#methyl nitrate pineapples
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fablecore ¡ 1 month ago
Hello! Big fan of your fic “Methyl Nitrate Pineapples” and “Cherry Bomb Alchemy”. I have a question after watching the latest episodes of one piece. How would you think Sophie would react to the law vs Blackbeard fight? Would she even be there? Or if she was there, how would she hold up against Teach? (Sorry if it goes into spoiler territory for your fic, I’m just curious)
if you've been here a while you know i love to see an "ugly" fat bastard winning with charisma and style, so please look forward to mental illness 🫶
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luckystarchild ¡ 10 months ago
*eyes emoji* Oh, if you're taking OP fic recs might I suggest "Tell it to the Marines" by Tsume_Yuki, "Methyl Nitrate Pineapples" by razbliuto, and "Memoirs of a Suicidal Pirate" by alkhale (warning with that one the mc is, as stated in the title, suicidal, but it is very introspective about things and it's tied in with some interesting world building stuff). They're all brilliant oc driven stories
They have been added to the list and I am so excited to read them! Thank you!
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ask-akira-natsumi ¡ 4 years ago
Ok so I HIGHLY recommend this fic.
Here’s the summary: All Sophie wanted to do was make bombs and go to war for the World Government. Naturally, she ends up strapped to an operating table with a pirate injecting poison into her foot. Sometimes you gotta take a few detours before you find your way home. — LawOC
The story starts off with main character Sophie as a marine in a war zone and quickly establishes her as a very unique character. For one, she curses in fruits, and its marvelous.
As the story goes on Sophie grows more into her own character and has lots of her own adventures and development.
The relationship is a slow build, but SO worth it. And the story’s not even done yet!
This is literally one of the fics I most look forward to updating every single time.
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wilga-art ¡ 4 years ago
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having that doodle phase again / Law & Sophie of methyl nitrate pineapples by @ohpineapples 💕 / apparently I’m three chapters behind, because life, but I’m on my wayyyyy to catch up / i’ve seen the note about Sophie-to-canon tho and I’m sooo excited \o/
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adribanesti ¡ 5 years ago
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me: let’s doodle my own characters for a change
me: *fails*
guess i have to thank @ohpineapples​ for the gift to humanity sophie is. thank u
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lupus-incidus ¡ 4 years ago
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I already posted this on Instagram and I'm more active there but I'm trying to remind myself to actually use my other socials and I do prefer Tumblr over Twitter, so.
Here's a WIP of a fanart for Methyl Nitrate Pineapples by @ohpineapples (I am so so so sorry for tagging you so often you don't need to respond to the at all I just have to credit you properly when I mention your fic 😭)
Another sketch dump post will follow this I think
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schneekuchen ¡ 5 years ago
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 I drew @ohpineapples  OC Sophie from Methyl Nitrate Pineapples! I just love her a lot~
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sonofphoebus ¡ 5 years ago
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🗡💥 | roomboom aesthetic
“I still have a scar from the parathion, you flea-bitten mango." "I like that scar," he hummed. Sophie's ears turned pink and her nose wrinkled. "Creep.”
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staroftara ¡ 5 years ago
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Sophie Strangways from Methyl Nitrate Pineapples a one piece OC fanfiction by @ohpineapples about a marine chemist who through luck (or lack of it) explodes her way through the grand line with the Heart Pirates.
This piece was inspired by two scenes, when Sophie first starts exploring Kunlun and this scene right before Sophie goes off to steal her research:
“Law remembered when he used to enjoy looking at her in this light—her face was half shadow, darkness kept secret. Not anymore. He wanted her in the blinding sunlight, squinting, with a toothy smile like razorblades. He wanted her with her hands open and showing the world every pretty mutilated finger.”
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laws-yellow-submarine ¡ 5 years ago
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I had a lot of feelings after this most recent chapter of MNP and in the process of processing those feelings I realized that Sophie and Hazel could have QUITE the conversation lmfao hence, this came about (Pros of coloring art on the computer: being able to actually get the exact color you want!)
Sophie, as always, belongs to the ever-amazing @ohpineapples​ 
Hazel belongs to moi (shameless plug: Together With Fruit huehuehuehue)
H: What’d you say that revolutionary’s name was?
S: Sabo…
H: WHOM’ST?!?!?!
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H: So I hear you met my ex! (She means Ace lol)
Edit: i just realized i forgot Sophie’s scars on her hand/arm so I’m gonna go slither into a cave now 🙃
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avogigi ¡ 10 days ago
Now you might be wondering what this is, and I'll tell you, THIS *gestures desperately with hands* is PEAK. My favorite piece of fanfiction and maybe even my favorite piece of fiction ever.
It's a highschool AU, of a long two part ongoing fic (almost 600k words last I checked combined) which in turn is a fanfiction of one piece... The manga with over 1100 chapters... Both of which you need to read before reading this 3 chapter long AU...
It really is worth it tho so if my mutuals read this read Methyl nitrate pineapples on ao3 like rn
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a high school mastermind
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usolander-eddie ¡ 6 years ago
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@ohpineapples who was responsible for laundry this week and put together Law’s overdesigned pants and Bepo’s suit? X’D
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arielta ¡ 6 years ago
Italian One Piece fans
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Ce l’ho fatta! Ho avuto l’onore di tradurre questa fantastica fanfiction che è Methyl Nitrate Pineapples con il permesso di Lychee; è la prima volta che faccio una cosa del genere e devo dire che mi sono divertita moltissimo! Quindi, se amate One Piece, e vi va di seguire le rocambolesche vicende di una chimica dai bicipiti da record e appassionata di tutto ciò che è coccoloso... Siete nel posto giusto!
Methyl nitrate pineapples su EFP
“Tutto quello che Sophie voleva fare era creare bombe e andare in guerra per il Governo Mondiale. Naturalmente, finisce legata a un tavolo operatorio con un pirata a iniettarle del veleno nel piede. A volte devi fare qualche deviazione prima di ritrovare la strada di casa. — LawOC, più o meno”
(piccolo estratto under the cut)
I did the thing! I had the honor to translate the amazing fanfiction that is Methyl Nitrate Pineapples with Lychee permission, It's my first time doing anything of the sort and I really really had fun with it! So, if you love One Piece, and are interested in following the fantastic adventures of a chemist with record-worthy biceps and who’s enthusiastic about anything cuddly... you're in the right place!
Le bombe fischiarono sotto la fitta pioggia schiantandosi contro un rifugio della Marina fortificato in acciaio, appiccando il fuoco alla gigantesca Croce Rossa. I cittadini di Vira, che erano stati evacuati, fuggirono via mentre l'insegna si schiantava a terra. Cozzare d'acciaio e spari risuonavano in lontananza, e fulmini rimbombavano nel cielo. Illuminavano le ombre che combattevano tra le scogliere rocciose, spingendosi più vicino ad ogni lampo di bianco accecante. "Sbrigatevi! Le navi vi stanno aspettando per portarvi in salvo!" gridò un capitano della Marina, puntando la sua pistola verso il porto. Un gruppo di soldati cercava freneticamente di spegnere il fuoco. "Signore, perdiamo terreno sul fronte!", urlò una recluta malridotta nel frastuono. "Dannati Rivoluzionari", imprecò il capitano sottovoce. "Portate a bordo i feriti! Prima che un' altra serie di.... oh mer-".______ Le pareti del rifugio tremavano e vacillavano sotto l'attacco dei mortai. La polvere si sollevava dagli angoli. Gemiti morenti e urla riecheggiavano in ogni corridoio, e tutte le mani disponibili dovevano supplire alla carenza di medici. Per una particolare chimica-ora-medico da combattimento, questo significava essere tirata fuori dal suo nascondiglio sotto una scrivania e buttata in sala operatoria. "Bende! Sophie, mi servono altre bende!". "Dove sono le flebo? Sophie, controlla il ripostiglio!". "Oi, Strangways, in bagno è finita di nuovo la carta igienica!" "Cosa ananas avete che non va!? Per l'ultima volta, mi trovo in una Situazione Molto Stressante" urlò una bionda infuriata, e strattonò accidentalmente il filo e l'ago che teneva stretti nei pugni. L'uomo sul tavolo operatorio si contorse violentemente. "Ahhh, fa male! Ahh... ha ha ha...". Il povero marine ridacchiò follemente e poi sprofondò in un torpore stordito. Sophie si asciugò la fronte, sollevata (mai più avrebbe sottovalutato i poteri del gas esilarante!), prima di ricordare — ma ciao anche a te, sangue. Concentrandosi a inalare unicamente dalla bocca, cominciò lentamente e meticolosamente a suturare la ferita. Era un sparo netto attraverso l'osso; il proiettile non era rimasto all'interno del corpo, il che era un bene. Il problema era come gestire tutta quella perdita di sangue. Guardò l'ago con occhi socchiusi, e poi lo riposizionò in modo che fosse perpendicolare al suo indice. Avvicinò con cura l'ago alla pelle, lo infilò rapidamente e poi tirò fuori il suo righello. Cinque centimetri di distanza l'uno dall'altro, equidistanti, lunghi due pollici. Espirò. Tre punti fatti, otto ancora da fare. "Strangways! Dove diavolo è quella carta igienica?" domandò una voce dietro di lei. "Mango!" Sophie imprecò e si succhiò il pollice sanguinante. Si voltò, sibilando fiamme, "sono nel bel mezzo di un'operazione, quindi vai a chiederlo a qualcun'altro di pulirti il - AAH LA MIA INNOCENZA METTITI DEI PANTALONI". "Flebo! Sophie, dov'è quella flebo?" "Il mio amico ha perso un naso, qualcuno l'ha visto?" Sbatté i pugni sul tavolo operatorio, digrignando i denti. "Che dolore", singhiozzò il marine. "Sta' zitto!" strillò Sophie al suo paziente . Fortunatamente per lei, era troppo drogato per rendersene conto. Sophie indicò la folla. "Flebo e bende sono nel ripostiglio, e tu puoi usare le foglie di banana per pulirti per quel che m'importa! Sparisci prima che io debba cremare un altro paziente morto! Fuori, fuori, fuori!". Respirò affannosamente dal naso mentre la porta si chiudeva, intenzionata a calmarsi per evitare di esplodere in tic nervosi. Sophie si strappò di dosso i guanti chirurgici perfettamente puliti e ne indossò un paio nuovo. Il gas esilarante si sarebbe esaurito da un momento all'altro. Afferrò una siringa che conteneva una dose da centoventi milligrammi di anestesia e la iniettò nel suo paziente. Centoventi..... Sophie rifletté, e poi iniettò un'altra dose. Duecentoquaranta. Beh, un'altra non poteva far male... Trecentosessanta. Un bel numero. Un cerchio completo. La porta si aprì. "Sophie!" "Gahh!"
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wilga-art ¡ 5 years ago
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@ohpineapples just catched up on last chapter, I have something in common with Sanji so FEED ‘EM
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firebird-inkheart ¡ 4 years ago
The view beyond the edge
Pairing: HonAce Word Count: 1,249 Warnings: Discussion/acknowledgment of acrophobia Summary: The view from high up was great, stunning, even! But there was no way she was getting anywhere near that edge and ruining the euphoria of it. She was perfectly content to view the world from back here. That is, until Ace turned back and held out his hand.
The next island they stopped at was nothing but sheer jungle that grew over itself in its attempt to reach the sky. In a way it reminded Honyo of Little Garden. Old as hell and filled with things that definitely shouldn’t exist anymore. Yet there was something more arcane about this place. When she stood still and held her breath, she swore she heard the trees whispering amongst themselves.
Ace led them towards the heart of the jungle. The treetops blossomed with life; huts were molded around trunks and branches and bridges grew from thick vines. There were ropes with wooden steps and stones that pulled them up when they could no longer travel along the jungle floor, zip lines with children racing along them, there were even large folks with wings swooping down to ferry people in baskets. The further in they went the more intricate the buildings became, the more lively the communities were. 
“It’s almost as if sky islanders came down to earth and adapted in reverse.” Honyo commented after watching another humanoid bird descend upon a platform. “That or else a whole bunch of people got hold of bird devil fruits.”
“I think they’re avian minks, or a hybrid community at least. They’re not as widely known as mammalian minks, but they and many other species do exist.” Ace nodded and smiled as they passed a villager with vibrant coloring; the sunset patterning reminded her of a conure. 
She gave him a cheeky half smile. “Rule number one of the Grand Line: Everything unexpected is to be expected, right?” 
Ace grinned back. “Bingo!”
He helped her into a basket and hopped in behind her. Honyo gripped the edge tightly as the birdman ferrying them took off, jolting the basket. Ace gripped his hat, wavy hair pushed back by a gust of wind, and gleefully whooped at the sky. Though her heart was light for different reasons― god, she should not have looked down ―Ace’s giddiness encompassed her enough that she readily allowed it to convince her she wasn’t afraid, for a moment.
The birdman took them to the great tree, the heart of it all. Here everything thrived. Establishments climbed and wound their way in and out of the tree, markets and restaurants dangled from branches, entire cities circled it from top to bottom. Birdmen glided between levels. Through streamers of colorful fabric their bright feathers caught in floating lights and glowed radiantly. They took it all in with almost reverent awe.
“Skypiea could never,” she murmured.
“I think you’re just biased because we’re still on solid ground,” Ace chuckled. He reached for her hand, lightly intertwining the tips of the fingers, before pulling her towards a set of stairs carved into the tree. “Come on, let’s go to the top!”
She never minded the climb up. The climb up was never the problem― although when the stairs would slip out the tree she would unconsciously cling closer to the wall ―despite knowing what was to come once they reached their destination. Honyo did the best that she could, but even so she still felt the offending lightness creeping through the tips of her fingers and up her arms. 
By the time they reached a suitable landing― not the top. This tree was too damn big, and even Ace realized what an ambitious trek that was without wings ―they were both more than just a little out of breath. Ace had let go of her hand a while back, and as soon as he regained enough of his breath he was off, bounding across the branch to observe the world. Honyo followed him at a much slower pace.
During their climb the sun had sunk low, leaving the horizon stained with a rosey golden glow. The dying light was beautiful. As she observed the setting sun, she noticed Ace moving closer to the edge.
Her hand instantly went to the kaiken at her waist and she nervously thumbed the flower carved into the hilt. She wanted to tell him to be careful, but, well, Ace was a big boy and was pretty damn good at taking care of himself. Being made of fire, if anything, probably gave him better chances of surviving a fall if he were to accidentally slip. Whereas unlike her― A shiver wracked down her spine before the thought could finish and the lightness in her hands intensified.
She took a deep breath and tried to shake panicky thoughts off.
The view from high up was great, stunning, even! But there was no way she was getting anywhere near that edge and ruining the euphoria of it. She was perfectly content to view the world from back here.
That is, until Ace turned back and held out his hand.
Her hold on the hilt tightened, hesitation practically gripping her by the throat and throttling her for a good ten seconds, before she forced it to let go and took his hand.
Ace’s grip was gentle, but reassuringly firm as he guided her closer to the edge.
“I, uh, know you’re not really good with heights, but I didn’t think you’d want to miss this.” He cleared his throat and tiny sparks popped from his ears. “You can hold onto me if you’re scared, you know?”
She almost― almost ―let her pride get the better of her and say she wasn’t scared. But she knew that when she looked down all the weight she had would seemingly vanish altogether and things would only get worse from there. 
“Thanks.” She offered him a shaky smile, inching forward just a little more, and looked down.
A dizzying wave washed over her, robbing the weight from her limbs, bottoming out her stomach, and lodging her heart in her throat at the sight of that sheer drop. Honyo took half a step back and pressed herself into Ace’s side, hooking her arm in his; he adjusted his grip on her hand with a light squeeze. 
The little action was grounding. It didn’t completely rid her of the weightless feeling, but neither did she feel as if she would just slip anymore. Her breathing evened out and she dared to look beyond the edge again.
And the world below was blooming.
With the sun having disappeared beyond the tree line long ago the residents of the jungle island had brought out their lanterns to keep the light with them in the dark. Hung up on invisible lines, the phosphorescent lights illuminated the world in glowing neons, the lanterns themselves opening like flowers. It was tales about fairies come to life. 
“Wow,” she breathed. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah.” Ace’s voice was soft, almost as breathless as hers. She glanced up and was met with a tender gaze that made her heart flutter.
A blink, and the spell broke. Ace’s ears popped like sparklers. Honyo couldn’t help it― She giggled.
“Come on Fire Fist,” she loosened up and unlatched her arm from his, “let’s go find something to eat. My treat.”
Ace recovered with a teasing grin. “No way, I’m paying!”
“Your idea of paying is an IOU in the wake of a dine ‘n dash. Let’s not mess with the locals when we only just got here.”
His laughter rang through the treetops. “Alright, alright! You got me~. Since you’re paying you get to pick the food.”
“There was this grill a few floors down…”
Though they drew far away from the edge, he never let go of her hand.
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blckspiderlilies ¡ 4 years ago
methyl nitrate pineapples
chapter thirty-seven: Her, at the End of Everything
(alternatively Sophie cuts her hair and leaves the last remnants of Ace on Ben Beckman’s cabin floor)
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MNP, by @ohpineapples
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