#metalgreymon (2010)
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year ago
"Digimon isn't that complicated" I say to Pokemon fans before remembering that all of these are named MetalGreymon
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wsdigi · 3 months ago
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digimontamerrichie-tcg · 1 month ago
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reversemoon255 · 6 months ago
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Figure-Rise Amplified X 30MM MailBirdramon/MetalGreymon (2010 Anime Version) Custom
This was probably the most ambition custom project I've ever worked on. Not only was MailBirdramon enormous, but it was a mix of multiple kits and was a lot of fusing of parts through glue, not just natural connection points. It was a very long process to paint, too. But I'm glad I did it, and I'm happy it turned out so well.
The Details: So the composition of MailBirdramon is made primarily of three 30MM kits; the Provedel, the Cannon Bike, and the Tiltrotor, along with an assembly of other random pieces I had in my big basement bin. Also, just like I used the Lfrith's shoulders for Greymon's headphones, I used the Lfrith's hips as MailBirdramon's. The only other non-30MM piece I used was I cut up the claw arm from the MetalGreymon kit I made Greymon 2010 out of and used that for the front of the mask.
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As for colors, I used the navy I had from color matching for Cyberdramon (who I have not reviewed yet), as well as black, red, and gunmetal. There was also some of Greymon's blue used on the large sub-arm that holds the claw for continuity. Specifically for MailBirdramon's face, since the Cannon Bike has a translucent windscreen, I painted the underside to keep the sheen, and then used the natural grooves to paint the eyes on top.
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For the combination, the mask rests on the head, but there are some grooves the sit snugly inside Greymon's headphones. The neck plugs into the tail via a port I added to Greymon when I was building it. I added a small piece to Greymon's chest in between builds to accommodate the chest plate. As for the backpack and arm, I changed things up so the claw arm attaches to the backpack instead of covering the natural arm, and the backpack attaches to the back via two repurposed ball joints from MetalGreymon's wings.
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Overall, again, very happy with how this turned out. Not sure if I'm going to do Deckerdramon or my own WaruMonzaemon in the future, but I don't have any plans to at the moment. I've also been so preoccupied with customs recently that my straight builds have been piling up, so I plan on getting through a bunch of those before I move onto my next one.
Of course I say that, but if an Avalanche Exia or a Beginning 30 shows up at my door, I might be tempted to work on some of my theoretical Build Divers Super stuff.
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tristarnova · 3 months ago
Digimons that are most likely the legend level, aka the level beyond ultra/super ultimate, if it existed
Megadarknessbargamon (an enhanced form of the original darknessbargamon, a powered up version of darknessknightmon after bargamon took over the fusion, much larger and much more powerful, was however oneshot, by Shoutmon x7f superior mode, which managed to oneshot zeedmillenimumon, so we don’t know how powerful megadarknessbargamon actually is)
Shoutmon ex6 (fusing six digimon that are at least prefect/ultimate, zeekgreymon, which is a digivolved form of metalgreymon (2010), made up of greymon (2010) and mailbirdmon, omnishoutmon, raptorsparrowmon, jagerdorulumon, and alturballistamon, and can use shootingstarmon as a weapon too.)
Ultimatechaosmon (a fusion between chaosmon, being fusion between a bancho, bancholeomon, and the secret weapon of the d brigade, darkdramon, as well as two other mega level digimon, which inculde a royal knight, kentaurosmon, and the god of bird digimon, valdurmon.)
Huanglongmon (same situation as ultimate chaosmon.)
Abaddomon Core (abaddomon seems to be close to the power of ultra, and its core was able to trade blows with Omnimon and omnimon alter s.)
Haunglongmon Ruin Mode (huanglongmon but not holding back and corrupted.)
Ogudomon (the seven demon lords fused together into one, this is not even counting their x antibody.)
Susanoomon (10 digimon are literally apart of susanoomon, and it can recreate the world.)
Omnimon Merciful Mode (clapped ordinemon as soon as it was formed, which Omnimon struggled with, plus also has the power of all the digidestined.)
Ogudomon X (now imagine Ogudomon with the x antibody, which was created by 7 diaboromon x absorbing the power of the seven demon lords in their x antibody form, was only defeated by Jesmon GX, how has access to the OS Generics, allowing them to defy physics and was given the powers of all the x antibody royal knights.)
Zeedmillenniummon (with their bands no longer around them definitely, that’s why they are around them, as they are so powerful, no digimon could even stand a chance to match them, only the digidestined were able to stop it after they gained the power form digimon across the digital world.)
Shoutmon x7 superior mode (the fusion between a huge amount of digimon, all across the digital world, so many infact, that their body couldnt take in all the digimon, causing the remaining digimon to rotate around them, Shoutmon x7 superior mode is able to one shot a digimon that is definitely a level beyond ultra, Ultimatechaosmon, and could probably have also defeated zeedmillenniummon too.)
Gaiamon (imagine if a digimon fused with an entire planet, that would get you Gaiamon, no digimon has achieved it before, but if they did, they would probably be stronger than even Shoutmon x7f superior mode, who has oneshot unbound zeedmillenniummon.)
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digimonlines · 7 years ago
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Jetmon to Bluewargreymon
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tamapalace · 4 years ago
Hermit In The Jungle & NU Metal DIM Card Set Announced & Preorders Listed
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The latest DIM card set for the Digimon Vital Bracelet has been announced as part of the Volume 3 DIM card sets, and pre-orders are already up on Amazon Japan. The Hermit In The Jungle & NU Metal DIM card set both showcase one character on the DIM card packaging. Toropiamon is featured on the Hermit In The Jungle DIM Card packaging, and MetalGreymon (2010 version) is featured on the Nu Metal Empire DIM card. The official release is set for mid-August with an MSRP of ¥1,760, so we still have some time before more information drops!
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banchoramen · 6 years ago
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Where did it disappear to, that sweet kindness of yesterday? The racing breath of the dragon is the signal that changes him The blue army shakes the earth(8) Greymon (2010) y Mail Birdramon, los más fuertes dentro del poderoso Blue Flare quienes al combinarse forman a la máxima fuerza de destrucción ¡Metal Greymon! ------------------------------------ Greymon (2010) and Mail Birdramon, the most strongest in the powerful Blue Flare who when combined form the maximum force of destruction Metal Greymon! #greymon #mailbirdramon #metalgreymon #blueflare #digimon #xroswars #blazingblueflare #fanart #digitalart #mydraw https://www.instagram.com/p/BqTV9heHiFX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4aogrch8cp88
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Fusion/Xros Wars species levels
“For Level suggestions for the species from Fusion/Xros Wars, how about this:
Starmon (2010 anime)
Greymon (2010 anime)
MetalGreymon (2010 anime)
Beelzemon (2010 anime)
Burst Mode
*Baalmon’s level is do to it being an intermediate stage between Wizardmon and Beelzebumon.”
Excellent list, thank you for submitting!
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digimontamerrichie-tcg · 1 month ago
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reversemoon255 · 1 year ago
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So the original plan for this month's Fifth Review was to cover the Adventure 02 movie, but it's such a thick soup of a film to sift through that I want to wait until I can pause and write my thoughts before trying to tackle it, like I did with Kizuna. But I'm still in a Digimon mood, so let's talk about some DigiXroses I designed. Again.
As, like, the only person who cares about DigiXroses mechanically, I've realized that DigiXroses have a rule of 7. If you look across all the Xroses you'll notice A) that no Digimon splits into more than 7 parts when forming a Xros, and B) no DigiXros is made up of more than 7 Digimon. Just a fun thing to note for when I eventually convince someone else to design one of these, themselves.
As for what I have to offer today, we have a new partner and Xros for the existing 2010 Greymon design; BoostKabuterimon and RizeGreymon Ver.Xros, designed by me and drawn by @/Ochistrikitu.
To be quicker than usual, I went with a Kabuterimon because Greymon's other partner is a Birdramon, and because I thought I could easily utilize the horn as a detail.
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And while I didn't get them commissioned, I did design a second partner and evolution for this set in Tankdramon Ver.Xros and ShineGreymon Ver.Xros. I did break my rule for this, but I did this a while ago before I realized it was a thing. Anyway, I chose Tankdramon because of Darkdramon's rivalry with ShineGreymon, and because his shapes are perfect for DigiXrosing. I do want to tweak this design a bit if I ever do get it commissioned; just have a folding bar across the shoulders to make it seven pieces and redesign the chin/hood.
I mostly wanted to do this in prep for future projects, mostly I want to do a WaruMonzaemon that combines with the existing MetalGreymon 2010 to form a WarGreymon. I'm just waiting to get the Xros Figure of MailBirdramon so I can perfectly understand how that combination works to do it justice.
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Overall, I hope you like them. Not much else to say apart from that. I'm working on a few other DigiXros projects that'll eventually make their way here. And, as always, I hope either this or a future project will inspire someone to try designing a DigiXros themselves, as I'd love to see other people's takes.
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reversemoon255 · 9 months ago
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Figure-Rise Amplified Greymon (2010 Anime Version) Custom
For the final toy review of MetalGreyMonth, I had to do a custom of my favorite boi to round things off. Was hoping to also have a MailBirdramon done, but I didn't have time T_T But still, having a custom of this guy around means I can possibly do all of its forms in the future, including my own. That being said, the MailBirdramon I'm imagining may have to take some transformation liberties... But we'll get there eventually.
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The Details: Let's start with colors. I used the same blue for the skin as I did with MetalGreymon X, but switched up the stripes from dark blue to orange. Apart from that, the eyes are black, red, and metallic red, and there's a number of silver details dotted throughout. The head piece and tail are both gunmetal with one stripe on the back of the head being silver to emulate Greymon's headphones, and the claws are all dark blue. There's a lot more metal than this Greymon typically has, and that I would be unable to remove, so where I could I painted the more flush details blue to try and minimize their impact.
But I didn't just change up colors on this one, as I also added a few custom touches to differentiate this one from the others. Much of this was omitting parts, such as the wings, and swapping out the big arm for the saurian one I had leftover from MetalGreymon Alteros Mode. However, there are a few pieces taken from other kits. The horn is taken from the AGE-2 Magnum's Bits, and the new details around the side horns are taken from the Lfrith's shoulder armor.
The tail is comprised of 30MM pieces; specifically a large axe head, an Alto upper arm sleeve, a 3mm adapter for when I eventually make armor for it, and a gap filler piece to create a flush surface to attach it to the existing tail with.
Overall, this is just the beginning of something I hope to continue to work on in the months to come. Though, considering I just cranked out both these customs and all this Greymon related art in quick succession, I think I wanna take it easy for a little bit. Do some straight builds, maybe do at least one concept piece to wind down after all this. It was a lot of fun, but also mentally draining to a degree, so I want to take it kinda easy for a week or two.
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