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devicid · 6 months ago
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fandompost · 1 month ago
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‘Mei Mei Meishoku Sanctuary’ Manga By Ayumu Seki Sets Final Chapter http://dlvr.it/TGM1Tp
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tintucsuckhoecom · 4 months ago
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denhatsac1 · 8 months ago
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mypham12345 · 1 year ago
White Face
Là con gái ai cũng mong muốn sở hữu một làn da trắng sáng và mềm mại tự nhiên thì bạn cần có một quá trình chăm sóc da đúng chuẩn và lựa chọn các sản phẩm phù hợp. Mỹ Phẩm Hãng gợi ý cho bạn một số sản phẩm như Kem dưỡng Meishoku, hay Kem dưỡng trắng da Crystal White Milky đều rất thích hợp. Ngoài ra thì kem dưỡng White Face của Thái Lan cũng là một sự lựa chọn phù hợp cho bạn. Với tác dụng dưỡng trắng da hiệu quả, xóa mờ các vết thâm nám cho bạn làn da như móng ước. Mua ngay tại: https://myphamhang.com/kem-duong-trang-da-white-face-thai-lan.html
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lovecathcatherine · 2 years ago
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急救殘樣恩物~明色逆齡精華 年尾好多大優惠,即刻入返多啲貨! 用開呢支 #Harinista幹細胞雙重滲透逆齡精華 12月31日(六) 仲有 #萬寧出位價 $138(原價$218) ✨只限一日✨✨只限一日✨✨只限一日✨ 大家記得去萬寧搶購啦! (門市網店同步) 喺日本日日都有用呢支Harinista幹細胞雙重滲透逆齡精華,無論幾乾燥嘅天氣都仍然保持到水嫩,用咗15 分鐘之後,肌膚水分即時提升 500%,肌膚同時提升彈力同柔軟度。 肌膚水潤度高咗,細紋都減淡咗,肌膚更柔嫩緊緻,簡直有逆齡嘅感覺。 @meishoku_hk #meishoku #party後急救殘樣恩物 #新年煥亮彈嫩肌 #日本製造 #無香料 #無著色 #日本明色 #Harinista #感動的一滴 #貴婦級抗老保養 #平價保養 #幹細胞回春 #輕熟肌の対策 #煙酰胺 #Niacinamide #快靚正 #hkkol #hkinfluencer #萬寧 @mannings_hk (在 日本藥妝激安殿堂 - 明色Meishoku逆齡修護系列) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmwKYDVJSNj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bubuhikotan · 3 years ago
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DETクリア ブライト&ピール ピーリングジェリー ミックスフルーツの香り 使ってみたよ😊 @detclear_official @meishoku_corporation 余分な角質を浮き上がらせる果実AHAと、角質をやわらかくする植物BHAが配合されているピーリングジェル。 ぬれた手やお風呂でも使える❕❕顔だけでなく全身にも使えます。 お肌の上で優しくマッサージするだけでポロポロに。 他にもミックスベリーの香り・無香料などがあります。 <使ってみた感想> ミックスベリーの香りが穏やかに香っていい香り。 ぬれた手でも使えたり、お風呂でも使えるのは便利でした🎶 優しくマッサージするだけでポロポロになるので、楽しくスキンケアできました。 ピーリングはしたい❕❕ でもスクラブは今日はいらないなぁって気分の時にピッタリでした💕 顔だけでなく、デコルテやボディの気になるところにも使ったりしてします。 コスパもいいのでみんなにおス��メしたいです。 @detclear_official @meishoku_corporation #DETクリア #detclear #明色化粧品 #meishoku #ピーリング #ピーリングジェル #温感ピーリング #ホットピーリング #温感 #角質ケア #毛穴ケア #monipla #meishoku_fan 明色化粧品様より頂きました🎶 ありがとうございました💕 https://www.instagram.com/p/CY-9Me4p4QN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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beardedcrownsong · 3 years ago
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Meishoku Medicated Placenta Whitening & Anti-aging Eye Cream 30g Japan NEW
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ruuuchan01 · 4 years ago
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@meishoku_corporation さんの DETクリアシリーズ 愛用中ですっ🤗💖 パッケージがとっても 可愛くてお気に入り💝 全3種類あるよ〜✨ ・DETクリア ブライト&ピール  ピーリングジェリー  〈ミックスフルーツの香り〉 ・DETクリア ブライト&ピール  ピーリングジェリー  〈ミックスベリーの香り〉 ・DETクリア ブライト&ピール  ピーリングジェリー  〈無香料〉 私が使っているのは ミックスベリーの香り🍓だよ✨ 角質クリア成分と 角質柔軟成分配合で 古い角質をすっきり 落としてくれるのっ🎶 ミックスベリーの香りが と〜ってもいい香りで 大好きっ💖 メイク落ちももちろん◎✨ 落ちにくいマスカラや アイラインもすっきり 落ちていい感じ🤗🏵 濡れた手で使えるから お風呂で使えるのが ありがたい〜🐻👑 #DETクリア #detclear #明色化粧品 #meishoku #ピーリング #ピーリングジェル #ポロポロピーリング #角質ケア #毛穴 #黒ずみ #monipla #meishoku_fan #ミックスベリーの香りのクレンジング#濡れた手で使えるクレンジング https://www.instagram.com/p/CLtQtN-jItl/?igshid=1nprbealuvy7k
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devicid · 6 months ago
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havannguyen88 · 4 years ago
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Đi làm chán quá bk bị #cancel gần hết rồi, ăn bằng gì đây 😢. Vân lại đăng mấy món đang dùng nữa kiếm chuyện tám với mng mùa này: #shiseido #ultimunepowerinfusingconcentrate có mùi thơm dịu, kết cấu khá đặc, chủ yếu để dưỡng ẩm, chống lão hoá với công thức nghiên cứu độc quyền. Chai fullsz mình search giá thử thấy đến 2tr2 🥵 nên mua mini là quá đúng rồi. #vitaminc dạng kem của #sundayriley là #ceovitamincrichhydrationcream mùi thơm cam chanh cực thích, tuy nhiên nhược điểm là bị nhờn sau khi dùng, có vẻ ko thấm nhanh bằng serum. Các loại kem đều như vậy hay chỉ mỗi loại này thôi các bạn cho Vân xin review nhé 😉. Ngoài loại này ra Vân có dùng cả #sundayrileyceovitamincserum nữa, dạng sữa màu trắng, cũng mùi thơm cam chanh đặc trưng, và thấm nhanh hơn so với kem. Tuy nhiên theo cảm nhận thì Vân vẫn thích em Ole hơn. Mình có vẻ bị nghiện vitamin C nên có thêm em #melanoccserum nữa. Sp này giá thành tốt nên rất nhiều bạn reccommend, nhưng chắc do da Vân là hh dầu nên rất ko thích texture dầu của em này. Nó khó thấm hơn Ole, mình thì hay vội buổi sáng nên càng ko cảm em này. Dùng hết thôi ko mua lại đâu 😕 #meishoku #toner thích hợp cho da dầu mụn, mặt càng be bét thì dùng càng hợp í. Giá em này khá bình dân, tuy nhiên điểm trừ vì mùi cồn nồng nặc, da bạn nào nhạy cảm chắc ko xài đc đâu. Vân thì dùng chai thứ ba rồi. #prismexfoliatingglowpotion của nhà #prism dùng khá là ổn cho các bạn mới bđ làm quen vs AHA/BHA. Kết cấu em này lỏng như nước, có chứa 5% acid trái cây (aha), vitamin C trái cây tác dụng tẩy da chết nhẹ, làm da sáng hơn. Ngoài ra còn có tinh chất hoa hồng và aloe vera giảm viêm, kích ứng và cấp ẩm. À, em này còn chứa cả BHA tự nhiên từ vỏ cây liễu nữa nhé. Nếu dùng ban ngày thì bắt buộc phải kèm kcn nhé. #clinique #moisturesurge 72hrs cấp cẩm khá tốt, giá cũng bình dân, thực sự luôn cho một nhãn hiệu xịn sò ntn vì hũ 30ml Vân mua tách set chưa đến 300k. Dùng làm kem dưỡng ẩm ban ngày là chuẩn luôn á. Em này có dùng làm nền makeup ko thì Vân ko rõ vì Vân ko makeup khi đi làm 😚 Vân đang vẫn confuse vụ layer các lớp lên mặt vì còn cả niacinamide vs b5 nữa, đau đầu quá nè 🧐 (at Nha Trang) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDdYagUhZFv3mnRg5wCuF30d8K6PFIu7B4pac00/?igshid=7zazmnoy2rt
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denhatsac1 · 9 months ago
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bubuhikotan · 3 years ago
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DETクリア ブライト&ピール ピーリングジェリー<ホット> 使ってみたよ😊 @detclear_official @meishoku_corporation DETクリアシリーズ共通成分の果実AHA&植物BHAが配合されたお風呂でも使える温感タイプのピーリングジェルクリーム。 これ1つで温感&古い角質ケアができます。 <使ってみた感想> オレンジの香りがとっても爽やかでした。 ぬれた手でも使えたり、お風呂でも使えるのは便利🎶 ピーリングはしたい❕❕ でもスクラブは今日はいらないなぁって気分の時にピッタリでした💕 顔だけでなく、デコルテやボディの気になるところにも使ったりしてします。 今のような寒い時期には、温感のピーリングは嬉しい。 湯船につかったりスチーマーなどで温めたりなどは肌が温まるまで時間がかかってしまうので、このDETクリア ブライト&ピール ピーリングジェリー<ホット>だと優しくマッサージしていたら、だんだんとじわぁっとポカポカしてくれるので時短にもなってくれてます。 ポロポロとなるのが楽しくってスキンケアやボディケアが楽しくできました🎶 コスパもいいのでみんなにおススメです。 @detclear_official @meishoku_corporation #DETクリア #detclear #明色化粧品 #meishoku #ピーリング #ピーリングジェル #温感ピーリング #ホットピーリング #温感 #角質ケア #毛穴ケア #monipla #meishoku_fan 明色化粧品様より頂きました🎶 ありがとうございました💕 https://www.instagram.com/p/CY-8QuQJ-Xv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chuyentrachieu · 6 years ago
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Mình đã có nhiều năm đấu tranh với chứng lông mọc ngược do luôn làm sạch lông ở vùng chân bằng nhiều phương pháp, từ cạo, wax bằng sáp, wax bằng giấy, kem tẩy lông v.v. Dù bằng phương pháp nào đi chăng nữa, sớm hay muộn mình cũng sẽ bị mẩn đỏ do lông mọc cuộn vào trong. Những lúc như vậy, nhìn chân mất thẩm mỹ vô cùng, như bị ghẻ ấy.
Mình đã thử nhiều phương pháp như dùng sản phẩm hỗ trợ lông mọc…
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kematmeishoku0090 · 3 years ago
đánh giá kem mắt meishoku giả Nhật Bản 858
Về các lý do hình thành quầng thâm mắt Thu đã nói rõ trong bài kem dưỡng mắt Kiehl’s. Còn về thương hiệu Meishoku Thu cũng đã nói khá chi tiết trong bài Review lotion trị mụn Meishoku Bigansui Medicated Skin Lotion – xử lý các loại mụn có đơn giản? Chính vì trong bài ngày hôm nay chúng mình cùng tập trung review kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream để xem em này có thể làm gì cho đôi mắt bạn nhé.
Thiết kế
Dường như tất cả các sản phẩm mỹ phẩm nhỏ gọn ở Nhật Bản đều được ưu tiên đóng vỉ thay cho đóng hộp hay sao ý nhỉ? Mình mua 10 sản phẩm thì có đến 8 sản phẩm được đóng vỉ.
Review kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream
Kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream cũng không ngoại lê, không có hộp bìa mà được đóng vỉ lại. Tuýp kem nhựa màu xanh nước biển có trọng lượng 30g nhỏ gọn phù hợp để mang theo bên người hàng ngày. Đầu lấy kem nhỏ giúp kiểm soát lượng kem với lợi hơn. Thiết kế này khá tiện lợi có ưu điểm hơn so với dạng hũ vì vậy không bị chạm tay vào các phần kem còn lại gây mất vệ sinh và ảnh hưởng tới chất lượng. Tuy nhiên khuyết điểm cực lớn của em này là in chữ trên thân tuýp không bền một chút nào. Mình mới dùng được 1 tháng đã mờ gần hết chỉ còn nhìn thấy sương sương vài chỗ L.
Thành phần
Review kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream
Điểm nổi bật trong thành phần của kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream chính là 2 thành phần đắt giá: Placenta Extract và Collagen.
Placenta Extract: chiết xuất nhau thai cừu huyền thoại của Nhật Bản. Dạo gần đây tại thị trường Việt Nam đang bùng nổ trend sử dụng mặt nạ nhau thai cuống rốn và ủ trắng nhau thai Nhật.
Tại sao thành phần này lại hot đến thế thì mình sẽ nói chi tiết xíu nha:
Trong nhau thai cừu có những nguồn chất dinh dưỡng quý giá như Amino Acid thiết yếu, chất chống oxy hóa, Melatonin, EGFs giúp cải thiện trưởng biểu bì da, SCAFs hoạt hóa các tế bào già … Nhìn chung chiết xuất nhau thai cừu sẽ giúp trẻ hóa làn da, điều tiết các tuyến nhờn trên da, giữ cơ thể luôn ở trạng thái cân đối. Ngoài ra chiết xuất nhau thai cừu còn hỗ trợ điều trị tàn nhang, đồi mồi, nám cải thiện sắc tố làn da.
Collagen: Đây là thành phần nổi tiếng mà chắc hẳn là phụ nữ thì không nàng nào là không biết rồi. Collagen đóng vai trò quan trọng trong thể người phụ nữ tạo ra các Axit Amin thanh khiết cho sức khỏe của làn da giúp da chắc khỏe và làm chậm quá trình lão hóa da.
Ngoài ra còn có một số thành phần dưỡng da quen thuộc như Glyxerin, Vitamin E kết hợp với chiết xuất hạt ý dĩ nổi tiếng giúp làm mềm, cấp ẩm sâu cho vùng da quanh mắt luôn mềm mịn.
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Cảm nhận cá nhân khi sử dụng kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream
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Review kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream
Chất kem của em này tương đối đặc, màu trắng trong và có hương thơm nhẹ. Một nhược điểm khi sứt đó là chất kem khá dính và lâu thấm. Mình phải đợi gần 1 tiếng đồng hồ mới thấy đỡ nhờn dính đi một chút. hiệu quả mình nhận được sau 1 đêm thoa kem là vùng mắt căng hơn, căng giống như là hơi bị sung một xíu. Có thể đó là một trong những tác dụng làm đầy nếp nhăn của kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream. Cũng có thể vì lý do này mà mình cảm thấy em này không giúp làm giảm sưng bọng mắt của mình lắm.
Review kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream
Sau 1 tháng sử dụng mình thấy da vùng mắt được cải thiện đáng kể, bớt nhăn hơn dù mình vẫn hay thức khuya. Vùng da quanh mắt thì lúc nào cũng mịn màng. Tuy nhiên tác dụng trị thâm mắt thì mình chưa thấy.
Sau 3 review kem mắt meishoku whitening eye cream 30g tháng sử dụng mình bắt đầu thấy quầng thâm nhẹ dần và vùng da quanh mắt bắt đầu sáng lên nhìn có sức sống hẳn luôn. tác dụng của kem trị thâm mắt Meishoku khá chậm đòi hỏi Cả nhà phải thật kiên trì nhé. Mình đã dùng hết 1 tuýp 30g mới thấy có một chút kết quả. Sau khi dùng hết em này mình mới bắt đầu chuyển sang sử dụng kem dưỡng mắt Kiehl’s.
Sau 6 tháng sử dụng thì mình thấy kết quả vẫn chỉ như 3 tháng trước chứ không có sự cải thiện thêm nào cả. Mình kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream cũng chỉ có hiệu quả được đến như thế là hết mức rồi. Còn lại chỉ có thể dựa vào sức khỏe đôi mắt của chúng ta thui.
Review kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream
Nhìn chung mình đánh giá kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream có thành phần lành tính an toàn, có hiệu quả nhất định nhưng hiệu quả chưa nhanh và chưa rõ ràng lắm. Việc dưỡng mắt với kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream vẫn đòi hỏi vào quá trình sinh hoạt của đôi mắt hàng ngày. Với chúng ta chưa dùng thuốc nhỏ mắt thì hãy tham khảo bài thuốc nhỏ mắt Sancoba để phục vụ cho quá trình dưỡng mắt nhé.
Giá kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream
Kem dưỡng mắt Meishoku Whitening Eye Cream có giá khoảng 300k cho một tuýp kem 30g. Mình dùng liên tục 2 lần 1 ngày thì phải tầm 6 tháng mới hết vì như thế chất kem khá đặc, mình lại ghét nhờn dính nên chỉ trâm 1 lượng vừa đủ cho mỗi lần xài thui. Tính ra thì đây là mức giá cực kỳ dễ chịu so với một sản phẩm kem mắt của Nhật rùi.
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enevi · 5 years ago
Shirogane no Oka, Kuro no Tsuki - Volume Two
Welcome to Hakkei Palace where living ghosts roam the empty corridors and nothing is as it seems. The envoy of Gods, the creature of mercy - kirin - has returned to reclaim his place at the side of the New King. But is his lie good enough to make the court look the other way as the search for the rightful monarch continues? At last, the time has come for the kirin to face the person responsible for his injuries. As Taiki and Kouryou are being escorted through the empty corridors and make it above the clouds, they discover that many parts of the palace destroyed by meishoku were never rebuilt and left to rot. What's even more strange is the state of many servants who seem soulless marionettes with no will of their own, their escort being one of them. As they are nearing their destination, suddenly the outraged Chouun shows up with his entourage and tries to stop them from going any further, but as it was ordered by the lord himself the minister can't really do much about, so in the end all of them head over to the Throne Room. After they enter the empty hall and courtiers take their seats, the tense silence falls and Taiki just stands before the dais and looks up trying to see through the lowered jewel blind that are obscuring the view of the throne. Finally Asen speaks up, asking Taiki why did he even come back in the first place. Kirin spins the story about having felt the aura of the king and recognizing it as Asen's, but the man himself remains clearly unconvinced and agitated Chouun demands better explanation. Then eerily calm Taiki goes on how he couldn't and still can’t come to terms with it, as he has no say in who the Heaven chooses as the next ruler. He also calls Asen a traitor and a murderer right in front of everyone. To that Asen just laughs coldly, sarcastically commenting kirin's honesty. But Taiki doesn't stops there elaborating on how he was at first scared of Gyousou, but then understanding the meaning of that fear and how it corresponds to the hate he feels for Asen. Taiki's performance is so convincing that even Kouryou starts to have some serious doubts. It also seems to make sense for most of the ministers but is still not enough as far as Chouun is concerned. But then as he starts to demand more evidence the most unexpected person makes their entrance. Here comes Rousan, who Risai thought to be imprisoned or dead. And to Taiki and Kouryou's shock the woman herself seems well enough and completely unbothered by all of the recent happenings. Turns out, she was the one who disobeyed Chouun orders and told Asen about Taiki's return. What is even more disturbing is the fact that Asen clearly trusts her and listens to her, as the assembled discuss the possibility of the unsual precedence - appointment of the new king while the former one is still alive as indicated by the still living hakuchi). She's also the one to suggest what might be the simplest way to check if the kirin really speaks the truth - wound Taiki. Because if Asen really is the new king, then there is no way that Taiki's beasts will attack him. And while others loudly protest this idea, Asen comes down the dais and without hesitation draws his sword on kirin. He asks if he's really the new King. As Taiki responds with 'unfortunately, yes' Asen proceeds to attack Taiki by slashing his arm. Everyone's shocked and surprised but completely calm Asen just accepts Taiki's return and orders someone to take care of him. Then as if nothing happened he sheaths his blade and withdraws with no concern for his Saiho's wellbeing. Kouryou rushes toward his injured liege who has slumped to the floor and is clearly hurting. When Taiki is being taken care of by the surgeon Kouryou is wondering how long this whole farce can really continue. Asen might have officially reinstated Taiki to his former position and may even want to celebrate his ascension (as some of the other usurpers had done before him) but there is no way that he'll get the Tentei's blessing. And what then? But as he looks at the Taiki's pale and exhausted face, Kouryou can't make himself to question his master's plan right one. As surgeon leaves, Royal Physician, Bun'en, barges in and promptly falls to his knees in front of kirin and is close to tears when Taiki recognizes him and his assistants. They exchange greetings and talk for some time, but Taiki is soon made to rest because of his wounds. As he recuperates, Kouryou and Bun'en discuss the bizarre state of palace affairs. The Court is in impasse as notoriously absent and surrounded by strangely unemotional retainers Asen doesn't do much in terms of politics and is usually holed up in his quarters that are off-limit for almost anyone and with no way to reach him the ministers can't make any important decisions. The truth is that most of them don't even try in fear of displeasing Asen and consequently losing their rank or getting even more severe punishment. Bun'en also suspects that one responsible for servants' strange condition may be Rousan as she clearly has shady tricks up her sleeve.
*** In Bun Province Risai and her companions prepare to investigate Mt. Kan'you and decide that the most easiest way not to stand out to much and be relatively safe from local rebels is to disguise as pilgrims who are often seen in this area. Having made it to the city of Sokou they are taken captive by the bandits while trying to save one of the real pilgrim from being robbed. The band's leader, Kyuusan, is very interested in their suspicious moves as they were seen wandering in the area. The man is smart and quickly deduces who his guests may be after their local guide, Kenchuu, comes to their aid and tries to explain the situation. They get into an argument about the actions of the rebels and in the end Risai concedes that they may have some good reasons for doing what they do. Since it's hard not to see things from Kyuusan's point of view, especially after hearing the story of his life and of the things that happened during the uprising that subsequently led to Gyousou's disappearance. Kyuusan's family became vagrants when he was only thirteen and not only the one of his younger sisters but also his mother were of weak constitution, the life was hard and most money went to medicines. Then suddenly he lost two of his family members, almost one after another - his sister became ill while taking care of mother and other sibling and died shortly after that, whereas his father lost his life in mine accident. Thus the boy was left to care for his remaining family and at sixteen was taken in by local rebels who were and still are in control of the extractive business. Kyuusan quickly rose through the ranks and at twenty already had high position and no longer after that he started running his own group, still connected to the main one but sufficiently independent. As the new ruler came to power rebels became worried about their current position as it seemed that Gyousou would not look the other way as they went on with their business. Thus tried to think about the way to make their actions less illegal. But then one of the groups came down from the mountains and took control of one of the cities making even more enemies along the way. Especially among the locals. The army was mobilized and took care of the problem but then another city was attacked and the situation continued to the point where the King himself decided to come forth when the city of Tetsui became endangered. Not so long before that old acquaintance of Kyuusan asked him a favor to run people off Mt. Kan'you. Kyuusan thought it strange and already suspected that that some up the ladder was behind the whole uprising but couldn’t refuse. And as Gyousou's definitely gone missing in the neighboring area Risai hopes to find some traces. After talking things through Kyuusan offers his help and takes them to Mt. Kan'you where they meet the man name Chuukatsu with whom they try to come up with the most probable scenarios. One of them being refugees illegally excavating in the shut down mine, finding and taking care of the wounded Gyousou, as it is pretty unlikely that heavily wounded man could have made it out of the mine on his own. Or if he did, someone must have found him. Unfortunately as they walk through the dark corridors into the depths of Mt. Kan'you they find nothing and go back to Rin'u empty-handed. And as they leave, the first snow starts to fall. The winter has come to Bun Province. *** Meanwhile in the capital city of Kouki Taiki is frustrated at his inability to proceed with his plans to aid his struggling subjects. As the governor of the Zui Province he's supposed to have certain privileges, but as his deputy, Shison, and Chouun seem do everything to interfere his every initiative and ignore his requests (like having one-on-one meeting with both Rousan and Ganchou or getting any information about imprisoned and probably tortuted Seirai, who was accused of stealing from the royal treasury), he remains powerless. At the same time the ministers have their own set of problems, main of them being Asen's unwillingness to claim his title or make any particular decision in regard to politics. Thus they have no choice but to consult with Taiki. Right on cue comes the new revelation from the Heaven. One which makes Chouun finally respond to Taiki's summons. Gods decided to appoint the new King but before they give him the power the current one has to abdicate to make the position open for Asen. Kirins can be wayward creatures to be sure and their loyalty lies solely with their people, but both Chouun and Kouryou are slightly unnerved by Taiki's cold and apparently dismissive attitude toward his liege's inevitable fate. It makes chousai wonder if Taiki can even be called a proper kirin as he in no way resembles his meek and agreeable predecessor. Rousan and Chouun go over every instance when change of the monarch can occur- from King straying from the Way resulting in kirin being stricken with illness, through regicide, to abdication. And seem to come to the conclusion that it must be completely voluntary. Which may pose some problems as Gyousou was forcibly ousted from power. And even if Asen never intended to kill him in the first place, he's also unlikely to share any information about Gyousou's current whereabouts. An information he certainly possesses. Thus a stalemate continues… Asen's idleness doesn't escape the notice of his faithful retainers, be it his direct subordinate such as Hinken and Kisen or ordinary guard like freshly minted Boushuku or much more experienced Gogetsu. All are as happy, as they are confused and worried. At the same time Taiki's newly appointed aid in the person of Keitou - one of Asen's subjects - tries to do everything in his power to help young governor make things work. Even as Taiki and Kouryou remain openly hostile and reluctant towards him, which doesn't surprise him but at the same time he genuinely wants to do something for his country. He sets out to search for the right candidates for Saiho's protection detail and at first goes to his old friend, Yuushou who also comments on Asen's current doings and how it was rivalry with Gyousou that kept him going and after the latter's defeat their lord just burned out and lost his motivation to go on. *** Back in Rin'u Risai and her companions search for any kind of new lead and seem to get in the form of new testimony from people who saw the group of vagrants transport a suspicious looking cart not longer after the uprising. As it may have something to do with the rumors about the refugees finding impossibly big gemstone back in the day the group heard from Chuukatsu they decide to investigate it. At first they don't seem to find anything useful but the residents of Ginsen behave very suspiciously and no longer after Risai and others leave they are attacked by unknown assailants, but those seem to be so obviously untrained and desperate that Risai decides to let it go for now. Later they reach the ruins of the village they passed by earlier that day and surprisingly find them already occupied by one of the local traders and his companions. As they prepare for the night Risai notices the unusual behavior of trader's guard and as she confront the man, he turns out to be the one of General Gashin's retainers, Seishi, whom Risai once met during the journey to Mt. Hou all those years ago. The trader found injured Seishi and sheltered him for all this time and now has no problem with letting him and his apprentice Yotaku, assist Risai and co. with their search. He also explains that indeed there were refugees transporting precious gemstones but were attacked on their way and slaughtered and that the all that is left of the village that took advantage of the situation are the ruins they are currently staying in. So, once again the group goes back to Rin'u empty-handed and once again they go to investigate possible place were refugees could have stayed in the past. This time Chuukatsu is their guide as they research long abandoned neighborhood of Mt. Kan'you only to find another ruins and remains of the people who desperately tried to survive and didn't make it. *** Somewhere in Bun Province the boy was orphaned once again, as the master he was taking care of has just passed away. The boy is grieving but at the same time blames the man for breaking the promise he made those six years ago. For the two of them were supposed to take the throne back from the monster residing in the capital city of Kouki. They were supposed to go together and all is lost because the master is no longer among the living… *** The winter has finally come to the capital of Tai. Strange apathy seemed to have descended upon the residents of Saiho's isolated mansion and Kouryou doesn't know if it has something to do with the weather or is it Asen's doing. He's also worried because lately kirin's gaze suspiciously often seems to wander in the direction of Asen's quarters. What’s clear is the fact that him and the others desperately need some rest. Fed up with his current situation Taiki decides to make his position clear and summons Shison just to dismiss him from his position as deputy and give it to Keitou instead, who's extremely honored and doubles his efforts to help Taiki. Also after speaking to her liege Yari agrees to be appointed as Taiki's another personal guard, which Kouryou thinks is a good thing because as kind of mercenary the girl doesn't owe allegiance to any of the corrupted ministers. And finally prompted by Taiki's words Chouun decides to publicly announce that kirin has returned bringing the news of Heavens giving their blessing to Asen. *** The hunt for missing gemstones and refugees continues as Risai gets the information about the suspicious activities taking place in one of the stores affiliated with one of the biggest and the most renowned gemstone businesses belonging to Fu family whose many shops can be found anywhere in the kingdom with home base in Hakurou, the capital city of Bun Province. Desperate for any information the group goes on journey only to find out that indeed the head of the family, matron name Houyou, has some shady dealings of her own, but it most likely involves illegal production of weapons and has nothing to do with the missing king… Just as Risai and others go back to Rin'u they are visited by the trader who saved Seishi. The man remembered that one of the more remote villages, Rouan, whose residents were lucky enough to escape the country-wide purge of Gyousou's allies, always issued for more medicines than they apparently needed and lately asked for the delivery of weapon. Hoping that maybe just maybe finally they're getting closer to finding some answers Risai and co. impatiently awaits for trader and Seishi's return. A few days later they are visited by disturbed and agitated Kiitsu who tells them about Asen's apparent ascension. Shocked and surprised Risai and Kyoshi go to the nearby Sekirin shrine whose residents always seem to have proven information, while Houto goes to check in with his trader friends. Unfortunately as they make their inquiries someone overhears them and people starts asking questions much to the priests annoyance. After the moment the chaos is temporarily contained and the priest reluctantly confirms that the rumor seems to be true. At the same time Seishi brings back a devastating news. As it turns out the residents of Rouan were indeed harboring a noble fugitive. Man whose wounds were so grave that is was impossible to survive if he wasn't the sage. Man who never revealed his real name in fear of involving the innocent. Man with white hair and crimson eyes. Man who died at the end of the fall… Confused and even more shocked Risai is confronted with Kiitsu's obvious belief that maybe Taiki purposely left them behind as they might not be able to accept the painful truth. Utterly devastated former General calculates the dates and comes to the conclusion that maybe Kiitsu is right. And then starts to wonder and despair. About Gyousou's supposed death and Taiki's lack of faith in her and consequent 'betrayal'… After calming down and thinking things through Risai decides to visit the Rouan village and ask about the dead noble. There after hearing everything from village leader, the group goes to see the grave for themselves. There they meet the boy, Kaisei, who took care of his dying master. He tells them that he suspects that what eventually killed him were the rumors about people searching for someone. Those people being Risai's group, of course. And that the villagers afraid of the government retribution, poisoned the man in secret, to get rid of any damning evidence. With this he leaves in hurry and Risai and her companions are left to wonder, what if. And now, that the all hope seems lost, they face impossible dilemma - if the news about Asen turns out to be the truth, will they be able to accept the fact that traitor and murderer is the rightful King? And that it means that the country desperately needs him and there's no way anyone would forgive them for even trying to kill him? And what about Taiki himself? Deep down inside Risai desperately wants to believe that her King is still alive… BACK
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