#congrats lass you adopted a little brother
bloo-the-dragon · 3 years
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@marshmallow-biscuit-blog​ Boi i hope you're prepared for what you’ve just released LOL
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Before we start, here's a quick colour sketch ref i did for Selph while writing this up:
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(side note: I will be referring to Selph here as she/her because it just feels fitting but personality wise she is very much like NiGHTS in that she does not care what pronouns you use for her and so you can use any you like! He/She/They matters not to me xD)
So as i mentioned prior, Selph was an unintended side product of Jackle's own creation. See, Jackle's core is a fusion of two Ideya cores, something which is completely unnatural as ideya cores were never meant to be fused and in my headcanon for First Level Nightmaren the Ideya core is basically their 'heart' and is what gives them their life energy.
Now in that sense, Jackle would technically have 'two hearts fused into one'. The downside to this is the overabundance of energy it produces is more than Jackle uses/needs to even live and the result of that would have killed him under normal circumstances.
But during Jackle's moment of creation or 'birth' (this being the moment Wizeman attaches the core to the otherwise mostly lifeless body) there was a pretty violent reaction. To put it nicely, the body was overloaded not only from the excess energy but also the two cores still rejecting one another and as a result the body split in two.
It was not a pleasant experience.
The half that remained, was the one that the core was still attached to and is what eventually stabilised and became Jackle. The other half was discarded by Wizeman, but unbeknownst to him, it was still alive and still linked to Jackle himself. This discarded half would eventually become Selph.
For a time though it simply floated in the Dark Ocean, unconcious and unaware but constantly siphoning energy from Jackle's core which it still shared a connection to. Eventually this was enough to wake Selph up and allow her to finalise her form.
Now what of Selph's personality?
Gonna be completely honest i still havn't fully figured it out LOL but i have her figured as sly, possibly charming but very well versed in the art of speech and coming across as gentle, kind and trustworthy if she so chooses.
Now the real question here would be how genuine is she? Jackle's mad but he is honest (for the most part) if he likes you he loves you, if he doesn't you'd know about it and he'd make sure you do.
With Selph it's hard to say. She’d definitely be more inclined to use deceptive words to fool any dreamers in order to get their guard down and nab their ideya which she will take for her own personal needs and not for Wizeman as she holds no loyalty for him.
Speaking of Wizeman, while Selph definitely dislikes him, i don’t think she’d have any dislike towards anyone else, not even the dreamers. She doesn’t really like or dislike anyone not seeing them to be worth her time unless they have something of interest to her. She’d treat others with an air of indifference at best and the cold silent treatment at worst.
However, there is one whom Selph may be willing to spare a little more attention towards...
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But we'll get to that later.
Now as for her allignment, i wouldn't say she is evil or bad but i wouldn't go as far to say she's good either. I'd say Selph is very very neutral. Her primary goal in life to put it simply is to find a stable life source of her own (i.e an Ideya core)
As mentioned, Jackle and Selph are both what’s keeping the other alive respectively, but while Jackle doesn't know about Selph, she very much knows about him.
Does she dislike Jackle? Nope. In fact she has considered many times to re-unite with him but for what purpose? The only connection she feels she has to him is he is the one thing keeping her alive via his core, which in her eyes is still unstable and may implode or explode at any given time, which would not only kill Jackle but Selph as well.
That’s not to say that will happen though as Jackle's core over time has became pretty stable, albeit, still rather fragile hence why he is unable to do many things that First Levels would normallly be capable of, such as complex shapeshifting and dualizing. But Selph doesn't know this and she isn't willing to take a chance.
So she set up her own little place hidden away somewhere in Nightopia where she performs her own little experiments with Ideya shes gathered whenever the opportunity arises (and when she’s certain Wizeman or her siblings won’t see her) in an attempt to create a perfect core she can attach to her body and ensure her continued existance.
Selph wouldn't have made any progress however, until one day when she just so happens to come across another failed first level who escaped from Wizeman with an intact core of their own who might just be the key to her plans-
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If only she doesn't get attached.
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