#mentioned Satine Kryze
kalevalakryze · 1 year
“Wherever You’re Going, Don’t Leave Me Behind.”
“Spacing out during a conversation while they’re speaking, and needing to regain focus.”
The thing Bo Katan always despised about her title was how much time was spent talking, instead of fighting. At least, when she was younger, when she believed her only gift was destruction and war. When fighting was all she knew how to do, and conversation wasn’t needed to snag a bounty when you could put your fist into their skull.
She was older now though, and understood that fighting, wars, and violence, they didn’t make the mandalorian culture great, it led to their weakness, to their near extinction at the hands on the empire. She thought of Satine often as she grew older, and found herself trying to emulate her ori’vod as she grew with their salvaged home.
Mandalorian’s from across the Galaxy had started to visit in droves, to see if it was true, to pick fights, or to offer aid. Their people were scattered among the stars, in order to ensure survival, but Bo had wanted to ensure they always had a home, a tie back to their roots.
Caverns were turned into conference areas, places were all could gather to discuss next moves within their safe zones, what would be expanded where, jobs that passed along the trade routes that had been established recently.
The room was filled to the brim with many who’d returned from the children of the watch, a handful of bounty hunters also lined the edges of the room. The discussion… wasn’t the best, even with The Armorer present. Bo spoke to the mandalorian’s about their home, about honor, about fixing the wrongs of their past, and still they’d been stubborn, much like the armorer seemed at first.
When a Bounty Hunter, armor decorated in dark greens and browns, a heavy cloak around his shoulder to cover the death watch signet emblazoned in armor too old, passed between father to son. “What makes you think you deserve to rule mandalore? Your blood? Bantha Shit.” The hunter barked out a laugh at his own words, head shaking as he leaned back in his position against the wall.
“You gave up on the thought of retaking our home, if I’m correct. Your family joined the empire up until the Rebellion gained traction, so perhaps leave the judgement of blood out of any challenge you have for me.” The Mand’alor spat back without missing a beat. She’d known his father during her own stint with the Death Watch, a man with no honor, who hid behind his armor like a child.
The conversations continued much in this fashion around her, as children of the watch started to question if The Way even mattered, while the bounty hunters questioned if the planet was even worth saving-
It was… too much, at once, really. If she’d been Satine, or even The Armorer, the situation would have never gotten out of control, but she wasn’t certain of how to handle a situation like this, where her ingrained instincts and fear told her to lash out and fight, create a challenge where one hadn’t been established, prove her worth to people like her: who only believed violence could solve a problem in the way of a true Mandalorian.
Green eyes chose a point on a helmeted warrior’s chestplate, stuck on the way the artificial light in the room plucked out the red paint chips in yellow armor. She’d disassociated the second her own death Watch experiences were announced, had spaced out far enough so she could just get a second to think, in that quiet corner of her mind where she could hear Satine, could try to hear her sisters voice, imagine what she would say to her to help-
A warm hand grabbed her own, and the voice she heard was not the regal tone of her Ori’Vod, but the rich alto of The Armorer “Hey, wherever you’re going, don’t leave me behind.” Her voice was just quiet enough to not pass to the others, but loud enough to break through the spaced out fog.
Blinking, her focus pulled from the chipped armor, focusing on the dark visor, where she knew the Armorer’s eyes were focused on her own. “I’m not going anywhere,” Her voice was low, and her hand squeezed around the fingers that lay in her palm. “How would you…?” Because the Armorer felt like peace, and reassurance, when Bo Katan felt like a blazing inferno of anger and violence, the Armorer always directed her towards making something beautiful.
“You need to get their attention again, do not bring up their past, just as you do not wish yours to be resurfaced. Show them what we can accomplish together, lady Kryze.” The armored provided helpfully, finally allowing her hand to drop from Bo’s, who’d only reached once more before taking a slow, steadying inhale.
“Hey! This is not why we’re here,” her voice rose above all the chatter, projecting that same air of steadiness The Armorer always seemed to lend her way. “We can’t keep fighting, we’ve seen where it leads, to more death and destruction, to an eventuality we can’t recover from. What matters, is each of us is here now, what doesn’t matter, is what paths we walked to get here,”
“We are all Mandalorian, this is our home. This was accomplished because we set aside our differences, we stopped focusing on who was better, because we, as a whole, are stronger together. We can thrive again, but not if everyone is set on the past.” She explained, taking a moment to look past every pair of eyes and each visor.
“Mandalore will never be like it was, we’ve all changed, our planet has changed, and we need to reflect that. That we’ve grown… we’ve had the time to grow, and now we have the room. And we will, I can promise that, today. But we need to agree, here and now, that we’ll set aside our differences, so mandalore can survive.” Her hands flexed at her side, it was easier to punch her way through these situations, but slowly, as heads started to nod, and chatter picked up briefly, she came to the realization that peace was a lot less painful than she’d thought as a teenager.
“This is the way.” Sounded from many in the room, those who did not echo the sentiment, likely hadn’t been raised with the phrase as deeply embedded in their beings like the children of the watch had. Though she’d noticed one or two bounty hunters chime in with the rest.
“If you chose to make a home here, please come see me after you’ve explored the safe zones and have seen the rest of our rebuilding efforts yourselves. You are all free to leave, and are all welcome back whenever you wish.” She promised each mandalorian, as bodies started to file out of the rooms.
After the last slipped from the door, Bo allowed herself to sink into one of the metal chairs towards the center, back slouching as her elbows made a home against her knees. “It doesn’t get easier.” She remarked, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose.
“In time, it will not get easier, but you will learn the best ways to connect and handle our people. We have always been a stubborn group.” The Armorer’s tone was laced with something like amusement as she approached the back of Bo’s seat, hands resting on the woman’s shoulders, to which the redhead immediately leaned back into.
“Where did you go?” She asked after several beats of silence, thumbs pressing into the slip between Bo’s armor and flightsuit, offering a mild relief.
“My sister hasn’t always been as wrong as I wanted to believe,” Bo admitted, head tilting back to stare up at the armorer, back of her head resting against the other woman’s stomach. “I try to think of what she would do, in these situations I don’t know how to handle. She was peaceful. I… never got the hang of it.”
The Armorer had hummed softly in thought, as one hand moved to brush flyaways in Bo’s hair down, smoothing out each strand. “I believe you are more inclined to peace than even you wish to admit. It is a difficult path to walk when one has ran along a path of violence. But I believe you have carved yourself your own way, in between both worlds.” She always seemed to come back to it, which… well Bo wasn’t sure how it made her feel.
It was always a mixture of awe, that someone could look at her and see something great, and that bone deep guilt, dread at having people to disappoint again. Lately though, it made her start to feel more competent with the new world they were walking into together.
“If you start to go, again. Take me with you?” The armorer questioned again, after another long beat of silence. Where the woman had sat and debated the thought before voicing it.
“You’re there more often than you think.” The Mand’alor retorted with a bashful smile, shoulders shrugging because, maybe she should be embarrassed. Admitting that when she needed strength, when her mind would space, she could often hear The Armorer’s voice with her sisters, helping guide her along the way.
“That’s all I ask, then.” The smile was in her voice , with the way her tone dipped higher just a smidge, and the way her helm tilted to the side just a fraction.
“Come on, Koska said she was making Pog soup for everyone. And Axe managed to find a trader who made Uj cake.” Bo pushed herself to her feet, reaching to grab The Armorer’s hand in a way that was becoming more and more familiar, as they left the caverns, only dropping her hand before they stepped into view of their people once more, going to join in festivities of more and more mandalorian’s coming home.
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phoenixyfriend · 9 months
* For the purposes of this poll, both Legends and Disney qualify as canon.
** Eminent domain
Don't give away the answer before the poll ends! I'll reblog with an explanation once it's done.
"Why the big red--" I've already had five people vote in the wrong direction.
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wetsocksinbed · 7 months
thinking about the fact that Korkie Kryze is potentially Obi-Wan’s son. Obi-Wan would have been around 18 when Korkie was born, Korkie looks very similar to Obi-Wan, and his “parents” are never mentioned or shown. It would make sense that Satine would give up a child she had if she was only 16/17 when she gave birth. It wouldn’t look good for the ruler of a planet to have a child at such a young age
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voidartisan · 1 year
finished rewatching the corruption arc and i can't believe i forgot so many amazing details. i can just imagine satine texting obi-wan and being like "when this is brought up to the council i need you to make sure i get a jedi who will Cause Problems On Purpose (non-violently)" and obi-wan immediately thinks of his chaos gremlin daughter-figure and texts back "say no more"
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mytardisisparked · 2 years
Today's Mando episode has me convinced that the writers must be allergic to the name "Satine Kryze"
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bosooka · 1 year
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just a little moment from a happier universe where bo-katan gets to hug her big sister whenever she wants
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cyarikryze · 1 year
idk, i feel like it can’t be overstated that satine kryze /would/ be so proud of bo-katan especially right now. she’s unifying the people, she’s gaining respect and loyalty beyond that which lies with the darksaber, and she’s doing everything in her power to keep her people safe and well.
she even gave up and surrendered everything, taking huge risks to ensure the safety of her people, and while it backfired her intent was so good and pure. she’s come so incredibly far from when she was in death watch, she’s living with kindness instead of hate, and i think that’s everything satine would have wanted for her.
i see people say that satine would blame bo-katan for what became of mandalore but i couldn’t disagree more. satine knew how hard ruling mandalore was. she’d never hold it against bo now, especially with everything bo did to save it, and with everything she’s doing now to get it back.
satine would be so incredibly proud of her and i won’t hear any different.
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antianakin · 9 months
Hello, do you have an AO3 account? Because I saw a thing on here about you writing an arranged Marriage AU for Obitine and I am interested. (Even though I don't think Obitine should be a thing. Maybe a fleeting crush when they were young brought one by being on the run together. But not much more.)
I mean, I DO have an AO3 account, but it's pretty exclusively for READING fics as opposed to WRITING fics. I don't really... write fics, I guess. I've done the AU posts here, but you'll notice that none of those are really... in prose. There's no dialogue, it's primarily just a recounting of events. And that's about as far as my creative writing skills really go.
The Obitine Arranged Marriage AU is something I wrote up on Tumblr, and you can find it here. I ALSO dislike Obitine and don't think it should be a thing and that's actually exactly why I wrote the AU, to explore what a relationship between them might have actually looked like and just how miserable and disastrous it would've been for both of them. What fleeting feelings had been there from their teenage hormones would NOT have lasted very long when up against some of the outside pressures they'd have faced.
The major thing I wanted to do in that AU was sort-of make something that went AGAINST a lot of the more popular tropes I see with Obi-Wan. So not only does it explicitly look at how BAD this relationship with Satine would be because of how badly matched their personalities are, it ALSO explicitly has Obi-Wan not at all happy in Mandalorian culture. He's not accepted within it and it's SO vastly different from Jedi culture that he can't be truly comfortable within it. He assimilates as much as he is required to as Satine's spouse, but he doesn't LIKE it much and tries to hold onto as much of his Jedi culture as he can, regardless of how uncomfortable it might make Satine or the other Mandalorians feel.
I tried to make the AU not like... a demonization of Satine, but she doesn't come off well in it, either. I'm not a huge fan of her character and I'm especially not a fan of her relationship with Obi-Wan. I am personally of the opinion that the way that relationship is written sort-of ruins Obi-Wan as a character in many ways, and that feeling absolutely comes across in this AU. Satine is... prioritizing other things in the AU above Obi-Wan, and while that can be an admirable trait on its own, it becomes very clear that it has an adverse effect on her personal relationship with someone she asked to make a major sacrifice for her. And as that relationship continues to dissolve and sour, she gets defensive because she's a teenager under immense amounts of political pressure and something has to give and she decides to let it be her relationship with Obi-Wan.
This is kind-of an exploration of exactly why this kind of relationship DOES NOT WORK unless both parties are particularly willing to enter into this dynamic. Satine CANNOT prioritize Obi-Wan over her people and her duty, but she married him, and Obi-Wan had certain expectations about how that would look that are completely unmet, which lea ds to resentment and frustration on both sides. Obi-Wan is also just someone who isn't going to be happy sitting on the sidelines doing nothing, so this dynamic works extremely badly for him in a way it may not for someone else.
Satine does ultimately come around and start to realize just how much damage she's done and tries to make amends, but in many ways it's too late. Obi-Wan is TRYING and Satine is TRYING, but they just. Can't. Connect. They can't understand each other now that they're not within the relatively simpler situation of being on the run for their lives, and that inability to see from each other's perspectives rips them apart.
All that to say that if you do not like Obitine, the Obitine Arranged Marriage AU is probably for you lol.
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merrysithmas · 1 year
only in the SW fandom do you have ppl look at a pacifist woman who is beloved by millions of her people and stands against centuries of war and bloodshed and go "ugh she committed genocide"
and then have the same ppl turn around and watch her sister, known terrorist Leader in a group of terrorists that purposefully murders her own people (to bring them back to a world of war), kills her own sister, and they go "omg princess"
yes this is about the kryze sisters
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liviatrivia · 1 year
Saw people complaining about the destruction of the darksaber. Gotta say that was my favorite part of the episode.
There’s something so satisfying about seeing that hunk of metal bent and crushed.
The sword that symbolizes thousands of years of civil wars, and millions of dead Mandalorians, the sword that killed Satine and everything she worked for, being crushed in the hands of their new leader, her sister Bo. It was a final death to the idea that fighting and violence was the key to ruling Mandalore.
Bo doesn’t need the darksaber to rule and that’s the point, she may not be the pacifist idealist that her sister was but she holds the same desire for unity peace amongst her people. And that can never truly be won through a weapon with such a bloody history.
Destroying that sword was the first step to rewriting not just Bo Katan’s song but the song of Mandalore as a whole.
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kalevalakryze · 1 year
Starting something that’ll hopefully be bigger than just a couple one shots. Modern AU Nitearmor. I tried? And I hope it’s good enough
Alcohol trigger warnings, along with mentions of depression, anxiety, and ptsd. Bo’s just angry and hurting and I’m trying to see how it goes.
Holler at me if there’s anything specific anyone wants to see?
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awkward-but-nice · 1 year
tbh, the lack of satine mention would've pissed me off less if bo hadn't mentioned their father twice
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the-obiwan-for-me · 1 year
If you’ve been following me at least since early March, you have had a front row seat to my descent (at first slow, and then a full tilt plummet) into DinBo madness. I didn’t plan on shipping these two idiots and I am not happy about it. But here I am, deep in the Pit. 
Like a lot of Mandalorian fans (and people who enjoy watching shows that make them irrationally angry), I had MANY issues with the last episode, least of which was a decent conclusion to Bo and Din’s new found friendship (whether you want to smash them together and make them kiss or not, we can all agree that these two are now besties for life, right?). So, I was possessed and wrote nearly 10,000 words trying to make something slightly better out of the trash we were given at the end. Including; copious amounts of Bo being sad about Satine AND saying her name, Bo owning up to Death Watch, Fenn Rau mentions and love, Bo knows Jedi, the Armorer isn’t a great person, actually, and SO MUCH MORE. 
Maybe now I have exorcised this demon and can get back to other things....
....or not.
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madamrosier · 2 years
I realize I haven't forgiven Bo-Katan yet when everytime she reminisced Mandalore in its prime, my mind would immediately go:
right, right, all thanks to your sister, remember her? The one you helped overthrow. And then was killed by the guy you helped. Yeah. Good times.
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duchessofhandalore · 1 year
I promise I am very normal about The Duchess Satine.
I definitely haven’t seen every TCW episode with Satine over and over again instead of watching other TCW episodes. I don’t have 26 tabs of Satine centric fanfiction open in my phone browser right now, and I’m certainly not writing a Satine fic to deal with my stress. I did not get the Obi-wan and Satine track at the top of my “on repeat” Spotify playlist. I definitely don’t have a to scale replica of Satine’s portrait that she has hanging in her palace. My user name is definitely not a pun on Duchess of Mandalore. I’m extremely normal about her. Extremely.
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