beardedmrbean · 6 days
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gifmovie · 1 year
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monster-or-man · 1 year
You ever heard of an Alatreon, Achim?
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"I do not wish to talk about it."
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I was thinking about the phrase "never meet your heros" and it reminded me of the one time in fourth grade when I wrote a page and a half on guinea pigs instead of a personal hero because I didn't have a hero.
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citrus-system · 2 years
Considering that between 2020-2022 we went from 6 known alters to 13, I think I’m just not sitting well with bumping that number up.
Idk I’m not new I just don’t feel like I’m on the list I’m looking at. I don’t feel blurry or like a mix or anything, idk I’m just vomit typing
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thelkysnzstar · 1 year
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I know the truth ✌🏻 Behind your silent ♥️🕸️💫 #lkysnz #reels #snz #post #luv #lucky #forever #memeories ,one day World 🌍 know that about our truth ◀️💾▶️ (at Dubai - دبى) https://www.instagram.com/p/ConGMnGSDbM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gurkandbannis · 2 years
Dubai Gold Souk!!!!!
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inlovewithquotes · 2 years
But then I feel guilty for wanting to avoid the sadness; dead people need us to remember them, even if it eats us, even if all we can do is say I'm sorry until it is as meaningless as air.
- Henry Detamble
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screechcat · 8 months
Ya know, there is something about a woman's gray hair that I love. When I see it, I always smile.
Most women dread their first grey hair, while I can't wait for it. When I see a woman with gray hair, that means they have survived. Each gray hair she gets is simply a reminder that they have grown.
With each gray hair, comes another experience. Something that will forever help shape her as a person.
So when I see gray hairs, I smile. I smile because that means that women grew and changed. Made memories that will last with each new grey hair she get. And isn't that such a beautiful thought?
So, as I said before, I can't wait for my first gray hair because that means I'm still here. Even after all of the pain and strife, I'm still here, fighting. No matter how many times I wanted to give up, I didn't.
So when I see my first gray hair, I'll celebrate. I'll celebrate because I made it far enough into life that I'm becoming anew.
- Olivia
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myjewelegance · 10 months
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Cherish the beautiful memories for this Raksha Bandhan… . Explore our jewellery on https://www.jewelegance.com/
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nfl2sevensummits · 1 year
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#tbt memories of my summit of Aconcagua which is the highest mountain in South America located in Argentina. It was the first time I had been up to (just under) 23,000’. Celebrated with a shot on top which wasn’t the best idea for staying hydrated. #snapsshot #mountains #climbing #hiking #adventure #roadtrip #happiness #memeories (at Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnmTjxqr2oo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Are you a chupathingy?
Really doing some meme archeology here I see. This takes me back.
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I'd blacked out it being rooster teeth too
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foursidecity · 10 days
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Figuring out how to draw him...
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trunklewunjle · 5 months
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My future boyfriend <3
(I don’t color really, Thaltro just has such prebtty art style and my brain immediately felt whimsy and adopted it)
Memory belongs to @bawmbo
Psych belongs to @thaltro
I belong to Memory
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thelkysnzstar · 1 year
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Exactly, ◀️💫🕸️♥️▶️ #chapter #three #reels #pickoftheday #post #forever #memeories #insta #facebook #thebook_lkysnz #snz #lky #luv #lucky #world #foru #you #nature #natural #sky #sun #moon #star #stars #galaxies #universe (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/ComPX9tJqGU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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So I keep a notebook next to my bed in case I get a really great idea in the middle of the night. This works fine but every once and awhile I’ll wake up to shit like this
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(Translation for my doctor handwriting: did anyone ever try shooting the Operator. Probs wouldnt have worked but ya know. Yeah hes fucking slenderman but whats he gonna do against a 12 gage shotgun?? Static it to death?? Also Jam fic where they eat jam and alex shoots them.)
I mean I make a great point but what the fuck.
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