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kitsoa ¡ 4 years ago
You know, out of all the "meta" theorists, I always felt I was the most extreme. Like my theory's concept is basically a semi autobiographical depiction of fanfiction-esque imagination and philosophical notions of existence. I always knew the series was almost certainly going in that general meta direction, though I still don't think it'll go as far as I want it to. But there's a strange sensation when that brand of crazy gets the bandage peeled off in game.
And I'd definitely say it was peeled off gently. This is baby's first metacatastrophe. We get confirmed this 'fictional world' which is considered the other side of kh. But Ansem the Wise side stepped a BIG idea when he talked about 'reality' and 'un-reality'.
The idea that his own reality isn't real either.
I think this is the big hold out with the reveal. Bc we know there's an inextricable link between kh and this fictional world. Enough to share an afterlife? Enough to, idk harbor an all powerful entity? (I.e. the author)
Consider why Sora fell into this fictional world and suddenly their relationship seems a little more intertwined. Abusing the PoW against his worlds nature sends him to a fictional world? Whats the logic there? Assuming the unnatural so much that you become unreal yourself? I don't really get how kh could be considered the 'real' reality in all of this...
World outside light and dark. It plays in well to Xehanort's machinations. And its been clear that he's known about this world since MoM gave him that 'tour'. I just gotta think, there's more to it... Xehanort understands his 'role' in a very different way. And knowing that he's aware of a reality (or more?) Outside of his own, it suggest that he might understand his own reality as equally fictional.
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estarthewicked ¡ 6 years ago
#subversivephilosophymemes #philosophy #philosophymemes #memes #memesdaily #Heidegger #onlycatscansaveusnow #metametameta #seewhatIdidthere? #Ishoulddrinklesscoffee #Heideggerwasanazi https://www.instagram.com/p/ByDhgUFAxaL/?igshid=rp9wvzhip9gt
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yuurinikiforov ¡ 7 years ago
Yuuri Wasn't Confessing to Yuuko, A Post
The early introductions of characters in YOI all deceive us and it’s, imo, one of the biggest causes for clashes in characterization in fandom. We are all given expectations of characters/relationships based on traditional story telling (either in world or not) and later these expectations are shown to be wrong. We are meant to be surprised. To be shown that things aren’t always as they appear.
The problem with this is that some of the more subtle (and sometimes not even the subtle ones like the dreaded playboy Victor) were latched onto by fandom early and people never seemed to re-evaluate or let them go.
I think Yuuko and Yuuri’s relationship is a huge example of this. The more I watch the scenes of Yuuri’s first visit to Ice Castle the more I realize how brilliantly made it was – and how much it’s succeeded in doing exactly what it was meant to – deceive.
As viewers geared up for the series to be the same as all the rest - a normal series with ease to make fujoshi ships, but no real payoff – we are introduced to Yuuko, the cute girl from Yuuri’s childhood. The immediate assumption we make, based on years of anime experience, was that she’s Yuuri’s childhood crush and the potential foil to any BL ships that might happen.
This is quickly demolished by Yuuko being married with kids, and her ideal of being ‘the enemy’ was quickly transformed into supportive friend. The thing is, the fandom never really re-evaluated heavily Yuuri in this scene. He remained the familiar narrative of a boy with a crush on his childhood girl next door.
But look at this scene. Yuuri thinks fondly of Yuuko as his idol, chuckles to himself that she’s still cute in a fond way, and we are taken to flashbacks. All these flashbacks have one key element to them – Victor. They show Yuuko’s support of Yuuri, his skating, and his idolization and longing for Victor. Yuuko is the friend that supports Yuuri when others would find him weird and overly obsessed. She’s the friend that says, “I hope you skate and you get to meet Victor on the same stage.” She’s Yuuri’s confidant in his true dream – not of a gold medal, but of Victor.
And Yuuri has been facing since the Grand Prix the idea of retirement. Of a dream failed. Of giving up that dream that Yuuko supports him in for good. Even when Yuuri finished his skate, Yuuko’s first thing is to compare him to Victor, to support him while he’s been down, that his dream might still be there.
But he has something to tell her. He’s planning to give it all up. And what a disappointment that might be. So when Yuuri anxiously begins to tell Yuuko something, if we take it out of the frame of traditional expectation, don’t all these clues lead up to something much more logical? His confession that he’s lost, that he doesn’t know about his dreams anymore. He saw Victor, he was treated like a fan, his heart broke, he doesn’t know if the dream he’s always carried {“boku wa zutto”) can come true.
Yuuko was his childhood confidant, not his crush, and right now he needs her support again.
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guybenari ¡ 8 years ago
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A drawing in ink on vellum from Democracy Soup, an artist book by Guy Ben-Ari, published by Meta Meta Meta LLC #guybenari #democracysoup #drawing #ink #vellum #art #contemporaryart #metametameta (at DUMBO, Brooklyn)
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theemperorsfeather ¡ 8 years ago
Two or three years ago, I had a not-really-a-dream from/involving Loki that lead to me acquiring a certain book of poetry, and I read it and - I did not have any particularly strong insight. A subtle sense of . . . something. Some hints at meaning/relevance? Maybe.
Mostly I just didn’t get it. Either what the poet was trying to convey, or what Loki was pointing me towards. And that was weird because every other time I’ve been pointed towards something, the “answers” have been Really Clear.
I finally reread it tonight, because I’ve been bored out of my skull recently, and most of my books are in boxes, and, plus, also, maybe . . . there might be other Reasons it might have felt potentially relevant to go back.
And you know what??
I still don’t fucking get it. What the damned poet is trying to convey. What I’m intended to get from it wrt Loki. *throws hands up* There were some phrases here and there that felt kind of relevant, but . . . I expect enlightenment, understanding, insight, etc., to be clearer than all that. And could that be it? Four, maybe 5 little clusters of lines out of the whole damned thing that reflect things of relevance? (I suppose that really could be all of it . . . there’s no rule that says “the whole thing is loaded!”)
Or perhaps I’m not getting it because on the whole - I don’t like it. Not some of the bigger themes the poet is writing about or how some of those themes seem relevant.
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temporaklepticgalanty ¡ 5 years ago
It’s beautiful, actually, to see the characters in painfully dated memes and the cutting edge of repetition-comedy and anachronistic references, because that is what they are for. There’s a vein here about personas and archetypes and old crusty Italian theater traditions that Hussie made overt reference to, but the short of it is we’re supposed to have an intuitive understanding of what a, for example, Dave Strider is, and how the Dave Strider would interact with this pop culture space, and it perpetuates and defines and refines and reshapes and communicates again what a Dave Strider is and how it can be used as a sociolinguistic toy, a particular flavor of iconography. It’s open source mythology and a readymade character module for all your fictional needs.
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contemporaryartthings ¡ 8 years ago
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Double Take is open today until 6pm, as part of DUMBO Open Studios #dos2017 #dumboopenstudios #DUMBO #doubletake #oasaduverney #meredithjames #danalok #guybenari #leahwolff #metametameta (at Meta Meta Meta LLC)
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iandjoee ¡ 8 years ago
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Dear social network, #Metametameta
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democracysoupbook-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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Democracy Soup, an artist book by Guy Ben-Ari, published by Meta Meta Meta LLC #guybenari #democracysoup #drawing #ink #vellum #art #contemporaryart #metametameta (at Whitney Museum of American Art)
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kitsoa ¡ 4 years ago
Finished up MoM...
I really need to talk about this. Alas I'm a little busy this weekend and I just dropped 8 straight hours of play for this game.
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guybenari ¡ 8 years ago
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Come join us this weekend for the opening or Double Take, a group show I co-curated with @leahwolff at AGENCY, our brand new project space in DUMBO, Brooklyn. #doubletake #dumboopenstudios #dos2017 #dumbo #metametameta #mmmagency (at Meta Meta Meta LLC)
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internetrodeo ¡ 5 years ago
Starting to start
Learning How to Learn
Knowing How to Knowing
Starting the Start
It is 0425 AM here in Oslo. We moved to a new apartment last weekend, in a new part of the city. Next to fashionable restaurants and some very expensive apartments, with lots of neat details in the Architecture. This part of Oslo, Frogner, is also embassy-land, and on January 2nd our kid will start attending a new school. That school is the very same school where the Princess of Norway, Ingrid Alexandra, is attending. She is attending 10th grade, and will leave the school this June.
My rodeo style is slow, at times, and will reflect on the introspection, while at other times it will be frenetic, mayhem, charcoal and stardust.
Meta. Metametameta.
Where you are, it may be 2233. Or 1933. Or it may be 0933. Woops, 0934/2234/1934/0434.
I have deleted 12 years of content on Facebook. Hundreds and hundred of FB entries that fed into their algos. Unlike my last 4 attempts to leave FB, I have not declared a socmed break, or deleted my account, or removed 900+ contacts. This time I just deleted my content. Gone with the wind. People can still ping me, see me green on Messenger etc, but I aim to say no to content creation there in order to say yes to other things. I want to be a better Internet><Rodeo rider. Thanks to the builders of the space, this space. Metametameta. 0439. Embassy-land. We spent 9 years, almost, in another part of the capital. Same apartment since the kid was 2 months old. That was Not embassy-land. That was drugsellers land, and white-flight land, and a space that has all the red statistical indicators. A place with 57% dropouts among boys ages 19-27. Who did not finish secondary school. I am now sitting on a national expert panel, my name was put on a list by ze King of Norway last year, appointed by the King after the ministry came with their suggestion. "Please sign here, o King".
King Kong
Rodeo Styles
Styles Galore
Categories innovation
Innovative use of whatever tools at our disposal.
It is Saturday. I am on Christmas vacation. It started Friday at 16. 4 o clock ding-dong. School's out.
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sarasa-cat ¡ 8 years ago
The most supportive, positive, affirming, HELL YESSSS vague blog ever
oh my feels, rolling around in joy.
I’ll reblog the goodness later as I either want to add commentary or wait to queue it up in order with my #Postcards-from-the-WRO (Dirge of Cerberus metametameta) summerpalooza, and neither of those things are happening tonight
i will explain the thing:  the Lucrecia (ffvii/doc #Lucrecia Crescent) tag is the gift that keeps on giving, and it got better as I dove further in and clickity click idek how I missed this I just dskadkjakfajfkldakajld.   EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!   
Wait, that wasn’t an explanation. That was epic feels-flail. 
Let’s try that one more time:   
Three months ago I had a brief convo elsewhere in fandom about how I finally wanted to return to ffvii fandom and write a Lucrecia fanfic novel but the only way to do it was to make her as real as possible via a writing style that is on the literary/realism side of things while also fleshing out the character as a composite of a number of women I know or have known or have merely vague-known so long as they are/were from academia, specifically from STEM, and obviously that can include myself & my personal experiences either during my career or while growing up [at redacted oh-so-heavily redacted where I was surrounded by SCIENCE].  Actually, that redacted part is important because my mother’s generation experienced the epic out-of-control in-your-face version of sexism in STEM rather than the passive-aggressive daily bullshit sexism that is the current bread and butter of STEM/Academia. Or, you know, the difference between Lucrecia’s generation and Shalua’s? I guess I can say I’ve seen both, although I would be part of Shalua’s generation in this vagueblog vague-analogy.
Anyhow, Lucrecia + Tumblr = holyshit is this the only public place on the net where people are actually talking about all the struggles Lucrecia goes through in ffvii/compilation canon as a representation of real world struggles women go through? (and not only in stem/academia but in general). 
[and the “no jealousy here” BFFs Yuffie+Lucrecia friendship fic/art was the cherry on top -- finally found the source for it]
Anyhow. It all makes me happy.
A bunch of it parallels ideas already in the WIP’s outline and/or drafted scenes.
Huh. Now I need to find that scene I started writing a month+ ago (and flailed about it over here) regarding a heartwarming convo that Vincent & Yuffie have about Lucrecia (and Lucrecia/Science) and the entire conversation is fucking beautiful (but I was working long hours and really tired and didn’t get to finish the scene because zzzzz) and now I have ideas for extending that scene or writing a different, additional MUCH NEEDED SCENE with another convo that is not just fucking beautiful but heartwarming to the point of T_T because, hello, this. ffffldksfladfjalkfjalkfjal ...too hard to explain the this without just posting the scene that i haven’t yet written, but the idea is THIS: it’s a convo about how Lucrecia’s marriage with Hojo went south, but with zero blame or bullshit regarding Lucrecia’s decisions.  Instead, things were fine/good/happy with her and Hojo before marriage and during the early part of the marriage, and then things went bad and then turn worse (*cough* canonically). Then add in the additional layer of the mutual respect, friendship, and empathy between Yuffie & Vincent and Yuffie’s empathy for Lucrecia and for Vincent/Lucrecia.
20 years ago younger!me deeply disliked the Tifa-Aerith wars. Current me additionally avoids at all costs the Yuffie-Lucrecia-Shelke wars. 
(one might even say that Even the Littlest Monsters is my response to those wars............. one might, might they?)
And while I realize that the scene I am about to add to Even the Littlest Monsters might feel ever so slightly like “is the author intruding? should this have been a one-off short story instead?” ... ya know what? it is going in there.
I think i know the chapter in which it needs to go.
Actually ... the scene does serve some needed foreshadowing/explanation purposes, and character exploration/explanation, because good god this is a complex timeline with all the weaving back and forth and ... tbh, sometimes it is necessary to just spell something out as clear as day when writing fiction, especially fanfic, especially multi-ship fanfic. bc lack of spelling things out clear as day (early on) run the risk of the kind of jealousy-driven presumption assumption comments that make me want to shoot something into the sun.
Would it be bad form for me to reserve the right to delete or report any misogynistic comment on a fanfic? You know, those “THAT BITCH DESERVES/ED xxxxxxxx” comments. Because I’m feeling more and more like I need to insert scenes into Monsters that make clear that the characters would be offended and disgusted by such comments.
And a lot of that “feeling the need” is due to how Monsters has a lot of full on realism where people are people doing complex and/or emotional things for reasons that are complex and/or emotional. 
Now I have at least 5 more scenes I need to add. 
Back to writing/planning.
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incorporealentity ¡ 8 years ago
It’s been suggested that there are usually, if not always, at least two of us around -- initially the suggestion was that there was one person talking or providing our “face” and one “driving.” Some kind of reflection metaphor was used, probably because whoever was conscious felt like they were seeing another person “reflected” in the screen while they tried to chat. (Probably nothing, that’s literally it.) I think this might hold some weight, and I think it’s a matter of one person “acting” and another observing them. When there’s only one of us, observing themself, that’s when we get metametameta -- but I feel like I’m cofronting with a fairy right now, and we’re both pretty stable. I’m seeing them, and they’re seeing what they’re doing, and maybe while I’m seeing what I’m doing, they’re seeing me.
It’s also possible that the second part is a transient, non-conscious thing that’s just there to do shit that I can’t, or represent an existing archetype as vaguely as possible, or keep me from spiraling into depression, or give me something to draw since I’m trying to draw self-portraits involving feelings that “I” don’t really have (namely, want to touch other people). But we do keep moving back and forth, pretty fluidly, and I think I want to draw those things because they’re there and not the other way around.
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contemporaryartthings ¡ 8 years ago
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Double Take opens this Saturday during DUMBO Open Studios, with works by Oasa DuVerney, Meredith James and Dana Lok. Join us at 4-6pm at 20 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY #doubletake #metametameta #oasaduverney #meredithjames #danalok #dumbo #dumboopenstudios #dos2017 #guybenari #leahwolff #20jay #mmmagency (at Meta Meta Meta LLC)
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democracysoupbook-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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Democracy Soup, an artist book by Guy Ben-Ari, published by Meta Meta Meta LLC #guybenari #democracysoup #drawing #ink #vellum #art #contemporaryart #metametameta (at LACMA Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
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