#merome on the mind ...
butchsky · 4 months
i have been having terribly bad merome brainrot while ive been busy ... it is So So bad
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mcytblr-confessions · 1 month
the current mcyt fanbase could NOT handle skylox and merome. they'd lose their fucking minds.
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nomagicartz · 3 months
Waaaaaait a minute here!
With all the Merome art you’ve made, I’m surprised to see Mitch and Jerome on your relationship chart are just friends! Are they crushes? One sided love? Spill the details spill them!!!!
this might be a long one because i am oh so ill over them
im glad you noticed that silly little detail ! to put it simply they are awful and mitch will not come to terms that he likes men . its awful . theyre awful .
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mitch being this awful is why i often draw him looking away! or just never making eye contact with jerome
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So for . most of the story . their love is very one sided . Jerome devotes himself to Mitch, and hes kept it up since day one. They met in the games. The only time Mitch will ever let himself get that close is when they are in the games.
Mitch wants to let himself love Jerome. But how can he. How could he. He kills Jerome like clockwork in those games. He knows exactly where to hit him. His sword has carved through Jerome's chest more times than he can count.
Jerome is a loyal dog. He's a dead one. He doesn't care about any of this, he's just glad Mitch is there, and that he can devote himself.
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Mitch cant love Jerome back till he leaves the games. He's stuck in a burning house and he cant leave. Jerome wont leave without Mitch.
So theyre stuck in a never ending cycle. Mitch wont leave till he loses. But he's built for killing. Its carved into his being. Every time he tries to let someone else win, to let Jerome win, a switch flicks on in his mind, and blood soaks his hands. Jerome wont leave without MItch, so every game he tries his damned best to win, to get them both out of this awful cycle. But theyre stuck in this holographic world, where death is only momentary and sweet.
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Im so sorrty for ranting holy fuck i hate them actually theyre so awful to each other .
TLDR mitch bets on losing dogs and has too much internalized homophobia . here have a playlist with songs that i associate so deeply with them .
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3/5 Tria's Difficulties
The next casting candidate is Fenrich. It's gonna go badly if he ends up playing a steward...
(Note - as per usual, everything is written as it is in-game, but... the translations for Fenrich's dialogue are really extra screwed up in places. So if things look like mistakes, that is unfortunately just how it was in the game. You can still glean the meaning just fine in most cases.)
The Second Cast Member
Rozalin: So who chose the next cast candidate?
Tria: It was me! I chose a cool guy who will have broad appeal with many women!
Merome Romero: I hope he's not unaware like Killia...
Fenrich: Hah, he finally came.
Tria: He's here! He is the cast candidate that I chose! He is the wolfman steward Fenrich!
Sweet Omega: T-this man? Does he look irate to you? He's already cursing to himself.
Fenrich: Of course I am. Calling me to such a place. If his Lordship didn't order me, I would have ignored you.
Tria: Even so, you did answer my call, right? You're a tsundere!
Fenrich: Shut up! I am anything but a tsundere!
Merome Romero: At first he looks scary, but he's actually a tsundere! He looks promising!
Tria: Doesn't he? Doesn't he? Let's first do a simulation and see what he's suited for! Fenrich! As you know, I am being chased by my father's men! You're the only person I can trust! Please! As a steward, protect me!
Rozalin: Whoa! That's really passionate acting!
Sweet Omega: The chased princess is your forte, Tria! Even Adell lent a hand to your Special Move!
Merome Romero: With that acting, the wolfman has no choice but to save you...
Fenrich: I reject it!
Tria: Wh-what?!
Stage 1 - Absentminded Tria
Scathing Vicious Wolf
Tria: W-Wait, Fenrich! You're a professional steward, right? Why would you refuse?! You're playing the role of my steward!
Fenrich: Don't decide without consulting me. Why would you think I would serve anyone but his Lordship, you scoundrel Succubus.
Tria: Scoundrel Succubus...?! Huh, what? Scoundrel? You just called me scoundrel?
Sweet Omega: T-this is not good! Tria's mind can't keep up with this first ever excessively direct verbal abuse!
Merome Romero: I can't believe that the handsome tsundere was actually the abusive, pushy, wicked wolf steward!
Rozalin: What kind of wired character is that?
Tria: I've never felt so insulted! Calling a maiden crap. Just who do you think you are?!
Fenrich: I'm nobody special. Replacing others' lord at will. I just think that something a crap person would do.
Tria: "Crap" again?! That's inexcusable!
Fenrich: Are you done talking? I'm going home.
Tria: I won't stand for it! Prinny!
Prinny as a pursuer: I've found you, Princess! You've got no place to run, dood!
Stage 2 - No escape?
The First Feeling
Fenrich: What are they people doing?
Prinny as a pursuer: Hehehe. You can't run away anymore, Princess! You'll perish together with that wolfman, dood!
Tria: Perish?! A father that would kill his own flesh and blood daughter by his own hand?! Could it be that my sister is already...
Prinny as a pursuer: Yes, it's true! The king ordered the execution of Tria and the others! He is truly a tyrant among tyrants, dood!
Fenrich: A tyrant, you say?
Tria: Ah, Fenrich! If this keeps up any longer, I... You're the only one I can count on!
Sweet Omega: A final strike to finish him off! You're serious, Tria!
Fenrich: You bastard. You said "tyrant" just now, didn't you? King of where?! Besides his Lordship, the insolent one who is called a tyrant...?!
Merome Romero: Whoa! I don't know why, but Fenrich means business! It's a miracle!
Tria: Fenrich! Finally you've put your mind to it! Okay then! As a steward, protect me...
Fenrich: Shut your mouth, scoundrel Succubus.
Tria: Why?! That's where you're supposed to say, "Stand down. Don't leave me." right?!
Fenrich: I don't care. Protect your own self.
Tria: Aaargh! Even though I've set everything up, I still get yelled at! But what is this, this feeling? I should be angry, but every time I get yelled at, I feel exhilarated.
Sweet Omega: Don't open that door, Tria! Pursuers! Hurry up and charge them!
Prinny as a pursuer: Understood! I'm on my way, dood!
Stage 3 - The Chase Continues
Enemy Confirmed
Prinny as a pursuer: Aaahhh! We're going to be slaughtered! Run away, dood!
Fenrich: Hum, boneless Prinnies. His Lordship needs a reeducation. Hey, Succubus. Where is your father? I'll assassinate him right away.
Tria: No. There's no need to go that far. Thanks to you, the crisis...
Fenrich: That won't do! Other than his Lordship, we don't need a tyrant! I'll eliminate him!
Tria: Father at home, run away!
Valvatorez: Oh, here you are. I was looking for you, Fenrich.
Fenrich: Your Lordship?!
Merome Romero: Your Lordship... That means that vampire is Fenrich's master.
Sweet Omega: If the steward is that handsome, the master must be absolutely gorgeous!
Tria: It just occurred to me! Speaking of handsome vampires, it's a staple in content for women. If you select Fenrich and Valvatorez for the cast, it will be a surefire hit with women!
Valvatorez: If memory serves, you're Tria, yes? You had business with Fenrich, but has your problem been solved?
Fenrich: Step back, your Lordship. She's an enemy.
Tria: An enemy?! Now what are you accusing me of...
Fenrich: Don't pretend you don't know. Tricking me is bad enough, but trying to trick his Lordship...
Tria: Fenrich! Could that be jealousy?! You're thinking "Don't look at other men."
Fenrich: Stand at attention there, scoundrel Succubus! If anyone hinders his Lordship's rule, I will eliminate him!
Tria: And why is that?
Rozalin: That bloodlust is dangerous. [Player], lend me a hand. We must protect Tria.
Stage 4 - Protect Tria! Stage 5 - Scathing Vicious Wolf Butler
Boss - Fenrich: If anyone hinders his Lordship's rule, I will eliminate them!
Sea of Love
Fenrich: Hump, you survived the fight with me. Unlike you appearance, you are quite capable of fightng.
Tria: What do you mean by "quite capable of fighting"?! Even if you said it's your job, you're still too ruthless!
Valvatorez: Fenrich. Leave it at that.
Fenrich: But, your Lordship...
Valvatorez: Don't worry. I'm an extremely busy person. I won't accept the casting. Plus, I came here looking for you. If Fenrich is absent, I can't get around to the more detailed tasks. As it stands, I won't be able to fish for sardines.
Fenrich: Your Lordship! You need me that much?
Valvatorez: What are you talking about? I always need you. I always have. From a long time ago.
Fenrich: Your Lordship!
Valvatorez: Fenrich.....
Merome Romero: A conscientious vampire and pushy wolfman gaze into each other's eyes...
Sweet Omega: There is demand for this!
Rozalin: Wh-What is this?! My chest is starting to throb.
Valvatorez: Tria. I'm sorry, but we're taking our leave. The next sardines are waiting for us.
Fenrich: Let's go, your Lordship. I, Fenrich, will carry out my duties responsibly.
Tria: Ah, no?! Both of you, please wait! Just a little longer! Just a little longer and that's it!
Sweet Omega: They're gone...
Merome Romero: Look-only events are good too. It might be a new frontier in the Love Laboratory!
Tria: And the two set sail on the sea in search of imaginary sardines. On the vast expanse of the sea of love.
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torahtantra · 1 year
"The Winepress." From Joshua, Chapter 11. 
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In Chapter 10, Joshua stows the Kings of the Amorite Talkers away where they can do no harm, freeing the rest to speak only when necessary and when their words are true.  
We are in the middle of a human Garden of Eden, only we can't cast each other out just because we figure out how to wiggle our little fingers at each other. We have to deal with things, we have to adapt. And for this we need directions:  
Northern Kings Defeated 
11 When Jabin "he discerns" king of Hazor "Village, Trumpet, Enclosure" heard of this, he sent word to Jobab "to call shrilly" king of Madon, "strife, judgement" to the kings of Shimron "guardian, watching" and Akshaph "cause of pain" , 2 and to the northern kings who were in the mountains, in the Arabah "criss crossing" south of Kinnereth "sea of Galilee", "broad, sweeping, the sea of time" in the western foothills and in Naphoth Dor "Cluster Of Hotnesses, Place Near The Heat" on the west;  
-> The North, the realm of Hidden Things, the Superconscious is the place from whence the call to sentience originates. On one end of the Compass we have Galilee, the sea of time, on the other, the Western Wall between what is perceptible and what is subtle, the difference between the body the mind and the disembodied soul.  
From beyond the other side of the Wall the soul signals it is ready to have its will performed.  
3 to the Canaanites in the east and west; to the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites and Jebusites in the hill country; and to the Hivites below Hermon "Designated, Fishing-For-People" in the region of Mizpah "the watchtower".  
the Hittites "who fears", Amorites "talkers", Canaanites "Royals", Perizzites "rural villager", Hivites "tent villagers" and Jebusites "those trodden down". 
-> North/South headings reveal what is hidden; East West trajectories reveal what is of noble character due to the level of proficiency.  
4 They came out with all their troops and a large number of horses and chariots—a huge army, as numerous as the sand on the seashore. 5 All these kings joined forces and made camp together at the Waters of Merom  "the Place Of Watching And Getting Fat, Vigilance And Prosperity" to fight against Israel. 
-> Just as water irrigates the land and makes it arable, water, the intelligence of the Supreme Soul irrigates the mind and makes it intelligent.  
6 The Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them, because by this time tomorrow I will hand all of them, slain, over to Israel. You are to hamstring their horses and burn their chariots.” 
-> Burning a chariot or the vehicle of the soul is to extricate it from ignorance:  
For the physical to be elevated, it must first be imbued with the feeling that there is something higher than itself, that in fact its physical self is just the “image” of a Divine reality. This is the point of entry in taking the creation to its primary objective, the revelation of Gd Himself within it. 
-> very much a North to West trajectory.  
7 So Joshua and his whole army came against them suddenly at the Waters of Merom and attacked them, 8 and the Lord gave them into the hand of Israel. They defeated them and pursued them all the way to Greater Sidon, to Misrephoth Maim "Burning of Waters" , and to the Valley of Mizpah on the east, until no survivors were left. 9 Joshua did to them as the Lord had directed: He hamstrung their horses and burned their chariots. 
10 At that time Joshua turned back and captured Hazor "Village, Trumpet, Enclosure" and put its king to the sword. (Hazor had been the head of all these kingdoms.) 11 Everyone in it they put to the sword. They totally destroyed[a] them, not sparing anyone that breathed, and he burned Hazor itself. 
-> To be put to the sword is to be freed of naivete, it is usually done under duress.  
Hazor the Trumpet Village which spoke with God's voice had to be consumed in the fire of learning. What is taught and learned cannot be forgotten it is burnt into the mind.  
12 Joshua took all these royal cities and their kings and put them to the sword. He totally destroyed them, as Moses the servant of the Lord had commanded. 13 Yet Israel did not burn any of the cities built on their mounds—except Hazor, which Joshua burned. 14 The Israelites carried off for themselves all the plunder and livestock of these cities, but all the people they put to the sword until they completely destroyed them, not sparing anyone that breathed. 15 As the Lord commanded his servant Moses, so Moses commanded Joshua, and Joshua did it; he left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded Moses. 
16 So Joshua took this entire land: the hill country, all the Negev "rolling or waving", the whole region of Goshen "to draw near", the western foothills, the Arabah and the mountains of Israel with their foothills, 17 from Mount Halak, "smooth slippery" which rises toward Seir "she-goat", to Baal Gad "Lord Of Fortune, Lord Of The Invasion" in the Valley of Lebanon "purity"  below Mount Hermon "designated". He captured all their kings and put them to death.  
18 Joshua waged war against all these kings for a long time. 19 Except for the Hivites "tent villagers" living in Gibeon, not one city made a treaty of peace with the Israelites, who took them all in battle. 20 For it was the Lord himself who hardened their hearts to wage war against Israel, so that he might destroy them totally, exterminating them without mercy, as the Lord had commanded Moses. 
21 At that time Joshua went and destroyed the Anakites "Long-Necked, Ornamented / Ornamenter" from the hill country: from Hebron "friendship" , Debir "place of the word" and Anab "to respond to the father", from all the hill country of Judah "praise, gratitude" , and from all the hill country of Israel. Joshua totally destroyed them and their towns. 22 No Anakites were left in Israelite territory; only in Gaza "strong", Gath "the winepress" and Ashdod "to make beloved" did any survive. 
23 So Joshua took the entire land, just as the Lord had directed Moses, and he gave it as an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal divisions. Then the land had rest from war. 
"The Sentient Self, draws near to what is unknown purifies the Self of the ephemeral and directs itself to what is designated for the soul by God: To establish friendly, permanent dwellings built around the winepress, and show gratitude as He has directed."  
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trashynyland · 4 years
About the AU; Exactly how did each pairing get together? And how does it work between those partners? - 🌙
*looks over list* Gods there's too many, bro. Way too many but I'll take the main ones of mine and throw them on the table for you to see.
Dan and Stampy, they aren't actually together but they both have huge crushes on each other. Dan shows his affection more than Stampy does. The two actually met during a war between the Gem Kingdoms and Hybrids. Stampy at the time had problems with well being a feral animal and he couldn't control himself. Dan created some medicine and gave it to Stampy on the battlefield to control Stampy and his behavior. The two fell in love. The meds worked and Stampy acts more human than animal now but Stampy needs to take the medicine every full moon (the medicine is in a form of lip gloss so it gives the two a chance to kiss :) ). Dan is a lonely helpless guy who yearns for a lover and will make a fool out of himself when trying to get hot guy's attention. Stampy likes things calm and collected but Dan is an acception since Stamps knows he needs a but of love and crazy in his life.
Sparklez and Ant, also aren't dating because they're afraid of the criticism they'd get for it. They only "date" when alone. They met when Sparklez became king and created the Redstone Kingdom. At first Ant hated him and his romantic gestures and flirts but soon grew found of them. He'll be able to keep it together and not blush in public but when the two are alone Ant is a blushing mess. Ant loves getting any sort of attention from Sparklez and Sparklez loves getting affection from Ant. They love each other very much :3
Xisuma and Doc, I'm working on the story behind how they met but to I'll explain it. Xisuma met Doc while on a mission in Doc's dimension. Xisuma bought Doc during an auction and took him home. It was a rough start at first because Doc refused to listen and basically acted like a wild animal. For a few months all Doc did was bit and scratch and hiss, never listened. It all stopped one day when X was brought home by Sparklez after an explosion accident on his throat. Doc had gotten concerned and wanted to help any way he could. It took 35 years but they finally confessed, started dating and then got married. Doc loves cuddles (he's like a cat almost). Xisuma doesn't mind when Doc ends up pulling him away from his work to get him into bad and asleep.
Seto and Brice, they had met when Seto had shot Brice down when Brice was in dragon form. So basically the How to Train Your Dragon plot but it's gay and the dragon can turn human and the human boi is a sorcerer. They were married and had 5 kids (sorcerer, gender changing spells/potions). Then Seto fell into a coma for... 487 years. He came back to Brice but he an old boi. Brice can age, Seto can't. Since the two knew that being together would be too weird since Seto looks like he's 30 and Brice looks 80, the two divorced. Brice then set Seto up with his roommate Isaac.
Seto and Isaac, jumping from the last one. Seto at first hated Isaac and his sexual...ness. Seto wasn't very found of Isaac until Brice... He left one day and then Isaac became Seto's support system. The two started slowly dating and at first the big rule was that Isaac had to give Seto at least 4 feet of distance and stop with the sexual... everything. It took a while but Seto slowly warmed up to Isaac. Since Isaac can't sleep (because he's a puppet ghost thing) he watches over Seto and makes sure his sleep schedule doesn't fuck itself up.
Wilbur and Schlatt, oh my gods this one is mmmmm, this couple isn't together and it's that good angst kinda ship. Forbidden love. Because of the kingdoms and their rules, these two can't be together, they long to be together one day but for now it's all about wishing and heartbreak. The two met when they were teens, living in the Emerald Kingdom. They had a coffee together and then never saw each other again. They met again when they both were paired up for an assigned dimensional mission. Wilbur brings out Schlatt's caring side while Schlatt brings out Wilbur's chaotic side. Like ying and yang almost.
Grian and Mumbo, I love these two. The met when Mumbo was in the hospital for a broken elbow and Xisuma was there to pick him up. When they were leaving they passed by a small avian that caught both of their attention. After some pleadings from Mumbo the two stayed and started up a conversation with the lil avian, well they tried until Mumbo thought of the idea of having Grian write. For the few weeks Grian was kept there Mumbo would come in every day to visit. Xisuma later adopted Grain and that was Mumbo's best day ever. Mumbo is usually the only one that can calm Grian down when he gets too wild or upset and Grian is usually the only one who is able to pull Mumbo out of his little world of redstone and get him away from his work. Both are so soft and adorable (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡.
Grim and Jerry, oh boi now these two. Grim is DanTDM's skeleton dog and Jerry is Sparklez's slime son. Both are hybrid humans in my AU. They are dating but if you ask them if they are dating they'll refuse and say they aren't. No one really understands their relationship since Jerry is always a dick to people and Grim is always a sweetheart. The two are like complete opposites but the one thing they both love is going out and killing Alumas (soul takers) and pranking people. The two own a podcast studio where they live and make stupid content for the internet. Yes they live together. Sparklez is concerned for them while Dan loves them.
There's a few others I have but those guys are still in the process of development. Like there's Skylox, Merome, crack ship Carson x Charlie (you'll understand once the comic comes out), Mason x Kori (Sky's son x an oc of mine) and some other side ships that hide in the dark.
Oh yeah, Sky's son is in the comic but he's older so yeah :p
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king-yao-i · 5 years
(Don't hate pls ;-;) Tbh after I saw the Simdil90 child and Juke doing uhh… parkour. I kinda ship them... EHHHHHHHHHH.... I mean its kinda platonic (in my opinion)
It's not a crime to ship! >:O
In fact, I have this made to support you for shipping them (ù3ú)
And a bonus >:3
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Simdil90 x SetoSolace x Merome
Keep in mind that shipping is not a crime in here •3•
♧ KnightKingYaoI
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tinycatlady · 4 years
Jerome’s Official Unofficial Birthday (Merome Drabble)
Nobody really knew Jerome’s birthday. 
Not even Mitch, and they had known each other almost their entire lives. Baccas in the wild weren’t known for their great record-keeping skills. Jerome said they didn’t even have an official calendar. He didn’t know the days of the week until he was around 10.
However, the one thing the team did know is that Jerome and Mitch were definitely born in the same month.
Because of this, they had always celebrated their birthdays on March 3rd- when Mitch was born. Of course, neither of them were bothered for the most part. Mitch didn’t mind sharing his birthday cake and gifts with the Bacca, and Jerome was just happy to be included.
But on this particular year, Jerome was overcome with guilt. Usually, both the birthday boys would pick what to do that day. Usually, they both agreed.
This year however, they had very different ideas on what to do.
Mitch wanted to rent out an arcade with laser tag and invite everyone the group knew. And everyone loved that idea. Except Jerome, who just wanted to go to the lake in the forest and have a quiet barbecue.
So naturally, there was a problem. Neither of them wanted to spend their shared birthday without the other, but they also weren’t going to give up what they each wanted to do.
In the end though, Jerome realized that this was Mitch’s day. Not his. And the intrusive thoughts began to kick in. He surrendered his idea and they had a big party. And he hoped that would be the end of it.
But all the lights and the noise- all the running and shouting. Jerome left the party halfway because of a panic attack. He didn’t even tell anyone in the team that he was going home. Instead he told Preston to tell one of them when he saw them.
It didn’t take long for Ian, Jason, and Seto to get home and find him curled up in his room.
That was 6 days ago. 
And even though nobody thought that he ruined the party- Jerome felt like he did. He felt selfish and was angry at himself. Why couldn’t he have kept it together? Why did he have to run away? He felt like Mitch was mad at him because he made it about himself and practically stole his birthday. Despite all the times Mitch said he didn’t mind and just wanted him to feel better, Jerome didn’t believe it.
And now almost a week after the whole incident, Jerome was still blaming himself. And he had barely left his room.
Nobody had checked in on him since lunch. Mitch hadn’t checked in on him at all this entire time, which just reinforced his negative thoughts. 
“I guess they finally got tired of me…” Jerome muttered into his pillow.
He checked the time on his phone. 6 pm. The sun would start going down soon. 
He was about to put his phone down when he got a notification. It was a text. From Mitch. His stomach dropped as he stared at his name on the screen. 
“This can’t be good.” He whimpered.
He opened it, and was surprised by the confetti effect that popped up on his screen. There were a total of 3 texts.
Mitch 💖: Hey Biggums. Sorry I haven’t checked on you, I really wanted to make up for what happened on my birthday.
Mitch 💖: I have a surprise for you. Can you meet us here? We’re gonna be waiting for you.
Mitch 💖: Clemiar Forest Campsite #6
The last one was a link to a map. It was the forest just outside of town. 
Jerome wondered what they were doing there. He sighed and got up, changed into some clean clothes, and headed to his car.
Once he got to the forest, Jerome parked next to where the other’s parked and walked to the campsite.
“Hello? Guys?” he called out. He took a couple more steps. 
“Anyone?” He called out again.
“JEROMEEEE!!!” Mitch jumped out of a bush and tackled him. They both landed on the leaves below. 
“Mitch, you were supposed to wait for the rest of us! Sky said as he hopped out of a bush as well.
The others followed suit. Mitch was still hugging Jerome when Quentin helped him up.
“What’s all this?” Jerome asked, looking at the campsite in disbelief. It was decorated with balloons and streamers. A banner that read, “Happy Birthday Jerome!” hung in between the trees.
“Well, It was Mitch’s idea-” Ty began.
“He wanted to throw you a party since you’ve never had your own!” Jason said.
Jerome looked at them all. “You guys really didn’t have to do this…” He started, trying to hold back tears.
“Yes we did!” Mitch shouted, “You’ve never had your own birthday and I've always taken over the day we were supposed to share. Well now you get your own birthday too!”
Tears escaped Jerome's eyes. Everyone gathered around to hug him like Mitch was already doing. Jerome tried to wrap his arms around all of them and hug them back. Wanting them to feel as loved as they made him feel.
“You guys are the best.” Jerome said to them all. 
Mitch kissed his cheek. “We know, but only because you deserve the best.”
Jerome smiled and caught a whiff of hotdogs cooking. His stomach growled. 
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s celebrate!” He said.
The others agreed, and they went to go get food. They ate hot dogs and burgers and of course, they got Jerome a raw fish. Then they did something Sky suggested- a piñata. And while there were a few times someone almost got smacked in the head, thankfully no one did. 
At the end, Ian brought out a cake. They all sang happy birthday to the Bacca- who still didn’t quite believe this was all for him- and he blew out the candles.
After cleaning up and making sure they didn’t leave any trash behind, they piled into the cars and left.
Mitch made sure to ride back with Jerome.
“So, how’d you like your birthday, biggums?”
Jerome smiled. “It was one of the best days of my life.”
Mitch chuckled. “Great, better start thinking about what you want to do next year, then.”
They came to a stop at a red light. 
“Next year?” Jerome asked.
Mitch looked at him like he was crazy. “Well yeah! We’re doing this every year! March 9th is your day!”
Jerome looked at him, almost about to cry again.
“You mean it?” He asked in a small voice. 
Mitch put his hand on his shoulder, “Of course I do!”
A warm smile crossed Jerome’s face. He leaned in and kissed Mitch.
“I love you so much, you know that, right?”
Mitch was blushing, but he smiled. “Of course I know that.”
The light turned green and they kept driving. Jerome placed his hand over Mitch’s on the center console of the car.
“Good, I never want to let you forget it.”
“Hey! I’m supposed to be the one making you feel loved right now!” Mitch protested.
“You do that everyday you’re with me, I wanna make sure I return the favor.”
“You do!” Mitch smiled, “Gosh if you weren’t driving I’d kiss you until you felt how I feel around you.”
Jerome wanted to tease him. “You wouldn't”
“Yes I would!”
Mitch crossed his arms and pouted in the seat next to him. “You know I would.”
Jerome didn’t say anything. Instead he smiled and pulled into an empty parking lot.
Mitch noticed. “Hey, what’re you doing?”
Jerome parked the car. “Prove it.” he laughed.
Mitch grinned. “No way, you sneaky Bacca!” 
They both laughed. While Jerome had his eyes closed Mitch leaned over and kissed his lips.
“If you want me to prove it, you better call the others and tell them we’re gonna be late.”
Jerome rolled his eyes, but took out his phone anyways.
Mitch laughed and kissed his cheek while he waited for someone to pick up.
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heroofshield · 5 years
Next to Normal (ME, Shenko; G)
Last day of MERomance week and it’s Modern AU time! I had a lot of fun this week writing for my ME pairs and hoped you liked them as well. Enjoy this last one!
Detective Kaidan Alenko parked his car and not for the first time had doubts about what he was about to do. 
His unit had just busted a member of a major Red Sand cartel, effectively sending them scrambling while Saren sat in jail while six different states argued over who got to prosecute him. 
Thrilled with closing the case, Wrex had suggested that they throw a barbeque and Captain Shepard had offered her house; saying that her big backyard was more than capable of handling everyone. Everyone else had enthusiastically joined in, but Kaidan had remained silent. He was still trying to deal with the loss of his partner in said case and didn’t feel much in the celebration mood. 
“I’ll drop off the six pack, stay an hour, and then go back to my loft.” he told himself while exiting the car and locking it. Walking towards the multi-level house, he could smell the charcoal and lighter fluid burning when the wind shifted. Following the sounds of talking and laughter towards the end of the long drive, he rounded the corner and saw that he was one of the last to arrive.
Garrus and Wrex were already there, no surprise as they liked to take charge of the grilling whenever there was a party, their tall frames almost blocking the grill from view. They were arguing over what was better for smoking; mesquite or hickory chips.
“Captain’s inside.” Kiadan turned to see Liara appear behind him, hands full of chips and dip. “If you want to say hi before she comes out, that is.”
“Thanks.” Kaidan watched Liara walk over to the tables shoved up against the stand-alone garage and turned towards the back door. Holding the door open for Tali as the younger woman nearly barged out with bowls of potato salad, he slipped inside with hardly any noise. 
“You can set the beer on the table.” Shepard nodded her head without looking up from the watermelon she was currently wrestling with.
Kaidan opened his mouth to ask how she knew he’d arrived, but remembered that the redhead had spent time in Special Forces before joining the police. “Need help with anything?” he asked, setting down the beer he’d brought. 
“Not at the moment. But thanks.” Shepard smiled as she finished with the fruit and turned on the faucet to clean her hands and the surrounding area. Setting the knife down, she looked at Kaidan and saw the deep circles under his eyes. She wondered if it was because he was still dealing with Ashley’s death or if he was getting another migraine. “How are you doing?”
“Alright, Captain.” 
“When we’re off-duty you can call me Shepard. If you want.”
“If you don’t mind I’ll stick with Captain. For now.”
Shepard nodded her head. She liked Detective Alenko, he was compassionate but at the same time harsh when the need arose. Plus he was a hell of a shot, and working towards his SWAT certification. “How are you doing, really?” she held up a hand as Kaidan started to say ‘fine’ again. “I’m asking as your friend, not as your CO.”
Kaidan looked at Shepard and saw that she genuinely wanted to know, not just the cursory ‘are you compromised’ kind of way that happened with a superior officer. He’d seen that look before when his dad had lost his partner and a few weeks ago when Deputy Chief Hackett had stopped by the precinct.
Not meeting her eyes, he shrugged. “It’s still hard. You know how it is; someone you have a desk across from, you spend nine hours a day with, stakeouts, travel time, you get to know them really well. Then all of a sudden they’re gone and you’re in this grey space. Trying to figure it all out.”
“I could tell you it just takes time, but that’d be a half-truth. It does get easier but it never really goes away, you find a new normal. Or a next-to-normal.” 
“If I can ask, why’d you choose me over Ashley? Why was I worth saving more than her?” Kaidan had been working up the nerve to ask those questions since the ambush at the warehouse. It had been his mind since the hospital and he hoped that Shepard didn’t pull rank, refuse to answer, and write him up for insubordination. 
Shepard folded her arms across her chest, considering her answer. The sounds of everyone else in the backyard wafted through the open window and was the only thing breaking the silence for a few minutes. “Because you were closer and visibly wounded.” she eventually said. “I told William’s over the walkies to hold position and that SWAT was on the way. I told her that we’d do it by the book, that Saren was only going to make good on his promise to dentinate that bomb. I made the best decision I could at the moment. It wouldn’t have done the squad any good if all three of us went up in that explosion.”
Kaidan was silent as Shepard spoke, knowing that she was telling him the truth-that she had made the best call in the moment. “Thanks.” he swallowed thickly, not wanting to cry in front of his captain.
The door opened suddenly, startling them both and Tali popped her head in. “Captain! Wrex is trying to convince Garrus that adding beer would add a nice flavor to the burgers. I think they might try it.”
Shepard cursed under her breath while pushing off of the counter, “I’ll be right there.”
Then it was just the two of them and Shepard placed a comforting hand on Kaidan’s shoulder. “I know you don’t feel okay, but you’ll get there eventually.” 
“Thank Shepard.” 
“Now how about you help me with Garrus and Wrex? I swear those two are going to give me grey hairs before I’m forty.” 
Kaidan laughed and stood, “I’d really like to see that.” 
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yandere-highschool · 5 years
as far as i know you're one of the few blogs who aren't a part of the "headcanons and aus are horrible and shippers should go to hell" gang and i thank you for that
Honestly at first I made this blog because haha kinda canon url why the fuck not relive an old fandom for a few days, but soon after I discovered two things, one this fandom is really fun and creative with lots of interesting ideas and concepts, and two, there is a severe problem of people being intimidated and threatened by those ideas and concepts because the fandom as a whole, is militant and toxic, and I didn’t want to just, give up this blog anymore like I had planned, it’s comfy here and someone needs to be a blog for people like you who want to create, who want stories, but are being denied.
Honestly the entire fact this is a thing is just, so new, I cannot be vocal enough that this behavior is not the norm and its NEW, I’ve been in lots of fandoms, team crafted, the pack, yogscast, aphmau, achievement hunter, cupquake, etc, and this has never been a thing to police, it just has never even crossed anyones mind to not do these things. None of these policers would survive in those fandoms.
For instance one my current big fandoms is The Yogscast, and do you know what it’s like being in that fandom? It’s the exact opposite of this one! People ship freely and its expected! People write aus, headcanons, stories, we talk about stories, we talk about lore, we talk about the characters, we take these characters, honeydew the dwarf, xephos the spaceman, lalna the mad scientist, and we breathe life into them, we give them stories, backgrounds, identities! It’s free game for basically everything! And you know what? the people in the yogscast don’t give a shit beyond maybe making shipping jokes or poking a bit of fun! Hell I’m literally in a discord chat with an ex member and am actively encouraged to write fic and create with there minecraft persona! Creating fic and making headcanons is fucking normal, it is in literally every fandom that’s not this one. things like fanfic and fanart and headcanons are VITAL to a fandom’s survival, it entices people, gives them more reason to join! No one remembers the fandom with no fanfiction or headcanons or shipping, everyone remembers the fandom with hundreds and thousands of stories
Hell even in the hermit community if you don’t like shipping? then you aren’t allowed to watch the recap because Zloy FULLY ENCOURAGES it! https://askzloyxp.tumblr.com/post/184503863759/hey-chief-whats-your-opinion-on-people-shipping here is a link right here to his blog where he says so, if you fandom police these things, you can’t interact with the recap that’s the rules!
I remember being 13 and getting into merome, this was before I realized I was asexual and panromantic, this was some of my first experience with gay relationships in media, the work from it gave me some of my first purely positive interesting exciting loving queer rep, and was definitely a big part of normalizing these kinds of relationships and showing me these kinds of feelings are fine and normal and par for the course. It gave me an outlet for feelings I didn’t understand yet, it made me feel normal and it showed me healthy relationships you don’t get on daytime tv, and I don’t want to take that kind of rep away from a 13 year old who does the same with mumbo and grian. People don’t headcanon people as gay or ace or pan for no reason, they do it because they’re searching for representation, they’re searching for something where they can go ‘they are like me’ and that kind of rep is valuable and should be protected not ridiculed to threats of violence. And you know how merome affected mitch and jerome? It didn’t, all they did in response was make jokes about the ship and make ship tease animations because it was not a serious issue.
Of course there are things you shouldn’t do, but that’s true for everything, normal fandom protocol is tag your ships, keep it out of the main tag if asked, and don’t shove it in the creators face or demand they make your ship canon or anything, that should be frowned upon, not shipping and aus and stories in general!
I am a writer, I write minecrafter fanfic, I ship minecrafters, I make minecrafter headcanons, and I will never stop because a 14 year old tells me its problematic, and I will protect the rights of others to do the same, and you know what? They can’t stop us! The only control they have over us is what we give them! They can never stop fanfiction from being created, they can never stop shipping, they can never stop any of it, they only can if we let them get into our heads, and if we go ‘fuck you I’ll do it anyways’ they lose
These people are choking out this fandom with restrictions and baseless and unenforceable rules, take back your power from them, don’t let them destroy this fandom, do what brings you happiness, and if its drawing grian and mumbo making out, or headcanon mumbo with anxiety? I fully support you and I will never shut up
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nomagicartz · 4 months
i have so much to do but merome is all thats on my mind . catch me in like 3 days speedrunning an animatic to no light, no light.
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travelswithzsubes · 4 years
The Golan Trail: A trip report.
Ah, it’s like exercising the old muscles again, writing a report of a trip here. It feels oh so good. I love writing, yet find many excuses all of the time to not spend my time doing it. 
I got the harebrained idea in my mind to hike the Golan Trail in four days. It’s 125K, so you can do the math. It’s basically going from 0 to 60, nothing to something significant. My roommate, however, came through big time. He ended up having pretty much all the gear I needed and more (blow up pillow? sit pad? wind screen?) and donated it to me for the few days I was going to be out in the woods. He is a tzaddik.
I took a bus up to Majdal Shams, a Druze city that is one of the most northern places in Israel. There I stayed in an Airbnb with Ahmed for the night. Ahmed showed up in a pickup truck after talking to the driver of the bus I was on, telling him to make a special stop for me by the gas station. He knows everyone in Majdal Shams, or so he says. “What a cute, petite guy,” he said of the bus driver.
Ahmed offered me whiskey and hookah and told me his family had lived in the area for 1,000 years.
Day 1
The next day, he said, I should call him after 9am so that he could pick me up and take me to the top of the hike, in the Hermon. When I (non-authentically) protested that that was out of his way, he dismissed me with a wave of his hand. “No other way for you to get up there,” he said. And so he drove me around the steep curves, up the mountain, and there I was, by the sign marking the top of trail. I couldn’t believe I had the gear, and the time, and the ability to do this hike - one I have wanted to do for quite a long time. I am incredibly lucky. And I was very happy. 
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Me and Ahmed
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The beginning.
My goal was to hit 31K per day - something around 19 miles. Each day, though, the morning was, for whatever reason, slow. I didn’t know this would happen on Day 1. But the section from the Hermon back down to Majdal Shams was probably one of the more difficult sections of the entire trail, at least in terms of technical descending. It’s also easy to lose the trail. Thankfully, I had the AllTrails app, which helped me out a ton (I promise I am not getting paid for this). The poles I got from my roommate were incredibly helpful, though. I think they may be a mainstay for me in the future. 
It was beautiful, though. You’re up at 4500 feet or so, and you can see very far. The whole world is ahead of you. 
I find that I get frustrated easily on these hikes. I spent a good 15 minutes at one point going back and forth, trying to find the trail that really wasn’t so difficult to locate. I think I’m pretty bad with directions in the wilderness, for whatever reason. But I got to the bottom of the section, and so began a relatively easy next few kilometers, through Kibbutz Nimrod, Masa’ade, and around a reservoir. Before Nimrod, there’s a point where you can see Kiryat Shemona, Metula, and into Lebanon. It was a lot of downhill on a road, and then it started to go up again after Masa’ade. The landscape was wide open, and you could see pretty much everything around you, including the snowy Hermon peaks, Majdal Shams resting comfortably on the hill, nearby mountains, and so on. It was kind of hazy though. 
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The view into Lebanon.
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Majdal Shams and Hermon.
The climbing wasn’t hard, but it was there. I stopped for lunch near some cows. It was getting a bit late in the day, and by this point I was getting nervous for timing. I had wanted to get to a point where the trail crossed Route 98 (the highway the trail skirts for most of the way), but I wasn’t sure if that was going to happen. 
The climb then continued, all the way up to Har Odem, which is a bizarre tangle of mining sites and some sort of other contraptions on top. From there, you get a whole other viewpoint south. You really started to see what was left of the Golan, what you had in front of you, what was coming. Mini-volcanic peaks, grasslands, and so on and so forth.
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Har Odem.
From there, there was a slight descent. Birds were chirping, and it was beautiful. I still felt pretty good physically and was simply trying to make good time at this point. I knew there was a climb coming my way, but it took longer to get there than the map indicated. A road goes around Har Hermonit to avoid a military installation on top, and so I took that, and hit the top at about 4:30pm - about an hour and a half of daylight to go. But when I looked at the map, it said I had gone a full mile less than what my watch was telling me. I was certainly concerned at this point - everything really had to go perfectly for me to finish in four days.
From here you could see straight into Syria. 
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Looking into Syria - signs for land mines.
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Hazy sunset.
I got lost at one point, but by virtue of getting lost I passed a sign that told me I was entering the Emek HaBacha - Valley of Tears, so named for being the site of a major battle in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Now it’s home to the Golan Heights Winery and many wind turbines.
It was getting dark, but I realized I was within a mile of the point I wanted to get to that night. I didn’t quite make it all the way to the road, but I got even closer, and found a nice grassy patch by the site of the trail where I decided to spend the night. After setting up the tent, cooking, and taking care of some phone business (I hate having to use my phone while hiking or camping, but too much was going on in the world that day for me not to, in terms of many things in my life) it was already 9pm by the time I crawled into the tent. Still, I felt OK, physically, and knew I had a long next day ahead of me.
Day 2 
It took me a little while to get out of bed this day. By the time I did all the morning things, it was already 8:45am. That was when I left - later than I wanted to. I knew I was near the town of Merom Golan, and I was hoping to reup on water there (that’s basically how you do it on this trail; there aren’t THAT many water sources, plus I thought I brought iodine with me, but it turned out to be iodine neutralizing flavor tabs, which don’t make water clean, so, yeah...). 
Again I got lost and walked 0.6 miles out of the way, which doesn’t sound like much, but feels like a lot when you have a tight schedule. I walked back, though, and then encircled a reservoir, and eventually arrived at the base of Har Bental, the steepest climb of the trail. It was certainly steep, but the trail was lined with flowers (I haven’t even talked about those yet, they are everywhere; red, purple, white, etc.) and it was a lovely time. There’s also a coffee shop on top called Coffee Anan (a three-way pun, by my count). I duly purchased a cappuccino and filled up on water there. 
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Har Bental flowers.
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Sculptures at the mountaintop.
 I then kept a fast pace through to the point where I next crossed Route 98, which was already 10 miles in. It was through red flowery fields, and it made for fast walking. This was the first time, though, that I noticed that my left shoe was starting to come undone (the toebox was starting to flap open), and that was scary. I also felt some blisters starting to form.
But things kept going. A friend actually met me for a short part of the trail here, and had a car, so I was able to drop my pack in the car and continue on (we met up along the trail, but the car ended up being parked near that night’s camping spot). I flew through the next miles, even though there were three separate small climbs. It went fast, and I felt pretty good, even all the way up to Mile 16. More views of Syria from the top of the climbs.
After descending the final climb (Har Chozek) I ended up in a grassy field, and it was just so peaceful. Cows lounged around, and I even saw some wild horses. You could still see pretty far into the distance, but there was green all around you. I was quite happy.
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Wild horses.
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All day, every day.
This was my longest day, but physically I felt mostly OK, although I did notice I was starting to feel pretty tight. My feet were hurting, and I had blisters. My shoes weren’t in great shape. When I didn’t move anywhere for 10 minutes and then moved again, I felt like I couldn’t walk so well. And I still had two days to go. It didn’t feel all that promising at this point. 
This was also quite a chilly night. I slept through the night, but the camping spot at Choresh Chushnia wasn’t so great (lots of wonderful cow poop smells), and foxes were howling very near us. At one point my headlamp caught their eyes, and all I saw were two beady red dots in the distance, staring at me. Spooky! There was a small moon, though, and the stars were out, and there was a wide open sky. Perfect.
Day 3
The elevation profile for this day told me that it would be all downhill. That wasn’t really true, but any climbing that happened on this day really wasn’t so bad. I was counting on blowing through this day quicker than the others, though, especially after a relatively slow start. That did not happen.
Cattle gates. Endless. I didn’t take a picture of one, probably because I was just constantly frustrated by them. You turn to your left, pass through the first part of it, oh, watch out for that barbed wire, turn to your right, make sure you don’t tear the sleeping pad bound to your pack, oh, you can’t fit through? Take off your pack, lift it above your head, risk your back health, and take valuable time.
And repeat the same thing 400 meters later.
So that was annoying. The hiking was also on top of a mini-ridge that followed a stream. It was certainly beautiful, but it was a bit slow. There was one point where I went the wrong way and ended up walking through a barbed wired surrounded gate into a wet stream, another time where I slipped and my feet were muddied (remember, my shoes were falling apart at this point). I was frustrated.
But I found a mini-waterfall in which to swim. The hiking was beautiful - real grassland hiking, long plains stretching out westward and forever. There is also a strange, Stonehenge-like arrangement of rocks at one point along the trail (called Rujum al-Hiri), which historians cannot really explain. Combine that with faster walking in the middle part of the day and I was in a better mood by lunchtime.
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Grassland hiking.
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Swimming waterfall.
I went around another reservoir and found myself next to a large canyon right around the time to break for lunch. That canyon came out of nowhere, and it was stunning. The trip guide told me I would have an opportunity to hike down into the canyon (here it was called the Gamla Natural Reserve) and I was excited to do so.
But I was pretty tired at this point. This was the point where really everything started to hurt. My feet, my heels, every muscle in my legs, muscles that I didn’t even really know I had.
Still, the walking was good after lunch. I kept a consistent pace, and made decent time, even though I was hurting. It was only when I started to go down towards the canyon that I started to feel that familiar marathon-race type pain, the one where your body simply wants to shut down but you have to push through it. It was scary, a little bit. I was not feeling good, and I still had a long ways to go. And I could see the sun starting to drop in the sky, just a little bit.
But the canyon was honestly maybe the most beautiful part of the entire trip. Cows grazing, red flowers, lush greenery - and, at the bottom, a shaded water crossing that led to the Syrian Bridge crossing in the area (unclear to me, exactly, its historical significance).
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Look closely and you’ll see red.
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Awesome river crossing.
From there, another climb. After the climb, I got my first view of the Kinneret of the entire trip - a goal to work towards. I was exhausted, though - I was about to hit 17 miles on the day, and wasn’t sure where I would camp.
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Kinneret visible between the mountains.
I reached the end of that particular hiking section, though, and it informed me that after a 2 mile descent, I would reach sea level, and a camping spot (at Mifgash HaNachalim, where two streams would meet). I had enough daylight for that left - about an hour. I walked (poorly) downhill for two more miles, and made it - but was met at the bottom with three water crossings. I took my shoes off for the first one, but the next two I plodded through - I was too tired at this point to keep taking my shoes off and putting them on, especially when the shores themsleves were probably my biggest burden at this point. 
At the campsite, a father-son duo watched me as I trudged through the final water crossing. “Why did you go through the water?” they asked. “There is a way around!”
The final insult. There always is one.
I cooked dinner, put up my tent, and finally got my shoes off. An unbelievable feeling. My feet were wet, blistered, and doomed to remain wet for the rest of the trip, I knew. One more day, though. Another 20 miles, but one more day.
(I heard some suspicious panting outside my tent, though, and thought for a second it might be a wild boar. But, in the end, nothing happened.)
Day 4
I needed to get out early on this day - and I basically did. I was out and hiking by 7:30am, but not before hearing some rain pitter-patter on my tent in the morning. Luckily it only lasted a minute or two. It didn’t matter, really - everything was basically wet and muddy at this point.
The morning began with a climb, which went fine. But I got lost (thank you to the angel at the top of the climb who pointed me in the right direction) and then, while hiking though heavy underbrush, lost again. I tried to bushwhack to find the trail, but it was no use. The trail was nowhere to be found. This was insanely frustrating, but fit in with the common theme of unexpectedly difficult mornings the entire trip. 
But I was able to stay on some sort of dirt path and make my way uphill toward Givat Yoav - a kibbutz. I had to open and close a few gates to get there, but once I was there, I was near the trail again. There had been more views of the Kinneret along the way.
Getting lost had cost me some mileage, but it also put me further along the trail, meaning there was a small section that I actually didn’t end up doing. I’m intense about such things, and spent brain power feeling bad that I had “skipped” part of the trail - the part that went very close to the Kinneret, no less. (I felt better when later in the day I met someone else who had also gotten hopelessly lost in the same place.) And, in Givat Yoav, a very nice young man offered me water, and I got a chance to look at the kibbutz sheep. Overall, an insanely peaceful time. 
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Morning viewz.
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Givat Yoav.
I did take a small side trip to check out the section I had skipped (after I took my pack off). My bad side told me I hadn’t done the whole trail since I had skipped it - but I ended up doing more than the mileage the trail actually is, so I choose to not believe that bad side of myself. I did the whole trail, dammit.
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“Skipped” section.
From there was a long down and up to the Golan Amphitheater. The trail moved away from the Kinneret side, eastward, and went down a long descent past other kibbutzim, before eventually making its way uphill to that spot. It didn’t take that long, though, and there were plentiful flowers along the way. With about 8 miles left, I was starting to smell the end. I ate a three-tortilla lunch and took a little more time than normal at lunch. I’m good, I thought.
I thought the next section would be similar to the last - a long descent, followed by a long ascent, not too bad. And that is basically what it was - but the long descent was technical, down to Meitzar Stream, and then the walking along the stream was covered in low trees and grass. Not the fastest hiking - but honestly some of the most lush, stunning landscapes of the whole trip. Everyone should go to Meitzar Stream - just a beautiful waterway nestled inside the Golan.
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Golan flowers.
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Top of Nachal Meitzar.
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The Meitzar trail.
It was slow hiking, and then to climb out of there, you had to hike up a long, paved road that led you back up to the plain. That was endless and at this point I really could barely move. Someone offered me a ride - how tempting! But in the end, I saw the top, and to my left, Syrian villages were visible, beyond them Jordanian mountains. I knew I had a Kinneret view coming up to me soon - even though I got lost one more time and had to walk an extra half mile, just for good measure.
When I arrived at the last trail section (I don’t think I mentioned the trail is divided up into 15 sections, with moderately inaccurate information on each side that introduces each section) I knew I had 5K to go, even though the sign was telling me 7K (blatantly false). 
I allowed myself to smile a bit on the easy way down to Ein Teufik and to the bottom of the hike. I had done this section with my parents a couple of years ago, and while not the most impressive trail, you do get amazing Kinneret views. I saw people doing some sort of paragliding in the sky. “You look tired,” one guy watching the spectacle said to me. And I was.
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At the end.
I met a couple guys at the end of the hike who had taken five days to do the whole trail. In retrospect, four days was crazy. I sit here four days later and I still am sore (although a massage last night helped a bit). Still, they accompanied me to the end, and it was nice to have partners in crime to finish the trail with, with a big whoop at the finish.
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There were certainly points where I didn’t think I would make it.
We all needed to hitchhike down from the trail. Within 15 minutes, I was in the car with a very nice couple who drove me way further than I had expected - all the way to the airport area, where I caught a bus back to Jerusalem. I sat in their car, eating kohlrabi they offered me, pleased to be off my feet, looking forward to that best moment - when I would peel off my wet socks and the underfitted shoes on my feet and sit down, in a room, just for one second.
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Hitchhiking from here.
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54,000 steps in a day - maybe a record?
In the end, of course it was worth it. I think I get frustrated easily by little things on these hikes, and judge myself for not going as fast I the impossible standard I hold myself to. I don’t always see the green that is inevitably there. A lesson - to take deep breaths, know that it’s going to work out, even if the sun is setting and you’re getting lost and your feet hurt. It’s really OK - more than OK, really. Downright flowery and beautiful.
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save-the-spiral · 7 years
Writing Comparison: 13 vs 16
So, like, it’s no surprise that all artists improve over time, and, as writing IS an art, I’d like to um,,, illustrate that through showing my horrid minecraft fanfiction. I was thirteen when I wrote the original scene, and I’m sixteen now, so let’s see how I do! 
(pls be gentle.)
Warnings for suicide, murder, human experimentation, blood, hallucinations, mind control, me writing like a melodramatic ten year old, minecraft fanficiton, gross abuse of italics, misunderstanding as to how to write a paragraph, and 13 yr old me doing her best, okay.
13 year old me: 
A scene from my first completed fanfiction, The Testing, a Merome Story. Second half of chapter 17, originally posted on Wattpad.
*Mitch’s POV*
I've been assigned to do the climbing wall because they want to reassess my skills.
I climbed the first 10 feet easy. I looked down at Dr. Wing, the one who's supervising my climbing. She's pulling out a remote.
I only have time to think, What's that remote for? when she presses the button.
Immediately I'm in one of my nightmares. No, all of my nightmares.
I see everyone I've ever known. Dead.
Dr. Lock Standing over me in a white room, coming at me with a knife. I only have time to scream when the scene changes again.
I'm falling off a building.
Watching my friends get tortured.
Every thing is happening all at once, yet not at all. I know it's not real, but part of my mind thinks, This is real. Everyone's dead. You have nothing to stay sane for. 
16 year old me:
A scene I’ve reworked from the bones of what I was given above. I changed it into third person and the past tense, because the day I attempt first person in a fic again is the day you should delete me from the internet.
Mitch had been assigned to attempt the climbing wall because they wanted to reassess his ‘skills’. His only skills included crying, screaming, and sometimes flashing in and out of vision like the chameleon they spliced his genes with, thanks to the endless mental abuse and experiments.
Him and his ‘skills’ aren’t going to get that far up the wall.
He stared up at the faux cliff face, the grainy plastic texture of the dark grey wall rough against his sensitive skin. His stomach dropped when he stared straight up to where a gleaming golden bell hung, the florescent lights of the training facility making the metallic glare all the brighter.
Taking a deep breath, he placed a bare hand on one of the colorful molds of plastic meant to serve as a handhold, and hauled himself upwards. It wasn’t easy. Living off of a diet of fruit and anxiety doesn’t exactly bulk someone up.
Mitch climbed the first ten feet easily, and let himself rest for a moment, panting a bit. He then made the mistake of looking down at Dr. Wing, the professional who was supervising his climbing.
She seemed to notice his small break, and pulled a large remote out of her pocket, pressing a menacing red button.
Immediately Mitch was plunged into darkness, still clinging to the wall. He was blind to everything, still clutching the handholds as he began shaking. Images flashed in his mind, until they settled into showing one small scene at a time, a snippet of every dream.
No, definitely no dreams here, not in his mind. A nightmare. All of his nightmares, to be exact.
And in the past few months, he’s had a lot of nightmares.
They shudder, flashing and layering over each other like the most terribly edited horror film in existence.
The glint of a knife fills him with sharp and freezing fear, the approaching anonymous face in a lab coat cackling.
His hands cupped gently as lukewarm blood drips down delicately, eventually overflowing, sloshing like an inebriated man’s cup of liquor in hand. The blood pools beneath him, slowly creeping upwards, towards his chest, his mouth, as he just stares at his hands.
His stomach dropping as he takes a running leap off of a building- bridge- no, a chair, the noose tightening around his neck, the sharp crack of his spine as it snaps, the vertebrae’s fragments digging into the back of his throat-
He watches each of his friends die, one by one, all of them lining up for the slaughter. Each of them has the same blank smile, the same trusting look in their eyes, a trust that is only betrayed by each of their voices chiming in with the same few words.
“It’s your fault.”
Mitch experiences it all, and he lets go, lets himself fall.
He knows, he knows for a certain fact that it isn’t real, that it can’t possibly be real, but a chilling part of his mind only presents one thought to him.
If this is real, you have nothing to live for. If they’re all gone, you might as well be too.
(if you managed to get this far, please, tell me how you think I’ve improved!! I really want to show that just a few years of (pretty inconsistent) dedicated writing can go a long way in the path of bettering yourself as a writer!!)
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Chapter 1 : Help
Hello so um I lowkey write Fan-fiction about Skydosemincraft and TC and I thought why not take my work from Wattpad and post it in here!!! So well hope you like ______________ .:Sky's prove:. I walk down the halls of the base. I hear my steps echo as I walk. It's around 4:00 am I'm still a little groggy. I'm having a meeting with the team. I slowly open a door that leads to a small table with 8 chairs. Everyone's here. I close the door behind me and take a seat at the head of the table. "Ok Sky now tell me why I had to wake up at the crack of daw for?" Asked Ty leaning back in his chair. "We need to talk about the army" I say setting down my papers. "What about the army?" Asked Jason. "Guys I know that we have been fine but we're going down slowly. At this rate I would give us about another year." I say "What do you mean by We're going down Sky? I thought we were fine!" Said Mitch. "I know I did to until yesterday" I push the papers down the table for the rest to see. "What are these?" Asked Jerome. "They're papers from the West side of the region. Guys there's a rebellion." I explain to them. Seto was the first to speak. "Rebellion for what? And why are they after us?" He asked setting down the paper in his hand. "That's where the details get sketchy. I can't find any reason or leader for this but they was the Army gone." I say looking at the rest of the guys. "Your saying we don't know Why they want us dead?" Asked Ty. "Or who even started this whole thing?" Finished Jason. I shook my head and leaned back in my chair. The guys were puzzled by this. I could just tell by the expressions on they're faces. "So what are we going to do?" Asked Ty "We need help guys" I said running my hands threw my hair. We all knew we did but who? "What about another army?" Said Mitch looking at the rest of us. "What do you mean by another Army?" Asked Jason. "Like another Sky army but lead by different people we know and trust to do the right thing!" He said clearly still in deep thought. "Mitch I see where your going with this but who would want to lead an army?" I asked Then I saw a smile appear in Ty's face. "What are you smiling about?" Asked Jason. "We need someone who wants to lead and we trust right?" He said looking at us. We all nodded. "I know just the person" he said looking at me. Then it clicked "Your joking right?" I asked him. "No Sky I'm serious! She would be perfect!" He said grinning wide. "Mind filling us in guys!?" Asked Jerome. "Sky's little sister" said Ty "Little what?"asked Jerome. "Sky I didn't know you had a Sister!" Said Mitch shocked. "Well who is this mystery sister of yours Sky?" Asked Jason scooting closer. "Her name it Skylynn" I said pushing Jason back. "Well why haven't we heard of this Sister of your?" Asked Sundee finally peeping in on the Conversation. "Oh so now you talk Sun!" I say to him. "Hey just taking it all in what can I say but you still haven't answered my question!" He said leaning forward. "Seto would you like to do the honors?" I asked him. "Sure just give me a name!" He said "Skylynn Adams" I say A purple mist forms from Seto's hands and circles around the middle of the table. Then it was gone leaving a Manila folder on the table with the Name Skylynn Adams at the top. I garb the folder and open it up pulling out the papers. Then I show a picture of Skylynn to the rest. She has bright green eyes the color of emeralds. With long silky dark brown hair almost like mine. "You two look a lot a like" says Sundee. "Well as much as u would love just to ask her right on the spot I feel like we need to see her stats." Says Seto I pull out another paper and slide it down to the rest of the guys. Mitch is the first to grab it. "these are pretty impressive she is definitely a mini you for sure"he says showing the rest of the guys. The others nodded agreeing with Mitch. I honestly didn't see it.                      "Well then I think that settles it." I said crossing my fingers together. "We have are second army but what are we calling it?" Asked Sundee pushing his glasses up in his head.                      "I actually thought of this before I came in" I said grinning. "And what did you think of Sky?" Asked Ty in a sarcastic tone. "I was thinking of calling the new army The Neptunes." ___________________________ ((Old note))HEY HAMS!!!!!! Well I really hope you all love the new chapter of the Whispers!!!! I can't wait to get more in to this book I have some new characters I can't wait to get in to and already planning maybe a little SkyCole action??? OH AND I HAVE A QUESTION!!!!!!!!! So in the last book most of my characters were gay and I want to know it you guys liked it that why or if you want more straight characters but have no fear one fav ship of mine *cough Merome cough* so if you have any questions or want more TELL ME PLEASE!!!!!!! Well I guess that's it peace out Hams!!!!!!!! -Nikki💙💙💙
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foundeadd · 8 years
im here because of your relic-old gay fanfiction posts, i think they were in the merome tag
dude!! thats cool as hell. i was around 11 when i made those posts and it kickstarted my blog. i see those post get notes every now and then and i get some confused, but i don’t mind 
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canarhys · 6 years
merome was the bear and twink couple of the mcyt fandom, change my mind
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