Dreamlike Reality
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eru-iru · 1 day ago
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Prayers of the Moon
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eru-iru · 5 days ago
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eru-iru · 5 days ago
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綾主 doodless
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eru-iru · 7 days ago
I need more people to write Aigis and Ryoji as friends, post-game or in some canon divergence au. They are made to be opposing forces, to clash for the fate of the world, but the purpose designated for them by their creators is not the purpose they chose to follow. They become friends in both because and in spite of what they are, because who would better understand their struggles? Neither is truly human, but they are both people. People who doubt their own humanity. They validate each other's struggles in a way no one else could, before affirming that yes, you are a person, you worked so very hard to be a person and I recognize that struggle and say that it is ok if you don't understand all the nuances of humanity right away, I won't judge you, because I am the exact same way.
Yes, Aigis initially saw Ryoji as dangerous, and he was, but I want them to grow past that. I want them to be able to look back at their first clash and think about how much they've grown since then. I want them to tell each other that the fact that they feel remorse for the lives lost is a clear sign of their newfound empathy for others, and that yes it's difficult, grappling with those feelings, but they should face them head on for the sake of those lost lives. I want them to come to see the other as one of their closest friends, the one they can turn to whenever they need.
Aigis and Ryoji should be friends, because they chose to be more than the enemies they were when they first met.
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eru-iru · 13 days ago
belated promo post but I wrote a silly ryomina fic where ryoji shows up for his death appointment and ends up having to babysit a very clingy minato, who has conveniently been hit with charm status. 9.7k rated T. it features a lot of monologuing and meandering along and corny jokes and one terrible sappy kiss scene. this is the first fic I've actually cleaned up enough to post in like 10 years. its ok
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eru-iru · 16 days ago
A Guide To True Love's Kiss (3668 words) by kkomaism Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Persona 3 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aigis & Yuuki Makoto (Persona Series), Mochizuki Ryoji/Yuuki Makoto, Mochizuki Ryoji/Persona 3 Protagonist, Aigis & Persona 3 Protagonist Characters: Mochizuki Ryoji, Aigis (Persona Series), Yuuki Makoto (Persona Series), Takeba Yukari, Iori Junpei, Persona 3 Protagonist Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Curse Breaking, Fairy Tale Elements, First Kiss, Pining, like nuclear meltdown levels of pining Summary:
When Ryoji transfers to Gekkoukan High in early November, he is made aware of a school myth: A black cat that lives on the school premises.
This cat isn't skittish around humans, but is very difficult to find. It doesn't let anyone pet it, but feeding it is fine. And if you find it, you'll be granted good luck for the rest of your school year.
Ryoji resolves to find this feline patron saint and make friends with it. After all, he's already endeared himself to (most of) Gekkoukan High's population.
What's another cat?
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eru-iru · 19 days ago
sometimes it would be nice if ppl just tag the proper ship in their post and not put the wrong ship tag esp if the ship is smth im not into
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eru-iru · 20 days ago
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various ryojis (+minato) from 2024
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eru-iru · 22 days ago
When was P3Hero born?
He's not given a birthday anywhere, but we have some clues.
He was a 2nd year in 2009.
He was less than 8 years old in the accident 10 years ago.
He was born on the 5th.
The first one gives an age range of 2/4/92 to 1/4/93. The second's a little harder since we don't have an exact date, but it has to be after Aigis' first activation 10/9/2000 and in 2000. That already limits the age range to 5 months, from 5/10/92 - 5/3/93.
Oh no. Astrology time.
So I don't actually know too much about it. It's actually super interesting looking into it and seeing how manipulative all of it is. But this is a fictional character, and things that don't matter in real life can here. I just looked up the signs and their meanings for all possible birthdays and narrowed it down to 5/3.
March 5th 1993! How nice. Wish I had a better explanation for the astrology, but someone who knows more about it than me/manages to find information that isn't entirely a scam might be able to.
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eru-iru · 22 days ago
happy march 5th also thank you for crying makoto i'm sobbing now (ಥ﹏ಥ)
you're welcome we all cry together on these painful days in march TᴖT
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eru-iru · 22 days ago
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I chooseth this fate of mine own free will
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eru-iru · 22 days ago
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let's go, ryoji
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eru-iru · 22 days ago
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thank you
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eru-iru · 25 days ago
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Potential keychain design, but mostly silly little thing
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eru-iru · 26 days ago
I want to hear people's reasoning as to how Ryoji being Death is a reason to dislike him. One, that's not his fault. In fact, he's very upset about it. Two, how badly are you misinterpreting P3 to say that that's an inherantly bad thing.
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eru-iru · 1 month ago
wtf are the b0ts here replying with their stupid links under posts thats twice now that happened that i saw
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eru-iru · 1 month ago
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