#mercyful fate era
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 years ago
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𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔡 ⛧
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jarofalicesgrunge · 1 year ago
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Cliff Burton and Timi Hansen bass player of Mercyful Fate (1984)
📸By PG Brunelli
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rottingwaysofmisery · 2 years ago
Black Metal bands that Slow the Fuck Down!
The title may confuse you, honestly I’m still not sure what to title it, but I’m essentially going to be recommending a series of Black Metal bands that hardly or don’t use tremolo, are mid-paced, have an old school first-wave approach, or some sort of doom metal influence. Assuming you’re already familiar with Bathory and its slower moments I will be avoiding the more known bands.
This really fucking raw and dark approach to heavy metal that sometimes borders on thrash metal with these slower grand moments, I would highly recommend their debut “Zjevení“ from 1990.
Master’s Hammer
The evil twin of Root, even though they’re both evil. Jokingly called the first “Norwegian Black Metal band” by Fenriz of Darkthrone (the joke being they’re Czech). If you give any of their albums a try I’d recommend “Ritual” from 1991.
Mortuary Drape
I’ve talked about them before on a post about the Italian metal scene, but essentially it’s this raw and primitive form of black metal that thrashes about. You may enjoy their debut “All the Witches Dance” from 1994. I feel I must clarify, my use of the word “primitive” here is more so in reference to the sound of the Old School, and not meant to imply anything that would give you the impression this is a Bestial Black Metal/War Metal or otherwise noisey band.
Black/Doom Metal band from Finland, their first few albums sound cavernous and yet fuzzy (God I wish they were on Spotify), but their later stuff is alright. Check out this song if you so dare.
Negative Plane
I’m not exactly sure how to describe this one, they’re definitely a unique band. I would definitely recommend them though.
Born for Burning
Specifically, the Swedish band that released “The Ritual” in 2019. Since they’re named after a Bathory song, you’d assume I’d recommend them to fans of Bathory, and you’d be right! Check this one out!!
Amen Corner
Root’s Brazilian cousin. I would recommend most highly their debut “Fall, Ascension, Domination”.
I think this might be one of my favorite bands from the Portuguese scene, the speeds of their songs vary but I’d recommend this one.
This band is difficult to navigate through bc they have a lot of stuff that’s just eh. Surprisingly, the album I recommend most highly is not going to be their debut but their eighth album “Heilig Vuur”, I would also recommend this song.
Oooo this is the juicy stuff. I would highly recommend “The Silence of December” and “The Weeping of a Thousand Years”, because texturally they’re some of the most interesting in all of extreme metal, at least in my opinion.
I’m not recommending all of this band’s discography, but particularly their albums “Worship Him” and “Blood Ritual”.
Diabolical Masquerade
The speed of their music varies and they have more traditionally second wave-esque songs, so I would recommend most highly this one.
Hades/Hades Almighty
For fans of Bathory, especially “Blood Fire Death” era. The double name is because they were formerly known as Hades but changed their name to Hades Almighty to differentiate themselves from an American band of the same name, but despite that they’re still known as “Hades” on some streaming platforms. I would recommend most their first two albums, “...Again Shall Be” and “The Dawn of the Dying Sun”.
Sometimes closer to Death Metal, I would recommend “Rites of the Black Mass” on the warning that there’s really annoying and unnecessary intros to each song.
While varying in speed, they don’t tend to rely on tremolos and blast beats as often as, say, Marduk. I would like to highlight their third album, “Mad Grandiose Bloodfiends” in particular, which has a flavor of vampirism and necromanticism and an excellent cover of Mercyful Fate.
I would most highly recommend their sophomore release “Mortuus Decadence”, generally just some excellent black metal with influences from doom and traditional heavy metal.
Rotting Christ
Pioneers of the Greek-style of Black Metal, a style that blends more traditional heavy metal grooves with Black Metal. To recommend one album out of their discography, check out “Thy Mighty Contract”.
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tempi-dispari · 1 month ago
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2024/11/26/ai-groove-king-diamond-il-gran-sacerdote-del-metal/
AI Groove: King Diamond, il Gran Sacerdote del Metal
Quando si parla di King Diamond, si evoca una figura mitica del metal, una combinazione unica di teatralità, oscurità, e una maestria vocale che lo ha reso un’icona inconfondibile. Nato Kim Bendix Petersen a Copenaghen nel 1956, King Diamond non è solo un cantante straordinario, ma anche un architetto del terrore musicale, capace di costruire interi mondi narrativi che fondono horror, esoterismo e musica heavy metal.
I primi anni: Mercyful Fate e l’alba di un’epoca
King Diamond iniziò la sua carriera nei primi anni ’80 come leader dei Mercyful Fate, una delle band più influenti della scena heavy metal. Con album come Melissa (1983) e Don’t Break the Oath (1984), i Mercyful Fate tracciarono le coordinate di un sound oscuro e teatrale, radicato nel satanismo letterario e nella mitologia esoterica. L’inconfondibile falsetto di King Diamond, una voce capace di passare da toni angelici a grida demoniache, divenne il tratto distintivo della band.
“King Diamond è stato una delle mie principali ispirazioni,” ha dichiarato Lars Ulrich dei Metallica. “Crescendo in Danimarca, vedere qualcuno come lui affermarsi a livello internazionale era incredibile. E poi c’era quella voce: nessuno cantava come lui.”
La nascita del solista: Un horror teatrale
Dopo la separazione dai Mercyful Fate nel 1985, King Diamond intraprese una carriera solista che gli permise di ampliare ulteriormente il suo universo creativo. Album come Abigail (1987), Them (1988) e Conspiracy (1989) non sono semplicemente raccolte di canzoni, ma opere concettuali che raccontano storie dell’orrore degne di un film di Dario Argento o di un racconto di H.P. Lovecraft.
La teatralità dei suoi live show, con croci rovesciate, scenografie gotiche e costumi elaborati, ha contribuito a creare l’immagine di King Diamond come una figura a metà tra un occultista e un cantastorie demoniaco.
“King Diamond ha portato il teatro nel metal,” ha affermato Rob Halford dei Judas Priest. “Non si tratta solo della musica: è l’esperienza completa. Ogni suo concerto è un viaggio in un altro mondo.”
Il personaggio e l’occulto
Una delle chiavi del successo di King Diamond è stata la sua capacità di costruire un personaggio coerente. Il suo trucco distintivo – una maschera facciale che combina croci rovesciate e figure geometriche – è diventato iconico tanto quanto il suo falsetto. Ma dietro l’estetica c’è un’autentica passione per l’esoterismo.
In diverse interviste, King Diamond ha dichiarato di essere un credente nel satanismo laveyano, un sistema filosofico che si distanzia dall’adorazione letterale di Satana e si concentra invece sull’individualismo e sull’esaltazione del libero arbitrio.
“Non si tratta di sacrificare capre o cose del genere,” ha spiegato in un’intervista con Metal Hammer. “È una filosofia di vita che mette l’uomo al centro del suo universo.”
Questa prospettiva ha informato non solo i testi delle sue canzoni, ma anche il modo in cui ha costruito il suo personaggio pubblico, rendendolo un’icona per chi cerca nel metal una forma di ribellione intellettuale e spirituale.
L’eredità e le influenze
King Diamond ha influenzato generazioni di musicisti, dai black metaller norvegesi alle nuove leve del progressive e del power metal. Dani Filth dei Cradle of Filth, ad esempio, ha spesso citato King Diamond come una delle sue principali influenze:
“La sua capacità di raccontare storie attraverso la musica e il modo in cui ha reso ogni performance un rituale hanno avuto un impatto enorme su di me.”
Anche Tobias Forge dei Ghost ha riconosciuto il debito verso King Diamond:
“Le nostre maschere, i temi occulti e l’idea di un personaggio centrale nello show? Molte di queste cose vengono da King Diamond e dai Mercyful Fate.”
Conclusioni: Il Re del Metal Oscuro
King Diamond è più di un cantante. È una forza creativa, un innovatore, e una figura centrale nell’evoluzione dell’heavy metal. La sua abilità nel fondere musica, narrativa e immaginario esoterico ha creato un mondo in cui i fan non sono semplici ascoltatori, ma partecipanti di un’esperienza multisensoriale.
Come lui stesso ha detto:
“Il mio obiettivo non è solo spaventare la gente. Voglio trasportarla in un altro mondo, dove la realtà e il mito si confondono.”
E ci è riuscito, costruendo un impero di oscurità che continua a ispirare e incantare milioni di fan in tutto il mondo.
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 3 months ago
Por cierto..hablando de los KISS [=BESO] a los que vi en el ROCK FESTIVAL de BARCELONA 2022 tras ver a NASHVILLE PUSSY [=COÑO DE NASHVILLE] solapandose en parte con MERCYFUL FATE [DESTINO MISERICORDIA] o grupo del Danés KING DIAMOND..me parece muy revelador que ahora se filtren las imágenes de JUAN CARLOS I besándose contra una PARED O MURO con BARBARA REY [MARIA GARCIA] cuando era la MUJER DE ANGEL CRISTO ..jaja
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metalpurgatorymedia · 2 years ago
Night Demon- Outsider Album Review
The modern era of heavy metal has changed so much since the genre began, for its impact and influence. From the days of Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Mercyful Fate, and others, to current day bands like Visigoth, Eternal Champion, and Spirit Adrift, California’s very own Night Demon have resurrected from the horrifying grave and released what appears to be the band’s most diverse and…
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Melissa (giving you my long name because I want more songs hehe) <33
M - Melissa by Mercyful Fate (im so sorry i am legally obligated to)
E - (The) Educated Fool by Iron Maiden because i like bayley era maiden idc
L - L'antre ciel ether by Mass Hysteria because french!!! its so good i love french vox in songs
I - It's So Easy by Guns 'N' Roses because !!! GUNS
S - Strike Like A Cobra by Temple Balls because theyre my favourite band
S - Soothsayer (Dedicated to Aunt Suzie) by Buckethead because its one of the best instrumentals ive heard, the guitar 😩
A - Aces High but specifically the Children of Bodom version because it fucks
i hope my choices pass your taste test and thank you for asking beloved
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princealigorna · 3 years ago
A Quick Review of Ghost's "Impera"
Love the album. I think it's going to be a bit much for some people. Everything about it is huge. Every song has so much happening that it can feel overwhelming. I also feel some fans are going to hate the direction this album takes. Some fans just want them to be the retro Coven and Sabbath rip-offs they were on Opus Eponymous and Infestissum. But if you're like me and you've enjoyed how every album seems to borrow from a different era and build on it (Opus being Coven worshiping early-70's proto-doom, Infest adding elements of late-70's prog rock to that sound, Meliora striking a nice balance between them while pointing to hints of 80's metal, and Prequelle being a love letter to early-80's metal of all stripes (Ratt, Motley Crue, Meat Loaf, Mercyful Fate)) , you're going to love this album. Building off of Prequelle, this the the turn towards late-80's glam and prog metal that you just knew was coming. There's bits of Images and Words era Dream Theater, Whitesnake, Bon Jovi, Queensryche, and White Lion all over the place, including Papa hitting some classic metal falsetto wails. The songs are extremely melodic, with hooks galore. If you aren't singing along with Kaisarion, Spillways, and Hunter's Moon by the second listen, your ears are broken. Just overall, I love this even though I understand why some people are going to loathe it.
8/10. Go buy it!
Do gotta wonder where we go next though? A Ghost Grunge album? Pretty sure that would just go back to them sounding like a doom band. Like Soundgarden if they listened to too much Pentagram. Or, does Tobias pull out the guitar and tune that bitch way the fuck down and rip our fucking ears off by turning Ghost into Repugnant and going back to those death metal roots
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 1 year ago
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𝔐𝔢𝔯𝔠𝔶𝔣𝔲𝔩 𝔉𝔞𝔱𝔢 - 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔰' 𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 ⛧🜏☥
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doomedandstoned · 3 years ago
Spiral Grave Match Powerful Singing to Damning Riffs on Their Debut LP
~By Tom Hanno~
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As we all dealt with the enormity of the Covid-19 pandemic, there were many bands who were taking the down time to write, record, or were making preparations for their completed works to be released upon the masses. Among these was the Maryland based purveyors of doom, metal, and power, the mighty SPIRAL GRAVE. On July 16th, the band released their debut album, 'Legacy of the Anointed' (2021), via Argonauta Records.
You'll know this talented singer as soon as the vocals hit, because you're hearing ex-Iron Man frontman, "Screaming Mad" Dee Calhoun, a man whose vocal work is influenced by legendary guys; guys like Rob Halford and Dio. He brings with him the surviving members of Iron Man: "Iron Lou" Strachan on bass duties and Mot Waldmann pounding the skins.
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Spiral Grave also utilizes guitarist Willy Rivera (ex-Lord), and he really brings the goods on their debut album. His riffs draw from the normal doom/stoner influences, but he is able to put a spin on that sound that is refreshing to my ears. I'll let his quote from the bio explain a bit better:
I wanted to step away from the extremity of my former band and get back to writing songs that were heavy but had hooks and a strong vocal presence. For this band, I wanted to draw from bands such as Dio-era Sabbath, Candlemass, Metal Church, Armored Saint, Mountain, UFO and Judas Priest with enough experimentation that would allow us to branch out on future releases.
I think that desire to be different, while keeping future music in mind, is a big part of why this record has grabbed ahold of me so perfectly, you can just hear that these guys are out to make you remember their music long after you initially hear it.
Legacy of the Anointed by Spiral Grave
On to my picks for the standout tracks! "Nightmare on May Eve (Dunwich Pt. 1)" opens the album up and is among the best songs on this record.
I hear some Thin Lizzy in certain parts, particularly in the melody lines that are used throughout the track, a bit of Iron Maiden in the guitars, and a pretty distinct heavy metal tone overall. Plus, Lou's bass guitar has the sound that I like to call the "ping pong ball effect", that bouncy, DD Verni (Overkill) tone that is one of my favorite bass sounds ever.
I really love the way Dee has worded it his lyrics for this track, for example:
Young Master Whateley – growing up so fast To see you it’s so hard to think just fifteen years have passed The Wizard would be proud of you were he alive to see Destiny fulfilled – you set your father free
Since I'm not usually very good at deciphering lyrics, I asked Dee what this track was about. He told me:
It's an adaptation of HP Lovecraft's 'The Dunwich Horror.' It tells the first half of the story (hence the "pt. 1"), and the Iron Man song, "Thy Brother's Keeper," tells the second half.
That description also explains the old style of wording used, and makes the track even more interesting.
Legacy of the Anointed by Spiral Grave
Another song that I feel is worthy of chatting about, is called "Tanglefoot." What I love about this one is that old school, doomy, guitar intro. It doesn't last long before bursting into an energetic riff that drives everything forward, and the contrast between the riffs is so powerful.
Dee sounds amazing here too, there's a definite Dio meets Rob Halford feel that is aided by the way the guitars move underneath his vocals; but my favorite section of this track is when everything shows down.
As the music drops it's distortion, and the band settles back for a more subtle approach, is where I feel Dee shines the most.
So many promises each night – vows to make it right Can you tell me what I’d really like to know? So many mirrors in the smoke – the true reflection always cloaked Misdirection hides the nature of the game.
I just love those lyrics, and the way they're performed is absolutely perfect for the section, and the track as a whole. As it turns out, these first tracks that we've discussed are also Willy's two favorite tracks, I'll let him explain:
As cliche as it sounds, I’m proud of all the songs on the album but if I’m forced to choose. It’s a tie between “Tanglefoot” and “Nightmare.” I love the former because it breaks the convention of what people should expect from a “doom” band and it has that cool Budgie section in the middle, which is a contrast to the rest of the track. But at the end of the day "Nightmare" is my favorite.
It was one of the last songs written for the album and is a cool amalgamation of everything you’re about to experience in the album.I wanted a strong opening track to the album and was thinking of something like Ozzy’s “Over The Mountain,” but with touches of Mercyful Fate and Iron Maiden. I think it’s the perfect way to break expectations right out of the gate and it opens up the possibilities for us as songwriters.
Now we can move on to my personal favorite, "Abgrund," which is also Dee's pick for his favorite on this album. Since that's the case, I'll start by letting Dee expand on why he picked it, and then I'll try to do the same. Take it away, Dee!
"I'd probably go with Abgrund. It's heavy and epic, and the idea of staring into the abyss until finally the abyss stares into you was always a concept I wanted to write about. At the end of the day it's a song about being your own worst enemy, and realizing that the abyss is actually you, staring back at yourself. Plus, it's great fun to sing and scream my fool head off in."
I must say that the lyrical theme is one that I myself can identify with, as could many others. I believe that anyone who spends their life attracted to the darkness , will eventually attract that darkness to themselves, and once the black sees you, it can never unsee you.
"What does it see – has it found the crack in the armor? What does it know – the ghost in the blackness above me? What do you want from me?"
Musically, this is one heavy track, perhaps the heaviest on this album. The riffs are written for maximum effect, and once you hear how Dee screams over them, you'll stick around for repeated listens.
There are five other tracks on Legacy of the Anointed, and not one of them is bad, but I feel that I've held your attention for long enough. Now, do yourselves the favor of going to check out this magnificent album, because a disservice will be done if you deprive your ears of these mighty songs. The album can be found here, and physical copies can be ordered at Argonauta Records. Enjoy!
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wolfen96 · 5 years ago
I was compelled to make individual Clinton music images, so here are as follows:
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My musical personality Clinton (Maximum the Hormone, Meshuggah, David Bowie, and Red House Painters)
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Art rock Bowie (“Heroes”, Station to Station, Blackstar, and Heathen)
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Doom metal Clinton (Candlemass, Boris, Triptykon, and Celtic Frost Monotheist era)
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Gothic metal Clinton (Type O Negative, Woods of Ypres, Paradise Lost, and Moonspell)
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Heavy Metal Clinton (Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, Judas Priest, and Black Sabbath)
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Industrial Metal Clinton (Fear Factory, Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, and Rammstein)
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Progressive metal Clinton (Ihsahn, Dream Theater, Ayreon, and The Black Mages)
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Progressive rock Clinton (Yes, Opeth, Tom Slatter, and Rush)
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And last but not least: real sad hours Clinton (Red House Painters, Opeth, Katatonia, Woods of Ypres)
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dennyalves1982 · 4 years ago
I Don't (Constantly/always) PLAY GUITAR All the DAY Long, But when I DO
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Play Guitar, It is always seems to involve some kind of Serious METAL Esque Riffery, Melody and Perhaps (a bit of old school) Musical Genre Melodic Stylisic mash ups of touching upon Semi Flamenco, & Neo Classical Thrash Metal Legendary as in Rhoads Diary of a Madman era,Mercyful Fate Dead Again era King Diamond Abigail, Conspiracy & The Eye era intensified with unrelentinting Headbanging Super Heavy Technical at times Mechanical Machine Gun Sounding Thrash Metal of Nevermore, EIDOLON and LOUDNESS of Course! a Spooky Spanish Phrygian Minor, a Tiny touch of Left field Diminished Dissonance used as a Tension & Release Resolution, finalizing this whole Musical influence DNA Musical Expression is allowing the Absolutely Non Cliche Progressive Jazzy Heavy Rock Fusion styles of Hemisphere's to Grace Under Pressure Rush
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sendmyresignation · 4 years ago
do u have metal recommendations 😳
hell fucking yeah i do! sorry if this is late i took a nap <333 I listen to a lot of stuff regardless of subgenre so I’ll just give some of my recent favorites outside of the typical bands (maiden, metallica, judas priest, all those guys... though they’re still bands you should listen to!)
Queensryche: this is an older “classic” band that I personally love- Operation: Mindcrime is like. the blueprint of a good concept record, everything is catchy and relatively accessible, and the vocals are stunning. always high on my lists
Mercyful Fate: Another classic often forgotten in recommendations this is a huge cult classic band featuring the vocals of the one and only King Diamond with killer instrumentation and spooky lyrics- both of their first two albums are a very good place to start 
Kittie: this band is one of the 90s nu metal acts that has probably aged the best, with their first record, Spit, being the best starting place
Midnight: I don’t really know much about this band to be honest, I’ve just been listening to Rebirth By Blasphemy (their most recent album) a lot this year.... its just very fun, raucous music though i’m excited to get deeper into their catalog
Helloween: keeper of the seven keys is one of the best metal albums of all time. crazy, lyrically interesting, complex, but never taking itself too seriously i think its so good....
Jinjer: i absolutely love jinjer, they’re one of my favorite bands. their newer stuff treads into the prog direction (which i enjoy) but they started as a metalcore band so their discography is pretty diverse between those two poles. i personally love micro and cloud factory the best.... also Tatiana’s vocals are pretty split between cleans and screams, which i really enjoy
Arch Enemy: this is a band i’ve been getting into recently so the only album i can actually attest to is Wages of Sin but it was so good i wouldn’t be surprised if their whole catalog was just fantastic too. they’ve had lots of line-up changes, including three different vocalists but i prefer Angela Glossow’s voice of them- so the early 2000s era of the band... this is getting more into the extreme side of things too as a forewarning
Vile Creature/Venom Prison: I’ve put both of these bands together just because they’re the least accessible of the bands I’ve mentioned so unless you like lots of screaming I wouldn’t get into either but they are both incredible if you're looking for some good doom (vile creature) or extreme metal (venom prison)
hopefully one of these bands peaks your interest and you find something you enjoy!! thank you for the ask 💕
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tenthousandyellowjackets · 4 years ago
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King Diamond - The Mercyful Fate Era by Super7 (2020)
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daddy-ul · 4 years ago
9, 10, 29 & 38 for the v-tallica asks :D
Ehya, dude!! Fancy meeting you here, eheh. Hope you are in for a ride bc you chose some questions.
9. You meet Lars in the backstage, he is (as usual) mumbling about the setlist for tonight, he asks you what song would you like to hear, and you say...
FML, said Past!Me, apparently.
First and foremost, IF I WAS IN THE BACKSTAGE, coherence would leave my body, head empty, heart happy. That said, if Lars spoke to me, I’d start calling him “Mr. Ulrich” bc my italian ass would take control and be very formal. But startstruck as I would be, I think I would try to keep the conversation going, so I would be all “oh, Mr. Ulrich, sir, that depends on WHERE on the setlist we are including the song”, and we would chat about that, bc mpft at the beginning of a concert you cant put anything “slow” or too depressing, “deaf and blind them” as Queen used to said. So... where, Mr. Ulrich? Which song are we swapping out? dhjadhajkdhasjdhak my machiavellian mind aside, there are really two possible outcomes that I see myself taking. In an ideal state of things, where time and space and ability don’t count, I think that I would request Fixxxer, swapping it with Fade to Black or something like that. I think Fixxxer would be intresting to talyor for a live reendition and BY GOD LET ROB PLAY THE BASS INTRO AND LET ME FEEL THE NEEDLES  IN MY CHEST BY VIBRATION. *coff*
But.... honestly? Hand to heart? I would ask for Am I Savage?. Why? Because I like to live in the now, now we are talking, now it’s 202x, now there is this album out. Finally I have the opportunity of living metallica at the same pace of metallica, so I’m gonna enjoy it to the fullest. It’s not that that song is my fave of the album or whatever but... but the record was almost called Inheritance bc of it and other songs, so I want that. Yes, gimme a HTSD never played live song DURING HTSD era. I wish we could get to hear the whole album live by the end of this (derailed) tour.
10. Fave Metallica cover in Garage Inc.
AAAAAAAAAAAAA shit. Do not overthink it, do not overthink--
Crash Course in brain surgery (A GOOD BASS); the a national acrobatic bit in Sabbra Cadabra and then my basic ass has to say Mercyful Fate (bc it pumps me up so much) and Astronomy (I’m a BOC fan but DAMN, Metallica covers them so well!!!! and the ending of the song with the ‘astronomyyyyyyy the staaaaaaars’ eases my soul in such a soft way)
29. What’s your favorite story about Cliff?
I’m gonna cheat and you can’t stop meeeeee: one story for every bond
-just Cliff: when at the airport security found his hammer in his luggage and they were like “what is it for?” and Cliff was “You’ll never know when it might come handy” and they were, fair enough AND LET HIM KEEP IT JSADGSGADHGAJ
-Kirk and Cliff: when they were faboying over this metshirt design and decided to call it Abominog. I LOVE ABOMINOG.
-James and Cliff: that time when playing football James accidentally hit Cliff in the balls (am i remembering it correctly? anyway, he hit him very HARD) and Cliff started CALLING HIM NAMES while in pain shajdhajkdha and James was really nervous bc “you don’t call me that, you call OTHERS that, but not me”, oh sweet child, nervous that his first real big bro might not love him the best hsjaddh
-Lars and Cliff: the last paragraph of Back To The Front. If you read it, you know what I’m talking about. 
38. Talk abt something Metallica related that you mentally link to something that happened in your life
uhmmmm, there are many things, not only bc I’ve a very good memory but bc it’s been 9 years since I impulsively bought a random dvd in a bookshop bc the cover looked cool (yes, yes, it was SKOM, it was 2011 and it was only 3.99 euros).
I will pick one, no more, no less important: 2 years ago i fucked up my knee, it’s kinda ok now but i cant do all the stuff I did before and I have to be careful bc if i force it too much it.... comes out of its own (which, for a karateka like me is kinda of a problem). Again, now it’s ok, I learned how much i can ask of it, how prevent injuries etc but at the beginning.... 
Where metallica comes into this? Well, my first met concert was in 02/2018, I fucked up my knee in December and I stayed in bed for a month and a half. So When the date of the concert approached I was already walking but I was still weary and... kinda depressed. Staying put and fixed in bed was not good for my head and karate is one of the most important thing in my life, at that point i didn’t even know if I could do it again + university exams where KILLING ME. Anyway, I was really really down and on the day of the concert I realized I couldn’t even risk to jump, bc what if???
But you know what? The fears, the weariness, the insecurities... just slowly melted. And not only I enjoyed the concert, not only I rocked tf out of it, jumping on my only good knee bc fck everything, but I came out recharged, cleansed and with my shoulders a little lighter. It was not a revelation, an epiphany or a life changing night, on the contrary! It was a simple night. A night that could happen again and again and again, you just have to be there for it.
There is nothing better that simple joys that need no explanations.
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cardest · 4 years ago
Egypt playlist
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All Nile Long Egypt. A fascinating part of thew world. The history, the monuments, the Nile River running through it. Both ancient and modern Egypt has inspired many musicians across musical genres to write songs about the mysteries of Egypt, the river, mummies, pyramids and more. From King Diamond to Paul McCartney. Even Nubians get a mention in this playlist.
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Egypt 001 Nile - Kudurru Maqlu 002 Therion - The Wand of Abaris 003 Mercyful Fate - Egypt 004 Paul McCartney - Come On To Me 005 Shrinebuilder - Pyramid To The Moon 006 Blancmange - living_on_the_ceiling 007 Derek Fiechter & Brandon Fiechter - Prince of Egypt 008 Ghost - Mummy Dust 009 Lake of Tears - Down the Nile 010 The Cure -  Fire In Cairo 011 Septic Flesh - Anubis 012 Incognito - Nights Over Egypt 013 The Howling Wind -  Obscured Pyramid 015 Voivod - The Nile Song 016 Nile -  Those Whom The Gods Detest 017 Misfits - Curse of the Mummy's Hand 018 Gogol Bordello - Hieroglyph 019 The Meads of Asphodel  -  Sins Of The Pharaohs 020 Cynic - Hieroglyph 021 Meduza - Curse of Pharaoh 022 Nile - The Fiends Who Come To Steal The Magick Of The Deceased 023 Kate Bush - Egypt 024 Therion -  In The Desert Of Set 025 The Vision Bleak - The Black Pharaoh Part I: The Shining Trapezohedron 026 Ancient Arabian Music - Scorpion Desert 027 Electric Wizard -  Scorpio Curse 028 Scarab _ Serpents of the Nile 029 Fantomas - Spider Baby 030 Alan Parsons Project - Pyramania 031 On Thorns I Lay - On Thousand Times Lyrics 032 Therion - Seven Secrets of the Sphinx 033 Sting - Another Pyramid 034 Ancient Egyptian Music - Pharaoh Ramses II 035 The Nat Birchall Quartet - Tales of Saba 036 Pharoah Sanders - Upper Egypt & Lower Egypt 037 Melechesh - Secrets Of The Ancient Sphynx 038 Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales 039 Nile - The Eye Of Ra 040 HAIKAI NO KU - Strung Out Beyond The Rim 041 Van der Graaf Generator - The Sphinx in the Face 042 Mercyful Fate - Curse Of The Pharaohs 043 CANDLEMASS - Temple Of The Dead (Chapter VI) 044 Nile - Slaves Of Xul 045 Bananarama -- Cairo 046 Anne Dudley & Jaz Coleman - Minarets and Memories 047 Lucifer - Purple Pyramid 048 Spandau Ballet - Pharaoh 049 Metallica - Creeping Death 050 Nile - Ramses Bringer of War 051 Doberman Pharaoh - Cradle of Filth 052 The Mummy (1999) OST - Main Theme 053 Edguy - The Pharaoh 054 The Nat Birchall Quartet - Tales of Saba 055 The Meads of Asphodel - Satanic Black Nubian Pharaohs 056 Nocturnus - Mummified 057 Dead Can Dance - Song Of The Nile 058 Pharaoh Sanders - Village Of The Pharoahs, Part One 059 Testament - Dog Faced Gods 060 KARIM SHUKRY - Take Me Back To Cairo 061 Nile - When My Wrath Is Done 062 Iced Earth - Im-Ho-Tep (Pharaoh's Curse) 063 DIO - Egypt (The Chains Are On) 064 Melecesh - Wardjinn 065 The Vision Bleak - The Black Pharaoh Part II: The Vault Of Nephren-Ka 066 Iron Maiden - Alexander The Great 067 Nile -  Negating The Abominable Coils Of Apep 068 Keith Green - So You Wanna Go Back To Egypt 069 Salah Ragab & the Cairo Jazz Band - Egypt Strut 070 Mahmoud Fadl - Nubian Walk 071 Ancient Egyptian Music - Prince of Egypt 072 Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - Sue Egypt 073 Celtic Frost - Nocturnal Fear 074 Nile -  Multitude Of Foes 075 Kotipelto - Chosen by Re 076 Ihsahn - Scarab 077 The Bangles  - Walk Like An Egyptian 078 Lucifer - Anubis 079 Adam & The Ants - Cleopatra 080 Massive Scar Era - Color Blind 081 Nile -  Ethno-Musicological Cannibalisms 082 Necros Christos -  Doom of Kali Maa - Pyramid of Shakti Love - Flame of Master Shiva 083 The Sword - The Veil of Isis 083 Metallica - Orion 084 Blood Incantation - The Giza Power Plant 085 Mark Lanegan & Duke Garwood -  Sphinx 086 Creepy Egyptian Music - Mummy's Tomb 087  Nightmare Necropolis 088 Nile - The Howling of the Jinn 089 Ayreon - Valley Of The Queen 090 Mtume - Yebo 092 Jackie McLean - On The Nile 092 Ancient Egyptian Music - King Tut 093 LUCIFER - Faux Pharaoh 094 Ancient Egyptian Music - Pyramids of Egypt 095 Ruby - Eb'a Abelny 096 With the Dead -  Egyptian Tomb 097 Alice Coltrane - Blue Nile 098 Ancient Egyptian Music - King Tut 099 B52s  - Mesopotamia 100 Iron maiden Powerslave 101 MIGHTY BABY    - Egyptian Tomb 102 RADIO MARTIKO  - Hany Mehanna - Tahiya Wal A 103 Louise Lemón - Egyptian Darkness 104 Maryam Saleh Maurice Louca Tamer Abu Ghazaleh Le - Ekaa Maksour 105 Primitive Knot - Thee Opener of the Way 106 Mental As Anything -Egypt? 107 Egyptian Lover - I Cry (Night After Night) 108 Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy - Thy Sarcophagus & Unwritten Symphony 109 Autopsy - Embalmed 110 Frank Zappa - Regyptian Strut 111 Pharaoh Sanders - Village Of The Pharoahs, Part Two 112 Ringo Starr - You belong to me 113 Music of Cleopatra - Egyptian Moon 114 Black Sabbath - Sphinx (The Guardian)/Seventh Star 115 Tool -  Rosetta Stoned 116 Atum - Conqueror Of Chaos 117 The Sun Ra Arkestra - Egypt Strut 118 Helion - Legacy of the Serpent 119 George CLinton - Nubian Nut 120 Mohamed Mounir - Batib Aleki 121 Hooded Menace -  Curses Scribed In Gore 122 Nile -  Ushabti Reanimator 123 Noothgrush - Thoth 124 Omar el Sheriyi - Asmar ya Asmarani 125 Nile - Yezd Desert Ghul Ritual In The Abandoned Towers Of Silence 126 Kobra and the Lotus - Sign of the Gypsy Queen 127 Necros Christos - The Pharaonic Dead 128 Philip Glass - Akhnaten Act II, Scene 2 Akhnaten and Nefertiti 129 OM - At Giza - HQ 130 Paul McCartney and Wings - Spirits Of Ancient Egypt 131 Mahmoud Fadl - Shofna gamar (We Saw the Moon) 132 Ramesses - The Tomb 133 Revelations - Iron Maiden 134 Maat - Shards Of Osiris 135 Sugarhill Gang - 8th Wonder 136 The Egyptian Lover - My House (On The Nile) 137 Therion -  Chain of Minerva 138 Bal-Sagoth - Unfettering the Hoary Sentinels of Karnak 139 Falco - Macho Macho 140 The Fugs - Ramses II Is Dead, My Love 141 Venom - Cursed 142 Hexvessel - Don't Break the Curse 143 Heart - Down the Nile 144 Pharoah Sanders - Village Of The Pharoahs, Part Three 145 Madness - Night Boat To Cairo 666 Nile - Iskander D'hul Karnon
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