#mein seelenverwandter
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    “𝐴 𝑏𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 –
                                      𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑡.”
Heute ist unser Tag, der nur uns gehört. Unsere Seelen sind verflochten, vereint und verbunden. Du bist mein Seelenverwandter und die Liebe meines Lebens. Für immer und ewig und darüber hinaus bleiben wir vereint. Ich werde dich nicht loslassen und du mich nicht. Wir beide werden tanzen durch den Tag und die Nacht hindurch. Wir sind eins, du und ich, unsere Seelenverbundenheit. Auf dich und mich, auf uns und ich liebe, liebe, liebe, liebe, liebe, liebe, liebe, liebe dich, so sehr, mein Raphael Leonardo Adler! @lookingforlibertalia
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unperfekt95 · 6 months
Jeden Abend wenn ich in den Himmel blicke hoch in die Sterne und meinem Sternenkind von meinem Tag berichte, sind meine letzen Worte immer die selben. Pass bitte gut auf ihn auf für mich. Egal wo er ist und was er macht pass auf das ihm nichts passiert. Es soll ihm gut gehen, auch ohne mich.! Den ich habe es leider verbockt.!😔💔
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Ich rede mit dir, jeden Tag. Du bist zwar nicht mehr da, aber ich mach’s schon so seit Jahren.
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Der Gedanke, mit dir den Rest meines Lebens zu verbringen, ist der schönste Gedanke, den ich je gedacht habe.
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whoknew-stuff · 5 days
Es wird immer die Liebe sein die siegt, es ist die Suche einzelner Seelen die sich nach ihrem Partner verzehren. Worte, Poesie und der klang unseres Herzens führen uns. Worte die nach Verständnis suchen, Poesie um unsere Gefühle zu untermauern um unsere Herzen in Einklang zu bringen. Und wenn wir unseren Seelenverwandten nicht in diesem Leben finden dann wartet er im nächsten auf uns.
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jasadhyana · 4 months
Mit dir ist die Welt schöner.
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equalchaos · 2 years
Wir waren einst-
wie zwei sterbende Sterne.
Krampfhaft versucht,
einander am Firmament-
und am Leben zu halten.
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ourtwolostsouls · 2 years
Ich habe heute schon wieder von dir geträumt. Meine Gedanken spielen wieder mal verrückt. Gott wie ich deine Augen vermisse. Ich vermisse es wirklich dir jeden Tag in deine Augen zu sehen. Sie waren grün, dunkelgrün. Dunkelgrün mit ein bisschen braun. Dein Lachen schallt tagtäglich in meinem Kopf. Es gibt so viel, was ich dir gerne sagen würde. Aber ich kann dich nicht kontaktieren, weder kontaktieren noch irgendwie meinen Weg zu dir finden. Ich liege bis spät nachts wach, hoffe meine Gedanken finden den Weg zu dir.
Denkst du manchmal auch an mich? Ich hoffe es. Warum sind wir Menschen nicht fähig dazu, durch Gedanken zu kommunizieren? Oder vielleicht sind wir es, wir wissen es nur nicht. Vielleicht haben wir auch die gleichen Träume und kommunizieren so miteinander. Vielleicht träumen wir beide das Gleiche. Vielleicht sehen wir uns nur so. Vielleicht fühlt sich für dich auch alles, was wir träumen real an.
Als du in dieser Nacht gegangen bist, hast du einen Teil von mir mitgenommen. Fühlt es sich so an, wenn dein Seelenverwandter geht? Fühlt der rote Faden der uns beide verbindet, sich so an, wenn er gespannt wird? Ist er sogar gerissen? Sind wir Seelenverwandte? Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass wir es nicht sind. Denn wieso bist du der einzige sichere Ort an den ich denken kann?
Ich wünschte, ich könnte zurück zu unserer Zeit, der Zeit in der unser einziges Problem war, dass andere nicht checken, dass wir miteinander zu tun haben um keine Gerüchte zu verbreiten. Ich würde so gerne zu dieser Zeit zurück. Ich hätte noch so viel anders gemacht. Ich würde einfach gerne zurückspulen zu der Zeit als wir unser Lied immer und immer wieder gehört haben.
Zu dir Kontakt aufnehmen, würde so viel Ärger bedeuten. Ich würde alles aufs Spiel damit setzen. Mein jetziges Leben für dein „Vielleicht“.
Die Sehnsucht, sie erschlagt und erwürgt mich, die Sehnsucht nach dir hört nicht auf. Die Sehnsucht verschwindet nicht. Sie endet nicht. Genau wie meine Liebe zu dir.
-in Liebe M.
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thepoeticshawty · 2 years
Ich könnte ein ganzes Buch über dich schreiben. Volle Seiten mit deinen wunderschönen Gedanken, deiner rücksichtslosen Art, die mich in Wahrheit taucht und in Selbstreflexion wieder aufgehen lässt.
Du bist ein endloses Kapitel meines Lebens
─ endlos weise, endlos reich an Ideen und Vorstellungen, die mich mit auf eine Reise zu mir selbst nehmen. Du schenkst meinen Gedanken Freiheit. Mit dir habe ich viel Schmerz gefühlt und losgelassen. Du bist mein Lehrer, mein Geschenk ─ meine wertvollste Lektion, weil du mich gelehrt hast, wie loslassen funktioniert ohne sich in Verzweiflung selbst zu verlieren.
Danke mein so stures und kostbares Herz.
thepoeticshawty ~ zweitausendsechszehn
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Ich gehe vorwärts, auch wenn’s schwer ist, weil ich jetzt alles, was ich mir mit dir gewünscht habe hinter mir lassen muss.
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Alright, for all the Kurt Wagner fans out there, especially those who write fanfics, short list of things he could say in German [because I see a lot of wrong things], especially nicknames. If you're interested I wrote a bit about the possesive pronouns in German in this post. You might want to check it out, in case you get confused from the list below.
If you use things with "Mein", "Meine" or "Meiner" remember that it's not capitalised in the middle of the sentence. Do it like that for example:
" You are right, meine Liebe."
Schatz ~ Treasure
Mein Schatz ~ My treasure
Liebling ~ Darling
Liebchen ~ Sweetling [I personally never have heard someone say that, since it's a bit older, but I know he used in the comics, so I won't complain]
Meine Liebe ~ my dear [when the person he's adressing is feminine]
Mein Lieber ~ my dear [when the person he's adressing is masculine]
Ich liebe dich ~ I love you [NOT 'Ich liebe Sie' that's formal]
Entschuldigung/ 'Tschuldigung ~ Sorry
Es tut mir Leid. ~ I'm sorry.
Meine Freunde ~ My friends
Mein Freund ~ my friend [male]
Meine Freundin ~ my friend [female
[Be careful with those one, because in German we don't really have a way to say 'girlfriend' or 'boyfriend'. We usually just use the words for friend and sometimes add a 'fester/feste' in front of it, but just so you know]
Mein Gott ~ My god [remember that 'Gott' is capitalised]
Mein Engel ~ My angel
In General, please don't just translate things word by word. I've talked about in the post linked above, but it doesn't work like this. And while words such as "Honey" may be nicknames in English, they are not in German.
If you have questions or things you'd like me to add, just tell me, I am always open to suggestions :)
Ich vermisse dich ~ I mss you. // Ich habe dich vermisst ~ I missed you
Du siehst gut aus ~ You look good.
Du bist wunderschön. ~ You are beautiful.
Ich glaube an dich. ~ I believe in you.
Das machst du gut ~ You're doing good.
Alles gut/okay? ~ You're good/ alright?
Ich bin für dich da. ~ I'm here for you.
Du siehst aus, wie ein Engel ~ You look like an angel.
Ich bin stolz auf dich ~ I'm proud of you
Du bist das Beste, was mir je passiert ist. ~ You're the best thing that ever happened to me.
Du bist mein Seelenverwandter ~ You're my soulmate (Male)
Du bist meine Seelenverwandte ~ You are my soulmate ( female)
Du machst mich glücklich ~ You make me happy.
You're very welcome to tag me if you used something, I would love to see your stories
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rosalieee · 1 month
Du bist mein seelenverwandter. Wir beide wissen das ganz genau. Unsere Seelen schreien nacheinander, wenn wir getrennt voneinander sind. Es ist erst Frieden, wenn wir uns haben.
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Entirely Unconventional
Part 9: Self-Doubt & Unleashed Desire
There was a perception of him, of his ranking and skill in the military, that didn’t translate to whom he really was.
There was a certain standard that most people would have adhered him to, forcefully shoving him into this kind of role they wanted him to fit. And when they met the man who hid behind the mask for the first time, they had been starkly disappointed.
König was a long-serving soldier, but he did not fit the role of the soldier most thought he was.
They had anticipated that because of his size, his abilities, and his strength with numerous weapons that he would be as ruthless off the battlefield. The truth, however, was that he was a man who was riddled with social anxiety, and had preferred the quietude of a few good men.
König, beast and colonel on the field, didn’t feel comfortable around the general populace. He didn’t feel naturally placed within the ranks of others who hadn’t known him because he remembered the cruel words of childhood bullies.
König, the great soldier, was afraid his social anxiety would cost him greatly. He had thought he would never deserve or the have the chance for one soulmate, let alone two.
He didn’t believe that he was ever going to find someone who understood him, someone who could and would embrace the soldier he was. There was a lot to be expected of soulmates, although something his mother had told him had always stuck with him.
When he was a child, bullied and afraid to go to school, fearing mean-spirited children who would mock him for their state of wealth, she had sat him down to reassure him.
He was crying and sorry that he was such a burden on his mother, his poor mother, who hadn’t eaten to save money for his school trips, had wiped his tears and hugged him tightly.
“Du bist unbezahlbar mein Herz.” She would begin, softly singing to him as she rubbed his back and urged him to calm.
She would begin with soft words, and then she would reassure him about his future with a soulmate. “Dein Seelenverwandter wird alles besser machen. Das Schicksal wird das alles in Ordnung bringen.”
It had taken years, and he was far into his adulthood before he had found the first. Meeting Simon Riley for the first time had sent König into some kind of existential crisis.
One where he had never fully imagined a life where he not only had a soulmate, but that his soulmate would have been a male.
He had never allowed himself to think of any possibility of having a soulmate, König had thought that going so far in life without meeting a single one, had damned from for the rest of his living breathing days.
König had remained hopeful beneath the layers of his well-formed outer shield, hopeful that he would experience some peace in his life. After the years of fighting, after becoming a beast on the battlefield, and a man who wasn’t as strong as he appeared in the quiet hours, König wanted some measure of peace.
Even if he himself wasn’t peaceful, he wanted to feel that serenity.
He found himself looking into your memories more often than not. Both like and unlike Simon, some were hidden and blocked entirely in a secure corner of your mind, and others were open. He hadn’t even been sure that you knew what he was doing, but he couldn’t help himself.
König was a man who had internalized so much of his life. He was a man who had severe social anxiety to the point where he had been fearful as a whole to interact outside his circles.
There was a kind of desperation that even Simon Riley couldn’t run from, and even the phantom he was, couldn’t hide from the deeply seeded desire to be loved.
The more he saw of you and your past, the person you were beyond the thoughts in your head, the more König had felt you were a necessity. With an almost possessive need to keep you for himself and Simon, König had reacted to Ghost suddenly shutting you out with severe anxiety.
The wall had gone up, weeks into a long mission. The wall had been secured, and you were kept in the dark, for both Ghost’s self-preservation and his habit to keep himself isolated. The more you tried, the more he hated you and despised fate’s decision to mark you as theirs.
Simon saw Tommy, he saw his sister-in-law and his nephew. He’s seen them all dead with lifeless eyes, a product of Ghost’s doing, a causality that was directly tied in with him.
Ghost, to save them both the pain of losing someone they didn’t even want, cut you off with striking ferocity.
And König felt the repercussions.
It was debilitating, the moment that he had felt the walls solidify.
The moment his breath had completely stopped, his heart racing with intensity that driven him to see black spots in his vision, his stomach churning aggressively. He was a fucking mess, in the middle of the chopper on the way back to their temporary base.
Behind his mask, behind his balaclava and with the area around his eyes obscured with black, König was a mess. Trying to control himself in front of them all, had only lasted until the doors opened and he could run.
He didn’t wait, he didn’t speak, he found himself in a corner of the base where he could be vulnerable.
Breathe. Breathe.
For a moment, he could hear your voice. Despite the walls Ghost put up, he could hear you.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two…one
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two…one
He closed his eyes, right fist slamming against the wall. One soulmate damned him, another was trying to save him. Unwittingly.
“König, you good mate?” His voice, his damn soulmate’s voice, and he snapped.
Aggressively and at a breaking point, König slammed Simon against the wall, holding him by the front of his shirt. He stared his fated lover down with eyes burning, and the order of a commanding officer.
It was a relationship conflict, not one that really pertained to their rank. It was König, anxious and on the verge of an episode, blaming one of his soulmates for causing it.
It was König, staring down at his fated lover with unyielding need. Green eyes met blue, the white bleached skull faced off against a dark mask with two pieces under the eyes bleached burnt orange.
Tension, sexual and emotional, surged between them. It was thick and it was heavy. It was the first time since they’d found each other where their emotions weren’t controllable.
“Undo it. Now.” König’s aggressive, German laced tongue demanded Ghost buckle, that he cave and let it all go.
Want. Desire. Need. Hunger.
“Damned, König. Nothing but a damned woman.” Demanding, unyielding.
Push and pull, mutually assured destruction that would consume you all.
Destroyed for, and by, another.
König, had lost his temper. Ghost was impeccably cold, yet equally fuelled by hunger.
“Undo it, now.” König demanded again, placing himself in a position where he was fuelled by the need to feel you in his mind, and to feel Ghost beneath him.
One beat, then another.
“Ahh, fuckers” Soap turned the corner and stumbled upon them, upon the sight of them, raising an eyebrow in question, “Price doesn’t need to see that. Take it to the bedroom is you’re gonna undress each other with your eyes.”
Ghost shiver away from König, still undesirably rattled with the sudden outburst of hunger and lust he was dealing with. He had gripped onto Soap’s own tactical gear and dragged the sergeant toward himself.
“Shut the fuck up, McTavish.” Ghost’s threat was met with Johnny’s one pliable smirk, and the knowledge that something was happening between them.
“Mouth always gets me in trouble, or under trouble.” Johnny spoke of his wife like some hellion he had been matched to, despite the gentleness and bubbly attitude that had beholden herself to Johnny.
He spoke of her like she was some feisty little thing, though there was a genuine naïveté and sincerity that made Johnny hyper-protective of his wife. He thought she was made of glass, and while the idea of someone like Mrs. McTavish was, neither Ghost nor König would be a good fit for her.
Between the two of them, she would break. Through no fault of her own, she would end up being a mess with all the shit in their lives, wrecked mentally and emotionally.
Emilia McTavish needed someone like Johnny, someone who was sarcastic and relatively unscathed. She required someone who could be the prince she had always dreamed of, the prince she always wanted.
And Johnny… Johnny was the best damn man for his wife.
It was through Johnny that they found you.
Over and over, endlessly, Johnny had seemed to be in the middle of their affairs. Whether that was the first time they’d met you, the first time Soap had called Ghost out over the connection they’d had, or even now.
Soap was always there. And he brought his circumstances, his coincidences, with him.
“Don’t waste your bullets, LT. Just tellin’ya that Price pushed back the debriefing for a few hours. Give us all a chance to blow off some steam. Or ya know-”
“Wanker!” Ghost slammed his fist against the wall, reminding Johnny again of the repercussions coming for him. “Fuck off, or I’ll-”
Soap recoiled and drew himself away from the two, laughing under his breath. Soap had clearly known what Ghost had done, to cut you off, and he had inferred that they were in the middle of a dispute.
König remained silent until Soap had left the two alone again, smirking and laughing under his breath. Silence had overtaken them, silence that was almost immediately absent when the wall blocking you out had fallen.
Everything came back, the thoughts and the memories you’d had since been cut off, it all came rushing back with intensity.
And at the cusp, was your excitement over a night out. Your thoughts had been incredibly telling.
Ghost had spoken to you in his head first, addressing you with an almost condescending tone.
Tequila, love? That’s your drink of choice?
Your reaction was cautious, your hesitancy to accept that he was back was warranted. And still, you hadn’t held much against them; against Ghost.
Not a fan of tequila? Too strong for you? Teasing, taunting, and playful. That was what you’d thrown back at him.
Kentucky bourbon. Have a shot for me. Don’t do anything stupid. Ghost was giving you whiplash, hell he was giving König whiplash, but true to your nature you responded with little contempt.
So, you do care. I knew you did.
Ghost kept himself guarded, they both had. And although König was far more open to allowing himself to be exposed to you, Ghost had been losing small flecks of his guard.
Only for you, only to you. And only because König demanded it.
Not in the slightest. Be a good girl tonight, love.
His remark, had set off something inside you. It was a feeling in the back of your mind, something heated and heady.
It had remained there for the better part of three hours while they had their break between arriving at base and the debriefing. There wasn’t a single time that the certain heat, that certain edge, had evaporated.
It was steady, it had inflicted the two with an unnatural urgency that left them incapable of focusing on anything else. That thick and heavy heat was fuelled by need, raw and powerful. As that connection had begun to settle into their minds, a memory, and picture had developed.
Though the debriefing had already begun, neither König nor Ghost had been able to focus. Instead of Captain Price’s voice drawing their attention, it was you. Their focus had shifted from the facts of their active duty mission, their targets eliminated and the next steps, they had been unable to think of anything or anyone.
But you.
Heat, impossible fire, coursed through their veins just as the sound permeated their minds. Your voice was soft and airy, and the connection was made between pleasure and the heat, driving them to temporary insanity.
Fuck! What the fuck?! Ghost hissed under his breath as his head was flooded with the indescribable thoughts of intimacy that you were inflicting on yourself.
Pleasure, and pleasuring, was on the forefront of your mind. Three hours, only, had passed between Ghost speaking to you and the start of that undeniable heat.
Your fun, out at whatever club you were going to, had only lasted three hours before you had gone home. And now…
He could see it, you were torturing them. Both of them.
König was silent beside him. His mind was quiet as he was fixated on everything you were doing. Everything you were showing them.
Fingers tugging, reaching, toying. Your back arching and your legs spread for yourself, your head craned as you moaned, erotically sighing as you pushed yourself toward pleasure.
Your fingers, your voice, your body…it was all there in their minds, for them to see. You were bared, to them, driven by so much hunger and desire, that you’d gone home to pleasure yourself. And by pleasuring yourself, you’d unleashed a shit-storm for the two of them.
Your smooth skin, the dip of your hands that trailed along your abdomen to your hips and beyond. You were a fucking siren, a delectable image of sin and pleasure, of deathly beauty. The longer you had shown them what you were doing, the longer they had to listen to in your pleasure, the further they were into losing their minds.
A band snapped, it had driven Ghost to the brink of his sanity.
He had lurched forward and gripped the end of the table with clenched teeth, and side-eyeing König, they had both come to the realization that they, themselves, were being thrown into the pits of desire.
And then that band snapped again, and your voice ushered in a new wave of unbridled emotion.
It was unstoppable, the fucking tension that skyrocketed, and made it nearly impossible to breathe. You were fucking yourself with your fingers with one hand, and the other has been teasing, tugging and pinching your nipples.
Fucking hell, Ghost hissed in his mind, although the message would likely never reach you through the pleasure, cursed fucking woman!
Ghost was rigid, stuck with a look in his eyes that promised death, while König sat beside him with furrowed brows and darkened eyes. Neither had been aware of what was even happening to themselves until the third, final band had snapped.
And their minds were flooded with the sound of your ecstasy. You and your pivotal orgasm came crashing into them all at once, without a single restraint. Over and over, as you fucked your fingers to the last moment before exhaustion, they were being flooded by the sounds of your pleasure.
Silence fell upon them, the high of pleasure was still there, and then it struck. The two of them under a fog, under a haze of nothing but lust and need, knew they were going to crash into each other.
It was an addictive drug, a combination of your list that bled through to release, and the bonds that drove them closer.
And they were going to burn together.
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verzauberteliebe · 4 months
Du hast mich, mich besonders fühlen lassen.
Du hast mir gezeigt das ich liebenswert bin und vielleicht doch gut genug für jemanden sein kann.
Du hast gesagt ich bin dein seelenverwandter.
Und dann hast du mich verlassen als hätte ich dir niemals irgendwas bedeutet, und mir all mein Selbstwert Gefühl genommen.
Du hast mir genommen zu lieben, denn nach dir hat sich jegliches Gefühl verabschiedet was zulassen könnte jemanden wieder an mich heran zu lassen.
Ich wusste nicht wie sehr ein Mensch brechen könnte, bis ich fühlen konnte wie ich zerbrochen bin an dir.
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thepoeticshawty · 2 years
und ganz gleich wie ich es drehe und wende, deine gedanken untersuche bis ins kleinste detail, deiner sinn-flut lausche und sie mich vollkommen umgibt —
all das was du bist, passt in kein einziges wort, das mein verstand hergibt.
Du, thepoeticshawty
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hes-my-soulmate · 4 months
Ich habe mal gehört:
"Der Unterschied zwischen der Liebe des Lebens und Seelenverwandtschaft?
Die Liebe des Lebens kann jeder sein wenn du darum kämpfst und die Person dazu machst. Seelenverwandte nicht - Seelenverwandte sind vorherbestimmt."
Ich habe es nicht verstanden, bis ich ihn traf.
Egal wie viel Mühe ich mir mit jemand anderem gegeben hätte: Es wäre niemals so einzigartig geworden wie mit ihm.
Es ist so viel mehr als Liebe.
Er ist nicht die Liebe meines Lebens - er ist mein Seelenverwandter.
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