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trippercrazy · 1 year ago
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Anton Newcombe from The Brian Jonestown Massacre
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methodrones · 1 year ago
album review : methodrone
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released: august 1995
genre: shoegaze, psychedelic rock
next up we've gooooooot methodrone! this blog's namesake, of course, as well as the first album with an official release date. i think this album has some good songs, some not so good ones too, but let's dive in and see where this leads us! also i sat down and listened to this whole thing without any breaks i think that makes me a true music snob ( or just someone with no life ). buuut anyway!
on to the songs...
hey, i told you guys we'd be getting evergreen again. here it is! as usual, i love the warped sounds at the beginning going into the actual music, the vocals are good on both sides, and i love when they duet on the chorus. this version is a tiny bit longer than pol pot's, but it definitely is the perfect length and for sure achieves that shoegaze sound. i also like anton's singing at the end. not much else to say. great song!
rating: 10/10
i. fucking. love. this. song. i didn't really used to, but FUCK if it hasn't grown on me. the drums are perfect, the chords, the SOLO???? god it's just. fucking perfection. i love the lyrics they're so great, "you're the one thing i believe in," "my love is like a flower / daisies are always free / pulling out the petals", "i'll get my way or i'm going to kill you" SO MANY GREAT FUCKING LINES. and that solo just makes me melt it's amazing. genuine perfection. anton's voice is really great here, it works so well, completely encapsulates the vibe and theme of the song i think. especially the obsessive desperation of the "love me, love me" line. the ending is def kind of thrown at you! like oh yeah if you don't love me i'll kill you! it's just great, i really really really enjoy this song and truly never skip it when it comes up. very catchy, fun to listen to, and even more fun to play on guitar. absolutely flawless, definitely the best song on this album.
rating: 100000000/10
i had no idea this song, which we just heard on spacegirl, was also here on methodrone! i think ?? it's pretty much the exact same thing, and though it works pretty well on this album, it's maybe a little more suited to spacegirl just in terms of the lyrics. the main differences i hear have to do with the bass not being quite as loud, the drums being a little different, and louder / clearer vocals. aside from that, same shit! i like spacegirl's version better.
rating: 7/10
that girl suicide
you guys already know how i feel about this song <3 same version as spacegirl, just slightly less grainy. ethereal amazing wonderful etc. one of the best tracks on this album.
rating: 11/10
I LOVE THIS SONG!!! we've got the great matt hollywood bass line ( expect me to talk about this man a lot ) and the blasted chords ... shoegaze fuckin central. i like how it gets a little calmer then we go back to getting fucking blasted at "i want to know." also anton's vocals are great here. i just adore them so much. when he uses his more normal voice vs the accent i'm always blown away by how much i love his voice. same thing in spanish bee, which we will get to probably soon. i think it's in the last album that came out in '96. anyway, yeah! wasted is fucking great and hits every time, just a superb song.
rating: 10/10
everyone says
somehow i'm not sure i've ever heard this song???? what the fuck. that's crazy. anyway, holy shit here comes anton's more normal voice again... WOW WOW WOW. his voice fucking rocks here, i love it. very drawn out and raspy and shaky ... just amazing. i like the line "everything reminds me of something you said," that spoke to me not gonna lie. anyway, this is good! i've definitely never heard this song so this is a genuine first time reaction. you should feel lucky, there's not gonna be many of those. BUT i would give this a pretty good score, not my fav thing ever musically but i really enjoy anton's voice on here, so. added points.
rating: 6/10
short wave
nice little song. i've enjoyed this one since i first heard it, which was admittedly not that long ago ( like earlier this year ) so i failed in that regard. but i've heard it before unlike everyone says so, that's something! anyway i really love the drums and background guitar on here, kind of a similar thing to that girl suicide almost. vocals are okay to start, i like them much better on the chorus tho. catchy and easy to sing along to ( if i could figure out these fucking lyrics ... NEVER trust the lyrics under a bjm song ). sooo yeah! short but good song.
rating: 7/10
she made me
ahhhh this song <3 it's such a vibe and truly hits, i forget how many good tracks are actually on here! this song is sooo fun to play on guitar, the chord progression ( of sorts ) is really cool. the chorus slaps and i think most people could find a way to enjoy this song, there's really nothing wrong with it in any capacity! the "la la la la laa"s are nice. good fade out. it's a little long but overall a great song, i like this version a little better than the one on the singles collection.
rating: 9/10
ten fucking minutes bro .... this is not spacegirl help me. anyway, genuine review, i've never listened to this song in its entirety but i do like how it starts off, catchy little riff and drums goin' on... pretty slow build up to the vocals, no idea what's being said but i've come to appreciate that actually. and now that i hear the lyrics i do! realize i've heard at least this far but for sure skipped the rest lol. i like this little chorus of sorts, if it can even be called that. the beat is really nice tho so that keeps me engaged. i think he's saying smth about "sniffing glue" ??? idk it's about getting high what else can i tell you. the rest of the song is largely repetitive but i think, similar to spacegirl, it's not insanely boring repetitive. like i said, the beat is good enough to keep me interested for sure. this is very psychedelic, reminds me a bit of the black angels! so i see where that genre tag comes in. the little yell near the end is good.... enjoyed! i would definitely put this on a psychedelic playlist for some good background noise lol.
rating: 7/10
short song here! if this ... can even be counted as a song? it's giving the beginning of crushed, it's giving deep in the devil's eye & you. then we get this interesting kinda whooshing sound LOL it's very odd. i guess considering it's called 'records'... idk like a record spinning? am i getting this right? who knows. this being listened to more than outback is hilarious tho now i'm scared for that song. but uh yeah this was literally nothing idek what to give this shit.
rating: 4/10
i love you
TAMBOURINE!!!!!!!! imma be real now that i think about it ... this is the first song we've gotten tambo in thus far. i'm like pretty sure of that. and xylophone?? is that a xylophone?? vibraphone?? idk. anyway not loving the music the nonexistent beat is giving me nothing. this is another song i've literally never listened to in my life. lots of those on this album i guess lol. also wtf is up with these lyrics??? like the lyric screen is completely wrong i hate bjm fans syncing random ass fucking words to the track like come ON. open your ears people i'm too deaf to understand what he's saying i rely on this bullshit. anyway... vocals are forgettable so is the song itself i don't love it. I DON'T LOVE YOU, SONG. 💔
rating: 4/10
end of the day
okay ... the cure ass type intro beat. very moody i'm kinda liking it. okay then the vocals come in and i don't love it as much ( i'm reacting to this in real time ). and this slow ass song being five minutes long is kind of a crime. i mean we get a pick up of sorts but also not really. truthfully this was boring i really didn't like it! this is my lowest rated bjm song yet it is just not hitting in the slightest for me. so sorry anton.
rating: 3/10
the intro is def reminding me of evergreen a bit ( the intro has turned into the whole song ). i still like this more than records so idk what's going on with the plays. but uh yeah still forgettable not much going on here but shoegazey sounds and not even the emotional kind it's just guitar. average joe score for a song that's a little too long to just be this.
rating: 5/10
she's gone
i enjoy this song a fair amount! it's not my favorite by any means but it's soft and calming and the whole thing is very nice. i didn't even realize this is its original album, i only ever listen to it on tepid peppermint wonderland lol. the vocals are really good tho, i like how they get drawn out at the end. pretty long song, seven minutes, but i think it fits well on this album and it's not insanely difficult to listen to, its repetitiveness just kind of fades into the background. a little better than average stuff!
rating: 7/10
untitled (methodrone)
okay! so i will say one thing, i fucking LOVE this song. it has been a staple of shoegazey bjm for me and is an absolute killer fucking track. the chords are phenomenal, i love the bass, it's genuine perfection. HOWEVER. i enjoy the singles collection version sooooo much better than this one ... i think the distant, echoed vocals on the other one work better than the closer, louder vocals in methodrone's version. and the loudness of the other version is just ... god. it goes right through you in the best way possible. but it's still the same song, just a diff version, but the live one just fucking rocks!!! anton's singing on this one isn't very good idk what else to say. so, a couple points off for that, but rest assured when we get to the singles collection this fucking song is getting a billion out of ten rating i listen to it very frequently. oh also, the screaming guitar part is fucking phenomenal. i'm guessing someone is ACTUALLY screaming into like the guitar's pickups or ... well i don't really know how they're doing it, but it's amazing. kills me every time and it works even better on the live version. can't wait to get to it ( we have like fifteen chronological years before we get there ). BUT the ending little music is nice i just ... ugh. great track.
rating: 8/10
in india you - bonus track
another bonus track that SHOULD'VE STAYED OFF. in my humble opinion. like surely this works better on their satanic majesties' second request ( which is the one it next appears on ) or it would've even worked better on give it back?? which has sitar and other indian influenced type shit?? idk i just think it doesn't work here at all but overall the song is fine. one point off for shit placement tho.
rating: 6/10
and that was methodrone! i would say this was an album that definitely has more hits than misses, but some of these misses are .... random. not great. so i think i'm probably going to score this similarly to spacegirl, maybe a little lower in terms of the decimal point tho lol. i think the good shit on here works and the shit that's not good doesn't. thankfully, it was an enjoyable listen overall ( except for end of the day ) even when i wasn't loving the songs. pretty good album!
hits: wisdom, that girl suicide, evergreen
misses: end of the day, records, i love you
overall album score: 7/10
next up we're moving into 1996! this year holds three albums, which is still insane to me, and two of them are some of my favorites so i cannot wait! knowing me, take it from the man will come out pretty soon, but we'll see. i just work on these when i'm not doing shit and that's pretty often, so. yk. stay tuned!
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genericamentegiuseppe · 2 years ago
The Brian Jonestown Massacre - The Future Is Your Past
Anton Newcombe guarda al passato della band per riscoprine le origini, e tramite questo cerca di definirne il futuro...
Etichetta: APaese: USAAnno: 2023 Eccovi qualche link per ascoltarvi l’album suddetto: • SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/album/2gSCrwFLHcT0OhMgdMy0Qc • APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/it/album/the-future-is-your-past/1655736209
View On WordPress
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garzzum · 4 months ago
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Foul Murder 🤓
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Idc if this is cringe, Wisdom by The Brian Jonestown Massacre is nerevehk to me
(Strung Out In Heaven album version is better than Methodrone version imo🤓)
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luniviravosshipper · 15 days ago
☆⊰⊹ Viravos Inspired Playlist ⊹⊱☆
This Time of Night by New Order ─── ⋆⋅☆
Now you must decide / What good's a lie when you've nothing to hide / Maps they'll never show / They're dumb like you, they never know / It's time we said goodbye / Bury your head and silence your cry / Know the feel of pain … // … Just for you I wrap my face …
My Heart Is Empty by Nico ─── ⋆⋅☆
"My heart is empty / But the songs I sing / Are filled with love for you" // … There is no witness to my anger / When it stabs until he dies / I am looking for the strangler / To help me, help me with my crime // Show me the way to warning / Warning for the morning light / I will stab it with a knife / The blinding sun / The heartbeat for the time to come // The honesty / That lies to you
The Diamond Sea by Sonic Youth ─── ⋆⋅☆
Time takes its crazy toll / And how does your mirror grow / You better watch yourself when you jump into it / 'Cause the mirror's gonna steal your soul // … Blood crystalized to sand / And now I hope you'll understand / You reflected into his looking glass soul / And now the mirror is your only friend
The New by Interpol ─── ⋆⋅☆
I gave a lot to you / I take a lot from you too / You slave a lot from me / Guess you could say I gave you my edge // I can't pretend / I need to defend / Some part of me from you / I know I've spent some time oh lying …
What Lies Beneath by Life on Venus ─── ⋆⋅☆
Silent we walk / Through darkened fields / Covered in smoke / Midnight is still / I'm left behind / I clench my fists / I want to know / What lies beneath // A fire burns inside us / As long as we exist / A million lights above us / Will show what lies beneath
Butterfly Collector by A.R. Kane ─── ⋆⋅☆
You know I ain't gonna let you go …// … I'm gonna keep ya …// … I'm gonna kill you … // … You're so pretty … // … I'm gonna pin you down …
This Chain Won’t Break by Wild Nothing ─── ⋆⋅☆
And I don't know just what I got myself into / And all I know is I can't let go … // This chain won't break / Because of you
Wait by Whirr ─── ⋆⋅☆
Who are you / To argue with our / Thoughts on where our lives are going? / Faces with eyes never showing / Who are you to / Say you know me? // Don't wait for me / I won't wait for you / Don't wait up all night / Don't stay up 'til it's light
Now I Know You Could Never Be The One by The Meeting Places ─── ⋆⋅☆
How can it be all out of my hands? / Throw up a coin and live how it lands / There are rules, there are rules / And I'll learn them all somehow / I’m a fool, I'm a fool / And it's taken me until now // A mixed-up puzzle afraid to change / Break me into pieces to rearrange / There were times, there were times / That I thought you were the sun / Now I know, now I know / You could never be the one
For The Guilty by DIIV ─── ⋆⋅☆
Love revenge / Love redemption / Rise and fall / Start and stall // … Curtained in with arms outspread / I was a stranger in our bed / Shut away and getting thin / We were both strangers in our skin …
eightball by They Are Gutting a Body of Water ─── ⋆⋅☆
If the acrid taste, the awkward rust / Visits late / Of I miss you from before / When we’re in one place, forever spore / Remember, a familiar face / Lies in wait
Untitled (Methodrone) by The Brian Jonestown Massacre ─── ⋆⋅☆
Able to trip on a dime / Wondering why it went bad / What you want in life // Living alone in a lie / Don't understand you're not glad / It's about to end // Lost and alone in your life / Look in yourself / It's so sad … // Wondering can it unwind / Everything turned up so bad
You Tear the World in Two by Pale Saints ─── ⋆⋅☆
Tear the world in two / And choose a half / But look inside you / You know what you are / I've seen it through / And you will too / I can tell that you / Feel these things too // Know yourself / And teach yourself to walk / Into the hole / Exploding in your thoughts
Dark Star by the sleepover disaster ─── ⋆⋅☆
Shadow in mind, haunting me / And the sheets tossed aside for lack of sleep / Now though you're not here anymore / Like a dark star, I still feel your pull
Tears by Knifeplay ─── ⋆⋅☆
I will carry your tears around / And drink until I'm pure / Anything to calm me down / When the curses are the cures // … Touching our blood / I forgot who I was then / Death made us numb / But everything's gonna be different now
Moon Song by my bloody valentine ─── ⋆⋅☆
Hold my hand / But understand / You are the hated one / And you are the only one / You can look / And you can touch / That's why it's never fun / When you are the only one
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vyva-melinkolya · 1 month ago
You’re living alone in a lie Don’t understand, you feel glad ‘Cause it’s what you want
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dustedandsocial · 2 years ago
Dusted&Social EP #13 (7-15-23)
Pel Mel - Love On A Funeral Pyre [00:00] Romance - Romance [03:56] 66cl - Cccp (fedeli alla birra) [06:22] Nusidm - Run To The Shops [08:04] S.U.V. - Pleasure: Act of Defiance [10:50] Dadalú - Frutas [14:47] DJ Hesss - AutoBussing [15:57] L.F.T. - I Want To Be A Witch [19:27] Klara Lewis & Nik Colk Void - Ski [26:00] Exwhite - Mail [28:08] Balans - tko kot pepel [31:31] V/Z (Valentina Magaletti & Zongamin) - Suono Assente [33:38] Frankreich - Heptonstall [38:28] Geld - Hanging from a Rope [39:34] Jac Berrocal, Vincent Epplay, David Fenech - IZevil [42:52] 2Morph - A2 [46:37] TV Dinner Education - flip heli salto [47:42] Umarell & Zdaura - Alicia [50:48] Resa - Die Kleinen und die Großen [53:44] Elvin Brandhi - Methodrone [58:08] Kaukolampi - The Mask of Sanity [1:02:19] Zuli - Quack [1:07:32] Kosmetika - Psycho TV [1:11:02] Soft Blade - Silent People [1:13:19] Dissemblance - Furio [1:15:52] Delphine Dora & Michel Henritzi - Tu me manques nuit et jour comme si je n'étais pas encore né [1:18:46] Regis Turner - sur l'herbe coupée [1:22:13] The Particles - The Trumpet Song [1:26:01]
Pictured: The Particles
On Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/dustedandsocial/dustedsocial-ep-13-7-15-23/
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riseofthecommonwoodpile · 2 years ago
i think that if i'm not careful i could end up having an obsessive love of The Brian Jonestown Massacre, and that would simply be a bridge too far. i can't conscience that. this album and Methodrone are incredible though.
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icedancergirl · 2 years ago
30 <3
30 ...I share a birthday with.
methodrone - the brian jonestown massacre
…and justice for all - metallica
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onpyre · 1 year ago
55, 60, 99 🤠
howdy :)
55: geyser - mitski
60: bank head (extended) - kelela
99: untitled (methodrone) - the brian jonestown massacre
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corduroysockz · 1 year ago
Thanks for the tag!
C - cabinet man by lemon demon
O - our trinitone blast by stereolab
R - rain of ruin by suicide
D - death by white lies
U - untitled (methodrone) by the brian jonestown massacre
R - run by spiritualized
O - oh! Sweet nuthin' by the velvet underground
Y - you showed me by the turtles
S - sterling moss by swirlies
O - octopus by syd barrett
C - come down easy by spacemen 3
K - kings lead hat by brian eno
Z - zombie by jye ant
Thanks for the tag @swamp-cats-den Rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people.
R - Roxanne by The Police :3
O - Out of the Blue by Elton John
X - X-Kid by Green Day
A - Another Brick in the Wall part 2 by Pink Floyd
N - Nowhere Man by The Beatles
N - Not to Touch the Earth by The Doors
E - Enter Sandman by Metallica
P - Paint It Black by the Rolling Stones
O - Outlaw Pete by Bruce Springsteen
L - Love in the Dark by Adele
I - I Fought the Law by The Clash
C - Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen
E - Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode
Tagging: @ainomica @alexmey-does-an-arts @phytine @imdoingawesome @whovienne @freezerpen @veraynes-blog @anonymouscatloaf @salmonidos @sneakertin @isqueedmyself @hobgoblinns @a-sky-of-diamonds but everyone who thinks they can come up with as many songs feel free to grab :)
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baravaggio · 2 years ago
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methodrones · 1 year ago
album review : their satanic majesties' second request
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released: june 1996
genre: psychedelic rock
and here we are to one of bjm's most popular albums! i think it's pretty solid, though i can't think of every track off the top of my head or anything like that, so i'll have to see after going through it. of course, this is the album that holds anemone, so it makes sense that it would be so popular. but let's dive in!
all around you - intro
this is the same as the outro, but we have a fun little voiceover to the music... this is for sure anton talking out of his ass but i love it. i think this is definitely somewhat inspired by the intro of sing this all together ( the first track off the rolling stones' album, their satanic majesties request ) which is also cool. i mean obviously, the album is literally named after it. this is giving kind of culty vibes and i'm surprised i've never actually listened to this? i reaaaally like the voiceover it's giving me everything, his voice slowly becoming more and more manic. good shit! i really enjoyed this, especially the lyrics like "the love we share / it's a secret for everyone." very much enjoyed...
rating: 9/10
cold to the touch
it's been a loooong time since i listened to this song. this is giving 60s, it's really good lol. and the tambourine ofc <3 but the chorus is great, the 'wooo!' is fun. i love when they just yell random shit. solo slaps as always, there will never be a bjm solo i don't love i think ... also anton's kind of whispered voice is reminding me of matt hollywood, i wonder if he wrote this song. i wouldn't be surprised, it's got that very sultry vibe matt's songs usually bring. but, who knows! good song, i enjoyed it much more than the last times i've heard it.
rating: 9/10
donovan said
the beat on this one is really good, very eastern inspired for sure. which i guess makes sense that something like in india you would be on this album lmao, i forgot how much this album brings in that sound. "she took just a tiny sip / now she's starting to trip" I LIKE THESE LYRICS. and the way anton sings "i wonder what she sees in you" ughhhhh it's good ... i've always enjoyed this song, the way the lines are sang and how it all flows together, and the soloooooo?!?? i can't tell if it's a synth or like an actual violin or something ... either way i really like it. so i'd give this one a good rating! it's not my fav on this album, but i do listen to it every now and again.
rating: 8/10
in india you
speaking of in india you ... here we have it again! it's soooo much better suited to this album than methodrone idk what was going on with that decision but, yk. whatever. the song itself is pretty good, the name is self explanatory when listening to it lol. the little beat drop is good, i like the vocals ... this is probably the same shit i said on it earlier tho ( unless i just complained about it, which i might've done ). probs my least fav so far but it's not bad or anything like that.
rating: 7/10
no come down
MATT HOLLYWOOD! i listened to this song for the first time like two months ago and i really enjoyed it, but, again. matt. his voice does hit every time and the tambourine coming in ... phewwww. the riff is good and i like some of these lyrics. and the switch up then it going back to being slow?! i love it. his vocals on the "if there's a god in heaven" are good i fuckin love his voice UGH. it's not even like his voice is that amazing it just has this quality to it i really enjoy. also i like the line "i got the holy spirit breathing down my neck" his little religious lyrics are fun, the second switch up is really good. anyway kind of a long song, almost six minutes, it does feel a little long but overall it's a solid track!
rating: 8/10
(around you) everywhere
okay synth ?! very short kind of interlude, sounds very similar to all around you. it's giving their satanic majesties request lol. the horns are good, but yk, it's just ... instrumentals. not much to comment on here. also my spotify fucking crashed right after this song played that's weird. thanks ANTON.
raring: 5/10
I FUCKIN LOVE THIS SONG. for me this is absolutely a hit, i think every single part of it works so well and all of the different solos make me go crazy. the lyrics and the way they're sung are also??? SO GOOD???? "missed my connection to the second resurrection / on a close up inspection / i lost my direction" WHAT THE FUCKKKK the lyrics have no right being this amazing. i do think this song is a little long, at least for me personally, but truthfully every other part makes up for it so ... it gets an extra point from me. god the soloing is just so fucking good. "i turned to jesus when i lost all my friends / and the good times all ended, with my money i spent it" idk something about the way this shit is sung makes me go insane. then the "have mercy please jesus" being sung in the background of the outro solo.... fuuuuuuck.
rating: 10/10
before you
another kind of short interlude, longer than (around you) everywhere tho. again with the eastern kinda influence! honestly i don't have much to say on this, it's alright. it gets a shrug.
rating: 5/10
miss june '75
ohhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHH. matt. matt matt matt you never cease to amaze me with your songwriting. this is a matt hollywood song through and through and i fucking adore it. it's slow, sensual, has the matt-esque suggestiveness of it all ... yeah. i know these lyrics by heart not even gonna lie and this is a fun, but simple, love song to play on guitar. do you want to hear me talk about solos again? because the solos in this song are great. anyway we get to the kind of main course and i really love the line "the way she dances makes me lose my mind" ughhhhh.... idk. something about it! his voice is so good here. i will say i usually skip the rest after "the two brightest stars up in heaven" just bc it's literally matt singing about having sex but. yk. interesting listen! very long song, but if you just listen to the first five minutes you'll be good and get the gist.
the greatest hit on this album, the most popular bjm song ... anemone! i actually have no clue who sings this one, i heard it was anton's wife, katy, but idk what was going on in 1996 so i can't really say that with any sort of confidence. anyway this song is just great. do i even have to describe why??? the intro, the riff, the solos, the bass. the tambourine literally makes this song what it is. and the vocals are great, i really like her voice. i also like this song live, it's soooooo good, i think i may actually prefer anton's voice on this track but the studio version really is great. the outro with anton and her singing "now that you're not around," UGHHH so good. this was the first bjm song i ever heard and what i think should be most people's first foray into the band! it pretty much perfectly encapsulates their sound. so, obvs, this gets a perfect score.
rating: 10/10
baby (prepraise)
another random instrumental ... yeah. idk why this reminds me of something that would be in the shining LOL.
rating: 5/10
mooooore eastern type stuff. idk if that's a sitar or what but i like the sound! i am not actually sure i've ever heard this song, very simple lyrics tho. i honestly don't have much to say, it's my least favorite on this album up until this point. another shrug.
rating: 6/10
bad baby
interesting little intro. interesting song in general ... i do like it tho, it's kind of soft and has a nice beat. the vocals are also good! this is pretty long, like eight minutes long, which i don't love but. whatcha gonna do. also has a percussion ass outro which is pretty cool. but this gets the same amount of love from me as feelers did.
rating: 6/10
cause, i lover
I DIDN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE THIS AT FIRST it's from thank god for mental illness ... or i guess technically it's from this album but it appears again a little differently on the next album. i really like this song!!! it's short and sweet but very country ish. good stuff.
rating: 9/10
(baby) love of my life
short ass instrumental again. literally i have nothing to say here! not too huge a fan of these types of tracks tho.
rating: 5/10
slowdown (fuck tomorrow)
weird track .... it feels very beatles. it's alright, not loooving it or anything like that but it does align pretty well with the 60s feeling a lot of this stuff is going for. not much more to say!
rating: 6/10
here it comes
i really like this song!! it's not too long, and the music is great and so are the vocals. very calm and vibey ... the lyrics are also cool, it's just overall a good song, not my favorite on the album but definitely a nice one to listen to. that solo too ... UGH!
rating: 9/10
all around you - outro
this is the all around you i usually listen to! but i may have to start taking a listen to the intro one too lol. it's pretty much the same exact song minus the voiceovers, with some other changes. i think they probably could've left one of these off the album, it doesn't seem all that needed to put the same song on here twice, but hey ... i like this one, surprisingly i like the intro one better tho!
rating: 8/10
to crazy to care - bonus track
this song is ALSO on thank god for mental illness, it's a good one and i love it!! i don't think it's necessarily fit to be on this album, but it's a bonus track and apparently with bonus tracks bjm doesn't give a shit. clearly. look at spacegirl... ANYWAY good, short song!! i'll go into it more on the next review.
rating: 9/10
there we have the album! this album was a little longer than the previous one, but not by much. i don't think i've ever listened to it all the way through like this, so it definitely put the whole thing into perspective for me. there's a lot of psychedelic rock vibes and eastern influence in here, it's a great album, mostly the misses lie with the interludes though. i don't think they were all that needed, or they could've been a little more interesting. the first half was also better than the second half in my opinion. but either way, this was very good! i actually have a greater love for this album now having heard all the genres and themes tie in together.
hits: anemone, jesus, miss june '75
misses: feelers, bad baby, all of the interludes
overall album score: 8.5/10
there we have it! next up is thank god for mental illness, which i've been looking forward to this whole time. expect it soon!!
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visualtones · 3 years ago
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The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Methodrone
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allmybestshit · 4 years ago
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amolap · 3 years ago
Right behind your door is a treasure you're ignored, but you have to trust me, or nail me to the boards, crown of thorns for my rewards.
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