#mentioned dorothea arnault
askhubertvonvestra · 1 year
Boops nose, how have you been?
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...I see you missed these antics.
But I have been well. With the support of our allies, progress with the war has been both swift and decisive.
Although I suppose that doesn't quite answer your question. Dorothea and Petra have brought it to my attention that I rarely respond accordingly when questions involve me directly, so. I have been collaborating with Linhardt on his more engaging studies, and Bernadetta has been joining Ferdinand and I for tea as of late. Byleth has gladly roped me into their training sessions with Caspar, claiming that we will be good influences on one another. Begrudgingly, they were not incorrect on that front. Naturally, this has been encouraged by Her Majesty as we both pursue greater independence and free time outside of our duties.
Likewise, it would be excellent news to know that you are doing well. May only the best cross your path.
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diezmil10000 · 10 months
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A girl like you
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versión original en español, Una chica como tú
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bananabraiined · 1 month
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See? They're not so bad.
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kumeko · 3 months
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For risquetendencies, for the FE Three houses Spring exchange!
Prompt: For, Dorothea marrying someone else (maybe Hanneman bc the fact that they have a paired ending with kids blew my mind) because it was the best option at the time. She and Linhardt were mutually pining while at the academy but he lazed around too much then instead of shooting his shot and missed the chance to say anything. Years later, they cross paths again and old feelings are rekindled.
A/N: I absolutely love the idea of a reunion like this! Immediately it ate my brain and I had to write it. I was tempted to have her married to Manuela/Ferdinand, I think that would be a fun ot3, but I wanted this to be a more tempered piece and Hanneman fits a lot better than “whirlwind romance of 3 divas”. I also find Hanneman’s ending with her funny, I wonder how many years it took before she said “Yep, those are my kids and my husband.”
A woman Linhardt hadn’t thought about in over a decade. A woman he hadn’t seen in even longer. Yet, despite the time that had passed, he knew the woman standing in front of him was her all the same. Her face had matured over the years, soft cheeks giving way to more defined cheekbones. Where before her hair had been loose and free, her wavy locks were pinned up, giving her an elegant look. And her clothing…
True to her wishes, she had clearly moved up in the world, swathed in silks and satin as she was.
Her green eyes widened as she caught sight of him. Despite her surprise, she recovered faster than he did, her ruby red lips curving into a provocative smile. “Linhardt. It’s been a while.”
Even now, her voice had a musical lilt. Tongue-tied, all Linhardt could reply with was, “Yes, it has.”
The Crimson Flower was a small but fancy coffee shop. Despite his passing knowledge, he could tell with a single glance that the red velvet seats and the intricately carved wooden paneling were of the highest quality. The last time he had entered such a refined establishment, he had still numbered amongst Fódlan’s nobility.
Now, as a mere researcher, it cost more than a year’s salary for a single meal here.
A problem Dorothea didn’t have, with the familiarity she perused the menu. A red fingernail traced the fine stock paper listing a variety of deserts. Her lips pursed as she tapped one before sighing and setting down the menu. At his curious glance, she smiled wryly and explained, “Tragically, now that I have a show in production, I have to maintain my figure.”
 Even in his relative hermitage, Linhardt had heard passing tales of her performances. “Your fans wouldn’t mind.”
“That’s sweet.” Dorothea bit her cheek before signalling a waiter and ordering the smallest slice of cheesecake. “I suppose it can’t hurt to have just one. It is a special occasion.”
Special. Throughout their school days or the war, they hadn’t been the most intimate. Just two acquaintances who’d bump into each other every now and then in the quiet corners of their school. His most vivid memory was of her sitting beside him in an alcove, her crossed ankles grazing his, her chin propped on her hand as she idly looked out the window.
Of her green eyes filled with silent mirth whenever she noticed his stare, her lips mouthing, “Like what you see?”
And now here she was, sitting across from him, more than a table between them.
“You look good,” Linhardt finally said after their coffees arrived. He hadn’t been keen on the drink until Hubert had all but foisted it on him. Now he could hardly handle a day without one.
Dorothea chuckled. “You? Giving Pleasantries? Since when did you care for social norms?”
His fingers curled around his hot mug. “I’ve had to adapt. It’s hard to get research grants otherwise.”
“Hmm, so I’ve heard.” Dorothea stirred her coffee twice. “I suppose time really does change everything. Even you.” She tapped her spoon on the rim as she studied him. “I wish I could say the same, but you look terrible. Have you been sleeping?”
He resisted the urge to turn to the window. Without looking, he knew what he’d see: dark bags under his eyes, pale skin, messy strands of hair escaping his ribbon. It had been a while since he’d last groomed. Suddenly, he wished he had. “Exhausted,” he explained. “The problem with research, I suppose.”
Dorothea frowned. “Ah, yes. Research. My bane.”
Linhardt paused. She’d never seemed to hate her studies in the past.
“What are you researching?” Dorothea asked before taking a sip of her coffee.
“Crests.” Was there an easy way to tell her? He usually talked to fellow academics; it had been a while since he had to translate to the layman. “To be precise, the variations of Crest strengths, especially on those that have diverged from other Crests over the centuries.” Cutting himself off before he could ramble, Linhardt looked away. “It’s hard to explain simply.”
Despite his fears, Dorothea didn’t look confused in the least. Her fingers rapped the table as she considered his words. “Is it just about the skills connected to the Crests or also about power levels?”
“The former.” Linhardt blinked, surprised. “I wouldn’t have pegged this as an interest of yours.”
“I know enough,” Dorothea said with a delicate shrug. “A passing knowledge, though far more than I desire.”
There was a story there that she wasn’t telling. Linhardt sipped his sugary-sweet coffee. “You’re in a lot of shows now.”
“Dozens each year,” Dorothea confirmed with a confident smirk. There was that fire in her eyes, the one he’d seen whenever she’d marched past any of her detractors, the one that he couldn’t help but follow even if he was across the room. “I doubt you can pass a corner without a poster—though, then again,” she tapped her eyes. “you’re not going out, are you?”
He couldn’t deny that. “Research takes up too much time.”
“Research and napping, right?” Dorothea asked with a wink. She giggled when he reluctantly nodded. “Still lost in your own world. I’m glad that much hasn’t changed.”
The fondness in her voice almost took his breath away. It was strange. They hadn’t met in years and yet, it was all too easy to talk to her, to slip into old patterns. He’d asked her to dinner once, but they’d never gone—he’d kept putting it off. The war, the rebuilding, the research; there was always something else to do.
Would it be too late to do so now?
“Dorothea—” Sunlight through the window hit her and something glinted around her neck. It was a golden chain looped through a small, simple golden band.
Noticing his stare, Dorothea glanced down and softly gasped. “Oops.” Sheepishly, she pulled out the chain, her hand curling delicately around the ring at the end. Her expression softened. “My little secret. I can’t let my adoring audience know about this just yet.”
“You got married,” Linhardt replied automatically, putting two and two together.
She gently dropped the ring under her dress’s collar. “Yes.”
This time, his breath did get knocked out of him.
“I didn’t think I would, after…everything. Especially when Ingrid…” Dorothea’s eyes darkened as her voice trembled. Even after all these years, their former friends’ deaths still hit hard. “When they all died. It was hard to want that anymore. Though I…” She peeked up, her eyes meeting his, her gaze lingering as she continued, “I did have second thoughts. I waited…though I’m not sure for what.”
He could hear the unsaid words, the pointed barbs that led back to that delayed dinner, to that chance that he’d never taken.
To that chance he could now never take.
She broke eye contact first. “Anyways, I thought I’d just throw myself into work. Become the second Manuela, so to speak. It was hard at first, but I started to get bigger and bigger roles in the local opera troupes.” Dorothea sipped her coffee. “I didn’t have too many fans at first, but…well, I had one consistent one. Hanneman made sure to come to every single opening. Sometimes with Manuela, sometimes alone…”
Her gaze grew tender. “He’d promised I’d always know kindness, and despite my doubts, he proved it.”
Linhardt stared down at his coffee, at the murky darkness. He’d heard about her shows, from Hubert, from Bernetta, from Hanneman himself, the times they’d collaborated on Crestology. Once, just once, he’d bought a ticket, but he’d never been able to bring himself to go.
“One time, he’d missed the show. It felt so wrong—even after the curtains fell, I didn’t feel right until he came running as everyone was leaving, flowers in his hand.” Dorothea giggled, shaking her head. “The silly man apologized. He was so flustered—it was adorable.”
Now she looked up, locking eyes with him once more. “I remembered what you said. I’m not the kind of girl to wait—I do what I want, with my head held up high. So I asked him out.”
“And then I had to ask him out a few more times because he thought I was just teasing.” Dorothea clicked her tongue. “As though I would take courtship lightly. He ruined all of my plans of nobility and marry rich.” Her hand rested on her chest, tapping the hidden ring. “But I can’t say I regret any of it.”
He couldn’t say the same. Linhardt curled his fingers. “Are you happy?”
“Very much so. It isn’t the whirlwind romance I’d imagined as a girl, or the quiet practicality I’d accepted as a teen but…” Dorothea smiled softly. “Love is a more complicated thing than that. It’s not the life I pictured but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
She sets down her spoon. Just when had she finished her meal? His own coffee had grown cold.
“No, I suppose that is a lie.” Dorothea reached forward, her warm hand covering his. Despite the passing years, remembrances of the war didn’t fade easily and he could feel her scars and callouses. She squeezed his hand, lingering for a moment before pulling away. “I do have one regret.”
Linhardt turned his hand and squeezed back before she could escape. “Me too.”
She closed her eyes. Her smile turned bittersweet as she stood up, her hand slipping out of his grasp. “It was good seeing you, Linhardt.”
He could only watch as she left, as her figure appeared outside the window and she stepped into a waiting carriage. The seat across from him was empty, only a lipstick stained cup and some cheesecake crumbs proving that Dorothea had been there, had been so close and yet so far at the same time.
The coffee was cold. Linhardt picked it up anyways, turning slightly to stare out the window. Across the street, a giant poster for Dorothea’s latest opera was plastered on a wall, her enigmatic smile dominating the paper.
He took a sip but all the sugar in the world couldn’t stop the bitterness filling him now.
Let’s have a proper dinner, she’d asked him once. Not in the dining hall, but out. The two of us.
He should have taken her then.
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schimmelspore · 3 months
How is Claude the most bisexual 💀 You have canonically bisexual characters who have ending, support- Some litteraly flirt with the same gender, directly mention their bisexuality, fuck with gender and have heavily queer themes!! I mean, you're in the "Bi girl with an axe who swing both way fighting against the Church and the oppressive system, and litteraly DOROTHEA ARNAULT"
Claude is definitely bisexual despite canon, but you deserve better than him >:[ If u want bi men, Fe3h might lack much of a choice, but you get the cute sleepy nerd or the serial killer who supports women directly with the eagles ( and I mean, if you recruit you can get angry "I'm not in love with childhood friend(s) despite crying harder than their wife at their death or making death pack which is like the equivalent of gay marriage in Faerghus", the rat ACAB guy or Sylvain )
Im just clinically obsessed with Claude, dude. Let me have my lil scheming asshole lmao i am weak to his two faced flirting and constant plans to poison everyone.
Besides, im well aware of all the other characters, this is my 4th playthrough and im clinically obsessed with said sleepyhead and so many others as well.
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frickingnerd · 11 months
dorothea with an insomniac s/o
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pairing: dorothea arnault x gn!reader
tags: fluff, cuddling, established relationship
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you've had trouble falling asleep for a while now, whether it was simple restlessness or thoughts that haunted you when you closed your eyes
since you shared a bed with your girlfriend quite frequently, it was only a matter of time before dorothea started to pick up on your struggle to fall asleep
dorothea really wanted to help you, however she could, curious about what she could do to help you
despite you mentioning that nothing really seemed to be working, she was determined to find something to help you relax
and that something was going to be cuddling with her! surely you'd relax if she gently played with your hair and let you rest your head in her lap
though what really ended up helping you fall asleep was your girlfriend softly singing a song for you! 
her singing blocked out all the noises around you and inside your head, allowing you to finally relax a bit
and soon, you were fast asleep, while dorothea continued to sing to you and gently play with your hair, determined to stay with you until you woke up again!
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raxistaicho · 2 years
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I posted 722 times in 2022
That's 651 more posts than 2021!
607 posts created (84%)
115 posts reblogged (16%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 482 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#fire emblem three houses - 251 posts
#edelgard discourse - 220 posts
#edelgard von hresvelg - 167 posts
#edelgard positive - 153 posts
#three hopes - 98 posts
#fire emblem three hopes - 53 posts
#triangle strategy - 51 posts
#dorothea arnault - 30 posts
#dimitri alexandre blaiddyd - 26 posts
#edelgard critical - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#i mention socialist theory a couple times while discussing edelgard and i get fucking weirdo capitalist bootlickers crawling up my ass
My Top Posts in 2022:
Edelgard haters get pretty gross about Jeritza
Something I see pretty often from Edelgard’s detractors, both on gamefaqs and here on Tumblr, is referring to Jeritza as just a murderer or serial killer. Not even hyperbole, they’ll just call him “a murderer” or “Edelgard’s serial killer.”
Like... you’re referring to a man in constant severe psychological distress, not fucking Light Yagami. Jeritza is fully cognizant that what he’s doing isn’t okay, and he believes himself to be wrong for it, to the point that he rebuffs Edelgard’s suggestion that he finds some way to make up for his crimes. In his mind, the only suitable response is punishment, even if it lasts for the rest of his life. He kills because he can’t stop himself, not because he’s rationalized himself into it.
Prior to Hopes coming out we didn’t really know how Edelgard felt about Jeritza’s actions, but their support chain makes it clear she’s doing her best to minimize the damage he can cause (in both Houses and Hopes, he emphasizes that without her help he’d just kill civilians instead) while trying to sincerely help him however she can. Are her methods perfect? No, but she’s operating within a society where mental health is clearly a non-existent concept and which would prefer to just execute him as a first resort. That she’s even broaching the concept of redemption and acceptance is an amazing step given the world she’s in.
Really, what’s different between Jeritza and Jaffar? I don’t see nearly such vitriol aimed at the latter, and he doesn’t even contemplate the idea of redemption or punishment before he meets Nino. So seriously, just writing Jeritza off as a murderer is disgusting and ableist.
109 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Sena: Our queen is really elegant. Refined and graceful.
(Probably) Sena’s Queen:
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114 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Edelgard’s not responsible for Dimitri
Of late I’ve seen some very bizarre takes that seem to be indicating that Edelgard wasn’t properly respecting or feeling sorry for the man pain horrible things Dimitri has been going through of late, such as Cornelia’s coup or the Tragedy of Duscur.
And I wonder why... should... she?
She doesn’t remember her past with Dimitri until well beyond the point of reconciliation with him in Crimson Flower and Azure Moon, and she still places her cause as more important than Dimitri’s - one person’s - wishes and comfort. She didn’t kill his family, there’s no indication she was the one to get Cornelia to do a coup, and she didn’t make him glower in the wilderness for five years because he isn’t getting his deathmatch with Edelgard today rather than go to Rodrigue for aid and shelter.
It’s really strange and gross, a general theme I’ve seen from some of Dimitri’s fans ever since the game came out is the unspoken assumption that since he’s obsessed with her, she should return his focus.
Well, she doesn’t. As I said in a previous post, Dimitri just isn’t important to the person Edelgard is now; he’s symbolic of the life she lost. Edelgard has the whole of Fodlan to worry about; Dimitri’s just one man. He’s the past, she looks to the future.
I think the issue at hand here is that Dimitri, more than anything, wants as much of his golden past back as possible. This comes to the point of him not respecting her final wish nor the reality that just extending his hand to her won’t erase the fact that they cannot co-exist after the war began; she has to plunge a knife into his shoulder to drive the point home to him, while to Byleth words are sufficient. Dimitri’s fans want what Dimitri wants, so they think Edelgard is being “mean” by not yielding to his wish to make peace with him.
Edelgard’s not responsible for the things that happened to Dimitri, nor is she responsible for his reactions to them.
146 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
The chaos of war
One thing I think gets lost in the endless flood of “lol it’s unfinished” comments surrounding Crimson Flower is that the route portrays the chaotic conditions that arise in war far more elegantly than Gronder Field in Azure Moon and Verdant Wind could ever hope to.
AM and VW insists that fog, which totally exists, trust us bro, caused Dimitri and Claude to be unable to recognize the armies of each other despite all three armies wearing color-coded uniforms.
Meanwhile, in Crimson Flower, at Tailltean, the allied Kingdom and Church armies are soundly defeated by the Black Eagle Strike Force in spite of their pride and honor, and their sacred weapons, Crested blood, golems, and Relics. And their ultimate defeat comes not at the hands of the Sword of the Creator, or Aymr, or the Black Eagles themselves but from the weather.
The Kingdom and the Church intend to strike the Imperial army down with a simple by effective pincer attack:
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And Hubert concludes on his own that their allied armies would be very difficult for the Imperial army to overcome:
See the full post
156 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“The Agarthans were toppled so easily!” Except not really.
Something I’ve seen frequently since the Three Hopes demo came out is a claim from Edelgard’s detractors that Three Hopes “proved” she could have eliminated the Agarthans at any time and that she was never subject to their orders.
If anything, I kinda feel like it proved the opposite; she needed some rapid spur-of-the-moment plan changing and for her scheme in the woods near Remire to go perfectly to have a chance to oust them early on.
Shez isn’t actually very important beyond making sure the trio do not meet Byleth. Alois crossing paths with Byleth and Jeralt ruins everything before it can even begin.
Now, to begin her coup against the Agarthans early, she needs to rescue Monica. This is absolutely essential because Monica’s testimony is necessary to getting Solon outed, and Edelgard needs Solon outed before she can secure Church aid in attacking Arundel.
To rescue Monica, she needs;
-The Iron King Thieves to be at the compound they’re holding Monica in.
This is something Edelgard cannot manipulate. She can only react to the convenient opportunity as it arises. This appears to require Kostas being dead; if alive, he tromps off to Zanado instead.
-For the Church to send an expedition after the Iron King Thieves.
Again, she can’t make this happen on her own.
-For the class sent after the Iron King Thieves to be led by Jeritza.
Hanneman and Manuela would have likely followed procedure and waited for support before storming an unknown enemy compound; Alois’s dialogue upon catching up with the class after the rescue suggests they went way ahead of what was necessary. The conditions of the battle itself strongly suggests they only barely got to Monica in time.
Now, she doesn’t actually need for the Eagles to be the class doing this. If you’re not playing Scarlet Blaze she’s seen talking to Jeritza before the mission, suggesting she asked him to look for Monica during the attack.
So why wouldn’t this have worked with Byleth? Having Byleth fight the thieves was just a pretext for Rhea to get Byleth to Zanado. Every mission during the first part of White Clouds is carefully crafted by Rhea so as to test whether Byleth really harbors Sothis and to teach them lessons about the church and their responsibilities as a member of it.
Next, Edelgard needs for Monica to be believed; her quip about Rhea “clapping [Monica] in irons” suggests Rhea would have taken a flippant and groundless accusation against a member of the church as a grave offense.
Next, Edelgard needs for Rhea to support the expedition to Enbarr. Not so much for the extra military help, but to control the situation in the city. Edelgard’s still very much the underdog in this battle, and it’s only the support of the Knights of Seiros outside the palace and Bergliez and Hevring inside it that helps her to win the day.
On that note, she needs Bergliez and Hevring to agree to help. Dialogue from the cutscene beforehand seems to suggest that they had planned something akin to this ahead of time, but she’s still acting way ahead of schedule. If the two men had opted not to get involved things could have gone quite different.
If she can get all that, she doesn’t really need Shez for the actual fight. Shez is an able help, but they’re not irreplaceable. It’s also worth noting that Jeritza helps in the battle off-screen even if you are not playing Scarlet Blaze;
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So, to fight back against the Agarthans early in Three Hopes, Edelgard needs so many successive lucky breaks in a row that she even points out how miraculous the situation is in her clandestine meeting with Hubert before the Monica rescue.
And for all that? Thales escapes, barely worse for the ware. The Agarthans are ousted from the Empire, but they’re still very much at large, and will likely be a thorn in Edelgard’s side going forward.
Not only was ousting them not easy, it might very well turn out to have done more harm than good. We’ll have to see when we get to the full game.
303 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gokuzard · 1 year
Month of Waifus #30: Dorothea Arnault (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
She's extroverted, she protects her friends, she's great with kids and I increasingly relate to her hatred of the upper class.
Also, being a singer, I have to mention her voice in the dub. I love it, but why does she sound familiar? Eh, I don't know.
Though at the time of writing, the only FE I've played is 3 Houses, and the only routes I've done is Crimson Flower and half of Silver Snow.
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lucresence · 1 year
Muse Roster
updates possible // click links for headcanons
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
all muses are route flexible // post-timeskip by default
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Kriemhild von Draupnir (OC)
Black Eagles OC
Primary muse
Bisexual muse
More information & canon interactions
Possible sensitive content: bullying, burn scars
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Ingrid Brandl Galatea
Primary muse
Bisexual muse
Disclaimer & headcanons
Possible sensitive content: arranged marriages, death
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Mercedes von Martritz
Secondary muse
Bisexual muse (male-leaning)
Crimson Flower default with Black Eagles
Possible sensitive content: arranged marriages, death, emotional abuse
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Dorothea Arnault
Primary muse
Bisexual muse
Possible sensitive content: mentions of sexual interactions, death, sexual harassment
muses will default to Three Hopes when interacting with Shez
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Did you ever see Dorothea perform in the opera when you were a kid?
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Did I see Dorothea perform? I am not sure. . .
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Oh, now I remember! I recall seeing her in performances a few years ago, when she first joined the opera company. However, she had minor roles at the beginning, and that was around the time I began attending operas left often because I had more responsibilities. By the time Dorothea began getting major roles, I rarely went to the opera company. This is why I did not recognize her upon enrolling at the Officer’s Academy, as my memories of her prior are few and vague.
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Though considering her notorious disliking of me, perhaps that is for the best.
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Edie! It's you! Hello! - Dorothea
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Hello Dorothea. How are you?
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askhubertvonvestra · 3 years
(Lyrics from All of You from Encanto)
Dorothea: Hey, Ferdinand. Why so blue?
Ferdinand: I... just got so much love inside~
Dorothea: Well y'know I got this friend of mine, too. Remember Hubert?
Hubert, pops out of nowhere: Ok I'll take it from here, goodbye!
You talk so loud~ You take care of your mother and you make her proud! You write your own poetry every night when you go to sleep- -And I'm seizing the moment, so would you wake up and notice me?
Ferdinand, stunned: Hubert... I see you...
Hubert: And I hear you!~
Dorothea and Bernadetta in the background: YES!
Ferdinand: Let's get married~
Hubert: Slow down!
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Dorothea informed me she was working on various plays regarding our time during the war. I should have realized this is what she had in mind far sooner.
If nothing else, I can properly inform her on how I would dismiss someone from my company if necessary. I suppose she can be forgiven on account of taking... creative license. She wasn’t present, after all, when we...
Do excuse me. I’ve business to attend to with our songstress.
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💎💎💎 (Dorothea/Flayn)
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Dorothea..? Okay um... Nosy, loud, and needs to leave my business alone.
And for Flayn..? Well, I’d like to take a look at your crest, I swear I saw a fish in your pocket- Oh and... I suppose Cethleann. Please do not tell your brother.
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harry-leroy · 3 years
I have not been super active on my tumblr for a long time - senior year of university can be incredibly hectic - but over winter break I began working on a Blue Lions sequel/second generation fic (if they actually went on to defeat Those Who Slither in the Dark, though some years later). This fic also features several of the Black Eagles as those who defected to Faerghus during the War for Unification, including Ferdinand, Dorothea, and Bernadetta (among others).
I wanted to post a snippet I’ve been enjoying writing - this is before a final battle to defeat TWSITD. We’ve also got a Ferdinand/Dorothea pairing here (because even though I love Ferdinand/Hubert, I want to see more Ferdithea fics in the world). I know we’ve got a Warriors game coming up in the summer, which will probably change canon dramatically, but as we wait, here’s a little snippet from (the end of) my own golden route!: 
Amongst a small cavalry in the Faerghus army, Ferdinand shifted uneasily on his horse. His hood was up, his eyes downcast. It was an unsporting look, he knew, especially as the position reminded him so bitterly of his youth. When he had decided to join up with the army several nights ago, he had kissed a sleeping Dorothea and his young sleeping son on the foreheads and had paid a young footman handsomely for his silence and for keeping Dorothea at the Aegir estate, or what had been left of it. He had hacked his hair off with a knife, the cut then horrid and uneven, though to be recognized would ruin him, he was sure. To be from Adrestia these days was a sin, though Ferdinand was unsure if it had ever been otherwise.
The horse he rode now was not his own, and the animal trembled from nerves just as he did. He almost laughed to think that he had made his way into the army feigning amnesia. A man with no name; the lower ranked commanders had whispered among themselves, stealing glances at his wild eyes. If any of it were true, he would have made for the perfect soldier. They took him in anyway, hoping that he would stay quiet. So far, he had kept to himself, though it was more for his sake than for theirs.
It only had been a day since his run in with Bernadetta, who had decided to lend her talents to the army not in archery, but in knitting blankets to keep them all warm. Even in the horror of being seen, he was relieved to know that Bernadetta would not directly risk her life out there, but that she could defend herself regardless.
          “Here you go,” she said, holding out a blanket for him to take. He had been sitting on the floor of a tent, polishing armor with the rudimentary oils his small legion had. Although the motion was comforting, his hands were stiff from the cold. He took the blanket as ravenously as he had taken food that morning, not daring to look up.
         “Wait,” she said. “I think I –”
         “Shhh,” Ferdinand jumped to his knees, taking her hands in his, pleading with his eyes. “Please, shhh,”
         Other soldiers were now looking directly at them, some of them ready to pull Ferdinand away and put him back to his simple tasks. He had instilled fear in her, he knew, and he was sorry for it. He half expected her to jump, scream “Get off of me!”. Instead, Ferdinand rose, made his grip on Bernadetta’s hand more gentle, calloused fingers brushing against smooth ones, and led her out of the tent. She gave the remaining soldiers a signal to say that everything was alright. They let them pass.
         Once outside, they both paused. Ferdinand let go of Bernadetta’s hand and the two of them looked deep into the other’s eyes. He saw some of the old fear in her, but deeper still was the sadness he found in those rain gray eyes. There must have been wildness in his own if the pounding of his heart was anything to go by. He exhaled, his breath hitching at the start and his face feeling bloodless. She frowned, despite attempting a smile. Soldiers weaved against them, captains shouted orders, and horses bit and kicked at their riders, yet what existed between Ferdinand and Bernadetta in that moment was as quiet, as intimate as afternoon tea.
         He had been taken back to her tent. She said nothing for a while, but instead sat him down and cut his hair. They passed that time alone and in near silence, save for the sound of scissors cautiously working away. His hair was clean and more even now, although much shorter than he would have liked. He thanked her.
         “Does Dorothea know?” she finally said. He said nothing, but he felt that she knew it was his secret, and not hers to share, even if his wife needed to hear it.
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petapala · 5 years
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i desperately want a (very gay) support between these two. i feel like their c support would basically be like that one llsif eli diary event. (volume warning for the link!)
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prettypinklass · 4 years
I might start posting oneshots on here, like this one. Maybe.
The Queen's Songstress, the Songstress's Queen
Author: Pink
Word Count: 2513
Warnings/Notes: Fluff, Petra Works too Hard, orphans, Dagda OC, implied/mentioned racism, implied homophobia
Prompt: Paired Endings (Intertwined Destinies event from the Fire Emblem Amino)
When she had first returned to Brigid, she had acted as a translator for her friend, who despite pleading to join her, knew nothing of the language. 
Now, years later, Dorothea could speak the common language of Brigid as easily as she could Fodlan's. 
"It's because you're such a good teacher, Petra," she teased, after Petra had praised her skills. 
Despite her grandfather's approval, the people of Brigid had been skeptical of their marriage at first. Dorothea's Fodlanese heritage didn't help. Nonetheless, they didn't argue. Their new queen was happy, and that was what mattered.
Now, years later, the people praised them as one of the best pairs of rulers they had. 
Queen Petra worked tirelessly to improve their relationship with Fodlan after declaring independence. Her wife, the Lady Dorothea, used her connections with the Opera to help. It was hard work, but they succeeded eventually. 
Now, Petra lived her life working tirelessly to help her citizens. Everyday she could be found holding public hearings to address their problems, or in her room, signing paperwork, and on some occasions in a meeting, dealing with the other nobles. It was tiring work, but she would endure it for her kingdom.
Dorothea had built an Opera house in the capital city of Brigid, after extensively studying the nature of Brigid's fine arts and music. She ran the place on her own, wrote their plays, and held weekly singing practices that were open to all, where people could gather and and sing together. Her troupe became famous throughout not only Brigid, but Fodlan as well, eventually even receiving audiences from Dagda and Almyra. 
Today in particular had been a hard day. 
The queen had visitors not only from Fodlan, but from Almyra and Dagda as well. The meeting had been… tiring, to say the least. Seeing an old classmate again after so long on strictly professional terms had been… difficult, the man from Almyra was beefy, and loud, which was a stark contrast to the noble from Dadga, who was posh and professional.
Petra had collapsed into her desk chair after the meeting.
Dorothea had been laying on their bed, humming. Her day had been rough as well, having to deal not only with racist participants in the day's open singing practice, but also guide visitors from the foreign countries in the song. Though she had seen one familiar face, it had still been… difficult.
She jumped up when Petra entered though, before her face fell. The queen had sat down at her desk, and immediately reached for her paperwork. 
"Petra…" the singer stood up with a small sigh, walking over, "Come on, you need to get some rest." 
"I don't have time for rest," Petra replied, "I must get this work done…" 
"Love, you're exhausted…" Dorothea sighed, resting her hands on the queens shoulders and  beginning to rub slowly, "Why don't you take a break? Let me sing for you." 
She hesitated, "Are… you sure? I must get this paperwork done…" 
"You can do it later," the songstress insisted, "Take a break, love. You need one."
Petra frowned at her, shifting to face her wife. Dorothea smiled reassuringly at her, and smiled wider when the queen began to relax, "I have a day off tomorrow…"
"You can finish the paperwork first thing tomorrow, and then we can go out together."
It was quiet for a moment.
Petra sighed, and stood up as she gave in, "Okay… Will you sing for me, Thea?" 
"Of course," Dorothea smiled even brighter in response, and pulled her wife over to the bed. The two laid next to each other, as she hummed softly. 
"What song would you like me to sing?" 
"No preference." 
"Hmm… okay," Dorothea sat up, and began humming. The humming went on for a few moments, changing pitch and tune to match a song, and then…
"Reach for my hand," she began to sing softly, "I'll soar away. Into the dawn, oh, I wish I could stay." 
Petra rolled over and smiled at her. 
"In cherished halls, in peaceful days, I fear the edge of dawn… knowing time betrays." 
Her voice was soft, soothing, and before long… the queen had fallen asleep. 
And when she had finished the song, as she was never one to leave something half done, Dorothea fell asleep too.
As promised, Petra finished her paperwork early, and Dorothea had dragged her off to see the town shortly afterward. 
People waved as they passed by, and the pair waved back happily. Brigid's capital really was a lively and friendly place.
Just after noon had come, Dorothea brought her wife to the opera house. There was a public singing session today, and even half an hour before it started, people were beginning to gather. 
A certain indigo haired woman was there already, looking around. Dorothea smiled. 
Shamir looked up, and grinned, "Well well. We meet again, kid. Your Majesty," she bowed to Petra, "To what do I owe this pleasure?" 
Petra fumbled for words. She still wasn't the best at Fodlanese…
"This day- er, Today, is my free day. I am not having work to do." 
"Lucky you," Shamir replied, "It's good to see you both again." 
"Am I assuming you came with the Dagda noble?" Petra asked. 
"Fodlan actually," she shrugged, "Mercenary life gets me plenty of jobs. Just so happened I was in town, and the lord was looking for a suitable guard." 
"Interesting," the queen hummed. 
"Are you here for choir?" Dorothea asked, tilting her head to the side with a happy smile. 
"I guess so. Lord Aegir wanted to come and I'm kind of obligated to follow him everywhere unless he specifically says so," Shamir shrugged, "He's talking to some of the singers, along with that guy from Almyra. Nader or something." 
"You didn't tell me Ferdie was the visiting noble!" Dorothea turned to pout at Petra. 
"It never came up," Petra admitted, laughing a little.
"Anyway, I'm going to go find something to do… singing isn't my thing." 
"You joined yesterday," Dorothea blinked at Shamir.
"I was exploring town and got caught up in it somehow," Shamir sighed, "Lord Aegir's over there if you want to talk to him." 
"Alright then… bye!" The songstress waved. Petra waved as well. 
The pair turned, and walked over to the ginger haired noble. 
Ferdinand turned, and broke into a huge smile, "Dorothea! The ugly maiden!" 
Everyone paused to stare at him. 
Someone in the back began snickering. 
"Ferdie," Dorothea frowned, "Um… Do you know what 'aklos' means Brigid?" 
"Why, I was told it meant lovely!" Ferdinand replied, smiling brightly, "Impressive, right?" 
Dorothea began giggling, as Petra sighed. 
"Ah, Ferdinand… The Brigidian word for 'lovely', is 'akLAS'. Aklos is our word for ugly." 
The noble blinked. 
His face turned pink. 
"B-by the goddess! Please, accept my sincerest apologies!" He bowed, "I have been tricked it seems…" 
"Don't worry about it," Dorothea laughed, "Are you here for choir?" 
"Why yes! I heard from Manuela that you run your own opera house here! She misses you by the way, and is hoping to one day collaborate with your opera." 
"Oh, I would love to! I'll have to send a letter to her!" Dorothea exclaimed happily, "Thank you Ferdie!" 
"But of course! It is my duty to assist!" 
One of the actresses, a young woman, called over, "Miss Dorothea! We're ready to begin!" 
"Oh! That's my cue," Dorothea smiled, and giggled slightly, "Have fun Love," she pecked Petra on the cheek, and waved at Ferdinand, before running up to join the singers at the podium. 
Choir was always a joy for Petra to attend. Not only did she get to hear her wife's beautiful voice, but the act made her feel… closer to others, not only to her Dorothea, but to her citizens as well. The same citizens loved it when she would join them as well. 
Ferdinand sang loudly, and he sounded well enough. Nader on the other hand, sounded like a dying bird. The look Dorothea gave him at the end of the first song would've scared the pants off of even the most fiercest soldier.
He ended up being asked to sing... quietly, so that the others could be heard over him.
Even Shamir participated, though at the request of Ferdinand. She seemed to enjoy herself though, if only for one song. 
It seemed like only a few minutes later when choir ended, though it had been at least an hour. 
"You were great Petra!" The songstress quickly began gushing, "Even better than before!"
"You're making me blush Thea," Petra laughed in embarrassment, "You sounded much better than I did." 
"Even so," she giggled, "Well, what would you like to do now?" 
"Why don't we visit the orphanage?" 
"Sounds like a wonderful idea," Dorothea replied, "Let's head there now, and then we can be home in time for dinner." 
"Right," the queen nodded, and after saying goodbye to Ferdinand and Shamir, they began walking to the orphanage.
The orphanage was as lively as ever.
Though the place was small, and the only residents were a few children and their caretaker, it was always lively. The children were often running around and playing together, making noise and sometimes causing chaos. The 4 of them were quite the handful for their caretaker, but they managed. 
A jingle sounded as they entered. 
"Just a moment!" Came a call from the back. A few seconds later, the caretaker appeared, carrying a box. 
"Oh!" She gasped, "Your Majesty, Lady Dorothea! What a pleasant surprise!" 
"Hello Chey," Petra smiled, "We came to visit." 
"The children were just wondering when they would be able to see you again," Chey laughed, smiling, "Children! You have a visitor!" 
Light footsteps were heard immediately. The quick pitter patter of small feet echoed in the building, as a group came tumbling out of the bedrooms.
First came Fiona, a 7 year old. She was quickly followed by the 8 year old, Darrell, who stumbled and tripped onto her. Fiona squealed.
Lily came next, the oldest at age 11, "Hey! Be careful, I'm holding Harry!" 
Harry let out a "Bubba!" and burst into giggles. He was the youngest of the four, being just barely a year in age. Fiona and Darrell fumed at each other.
"Now now,' Chey frowned, walking over to them, "Don't get into a fight. Look who came to visit!" 
"Kween Petwa! Dorufea!' Harry babbled excitedly, "Petwa and Dorufea! Yay!" 
"Q-Queen Petra! Lady Dorothea!" Lily gasped, and did a quick bow still holding the toddler, "It's a pleasure to see you again!" 
"Petra! Dorothea! Hi!' Fiona brightened up quickly and waved. 
"Idiot, it's QUEEN Petra and LADY Dorothea! Don't forget your manners!" Darrell hissed at her. 
"What do titles matter?" She crossed her arms with a huff.
"A lot!" 
"That's enough," Chey sighed, "No fighting. Apologize to Her Majesty and Lady Dorothea." 
The pair glared at each other. She nudged them.
Darrell was first. 
"I'm sorry Queen Petra, Lady Dorothea…" 
"Sorry…" Fiona mumbled quickly just after him. 
Harry babbled something that nobody understood. Dorothea laughed, and took him from Lily. He squealed happily, and pulled her hair. She winced, but laughed. 
"Your apology is accepted, little ones," Petra knelt down to smile at Fiona and Darrell, "It is a pleasure to see you again." 
The two smiled brightly at her in response. 
"What do you say?" Chey prompted. 
"Thank you Queen Petra!" The two chorused, before running off into the back playfully shoving each other. 
"Ah…" the caretaker watched them run off, "I'll have to scold them later… I'm sorry." 
"Don't worry about it," Dorothea laughed, "You seem to be handling them well." 
"Ah, well… I'm not quite sure how I ended up with four of them. I picked up Lily off the streets and since then… Well I haven't been able to say no to them like that," the caretaker laughed softly, "Will you be staying for a visit your Majesty? Lady Dorothea?" 
"Please?" Lily added with a smile. 
Harry babbled and giggled happily. 
"I'm sure we can stay for a little bit," Petra nodded. 
"Of course," Dorothea smiled brightly, "It would be a pleasure." 
Lily cheered, and Harry babbled. The royal pair followed her into the backroom with a laugh. 
The meeting room was silent. 
Dorothea suppressed a sigh. Shamir glanced at her from across the room.
"...and that is why I believe we should cut off trade entirely. I don't mean to be accusing, but recent affairs have proven my suspicions." 
The noble from Dagda would not shut up. He kept going on and on about how Fodlan's recent battles proved them unstable, and their rocky relationship with surrounding areas didn't help. 
"Lord Hanth, please," Ferdinand sighed, "I can assure you with 100% positivity that Fodlan is unified in all ways. I ask that you please refrain from this incessant blabbering about us being unstable, when it is not backed up by factual evidence." 
Hanth scowled, "Of course you would say that, Lord Aegir. You're FROM Fodlan-"
Petra sighed, "Lord Hanth, with all due respect, I can fully support Lord Aegir's claims as witness. Dorothea and I were present for the unification of Fodlan." 
"That is not the only issue!" Hanth snapped, "Her, for example!" He pointed at Shamir, "Why is a citizen of Dagda-"
"I'm from Dagda, yeah," Shamir crossed her arms, "I came to Fodlan as a mercenary. Lord Aegir hired me." 
Ferdinand raised an eyebrow at the Dadga lord.
"We were invaded once-" 
"You started that fight," Dorothea pointed out.
He scowled, "I refuse to do trade until both Fodlan and Brigid have proven their stability. With that, I believe this meeting is over." 
He turned and stomped out. 
"...Geez," Nader sighed, "What a guy." 
Dorothea jumped. She had forgotten about the Almyran general. 
"General Nader, thoughts?" Petra looked over. 
"I got no problem with trade, long as Fodlan doesn't interfere with our merchants," the general shrugged, "Might have to double check with the king on that though." 
"I see. In that case, do what you must," she nodded. 
"...Shamir, are all the nobles from Dagda like that?" Ferdinand asked. 
"Dunno," Shamir shrugged, "I haven't been there in years." 
"Well," Dorothea sighed, "I suppose not trading with Dagda isn't too much of a loss…" 
"I am sure we can manage," Petra nodded, "Ferdinand? Are you confirming a trade with Brigid?" 
"But of course!" Ferdinand smiled, "And I hope we can establish trade with Almyra as well!" 
"Hah! Sounds good!" Nader laughed. 
"Shall we shake on it then?" The nobleman asked. 
"Yes," Petra nodded, and held out her hand. She shook with Ferdinand, then Nader, and then the two shook hands with each other.
It was agreed. 
Ruling a country that once was a vassal to another wasn't easy. Especially not when there were relationships she had to repair with other kingdoms, but maybe… just maybe, she could do it. 
As long as she had Dorothea, the person whom she is said to have loved the most, standing at her side.
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