penned by vee;
30 posts
"(...) Sometimes it's better not to open it. Sometimes, it's better not to know." — Tatiana de Rosnay
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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Miss Congeniality (2000)
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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bensu soral tuzak
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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“That’s also a good point. Maybe there’s something about myself that I don’t even know about yet, interesting… philosophical even,” it was interesting seeing someone with an occupation completely different from hers doing their job. Part of herself was actually amused by it, mostly paying attention to Mason and watching the other person while speaking. “We should do it. Not right now because I need to head to work soon, but I think we should head straight to an escape room sometime this week and make it happen, so you can tell everyone how we were able to escape without much trouble.” She followed along and allowed a chuckle to escape her lips. “Do you really want everyone to know that I’m a nerd? I have a reputation to keep. But maybe… crosswords and some sudoku, yes please.”
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“Huh, you have a point,” Mason said and paused to let what she had said sink in, “It’s like if they’re hidden, how would you even know right? That’s deep… or is it? Maybe, I think it is. Yeah it is.” But as she mentioned her talent Mason nodded rather enthusiastically and gave her a thumbs up, and pulled the mic back when she had finished speaking, “You know when you call shotgun infinity or dibs and people just have to respect it because it’s nature’s law? Well, I’m calling dibs on you if we get stuck in an escape room, you hear that LC? Sorry but not sorry, Meryem and I are gonna wipe the floor with y’all… or well she is and Imma just stand on the sidelines and look pretty, cheer her on and stuff.” Chuckling at securing that win, Mason aimed another question at her, “What other puzzles are you good at? Crosswords? Jigsaw puzzles? Do you have a fave puzzle?”  
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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“Honestly? At least, thankfully, that’s the ‘shame, shame’ option you chose. I’d feel even worse if you chose something along the lines Cersei Lanister’s walk of atonement in Game of Thrones. A good reminder that I shouldn’t attempt a strike two with you, just in case… since I’m already giving you ideas, you know?” Meryem stared at Reese, a humorous smile causing her lips to curve upwards before she finally got a seat for herself. “They can? Damn, I should’ve read more books about them when I had some free time to do so, maybe I should still learn more about them either way,” perhaps it’d be useful if anyone in school needed her help and they were, eventually banshees. Although teenagers would usually share anything but issues about their species. “Ree? You should hire someone! That’s the biggest example of how much you might need that! Look, if I do get a raise at work soon, I’ll buy you some sort of spa day so you can treat yourself. You deserve to treat yourself.”
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Reese's neck snapped up off the table where she was definitely not napping. "Shame, shame, we know your name," she chanted, rubbing one index finger over the other in Meryem's direction. "I've been waiting so long I lost consciousness," she whined despite arriving only a few minutes ago, late herself. Leaning back in her chair, Reese rose a brow at the other witch. "Well the good news is that you can take a potion for the sleep and make friends with a banshee if your nightmares get any worse. I hear they can poke around in your dreams or something." Reese wasn't exactly one to pay attention when it came to learning about other species. Except werewolves, she needed to know how to best defeat her arch nemesis Nico. "I'm exhausted," she said with a pout. "I worked the late shift at the Inn and now that all my minions have moved out I have to do everything myself. It's terrible, Mer. I might actually have to hire someone."
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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“I really wish, right now, that someone was writing about my life. Because I’d suck at being an author, but I’d be great at sharing all of the stories in my life and this one– this one would make one hell of a chapter,” Meryem stated. And that was why blind dates were a horrible idea. She hardly would accept this kind of adventure, and now she could state that it’d hardly work out. “I think that it doesn’t matter where we are, we’ll always have the sensation of living in a small world. Oh, my-- this so funny!” 
She chuckled. “Okay, uhn... We can exclude the whole being a date and just enjoy it all. Since we’re already here? I mean– I dressed nicely. I look really hot so it’d be a waste of an outfit to head back home and drink wine by myself, you know?” Her eyes landed on her company for the day. “And with all due respect, you also look great. If this wasn’t fucking awkward at all, I’d say that was a nice choice of clothes. So, yeah, we can just make the best out of this.”
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Being new in town meant that Binna couldn’t exactly turn away friends so when her one of her friends had offered to set her up on a date all Binna could say was yes. Figuring it would work out one of three ways; A) Great B) She’d get another new friend or C) Horrible. Since she’d came with limited clothing she had to purchase a new outfit for the event, which had been more expensive than she wanted. Tucking the tag into her dress so she could return it later. 
Sitting down at the restaurant and she put her purse on the floor next to her, while she waited to be seated. Looking up when she heard a voice, she was horrified to see Meryem. “Hey!” She finally replied back. “Oh god. I am.” She laughed. “What are the odds of us getting set up on a date with one another? It has to be almost impossible doesn’t it? Or are there really just so few people in town?” 
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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“But it is easy– or it should be? Maybe not really minding if it’ll work out or not is what makes it easier, huh?” Meryem pondered over her own words. The idea of rejection was only terrifying to her when it meant something more complex, with feelings attached to it and the potential of pain being part of that journey. Other than that, Meryem didn’t mind the thrill of flirting and seeing where it’d lead. “Good, or else I’d have to text her right away and make a big deal out of this,” she joked. “And well– Starlight Bar will be, then. I have no preferences, but I like to think that I’ll have a second chance to see you. So, really, if you described the worst place to go to, I’d still pretend I loved it for the sake of a second meeting. One that we’re actually planning to meet each other, instead of meeting out of the blue. And, just a spoiler… I love mojitos and moscow mule. So if you are to buy me a drink, those are safe choices!”
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"You say it like that and it sounds easy, and yet every time I try it—," she sighs and shakes her head, a shrug overcoming her shoulders as her lips twist in amusement. If there is something she had never been good at, it was finding the right words to flirt with people she find pretty. Treat them kindly carry conversations? That she had been able to do before Lunar Cove, now? Now it is harder, but not impossible. A good thing, too, since she tends to think people are pretty more often than not. "All amazing things, yes, no need to worry about it," she reassures her, her smile widening as Meryem keeps talking. "But yeah, it's a pleasure to meet you. Seems it is one of the good things my clumsiness has brought me, huh?" Diana says, before himming thoughtfully. "I really like the Starlight Bar, if I have to pick. The specialty cocktails are wonderful."
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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“We’re turning this into a girl’s night by my place so we can bake muffins, gossip and watch movies together? Because if so, then I’m all in.” It was those small moments that made her feel more appreciative of the relationships she had in her life. To have the certainty that people wanted her company just as much as she wanted theirs.
Meryem chuckled, allowing a smile to rest briefly. “I think people usually take that same route, you know– the whole getting in a relationship when they least expect it. We’ll see how it goes. At this point I think I was made to be an entertainer in my friend’s lives. To share with them all the shenanigans and failed relationships I can gather for the sake of fun,” with a light shrug she continued. “But I won’t say no for the scones. I think I prefer them over cake pop… at least, for today. My answer may change if you ever ask me that again some other day.”
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“I mean I'm not going to say not to some homemade anything, really, but muffins sound amazing? I love chocolate muffins, but also am a fan of cranberry and blueberry and- I'm rambling again, aren't I?" Leyla let out a light laugh at the thought. "Actually though, if you decide to make muffins, can I help? I haven't baked in ages and am dying too!"
"And oh. To Ambrosia? It was fun! Very fancy, but fun? And I mean if you decide to, I'd be happy to help you set up a profile and all that? Though, if we're being honest, I didn't exactly plan to get into a relationship? I just sort of fell into it in like the best sort of way? But, thats why if the apps aren't speaking to you, you can always just wait and see what happens? Life may surprise you?" She suggested. "And oh gosh. Welp, I'm happy to distract you with my beautiful smile," She teased. "Though, I'm sorry you've been having a rough day. You want me to grab some scones for us to make it better? Or maybe a cake pop?"
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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“Ah– as someone who used to go for cool rebel boys, maybe it’s a nice change that she’s going for a childhood friend boy, unless there’s some dark twisted plot that I’m not seeing coming, which– well, it still feels very on brand when it comes to me.” Maybe in the past she could consider it all to be worse than it really was at the moment. Meryem was used to urging for anything that would go wrong in a short period of time. The pain felt easier to deal with, despite the fact that it made it a constant to her life. Strange behaviors that it was hard to get rid of. 
“I’m okay. As okay as someone can be. I think I got into a routine and it makes me feel bored, so I wouldn’t mind if something reckless happened to me. I miss it. You, on the other hand,--” she motioned her hues to his injured arm. “You should, please, take care of yourself and do the opposite, okay? I need you in your best shape,” Efe was important to her. One of the people that she actually cared for and wished well. “Don’t say magic out loud, they might hear us,” she teased. Because in the end, there was no 'they'. “I have no freaking clue what it means. Maybe we should also come up with a word ourselves so it’s our inner joke.”
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"Oh no, you're good." Efe looked up to offer a smile. While his doctors has promised him he was already healing quite nicely, he had a few more weeks of cast-wearing on his horizon. To that end, he was reading an oversized paperback precariously with one arm, using the ledge of the table as leverage for page-turning. But he had gotten quite a lot of reading done in the hospital, and it had proven a welcome respite from the chaos that had unfolded. He was even planning on meeting up with his young mentee soon, the teenager to whom he was playing big brother and trying to get excited about books. Efe did not, initially, want to even be seen injured, but maybe he could be a good role model for taking life in stride, even when things went wrong.
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"Only bad news, unfortunately. I think she's going to end up with 'childhood friend boy' and not 'cool rebel boy.'" He allowed the book to fall closed and reveal its cover, the second in some YA science-fiction trilogy about a metal city. Efe sighed but still managed a smile, seemingly unperturbed as he matched Mer's energy with his own more level demeanor for the moment. "But, I, uh, I hope everything's all right. You doing okay?" He asked cocking his head to one side. "Hanging in there. This hurts less." He cocked his head at his injured arm. "Say, in novels like this, why do you think no one ever just says 'magic?' They alway make up weird names for it. What's Alphorwave?"
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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Meryem Erkal is a witch that currently resides in Downtown and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 30 years fitting into her chosen family like a missing puzzle piece.
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis Woman, She/Her AGE: 32 PLACE OF BIRTH: Bandırma, Turkiye OCCUPATION: School Counselor FACECLAIM: Bensu Soral
SPECIES: Witch COVEN POSITION: Member ABILITIES: Water Manipulation, Catoptromancy, Tracking, Audible Inundation
Trigger Warnings: Abandonment, Emotional Trauma
How cruel life can be to offer at such a young age the sensation that you’ve been unwanted? Although in the grand hazel eyes reacting to every movement of her parents she craved for their attention and security, her parents didn’t share the same connection. It lacked love from the ones that were supposed to raise her and the only one to be able to share this perspective for Meryem was time. During the two years spent in Turkey and later once they moved to Lunar Cove.
Growing old, the innocence of her childhood was shattered by the silent atmosphere of her house, the place she was supposed to call home. It felt colder than it should be, and although they provided what was needed financially — in the best way they could; Meryem was unable to summarize her experience until she was twelve years old as having a family. They were far from it. And once she couldn’t sustain it all anymore, Meryem packed her bags and left. The idea shaped in the midst of adrenaline seemed easier said than done, despite their lack of love towards her, they still provided a roof on top of her head and being away from her house made her scared, at first.
Meryem was ashamed to ask for help, but slowly she would aim for friends to give her shelter for a day or two, always leaving when she felt she was taking too much space, that whispers were an indicator parents wanted her out and didn’t know how to say so. Her last stop would also be her first experience at being loved. The Erkals. 
Although there was a two-year difference between Meryem and Nesrim, Mer considered her one of her best friends, and perhaps that was why it took her so long to be able to claim for help from one of the people that mattered the most to her. Then, instead of noticing whispers about wondering when she would leave, it was about what they could do; instead of assuming it was a matter of time until they’d ask her to find somewhere else, their question was if she would like to stay. An adoption. It scared her in the same proportion that made her feel secure for the first time. 
Her parents, the biological ones, claimed that she would be a nightmare in the Erkals life, but if they wanted the challenge, they’d gladly help them get Meryem. The disappearance of her biological parents once the case was over was a great example of how they were there mostly out of obligation. The moment they felt the freedom of not needing to raise her, they were no longer in the picture. 
It should’ve been easier, being raised by a family that actually wanted her, but during her adolescence Meryem couldn’t actually believe it. She was constantly getting in trouble, irrationally trying to make them assume she was indeed a nightmare in their lives and would want her out of their house, but they never did. Meryem understood, then, that she had found people to describe as her family, as people that she could and should count on. And perhaps she could be that change in someone else’s life.
Meryem had no perspective of raising a family, but she could have an impact in children’s lives. Aside from being a witch and having magic in her to aid others, she focused on an career path that led her to becoming a school counselor, and whenever she wasn’t working at school, she’d be providing lectures both at schools and colleges, or any place her words would be able to aid someone that once felt like she did. 
It isn’t to say that Meryem is healed from everything she had faced in the past. Scars are deep and carved in her memories; eventually, it also shaped her personality. It’s transparent to see how challenging Mer can be sometimes, in her distaste towards authorities and positions of power, in the act of needing someone else to help her. To the point that she’s mostly in the coven for the sake of her older sister.
After all, in the same proportion that she hated depending on others, Meryem is frightened by the idea of being left behind, of abandonment. In her own twisted perspective, if she’s present in others’ lives and their favorite activities, then she won’t be forgotten. And knowing how important the coven was to her sister, made her stay. She just never shared her relief that Nesrim was unable to become a Supreme.
Despite the hard armor Meryem uses to protect herself, she’s softer than expected. Someone to count on whenever needed. She just needed to learn how to be loved in return.
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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BENSU SORAL as azra └ Özel Ders. (2022)
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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Thank you so much for everything, Issa. For everything. Just for being you.
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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At first, Meryem assumed that her friend was mostly joking about not wanting to go there, but eventually, as she started to pay attention to Dilan’s body language and the expression written all over her face, she got it. “I would never do anything you’re not comfortable with, trust me. But you do make it really appealing to hear you say ‘please’,” she could tease Dilan a little bit, right? There was no harm in it.
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“Well, we can head to Poppy’s, yes. And how much of us actually having the best night of our lives could be recorded and posted over social media? Just asking for a friend and that friend being me. We can start with a few drinks, talk to strangers, see where this night leads us. Make sure we have good memories instead of being haunted by anything remotely bad... and if you ever need to vent about whatever is going on, you have me. You know that, right?”
Where: Outside Eclipse
For: @meryemerkal
"I don't think we should be here." Dilan said aloud in a panic when she realized where they were going. She'd actively avoided every place Chai could be since they'd talked, showing up at his work was one of those places. "Listen I know we joked about dancing on the bar and that but like not here." She practically begged grabbing onto the other woman's wrist. "Let's go to that witch bar of Poppy's or hell go to Sinners. I'll strip and pull a Blair Waldorf." Offering in the hopes it got them out of here. "Don't make me say please."
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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Meryem was amused by the whole situation, when it was safe to look at ai differently, instead of worrying if the other person was alright or not. “Flirting is just… you know– being yourself, and hoping the other person will buy it. At least, that’s how I’ve been adventuring myself since– well, since forever, honestly.” Not that she had the best habits back when she was a teenager, but being herself was helpful in many ways once Meryem decided to embrace it. “It sounds good, so it gives me more than just this brief moment to actually meet you and oh–” at the mention of Nesrim, Meryem chuckled. She was used to living under her big sister’s shadow. And she didn’t mind it, at all. Nesrim was a great example of a human being to begin with, Meryem had learned a lot with Nes. “Hopefully she’s mentioned good things about me, or else this entire conversation is doomed. But, either way, it’s nice to meet you! And here’s to hoping your clumsiness will just bring us closer, huh?” With a wink, Meryem took a sip from her coffee. “Do you have a favorite bar that we can head to some other time?”
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"I—," Diana stammers for a moment, cheeks feeling heated as she averts her gaze and takes a long sip from her coffee trying to gather herself and not sound like a dying cockatoo. Clearing her throat, she gives the other a small smile while shaking her head. "You are very pretty but I— I don't flirt? I don't know how," she admits with a small shrug, ears burning still as she nods slowly. "But yeah, buying you a drink sounds good?" She says, a question more than anything as her eyes lit up in recognition at the name. "Oh! Meryem? I am Diana, Nesrim is one of my friends, She has mentioned you before."
She laughs at the others concern and then nods.
"I am good, thanks for asking. I fall all the time so this isn't new."
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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“It definitely is one of the bright sides of being your friend, yes,” It had been a strange notion for Meryem while growing old. That people would actually care about her and want to be in her life, with friends it had been easier to notice it and accept it. Some other sorts of relationships… not so much. “If all you ask in return is coffee, then Leyla, I’m thankful for it. But, hey– knowing myself you might get more than that, maybe some nice homemade muffins or something. Just let me know your favorite flavor and I’m your girl.”
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It wasn’t like her to forget about time; or maybe it used to be. But she was trying to be a better person, despite trying being the strongest concept of it all. “Where did you guys go? Truth be told, it's been awhile since I’ve gone on dates, I should probably go back to the dating situation. Maybe download apps again and regret doing so… again,” she chuckled. “You know when everything you’ve heard was mostly related to bad news? That’s how this day felt, the energy was so heavy that I swear– if I could, I would meditate before sleeping today to try to lift up some of that heaviness with silence. But that’s for later because now, I really needed to see a friend, a familiar face and this beautiful smile that you have.”
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""Well, it's a good thing you're friends with the owner in thats case, huh?" Leyla couldn't help, but tease as she moved behind the counter of her own shop to begin to fix Meryem a larger cup of coffee than was typically on the menu. "Though don't worry about it," She waved the notion of Mer being late away with the flick of her wrist. "It happens. Just next time, the coffee is on you. What do you say? Fair trade?" She offered up with a warm and reassuring smile of her own, sliding the coffee across the counter as she moved to pour herself a cup as well.
"Though oh gosh," Leyla pressed her lips together, carrying both cups over to the table as she slide back into the seat across from the other. "I found a five dollar bill on the ground the other day and am officially back to work after, well, finally am fully recovered from well..." She trailed off, wincing slightly as she thought back to how she had gotten hurt back on Valentine's day. "But, other than that, things have been not all that eventful? My boyfriend took me out on a date. My roommate's dog is eating his way through our couch. And look at that? You're all caught up with me. But, what about you? Or would you prefer a distraction rather than having to talk about it, that is?"
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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“Ah– well, I’m really sorry about that. It’s frustrating, after all,” her tone was almost the same one she was used to sharing with students that were often over her office by the school. And it was mostly because it was genuine, she understood the feeling. Meryem had had frustrations all over her from her childhood on, and perhaps even before when she couldn’t name said emotion. 
At the mention of pizza being a good idea for their Friday night, Meryem grinned from ear to ear, picking up her phone and instantly making an order for them. It’d be the usual, the bright side of being around her sister too often that things would hardly change. Meryem was glad to have Nesrim around, and she hoped her big sister would share the same perspective. “Soon it’ll be here for now there’s wine and you can check the kitchen and see if there’s anything you’d like to eat. You know this is your place just as much as it’s mine,” Mer shrugged. “Babies cry and we find a way to help them, why not do the same for you?” Meryem promptly questioned, before she ended up laughing. “Do you see this? Oh my– Meryem Erkal… growth.” 
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Although she still had a long path to walk through, Meryem could see the difference of who she used to be to the person she became. In those small steps, she was already a better person to her own self, and eventually, to others. “It was a boring day. Same old, dealing with children that reminds me of myself and then returning back home. I need a spa day, we should go for a spa day before anything happens because of full moons or whatever. I’m tired of twisted shit happening, with all due respect, mother nature.”
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all her life, nesrim had been brought up to be the best person she could be. to be the beacon of leadership this town has seen. she wouldn't be surprised if all of a sudden, her parents suggested she would become the mayor, since her hopes of becoming the supreme had gone down the drain... even if nesrim herself had had no desire to become a politician in the first place. she had been programmed to look after everyone before looking after herself, so whenever one minor problem presented in her life, especially on the professional side, nesrim seemed to feel like she was the one to blame. thus grieving over an unsuccessful lab experiment.
it was selfish of her and she knew that, but nesrim was silently glad to hear that as her life was seemingly falling apart, she would have her sister to catch her as she fell.
taking a deep breath, nesrim moved up to a sitting position once she felt meryem taking a spot on the couch and leaned against the younger witch's shoulder. "just a lab experiment that had a different result than i was expecting it to have." which, knowing nesrim, she was probably blaming herself and her calculations for it. but she remembered the amounts she'd put, she remembered her annotations... it shouldn't have been wrong. "pizza sounds perfect for a friday night, actually." there was something about being in meryem's presence and simply being able to vent without judgment that always seemed to calm nesrim. "i'm just being a baby about it." she dismissed her own feelings, as she often did when there was a problem regarding her life. if she wasn't in the right of feeling sad or frustrated or to have her energy drained like that. "how was your day?" finally, she took the wine glass meryem was holding, which seemed to be for her and took a sip from the liquid. "better than mine, i hope? please tell me it was."
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
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meryemerkal · 2 years ago
— location: rainbow roll — date and time: saturday night, around 7pm — availability: closed | @moonglowmagic — kim binna
One of the few workmates Meryem had a friendship with, talked about a potential person that Mer could enjoy going out on a date with. She didn't know exactly what caused them to assume a blind date would be an ideal option, but Meryem had accepted it. It gave her, at least, something to look forward to over the weekend, that wouldn't be practicing her magic or getting ready for the following week at school, programming whatever she'd have to offer for the students.
Getting ready, Meryem even sent a few pictures to friends and sister to make sure she looked good, and, eventually, once she was finally by the establishment and noticed one single table that had just one person, she chuckled. It couldn't be. She thought to herself. "Hey!" She attempted to get the other person's attention. "For some random reason, are you the other person that was set up on a blind date and somehow, we're living a really twisted romantic comedy?" She really wanted to laugh about the whole situation, but Meryem focused on simply sharing an humorous smile.
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