nationenskurs · 2 years
Matthias Smed Larsen: Manden uden dømmekraft
Matthias Smed Larsen: Manden uden dømmekraft
Frihedens Stemme kan nu afsløre, at det primære ansvar for, at dansk Wikipedia stadig lyver om, at Hugo Helmig lever, ligger hos den jurastuderende Matthias Smed Larsen. Frihedens Stemme har dokumenteret både via udskrift fra folkeregistret og via udskrift fra tingbogen, at Hugo Helmig døde den 23. november 2022. Mathias Smed Larsen fjernede oplysningen om Hugo Helmigs død fra artiklen om Hugo…
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grimweaver · 11 months
I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but there is something about "Inquisition" that I believe needs a major A03 overhaul. The moment Cousland learns about what is happening, she's not going to shrug it off to continue research into a "Cure" for the Calling, or do nothing simply because she has limited knowledge of darkspawn. She is the sort that will drop everything and help the Inquisition in all the ways that she can, despite the ways she cannot. And if the Ben-Hassrath offer an alliance, why not the Antaam?? So, when I finish the "Origins" based story, I will write about Aithne and "Stenishok" going to Skyhold to meet with Meshaak and pledge themselves to the cause in-person! Would this be payment of the "debt" Sten had said was owed to Cousland? Hmmm... no because I personally don't believe Stenishok would consider that a payment of debt, but a duty of the Antaam to see that the world is not destroyed. I just got to finish the whole game because I think the experience of playing it would be more inspiring than just what I get from DAWiki. It's been a long time... I'm nearing the end. Maybe I'll finish before Christmas lol! It's taking longer than I thought it would.
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tea42 · 1 year
The Strangeness of Her Charm
Gamlen finally realizes something strange about his sister
500 word Gen fic
They had always been together. Gamlen’s earliest memory was of walking towards his sister, only a year older than himself. She spoke excitedly, her words meaningless except for his name as she took his hand and then they were dancing. 
As time passed little changed between them. They were nearly inseparable and so close in age they were often mistaken for twins when they were small, but as they grew people seemed to see Leandra more and only notice him as an afterthought. Wherever she was happiness followed but he, like everyone, was content to watch her shine.
It was always the way things were so he didn’t recognize the strangeness of her charm until she was gone.
When she left, mother and father shut themselves away. The house which had been filled with laughter all his life was so quiet  and cold all he could do when he was not running from it was remember how things were. Even then, with the worries of his unexpected responsibilities and his parents fading health on his mind, he hadn’t quite put it together. 
It was a month after he had opened his home, such as it was, to his sister and her children when the realization that had been in the back of his mind for years finally stepped into the forefront of his thoughts.
Sometimes he would slip into their old ways. It felt as comfortable as falling into a cozy bed in winter and it was strange that for hours he would forget his bitterness as if it were a dream.
Yet it wasn’t her effect on himself that made him realize it, nor the way the neighbors treated her with difference. No. It was watching her with her children.  It was the way she held them with a word or just a look. The way their mood would change in an instant and their thoughts would muddle to all but her and her will.
Leandra was charming, unnaturally charming.
After that Gamlen kept his distance. Whenever he would feel the pull of her he would kick back with his own words to prevent falling into her dream. How much of his life was woven from her? He wanted to accuse her, to make her confess, but she seemed as ignorant of herself as he had once been. The one thing Leandra could never do was lie to him, he knew her far too well.
He did not know very much about magic and it was dangerous to ask questions with a Mage living under his roof, but eventually he learned what she was- arcane derangement. There was a rightness to finding the words, like sealing a letter before sending, but there was nothing to do with it but hold it on his tongue. She was Leandra, and despite how little she seemed to care for him, he still loved her as much now as he did when she had pulled him to dance in the nursery so long ago.
Arcanist derangement is another term for hedge mage. According to DAwiki some hedge mages are not even aware of their nature. I think Leandra could be one.
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azogthenailfiler · 4 years
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This titan has been asleep for centuries. The last time it awoke was during the rule of king Orseck Garal, around -1170 Ancient, before the fall of Arlathan, and its rhythm "bled despair". Eventually something caused the titans to fall, and according to Valta the fate of dwarves fell with them.
Death of a titan
According to a song, earthquakes once shook Elvhenan cities, and they sought to tame the land.They prepared to hunt down the pillars of the earth and watched their workers scurry, witless, soulless.
In veilfire runes it is depicted that Mythal struck down at least some of the titans and gave the land to the elves, who would make it blossom with the titans' passing.They mined titans' bodies for lyrium, but eventually collapsed the mines and sealed them with stone and magic out of fear - what the Evanuris in their greed could unleash would destroy all in its anger.
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You have selected _____ to join your party!
Is your OC a Companion in the Dragon Age series? What would it be like for a player to select them to join their party for quests (or romance them, perhaps? 👀) I’m not sure if this is already a meme within the fandom, but if it isn’t, I want it to be!
Here’s an example of what some snippets from my own OC’s DAWiki page might look like (including party banter, trivia, etc.!) If you do one of these, please tag me, I’d love to see! ^_^
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(tarot art by @ravietta​)
Mellan Lavellan (born 9:16 Dragon) is a Dalish mage and anthropologist of elvhen history. She is a companion and a romance option for a male or female human, dwarf, or qunari Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Her Ability Tree includes Mage specific abilities, though leveling up Storm is favored in-game. Mellan’s Ability Tree also includes the Fade Walker specialization, which includes Spells such as Fade Memories, Fade Translator, & Fade Recharge. Their main uses are to support the Inquisitor player and the rest of the party, and will leave Mellan open to enemy attacks.
Combat comments
Kills an enemy
Stay away!
Low Health
A little help would be lovely!
This isn’t good, is it?
Low Health (Companions)
(The Inquisitor) The Inquisitor is in danger!
(The Inquisitor - if Dalish) Ea son, lethallen?
(The Inquisitor - Aislin World State) Someone help Ash, now!
(Solas) Hahren, are you alright?
(Dorian) Dorian needs help!
(Cole) Cole, please, be careful!
Fallen companions
(The Inquisitor) No, you’re not leaving like this!
(The Inquisitor - Aislin World State) No, no, no, get up!
(Solas) We can’t leave Solas!
(Solas - if romanced by Mellan) Ema’melana, vhenan!
(Dorian) No, you’re not allowed to leave!
(Cole) Cole, no!
(Varric) Fenedhis--Varric!
(Iron Bull) Bull, I cannot lift you by myself!
Location comments
Cradle of Sulevin
(Approaching an altar)
Inquisitor: There’s an altar.
Mellan: Perhaps you would like me to inspect it first?
Emerald Graves
I really do wish our library held more information on the Emerald Knights. So much seems to have been lost.
(Elgar’nan’s Bastion)
Mellan: I wonder what sort of memories can be found here...
Dorian: Don’t dawdle, Melly.
Emprise du Lion
Mellan: I have snow in places snow should not be.
Solas: Behave.
(near Red Lyrium)
I’d rather we leave now, thanks.
Exalted Plains
These lands require patience.
Our people deserve so much more than this pain.
(Ghilan’nain’s Grove)
Mellan: Ma falon, I feel... discomforted here.
Solas: Why would you say that, imp?
Mellan: I... never mind.
Storm Coast:
Well, this isn’t so bad.
Companion comments about Mellan
Blackwall: Mellan is a nice young lady. Weird... but nice.
Varric: (Laughs) You know, I tried to get Melon to read one of my books for once... her face turned red as her hair!
Varric (if romanced by Solas): Chuckles better be taking care of the kid, if he knows what’s good for him. All I’m going to say on that.
Sera: Oh, Melly? She’s great; for an elf-y elf. Kinda boring, though. ‘Less you get her to drink, pfft.
Solas: Mellan is an incredibly bright young woman. I look forward to seeing how she progresses with her training.
Solas (if romanced by Mellan): (coughs) Mellan? I am--the Inquisition is truly lucky to have her.
Dorian: Melly? Do tell her to return the books she “borrowed.” All twelve of them, this time. Thank you!
If Mellan is romanced by the Inquisitor, she will continue her research on the Evanuris alone, but will write to her love interest often, leaving the future of their relationship a mystery. If in a relationship with Solas, Mellan is no longer a companion option. She does not appear at the Winter Palace, which Dorian comments on “despite his attempts to contact her.” In the Epilogue, it is revealed that this is due to the fact that she has joined the Agents of Fen’Harel and is working alongside Solas.
Mellan’s greatest fear is losing her loved ones.
Mellan is only non-romancable by Dalish Inquisitors, due to the fact that she is of the same clan.
If the Inquisitor doesn’t romance Mellan or Solas, their party banter indicates that they begin a relationship.
When at rest, Mellan’s in-game model adjusts to stand on tip-toe.
She is demisexual.
Late game party banter with a spirit of the Fade suggests that Mellan is actually nonbinary.
At Skyhold, Mellan can be found in the Rotunda/Library on a rotation, or in one of the trees in the courtyard (depending on approval rating.) A stack of books denotes which tree she is in.
The Aislin World State is a Mod based on the Twinquisitors AU Fanfiction, Dueteragony. It includes new dialogue options for Mellan, as well Rift-sealing abilities and an automatically maxed-out approval rating for the Inquisitor.
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dalishious · 5 years
So on the dawiki page for Par Vollen, it briefly mentions a "primitive, yet sapient" (ugh I hate that wording) race called the Fex. It seems like the only mention of them comes from an interview with Gaider, and that they've basically been assimilated into Qunari society. Have you ever thought more about them, or had any headcanons to do with them? I'm curious to see if anyone else has ever tried to flesh them out lol
I hate the word primitive, too. It’s such a white colonial word. That’s what Gaider used though to describe them so that is where it’s coming from; “a primitive race which originates on Par Vollen.” 
The other mention he gave was from a PAX interview: “There is a race that was native to Par Vollen, where the Qunari arrived, um, that we have not shown yet. They're called the Fex, F-E-X. And uh, you don't see them outside of Par Vollen very much but yeah, there definitely are. And maybe there's even some beyond Thedas...”
But there is really no information about them in game, aside from a very brief mention in the Pyramids of Par Vollen codex.
I can’t say I’ve given them much thought though, no.
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tea42 · 2 years
Dragon Age Thoughts: Thoughts on the ages of the Harrowing an Anders&Karl
Karl is only described as ‘an older boy’ in the book of Theads vol 2 under the Anders section but it goes on to say ‘shortly after their Harrowing, Karl was transferred to Kirkwall’s Gallows’.
I think they are not more than 3-4 years apart in age.
DAwiki’s section on Harrowing says ‘ Apprentices generally go through the Harrowing in late adolescence or early adulthood’. In the examples the two presumably average mages Harrowed at 19 while the two exceptionally talented Mages Harrowed earlier (16 for Winn).
That Anders and Karl Harrowed around the same time makes a terrible sort of sense.
I think Karl Harrowed at about 19-20. I think they would have Harrowed Anders earlier but not because they thought he was ready. As the earlier ones above I think they justified it because he was talented/probably showed off. I think the real purpose of this is the Templars were hoping to kill him off, probably because increased talent would pose increased threat. This would be especially true in someone with a history of running.
No wonder Malcolm Hawke played like he was less talented so as not to catch the Templar’s eye.
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tea42 · 2 years
Dragon Age Thoughts: Spirits are Ancient Elves trapped in Uthenera
What if Spirits and Demons are what happened to ancient elves in uthenera, the long sleep in which their spirits wander the Fade.
DAwiki says they would enter when they became weary of life and memories. This reminds me of part of the nature of a Spirit- if it is reduced to a wisp it will retain it’s essence but will lose memories.
Most needed their bodies tended to while they slept but some ‘perfected themselves’ in that they could sustain themselves directly from the Fade. I assume the Evanuris were such.
I am wondering if the Evanuris entered into uthenera all at once- perhaps as a way to communicate over great distance because the Eluvian network was not working via Solas.
Then Solas made the Veil to trap them and consequently any elf uthenera at the time.
Without having their bodies tended some of the them would be like the Mage in the Tower quest in DAO and perhaps that is the origin of spirits and demons.
Yet, there are those who have ‘perfected themselves’. If the veil goes down I imagine ancient elvhen ‘tomes’ opening throughout Thedas -including those of the Evanuris!
Entering the Fade after the veil was constructed, such as with Solas and those at the well of sorrows would be different from before the Veil. If you take Solas with you on “Here Lies the Abyss’ he remarks on physically being in the Fade.
I’m late to DA, so maybe this idea has been around before.
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tea42 · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
for all y’all who put out a general rec for anyone you wants it ^__^
This is an excerpt for my upcoming chapter of ‘Just Your Touch’.It isn’t prose though.
The idea came from the two songs in ‘The World of Thedas II’ which are also on the DAwiki at the bottom of this page.
My idea is the enslaved elves of Tevinter would also have a song and it would be different but have some commonalities with the other two.
The two moons shine,
but our way is dark.
Sleep, my child;
Find lost joy in dreams.
Remember my dear one,
never fear in the land of dreams.
Though the ways are strange and our trees are gone,
I will be with you my child,
listen for my voice,
my voice will lead you,
the song will lead you,
the song will lead you home.
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