#meliodas and elizabeth
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valewright67 · 2 years ago
I have just realized that my boyfriend can tell apart the Itty bitty differences between my blinks, and what they means.
"I'm processing, give me a second."
"What the fuck are you on about?"
"Keep talking, I'm listening."
"The fuck are they on about?"
"Woah, no shit?"
"Fuck, that's awful."
"I'm losing my patience, stfu."
He can TELL now. And it is honestly probably the most romantic thing I find about him right now, that he pays enough attention to know them all.
Now with that stated, I'd like to give a headcanon.
When Meliodas first joins STIGMA, he's not exactly expressive or conversational beyond the bare minimum to convey information.
But Elizabeth can read him like a book. Which means that she'll translate for him in conversations, glancing at him, and then conveying his opinion
"He thinks that's fucking adorable"
"He knows what you're feeling, and he's sorry."
"Meliodas believes that's a terrible strategy."
He learns to be more expressive as time goes on, but sometimes when he's upset or stressed, he still goes blank to the average eye.
Her ability to read him carries on into her reincarnations. Meliodas is caught off guard by this at first, and takes very careful measures to conceal his inner thoughts, sometimes suppressing them altogether, so she doesn't catch that little twitch of his brows and figure out some little thing she's done caused him grief. (Usually, a little habit of hers that carries over as well, like that tendency to nibble her lip when she's thinking that goes back to the very first.)
It triggered her memories once. Never again.
But the sins are having a conversation, and Princess Elizabeth glances out of the corner of her eye at Meliodas, and frowns. Trying to be as polite as possible, she requests that King "please stop using your daggers as darts so close to the taverns main door, as it's making Sir Meliodas a bit anxious." And he stills, giving her a startled look, then glancing at his captain who - shockingly - gains a slight flush of pink to the tops of his cheeks. He clears his throat. "I'm just concerned someone might walk in at the wrong time is all. Wouldn't want you scaring away my customers!" He brushes off with a joke.
It becomes a habit, Elizabeth glancing at their Captain and - completely unaware of the fact she's telling the sins his carefully concealed thoughts - makes his opinions knowledge to the team.
They eventually get over their startled reactions, brushing it off as human royalty being trained to read their court and nobles or... something, and just start to look to her to translate him when he's being stubbornly silent. The only one who can read him half as well when he's like that is Merlin, who they all know has a lengthy past with him, though not what that past is.
The one time she'd been asked if she knew how Elizabeth could do that - maybe she had a dormant empathy or telepathy magic? - she just got this secret little smile, put a finger against her lips, and teleportated away.
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somegoodmelizabethfanfics · 2 months ago
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: 七つの大罪 - 鈴木央 | Nanatsu no Taizai | The Seven Deadly Sins - Suzuki Nakaba (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Elizabeth/Meliodas (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elizabeth & Demon King (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elizabeth & Merlin (Nanatsu no Taizai), Goddess Elizabeth & Supreme Deity (Nanatsu no Taizai), Hawk & Elizabeth (Nanatsu no Taizai) Characters: Elizabeth (Nanatsu no Taizai), Goddess Elizabeth (Nanatsu no Taizai), Meliodas (Nanatsu no Taizai), Demon King (Nanatsu no Taizai), Merlin (Nanatsu no Taizai), Supreme Deity (Nanatsu no Taizai), Hawk (Nanatsu no Taizai), Hawk Mama (Nanatsu no Taizai) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, Alternative Universe - Curse Swap (Nanatsu no Taizai), The Demon King being an Asshole (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elizabeth is having a particularly bad time with the Immortality Curse, Elizabeth (Nanatsu no Taizai)-centric, No Beta, you're not dreaming about the second relationship Tag either, it's indeed there and absolutely not on the friendly side, Mentions of Myth & Folklore, specifically about Lucifer and the general outline of his story, Pre-Canon, Two Shot Series: Part 1 of Vassal of Ark
A Goddess is cast down from Heaven by the Supreme Deity, and falls in Hell to the Clutches of the Demon King.
The Curse-Swap AU, with Elizabeth unwillingly caught in this whole mess.
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rei-yano · 2 years ago
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mangopp · 3 months ago
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dynamyte16 · 2 months ago
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Elizabeth and her tiny husband 🩷
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hazuxia · 3 months ago
THEM 💞💞💞
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keewu · 3 months ago
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librathefangirl · 4 months ago
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the-ghost-sin · 3 months ago
-Upon finding out about Meliodas and Elizabeth's relationship-
Demon King: ... Meliodas.
Demon King:
Demon King, pinching his nose: When I said "fuck the Goddesses", this isn't quite what I had in mind...
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micchi971 · 1 month ago
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Canon Melizabeth ☝️ (from Grand Cross official site)
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valewright67 · 2 years ago
I have just realized that my boyfriend can tell apart the Itty bitty differences between my blinks, and what they means.
"I'm processing, give me a second."
"What the fuck are you on about?"
"Keep talking, I'm listening."
"The fuck are they on about?"
"Woah, no shit?"
"Fuck, that's awful."
"I'm losing my patience, stfu."
He can TELL now. And it is honestly probably the most romantic thing I find about him right now, that he pays enough attention to know them all.
Now with that stated, I'd like to give a headcanon.
When Meliodas first joins STIGMA, he's not exactly expressive or conversational beyond the bare minimum to convey information.
But Elizabeth can read him like a book. Which means that she'll translate for him in conversations, glancing at him, and then conveying his opinion
"He thinks that's fucking adorable"
"He knows what you're feeling, and he's sorry."
"Meliodas believes that's a terrible strategy."
He learns to be more expressive as time goes on, but sometimes when he's upset or stressed, he still goes blank to the average eye.
Her ability to read him carries on into her reincarnations. Meliodas is caught off guard by this at first, and takes very careful measures to conceal his inner thoughts, sometimes suppressing them altogether, so she doesn't catch that little twitch of his brows and figure out some little thing she's done caused him grief. (Usually, a little habit of hers that carries over as well, like that tendency to nibble her lip when she's thinking that goes back to the very first.)
It triggered her memories once. Never again.
But the sins are having a conversation, and Princess Elizabeth glances out of the corner of her eye at Meliodas, and frowns. Trying to be as polite as possible, she requests that King "please stop using your daggers as darts so close to the taverns main door, as it's making Sir Meliodas a bit anxious." And he stills, giving her a startled look, then glancing at his captain who - shockingly - gains a slight flush of pink to the tops of his cheeks. He clears his throat. "I'm just concerned someone might walk in at the wrong time is all. Wouldn't want you scaring away my customers!" He brushes off with a joke.
It becomes a habit, Elizabeth glancing at their Captain and - completely unaware of the fact she's telling the sins his carefully concealed thoughts - makes his opinions knowledge to the team.
They eventually get over their startled reactions, brushing it off as human royalty being trained to read their court and nobles or... something, and just start to look to her to translate him when he's being stubbornly silent. The only one who can read him half as well when he's like that is Merlin, who they all know has a lengthy past with him, though not what that past is.
The one time she'd been asked if she knew how Elizabeth could do that - maybe she had a dormant empathy or telepathy magic? - she just got this secret little smile, put a finger against her lips, and teleportated away.
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ivyllamauwu · 4 months ago
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I had to I’m sorry 😭 I was so conflicted on what text to use but alas I settled on that one.
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meliodasuke · 5 months ago
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mangopp · 2 months ago
7ds again
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nunnimushka · 1 year ago
Redraw my cuties from manga🤲
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theprinceofliones · 2 months ago
considering doing official anime redraws of meliodas and elizabeth from the show but make it lancelot and tristan
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