nightsdreamgates · 10 months
Apologies for not posting much, I got so much going on my life that is getting hard for me to have time to show you guys some of my NiGHTS related ideas lately. But nothing to fret, someday I will manage to find a way to be active and bring you guys all I've been planning to send. One of them include some exploration to the world building of Nightopia to Nightmera (and the lands in between of these two worlds).
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There I've drawn recently on Paint some of quick ideas of more nightopian species and even counterparts (the counterparts works like as a "race", something similar of how tigers and lions are both felines but are different from habitat to characteristics).
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Tbh Nightopians need to be more explored by the fandom, there are such so much potential to create different 3rd to 2nd level beings, besides nightmarens, even mepians are in need too! So I want to bring up these cute yet cool ideas to rise up the fandom on not limitating themselves in one path!
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Been wanting to create more animal beings too, like just your local irracional creatures being silly! Not even single thought of existencial crisis running through their gooby minds.
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But also separating them to more anthromorphic ones, that does have mind to sense, consent, think, communicate and rationate... Also to have some existencial crisis building up.
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And of course! Why not different types of our classic fairy pians, huh? Mairmaid sounds fun!
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Lastly a Nightmaren to bring some difference in this post, lol!
Anyways that was it, some of them dont got a description because... im tired and is 1am
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spookiiizukin · 3 months
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liquid-rat · 10 months
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i feel like every couple of years i come back to nights and get obsessed again
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uwutoramanmelos · 2 years
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Dumping my JoD stuff here instead of keeping them in the depths of twitter-
Here are turnarounds of the mepian models ripped from the game! Feel free to use as reference. ✨
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mephew-j · 1 month
hi! i saw your NiD where jackel (I hope im saying his name right) was like an older sibling to reala and NiGHTS, my question is how do you think the Nid turner into nights journey of dreams.
I have a theory that wizeman when he finally got nights he removed his memory same with reala and made diffrent body (aka the journey of dreams form) but wizeman was not too generous with jackle (again sorry if I say his name wrong) and ends up "getting rid of him" so that reala and nights won't reamber or have a hint of reambering jackle.
but when wizeman made Chamelan, that's when they reambered something, they reambered someone but they keep it to themselves.
do you have a similar thoughts of this? I'm quite curious as I don't see a lot of people talk about it
Thank you very much. It´s so nice to get feedback – I´m glad you like it.
You have an interesting theory, indeed.
Honestly, I have several theories about what happened to Jackle from NiD to NJod:
First one, the comedic approach and not my theory (but I really like the idea), is the one of “Roger van der Weide” with his youtube video “nights journey into dumbness” which I remember from my early teen-years (the video was uploaded in 2010, holy wow!!!).
It´s a parody of the NJoD game.
In this one Wizeman gets fed up with Jackle and after Jackle mumbles “… more like Dumb-man” he gets forbidden to appear in NJoD.
Another theory is that these two games take place in two different universes - Jackle simply doesn´t exist in NJod.
The most realistic theory, however, is that Wizeman simply killed Jackle after failing to defeat and capture Nights (boss battle in NiD).
Jackle is categorized as second-level, and we have seen what Wizeman does to second-levels in NJoD if they dare fail him (he literally crushed Donbalon and Bomamba on-screen with his bare hands). So yeah, RIP Jackle.
I think the only exceptions to that punishment are the first-levels – Wizeman didn´t punish Reala after failing to keep Nights captured in NJoD, nor did he plan to wipe Nights from existence (he wanted to keep their body, just wanted to exchange their mind).
Then again you could argue that Jackle is a special case or that his mantle protects him even from Wizeman – but I dunno.
Personally, I don´t draw an exact line between the two games, nor do I really stick to the storylines either.
I tend to rather use certain characters and parts of the world itself and create “new” stories in my head.
Some of these stories, or AUs, I put on paper (like the one where Jackle is commissioned to raise Nights and Reala) while others remain in my head.
There are AUs in which Jackle is the “main-character”, others in which the role goes to Reala or Nights. Some of the stories are fluffy and whimsical, while others are quite bloody and/or dramatic. Sometimes Selph plays a role in them (usually as the counterpart to Jackle, as Nights is to Reala  ,  or in other stories Selph is the counterpart to Wizeman).
(long AU, man)
The most fleshed out AU with Selph for example is in which Selph is Wizeman´s counterpart; while Wizeman reigns over Nightmare, Selph reigns (or rather watches) over the rest of the dream realm (somewhat similar to Nights) but they are in the position of a god.
Selph had been the first one to create life – the Nightopians – to live in the dreamt-up worlds of the visitors.
Nightopians consist of light.
Wizeman followed suit, except his creations were absence of a free will (third-level nightmarens).
Nightmarens consist of light and, depending on their level, a certain degree of ideya. While third-levels consist of light only (which is why they can reproduce with Nightopians (Mepians)), second-levels have a certain amount of ideya put into their creation.
He quickly found that his creations, other than himself, were not only capable of leaving the nightmare-dimension, but also enter, or rather infiltrate, the dream realm AND that they were able to cause harm to the residents and visitors and take something very important from them – ideya.
Ideya is the power the visitors bring along and that has the power to create new areas/new worlds (the dreams you can enter through the big doors).
Wizeman had always wanted to reign alone, and with the ideya, he would be able to extend his nightmare realm until the darkness would have even swallowed the last bit of the dream world. And who knows how far he´d be able to go from there…
Selph didn´t notice nightmaren intruding dreams at first – they were alone, and there were so many visitors with so many dreams, and Wizeman sent his nightmarens strategically.
Once noticed, Selph did their best to keep the ideya save within the dreams of the visitors, but they couldn´t be everywhere all the time and they refused to steal and use the ideya themself to create stronger Nightopians to help her cause.
The creation of second levels followed soon after the first ideya was obtained – they are more autonomous in their acts but still can´t think for themselves (they can´t think “logically”); overall they are still reliant on being told what to think and what to do.
Assigning this increasing number of nightmarens soon became an extremely time-consuming task – too much time, even for an immortal god.
Wizeman needed a creature that would lighten the workload, that could think rationally, logically and could both issue orders and carry them out itself.
He made his first attempt in creating a first-level nightmaren – he created Jackle.
Unfortunately, though, Jackle was not at all what Wizeman had in mind – he was visibly flawed.
Something had gone wrong, and Wizeman was angry – not at himself, but at his creation.
His newest creation in hand, Wizeman intended to crush his miscarriage immediately.
“Wait, Master!” the creature shouted pleadingly “One chance, Master. Give Jackle one chance: one night. And Master will be pleased. Yes?”
Wizeman stared at his failure.
Even looking at it made him feel uncomfortable.
And yet, the god responded “One venture! And do not disappoint me!”
This creation had taken up a lot of resources; light, time and, most importantly, precious ideya.
It was clearly a failed attempt, but if he would take it to the test, he might just find out WHAT exactly went wrong, what parts of it were usable and what needed to be made different next time.
When Jackle returned, Wizeman had no expectations of him.
Jackle held out two orbs of ideya to his master; a result to be expected by a second-level. Wizeman was unimpressed until his creation suddenly started cackling and pulled out several more ideya from his mantle.
When it was tasked to order other nightmarens it performed as well. In unconventional ways, sure, but it brought the relief Wizeman had intended.
Jackle got to live.
It wasn´t what Wizeman wanted, but it was functional, and it brought results.
Jackle soon began mentioning that he would be seeing or hearing things from time to time; that these phenomena would increase and be so much clearer when he was occupied with his cards.
Wizeman, though, shrugged it off as woolgathering; Jackle was defective after all.
One day Jackle and Selph encountered each other.
Selph immediately knew what was standing in front of them and tried to expel the nightmaren from the dream it had invaded.
Jackle however didn´t think of leaving.
The entity, trying to remove him, looked so much like himself, but more human, and it was so small compared to him. An intriguing creature.
He dodged and evaded the entity´s attacks, always staying close to it to get a better look.
Selph noticed the other´s gaze and stopped their attack.
After they had drawn some distance between themselves, Selph vocalized “You are a nightmaren, one of Wizeman´s creations,” they inspected the figure opposing, “… but there is something different about you: you examine me, as I examine you, you don´t fight back, the other´s mindlessly do” , Selph now stared into the nightmaren´s eyes “ What exactly are you?”
What Selph had just muttered was more of an outer monologue, they didn´t really expect an answer as none of the other nightmarens had ever answered or spoken at all, but this one opened its grinning mouth and responded
Selph opened their eyes widely, jaw dropped in disbelief.
The nightmaren laughed.
“You speak…?”
“Don´t you, too?” Jackle cocked his head and hunched his shoulders.
Selph hesitated before they blinked and lightly leaned forward “Again, please.”
“Don´t… you, too?” Jackle smiled confusedly.
“No, your… your name.”
Selph didn´t know how to respond.
“Your name?” Jackle asked after a few seconds had passed.
“What?” Selph´s thoughts had drifted off in an attempt to apprehend what was happening and what that advanced nightmaren would mean to the dream world; what even the more worse it could do compared to the other nightmarens they had encountered thus far; were there more than just this one?
“Jackle would like to know your name, too.”
Selph cought a breath before straightening themself and darting a stern glance at the nightmaren “I am Selph.”
Jackle, not intimidated by that gesture, cocked his head again and widened his grin as he slowly hovered around the other, taking in every detail he could detect.
Selph cautiously watched the nightmaren, anticipating an attack.
But there was none.
Jackle stopped in front of Selph and looked them right into the eyes.
He cackled and then said “We look similar, but you are no nightmaren… What exactly are you?”
Selph looked at the others face and tried to read its intentions.
They then decided to take their time and hover around the nightmaren as well, taking in its form. Though, there wasn´t too much to look at, really.
Only when Selph had finished their circumnavigation they answered, “I am a god, just like Wizeman.”
Again, the reaction wasn´t quite what they had expected; the nightmaren giggled and replied, “A small god!” Jackle made a gesture with his hands to show how small they were.
Selph was dumbfounded and Jackle obviously found that amusing.
After their odd first encounter they met occasionally, randomly really, until they actively searched for the others company. Neither of them had anyone to talk to out of their own realm, so they talked to each other and started spending time together.
Their acquaintance eventually turned into friendship (whether their friendship turned into love, depends).
Both knew how dangerous it was spending time together; what would happen to Jackle if Wizeman found out, but they were two lonely souls who craved company – neither the Nightopians nor the visitors were the same to Selph as Jackle was to them, and neither were the other nightmarens and especially not Wizeman to Jackle what Selph was to him.
They both had an understanding for the other´s situation, so Selph never prevented Jackle from collecting Ideya and conversely Jackle never hindered Selph expelling the other nightmarens from the visitor´s dreams.
They both found themselves unable to change their situation and the roles they had in it.
Selph had been asking Jackle many times whether his cards had showed him any other possibility – he always negated.
Until one day Selph declared happily, they had found a permanent solution to their issue: they would flee into the world the visitor´s come from and live there.
(I´m still unsure as to how it would be possible for beings from the Night Dimension to pass into the Wake World – I mean, there is technically a possibility given in the mini-comic series by Archie but… it´s not like they ACTUALLY explained. It too would have been possible for me to just say “it´s possible with ideya”, but Selph wouldn´t use ideya; not even for escape.)
Anyhow, once they had managed to open the portal they were confronted with a problem: in order to keep the access stable and open, one of them needed to stay in the Night Dimension - they were to power sources to that portal; without at least one power source the gate would dwindle and then disappear. Then no one could escape.
They were quick to find a solution – Selph should go, they were stronger, they were the one to have the most knowledge of the Wake World and the visitors living there.
“Once I am through, I will open the portal from the other side immediately,” Selph promised “If anything prevents me from doing so now, I will do my utmost to open it as soon as I possibly can.”
And with that, Selph entered the portal and was gone.
Jackle waited a few more moments before closing the portal, then he waited.
He waited several hours but nothing happened.
He got nervous, worried something might have gone wrong. He giggled anxiously, shuffling his cards, hoping they would tell him something, tell him Selph was fine. But there were no answers to his unspoken questions.
After what felt like an eternity, he had no choice but to face the possibility, that something might have gone terribly wrong.
That Selph might not have made it.
There was no new portal.
There was no hidden message within his cards.
There was no nothing.
The night had only begun when they had started their escape – now it was nearly over.
Jackle had no choice but to resume collecting ideya.
If he´d show up without ANY, it would mean his demise.
With a heavy heart he left the area and entered the nearest dream.
Every single night, he would return, and hope to find an indication of Selph´s doing – Selph themself, a new portal, a message, an aura, a simple evidence of their presence.
He would always be disappointed.
With a rupturing hole in his chest, he carried on.
One day, Master Wizeman called for Jackle.
“I have a special task for you,” the Master announced, but didn´t amplify as he scooped ideya with one hand, and light with another.
Then, he let both hands collide and held two others underneath to make sure, no resource would get lost in the process.
He started pugging the radiating mass with all his six hands.
Once it had become one homogenous mass, he separated it into two and began to form it.
Jackle observed the process silently as he was trying to shield his eyes from the brightness with one hand.
The master took his time and Jackle wouldn´t dare to make a single sound.
He knew what he was witnessing; he knew the master was creating new first-level nightmarens.
Once the master had deemed his creations to be finished, he let them rest in one of his hands for a moment.
Jackle tried to take a closer look, even if it hurt his eyes, but wouldn´t dare move from his spot.
They were creatures reminiscent of human babies: small in stature, a big, round head and four small appendages.
Jackle dared to glance over to his master who was still inspecting his creations.
Suddenly the master took the creatures between two hands and sunk them into the black sea that was running underneath them.
Jackle couldn´t help but gasp as the creatures vanished into the void.
The blinding light they had emitted, had now been suffocated by darkness.
The sea began to bubble up and the master only recoiled his hands once it had started boiling aggressively.
With staring eyes and a gaping mouth Jackle anticipated the result, but the master hesitated to part his hands.
Did he fear another failure, or did he already know something had gone wrong again?
Jackle held his breath as the master finally revealed the outcome: two squirming and whimpering figures, so small, they were barely the size of his own hand. Their eyes were closed and their bodies in fetal positions facing one another. Their little hands reached out feeling for the other, and only when it was the others body, they would clutch onto whatever there was.
To Jackle it looked like these two bodies seemed to try to coalesce back into one being; but their weak efforts were of no avail.
Still, he couldn´t shake the feeling that what he saw were the most seraphic and wonderful creatures he had ever gazed upon.
He felt so full of vim and utterly delighted, he hadn´t noticed how his usual grin had grown into an enormous smile that only found limitation by his face.
He felt his eyes getting wet and tried to blink away the forming tears.
This hadn´t been the first time Jackle had been crying of joy, but usually it had been because of laughter that had gotten out of hand – but he had never felt anything like this before. Not even when he had been with Selph.
He couldn´t wait for his master´s allowance to approach his youngest siblings; he just had to get near them, see them from close up, carefully touch their small forms.
In awe he inspected the two nightmarens from as close as he could possibly get without touching them or the master´s hands – he knew he couldn´t risk going any further without actual allowance.
“Take them,” the master´s orotund voice reached Jackle. “Raise them to be obedient and reverent nightmaren.”
He reached out to touch his siblings´ small bodies.
“Yes, master,” Jackle whispered.
He traced the silhouettes of their little heads carefully with his index fingers and was overjoyed when their little bodies started cooing and their nervous squirming slowly subsided.
To Jackle, it was love at first sight.
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yamham154 · 11 months
i rly like looking at ppls fanmarens and whatnot soooo here’s my NiGHTS ocs, lume (left) and ash (right)!!!!
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lume has two designs for both games cuz i thought it’d be funny.
anyway lume is a mepian-turned-wizeman servant, she’s basically the idea of “if there was a sage to wizeman’s eggman” if that makes sense. ash is a visitor who’s very insecure abt her talents and her ability in making meaningful connections with others
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redrockbluerock · 2 years
I said previously I’d elaborate on nightmaren keratichor and endoskeletons and I’m keeping that promise
Anatomical junk (blood, bones) under cut
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Keratichor functions as every internal organ/bodily fluid of Wizeman created nightmarens. Blood, brains, stomach, muscles, fat, lungs- everything except bones.
50-90% of a nightmaren’s diet consists of keratichor, the rest consisting of nightopians, mepians, and plants found in dreams. If they’re lucky they’ll also eat any sweets they can find. [While carnivorous, nightmarens have quite the sweet tooth, and will abandon prey in favor of sweets. something something calorie density.]
Keratichor is lost gradually over time, but will regenerate if the core is exposed. Consuming anything digestible (not blue chips, basically) regenerates it faster and prevents irritability from hunger. [While they cannot starve, they do feel hunger and do get more aggressive if they don’t eat.]
Injuries from most sources [Keratichor looks very similar in its ‘inert’ state to the cotton filling in plushies.]
Injuries from other Nightmarens [Activated keratichor is a thick liquid and moves similarly to blood]
Burn scar from persona [a unique scar NiGHTS has from trying to destroy their persona mask. trying to damage a persona injures the nightmaren it belongs to. the scars ‘blink.’]
Occular Keratichor [Every Nightmaren’s eye is made of a staticky looking liquid. Eyes that have been damaged enough will no longer have a dark pupil, instead having a look of tv static]
Dead/Infected Keratichor [When keratichor dies, it loses all coloration and becomes a sickly grey. If not removed quickly, it will infect still-living keratichor until none remains- causing permanent death of the nightmaren.]
Each 1st/2nd level has their own unique keratichor color [Color coded to make it easy to guess whose is whose.]
Most 3rd levels have keratichor that resembles honey. Murtles and Verrols have a mirror-like keratichor that’s prized for its healing properties when filtered. [they're disposable, no unique blood for you.]
Due to a quirk in how Keratichor functions, Transfusions cannot be done (safely) between 2nd and 1st levels. When two differing kinds of keratichor combine, whatever nightmaren was receiving the transfusion enters a mindless rage, locking their consciousness away until they can consume at least 70% of the other’s keratichor. This state is referred to as Incomplete. There is no other cure for this state, and whoever they were before is considered dead.
This is what happened to Cerberus, and what will happen to Reala if the future does not get changed. [Alluding to the bad future designs here: Reala ends up getting a transfusion of NiGHTS’ keratichor. Cerberus’ situation is more complicated- after the creation of every new 2nd level/ the 1st levels, they end up getting injected with a keratichor sample or the new creation. Whoever Cerberus was when complete is never meant to return.]
Technically 3rd levels also cause this, but theyre so small + plentiful it manifests less as being mindless and more as possessive over food.
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Wizeman-created nightmarens lack bones- except for 1st levels. While they do not need any internal or external bones to move, they have an endoskeleton for dualization. [Humans have bones.]
The metal making up the endo is completely indigestible. [this thing is submerged in keratichor most of the time.]
Most nightmaren just have a jawset- teeth. Its more or less a beartrap.
While the horns are also metallic, they don’t count as endo. They count as keratichor
Chains gain more links as they age [instead of having rigid bones, the limbs are made of chains. this is so they can both have realistic movement, but aren’t trapped in doing such and can also act more rubberhose]
Links can be broken, must be repaired
1st levels of the same age have the same size endo, other than chain length.
Ideya Core is contained in the spinal capture [Similar name to NiGHTS Captures- shaped almost exactly the same too]
Most changes in body shape are 1: Keratichor amount 2:Shapeshifting shenanigans [I will play with how I draw the body shapes of NiGHTS and/or Reala depending on how im feeling. Their measurements are sort of malleable]
[Not directly stated in the diagram, but the purple parts of the Endo are magnets, resulting in the floaty head/hands. the feet and hands are weights, by the way. Slightly like puppets.]
Injury details [Notably, two scars I consistently draw NiGHTS and Reala with]
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Dismembered/ De-Linking [Breaking of a chain’s link]
NiGHTS specifically suffered a left thoracic anchorpoint de-linking from Cerberus [Or, in laymans term- their left shoulder fucking shattered]
[I do have more... Detailed terms for certain parts of the endoskeleton. All the magnets, the weights, and the end-links of the chains. That chart isn’t fully finished yet.]
Degloving Injury [basically, the skin comes off like a glove. This is also a type of actual injury, so please please please do not look it up.]
Right foot degloving injury, also from Cerberus [the dog ate his foot. This is why i draw his foot as being his scar color- its all scar]
Horn repair
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1- Internal Fixitation- Core to keep horn rigid [Same Indigestible metal as Endo]
2- Core bolted to exterior- keeps the horn in one piece
3- Ring applied- Hides seam+ tight enough to stem bleeding
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tangovontussel · 4 years
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since i have never seen what all mepians look like posted on the internet for some reason i finally managed to get them all! (except king pian and i left out the mix with the shleep/goodle which looks like a yellow dragon except normal head cuz im guessing thats just standard mepian) most of these are almost full body mepians might be missing a body part or two. some were REALLY hard to get. also i read that the shleep mepian can have a fluffy body like the actual nightmaren but anytime i get a mepian from the shleep it either is like the pic(head with green arms only) or the dragon parts. never seen it any other way.
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bloo-the-dragon · 3 years
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@marshmallow-biscuit-blog​ Boi i hope you're prepared for what you’ve just released LOL
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Before we start, here's a quick colour sketch ref i did for Selph while writing this up:
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(side note: I will be referring to Selph here as she/her because it just feels fitting but personality wise she is very much like NiGHTS in that she does not care what pronouns you use for her and so you can use any you like! He/She/They matters not to me xD)
So as i mentioned prior, Selph was an unintended side product of Jackle's own creation. See, Jackle's core is a fusion of two Ideya cores, something which is completely unnatural as ideya cores were never meant to be fused and in my headcanon for First Level Nightmaren the Ideya core is basically their 'heart' and is what gives them their life energy.
Now in that sense, Jackle would technically have 'two hearts fused into one'. The downside to this is the overabundance of energy it produces is more than Jackle uses/needs to even live and the result of that would have killed him under normal circumstances.
But during Jackle's moment of creation or 'birth' (this being the moment Wizeman attaches the core to the otherwise mostly lifeless body) there was a pretty violent reaction. To put it nicely, the body was overloaded not only from the excess energy but also the two cores still rejecting one another and as a result the body split in two.
It was not a pleasant experience.
The half that remained, was the one that the core was still attached to and is what eventually stabilised and became Jackle. The other half was discarded by Wizeman, but unbeknownst to him, it was still alive and still linked to Jackle himself. This discarded half would eventually become Selph.
For a time though it simply floated in the Dark Ocean, unconcious and unaware but constantly siphoning energy from Jackle's core which it still shared a connection to. Eventually this was enough to wake Selph up and allow her to finalise her form.
Now what of Selph's personality?
Gonna be completely honest i still havn't fully figured it out LOL but i have her figured as sly, possibly charming but very well versed in the art of speech and coming across as gentle, kind and trustworthy if she so chooses.
Now the real question here would be how genuine is she? Jackle's mad but he is honest (for the most part) if he likes you he loves you, if he doesn't you'd know about it and he'd make sure you do.
With Selph it's hard to say. She’d definitely be more inclined to use deceptive words to fool any dreamers in order to get their guard down and nab their ideya which she will take for her own personal needs and not for Wizeman as she holds no loyalty for him.
Speaking of Wizeman, while Selph definitely dislikes him, i don’t think she’d have any dislike towards anyone else, not even the dreamers. She doesn’t really like or dislike anyone not seeing them to be worth her time unless they have something of interest to her. She’d treat others with an air of indifference at best and the cold silent treatment at worst.
However, there is one whom Selph may be willing to spare a little more attention towards...
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But we'll get to that later.
Now as for her allignment, i wouldn't say she is evil or bad but i wouldn't go as far to say she's good either. I'd say Selph is very very neutral. Her primary goal in life to put it simply is to find a stable life source of her own (i.e an Ideya core)
As mentioned, Jackle and Selph are both what’s keeping the other alive respectively, but while Jackle doesn't know about Selph, she very much knows about him.
Does she dislike Jackle? Nope. In fact she has considered many times to re-unite with him but for what purpose? The only connection she feels she has to him is he is the one thing keeping her alive via his core, which in her eyes is still unstable and may implode or explode at any given time, which would not only kill Jackle but Selph as well.
That’s not to say that will happen though as Jackle's core over time has became pretty stable, albeit, still rather fragile hence why he is unable to do many things that First Levels would normallly be capable of, such as complex shapeshifting and dualizing. But Selph doesn't know this and she isn't willing to take a chance.
So she set up her own little place hidden away somewhere in Nightopia where she performs her own little experiments with Ideya shes gathered whenever the opportunity arises (and when she’s certain Wizeman or her siblings won’t see her) in an attempt to create a perfect core she can attach to her body and ensure her continued existance.
Selph wouldn't have made any progress however, until one day when she just so happens to come across another failed first level who escaped from Wizeman with an intact core of their own who might just be the key to her plans-
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If only she doesn't get attached.
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nightsdreamgates · 6 months
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28 . March . 2024
Nightopian OCs [Remake] PT. 1
Meanwhile I am working on my AU a few things, I've decided to focus on redrawing my old nightopian OCs that will someday be introduced by a future fanfiction story of NiDG !!
Stay tuned, because I am also going to start on working my Nightmaren and Mepian OCs soon !!
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thescrapbrainzone · 3 years
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floaty friends
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altamaranempire · 3 years
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It’s april fools, so that means NiGHTS stuff right? (well not really, but IIRC people on deviantArt used to have an annual NiGHTS day on april 1st or something like that) I feel like I’ve improved since the last time I tried to traditionally draw this Mepian from my Journey of Dreams garden!
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blizzardcastle · 4 years
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Me and @nightly-nights combined our powers to redraw the best archie panel....Reala getting dunked on by a bunch of Pians
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sparklingzone · 4 years
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mepian time
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thedreamparadox · 3 years
Cant believe Nights eats babies smh
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There is a reason I go with NiD Nightopians instead of the JoD ones. The JoD ones are really weird uncanny valley. Their designs are uncomfy.
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