#metal elitists
grossbabygoblin · 2 months
I don’t care how un cool and not edgy enough it is considered by ppl who like heavier music like. I love Waterparks and all my other fun funky pop punk and straight up pop artists so suck it. Metal and punk elitists get off my fucking dick.
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dramamccringe · 1 year
Metal elitists when metalheads listen to metal other than the two bands they know:
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Metal elitists when not all music is metal (or the 1-2 metal subgenres they know):
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Metal elitists when they say "this band isn't metal" about a band that isn't metal:
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thebladedancer1158 · 7 months
I hate metal elitist pricks, fucking hell
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askthekoopsandjr · 6 months
Iggy you like corn?
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testure-1988 · 7 months
Ok I hate to really be THAT person but Type O Negative isn't a goth band
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thecreativemillennial · 3 months
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Toxic elitist metalhead gets called out by an actual metal band. We need more of this
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pissmoon · 3 months
Dying species of 'black metallers are pussies and wimps, death>black' metalheads
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aquareegia · 1 year
when guys in the metal scene (metalcore specifically) claim that a fandom is so annoying, why do they always blame it on the "FeMaLeS"? always pointing at women, who are just enjoying themselves and minding their own business. i swear, god forbid women enjoy anything at this point. 💀
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cryforthemoon44 · 9 months
I think we really need to discuss the misogyny in certain band fanbases, particularly in the Bad Omens fanbase tbh.
The metal elitists in general hate it when women or feminine presenting people happen to enjoy something they also enjoy, and act like every fangirl in a bands fanbase is an utter creep when that simply is not the case. I've seen so many women and feminine presenting people get trashed online simply for being fans of Bad Omens, and they are constantly told that they are creeps and sexualising the band when the majority of them don't. Women and feminine presenting people were blamed for Noah deleting his social media accounts for example when there is zero evidence of that being a reason, and many people act like every woman and feminine presenting person who likes Bad Omens doesn't care about the music and that they just want to sexualise and thirst over the band, which is not the case. It's incredibly annoying behaviour because many men also find some of the band members attractive, yet you will never see them get any of the hate for it. All the creepy behaviour is blamed on women and feminine presenting people despite the people going to Noah's house and searching up his relatives obituaries being an extremely low percentage of the fanbase, and it's likely that some of these creeps were also men.
Being a creepy fan is not linked to gender and acting like all fangirls are creepy is pure and simple misogyny. It's simply not acceptable. Statements like 'fangirls only like x band because you find the members attractive' are rooted in misogyny, elitists. You cannot say things like that and claim to be a feminist. There are many men who also find male musicians attractive and some take it too far as well but they won't get anywhere near the same level of criticism. This applies to so many metal bands in the genre tbh and not just BO, but I've seen too many annoying generalising posts on Twitter about this band's non-male fans. The majority of fangirls just want to enjoy the music in peace, myself included.
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thisvisionofmyspirit · 11 months
Maybe a controversial opinion that y'all are going to take the wrong way but. Metal is a music genre, not a honorific title. People who say Sleep Token isn't metal might think they're insulting ST but they actually aren't. People who say ST is metal might think they're defending ST but they actually aren't.
"Is ST metal?" is a purely neutral debate. The answer, whatever it is, should only matter to you when you're looking for their discography at the store and you want to know what category they might be in because you have a bus to catch and you don't want to wander around the aisles for half an hour. It says nothing about the band's merits.
I think if we could all agree on that, we wouldn't get mad at each other.
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irhabiya · 7 months
ivee come to the conclusion that i dislike or am indifferent to most metal music my favorite genre of music just happens to be a metal subgenre...
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Do you know know how jarring it was to hear a Ghost song and have it be like pop rock? Like bro with all the satanic imagery and shit I was expecting something heavier.
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I could fix jepexx. Someone get his cringefail ass over here right now I need to lock him in a room and make him listen to electric callboy and dangerkids and architects until he repents for his sins and starts a pair of patch pants
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roots1996 · 1 year
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photo of jonathan davis from his artist entry on metal archives. discuss.
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my brother in law is coming over. I hate that man so much.
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meowduk666 · 7 months
i know metalheads have a stereotype of being homophobic (lmao) but like. have the people that think that ever interacted with any dude that listens to hardcore/hxc. bcuz lemme tell u
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