#mellie red dwarf
wizard-beast · 2 months
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Mellie appreciation page!! (and ace hes there too i guess) I wish we got to learn more about the characters from dimension jump they all seemed so cool
[id in alt text]
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red-wop · 7 months
Thrashing around on the floor omggggg she's so goddamn pretty I actually love her so much!!!!
Hattie Hayridge omggggg I am in love with this woman
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I wish Mellie got more screen time and I wish that Hattie's Holly was more appreciated
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4749-82 · 3 months
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peacockbutch · 4 years
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[ ID: pencil drawing of Ace and Mellie from the Red Dwarf episode Dimension Jump. they are seen from the shoulders up, in profile, Ace leaning in and making eye contact with Mellie. Ace is wearing his flight jacket and turtleneck. Mellie has triangular earrings and curly blonde hair pinned up, wearing a turtleneck and blazer. she has little hearts around her and they're both smiling. /end ID ]
wait i’m back with more dimension jump. mellie is so pretty i love her by the way is it common knowledge shes an android ?? love that for her
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elusivehoney · 7 years
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What are you doing lunchtime?
Not sure. Why?
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You have selected _____ to join your party!
Is your OC a Companion in the Dragon Age series? What would it be like for a player to select them to join their party for quests (or romance them, perhaps? 👀) I’m not sure if this is already a meme within the fandom, but if it isn’t, I want it to be!
Here’s an example of what some snippets from my own OC’s DAWiki page might look like (including party banter, trivia, etc.!) If you do one of these, please tag me, I’d love to see! ^_^
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(tarot art by @ravietta​)
Mellan Lavellan (born 9:16 Dragon) is a Dalish mage and anthropologist of elvhen history. She is a companion and a romance option for a male or female human, dwarf, or qunari Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Her Ability Tree includes Mage specific abilities, though leveling up Storm is favored in-game. Mellan’s Ability Tree also includes the Fade Walker specialization, which includes Spells such as Fade Memories, Fade Translator, & Fade Recharge. Their main uses are to support the Inquisitor player and the rest of the party, and will leave Mellan open to enemy attacks.
Combat comments
Kills an enemy
Stay away!
Low Health
A little help would be lovely!
This isn’t good, is it?
Low Health (Companions)
(The Inquisitor) The Inquisitor is in danger!
(The Inquisitor - if Dalish) Ea son, lethallen?
(The Inquisitor - Aislin World State) Someone help Ash, now!
(Solas) Hahren, are you alright?
(Dorian) Dorian needs help!
(Cole) Cole, please, be careful!
Fallen companions
(The Inquisitor) No, you’re not leaving like this!
(The Inquisitor - Aislin World State) No, no, no, get up!
(Solas) We can’t leave Solas!
(Solas - if romanced by Mellan) Ema’melana, vhenan!
(Dorian) No, you’re not allowed to leave!
(Cole) Cole, no!
(Varric) Fenedhis--Varric!
(Iron Bull) Bull, I cannot lift you by myself!
Location comments
Cradle of Sulevin
(Approaching an altar)
Inquisitor: There’s an altar.
Mellan: Perhaps you would like me to inspect it first?
Emerald Graves
I really do wish our library held more information on the Emerald Knights. So much seems to have been lost.
(Elgar’nan’s Bastion)
Mellan: I wonder what sort of memories can be found here...
Dorian: Don’t dawdle, Melly.
Emprise du Lion
Mellan: I have snow in places snow should not be.
Solas: Behave.
(near Red Lyrium)
I’d rather we leave now, thanks.
Exalted Plains
These lands require patience.
Our people deserve so much more than this pain.
(Ghilan’nain’s Grove)
Mellan: Ma falon, I feel... discomforted here.
Solas: Why would you say that, imp?
Mellan: I... never mind.
Storm Coast:
Well, this isn’t so bad.
Companion comments about Mellan
Blackwall: Mellan is a nice young lady. Weird... but nice.
Varric: (Laughs) You know, I tried to get Melon to read one of my books for once... her face turned red as her hair!
Varric (if romanced by Solas): Chuckles better be taking care of the kid, if he knows what’s good for him. All I’m going to say on that.
Sera: Oh, Melly? She’s great; for an elf-y elf. Kinda boring, though. ‘Less you get her to drink, pfft.
Solas: Mellan is an incredibly bright young woman. I look forward to seeing how she progresses with her training.
Solas (if romanced by Mellan): (coughs) Mellan? I am--the Inquisition is truly lucky to have her.
Dorian: Melly? Do tell her to return the books she “borrowed.” All twelve of them, this time. Thank you!
If Mellan is romanced by the Inquisitor, she will continue her research on the Evanuris alone, but will write to her love interest often, leaving the future of their relationship a mystery. If in a relationship with Solas, Mellan is no longer a companion option. She does not appear at the Winter Palace, which Dorian comments on “despite his attempts to contact her.” In the Epilogue, it is revealed that this is due to the fact that she has joined the Agents of Fen’Harel and is working alongside Solas.
Mellan’s greatest fear is losing her loved ones.
Mellan is only non-romancable by Dalish Inquisitors, due to the fact that she is of the same clan.
If the Inquisitor doesn’t romance Mellan or Solas, their party banter indicates that they begin a relationship.
When at rest, Mellan’s in-game model adjusts to stand on tip-toe.
She is demisexual.
Late game party banter with a spirit of the Fade suggests that Mellan is actually nonbinary.
At Skyhold, Mellan can be found in the Rotunda/Library on a rotation, or in one of the trees in the courtyard (depending on approval rating.) A stack of books denotes which tree she is in.
The Aislin World State is a Mod based on the Twinquisitors AU Fanfiction, Dueteragony. It includes new dialogue options for Mellan, as well Rift-sealing abilities and an automatically maxed-out approval rating for the Inquisitor.
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nanouogg · 4 years
The Red Dwarf 30 Day Challenge
Day 26: An episode featuring Ace Rimmer I really Like Stoke me a Clipper, the Hamster/cougar and the one I’ve chosen seriously lack air crocodile surfing but:
The one and only: Dimension Jump!
With the oringinal Ace - Top Gun - theme.
And the flirting with Lister and making Rimmer jealous
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And the incredible chemistry with Mellie (seriously -  the moment their noses almost touch! - how can they wait till lunch?!).
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And the original wig! (when I say they have the cutest dynamic!)
I was surprised rewatching the show that Rimmer says “What a Guy!” about his double in Me² and asks Lister to call him Ace in front of the women of the Nova 5.
I don’t know what to think when Ace is about to kick Rimmer’s ass after he made all those homophobic comments. Is that classical 90′s gay panic and he feels insulted? Or is he mad that a version of himself is homophobe??
Jour 26: Un épisode avec Ace Rimmer J’aime beaucoup Stoke me a Clipper, le hamster/cougar et l’épisode que j’ai choisi manque cruellement de surf dans les airs à dos de crocodile, mais: Le seul et unique Dimension Jump! Avec la 1ere version du thème de Ace façon Top Gun.
Et le fait qu’il flirt honteusement avec Lister pour rendre Rimmer jaloux.
Et l’incroyable alchimie avec Mellie! (Sérieusement le moment où leurs nez se touchent presque à 1min53... et vous voulez me faire croire qu’ils attendent jusqu’au déjeuner??)
Et la VRAIE perruque! Pas celle là:
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J’ai été surprise en revoyant la série que Rimmer dise “What a Guy!” en parlant de son double dans Me² et qu’il demande à Lister de l’appeler Ace devant l’équipage féminin du Nova 5.
Je ne sais pas quoi penser quand Ace est sur le point de casser la gueule de Rimmer parce qu’il fait des commentaires homophobes. Est-ce que c’est la classique gay-panique des années 90 et il se sent insulté? Ou bien il est énervé qu’une version de lui puisse être homophobe??
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transferengi · 4 years
Red Dwarf 30-Day Challenge
Day 5 - Female Holly or male Holly?
Ughhhh another super hard one. Okay. The first time i watched the show, i missed Norman so much when he was gone. i love male Holly for the nostalgia factor, he had (and continues to have) some of the best one-liners, and the delight I get from listening to the audience scream when he shows back up in Skipper and in TPL is >>>>>> 
But. I really took Hattie for granted and I think looking back on it, now having watched the show twice in its entirety and plenty of episodes way more than that, I think I have to go with female Holly. She just brought a different energy to the group that I loved, Hattie was brilliant in the role, it was such a treat having her as ‘Mellie’ in Dimension Jump... actually, her but in the fishing scene in Dimension Jump was amazing... and her reaction to seeing Ace... okay I’m gonna just stop talking about Dimension Jump now but you get what I mean. 
Anyway, all this to say, I love them both so much but I think female Holly wins out, and I really miss her and wish Hattie could come back even for a cameo.
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holo-fish · 6 years
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I was tagged by @oh-smeg​ to name my top ten favourite female characters. I twisted the prompt...slightly.
Top Ten Favourite Female Characters in Red Dwarf:
Kristine Kochanski, Holly, Arlene Rimmer, Deb Lister, Camile, Nirvana Crane, Mrs. Rimmer, Katerina Bartikovsky, Harmony de Gauthier, and Mellie
Aka: The badass ladies behind the boys from the Dwarf
(Although, just plain...bad, in the case of Mrs. Rimmer)
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bourbonboredom · 6 years
Silver Lining Chapter 11
If you’re ever gonna find a silver lining, it’s gotta be a cloudy day
A ClydexReader fanfic
Word Count: 4,168
Warnings: none
Silver Lining Masterlist
Tag List: @oh-adam  @kyloren-supreme-ben   @xis23@elsablackswift   @ladygrey03 @grey-reylo-solo  @givemelifeorgiveme  @attorneyl @ayatimascd @redhairedfeistynerd
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Celebrating committing a heist isn't something Clyde really knew how to do, but him and his partners in crime eventually settled on a round of shots. Everyone came to Duck Tape to cheers in the most discreet may possible. Jimmy and his new girlfriend came in from out of state, Mellie came from the salon and the Bang brothers trudged in from their various homes. The bar was fairly busy that night, and no one was paying much attention to the small group.
Clyde went around the bar giving everyone shots, and he meant everyone. He gave out free shots to everyone in the establishment with the help his girlfriend. People across the bar shouted their thanks to him for the round. He noticed one lone patron sitting at the far end of the bar. Her glass was empty and she was staring straight at him.
“Another especiál for the lady?”
“Yes, but make it a double, it’s bad luck to toast on your own,”
“That it is” he said with a little smile, he poured two shots and sent one her way. They smiled at one another and toasted.
“I’d remember if i’d seen you around before,” he said
“I’m not from around here, but i think ill stick around for a while,” she said, leaning her body over the bar while looking him up and down.
He felt a little flustered, he wasn't used to women flirting with him so openly. He nodded in her direction and walked away.
“Your face is all red, are you okay?” his girlfriend asked as he approached her at the other end of the bar.
“I think that woman was flirtin’ with me,” he said nervously, not knowing how his girlfriend would react to that statement.
“Aw look at you, I’ve never seen your face turn that color before,” she cooed, “She probably was, you're cuter than you give yourself credit for,”
“A-and you’re okay with that? Customers flirtin’ with me?”
“I mean, you’re still coming home with me, right?” he nodded in response, “Then it’s all good. We’re bartenders, people love to flirt with people who give them drinks, its part of the job,”
“Thank you darlin’,”
“I think she’s waving you over again, go get her,” she said, sending him off with a hand squeeze.
“She’s probably gonna ask for a blood moon, it’s that time of night,”
“Wait, you know her?”
“Yeah, she came here a couple times while you were in jail. She works for the FBI. One time she came in asking about that hillbilly heist that happened back in May, but I didn't know much about all that, so we shot the breeze. She asked about who owned the bar and stuff,”
“Did you just say she’s an FBI agent?” his voice dropped and he gripped her hand.
“Yeah, but it looks like she's off duty right now,”
“What did she ask you about?”
“Just what I had heard, mostly. And then where you were and if anyone was helping me out with the bar, if I had the funds to keep it going while you were away. It was pretty friendly stuff, I think she was just concerned that I was running the bar by myself. Why is something wrong?”
“If she asks anything else just stay as neutral as possible,” he said quietly, meeting her gaze as a very intense level.
“Clyde, you’re acting funny,” she whispered, studying his face.
“Everything is fine, don’t worry, just don’t talk to her,”
“You’re not telling me something. Are you in trouble?”
“I’ll tell you later, just please don’t so anything until I talk to you,” he pleaded, letting her hand go and walking back over to the woman. She smiled as she handed him her empty glass.
He stole a peak back at his girlfriend, who’s brow was slightly furrowed as she gawked at him. She eventually just shook her head and went back to serving the other end of the bar. The guilt weighed heavy on his chest. He didn’t want to keep anything from her, the woman he was sharing his life with. But he couldn’t talk about it Not right now.
The bar was officially closed a few hours later. The woman had left around 11:00pm, and the rest of the patrons petered out after. All that was left was Jimmy, Mellie, his girlfriend and himself. His siblings weren't aware of the current tension in the room between the two of them. He would steal glances at her throughout the night, she would refuse to meet his gaze every time. She worked quickly and quietly to clean the bar, avoiding any small talk.
“I’m gonna tell her,” he said to his siblings as she left the room to go restock napkins.
“You’re gonna tell her what?” Jimmy asked slowly
“About the heist. She told me that woman who was sitting across the bar from y’all is an FBI agent. She came in a few months ago asking all sorts of questions about me and the bar. She’s getting dragged into this, I gotta tell her,”
“Now, I dont think thats a good idea—“
“She won’t tell no one,” Mellie spoke over her brother, “Besides, if that woman is gonna be poking around, we could use another set of ears,”
Jimmy looked unconvinced.
“What are we gonna do if she slips up?” he asks.
“We had the Bang brothers in on this and you’re worried about her slipping up?” Mellie reasoned.
“She’d got a point,” Clyde mumbled.
“I don’t believe y’all. If we get caught, we’re goin’ away to jail for forever,” Jimmy’s brow furrowed as he spoke.
“She won’t tell no one,” Clyde spoke with certainty. He needed to do this. He stared down his brother, who was returning the intense eye contact.
“She won’t do anything to endanger Clyde,” Mellie reassured.
Jimmy was silent for a moment, his jaw shifting as he ground his teeth. Clyde knew that look, he wasn’t happy with younger siblings. But Clyde was going to back down. This was important to him. She was important to him. He took another look at his brother, his expression remaining firm. Jimmy rolled his eyes after a few moments, he knew he wasn't going to win this fight against his little brother. He shook his head and waved his hand, Clyde could do what he wanted.
She came back in to the room with a box of napkins and they quickly dispersed.
“I’ll be ready to go in ten if you’re all done too,” she said, making eye contact with him for the first time in hours.
He nodded and motioned to his siblings that it was time to leave. They got up and said their goodbyes, leaving the two alone.
As promised, Clyde and her locked up and got into her car ten minutes later. She turned the key and her car sprang to life in the darkness of the night. They drove down the road to her house. It was dead quiet for the first few minutes. Clyde didn't know what to say to her, and she certainly wasn't talking. Just as he was about to open his mouth and begin to explain, she spoke.
“So when were you planning on telling me that you were part of the hillbilly heist?” He froze.
“What makes you say that?” he asked slowly, trying to figure out how she pieced that together in just a few hours.
“Well, after you started acting strange after I brought up the FBI lady, I thought about the kinds of questions she asked me. She had a lot of questions about how you landed in jail, and how I was getting the money to run Duck Tape. Then she asked me what I thought about that robbery, and I didn't know much about it at the time. Hell, they gave the money back, there wasn't much to say. And you were in jail, hours away from Speedway. It never even crossed my mind that you could be involved.
But then I started thinking about that money you gave to my ex. That was a lot Clyde, more than just savings. So I peaked around the storage room and found a few stacks of bills hidden away in a box of straws on the shelf you thought I couldn't reach,”
She took her eyes off the road for a minute to get a good look at her boyfriend. He shifted uncomfortably in her gaze, having trouble making direct eye contact.
“I didn’t know how to tell you,” he said simply, “It was before we were together, and Jimmy wanted to keep it in the family after we did,”
“I can understand that,” she had her eyes back on the road.
“I didn’t even know Jimmy had kept any of the money, I thought all of it was on that truck they found. He didn’t tell me until I got out of jail. And we only got our hands on it a few weeks ago. It’s complicated,”
“I’m sure it is, especially if the FBI hasn't figured it out by now,”
“You didn’t tell her anything, right?”
“Of course not,” she furrowed her brow “I’m not gonna tell anyone,”
He knew she wouldn’t, but it was still relief to hear her say it.
“Thank you darlin’,” he said quietly.
They pulled into the driveway, and she turned off the engine, leaving them in the darkness. He looked over at her, their eyes adjusting in the dark.
“I love you, no matter what crazy thing you got into,” she assured him. She grabbed his hand, which dwarfed hers as she brought it to her lips for a quick kiss.
“I love you too,” he said, those three words carrying more meaning than he could say in a thousand others.
“Let’s go inside and talk this out, we need a united front if you want that lady to stop poking around,”
The “United Front” took the form of a meeting. Everyone who was involved in the heist needed to meet up and figure this out. The main problem of this was meeting just about anywhere in Boone County would draw a lot of suspicion. They didn’t know anything about this agent or who she may have in on this, and they were a large group. They would have to find a place where they could talk in peace.
Meeting at a diner in Kingsport, Tennessee in the middle of the night had been Jimmy's idea. It was far enough away that they wouldn't have to worry about being tailed, and the diner was open all night. They would take separate cars and come in at slightly different times, just to make sure.
Jimmy and Mellie were already there by the time Clyde and her had arrived. It was nearly midnight, Clyde let the new hires take over that night. He knew the lady didn't typically come in on that day so she wouldn't be around the ask questions. He was thankful for the night off, but would much rather spend it at home with her instead of driving three hours to plot.
They slid into the booth with the rest of the Logan siblings, promptly ordering coffee in order to stay awake. This was gonna be a long night.
"Where're the Bang brothers?" Clyde asked.
"Late as always," Mellie grumbled, picking at a plate of fries.
"They'd better be here soon, we got work to do," Jimmy looked exhausted, still wearing his work clothes.
The Bang brothers walked in about ten minutes later, making their way over to the table loudly.
"Quiet down, you're supposed to be discreet," Jimmy hissed as they said into the booth.
"You had us drive 3 damn hours, I ain't taking no lip," Joe shot back.
“It’s better than being in jail again and you know it. Did y'all park separate? Away from the building?" Jimmy asked.
The younger brothers looked at each others, slightly dumbstruck.
"We just parked in the lot," a collective groan came from the rest of the table.
"Get to movin' your cars, you're gonna screw us," Joe made one of the brothers get up and move the car. He turned his attention ruin back to the table, finally noticing there was an extra person.
"Now I'd remember if someone as pretty as you was mixed up in all this," he smiled, his piercing blue eyes cutting right through her.
"She's Clyde's girlfriend," Jimmy said plainly.
"We'll good for you for datin' up," Joe teased the younger Logan brother. She simply put her hand on top of his prosthetic one, staring back at the man.
"He's datin' just where he needs to be," she said defensively, giving him a little squeeze.
"Well that still don't explain what you’re doing here," his voice became firmer.
"She's involved, she knows about the cauliflower plan," Clyde said, finding his voice. If looks could kill, Joe Bang just made the diner into a war zone.
"You mean to tell me," he leaned over the table, voice dangerously low, "that you Logans have been involving outsiders in this?"
"She wasn't told, she figured it out," Mellie defended her. "And someone else, who could put us all away, is closin’ in on us and she’s got information that can keep us outta cuffs. So shut your mouth and listen to her,"
"This just don't seem discreet is all," Joe continued.
"I'm keepin my mouth shut, I'm not here to cause trouble," she said, not liking this man who was questioning her.
"I'm sure you are sweetheart, but this smells like trouble,"
"Not anymore trouble than what your brothers have been kicking up. Going around town spending too much money," Mellie shot
"Hey!" A brother says as he re-enters the diner, just in time to hear her.
“We're spending our money accordion-ly" the other said from his seat next to Joe.
"It's accordingly, and no you're not. People are noticing, they aren't supposed to notice anything different," Mellie pointed a long manicured nail his way.
"Can we just get to the point?" Jimmy silenced everyone with a look. "Clyde, fill everyone in before they start going for each others throats,"
"There's been a lady spending a lot of time at the bar recently," Clyde started, turning his prosthetic hand upward so she could lace her fingers with his. "This one works at the bar with me, she told me the lady was an FBI agent who asked a lot of questions while I was in jail,"
"I thought the FBI was done pokin around," Joe raised an eyebrow
"So did we. But she's been sticking around, askin’ all sorts of questions," Clyde continued. "I've been trying to keep things outta that topic. My girl’s been helping me with that. But we needs to get this woman off our tail,"
"Agreed," Jimmy and Mellie said simultaneously.
"And you're certain she's FBI?" Joe asked her, staring her down once more.
"Positive. She flashed her badge the first time she came in," she answered, returning the stare.
"What we need is a plan. We gotta keep a consistent story. If someone asks you where you were during the heist, make somethin' up and stick with it. And make sure your cut of the money is good and hid. And no more spendin'!" Jimmy pointed at the younger Bang brothers who began to protest but were stopped by a wave of Joe's hand.
"All is agreed. We'll keep an eye out for the lady agent. And we'll steer clear of your bar. How're y'all plannin’ to get rid of her?"
"Were not sure," Clyde admitted.
"Were just kinda waiting for her to realize she's got nothin," she piped up. "She's gotta hit a dead end at some point,"
The plan was pretty simple, play dumb. They’d act like nothing was wrong, going about their days like the FBI agent trying to turn the Logan family in for grand larceny wasn’t a threat. Jimmy, Mellie and the other accomplices were notified of the agent’s activity when she came in to the bar. Millie mentioned the woman came into the salon for a haircut, and that she was able to answer anything she’d asked at least half-truthfully. Jimmy thought he saw her poking about North Carolina but she never approached him directly. Her main target seemed to be Duck Tape and Clyde.
She came in every few days, always ordered the same drink, always sat in the same spot. Clyde and his girlfriend switched out being her bartender, she seemed interested enough in both of them. Lots of questions passed off as casual chit-chat, and lots of requests to drink with her, but the two were always on guard. Any questions about Clyde’s life were answered as truthfully and as neutrally as possible. But as the weeks passed, he began feeling more and more worn down.
“She’s gotta know something we don’t, why else would she still be here?” he whispered to her in the storage room. They were retrieving extra glasses and getting a chance to sneak away and talk.
“I think she’s just fishing at this point, she keeps asking the same shit over and over,” she said, taking a crate of clean glasses in her arms.
“And she keeps touchin’ me now, I think she thinks flirtin’ with me will help,” he was exasperated, three weeks of constantly having his guard up was draining.
“I know sweetheart, I think she’ll give up soon. After I caught her snooping around the back that one time when she told us she was looking for the bathroom, she started coming back less. And we took the cash you hid here back to my place, theres nothing here for her,”
“I hope you're right,” he turned to leave the storage room.
“Hey,” she called, setting the crate down for a moment. He walked back over to her, and she pulled him down into a quick kiss. “You look nice today,”.
“Helps when I have someone to roll up my sleeves all proper,” he smiled, kissing her back. He let his hands slide down to the curve of her ass.
“We’ve got work to do, save that for later,” she moved away from his grasp, picking up the extra glasses and exiting the storage closet with a smile. He chuckled at her and followed.
The FBI woman was still in her seat at the bar, the rest of the space was scarcely filled by the weeknight patrons. She was nursing her tequila, rolling the liquid around in her glass. His girl went to the other side of the bar to stock glasses, as Clyde tended to his customers.
“Can I get you anything else?” he asked her as he made his rounds.
“You can get yourself a drink, on me,” she smiled, sliding some bills over the counter.
“You’re too kind but I really shouldn’t ma’am, I’m working,”
“Working too hard, take a break. The other bartender’s got this, right?” she called over to her, who gave a tight smile and finished stacking the glasses.
Clyde looked over to her to gauge her reaction. She raised her eyebrow and nodded her head, giving him the go-ahead. They had talked about how he should just play along with whatever she wanted. And if that woman thought a single drink would suddenly get him to tell all his secrets, she’d clearly never spent a night drinking with the Logan family. He poured himself a drink and slid it to the other side of the bar, walking around the counter to sit with her.
“So how long did it take for you to learn to make drinks with one hand?” she asked with a coy smile on her face.
“It was a lot of trial and error, took maybe a few months? It’s a little easier with my current hand, my last one was just plastic,”
“When did you get an upgrade?”
“The VA sent me this almost half a year ago at this point,” he thought about how fast time had passed since then.
“Oh? What was the occasion? They don’t seem to just hand out something like that— no pun intended,”
He felt a chill down his spine. He realized he might have walked into a trap. Jimmy had gone through paperwork and a good chunk of cash to get him his current prosthesis. Cash they shouldn't have had in the first place.
“It was part of some research program,” he said. “The VA said I would be a good candidate for a Myoelectric prosthesis, I go to Richmond every few months and they run tests on me,” It wasn't a complete lie, he did go out of state every few months to have it checked on.
“Well its sounds like you must be pretty exceptional then,” she watched as he sipped his drink.
“I wouldn't say so,”
“You’re selling yourself short,” she said, “I think you don’t give yourself enough credit,”
He felt a blush creep up his neck, he still wasn't used to being hit on, even after this lady’s persistence.
“W-well, thank you,” he managed to stutter out.
“I’m about to head on out for the night. I’ve been staying just down the road. If you want, you could come with me?” her hand wandered to his thigh.
His whole body froze as her hand squeezed the top of his thigh. It was the boldest thing she had tried yet, and he wasn't sure how to be polite about it.
“I-I’m sorry ma’am, but I don’t go home with customers,”
“Now Clyde, I’d like to think that you think I’m a little more than just a customer,” she ran her hand up and down the denim.
“I-I gotta stay and take care of the bar,”
“Oh, your coworker can cover for the rest of the night,” she nodded over to her.
He was afraid to see her expression. His hair shielded a good portion of his view of her, but he could see that she was aware of what was going on.
“Ma’am, thank you for the offer, but I gotta decline,” he removed her hand and got up from his seat.
“Suit yourself. Just know I’ll keep the offer open,” she winked as she gathered her purse and coat. Her heels clacked against the wooden floor as she left the bar.
Clyde stood their slightly stunned as she left. Had that actually just happened? As he willed himself to move behind the bar again, he came face to face with her. She looked angry.
“What the fuck was that?”
“I—she asked me to go home with her. I said no, I swear,” His words tumbled out quickly, rushing to reassure her that he would never cheat on her.
“Oh! Oh god, I'm so sorry, I’m not mad at you,” Her gaze softened and reached out and gave his arm a squeeze “I’m mad at her, I think she was trying to get you to open up to her by sleeping with you,”
“I think you’re right,” he chewed on his lip “You know I would never do that to you, right? Go home with someone else? Even if it means getting caught,”
“Well, I dont think it’ll come down to that, but thank you. I wouldn't do that to you either,” She took his hands in hers, examining the difference of the metal and flesh.
“I think she was trying to get me drunk too, she’s always buying me drinks when she comes around,”
“Mhm, I’ve noticed. She’s clearly never drank with any Logan before,” she said, earning a small laugh out of him.
“So we’re alright? You know she came on to me and not the other way around?”
“I know Clyde, I trust you,” she tugged him closer by his hands, “Though if we’re being honest, I did feel a little bit jealous when I saw her hand on your thigh,”
“I’m sorry darlin’, I froze up,”
“No, it’s okay,” she went on her toes so she could whisper in his ear, “That feeling went away pretty quickly when I remembered that’s the same part of the bar that you bent me over and fucked me on,”
He felt his face instantly grow red again.
“Is that so, darlin’?” he untangled his hands from hers and let them drop to her hips.
“Mhm, so I dont think there’s much to worry about. Though I may have a surprise for you at home,” She said quietly, making sure no one was looking at them as she ran a hand up his clothed length. She could feel him begin to harden under her touch.
“Oh? What kind of surprise?” His hands tightened on her hips, but she moved out of his grasp.
“Now, you’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” she teased as she walked away.
This was gonna be a long night.
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