#meta: karen + truth
benwvatt · 5 months
WIP Title Ask Meme
Prompt: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(I am going to bend these rules!!!!)
tagged by the amazing @beachy--head.
tagging @siobhanbooks @gordopickett @chocomd @firenati0n @tinyarmedtrex
@kaalee @gayrootvegetable @nostradamus0 and anyone else who wants to join!
alright here we go! I am a wonderful mix of chaotic and poetic fic titles.
hey, for what it's worth, i think you saved my life
vampire AU poem letter 11April2024
/ pina colada murder ballad
[meta] virgin river and disability representation
/ kuzotara
// lucifer ducks
// picking at my lips
// vampire prequel thingy
Benwvatt RBB fic (Eureka boys)
beta version blankity blank
Ella Minnow Pea story
Firstprince Severance AU (RWRB)
jilliam smth
messy poetry - benwvatt
t4t catherine/arthur fic idea
three chords & the truth
/vampire AU extra - Nick's a mirror
bluesey 1
fire escapes
smth nina
Wedding Singer AU - Ideas
misc graham x karen
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matan4il · 2 years
I loved your latest meta because I just adore Henren!!! But everything about it also reinforced why I have always been confident in Canon Buddie outside of the obvious reasons.
This show and I think why I at least connect to it is because the characters border on anti heroes who are full of trauma yet aspire to be the best heroes they can. And none of them are really each other's first love but they are all soul mates. The definition of second chances.
But I always excluded Karen a little in theat because I love that warm cinnamon roll. To me she was trauma adjacent. It was cute to see her quirkiness unveiled a little. And to also see how much her character really is like Bucks. They don't have the blaring trauma other characters do, alot of it really is internalized and easy to mask.
And all of the above sort of reinforces your thoughts on how nice it was to see older queer women be represented in sexy times, because isn't it the truth we get to see all these characters get represented. None really would be the hero in another show especially say Bobby.
So it always just screamed Buddie were end game because they were each other's second chances. There is no perfect partner waltzing into be a good match. Especially now I just don't see how they bring in any LI that will ever rival their history and importance to each other
Hi Nonnie! Awwwwww, I’m so glad we both love Henren so much! XD And yes, it made writing the 606 meta (and making this extra gifset) especially sweet, and incredibly poignant, because the parallels with the only current same-sex couple on the show were SO LOUD.
I agree with you that in general, the average age of the characters on 911 is older than on many shows. IDK them I would call them anti-heroes (protagonists who lack heroic qualities, and even when they do the right thing it’s likely for the wrong reason), but rather flawed heroes. Which is the best kind. Because they’re realistic. They’re not some fantasy that can only exist in entertainment, they can be real people we might come across without knowing, and real heroes when the need arises. They can even be us if the circumstances are right. Which I think is very comforting and empowering.
And yes, all of these flawed heroes have second chance love stories. 911 looked straight at the trope of first love as the only worthy kind of love and showed it that grace can reside in later life, in the person who mends your heart after it’s been shattered, in the person who sees the mess that first love left and says, “That. I want that.” Which perfectly encapsulates Henren, as well as Buddie. Eddie who sees how messed up Abby left Buck and it brings out the feral, protective side in him, and Buck who witnessed Eddie’s breakdown and lovingly helped him put the pieces back together... That’s the kind of love that can make miracles happen, because it feels like a bit of a miracle itself.
Hope you have a great day, lovely! And here is my ask tag! xoxox  
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Okay, just a dev letter, no update, but update almost definitely Monday so we’ll see what the deal is.  Oh man, let’s fucking go lads.
Steven Stone is the trainer lodge unit, which means he is in the Lodge rotation, which means I am spending until he’s 5/5 there.  It’s time.  After all this time, finally he’s ready.  I’m stoked.
They’re going to allow 6* EX pairs to upgrade without changing costume.  This is so transparently the answer to MU and Solgaleo, but honestly I fucking called it.  I said this shit months ago on Reddit, that we’d definitely get the EX for them but there was no guarantee of a costume swap, and look who was right!  The good news is, they reference multiple sync pairs.  Which could, and goddamn better, mean the BP units.  There is no reason for the Master BP units to not have EX, given how otherwise middling they are.  I will EX Mesprit so goddamn fast...
I will state for the record, I fucking love that they’re keeping the mystery element.  There are four sync pairs connected, and we get to know two of them.  First is...Steven Stone.  I said it in a separate post, but god I am living.  “They only give girls alts, it’s gonna be Lillie lol, DeNA just favors waifus.”  Shut your fucking bitch mouths, idiots!  Steven Fucking Stone, first to six alts, suck his magnum dong!  Interestingly, they went with shiny Stoutland.  He’s a tech that “Weakens opponents and powers up allies,” which sounds very akin to Winter Whitney.  The Buddy Move sounds pretty nice, though Atk/Spd are less valuable than if it were both defenses.  But apparently he just gives allies SEUN, and can apply +3 physical moves up next on an ally, and lower the type rebuff of the target’s weakness, so this dude is...why is he not a support again?  No sincerely, it sounds like he doesn’t do a whole lot himself, but he’s really good at supporting someone else’s numbers.
Shauna’s the other, and you know?  I’m down.  I don’t dislike Shauna, but I do dislike her outfit.  This one’s cute.  And her partner is Klefki, which isn’t what I would’ve expected, but it’s a cute partner for a detective event.  Steel-type support, so like...guess I’m getting that one too.  I already kinda love it; each time it attacks, it has Team Stat Leech 9, lowering a random stat on the foe then raising it for the team.  The question is, if it lowers at random in 3v3, then if you hit Atk on one, Sp Atk on another, and Def on the third, does it raise all three for the team?  I’m curious.  She also has a randomized version of Dawn’s Power Siphon for all core stats, and trainer move applies status move defense (kinda mid, just make it condition shield), stat reduction defense, and +2 crit for the team.  So she’s going to be great in Gauntlet, but CS is going to be too inconsistent to work with allies who can’t support their own offensive needs.
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH.  Okay kids, here we go.  2500 points in Master Mode.  I’m gonna be honest, half the time I don’t even like 2k.  I don’t like a lot of the parameters, I feel like it can be annoying and frustrating for little reason.  And more modern CS has a tendency to already cause problems.  This feels like a little much.  It might be fine, though.  Truth be told, before the 2k meta, I practiced at 2.5k with way worse units, and I handled it fine with far, far fewer tools (context: this was like November 2021, when the biggest names were SC Diantha and Lear; I was using Summer Lyra).  Still, I dunno.  I guess it will depend on the rewards.  It better be Champion Spirits.  I have some needs.  But hey, QoL improvement, we can save and load paramter layouts.  And apparently they’re going to add new options, so maybe the new parameters will be less shit.
Okay, we have confirmation on the new CS mode.  One type will be effective, which is...wild to me.  I’m assuming that means you need five strikers in that type, what a nightmare.  The mode focuses on E4 and Champions from across regions, so I’m assuming this plays like Karen/Grimsley/Sidney meet up as Dark-types and something like Bug-types are effective?  We’ll see.  But I’ve officially abandoned all hope of true joy, as they state there will be only one special sync pair, making an appearance as a champion.  Which...I dunno, man.  I want to twist the words to mean “They’re not usually a champion but they’re like the crowned champion for this event” and say “It’s Psychic types and Caitlin is supreme overlord!”  But Steven just hit six alts which means it’s officially fair game for everyone else so like...it’s probably Cynthia.
New event called Trainer Files.  That’s cool, little mini-stories with characters and-KANTO AGAIN, ARE YOU FUCKING REAL RIGHT NOW?  Goddammit, fucking Kanto, go AWAY
Ugh.  Well that ended on a downer.  But by and large, it sounds pretty fun!  I like the Steven and Shauna alts, I’m really excited about the other two they might bring in, and the new CS mode does sound legitimately fun.  2.5k Master Mode has me a little nervous about F2P clears, but we’ll see how it goes.  And Trainer Files, while focusing on the blight that is Kanto, sounds like it will ultimately scratch my itch for more character-centric stuff.  I’m happy with this update.  Not thrilled.  Not until they confirm a Caitlin alt.  Or Roxanne, actually, I’d kinda settle for either at this point.  In fact...why isn’t Roxanne in this detective event?  She’s smart, she can be like the forensics character.  Maybe in the second half, eh?
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brutalwiilds · 24 days
heavenconsumed asked  ➸ write a meta about what life would be like if lucy raised me
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I have So Many feelings about Lucy and Nancy and the tragedy of the relationship they could've had but were robbed of because of rich white men and circumstances beyond their control.
First of all! Lucy makes it off of Horseshoe Bay and escapes from the Hudsons to the mainland. Whether she's given birth already or the Drews helped her escape beforehand? Doesn't matter baby! She survives!
They end up staying in this little appartment above a small, antique bookshop and for those first few months, Lucy doesn't let Nancy's out of her sight for a SECOND.  (She almost missed out on watching her daughter grow. She almost robbed her daughter of the chance to.) She's constantly watching her daughter while she sleeps, studying her tiny face and wondering what parts of her parent's will she inherit. Will she have Ryan's eyes? Lucy's? (She hasn't figured out how Ryan makes her feel yet.)  
The sweet little old lady who owns the bookshop lets her work there a couple of days a week for rent, puts a little basket behind the register for Nancy and gets a little sling for her when she's stocking the shelves. (Her grandchildren and the rest of the town drop off a constant supply of baby clothes and necessities for her, refusing to let them go without. It's the first time Lucy wears hand-me-downs and doesn't feel shame, that she experiences the typical smalltown experience and feels at home.)
She cries on Nancy's first day of school before leaving for classes of her own so she can get her GED. Maybe she gets curious and takes a creative writing class, remembering her embarrasing poem she wrote at seventeen and all the ones she's read since. She doesn't have to make a career out of it but it's freeing to reflect on her life and get words on paper.
(She publishes her first book of poetry when Nancy starts middle school. Hopes, someway, somehow, that Ryan reads it and understands why she had to do what she did.)
Eventually she feels safe enough to put down proper roots in the safe little haven she's found; makes new friends and wonders how Karen's doing, has a few dates over the years and wonders whether Ryan has managed to escape his family yet. (Wonders what would happen if he turned up on her doorstep?) Finally finds a therapist she feels comfortable enough with to tell the whole dirty truth, talks about childhood and the constant pressure from all sides because she refuses to be the kind of mother that Nancy feels like she has to treat with glass or protect, that she feels that she has to mother.
(She knows Patrice loved her in her own way but it's FREEING to talk about her without being called selfish or ungrateful for not seeing her as perfect.)
Lucy grows up alongside Nancy, making sure her daughter knows that she's ALWAYS there for her, because Lucy won't leave her daughter without a fight, won't be the reason she's crying by herself at night. She tries to be as open as she can with her but knows better than anyone that there are some things that need to wait until Nancy's older.
She makes sure her daughter knows how loved she is. In one world, Lucy Sable loved her daughter so much that she died to keep her safe. This one has a happier ending. This time she loves her enough to LIVE.
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fakeoldmanfucker · 3 months
11. what non-fiction books do you like if any?
The Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick my beloved. Also An Ugly Truth by Sheera Frenkel and Cecilia Kang. Also The Big Myth by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway. And I'm not done with Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris or Liquidated by Karen Ho, but I've enjoyed them so far. Basically anything tech (specifically Facebook/Meta) related, especially if there's a leftist bent to the analysis. I also enjoy history books in general.
book asks
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livingfictionsystem · 6 months
Review for 'Yellowface' by R.F. Kuang
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June Hayward, an aspiring author with only scarce flops to her name, best friends/frienemies/rivals with Athena Liu, successful Asian-American Indie darling, has a lot of possible reactions to witnessing Athena's sudden and accidental death. Stealing Athena's unpublished draft about Chinese labour camps and claiming it was her own was certainly a *choice.* This book was honestly a treasure. It's a blunt, biased, yet uniquely savage view into the world of cultural appropriation, media backlash, and publishing. It's also a treat for anyone who loves to follow petty cancellation deep-dives and general drama; I was reacting verbally like I was watching a football game for my entire listen-through.
I love how many infinite shades of grey there are in June Hayward's first person POV. On one hand, fellow struggling creatives could understand the bitterness at being overlooked and the temptation to launch oneself dishonestly into notoriety on a wave of trends. Fame-hungry creatives can be absolute sharks. Her sarcastic and exasperated take on everything is jarringly relatable and actually pretty witty. She wasn't completely irredeemable; she did write supposedly half of the book based on Athena's notes and 'unreadable draft,' did extensive research herself, and even donated money to related charities. On the other hand, you see June change her name to 'Juniper Song' ("Hey, it *is* my legal middle name!"), using phrases like "reverse racism", and thinking things like, "Oh, I think have some Cherokee genetics on my mom's side I could use for a new book idea."
It really has a Bojack Horseman-esque way of exploring how publicists twist things for 'the right spin.' How commodifying everything from diversity to drama is just part of the game, some sort of socio-political mental chess.
The POV followers the MC's reputation's endless rollercoaster rising and falling as her house of cards collapses. Multiple angles are addressed on both sides, anything from claiming that Asian trauma is being 'gatekept' from the poor misunderstood white writers, to digging up June's 5 year-old posts responding positively to a Wonder Woman film and saying it was 'proof of a white savior complex.' Then you have elderly Chinese immigrants thanking June with tears in their eyes about how much her book means to them, while the right wingers are defending her on Twitter.
It was all incredibly realistic and modern, to the point of my leaving a review of a book on Goodreads is feeling extremely meta. No one is likeable or sinless---only fascinating and multi-faceted. The POV leaves room for the reader to pivot from having anxiety about June getting caught, to looking forward to the truth being revealed.
June's racism is also extremely well-written and just as contemporary. You see her trying to unlearn, correct herself, pay her dues, even try to protect Athena's memory, but then she'll get desperate and go on an internal rant about how "Karen" is used to discriminate against white women. And the thing is, June's not written as a stereotypical bigot or right-winger. The book has her probably about left-of-centre. She's the kind that's on the side of the disenfranchised until it's time to get defensive about micro-aggressions. The kind who uses the term 'Cis-het' but gripes about how minority creators have this conspiratal advantage.
Definitely read this book. I loved it. An easy 10/10.
Also, with how intimately and accurately R.F. Kuang wrote about experiencing mass cancellation, I have to ask them---are you okay? Show me on this doll where Twitter hurt you.
One of my favourite parts was when June was being cancelled one time and someone stood up for her, calling the mass pile-on a 'lynch mob.' Then there was discourse about whether or not using 'Lynch mob" in this context was racially insensitive, and then there was discourse about race of the person who started the discourse---IT WAS SO REALISTIC.
There's also another really good scene where June sits down with film execs and tries to insist; "I need actual Asian people playing the Asian characters, though. Representation is important." And one of the producers makes a racist joke about Asian accents and the other one playfully scolds like "LOL you can't say that!! :)"
It really had a 'As long as we're all white here, we have a little racism, as a treat. Just to make you feel like you're part of the gang' vibe.
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leam1983 · 1 year
A Taxonomy of Call Agents
The Ideal Point of Contact: "I've followed my script to a tee, with just a few ancillary points of personalization to make the structure feel more organic. I've listed all relevant info and helped you book an appointment in the best of cases. I sounded like a human being without being unprofessional and made sure to bring a bit of warmth and basic common courtesy to the proceedings."
The Actually Standard Agent: "I follow my script slavishly because previous postings scared me out of any sort of spontaneity. Everything is performative, but I at least don't sound like a robot."
The Robot: "I've thoroughly compartimentalized my job and have zero emotional affect involved. On the one hand, that gives me the social resiliency of Teflon and I'll swallow Karens unloading their irrational hatred onto me like it's a nutritious breakfast. On the other, I'm probably masking for some social awkwardness I'm stuck with."
The Stoner: "Hey man, everyone's chill. Everyone's a friendo, everyone's super cool - watch me land anecdotes and crack wise with people I'll never actually meet! I'll forget what I'm supposed to be doing and then fall asleep on the job, to where the Brain Gremlin will need to wake me up with a 3CX call. I'll mutter apologies and turn into a mellow version of the Robot for the rest of my shift."
The Overachiever: "I'm taking calls and doing my college-level Chemistry labs at the same time. Watch me juggle five or six different tasks at once with a modicum of success, which hurts my call rate but makes me come across as really mature and organized. The truth is I'm not, I just look like it."
The Evangelical: "I'm relentlessly kind to my clients and coworkers alike, but I feel obligated to end my scripts with a God bless that sometimes annoys the secular majority. I can't understand why anyone would be annoyed, as I've fully integrated the notion of proselytization as a basic component of being nice to people. When conversations turn personal over Slack, I'm the first to default to questions of faith as a show of support. I'm far too nice to notice the supervisors' rising annoyance, however."
The Grandma: "I'm professional when addressing someone of the same age range as myself, but default to grandmotherly or grandfatherly warmth with anyone younger. My avuncular charm is a viciously effective Sales tactic, but I'm also among the least technically savvy in the agent pool. Pair me with the Former Salesman on a list and I'll rack up all the referrals you'll ever need."
The Former Salesman: "I know all the tricks and needed precisely zero training outside of UX/UI concerns. I'll book you people with my eyes closed and have far more insight into the average customer's needs than your average agent. No longer being a salesperson, however, I'm under no obligation to butter anyone up. My blunt honesty counters my natural schmooze and sometimes costs us referrals - but it's workable."
The Gamer or Crypto Bro: "I took this job to finance my extreme hardware requirements, all I'll ever talk about is the ZOTAC Trinity OC's estimated TDP when properly liquid-cooled. God help you if I notice you're a fellow gamer, I'll start thinking the supervisory track knows about Street Fighter 6's Zangief meta or would be interested in setting up Coinbase accounts."
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nolaraised · 1 year
@heavenconsumed asked  ➸ write a meta about what life would be like if lucy raised me
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I have So Many feelings about Lucy and Nancy and the tragedy of the relationship they could've had but were robbed of because of rich white men and circumstances beyond their control.
First of all! Lucy makes it off of Horseshoe Bay and escapes from the Hudsons to the mainland. Whether she's given birth already or the Drews helped her escape beforehand? Doesn't matter baby! She survives!
They end up staying in this little appartment above a small, antique bookshop and for those first few months, Lucy doesn't let Nancy's out of her sight for a SECOND.  (She almost missed out on watching her daughter grow. She almost robbed her daughter of the chance to.) She's constantly watching her daughter while she sleeps, studying her tiny face and wondering what parts of her parent's will she inherit. Will she have Ryan's eyes? Lucy's? (She hasn't figured out how Ryan makes her feel yet.)  
The sweet little old lady who owns the bookshop lets her work there a couple of days a week for rent, puts a little basket behind the register for Nancy and gets a little sling for her when she's stocking the shelves. (Her grandchildren and the rest of the town drop off a constant supply of baby clothes and necessities for her, refusing to let them go without. It's the first time Lucy wears hand-me-downs and doesn't feel shame, that she experiences the typical smalltown experience and feels at home.)
She cries on Nancy's first day of school before leaving for classes of her own so she can get her GED. Maybe she gets curious and takes a creative writing class, remembering her embarrasing poem she wrote at seventeen and all the ones she's read since. She doesn't have to make a career out of it but it's freeing to reflect on her life and get words on paper.
(She publishes her first book of poetry when Nancy starts middle school. Hopes, someway, somehow, that Ryan reads it and understands why she had to do what she did.)
Eventually she feels safe enough to put down proper roots in the safe little haven she's found; makes new friends and wonders how Karen's doing, has a few dates over the years and wonders whether Ryan has managed to escape his family yet. (Wonders what would happen if he turned up on her doorstep?) Finally finds a therapist she feels comfortable enough with to tell the whole dirty truth, talks about childhood and the constant pressure from all sides because she refuses to be the kind of mother that Nancy feels like she has to treat with glass or protect, that she feels that she has to mother.
(She knows Patrice loved her in her own way but it's FREEING to talk about her without being called selfish or ungrateful for not seeing her as perfect.)
Lucy grows up alongside Nancy, making sure her daughter knows that she's ALWAYS there for her, because Lucy won't leave her daughter without a fight, won't be the reason she's crying by herself at night. She tries to be as open as she can with her but knows better than anyone that there are some things that need to wait until Nancy's older.
She makes sure her daughter knows how loved she is. In one world, Lucy Sable loved her daughter so much that she died to keep her safe. This one has a happier ending. This time she loves her enough to LIVE.
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gwenivere · 1 year
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✰          META  /  HEADCANON     :          GWEN'S FUTURE.
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after gwen leads her friends to victory over morgana and returns the crystal to merlin, thereby restoring reality, we are only told that gwen and her mother are moving in together in an flat close to the rosens’. little else is said about what the future holds in stock for gwen, alongside her loved ones. therefore, the goal of this post is to offer some semblance of a future for her.   
as stated at the end of the series, gwen and her mother choose to stay in australia, settling down for good in the town of griffinvale close to melbourne. while karen finds a job in the town, gwen continues to attend griffinvale secondary and stays close with the friends she has made throughout the series :  tasha, josh and spencer. she still has somewhat of a rivalry with reine, but now that josh is single and michael has vanished, it has died down to a mild dislike, though gwen never finds it in her heart to forgive reine for being a pest and causing trouble. o’ leary also never returns, which does saddens gwen to a degree  (  as she has just learned he’s her biological father  )  but she keeps carrying on, and even starts enjoying school more now that she doesn’t have the weight of her previous responsabilities looming over her shoulders. she also keeps in contact with merlin, who continues to contact her via the glade close to the school.
throughout the years, gwen keeps looking for what she would like to do as an adult. having never had the stability she now possessed, she is at first intimidated by the large number of options opened to her. in the end, she settles down for a major in literature, with the intention of being a secondary school english teacher, just like patrick. however, to honor the part of her that is guinevere, she chooses to do a minor in medieval studies, with an emphasis on history.
gwen’s great love, besides teaching, turns out to be music. there is truth to fiction here, as tamara hope / lindeman went on to become a musician. unlike her actress however, gwen chooses not to make a career in it, only enjoying singing as a hobby. she occasionally does sing for small cafés around town, but it is simply to make some extra cash rather than anything else.
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Karen meet with Billy first time in season 2 when he was 17. She knew he was underage. She even say are you Nancy's friend because she knew he was her age. He fucking sit there and eat a cookie while flirting with her, dude which grown up men sits there eat a cookie while flirting? But that didn't stop her. She takes one interaction as guaranteed. And continue stalking him. She find Billy when he's 18 and continue flirting with him. Literally wait for his work hours to put on a show? How does she even know when he's working? That's stalking. That's grooming. Literally the definition of grooming. She waited him to become 18 and she goes for it.
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archivistsammy · 3 years
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making myself REAL sad about the fact that dean and bobby suffer from the exact same trauma-informed affliction. that each of them believes wholeheartedly that they were not made to be fathers. that each of them was so hurt by their own dads, by their own childhoods, that when faced with the prospect of building their own family, they balked and retreated and grew to regret it acutely. 
i know that the poetry of revealing bobby’s childhood during his death episode is powerful, but i think about how powerful it also could have been for the two of them (and viewers) to see even one conversation around this shared pain. i want to know what bobby felt as he watched dean fall apart over ben and lisa. he must have seen himself in dean, he must have recognized the self-hatred and the grief in dean that bobby holds within himself. and i just wish we could have had a moment shared between them where this was addressed. 
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darcyofmine · 3 years
also karen is clearly a junkie for danger lmao… the way she went to those boys when she saw they were threatening those women… and the way she couldn’t wait for her appointment in the morning and went directly to that woman’s house ? she’s unraveling
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karenpage · 6 years
you’re honest. you never lie to me
an essay (?)  about Karen Page + the importance of the truth.
I’m going to preface this with yes, I ship Kastle, but a lot of the details, the facts and the principles that will be shared throughout this post are some of the primary reasons I do, and not intended to necessarily change people’s perspectives to their own romantic pairings. 
We’re going to open with Daredevil s1, where it all began.
The introduction of Karen’s character is flanked by ‘guilt’ by ‘the truth’ and what it means depending on where you’re standing when you look at it. She’s framed for murder (an ultimate act of dishonesty), because she was investigating the truth - she lost her job, lost everything, in her pursuit of what was actually happening behind the smoke and mirrors of Union Allied. And at this point, it just looked like money being moved around, which, while illegal and immoral, wasn’t as violently criminal as say, organized drug trafficking and gang-related violence (like the Italians or Kitchen Irish). 
She relies on Matt and Foggy trusting her. She relies on that blind faith. And the few times Karen lies to them (and she does lie initially) was rooted in her paranoia. Her fear. Especially when you continue further on and she’s almost killed in her holding cell, and she doesn’t know who to turn to, who she can place her trust in.
Enter: Daredevil. (that’s a fine looking high horse)
He’s representative of good, working along the margins of the law (vigilante justice), but it is absolute. Of course, she has no way of knowing the shape of his moral code, but he’s the first person shown to save Karen so she latches onto that ideal fiercely. A continued theme of her thinking that Daredevil is the end all be all; he’s saved her, he does what’s ‘right’, or at least what the man beneath the mask believes to be.
Karen’s story arc through the entirety of season 1 is the pursuit of truth. It starts with Union Allied. It starts with Ben Urich. And then it twists into the guilt of Karen feeling the weight of the truth she unearths - doing what’s right, what’s just, starts to come at an incredibly high price. Karen’s life is threatened ROUTINELY, and she persists. She doesn’t stop. 
I don’t think it’s necessarily a death wish so much as it is: people have died on this journey and to stop? To give up because she’s scared? Would be an insult to them directly.
And then she’s at the business end of a gun. And then she’s got so much blood on her hands she can’t breathe. 
We now know (with the release of dds3), that Wesley wasn’t the first person she shot. That Karen Page has always been perfectly capable of handling herself but Wesley’s death is important in the shift of her reality.
It isn’t black & white any longer. 
Because self-defense has a very narrow threshold and while her life would continue to be in direct danger if James Wesley was allowed to live, right then, and after the first shot into his shoulder, he wasn’t an immediate threat. 
Karen emptied the clip into him and buried that trauma, that guilt, way down deep. 
But his isn’t the first life she’d taken. It isn’t the first ghost that sits in her shadow.
So why is Karen so interested in the absolute truth, every inch of it laid bare even if it makes her look bad? Even if it’s ugly?
Cut to Daredevil s3e10: Karen.
After two seasons of Daredevil and one season of The Punisher teasing the tragedy of Karen Page’s backstory, we’re given insight into what’s clearly a defining set of circumstances for her later behavior, for her grief.
Karen made bad choices, and bad things happened; her brother dies in an accident caused by her addiction, by her abusive boyfriend and it’s an absolute, soul-rending ache that we see reflected throughout her adulthood thereafter.
But her dad, a man who had no sense of responsibility, culpability, let his denial of their circumstances make decisions for them and was emotionally abusive -- he took away her ability to grieve. Her ability to take the blame in guilt.
He made the death of her brother about him.
Karen was CLEARLY upset when he told her that she wasn’t ‘there’, that the sheriff was going to call it a one person incident because their family didn’t need more suffering. After her mother’s death, now her brother’s, what would that do to her father if she ended up in prison? It was exceptionally manipulative on his part to phrase things the way he did and that stuck with Karen.
A lie. Not the first but the one that defined her relationship with the truth. With honesty. With justice and vengeance.
A lie that blamed her brother for his own death and a lie that haunted her each and every day, and will continue to until she’s able to come to terms with the truth of it.
We see a scene of her looking at the newspaper (a clipping about the accident), and I think there’s a deliberate parallel there to a scene in dds2, which we now segue into. (we’ll come back to dds3 after, I just thought this was a necessary bit of past information that ties into .. well .. pretty much everything). 
Onto dds2, or; the inevitability of Frank Castle.
The theme’s that tie Karen to Frank are constant, and, in my opinion, needfully heavy-handed. 
Karen learns there’s a man killing criminals, a man who sees the wrong in what people have done and is taking them out with military precision. He doesn’t miss his targets, so why is she lucky enough to get away from The Punisher? What if he knows what she’s done? What if he, like Ben or Ellison, dug a little too deep and saw why she’d come to New York in the first place? Or caught the scent of James Wesley, the gun at the bottom of the Hudson. 
What if she deserved it?
The guilt complex manifests tenfold after she kills Wesley, and continues on throughout season 2 with Karen believing that the reason Frank Castle exists as a concept, is due to the nature of the city. That really, these vigilantes are a product of circumstance. When people like Wilson Fisk rise to power, when there’s a wound in a city of that size, it doesn’t just go away. It leaves a permanent mark and Karen’s literally dedicated her energy to defending the downtrodden. To helping those who need help.
To learn the reason ‘why’ behind every defense sentencing. 
It starts with: he has to have a reason. He knows who his targets are, it’s not a madman gunning down randoms. So there’s logic to what he does, however, distorted by perception, but logic nonetheless. 
We see Karen throw herself headlong into this internal, isolated investigation BEFORE they have reason to dedicate their time and energy to finding a probable defense for Frank.
Karen goes digging before she’s obligated. 
Because she needs to know. Her truths (how many of them now?) are all buried, all dead, all six feet under so that desperate endeavor for honesty and absolution drives her to break into Frank’s house after seeing the files. After seeing what happened to him.
And it grows from there.
Karen finds the truth, wants the truth, and starts to see her grief in the haunted flint of Frank’s eyes and while all of this is happening, her relationship with Matt Murdock has shifted into something romantic. She trusts him. Gets girlish and sweet, maybe even a little vulnerable in his company. 
And in the middle of Karen talking to Frank, in the middle of Karen rooting around in a past that so many have tried to cover up, to hide, Matt is routinely and repeatedly betraying that trust.
Truth. Honesty. Integrity. Components to the walls that Karen keeps up around her, why she keeps most things, most people, at an arm's length.
They either hurt her. Or they die. 
And she wears plenty of guilt for that. Karen’s her own worst critic, her own judge, jury, and executioner. 
Now, Matt’s odd behavior is initially explained by Foggy as ‘drinking’, which wasn’t meant to be a lie that’d hurt Karen ultimately. Foggy did as Foggy does; he protects his friends, and maybe he’d panicked a little and that felt reasonable, right? Better than telling Karen Page that the vigilante she’d been enamored with is actually the blind man that she’s grown separate, and intimate feelings for. 
Again, we look into Karen’s past and we see that she struggled with addiction; pills, powder, alcohol - she’s been there. And her empathy towards Matt, all those hours spent worrying .. are housed in betrayal, ultimately. And he can phrase it like he’s protecting her but really, they both know better, they knew better, and Matt was probably afraid of what would happen if she knew.
A lie is still a lie, no matter the intentions behind it. 
Now Frank’s this sort of ... emotional lifeline for Karen after that first act of heartbreak is echoing around in her mind. Walking in on Matt and Elektra (which, and while I personally resent pitting two women against each other, I recognize the significance and circumstances of; this is all meant to dialogue about Karen Page, not to paint or argue opinions).
She turns to Frank, finds comfort in HIS justice, and it’s definitely an act of emotional projection. Her family is dead. Her family did not, and cannot receive the justice they deserved but Frank’s? That’s an honest to god tragedy (nobody comes out of that okay).
Their relationship continues in such a way that’s built on bald honesty. Even if it’s ugly, maybe especially then. Regardless of whether or not it’s chosen to be read romantically, it is significant, the line Karen has with Frank is probably one of the most important of her character: You’re honest. You never lie to me.
We know why that trait stands out among the rest. After all she’s learned about Frank, knows the skeleton’s in his closet; she doesn’t judge him. Not when the dust settles and the blood on their hands runs the same color red. 
Guilt and grief are hard to differentiate when you’re in the thick of it but Karen’s always drawn a pretty distinct line. 
No matter what, above and before all else; we are our truths. 
And when she collapses in front of her wrecked car (Ben’s, car, isn’t it?), she’s faced with two ghosts: Kevin’s, and Frank’s (he’d told her he’s already dead, what difference does another bullet through another skull make?)
And then he’s dead for real, she thinks. She’s grieving a dead man, loving and mourning him all at once. The scene with Matt hearing her heartbeat? It was done deliberately; he knows what hell he’s put Karen through by then, he knows she’s come to care about Frank in a way that he fundamentally disagrees with, but can’t talk her out of.
But Frank lets Karen know. It’s a pointed scene, on the rooftop. What is it, to be a hero? 
It’s not Midland Circle. It isn’t dying, and staying dead but living in the margins and letting your friends hurt.
It isn’t telling her: I’m Daredevil, and letting the mortification and pain and rage of the last year wash over Karen Page.
So we’re at Daredevil s3 (with an inclusion of The Punisher s1, and how loving dead men makes Karen Page switch to espresso)
We’ve already touched on her backstory, so I’m not really going to reiterate that here and now. 
But the big Lie. The big HURT for Karen this season is Matt. 
He died, but she refuses to believe it (even if she can’t know absolutely either way. Matt’s her friend. As angry as she gets at him, as dumb as he gets, Karen loves her friends fiercely). 
He’s ‘back’, but not really. Karen feels absolutely and fundamentally betrayed; if Matt was back, he wouldn’t let us think he was dead.
So much for him promising he’d stop lying.
And at this point? There’s no degree of self-preservation to it, he doesn’t mask it as keeping them safe. He just cannot live with what he’s become. Matt Murdock dies with the love of his life under midland circle and Daredevil’s fit-together broken pieces.
Karen’s don’t fit with his, but she cares, and she persists. Because that’s what Karen Page does.
She helps. In spite of or despite the circumstances, Karen Page does the right thing in the face of all the wrong. 
Her forgiveness to Matt is slow coming and hell, her defense of Frank to him at the very beginning communicates volumes as to where her headspace is. 
Karen’s tired of grief. Tired of being tired. Tired of people dying in the name of her truth; look at the Bulletin. She’d pushed the Jasper Evans lead, she’d pulled on that thread KNOWING it’d bring Fisk’s wrath -- she still has nightmares -- and that’s because discrediting her, the agent of honesty and truth, is imperative for the liars to keep good in the business of lying. 
So Karen uses her truth as a weapon when she goes to Fisk herself.
No one else gets caught in the crossfire because of her. No one else dies. this is the shape her justice takes and it is as brave as it is stupid, admittedly. 
We close the season on transparency; all seems well with Nelson, Murdock & Page. Truth sits behind her teeth at all times but lying doesn’t go away, it sheds it skin and it grows and Karen Page values honesty. Values justice.
Not how it looks to her alone. But how it fits into the to City they call home.
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smokestarrules · 3 years
My Interpretation of Medal Suzdal Panic (SPOILERS)
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ooooooooooooooookay I love this song and Revue SO much you guys I just think Mahiru’s deserved to go a little apeshit since the beginning of time and she SURE DID DELIVER HERE. 
So let’s get into it!
I am a huge huge fan of Mahiru’s Koi no Makyuu and the pure vibes it gives off, so foolishly assumed that this song would be like her previous one, and wow was I wrong. Mahiru’s scary now. Love that for her. While Koi no Makyuu is forced cheerfulness eventually giving way to real happiness, Medal Suzdal Panic is real happiness giving way to irritation giving way to disappointment and eventually culminating into pride. 
This is Mahiru goading Hikari into a fight in any way she can, and, I mean, you gotta love how all-out Mahiru always makes her stages. She puts a level of care and fun into them that none of the others can really reach. Even the name, the Revue of Competition, lies in an almost meta joke -- Hikari was probably never fully aware of the Hikari vs Mahiru situation, but Mahiru was, and the fact that Hikari still doesn't know that was Very Definitely A Thing is one of the reasons Mahiru gets so irritated with her halfway through this Revue. Mahiru clearly cares about this fight, and Hikari doesn't seem to get it. And the eventual falling of Hikari’s cape is the final clue to the audience that these Revues are different than the ones we’ve seen before. Hikari’s cape falls not even a third of the way into the song, and the Revue is not even close to being done yet. The capes have much less meaning than they used to; in these Revues, it is up the contenders to decide how you win. 
I wasn’t too surprised by the romantic undertones in literally every other Revue in this movie, but that this one had them too were a VERY pleasant shock! Mahikaren for the win  Mahikaren and/or Mahikari are debatably the least canon out of all the ships in this story, so that this Revue had about the same amount of romantic connotations as the rest do was VERY nice to see. 
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“All this Karen-chan, Karen-chan. But the one on stage right now is you, Hikari-chan.” (M)
While a funny gag, this is also a really good reference of Mahiru’s own growth from the anime! She’s no longer as obsessed with the way one person sees her anymore (Karen) and she’s moving beyond those days, moving on with her life and moving onto new stages for herself! She’s not one-dimensionally focused anymore, and it’s not Karen on the stage with her, it’s Hikari.
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Of course, all of the little cuts to all the different sports are hilarious, but this one’s my favorite by a mile lmfAOO LOOK AT HER GO 
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And here’s the shift that drives me insane. First of all, Hikari thinks this is already over; she’s lost her cloak, so in her mind, everything should stop, except it doesn’t. Secondly, up until this moment, the Revue was very similar to Mahiru’s original one against Karen; hectic and strange, edging on horror but never quite taking the step, but this is when Medal Suzdal Panic skips that not-quite-horror step and plunges right into full-on horror. The cheerful music comes to a screeching halt as Mahiru realizes that Hikari doesn’t at all plan to fight back even after having lost her cloak, not really, and Mahiru, who’s been so excited for this Revue, is understandably a bit offended. 
“The truth is, I really hated you. You. You. You. YOU. YOU. YOU.” (M)
(I mean, that line’s just an absolute banger on it’s own gEEZ)
Mahiru had hated her, and Hikari not participating in the Revue now just makes it seem like Hikari had never given her a second thought. Mahiru just wants her to fight back, but Hikari’s too caught up with worrying about Karen that she’s not in the right headspace for it. ....Which is nearly the exact same thing Mahiru had once struggled with as well. 
So, yeah, she’s upset that Hikari’s not taking this seriously, and she’s upset that Hikari even left Karen in the first place, so she lets that irritation show in her song. Which prompts Hikari to run, because Mahiru can be, apparently, goddamn terrifying. 
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AND THEN as Hikari runs, Mahiru goes back to original lilting of the song, but it’s slower now, and combined with Hikari desperately trying to get away, even without the music changing very much, the tone is entirely different. The stage is what the competitors make of it, after all, and with Mahiru so in-control of it as she is, there is literally no way for Hikari to get out. 
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She’s angrier now, too, as she thinks about it more. She doesn't understand Hikari’s logic behind leaving Karen behind, and after Mahiru had stepped aside for Hikari, no less. She’d done that for them, and Hikari had (unwillingly) stomped on the gesture by leaving. 
And Mahiru.... Mahiru just wants to know why. 
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"You, who won’t act on stage, what kind of face will you greet Karen with? What lines will you say? You, who ran away.” (M)
She’s disappointed in Hikari, because Mahiru’s already been through this, and she’d thought she could trust Hikari to stay. But Hikari hadn’t, and Karen had suffered because of that. She’s bringing to light probably everything Hikari’s thought, too, but Hikari’s never wanted to confront these questions; Mahiru is forcing her to. 
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And Mahiru’s right, and Hikari knows it; tearfully apologizing and telling the truth, that she was scared. Which Mahiru had known all along, but still needed to hear. Above maybe anything else, Mahiru understands fear. 
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And in the end, even though in any case the winner is clearly Mahiru, she still gives Hikari the gold medal, her song shifting once again into a true duet of understanding and pride. 
“We can share the burden because we are rivals.” (Both)
Hikari is acknowledging their bond now, which is what Mahiru wanted out of this fight. And then, once again, Mahiru steps aside, allowing Hikari to go and find Karen while also simultaneously inspiring Hikari to keep fighting for herself, too. Mahiru is content, because she got to stand on the stage alongside Hikari, and now Hikari too understands the significance of it. It’s no longer so one-sided. 
also “you were really scary, Mahiru-chan!” (H) is the funniest thing Hikari could’ve possibly said to end this off. 
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thesoundofmadness · 2 years
now i can't stop thinking about how fucking meta revue starlight is. how the entire franchise is a performance. how the girls are performing, acting as themselves because we, the selfish audience, want them too. about we, the audience, are driving the girls to act so cruel and selfish towards each other because we're watching them perform, and they all want to be the lead. how everyone except karen understood that, and when she realized the truth, she was terrified. scared of the stage itself, scared of the audience, scared of herself. how during the movie, karen had no idea what to do now that she achieved her dream because the performance is supposed to be over. but we, the greedy audience, forced them to perform again. it's just so
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harrowharkwife · 2 years
hm, interesting that the writers chose this episode, titled starting over, to literally write a character (toni) saying pretty much verbatim, "i'm sorry for not being supportive of this wonderful gay couple and their strong and healthy love from the get-go even though everyone else saw the beauty in them, i had reasons and excuses but the truth is that i was just wrong, and to atone for that i am going to pour love, time, energy, and resources into specifically celebrating this couple and the strength of their love... and it is going to be a SURPRISE." even to them.
interesting, isn't it?
(not to make everything about buddie- the vow renewal was about hen and karen and the family they've built, point blank, period. but in an episode written and directed by the showrunner and filled with other meta, tongue-in-cheek nods and moments (''that's how you looked when you got DOSED,'' ''the new dispatch center will be ready MID-SEPTEMBER,'' the amnesia couple's story mirroring madney's beginnings, multiple outfit repeats with symbolic significance in a show that typically never repeats outfits, ''you're the guy who likes to fix things,'' ''this is like our first fight all over again,'' eddieana bucktaylor breakup parallels that are quite literally intentional and on purpose considering KR wrote both 5.03 and 5.18, i could go on)... i feel like pointing out these kinds of meta narrative echoes is absolutely fair game.)
the beauty of long-form television is that i needed a lot of words to get this point across. KR, on the other hand, only needed thirteen of them:
I'm gonna tell you a story.
What kind of story?
A love story.
sounds like a promise to me.
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