#meilan firaga
dresupi · 1 year
9 lines, 9 people
tagged by @nurselaney tagging: @ibelieveinturtles, @treaddelicately @thestanceyg, @hollyspacey, @meilan-firaga, @idontgettechnology, @yespumpkindoodlesthings, @that-wimpy-cowboy-doll, @wheresarizona
You get the first nine-ish lines of my ST fic that I am still writing and planning on posting if I can ever get through this block/burnout/blockout w/e. <3 <3 <3 This is Eddie Munson/OFC, Sam Hartford being the OFC.
“So what… you can’t come pick me up from school? I made plans, Sam. You know how I am about plans.” “I know, I know… they’re for losers, and you became a loser for me, Robin. And believe me, I appreciate it, but Tony decided to work a half day, and I don’t want to talk to Dad without him here…” “You haven’t talked to them yet?” Robin squawked. There was the loud blare of a trombone in the background, and she stopped paying attention to Sam long enough to loudly scold whoever it was, before coming back to their conversation as if nothing had happened. “Sa-man-tha… you said you were going to talk to them before now!” “Do you know how hard it is to tell your well-intentioned parents who are paying for everything, mind you, that you’re failing out of the college you threw a fit to attend in the first place?” Sam asked.  “No, Sam. No, I don’t. You know I don't.” “And don’t full-name me, it makes me feel like you’re trying to nag me or something.” “You need to be nagged, apparently. Because I made perfectly awful plans for today and now I don’t get to do any of them and I’m upset. That’s what you’ve reduced me to, Sam. I’m upset that my lame plans are falling through.”
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alloverthegaf · 6 years
  Aloha! I have the flu and am superdooper bored so...
Listen, feel no shame for loving xXx. That movie is gold, as is the most recent sequel. I’ve not seen the second one in years, so I withhold opinion there, but absolutely no apologies for enjoying those movies.
one of my biggest shames to this very day is that I still haven’t seen the latest one
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ozhawkauthor · 6 years
meilan-firaga reblogged your photoset and added:
*side-eyes* Oh no.Now I have ideas.
WHEEE for Ideas!
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Hi! When you get to the end of the Google docs sign-up form it says that claims open July 3rd. According to your schedule TV Phase claims open on May 21st. Which is the correct date?
Hey there!
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, it seems we forgot to update the form.  The correct date is May 21st!
Thanks again!
Ask the mods
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iamartemisday · 4 years
Quarantine Tag Game
Rules: the last photo of a celebrity that you saved to your phone is your current quarantine buddy and then tag ten people.
Tagged by @therealstartraveller776​. Thank you!
Having checked, it appears I don’t have any photos of celebrities saved to my phone. Here’s one from my laptop instead:
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Well, I definitely won’t get bored. :D
Tagging: @caffeinated-mcu​, @iblue-kitzune​, @ibelieveinturtles​, @marvelfanuniverse​, @loki-theatre-gurl​, @wannabanauthor​, @grimeysociety​, @meilan-firaga​, @that-wimpy-cowboy-doll​, @pegasusdragontiger​, @wheresarizona​
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List which 5 TV shows make you feel better, then tag 10 other blogs. 
@grimeysociety tagged me ❤️ thank you love
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1. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
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2. Bob’s Burgers
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3. Letterkenny
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4. Buzzfeed Unsolved
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5. The Great British Bake Off
You can play, too, if you like @dresupi​ @wheresarizona​ @leftennant​ @sigridhr​ @amidtheflowers​ @idontgettechnology​ @meilan-firaga​ @snailsarecute​ @wasleichtes​ @iamartemisday​ and you, especially, person reading this <3
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knittingmama · 4 years
Prompt courtesy of @iamartemisday
“President Darcy Lewis-Rogers and First Gentleman Steve Rogers”
I do not prose, but can you imagine:
Steve Rogers on the campaign trail, kissing babies, telling dogs that they are Good Dogs, saluting every kid, pinkie promising the kids who don’t salute that he will help Ms Lewis do her best, eating every fried thing the country has to offer.
Every time it’s too much, Darcy turns to him and asks “why am I doing this?” Steve responds “because you’ll be a great president and that’s what we deserve.”
Steve is always buying out Lush and Godiva in every city to treat the campaign staff. He knows all of them by name, and generally at least one personal fact about them.
Every one of Darcy’s speech binders has a sticky note with a cartoon (often the dancing America monkey with curly hair, but it varies) on the inside cover. The staff collect them, and eventually a poster is made of all of them.
The joy on his face as the returns come in and the glee on hers.
The look of sheer pride and adoration as Steve holds a bound copy of the US Constitution (Darcy won’t swear on a bible, she has Standards and she’s Jewish anyway) for her to swear the Oath of Office on.
When Darcy walks into the Oval Office for the first time, she takes off her shoes and wiggles her toes in the presidential seal on the carpet. She makes a point of doing this at least once a week for the duration of her presidency.
Tony has a never ending stream of new nicknames for Steve. “The President’s Little Mister, First Frozen Man, Mr. Darcy” top the list.
At the inaugural balls, Steve is wearing his 40’s dress uniform. Darcy is stunning in a series of red gowns.
Steve assists in planning State Dinners like the master tactician he is.
Darcy can hold her own with any other head of state and refuses to let Steve wear the Cap suit when meeting any foreign leaders. Still, there comes a turning point when she has to tell Steve “you cannot keep giving Putin the Cap Stare. It undermines me as a head of state. Bucky, you can keep giving him as many murder glares as you want.”
Steve comes into the Oval if he feels Darcy has been working too late to rub her feet.
Steve becomes the absolute bane of the Secret Service. He runs laps around the White House, sneaks out to visit kids in hospitals, tries to take the motorcycle out for joyrides without an escort.
Darcy's not taking chances, so she gets Bucky on his security team because at least she knows Bucky can keep up and has experience pulling Steve out of his headstrong bullshit, and then has to deal with what a terrible mistake she's made because oh god they're out in public together and Bucky keeps him out of the worst of the trouble but THE SHENANIGANS.
While he does the gladhanding bits that are often part of being the First Spouse, Steve also insists on campaigning for literacy, veterans’ issues, and arts funding. It is possible he comes to various Congressional committee sessions in a cardigan.
Darcy: “Steve, you can’t drive to the UN in the Harley.”
Steve: “Why not, they have underground parking?”
Bucky: "Because I'm not riding in a sidecar, punk.
Take the limo and make your wife feel like you're safe."
Secret Service: “breathes a collective sigh of relief”
Funding for the sciences triples, as between Darcy and Jane there is no way that’s not happening. And Steve goes on posters all over America reminding parents to vaccinate.
Some of this is mine, some from my wonderful Darcyland peeps @littlemrscookie, @meilan-firaga, @iamartemisday and @lilmissuncreative
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aenariasbookshelf · 4 years
Quarantine Cuisine
As requested by @meilan-firaga and @awriter314, a detailed recap of the contents of my pantry and fridge/freezer, at which point you will realize that I eat macaroni way too much.  I hope that, through this, everyone out there can learn about some easy and useful ideas that they can take into their own homes for when they Just Don’t Feel Like Cooking Anymore. 
Because really, the cooking burnout is becoming A Thing for all of us, the ones who are staying home to do their part that way, and for those of us who are out there on the front lines of everything dealing with all of the insanity.  Hopefully, the recipe ideas we come up with here will help everyone, not just me.  And omg, so many dishes to wash...
Anyway: here are the contents - let’s see what magic we can do.
Ingredients below the cut, because this is gonna get long.
pasta/noodles bucatini udon noodles plain ramen noodles orechiette pastina elbows kraft mac n cheese
grains farro harvest grain mix couscous rolled oats
rice jasmine rice arborio rice
legumes chick peas red beans black beans white beans
bread and other carbs corn tortillas half a loaf of bread
vegetables/fruit tomato paste diced tomatoes passata (pureed tomatoes) black olives green chiles preserved lemons fruit cups giardiniera sweet potatoes - fresh 1 spaghetti squash of dubious origin (aka it’s been in the fridge for a while) lemons - fresh limes - fresh onions - fresh shredded cabbage - fresh apples - fresh oranges - fresh frozen fruit (strawberries and cherries) frozen vegetables (peas, carrots, corn, spinach, mushrooms) garlic ginger
meat/fish bacon precooked meatballs canned tuna canned salmon pepperoni tuna steaks shrimp mahi-mahi strips ground beef london broil chicken thighs
dairy-ish/cheese cheese dip oat milk butter plain greek yogurt cream   shredded cheese (vegan and milk based)
non-meat proteins eggs (my vegetarian sister eats eggs, therefore I classify them as non-meat, don’t at me) faux mandarin chicken bites faux popcorn chicken condiments cocktail sauce sweet chili sauce salsa verde mustard hoisin sauce honey vinegar (malt, red wine, apple cider) maple syrup bbq sauce hot sauce oyster sauce fish sauce chili garlic paste soy sauce
baking stuff almond flour flour (and appropriate leavening agents) sugar cornmeal almond extract vanilla extract orange extract brown sugar
pantry-other (aka I couldn’t think of where else to classify these) coconut milk peanut butter and strawberry jelly (in separate containers, of course) canned soup pickles seaweed miso bullion (chicken, beef, tomato) nutritional yeast pot stickers
*passes out in a pile of groceries*
PS - this does not include the contents of my snack cabinet.  Suffice to say though, that I am well stocked when it comes to both sweet and savory munchies.
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dresupi · 4 years
Zombie Apocalypse - Aaron Hotchner/Jennifer “JJ” Jareau
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for @meilan-firaga​ 645 words Rated T Waiting for the zombie hoard to leave us alone and other ways to pass the time
“Shhh,” Aaron held a hand out in front of JJ’s chest and she skidded to a halt immediately. He was listening intently, so she did too, barely breathing as she strained in the ringing silence to hear something else.
The gurgling and groaning was still far away, but it came through all the same.
“What do we do?” she whispered, almost scared to ask at all.
He shook his head and reached for the vault door in front of them, easing it closed and sliding the bolt into place. “We wait it out.”
“We’re safe in here?” she asked, knowing the vault they were in was made to withstand much more than a bunch of undead ramming against it, but nervous all the same, and when she was nervous, she talked.
“Yeah,” he nodded, looking around the interior of the room. “We’ll be safe in here.”
“Should just make the entire base out of this stuff,” she said quietly.
Aaron chuckled, if you could call it that, he exhaled and if you squinted, you could tell that he’d smirked slightly.
He brought his hand up to his face to scratch at his beard.
Ever since they’d been in hunker-down-and-ride-out-the-storm mode, he’d been letting it grow out, and JJ wasn’t above admitting it was hot as hell.
Of course, it was Hotch and it was difficult to admit that she found her former unit chief attractive.
But she did. Whether she admitted it or not.
He reached out and brushed his hand over hers. “Are you okay, JJ?”
His tone had a sense of urgency that clued her in to the fact that he’d probably not just asked once.
“Oh yeah, yeah, I’m fine, sorry.” She shook her head.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he asked, reaching onto his back to hoist the shotgun off his shoulder. “Since we’re going to be here for a while?”
She laughed and shook her head. “Dunno if you’d want to hear my thoughts right now.”
“Try me,” he said, eyes locking with hers in that way that just dared her to look away.  She never did. She couldn’t.
She inhaled softly and exhaled. “How long do you thing this will last?” She asked.
He shrugged. “As long as it lasts. And that’s now what’s on your mind, JJ.”
“Stop profiling me, Aaron. No one’s paying you for it anymore.”
He actually chuckled that time. With a smile and everything. “True.”
The groaning grew louder as the hoard approached.  JJ stopped talking and stared at the door.
Aaron reached for her hand, squeezing. “Hey. Tell me about what Henry did this morning.”
JJ smiled. “You were there. Jack was with him.”
“Tell me anyway.”
“Well, Henry, Michael, and Jack were trying to build a clubhouse this morning, and Michael wanted to make a room for me so I could come sleep there sometime too.”
“And Jack wanted one for his Daddy as well.  And Henry came up with a compromise. That you and I share a room in the playhouse because we’re always together anyway.”
Aaron grinned and squeezed her hand again. “Are we really?”
JJ caught his gaze and held it. “Sure seems like that lately.”
He slid off the bench where he was seated and slid down to the floor, bending both knees.
“You okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, it’s more comfortable down here.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“I assumed you would. Since we’re always together anyway.”
JJ huffed out a laugh and slid down beside him, much closer than she’d been before.
“You don’t have to laugh at that if you don’t find it funny,” he said softly.
“I don’t find it funny,” she admitted. “I think it’s true, and I don’t want to do anything to change it.”
When he looked at her again, something had shifted. And JJ was fine with that one small change.
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ibelieveinturtles · 4 years
Rules: Without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite tv shows then tag 10 people. Thank you @grimeysociety for tagging me! ❤
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Tagging @dresupi @zephrbabe @yespumpkindoodlesthings @holdmecloseandfast @typhoidmeri @meilan-firaga
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typhoidmeri · 5 years
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Wild Country
Messis 14
“Next stop, Avenger,” the conductor shouted.
Darcy’s heart skipped a beat. She slipped a postcard between the pages of the book she had only been pretending to read. Her belly felt queasy with fear and excitement all knotted together.
The train was slowing down, the wild country of trees giving way to golden tipped prairie dotted with trees. “Dr. Foster...uh, Jane, look,” Darcy hissed grabbing Jane’s arm.
Jane huffed in annoyance shaking her arm to free herself. “Oh gods,” Jane whispered.
we Lerned from yu.
Four words written in red on a faded billboard. Written in blood. A warning and a reminder of the damage done by humans and the shrinking of the human world. They were headed to a ghost town.
A month ago it, and more than half of the towns and cities on the continent had been brimming with life. Life with a hungry cancer in its core. People who thought the world owed them more than the terra indigene, the Others were willing to give.
Avenger was a ghost town open for resettlement. Opportunity to be had for a doctor without a practice and a nurse in training. Darcy told herself she wasn’t afraid, but it was a lie too far fetched to be believed.
They were the last two off the train, following in the footsteps of a golden giant. The man, if you could call one of the Others a man, looked more lion than the Bear he introduced himself to be. He wore a red button down shirt with a black feather tucked in in the breast pocket and a warm smile that reached up to his inhuman eyes.
Here we go.
The station at Avenger was small, mostly taken up by a bookstore overflowing with books and a tiny coffee shop with mismatched tables and chairs. The town looked like something out of the movies with it’s covered boardwalks and two chubby ponies grazing in the patch of grass between the station and businesses. People wove in and out of buildings. Not just people but Wolves in their furry form and a handful of Crows and a brown bird of prey that might have been a Falcon or a Hawk.
They were met by the town leaders, one man dressed all in black, a patch covered one eye, and he moved with a grace beyond anything human. “Are you the human Bodywalker?”
“Yes, that’s me. Dr Jane Foster,” Jane said struggling with her daypack and large black medical bag. “And you?”
“Nicholas Sanguinati town leader
“And this is our Sheriff, Steve Wolfgard,” Nicholas said. the man,
The Wolf, Steve, nodded once, shaggy blond hair catching the light.
“Are you a Bodywalker like the Jane Foster,” said a gravelly voice. Words said through a mouth filled with teeth to sharp to be human.
He had blond hair a face almost too pretty for words, a tin star pinned to the plaid of his shirt, and the amber eyes of a shifter. Eyes that had never been human.
“Gods no. Darcy’s my nurse.”
“Nurse in training, or I was until the university was destroyed and Jane saved my bacon.”
Steve leaned forward nostrils flaring as he took a deep breath. “I do not smell this bacon.”
Darcy felt her face heat, as her heart beat jackrabbit fast.“Not literal bacon, figurative. The university was destroyed last month and if Jane hadn’t dragged me along to the job fair I’d be stuck back somewhere I’d rather not be.”
Gods, please don’t send me back to the city, Darcy thought. There was hope and life in the reclaimed towns no longer controlled by human hands.
“I see,” Steve said. His eyebrows furrowed together in thought.
Somewhere in the town a wolf howled and Steve tilted his head back to echo the call. Darcy gasped and wobbled back a step. She felt her stomach drop down to her toes as Jane’s cold fingers grasped hers. Gods.
“Welcome to Avenger.”
Fic inspired by Wild Country a novel of the Others by Anne Bishop. I blame @meilan-firaga for this graphic and tiny au of the category ‘au that nobody asked for’ and I dedicate a bit of the story to @aenariasbookshelf as its her berfday and because werewolves (of a sort).
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grimeysociety · 6 years
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A DARCY LEWIS HOLIDAY CHALLENGE! (Hosted by ya girl @grimeysociety)
When: Wednesday December 19th to Tuesday December 25th 2018.
What: A holiday themed challenge for seven days, including Christmas Day. Each day will have a different prompt. Big thank you to @meilan-firaga for sending me a huge list of prompts to inspire me. 
How: Create something and post it to your blog. You can write, draw, create a mood board, other graphics, etc. Just include Darcy! These can be any genre, any pairing, and any kind of AU your heart desires. Please do not bash characters or ships! If you include explicit/over 18 content please put it under a cut with a warning. 
Note: When posting your work please include #dlchristmas18 so I can find it and add it to a masterpost. 
December 19th, Day 1: Santa Baby
December 20th, Day 2: Gingerbread
December 21st, Day 3: Snowball
December 22nd, Day 4: Last minute shopping
December 23rd, Day 5: Ugly Sweater
December 24th, Day 6: Bah Humbug!
December 25th, Day 7: Mistletoe 
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Please reblog and share this challenge! 🎄 🎅 
P.S. Come join the Darcyland Universe Discord!
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iamartemisday · 4 years
Tag Game: Top 5/Bottom 5 Fics by Kudos
Tagged by @therealstartraveller776. Thank you!  Note: I am only counting the stories under my main account.
Top 5: 
1. Ladykiller in Love-  MCU (Pepperony) 2. Lokiday- MCU (Lokane) 3. Stake Your Claim- MCU (Lokane) 4. The Science of Lies- MCU (Lokane) 5. The Great Grandparent Conundrum- MCU (ShieldShock and Winter Solstice)
Bottom 5:
1. Not Another Fantasy AU!- FMA/Ouran (Gen) 2. Price Check- FMA (Gen) 3. Smoker’s Anonymous- FMA (Gen) 4. Bite- Bleach (IchiRuki) 5. Sister Dearest- Code Geass (Gen)
Tagging: @dresupi, @caffeinated-mcu, @amidst-stars, @anniemar, and @meilan-firaga
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hpdrizzle · 4 years
Drizzle 2020: Brighter Than the Sun (Ron/Pansy)
Title: Brighter Than the Sun Author/Artist: @meilan-firaga Prompt: # 52 Pairing(s): Ron Weasley/Pansy Parkinson, background Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Word Count: 3,300 Rating: G Warning(s): None Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Summary: Ron Weasley has found the love of his life. All he needs to do is get the asking right and he's sure Pansy Parkinson will agree to tie their lives together... if only the weather would cooperate.
(Brighter Than the Sun)  
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10 Fictional Characters
Rules: List your favourite characters in 10 fandoms and tag 10 people. @grimeysociety tagged me - thank you, love!
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I’ll tag @mee2themoo @dresupi @treaddelicately @snailsarecute @wheresarizona @thestanceyg @amidtheflowers @treaddelicately @anniemar @meilan-firaga
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Fanfiction Tropes Tier Listmaker
I was tagged by @meilan-firaga, and I’m tagging @wildfierr, @lizardkingeliot, @livebloggingmydescentintomadness, @partyof3blog, @aeriallon.
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