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prokopetz · 3 months ago
Concept: metroidvania with one of those "you begin with endgame gear and do a tutorial fight with it before losing all your stuff due to Plot" segments, except the player Hero and the Demon King "final boss" suffer mutually inflicted cutscene death at the end of the fight.
Now you're playing as the Princess you were meant to rescue, armed with whatever gear you could loot from the corpses, escaping the Demon King's Cursèd Citadel backwards – starting from the endgame biome – while the place falls apart around you thanks to the demise of its load-bearing boss.
The central gag is you notionally have endgame gear, but most of it has no obvious application to what you're up against, either because of the Citadel's ongoing collapse, or because the Hero's puzzle solutions on the way in were stupid, and you have to deal with the aftermath on the way out.
Though there'd be some gear progression, much of the map would be knowledge-gated by the need to figure out unintended applications of your existing gear. Any required interactions would be tutorialised, but you could freely break sequence if you know about them before you're "supposed" to.
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dieuwt · 7 days ago
Welcome to the Void.
Nothing Beyond This Point is a unique take on the Metroidvania genre: you are made from pure fire, and must navigate a spawling Void to power up and leave. Find new abilities and upgrade them, absorb Sigils to gain permanent strength, and find your way in the darkness. In highly dynamic combat in a completely empty landscape, anything that may grant power is worth dying for.
Uniquely, your Rods are both offense and defense - throw them as fireballs or spend them on powerful explosions, but taking damage makes you lose them as well, and you don't want to run out. You have infinite regeneration, so don't save up your firepower. Just fire.
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Free demo available now! Have a look, and wishlist it if you like it.
Don't get lost.
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doshmanziari · 3 months ago
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Hey, everyone. I just published the first long-form piece on anything to do with the Castlevania series I've written in some years. You can read it here, on my Substack page. The conclusion is, I admit, a little similar to the one I appended to a compilation of prior essays on Castlevania: Curse of Darkness -- but I suppose that's just where my head has been lately. Old, imperfect things and time's passage.
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cheesieblr · 5 months ago
The Axiom Verges
(Axioms Verge? I ‘unno. Spoilers)
This metroidvania duology is a neat little couple of games I’m happy to have happened upon. I beat the first game a few years ago and just this week beat the second one. I shall talk about both.
As I understood, Axiom Verge stood out by having some cool, non-traditional MV upgrades. No double or wall jumping, no crawling or balling, and some unconventional weapons. I liked it. My prior MVs were almost entirely Metroid and Castlevania, so the freshness was extremely welcome. Not to mention that AV’s pixel art is INCREDIBLE! I LOVE giant bio-mechanical beings and I LOVE every gross, writhing detail of their bodies. It makes me wanna puke in the best way possible— like Akira. I don’t really remember the story… but the final boss was interesting, unconventional and rather skill-less to fight.
Axiom Verge 2 was much of the same; still fun and still an enjoyable experience. Again I don’t get much of the lore, even if someone explained it to me. All I understood was that the protagonist is a dirty billionaire, but she cares for her daughter— and prevented the Murder of the Universe ;) i guess. Balancing felt good, didn’t feel like I got too OP too fast, and the exploration was really neat! I liked going into the breach as the drone a bunch; great way to discover little secrets here and there. Pixel art is amazing once again! I would say something about the bosses except there really weren’t any :\. They were more optional combat “challenges” than a true obstacle that stood in your way. I am not for that choice too often. I want a boulder in the path; a fucking steel door. Let me bash my head into it for 3 hours trying to figure out the strategy !! (only slightly exaggerating)
It was clearly left open for a third game, and I will certainly play it if/when it comes out!
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Hollow Knight got me into gaming
Ori and the Blind Forest made me fall in love with gaming
Celeste made me good at gaming
Undertale inspired me to make a game of my own
and i think this was a beautiful journey that i had the privilege of taking, especially so early in my life
by creating Wyrd, I want to give back all these emotions and experiences that are so dear to my heart to others, and if even one person feels the joy i have felt in the art of gaming by playing my game, it will have been worth it.
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afriendlyirin · 1 year ago
Metroidvania Alignment Chart
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Based on observation and discussion in the Metroidvania subreddit. Is this anything?
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mellowgoop · 1 year ago
incredibly vague, incredibly subjective, incendiary debate.
my most important contribution to society.
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renum-crimsonvale · 1 year ago
i 203% completed Environmental Station Alpha
Learning that "alien language" was fairly easy. the hardest part was i think the restless spirit boss. the only thing i haven't done in the game is go and do that wierd crown thing. but that's neither here nor there.
I grabbed every item, every diskette, every story progression tick, every secret percentage, for a total of 203%.
i'm finally done with this game.
i want more.
i NEED more.
if there are any weird cryptic metroidvania games out there that y'all recommend PLEASE let me know
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when an area i was excited to explore in a metroidvania because i thought it was a cool side area i remembered had a gate that I now have an upgrade to explore turns out to actually be the Main Story Place i have to go, I lose all interest in exploring it lol
this post is about Jedi Fallen Order
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master-of-47-dudes · 1 year ago
I got obsessed with blasphemous and blasphemous 2 over Christmas and have just finished em.
Honestly? Solid 8/10 games, both of 'em. I had a ton of fun exploring the world of Cvstodia and controlling the Pentinent One. The combat is satisfying and the art is incredible, dark, and gruesome. Also, they were like the most intensely Catholic experiences I've ever had.
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elementcement · 1 year ago
I LOVE Metroidvanias but Jesus Christ do they SUCK to pick back up after not playing for a while.
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dieuwt · 1 month ago
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About one more month until the empty Metroidvania gets a demo! Get ready for the hottest Steam Next Fest yet.
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sebasgb · 1 year ago
Los mejores juegos estilo Metroidvania
La finalidad de este blog es comentar sobre este tipo de juegos de exploración y búsqueda de objetos los cuales nos pueden mantener pegados días enteros a la silla.
El termino Metroidvania proviene del la unión del nombre de 2 juegos: Metroid y Castlevania, juegos los cuales disponen de un mapa amplio para explorar, también disponen de zonas ocultas con múltiples jefes principales los cuales hacen posible la continuidad de la historia y jefes ocultos los cuales desbloquean finales secundarios a la historia principal, también poseen mejoras para el personaje o NPC´s que nos ayudan a lo largo de la historia que escojamos .
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Como primera entrada tenemos a Hollow Knight, un juego desarrollado por Ari Gibson y William Pellen. El videojuego incita a la exploración de si amplio mapa por lo mismo cuenta con múltiples enemigos y jefes los cuales constan de una dificultad progresiva. Este juego conta de múltiples finales los cuales se obtienen derrotando ciertos jefes o ayudando a ciertos NPC´s dentro de la aventura. Este mismo se encuentra en proceso de tener una secuela la cual fue retrasada por ciertos inconvenientes con la plataforma UNITY por lo cual se lanzara oficialmente en el año 2024.
La segunda entrada de este juego pertenece a Blasphemus, un juego que fue desarrollado por The Game Kitchen. Este consta de distintos finales según las decisiones que tomemos dentro del mismo. Disponde de 3 DLCS los cuales expanden la historia del juego, estos son: Stir of Down, Strife and Ruin y por ultimo Wounds of Eventide el cual proporciona un tercer final que no se encuentra dentro de la campaña principal y que da paso a la secuela recientemente lanzada este mismo año.
Como ultima entrada de este blog encontramos a Dead Cells, un juego desarrollado por el estudio Motion Twin. Este juego transcurre en un mundo interconectado el cual contiene mas de 50 armas y hechizos haciendo que la exploración sea una parte muy vital. Posee una historia no lineal lo que quiere decir que puedes explorar a tu gusto, con unos jefes con la dificultad de dark souls por lo cual es recomendable que nos memoricemos su patrón de ataque evitando múltiples muertes y por consecuente estancamientos.
Para concluir debo aclara que este tipo de juegos no es para todo el mundo ya que sus múltiples horas de exploración y revista de lugares previamente vistos puede llegar a ser tedioso y agregándole la alta dificultad de los jefes y mazmorras se puede volver frustrante, pero si tenemos el tiempo y la paciencia suficientes podemos llegara degustar obras increíbles con hermosos paisajes y personajes memorables y a su vez descubrir finales completamente inesperados con una calidad en los detalles increíbles, sintiéndonos satisfechos con nosotros mismos y alentándonos a recusar las historias de nuevo.
Morales, R. (2021, April 9). Los mejores juegos metroidvania para PC. Alfa Beta Juega; Alfa Beta Juega. https://www.mundodeportivo.com/alfabeta/listas/mejores-juegos-metroidvania-pc#index4
Alonso, Á. (2022, May 16). Metroidvanias muy buenos que probablemente no conozcas. Hobby Consolas; Hobby Consolas. https://www.hobbyconsolas.com/reportajes/metroidvanias-muy-buenos-probablemente-no-conozcas-1060525
Xcast. (2021, March 8). Los mejores metroidvania de la historia para PC y consolas. Millenium ES; Millenium ES. https://www.millenium.gg/guias/31874.html
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shrimpmandan · 1 year ago
CONSULTING TUMBLR. Do you guys have any recommendations for niche/indie Metroidvanias, 2D Action Side-Scrollers, and/or RPGs/JRPGs? If you answer with "Hollow Knight!!!" or "Dead Cells!!!" you owe me $1000
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threeravenspublishing · 2 years ago
What Kickstarter Projects Do You Love to Support?
What Kickstarter Projects Do You Love to Support?
As we’re gearing things up for our cross-country move, one of my tasks is to sort through everything we’ll need to change our address on, from paperwork to items we pre-ordered months ago. Among those pre-ordered items are various Kickstarter projects we’ve backed, and it got me thinking: what kind of Kickstarter projects do the readers of Three Ravens enjoy supporting? And how far do you go?…
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