#meta & fake
molinaskies · 2 years
Might I ask you for your thoughts on issue 58 of IDW? I really like reading your take on things :)
Hello! Thanks for the ask! You absolutely may 💕✨ they’re not all that nuanced this time, though 😅
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1) S-Silver… can we fucking TALK ABOUT THAT??? You can’t just say that without explanation 😭 it’s one of the most decisive plot points of this franchise
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2) I’m not mad, just confused. In the universe, I guess Tangle’s explanation was innocent enough and Whisper’s response is justifiable, but I’m not sure why we took it in this direction? It’s serviceable at is, but confusing.
3) Lanolin is disappointing. I’m just confused. I need more time with it.
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4) Sonic praising Amy is cute. Good comedic timing, too.
5) Tails is very funny, too. Overall, I saw good humour in this issue.
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6a) tell me how that’s borderline a direct quote from SA2 from Tails??? Lmao
6b) interesting how we’re establishing the return of fake chaos emeralds. I know Dark Sonic is vastly unlikely given the meta around this franchise but we’re really setting it up to happen here. I can dream LMAO
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7) Sonic bantering with his friends is refreshing. I’ve missed it. Makes him feel youthful, which he as a character deserves after recent events.
8a) NOT sure what’s going on with his whole “hmm maybe help isn’t so bad” thing, though. This came out of left field for me. I can kinda see a rationale, but I need more time with it.
8b) I need to re-read the last issue, but the whole “Lanolin was right” thing also caught me off guard. I’m curious to see the long term plans are with Lanolin because the attention they’ve given her has been “weirdly flavoured” for lack of a better term lol
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9) the world is saved because Team Dark has come back to us. AMPED, personally.
Thanks for coming to my hedge-talk! Lol
If I can find time to scratch my brain about some of this more on the blog, I will!
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yea-baiyi · 3 years
something something wwx, a touchy person, adjusting the way he generally touches people to meet the way lwj is comfortable being touched, so that he can touch lwj more, bc lwj likes when wwx touches him
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Ok, not trying to disc any horses or anything, and regardless of my personal headcanons, but: I think the ~Official~ bedroom roles assignment for WenZhou makes a lot of sense in the context of their character arcs.
For Zhou Zishu, the relation to his character development is encapsulated in this sentence: “For the first time in his entire life, he was handing himself over to someone else without any defenses.” (extra 1, tl chichi)
Due to his background, Zhou Zishu is used to keeping himself under tight control. His feelings, desires, impulses, actions he wanted to take – all had to be weighted against his goals and responsibilities. Even – especially – the goals and responsibilities he set for himself, such as seeing Helian Yi to the seat of the Emperor. This has served him well in accomplishing that, but… not in his personal life.
In Tian Ya Ke, when Zhou Zishu decides he has contributed enough to the country, when he leaves to be as free as possible during the years he has left – finally something he does not for any grand goal but entirely for himself – that habit of control becomes a limitation instead. Over the course of the novel, much of Zishu’s journey is about slowly working those shackles off – realizing that he doesn’t have to fake politeness, he doesn’t have to care about politics, he doesn’t have to play a long game, he doesn’t need to be an observer in his own life… and realizing that if he chooses to trust someone, it will not necessarily hurt him or otherwise end badly.
So when he ‘hands himself over to someone else without any defenses’, it is yet another step of relinquishing control he is used to having, but no longer needs or even particularly wants.
Wen Kexing’s situation is different in that in all of his life, he’d never been in control. I know, I know, he’s been the Valley Master and everything, but that’s not what I mean. Starting from his parents’ death, all of his choices had to prioritise survival, then vengeance. Even after becoming the Valley Master, his much-talked-about insanity is actually just a mix of trying, on purpose, to seem scarier than he is (feels), and the out-of-control, amped up trauma response (not letting anyone but Gu Xiang closer than one meter to his person…c’mon). And that’s not starting on what’s implied to have happened to him prior to taking the position. Zhou Zishu is helping Helian Yi because he wants to and thinks it’s a right thing to do; Wen Kexing becomes the Valley Master to claw out just a little bit of safety for himself, just to be able to set his own boundaries; they’re not the same. We joke about Wen Kexing’s brothel world tour after leaving the Ghost Valley, but that is the first time in his life he gets to explore sex in a safe environment he feels in control of, the first time he gets to have preferences.
Now, in context of his relationship with Zhou Zishu: many have noticed that Wen Kexing seemed not to show any preference in earlier flirting, but later shifted to insisting on topping. I genuinely think that he’d be fine with either role – because it’s Zishu, and Wen Kexing trusts that he’s safe with Zishu. It’s just that, with time, he realizes that in these relationship, he can have a preference and even insist on it, and it won’t affect the way Zishu feels about him, even if Zishu doesn’t agree. Once again, Zhou Zishu is not afraid of even the most undiluted version of him.
Lastly… I know this isn’t the way most people interpret it, but I believe Wen Kexing did not in fact expect that ‘having a little breakdown’ will turn out to be the button that makes free sex fall out (obviously once he finds out he’s not above using that knowledge; I just think it wasn’t premediated). But whichever it was, I think that for Wen Kexing, with his implied backstory, having a partner who upon seeing his distress will concede full control of the interaction to him… would mean a lot.
- tyk meta masterpost -
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notbang · 4 years
the pursuit of happiness
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or, an examination of happiness and the chase as recurring motifs in the character development of Rebecca Bunch and Nathaniel Plimpton
rethaniel appreciation week day 2 → pursuit
I could write a small novel cataloguing the endless parallels between these two—I have, in fact, thought about attempting it many times—but honestly the list is so long and varied and sprouts off in so many different directions that I’ve yet to think of a logical way to go about it. Which is why for the time being, I’m choosing to focus instead—in some degree of detail—on this particular mirrored thread between them.
As our protagonist, Rebecca functions as a major catalyst for change in West Covina, and just as surely as she stumbles along in her journey we see the (for the most part) positive effects of her friendship on those around her. With perhaps the sole exception of White Josh, all of the characters end the show as happier and healthier iterations of themselves, with many of the major aspects of their growth traceable to their involvement with Rebecca in some way. Nathaniel is no exception to this rule; arguably, his development, more so than any other character’s, is directly tied to Rebecca’s influence on his life. The main difference here lies in the fact that he moves to town good a season and half after her—putting him that much further behind in his inevitable development.
One of the major, ongoing setbacks Rebecca faces over the course of the show is her tendency to conflate happiness, or personal fulfilment, with romantic love, and more specifically, for the first half of the series at least, conflating it with a single person. Nathaniel, by comparison, at the time of our introduction to him, has little interest in the concept at all, something Rebecca is quick to sympathise with in 2x09—‘You know Nathaniel, I used to be a lot like you. Ruthless. But then one day I was crying a lot, and I decided to flip things around. Decided to put happiness before success. And when I did that, the world rewarded me with true happiness.’ Nathaniel doesn’t verbally dismiss the sentiment, but the wealth of facial expressions he supplies in response suggest what he thinks of that: happiness is frivolous, and he doesn’t have space for it in his busy schedule.
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Nathaniel, probably: Sounds fake but okay.
In the season two theme Rebecca declares that as a girl in love, she can’t be held responsible for her actions, and the sweeping duet Nothing Is Ever Anyone’s Fault follows a similar thread of eschewing culpability. While this certainly works to help dismiss a season’s worth of questionable behaviour from the two of them—including, but not limited to, infidelity and conspiracy to murder—I’m not convinced the touted concept behind the song—that Nathaniel has learned the wrong lesson from being in love with her, as explained in post-finale interviews at the time—flies in the face of our understanding of Nathaniel’s character thus far. As a rich, straight, white, cis male whose privilege the show has only made clumsy attempts at dismantling, a disregard of consequence seems a lot less like something he needed to be taught by anybody and a little more like something that was probably ingrained in him at birth.
If we want to talk about misguided takeaways within their relationship, though, their relationship to happiness is the perfect place to start. Nathaniel begins the show with no concept of the pursuit of happiness, so it makes sense that when he does adopt an interest in it, he takes a page right out of the book of the person that introduced him and pins it all in the one place. Unlike Rebecca, though, Nathaniel’s preoccupation seems to be less wilful delusion and more of a case of ignorance being bliss—being with her feels good, so why change anything or interrogate the situation any further? For all his earlier talk, he is quick to give up the thrill of the chase under the hedonistic guise of contentment. Unfortunately, what he lacks is the emotional intelligence to navigate the implications of Rebecca’s disorder, highlighted by his belief that the mere fact that he and Josh are two vastly different people is reason enough for him to be able to dismiss her obsessive behaviour as ‘cute’ and ‘flattering’. Rebecca’s recent breakdown and consequential suicide attempt can’t exist as warning signs in their (what he perceives as superior) relationship because he isn’t planning on leaving Rebecca at the altar; he isn’t privy to the realisation that it ‘wasn’t about Josh, and maybe it never was’.
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Nathaniel: I don’t want to get in the way of your therapy thing, but isn’t the point of all this to be happy? We’re happy. That’s what matters.
It’s a shame because despite there being so much more going on with Rebecca than Nathaniel is capable of comprehending at this point in time, he actually, perhaps entirely by accident, manages to get a few things right—he checks in with her about her therapy when her appearing on his doorstep contradicts the information she’d given him earlier (even if he is, at this point, all too easy to convince), counters her suggestion that they play hooky at Raging Waters with the compromise of a more sensibly scheduled dinner they’ll both enjoy, and, when they do come in to conflict over her obsessive behaviours, takes some time for himself before having a serious conversation with her. Though it’s certainly naive of him to think it’s a problem as easily solved as getting Rebecca to promise she’ll never do anything like this again, it suggests the capacity exists (given, with great guidance) for him to approach Rebecca’s mental illness within their relationship in a thoughtful way.
(This of course completely ignores the inherent issues in their boss/employee relationship, which come to a questionable forefront when Rebecca makes the decision to return to work after having broken things off, but we’re starting to get a little off-track from the intended scope of this discussion.)
The idea of romantic love as a chase—if not already sold to us by Rebecca literally moving across the country in pursuit of Josh—is hammered home most effectively in episode 2x11, but Nathaniel actually brings it up in the episode prior; before Rebecca and Josh leave for New York, at the same time as setting up the whole ‘man of my dreams’ idea that also carries on into the next episode, a sweaty Nathaniel beseeches Rebecca to imitate a land-based predator so he can amp up his workout under the threat of chase. Within this alignment, Josh, who ends up proposing to Rebecca at the end of 2x10, becomes even more clearly representative of an end goal—love, marriage, and, as an expected by-product, ultimate happiness. Nathaniel, by contrast for the time being, is all about the chase that comes before. After his speech at the beginning of 2x11 boasting of his dogged approach when securing clients, his passionate buzz words begin to permeate Rebecca’s subconscious, with ‘pursuit’ in particular going so far as to in an echo in a similar way that ‘happy’ does in the pilot. Such is the effect of his words on her that she parrots them back to Josh when she tells him she’s moved up their wedding—‘Finally, it’s coming to an end. The pursuit is over and I just want to celebrate that’. The title of the episode title may pose the question Josh is the man of my dreams, right? but in the most literal sense, the star of her dreams becomes Nathaniel, along with his personal brand of terminology.
Where Nathaniel thinks life is all about playing the hunter, Rebecca insists she doesn’t care for the chase, which makes sense—she doesn’t want to be chasing Josh, and furthermore, admitting that she’s chasing him would only be contradictory to her belief that they belong together. She wants her happy ending. She wants to arrive at her final destination—her destiny—because thus far all her journeys (which have in actuality been more of a kind of stagnation) have been left her unfulfilled. However obsessing over an idealised future only postpones her happiness with her inability to focus on the present. Ironically, the point at which she makes an active choice to begin shifting that focus—in 3x07, when Dr Shin encourages her to live in the messy in-between—is right around the time Nathaniel starts buying into her idealisation himself.
In a similar way to Rebecca, regardless of his purported love of the pursuit, Nathaniel’s infatuation is seemingly tied to the concept of a destination—several times quite literally. In 3x04 he’s ready to whisk her away to Rome to evade any obstacles to their being together, and in 4x01 proposes a similar escape to Hawaii, causing him to lash out when Rebecca turns him down—‘I want us to just be happy and be together. That’s what I want. You just said you love me, right? So can you just do that for me? Can you just stop overthinking everything? …seems like every time we’re happy, you try to ruin it.’ He sees their shared happiness as a nirvana state he’s caught a glimpse of that Rebecca is now determined to deny him access to, to the point that he seeks to make their version of a love bubble a physical one, where no outside interference (or, more accurately, internal reflection from Rebecca) can keep them apart. Still degrees behind Rebecca in the parallel arcs of their development, he’s stuck in the mindset that them being happy and in love is the only thing that matters. His behaviour is far from flattering, but with a quick review of his history of being on the continual receiving end of her rejection, it’s not entirely difficult to see where he’s coming from.
(As an aside, Rebecca’s relationship with the destination versus the journey as it pertains to the mural on her wall is something I’ve already discussed in a previous meta.)
When she breaks up with him at the beginning of 3x09, Rebecca responds to Nathaniel’s protest of ‘but we’re happy!’ with the qualifier that she’s ‘happy, but it isn’t real’, which probably isn’t the most pleasant thing to be told, even before you factor in Nathaniel’s implied inexperience with serious relationships. While her behaviour prior to this definitely calls for some self reflection, it’s an interesting backflip from extreme infatuation to sudden dismissal, and while it does align with the black and white thinking associated with BPD, it’s easy to see why Nathaniel feels blindsided and, consequently, spurned. She begged him not to break up with her not only to then turn around do exactly that, but to also (presumably unintentionally) throw in the humiliating implication he cared more than she did.
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Dr Akopian: Maybe now you can see that your father’s behaviour in the past has set a pattern for you, seeking the love of men who don’t fully love you back. Who you have to pursue. Men who are taken or emotionally unavailable. Like your father. Like Josh. Like Greg. Like other men, I’m sure.
Nathaniel is an outlier amongst the three main love interests in that, for all his grandstanding about humans being hunters by nature, he’s the one constantly falling over himself to win Rebecca’s affection rather than the other way around; it’s ironic that the love interest that asserts himself as being all about the chase is the one that ends up later having to assign himself the title of ‘king of declarations’ based on his ongoing habit of blurting out to Rebecca how he feels, never achieving the level of emotional standoffishness he hopes to exude. Nathaniel’s unavailability—and subsequent cementing as one of the types of men Dr Akopian calls Rebecca out on being predisposed to pursuing—comes only when he enters into a relationship with Mona, and Rebecca, who supposedly ‘never cared for the chase’, with interest reignited finds a skewed sense of security afforded by the romantic roadblock, something Nathaniel seems to understand on some unspoken level, as hinted at by his eagerness to maintain the fragile status quo of their morally questionable arrangement.
As a result of this subversion of power dynamics within Rebecca and Nathaniel’s relationship, in amongst the many other parallels between them that only serve to support this, it starts to become apparent that, narratively speaking, Nathaniel is to Rebecca as Rebecca is to Josh, something that is visually co-signed by the show during 4x03, when we see the same golden glow of romantic epiphany crest behind Rebecca in the church during her speech at Heather and Hector’s wedding that suffuses across Josh when Rebecca encounters him in the streets of New York.
Nathaniel’s takeaway from Rebecca’s speech is that because he loves her, he should do everything within his power to get her back, which of course leads to his (frankly embarrassing) attempts to manipulate her and win her over in 4x04. (Fittingly enough to this discussion, the opening line of the Slumbered quote he plagiarises is ‘you are the only thing that makes me happy’. The irony of his failed use of her teenage diary to win her over is that I honestly do believe the speech is an accurate summation of how he sees Rebecca, and had he only chosen to put it in his own words, that final scene between them might have played out a little differently.) The part he probably should have focused on, though, is the part Rebecca is currently pouring all her professional energy into (and not so coincidentally, it’s right there in the episode title)—love (and therefore happiness) being about finding your own path.
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Rebecca: I don’t believe in destiny anymore. I just believe in taking responsibility for your own happiness.
This is not the first time Nathaniel makes the decision to actively pursue Rebecca while her attention lies firmly fixed elsewhere. In 3x03 and 3x04, he is forced to grapple with his feelings alone when a distracted Rebecca eventually goes where he cannot follow, putting an abrupt end to any potential for chase when she flees back to New York in 3x05. Consequently, Nathaniel embarks on a mini-arc of struggling to accept the idea that Rebecca may never come back—initially incomprehensible to him, owing to the fact that she bears importance to him, personally—to conceding that his (thus far relatively unexamined) need for her to be in his life is secondary to her own wellbeing, something that acts as a precursor to a major thread in Nathaniel’s (often one step forward, two clumsily-written steps back) character development in the back end of the series.
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Nathaniel: I just hope wherever she is, she’s happy.
In 4x11, Nathaniel’s dream world amalgamation of Maya and Rebecca begs him to let her be happy, and as the former fades into the latter we get another callback to the pilot—an echo of 'happy, happy, happy…’ reminiscent of the empty shell of New York Rebecca latching onto Josh’s description of laid-back West Covina. Unlike its instance in the 1x01, however, this is a wake up call of an entirely different kind—it is not the blossoming of a brand new delusion but the sobering dissolution of one. And unlike the speech a radiant Rebecca gave at Heather’s wedding about finding the one you love and holding on tight, this particular iteration is here to impart the contradictory wisdom ‘if you really love me, you have to let me go’.
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Nathaniel: I want you to be happy, I do.
This moment is arguably the true beginning of Nathaniel’s lesson that his happiness isn’t necessarily (or in this case, due to the current circumstances, can no longer be) inextricably linked to Rebecca—she has the opportunity to find happiness independently of him and that in itself is something that should make him happy, as someone that loves and cares for her. His assertion to dream Rebecca that he wants her to be happy manifests in his concession to Rebecca in the real world—‘I’m glad you’re happy. I really am. And it makes me happy too’—an exchange that echoes two similar moments between them back in season three, during which Rebecca expresses the same sentiment regarding his relationship with Mona, first following the cool down from their 3x10 conflict, and again in the aftermath of their ended affair in 3x13: 
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Rebecca: I’m happy that you found someone else. Mona seems lovely.
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Rebecca: I’m happy for you… I want you to be happy.
The more interesting callback here though, of course, is to Rebecca’s conversation with Greg at the duck pond way back in 2x02. After finally tracking down an AWOL Greg with the intention of breaking the news of her involvement with Josh, Greg makes peace with the situation by way of reassuring them both that everything worked out fine as long as Rebecca is happy. ‘You and Josh—you should be happy together. You’re happy, right? And he treats you well?’ Rebecca responds to this in the affirmative, though her expression—and the context of the episode—belies her answer. In contrast, her exchange with Nathaniel goes a little differently:
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Nathaniel: Because you’re happy, right? You’re happy with Greg. Rebecca: I mean, I don’t know. I’m not there yet. But I could possibly be, yeah.
The evolution of Rebecca’s response is of course evidence of her development as a character and her own understanding of her relationship to happiness, but what I find most noteworthy is not that she lies in 2x02, but that in 4x11 she chooses to tell an unusual truth. She could just have easily have said yes the second time around and it would have functioned as a clear enough juxtaposition of what she considers close enough to happiness; after all, at the time of 4x11 she and Greg believe they are approaching their relationship in a mature and thoughtful fashion, they are warm and affectionate towards one another and, unlike in 2x02, she is not having to compete for her partner’s attention. She would, by all accounts, be completely justified in giving what could be considered the normal response to being posed such a question—that yes, she is happy with Greg. So even though it’s encouraging to hear Rebecca verbalising her newfound knowledge that happiness is so much more than such a simple dichotomy of yes and no, it feels significant that Nathaniel, as a person currently knee-deep in untangling his own complicated relationship with happiness, is the one that gets to be privy to this particular brand of truth.
And while it can be argued that all the strides Nathaniel makes in 4x11 are undone over the course of the following episodes, setting aside the very real fact that human emotions are fickle, and we can’t always stick as completely to our guns as we’d like, his blessing here still comes with a telling caveat: ‘I’ve got to let you go… because you’re happy’. And who shows up on Nathaniel’s doorstep during 4x12 to poke holes in that perceived state of happiness between her and Greg? None other than Rebecca herself.
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Rebecca: You just want me to be happy, which is what I want too, and god, Greg… Greg doesn’t know what happiness is.
Such is the shared significance of this concept of happiness between them that the second Rebecca alludes to their conversation in the foyer, Nathaniel’s previously good-natured, albeit slightly confused, response to her drunken presence in his apartment quickly and very clearly dissolves into alarm bells and he eventually sends her on her way. Though he could easily have wielded Rebecca’s visit as a weapon to create dissonance between her and Greg in 4x13, he merely probes for clues by way of a convoluted metaphor, resigning himself to the fact that the issue has been resolved, while Greg, in actuality, is at this point none the wiser. It’s only once Greg himself tells Nathaniel that it is over between him and Rebecca that Nathaniel returns to entertaining his feelings for her.
Though we the viewers are all too aware (and at this point, probably screaming at the TV!) that Rebecca’s happiness is not, contrary to recurring belief, a vacant role that she needs someone to fill; unlike us, the characters have not had the good fortune of being able to watch the show Crazy Ex Girlfriend on the CW network. Nathaniel is still a fledgling in terms of self enlightenment, and it makes total sense for him to be nudged towards into pursuing her again once the clearest obstacle to her affections—her relationship with Greg—is no longer an issue.
When she breaks the news of her decision to Nathaniel in the finale, Rebecca is quick to assure Nathaniel that ‘the times that [they’ve] spent together have been some of the best of [her] life’, which is an interestingly bold statement all on its own, but it feels somewhat satisfyingly like finally giving Nathaniel a real-life answer to the ‘we’ve had such happy moments, you and I, haven’t we?’ that he throws at his Maya-shaped projection of Rebecca in 4x11; affirmation that contrary to what she says in 3x08, something in there between them was real.
‘You only get one life,’ he tells her in return. ‘And you’ve got to live that the way you want.’
Neither of them uses the word ‘happy’ in this exchange, but as we fast forward in time, we get:
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Nathaniel: Happy to be here.
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Rebecca: For the first time in my life, I am truly happy.
Nathaniel (who in an amusing reflection in 2x09, reveals that he, in a roundabout way, moved to West Covina because of Rebecca—‘it’s kind of your fault that I’m here’) has finally made the actual change that Rebecca taunted him with on their first meeting. And unlike Rebecca, he’s had a chance to interrogate what happiness for himself, removed from another person, might look like before he does so. Rather than starting with a life-altering change, he gets to make incremental changes along the way—which very much are tied to his entanglement to Rebecca—in order to make a more meaningful and deliberate life change for himself later on.
“When you find someone that melts the iceberg that is your heart…” - 3x03
“Provoking me, and zinging me, and challenging my world view. And warming my heart.” - 3x04
“You make me feel like I can be a different kind of person.” - 3x08
“You’ve awakened my heart and unlocked my soul.” - 4x04
“You’ve changed my whole life. Who I am, who I can be.” - 4x11
Rebecca describes her moving to West Covina in Nathaniel’s first episode as ‘[deciding] to flip things around. [Deciding] to put happiness before success. And when I did that, the world rewarded me with true happiness.’ In the finale, she tells the audience how he, by comparison, ‘upended [his] life’—‘You changed everything. But unlike me, you did it for the right reasons. And I am in awe of you.’ Alongside the nice progression from her proclamation in 2x09 that she ‘came to West Covina to search for happiness’ to her more self-aware announcement at the open mic that ‘for the first time in my life, [she is] truly happy’, (which feels like a subversive callback to a certain infamous butter commercial) we also get a reiteration of the sentiment— ‘I came to this town to find love. And I did. I love every person in this room’—that conflates happiness with love in what is now a healthy and satisfying way. It’s the perfect twist that she’s rewarded with the thing she was searching for all along just as soon as she realises she was looking in all the wrong places, and that the place itself still gets to play such a large part in that. And she is able to see Nathaniel’s journey as all the more meaningful in light of her own missteps along the way.
While I have my reservations on the bow they tied Nathaniel’s arc in for the finale (because despite Rebecca’s realisation that there is no such thing as ‘ending up’, there is in the sense of the scope of this series) being a well thought out resolution as opposed to leaning on a previous gag without laying any actual groundwork, the truth is it’s unclear what the true nature of Nathaniel’s sabbatical is/was/will be—mere extended vacation, permanent new career path, or just the initial spark of inspiration in some extended self discovery. That being said, much like Rebecca evolving towards a point where she can appreciate the interconnectedness of love and happiness in a less troublesome way, it is neat that Nathaniel’s resolution follows on from his tendency to want to escape to far-off destinations in an attempt to control his desired status quo. Though his fleeing town is still inextricably linked to having his heart broken by Rebecca, Guatemala, for once, isn’t about transposing his current circumstance to another place in order to cling to something, but rather a carefully selected, specific site for welcomed change.
Independent of any potential that may or may not exist between them as the show closes out—romantic or otherwise—it’s undeniable that these two characters have left indelible marks on each other, and without their respective involvement in each other’s lives, their journeys—and resulting transformations—would not have been the same.
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ryder616 · 4 years
Rewatching Broken Promises
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“Android, robot ... it doesn't matter what you call 'em.The end result's always the same. They rise up against their human overlords and go kill crazy.”
This episode, and the entire idea that Aida had been “upgraded” by the Darkhold and we were about to witness the classic tale of the robot gaining sentience and rebelling against their creators, must be one of the smuggest sleight of hand AoS has ever pulled. And a double sleight at that, because Aida will eventually gain sentience and rebel against her creator.
So here’s this episode, with a story that is seemingly hitting all the killer android clichès, punctuated by Mack’s hilarious, over the top - and, in retrospect, very deliberately so - string of fictional robots references, while the Scottish Dr. Frankstein Sr. and Dr. Frankestein Jr. have the grand ole debate about synthetic and organic life.
Until everything is turned on its head in the last five minutes with the revelation that it was Radcliffe, all along, playing with his toys and manipulating everyone, in his yearning for the possession of the Darkhold. Smeagol, rather than Frankstein.
They basically trolled us, in the best way, and I’m really hoping S7 is a season long adaptation of this precedent to time travel.
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Gotta Catch ‘Em All:
Vijay Nadeer is the “broken promise” of the episode on a meta level: tantilizingly sinking at the bottom of a lake (or ocean, I’m never clear on that) wrapped up in a new Terrigenesis cocoon, basically just missing a “to be continued” thrown in there for the full vibe. Only to never appear again as his true self.
Somewhere across the multiverse, AoS spread the incommensurable riches of S4 over 3 seasons and Vijay, and so many other bits and pieces, got the full treatment.
In our much crueler timeline, he serves to give Senator Nadeer a compelling motivation and amp up her awfulness. And, maybe, to demostrate one of the biggest hits for the playlist of Inhuman powers Fitzler will compile for Aida.
It’s not at all a new idea that his real power is reactive adaptation: “evolving” new abilities to counteract an immediate threat.
That’s because the powers Vijay displays - superhuman reflexes and the protective cocoon when he’s dying/dead - are too different from each other to realistically (ahem...lol) belong to the same power set.
When Aida quickly heals from bullet wounds later in the season, after she’s become a “real girl” and a walking Inhuman powers compilation, that particular feat comes seemingly out of nowhere. None of the Inhumans we’ve seen on the show have been capable of that, as Jiaying required the “life-force” of other people to heal. So it seems like a decent guess/head canon that it’s actually Vijay’s ability at work.
New AoS drinking game: robot movies/shows references! Not my wisest idea because they are...many. 🥴
“First of all, that thing is not a “she” ... it's a damn robot. And second of all, what's the matter with you two chuckleheads? Have either one of you seen a movie in the last 30 years? The robots always attack.” Oversweeping reference to the genre *drinks*
Not to question Her Hatefulness, also ‘cause I’m scared of her, but wouldn’t slipping some poison in Vijay’s drink, rather than arranging for a kill squad, have made for a safer and overall less traumatizing murder for both parties involved?
I'd have a much better idea where she was hiding him if the Director hadn't insisted I wear a hood before going on assignment. Just awful. -- It's hard to breathe in those things, huh? Ah, the good old days when kidnapping hackers out of their vans was the highlight of working for S.H.I.E.L.D....
Speaking of the Director, here comes his little Smithers now. With Nathanson dead, Burrows has no more competition for the Most Picked On Redshirt award.
The Director would like a word with Quake. -- My name's Daisy. Cheer up, Daisy dear, it’s at least your second best fake name, c’mon.
As it was entirely predictable, Daisy is hardly impressed with the P.R. ingenuity displayed by Mace on her behalf (and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s)
You already had plenty of publicity. Destruction of public property, assault, armed robbery... Meh, the real robbery is having been deprived of watching all that mayhem unfold. Such a shame. 😌
Look, we’re a team now, and I have a saying: a team... -- I read the motivational poster in the bathroom. *drinks* (this game’s still ongoing!)
Mace vs Daisy, a tally: Expected gratitude? Miss. Not losing patience in the first 30 seconds of the conversation? Miss. Humor to break the ice? Miss. Impressing her with a display of modesty for his own (fake) heroic background? Miss. Delivering his catchphrase? Big, big miss. Finally founding common ground with something that matters to her? Score! Mace the Pace was only 1-6 from the field tonight but still managed to clinch a hard fought win for the team, with a long distance shot that caught Quake by surprise! 🤭
We simply wanted to make a few upgrades, that's all. [...] -- I made a few upgrades of my own. Nothing worse than auto-updating software, am I right?
S.H.I.E.L.D. is one of the main reasons the world has the problems it does. -- There you go...painting with a broad brush again. Seriously, poor Vijay. Even without her fratricidal tendencies, Her Hatefulness would be the sister from hell.
Oh, hey, the Boom Guy. Karma is a bitch, Boom Guy. You just wait... 😈
This isn't some Johnny 5 we're talking about. This is a bloodthirsty murder-bot on the loose. *drinks*
If we catch her, I'm sure we'll get some crazy-ass Roy Batty explanation. *drinks*
I wonder what Sousa would think of Jemma’s southern accent. 🤭
So, you're Margaret's replacement. -- As if anyone could replace Margaret. And indeed, her attempt to “replace” Margaret “Peggy” Carter won’t be entirely successful.
Jemma is much tougher than I had originally given her credit for. -- Yeah, well, being in S.H.I.E.L.D. will do that to you. I think Simmons has been kidnapped like three times since I've known her. -- Really? -- Yeah, well, only twice on this planet. 🤣 🤣 🤣 (and there’s more coming!)
Looks like your creepiness finally works in our favor. Shouldn't be too hard to find your beautiful “Weird Science” sex-bot. *drinks*
This right here ... it's exactly how “The Lawnmower Man” ends. *drinks*
Simmons and I have built a non-Internet server to power the base in case we ever got hacked again, which seems to happen all the bloody time, doesn't it? He’s so, so done...🤣 You know, I’ve suspected for a long time that the Grumpy Cat’s mug was Fitz’s. I think I’ll make it my official headcanon.
Radcliffe built a humanoid robot that's about to attack the base. -- Why would he do that? Has he watched no American movies from the '80s? Robots always attack. -- I've been saying that all day. Clearly made for each other.
All right, gear up. The robot apocalypse is finally here. *drinks*
Radcliffe failed to mention [Aida] had ninja programming. If it’s any consolation, he failed to mention a great many more things... 😂
What if reading the Darkhold somehow made the emotions that Aida was mimicking... real? -- Well, I get how the book can pass knowledge along to its reader, but human feelings? I mean, that's like something from one of Mack's movies. [...] Aida is still just an android. -- Yeah, but is she? She has her own experiences, her own thoughts. Now she even has free will. How, then, is she not a living being? -- It's just a theory. -- A theory we both know to be true. Radcliffe is pretty good, especially for an amateur at this, working Fitz to push him to the conclusions he wants, first playing the skeptic, then steamrolling to the point once he’s been “convinced”. However Fitz is not an amateur at this. He’s a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, one who’s been manipulated by better liars in his time, and will therefore catch on.
I'm surprised to see you here, Director Mace, especially in the company of Quake, a known terrorist. -- [...] Agent Johnson here is a national hero. I get the feeling Daisy’s bristling at the second descriptor more than the first.
Well, if you have nothing to hide, I'm sure you wouldn't mind us taking a quick look around. -- Actually, I would mind. When you’re planning fratricide but an unlawful search crosses the line.
Someone needs to make Radcliffe watch all the "Terminator" movies. -- Even “Salvation”? -- He brought this onto himself. 🤣 🤣 🤣 *drinks*
She did not just go all “Maximum Overdrive” on us. *drinks*
I always worried that robots would try and kill me one day. -- Really? We grew up different. -- Even got a special provision in my life insurance for death by robot. -- Are you serious? -- Yep.If this goes sideways, my brother's gonna be one rich dude. 🤣 🤣 🤣 Mack taking his sci-fi this seriously is one of the most relatable things on the show for me. I, however, am #teamrobots.🤖
Fitz just moved the Playground’s network to a pair of 1980s Apples and I don’t know whether to be impressed or horrified to be honest. 😂
I did not kill anyone here. That was intentional. -- You murdered Nathanson. Yes, and it’s a terrible loss. Who are they going to boot out of the lab to have private conversations now? Burrows mostly hangs in the director’s office.
Roll credits. Not technically a reference but ...*drinks*
I think it's time the Superior sends some men of his own. Ugh, don’t remind me of that guy. I’m not drunk enough yet.
Okay, here's another one ... have you ever watched “Chopping Mall”? *drinks*
Ah. How's Radcliffe holding up? -- He's taking it pretty hard, actually. Aida was his life's work. She was kind of... like a child. -- “Small Wonder.” *drinks*
She played her part to perfection, right down to my little speech about how the Darkhold was making her a real girl. Oscar-worthy stuff. Though poor Fitz ...he was quite down in the dumps afterwards. But I had to protect myself ... switch to the long game. And it suddenly clicked who Radcliffe reminds me of...it’s not a good comparison. For Radcliffe. 😈
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sebeth · 6 years
Young Justice: A Bat Family And The House Of Al Ghul
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Seriously, turn away if you aren’t up to date with Young Justice: Outsiders – particularly episode 6.
You have been warned…
  The current Young Justice season has shown the following members of the Bat-Family:
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Oracle (Barbara Gordon)
Robin (Tim Drake)
Spoiler (Stephanie Brown)
Batwoman (Kate Kane)
Jason Todd
Damian Wayne
 The House of Al Ghul has the following representation:
Ra’s Al Ghul
Damian Wayne
 “Rescue Op”, the latest episode of Young Justice: Outsiders, dropped a few bombshells on the Wayne Family and the League of Shadows. Now is a perfect time for a recap and speculation post.
 Batman: Has grown tired of the limitations imposed on the Justice League by the United Nations and Lex Luthor in particular. Bruce resigned from the League and formed Batman Inc. Green Arrow, Batwoman, Katana, Hardware, and Plastic Man have also resigned from the League and joined Batman Inc. Robin, Spoiler, and Arrowette resigned from Young Justice in support of their mentors.
We haven’t seen Batman since the mass resignation so we are unaware of his future plans.
Batwoman: Has made one brief non-speaking appearance. I’m assuming Kate’s origin is similar to her comic book version. She should re-appear when Batman returns on the scene.
Nightwing: Left Young Justice at the end of season two. The death of Wally West, his best friend, laid a heavy burden on his shoulders. We have no idea what Dick has been up to during the two-year time gap between season two and three. The use of hypnos in an early episode hints as adventures with Spyral, a spy organization.
The season opened with Dick breaking up meta-human trafficking rings.  He’s in a relationship with Barbara Gordon.  It appears Dick will/has formed the Outsiders as of the latest episode – Brion and Halo stated they’d work best “outside” the Young Justice team.
Oracle: Has been paralyzed for less than a year. The prequel comic had Babs active as Batgirl in year six. We aren’t aware of the circumstances of her paralysis but it’s most likely due to the Joker. The only question is if we will receive a “Killing Joke” flashback or if it’s only referenced in a comment. Babs is strictly working with Nightwing at this point but will she organize the Birds of Prey in the future? I would love to see Huntress and Lady Blackhawk in the YJ-verse!
Dick and Babs were both aware of Bruce’s “Batman Inc” plan but are not actively participating in it.
Robin: We’re not sure when Tim became Robin. I’ve always felt it was shortly before season two started due to the anxious protectiveness Dick had of Tim in the first episode. Tim should be around 16-17 years old in the current season. He resigned along with Batman in the first episode. Tim’s romance with Wonder Girl is on the rocks due to the resignation.
Spoiler (Stephanie Brown) – Like Kate, she has only been featured in a non-speaking role. Steph was part of the mass resignation of episode one. I’m assuming Steph’s origin is true to her comic book roots: daughter of Cluemaster, adopts the Spoiler identity to foil his crimes. A significant difference is her early adoption into the Bat family. Trust me, Steph wouldn’t have been able to join the team without Batman’s approval. Steph’s resignation suggests she has a much smoother relationship with Bruce in the YJ-verse. Another difference – Steph isn’t romantically involved with Tim. Is Cassie doomed to be the “Ariana” of Tim and Steph’s future romance? Or will Tim and Steph simply be BFFs?
Finally, Jason Todd!
Jason was seen briefly in season two as a memorial hologram. He had died sometime during years two and four of Young Justice.  We’re not sure of the exact time or circumstances.
I would set Jason’s death in year four. Dick would be approximately 17 years old during the fourth year of the team. Dick, traditionally, is around 17 to 19 years old when he breaks off from Bruce and forms the Nightwing identity. Jason would have a brief tenure as Robin and a member of Young Justice before his death- allowing a very new to the role Tim to join the team in year 5.
We’ve never been told the circumstances of Jason’s death. It’s a safe bet the Joker was involved in some way.
Let’s recap the various versions:
Post-Crisis: Jason searches to find his birth mother. Sheila Haywood, said birth mother, betrays Jason to the Joker. The Joker beats Jason with a crowbar and leaves him to die in an exploding warehouse.
New 52: Very similar to the Post-Crisis death.
Under The Red Hood movie: Similar to the traditional death minus the mom.
Batman: Arkham Knight: The Joker kidnapped, imprisoned, and tortured Jason for many months. Joker appeared to murder Jason in a video, causing Bruce to stop searching for him.
Now let’s discuss the various resurrections…
Post-Crisis: Superboy Prime punched the walls of reality causing alterations of the timeline. One alteration was Jason’s resurrection. A massively brain-damaged and physically injured Jason awoke in his coffin. He dug himself out of his grave and wandered the streets of Gotham in a semi-catonic state. Talia discovers Jason and brings him to the League of Assassins. Jason has muscle memory but no intellectual capabilities. In other words, Jason can fight but not communicate. After months of no progress, Ra’s orders Jason to be sent to a home. Ra’s orders Jason will be taken care of out of respect for the Detective. A desperate Talia throws Jason into the Lazarus Pit. Jason emerges with full mental capabilities but an insane amount of rage. Talia furthers Jason’s training but also amps Jason’s rage – she sends him like an exploding bomb into Gotham. Prime targets: Bruce, the Joker, and Tim. Jason and Talia have a brief, icky, sexual relationship.
New 52: No Superboy involved – Talia straight up throws Jason into the Lazaurs Pit. She still serves as Jason’s mentor but no sex was involved.  Jason’s return as the Red Hood and his roaring rampage of revenge happened before the New 52 began. We never receive the full details of Jason’s revenge but Jason comments about his rough treatment of Tim and Roy jokes about a “duffel bag of severed heads” so we’ll assume it was similar to the ‘Under The Red Hood” arc.
Under The Red Hood movie: Ra’s resurrects Jason due to his guilt over unleashing the Joker. Jason’s death was never intended and Ra’s resurrected him to make amends. Unfortunately, Ra’s couldn’t contain Jason’s rage and banished him from the stronghold.
Batman: Arkham Knight: Never died but still full of rage and bitterness due to Batman’s “abandonment” of him.
Jason is seen briefly in “Rescue Op”. He’s masked and wearing a red hood. He fights Nightwing. After Dick’s team leaves, he mutters “Grayson”.
Ra’s comments: “Oh, your memory is finally returning. Excellent.”
Let’s speculate:
We can safely assume Jason died at the hands of the Joker. It’s a universal constant. I feel it was a true death as the “faked” death of Arkham Knight doesn’t work well in universe with a Superman and a Martian Manhunter. If Batman didn’t have Jason’s actual corpse in his arms, he would have called in his entire Justice League team to find his son. And if he didn’t, Dick would have.
More questions: Was Dick in space when Jason died? Did Dick and Jason work together in Young Justice? Did the brothers have a better bond in the Young Justice universe or was it the more typical “overshadowed by Dick’s greatness” combined with Dick’s bitterness over being replaced route?
As for Jason’s resurrection…
We can rule out Superboy Prime and timeline alterations.
The Lazarus Pit is the obvious solution. However, Jason is very much in his post-grave but pre-Lazarus dip state.  Has Jason been immersed in the Pit? If not, what caused his resurrection?
If Jason has been immersed in the Pit, why such a half-assed job? And where’s the rage?
The Young Justice comic book had Robin (Dick) accidentally drop Ra’s – causing the man to fall to his death. Talia and Ubu threw Ra’s into the pit and he emerged fully intact with no memory loss.
If Jason still has memory loss after the Lazarus pit – is it due to the massive head trauma caused by the Joker’s crowbar?  But, again, Ra’s had died in the Young Justice-verse and been resurrected in prime condition. Talia and Ubu had to travel back to the Lazarus Pit – meaning Ra’s was dead for hours – that would also cause brain damage and he came back in perfect health.
My theory is an outside force caused Jason’s resurrection. Talia discovered Jason wondering the streets and brought him back to the League’s stronghold.
It would explain Jason’s current state. I have no idea what the “outside force” would be though.
Jason has been healing and training with the League but has not been immersed in the Pit.
Ra’s al Ghul stated in “Recue Op” that he is no longer the head of the League of Shadows or a member of the Light.
A power struggle occurred and Ra’s lost.  Ra’s only has his own family – Talia, Damian, and Sensei – along with a few loyal operatives on the island. Who has assumed control of the League of Shadows?
I listed a few suspects when I covered “Rescue Op” – Cheshire and Lady Shiva. I even theorized over the introduction of Cassandra Cain. I completely forgot the most obvious suspect – Nyssa al Ghul.
Nyssa is the older sister of Talia. Nyssa lost most of her family in concentration camps during World War II – mainly because of Ra’s outright refusal to help her.
“Batman: Death and the Maidens” is Nyssa’s origin and revenge against Ra’s. She murders Ra’s al Ghul and Talia and assumes control of the League.
The trio of Nyssa, Lady Shiva, and Cheshire would be a terrifying triple threat. And if Shiva has coerced Cassandra to help? Very bad times ahead for Ra’s and Talia.
Let’s talk Talia. She only has a brief appearance in the cartoon but received a two-issue spotlight in the comic book series.
Talia is a more multi-faceted and likable character in the Young Justice-verse than she is in the mainstream DC universe.
Talia wants Bruce to love her but realizes he doesn’t/can’t – at least not the way she wants him to. She’s frustrated that her father doesn’t understand or accept this. She wants someone to see her as something other than Ra’s al Ghul’s daughter or Batman’s lover. Talia is very tired of the endless conflict between Batman and her father.
I believe Talia discovered the resurrected Jason. She brought Jason home with her so he could heal. Talia has been patiently waiting for Jason’s full recovery. In the comics, Talia didn’t push Jason into the Pit until Ra’s threatened to send Jason away. Clearly, this isn’t a worry in the YJ-verse so Talia would have no reason to immerse Jason in the Pit and risk the resulting insanity/rage.
Initially, Talia rescued Jason in the comics so Bruce would be grateful to her. Cartoon-verse Talia likely has a similar motivation.
What would cause Talia to throw Jason into the Pit – restoring his full mental capacity even at the risk of rage and insanity?
Two words: Damian Wayne.
Talia was holding baby Damian in her arms during the episode. Why introduce both Jason and Damian together unless their storylines intertwine?
I feel Ra’s successors in the League are going to pursue the remaining Al Ghuls. The League, by its various nature, is a bloodthirsty affair – predecessors aren’t allowed to live out their lives in peace. And Ra’s isn’t a “chilling on the beach” type of guy.
Damian is a newborn and I’m assuming he was conceived the old-fashioned way. None of this Talia drugged Bruce or stole his genetic material stuff. It wouldn’t be true to the Young Justice version of Talia.
Talia has a newborn and a price on all the Al-Ghul heads. Talia realizes Damian needs to be with his father for his own safety. Talia is unable – or unwilling – to leave Ra’s side. It’s possible an ambush goes very badly. A desperate Talia throws Jason into the Lazarus Pit. She orders the now fully restored Jason to bring Damian to Bruce.
Jason may not even engage in a “roaring rampage of revenge” against Bruce. Mainstream-Talia’s manipulations helped cause Jason’s revenge (“You remain unavenged”). Talia has no reason to amp Jason’s revenge in the YJ-verse – she needs Jason to get Damian and himself to Gotham asap.
Jason’s rage may not even kick in until after he hands Damian over – it could be days or weeks later when Jason discovers the Joker is still alive. Enter the Red Hood.
If Jason does go all revenge-driven Red Hood, I am going to be seriously annoyed if he focuses his anger on Dick and not Tim.
Bad enough Dick stole the founding of Young Justice and the Kon friendship from Tim, if he takes the “replacement feud” I’m going to have a fit.
Dick is the original Bat-Family thief – first Barbara has multiple accomplishments stolen from her history in order to make her Dick’s “true love”, and then Dick steals the founding of Young Justice and Superboy from Tim!
I love you, Dick, but stop stealing your sibling’s stuff. They are allowed to have accomplishments and storylines without you hogging the action!
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trashyeggroll · 5 years
If you’re still doing the fanfic tropes mash up, 48 and 62 for Nora/any ship, please?
48. Fake Dating
62. Love Confessor (Character A confessing their love for Character B to Character C)
Muahahah 🦹🏻‍♂️ let’s do this! How about Nora/Joss because I think Lia would be too sweet and open to the fake dating to really get some tension going.
Fanfic trope mashup - Give me 2 tropes + a ship and I’ll tell you how I’d use them in a fic.
I almost set this in a non powers universe but I actually think if we only toss the last two episodes of Season 5, this can work.
Turns out Raya Van Zandt is not dead as Joss Jackam implied; she was just trying to look tough for Queen Bee. In reality, Joss and Raya got separated during a heist, and in a moment where she glimpsed true freedom, Joss ran. (I hate how she was suddenly full tilt evil maniac in Gone Rogue—DEATH OF THE AUTHOR to the characterization but not the outcome).
So in exchange for being let out of prison, Joss has to help bring in Van Zandt. Truly, the government just wants her ability to turn military vehicles into meta tech, so they’re willing to go p far to catch Van Zandt, who’s currently thought to be hiding in Cost Rica.
But, they aren’t willing to risk just setting Joss loose on a mission, being a criminal and all, so the govt enlists Team Flash to help. Still feeling guilty about how she treated Joss, essentially settting her on her criminal career path, Nora volunteers to accompany the Weather Witch to Central America, as her chaperone—and when they get debriefed by their handler in Costa Rica, turns out also her “girlfriend.” That’s their cover story for the Costa Rican government; two girlfriends on vacation. Because I said so, that’s why. Not gal pals.
Van Zandt is thought to be hiding out somewhere in a resort town, using her bags of cash from recent heists to lay low in an area where someone with an American accent won’t stick out too much.
After flying in on a plane like normal people, bickering the whole way, Nora and Joss check into their hotel and head up to the room—oops bonus trope—and it turns out they have a single king bed. For the sake of their cover, they can’t request a cot. Nora sleeps on the floor the first night. She’s stubborn like that. Joss delivers a cutting remark about having slept on her floors for most of her life, anyway.
Their “investigation” essentially entails wandering around town, keeping a lookout, but also trying to get Van Zandt to see them. She doesn’t know what XS looks like, and she doesn’t know that Joss abandoned her, so for all intents and purposes, it isn’t implausible to Van Zandt that Joss would be on vacation under a fake name. They do typical vacation things, snorkeling, sunbathing, and building sand castles together. This is where I’d want that bit of Joss that would be angery and resistant to really try to keep Nora, who betrayed her twice, at an emotional arm’s length… but she wouldn’t be able to. Besides the fact that Nora understands her anger better than anyone else has, Joss starts to warm to Nora’s goofy, somewhat clumsy side. There would be the burying of Nora in sand. There would be sitting under a shared towel, quietly watching the sun set with shoulders touching. They do share the bed in their room, but tucked away on either side of the massive mattress.
On the fifth day, after a dinner of heartfelt conversation where Nora almost forgets that their connection is just a cover, a busboy drops off a napkin with an address and a time written on it, signed xoxo RVZ.
Since the feds didn’t give Joss her real weather staff back yet, Nora accompanies her fake girlfriend to what turns out to be an off the books bar. It’s owned by Van Zandt and heavily guarded by hired muscle metas, and its customers are innocent locals who think the supercheap prices are due to tax evasion.
Nora and Joss aren’t sure their story is going to fly with Van Zandt at first, but it turns out she’s been watching them for three days, and she’s already filled in the implications herself. However, she’s QUITE suspicious of Nora, and in a question that’s clearly meant to be a test, asks her about how she feels about Joss, now that she knows who she really is (as “revealed” by Raya).
So I’m arguably cheating on the trope here, but Nora would look Van Zandt dead in the eye and give a Shonda-level speech about Joss, who’s right there, but isn’t sure at all whether what Nora’s saying is true or not—how she always knew Joss had a past, but how the person she’s become is fierce, but kind. Bluntly truthful, but not without compassionate intent. Beautiful, ofc, and powerful even without her staff.
Van Zandt immediately loops them in on her next planned heist.
They’re absolutely amped on adrenaline that night, and there’s a Moment before they go to sleep, but they both chicken out. Nora doesn’t quite admit that what she said was true, and Joss doesn’t quite admit how it affected her. BONUS trope deaux, they wake up cuddling. This leads to their first kiss, and it might’ve been more if not for being interrupted by a call from their agent.
They go with the heist plan! But it’s a trap! Nora disarms Van Zandt and her cronies! Except oh no! The feds lied like the lying liars they are—they never put Joss’ agreement in writing, and they’re just going to whisk her away to a secretive location instead, until they figure out how to use the staff for war.
Nora’s having none of it. She grabs Joss and zips her to Hong Kong, where she contacts her Uncle Wally, and he gives them a connect to find safe harbor for Joss. They have a Clarke and Lexa goodbye in every sense of the word except that very last part, in a skyrise safe house, and then Nora has to return to Central City… but, she IS a speedster… so she plans to come back, once Joss is settled and safe.
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shark-myths · 6 years
lake effect kid EP
(or: “chicago” is a funny way to pronounce “patrick”: the album)
first of all, i would like to thank fall out boy for the best gift ever: three love songs to my hometown released on my birthday. three love songs with peterick overtones. I listened to this album four times through on my run this morning and loosed a single giant, ugly sob out in public to the morning air. (there was also a LOT of fist pumping and slamming my foot into the pavement on the downbeats, but let’s not make a full catalogue of everything embarrassing about me this morning, thanks)
let’s dive in, cuz i’ve got FEELINGS
(and what is the lake effect but excess, but overstated, amped-up reactions to changes in the seasons, the weather, the heart??? HOO BOY LET’S GO)
1. lake effect kid
the year: 2008. the song: a hopeful starry-eyed rising-fame chicago kid anthem, starting with a verse about how touring and the band’s success is literally heaven, and the nostalgic annoyance of van days, joe’s old van that only ran with the heat blasting. the prechorus places us squarely in 08 with pete’s LA isolation and growing pharmaceutical dependence ((boxed blondes have less fun breaks my heart for every reason. pete writes SO MANY lyrics about blonde & fake vs. golden & true, and someday i will write a post about it))
the chorus—boomerang my head into the city i grew up in / again and again, forever a lake effect kid—speaks to how, no matter how far they travel and where fame takes them, chicago is always home. the skyline runs in their veins like blood. summer love on a gurney with a squeaky wheel is hospital-room desperation, a sweaty boys-in-vans affair that, from this angle, seems doomed from the start… because remember 2008 is when the petericks and the band are falling apart.
(that they re-recorded it now, in the modern era? tells us that what he felt, he still feels. that these sentiments are always and have always been true.)
and this is my thesis, honestly, of the ep. these are love songs about chicago, yes. about themselves and the band and their history. but they are also love songs about the person who is chicago to pete. they are love songs to patrick.
love songs to the person pete will come back to, again and again and again and again and again.
2. city in a garden
this fucking track. We’ve got a peculiar Infinity/SRAR blend, sonically, where it opens with sounds of IOH and rises to an anthemic SRAR feel by mid-song. it’s the happiest, most optimistic song on an EP that is all about home, belonging, and true love, and in it pete writes I LOVE YOU CHICAGO because that’s easier and safer and more allowed than saying the thing he also means, I LOVE YOU PATRICK STUMP. this is a dual-layer song, with a hometown reading and a truelove reading, and i think both are valid and intended.
right away, it opens with the plea of a boy who moved to LA and can’t stop looking back: take me home, take me home. You make me feel so summer fling adds to a long and lustrous history of describing patrick and their tryst in terms of summer, especially in the context of summer tour: summer is a season outside of time, where there are no consequences and anything is possible. summer isn’t real life. summer is you but better than real, blood more vibrant, ribcage more cavernous, heartbeat more vital and raw. You know that i know that i owe you everything feels like love to the chicago music scene as well as something that pete and patrick might both say, and mean, to each other. without patrick’s voice, FOB as we know it wouldn’t exist. that nightmare-magic truest kind of love wouldn’t exist.
the rush of having no tomorrow, love that was doomed from the start, outrunning your doom… and patrick being the one thing pete’s found that’s worth holding onto…
this bit is so incredibly pete, and the heavy punch on stuck reminds me powerfully of novocaine, a song originally demoed for SRAR: you charged me up, charged, charged me up. I was something they forgot to label “fragile”, now I’m stuck. And you know too much. You’re the one true thing, you’re the one.
that is not a verse about a place. that is a verse about a person. In novocaine, stuck/numb means hopeless in love and unable to get out, even if you want to. this verse is about falling in love so hard you break yourself and can never reassemble. can never be the same. it’s about patrick being the type of love that you don’t believe exists until you have it--the ‘there are no atheists in foxholes’ kind of love.
we get the homesickness, these two boys who bleed chicago but now live in LA, these boys who spend so much time on the road that they don’t even recognize home when they’re there, in the next verse: and i’m just living out a suitcase. watch me now, watch me as i drive away. I’m supposed to leave you at the end of the season but i’ll stay. two layers to this: the feeling of leaving your hometown at the end of the holidays or summer vacation, and the feeling of leaving patrick at the end of a tour cycle. and saying to both the person and the place: i’ll stay. in my heart, in my soul, i will stay. you’re the one true thing, you’re the one.
3. super fade
this motherfucking solo patrick / MANIA blend with the sunshine riptide-esque lyrics and the hiatus feels, this fucking soul punk/batman theme outtake, this fucking song about loving someone so much it makes you sick and you’re furious, this song about who gets your bones vs your soul, who you sleep beside vs who is your ultra and forever love—
I love every fucking line of this song.
it doesn’t sound like classic FOB the way the first two tracks do. this is something else, the way Y&M was something else. this is classic FOB feelings and sentiments turned on their heads and made into nightmares. this is about the dark side back end of love, the wrong side of reality. this is about fucking up and scraping raw and emptying out and loving, loving, loving so stupid it’ll kill you. it sounds like the hiatus. it sounds like always making the same mistakes.
it sounds like always making them with the same person.
it’ll never happen again til tonight, i’m so sorry. My love isn’t lost, it’s all i got. pours out of me, the shape of you. sorry.
IF THIS ISN’T ABOUT TRYSTING AND ADDICTION AND DEPENDENCE AND THE WHOLE PETERICK CYCLE, then nothing is. this feels like a song about a time when they’re supposed to be broken up but their bodies keep coming together anyway, even when they hate themselves, especially when they hate themselves. my love isn’t lost, it’s all i got.
((can we talk about the romantic / filthy line there’s a hole inside me the shape of you?? because UM))
i feel too much unless i’m riding the super fade is so pete, so MANIA, so bipolar, so folie, so getting fucked up to get out, so in love with your best friend even when you’re trying not to be, so self-medicating to the point of obliteration just to cope with your life.
I should’ve known better. I should’ve tried to sing about anything but you. I should’ve tried to go to sleep thinking about anything but you. Anything else in the world but you. you know the world can get my bones, but chicago gets my soul.
h o l y f u c k i n g s h i t
okay so. I’m sorry every song’s about you, but. this is about loving patrick, right? It’s about chicago-as-a-metaphor-for-patrick getting his soul. it’s about the futility of trying to get over the only thing that’s ever really completed him. It’s about tearing my fucking heart out.
the second verse is very much hiatus to me, about trying to fill that hole left by a love-that-isn’t-lost but is out of reach, with anything, anything. I’m surfing on the dopamine high, i’m someone you gotta institutionalize is peak pete, esp hiatus pete. And the echo chorus of sorry, i’m so sorry? jeezus fucking christ, just kill me, just absolutely kill me.
patrick gets my soul. the world can have my body and bones, but you get my soul.
IN CONCLUSION, this is a gay and glorious EP on a gay and glorious day, happy birthday to me, thank you for coming to my tryst theory TED talk. more meta soon, and hit up my ask box in the meantime!
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awesomewutwut-blog · 5 years
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cdyssey · 6 years
Once Rewatch: Snow Falls, 1x03
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“You’re a... girl?!”
And then she clocks David upside the face with a big rock.
Now this is start of a beautiful pair. :’)
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Omg, I’d forgotten that MM had gone on a date with Whale.
Talk about awkward.
Hm, I also think I’ll do some Whale analysis here as well. He’s arrogant, misogynistic, and kind of spineless when it comes to dealing with forces more powerful than himself. I think this is a great interpretation of source material, lol.
Bc if we’re being honest here, Victor Frankenstein is a whiny college dropout, a prototypical incel who probably passed biology but severely failed ethics.
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I’m not crying—there’s just some Snowing in my eye.
On a related note, Isham’s swelling score is particularly powerful here; he amps up the suspense perfectly.
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I love Once’s retcon of the name Prince Charming; it works so much better as an ironic moniker.
Snow: “True love? It doesn’t exist. It’s all arranged marriages and business transactions.” (1) So in my writeup on the pilot, I wrote something to the effect that Snow is less vulnerable to optimism than David is, that she’s long been disillusioned about the possibility for happy endings. I think this quote backs that sentiment up quite nicely. (2) I know A&E probably haven’t figured out the logistics of Regina and Leopold by this point, but even still, this quote very well applies to their farce of a marriage. (Snow’s cognition and/or ignorance of this is such a rich place to explore in fic.)
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Emma (talking about Regina): Where does she think you are anyway?
Henry: Playing Whack-a-Mole.
Emma: And she bought that?
Henry: She wants to believe it, so she does.
This exchange is funny but also purty revealing, even if Henry doesn’t quite know it. Regina desperately wants things between them to return back to normal, so when Henry tells her that he’s off doing something normal, that he’s returning to his old habits of playing games and having fun and not becoming Storybooke’s new junior sleuth, she’s more than ready to take his word at face value.
Side-by-side, Ginny and Jared look so much alike, and I love that. <3 They also share a buoyant, youthful kind of energy when they play off each other. So I hereby headcanon that Snow and Henry, post-uh-everything, are always going out on mini-adventures together. With their combined imaginations and mutual penchants for curiosity, this grandmother-grandson can make even the most mundane of grocery runs into something like a hunt for buried treasure.
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Regina: “Now you’re lying to me?” A simple question which cues us in on lying being a v. new trait that has surfaced in Henry. The psychology of it is pretty logical. She lied to him, and now he’s reciprocating the favor, both of them unable to trust each other at this point.
So Regina says that she found David lying on the side of the road somewhere and that she brought him to the hospital. Whale supports this statement and claims that she saved his life by this act. Assuming that this is true, then I’m reminded of that popular meta which essentially proposed that the Evil Queen rarely, if ever, made a move that would deeply or permanently harm Snow. Theoretically, Regina could have left him on the side of the road to die, could have dealt Snow an irreparable amount of damage without so much as lifting a finger... but she didn’t. #SnowQueen
“Enjoy my shirt... because that’s all you’re getting.” SJKhdsha. 
I like to think that Emma kept the shirt, and every once and while, she pulls it on just so she can mock a v. embarrassed Regina. “Hey, Regina, what was it you said to me again? You know, back when you wore a lot of dark eyeliner and had a giant stick up your—” “Oh, shut up, Miss Swan.”
Lolol, I love how Storybrooke’s hospital is apparently bordered by the woods. That’s some reaaaaally safe architectural planning there.
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Snow wants to go somewhere “isolated, where she can never get hurt,” and in the context of the entire show, I hurt to fully comprehend that Snow’s young life was a hellhole. Her parents were killed, she’s forced out of her kingdom and into exile by a vengeful witch, and now, as a bandit, her existence, for all its flux, is constantly defined by paranoia and fear and cynicism and... well... guilt.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we sometimes forget about Snow.
How much she’s endured.
How much she’s suffered.
Snow: She blames me for ruining her life.
David: Did you?
Snow: [Pausing, thinking, her voice hard and wistful.] Yes.
This is a great beat because it further emphasizes that this isn’t your Disneyfied version of Snow White and the Evil Queen.
There’s no such thing as black and white morality in the world of Once Upon A Time.
The Evil Queen wasn’t always evil.
Snow White was not always as pure as the color of her name.
It’s complicated.
They both are.
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MM: “Henry told me that you were from a similar situation to his own?” Honestly, beyond the fact that they were both adopted, I don’t think comparing Henry and Emma’s situations is exactly... apt. Emma bounced around from foster home to foster home and had to deal with the fact that she was ‘abandoned’ by her parents. Henry was given up by Emma to receive his best possible chance at life, and accordingly, he grew up in a mansion with a—as we’ll come to find out—loving mother. 
But, lol, that’s not the point the show’s trying to make here. Point is, Emma is a lost kid, and she’s trying so hard to make sure that Henry doesn’t end up being one as well. Plus, it’s heartbreakingly ironic that the very person she’s been trying to find is standing right next to her.
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Oh, Kathryn, you have a v. painful arc coming up.
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You know, had I been in the OUAT fandom when Ginny and Josh announced that they were together, that would have been the end of me.
The chemistry between these two is incomparable.
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Like, I know it’s for the aesthetic™, but this bag is so impractical for the life Snow lives, lololol. 
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Had to include these iconic lines.
Regina: We’ll talk about your insubordination later. Do you know what insubordination means?
Henry: [Shakes his head.]
Regina: It means you’re grounded.
Good God—Kathryn’s fake backstory is so intricate and moving. (Also, I love Anastasia Griffith. She really portrays the duality of Abigail/Kathryn well.)
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“Because all of this has reminded me of something, oh, so very important... how grateful I am to have Henry.”
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“Because not having somebody... well, that’s the worst curse imaginable.”
Lana Parrilla has no right giving such a nuanced performance of what should have been a one-dimension villain.
But that’s why we love her.
Over the course of the seasons, we learned that the curse backfired on Regina. Sure, everyone was miserable, but so was she... and at least her victims weren’t even cognizant of the fact that they were cursed. Heck, in that sense, they had it better than she did.
So in exacting her perfect revenge, Regina only deepened the void inside of her, drove herself to an emptiness like no other she has felt before.
By the time Greg and Owen showed up, it was nearly unbearable.
And then... she adopted Henry.
And suddenly, she wasn’t alone anymore.
Without Henry, her life is but a void, an emptiness, a nothingness of her own design, and right now, Emma Swan is a perceived threat to the tenuous solace she has carved out for herself these past ten years.
What Regina doesn’t understand is that she’s the real threat.
She’s the one who is ultimately pushing Henry away.
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Okay, y’all aren’t allowed to make eye-contact anymore. 😭
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I think I can safely say that “Snow Falls” is one of the most tightly written and acted episodes in the series. On an architectural level, the dialogue parallels were especially poignant, and the sentimental moments were well chosen. For instance, concluding the episode on this sweet, tender moment between Emma and Mary Margaret is an expert choice that ameliorates the Snowing pathos we’re currently feeling. Theatrically, it’s the little nuances that make “Snow Falls” so great: JMO’s uncomfortable vulnerability as Emma talks about her history with MM, the mutual attractions of Snow and David that surface in meaningful glances expertly affected by Ginny and Josh, the softnesses Lana and Anastasia imbue their hardened characters with.
Just really wonderful stuff all around.
23 notes · View notes
libamericaorg · 7 years
Trumpkin Pastor Thinks You're 'Radicalized' If You Don't Want Guns In School (TWEETS)
Trumpkin Pastor Thinks You’re ‘Radicalized’ If You Don’t Want Guns In School (TWEETS)
Let’s not sugarcoat it. For the last two weeks, the survivors of the grisly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have been effectively told to shut up. That’s essentially what right-wing trolls are doing by claiming that they’re “crisis actors”–fake survivors trucked in to gin up support for gun control. And it’s also essentially what other wingnuts are saying when they claim that…
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aspiretofashion · 7 years
<script>var __pbpa = true;</script><script>var translated_warning_string = 'Warning: Never enter your Tumblr password unless \u201chttps://www.tumblr.com/login\u201d\x0ais the address in your web browser.\x0a\x0aYou should also see a green \u201cTumblr, Inc.\u201d identification in the address bar.\x0a\x0aSpammers and other bad guys use fake forms to steal passwords.\x0a\x0aTumblr will never ask you to log in from a user\u2019s blog.\x0a\x0aAre you absolutely sure you want to continue?';</script><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="http://assets.tumblr.com/assets/scripts/pre_tumblelog.js?_v=66ac555bc5745ebe20abdae7cbc40704"></script> <!doctype HTML> <style>figure{margin:0}.tmblr-iframe{position:absolute}.tmblr-iframe.hide{display:none}.tmblr-iframe--amp-cta-button{visibility:hidden;position:fixed;bottom:10px;left:50%;transform:translateX(-50%);z-index:100}.tmblr-iframe--amp-cta-button.tmblr-iframe--loaded{visibility:visible;animation:iframe-app-cta-transition .2s ease-out}</style><link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://31.media.tumblr.com/bfdac94fa90650797a1fdc26de002184/tumblr_inline_mzhj5hUMgn1r11hh6.jpg">
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var namMember = new Array(
"Never Be The Same", "Havana", "She Loves Control", "Into It", "Inside Out", "Into The Dark", "Real Friends", "Consequences", "All These Years", "Something's Gotta Give"
var lstMember = new Array();
var parent = new Array();
var equal = new Array();
var rec = new Array();
var cmp1,cmp2;
var head1,head2;
var nrec;
var numQuestion;
var totalSize;
var finishSize;
var finishFlag;
//The initialization of the variable+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
function initList(){
var n = 0;
var mid;
var i;
//The sequence that you should sort
lstMember[n] = new Array();
for (i=0; i<namMember.length; i++) {
lstMember[n][i] = i;
parent[n] = -1;
totalSize = 0;
for (i=0; i<lstMember.length; i++) {
//And element divides it in two/more than two
//Increase divided sequence of last in first member
if(lstMember[i].length>=2) {
mid = Math.ceil(lstMember[i].length/2);
lstMember[n] = new Array();
lstMember[n] = lstMember[i].slice(0,mid);
totalSize += lstMember[n].length;
parent[n] = i;
lstMember[n] = new Array();
lstMember[n] = lstMember[i].slice(mid,lstMember[i].length);
totalSize += lstMember[n].length;
parent[n] = i;
//Preserve this sequence
for (i=0; i<namMember.length; i++) {
rec[i] = 0;
nrec = 0;
//List that keeps your results
//Value of link initial
// Value of link initial
for (i=0; i<=namMember.length; i++) {
equal[i] = -1;
cmp1 = lstMember.length-2;
cmp2 = lstMember.length-1;
head1 = 0;
head2 = 0;
numQuestion = 1;
finishSize = 0;
finishFlag = 0;
//flag:Don't know characters
// -1:Chose the left
// 0:Tie
// 1:Chose the right
function sortList(flag){
var i;
var str;
//rec preservation
if (flag<0) {
rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp1][head1];
while (equal[rec[nrec-1]]!=-1) {
rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp1][head1];
else if (flag>0) {
rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp2][head2];
while (equal[rec[nrec-1]]!=-1) {
rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp2][head2];
else {
rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp1][head1];
while (equal[rec[nrec-1]]!=-1) {
rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp1][head1];
equal[rec[nrec-1]] = lstMember[cmp2][head2];
rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp2][head2];
while (equal[rec[nrec-1]]!=-1) {
rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp2][head2];
//Processing after finishing with one list
if (head1<lstMember[cmp1].length && head2==lstMember[cmp2].length) {
//List the remainder of cmp2 copies, list cmp1 copies when finished scanning
while (head1<lstMember[cmp1].length){
rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp1][head1];
else if (head1==lstMember[cmp1].length && head2<lstMember[cmp2].length) {
//List the remainder of cmp1 copies, list cmp2 copies when finished scanning
while (head2<lstMember[cmp2].length){
rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp2][head2];
//When it arrives at the end of both lists
//Update a pro list
if (head1==lstMember[cmp1].length && head2==lstMember[cmp2].length) {
for (i=0; i<lstMember[cmp1].length+lstMember[cmp2].length; i++) {
lstMember[parent[cmp1]][i] = rec[i];
cmp1 = cmp1-2;
cmp2 = cmp2-2;
head1 = 0;
head2 = 0;
//Initialize the rec before performing the new comparison
if (head1==0 && head2==0) {
for (i=0; i<namMember.length; i++) {
rec[i] = 0;
nrec = 0;
if (cmp1<0) {
str = "Battle #"+(numQuestion-1)+"<br>"+Math.floor(finishSize*100/totalSize)+"% sorted.";
document.getElementById("battleNumber").innerHTML = str;
finishFlag = 1;
else {
//The results+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
//名前=Identification term
function showResult() {
var ranking = 1;
var sameRank = 1;
var str = "";
var i;
str += "<table style=\"width:200px; font-size:18px; line-height:120%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; border:1px solid #000; border-collapse:collapse\" align=\"center\">";
str += "<tr><td style=\"color:#ffffff; background-color:#000; text-align:center;\">Rank<\/td><td style=\"color:#ffffff; background-color:#000; text-align:center;\">Song<\/td><\/tr>";
for (i=0; i<namMember.length; i++) {
str += "<tr><td style=\"border:1px solid #000; text-align:center; padding-right:5px;\">"+ranking+"<\/td><td style=\"border:1px solid #000; padding-left:5px;\">"+namMember[lstMember[0][i]]+"<\/td><\/tr>";
if (i<namMember.length-1) {
if (equal[lstMember[0][i]]==lstMember[0][i+1]) {
} else {
ranking += sameRank;
sameRank = 1;
str += "<\/table>";
document.getElementById("resultField").innerHTML = str;
//Indicates two elements to compare+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
function showImage() {
var str0 = "Battle #"+numQuestion+"<br>"+Math.floor(finishSize*100/totalSize)+"% sorted.";
var str1 = ""+toNameFace(lstMember[cmp1][head1]);
var str2 = ""+toNameFace(lstMember[cmp2][head2]);
document.getElementById("battleNumber").innerHTML = str0;
document.getElementById("leftField").innerHTML = str1;
document.getElementById("rightField").innerHTML = str2;
//Convert numeric value into a name (emoticon)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
function toNameFace(n){
var str = namMember[n];
str += '<br />';
switch(n) {
//case -1 Because it is a sample, delete it
case -1: str+=""; break;
return str;
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<p class="instructions"> <center><br /><br /> <b>Welcome to the CAMILA sorter.</b><br /> Note: hitting 'no opinion' or 'I like both' frequently will negatively affect your results. Note: If you make a mistake DO NOT click backspace unless you find extremely necessary. It will erase all your progress.<br /><br /></center>
<table id="mainTable" align="center">
<td id="battleNumber" colspan="3" style="padding-bottom: 10px;" style="text-align:center;"><b>Battle #1<br>0% sorted.</b></td>
<td id="leftField" onclick="if(finishFlag==0) sortList(-1);" rowspan="2" style="text-align:center;"></td>
<td class="middleField" onclick="if(finishFlag==0) sortList(0);" style="text-align:center;">
I Like Both
<td id="rightField" onclick="if(finishFlag==0) sortList(1);" rowspan="2"style="text-align:center;"></td>
<td class="middleField" onclick="if(finishFlag==0) sortList(0);"style="text-align:center;">
No Opinion
<div id="resultField" style="text-align: center;">
<script type="text/javascript">
</script> <p class="other"> <center><small><br />This page was made by <a href="http://twitter.com/gomezquality">gomezquality</a>.</small></center></small> </p>
3 notes · View notes
poisonbooknerd · 5 years
This book will leave you Instant(ly) Gratified
This book will leave you Instant(ly) Gratified
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drawings by Susanne. instagram handle: @susanne_draws
Instant Gratification
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by Lauren Blakely
Published on August 29th, 2019 by Lauren Blakley Books as the second book in the Always Satisfied romance series.
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I need a fake date. She needs my late-night expertise. Now, if we can just keep our hands off each other… As the premier best-man-for hire in all of…
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0 notes
Pearl - Corporate Business WordPress Theme
New Post has been published on https://babesgobananas.com/pearl-corporate-business-wordpress-theme/
Pearl - Corporate Business WordPress Theme
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Pearl – True Multi-niche Business WordPress Theme
Pearl is the first true Bundle of Multi-Niche Business WordPress themes on the market. We say “No!” to fake demos, “No!” to just replacing images or fonts, and “No!” to months of customization. Pearl is truly one of a kind. Every niche demo included with this theme has been carefully tailored to the exact nature of the industry, and designed and developed to include every feature and functionality you could need for your purpose. As you will see, each niche demo is a masterpiece. Download today The Best Multipurpose WordPress theme!
Now you can create a professional, fully functional Business WordPress website without a single line of coding! The flexible and intuitive theme options and user-friendly interface make it possible for anyone to build a stunning and high performing website, without any coding knowledge.
Pearl includes more than 200 custom, time-saving UI modules so you can pick and choose the features you need and build a site that is perfectly suited to your niche. Add and move modules around your pages in just a few clicks, and you can edit, customize and combine them as much as you like!
Pearl – Welcome to the future of website building with WordPress…
With infinite possibilities and outstanding 24/7 Support with Live Chat, Pearl is the most multi-functional and easy-to-use theme on Themeforest.
Advanced Theme Options panel in WordPress panel with all global settings is very intuitive to use. Choose how you want to display your services, portfolio or case studies for maximum impact. Pearl is a fully optimized Business WordPress theme, built with SEO mind, so you can be confident that you will rank highly on search engines, and attract more visitors than ever before. Get today The Best Business WordPress theme!
Features Overview:
Each micro-niche theme includes specially tailored features, such as Music Player, Online Booking, Donation System with PayPal, Events, Sermons, Food Menu, Google Map multi-location, and more!
Full Theme Localization in Dutch, Russian, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish languages
Professionally designed niche-demos that can be imported with 1-click
Easy to use Visual Composer – the best drag-n-drop page builder on the market
Slider Revolution and Pearl Slider are included
AMP ready WordPress Theme
Pearl Header Builder
Pearl Mega Menu
Theme Options with easy customization – no coding needed
Compatible with latest version of WordPress
Built with HTML5 and CSS3
SEO and loading speed optimized
Well-organized, commented and clean code
Cross-browser compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE9, IE10, IE11
100% Responsive and retina ready (can be disabled)
Full control over site width (content area and sidebars) via Theme Options
Font Icons, SVG Icons
Automatic Theme Updater directly in WP Admin
1-6 Column support
Documentation included
Sidebar Builder
Photoshop PSD files are included
Child theme compatible
Advanced typography options
Compatible with many popular plugins, including WPML, Yoast, W3TC, Contact Form 7, JetPack Gravity Forms, Revolution Slider, Layer Slider, WooCommerce, WP Retina 2x, WP Rocket, All In One SEO, Next Gen Gallery, and more!
5-Star Customer Support That Sticks With You
We are proud to offer outstanding after sales support. We care about your site as much as you do, and will do all we can to help you get the most out of this theme.
Our 24/7 support team is always on hand and ready to help.
Ticket system in our support center – we answer every ticket within 2-3 hours, because we care about you and your business.
Extensive online documentation that is always up to date.
Multiple HD video tutorials for easy instruction.
Customer feedback is always welcome – let us know which new features you’d like to see!
Join the community – access our community forums, where you will find an extensive knowledge base that is always growing.
Regular lifetime updates – get great new features and functionality with every future update.
Every theme update is FREE to anyone who has bought a license.
Amazing Niche-Demos
Custom Demo Content Importer makes it quick and easy to import a full demo, and all of the related plugins, in just one click.
Every major update includes even more amazing demos, based on customer feedback and popular demand.
Each demo is professionally designed to truly represent the exact nature of the industry: Health Coaching, Church, Cafe, Charity, Restaurant, Agency, Consulting, etc.
The Welcome screen in WordPress allows you to browse and preview every demo before you click to import.
Blog in every niche theme is AMP valid and AMP ready.
Every demo has been meticulously crafted and optimized for a perfect performance.
Photoshop PSD files of all demos are included
200+ UI blocks (Shortcodes)
Shortcodes give you the flexibility to take your site to the next level, but you’re only as good as the tools you’ve got in your hands. With Pearl, you can work with 55 shortcodes in 3-6 different styles, allowing you to build virtually any layout you can imagine. Each shortcode can be individually customized to suit your niche, needs and preferences. Included shortcodes:
Music Album info
Music Album list
Music Player
360 Degree Product Image
Button Carousel Gallery
Charts + Circle Chart
Company History
Contact (single contact)
Contact Form 7
Contacts Widgets
Call to Action
Events List
Google Map
Icon Box
Icon Links
Icon List
Instagram Feed
Context Infobox
Media Gallery (images grid in sidebar or footer)
Open Table
Opening Hours
Post Type List
Posts List
Post Timeline
Price List
Pricing Tables
Project Details
Projects Carousel
Recent Posts
Sermons with Video, Audio and PDF
Services Carousel
Sidebar Slider
Staff CTA
Stats Counter
Stories Carousel
Stories List
Upcoming Events
Vertical Carousel
Video List
Each module can be added or moved around your pages with ease. You can edit, customize and combine them as much as you like, giving you complete freedom and control.
Full Theme Localization
Pearl is fully available in Dutch, Russian, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish languages. PO localization files are included.
Video: Theme Installation and Demo Import
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Advanced Customization & Theme Options
Pearl Theme Options are custom-made settings that allow you to change just about any portion of the site, so you can build a uniquely customized site without any coding knowledge. These options are global and will apply to every page or post.
Site layout (fullwidth or boxed)
Site width (in pixels)
Content layout (content left – sidebar right, sidebar left – content right, or fullwidth)
Background color, pattern, image
Enable custom fonts and their subsets, if desired
Headings font, color, weight, letter spacing, and option to enable uppercase styling
Body font, color, size (base and content area), and weight
Link color and link color hover
Button style (3D, flat or transparent)
Header builder
Enable or disable Navbar Search
Navbar top height (in pixels)
Navbar side width (in pixels)
Logo upload
Make logo retina ready
Navbar top and side logo alignment (in pixels)
Navbar top and side link alignment (in pixels)
Mobile navbar button alignment (in pixels)
Mobile navbar button size (in pixels)
Enable or disable topbar
Topbar content for taglines, contact information, or secondary navigation (accepts HTML input)
Enable or disable breadcrumbs (boxed or fullwidth)
Enable or disable top footer area
Footer widget areas (one, two, three or four)
Enable or disable bottom footer, footer social menu, and footer content area
Bottom footer content (accepts HTML input)
9 blog layout styles
Enable or disable post meta
Custom URL slug for your custom post type items
Enable cropped featured images
Custom post types tag list title
Custom post types title
Custom post type button
Enable or disable social sharing links on post type items
Manage your WooCommerce shop
Update shop layout
Select product columns
Adjust WooCommerce widget image alignment
Site icons (favicon, touch icon, tile icon, and tile icon background color)
Manage all of your widgetized areas from the Theme Customizer
Sticky sidebar (on/off)
Site paddings (in px)
Enable preloader and customize its color
Experimental AJAX site loading feature
Page title box with title, custom button, breadcrumbs and subtitle (including color settings for each)
Typography settings with live preview for each selector
404 page in different styles
Coming Soon page styles
Control all blog elements (Title, Info, Featured Image, Tags, Post Shares, Author and Comments)
Archive and single page sidebar position (right/left/off)
Unlimited sidebars
Footer widgets columns (1-4)
Footer colors adjustment
Footer background image
Footer socials
Footer HTML text in two columns
Footer automatic copyright year
Custom post types settings
Hide sidebar on mobile
Donations with PayPal integration
Music post type with custom audio player and songs list
UI element live previews for text, shortcodes, buttons, etc.
Advanced Page/Post Options
Page Options work hand in hand with the Theme Options, but only relate to an individual page or post. They override the Theme Options in that particular case, giving you the option of creating a unique page or post that doesn’t conform to your global settings. This network of options gives you the freedom and flexibility to build exceptional websites.
Title box – with title, custom button, breadcrumbs, background image, background color, background overlay and subtitle (including color settings for each)
Transparent header and breadcrumbs switcher.
Customize sidebars and sidebar positions for any page or post.
Services Custom Post Type with custom meta, archive and single post layout design.
Projects Custom Post Type with custom meta, archive and single post layout design.
Events Custom Post Type with custom meta, archive and single post layout design.
Donations Custom Post Type with custom meta, archive and single post layout design.
Testimonials Custom Post Type with custom meta, archive and single post layout design.
Music Custom Post Type with custom meta, archive and single post layout design.
Stories Custom Post Type with custom meta, archive and single post layout design.
Vacancies Custom Post Type with custom meta, archive and single post layout design.
Video Custom Post Type with custom meta, archive and single post layout design.
Custom Visual Composer Page Builder
The optimized Visual Composer builder has a restyled back-end interface that puts all of the custom Pearl modules at your fingertips.
A beautiful and effortless visual page builder for composing your own layouts, Visual Composer has earned its place as the top-selling page builder on the market.
Drag-n-drop any of our elements around the pages of your site with ease.
Create stunning pages in minutes, using our vast shortcodes library.
Save custom page layouts to reuse on other pages or posts.
Dozens of design elements make building unique pages quick and easy.
Discover over 55 shortcodes in 3-6 different style and design options – the creative possibilities are endless!
Unlimited Color Options & Fonts
Theme Options allow you to fully customize the fonts and colors across the theme, to fit your brand identity.
Unlimited color options with the backend color picker.
Full color customizations – change every element with ease, including shortcodes.
Easily create your own color skins.
Pearl Header Builder
Our drag-n-drop header builder allows you to compose a header that perfectly suits your site.
Simply move the header modules using the intuitive drag-n-drop editor, based on Angular JS.
Create a different look and user experience for tablet and mobile devices.
Pick and choose from our pre-built library of header elements: Dropdown (WPML switcher or custom), Text (Simple text with HTML tags support), Offices (Add unlimited offices with custom info – text, icon, link), Image, Icon Box, Text with Icon, Socials, Menu, Button, Search, Popup, Cart with AJAX update (WooCommerce), Sign In (WooCommerce)
Pearl Mega Menu
An outstanding solution for large and complex menus, giving your visitors an accessible and user-friendly experience.
Set normal menus with 3 level dropdown
Set the menu width (boxed or fullwidth)
Use 1-6 columns
Add images to columns
Control each column width for more creative layouts
Insert links, page titles, post titles
Insert background images in the full Mega Menu, or in individual columns
Insert icons or custom thumbnails next to menu items
Pearl Slider
We are proud to present the custom, easy-to-use Pearl Slider, coded on Angular JS.
Effortlessly create and manage responsive slideshows with seamless transitions.
Angular JS allows you to instantly preview your slide changes.
Customize width and height
Hide under feature
Transition delay
Autoplay switcher
Overlay manager
Add buttons, links, images, forms, texts, headings, etc.
Pearl Is Fully Integrated And Compatible With Some Of The Most Popular Plugins On The Market!
Visual Composer
WooCommerce compatible with full design integration
WPML plugin ready
Slider Revolution compatible
Breadcrumbs NavXT
Booked plugin
Recent Tweets
Gravity Forms compatible with full design integration
Contact Form 7 compatible with full design integration
Continued collaboration with each team to ensure ongoing compatibility
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sorcieresque · 8 years
meta time! on: layers within layers and the sense of self or: the sensible man’s guide to why daisy is like That
ok i’m actually just writing this down so i don't forget because jay and i were talking in the car about daisy’s, like, entire shtick and the meaning thereof, and how daisy contradicts herself when she fragments herself both into a shield and a desperate attempt to be understood when she presents to the public eye
like, daisy of course, is not actually a super assertive super dominant queen of darkness and sexuality. that’s the very first impression people get when she walks into the room and starts talking, but that first impression also crumbles in five minutes because there is no way anyone is actually like that, and so daisy becomes an enigma: a purposefully obvious fraud hiding something that she refuses to show.
and the thing is, she kind of is, but also she isn’t: nothing about daisy’s interest in the occult and the bizarre and the frankly kind of publicly indecent is faked (like, she would have found the sexy communist photoset funny no matter how deep a layer you’re on) but it’s also not the whole picture, so you get this kind of Book Cover or maybe business card made out of all the things that daisy genuinely enjoys amped up to the max and saturated and made Showy and Dramatic as both a glimpse of what is ahead and as a warning, and as a sort of social culling: if someone cannot handle this very obviously fake layer of daisyness, or worse still, takes it seriously then there is absolutely no point in daisy investing emotional energy AND vulnerability in trying to show this person the more true, more genuine levels of daisy that lie below.
and like, daisy is a kid that deeply contradicts herself as a desperate way to both push people away before they can reject her (because children are cruel as shit and daisy learned that early on, what with the double social whammy of being autistic and also a so-called gifted kid) and to find people who can look through her and maybe understand her: she take this persona seriously, in that she puts enough of herself into it for it to read as genuine, and doesn’t, in that she wants people to be able to tell in the first place that it’s a persona, and it ends up in an endless race against sincerity, the hardest she tries to fake genuineness the most frustrated she is that people don’t get it like she does.
and like, everything i ever say about daisy has this ubiquitous “cool story, still murder” disclaimer attached to it: daisy doesn’t want to talk to just anyone because she’s stuck up as shit, and doesn’t know how to relate to people outside of her own terms. this whole happy fun meta in the car time started with delineating the differences between damian and daisy and while both of them have all the terminal symptoms of spoiled brat entitlement (in daisy’s case, a refusal to meet people halfway), the fact that daisy is (or is perceived as) a girl makes this entitlement present in subtler, more socially acceptable ways than just being indignant when people tell her no: women aren’t allowed to be smart in the first place, daisy’s refusal to (in her eyes) dumb herself down for anyone is how she quietly wages war on one of the many little unspoken discomforts she feels within femininity and female gender roles. and like, of course, in a very genuine way she does get bored when people can’t keep up with her, which isn’t particularly morally wrong as much as it’s just an incredibly obnoxious smart kid sentiment.
and that’s where most people, if not every person daisy’s ever met other than nick, get stuck: daisy’s superficial persona and most importantly shield that she doesn’t take seriously enough to be hurt when people mock it, draped over herself like the loose skin of a cat: this is who she is and people can love it or hate it from a distance, where they can’t reach the parts of daisy that make her vulnerable. (and so she is constantly lonely and a sadsack) ANYWAY sorry this is a really long way of saying daisy’s ””misunderstood”” but also fuckin annoying
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themesparadise · 7 years
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Stoked! - Irreverent Viral Magazine/News and Personal Blog WordPress Theme
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