#meteorite indonesia
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Seru banget deh kemarin lihat instastorynya Judith, dia dan rekan-rekannya di Kompas.id lagi nge-run investigasi series gitu berkaitan dengan angka pernikahan yang turun di Indonesia recently (as are in all other parts of the world). Terus ada satu tulisan yang judulnya “Mencari Jawaban dari “Kapan Nikah?”(4)” https://www.kompas.id/baca/investigasi/2024/10/21/mencari-jawaban-dari-kapan-nikah?open_from=Investigasi_Page (semoga nggak kena paywall ya, soalnya aku subscribe Kompas.id jadi bisa baca dengan mudah), dan ada part yang intriguing banget di salah satu quote interviewee-nya. Eh ternyata gak direct quote deng, udah di-intisari sama penulis artikel, tapi bunyi kalimatnya gini:
“Antonius pun sudah menempuh studi S-3. Menurut dia, perempuan yang dapat menjadi pasangannya dinilai dari segi wawasan, ketertarikan untuk mengobservasi sesuatu, selera seni, kemauan untuk belajar hal-hal baru, pengenalan diri, kemampuan memahami orang lain, serta kemampuan berpendapat dan mengartikulasikannya dengan baik. Dia melanjutkan, pasangan yang berwawasan, berpendidikan, dan mau untuk belajar membuat relasinya tidak membosankan. Ada beragam hal yang bisa dieksplorasi dan diobrolkan dengan pasangan.”
I choked when I read “selera seni” karena iyasih emang gakpenting-penting banget kayanya bagi beberapa orang, tapi buat aku itu tuh penting banget buat dicari di pasangan! Begitu selesai baca artikel Kompas ini, otakku langsung wandering around ngalor ngidul: “Iya yah, kalau nanti suamiku gak suka dengerin musik gimana… nggak ngerasa musik itu penting in life… Kalau belum pernah denger Stray Kids gapapa deh, bisa ku-perkenalkan, tapi kalau nggak sampai dengerin MCR… matilah aku.
Terus juga kalau dia gak bisa melukis atau gakpernah megang brush seumur dia hidup juga gapapa deh masih bisa kutoleransi, tapi minimal tahu van Gogh itu siapa dan bisa menikmati painting/sculpture the way I do…
Kalau dia gakpernah nonton musical theatre aku bisa introduce juga, gapapa. Duh tapi kalau bisa, suamiku minimal pernah nonton konser YaAllah dan semoga dia juga senang ngeliatin minute details on stage engineering dan manajemen performance. Semoga dia pernah getting involved in any kind of art production deh: be it in a band, or plays, dance group, atau bahkan jadi sound engineernya aja pun gapapa.”
Udah tuh kan kekhawatiran tentang “selera seni”-nya… Apakah berhenti di situ sodara-sodara? Tentu saja tidak.
Makin parah sekarang spiralnya pindah ke keilmuan… (palm face). “Kalau dia gak se-fascinated itu ngelihat fossil gimana…? Atau meteorite? Atau just plain burung making sound in the park??? Aku harus sama orang yang appreciating nature juga Ya Allah, kayanya biologist wouldn’t be a bad option… atau orang yang belajar space engineering/aviation juga gapapa deh minimal dia bisa appreciate betapa kerennya burung bisa terbang dengan segala aerodinamisitasnya (is that even a word?)”
Setelah profesi/keilmuan, pindah ke lifestyle/hobby… “Terus harus suka baca juga ni orang, jangan sampe amit-amit gak suka baca. Kalau bisa tapi jangan yang bacanya self-help book gitu Ya Allah karena cringe banget gabisa banget akutuh sama abang-abang/dedek-dedek yang paling iye ngerasa paling ngerti gimana dunia bekerja cuma gara-gara selesai baca “The Psychology of Money” (I have no beef on this book whatsoever and I also haven’t read it, but you know what I mean, you guys know this very specific group of people and how annoying they can be). Selain suka baca, I would be really grateful YaAllah kalau ni orang well-traveled, minimal pernah nyusun itinerary travel sendiri, knows how to book flights, hotels, making visa. Intinya amit-amit banget kalau sampai harus deal sama cowok yang gak bisa ngapa-ngapain sendiri atau cuma bisa nyuruh-nyuruh orang doang. I don’t mind sih kalau dia emang belum banyak visited places, tapi minimal banget mau belajar dan adaptasi aja udah cukup kok YaAllah. Sama I would really appreciate kalo orang ini juga suka belajar new languages, how fun the house will be kalau kita keep switching languages dan baca buku berbagai macam bahasa sambil travelling ke banyak tempat buat practice ngomong bahasa itu??! (Ok udah agak a stretch, sekarang jadi kayak imajinasi tingkat tinggi).”
Tau gak beres dari mikir ini apa yang kepikiran di otakku? “Buset Non lu mau cari suami atau cari mahasiswa bimbingan skripsi???” Tapi WAJAR KAN??! Orang ini adalah orang yang aku akan spend the rest of my life with?! Tentu aja aku bakal harus compromise for certain things and he will do, too. But it never hurts to be specific on who you want to share your life with???
Ujung-ujungnya tapi melihat track record aku, most of the time, kalau aku sudah SUKA banget sama orang, sampe head over heels, udah kek kena santet, biasanya ya don’t matter juga mau ni orang dengerinnya ST12 juga (don’t at me, I love ST12, and RADJA too, I think they are geniuses). Tapi being single over 30 now dan setelah mengakumulasi cukup lumayan pengalaman hidup berrelasi dengan orang-orang, at least aku tahu kualitas apa yang aku GAK MAU ada di calon pasanganku kelak. And it’s a really good filter.
Pada akhirnya, pas dipikir-pikir lagi, teman-temanku pun nggak dengerin Stray Kids tapi aku bisa-bisa aja berteman sama mereka, teman-temanku sekarang nggak semuanya bisa appreciating fossil the way I do but I have no problem. Mereka juga nggak nonton konser, makanya ku selalu nonton konser sendirian. Beberapa ada yang suka baca, tapi mayoritas nonton tiktok dan aku masih mau temenan sama mereka. Beberapa ada yang learning 3rd, 4th language, tapi mostly ya cuma bisa Bahasa Indonesia dan English and I am fine with that. Mungkin emang kayanya standarku tinggi banget tapi pas dilihat-lihat lagi, rasa toleransiku sepertinya jauh lebih tinggi/besar daripada “ick”-ku sama orang. Pada akhirnya aku tetap sayang sama teman-temanku ini, kalimat andalanku: “Well, if they are happy, so am I.”.
Seperti yang baru aja ku-post di instastory kemarin, sebetulnya ku cuma butuh suami yang hobi masak dan bersih-bersih rumah karena jujur capek banget kerja seharian nulis tesis tuh, apalagi kalau ngelab YaAllahhhh. Pulang-pulang masih harus mikir masak apa, motongin onions, berdiri depan kompor… Marilah kita berdoa dan wujudkan suami yang punya “selera seni” yang sama denganku dan jago memasak itu. Aamiin. (Kata orang kalau doa di-spell out baik out loud verbally atau dalam bentuk tulisan, biasanya akan jadi lebih mudah termanifestasi, karena otak kita sudah tahu apa yang kita mau).
30.18 31/10/2024 15:07
(I really should be writing my thesis but here I am, writing what I want in my future husband).
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Indonesian photographer guanarto song lined up with sacred mt merapi for the aquarids meteor shower and nailed this beauty on the night of May 27, 2021.
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Man becomes millionaire overnight after meteorite fell from the sky | viral News A 33-year-old Indonesian man became a millionaire overnight when a meteorite worth Rs 10 crore crashed through the tin roof of his house.
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Man Becomes Overnight Millionaire After Meteorite Crashes Through His Roof
Man Becomes Overnight Millionaire After Meteorite Crashes Through His Roof
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Josua Hutagalung has sold the meteorite for over a million pounds.
An Indonesian man became a millionaire overnight after a meteor crashed through his roof. Josua Hutagalung, 33, is a coffin maker from Sumatra who became astronomically richer after he recently sold the meteorite for over 1 million pounds – or roughly Rs 9.8 crore.
Mr Hutagalung was working outside his home…
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An Indonesian coffin maker became an instant millionaire when a meteorite worth £1.4 million crashed through the roof of his house. Josua Hutagalung, 33, was working on a coffin next to his house when the space rock smashed through the veranda at the edge of his living room in Kolang, North Sumatra. #indonesian #indonesia #sumatra #meteorite #millionaire (at Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHw12VqH4jm/?igshid=112orkodmmlaw
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Sulfur and Satan
Sulfur as an element
Sulfur (or sulphur in British English) is a chemical element with the symbol S and atomic number 16.
Sulfur is the tenth most abundant element by mass in the universe and the fifth most on Earth.
Historically and in literature sulfur is also called brimstone, which means "burning stone".
Sulfur is an essential element for all life, but almost always in the form of organosulfur compounds or metal sulfides.
Sulfur is one of the core chemical elements needed for biochemical functioning and is an elemental macronutrient for all living organisms.
As a solid, sulfur is a characteristic lemon yellow; when burned, sulfur melts into a blood-red liquid and emits a blue flame.
Sulfur, usually as sulfide, is present in many types of meteorites.
The distinctive colors of Jupiter's volcanic moon Io are attributed to various forms of molten, solid, and gaseous sulfur.
Elemental sulfur can be found near hot springs and volcanic regions in many parts of the world, especially along the Pacific Ring of Fire; such volcanic deposits are currently mined in Indonesia, Chile, and Japan.
The radical anion S3− gives the blue color of the mineral lapis lazuli.
English translations of the Christian Bible commonly referred to burning sulfur as "brimstone", giving rise to the term "fire-and-brimstone" sermons, in which listeners are reminded of the fate of eternal damnation that await the unbelieving and unrepentant. It is from this part of the Bible that Hell is implied to "smell of sulfur" (likely due to its association with volcanic activity).
Early European alchemists gave sulfur a unique alchemical symbol, a triangle at the top of a cross (🜍).
Left: alchemical sign for sulfur/the combustible elements/Pallas
Center: 2/3rds of the Trinity sign, inverted/inverted phosphorus sign
Right: the alchemical sign for brimstone, an older/archaic name for sulfur.
In alchemy
Sulfur or soul, the principle of combustibility
Sulfur represents the soul in Alchemical philosophy. It is a volatile principle that relates to the individual essence of a being and expresses itself through unique compounds that are typically found in the oil of any given substance.
In association with Satan/Lucifer
Fire and brimstone frequently appear as agents of divine wrath throughout the Christian Book of Revelation culminating in chapters 19–21, wherein Satan and the ungodly are cast into a lake of fire burning with brimstone (Greek: λίμνην τοῦ πυρὸς τῆς καιομένης ἐν θείῳ, limnēn tou pyros tēs kaiomenēs en thei).
Revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Brimstone, an archaic term synonymous with sulfur, evokes the acrid odor of sulfur dioxide given off by lightning strikes.
The church fathers brought the fallen lightbringer Lucifer into connection with the devil on the basis of a saying of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke (10.18 EU): "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning."
#satanism#luciferianism#satan#lucifer#my post#satanist#theistic satanism#luciferian#theistic luciferianism
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Sebetulnya kemarin habis visiting natural history museumnya Vienna juga yang AMAT SANGAT BAGUS super recommended dan dari situ jadi terjadi banyak percakapan di dm tentang "ke mana membawa anak untuk belajar natural sciences kalau di Indonesia?"
Kebun Raya Bogor
Seaworld, Ragunan, Taman Safari
Kalau ada yang ada ide lain boleh banget dipost di komen biar bisa ku-share.
Sebetulnya sih segampang keluar halaman rumah terus ngasih trigger question macem: "Kenapa pohon yang ini berbunga tapi yang ini nggak??"
"ini pasir datangnya dari mana sih? Kok bisa sampai sini??"
"Gimana caranya burung bisa terbang??"
Cuma ya kalau mau belajar sendiri kaya gini PR terbesarnya adalah: Bapak-Ibunya harus pinter juga dan mau terus belajar.
Dari sini ku jadi kepikiran apa aku buka servis babysitting sambil tipis-tipis home-schooling ngajarin anak orang ya? Wkwkwkw. Ku udah sering banget sebetulnya belajar di sini di Oxford buat deep talk sama bocil-bocil umur 4-5 tahun ini. Pernah ku dan Rashid bahas kenapa jerapah lehernya panjang (dihubungin ke anatomi dan seleksi alam). Tapi ya kalau mau bikin jasa kayak gini, rate-ku juga harus tinggi kali yah HAHA. Bisa didiskusikan. Intinya tapi seru sepertinya jadi parent. Ku pas ke museum kemarin juga ngelihat dan dengerin parents2 ini ngejelasin meteorite ke anaknya. Seru banget dan super gak sabar ngajarin anak sendiri!!! (Udah terlalu sering ngajarin anak orang soalnya lol).
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Meteorite ने शख्स को बनाया करोड़पति, आखिर सोने से ज्यादा कीमती क्यों होते हैं उल्कापिंड?
Meteorite ने शख्स को बनाया करोड़पति, आखिर सोने से ज्यादा कीमती क्यों होते हैं उल्कापिंड?
इंडोनेशिया के में 33 साल के जोशुआ हुतागलुंग के घर पर आसमान से एक अनमोल खजाना आ गिरा और मालामाल हो गए। दरअसल, उनके घर गिरा था अंतरिक्ष से आया Meteorite जिसने उन्हें 10 करोड़ रुपये दिला दिए। ऐसे में सवाल उठता है कि आखिर Meteorites में ऐसा क्या होता है जो ये इतने कीमती होते हैं। यहां तक कई कुछ की कीमत सोने को भी पीछे छोड़ ��ेती है। इस सवाल का जवाब खोजने से पहले जानते हैं कि आखिर Meteorites…
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#Latest Science News#meteorite#meteorite expensive#meteorite indonesia#meteorite metals#meteorite price#Science Headlines#Science News#science news in hindi#what are meteorite#उल्कापिंड#उल्कापिंड इंडोनेशिया#उल्कापिंड कीमत#उल्कापिंड धातु#साइंस न्यूज़ Samachar
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday!
Sir Isaac Newton died a virgin.
It is illegal to mispronounce "Arkansas" while in Arkansas.
Some penguins are prostitutes, offering sex in exchange for pebbles.
Once you fall in love, there’s no going back to just being friends.
A man once tried to rob a bank after paying $500 to a ‘wizard’ to make him invisible.
Cameron Diaz and Snoop Dogg used to go to the same high school and she bought weed from him.
Squeezing a man's testicles can kill him, due to the release of too much adrenaline.
In 2018, Munafri Arifuddin ran unopposed for mayor of Makassar, Indonesia. He lost the election to "none of the above".
82% teens don’t ring the doorbell. They text or call to say they’re outside.
Australian koalas are in danger of extinction because over half of them have chlamydia.
A man named Walter Summerford was struck by lightning three times in his life. After his death, his gravestone was also struck.
Emotional pain lasts for 10 to 20 minutes, anything longer is actually self-inflicted by over-thinking, making things worse.
In 2020, two men were arrested in Florida while carrying bags full of drugs with the words ‘Bag Full of Drugs’ written on them.
When a potential meteorite turns out to be just a rock, geologists call it a 'meteorwrong’.
The New York Museum of Modern Art has had a Mondrian painting hanging upside down for 75 years. They plan to keep it hanging as is.
In China, it’s illegal to reincarnate without filling in a government Reincarnation Application form.
The most recent winner of the Bookseller/Diagram Prize for Oddest Title Of The Year was "Is Superman Circumcised?" by Roy Schwartz.
The only difference between fog and mist is visibility: if you can’t see more than 100 metres ahead, it’s fog, not mist.
One of the best feelings comes when you realize that you're perfectly happy without the people you thought you needed most.
The sentence "Are you as bored as I am?" can be read backwards and still makes sense.
Vincent Van Gogh died penniless. He only sold one painting during his lifetime, 'The Red Vineyard'.
When you kiss someone passionately, their DNA will stay in your mouth for at least an hour afterwards.
At a restaurant, wash your hands after ordering. The menu is generally the dirtiest thing in a restaurant!
When the KGB tried to blackmail Indonesian President Sukarno with a sex tape, he is said to have been delighted and asked for more copies to be made.
When restaurants play classical music in the background, diners spend 10% more per person. When they play pop music, diners spend 10% less.
In 2020, a French man was awarded €40,000 by a court because they determined his job was so incredibly boring it had damaged his mental health.
John Harvey Kellogg, the co-creator of Corn Flakes, fostered 42 children but was so repelled by sex he never consummated his marriage.
Some of the stranger jobs listed in the 1881 UK census were ‘Turnip Shepherd’, ‘Gymnast To House Painter’, ‘Electric Bath Attendant’, ‘Examiner Of Underclothing’ and ‘Running About’.
According to a historical anecdote, a Neapolitan nobleman once fought 14 duels to prove that Dante was a better poet than Ariosto. At his deathbed, he confessed that he had read neither of them.
In 2010, a debate between the two candidates for prime minister of Australia had to be rescheduled because it conflicted with the final of ‘Masterchef’.
In 1986, two Russian pilots got into an argument over whether one could land the plane blind. Determined to prove he could, the main pilot shut the curtains and proceeded to land without vision. He missed the runaway, flipped the plane and killed 70 passengers.
In 2013, a 16-year-old girl cheated death and survived the tragic Asiana plane crash at San Francisco Airport. However, moments after the crash, she was run over and killed by a responding fire truck arriving at the scene.
To avoid US libel suits, authors will sometimes make sure to note that a fictionalized person has a small penis. For libel, it must be obvious the real person and character are the same. Men rarely want to prove in court that they are obviously the character with a small penis.
In 1940, a live broadcast of a BBC radio production of ‘Hamlet’ was so far behind the schedule that, before most of the characters had died, an announcer had to step in and say, “And there we must leave them ...”
Contrary to popular belief, Olympic athletes in ancient Greece didn't compete completely naked, they wore something called a kynodesme, a cord or string or sometimes a leather strip that was to prevent exposure in public and to restrict untethered movement of the penis during sporting competition.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
#mixcloud#mi soul#dj#music#new blog#lockdown#coronavirus#books#democracy#brexit#cronyism#election#tuesdaymotivation#autumm
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New Picks in Magical Realism: beautiful book covers
Build Your House Around My Body by Violet Kupersmith
Two young women go missing decades apart. Both are fearless, both are lost. And both will have their revenge. 1986 The teenage daughter of a wealthy Vietnamese family loses her way in an abandoned rubber plantation while fleeing her angry father and is forever changed. 2011 A young, unhappy Vietnamese American woman disappears from her new home in Saigon without a trace. The fates of these two women are inescapably linked, bound together by past generations, by ghosts and ancestors, by the history of possessed bodies and possessed lands. Alongside them, we meet a young boy who is sent to a boarding school for the métis children of French expatriates, just before Vietnam declares its independence from colonial rule; two Frenchmen who are trying to start a business with the Vietnam War on the horizon; and the employees of the Saigon Spirit Eradication Co., who find themselves investigating strange occurrences in a farmhouse on the edge of a forest. Each new character and timeline brings us one step closer to understanding what binds them all. Part puzzle, part revenge tale, part ghost story, this book takes us from colonial mansions to ramshackle zoos, from sweaty nightclubs to the jostling seats of motorbikes, from ex-pat flats to sizzling back-alley street carts. Spanning more than fifty years of Vietnamese history and barreling toward an unforgettable conclusion, this is a time-traveling, heart-pounding, border-crossing fever dream of a novel that will haunt you long after the last page.
On Fragile Waves by E. Lily Yu
Firuzeh and her brother Nour are children of fire, born in an Afghanistan fractured by war. When their parents, their Atay and Abay, decide to leave, they spin fairy tales of their destination, the mythical land and opportunities of Australia. As the family journeys from Pakistan to Indonesia to Nauru, heading toward a hope of home, they must rely on fragile and temporary shelters, strangers both mercenary and kind, and friends who vanish as quickly as they’re found. When they arrive in Australia, what seemed like a stable shore gives way to treacherous currents. Neighbors, classmates, and the government seek their own ends, indifferent to the family’s fate. For Firuzeh, her fantasy worlds provide some relief, but as her family and home splinter, she must surface from these imaginings and find a new way.
The Wide Starlight by Nicole Lesperance
According to Arctic legend, if you whistle at the Northern Lights, they'll swoop down and carry you off forever. Sixteen-year-old Eline Davis knows it's true because it happened to her mother. Eli was there that night on the remote glacier in Svalbard, when her mother whistled, then vanished. Years later, Eli is living with her dad on Cape Cod. When Eli discovers the Northern Lights will be visible for one night on the Cape, she hatches a plan to use the lights to contact her missing mother. And it works. Her mother arrives with a hazy story of where she's been all this time. Eli knows no one will believe them, so she keeps it all a secret. But when magical, dangerous things start happening--narwhals appearing in Cape Cod Bay, meteorites landing in the yard by the hundreds, three shadowy fairytale princesses whispering ominous messages--the secrets start to become more like lies. It's all too much, too fast, and Eli pushes her mother away, not expecting her to disappear as abruptly as she appeared. Her mother's gone again, and Eli's devastated. Until she finds the note written in mother's elegant scrawl: Find me where I left you. And so, off to Svalbard Eli goes.
Caul Baby by Morgan Jerkins
Laila desperately wants to become a mother, but each of her previous pregnancies has ended in heartbreak. This time has to be different, so she turns to the Melancons, an old and powerful Harlem family known for their caul, a precious layer of skin that is the secret source of their healing power. When a deal for Laila to acquire a piece of caul falls through, she is heartbroken, but when the child is stillborn, she is overcome with grief and rage. What she doesn’t know is that a baby will soon be delivered in her family—by her niece, Amara, an ambitious college student—and delivered to the Melancons to raise as one of their own. Hallow is special: she’s born with a caul, and their matriarch, Maman, predicts the girl will restore the family’s prosperity. Growing up, Hallow feels that something in her life is not right. Did Josephine, the woman she calls mother, really bring her into the world? Why does her cousin Helena get to go to school and roam the streets of New York freely while she’s confined to the family’s decrepit brownstone? As the Melancons’ thirst to maintain their status grows, Amara, now a successful lawyer running for district attorney, looks for a way to avenge her longstanding grudge against the family. When mother and daughter cross paths, Hallow will be forced to decide where she truly belongs. Engrossing, unique, and page-turning, Caul Baby illuminates the search for familial connection, the enduring power of tradition, and the dark corners of the human heart.
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Agni Manitite, have you heard of it?! Y’all this is news to me too! Unlike its partner moldavite, it’s slightly more rare as most of it has been underwater on the island of Java, Indonesia and is very hard to come by🙀
Coming from a meteorite crash landing over the Indonesian archipelago, this tektite can vary from a dark charcoal grey-black to a smoky translucent color! She is known as the pearl of fire, derived from the ancient Sanskrit term “agni mani”🔥
But get this: the healing properties, being directly connected to the solar plexus chakra, engages it to warp speed💫 in other words, all those unique characteristics we each consider to make us ourselves are thus more enhanced allowing the key to unlocking a majority of answers we may not have even been looking for👽
This is in hopes of one channeling their own conjured energy into the task, dream, goal or desire that is at the forefront of their mind. Pearl of Fire should result in increased confidence of yourself and your own capabilities🙏
You are given a gift when you are born into this world; free will 🌟consciousness🌟
While being consciously aware of your emotional state, Agni Manitite helps direct your own personal will to that which truly brings happiness and joy into your life. This results in better thinking, strength, and positivity that will spread throughout your physical vessel like wildfire🤩
If you are interested in owning one (or a few🌌) of these beauties, send me a DM! We can also create jewelry with them (like the ones above that are available) for personal individual intentions💚
🌱Shop Here🌱
This has been your little crystal tea for the day! Stay shining and beautiful beansprouts!✌️
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The exact moment when a meteor hits Indonesia's most active volcano, Mount Merapi.
by Gunarto Song
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Indonesian man becomes instant millionaire after $1.8million SPACE ROCK crashes through his roof https://www.the-sun.com/news/1812079/indonesia-meteorite-space-rock-roof-millionaire/
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Available starting tomorrow!!! Tektite! This Tektite is known as an "Indochinite". Indochinite Tektites are solidified rock, which were fired into the Earth's upper atmosphere by a meteorite impact and subsequently cooled to form the distinctive glass-like structure. Indochinite Tektites are distinctly dark black in contrast to the green of European Moldavite Tektites. Indochinite tektites, as the name suggests, are found in the Indochinese peninsula, from Australia and the Pacific islands of Micronesia in the east and south, to China and Indonesia in the north and west. Tektites are gravel-size bodies that are composed of black, green, brown or gray, natural glass that are formed from terrestrial debris ejected during extraterrestrial impacts. They are characterized by 1. a fairly homogeneous composition; 2. an extremely low content of water and other volatiles; 3. an abundant lechatelierite; 4. a general lack of microscopic crystals known as microlites and chemical relation to the local bedrock or local sediments; and 5. their distribution within geographically extensive strewnfields. Tektites generally range in size from centimeters to millimeters. Millimeters-size tektites are known as microtektites. Although tektites are superficially similar to some terrestrial volcanic glasses (obsidians), they have unusual distinctive physical characteristics that distinguish them from such glasses. First, they are completely glassy and lack any microlites or phenocrysts unlike terrestrial volcanic glasses. The difference in water content can be used to distinguish tektites from terrestrial volcanic glasses. When heated to their melting point, terrestrial volcanic glasses will turn into a foamy glass because of their content of water and other volatiles. Unlike terrestrial volcanic glass, a tektite will produce only a few bubbles at most when heated to its melting point because of its much lower water and other volatiles content. #easternexotics #animallovers #savetheanimals #wildlife #nature #environment #wecanallmakeadifference #exotics #metaphysical #metaphysicalshop #metaphysicalhealing #crystalhealing #crystalshop #gemstones #gemstone #tektite #meteor (at Antique 2 Chic Vendor Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/COQ91yGnniS/?igshid=19wfiviwxcvja
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In Indonesia un meteorite si schiantò sulla casa di un uomo, il quale, rivendendolo ad un esperto del settore, divenne milionario.
Il meteorite si schiantò nell'agosto del 2020 sul tetto della casa del signor Josua Hutagalung, un giovane costruttore di bare di 33 anni, il quale, mentre lavorava, sentì un forte rumore proveniente da casa sua e trovò un meteorite nel salotto di casa.
Hutagalung vendette la roccia ad un collezionista specializzato, che gli diede 1.8 milioni di dollari, ovvero una somma sufficiente per andare in pensione e per costruire una nuova casa nel suo villaggio.
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Ten Things You Should Know About Nickel, A Chemical Element
You probably know a lot more about nickel than you realize, but we are going to educate you. So keep reading...
1. Nickel is represented by the symbol Ni on the periodic table and has an atomic number 28. It is silvery-white but has a lustrous appearance and a slight golden hue.
2. Nickel has not been discovered by anyone, but it is known to have been used since antiquity. The story of this element's origins is interesting. A mineral with red color was found in the Ore Mountains in Germany during medieval times. The mineral looked very similar to copper ore so miners tried to extract copper. They failed to extract copper from it and decided it was Nickel, a playful little sprite of German mythology.
3. This element has been used in coins since the middle of 19th century.
4. Russia was the world's biggest nickel producer in 2005. It produced nearly half of the world’s nickel share. Australia, Canada, and Indonesia were closely followed by Russia. Turkey had also a large nickel reserve, but it was not yet exploited. A commercial nickel mine operated in Oregon by the U.S. was also in existence, but it was shut down in 1987. France, New Caledonia, and Cuba are all home to large amounts of nickel.
5. Nickel is most commonly found in pentlandite and galena. Two types of deposits are responsible for most nickel: magmatic sulfide deposits and laterites.
6. Canada is the second largest source of nickel, specifically in Ontario's Sudbury area. This region produces nearly 30% of all the world's nickel. The actual mine is found in the Sudbury Basin. The basin was formed by a meteorite collision in the Earth's early days.
7. Geophysical evidence suggests that Earth's nickel concentration is highest in the Earth's core.
8. Nickel was once worth $52,300 per tonne in 2007. However, it plummeted dramatically over the next two decades and in 2009, it was only $10,880 per tonne.
9. Nickel can be used in many different applications including steels, alloys superalloys cast irons and electrical resistant alloys. It's used in the manufacture of magnets, batteries, guitar strings, plating, tinting, and glass.
10. Nickel plays an important biological function in plants and microorganisms. Urease, which is an assistant to hydrolysis contains nickel. Nickel is toxic, and the Nickel sulfide dusts and fumes can be carcinogenic. Nickel can also cause allergies due to its presence in earrings. Itchy, red skin is a common side effect of contact allergies.
The brush electroplating nickel kit can be used in a few minutes and is safe. This kit is intended for smaller objects. It includes metal wands as well as a swab wrap that attaches to the end. The plating process can be started by dipping the wand into the solution with a swab.
Commonly, kits include a clip to attach the anode (the plating material or nickel) and a clip to attach the cathode (the object to be plated), which are on the negative side of the charge. These kits require 120 volts of AC power, 16 oz nickel plating solution, and instructions.
The electroless nickel kit uses very basic objects that are submerged in a heated nickel solution to plate the base material. The results of electroless plating are more uniform than plating with electricity, which can leave small spots in divots and recessed areas. No matter what kit you use, the base material must be cleaned thoroughly and repaired before plating can begin.
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