ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Vulcan Cuisine
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Plomeek Soup
Plomeek Tea
Spice Tea
Krei'la (Breakfast Biscuits)
Culinary Anecdotes:
Is Vulcan Food Spicy?
Perhaps Vulcan cuisine, like Vulcans themselves, isn't nearly as bland as it seems on the surface? Anecdote by @zero-way-out
The Vulcan Sweet Tooth
Vulcans enjoying sugary treats? It's more logical than you think! (Or is it?) Anecdote provided by @crystal-mouse
Why Do Vulcans Get Drunk From Chocolate?
Glucose is far too common in plant-based foodstuffs, so what IS the chemical mystery that allows Vulcans to get drunk off chocolate? @menecio may have the answer!
Vulcan's VS. Terran Mega-Fungi
Vulcan is dry, Vulcans are vegetarian, how would they react to the mushrooms in the Terran diet? Anecdote by @sunsinourhands
Click Here to Return to The Vulcan Masterpost (Coming Soon!)
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The Perils of Loving Your Child
https://ift.tt/Q7UrxIt by menecio When Mr Hatter found out that his new wife was pregnant, he arranged for his firstborn to be sent away. Words: 1636, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Howl's Moving Castle - All Media Types, Howl Series - Diana Wynne Jones Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Sophie Hatter, Sophie Hatter's Father, Mrs. Fairfax (Howl Series) Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Witchcraft, Fairy Tale Elements, Adoption, Family Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon - Book, Character Study, Blanket Permission, Drama, Bittersweet, Bittersweet Ending, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Bargaining via AO3 works tagged 'JONES Diana Wynne - Works' https://ift.tt/z4XNRn2
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jose-a-perez · 10 months
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En la mitología griega, el titán Atlas era el responsable de sujetar el peso de los cielos sobre sus hombros, una carga impuesta como castigo por Zeus. Padre de muchas estrellas, y protagonista de uno de los famosos trabajos de Hércules, Atlas también era conocido como un hombre sabio y fundador de la astronomía. Para Platón era el primer rey de la ciudad a la que dio nombre, la Atlántida, y este gigantesco dios también dio su nombre a una enorme cordillera en el norte de África, gran océano Atlántico y a cualquier colección de mapas.
Con un nombre que tal vez transmite el significado de "sufrimiento" o "que soporta mucho", Atlas era hijo de los titanes Jápeto y Clímene (o Temis) y el hermano mayor de Epimeteo, Menecio y Prometeo. Atlas era el padre de la ninfa Calipso y de las siete Pléyades. En la versión tebana de los acontecimientos, Atlas también era el abuelo de Níobe.
* Zeus castiga a Atlas
Atlas recibió la tarea de sostener los cielos como castigo de Zeus por liderar a los titanes en la batalla contra los dioses olímpicos por el control de los cielos. De manera parecida, Homero describe a Atlas en su Odisea como "temerario", que conoce los abismos de todos los mares y que soporta las columnas de las profundidades del océano Atlántico que separan el cielo y la tierra. Hesíodo en su Teogonía también describe a Atlas diciendo que soporta los cielos y lo sitúa en el país de las Hespérides (deidades femeninas conocidas por su canto), que estaba en el lejano oriente, al borde del mundo. Los escritores posteriores, incluido Heródoto, asociarían al dios con la Cordillera del Atlas en el norte de África. Fue ahí donde, como castigo por su increíble falta de hospitalidad, Perseo transformó al titán de pastor a una enorme montaña de roca usando la cabeza de la gorgona Medusa con su mirada mortal. Puede que esta historia se remonte al siglo V a.C.
* Atlas y Hércules
Otras cosas que se asocian a Atlas es como padre de muchas constelaciones, como fuente de una gran sabiduría y como fundador de la astronomía, y según Platón en su Critias, como el rey original de la Atlántida. Sin embargo, puede que el mito más famoso en el que participa Atlas sea el conocido papel que juega en uno de los doce trabajos de Hércules. Euristeo ordenó al héroe recoger las manzanas de oro de los legendarios jardines de las Hespérides, que eran sagrados para Hera y estaban custodiados por Ladón, el temible dragón de cien cabezas. Siguiendo el consejo de Prometeo, Hércules le pidió a Atlas, en algunas versiones el padre de las Hespérides, que recogiese las manzanas por él mientras él, con la ayuda de Atenea, aguantaba el peso del mundo, dándole así un respiro al titán. Como es probablemente comprensible, cuando volvió con las manzanas doradas, Atlas se mostró reacio a volver a tomar el peso del mundo. Sin embargo, el astuto Hércules engañó al dios para intercambiarse con él un momento para que el héroe se pudiera hacer unos cojines para soportar el tremendo peso más fácilmente. Obviamente, en cuanto Atlas volvió a sostener los cielos, Hércules se marchó de la misma con su tesoro a Micenas.
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azuzeldraws · 4 years
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My gift for @menecio for the Kakashi Lounge discord server Doodles/Drabbles exchange. This story was hilarious 😂 treat yourself to this fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/25199875
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elivanto · 3 years
I feel like I should apologise for coming outta nowhere and basically liking/reblogging everything on your thranto tag but I'm unapologetic about it. So instead: thanks for the fooooooooooooood~ :D
ahhh no worries, thranto will do that to you djdbjs reblog away!! 💙
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trektribute · 4 years
This isn’t Vulcan. This isn’t Earth, either. This isn’t anywhere that Kirk could point out on a map. This is Spock’s mind.
Be sure to check out menecio’s “The Secret Garden” and other stories in our Trek Tribute Zine!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hatake Kakashi & Yamato | Tenzou Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Yamato | Tenzou, ANBU (Naruto) Additional Tags: Humor, Teambuilding, Anbu Hatake Kakashi, Anbu Yamato | Tenzou, Discord: Kakashi Lounge Summary:
“Senpai. It’s a splinter.”
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ghoste-catte · 4 years
hi!! may i have a link to the gaalee server please? :) <3
absolutely! i’ll message you.
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lizwuzthere · 6 years
hi there! quick question: I REALLY wanna read "From the Wreckage" but it hasn't updated in a while so I was wondering if it's a dropped project. I'll read it either way, but I'd like to know if I'm looking at an abandoned or hiatused story. Also, I'm gearing up to read your entire S2AU series—it looks super promising!
Hey there! I’m hesitant to call any of my fanfics dropped because I really do want to finish them, and I do still write them from time to time.. I’m just the slowest at updating :U
If you’re not interested in waiting, From the Wreckage might not be a good one to start on since that’s got the least attention from me lately.. It’ll get finished eventually, but the other ones will probably get done first. But I have lots of other completed stories and oneshots on my AO3 too. I hope you enjoy them!
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petimetrek · 7 years
hey so i watched almost human this weekend and i've been lost in it ever since and i noticed you like it too so i just wanted to pop into your askbox real quick to cry over it... WHY DID THEY CANCEL IT
Oh my dear, because apparently they released the episodes in the incorrect order and people got confused, it lost audience and they finally canceled it. But I reaaaaally wanted to know more about Dorian and what was at the other side of the wall
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deheerkonijn · 7 years
supposing the Spock in that comic's AOS, and taking Zachary Quinto's weight for reference (~83kg), that'd mean Spock weighs a whopping ~258,96kg. HE'S HEAVIER THAN AN AVERAGE CALF. damn son.
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@menecio holy cow!! (groans from the audience)
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leifor · 7 years
menecio replied to your post “AO3 has betrayed me :( I got 2 new comments notifications and got...”
at least it wasn't someone saying "u got the dates wrong wah" and ignoring the fact u based urself on the films not the books (tolkien fandom). still omg i get u, The Disappointment Is Strong With This One
oh yeah, the “you got this tiny detail wrong” or “you made a typo” is Prime Comment Disappointment
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The Perils of Loving Your Child
https://ift.tt/lO20QCR by menecio When Mr Hatter found out that his new wife was pregnant, he arranged for his firstborn to be sent away. Words: 1636, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Howl's Moving Castle - All Media Types, Howl Series - Diana Wynne Jones Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Sophie Hatter, Sophie Hatter's Father, Mrs. Fairfax (Howl Series) Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Witchcraft, Fairy Tale Elements, Adoption, Family Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon - Book, Character Study, Blanket Permission, Drama, Bittersweet, Bittersweet Ending, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Bargaining via AO3 works tagged 'JONES Diana Wynne - Works' https://ift.tt/DsKnl8w
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andijaq · 7 years
bambi i miss u where u at girl
I’ve been trying to adult ;_; 
it’s not going well
apparently i’m bad at multi-tasking 
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menecio replied to your post “Okay guys, I’m leaving pre-orders open for another day or so if you’ve...”
i'm writing sth for it. wrote sth for the family theme tbh;;; but since it's been scrapped i'm writing sth for this new theme lol
@menecio bless you honestly and your awesome writing
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radioproxy · 7 years
menecio replied to your photoset “I wasn’t feeling Reaper’s new Halloween skin for some reason. I...”
he looks like taika waititi in "what we do in the shadows" omfggg i need this
.... oh mY GOD. 
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