#merlin and arthur
larluce · 10 hours
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha , @curiously-lazy , @ harriettesthings , @andrealux16 , @wacko-weirdo , @greatdonutenemy , @yougottobekittenme , @anxiousosaurus , @kinkforwings , @someweirdassnamee , @impracticalantlers
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 , PART 17 , PART 18 , PART 19 , PART 20 , PART 21
In "Excalibur"
The black knight arrives as expected. Arthur this time lifts the gauntlet before any other knight can do so, much to Merlin's dismay, but at least he now knows what to do.
Kilgharrah: (watching Merlin arrive) Oh, until you finally deign to see me, young warlock.
Merlin: I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls. Many things happened.
Kilgharrah: (analyzes Merlin and realizes) Another old mind in a young body.
Merlin: (confused) What?
Kilgharrah: You are not from this time, are you young warlock?
Merlin: (sighs) I should have known you'd notice. Look, if you're going to give me the destiny and coin speech, I swear that-
Kilgharrah: I find it useless to talk to you about something you already have very present. However, I'm sure you didn't come here just to greet me. If so you would have come much sooner.
Merlin: (takes out the sword Gwen gave him) Arthur, the Once and the Future King of your prophecy, is going to duel with a wraith. It's not in your best interest for him to die, so I need you to reforge this sword so that Arthur won't die in combat-
Kilgharrah: I'll help you.
Merlin: I remind you that your revenge is with Uther, not with… Wait, you'll help me? 😧
Kilgharrah: You have a very strong argument. I can't deny that.
Merlin: And you won't try to convince me to free you in exchange either?
Kilgharrah: I don't want you to see my help as conditional, young warlock. I imagine that's why you've avoided coming to see me. I'll just ask you one thing. Where you come from, am I free?
Merlin: Yes… (Thinking) After you almost turned Camelot into ashes.
Kilgharrah: That's all I need to know. (Raises the sword towards him with magic) A sword forged with my assistance will have great power.
Merlin: I know.
Kilgharrah: Normally I'd say you can only guess, but in this case I know you are very aware, and yet there's still so much you don't know.
Merlin: I know that in the wrong hands this sword can cause great evil. I won't let that happen.
Kilgharrah: That's not what I meant. (comes closer) Do you know why you and Arthur are two sides of the same coin?
Merlin: (rolls his eyes) Yes, yes, the prophecy. We are the half that makes us whole. Arthur is my destiny. I already know all that. 😒
Kilgharrah: Indeed, but the curious thing about the sides of a coin is that, despite being literally glued together, they never see each other.
Merlin: (tired) I don't have time for this. Are you going to forge the sword or not?
Kilgharrah: (forges the sword) Hear my words, the sword must be wielded by Arthur and him alone. You must promise.
Merlin: I promise.
Kilgharrah: (returns the sword already forged to Merlin with magic)
Merlin: (looking at it wistfully) It's just as I remember it (looks up at Kilgharrah again, smiling) Thank you, Kilgharrah. (leaves)
Kilgharrah: Any time, young warlock. (Thinking) It is when the sides of the coin see each other that tragedies occur.
Time skip. Right after Merlin gave the sword to Arthur and just before he duels the black knight.
Merlin: (finishes putting Arthur his armor on) Ready, sire.
Arthur: (smirking) Won't you give me a hug?
Merlin: What?! 😳
Arthur: For luck, of course.
Merlin: (very red and confused) Since… since when are you so fond of hugs? (thinking) You were never this affectionate before...
Arthur: (opens up) I admit I didn't always like them. Wrong, I always liked them, but, as a prince, I'm not supposed to be affectionate. At least that's what my father always said. "Physical contact with royalty is a privilege, it cannot be given lightly" that was his phrase.
Merlin: (realizes, sad) The king doesn't… doesn't hug you much, does he? (Thinking) Now that I think about it, I don't remember a single time he did it.
Arthur: (thinking back) I think the last time he did it I was… 5 years old? Oh, don't look at me like that. I understand why he thought that was the best way to raise me, but it wasn't until recently that I realized… that's not how I want to live the rest of my life, or how I would raise my kids, you know? I don't want to deny myself the giving or receiving of affection, at least not when it comes to the people I care about.
Merlin: (understanding) That's why you hug Morgana more often now.
Arthur: And you. (Extends his arms) So? Will you give me my lucky hug or not?
Merlin: (laughs softly) As if you need it. (but he hugs him, thinking) I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me this and that you want to change. We've never... we've never hugged this much before... It's... it feels good. (melts in the hug)
Arthur: (thinking) I thought I'll never have you like this ever again... (pulls him closer) I don't want this to end. Gods, let me hold him forever. Please
Merlin: (thinking, scolding himself) Stop it! What will Arthur think? (gently separates the hug and says) There, you can go now.
Arthur: I don't think that's enough luck.
Merlin: (confused) Huh?
Arthur: I'm going to need this too (takes Merlin's neckerchief off)
Merlin: What?! 😨 What are you doing?! (He tries to get the neckerchief back from him) Give it back! Arthur! 😠
Arthur: (raising the nekerchief and dodging all of Merlin's attempts to take it from him) I need all the luck I can get, Merlin. And what's luckier than a favor?
Merlin: (very red, but pretending to be upset) Yes, but that's supposed to be with the favor of a lady! Not my-That's not how it works!
Arthur: Would you prefer that I ask a Lady hers?
Merlin: That's not... You don't need it! 😡
Arthur: I could die.
Merlin: (raises his voice in sudden panic) You are not going to die! (Composes himself) Sorry.
Servant x: (enters) Sire, they are waiting for you.
Arthur: I'll be right away. (puts the neckerchief around his arm) Merlin, help me, will you?
Merlin: (ties the neckerchief around Arthur's arm, blushing)
Servant x: (gives Merlin a knowing smile and then turns to Arthur) Your highness (bows and leaves)
Merlin: (sighs, thinking) Great... more rumors...
Arthur: Will you be cheering for me? 😏
Merlin: (snorts) You wish. (Softens his expression) But I'll be there. Just to make sure you don't ruin my neckerchief, of course.
Arthur: (starts to leave, but turns to Merlin) My lady (bows with a flirtatious smile and leaves)
Merlin: (in shock with eyes wide open) What the…? (turns red with fury and embarrassment) This clotpole is making fun of me! 😡
Arthur wins, of course. Merlin was definitely not clapping and cheering loudly and he definitely did not blush furiously when Arthur decided to give back his neckerchief publicly.
"He is taking this joke too far" is all Merlin can think when he gets back to his chamers, but he sleeps with a smile on his face and the neckerchief curled in his hand.
In "The moment of truth"
In Arthur's chambers. Arthur writes at his desk.
Merlin: (enters without knocking) Arthur!
Arthur: (startled, spills the ink with which he was writing on the parchment)
Merlin: Sorry... 😅
Arthur: (sighs, thinking) Some things just never change. (Says) Be useful for once and bring me another scroll, will you?
Merlin: (hurries to take out another scroll and gives it to him)
Arthur: (takes the parchment) Any special reason why you decided to burst into my chambers so suddenly or did you just miss me? (moves his eyebrows flirtuosly)
Merlin: (blushes) I...(thinking, freaking out internally) WHAT IS HE DOING?!😳😱😫. (Says, nervous) I just wanted to ask you if you could give me a few days off so I can visit my mother, sire. (doesn't look at him in the eye)
Arthur: (frowns, concerned) Is something wrong? You seem anxious.
Merlin: It is nothing, my lord. I just miss seeing my mother. I haven't been able to see her since I came to the castle.
Arthur: I see, that's understandable. (He puts the parchment aside and stands to look Merlin right in the eye, seriously) Now the truth.
Merlin: (thinking) Damn it! (sighs, giving up and says) I got a letter from her recently. The village I come from, where my mother lives, is being attacked by raiders. I promise I won't be gone for long, just until I'm sure she's save. She's my mother, Arthur. I need-
Arthur: I understand. You have my permission.
Merlin: (smiles) Thank you, Arthur (About to leave)
Arthur: Oh, take this (throws him a bag with supplies)
Merlin: (looking at the bag) What...?
Arthur: (Searches the room and grabs another bag) And this (throws it at Merlin too) and this (goes to Merlin and hangs the last bag around his neck). Yep, that's all, let's go.
Merlin: (confused) Go where, Sire?
Arthur: To Ealdor together.
Merlin: What? No! (Drops all things) Arthur, you can't come with me. The king will not allow it.
Arrhur: Did you really think I'll let you go alone?
Merlin: (thinking) I mean, you did came with me before, but no so soon! (Says) But, Uther-
Arthur: Don't worry about it. I'll solve it.
Merlin: But I need to go alone!
Arthur: Why?
Merlin: (thinking) Because I need to be able to use magic without you watching me! (Says) I…
Arthur: (thinking) I don't know how advanced you are at your magic, I'm not going to risk something happening to you... And I have to reduce numbers. (snorts) I know you think highly of yourself, Merlin, but I don't think you can take down a mugger patch all on your own.
Merlin: (thinking) If you only knew... (Says) You don't have to do it.
Arthur: True, but I want to.
Merlin: (smiles) I know and I really apreaciate it. Truly. But it's not just a matter of want. Ealdor is in another Kingdom and if there was a word that the Prince of Camelot went there- (thinking) The treaty with Cenred will be broken and it would be my fault again.
Despite Arthur never telling Merlin this in his other life, he knows Arthur going to Ealdor to help him played a great part in that to happen. He remembers Uther was furious with Arthur when he got back and throw him in the dungeons for a week. When Arthur finally got out he had several bruises on his skin. It was the first time Merlin ever consider killing Uther if even for a moment. Arthur never hold any of that against Merlin but that didn't make him feel any less guilty. He can't make Arthur go through that again.
Arthur: No one has to know I'm the Prince. Plus we could take it as a trip to Ealdor and I can finally meet your mother.
Merlin: (confused) Why do you want to meet my mother?
Arthur: Can't I meet my manservant's family?
Merlin: (shuts his mouth helplessly, thinking) Oh, well, at least it'll just be Arthur and me.
Time skip. Outside the castle.
Merlin: (yelling at Arthur) YOU BROUGHT YOUR KNIGHTS?! 😡
Knight 1, 2, 3 and Leon: (standing awkwardly a few meters away of Arthur and Merlin)
Knight 1: He's yelling at the prince.
Knight 2: I think the servant doesn't like us very much.
Knight 3: I feel bad third.
Leon: I'm not even surprised anymore.
[Welcome to: ✨breaking the fourth wall space✨
Me: Hi!😊 I'm the author of this crazy story! An I created this little space so the characters can break the fourth wall, without affecting the trama! They will mostly use it just to complain to me though.
Knight 1, 2 and 3: (to the author) Hey! when are you going to give us names?! 😡
Me: (to the audience) See? (to the nameless knights) Well, I would but, you see. Normally I just give names when they... last.
Knights 1, 2 and 3: (who literally die in the "Le Morte d'Arthur" part) What does she mean? 🤨
End of ✨Breaking the fourth wall space✨]
Arthur: (To Merlin, but raising his voice so the knights hear him) Of course! We are going to carry out a formal inspection of Camelot's border (looking at Merlin meaningfully), or did you expect the King to send his only Prince and heir to the border alone, Merlin?
Merlin: Oh... Oh, right!(nods exaggeratedly and turns to the knights smiling, then looks back at Arthur with too much enthusiasm) Then we better hurry, my lord. (He gets on his mare)
Arthur: (gets on his horse too)
Time skip. Merlin and Arthur riding ahead and the rest of the knights riding a few meters behind.
Merlin: (Just loud enough so Arthur can hear) Did you tell them?
Arthur: Tell them what?
Merlin: 😑
Arthur: Of course (pauses) not.
Merlin: Do you realize that technically we will be invading the territory of a neighboring kingdom? Not only is it a delicate matter, it could escalate into a diplomatic conflict! That's why I told you-
Arthur: Don't worry, I have a plan.
Merlin: (opens his mouth)
Arthur: (cuts him) Before you ask me what the plan is, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. (Turns to give a look at the knights) That way they will have no choice but to obey me.
Knights: (feeling a chill down their spine)
Time skip. After two days of travel, they finally arrive at the border.
Knight 2: Uhm… Sire? Isn't this the border?
Arthur: No, it's ahead.
Knight 1: I'm sure we've already crossed the border.
Arthur: Do you claim to know more than me, Sir Innprudence?
Knight 1: No, sire (shuts up)
[Knight 1: (to the author) Sir Innprudence?! 😡 That's the best name you could come up with? Really?!
Me: (laughs a little) He he, yeah, I forgot I already named you in part 16.
Knight 1: I prefer Knight 1 😒.
Me: Too late, I already changed it 😈.
Sir Innprudence: NO! 😭]
In the forest of Escetir, near Ealdor. Arthur stops and dismounts his horse, so the others do too.
Leon: Have we reached the border yet, sire?
Arthur: Actually, we are technically in Escetir.
Knights: WHAT?!😱
Arthur: Yes, we're on a deck mission. I'll explain. Merlin, bring the bags.
Merlin: (brings the bags)
Arthur: (To the knights) Do you see the village there? (points to Ealdor)
Leon: Yes, sire.
Arthur: This is my manservant's home village and it's under attack by raiders. Our mission is to slay them all and protect this village.
Knights: ...
Merlin: Oh gods 🤦‍♂️
Arthur: As you know, it would be catastrophic if they were to find out the Prince and the Knights of Camelot were here. So (takes some clothes out of the bags) We're going to pretend to be mercenaries. (throws the clothes at each of them) and we will tell the villagers that we were paid to defend them.
Sir Innprudence: And who paid us?
Arthur: Merlin, of course.
Merlin: What?!😨 Arthur, no one is going to believe that!
Arthur: Why not? This is your native village, your mother lives here. You have more than enough reasons to want to protect Ealdor.
Merlin: And where did I supposely get the money from?!
Arthur: From your benevolent master, of course. That pays you very generously.
Merlin: You are mad! Completely mad! (Pointing to the knights) THIS is MADNESS!
Leon: Sire, you know that I support you no matter what, but you do understand you are basically asking us to betray the king, right?
Arthur: That's only if he finds out, which he is not going to do.
Sir Innprudence, knights 2 and 3: (hesitating whether or not to inform the king of what is happening)
Arthur: After all, everyone here crossed the border, so everyone here would be in trouble if the king ever found out. Although, of course, I would not receive such a severe punishment because I am the prince and unlike others I am not replaceable.
Knights: …
Leon: Count on us, sire 😊.
Merlin: (shouts) NO! (To Arthur) You are not going to do this! 😡
Arthur: (with feigned confusion) But, Merlin, it was you who asked for my help strongly, don't you remember?
Merlin: (jaw drops at Arthur's audacity, thinking) This son of a- (says) That's not true! (To the Knights) I didn't ask for anything, I swear!
Leon: Don't worry, Merlin, we understand how things happened. (wraps an arm around Merlin) Surely you only asked him for money to hire the mercenaries, but his highness decided to come himself to defend the village for you.
Merlin: No! I didn't ask for anything at all!
Knight 2: (to Knight 3) He is the favorite for sure.
Sir Innprudence: (to Leon, making him let go of Merlin in panic) Don't touch him! Do you want to die?!
Knight 3: We better change.
Knights: (start changing)
Merlin: I'm not...! I didn't...! (tries to explain, but no knight listens)
Arthur: (smiling, amused) What are you waiting for, Merlin? (Points to his mercenary clothes so Merlin dresses him)
Merlin: (goes to Arthur and changes his clothes, thinking) Oh, you're going to pay for this Arthur Pendragon.
Meanwhile in Ealdor.
Kanen: (on his horse, grabbing the harvest sacks) What's this? Where's the rest of it?
Village chief: (on the ground, picking up the vegetables they made him drop) I only kept back what we need to survive.
Kanen: (mockingly) Survive? (threatenly) I'll be back in one week, farmer, and I want to see all of it.
Hunith: (Runs furiously to Kanen) You can't take our food! Our children will starve! I won't let you do this! (Tries to take the harvest sacks) You're not taking any of it!
Kanen: (hits her and Hunith falls to the ground)
Merlin: (arriving on his mare, shouts) Mom! (Furious, mutters a spell) Miere hors.
Kanen's horse: (gets upset, raising his legs, making Kanen fall off him)
Hunith: (hurries to grab the harvest sacks and runs)
Arthur and knights: (just behind Merlin, they get off their horses and attack the raiders)
Merlin: (gets off his mare and runs to Hunith) Mom! (cradles her face) Are you okay?
Hunith: (very surprised and happy) Merlin! What are you doing here?
Kanen: (gets up and rushes towards Merlin and Hunith with his sword, about to sly them)
Arthur: (blocks the attack with excalibur) Don't you dare... (Breaks Kanen's sword with excalibur) even think about it!
Villagers: (looking between fear and amazement)
Kanen: (seeing himself outmatched, decides to retreat) You will pay for this with your lives! (gets on a horse nearby) All of you! (Looks down at Hunith and smirks) I'll see you later, sweetheart.
Merlin: (about to jump beat Kanen up, enraged)
Arthur: (Stops him by putting an arm in front of him)
Kanen: (leaves with the raiders that survived)
Arthur: (Thinking, coldly) He'll be back with more, perfect. (Looks at the bodies lying there, thinking) 295.
Hunith: (hugging Merlin) My son, how good it is to see you, but you shouldn't be here.
Merlin: I came as soon as I knew what was happening (points at Arthur) and I brought help.
Arthur: (introduces himself) Nice to meet you, Hunith of Ealdor, my name is Arthur. Merlin hired me and my men to defend this village.
Hunith: Arthur? Like Prince Arthur?
Arthur: A very popular name, indeed.
Hunith: (smiles) I sincerely thank you for what you're doing, Arthur. You are very chivalrous for a mercenary. (sees the knights in the distance, who are helping the women and children) You all seem very chivalrous to be mercenaries.
Arthur: Uh... We get paid well.
Will: (approaches Merlin) You're still up to the same old tricks? I thought I told you we don't want your kind here.
Merlin: ...
Will: (confused) Merlin?
Merlin: (suddenly breaks down crying)
Arthur: (angry, to Will, ready to beat him up right there) What's wrong with you?! 😡
Will: (in panic, worried) I was kidding! Merlin, that's how we always mess with each other! I did not mean-
Merlin: (his crying turns into laughter) Ha! I got you. (Hugs Will) I missed you too, Will. (Thinking) I missed you so much.
Arthur: (coughs, definitely not jealous) Merlin, gather the villagers, I need to talk to them.
Merlin: (pulls away from the hug) Yes, right away. (about to leave)
Will: Wait. You let him give you orders? I thought you hired him.
Merlin: (in realization and smiles evilly) It's true. (hits Arthur arms) You! How insolent! Is this how you treat your employer? You gather the villagers!
Arthur: (About to yell at him, but remembers that Hunith and Will are there and stops himself) Sorry, I thought you might want to do it yourself. I'll do it right away. (Thinking) Wait until we return to Camelot, you dollophead.
Merlin: (thinking) Oh, this is going to be fun.
I know this kind of feels like a filler, but it's important I swear! What did Kilgharrah meant? Can Merlin save Will this time? Will the rest of the Kmights get to have names? Find out in the next episode of ✨"Merlin: the Mistress in denial" ✨
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I love the trope where Arthur as King has a set of rules or a list of what Merlin is allowed to do, what he's NOT allowed to do, and what HE (and all those who adore Merlin) will do to anyone who harms Merlin. King Arthur can now show his protective side openly and will throw a gauntlet down if someone other than him insults Merlin.
I imagine he'd make it a law that Merlin will sit on his lap, so on his throne you got Merlin sitting prettily on Arthur's lap, the golden king smug asf whilst cuddling Merlin 😉
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hopelessromantic5 · 2 days
Pride Month somehow went by in a fucking flash.
Here’s a short Merthur clip inspired by a conversation between Sherlock and Molly Hooper on BBC’s Sherlock.
“You’re a bit like my dad. Even after he got sick, he was cheerful and lovely, always. Except when he thought no one could see.” A pause. “I saw him once. He looked sad.”
“You look sad.” Another pause.
“You look sad, when you think he can’t see you.”
Arthur stopped his approach on the tattered practice dummy. Flicking his eyes over to where she gestured with her own.
Merlin was polishing armor in the grass.
Arthur didn’t really think before he murmured
“What of it?” And shrugged as if this is something he could just dismiss in one perfectly executed move, just like any foe. But this is an enemy he’s faced many times and lost countless battles. His own stupid incessant bleeding feelings.
This time felt different though. They seemed to be wrapping vines around his heart and lungs. Making it hard to breathe, sometimes he could hear nothing but blood in his ears and the sound of his heart shattering over and over again.
Different people stood behind the knife each time it landed, people he thought he could trust. People he thought loved him as much as he loved them in return.
And each time, he sank to a newer low. One he thought he would never reach.
The lot of them turned out to hate him for no other reason than being born to the parents that he was. Gwen and Lance may be excluded from this, but their treachery was less to Prince Arthur and closer to the real Arthur. The one that sits beneath the skin of this, now, King.
And then, there was Merlin.
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tiredcowboyy · 1 day
Sometimes I get frustrated with how oblivious arthur was to merlins magic with the whole dream talk and merlin literally doing magic under his nose, but then I remember how arthur grew up thinking magic is awful and evil and that this all just shows how much he not only trusts but cares about Merlin.
Not only does he not even question merlin having magic bc he trusts him that much, everyone else he once in a while questioned but merlin he didnt even think about it until merlin himself said it, but he also cares for merlin that much that he doesnt even want to question it. Doesnt want that an option and simply would rather let situations slip than consider his closest companion doing something hes against. And I think thats because arthur knows for sure he could never kill merlin, but hes also not ready to know it was always around him. So he simply lets everything slip by.
I dont think he ever sat and thought about it, about those situations, it was always a straight instinct of ‘merlin doesnt have magic’ and that was the end of any kind of thought because not only did he not feel he had to question merlin and his loyality, but he didnt want to.
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Happy pride month to these two specifically I can’t believe that Merthur is real
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And I’m obsessed with merlin being in the trunk
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silverameco · 22 days
sometimes I think about Lancelot saying to Merlin "you're the bravest of us all and he doesn't even know". and then about Arthur saying to Merlin "I always thought you were the bravest man I ever met". so then I think about the fact that Arthur didn't even need to know about Merlin's magic to know how brave he is. and i cry a little.
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That makes two of us
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In the marketplace
Arthur: This is where we were the day we fell in love.
Merlin: Arthur.
Arthur: The day you flirted with me for 15 seconds and I became obsessed with you forever.
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silverdrws · 1 year
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time traveling au inspired by this post by @mountmortar
feat. confused af arthur and tired at life merlin
more of this au
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wishiwasadruid · 2 months
Lancelot: I sleep with a knife under my pillow.
Gwaine: Weak. I sleep with a sword under mine.
Arthur: You're both losing this game.
Gwaine: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Arthur: Merlin.
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w0rmk1ngl4nce · 15 days
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Oh naur
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Arthur: *Trying to make a decision for Camelot* Merlin, if you were in my shoes-
Merlin: what do you mean if? I’ve basically been running this kingdom. You haven’t made a decision by yourself in the past three years.
Arthur: I’m gonna do it
Merlin: No you’re not
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lostwarllock · 15 days
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It’s their month every month of the year—but especially June💙🩵 there’s no way this scene is real I can’t handle them I CANNOT
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tiredcowboyy · 4 months
sometimes I wake up In a cold sweat thinking about the idea that kilgharrah was just using merlin to get the outcome he wanted which was to end the pendragon bloodline. That he knew how it would end and that without merlin it wouldnt all occur, so he convinces him that all his decisions will help save arthur knowing damn well where it leads them.
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hopelessromantic5 · 5 months
“You would choose Merlin over your sovereign?” Frustration was present in his tone but it gave no indication of what Arthur wanted the answer to be.
So, instead, Leon told the King the truth.
“No, sire. We would choose Merlin because you are our sovereign.” Arthur was taken aback at that. “If we allowed any harm to befall Merlin, even by your own hand, you would never forgive us, Arthur.”
At once, Arthur knew Leon was right.
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