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austinsastrology8991 · 2 years ago
> MASTERLIST 8{99}1 <
- N{om-nom-No}m -
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P{lanets n H}ouses - Moon in Houses Mars in Houses Neptune in Houses Sun in Houses Uranus in Houses Pluto in Houses Venus in Houses p1 Venus in Houses p2 Mercury in Houses Saturn in Houses P{lanets n A}spects - Mercury Aspects MC Aspects ASC Aspects Saturn Aspects Jupiter Aspects Mars Aspects Pluto Aspects p1 Pluto Aspects p2 H{ouses n H}ouselords - 2nd House lord in houses 8th House lord in houses I{nterception}s - Intercepted sign/housep1 Duplicated houses p2 Intercepted planets p3 C{heat n S}heet - Planets Houses P{lanet n A}dvices - MerCUREy Mars Lizard Pluto Secrets R{ants n S}tuff - Wheely Biggest Rant of them All Numerology Theory Astrology Sign Theory Degree Theory D{onations n R}eadings
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hallowpeachesart · 1 year ago
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need to give my oc a story at some point- i've been making more goth-esk art and its so fun :DDD this one's available as a shirt, phonecase, and even notebook on my redbubble shop!! feel free to check it out :> https://www.redbubble.com/people/hallow-mercurey/shop?asc=u
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pure-ablution · 3 months ago
A full course meal you would make if you were trying to impress someone?
I never in my life want to prepare a meal with more than four courses, but you can have the failproof ‘unfussy cooking date’ menu for free.
Apéritif: classic Old Fashioned without the cherry
Starter: salade verte & homemade bread with butter
Main: côte de porc à la charcutière & homemade rosemary chips, served with a medium-bodied, juicy Mercurey Rouge, preferably quite young
Pudding: boozy rumtopf with homemade clotted cream ice-cream
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croquissartoriaux · 2 years ago
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I look down, and there I see a 50 euro note under my chair! Not having earned it "honestly", I began to wonder what I was going to do with it, so I asked myself what Jesus would have done in my place.
And that's how I changed it into wine
#croquissartoriaux #wine #vin #jesus #mercurey #suremain #blague #menswear #classicmenswear #menstyle #elegance #tweed #maiscetaitqui #maiscestqui #joke #changeinwine #bourgogne #vinsdebourgogne #agapesvins
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ladyzerodark · 2 years ago
I’m in a mood.
So I’m gonna talk about Ella.
I mentioned Ella in my rant about Sans and Cinder as a couple and said she was a story for another day.  Well, today is that day.
When I come up with stories like this, sometimes I play the sims and make random households to see who gets together and who doesn’t and where their relationships go.  It should go without saying that, when I was finally able to, I made a household with Sans and Cinder.  They ended up married and I was just gonna leave it at that. Then I find them doing some woohoo and next thing I know I get the notification that Cinder is gonna have a baby.
Ella was, both in game and in story context, not planned. But in the end, I fell in love with the adorable little girl that had come from these two sims.  So, I decided to add her into Rent Free.
Let me set the scene.
Cinder and Sans are finally figuring out their relationship status and decide to try some new things as a couple.  During one night of trying these new things, Sans and Cinder end up soul bonding. Neither think this is a big deal, as in the world of Undertale, there’s no records of half monster, half human children.
So imagine their surprise when Cinder’s doctor happily congratulates her and Sans after the former goes in for some weird feelings in her chest.
Toriel and Papyrus are excited as could be, as is Emerald.  Mercurey is too, but he does comment about whether or not the baby will be a skeleton.
Even if he didn’t mean to, Mercurey’s comments do send Cinder into a spiral of panic that surfaces every now and then while she’s pregnant.  What if something’s wrong with the baby?  What if the baby doesn’t survive? What if... what if she’s not a good mother?
Sans, himself, doesn’t let Cinder know he has very similar fears.  His biggest fear is if he’d be good enough to support all three of them.
Therapy helps, but they are hesitant to talk to each other about it.
Time speeds by and Cinder gives birth to a lovely little girl, a bit on the pale side with black hair and golden and blue eyes (heterochromia).  But one of her fears did come true:  Ella was born without her arms.  Cinder feels like she should be devastated, but, looking at Ella, she found that she didn’t care.  She loved her daughter, imperfections and all.
When the two new parents are finally able to lay together, their daughter between them, Cinder confides in Sans her fears and hopes now that Ella has been born.  Sans comforts her, reminding her that she’s not alone and that they can do this together, and with their found family.
Ella, herself, is still getting developed, though she’s got her mother’s determination and her father’s laid back nature.  It takes until she’s older, but she uses her monster powers to create skeleton arms for herself.  Her parents adore her, as do the others in her family.  She loves hanging out with her uncle Papyrus and aunt Emerald.
She obviously isn’t a solution to Sans and Cinder’s issues but watching her grow up does help them understand how far they’ve come.
As I said, I’m still working on her (all this happened like 3 years ago and I’ve been taking too long in playing that save in the sims again) but I adore the concept of Ella and I hope to actually draw her.
Here’s a concept:
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ladyaislinn-purewhite · 10 months ago
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Kroatien & Klopapier
Erinnerungen an einen einwöchigen Segeltörn von Monfalcone nach Zadar, eines schönen Augusts. Abfahrt von zu Hause um 3 Uhr nachts/morgens mit dem Auto, ca. 12 stündige Fahrt (wenig Pinkelpausen).
"unsere Mercurey"
Heftige Migräne beim Einschiffen. Weniger lustig. Eine gesellige Runde junger Leute mit 2 Erwachsenen, glasklares, nicht allzu kaltes Wasser, Seeigel. Ein erzwungener Sprung vom Boot hinunter und Verlust meines Bikinioberteils im verzweifelten Versuch, mich an den Witzknopf, der mich ins Meer beförderte, zu klammern. Ungewollter Mitflug desselben. Ohne Bikinioberteil am Strand sonnend (steinig!), von einem allzu Kessen Steinchen auf die Brust gelegt (sehr witzig). Drei weibliche Besatzungsmitglieder, zwei kochten... Einkehr als Seeräuber verkleidet abends in Kneipen; mitgenommenes Klopapier wurde Gegenstand der Belustigung: (ich verlangte leise danach, der Captain machte sich einen Spaß daraus und rief glasklar: "Natürlich, hier hast du das KLOPAPIER!" Die Runde wieherte, ich wurde rot. Ich denke, in Kroatien verstehen viele Deutsch.) Nachtfahrten unter sternenklarem Himmel, wunderbar. In sieben Tagen fünf Kilo verloren durch sparsames Essen, fehlendes Brot (nirgends auf einer Insel erstanden, essen die keins? nur harte Weißbrotkringel) und wenig Schlaf (ca. 4-5 Stunden pro Nacht in einer engen Koje), Augenringe bis zu den Mundwinkeln, aber ein bisschen braun geworden!! sodass es kaum auffiel... Bei hohem Seegang an Deck eingeweicht, unten ausgekotzt. Herrliche, einsame Inselchen, dort nur auf Österreicher, bevorzugt Tiroler, getroffen. Wunderbare Abende auf dem Festland mit romantischen Häuschen und steinigen Gassen und Mauern, Fledermäuse ins Gesicht geflogen. Eingeschlafen am Rücksitz bei der Heimfahrt, total k.o. Beim Aufwachen in Österreich geglaubt, man schwankt immer noch auf dem Schiff herum. Dreiwöchige Erholungspause im elterlichen Zuhause mit aufpäppeln...und doch war es wunderschön!
von G.B. Bowman aka LadyAislinn *Überlebenskunst*
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tyhaodiary · 1 year ago
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ntabs343 · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Untuckit Mens Large Pink Button Up Mercurey Stretch Dress Shirt.
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culturewinetv · 5 years ago
New winemakers in Burgundy, Mercurey Hello everyone, I have chosen to offer you a series of meetings with new-winemakers. In this video we go back in Burgundy, to Mercurey with Gatienne and Eric Bouvier, who created the domain PREMIER CHAPITRE (First Chapter). They started their first vintage in 2017. It is a very small confidential domain, they only cultivate 1.5 Ha and their wines are already on a good place in comparative tastings. You will find their contact details below the video. If you also are new wine-growers, or recently settled, do not hesitate to contact me for a report. And if you want to follow my videos, subscribe on Youtube on Culturewinetv! - Contact details : PREMIER CHAPITRE, in Mercurey Burgundy : [email protected] ou +33612692458 - To contact me : [email protected] www.culturewinetv.com 
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xlvins · 5 years ago
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Beautiful (and funny!) old advertising about a great appellation of Burgundy : Mercurey! Here at Michel Juillot . #vin #wine #vino #vines #mercurey #burgundy #bourgogne #winelover #crus #climats #terroir #publicite #advertising #winetasting #winestagram #winelife #somm #wineaddict (à Domaine Michel Juillot) https://www.instagram.com/p/B45YAtOKuS9/?igshid=r878eq41ct0e
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wine-porn · 3 years ago
Fan Faiv
Two of the most boring wines I’ve ever had–I brought the Myglands, the house had the white–same vintage–and expectations abounded. The Aligote not surprising–my mind is just filled with WHY when I see these things. Why. Of all the great inexpensive white wines out there, why drink Aligote? Verdejo. Viognier. Fiano. Sancerre. Pinot Gris. And the looming elephant in the room is of course Petit…
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pelzonwine · 7 years ago
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2013 François Raquillet Mercurey Vieilles Vignes is some delicious stuff. Sour cherry, raspberry and red gooseberry fruit with a core of leather and green tobacco lead into a mid-length finish. I wouldn't describe this as an intellectual wine, but it delivers as a food-friendly companion to dinner. #wine #winesofinstagram #vin #france #bourgogne #burgundy #pinotnoir #mercurey #viellesvignes #raquillet #francoisraquillet #redwine #vinrouge #2013 https://www.instagram.com/p/BnXTZZwhupj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ep11mujtguwu
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hallowpeachesart · 2 months ago
(puts this here) https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/cutecore-strawberry-shortcake-enamel-by-hallow-mercurey/167963073.EJUG5
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vinhonosso · 7 years ago
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Chardonnay e Pinot para o sábado à noite... . Três belos vinhos da Borgonha para harmonizar com o menu degustação de fondue da #CaveDoDouro. . Nos próximos dias vou falar sobre cada um deles... me acompanhem! 😉 . . #vinhonosso #bourgogne #borgonha #chardonnay #pouillyfuisse #abelpinchard #pinotnoir #mercurey #mercurey1ercru #domainemicheljuillot #domainebrunolorenzon #fondue #lineup #winelineup #wineline #instawine #instavinho #winetime #winetasting #tastingnotes #winebottle #wineglass #winepic #wine #vino #vinho #vin #wein (em Royal Palm Hotels & Resorts)
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croquissartoriaux · 3 years ago
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Here, a little Mercurey. Frederic was getting to the age where he only received bottles of wine on his birthday. He liked to give them in return, even though he was neither a particular connoisseur nor a particular wine lover, but there was a little statutory aspect to it, which said as much about the giver as the receiver, and which he liked, like a sort of modern potlatch after all.
He had thought at one point of giving books, which he could have dedicated, pretending that these gifts were personalised, but he had changed his mind. At least a bottle, he was sure it would be drunk!
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nomadeurbain · 3 years ago
Le Calendrier de l'Avent Cuvée Privée : œnologie d'avant fêtes
Le Calendrier de l’Avent Cuvée Privée : œnologie d’avant fêtes
Le Calendrier de l’Avent Cuvée Privée se veut le petit cadeau à faire ou se faire quand on aime vivre sous le signe du vin.  Calendrier de l’Avent Cuvée Privée : un tour de france des grands crus Ce calendrier comprend 24 bouteilles miniatures à déguster au jour le jour du 1er au 24 décembre. Des crus d’exception qui proviennent des plus belles appellations françaises. Ainsi, les amateurs…
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