#meursault x don quixote
lexia-solve-e · 1 year
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i just think theyre neat adhd vs autism ship
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hello, do you have any thoughts or headcanon for MeurDon?
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Don Quixote:
>Thinks he's super cool, is interested in everything he does because in her mind he is what a successful fixer would be like. >At the same time, he's so accepting of her interests and doesn't mind when she goes overboard with all her excitement. >He may seem uncaring, but she sees in his eyes that he's completely fine with her being as she is. >He is so, so big and she eyes his, ahem, chest area, with the utmost respect. >Fully trusts him in and out of a fight. >Climbs him like a squirrel and sits on his shoulders whenever she wants to see something but she can't. He's her rocinante!
> Thinks she's loud, but it's not a problem. >She's the one who will approach him without any hesitation and her excitement can be quite refreshing. It will hardly change the way he is, but he will try to support her however he can. >She knows his every daily ritual and takes them all seriously. Whether it's the morning newspaper ritual or the coffee being brewed at an exact temperature, she respects his every oddity. >Likes picking her up at random times. Just picking her up and carrying her around. He's taking her to do laundry? Nope, they're going on a little adventure. >Fully aware of her respectful gaze on his chest area.
Extra bits:
>Whenever they sleep together, she steals all the blankets and kicks them out of bed. Meursault sleeps like a rock but when he wakes up in the morning he sighs, picks them all up and tucks her in. He goes to the bathroom and when he's back to bed they're all on the floor again.
>"He asked for no pickles!" She puffs up her chest and defends him in social situations even if he could do that by himself just fine.
>He recognizes a few of her more niche fixer merch sometimes and she basically explodes with excitement because it's rare for another person to know the more rare stuff she managed to get. Kisses him all over the face before going on a rant about said object.
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silkenedstars · 3 months
Blade Lineage Sinners and Love Languages
Specifically, the love languages that they prefer from their s/o.
₊✦Limbus Company | Sinners x gn!reader | Contains minor spoilers for Canto 3!!✦₊
Additional Notes: Unedited, kurokumo version should be out hopefully soon;; Also RR4 was super easy.
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˚₊✦ Quality Time ✦₊˚
Yi Sang is not one for words, not anymore. His heart had gone cold from the bitterness of that day and yearned for revenge. He would keep everyone at an arm's length, so long as it meant that he would achieve his goal one day.
However, one thing that he could never deny himself was your presence.
Though he might not be one for affection – not that he minded if you were to initiate it – and certainly not one for gifts, he could never deny the way your presence would soothe his wounded heart whenever you joined him on his patrols.
Listening to your voice was calming. Listening to you rambling about any matter would, more often than not, ease him into a rest without nightmares haunting him.
If the two of you weren't fugitives, if neither of you had joined the Blade Lineage, if the Blade Lineage didn't fall apart as badly as it had, then Yi Sang would've loved to take you to his hometown for a trip. The two of you walking side by side silently and taking in the nature around you would be the ideal way for Yi Sang to show his appreciation towards you, but alas, those days would never become a reality.
The most he could offer were those patrols you joined him for, and for the time being, that was enough.
Perhaps, in the distant future, he'd get the chance to take you to his hometown.
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˚₊✦ Gift Giving ✦₊˚
Faust kept every single item that you gave her inside a safe.
It didn't matter to her if the item was an expensive jewel that cost you a leg and an arm to buy, it didn't matter to her if it was something you spent days making just for her, nor did it matter if it was something you saw off the side of the road and decided to bring back to her for a variety of reasons.
Every single second you spent thinking about her was a precious second. Each one filled with beauty that was dedicated to her.
This kind of affection was a treasure, for sure. Faust might not be able to reciprocate your feelings besides offering you her presence and a cup of tea, but she would gladly offer her life if it meant that you got to live, even if it was just a second longer.
If there was a kind of gift she prefered over the others you gave her, though, then it would have to be the accessories as well as the rare outfits that you got her.
It was a shame that she couldn't wear them– the accessories in fear of them getting stolen the moment of her death, and the outfits in fear of ruining them with blood and cuts. But if she could, then she wouldn't hesitate to flaunt them around; showing others how much your cared for her and how she was yours.
It was a nice thought, but one that she couldn't make reality.
So for now, they'd stay in her safe where no one could take them away.
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˚₊✦ Physical Touch ✦₊˚
Don adored it when your fingers trailed over her battle scars.
She loved it even more when you kissed each and every single one of them.
Someone as great as you showing her affection via the scars that were her pride and joy?
She thanked every fixer in the City for allowing this to happen to her, swearing to repay their blessings – and your affection, of course – as much as she could.
And repay, she did.
Putting on her most chivalrous act, every morning she'd greet you right outside your room; kneeling down before you and bringing your hand to her lips for a brief kiss, giddily waiting for your reaction.
She refused to leave your side, offering you help with every single little thing. It wasn't because Don thought you wouldn't be able to do these things yourself, no, but because she so desperately wanted to be your knight and help you as much as she could.
The one thing she loved offering the most was her blade.
Not just because she loved fighting for you, as a chivalrous knight would for royalty, but also because of the way you'd treat her after a battle.
She melted each time your calloused and scarred hands cupped her face in them, nearly squishing her cheeks as you praised and scolded her at the same time.
She gushed over the way you nursed her wounds for battles when she was especially careless.
And she swooned over the way you'd kiss her cheeks and call her your knight, so much so that she wouldn't be able to stop thinking or gushing about it for days straight.
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˚₊✦ Physical Touch ✦₊˚
Meursault was so, so tired.
Between the Kurokumo Clan that effortlessly cornered them and the occasional assassins sent by S Corp, Meursault had been completely exhausted. He couldn't take a small break either, not when it could mean death for every single person depending him.
So it meant that much more whenever you hugged him while he was working, or when you cuddled him during the few moments of rest that he got. The warmth of your body was soothing, and he never had it himself to not wrap an arm around you and pull you close.
Holding you in his arms was the best way for him to relax and get back to planning with a clear head and fresh perspective. And if you were to help him plan things? All the better.
The only problem was that his neutral expression seemed to scare you away from being affectionate, and him trying to smile seemed to make things worse for some reason.
Oh, Wings, how could he solve this little issue?
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˚₊✦ Words of Affirmation ✦₊˚
To claim that Sinclair knew what he was doing would be nothing short of a lie.
He had no clue what he was doing, especially not in the battlefield where something seemed to overtake him; leaving him confused, scared and filled with doubts whenever it left his body.
So he appreciated it so, so much when you reassured him.
You didn't compliment him like the other members did after a battle, instead easing his fears and telling him that he wasn't a senseless murderer like his irrational mind said he was.
Despite being the obvious, those words meant so much to him.
And so did your smiles and the way you said "you can do it!" or "you'll be okay!", they all meant, so, so much.
When he first joined the Blade Lineage, he used to be so meek; too blinded by his revenge for Kromer to realize what exactly he had become a part of, and too much of a scaredy cat to leave when he saw what he was capable of in his first battle.
Had it not been for you and your soothing words, he didn't know where he'd be right now. Making the same mistake he did with Kromer, probably.
But he had you now, you and your soothing words. Every time he hesitated, you were there to encourage him. Every time he doubted himself, you were there to reassure him. Every time he needed you, you were there for him.
That was all he needed.
...Well that and the way you'd squish his cheeks whenever you thought he looked cute.
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˚₊✦ Acts of Service ✦₊˚
Outis had been stuck doing things that others were telling her to do for so long, so it came as a surprise when she woke up one morning to find a breakfast already prepared for her.
At first, she was uncomfortable, demanding to learn who it was that decided to make her breakfast, and stammering a little when she found out it was you. While taking care of others wasn't a task that bothered her that much, she knew full well how much energy and effort it took to do exactly that. It was a thankless job more often than not, and sometimes way more difficult than it needed to be. Not to mention that someone being in the exact position as she used to be was upsetting, even if she didn't show it much.
However, the moment she realized that you were doing this as a way to show your affection as opposed to seeing this as a chore you had to do, her tune quickly changed.
What started as breakfest in bed turned into you helping her with her chores, and while she told you off at times to make sure you got rest, she appreciated every little thing you did for her and she made sure to thank you for every one of them.
If you ever needed her, she'd be right there, be it for something big or small.
You got gravely injured during your last battle and need someone to nurse you back to health? No problem, she'll gladly help you.
You need to get something from a shelf that you can't reach? No problem, she'll get it for you.
You want someone to hold your hand because you don't want to get lost in a crowded area? No problem, she'll just carry you.
She might get a little overbearing, but she's doing it to repay your love for her; to let you know that she'll be there for you if you ever need someone. She means well, even if her smile makes her look like she's scheming your downfall.
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mango-dolphin · 1 year
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(Part 1) maybe the two of them have something in common. i doubt it'd be easy to see, though
dialogue under the cut:
Ishmael: Great. Ok. Fine. As though we needed anything else to go wrong today. Caption: It's raining.
Quixote: Ah! Mine comrade! Allow me to shield thee from this most drenching of downpours! Hong Lu: How ingenious...! It won't drip too much on me, will it? Quixote: ..... Ishmael: Well, whatever. Rain won't affect our mission in any meaningful way. We should just continue onwards. Ishmael: Let's get—
(offscreen) Meursault: Peheh
(offscreen) Meursault: Ha ha ha.
Meursault: Hahahaha.
Hong Lu: ...Huh? Heheh.
Sinclair: Meursault... is everything alright?
Meursault: ...
Hong Lu: ... Ah~. Hong Lu: So that's what it is. I see now.
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jeff-the-box-boy · 1 year
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scorching-earth · 2 months
teaser 2
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more teasers!
“*sigh* stop bothering me OIWKY.”
You can't tell Yuu to not beat that guy up. It’s like asking a fish to start breathing air. It can't happen.
Terrified children trying to keep Yuu from killing someone.
Yuu sees cater as the only positive in this school, and cater sees Yuu as a horror movie monster.
Crowley walks on a tightrope every time the two talk, and Crowley walks it like he’s in the circus.
Ace and Deuce have to introduce Yuu everytime the two have started to make a game out of it. Whoever can give the better introduction will talk for yuu.
These two are single handedly carrying Yuu’s friendships and social image. The two even made a magicam account for Yuu in an attempt to bolster Yuu’s social reputation.
Yuu can get dressed in the morning, unlike another rich boy we know.
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
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silen--art · 7 months
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Meursault x Don Quixote ⛓🎠
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sapphic-haymaker · 2 years
Still wondering why they decided to replace the Sinners' unique titles in limbus with generic ones.
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in the TGS build, you can see the sinners have their titles they were introduced with in twitter posts, while in the launch build it's a generic "Sinner #x"
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Weirdly enough, you can still see all of them in the theater section.
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I wonder if they omitted them to give the sinners a less unique, more expendable feel to them. As they are just kinda infinitely regenerating bodies to throw at problems. I personally think they added a nice lil bit of character and would love to see them return at some point.
Here's a list of the titles and what I can find for their translations/brief meanings (shoutouts to @stillakyu for help on Yi Sang and Ryoshu's)
No.1 Yi Sang - 하융 (Pseudonym used by the real life Yi Sang.)
No.2 Faust - WALPURGISNACHT (Walpurgis Night)
No.3 Don Quixote - SUEÑO IMPOSIBLE ("Impossible Dream" in Spanish, named after the song inspired by the original novel)
No.4 Ryoshu - 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂 ("As one falls into an obsession, even the screams of hell scatter into nothingness")
No.5 Meursault - SOLEIL ("Sun" in French)
No.6 Hong Lu - 太虛幻境 ("The Realm of Heavenly Etherealness")
No.7 Heathcliff - REVENGE (Revenge means Revenge)
No.8 Ishmael - HEARSE (Vehicle for transporting coffins)
No.9 Rodion - РАСКО́Л ("Split" in Russian)
No.10 Dante - DURANTE (Name of the poet Dante)
No.11 Sinclair - VOGEL ("Bird" in German)
No.12 Outis - Ουτις ("Nobody" in Greek)
No.13 Gregor - UNGEZIEFER ("Vermin" in German)
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algoney · 1 year
Telegram Stickers ♡ ✧*。
.*・。゚ Lobotomy Corporation .*・。゚
♡ (Yesod, Chesed, Netzach, Gebura, Myo, Binah)
♡ (Angela, Malkuth, Hod, Tiphereth)
♡ (Hochma, Ayin)
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.*・。゚ Binah x Zena .*・。゚ (Ee_extension_02 on twitter)
♡ (Binah x Zena)
♡ (Binah, Zena, Outis)
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.*・。゚ Limbus Company .*・。゚
♡ (Yi Sang, Faust, Don Quixote, Ryōshū, Meursault, Hong Lu)
♡ (Heathcliff, Ishmael, Rodion, Sinclair, Outis, Gregor)
♡ (Charon, Vergilius, Dante, Lion, Wolf, Panther, Yuri, Aya, Effie, Saude, Hermann, Jia Huan, Sonya, Demian, Kromer, Samjo, Dongrang, Shrenne, Ran, Dongbaek, Rain, Mika, Olga, Alfonso)
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.*・。゚ Library of Ruina .*・。゚ \currently unfinished!\
♡ (Roland, Netzach, Yesod, Angela, Hod, Malkuth)
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faustlc3 · 1 month
don quixote x meursault interaction based on the following image
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🎠Hey! Meursault, your tie is a bit wrong!
🌃oh....I didn't realize thanks **about to fix it himself**
🎠 wait, let me do it, okay! **she says, approaching him very happily**
🌃Are you sure, Don Quixote? **He bends down a little so she can reach him, effectively hiding his nervousness**
🎠 Yes, I'm very sure! You'll see, it will be the best tie I've ever made for you! **She begins to accept the tie with a smile from ear to ear with her shining eyes**
🌃If you say so...mmm **he says staring at her**
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lexia-solve-e · 1 year
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W-Corp sinners hearing rumors about a ghost on the warp train, appearing with unharmed/sleeping passengers. Through investigation they encounter the ghost, only for said ghost not only to recognize them, but recount the previous times they've encountered them. (Ghost Reader x W-Corp Sinners)
I'm not joking when I say this is VERY LONG. It goes as follows: a brief meeting about the WARP Train ghost, and then every sinner's individual meeting with them. It took me a while to get to this request because I was unsure about how to tackle it to begin with. Thank you for your patience!
As the meeting goes on, the head of the group, or rather the one relaying information to them, finally approaches the main topic at hand.
"It goes without saying that this matter should not be spoken of outside of this group, as it pertains to corporate secrets." Faust begins, "As every employee in this meeting, regardless of ranking, has encountered a strange phenomena within the boundaries of the WARP train, higher management has decided to address this... situation."
The word they gave her was "issue", but as far as she was aware the anomaly had yet to negatively affect any train trips.
"I would not like to assume, knowing that secrecy is of utmost importance here, however, am I correct in suggesting that this has something to do with a certain unexpected passenger?" Yi Sang speaks.
Faust nods and glances around the room. Her other coworkers have varying reactions to the mentioned passenger.
Hong Lu stares off into the distance, lips pressed into a firm, thin line. Don Quixote's usual high energy self is silent and pensive. Meursault shows no signs of emotions other than briefly closing his eyes with a low hum, while Outis crosses her arms and looks away. Ryoshu lits up another cigarette and huffs. Rodion has a slight smile on her lips but her eyes are as cold as ever.
"All of you seem to be on the same page. This saves us time." She nods, "You are to proceed with your work as per usual, and report any encounters with the anomaly to an appointed senior manager."
"Ah, so nothing changed, really." Rodion clicks her tongue. She didn't know what she was expecting.
"Are you sure this event will not cause any..." Hong Lu raises his hand, trying to pose his question.
"I cannot speculate on secrets that pertain to WARP Train functionality." But Faust swiftly cuts him off.
He lowers his hand and nods.
"Comrade Faust," Don Quixote begins, "Can't we do a thing about it...?"
Faust shakes her head. "There is no way to say for certain whether this anomaly is dangerous to passengers of the WARP Train, be them employees or customers. You're to observe but not interfere."
The bright blonde woman seems dejected at that response.
"Listen to those above you, and you may learn a thing or two." Outis scoffs. It seems she had already made up her mind regarding this matter.
Ryoshu clicks her tongue, "Boring."
Faust politely dismisses all of her coworkers. There is nothing else she can tell them, given their contracts, and also nothing else she can reliably say about it. This is something beyond the scope of information he has access to.
From here onward, they all have to handle the passenger as they see fit.
Yi Sang:
He's almost done with his part of the job when the ghost appears. He doesn't startle or react in any way to the sight of it. The passenger sits on a surprisingly clean bench, gazing at him with a longing that's familiar to him. They've met many times like this. He looks around and sees that as per usual, three or four asleep passengers are huddled in a corner. None of his coworkers have made it to this carriage either.
Yi Sang sits by their side, and they sigh.
"This trip is taking a lot longer than advertised, don't you think?" They say. He doesn't respond, merely resigning himself to stare out the window. "That's what the usual passenger thinks when the train departs from the station, did you know?"
He knows it would be better if he didn't interact with them, but cannot help it.
"I am aware." He keeps his thoughts about the corporation's methods to himself.
"It's alright, I think. As long as every passenger reaches their destination and the horrors are erased from their minds..." They stop to ponder for a second.
They sit together in silence. This is one of the many times they've met in the train, and yet Yi Sang can't seem to remember when was the first time. He somehow knows that in spite of his quietude, in spite of trying to keep his thoughts to himself, they seemed to already know every single one of them.
"When... Have we met?" He finally asks.
"A million lifetimes ago." They respond calmly, "Even though you forgot, I cannot let go."
Yi Sang shuts his eyes tight. For some unknown reason, the phrase makes him want to cry. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself.
"It's okay, because you will keep coming back, and as long as you do, so will I." They reassure him.
He doesn't know if that's for better or for worse.
It's clear that their pristine looking self does not belong in the middle of a train that's otherwise filled to the brim with carnage. This is the anomaly W Corp is trying to understand. They stare at each other briefly, before he makes note of the group of unharmed passengers who sleep on a bench not too far.
When they smile at him, that sad smile he knows too well, he can't help but feel lonely. This must be one of the anomaly's many effects.
"You are a passenger." He is the first one to address the being in front of him.
They nod.
"Your destination is soon approaching." He thinks these words will comfort them, but instead they only make their smile disappear.
"There's no destination for me, as you know." They speak then smile again. A wave of melancholy takes over Meursault's heart.
"There is always a destination for a passenger. As certain as the sun rises and sets, you will go from point A to point B." He insists even though he knows the truth.
"You're always hopeful about it..." They laugh, "It's okay if I'm going nowhere. You're always here with me when I feel the most lonely."
"I'm an employee at W Corp. A cleanup agent will always-"
"Yes, yes, I'm familiar." They wave a hand in the air and dismiss his explanation. "It makes me happy that you're still this predictable."
He raises an eyebrow at them.
"Following a routine has always been soothing for both of us." They clarify.
This voyage will soon end, and the passengers in this carriage are already safe. Soon the unknown passenger will disappear.
Meursault hopes to meet them again.
There's only so much Faust knows, and yet inside the WARP train, she's as clueless about anything as every other employee. This anomaly, however, seems to know everything she's not privvy to and she's been trying to get it to open up. If only so she can for once have knowledge that belongs to her alone.
"Why do you think you keep coming back?" She asks.
They roll their eyes at her and then shake their head, chuckling a bit.
"You keep asking the same questions... At least you're as curious about me as ever. That's nice. It would be a lot better if you could remember me too..."
"It is impossible for me to remember you if I am not given-"
"Directions? Yes... yes, directions. Both of us would benefit from having them.
Faust frowns.
"What's with the frown? You're not the only one allowed to be cryptic." They laugh and that has Faust genuinely annoyed. She tries not to pout but fails.
"To pursue knowledge is a worthy endeavor, and one I am not ashamed of." She retorts.
"Aren't you scared I might make you just like myself, though? Are you not scared you'll become a ghost too, if you talk to me too much?" Suddenly the mood shifts, and the passenger's expression is taken by concern.
"Faust already expected this question." Faust can finally say with a smug smile, and she relishes on them being the one annoyed now, "It is a risk, as the source of your condition hasn't been uncovered. And yet..."
She pauses and ponders on it for a second longer, staring at the group of passengers that are uncannily still intact even if asleep. The passenger patiently waits for her answer.
"I cannot rest, unless I find out who you are."
The passenger crosses their arms, sadly staring out the window.
"It's not like it will change anything..."
"It will change me." Faust replies confidently. "I want you to change me."
The passenger smiles and shakes their head, but their eyes fill with tears. Their emotions are growing more volatile with each of these encounters, and this is something she notes. If she could ask any of the others, she would, but she knows that's not a possibility.
Could she be running out of time? She couldn't say. The best she could do was to keep returning to this passenger, and hope to find an answer before it became an impossibility.
Hong Lu:
He's overjoyed to see them still unharmed, along with a group of unscathed passengers. It not only is a sight for sore eyes, it also makes his work much easier.
"You're still here, how nice~" He chirps and strolls over to them, "Ah, I suppose it's not nice for you, is it?"
"Not at all." They reply, but they're smiling and walking over to meet him in the middle of the carriage, "You haven't changed a bit ever since our last meeting."
"I don't think I could change in a a little over a day, haha..."
"You have no idea how much you've changed already... Ever since the first time we..." Their words drift away.
Hong Lu casually kicks at the floor with the tip of his shoe. At least there weren't any corpses to butcher in this wagon. He hated the stench of blood and how it would stick to his hair even after washing it multiple times.
"It's not the first time you say this, and yet you never tell me when we met before. That's a little mean, isn't it?"
They shake their head, "If you don't remember, then why should I tell you?"
"Ah~ so you're hoping I will remember eventually, if only you keep coming back." He wonders if this is the reason this passenger in specific can never leave the train.
He knows very well how it feels to be confined to a role one does not want.
They shrug, "I can't say if you're right or wrong, I guess I'm just here."
He can't help but question himself if the roles aren't reversed here, if they're real and he's the ghost. After all, he always felt like he was simply a passenger inside his own body; never able to choose the destination of his journey and never able to get off the ride.
"I guess we will have to find out, isn't that fun?" He smiles but he feels anger and frustration bubbling inside himself.
Life is such an unfair succession of unfortunate events.
As much as she likes working with W Corp passengers, she has begun to despise her job as a whole. It is repetitive and boring, and most of her time is spent teaching new hires. Being able to enter the train once in a while and unwind is nice, however. That's what the ghost has earned her: a little downtime to herself.
They silently watch as she casually builds a statue of a varied assortment of limbs. She met them a couple carriages away, and since there was no carnage there she walked out of it, only to have them follow.
"I never understood why you do that." They comment as Ryoshu thinks about weaving a bunch of eyes and their nerves together into a crown. "I can see what you're doing, and it could be called revolutionary in the artistic fields but..."
She turns around and glares at them.
"I- I mean, I'm not saying I don't like it!" They frantically wave their hands in front of themself.
"As if I asked your opinion." Ryoshu scoffs. They give her an awkward smile.
"Don't you feel sad you'll have to dismount the statue later? You've assembled the passengers together where your job is to disassemble and separate them..."
"Don't care." she shrugs. "Hm..."
"It's like playing with clay for you, isn't it?"
She grins at them and her eyes glimmer with excitement.
"Did I say something wrong...?"
"You understand." Ryoshu hums and tosses her burnt cigarette to the floor. "Since when?"
"I keep saying we know each other, even if you don't remember, but you never believe me..."
"Hn." Ryoshu turns her back to them.
Normally, in a train full of abominations, one does not turn their back to the other passengers. She knows they are harmless, though. Even if the higher ups want her to report on their appearance in the train, she already made up her mind about refraining from doing so.
First because she does not owe those assholes anything more than what's in the contract, and second because she feels strongly about this passenger. She has yet to figure out if it's in a protective or possessive manner.
Don Quixote:
"After me, helpless civilian! I shall guide thee towards safety!" Don Quixote exclaims.
"They're all dead already..." They try to explain to her for the hundredth time.
"Tis uncertain when the abominations will return! Come!"
They sigh and shake their head, already knowing there's no getting through to her. She's trying to guide them to the exit once more. They know this attempt is fated to failure.
"I told you I can't-"
"Nay! I shan't accept that as the undeniable truth! One day I shall bring you to safe harbor then-"
"Don..." They hold her bloody hand gently, a sad look in their eyes and a slight smile on their lips, "Thank you. You really are my hero."
Don Quixote blushes and freezes in place. She starts vibrating a little, as if about to have one of her usual outbursts of energy. Then, when her vibrating calms down again, she takes in a deep breath.
"Thou compliment is deeply appreciated," She begins to say in a solemn voice tone, "However, I have yet to save thee."
"You're already doing a lot, it's okay." They reassure her.
"Nay! Tis only when thou see the light of dawn again- only when thou art capable of exiting this damned place- only then I will accept being called a hero! This I swear on my honor, verily so!"
They shake their head and sigh. There is really no getting through to her. At least they aren't alone, and she keeps coming back often too.
"Okay... It's a promise then." They know it's an empty promise, but this seems to make her happy.
Working with W. Corp. is thoroughly soul-crushing, she hates it and can't admit that one of the Wings she so dearly admires is in truth a den of lies and injustice. This passenger is the only tether to her wish of becoming a knight of justice, and one of the few good souls who still care about the other passengers.
Don Quixote will gladly keep trying to save them again and again, no matter how many times it takes.
And even if all her attempts are doomed to fail.
She was already expecting this to be a difficult task. The Wing doesn't want to forfeit any bit of information to them, it's pretty much an impossible task. Perhaps higher management hopes to keep throwing them at the mysterious passenger until it disappears. She wouldn't put it past them.
Still whenever she meets them, she hopes that doesn't come to happen.
"You took a little longer to clean up this time." They say. They're sitting on the train's floor, leaning back on one of the tight-shut doors. Their eyes are closed and they seem to be tired.
Not too far from them is the usual three or four passengers who remain safely asleep.
"A second longer was the price for a job done to completion." She replies and takes a seat by their side, "You're still here."
"It took a little longer than a second, didn't it?" They retort and Outis squints at them.
"You're trying to tease me."
"You've gotten a lot better at picking it up!" They chuckle and she huffs.
"That's rich for someone confined to the space within the WARP Train. You should be trying to gain my favor, so then you could-"
"I'm never getting out of here. You know this."
Outis presses her lips into a thin line, lowering her head and looking at the metallic floor. They always gave her this odd sensation- a feeling that she couldn't explain into a single word. It wasn't longing or loneliness or anything in that spectrum it was... a feeling that she could never return home, or that there was no home to return to. She absolutely loathed it.
"If you have your mind set on failure, then you will not achieve anything."
"Of course you'd say that..." They sigh and rest their head on her shoulder. She doesn't feel it in herself to push them away, rather having the sudden urge to pet their hair. She refrains from doing so.
She wants to know them and what they mean to her, but can never seem to ask about it upfront. Instead they repeat this dance, back and forth trying to figure each other out.
Maybe one day they will return home, and maybe one day, so will Outis.
"Alright, I'm all in!" She says as she pushes a pile of finger bones towards her opponent. "Whatcha say~?"
"Ugh..." They inspect the cards in their hands with a disgruntled look, "Can I still fold?"
"You don't remember the rules of the game? I thought your entire deal was remembering." Rodya laughs as they fumble with their own pile of finger bones and cards.
"I didn't think you'd remember promising to bring a deck of cards!"
"It seems like one of us doens't take gambling very seriously~" She teases them.
"Ah... I'm out anyway, look, my hand is terrible." They show their cards to her and she sees that they got at least two pairs, "Just take everything."
She happily claims the pile of finger bones which are being used as currency here and then reveals her hand. Not a single match worth a thing.
"What?! Not even a pair?! How?!" They throw their hands into the air, thoroughly infuriated with her bluff.
"You played well, but you weren't really playing." She grins wide as she shuffles the cards again, "Rematch?"
"Agh!" They hold their head in their hands. "I- I don't know!"
"C'mon, it's not like you have anything better to do. But then you'll have to find your own finger bones to bet, I'm not giving them back." They aren't worth a single thing and will be returned to their owners when her shift is over, but having them alone giver her a sense of power.
"I don't have a weapon like yours, you expect me to go disassembling hands and feet from the corpses?"
"What? I thought you were bored of being here all alone. At least now you'll have something to do with your time."
"Of all people to be stuck with..." They sigh.
Her assumption that smuggling a deck of cards within her uniform would give her something was right. People always reveal themselves when there's something on the line. This was all meaningless to Rodion, of course, she was just glad she could have a break from her exhausting work.
She watches them dig around corpses a small distance away from her. She'd met them in another carriage, one that was clear of blood and whose passengers remained safely in one piece.
"Oh yeah, where was your destination again, by the way? I mean, were you going home as everybody el-"
"You already know this..."
It was a long shot, and she missed it by far.
"Ah, right. After all we are good friends from way back and everything~"
They turn their head to squint at her.
"Somehow you're still terrible at lying outside of gambling."
"Don't be so mean out of the blue." She huffs, "Maybe you were just so bad at cards that I ended up forgetting."
She means it as a light jab, but their expression turns into one of agony and extreme sadness.
"Don't say that..." Their eyes well up with tears.
"Ah- I meant it as a joke. I didn't- I didn't really mean it..." She isn't used to apologizing like this, but the moment she saw how much they were hurt, she felt the instinct to comfort them immediately.
"It's not a big deal..." Their lie is as clear to her as a diamond.
That's one of the things she hates about them. No matter how many times she finds them, she cannot remember. No matter how much she wants to completely forget, to abandon them and to do whatever with her life, she keeps coming back to them. No matter what, she still has these painful emotions swirling inside of her that she can't even trace back to an origin. She resents the fact she can't resent them either.
"Okay, I'll lend you a few of my chips." She concedes, "Come here, let's have a rematch."
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schizoidcel · 7 months
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♢﹕scenarios ∣ ♦︎﹕headcanons ∣ important note
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ counter-clock, we rose --
┌─ ✧.* sinners !! ──────────────┐
# 01, YI SANG ..
yi sang & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 02, FAUST ..
faust & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 03, DON QUIXOTE ..
don quixote & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 04, RYŌSHŪ ..
ryōshū & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 05, MEURSAULT ..
merusault & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 06, HONG LU ..
hong lu general romantic hcs (lcb hong lu x reader) ♦︎
hong lu & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
heathcliff general romantic hcs (lcb heath x reader) ♦︎
heathcliff & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 08, ISHMAEL ..
dumblings (liumael x reader) ♦︎
ishmael & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 09, RODION ..
rodion & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 10, DANTE ..
dante & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 11, SINCLAIR ..
engagement (cinqclair x reader) ♢ + ♦︎
sinclair & reader w/ bpd (lcb clair x reader) ♦︎
sinclair & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 12, OUTIS ..
outis & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 13, GREGOR ..
gregor & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ -- counter-clock, we reload.
┌─ ✧.* others !! ──────────────┐
♪ YURI ..
♪ SAUDE ..
♪ EFFIE ..
♪ SAMJO ..
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ׂૢ་༘࿐ ...
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runn1ngn0se · 6 months
I was thinking about Warrior Cats x Limbus Company stuff, and I thought it would be fun to try and come up with a Mirror World where each of the Sinners gets an ID based on a character from Warriors (specifically The Prophecies Begin).
The World of the Forest Territories:
[000] WindClan Leader Yi Sang (Tallstar) [00] ThunderClan Medicine Cat Faust (Spottedleaf) [000] BloodClan Leader Don Quixote (Scourge) [000] ShadowClan Leader Ryōshū (Tigerstar) [00] ShadowClan Deputy Meursault (Blackstar) [000] ThunderClan Leader Hong Lu (Firestar) [00] Deposed ShadowClan Leader Heathcliff (Brokenstar) [000] RiverClan Leader Ishmael (Crookedstar) [000] ThunderClan Leader Rodion (Bluestar) [00] Loner Escapee Sinclair (Ravenpaw) [00] ThunderClan Warrior Outis (Longtail) [00] WindClan Deputy Gregor (Deadfoot)
For designs, of course they are cat-ified. In my head I was envisioning somewhere between @/thecatkennel 's designs and @/protagfolly 's designs.
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jeff-the-box-boy · 9 months
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