#melatonin gummies near me
ashmitha1 · 2 years
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Best Sleepwell gummies will help you to get good sleep. These gummies are made with natural ingredients.
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twopoppies · 2 months
I was in the same flight with Louis and I was near where he was sitting. He was literally playing sudoku on his phone. It was so cute to observe tbh. Really thought he was a "watcher" kind of guy but nah. ALSO, saw him chew some melatonin gummies (the bottle literally had the word SLEEP on it so it might be melatonin) before dozing off. He's like me fr.
Ok, this is literally the best receipt ever. Thank you for sharing it with me. I don’t even care if it’s true, I know it’s true because Louis is a nerd who plays sudoku and uses sleep gummies. Fact. 😆
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the-moon-files · 5 months
I was actually thinking about this a lot but like as an add on to your humans are hylian space orcs thing. I am in ✨need✨ of reader trying potions. Like;
"This potion will restore your stamina and boost your strength"
"Buddy that's just coffee"
Even worse if when the reader tries it it's just like the most not strong coffee they've ever drank. Makes the guys wonder wtf makes humans need so much energy through out the day.
this is such a cute idea, i love how diet diffs/energy diffs in humans are space orcs aus, so genius to apply to hylians
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the stamnia boost potion tastes just like instant coffee with powdered creamer (the kind at like car dealerships/shitty offices where its not even a little liquid creamer)
and u spit that shit out like wtf is this bs
and Four, poor guy who gave you some after talking a break from walking, is like "oh my goddess r u allergic?? can still breath???"
meanwhile ur like. "yeah this just tastes like shit-"
four: "oh well yeah, all potions do really-"
you: "-ty coffee. this is nowhere near strong enough to get me back on my feet ffs"
four: " 👁️👄👁️"
you: "u got anything stronger? :/ "
four: " w h a t ? "
cue u researching how to make stamnia potions, across the hyrules, and making them 10x stronger so theyre like an actual coffee shop kind of coffee, and the Links are literally lowkey scared
Time forbids you (and the rest of the guys) from letting anyone else try ur "improved" elixir (s)
bc yes, u didnt stop at stamnia
u moved on to healing potions, (u can now regrow limbs and heal broken bones, the hylians can only take like a 1/16th of a sip like once a week, whereas u chug the whole thing, and can do so multiple times a day if needed)
u also moved onto cooking, bc rlly how different is cooking from alchemy?
and goron spice tasted like goddamn dorito chips, so u used essence of literal lava to help make it more spicy,
ur not allowed to introduce this new spice to the gorons, Wild forbid, bc he was adventurous enough (and snuck behind Time and ur backs) to try some spice
(he literally touched the tip of his pinky finger to it, wiped it off, except for 1 like flake of spice too)
and it lowkey nearly killed him 💀
like had to use that 1/16th of ur extra strong healing potion and everything
u felt so bad, but he did do this to himself,
and Wild knew the gorons dont back down from a challenge, esp since it was originally their recipe, so he (and you) didnt wanna kill them on accident
the sleeping potion u found is just like taking a single melatonin gummy, so u ofc make that thing knock even you out after 2 sips,
needless to say, no one is trying that one, not only bc it knocked Rulie unconcious for 12 hours straight (u got him to try it after he exhausted all his magic healing, and so no nightmares)
but bc it knocked u out cold for 9. that was the scarier part to them lmao, was how affected is their human by this?
i like to think thats how they judge unknown foods and liquids too,
like "do you think this tastes unseasoned? ok should be perfect for me then" - every Link
"oh this didnt make u feel sleepy at all/barely tired? great, id love to knock out cold w/no nightmares tonight" - Sky, probably
"this tastes like that thing you call, instant cough? ko-fee? Cool, give me some i need to run up this mountain" - Wild, for the 3rd time this month probably
"this barely healed ur papercut? sweet, give me some my wrists are killing me" - poor Legend, he uses ur extra strength healing potion as a way to treat his arthritis regularly once a month, but the more chill potions for any leftover aches and pains, esp after long fights being hard on his arms
Chain is simultaneously still lowkey terrified u need that much extra oomf, esp when u run out of stronger stuff and have to down like 5 health potions to heal a cut that needed stitches,
and also worried u need that much and also Wild/Wars/Rulie tend to work overtime to make sure they have extra potions for you
and theyre also kind of impressed, bc hey, youre unlikely to get magically poisoned/potion poisoned like them
sorry i couldnt think of as much as i hoped, i think its bc i rlly just need to play/watch more loz games besides botw/totk
i like know the vague plot of ss/oot/mm/tp/ww/hw and og loz games, but havent gotten into details/lets play or anything yet
i hope this was at least a half decent idea to think about/expand on urs, have a great rest of ur week, and thanks so much for the ask!! <33
Peace out,
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liillyliilly · 3 months
An Insomniac's Guide to Dreams
konoha akinori x reader words; 4580 synopsis; Maybe he could be her guide to accomplishing her dreams. The kind of dreams where a person falls in love and then magically, as if almost impossibly, stays in love. Konoha could be that for her. She just needed him to give her that opportunity.
Konoha looked at the clock, another 2 am shift that had kicked him from this universe into an entirely different one. Nothing was normal after two in the morning.
Especially not that hooded figure.
Definitely not the hooded figure that was lurking straight to the medicine aisle.
Konoha had been working at the pharmacy as a part-time job, hoping that he could use his experience working at the pharmacy to level up and finally apply to a pharmaceutical company after he had graduated college. He was 20 years old, and his older coworker had shifted his graveyard shift onto Konoha at the last minute.
The grey hoodie floated around until they found what they were looking for. Konoha was trying not to spy on them, but it was all he could do during the lateness of the hour.
She pulled her hoodie down when she slammed a bottle of melatonin gummies near the cash register.
Konoha recognized her from somewhere, he thought.
He scanned the bottle, then remembered he had to ask some questions before selling a drug like this to people.
Yawning, Konoha began the miniature spiel, “You need an ID to buy melatonin, can I see a driver’s license or other valid form of identification.”
She rubbed her dark eye bags and gave him a bored look.
“I don’t have my ID on me.”
Konoha responded, “I can’t sell you the melatonin then.” He grabbed the bottle and shoved it under the top of the table and she hit her forehead against the counter, slapping her hand repeatedly on the counter to draw attention to herself.
“You’re like what, 18 years old? Look me in the eye and tell me that I don’t look 18 years old as well.” She put her chin on the table and gave a huge pout, looking up at Konoha. He felt his mouth go dry.
“I can’t sell you the drugs.” Konoha wishes he could’ve, just the way her eyes glimmered a little in the dull light of the pharmacy had his heart experiencing minor afflictions.
“Really, not even for me?” She stood up to her full height, and leaned over the counter, propped up with her hands on the counter.
How much could an acquaintance from high school grow up in two years? Konoha was now realizing the reality of puberty, and maybe the reality of seeing people for more than their high school self.
He laughed when he realized it was her, the same 1st year from Nekoma who had followed him around during his last summer training camp in the volleyball club. Konoha laughed a little more, slightly delirious from a combination of seeing an old friend and from having stayed up for longer than 24 hours at this point.
He bought the melatonin gummies for her with his own money. He closed the store early, and locked it up as she cradled the bottle in her arms.
“Why are you still awake, isn’t school still in session for you? It's Wednesday?” He remembered that she must be in her final year of high school. Konoha tried to remember how many more days until she was going to graduate, it couldn’t have been more than a month or so.
She shook the jar, before pressing a quick kiss to the lid. “Insomnia is a clinical issue that happens to occur in around 6% of the adult population, it’s an actual disorder Akinori.”
“I don’t doubt that, but you really shouldn’t be out and about at this time. All the creeps come out at night.” Konoha shudders, he had been exposed to too many issues and body parts late at night.
“I ran out of my sweet, sweet, medicine.” She shrugged, and her hoodie slid off her shoulder a little, exposing skin to the cold air. She could feel the goosebumps crawl over her, so she gently rubbed the junction of her neck to her collarbone trying to generate warmth.
He started to toy with his fingers, wringing them out, avoiding looking at her exposed shoulder. And also definitely trying to ignore the way he saw a lack of a bra strap on her shoulder.
Konoha wants to ask how she’s been the last few years. He wonders if that’s something he should even ask. How close were they really?
He asked where she needed to go, and she said she needed to take a train with a few transfers to get back home.
“I’ll take you home, I want to hear all about what you’ve been up to. ‘Master of None’.” He throws her old nickname out into the wind, and she cringes, shutting her eyes tightly.
“Please don’t ever call me that again. What a horrible stain on my reputation.” She rubs the top of her head in discomfort, remembering her younger years teenage follies.
Konoha chuckles into his turtleneck, letting his tan-blond hair cover his eyes as he shakes his head a little.
“I only got called that because none of those Nekoma players would never ever listen to me. It’s like I wasn’t even a manager.”
“But, oh my saints, did you love that nickname when you realized my teammates called me ‘Jack of All Trades’- you tried to climb me and begged me to listen to you explain how our nicknames meant we were meant for each other.”
She coughed a little, feeling blood coursing to her cheeks, she just cuddled her container of chewables tighter.
Konoha realized he may have teased her a little too much, so he softened the blow of his words.
“You were a cute kid. Very passionate. You could talk for hours on end if there was someone listening.”
There was something about calling her a kid, when in reality that had only been just over two years ago. Konoha knew something was shifting in his mind, something that made him realize that he had missed her.
Longing felt like a bitter pill to swallow. Initially being separated from someone who he’d grown close to was painful, and it matted on his conscience. Then as time went on, that irritation of being away from her faded. Her coming in and shopping where he worked had been a catalyst for a reaction where he grasped just how much he had yearned for her. How much he still felt for her.
“Well, you got stuck with me because you were the only one nice enough to let me talk for hours on end.” She pointed out.
He doesn’t quite remember it like that.
She was an overzealous 16 year old, but he hadn’t known that. He was a lax 18 year old. She was a manager for the volleyball team at Nekoma because her grandpa was friends with Coach Nekomata. Her debate season had ended, but volleyball was still barrelling along.
It was a sense of pride, or perhaps intrigue that drove her to put all her focus on understanding volleyball so she could be the best manager possible.
The first day of camp, she was running around greeting all the other managers, bowing and telling them that she was ready and willing to learn from them. He thought she behaved a little bit like a raging storm, nothing able to stop her in her tracks. She was a whirlwind of excitement, and he couldn’t help but want to know who she was exactly.
“Akaashi, you’re smart, who’s that?” Konoha bent forward to touch his toes, stretching before the first practice round against Nekoma.
Akaashi blinked slowly, trying to solve a puzzle in his mind, “Well, guessing by the way she’s wearing a very red jacket, and the way that Kenma keeps avoiding her while she trails him with a water bottle- I’d have to deduce that she’s Nekoma’s manager.”
Konoha lifted his head, pulling his arms from side to side to embrace the tug of muscles in his body.
“They didn’t have a manager at the last practice match we played with them a month ago.”
“I think she just joined. Kuroo was talking to Bokuto about her earlier. Apparently, she can talk for ages.” Akaashi laughed a little, going over to the rest of the Fukurodani team.
Konoha dropped his arms to the side of his body, and when she finally turned around- successful in getting Kenma to drink some water- they locked eyes. He waved politely, and she grinned with all her teeth, almost jumping up a little.
He thought she was definitely cute. A little ball of energy sure, but she radiated something beyond just excitement, she carried a sense of eternal optimism. And that was something Konoha would’ve killed to have as a high school student. It wasn’t that he had an extreme form of depression, or that his anxiety was serious enough to warrant a prescription. But he did experience the ruins of chemical imbalances more so than the next person.
She was inclined to watch Konoha, because he seemed naturally good at all the elements of volleyball. He could do everything at a level that was higher than most, from solid foundational receives to a slightly more technical serve.
To say she was infatuated would be an overstatement, because she really was just a girl with a huge crush on a boy.
Instead of sitting with her own team at the lunch break she had made her way to Konoha, asking if she could sit with him. He looked around, and saw that Komi was using his hands to make an insistent gesture of ‘no’ by slicing his hands back and forth in front of his face.
He had ignored Komi and patted the spot next to him on the concrete stairs into the gym.
Akaashi had been right, she could talk about anything and everything, her mouth moving faster than Konoha’s own brain. He only got to make small remarks when she took a bite of her lunch, chewing on the rice quickly but thoroughly so she could keep going on about a movie she had seen last week.
“What do you think?” She looked at him with expectant eyes.
Konoha swallowed his chicken, “Of Better Days?”
She nodded rapidly, Konoha’s head almost hurt a little at the motion.
“I haven’t seen it, I’m not a big fan of international films.” He shrugged, eating another piece of chicken from his plate, looking out to see groups of boys mingling.
Not once during his time with her at that camp did he wish he had spent it with anyone else. He was completely content just listening to her talk, with her occasional periods of interview-like questions for him to answer. A few times during the camp he would sit at one of the regular tables with an agglomeration of fellow players, and she wouldn’t go over to him.
When he looked around though, she was sitting alone in the same spot they had sat at during the first day. Using her water bottle to draw shapes on the grey pavement steps. He tried to wave her over, but she knew how other people looked at her. They would get this sheen in their eyes that told her that they did not want to listen to her, but that only made her talk more, trying to prove her worth.
Konoha had finished his food quickly, grabbing his own water bottle and sitting next to her.
“Let’s work together to make a drawing of Kuroo as a cat.”
The way her mood shifted, from feeling the sting of loneliness to the thrill of getting to spend time with the person she deemed as the best looking boy at the camp, was extremely beneficial for her happiness.
He didn’t mind filling the role of her friend during camp. He did feel a slight scorn for all the other boys and girls at the camp though. It was rude to be so blatant about their dislike and irritation at her.
On the second to last day, Konoha woke up in the middle of the night, needing to go get water from the vending machine in the gymnasium.
He scratched at his stomach while putting in his coins. Then he saw her, in a thin strapped black tank top and short shorts. She was playing with a hacky sack, kicking it with her knee then when it would land on her foot, she shot it up so she could alternate feet.
She was talking to herself as well. He listened to her chatter about music, about art, about that annoying thorn she’d found in her shoes that made her foot bleed a little. He could listen to her talk forever and never get bored.
Konoha put another few coins in the machine, getting a second can of orange flavored water. She was in the main area of the gym, but she had been facing away from the entrance to the gym, so when Konoha cleared his throat, she dropped the fabric bag full of rice on her head.
“You shouldn’t wear a tank top, it's dangerous.” Konoha handed her the drink when she bounded up to him.
She raised an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side, “Why would it be dangerous?”
“Someone might think you’re trying to seduce me.” He joked, cracking open his can and taking a deep drink of the nectarine tinged fluid.
Her eyes went wide as she reached down to a bench where she had put her jacket, she slid her arms into the sleeves.
Konoha chewed the inside of his mouth a little. Maybe over the course of a week he’d gotten in over his own head, developing a slight attachment to her. He pushed the thought away, remembering that she looked slightly uncomfortable. He had created a mentality for himself, one where he was supposed to view her like a younger sister. Hell, he had a younger sister her same age.
His stomach twisted a little.
“Sorry. Sometimes my jokes don’t exactly land how I intend them to.” He brought the can up to his mouth again, needing something to lubricate his increasingly drying throat.
She zips her jacket all the way up, the collar comes up to her chin. “It’s alright.”
Konoha looks down to avoid eye contact, trying to find a way to diffuse the slight stagnation in the air, but his eyes only land on the plush of her bare thighs. He could feel his ears turning red when he saw how her shorts dug into her thighs a little, creating a divot, and then the rest of her thigh seemed even more thick.
“I heard that there’s supposed to be really bright stars tonight.” He offered, turning on his heels to exit the gym. She followed him closely.
When he stopped in the center of the field next to the gym, she rammed into his back, getting bounced backwards a little. He caught her by the arm, tugging her upright.
“Woah there, I don’t want you falling for me quite yet, I haven’t even shown you my best qualities.” He snorted slightly.
She buried her face in her jacket, he could see her furrowing her eyebrows in an abashed way. The butterflies in his stomach would not stop fluttering. The little sister comparison stopped right in that moment, as she gave him a shy downturned smile.
It couldn’t have been later than midnight at most, but the way that he kept dozing slightly and opening his mouth to fix the air pressure around his head let him know that he was staying up much longer than he should’ve.
But how could he not, when she was looking up at the sky with admiration.
He pointed to the stars that represented Orihime and Hikoboshi. Everyone knew the story of the two star crossed lovers, a princess and her cow-herder. They had been so in love that they failed to tend to their duties, so her father had separated the couple. They could only reunite every year on July 7th, when the magpies created a bridge for the couple over the milky way.
That night, that they sat together under the stars, had been July 7th.
“I can’t see them.” He could hear the way she was making a frowning face, upset at not being able to see what he could see.
“Here, let me help.” He scooted closer to her, the length of their sides against one another, as he lifted her hand and tried to point out the star Vega, for Orihime. When he was satisfied that she was pointing right at the star he checked in with her, “Do you see her?”
Her soft no comes from much too close to his face. In Konoha’s excitement, he had brought his head closer to hers, trying to replicate what she would be seeing as best as possible. They were almost cheek to cheek.
He pulled away slightly, just enough for some space to exist between them.
“I only see you.” She breathed out.
Konoha choked.
He immediately stood up.
“We have matches tomorrow, I have to get back to bed.”
She got up to her feet, nodding to Konoha’s words.
The last of camp, after all the games were played, and the barbeque devoured by rowdy teenagers.
She was helping to put away bags and other miscellaneous supplies into Nekoma’s bus. And Konoha was leaning against the bus that would take Fukurodani back to their school. Akaashi had shoved his duffel bag into the compartment under the bus and walked to Konoha.
“Kuroo told me that she’ll be their manager for the rest of the season, so she’ll be at Nationals, if Nekoma makes it.”
“Nekoma will make it.” Konoha stated it with finality. Akaashi could see how Konoha was staring at the way she was struggling to lift a heavier bag.
“You know you can go and help her right?” Akaashi inspected his fingernails, suppressing a grin.
Konoha reached into his backpack, ripping a piece of paper from his notebook and scrawling out his phone number. He passed his bag to Akaashi and tucked the slip of paper into his pocket.
She was trying to hoist the bag with her arms, leaning really far backwards. Konoha grabbed the handles of the bag from her and tossed the bag into the bus. She smiled and thanked him.
“Fukurodani’s bus leaves in another hour or so, when are you supposed to head out?” Konoha leant on his shoulder against Nekoma’s bus.
“In around thirty minutes.”
So he asked her what she was going to do over the next few days, and she talked.
She had gotten through around fifteen minutes of talking and was in her zone, completely engrossed in following the rabbit hole of her own mind. Konoha’s hand was sweaty, as he tried to think of just the right pocket in her black backpack to slip his number into.
Eventually, Coach Nekomata told the team to gather around and she bowed to Konoha, saying her goodbye to him.
He just grabbed her by the loop at the top of the bag, rushing to put the paper into the main section of the backpack. She tried to walk forward but was tugged into staying in place with Konoha’s grip.
“Uh, yes?”
“Get home safely.” Konoha beamed, “Alright?”
“Alrighty.” She tilted her head back and forth, twisting her shoulders in a content giddiness.
He moved his head up to the sky and tightened his face, “So cute.”
She wiggled a little, and he released her bag. She asked, “What was that?”
“Okie dokie.” She held onto the straps of her backpack, shifting it around to be comfortable on her back.
She walked over to her team, letting Coach Nekomata pat her head a little bit.
Konoha rubbed his face, climbing into his bus and slumping into his seat. Bokuto got into the seat in front of him, but turned around and put his chin on the top of the chair to face Konoha.
“What’s with the sour attitude, Mr. Jack of All Trades?” Bokuto made a face of intense focus, intent on Konoha’s potential answer.
Akaashi put a hand on Bokuto’s shoulder, giving the answer Konoha couldn’t articulate, “He’s fallen for Nekoma’s first year manager.”
Konoha stood up, not realizing he had put his seatbelt on, so he got rope burn around his neck as the seatbelt prevented him from actually going anywhere, “She’s a first year student!?”
Akaashi laughed, grabbing onto his stomach. Bokuto’s jaw dropped.
“You’ve been hanging around her all week and you neglected to ask what year she was in Konoha-san?” Akaashi wiped tears of humor from his eyes.
Konoha groaned, pulling his legs onto the seat as he hugged them.
Bokuto looked at Akaashi, “Well he’s positively forlorn. Did I use that word right?”
Akaashi nodded.
Konoha helped her get onto the train, making sure she didn’t trip from the platform to the main portion of the train. The train was mostly empty, with a few people standing or sitting a fair distance apart.
They sat side by side and she opened the container of her melatonin, lifting the lid to her nose so she could smell the berry flavored medicine.
Konoha folded his arms, bringing one leg to rest over the other.
“You know, I was surprised when, after the camp, you didn’t contact me at all.” Konoha felt a little strange, asking about something from what he deemed as a long time ago.
“How would I have contacted you? Believe me I did want to keep in touch, but we never exchanged numbers.” Just smelling the melatonin had her a little bit sleepier.
“I, uh, I put my number into your bag. When everyone was getting ready to leave, I put a piece of paper into your black bag.” Konoha rubbed his arm, getting ready to accept that maybe he had been the only one to have developed a crush that week.
“Oh, I didn’t bring a backpack to the camp. It must have been someone else’s that I was wearing.”
Konoha slumped into the seat further.
She had finally made the connections in her brain.
“You liked me!”
“It was kind of hard not to.”
“And here I was, living my entire high school life thinking that I had been head over heels for someone who had never liked me back.” She said simply.
“Had been? As in, no longer?”
She pursed her lips a little, tapping her chin.
“There’s something about the phrase ‘had been’. It carries a sense of loss, it carries with it a feeling of belonging. Like what had been was extremely personal.”
“You make no sense sometimes.” Konoha chuckles into his words.
“Maybe something better to say is, here I am. Living life wondering when we’d meet again.”
The train came to a halt, and he checked that this was the stop they would get off on. She tucked her bottle of drugs into her hoodie pocket. The street was entirely empty, and the street lights flickered a little from time to time.
“So, you want to go into pharmaceuticals?”
“Yeah, it’s a decently lucrative business, comfortable enough to live life with some extra money for this and that.”
They stood under the flickering street lamp, Konoha digging the toe of his foot into the concrete ground.
She felt a little bit like the world had frozen in time. Here he was, after two years, drawn to her yet again. She hummed for a moment. Then make a request for Konoha.
“Wait for me.”
Konoha lifted his head to make eye contact with her. Tilting his head a little, he made a look that could only be defined as inquisitive.
She really did love him. Call it instantaneous love, her crush that she had held onto for much longer than necessary, but she felt something for this sandy-haired drug dealer of hers. The way his light brown eyes almost seemed like a rushing sand dune in the right lack of light. Or the way that he had subconsciously reduced their distance from their walk, train ride, to now standing inches apart.
What kind of a person was he to show kindness to an annoying first year, taking her under his wing for an entire week. Solving emotional worries, relieving anxieties of where to sit or who to talk to, making her feel at home in a place that had decidedly rejected her before it even got to know her.
Maybe he could be her guide to accomplishing her dreams. The kind of dreams where a person falls in love and then magically, as if almost impossibly, stays in love. Konoha could be that for her. She just needed him to give her that opportunity.
“Wait for me, one more year, once I graduate. Let’s date.” She grabs his hand, and he lets her. She clears her throat a little, “Let’s give love a shot?”
“I think I’d like that a lot. It’s a deal.”
Dreams aren’t reality. Because sometimes reality is better than a dream.
She was chewing away at a piece of literature, trying to dissect Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams novel for her Sleep Science class. Becoming a Sleep Scientist wouldn’t do much for her own horrible sleep schedule if she wanted to make it through her Doctorate successfully. Despite Konoha telling her that sleeping was important for her well-being, she had the tendency to ignore what he said sometimes- it would only be one more all-nighter anyway.
He’s asleep in their bed, nuzzled into her pillow and not his own. He’s wearing one of her hoodies to bed, her favorite one from high school that had been two sizes too big.
The beige highlighter reminds her of Konoha, and she has to rip her eyes away from him to get back to her book.
Work at the pharmaceutical company had been long, especially with the rolling out of their new drug the past few weeks. Konoha was the head of the project and needed to be at work almost twice as much, even though he felt bad leaving her alone in their apartment for long intervals of time. He always brought home bagels and an apology disc, of a movie she had been wanting to watch, for her to add to her collection of physical copies of movie CDs.
Their shared shelving system was an agglomeration, her DVDs and books on one side of the shelf, and then his photos, astrology novels and miniature telescopes on the other side.
When she accidentally dropped the highlighter onto the floor, Konoha’s head shot up. It was a mess of dirty blond hair from sleeping.
“Aki, go back to sleep.” She coaxed.
“No, it’s cold when you’re not here.” He turned around and opened his arms to put emphasis on his point. “I’m basically a snowman right now.”
She closed her book, tucking the bookmark in. Slinking her way from the desk to the bed, only to slump into his arms and hug him tightly.
“Much better.” He slides over to his side so she can lay out on the bed more comfortably, and she brings her legs to lay on the bed. “I’m all warm now, thanks to you.”
Sometimes a dream is just a girl with the boy who made her feel seen.
Other times a dream is a boy who finally finds someone to let him feel a little more happy everyday.
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heavenlycloud · 2 years
sharing a bed: le sserafim x 6th member fem! reader
warnings: crying, swearing, nightmares
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when you and your members found out that you were going to be going to the states for a tour you all were stoked. american fans had been begging for nearly a year and finally there were tour dates for an american leg of a world tour. the first stop was new york which yunjin in particular was looking forward to since it'd been almost two years since she'd seen her family in person. originally the plan was for her to sleep at her family's house then you all meet back up as a group two days later for the first stage rehearsals. that being said you and the other girls were planning to just stay in a hotel, two to a room then someone gets a solo room. however, when one of yunjin's family members got sick, plans changed and she couldn't go home for risk of also catching the illness. all of which resulted in you having to share a room with one of your members. the only issue is you have a MASSIVE crush on your now roommate, and you two have to share a bed for the next two days....
you laid stiff as a board in the queen sized hotel bed, nearly falling off the edge because you wanted that much space between the two of you
beneath the covers you were sweating and hoping that she couldn't feel you shaking beside her
but she could because you were shaking like a wet chihuahua arms length away from her
it was already nearing two in the morning and both of you needed sleep but the jet lag was absolutely no help
you held onto the blankets in an absolute death grip, hoping that you wouldn't move closer to her in your sleep
jokes on you because you did in fact move- so much so that you woke up face to face with sakura
your lips were almost touching which jumpscared you awake, causing you to fall off the bed and take ALL the sheets and blankets with you
sakura was woken up by this and didn't add to your nerves when she told you, "come back up here. i want to feel you near me again."
you put up a wall of pillows between the two of you with the shitty excuse of 'so we have equal room'
chaewon literally didn't care if the pillows were there or not so she found it strange that you insisted on keeping them there
she turned to ask you a question and was met face to face with this giant feather stuffed pillow
the pillow wall not only seperated the two of you but also made it hard to hear one another talk
so you were literally sitting there nearly shouting to one another when you knew you had to be quiet because eunchae and kazuha were sleeping next door
*whisper yelling* "what did you say?!" "huh?!" "i said what did you- *loudly* y/n this is so stupid."
chaewon ended up getting annoyed that the pillows were in her way so she threw them aside
you decided that everything would be fine as long as you lay back to her
that fell through when you woke up to her spooning you from behind which sent your heartrate through the roof before you could open both eyes fully in the morning
the two of you had never shared a bed before for this specific reason
you weren't really sure if it was the melatonin gummy your manager made you all eat that caused you to be calmer than normal but you weren't blushing and kicking your feet at every glimpse you got of her for once
not sure who's bright idea it was but the hotel a/c unit was on full blast with no way of turning it down lower
you and yunjin were laying in bed freezing cold but you were NOT about to make the first move for 'im cold ur cold' cuddles
yunjin offered multiple times and you refused
*sniff* '"y/n, you can come closer if you're cold" "no i'm good" "you sure?" "mhm" "okay"
and then fifteen minutes passed and yunjin swore if she heard you sniffle one more time she was going to literally punch you in the nose- "for the love of god. y/n come here."
and that's how you ended up hugging each other like two people freezing to death in the arctic
it would have been cute if yunjin didn't kick in her sleep
you woke up with bumps and bruises on your legs and bags under your eyes because you didn't sleep well...but she did
"wow i slept great last night didn't you?" and you're just standing there with one eye open, a bedhead, and a limp.
the two of you were up late and you were just listening to everything kazuha wanted to say
your japanese was spotty but you did your best to follow because you wanted to make sure that she knew you were listening, and you wanted her to know her voice was always heard
she would finish talking about one thing and skip to the next until she ran out of things to say and that weird silence hangs over the two of you
"are you ready to sleep now?" "yeah, goodnight."
you're not sure how long you're sleeping before you stir awake to kazuha moving around next to you
suddenly she's breathing harder and wakes up with a scream that thankfully nobody else heard in the rooms around you both
your hands are already on her back and you're soothing softly, "it's okay, it's okay. zuha it's just me, it's just me. just breathe...you're with me, it's just us. just you and me, me and you."
when she's calm again you lay back down you feel her hand slowly slip into yours
no words exchanged, there's no need. just the feeling of you both knowing that you're there for one another.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
This whole situation has me far too stressed out to live my life normally. All I do is worry about Fe and Dot. I NEED AN UPDATE!
I used my entire day to write this so please 🙏 keep the engagement going. Masterlist is linked here
Jake thought he was going crazy. As he laid over the covers of his bed, far too hot to be under the heavy duvet, Jake thought he was going crazy. 
“The fuck is that?” He groaned to himself as he turned on his side, taking quick notice of the time that read on his old school analog alarm clock. It was nearing two in the morning and he had yet to be taken hostage by the three melatonin gummies he’d drugged himself with a few hours prior. 
Jake flung his legs over the side of his bed, pushing up and off with a groan before padding over to his window to investigate what the incessant pestering noise was knocking against his ajar window. 
“You’ve got to be shitting me—“ Jake sighed to himself as he opened his window, hanging half his body out as he reached down to grab your outstretched and awaiting hand. “Jesus Y/n it’s two in the morning?” 
“I need a place to crash—“ It wasn’t until Jake saw your face properly in the dim light of his room as he pulled you up and into his room through the window that he caught sight of the bloodied nose you had. The swollen eye and split that cut across your bottom lip. Recognising the shock that had swiped across Jake's face, you beat him to the question that was about to leave his mouth. “Before you ask, you should see the other guy.” It honestly wasn’t that deep of an issue. 
“What do you mean other guy?” Jake asked as he assessed the damage, swiping the pad of his thumb across your lip as he held your face in the palms of his hands. Holding you still as you stood before him. “What have you been getting yourself into.” You tossed up if you should just tell the truth or fabricate some elaborate story, but the longer you made Jake wait for a reply, you settled for the truth. 
“Ethan Callahan called you a pussy bitch so I broke his nose.” You smiled through bloodied teeth, chuckling slightly as Jake's eyes widened in shock horror. “I run a ten minute mile Seresin but it’s just not quick enough to outrun Lucas Callahan when he's chasing you down the stairs.” 
“Jesus Christ Y/n what are you doing hanging around the Callahan’s for?” Jake hissed, still assessing the damage that looked more superficial than anything else. The Callahans were old money, rich in oil. Far more well off than the Seresins were and Jake couldn't stand them or their family. Their sister though, well she was a real looker. 
“I was with Ethan—“ Your voice sounded ever so soft as you explained your whereabouts and extracurricular activities to your best friend. “Until he said you were a pussy and instead of being under him I was over him real quick.” You teased. “Cracked his nose and his bitching work up his dickhead brother who had no problem smacking me around a little.” Jake tried not to roll his eyes, he knew you were antagonistic but you didn’t deserve to be hit by a guy twice your size. 
“Ethan Callahan is a college senior at St Edwards.” Jake smirked, pulling you close so he could kiss your forehead while his hand held the back of your head still. “You’re a freshman at Concordia—“
“Yeah but I fuck like a sophomore.” Was all you said back. Missing the warmth Jake's hands brought to your bloodied face when he let go to grab the towel hanging off the back of his desk chair, squeezing water into the material from the water bottle that sat on his night stand before pressing it to your eye. “Thanks—“ 
“Stay away from the Callahans, they’re bad news—“ Jake just shook his head in defeat. “And I don’t wanna know about your sex life either—“ He squinted at the thought, a bad image if there ever was one. “I’ve been called worse things than a Pussy—you don’t have to jump to my defence every time someone has something unkind to say.” Jake sighed, he hated seeing you like this. “But Lucas is lucky I don’t break his neck for doing this to you.” 
“Please—you couldn’t hit water if you fell out of a boat Jake.” As soon as you insulted him, Jake was pressing the towel he held against your eye into you a little more. “Ow! Fuck alright alright—“ You whined out playfully. “It was just a date, after he turned out to be a dickhead though there’s not going to be another one that’s for sure.” 
You were in this weird transition phase of your life. You were at a crossroads so to speak, killing time at Concordia on a scholarship you’d managed to get your hands on after pulling your thumb out just in time. Jake was there to keep you on the straight and narrow, he always had been—but that didn’t mean you didn’t try your luck at corrupting him from time to time. Succeeding plenty, failing some. 
You were waiting for your Naval Academy Application to be approved, as was Jake Seresin—but instead of college he took a gap year. Earning a living working at the local loading dock until his papers were approved. 
“If it’s a date you’re looking for I know a guy.” Jake should have stopped talking then and there, but he didn’t. He kept going. “He’s just some guy I played football with in senior year.” 
“God it’s not Alex Ryan is it?” You groaned, squinting as Jake took the towel away from your eye. Deciding you needed to sit down to save the bout of dizziness starting to set in from the head rush. 
“Jaidyn Dolan—he’s a decent guy, should keep you entertained long enough to keep you out of trouble, if I’m lucky.” Jake watched as you sat on the corner of his bed—hesitant to make yourselves at home because his mother was down stairs and she couldn’t stand the sight of you. Hence the not so graceful way you scaled up the side of Jake Seresin house, using the pipe that ran up the side near his window. You knew why she didn't like you, but that fact didn't make it any easier of a pill to swallow. Especially since she’d been the closest thing you ever had to a mother. 
“Please, don't pretend that you didn’t get an erection the second I told you I defended your honour.” You knew you were right as Jake moved a hand to cover his boxer brief clad erection that was as noticeable as ever. 
“Oh I did, and I’m gonna be pitching a fucking tent for the rest of the night thinking about how you decked Ethan Callahan.” Jake laughed, watching as you crawled into his bed. The only place you felt safe enough to actually rest. “Still doesn’t mean it was worth it.” 
Jake crawled into his bed behind you, like he’d done effortlessly time and time before. He loved you so much. But not the way everyone thought he loved you. It wasn’t just surface level the way Jake Seresin loved you. He loved you on a deeper level. Fiercely and protectively and you loved him back just as fiercely and just as tenderly. 
“Nah, fuck that—“ You mumbled, feeling Jake pull you tight and pull you close as his chin dropped into the groove your shoulder and neck. “You’re worth it—“ Correcting Jake, you let yourself close your eyes and relax. “You’re my best friend, I’d do just about anything to protect you, including but not limited to smacking a dickhead for calling you a pussy.” 
There was silence for a moment as you and Jake listened to the seconds ticking by from the analog clock sitting on Jake’s bedside table. He questioned for a few minutes if he really wanted to set you up with his highschool pal. But he just wanted you to be happy. You deserved to be happy, you didn’t deserve the Ethan and Lucas Callahans of the world. 
“Did you want me to set up something with Jaidyn?” Jake asked as he felt your body softening against his, knowing that you’d be gone before he woke up when the sun started to creep into his room. “Can text him tomorrow and organise a meet cute if you want.” Jakes met with silence, for a while he thinks you’ve already succumbed to the chokehold that his bed brings, that his warmth holds, that you’ve finally given in and gone to sleep after not being able to sleep in your dorm. 
“If he’s someone you think I should meet.” You mumbled back. “Can’t imagine it would be the worst thing in the world.” 
Jaidyn was a gambler. He had been all his life. He started out betting on football matches, fixing scores and rigging games. He bet on horses and cars and as soon as he could step foot inside one he spent hundreds at casinos if given the chance. He was an addict, addicted to adrenaline, the rush of endorphins. Constantly looking for his next hit. He got that rush from alcohol, from flying F-18’s, from hitting you until he broke you. Jaidyn never intended to become what he had—a monster, a man who prayed on the fear he inflicted on you. But it was his favourite drug of all. 
Jaidyn’s favourite thing to bet on was you. He’d make bets with himself and his buddies that knew how he was to see just how much you could handle. He hadn’t managed to kill you yet after all these years but he damn well knew he’d been close. Especially that one time when he’d given you alcohol poisoning. He lost the bet that night when he’d come home to an empty AirBnB. And if there was something that set a gambler off more than anything it was losing a bet they for sure thought they were going to win. 
“I'm off boys—“ Jaidyn shoved his flight suit into his locker as Fanboy and Payback stood idly by, not wanting to start up a conversation with the guy who everyone knew was bad news. “See you both when I’m looking at ya.” Payback couldn’t not ask though, before he knew how to stop himself he was asking, coping a hand to the chest from Fanboy who just side eyed him for engaging. They’d been told not to engage! 
“Where you heading man?” Jaidyn just smirked to himself, oh how he loved winning. And won he had. “Little before five o’clock, must be something important to earn yourself an early mark?” 
“Im off to see a sweet little lady—“ Was all he said. Cryptic enough to have both Fanboy and Payback frowning, yet not deep enough to have them stumbling over their own two feet to notify someone. “See you boys tomorrow.” As casually as ever, Jaidyn left the locker room. Making his way down the hall and chuckling a right to make his way to the Janitor’s closet he’d left you in hours ago. Laughing to himself when he’d realised he’d gotten away with murder. Deciding he’d wasted enough time—heading out towards the car park to collect his little girl.
But not before he’d managed to cut Bradley Bradshaw's throttle cable. He wasn’t going anywhere without knowing the fact that the next flight Rooster took?
would be his last. 
Hours. Hours upon hours had passed you by. That’s what it felt like anyway when you came to. Groaning as the sudden onset of swollen muscles and aching joints overcame you. 
The sun had moved. There was barely any natural sunlight shining through the janitor's closet as you laid in a heap on the floor amongst random objects that had fallen off the shelves you’d been slammed into. Disinfectant, mop heads, rolls of black and white garbage bags, multicoloured buckets of different kinds of chemicals. 
All you could do was cry. There was nothing left for you to do as the idea of Jaidyn setting out to do exactly what he’d told you he would eventually do overwhelmed your mind. He was gonna take your little girl away from you, no matter how hard you tried or what you did to keep him away, he inevitably won. Exactly like he told you he would. 
Jake didn’t mean to lie. You knew that much, but Jaidyn Dolan was a dangerous dangerous man with no moral compass—you should have run when you had the chance. You should have taken Odette and left North Island behind. But now here you were—beaten half to death in the place of your employment, lying on the floor of a janitor's closet tied and bound. You didn’t want to die here. Not like this, not with any shred of dignity left. 
So, with all the strength you could muster and with all the might you had—you pushed yourself up onto your knees, whaled out as you stretched and felt your rips pressing into your lungs. Squinting away the tears you were tired of spilling before you shimmied your way over to the door. Allowing yourself to catch your pained breath as you sat against it. Using all the strength you had left to do the only thing you could think of to grab someone, anyone’s attention that might be waking by. 
You sat and cried and banged your head against the door of the janitor’s closet. From the hallway. All that could be heard every few seconds was a faint thud. Barely audible, but it was there. 
A faint but steady and determined thud.
“I've got one more hop, then I'm finished–'' Jake was exhausted, between actually trying to get some work done and yelling at his Admiral to pull his thumb out, Jake had spent the better half of his day searching for where you might have gone. With every hour that passed, with every second that went by in the blink of an eye, Jake's worry had begun to skyrocket to highest uncharted. “You still haven't heard from her?” Jake asked as he met back up with Bradley in your hanger, still as untouched as it had been from the moment you had come running out of it with Bob earlier that same day. 
“I thought maybe she was just avoiding me.” Bradley sighed as he looked around your hanger, focusing on all the pictures that you had pinned up on your cork board. “At the risk of sounding like an eighth grader, she dumped me.” Bradley's lip twitched as he spoke that fact into existence. His eyes never left the photo of the two of you embracing one another at the Hard Deck as he spoke. His mind was running a thousand miles an hour as to where you could be. “She could have left? Gone and got Dot?” For the least logical explanation, it was still the most believable. “I mean if she was still on base Hangman, we would have caught up with her by now.” 
“I'm gonna ring her again.” Jake grumbles out, he's been trying your phone periodically throughout the day ever since you left Admiral Simpsons office. Each text was left unresponded to yet delivered. Every call was met with your voicemail. Unbeknownst to Jake, Jaidyn had taken your phone and thrown it in the garbage. “I'm starting to think she’d just vanished off the face of the earth. Before Jake was able to press on your contact, a stupid photo of you with two cheese puffs shoved up your nose from highschool, there's a caller ID flashing across his screen that he isn't sure if he should answer right this second in the midst of what feels like a missing persons case. “Uh–” Jake's lips curled upright into a smirk that Bradley hardly caught before theses a hume spreading across his cheeks, bashfully. “I should probably take this.” 
“Who's Amilia?” Bradley leaned over to investigate what, or more appropriately, who, had Jake suddenly looking like a kid who's just had his cheeks pinched too hard by his grandma. 
“The girl from the station–” Is all Jake is explaining before he's swiping his thumb across his screen and holding his phone up to his ear, watching as Braldey rolls his eyes. Of course even in the middle of an impending crisis, Jake Seresin is still picking up. 
Amilia Fisher was lost. She felt like she was going nowhere in her life. She had spiralled so deep into an existential crisis she didn’t know how to pull herself out of it. A Personal Trainer turned Personal Tragedy. 
Most days were good, some were mediocre at best—and others? Well, some days she couldn’t find the energy to pull herself up and out of bed. Which quite frankly sucked ass because when people look at you like you had your head screwed on straight and knew all the answers to all their burning questions, it’s hard to accept the reality staring at you in the mirror. 
She’d been sucked in and spat out by an industry that thrived off insecurities and eating disorders disguised as clean eating meal plans that don’t inherently cause unhealthy relationships with food—but gave you all the means to develop those tendencies yourself. 
She was lost, but as she sat in the carpark of her nephews day care centre, Amilia collected herself with a deep inhale and a prolonged exhale. In through the nose and out through the mouth. 
“She’ll be right.” Amilia mumbled to herself as she unclipped her seatbelt, stepping out of her sister's car she’d been borrowing while playing baby driver. Her sister Chelsea had married some Naval Aviator who she’d met while travelling the states on a solo trip a few years back. They were young and in love and although a few years had passed they were still happily married and very much in love. Reuben was good people. That much she knew, and while Amilia tried to hold her life together she decided a sea change (Or entire career change in another country) would help fight off the ever looming threat of war that raged between her critical thinking skills and her intrusive thoughts.
Amilia Fisher had the emotional integrity of a limp noodle at the crossroads point she’d reached in her life. The last thing she needed while she was just trying to pick her nephew Chase up, was to run into the very man she’d seen in the car park earlier that same day—instigating an altercation for reasons she knew nothing about. 
“Hi, my name’s Jaidyn?” The man who stood before her told the receptionist at Sunny Side who he was. “I’m here for my little girl? Odette.” Amilia swore time slowed down as she quickly turned on her heels, knowing that whoever this man was he shouldn’t have been back at the daycare. 
“Uh—okay, fuck, okay.” Amilia knew it was probably just a little crazy to care, but she just had a feeling this wasn’t good. That something was wrong. Maternal instincts be damned, anyone with two eyes and a heartbeat could see something was up. So with a small amount of reluctance and a whole lot of self doubt—Amilia pressed on the contact that had been freshly added to her contact list that morning. 
“Miss Fisher–” Jake smiles for what feels like the first time since he met Amilia that morning. Fuck, it had been a long day at this point hadnt it. “To what do I owe this incredibly unexpected call?” Fighting off the egre to flirt back, Amilia bit her bottom lip and reminded herself that this wasnt a selfish call, she could be selfish later and selfish with Jake she wanted to be because fuck–getting her rocks off with a Naval Aviator might just be what she needed to feel alive again. “Amilia?” 
“I could be wrong, so please just forget I ever called if I am but the guy who you beat the shit out of is here picking up a little girl named Odette and I just wanted you to know in case he wasn't meant to be here.” Bradley sees all the colour in Jake's face immediately drain and he knows something’s wrong. 
“Wait, hold on, what do you mean?” It's like his brain won't process what Amilia is trying to tell him. “You’re at Sunny Side?” 
“Yeah, I'm picking up my nephew, that guy is in at reception now–said he was there to pick up his little girl?” Jake feels his heart stop, he can't breathe. “Jake?” 
“I need you to do me a favour.” Jake Seresin wasn't a beggar, but he was about to drop to his knees and plead with Amilia to run an intervention. “Please don't let him leave with her.” 
“What do you want me to do?” Amilia asks as she watches one of the early educators walk through the doors into the day care to go collect Odette. Time was ticking, she had to think fast. 
“Whatever you can, Amilia, look–” Jakes still looking at Bradley who is putting bits and pieces of the puzzle together just by what he can hear. “I know you don't know me but I need you to keep him there until I can get there.” Jakes met with silence as Amilia looked over to the car she recognised from that same morning, tossing up the options her borderline manic mind was thinking could work. “Amilia?”  
“I'm on it.” Amilia shakes herself out of a trance-like state. She's committed to her next move, racing back to her sister's car to pop the boot and rummage through the craziest survival kit she’s ever seen. Making a mental note to see if her sister needed a psych evaluation too or if she just thoroughly enjoyed camping a little too much. “Just, get here before I get arrested.” 
When Jake hung up his phone all he could see was red. His heart rate was beyond fast, his hands were clammy and he swore for a moment he might actually be having a heart attack as he held two fingers up to his neck to check his pulse. 
“He's gone for Dot hasn't he.” Bradley knows the answer, he didn't even need to ask. But he did regardless and when Jake nodded in response with tears welling in his eyes, Bradley knew they were racing against time. “Fe–” 
“Would you want us to put Dot first, Rooster– without question.” Jake cuts Bradley off before he can finish his sentence. “Odette comes first, end of story.” Bradley can't find it in himself to stop looking for you though, he knows if Dot is still in daycare then you've been here this entire time. 
“You go.” Bradley could practically hear your SOS as he stood in the silence of your workshop with Jake. Your brother, the closest thing you had to family. Bradley would send out an army to find you, but he’d be leading the troops. “You go get Dot, I'll stay here and keep looking.” Jake groaned, he couldn't think straight, to him his mind was misconstruing the fact Bradley wanted to stay meant he didn't care enough. 
“Yeah–” Scoffing, Jake shook his head. “Right, I get it, not your daughter, not your problem right?” There was no beating around the bush when it came to the fact tensions were at an all time high. “Great man, nah dont fucking sweat it ill take care of it.” But that didn't mean Bradley was going to take that, not when he'd stuck by you thought all of this. 
“I'm not gonna leave Y/n behind.” Rooster shot back, it was far too quick of a retaliation for Jake to not realise that that thought must have been prevalent in Bradley's mind. He'd just been waiting for a moment to throw it in his face. Jake just took the hit, he turned on his heels and took a few strides before Bradley dug the knife a little deeper, watching as Jake paused to soak up the blow he knew was true. He knew every word Bradley spoke was true, he’d left you behind before and he was about to do it again–only this time he knew you’d want him to. You'd want him to make sure Odette didn't end up with the monster that was Jaidyn. So he took it, he could take it, Jake deserved the title of deserter, because he was one. But he’d be damned if Jaidyn was going to get a hold of Dot. Knowing the lengths you’d go to to protect her yourself. 
“I'll leave that to you man.” 
Jake held your hand the entire time you were in active labour. He was with you from the very beginning all the way through till the moment Odette Dolan let out her first cries into the universe. As you sat bound and bloodied, thumping your head against the door of the janitor's closet, your mind had begun to wonder. Although you knew that there was a chance here that someone would find you after it was too late, you also knew in that case that Jake would be the most fearsome protector of your little girl if something were to happen to you. He was her godfather, her guardian if something happened to you. You’d made sure of that when you realised how deep you were woven into your mess with Jaidyn. How dangerous and how much effort it was going to take to break free. 
“Bringing life into this world's like bringing a grain of sand to the beach but— the thing is Fe, that your little girl's like ten point five grams of you and him love.” Jake cooed as he sat beside you, pushing your hair from your sweat covered forehead as you held your daughter to your chest for the first time. “She’s perfect.” As if the memory of when you’d given birth to Odette was playing out like a rolodex being flipped through, you closed your eyes and mumbled out from behind the makeshift gag shoved in your mouth. Remembering what you’d told Jake as you laid with Dot for the first time. Taking in all she was and who she’d grow up to be. 
“I’d die for her.” 
“Everything from your past is passed on.” Jake spoke softly, tracing his index finger over her back. “It survives, it's alive in your daughter.” Everything that made you, you, made Odette her. “You ever think there's a link when we pass on? She might pass on five and a quarter.”  Day dreaming of that memory free as a bird, you were just trying to focus when the scenery blurs. You collapsed to the floor, rendered unconscious from the pain flooding your body. 
Bradley was kicking himself as he searched around the graveyard. A nickname they’d all given to the section of the tarmac that they used to harbour old fighter jets that were decommissioned for various reasons. It’s where the old F-14 Maverick had stolen to get him and Rooster the hell out of dodge ended up—until it found its new home in one of your bays, you’d been restoring it back to its once pristine condition. Admiral Simpson was quite eager to see what magic you could work. 
“Where the fuck are you Fe?” Rooster sighed to himself as he looked around, kicking himself for what he’d said to Jake. He didn’t mean it. Jake was just doing what he thought you’d want him to do, what he knew you’d want him to do. But someone had to be there for you for once in your fucking life. Someone had to put you first, above anyone else. 
“Come on Y/n, you’ve gotta be around here somewhere—“ He was growing desperate. So desperate in fact that his heart ached in his chest. Something was fucking wrong here. “Fuck this.” Bradley hissed when he realised you weren't pulling organs from old super hornets for part transplants. Deciding he needed to tell Cyclone that you’d been missing for the better half of the day and that something needed to be done to find you. 
The more Admiral Simpson sat on the events that transpired in his office earlier, the more he caught himself wondering if he’d done the wrong thing. He was just following protocol when he’d asked for evidence more than he said she said. He couldn’t castrate a member of the US Navy on the basis of accusation. 
What he could do however, was do what he’d promised he would and check out the footage that Lieutenant Floyd mentioned would have been taken from your hanger. 
“Okay—“ Beau sighed as he sat down at his desk. “Let’s see what we’re working with here.” He mumbled to himself as he brought his coffee cup up to his lips, logging into Net2 to comb through the list of security cameras on base. 
Clicking through the squares, there was nothing unusual happening in real time that caught Admiral Simpson's attention, just being a little noisy before he went back through the logs cost him though as he clicked next in the visible camera listings that appeared on his screen. 
“Oh my god.” Admiral Simpson spat the sip of coffee he’d just taken all over himself as he came across the live feed of the janitor's closet camera that sat in the top right hand corner of his screen. Clicking on it, it enlarged the view he saw of you. Laying tied and unconscious on the floor. “Oh my god—“ He was up in seconds, racing out of his office as face as he could, running into Bradley Bradshaw who was just about to knock on the Admirals office door and beg him to help him in his search for you. 
“I need your help looking for Fe, she’s missing.” Bradley explained, he’d never felt so defeated. “I’m worried—“ 
“I know where she is.” Cyclone replied, nodding frantically as he physically turned Rooster on his heels and shoved him down the hall. “Go, go! Janitors closet down the hall to the right.” Bradley tried his best to catch up with what was going on—but even felt like it was moving a thousand miles an hour and he was frozen in place. “Saw her on the goddamn camera when I went to look back at the hanger footage from earlier.” Cyclone couldn’t believe what was happening, he felt responsible for this especially, he should have taken Rooster and Hangmans desperation as enough evidence to pull Jaidyn up. 
But he didn’t and that was on him. 
Bradley had never moved so quickly before in his life. The second Admiral Simpson opened the closet door and he saw you? He felt an unimaginable amount of rage rushing through his veins. 
“Y/n!” Bradley gasped as he pushed past Cyclone and dropped to his knees, pulling you up into his lap. “Baby I’m here, hey I’m here darling oh my god I’m so sorry—hey, hey?”
“I’ll get Cindy from the infirmary to—“ Admiral Simpson didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence as he stood there and watched Bradley cradle you in his arms. 
“YOUSONOFABITCH—'' It all came out as one word as Rooster let his rage run wild, aiming it directly at Beau Simpson who just stood there shell shocked. He was a three star Admiral, he’d seen a lot. But this? This was by far the worst thing he’d bore witness to. “She sat right in front of you! You saw she was in trouble and you let him walk out of your office scott fucking free!” 
“Don’t lieutenant me!” Bradley spat. “LOOK AT HER! Look at what he did to her!” As Bradley’s rage consumed every morsel of his being, your eyelids twitched as you stirred back to reality. “This!? Is on you—Sir, you could have prevented this but you didn’t. do. enough!!” 
“MMM!” Too incoherent and too dazed to register it was Bradley holding you, you started thrashing around in his grip, trying to protect yourself from whatever blow was about to come your way. “MMM—MMM!!” All Bradley's attention was drawn back to you as he held you tighter, his heart sank into his stomach when he heard your screams turn to painful sobs. 
“I��m here, hey it’s me, I’m here, I got you.” Bradley cried with you, he couldn’t keep it in, couldn’t be as strong as you needed him to be because seeing you like this shattered his heart beyond repair. “I told you I wasn’t going anywhere baby, I’m here.” 
“I’m sorry I’m so sorry—“ Rooster tried his best to peel the duct tape from your mouth without hurting you, but he knew it was best to rip the Band-Aid off so it was over with fast. “I’m sorry—“ He cried one more time before ripping it from your mouth, pulling the fabric soaked in saliva and blood from your mouth as you screamed as loud as you could. 
It broke Roosters heart. 
“Y/n, I’ve got you.” 
“Jaidyns gonna take Dot.” It was so hard to hear you cry the way you were crying as Braldey worked to untie your hands from behind your back. He headed the way the bracket he had given you made a hash indent from from the pressure. 
“Jakes on it.” Is all Bradley cooed as he caught his own tears falling from his face down onto yours. “Jakes on it, he’s gone to grab her.”
“He made me authorise him as a pick up—“ It came out through painful cries as Braldey just held you and rocked you as tight as he could. “Said he’d kill me.” 
“I’m never letting you out of my sight again, you hear me?” Rooster kissed the top of your head as you both sat on the ground of the janitor’s closet. Cyclone had made good on his word and gone to the infirmary. “Never letting you go baby, you don’t deserve this, you don’t deserve this at all.”
“I need to get to my daughter.” You replied, sitting up as Bradley helped up, reaching down to untie your ankles with a groan as your ribs caved in against your lungs. “Aahh!!—“ 
“I need to get you to a hospital Fe, you’re hurt, bad.” 
“No.” You mumbled, trying to stand although every attempt you stumbled back and fell back into Bradley's chest. “No, I'm fine, I just need to get to Dot.” The way you couldn't stop for a second to really process what had happened had Rooster frowning, you needed medical attention, you were hurt, bad, and there could be things wrong he couldn't see. Internal bleeding was one thing on his mind. “I need to get to my baby.” 
“Hey Y/n?” You weren't listening as Rooster tried to break through to you. “Darling, listen to me alright?” He begged, reaching out to touch the side of your face as gently as he could to turn your head to look at him. Noticing how broken your eyes looked through the swelling. “What Dot needs is for you to be alright, and for you to be alright I need to take you to a hospital to get checked out.” Your bottom lip quivered as you shook your head. Kneeling between Roosters legs as he sat on the ground before you. “Baby you gotta put yourself first this time, you've done all you can here.” 
“I was banging my head on the door trying to make enough noise.” Deflecting from the question, you explained that although you wanted to give up, you didn't. “I didn't just give up, I’m not weak–” 
“I would never think you're weak Y/n, you’re the strongest person I know.” It was hard to see you like this, so broken and fragile, flinching at every move Bradleey made. He understood though, you had always been a stray, now more so than ever before. Memories of your past with Jaidyn plagued your mind every time you blinked. You could hear him screaming at you inside your own head, trying to drown out all the kind, meaningful praises Bradley spoke into existence. “You are not weak, you did whatever you could to protect your daughter Y/n.” 
Bradley helped you stand, listening to every groan and every sob that escaped your mouth as he did so, knowing he needed to get you up so he could at least carry you out. But as you stood and turned into him, wrapping your arms around his torso before burying your swollen, bloodied and bruised face into his shoulder, Bradley thought his heart couldn't break any more than it already had. But then you spoke again and broke his heart even more. 
“I didn't do enough though–”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be  @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014  @blindedbythelightt @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde  @americaarse @avaleineandafryingpan @phoenix1388 @xoxabs88xox @je-suis-prest-rachel @pono-pura-vida @rosiahills22 @starset21 @anarchyrising @caidi-paris @starkleila @criticalroleobssedperson @enchantingdreamergothprune @flrboyd
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indecisive-dizzy · 1 year
I've become obsessed with @jacenotjason 's Opposite AU soo
Here's my OC! His name is CJ and he already existed so I made his opposite!
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More Info + Relationship Page's Text Below
Name: CJ Chronicle
Genderfluid he/they, Aroaceflux
Complains a lot.
They're an author. Writes murder mysteries and other dark themes. Very few of their books have good endings.
Spends a lot time with Barnaby at the library, they bond over books. CJ won't let him add their books to the library.
Insomniac. Will eat melatonin gummies like candy.
Coffee addict. Barnaby is genuinely concerned by the amount of coffee he's seen CJ drink.
Hoodie and sweatpants always. No time time to dress nice when they're too busy writing.
Doesn't realize he has a crush on Eddie and Frank. (not focused on romance/oblivious)
Wants to help Eddie in any way. So they help keep the Post Office somewhat clean, and will get Eddie home if he's blackout drunk.
Unfortunately, they can very pushy ⬆️
"Steals" their own mail.
Drinks coffee with Frank. Refuses to let them near his books.
Despises Howdy.
Julie is convinced he killed someone. CJ refuses to comment.
Has never seen Sally, but knows she's in there.
Home scares the shit out of him. It's tormenting him. Or is it?
Relationship Text
Howdy: "Stole my book. Enjoy the read, jackass."
"You make me sick."
Julie: "If your plants try to bite me again I'm buying weedkiller."
Sally: "PLEASE buy air freshener. I can smell your house from the sidewalk."
Frank: "Annoying, but cute. Fellow coffee enjoyer."
"Please don't touch my books, bun."
Home: "I regret learning morse code..."
"please leave me alone..."
Eddie: "I'm just trying to help you, Eddie."
"You can't push me away. I won't let you."
Poppy/Ma: "Very loud. But you're nice I guess."
Barnaby: "Thank you for letting me spend so much time at the library."
"Please don't read my books"
Wally: "Staring problem, but harmless."
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lastoneout · 3 months
So my neurologist actually did something right for once and gave me some ambien to help me sleep while I'm on the steroid pack since I already have insomnia and steroids make it WAY worse, and I was really excited because this is legit what I've been wanting a doctor to do for like over a year now...but it didn't really help me sleep, at least not as well as the weed does.
I could possibly just need a higher dose(I am known to be very resistant to these sorts of meds, it takes like twice the normal dose of propofol to put me under) or maybe the steroid is just so powerful the meds can't make a dent in it(which I'd believe since I'm really sensitive to steroids and the weed ALSO doesn't help me sleep as well when I'm on them), and also it's really hot and humid right now which makes it hard to sleep in general AND I just got my bc implant put in which is making it hard to sleep since I have to be careful with my left arm and I like NEED to be able to switch what side I sleep on cuz my shitty arthritic joints don't like staying in one position for too long...but this is a bit of a let down ngl. I was really excited to be able to sleep and then maybe use this as proof that I can be trusted with sleep medication and I could finally stop having to spend damn near $100 on weed gummies every month and a half just to Sleep At All but like...hnnnn.....
Idk, when I see my primary I'm going to beg her to send me to a sleep specialist again bcs the weed is NOT sustainable it's already expensive and on top of that I am absolutely building up a tolerance which means I have to take more to sleep and thus spend more money and it's so fucking annoying. I've already made a lot of progress in the trauma department too and that hasn't really helped me sleep better which leads me to believe this is def a result of one of my other medical issues, I def think a sleep specialist is the best bet rn.
The plus side tho is she gave me 15 ambien and I only have three days of the steroids left, and my arm should be healed better in the next couple of days, so I should have a chance to test the ambien without the dual whammy of the arm pain and steroids wrecking my system, and if even that fails well that's a 15 day T break for the weed which honestly I really do need so like there's that.
Also since I have a bunch of new followers quick FAQ/rundown before anyone gives advice:
I have bipolar disorder type II and adhd and severe chronic pain from fibromyalgia, arthritis, and hEDS. The adderall for my adhd isn't the problem, I actually sleep WAY worse without it. I don't drink that many caffeinated beverages and I especially don't drink them basically at all when I'm on steroids so that's not it either. At least a little of my insomnia is due to trauma and not having a dog currently, but I can't adopt another one right now for numerous reasons, and EMDR has helped the trauma nightmares/anxiety let up quite a lot but that hasn't helped me sleep. I can't take CBD it makes my brain feel like I'm hooked up to a car battery. I also can't smoke bcs asthma so unfortunately I am stuck buying edibles which are very expensive. Insomnia isn't on the medical marijuana criteria in my state so I can't even make it cheaper that way. Melatonin does nothing. Benadryl also does nothing. Exercising before bed also does nothing. I can't do yoga(hEDS) or meditate(adhd). Cutting down on screen time before bed doesn't help and I already spend as little time in my bedroom as possible during the day so my brain keeps associating being in there with sleeping. Listening to music/a podcast doesn't help. Sleepy teas and nice baths and all that before bed doesn't help. I have a weighted blanket which does help a little, but sucks bcs it traps heat like a motherfucker, but I'd sleep worse without it so yeah. Also I can't make my house any cooler/less humid because I'm renting and it's old and shitty and doesn't have real air conditioning and the little portable ac unit + dehumidifier is trying but like...it's not enough I'm still hot and sweaty all night.
I am on hydroxyzine and nortryptraline and they don't make me even a little tired. I cannot take SSRIs or SNRIs on account of the bipolar and the fact that I'm just really sensitive to stuff that messes with my serotonin, even when I'm on a mood stabilizer, and the only med that I can stand that does serotonin stuff is the nortryptraline and it's also the only thing that helps my pain so switching it to something else isn't an option. I build up a resistance to seroquel really fast which makes my insomnia infinitely worse in the long run so I don't see the point in taking it. I have tried basically everything my psychiatrist can think to give me outside of narcotics, which led to her straight up telling me to my face she just can't help me before clarifying that apparently narcotics are somehow worse for me than not sleeping so she won't prescribe them even if they might help. I don't snore or wake up gasping for air so I know I don't have COPD or sleep apnea.
Literally the only thing that has ever made sleeping easy is weed(and opioids but those don't help my pain and have so many hoops to jump through so I don't wanna take them anymore), specifically indica with CBN, but it has to have THC in it I've tried pure CBN + CBD gummies and they don't make me tired they just make me feel weird 'cuz of the CBD.
So yeah. I am up shit creek without a paddle and I really quite desperately need to see a sleep specialist. I appreciate advice but like believe me, I've tried just about everything I can think of and none of it helps. I just naturally have really bad insomnia. And it sucks.
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saerins · 6 months
To the peeps that have sleeping problems you guys could try bright light therapy. Essentially, you use light to trick your brain into releasing melatonin later or earlier as needed.
So for example, if you're getting sleepy at between 5-7pm, you'd use a bright light (not directly in your eyes) near you to tell your brain that it's still light out (even if it isnt). Then that allows you to learn to sleep "later" (~10pm). Ofc you also need to be able to have a little self-control and resist actually falling asleep before actual night time, be it through moving around, doing light excersise, etc. BUT do not drink caffeine (esp after 12pm), that makes it worse then. (Since caffeine has half-life, if you want to know more just search it up)
You need to do this a while before it becomes effective. It's not a fool proof plan esp when you really can't resist napping, etc. But it's a start.
(The same thing goes when you want to wake up early). For example, I have to wake up at 5am for Uni so I use those smart lights when you can make it slowly turn on at a set time (mine does it from 4:30). It makes your brain realizes that it's morning (even if the sun isn't even out yet) and stop releasing melatonin.
Ofc you also have to stop bad sleeping habits. So if you're an avid user of your phone before you sleep, have a set timer where your phone turns on your blue light filter so that the blue light from your phone doesn't confuse your brain at night and prevent the release of melatonin. Ofc not using your phone before sleep is ideal but that's a hard habit to break so you can start with a blue light filter.
Hope this helps a little!
-💫 anon
here’s to anyone who’s like me and having trouble sleeping !!!
omg nonnie thanks for this it’s so detailed :’) hmm i guess i’ll have to find a really bright table lamp and put it next to me, sometimes i sleep with the lights on so idk if my brain will even register the change 😭 but ill def try this too if the gummies don’t work !! and my bad sleeping habits … haha omg that’s def gonna be a challenge but i’ll try my best :’)
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thotsforvillainrights · 8 months
(Draft Release)
~Sleep Deprived Parents~
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“Please Tomoko, I’m begging you here.” Skeptic’s raspy voice rang out over your daughter’s nonstop crying reign. She’d been like this for about 3 days now and the both of you were near the edge of passing out. Unfortunately she’d contracted some sort of inner ear infection which the doctor warned would throw her way off her zone. Also unfortunate that the 3 year old was able to scream as loudly as she did. It was painful to know your baby was hurting so bad, but you didn’t felt too much remorse in being able to say you just wanted 5 minutes of sleep. Skeptic recommended melatonin gummies for kids but you quickly shut that down saying how you didn’t want to resort to drugging her no matter how badly you needed the rest. No one in the MLA could take Tomoko off your hands either! Geten simply refused as he of course didn’t want to be stuck with a fussy toddler, Chitose was wrapped up with interview until the next week, Hanabata was out of town for some sort of political conference, and ReDestro would be drowning in work for Detnerat’s new products until the next month! It was lucky enough Skeptic was able to use vacation time to stay home with you but he secretly wished he was at work instead of getting his eardrums blasted for the fifteenth time today. It was worse on him since his little girl gravitated toward him naturally. Something she was doing right now...
“No way, you get back around that corner Y/N!” Skeptic shouted as you tried to creep away toward the bedroom while Tomoko was focused on her father. “I hate to admit it but I think I might go lay down in traffic soon.” You groaned before taking a seat next to him on the couch. Was this life now? Sure being a parent wasn’t going to be all cute moments with your child. Obviously times like these were also a part of it but still drove both of you up the wall. You were 2 minutes from a panic attack when the phone suddenly rang. You ignored Skeptic’s complaints when you jumped up to answer it first. This was your excuse to leave the room and have a break from the shrill screaming. Tomoyasu made a mental note to be quicker answering the phone next time as he began trying (but failing again) to shush your baby girl. In the other room you heard a familiar voice over the line. “Hello, Y/N?” The soft tone of a woman spoke out. You sighed in relief and laughed lightly. “H-hi! To what do I owe the pleasure?” The voice over the line chuckled. “Well I was just calling to check in on you two but judging by the screaming in the next room I can tell things might not be going so well. Am I correct?” You frowned at your mother in law’s words. “Yeah...unfortunately you’re right. Tomoko is going through an ear ache and it’s killing both of us too. I don’t want my baby to hurt like this and the medicine hasn’t kicked in yet. I feel bad for being annoyed by the crying but it’s driving the both of us insane. I don’t know what to do.” You were sniffling just a bit at the thought of possibly failing with the whole parenthood thing until you heard Skeptic’s mom laugh quietly. “Oh dear, this reminds me of something. Tomoyasu was such a fussy little man when he was younger. He hated falling asleep and try as we might, his father and I were starting to lose our minds when he went though that phase. Do you know what helped us? Driving.”
“Driving?” You slightly tilt your head to the side. “Mhmm, driving indeed helped. We put Tomoyasu in his carseat and drove him around the neighborhood 2 or 3 times until he’d fallen asleep. It may sound silly but it got us through the next few months until he’d turned 4. I don’t doubt it’ll help you both. Go give it a try and call me back tomorrow after the two of you have caught up on sleep.” You thanked her and bid a goodbye before heading into the living room and staring at the sight in front of you. It was rare when you saw real tears in Skeptic’s eyes like this. Without a word, you opened your arms and grabbed the toddler as she continued sobbing out. You nodded at Skeptic to follow you before passing the key holder and grabbing your keys off the wall. He was too tired and worn out to question anything so he followed along without a complaint. To say the two of you were relieved would be an understatement. About 2 circles around the neighborhood led to your baby slowly silencing herself from sobbing to sniffles to snores. Skeptic looked at you incredulously and you smiled widely back at him. “Thank your mom, not me. Now let’s get her inside before she realizes what just happened.” He nodded quickly and carefully navigated his daughter out of the carseat when the two of you pulled back into your own driveway. The hack was successful for the amount of time you needed before the medicine finally played it’s role. 
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ashmitha1 · 2 years
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the-cool-chicken · 8 months
*holding a jar of unlabeled melatonin gummies near the tunnels* Oh wow! I have so many gummies here! It’s such a shame that no one is here to eat them with me! /sar
. . .
Bro bolts.
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the-farmers-rabbit · 2 years
Sick Season with Mason
Hi!! This is going to be like a master post for me so it will be long but it’s something I like to help with.
To start, I’m going to give background as to Why i’m qualified for what i’m talking about. I’m currently (as of december 2022) 18 years old. It’s my first year of uni and i’m living in a dorm after 18 years at home. In elementary school, my little body had a tendency to get super sick for long periods of time until I got on allergy meds. It was just seasonal stuff that turned into sinus infections and stuff like that. It would keep me home for weeks at a time which is no good for a kid. 
Flash forward to high school. Before and after covid (it hit in my junior year), I would have a tendency to get sick for months at a time. Not super sick, none of it ever warranted an ER trip or being in a hospital. But I would have a cough that would just. stick with me. for month long periods of time and it would only go away once I got antibiotics.
Now, I’m in college and it’s most of the same. I’ve realized that I might have some immunodeficiencies (my mother has a fucked up immune system but the other way around, so it’s not unlikely for me) and I’ve been out on my own for a bit now so! Here are some tips for when you get sick/how to keep from getting sick.
This covers colds, coughing, sore throats, and fevers. Really any thing that isn’t stomach bugs. So don’t come at me for not having that stuff (not that you all would, just wanting to tell y’all)
Water. I always have a water bottle by my bed for this reason. In case i wake up with cotton mouth or just need water. it’s right there. 
Gatorade! for when i’m actually sick, i have a pack of gatorade in my dorm. it keeps my blood sugar from getting super low if i don’t have the energy to eat, it gives me something to run on, and it’s hydrating
apple juice. i use the little boxes of it cus my brain likes those, but just a juice in general is good. all this boils down to is keeping yourself hydrated. very important when sick/trying to avoid getting sick
Yogurt! If you’re on antibiotics, you need to get the good bio back. I really like the activia yogurt drinks. they’re really tasty and really good for me. Plus, if you have a sore throat, dairy coats it and makes it hurt so much less
Ibuprofen. so this one might be obvious. It isn’t a cure all! But it works wonders for a lot of things. Fevers, aches, sore throats. It will reduce a fever, and i always keep some by my bed for that reason
-Fevers; if you don’t take care of them quick, you could have serious issues. I mean it. Your brain is overheating. You won’t be able to think straight and you will feel awful. keep stuff that will break them near by just in case.
-Signs of a fever!: Cold, but the room isn’t cold, sweaty even though you’re freezing, shaky, foggy head. and when in doubt, take your temperature. 
Vitamins. I don’t like the pill vitamins. They’re big and icky. So, I take gummy vitamins. Yes i’m an adult, I take gummy vitamins. So? I use the brand Smarty Pants. I get them at target. They’re not icky, they’re fairly cheap, and they’re good. They have childrens and adults. get ‘em
Sleep aids. Olly Sleep Gummies are what I use. When I’m sick and just. can’t relax? Melatonin gummies. Olly is good because it’s not Just melatonin, it’s also some other junk. They also don’t taste that bad.
Self Care/Comfort
Sleep. Just like the sleep aids, when you’re sick or getting sick, sleep is so very important. Weighted blankets are a great help. If you’re coughing a lot, prop yourself up so you don’t have a coughing fit in the middle of the night. Cold compress for fevers, and fans to keep you comfy. Sleep is the best cure, and be sure you get it
Showering. I don’t care if you prefer baths. If you are sick and it is in your sinuses, take a shower. sit down (if it’s not too grody wherever you are) and just let the hot water hit you. The steam loosens mucus and you can dislodge it a lot easier
Humidifier!!!! PLEASE MAN. It’s a life saver. I got mine at target. It was like $30 and takes up about 1.5 cubic feet. If i have a stuffy nose or a sore throat or both, i turn that on, go to sleep, and wake up with neither. it is a god send. 
Brush your teeth. I know you feel gross. But go and brush your teeth. And if you can’t, floss and use mouth wash. Do something that cleans the gunk in your mouth. You will feel better after, I promise
Heating pads. Mine was 15 bucks at kroger. I use it every damn day. On my lap, as a blanket, on my shoulders, back, tummy. Any and everything. Heat relaxes the muscles, and warmth is also nice. I’d recommend one that has an auto turn off so you can sleep with it. But if not, just get one.
Gem Face Roller. Ok. let me explain. I don’t use this for skin care. I use it for headaches. it’s cold (and if it’s quartz, it will just. be cold. on it’s own), i can put light pressure on what hurts. I can use it on sore necks too.
Lanolin. It’s meant for nursing mothers for chapped nipples but it’s so good for chapped lips. And when you’re sick, that usually happens and you usually need help with it. So, lanolin. Also at target
Icepack. Either like a bag, or a gel. Don’t get one of the hard ones that are meant for food. Get one that is Made for the body. For when you’re overheating, or you’re achey or. whatever. Ice. Helps
thermometer!!! So you can see if you have a fever or not! I keep mine on hand and it gives me peace of mind. Got it at walgreens when i stopped to get my ice pack. Like 15 bucks, again. Keep yourself from worrying too much
ok so that’s probably it for now but i hope it helps! I’ll add on if I think of something, love you guys, good luck out there
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
I need to see that blurb about Fe screaming and waking up Dot like now. I think you owe us a little fluff at this point.
This video had me dying and I couldn’t not think of Terms of Endearment Bradley: Here’s a little 2k Blurb to break up to copious amounts of angst and whump I’ve been throwing your way.
Warnings: Smut.
Midnight. Usually a time where people would be sleeping soundly and drooling into their favourite pillow after taking one too many melatonin gummies. But not you and Bradley Bradshaw. 
“Oh my god baby you’re so fucking beautiful.” Bradley’s so deep inside you, rocking his hips against yours ever so gently as he coaxes you closer and closer towards your high. “Come on, just one more mama—I wanna see how pretty you look when you cum.” 
“Rooster—“ It’s music to Bradley’s ears as you whine below him, he’s holding himself above you on strong, muscular, fucking tanned to perfection arms. “Baby—!” It was the Wednesday night before your wedding on Saturday. The entire week prior you and Bradley had been buzzing with glee and excitement to finally have the happy ending everyone knew you deserved. “Oh god yes—just keep doing that!” 
Throwing your head back, Bradley moved a hand to cup over your mouth gently, muffling your moans that made his cock twitch inside your pretty core. If he didn’t? He knew at the volume you were currently whimpering at would wake up Odette just down the hall. She had ears like a Hawk. 
“Gonna have to use your inside voice baby.” Bradley lowers his lips to kiss the junction of your neck and shoulder as he moves, fucking you deep and slow while you turn the vibrator your holding against your sensitive bundle of nerves up just one more setting. “Ohh shit— I can feel your vibrator against my shaft baby fuck—“ Sending you closer and closer towards your high as the all too familiar sensation of your stomach tightening, your toes tingling and the coil winding and winding and winding, building to an unimaginable degree. 
“Ohhh—“ Against Bradley’s palm, you moan at the sensation. You feel like your floating with your soon to be husband fucking you like this. It’s damn near pornographic the sounds you're letting out and Bradley can’t take it. “Ohhhh—yes! Oh my gosh—Bradley, baby—“ 
“Fuck, you gotta cum for me mama I can’t hold it—“ For the longest time you were always on top. You needed to be for your own sanity. Bradley didn’t mind, not one bit, he wanted you to feel as comfortable and as safe as possible while you were being intimate together. There was still a lot to unpack, a lot of built up trauma and therapy to sit through—but when you’d asked Bradley Bradshaw to fuck you missionary style while you got yourself off? He couldn’t resist. “Fe I’m not kidding I’m gonna have an aneurysm if I don’t cum in your pretty little pussy right this second.” 
Bradley, with all his manners and good graces, always had you finishing first. But something about tonight had him gunning for a third time before he’d even come once. But for the gentleman he was, he was growing far too desperate. 
“Just a few more seconds Roo I’m there! I’m there I’m so fucking—ahhhhh! Yes!!—“ Your sex toys were Bradley’s best friend. They helped you find your sexual side once more after you’d fallen into a rut. Bradley wasn’t jealous, he loved your pink vibrator with all his heart. He’d sanitise and charge it whenever he was changing the linen on the bed. It was his favourite thing—because it made you feral and he had no problem playing second fiddle to a sex toy so long as he got to see you cum. 
“Ah fuck! fuck fuck! Y/n baby yesss—“ Bradley came the hardest he thought he ever had as he watched on in ore from above how your eyes rolled into the back of your head. How you clenched around his length like a vice, felt how your back arched off the bed you shared every night, how you babbled against the palm of his hand which at this point wasn’t doing anything to muffle your whimpers. 
Jutting his hips against yours as Braldey milked himself dry into your fluttering pussy. Spilling his load deep inside you, hoping just one of his boys would charge ahead and get the party started inside your uterus. You wanted another baby—wanted to grow your family with Bradley and fuck was he determined to make that dream a reality. 
“I love you so much.” Bradley cooed as he smirked against your lips, taking your mouth hostage with his as you threw the vibrator out from between you and your fiancé and wrapped your arms around his neck. Pulling him down on top of you. “Soon to be Mrs Bradshaw.” 
“Have I told you how much I love the sound of that, Mrs Bradshaw—Lieutenant Felix Bradshaw.” 
“Doesn’t sound as hot as Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw, now does it.” Bradley teased, wiggling his eyebrows at you as he pushed himself up and off of you. Holding his junk so whatever cum still coated his cock didn’t drip onto the sheets. “Stay put—imma get a towel.” 
“MAMA!!” Dot is screaming out from her room. She was in absolute hysterics. There was something that little three year old of yours was good at and it was screaming at the top of her lungs from her bed whenever she needed someone. Either too lazy or too scared to investigate the problem herself. Screaming out into the void of darkness that consumed the entire household after the sun went down and the three of you had gone to bed. “MAMA!!” 
“Holy shit—“ Bradley gripped at his exposed chest when the sound of Odette's cries came barrelling out of her room, down the hall, and into your room. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest cavity at the sound that ripped through the silence of the middle of the night. “Fuck!” He groaned. “I knew she was gonna wake up.” 
“You’re the one who started it, Lieutenant Commander.” You watched all the while you laughed behind your own hand from the middle of the bed as your soon to be husband made his way into the en-sutie to clean himself off and throw a pair of sweats on. “For all we know it could be something completely unrelated to us.” 
“She has the hearing of a bat Fe–” 
“Just go see what she's upset about Roo.” You sighed, following Bradleys footsteps as you made your way off the bed and into the en-suite, sitting on the toilet while he watched your naked self. “Take a picture, it'll last longer.” 
“Geez, sorry, can I not enjoy the sight of my–” Before Braldey could finish his taunting remarks, Odette was once again screaming her lungs out through fearful sobs. 
“MAMMA!!” You raised your eyebrows in absolute shock at how loud she was, watching as Bradley sighed and padded out of your room, down the hall and into Dot's room. 
“Oh Dotty.” Bradley cooed as Dot sat up in the middle of her bed crying her heart out. She looked so small in her new big girl bed. “What’s wrong darling?” Bradley’s cooing, he’s trying so fucking hard not to laugh because the idea of the two of you waking your little girl with the noises he had you making while making love, made him feral. He just had to tell Jake, but he knew he couldn’t. He’d get the shit best out of him if he did. 
“I want mama, where’s mama?” 
“Mama’s sleeping baby.” Lies, Dot had just heard you screaming, she was three not stupid. “Here, why don’t I sit with you for a little while and—“ As Bradley ducked to fit himself under the post of Dot's bed, he’s met with an even louder, even more enthusiastic scream. It makes him pause and raise his brow because they certainly were not lungs she was passed down from him. 
“MAMA!!” Holy fuck this kid was loud Rooster thought to himself as he tried to soothe Dot, nothing he did seemed to work this time. All his usual tips and tricks were failing left and right and as it seemed? The only thing that was going to get Odette to stop whaling like someone was slitting her throat was to get you in here. “I want mamma I want mama!” 
“Okay—“ Bradley held his hands up near his head in self surrender as he stood up from kneeling on Dot's small toddler house bed. “Alright Dot I’ll get mama.” Which is exactly what Rooster does knowing that if you went into Odette's room at this hour? He’d be spending the rest of the night alone in a bed far too big for one person. 
Shaking his head, Rooster made his way back to your bedroom, he looked at you all guilty like. Rubbing that back of his head when you could still hear Dots cry’s echoing from down the hall. 
“Why’s she still crying hun?” 
“Okay—so our daughter is crying right now because she heard you screaming and she wants to make sure that you’re okay.” Bradley watched as you threw one of his shirts over your head that you’d grabbed from his dresser. 
“I was screaming?” You asked with a raised eyebrow. Fixing the shirt up as Bradley smirked to himself with a little nod. Damn fucking straight he had you screaming. 
“Oh yeah, yeah you were screaming.” He chuckled, there’s a slight tint creeping across his cheeks as you deadpan him. He knows you know that he knows you love him, every inch of him that is. “Yeah, so I think you should go talk to her.” He laughs out a huff at how ridiculous this is. “And let her know that, you’re okay.” 
You pause for a moment. You know if you go in there then that’s it. You’re trapped for the rest of the night. But when you hear Odette scream again your heart breaks for your daughter. 
“Alright, fine—“ You point at your soon to be husband who is far too proud of himself. “This is your fault.” 
“Hey!” Bradley’s holding his hands up in his own defence. “You asked me to be on top, the consequences of that request are on you mama.” 
You don’t stick around to argue about it much longer, instead you pad on down to your darling daughter’s room which had once been Bradley Bradshaw's spare bedroom. He’d painted the walls and hung curtains and made it any little girl's dream oasis. Bradley loved Odette as much as he loved you. So he couldn’t help but to follow. Needing to see how you handled this. 
It was always so crazy seeing you switch back into protective mum mode. 
“Oh darlin’ what’s wrong?” At the sound of your voice Dot was whaling louder than she was before. “Dot, oh my gosh sweetheart it’s okay—“ You tried not to laugh as you climbed into her little toddler bed. 
“I heard you scweaming and I wanted to know s’wrong but no one was answewing me.” Pulling her close, you kissed Dot's cheek and lingered against her skin as you muffled out a small laugh. Fucking Bradley Bradshaw and his stupid dick. 
“Oh our door was closed, I’m so sorry—“ You were gonna have to remind yourself that Odette was all seeing and all hearing. Maybe Rooster was right, she did have the hearing of a bat.
“It was like you were huwt or someting.” 
“Oh no I’m not hurt darlin, I’m so sorry that I scared you—I thought you were so asleep.” You left your explanation at that as Bradley stood with his arms crossed over his exposed chest in the doorway. Just drinking in the sight of the best mum in the world. 
You’d done so much to protect Dot, so much to make sure she had a happy life. Unbeknownst to you or Bradley at the time but you were already pregnant. You just hadn’t caught onto the signs yet and with your small bench elopement style wedding on the weekend it was hardly something you were truly looking out for. 
“I’m gonna stay here till you fall asleep okay baby?” You kissed your daughter’s cheek as she clung to you. She was getting big but she’d never not be your baby girl. “I love you so much.” 
Bradley just smiled to himself as he shut the door, padding down the hall back to the room he shared with you every night. The one that had the bed too big for just him. 
Wondering how he got so damn lucky to fall in love with you and your daughter.
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be  @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014  @blindedbythelightt @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde  @americaarse @avaleineandafryingpan @phoenix1388 @xoxabs88xox @je-suis-prest-rachel @pono-pura-vida @rosiahills22 @starset21 @anarchyrising @caidi-paris @starkleila @criticalroleobssedperson @enchantingdreamergothprune @flrboyd @emma8895eb
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marvelingjules · 2 years
I’ve always struggled with not only falling asleep but staying asleep. Ever since I was at least around a preteen, for the staying asleep.
Some nights I wake up every hour or two, like clockwork. Some nights I’ll sleep alright for a few hours, wake up, and take another hour or two to fall back asleep.
So. Insomnia has always been a struggle.
I had a doc suggest using melatonin gummies to help with it. I mentioned I had used them for a short while before but that they tend to work a bit too well - I have to make sure I can sleep like ten hours bc when I take them I will. She replied that that means my body needed that sleep, and to try a smaller dose maybe - and to take them 2-3 hours before I plan to fall asleep, not right before bed.
I’ve not been able to do it consistently. Honestly I am continuously relieved I am able to remember to take my nightly mix of meds with near-perfect consistency, but those don’t have a “by this time” sort of deadline.
But if I remember to take one before 10pm, I have been. They’re only, like, 2.5mg. But it works. It lets the exhaustion I feel actually hit me as ‘sleep time’, actually makes my body react with sleepiness. It helps me stay asleep.
So when I remember I take them, and so I’d say my sleep has improved.
Everything else… I wish.
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qrcturus · 3 months
i don’t think i have sleeping issues or insomnia or whatev but i can never go to bed unless
1. music is playing and
2. i took like 4 melatonin gummies 6 hours in advance
and i always underestimate how difficult it is for me to fall asleep when one of these conditions hasn’t been satisfied. and then i get stressed because i start calculating the number of hours i have between any given time and the hour i need to wake up and even if it’s technically a satisfactory number. i’m nowhere near sleepy. then it’s just like. ok this makes it worse
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