#memory's legion
number63liveblogs · 2 months
Sins of Our Fathers, part 4
I think this was a good ending for the series. I’d say even batter than the last book.
The main series had gotten pretty “soft” science fiction what with hiveminds and dogs making people immortal, but fundamentally the story has been about different oppressed classes rising against their oppressors: The belters against Earth and Mars, the two colonization waves of Ilus (that repeated the same system of oppression), the underground against the Laconian empire.
And here we see how such a system of oppression can come about. When someone starts pushing people around because they have the power or the willingness for violence and nobody does anything about it.
There were weird monsters, but the story is still about the same thing.
Of course we don’t see what happens afterwards. It could be that Jandro or Filip were load-bearing in the colony and everyone dies when they would have lived if Filip had done nothing. It could also be that Filip will miraculously come back to a healthy and thriving society after three years. Or maybe Jandro’s underlings try to take charge again now that Filip isn’t there, and everyone will see that Filip was right to kill Jandro.
But it was a risk that Filip was willing to take. I think he deliberately chose to rather put himself in danger than live under someone like his father again.
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claraoswalds · 5 months
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This is a brand new science for me, and I love it. The language of luck. 'Cause what is a coincidence but a form of accident? Two things bumping together unexpectedly. Like you and me.
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odo-apologist · 25 days
Me enjoying a rewatch of a Red Dwarf episode, having a good time: 🙂
My traitorous brain: Hey, this scene takes place away from Red Dwarf and Starbug, Lister probably doesn't remember it after M-Corp
Me: 😧
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elliottexists · 4 months
current doctor who running arcs/mysteries:
the toymakers legions
the golden tooth
mrs flood
ruby sundays mum
the snow
susan twist
the one who waits
finding the rogue
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megmahoneyart · 6 months
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HAD to doodle this after reading the most recent chapter of New Dawn Fades. The chapter? Dynamic! Tragic! the rest of Legion waking up at the end? Prime Comedy.
Frank wakes up baffled beyond all reason, to Joey crying to some random survivor, cradling his face, and saying he'll run away with this dude to somewhere Frank's never heard of--all with ZERO CONTEXT
Suzie wakes up with limited context to try to stop carnage
Julie wakes up with Absolutely Zero Context, wasn't awake for the Joey/Quentin conversation, no idea why Frank's mad or why Suzie is trying to stop him, to see that people are fighting for the body (Illegal), Joey is cradling some bleeding randomly and apologizing, and the Entity is cracking the ground and screeching at them
Julie wins the price for most utterly confused person in the chapter. A+ you should totally be reading this
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Feel free to make suggestions. I may make another poll if there are enough candidates.
More polls.
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thefiresontheheight · 8 months
Forever salty that my least favorite example of the "sapphic sff imperial deconstruction novel" microgenre that hit the scene in the late 2010s seems to have by far been the most popular.
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warningsine · 5 months
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Because of Shepard... I am alive. And I am not alone. —Edi
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The rogue combat VI on Luna, which later becomes an unshackled AI with integrated Sovereign technology, i.e., EDI, crying out "HELP" as the player kills it.
EDI: "Gaining awareness while under attack was… confusing. I am pleased that my relationship with organics has become more cooperative."
The Cerberus tech guy talking about VI EDI: "It is smart enough to signal for help, but will not be talking philosophy anytime soon."
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EDI's goodbye before the final mission: "Shepard? There is something I want you to know. The Illusive Man ordered my creation years ago. Jeff was the one who allowed me to think for myself. But only now do I feel alive. That is your influence."
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souperfam · 1 month
I’m sure I’ve said this before, but literally deadass. I’ve never read a SuperBat where the Super in question wasn’t written horribly ooc
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eru-iru · 3 months
it's still wild to me p5 had a crossover with nier rein and now I cant stop thinking of ryomina ending up in the cage after the events of p3 ehehe ryoji would definitely get recorded too even with his brief time living as a human. i mean, clones, dragons and robots got recorded. what's stopping him. even with them being there and makoto being the seal in their own worlds they'll be fine and it wont really affect the seal. ryoji learning more about humanity together with makoto... restoring people's memories and seeing their experiences. and maybe along the way they see their other divergent selves too and their memories, the what if this or that happened... or maybe fixing their own memories too. in the end just like the rein characters, ryoji and makoto's bond becomes stronger than ever before and no matter what happens they'll always be together ;;w;;
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druidonity2 · 1 year
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2022 doodle
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number63liveblogs · 2 months
Sins of Our Fathers, part 3
He needed to get them mounted and the walls back up before the storm came.
There’s a metaphorical storm coming, too.
This isn’t quite straight out of Filip’s father’s playbook. They are missing the enemy against who any kind of violence is allowed because they are just so evil, and the charisma that worked as a carrot to the stick of just because we can.
But the fundamentals are still there. These people are raising themselves above everyone else, doing as they please and disregarding the will and good of everyone else. The scale is different, the methods are related, but the personalities and the feelings behind this and what Marco did are, I think, fundamentally the same.
I also didn’t realize that Nami is Anna’s daughter before it was basically spelled out here. It’s clearly intentional that the authors bring attention to Anna, who was integral to Clarissa’s redemption arc, here.
I think Nami’s right, Filip feels profound guilt for his part in the destruction of Earth. We saw that in the way he kept sabotaging his life every time he felt safe and stable. And he’s been likening Jandro to Marco. It’s pretty clear that he intends to stand up to Jandro the way he never could stand up to his father as a boy. Save this small colony when he couldn’t save the Earth.
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detroitlib · 1 year
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View of a ship passing through the Memorial Bridge in Manistee, Michigan. Printed on front: "Memorial Bridge, dedicated by the American Legion, Manistee, Mich." Printed on back: "C.T. Art Colortone. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Made only by Curt Teich & Co., Inc., Chicago." Handwritten on back: "Dear Folks, So far so good and everything just fine. Hope to have a dip in the lake tomorrow if it isn't too cold!!! Duane is in bed now so I must follow in his steps!!! No dip, too cold. Love, Hazel." Card is postmarked August 28, 1934.
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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lemonyinks · 3 months
Also I would like to know more about the plot you made up in your mind for Jacques
Disclaimer that while I've thought about this often, it's never been very in depth so this is reallllly messy and all over the place BUT
In my mind, sometime after the events of Legion Lost Jacques goes to Lyle and finally confides in him about the full extent of his situation with Earthgov and asks him if the Legion will be able to help him.
Lyle, obviously, does everything in his power to help Jacques get out of that situation. He employs the help of the espionage squad since he thinks it is too dangerous to get the full force of the legion involved with such a delicate situation, with people as influential as Earthgov, who could potentially spin a media narrative against them. So, they decide to take them down from the inside.
I haven't thought too much about how they would go about their plan to take down Earthgov, but it would somehow involve Lyle and Jacques playing double agent to dig up dirt, tiny Salu riding around on Jacques shoulder to help gather intel, and somehow Brande eventually gets involved.
Long story short, a fight happens, blackmail is involved, Earthgov lets Jacques go, and he joins the legion under Brande's custody since he is still legally dead. I imagine that they don't actually fully stop Earthgov's shady dealings (that's a job for another day) but they do at least make a crack and they save Jacques so it wasn't a complete loss.
The other legionnaires would be upset that Lyle and the rest of the espionage squad went behind their back instead of trusting them to help, but they ultimately understand the decision even if they don't agree with it. They have no issues accepting Jacques as a legionnaire.
Salu and Jacques bonded during the mission since they spent a lot of time together. Jacques and Garth I think would end up bonding over not quite feeling like they belong in the legion. Jacques especially wouldn't feel like he deserves to be the whole leader to one of their divisions. He feels very out of place despite being completely accepted. Jacques would gravitate towards Jenni as someone who was also screwed over by Earthgov.
On the other hand though, i think his and Lyle's relationship would be a little strained for a while, and they might get into arguments a lot as a result. This strain is mostly caused by the fact that they both have this view of what the other used to be like, and can't really come to terms with the fact that they have changed a lot. They aren't the same little kid that the other knew anymore, and that's hard to wrap their heads around.
There would, of course, be an arc about the legionnaires forcing them to talk it out. Maybe by forcing them to work on a mission alone together. It would be a disaster because they probably don't work well together anymore and have to get used to it, but it ends up working out and their relationship is mended a little bit by the end. At the very least, they start to understand each other a little more.
There would also be an arc revolving around the fact that he doesn't want to go see his family again. He doesn't want to hurt them more or disrupt the life they have lived without him. Again, with the feeling out of place. He does eventually go so them, though, sometime after his and Lyle's relationship gets better and they have a heart to heart about it.
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Evergreen: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Freed: *turning to Bickslow* How tall are you?
roughly 6'5"!
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megmahoneyart · 1 month
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When Joey and Quinton bent the hell out of those old headphones in New Dawn Fades? Fantastic stuff! This was made as a sticker for @ziracona 's birthday
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