#meryem: chat
daemxnium · 2 years
for: raphael ekker / @midnightmadncss​
“And what are you supposed to be?” Meryem drew the words out, toying with the length of the syllables as she dropped them like glass from above. She imagined that he’d flinch when they fell upon the width of his shoulder, needling into the skin before he could move away from her. She was a witch, regardless of how she dressed tonight— and her wicked actions could have made her cackle like a cartoon one. Her head canted, and she studied the curls and the uncertain expression upon the face of her chosen company; or victim, deciding him to be undeniably human. “Don’t you know that there’s awful things out tonight?” He was taller than she, but her bravado made her feel as though she stood at seven feet. “You look like the sort to be scared of what goes bump in the night.”
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lcluna · 2 years
— location: dna lounge — date and time: saturday night — availability: closed | @ofmatter​ — rhett hagen
There was no requirement to coerce Meryem for a night out over the weekends. When the chance was provided, whether she was traveling for work or the moments she would be back home, she would often find excuses within her mind to make it plausible to spend her money over a bar or nightclub and assume it was the wisest choice for that night. This Saturday was no different once her phone screen offered a message of one of her work colleagues and the address of the place they were heading to. 
Unfortunately, once she reached the establishment, her colleague was nowhere to be found and a man far from being sober decided to annoy her from the moment his attention landed on her. Despite all of her attempts it didn’t seem he would leave her alone unless she’d find someone else that a man would respect: which would be another man. Meryem didn’t think twice when she grabbed someone’s arm and quickly added. “If you’re not going to leave me alone, I’ll tell my husband to let you know that I’m not single and you should back the fuck out. Right, honey?”   Then her eyes rested over the other person and for a second, Meryem could even imagine the telenovela that is her life taking a commercial break before the second part of the episode.
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“Fuck, you are my husband! Do you know how long I’ve been trying to find you?” There was a midst of astonishment and indignation. “I’m-- speechless even. But, oh man! We have so much to talk about.”
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meryemerkal · 1 year
— location: rainbow roll — date and time: saturday night, around 7pm — availability: closed | @moonglowmagic — kim binna
One of the few workmates Meryem had a friendship with, talked about a potential person that Mer could enjoy going out on a date with. She didn't know exactly what caused them to assume a blind date would be an ideal option, but Meryem had accepted it. It gave her, at least, something to look forward to over the weekend, that wouldn't be practicing her magic or getting ready for the following week at school, programming whatever she'd have to offer for the students.
Getting ready, Meryem even sent a few pictures to friends and sister to make sure she looked good, and, eventually, once she was finally by the establishment and noticed one single table that had just one person, she chuckled. It couldn't be. She thought to herself. "Hey!" She attempted to get the other person's attention. "For some random reason, are you the other person that was set up on a blind date and somehow, we're living a really twisted romantic comedy?" She really wanted to laugh about the whole situation, but Meryem focused on simply sharing an humorous smile.
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gildedcageif · 1 year
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
Ahmad: Loyalty. He has been backstabbers many times in the past. He just wants someone who will be with him no matter what and in return he will be with them no matter what.
He is a heartless romantic deep down so he 100% believes in love at first sight, though he would never admit it even on his deathbed. In his romance route, he is actually convinced he fell in love with MC at first sight (it was lust really, but by that point in his route, it has turned into love)
Selim: at the beginning? Someone who does not get in his way. Do what you are told, don't interfere, lemme do my thing. Sounds kind of mean, but Selim sees relationships as a very transactional thing that is mainly about what benefits who. He grows throughout the story and by the end, I think what he wants most is confidentiality. Selim feels like he has no one to talk to, to share his burdens with, to feel safe. He craves that security of trusting in another person, even if he does not admit he needs it.
Selim does not believe in love at first sight. He thinks that's bs.
Nazli: company. Someone who will just sit with her by the fireplace while they chat. She wants to go on long walks around the gardens, gossip, hold hands while they chatter about daily events. She wants to feel like she has someone with her, not for her title, but for her. She really just wants someone who will hold her when things go wrong and tell her it's okay to be sad.
Nazli semi believes in it. She thinks it's rare, but does happen. She considers it a gift from Annur.
Meryem: Romance. My girl wants candles, she wants sparkles, she wants chemistry. She wants whole ass romcom scenes. She wants someone who will be very intimate with her, who will reassure her everything is well and who will take her out for walks under the moonlight. For Meryem, getting the right vibe determines much of the relationship. If chemistry is not there, you can't replicate it.
Meryem 1000000% believes in love at first sight. She has always dreamed of experiencing it.
Emil: a snake snake like him. Alright, so I am kidding, but not by much. Emil gets bored easily. He wants someone who will match his energy for life, who won't have a problem travelling around, exploring, experimenting and breaking out of their comfort zone. Preferably someone who shares his creativity and love for art too.
Emil does not believe in love at first sight. He does believe in lust at first sight though.
Helena: friendship. To Helena, the ideal relationship is best friends who have sex and/or hold hands. That is peak love for her. She wants that honesty, that closeness. She does not want anything fake. She wants both her and her partner to be who they are and express themselves without any shame. The way best friends do around each other.
Helena does not believe in love at first sight. She thinks of it as something cute but ultimately silly.
Thank you for the ask!
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thelivebookproject · 1 year
End of the Summer Bingo V
[Summer Bingo I] [Summer Bingo II] [Summer Bingo III] [Summer Bingo IV]
Five editions of the Forgotten YA Gems' annual Summer Reading Bingo Challenge have gone by, and I'm proud to announce I've completed them all! Granted, this last edition I managed to finish the last day half an hour before the stroke of midnight BUT a win is a win and we take them all ;)
Overall, it was a good way to tackle my TBR, force myself slightly out of my comfort zone, stretchhhhh the prompts and my imagination until their very limits (whooops at the pink cover prompt, I swear it does have some pink in it), and get some pages in among the summer sun. And the books were good too! The average was more or less 3.5/5 I would say.
Here you can see my fancy edited card, and below the cut you'll find the complete list of prompts and books read for each:
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• New to you author: Una furtiva lágrima - Nélida Piñon, translation into Spanish by Roser Vilagrassa [Not available in English] -> 1.5/5 • Heard about it online: A Week to Be Wicked (Spindle Cove #2) - Tessa Dare -> 3/5 • Fantasy: A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon (Glimmer Falls #1) - Sarah Hawley -> 3/5 • #ownvoices: Supersaurio - Meryem El Mehdati [Not available in English] -> 3.5/5 • LGBTQ+: The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies #1) - KJ Charles -> 3.5/5 • Mystery/thriller: Whose Body? (Lord Peter Wimsey #1) - Dorothy L. Sayers -> 3/5 • Buddy read: Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen -> 5/5 • Has a cat in it: Historias d’antis más en Biscarrués - Ed. Sandra Araguás [Not available in English] -> 3/5 • Recommended to you: Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism - Amanda Montell -> 4.5/5 • Pink or orange cover: A Lady by Midnight (Spindle Cove #3) - Tessa Dare -> 3/5 • Author of colour: Broderies - Marjane Satrapi [Available in English as Embroideries] -> 3/5 • Made into a film: Murder in the Orient Express (Hercule Poirot #10) - Agatha Christie -> 4.5/5 • Retelling/adaptation: Emoji Pride and Prejudice: Epic Tales in Tiny Texts - Chuck Gonzales & Katherine Furman -> 3/5 • YA Gems BOTM: The Near Witch - Victoria Schwab -> 3.5/5 • On TBR forever: Gods of Jade and Shadow - Silvia Moreno-García -> 3.5/5 • Someone else's favourite: Los hombres no son islas. Los clásicos nos ayudan a vivir - Nuccio Ordone, translation by Jordi Bayod [Not available in English] -> I decided not to rate this one. Overall positive experience, but just as with The Madwoman in the Attic (by Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar), I feel like I lack sufficient knowledge about some of the literature mentioned to judge the analysis.
Yes, I read P&P twice during this challenge... No one say anything.
As usual, if someone wants to chat about any of those books I'm more than happy to, just send me a message or reblog this post or answer this post or send me smoke signals or... Your call :P
How was your summer reading?
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anonimsohbet · 3 years
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Chapter 3
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Since the Text ended up smaller than expected I added their chat down below
Finnigan: Unbelievable, that your sister did that without asking us first!!
Meryem: And I cannot believe you didn’t tell us, your health got worse again?!
Amal: *annoyed smiley*      Back to topic pls
Meryem: This IS part of the Topic Amal!
Amal: I really don’t wanna talk about my health any more than my sister forced me too to today kay?
Finnigan: Amal really doesn’t need looking after by some box boy. And I don’t want some stranger in   my home!!!
Meryem: OUR home! You mean?!!
Amal: Please guys.            No fighting.
Finigan: …
Amal: Listen.            I’m really sorry about this whole thing.            But please. At least take a look at Pax before you decide against him. He was just  so  scared about like everything and has those terrible scars all over his body. I just can’t send him back where he came   from okay? You understand when you see him.
Finnigan: But we don’t even have enough rooms for one more.
Meryem: he could have the living room. We always end up sitting in the kitchen anyway. And he could do our chores in exchange. We would do a good thing and never have to clean again *Lenny face smiley*
Finnigan: I can’t believe you’re getting in on this?!!!!!
Meryem: We didn’t complain about you surprise adopting Mulder, either.
Finnigan: Mulder is a CAT
Amal: Please Finni just one look is all I ask.
Finnigan: …                  Fine                  But I only agree looking at him. Nothing more!!!!!!
Amal: *heart* thx
Meryem: *confetti* goodbye dishes *confetti confetti*
It’s more of a little interlude leading up to the next Chapter, but i hope you guys enjoyed it anyways.
Tagg list @finder-of-rings​
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furkanandiceng · 4 years
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We found a sporty, gentlemanlike and very easygoing person standing in front of us when we met in Life Park for shooting. We not only breathed in the fresh air amidst his favorite nature but also had a long pleasant chat with Furkan all day long.
How was Meryem different from the other scripts you read?
I chose it because it was a script full of secrets, different and challenging conflicts for each and every character and a story that embodied many new stories.
What do you like about acting the most?
I think it’s good for a person’s soul, it cleanses and improves it. I feel very free when I act. I see it as a profession that can help me keep improving myself.
What is its hardest side?
Its tempo.
What helps you stay motivated as an actor?
The desire to act.
What is success for you?
The satisfaction I get from the final product.
What made you the proudest among your experiences and achievements in your career?
We ran a social responsibility project for destitute children. Its success made me the proudest in my career.
When did you decide to be an actor?
I decided while working as an animator/entertainer in holiday resorts during the summer holidays. I njoyed it so much it was priceless. So I started to develop an interest in acting.
When was the first time you said “This is it. I am an actor now”?
It’s too soon to say that. If I am going to compare myself with the actors I watch, I still have a long way ahead. It’s a long journey and I think the trademark of this job is that this journey never ends.
What are your expectations, dreams about acting?
In the short-term, I would like to get better in acting and then improve my English and receive acting courses abroad. In the medium term, I would like to shoot my own film. The idea of being involved in more than one area, like directing and producing, makes me excited.
Where do you want see yourself five years later?
In the rush of shooting my own film.
Have you ever worked in other jobs besides acting?
I worked as an entertainer, and as a host in fair stands.
Do you remember your first day on sets?
Yes, it was a TV commercial. I was one of the basketball players and had no lines.
Damat Takımı is your first film, what kind of excitement is it?
It’s really a fun excitement. Being excited for a film feels different (laughs).
Can you talk about the film and your character?
We watch a close group of friends from high school, facing the fact that they are now grown-ups when one of them decides to get married. These guys get into an adventure and go back to their high school years before the wedding. It’s comedy film after all and we show their friendship bond in a fun way.
Can you share a memory from the making of the film?
There is a scene where I stand in the street with only my underwear on. When we started filming that scene, I hadn’t paid attention to the extra actors at first. I knew the whole crew. When the scene was over, I noticed an old couple giving me a half-surprised, half-ashamed look. I was very embarrassed at first. In the second take, I figured they were extra actors (laughs).
How much does sports take place in your life?
Sports is one of my priorities. A priority important enough to especially make time for it.
Do you like being in nature?
I love it. I believe that nature is a space of freedom where a person can be himself.
What kind of activities do you like?
I usually like hanging out with my friends. I believe that that energy feeds me. A dinner we have or a play we go to together… I usually do activities that make me feel fresh and doing them with my friends is much more enjoyable. And when I am by myself, I usually watch a movie or paint.
You said you don’t have a girlfriend now, so what do you expect from a relationship?
Having fun together, loyalty and sincerity.
Your first date: What do you do to impress a woman? Where do you take her?
I take her to a place where I can reflect my character, a place that would give an idea about me and where she can know me better. I make sure she has lots of fun and laughs. I try to understand whether we can get along while having fun.
What are the most important characteristics in human relations for you?
Every person is unique. I try to focus on getting to know the other person in every relationship, because every relationship gives me new ideas. I am a person who likes listening and learning. But in general, honesty and good intentions might be the basis of that relationship.
What do you like doing in your free time?
Except for sports, I can say I like watching movies. These days I started painting. I try to learn it whenever I have the time.
What do you like the most about İstanbul?
I like its history of experiences. It has a unique spirit and everybody has high energy.
You have traveled to very beautiful places, Furkan. Can you talk about your Bali trip?
I haven’t had much time to go on holidays lately. In these rare times, I usually try to travel to tropical countries. Bali is a very beautiful island. Its beaches, nature and Hindu world are one of a kind.
How long did you stay?
For about two weeks.
What places did you see?
We went down to Denpasar. We visited Canggu, Seminyak, Ubud and Uluwatu and saw mystical temples, national parks, monkey jungles, an active volcano and wonderful beaches.
Where do you plan to take your next trip to?
South America.
What phone apps do you use the most?
Whatsapp and Instagram, I think.
Do you play any games to kill time?
I love playing PlayStation games, usually football games.
What is the last song you listened to before this interview?
The song called The Finishing by Stavroz.
Can you describe an ideal Friday evening?
I have a movie list. I choose and watch one of them. I don’t have to go outside.
Do you like going to the movies?
Yes. I wouldn’t trade the enjoyment of a movie theater for the world.
Do you watch TV series?
Yes, the foreign TV series in general.
The new season of which TV series are you looking forward to?
Game of Thrones, House of Cards and The Vikings.
Who are your favorite Hollywood actors?
Sean Penn, Robert de Niro and Marlon Brando.
A film that you watched as a kid and had a deep impact on you?
Life is Beautiful.
In which film did you cry a lot recently?
I Am Sam. 
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Hi! My name is Meryem and I am from France! 🇨🇵 I am looking for people to talk to and trying to practice my English 🇬🇧 I like watching movies/TV shows, listening to music 🎶, and learning new languages and new things. Would you be up for talking or being penpals? I would never ask any private information and it can be on here. Hope you have a nice day! 🌞 PS : Please respond even if you are going to say no.
sure i’m up for a chat! 😌
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daemxnium · 2 years
for: brandon shapiro / @dreaminghlyy​
“Cool tat,” Mery remarked briefly, looping behind Brandon to materialize by his side. Her attention cast towards his throat, before lifting up to his eyes. “Very edgy, but not super civil servant of you. Is it just for Halloween?” She tipped her hat, batting kohl lined lashes before producing a can of beer from behind her back in the same manner as a kid’s party magician. “For you.” She was in an excellent mood, which was hardly a rarity but felt like reason for celebration. Even if most discounted it as not being a holiday, Halloween was her favourite, regardless of the sour moods that seemed to follow the events of the storm. It had blown over, she figured, and the world continued to spin on its axis. Everything else was the problem of someone else. She sipped at her own drink, which had been presented to her as a margarita in a can but tasted closer to what she imagined a lemon dishwasher tab would be like. “So, what’s the vibe tonight? All trick, no treat, or all treat, no trick?”
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lcluna · 2 years
— location: outside of bluestem — date and time: sunday night — availability: closed | @gldnstars​ —  romeo jenkins
Meryem should’ve predicted the date would be a complete fiasco from the moment it was scheduled for a sunday night, but as the night prolonged, she found herself regretting to be there with enough reasons to understand her gut was right; to the point that by the end of it, once the man finally paid the bill, she told him that she was married. It wasn’t a lie, Meryem was married. She just didn’t know where her husband was and who he actually was, but she was officially with someone else. In fact, that was the only truth she shared with the guy she went on a date with, the same one that left the scenario cursing Berna. Her chosen name for that date, far from being her own. 
Once Meryem left Bluestem, she remained in front of the façade for longer than usual, taking a drag and debating her life choices, which usually would lead to the thought: ‘Let’s definitely not go there,’ and then, once she finally noticed someone nearby, she decided to pour out words at him, instead of keeping her conversations within her mind. “Aside from the food of this place that is genuinely so good, this night was a complete disaster and how I wish for something amazing to finish up this sunday with a great time, you know? Hey– if you could do something reckless right now, what would you like to do, huh? My treat.”
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meryemerkal · 2 years
.♡    — TAG DUMP.
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mobilesohbet · 4 years
Survivor 2021 Kadroları Şimdiden Heyecanlandırdı - https://www.coksohbet.net/survivor-2021-kadrolari-simdiden-heyecanlandirdi.html - Çok Sohbet - Sohbet Odaları - Chat - Arkadaşlık Sitesi
New Post has been published on https://www.coksohbet.net/survivor-2021-kadrolari-simdiden-heyecanlandirdi.html
Survivor 2021 Kadroları Şimdiden Heyecanlandırdı
Survivor 2021 Kadroları Şimdiden Heyecanlandırdı
Survivor 2021 başlama tarihi 9 Ocak olarak netleşti. Dolayısıyla bir haftalık bir süreden daha az zaman kaldı. Yarışacak takımlar ise belli oldu. Başpehlivan İsmail Balaban, milli tenisçi Melis Sezer, oyuncu Çağrı Atakan, milli atlet Meryem Kasap, oyuncu Hayrettin, futbolcu Barış Özbek, milli basketbolcu Merve Aydın, oyuncu Batuhan Karacakaya, oyuncu Öykü Çelik, oyuncu Cemal Hünal ile ünlüler takımı şekillenmiş durumda.
Herkesin daha çok merak ettiği Survivor 2021 gönüllüler takımı ise Uğurtan, Sancakay, Emin, Hanzade, Yunus Emre, İlayda, Poyraz, Sena, Ayşe, Reşat, Aleyna ve Steven olarak duyuruldu. Kıyasıya bir mücadelenin yaşanacağı adada bu sezonun kazananının kim olacağı şimdiden merak ediliyor. Ayrıca adada yaşanacak gerilimli anlarda Yunus Emre ve Uğurtan’a karşı Batuhan Karacakaya ile İsmail Balaban’ın kıyasıya mücadeleleri nefes kesecek gibi görünüyor.
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nextgenet · 7 years
Re-opening Applications!
member applications for the nextgenet are now open! 
how to apply:
1. must be following the admins anne, megan, and meryem 
2. reblog this post (likes don’t count)
3. fill out this short form
what we are looking for:
1. friendly, active, and well-organised blogs
2. people who will be active in the chat
what you will gain:
1. love and friendship
2. a group chat on discord
3. the tag #nextgenet to share all your edits, selfies, etc
depending on how many people apply, we will be accepting 10-15 people. the deadline is october 2, so make sure to apply before then!
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hermionevgranger · 7 years
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introducing the nextgenet! brought to you by me, meryem @thunderbjrd, and megan @dvphnegreengrvss, this net is dedicated to the next generation of harry potter characters!
1. must be following me, meryem, and megan
2. must be following the net
3.  reblog this post to spread the word
4. fill out this form (i promise it’s short)
5. track the tag #nextgenet for updates
what we are looking for:
1. friendly, active, and well-organised blogs
2. activity in the chat
what you will gain:
1. love and friendship
2. a group chat on discord
3. the tag #nextgenet to share all of your creations, selfies, etc
depending on the number of applications we get, we’ll be accepting 15-20 members! the deadline is june 9, so be sure to apply before then!
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