 6pm BST / 7pm CET on June 2.* The stream will be available exclusively on Veeps for 12 months after the original airdate, with a 7-day rewatch window for individual ticket purchasers.
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thelamentknight · 3 months
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Ángel Iglesias
Pansexual (Male Preference)
His hometown is Aguas de Caléndulas (Marigold Waters)
Twisted from Ernesto de la Cruz
3rd Year
His best subject is Poison Making
He’s in the Fashion Club
His favorite food is Beef Tongue Tacos
His least favorite food is Avocados
Dislikes Bells
Hobbies include: Singing, Pressing flowers in notebooks, Drawing, Making fashion lookbooks, and collecting vintage books and music records
Talent: Keeping Secrets
Unique Magic: “Heaven to Earth.” When Ángel uses his Unique Magic, he can see ghosts. Most ghosts actually remain invisible, but to Ángel, they look visible with his UM. Without using it, he can still sense when ghosts are present when others can’t. His UM doesn’t add up much blot. The ghosts also appear as skeleton people when the UM is used.
Ángel is a confident and charming man who is very aware of his handsome looks and beautiful singing voice. He has a way with words, and could probably convince you to break all of Heartslabyul’s rules in front of Riddle if he wanted to. He can also be a bit of tease, to the chagrin of the more serious students. He can be quite theatrical when he’s in the right mood, too. Ángel is quite protective of the ones he cares about.
His Mother is a shoe maker while his Father runs a Textile Mill that’s been passed down for a couple of generations. It’s a successful Mill, so Ángel is pretty rich (around as rich as Kalim). He has a little brother named Matias and a little sister named Daniela who are 10-year-old-twins who both look up to Ángel. His Mother taught him to sew while his Father would teach him about different textiles. This started Ángel’s dream of being a fashion designer.
Fun Facts:
Chihuahuas are his favorite breed of dogs
Ángel is allergic to Avocados. He’s had to go to the hospital 17 times (he counted) because people would hear his allergy, scoff or laugh, and sneak avocado into his food. They wouldn’t believe him because…, really? A Latino allergic to Avocados? That’s like if an Asian was allergic to Rice! The experiences made him hate avocados.
His last name, Iglesias, references two things🤓☝️: 1.) It means “churches,” 🤓☝️and references to Ernesto’s religious surname (de la Cruz/of the Cross)🤓☝️. 2.) He has the same surname as Enrique Iglesias🤓☝️, a popular Spanish singer🤓☝️
The mirror took a good minute deciding whether to put Ángel in Scarabia or Pomefiore
He has a HUGE crush on Tiago (Twisted Tiana), a student from RSA
He used to be in the Light Music Club until Carmen made the Fashion Club
He has thought about possibly being a musician, but he considers singing more of a hobby
He’s fine chuckling, but he never really laughs. That’s because he’s embarrassed how…hysterical his laugh sounds (kids at school bullied him about it)
He has a talent for keeping things under control if something goes wrong
When Matias was younger, he would ask Ángel every other night if he could sing him to sleep. Matias had two favorite songs: Remember Me and La Llorona
Matias and Daniela look up to Ángel for different reasons. Matias loves his singing and wants to be a musician. Meanwhile Daniela is inspired by his sewing and wants to be a dressmaker
He has a book that was gifted by his Father that has samples and notes of different fabrics
Kind of has a competitive streak
He has Kampanaphobia, the fear of bells
He still uses the sewing machine his Mother gave him when he was young
His UM shows that there actually way more ghosts at NRC than people know and has discovered interesting things about them. For example, he learned that most of them hang around Ignihyde
He’s a good fighter. He could throw some hands at some Savanaclaw students and win
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who’s excited for stats so far?? i bet none of you are but i’m inflicting them anyway! ...under a cut.
so far, though, we have 198 separate submissions across 166 works!
so far the longest submission piece is 551 words long! wow! there are also another 3 submissions that are over 300 words long, and one piece has 797 words across 7 submissions! the shortest submission, to contrast, is 5 words long! that’s also great!
there are currently 4 artists that have had 3 pieces of art each submitted, and 8 artists that have had 2 pieces. that means there’s currently 137 other artists! oh sorry, while i was drafting this post we got a fourth submission for one of the four.
how about things anyone can go look at? there are currently 7 pieces of public art that have been submitted! four of them are from canada (and 3 are from the calgary specifically), one is in the netherlands, one is in spain, and one is in new york. the fourth canadian one also has copies in spain, japan, and arkansas. there are also 3 submitted buildings! two are in spain, and one is in thailand!
gender! we’ve got 122 pieces from male artists, and 32 pieces by female artists! yes that doesn’t add up to 166, the other 12 are either multiple artists, unknown artists, or i felt like a creeper trying to trawl through their tumblr/website and it wasn’t in their bio. sadly, we don’t have any openly trans, nb, or otherwise genderqueer artists submitted (where openly is “i could find it in the same 5 second google search to determine nationalities”)
even more niche stats! the largest submission (that isn’t a building, a cave, or public art) is 2.15 m (7 ft 1 in) x 34.14 m (112.0 ft) and weighs 4 tons! close behind it is another that's approximately 3.7m x 25.2m (12ft x 72.9ft) but weighs significantly less! i did not feel like mathing which had more square footage. the smallest submission (that is, a physical piece in real life, digital art can be insanely small) is 5.9 x 6 cm (2 5/16 x 2 3/8 in.)!
how about locations? excluding the multiple copies ones, there are 32 pieces located in the united states, 9 in spain, 8 in france, 6 in canada, 5 in england, 4 in italy, 3 each in russia, australia and mexico, 2 each in the netherlands, wales, scotland, and ireland, and 1 each in israel, finland, germany, portugal, poland, japan, austria, ecuador, thailand, latvia, singapore, belgium, and argentina! i know that doesn’t add up but there’s a lot of pieces in private collections, owned by the artist, or we just couldn’t find their location, sadly.
artist nationalities get a lot more variable! i did my best to look up every artist i could and include their birth country and the country they did their works in! except john singer sargent because he just didn’t want to settle down and i didn’t want to give him like six different countries. 
starting off, we have 43 submissions by american artists! 18 by french artists, 17 by english, 8 each by canadians and italians, 6 each by russians and spaniards, 5 each by chinese, irish, and germans, 4 each by dutch, mexican and belgians, 3 by latvians, 2 each by finnish, polish, scottish, malay, serbian, and armenians, and 1 each by portuguese, japanese, austrian, ecuadorian, thai, swiss, argentine, cuban, kazhak, colombian, danish, and iranian! 
i do not currently have stats for jewish artists for you, because i forgot to write it down my first time through wiki, and now i have to go through all ~140 articles and websites again. relatedly: there are 8 works by known-to-be-gay artists, but i’m already running into wikipedia going “well he sure did a lot of male nudes but he also might have had relationships with women” and i am feeling uncomfortable poking through people’s private lives so... i hope you don’t mind it i stop... counting..... i mean if they’re open about it i’ll write it down still.
how about the ages of works? there are 4 things from before the 1400s, 3 from the 1400s, 6 from the 1500s, 3 from the 1600s, and 2 from the 1700s! 5 from 1800-1850, 4 from 1850-1880, 10 from the 1880s, and 9 from the 1890s! 9 from the 1900s (that is, 1900-1909), 5 from the 1910s, 5 from the 1920s, 4 from the 1930s, 4 from the 1940s, and 6 from the 1950s! 3 from the 60s, 4 from the 70s, 7 from the 80s, 15 from the 90s, 12 from the new oughts, 17 from the 2010s, and 13 from the 2020s! and three ongoing projects!
and to wrap things up: there are 101 paintings, 12 sculptures, 17 what i’m calling installations (they’re often mixed media or unusual media, i would give examples but i feel like i would bias submissions), 6 photographs, 2 pieces of textile art, and 21 digital arts, drawings, or comics!
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dreamings-free · 4 months
May 21st 2024 | by Anna Sky Magliola
Louis Tomlinson has announced a special live stream, set to take place on 1st June. The singer will take to the stage at the home of the Mexican F1 Grand Prix, Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, making him the first male solo artist to headline the venue.
For one night only, Louis will take to the stage in Mexico, performing his last stadium show of his 'Faith In The Future World Tour’, which sees him ending this two back-to-back world tours.
The live stream will air on Veeps, and tickets are available to buy now, with a portion of the sales going towards War Child.
Fans around the world who have bought tickets, will get the chance to see the event live as it unfolds from Mexico City, or the chance to re-watch the event, the following day, starting at 6pm BST, along with bonus behind-the-scenes footage.
Since announcing the exciting news, fans have been leaving a lot of excited messages. One wrote: 'So excited to see you! 🥰', with another saying: 'So so proud of you. Cannot wait to see it and to celebrate everything you’ve built with us behind you. Have the absolute best time. All our love ❤️'.
Following Louis' performance at Mexico City’s Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, he will continue his tour at festivals across the world, including PinkPop and Lollapalooza.
How to buy tickets for Louis Tomlinson's live stream
You can buy tickets now from Veeps.com
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OOR 2005 - Nr 10 - Rammstein interview
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Rammstein - tired of controversy
Until Reise, Reise (2004), Rammstein was the personification of everything that was scary and dangerous. The prince of darkness. If you look closer now, you will see a band that one can laugh with. With Rosenrot, Rammstein blows away the last shreds of fog and shows a band that is not only absurd but also human.
by Philippus Zandstra
Paris was chosen for Rosenrot to receive the European press. The Sonne is shining and it is sweltering on that Wednesday in September. Colleagues gather near the Eiffel Tower on a tour boat. The program is simple: first a listening session, then the interviews. The band members themselves are not on board, they are roleplaying Seemann on a party ship elsewhere. On the upper deck everyone is presented with a sealed and numbered disc man with Rosenrot. Inquiries reveal that we are not allowed to keep it. Fortunately, there is no body search, as was the case with Reise Reise. Only the bags must be left at the entrance. Just sign a contract that no one will distribute the interview recordings of Rammstein GbR and then let's go with that new album.
The first impressions: Spring (slow, Type O Negative choir), Feuer Und Wasser (acoustic, thin keyboards with sudden walls of guitar) and the rippling Ein Lied are ballad-like songs, in which pounding guitars have made way for electronics and the music is even more Reise, Reise seems to breathe. Then there are the grooving hymns: the first single Benzin, the esoteric (pan flute!) Wer Bist Du and Zerstören (with mosque singing in the intro). Zerstören is above all fast, chaotic and has a tender delivery from singer Till Lindemann at the end. Quite confusing. This also applies to Te Quiero Puta: a hilarious song in Spanish, decorated with kitschy Mexican sounds. Here I even note groove twice. The machismo of yesteryear haunts Mann Gegen Mann. With a big wink, because the text is about a desperate homosexual. A strong male choir sings to us, led by Lindemann, who shouts like a man possessed, 'Schwulle!' (faggot). Ironclad is the title track. The drum beat is the same as in Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes and the song also has a swinging bass loop. Yet it remains unmistakably Rammstein. Potential hit. Great album, at first glance.
Past the Pont Alexandre III, Rammstein waits for the press. A Chinese wedding couple has their photo taken on the quay near a stone staircase. Virgin white, while Rammstein waits twenty meters away. You immediately think of Heirate MIch. Not that the couple even realizes it themselves, but still.
When the interview can start on the boat, drummer Christoph Schneider walks along the railing with singer Till Lindemann. The two have an animated conversation in which Lindemann in particular emphasizes his words with many gestures. It is clear that Rammstein (more specifically: Schneider) is not nearly as scary as everyone wants to believe. The drummer looks nothing like the Tarantino criminal (Du Hast), white-eyed bank robber (Ich Will) and transvestite (Mein Teil) from the clips, nor the pyromaniac from the live shows. And no, even the fat, saturated jerry from Keine Lust does not qualify. Schneider looks rather relaxed, friendly even in his army green T-shirt and trendy camouflage pants with slippers. Sometimes he mumbles a bit under his breath when he tells his story in a soft voice in English (!). It suggests shyness, but also thoughtfulness.
Is that you who plays the trumpet in Benzin?
Laughing: "No, although I did play the trumpet in my childhood. I can no longer handle such pieces. Far too difficult, we hired an ensemble for that. Nowadays I can only play ten minutes, then I'm completely exhausted. My condition is really bad. I should play daily, because mainly your lips hurt."
Is the song Rosenrot Rammstein's Seven Nation Army?
Hesitantly: "A little bit, yes. There are similarities. I think it was also composed at the time that The White Stripes became famous. Call it a secret homage, haha!"
Are you a fan of The White Stripes?
"Certainly especially live. They don't care about anything." Makes a dismissive gesture. "When Jack White does a solo, his rhythm parts just disappear. He just can't play everything at the same time, and that's what's so cool about The White Stripes."
Is that simple also something you aspire to?
Thinks for a long time: "Hmm... yes. I can imagine that I will someday start another project. Just do something different. Rammstein has a limited... no, I wouldn't say that, Rammstein has chosen a clear direction and that direction is determined by six different people. Sometimes this limits your freedom of movement and you don't get anywhere. However, it is good for this band, we feel comfortable with it."
Overall I get the feeling that Rosenrot is a lot more melancholic and also a lot less riff-oriented.
"That's right, we threw the old approach overboard some time ago, right after Mutter. We couldn't find anything new in that style of machine rhythms, electronics and riffs. In the end you had all those riffs, just like the song structure of the first albums. It no longer interested us."
Do you feel like Rosenrot is more consistent? Ultimately, these are leftovers from the experimental Reise, Reise.
"These are not leftovers, but good songs that just didn't fit on Reise, Reise. Many songs had the same character. There were three ballads and you don't put them on one CD. Two albums seemed the most logical thing to do."
Rosenrot does indeed come out surprisingly quickly.
"We only had to write five or six new songs: Benzin, Mann gegen Mann, Spring, Te Quiero Puta and another pop song that was not presented at the listening session. I don't believe the new songs are very different from those of Reise, Reise. There isn't much time between these two albums. If you wait and leave songs on the shelf for too long, you lose the feeling. Maybe you no longer like them or they belong to a different time. Te Quiero Puta is of course very different... That song would stand out on any CD of ours."
Whose idea was that anyway?
"Till, even though the song was an instrumental for a while that the band was crazy about. We pushed Till if he could please write a lyric. For us it was a very important song; nice and loud and fast. However, he could never come up with anything appropriate, even gave up hope. Only at the end did Till suddenly come up with a Spanish text."
What in heaven's name is it about?
Schneider laughs in amusement. "Just ask Till..."
However, the colossus that appeared early last year in a children's film (Amundsen der Penguin) is not around. Afterwards it turns out that Te Quiero Puta means 'I love you, whore'. It figures... Another song that raises some questions is Mann Gegen Mann. The archetypal macho Lindemann takes on the role of a latent homosexual.
Another typical figment of Till's imagination?
Laughing: "I can easily say yes. In the end, we have already described every form of love. I think it was time that we had to discuss such a topic. Now you can of course ask me if we are all gay.."
I was more wondering about your popularity within the gay scene.
Giggly: "No idea. Really. I don't think those guys listen to Rammstein, maybe some." Thinks briefly: "And then, gay scene? What is actually a gay scene? A few people who meet in a basement and play some S&M games? No idea. I think there are many clubs within that world with house music. music. That's probably it: house."
Rammstein is also not averse to leather, judging by the last shows.
"None of us are homosexual. But the lyrics of Mann Gegen Mann do take an interesting approach. It puts a whole new perspective on the song - I've never thought about it that way anyway. I mean, Till also came up with a song about hermaphrodites. He did point out a few intriguing things."
We prefer to leave such excesses to Midas Dekkers 1). Yet it points to something new within Rammstein: freedom. Where previously hermaphrodites and poems with blues chords did not fit within the original - read: democratic - concept, the band is now allowed to do more. Especially at their own request. Because things almost went wrong where more democracies get stuck: with the dictatorship of the majority.
During the recording of Mutter, the band's democracy turned out to be a nuisance.
"It has been that way from the beginning: everyone has the same rights and obligations. There is no leader in the band or someone whose voice carries more weight because he does more. When we started we felt that it was possible to work together in this way. practice room to write songs. Somehow, however, that balance shifted, causing certain people... [turns to the side] to become so unmanageable that we had major arguments. Some members even placed themselves completely outside of it; it didn't matter anyway. power struggles within the band were just too bad."
It was mainly between guitarists Paul [Landers] and Richard [Kruspe-Bernstein], I understand.
"No, Paul was not the problem. Actually it was only about Richard, he wanted to control the direction of the band. Tried to make all the decisions, bring his ideas to everything. Richard was no longer open to changes. He came with an enormous amount of material and wanted to push everything through. In the end, no one listened to his ideas anymore. Not even to hear whether they were good or bad. No, Richard's ideas were shot down in advance because they came from Richard."
You've never had the urge to take control?
"Everyone within Rammstein has that potential to a certain extent, which is very difficult. You may come up with something, develop it and then deliver it. But yes, then the rest will hear about it... You have two people who say that your idea is nice and two who don't like it at all. Then they try to change your idea so that they also like it. During that process you notice that the original concept becomes less and less recognizable. You lose it. But that's just Rammstein. And that is part of this attitude. It is easier for some than for others. The fact that we are a unit is good, everyone feels good about that. At least, for eighty percent of what we do."
You always look very calm on stage amid all the chaos, and the calm way in which you now tell your story gives the impression that you are the stabilizing factor within Rammstein. The cement, so to speak.
"I see myself as someone who always monitors harmony. I can agree with that cement; ultimately I am the drummer who holds everything together. On a personal level, I try to understand all the extremes within the band. Sometimes opinions vary so far that some members can't make a decision or talk to each other at all. Because I understand both sides, that can sometimes help, I'm a harmonizer, haha!"
Strange contradiction actually: a band from the authoritarian GDR tries to be a true democracy, only to distance itself from that concept a few years later. You start to wonder whether the six are nostalgic for the past. Or as they say in Germany: Ostalgie. The main exponent of that feeling is the 2003 film Goodbye Lenin, which is set shortly after the reunification. Main character Alexander is stuck with his mother, who has woken up from a coma. While she was in the hospital, the reunification between East and West took place, but due to a weak heart she was not allowed to know anything about the upheaval. So Alexander and his family allow the GDR to return to their apartment. The film was a great success in Germany. Schneider naturally agrees that he too has seen Goodbye Lenin. He is surprised when it turns out that the film was also a modest hit in the Netherlands. "First of all, it is a very interesting idea that that woman still believes in East Berlin and the entire GDR. And that everyone around her really does their best to keep it that way, as a kind of protection. "
Is the fantasy they perpetuate, the GDR, what makes it so strong?
"Absolutely not. I don't look back. It took a very long time to accommodate all those rapid changes of that time. It is interesting that we grew up under communism and therefore consciously experienced those changes. For me, the Wall collapsed at the right time. I was 24 and still had every opportunity to participate in everything."
Do you recognize something in Alexander from Goodbye Lenin? A twenty-something who suddenly has the right to make all kinds of new choices?
"Absolutely. In the beginning there was a lot of skepticism in the East. It wasn't that bad there. In private there was almost no difference with the West. You had food, work, friends, fell in love. You simply didn't think about politics The only thing we experienced as a shortcoming was the travel restrictions. You could go to one of those other communist countries, which we did, but real travel was not an option. As someone said: half the world is not for you. Strange, right? What kind of freedom is that? Anyway, our generation was born behind the Wall. That Wall was a given, something permanent. That would never change. In retrospect, the Wall only stood for 28 years. That's not too bad. However, for my generation it was an eternity."
Is living in a capitalist system confusing to you?
"It was, yes. But the nineties in Berlin... [raises his hands to the sky, a small smile appearing on his face] the most spectacular time of my life! I'm glad I could be there I was a young guy and I experienced everything firsthand. It was chaotic, anarchy! You could do whatever you wanted. Suddenly you were allowed to buy a house, start a club, even have a practice room."
Last year I was in Berlin and I noticed that many old communist buildings are rapidly being demolished for new offices.
"I prefer to look at that development as a whole. Berlin has a history that cannot be compared to any other city in the world. Due to the division, two different cities have developed, each with its own center. Everything in Berlin you have twice. Before the war, Potsdammerplatz was the center with many cinemas, but everything had to be flattened because of the Wall. When you see that Potsdammerplatz is being built up again with modern, Western architecture, then I don't mind. good for Berlin, the city needs a modern touch. Some parts are still really provincial."
Schneider sounds optimistic and is happy with the 'good energy' in the city. When you hear him speak like this, there seems no reason to doubt the good intentions of his band. Yet Rammstein is often labeled as 'wrong' and 'scary'. Something they are slowly getting fed up with. As Ossies, they already have appearances against them. Reports about neo-Nazis rearing their bald heads in the former GDR regularly seep through to the outside world.
Nowadays there is a growing trend towards National Socialism within the old GDR...
Schneider cuts off the question to give an immediate answer: "I don't know what the situation is now, but when Rammstein was still playing in small villages and clubs in the east, I saw a lot of scary things happening. Nowadays I don't go that often to the province anymore, so I don't really have a good idea of the situation. I think it is even becoming quieter and more relaxed. After the communist era, with all its bans, there was a tendency to be as anti as possible. Don't forget that there are many unemployed and social problems. To attract attention, many young people identify with that world. It is very shameful that something like this happens in Germany, of all places. Nobody wants other countries to see it either. Europe has been keeping a close eye on Germany since the reunification. Can we do it alone, without control by the rest?"
Do those people need an ideology to justify their existence? From communism to national socialism, to get a better grip on the new reality?
"They have to be kept happy, that's it. Prosperity, a job, at least help from society. Education is also a major problem. Since the end of the war we have had a very anti-authoritarian school system. Look, children can be free in what they do, and they should develop without a strict government. But I think now it is a bit too much of a good thing. And that is where the roots of that whole development lie."
You are apolitical, but have you never felt the need to make a statement as a band?
"Well, we have regularly been accused of Nazism. Completely ridiculous. We have never made a statement to that effect, nor do we wish to associate ourselves with those people. Unfortunately, the fact is that if you make loud music in Germany, you are immediately the right corner is pressed [sigh]. When we started, we were looking for our own sound, a German sound. We had to look at ourselves, who were we? But also: where was our history? Rammstein was the logical consequence. So not a preconceived plan and certainly not the idea of: come, let's sound like a Nazi band!"
It is precisely this Teutonic element that has earned Rammstein the necessary (negative publicity) in combination with the terrifying shows. In fact, Schneider is still very outspoken about the alleged link with the right. The conversation thus turns to the disgust that Rammstein evokes in many. Fear, the trauma of war, but also the music itself. When Peter Pan Speedrock was allowed to play as a support act in a full Gelredome in 2003, the people of Eindhoven thanked them for the job. Schneider doesn't mind, he's used to it. Because German bands also regularly refuse to open for them. In fact, they hate Rammstein.
Do you really not think that's a shame?
"Oh well, Rammstein is polarizing. We do extreme things that are certainly not mainstream. This band is not for everyone. You either love us or you hate us. I don't even know if I would like Rammstein if I didn't play in it... We are who we are, and you can't change that."
There is still that label of Nazi band attached to you, despite the fact that you have become more and more humorous?
"That humor has always been there, but in the beginning everyone thought we were scary, so the humor was not noticeable. By the way, that is a typical German problem. [Behind the sunglasses, his eyes dart back and forth, Schneider searches for the right words.] There have been many generations that wanted to be anything but German. Just look at the music, everyone sang in English and modeled themselves on British or American bands."
The Scorpions!
"They even did very well, but...[The gentleman from the label comes over, making a cutting gesture. However, Schneider wants nothing to do with it and insists that he finish the answer. Excitedly, he continues his story.] When Rammstein started it was time for us Germans to find ourselves again. We cannot be burdened with guilt and shame forever. Sometimes it seems as if we as Germans do not exist."
Does Rammstein give Germany some self-confidence?
"Something like that, yes. I'm not saying that Rammstein is the only example of what modern German rock music should sound like. There are far too many new rock groups for that, and they sing in German, even within hip-hop. You can feel that in many things Germany is now putting the past behind it and throwing off its shyness. Our generation is not to blame. The fact remains that this Germany has a questionable history that everyone really needs to know everything about. That should never be forgotten. The weight of history , the debt, however, prevents us from moving forward. We are not free. Always considering whether something is politically correct or not, that limits you and it is therefore a major problem in Germany. Everyone looks out for each other. It is downright short-sighted to say whether or not someone is politically correct. We just do what comes to mind. Sometimes that is provocative, but it also helps to find yourself."
So you also feel proud to be German?
Shaking his head: "For an American that's probably very easy to say. I rather think that every country should have its own identity. What is home, where do you come from, what is your mentality? It's a difficult process, but I think we have done something in that direction."
1) Midas Dekkers is a famous dutch biologist, also presenter of tv programs and author on the topic.
List of other Rammstein OOR interviews
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lexa-el-amin · 1 year
queer history is just... so cool! a Mexican trans man who threatened to shoot everyone who misgendered him in the 19th century? an arab poet in the 7th century writing about his male lovers? an intersex spanish surgeon in 1580 confusing the whole Inquisition with their genitalia? a french opera singer in the 17th century burning down a convent after her female lover was sent there? gorgeous!
Amelio Robles Ávila, Abu Nuwas, Eleno/ Elena de Céspedes and Julie d'Aubigny are just a few of many badass ancient queer people.
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thedemostop · 3 months
Embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of Mexican music with its famous mexican singers, whose voices have become synonymous with passion, tradition, and cultural heritage. From the heartfelt ballads of Juan Gabriel and the soul-stirring rancheras of Vicente Fernández to the vibrant melodies of modern-day icons like Thalía and Luis Miguel, Mexican singers have captivated audiences around the world with their talent and emotion.
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yourdailyqueer · 7 months
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Jerry Velázquez
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 30 March 1990  
Ethnicity: White - Mexican
Occupation: Actor, musician, singer
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redak-ted · 1 year
✦⋆˚.˚.˚⋆˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚.⋆˚.˚.˚⋆✦ lebi trans lesbian
the youngest 18 mud turtle turquoise colored mask 5'2 has autism and tics/tourettes ✦⋆˚.˚.˚⋆˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚.⋆˚.˚.˚⋆✦ raph/rosa bigender aroace second youngest 18 matching mask bows with mikey pink mask more than red diamond back terrapin 5'3 (totally doesnt abuse the power of being taller than leona by an inch) has a bunch of charms and stickers on her mask from mikey age regression ✦⋆˚.˚.˚⋆˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚.⋆˚.˚.˚⋆✦ micheal xenogender pansexual second oldest 26 yellow/orange mask d'orbigny's slider 6'0 adhd and anxiety haver xey love to put stickers on litterally anything and everying, mainly rosa cause she just sits there and lets xem do xeir thing ✦⋆˚.˚.˚⋆˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚.⋆˚.˚.˚⋆✦ dee genderfluid
bisexual oldest 29 false map turtle 6'2 purple/magenta mask dating casey germaphobe stutters quite alot ✦⋆˚.˚.˚⋆˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚.⋆˚.˚.˚⋆✦ casey cis(male) gay 26 mexican messy floofy hair down to his shoulders alternative/gothic clothes 5'8 singer,not very popular (yet) ✦⋆˚.˚.˚⋆˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚.⋆˚.˚.˚⋆✦ april trans(she/her) straight 36 mixed curly red head 5'8 artist ✦⋆˚.˚.˚⋆˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚✶˚.˚.˚.⋆˚.˚.˚⋆✦ splinter cis(female) bisexual 5'0 could beat all their asses(and has) 52 mindoro black rat
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ohyeahpop · 2 years
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Mexican male model, singer, actor, entrepreneur & politician Sergio Mayer, modeling for ERES Magazine in 1989, photographed by Pancho Gilardi.
108 notes · View notes
jknerd · 1 year
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Full Name: José Carioca
Other Names: Zé Carioca, Joe Carioca
Schools: Xurupita High School (graduated), Walt Disney University of Performing Arts (graduated)
Occuaption(s): Sub-Vocalist and Dancer of the Three Caballeros, Samba pop/jazz singer
Residence: Xurupita Village, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
Family: Zico and Zeca Carioca (nephews), 6 cousins
Relationships: Rosinha Vaz (ex-girlfriend), Donald Fauntleroy Duck (best friend; fellow member of the Three Caballeros), Panchito Pistoles (best friend; fellow member of the Three Caballeros), Nestor (childhood friend), Afonsinho (childhood friend), Pedrão (childhood friend), Galdino “Zé Galo” Chaves (rival->occasional friend->???)
Likes: Brazilian music (especially Samba), Latin Music & Dances, drinking, traveling, parties, singing, dancing, foreign cultures & music, telenovela
Dislikes: Malicious comments against Donald or Panchito
José Carioca is a sub-vocalist and dancer of the Three Caballeros, the latin-pop boy band. He is also a Samba pop/jazz singer in Brazil. From same university with his two friends Panchito and Donald, the group was formed sharing same passion and pursuit for music career. In most of their songs, José takes control in dance break to rile up the fans at concert. The most calm and polite individual, he is the peacemaker between his team and other rivaling musicians in a middle of intense rivalry. Among the trio, José is most known for having great counts of scandal (with men, women, non-binary, etc).
Born in Xurupita village since childhood, he usually hang out with his childhood friends Nestor, Afonsinho and Pedrão. It is known he has six cousins who live in separate states within Brazil. While he loved to sing, he began to fear of losing his singing voice as he entered puberty. Believing that changing his male reproductive organ to female's would solve his fear, he used all his part-time job money to pay for the surgery, which miraculously, he was able to retain his androgynous singing voice. With his natural talents in dancing and singing, he decided to move to United States in order to learn performing arts as soon as he graduated high school. At one point, he struggled to carry his musical instruments and was about to fall until Donald caught him and his instruments safely. Impressed, José quickly befriended him. When hearing of forming a band, José offered his idea of having three in a group as both scouted Panchito, the Mexican student. Since then, the three friends wrote songs and performed from USA to other Latin American nations. When he confessed to them of his past of surgery, the two nonetheless accepted José. When they were preparing for Europe Tour, Donald's neck was injured causing him to unable to sing. José was seen tearfully bidding goodbye to Donald who left for his 4 years of service in the Navy. Due to the recording company's high demanding and irresponsible supervisions/control, both José and Panchito left the company. While Panchito became a mariachi and Mexican pop singer in Mexico, José returned to Brazil where he became a Samba pop/jazz singer under the stage name Zé. He reunited with his childhood friends and encountered Rosinha Vaz, beginning his relationship with her. 
At some point, he thought of marrying Rosinha but was harshly scorned by her father Rocha Vaz who have already planned to set her up with Galdino “Zé Galo” Chaves, the Top1 wealthiest in Brazil. José was unfairly scorned by Rosinha's father, calling him "Castrato Tranny", mocking Panchito and Donald and insulted his family. In anger for the first time, José warned him to never mock his family, friends and their dream, adding that the old man had jinxed himself and would die someday with all money useless to him. While dated Rosinha, he felt as if she was putting him and Zé Galo on the hook, growing less confident of himself. Yet, he find himself occasionally befriend his love rival. One day, he received a call from Panchito about the plan to restore Donald's singing voice. Understanding Donald's wish to comeback as "Three Caballeros", he put his friend's dream first as he broke up with Rosinha and agreed to perform in the hotel owned by Chaves family. With enough money earned, he left Brazil and moved back to USA. When Donald's voice was finally cured, the three made their comeback in House of Mouse, confirming their return and continuing their careers together.
Because of his experience in raising two nephews before Donald's surgery, José is one of very few who is able to handle Huey, Dewey and Louie's antics. Being a member representing LGBTQ+, majority of his fans are of same community and often perform songs in Pride Parades/Carnivals. He has a somewhat naive side when advised by Donald in writing songs through expressing or telling stories genuinely, José released his single song "Amazonian Cuckhold" based on the legend of Encantado/the Amazonian Pink Dolphin, adding spice with story in a song; in a POV of Encantado who found the lonely girl in a party as her boyfriend stood her up with other girls, so Encantado wooed/seduced the girl while insulting her boyfriend. Despite the censorship, the song has become a cautionary tale to never take the received love for granted or someone better would steal their lover away. 
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