#megatron x rodimus x minimus
cozzzynook · 2 months
Silly Minimegarod thingy
When Minimus enters his rut cycle the poor mini bot is sitting in his office in shame as he is too nervous to leave. The last time he went into rut he tackled Rodimus in Swerve's and the pair became the night's surprise entertainment (Minimus was so embarrassed) So he just sits in his Alt-Mode and tries to wait it out.
Eventually Both Megatron and Rodimus notice that their smaller Conjunx hasn't left his office in a couple of hours. When they check up on Minimus they see a turbo fox hiding under the desk while letting out a soft growling purr. Megs and Roddy barely take a few steps inside before Rodimus is tackled by a very frisky Minimus, shocking Megs who barely has time to lock the door before he is also tackled. No one sees the Captains or Minimus for the rest of the day.
Some time later a very proud Minimus is happily napping on both his Conjunx's tanks that are a lot larger then they where a few weeks ago. The small sire is happy and protective of his mates all the while excited to meet his pups when they finally arrive.
I love this so much.
That little short king is knocking up his mates and fragging them till their valves almost swell off and he’s more than capable of keeping them filled and taking care of all their needs. He literally relaxed now because of it and the two just…look so embarrassed blushing with heavy tanks that fill them out.
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tinydefector · 5 months
*jumps in again* i love how you write and im starting to feel like a bother to request some more😭 but but if you don't mind, ultra magnus x gn! reader where he's scolding them for being reckless and sneak off to go meteor surfing with Rodimus. He's not mad, just worried sick for em then reader just storms off and he didn't bother to chase after em, wanting to give them space.
Later, he bumped into Megatron and had a lil chat when Megs pointed out how Magnus is treating reader like his kid(sparkling). Mags denies it but then later connects the dot, like "omg, he's kinda right" que to him went off to find reader which in their room, distracting themselves with some work and he apologize for yelling and vice versa with reader for sneaking out.
Also, if you want, you can add like a bonus bit at the end where Mags praise reader for the excellent report they turned in and reader accidentally say "thanks dad" make it worse if some bot was around when they said that *cough* roddy *cough*
Took me longer than expected to write this out.
Platonic/ Parent and child with Ultra Magnus and Cybertronian Reader. Slight hints to Megatron x Ultra Magnus as a treat.
Other information I decided to write the reader as an Outlier but their ability, form and everything else is left up for the reader to decided themself. Other than the fact they are the youngsters on ship and smaller than the larger bots nothing else is stated.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: none
Request and ask open, read pinned post
Ultra Magnus Masterlist
laughter comes from around the corner, Rodimus and his friend bolt through the ship. "Keep up Rods!" The younger bot yells out. Their hoverboard is servo while they both bolt towards the shipping bay. It wasn't often the two got the opportunity to go asteroid surfing.
Rodimus hurries after, pushing his engines to keep pace through the twisting ship corridors. His intake splits in a fierce grin.
"Hey, wait up!" he calls back, At the threshold they transform, Rodimus jumps onto his board, taking off into the asteroid field. "Alright runt, you asked for it!" Blue optics glint with loving malice. "First to finish a loop and back wins! Loser takes the others reports."
He peels out with a throaty roar, engine howling, not waiting for the start. Cheating? Maybe, but racing was war, and all was fair in love and circuits blown! Let the games begin.
"Your on Roddy!" They shout back at Rodimus before taking a leap out onto their hoverboard. "Wooooooohhhhhoooo" the shout out. They both tear out of the shipping bay on their hoverboard, darting nimbly between support struts like a razorwing on the hunt. Their wild grin is audible even without comlink.
Rodimus bellows a rival cry, engine snarling as he rockets through the asteroids in a shower of blue sparks. Every sensor hones to the night-shadowed chase before him, picking out the board's glints between outcroppings as their rider zig-zags across the field like liquid mercury. Shouts of challenge fly between them over the comms, goading fierce competition.
Adrenaline sings in Rodimus' lines as he closes the gap, swerving within reach, laughter falls from the two as they race and chase each other. Two kindred spirits living utterly within the moment, simply living for the speed and freedom the stars grant.
From the command centre, Megatron observes the asteroid field feed with keen optic. Movement on the edges draws his gaze - two familiar signatures darting nimbly amid the tumbling rocks, weaving hazardous loops and stunts with the heedless abandon of youth.
A low growl rumbles in his powerful frame at their recklessness and endangerment. But watching closer, caught by flickering motions on the monitor, even his hardened spark must soften.
Laughter crackles through the open commlines as they toss chunks at each other in joyful battle, dancing dangerously along the rim. It sparks memories of ages past, when he himself was prone to such reckless ventures in the mines.
He returns grimly to his charts. But the ghost of a smile still plays about unyielding faceplates, echoing wild laughter across the stars. The loud steps of Ultra Magnus making his way towards command has megatron debating. "Rodimus, I'd recommend you both make your way back to ship, less you want Magnus to lecture you again" He calls out, trying to make sure Ultra Magnus doesn't catch them.
Through the open comm, Rodimus and the other bot share a look of mingled dread and mischief at Megatron's ominous warning. Their daredevil games come with risks.
"Slag it, it's Mags," hisses Rodimus. "We better scram before he throws the book at us!"
Their laughter follows, swerving nimbly aside as Rodimus roars past in a spray of grit. "Like he ever lets us have any fun! Race you back, slowpoke!" With that taunt, they gun their board, kicking up plumes of dust under newly ignited thrusters.
Rodimus snarls a challenge, punching his engine into overdrive to give chase. Though his massive frame handles with ungraceful power, the Captain drives with a fearless intensity rivalled only by Megatron himself in his glory days. "You're on!" He shouts at them.
From the bridge, Megatron watches their mad dash with a derisive snort. Fools to the last, but at least they snatched excitement where they found it, consequences be damned. A trait he can almost respect, Rodimus is a wild sparked bot and the young bot wasn't much better taking after the Prime as if they were batch mates. But Rodimus was fiery protective of them and that's all Megatron could ask.
As Magnus walks in he glitches out when he sees the two bots bolt across the asteroids on hoverboards. Magnus' commanding boom fills their comm channels, causing them both to flinch. "By Primus What are you two doing!, Do you understand the danger you are putting yourself in, not to mention protocol!" He shouts
"That sounds like Big Mags alright," chuckles Rodimus, danger-circuits alight. He guns his engine recklessly, tempting providence with stunts that wring pained static from Magnus' voice.
Beside him, the other bot is all bravado, doing tricks that ought to terminate mere mortals. "Lighten up Mags, we're just having fun!, Megatron's providing supervision" Their laugh is wildly carefree as they swerve through spiralling space debris, back to the shipping bay.
Magnus' reply is a wordless warp of wrath and protocols violated. On the bridge, Megatron observes with sardonic amusement.
Their elated whoops echo into the sullen ship as the two bots land, laughter is passed between them both, they knew they were in for a lecture but neither of them could really care at that moment. They both make their way through the ship.
Megatron watches as Magnus starts having a meltdown, seeing the smaller bot out in the asteroids.
From the command deck, Megatron observes Magnus' escalating tirade with sardonic amusement.
The security director paces like a caged turbofox, field frothing with protocol violations as he excoriates Rodimus and his cohort.
"Reckless endangerment of themselves! Disregard for safety protocols!, I expect this from Rodimus but not from them!" Magnus huffs, massive hands clenching and unclenching. His plating vibrates with barely contained voltage.
Megatron's red optics follow the scene with cynical mirth. It seems some things never change, no matter the millennia - law-bound enforcers and daredevil upstarts will always clash.
He cuts off Magnus' tirade oft. "Let the youngsters play. A little uncontrolled chaos now and then builds character. They aren't causing any harm, primus knows they could be doing worse things, circuit boosters, waging wars" His chuckles.
When Rodimus and the young bot make their way through the halls Megatron and Ultra Magnus are making their way towards them. And Rodimus decides to tease them over getting in trouble.
"Well well, look who's in trouble now," he rumbles, teasingly as he nudges the other bot. One massive hand snakes out to gently tweak an audial fin, eliciting a stubbornly stifled giggle.
They try to swat him off, armour fluffing out in a mock display of aggression. "Back off toaster, you're one to talk!" But their field reflects only playful antagonism toward their mismatched partner in crime.
Rodimus laughs, low and smooth. "Oh, I'm not the one Magnus has his pelts in a twist over. You're the lawbreaker here, delinquent." He buffs their chevron condescendingly with a knuckle plate. 
Magnus' grumbles as moves closer. The younger of the two delinquents makes a startled peep, ducking behind Rodimus for scant protection. Their field sparks with mischief and apprehension in equal measure.
Rodimus' engine rumbles a chuckle. "Face your punishment like a mech, squirt. I'll see you in the brig... cause i know thats where im heading" And with that, he steps aside, leaving the young to the Security Director's.
"Rodimus you sell out!" They hiss, Rodimus takes off running before transforming and disappearing around the corner.
Magnus begins going off over both their stupidity and the danger that they had put themselves in.
"Rodimus! When i catch you!" Magnus bellows, at the retreating autobot. His field boils with tightly restrained indignation.
The younger spreads their servos innocently, though poorly banked fires still smoulder behind their smug optics. "What? I was just having a little fun."
"Fun? You call endangering yourself and flouting safety protocols fun?".
"Do you have any idea the liability you've incurred with your selfish stunts?" Magnus huffes, he's not angry just disappointed.
"We were just blowing off some steam. No harm done" they try to defend themself, it was harder when Rodimus wasn't here to back them up.
Magnus optics bulging. "The rules exist to protect life! One mistaken twist could've terminated you both. Do you not understand that" He looms over them, servos gripping their shoulder plating. "Explain yourself. What do you have to say for putting yourself in harms way like that, this is something i expect from Rodimus but you, im drawing a line, no more hoverboard"
"Magnus I'm not a sparkling!, I can have fun, you can't just take my board!." The huff out in anger, "we didn't do anything bad, we just went asteroid surfing, what's the big deal!, Megatron was watching the whole time!" They shout stopping their pedes on the ground as they squint at the enforcer. Magnus' jaw works soundlessly, circuitry spluttering at such blatant insubordination.
Megatron's low rumble cuts through the charging tension.  "Easy there, scraplet. Magnus they are right they aren't sparkling, let them enjoy their youth" he states trying to calm down the situation.
"That is NOT the point!" Magnus hisses through clenched denta, glowering down at the insolent youngster. But the outliers field remains resolute, tiny hands fisted on hip joints. A sigh like rupturing turbines escapes Megatron where he observes, unseen, from command. Stubborn fools the both of them.
Magnus flashes incandescent, but dares not defy a direct order. With stiff, grinding steps, he departs, field boiling.
Only the younger bot and Megatron remain.  "Rules exist to guide, not imprison. Life's greatest lessons often arise from...bending them, on occasion. Try not to give Magnus a spark attack please" Megatron states while standing waiting for them to walk with him.
"I know Megs but he's been up my Tailpipe over everything I do, reports not being right, having fun, primus I can't even hang out with Rodimus without him getting grumbly at me, 'don't do that, don't do this, no you can't go out on this planet it's too dangerous ' he's not my Sire! "  They hiss out in anger, plating rattling lightly from pent up frustration.
Megatron chuckled. He strides the corridor in heavy, purposeful pauldrons, field enveloping smaller frame protectively. "Take it from one who knows - authority stems more from fear, you're the youngest on board, it's only natural that older mech's will try and protect you. Though I do believe Magnus does need to take a step back"
Red optics regard the young mech keenly. "Stand tall. Pursue your passions . And should he overstep, remind him in no uncertain terms who you are. Your strong sparked"
He crouches fluidly before them , digit gentle as steel beneath a chin. "You were made for greatness, little one. Never forget, don't let him stifle your youth, but try not to make him short circuit" A ferocious grin spreads across their face before they take off down the halls.
Ultra Magnus sits in his office, the enforcer's helm is pressed to his servos as he lets out a groan, he has overstepped.
Megatron's mass fills the security office like encroaching gloom, eclipsing what little light permeates the sparse, regulation-bound space. Magnus senses the ex warlord's intrusive field and looks up wearily through digits.  
"What do you want, Megatron?" The enforcer's usually stalwart voice holds only exhaustion. Heavy pedes carry Megatron before the desk, where he looms over Magnus imperiously. Yet when he speaks, his tone resembles dark mirth more than threat.
"Come now, Director. Is one impudent youngster truly more than you can handle?" Crimson optics gleam with sardonic amusement. "Your methods lack finesse. Rebellious sparks respond better to understanding than oppression."
Magnus' field flares defensively. "With respect, keeping order is rather outside your expertise. Some of us prioritise crew safety over spectacle."
One of Megatron's digits raises Magnus' chin, forcing optic contact. "Order through fear is a leash, not leadership. True power stems from willing allegiance, not force alone. It took me along time to learn that Ambus"
"Energon for thought. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more orders I need to read through to make sure Swerve isn't trying to order EnerGULP or Biofuel to try and fake as Energex " he states while beginning to type away on the data pad.
"Megatron, they are reckless and going to get themself off-lined or worse" Magnus tried to argue back.
"Ambus you'd be rather harsh to them, they are young, I'm aware of that, but you're treating them as if they are your sparkling" Megatron states. As the enforcer's optics go wide Megatron stifles a chuckle.
Magnus meets Megatron's scarlet gaze with quiet defiance. "My role is keeping order on this ship, not coddling delinquents." 
"Yet it seems you have been coddling one rather too much, they are at that stage, if you keep a lock and chain on them they are going to rebel,be glad it's only Rodimus, Tailgate and Drift they tend to be with. Would you rather they be around DJD" Megatron asked with a raised optic.
"Absolutely Not!" Magus shouts.
"My point stands Ambus, perhaps spend some time with them, learn what they enjoy doing, they are rebelling because they don't have the option, they are stuck in a ship with nothing to do, they see Rodimus as friend, batch mate." are his parting words. Magnus watches Megatron's departing form with troubled optics and churning processor. His counsel, however cryptic, raises discomfiting points...
With a heavy ex-vent, Magnus pulls up files on the youngsters in question. The youngest and Rodimus - one a scrappy outlier, the other a wild spark flouting authority at every turn a prime. Opposites yet drawn together like magnets. Why was he so invested in protecting this little outlier
They young outlier sits in their suite, sulking. After the fight with Magnus they had decided it was easier just not being around other bots, they had shot Rodimus a quick message stating that they wanted to be left alone for the rest of the cycle.
They fidget with their data pad huffing in annoyance as they try to fill out their reports.
When the doors open and they see Magnus they grumble. "What do you want?"
Magnus stands silent in the doorway, emanating not wrath but uncertainty. His field broadcasts a cautious olive branch amid pulsing regret. "May I enter?" His tone holds none of the usual stern command, 
When they shrug off tired assent, Magnus steps within cautiously, a massive frame filling the space.
Optics rove the bare walls and solitary form, glimpsing an existence circumscribed not by choice but necessity. His tanks churn anew. How had he failed to see the cages, invisible yet profound, binding errant sparks aboard this vessel?
Gingerly Magnus lowers himself to one knee, meeting their averted gaze evenly. "I came to apologise," he rumbles slowly. "My conduct toward you and Rodimus has been...regrettable, I'm sorry."  
The young outlier watches guardedly, searching that earnest regard for signs of tyranny or deceit. Magnus also acknowledges his protectiveness and worry over the younger cybertronian.
A sigh escapes Magnus' vents, massive shoulders slumping. "You must understand, my role demands ensuring all under my protection remain safe and functional."
"Then why do you treat me differently?" They shoot back. Magnus goes quiet for a moment. His optics hold a gentle light as they find the younger bots. " When I see you, youthful audacity, venturing into dangers I endured long ago...it stirs memories best left buried. I watch the war wipe out so many sparklings,  outliers taken and used for war"
His field pulses rueful ghosts of harsher times. "I never meant to curb your spirit, only shield you from hard lessons learned too soon." Massive fingers lightly brush an audial fin in a gesture both paternal and penitent.
"Perhaps...I allowed duty to eclipse my function as guardian to all aboard." A bittersweet smile tugs at plating. "Megatron, of all mechs, said i needed to step back"  
Optics meet in earnest appeal. "If you'll permit it, I wish to walk a new path, try and be better, it won't stop my worry but you don't deserve to be caged ." His field pulses only patience, regret and stubborn care worn soft by wisdom's dawning light. Care for the future of this young bot.
"I know I'm a young spark, but I'm not a sparkling Ultra Magnus, I know I'm the youngest on ship but I'm not a sparkling " they states quietly. The two sit beside each other.
Magnus nods solemnly, settling beside the young mech and curling his field around their smaller frame protectively.
"You are right. I treated you as one much younger, when your spark burns as fiercely as any aboard." A massive hand rests gently on a plated shoulder.
His gaze holds Tiny's earnestly. "From this moment, consider me not a jailer but guardian here to ensure your path remains lighted, not bar it. To advise and shelter, if you'll have me, I... I will try not to short circuit over your dangerous activity." A beat of silence as understanding passes unspoken between them. Then Magnus offers a small, indulgent smile.
"I've much to learn as well, little one. I'm sorry, I have been as Rodimus calls it a stick in the mud" he states and it makes the younger burst out laughing.
"Can you help me with these reports, I'm struggling with understanding what you want, the words keep moving around and I just don't understand" they state while holding out the data pad. Magnus leans in closer slowly reading over everything before trying to break it down for the outlier.
Things are peaceful for once between them, he helps with the small things and realises a lot in that time. But when he does eventually leave he catches a small slip up from them. "Thanks Sire" they call out, it makes him stiffen but a smile crosses his face as he leaves, he wouldn't tell anyone how it made him feel. 
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tftarotproject · 10 days
So as I understand, this project is lost light/idw focused but has basically every major character anyway? Just cause of how many cards? Cause I love the idea of a TF tarot but I haven’t read idw so I’m not really into it much yet. Just wanna know to see if it’s good for me ya know? Thanks!
The characters included are:
0 The Fool - Tailgate
I The Magician - Brainstorm
II The High Priestess - Mistress of Flame
III The Empress - Windblade
IV The Emperor - Starscream
V The Hierophant - Optimus Prime
VI The Lovers - Chromedome and Rewind
VII The Chariot - Megatron
VIII Strength - First Aid
IX The Hermit - Cyclonus
X Wheel of Fortune - Deathsaurus
XI Justice - Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus
XII The Hanged Man - Drift
XIII Death - Whirl
XIV Temperance - Dai Atlas
XV The Devil - Tarn
XVI The Tower - Skids
XVII The Star -  The Necrobot/Censere
XVIII The Moon - Red Alert
XIX The Sun - Rodimus
XX Judgment - Rung
XXI The World - The Lost Light
Thundercracker - Ace of Wands
Pyra Magna - Two of Wands
Pipes - Three of Wands
Blaster - Four of Wands
Overlord - Five of Wands
Galvatron - Six of Wands
Kaon - Seven of Wands
Blurr - Eight of Wands
Metroplex - Nine of Wands
Ratchet - Ten of Wands
Ten - Page of Wands
Firestar - Knight of Wands
Nautica - Queen of Wands
Thunderclash - King of Wands
Prowl - Ace of Swords
Fulcrum - Two of Swords
Krok - Three of Swords
Metalhawk - Four of Swords
Arcee - Five of Swords
Ambulon - Six of Swords
Pharma - Seven of Swords
Vos - Eight of Swords
Tarantulas - Nine of Swords
Getaway - Ten of Swords
Wing - Page of Swords
Wheeljack - Knight of Swords
Velocity - Queen of Swords
Tyrest - King of Swords
Swindle - Ace of Pentacles
Riptide - Two of Pentacles
The Wreckers - Three of Pentacles
Trailcutter - Four of Pentacles
Fortress Maximus - Five of Pentacles
Nickel - Six of Pentacles
Shockwave - Seven of Pentacles
Perceptor - Eight of Pentacles
Trepan - Nine of Pentacles
Lockdown - Ten of Pentacles
Spinister - Page of Pentacles
Crankcase - Knight of Pentacles
Helex - Queen of Pentacles
Bumblebee - King of Pentacles
Cerebros - Ace of Cups
Lug & Anode - Two of Cups
Misfire - Three of Cups
Tesarus - Four of Cups
Grimlock - Five of Cups
Cosmos - Six of Cups
Swerve - Seven of Cups
Skywarp - Eight of Cups
Nightbeat - Nine of Cups
Chromia - Ten of Cups
Sunstreaker - Page of Cups
Jazz - Knight of Cups
Soundwave - Queen of Cups
Roller - King of Cups
Some of these characters are exclusive to the IDW comics, but most are familiar faces through continuities. Even if you don't know all of the characters, it's a beautiful deck any TF fan could appreciate. You can also go through the rest of the blog to see some of the pieces our artists have created!
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Phase 7 Anon here. Yeah, ProwlTarn, while very nice conceptually, is definitely not in Propagate/Breeding Season/Phase 7 AU. Prowl x the Constructicons is, though.
RodiTarn is the main ship.
And maybe, maybe, Tarn's dream threesome for an anniversary one day. Because while I've been writing, I feel like Rodimus would be the kind of person who when confronted by Drift about concerns with Tarn's affection so straight faced and unbothered "Oh yeah, I know he'll never love me as much as Megatron but like so what? Megs is hot, and Tarn's a little obsessive. Nobody's perfect."
Then turn around to Tarn in bed that night and ask if he'd ever want a threesome/ with Megatron. When he reacts accordingly Rodimus becomes determined and sends an official memo to talk to Minimegsrav and ask if they'd be down for a date night. Ravage is not touching Tarn's ass (though isn't opposed to Rodimus’s) and Minimus politely declines while trying not to look like he disapproves of all of Rodimus’s life choices (he's gotten very good at that) but does agree with Ratchet they aren't opposed to Rodimus.
Megatron just has his face in his hands because Rodimus does now how to reserve the meeting room and answer memos and his using it to try and make his and Tarn's first anniversary contain his dream threesome.
(He doesn't say no necessarily, though. Tarn has mellowed out considerably and has actually been less obsessive lately, so sleeping with him could be disastrous or not and it has been awhile since he had a partner he wasn't worried about being rough with given the size difference issues with MiniRav.)
Sorry for the mini rant. Have a nice day all!
Omg yes
oh rodimus. oh tarn.
oh everyone in this mess♡♡♡♡♡♡
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sapphire-rhythm · 2 months
montyuh fic findings
[mostly organized] {part 2} (part 1) (part 3) (dashboard view links cause thats how you get the readmores to work) (keep in mind that these blogs just happen to be who i found the fics from first)
{there are 18+ stories here but if you're looking for their fics you already know}
{organized based on this post}
[x] idw rodimus sfw [x] g1/idw jazz afab reader [x] idw cerebros, red alert, fort max sfw bot reader [x] idw impactor, springer, inferno sfw bot reader [x] rodimus, tarn, ultra magnus sfw unspecified reader [x] idw prowl, springer unspecified reader [x] idw skids sfw bot reader [x] idw drift, deadlock sfw yandere [x] idw hound sfw [x] idw starscream, prowl sfw bot reader [x] swerve sfw [x] idw rodimus sfw first contact yandere [x] part 2^ idw rodimus sfw first contact yandere [x] idw swerve, red alert sfw bot reader [x] idw rodimus sfw merformer [x] idw tailgate+cyclonus sfw mer reader merformers [x] g1/idw jazz sfw merformer [x] idw fort max, prowl, ambulon sfw merformers [x] ambulon, fort max merformer [x] idw first aid [x] idw prowl afab reader [x] idw drift sfw yandere [x] idw optimus bot reader [x] idw deadlock sfw yandere [x] part 2^ idw deadlock sfw yandere [x] idw deadlock yandere [x] idw kup bot reader [x] idw fort max sfw [x] idw megatron [x] rodimus yandere [x] idw sunder sfw [x] idw ratchet afab reader [x] idw sunder sfw [x] idw rodimus sfw [x] idw prowl afab reader [x] idw rung sfw first contact [x] part 2^ idw rung sfw first contact [x] idw1 starscream yandere [x] idw prowl [x] idw optimus, rodimus sfw bot reader [x] roller [x] idw rodimus sfw bot reader [x] idw minimus sfw [x] idw hound [x] scorponok [x] idw prowl sfw [x] prowl sfw [x] idw red alert sfw bot reader [x] idw whirl sfw [x] idw megatron sfw bot reader [x] prowl sfw [x] prowl sfw [x] idw fort max [x] idw1 springer [x] idw1 prowl [x] idw1 deadlock [x] idw prowl sfw [x] prowl sfw [x] rung, swerve sfw unspecified reader [2? missing]
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stickytrigger69 · 2 years
Nsfw minicon x minimus ambus please. I can help with info if you need.
LL Minimus Ambus/ x GN Cybertronian Reader
Reader is a minicon.
Bot instead of mech or femme.
Readers frame type, paint job, etc. is unspecified.
NSFW! Minors DNI!!
You have been dating the loadbearer in secret for some time now. Learning everything that you can about him. Getting as close to his spark as he is to yours. You've given him all of you. Allowed him to see every last bit of you, vulnerabilities and all.
You've given him insurmountable trust and affection. You know that he also trusts you, you just never can tell how much until he is laying with you like he is now. The small green and white mech laying on a large berth with his smaller lover. Rodimus has talked to him about your relationship before, telling Minimus that he thinks the two of you are the cutest couple on the ship. He told him that even Ratchet and Megatron thought so and he certainly would have kept going on if Minimus hadn't shushed the captain.
Just earlier, said captain, had a little too much high grade and asked the minicon a very personal question about his small lover. He had asked what you were like when the two of you were feeling frisky with each other.
"So, Magnus," Rodimus was smirking like a fool, his face flushed from the drinks, "What's (Y/N) like in the berth?" Magnus turned his head to look at you, you were getting another drink and it looked like the other mini's had caught you in conversation. You were smiling and laughing with them, Swerve's servos waving all around as he talked. "Mini-", Rodimus was cut off by a large servo.
"That is really none of your business Rodimus." Magnus' servo held up in front of the red mechs face. Magnus' own face was stern and concentrated, a small flush in his cheeks. He looked away from the small captain and back to you once again. Your back straight as you talked with your rowdy friends. Rodimus' comments and prodding had sparked those thoughts within his processor that send warmth down all through his frame.
The little bit of high grade he's ingested as well adds to that small fire that now burns in his tanks. Looking at your frame he, he remembers a time you had been on his lap facing the other way while he was hilt deep in you. At that memory he looked away from you and took another sip of his high grade, still on his first cup. After you had your fill of socializing and such you two made it back to your shared hab where Minimus relieved himself of the armor and laid with you on the berth. All was well and calm for a little while before he started thinking back to what Rodimus was talking about.
The red bot had gotten a little too detailed earlier when he was recalling a quick frag he had once and it had Minimus thinking about you. His cooling fans clicked on as he felt his face flush hot. Embarrassment apparent in his EM field. You perked up and without looking up from the datapad in your servos you asked what was wrong.
"Sweetspark, is everything okay? What was Rodimus talking to you about earlier, I know it was bothering you." Concern laced your voice. You tried to comfort him by releasing a calmness through your own field. It did almost nothing to calm his nerves though. His face burning even hotter, he knows he isn't the most affectionate with you and that you two haven't had an intimate moment in a long time. So, he figured he may as well tell you what he's been thinking about that has him all flustered.
"Well," He pauses for a moment to gather his courage, "I was thinking about you." he takes a moment before going further. You give a small hum, leaving him enough room to continue if he wants to. "Rodimus was prodding again. He, of course, happened to mention something unsavory, but it got me thinking, nonetheless." he suddenly felt a flash of curiosity from you.
"Oh?" you said, still reading the reports.
"It was a bit on the um. 'heavier' side of conversation." he said, still cautious.
"Well most convos with the captain are rather unsavory with his horrible grammar." You let out a little chuckle.
"He was talking about a past lover and their escapades." He sounded a little uneasy and you turned your helm finally to look at him, "he went into a lot of detail, which I had wished he hadn't, but." His fans whir even louder. You seemed to catch on to where he was headed with this and felt a smile creep onto your face. You shut off the datapad and sat up next to him. You looked the mech in his red optics, seriousness etched onto your faceplate.
"Are you sure that you want to?" He nods and you shake your head. "Nope, you have to say 'yes' or 'no', otherwise I won't do anything." Your servo is planted on his chassis.
"Yes, I want this. I want you." That's all he says before you're sitting yourself up and straddling his waist like always.
"Good mech." You smile at him gently before leaning down to place a kiss over his derma. His servos reach up and hold you by your waist. Your frame is warm and strong, protomesh pliant beneath his thumbs. The kiss was soft and sweet, your forehelms touched for a while, feeling each other's fields. A charge building up between you both, the air becoming thick with static.
You start kissing him again only this time it's more heated. Your glossa sneaking past his derma and sliding against his own. You can feel him heat up even more and hear his cooling fans work just a little bit harder. Your servo on his chassis rubs down to rest on his abdomen, feeling the transformation seams. Your own fans click on as you rub his soft protomesh between his kibble.
It doesn't take long of kissing and feeling each other up for him to pop his panel. His spike is fully pressurized and it taps your abdomen. Your own panel opens in turn. Your valve is slick and dripping, spike pressurized as well. Your face is flushed as you sit upright in his lap and look down on him.
You grind your hips against him, feeling the ridges and biolights of his spike rub gently against your folds. Coating him in your fluids. He lets out a deep groan and your spike twitches. You continue to move your hips back and forth, relishing in the feeling of his spike between your thighs. You can feel his spike twitching as his back arches up off the berth.
HIs grip on your hips tightens, his digits digging into your mesh. You let out a whine and close your optics for a moment.
"You like this sweetspark?" You ask as you reach a servo between the two of you to feel his spike. You scoot back just enough to get a good grasp on his spike. Once you finally get a good hold of him you spread your fluids over his spike, coaxing another groan from him. You grind forward, feeling his spike rub against your anterior node and you moan.
"Mmm, more." His hips buck upwards causing his spike to bump harshly against your node again. You jump a little from surprise and let out another whine.
"Yes." you breathe out and line the tip of his spike up with the entrance of your valve. Slowly you sink down, taking his spike into you with little struggle. It takes a little bit, but you are finally able to take him all the way to the hilt. When you do you wait for a little while, allowing yourself to heat his spike up. You swirl your hips around, feeling his spike hit different spots in you.
Slowly, you lift yourself up and then lower yourself down. Your frame shudders as your calipers hook onto his ridges and biolights. HIs thick spike feels so good and fills you up just right. It feels like you were made for each other. You picked up the pace slightly, bouncing on his spike.
"Oooh, please!" You cry out, throwing your helm back. HIs servos tighten even more, he can feel your frame giving way beneath his digits. He grunts, clenching his denta, looking up at the ceiling thrusting his hips up to meet yours as they drive downwards.
"Ngh, (Y/N)! oh!" He groans out. You look down into his beautiful red optics.
"Oh, Minimus! I love you so much, you're so beautiful. My handsome mech." Your breathing is uneven and your cooling fans are whirring at full capacity. He moans at your words. How soft your voice is, the light layer of static filtered over your voice. The crackle of your charge meshes in with his. You can feel that he is getting closer to his overload.
You are too. You bounce faster, slamming your hips down nice and hard. The tip of his spike hitting the node deep in your valve.
"You feel so good my love" You moan out and he grunts in response. He can't make a coherent sentence in his processor. He chokes on his words and all he can get out are a few grunts and a groan or two. His spike twitches inside you with every downward drive of your hips. Your calipers flex and tighten around his spike.
With just a few more thrusts and one final twitch of his spike, his overload hits him. And it hits him really hard. White flashes over his optics and through his field as he fills you up with transfluid. Your frame stutters and jolts as your own overload rushes through your circuits. Both of your fields bleed together while your calipers milk his spike of every last drop.
Your mixed fields hold intense feelings of satisfaction and love that pulses from your chassis. Yours begins to open with a click, the blue glow of your bare spark catches his attention. He soon opens his own chassis, baring his spark to you in the same fashion. You lean down and plant a kiss to his derma as your sparks merge. Coolant leaks from your optics as the intense feelings of love and want course all throughout your frames.
You can feel his every emotion and hear his every thought and he can feel you just the same. You both lay there for a while, just feeling one another as you recover from your overloads. He loves when you two sparkbond like this, just basking in the love the two of you share. In these moments it is only the two of you. These are precious moments that the two of you share in private on special occasions.
After the two of you have cooled down enough and you have closed your spark chambers you pull yourself off his now depressurized spike and move to lay next to him. You lay there and look at him. Admiring his handsome features, bathed in the afterglow of your coupling.
"I love you sweetspark." You say lovingly, your servo catching his.
"And I love you, (Y/N). With all of my being." He replies, holding your servo tight in his own. The both of you stare into each other's optics until recharge takes over. You'll clean up in the morning, right now, you just want to recharge with your lover.
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petitelepus · 1 year
Minimus x minicon reader. Minimus being conjuxed endura to a prime. Make it fancy.
You happily watched your beloved Conjunx Endura recharge by your side after a night of intense lovemaking.
You were an old couple and new Conjunxes starting from the last day when you had gone through the Conjunx Endura ceremony, held by Rodimus and Megatron and the whole Lost Light standing as witnesses to your bond.
You couldn't be happier than you were now, resting next to a mech you loved from the bottom of your Spark.
"Ngh..." Came a small grunt as your beloved Conjunx stirred awake.
"My dear..." Minimus groaned as he checked the time, "Why aren't you recharging?"
"I couldn't charge." You replied and he craked an optic open to look at you, "Is everything alright?"
"Yes." You smiled, "I'm just watching the kindest and most handsome Autobot that was ever forged rest beside me."
"You're being irrational," Minimus said, but you just kept smiling as you leaned forward and kissed his forehead, "Irrationally in love with you, if I may add."
"Stop," Your green lover groaned and you grinned mischievously, "I don't blame you for being tired. After all, you have been driving in my mind for years with no rest!"
"Stop being so cute..." Minimus groaned at your flirt, but you could tell he enjoyed it, no matter how sugary and sweet you were being.
"Can't stop won't stop," You chuckled, and the green mech sighed before moving suddenly and throwing his frame over yours.
"If you don't stop then I just have to shut you up," He said from above you before kissing you and you blinked in small shock. You didn't expect this outcome but you weren't complaining!
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ppnuggie · 2 years
since i have the power of polls 😈😈 and the tendency to jump from one fic to another ,, i was thinking ,, maybe a mtmte x reader fic where the reader is like ,, playing a dating sim n the bots are in it ? ive done this sort of prompt before w/ genshin impact .
its like maybe a vr sim n you get to make choices at the end of the chapters for what happens next ,, using the polls . the choice with the most votes is how the next chapter will play out .
ive got 12 lost light bots that will be the main characters for this ;; rodimus - megatron - ultra magnus / minimus ambus - drift - ratchet - brainstorm - perceptor - nautica - swerve - whirl - rung - trailcutter
how it works is that some choices will affect different characters love percentages and if the percentage reaches past 75% they kinda go a little yandere ? 🤔 or just more obsessive n stuff ,,
so what we think ? yeah ? no ? 👀
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Fanfic writer ask game, if you feel like it:
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write? (It doesn't come across, so that's interesting...)
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
Thanks for asking! (Also thank you for your patience, it's been a busy day)
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
I'd have to go digging through all of my comments to know for sure but here are some that I remember. I can't say for sure that these are my all-time favorites because my brain is like a sieve at times, but these are definite favorites:
Because one comment references spoilers for Solar Flare, I'mma put this under a cut.
This one was left by @lush-specimen on the first TF fic I ever wrote: Suspicious Stars. As a consequence, this is the first TF fic comment as well.
This is really cute! Poor Megatron is perplexed by the simple idea that Rodimus missed him. The different messages on all the stars are great! And I love Rodimus' dialogue!! Casually dropped "dude" and "my guy" into the conversation! Quality content!! Thank you for posting this!!
I also love comments where folks try to puzzle out what's going on. I love seeing reader theories. Reforged and Solar Flare are both full of comments where folks propose what they think is going on. An example is this one from Quashing_Tub (Tumblr handle unknown if they have one) on Solar Flare (chapter 13)
Mpving this comment to here to avoid potential spoilers. , I have a slight theory. Megs absolutely DOES have the Prime Devotion Beam™ (thanks I'm adopting it too lol). But Soundwave plays a frequency that provides interference so it can't harm the others. Meaning Soundy's the only one who noticed. He turned off the frequency to specifically affect Starscream, but seeing the chapters since 8, I'm wondering if Soundy was trying to block out Roddy's PDB to save t Screamy and by extension the Cause. Too bad it only helped in the short term. I also love how Orion's sucg a sweet bean that no one notices he might ALSO have special Prime powers? Like Zeta doesn't because he kinda just took the role. Any reverence is an infirned opinion or dedicated to his actualy character but Ori literally can just stand there and get people to spill the beans. But don't worry about that, that's just Orion.
Sometimes the theories are jokes, which I adore, like this one from Reforged (chapter 12) by @redspecs
What horrors will Prowl find searching those many storage units? Tourist-trap souvenirs? Novelty sex toys? Or maybe even, god forbid, unfinished paperwork?
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Ultra Magnus (separately from Minimus or as a guy not being piloted by Minimus), Soundwave, and Jazz are all three that I find very difficult. Because I don't write them very often.
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
Not currently, I don't think, short of finishing Solar Flare. Before that, it was finishing whatever longfic novel I was working on before.
I don't think I ever really give myself milestones beyond "finish the fic" or "have a submission for every day of X event".
I think the most elaborate one I had was "use a different continuity for every day" one year when I was still doing MegOp Week.
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camp-mithril-lake · 1 year
Currently Taking Writing Requests (x)
Personal posts tagged " . " if you want to block.
Fics To Work On:
Prowl Fucks Around (Optimus) and Finds Out (Has Getaway)
MTMTE Rodimus Goes G1
TFE JazzProwlWaveTara + Sanctuary Station
Minimus Ambus kills Armada Megatron and accidentally takes over the UT Decepticons
Pharma as the Dratchet Pre-War baby
Sex Club AU starting with MiniMegs + Overlord
Minimus + Tarn = RID01 UM | One night stand pre Minimus becoming Ultra Magnus
Minimus Ambus/Ultra Magnus arranged marriage AU Pre-War or No War
G1 Galvatron seduces Rodimus on the Lost Light
Get Wrecked Sentinel, GetSent Crack Au
No Romo: Prowl saves the future with a consensual workplace relationship.
Discord Server is 18+!
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cozzzynook · 2 months
May I offer some hurt/Comfort MiniMegarod?
During the bad ending of the LL Minimus and Roddy pay Megatron one last visit the day before his sentence is carried out. There's tears and a lot of hugs despite the judging optics of the guards. They promise to love Megs the way he was and not before despite how history may paint him. The leave the prison crying and wishing they had more time together.
A few weeks later Rodimus is laying in berth feeling tired and sick, He thinks its just the grief from losing one of his Conjunxs. However over the coming weeks it gets worse to the point he can't eat without purging. Minimus the ever sweet mech is rightfully worried, he doesn't want to lose another partner so he calls First Aid to check Roddy out.
The bittersweet news arrives that Roddy is sparked with a large bitty who clearly has Megs frame type. Rodimus is a mess with happy and sad tears. They have something to remember Megs by but are sad that he never got to meet his Bitty.
Time passes and the pair are welcoming their large bitty with Megs frame and Minimus's colour and Roddy's optics. The promise to look after and love this Bitty no matter the strange looks others might give them. They love their sparkling and no angry message from Prowl won't change their minds.
Hope you enjoy :D
Anon i love you so much but you better sleep with one eye open 😭😭😭😭😭
I seriously grasped my chest because my heart hurt at this and i my eyes stung. Oh my gosh.
Their bitty growing up knowing what one of their sires did but also how loving he could be and was.
The initial news must have been so devastating because Roddy couldn’t tell him but he also could live on in a good way.
I just know Minimus was so torn not having the other sire to celebrate with or comfort him and Rodimus during the lows since Megs is better at emotional matters when it comes to Roddy than Magnus is.
Not to mention Roddy doesn’t tell his friends because he doesn’t want them judging him or doing anything to his sparkling. So they probably move somewhere else.
In fact they would have to because if someone caught word that Megatron had a sparkling with his cna they would try to kill them.
So they leave Cybertron and cut communication with a lot of bots save for a few.
They welcome their sparkling and he grows up liking so many of the same things Megatron liked. Its both really sad and really spark warming.
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porkcracker · 2 years
"Advent Advent mein Soulmate brennt"
A Transformers Soulmate Adventcalendar
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Day 9
Ship: Ultra Magnus x Rodimus Prime
AUs: Soulmate Marks
Ultra Magnus enjoyed the benefits of his armor immensely, but there were also a couple of disadvantages to it. One of them was the fact that his soulmate mark was almost always completely covered. It wasn't too much of an issue for him usually, but it did become one, the cycles when he accidentally saw Rodimus'.
Minimus Ambus loved the Ultra Magnus armor. Not only did he think it was an honour to be chosen as the wearer of it, but it also held many benefits. Increased size, strength, and protection are only a few of them. Even before the start of the journey of the Lost Light, it had been practical in assisting him with his work, but it had been even more useful since the start of the mission. But considering who was all part of the crew, it wasn't all that surprising.
He hadn't been very excited about working with most of them at the start, but now he was actually quite fond of most of them and could tolerate the rest just fine. And he couldn't deny that it was fascinating to see the way friendships and relationships were built between the crew members over the on-going course of their travel.
Some loud and fast knocking on his office door interrupted his musings, and Ultra Magnus sighed. He didn't even need to open the door to know who was on the other side of it. "Come in, Rodimus." Before he had even fully finished, the door was more or less thrown open, and the overly energetic Prime stepped inside. Rodimus looked oddly excited as he moved to stand in front of Ultra Magnus' desk, the mech in question raising an optical ridge at the even happier than usual appearance of Rodimus. "What can I do for you, Rodimus?" he asked, with a sense that trouble was coming up, but willing to hear the Prime out first.
Not that he technically just couldn't do that, but considering Rodimus was both Prime and Captain, it was essential that Ultra Magnus heard him out before anything else. He also could stand to the fact that he had grown fond of the younger mech over the course of their journey. While not necessarily the most responsible or diplomatic bot around, the young Prime has learned to improve himself.
"We need to refill the ship's storage and I happen to know a very good place to stop at. Can you do me a favour and tell Megs about that? I'm not really in the mood to discuss with him for breems if that's actually needed or not. " --While Rodimus seemed to keep his tone as even as possible, his annoyance shone through clearly at the end of his request.
For a moment, Ultra Magnus considered denying the request immediately, but when he thought about it, the atmosphere between Rodimus and Megatron had been even more tense than it had been for a long time. While he wasn't sure what was going on between the two, he could still think about that later. He sighed and then nodded:" I can, but this is the only time I'll do that, do you understand?". Rodimus visibly stopped listening after his agreement and already on the way out of his office again, " Yes, yes, thanks Mags. I owe you one.". The door closed behind him again and Ultra Magnus shook his head, before returning to his work, he would bring the stop up with Megatron later.    It hadn't taken too long to discuss the planned stop with Megatron, but due to his talking about it after work, it was still pretty late in the cycle. However, Ultra Magnus still wanted to inform Rodimus as soon as possible. Considering that quite a lot of mechs were at a bar around this time, he had checked there first, but coming up empty, he was now on his way to Rodimus Habsuit to check there. Should he not be there either, Ultra Magnus was not sure where else he would be and would instead tell him next cycle when he first saw him.
Reaching the habsuit of the Prime, he rang the bell and then waited for an answer. It took a couple of kliks, but then a "Come in" was called from inside the habsuit. Having gained permission, Ultra Magnus opened the door and stepped into the habsuit. It looked a little chaotic, with various datapads strewn over most of the available surfaces, mixed with an empty Energon cube here and there. Rodimus himself was fiddling with something while sitting on his couch, only looking up after a moment in which he presumably failed to reach his goal with the black stripe of fabric he was handling.
"Oh, Mags, I didn't expect you. What's up?", the Prime asked with a slight tilt of his helmhelm, before motioning him to sit down too. "I talked with Megatron and he agreed to the stop. Just do me a favour and handle the conversation yourself next time.", Rodimus nodded, still seemingly distracted by the black fabric. Deciding he was finished here, Ultra Magnus moved to turn around and get back to his own habsuit when an annoyed noise left the Prime and he turned to Ultra Magnus again.
"Can you help me real quick and wrap this around my upper arm?", to underline his question Rodimus held up the black fabric, which Ultra Magnus now recognised as the black wrap usually around the Primes' left upper arm. Considering it was hardly a difficult job, Ultra Magnus stepped forward and took the fabric before standing to the left of Rodimus, who had raised his arm for better accessibility. Moving to wrap the fabric, Ultra Magnus noticed the reason for the wrap; an etching of a symbol quite familiar to him.
A questioning noise interrupted his surprise, and Ultra Magnus dropped his servos and took a step back. "I think we might have to have another conversation actually. I presume that's your soulmate mark? ", met with agreement, Ultra Magnus could feel the processor ache already coming. "I have the same soulmate mark." There were several kliks of silence before Rodimus launched into a rapid swall of questions.
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pleasantspark · 2 years
spark of the lost light by Brxkxn_Fxxth
Fandoms: The Transformers (IDW Generation One)  
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
M/M, Other
Rung (Transformers)/Original Character(s)
Drift | Deadlock/Ratchet
Cyclonus/Tailgate (Transformers)
Chromedome/Rewind (Transformers)
Rung (Transformers)/Rose (Self-Insert)
Optimus Prime
Rodimus | Rodimus Prime
Tailgate (Transformers)
Cyclonus (Transformers)
Rung (Transformers)
Swerve (Transformers)
Skids (Transformers)
Chromedome (Transformers)
Rewind (Transformers)
Ratchet (Transformers)
Drift | Deadlock
Ultra Magnus (Transformers)
Minimus Ambus (Transformers)
Whirl (Transformers)
Brainstorm (Transformers)
Ten (Transformers)
Prowl (Transformers)
Getaway (Transformers)
Pharma (Transformers)
First Aid (Transformers)
Nautica (Transformers)
Nightbeat (Transformers)
Velocity (Transformers)
Roller (Transformers)
Atomizer (Transformers)
Bluestreak (Transformers)
Perceptor (Transformers)
Thunderclash (Transformers)
Mainframe (Transformers)
Blaster (Transformers)
Megatron (Transformers)
Ravage (Transformers)
Pipes (Transformers)
Fortress Maximus (Transformers)
Rose (Self-Insert)
Whirl Being Whirl
Friends to Lovers
Eventual Romance
Drama & Romance
Slow Romance
Fluff and Angst
Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Angst and Feels
Heavy Angst
Following The Comics
rose is brought on board to the lost light after a freak accident, and is appointed as liaison, upon the lost light rose struggles with self discovery and zir ongoing relationships, with all this chaos happening would zey be able to navigate through it?
Part 27 of Self Insert Stuff 
Part 10 of Rose x Rung 
Part 34 of Transformers 
Part 23 of Transformers MTMTE
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“Wheelie, I crashed into a planet.” Rose said over comms with Wheeljack. 
“ What? Are you okay?” Wheeljack asked, completely worried, he built the ship himself and if anything, he didn’t want to hurt zir from the creation he made himself. It… It would hurt him knowing that he hurt zir in any compassion. 
Rose smiled, “I am fine, I just got a bit banged up.” Rose said. 
“What do you mean banged up, what happened ? I told you that something bad happened , I warned you –” Wheeljack began, but was stopped by Rose. 
“It was a ship that hit me–” Rose starts. 
“Was it a Decepticon ship?” Wheeljack asked. Rose sighs. 
“No it wasn’t, it was just a ship.” Rose said. 
“If you ever got hurt, I could never forgive myself for it… I can’t see myself forgiving myself if I ever hurt you from my own stupidity, I– I just want to say at the bottom of my spark that I–” Wheeljack began but Rose stopped him. 
“I’m sorry Wheeljack but help has arrived. I will call you later, I promise.” Rose said, Wheeljack sighs as Rose hung up. 
“That I love you…” 
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commander-airachnid · 4 years
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I seen this meme template on twitter with the Lost Light crew and decided I had to clean it up, tweak it, and make my own. Here’s a blank template, if you’d like to take a crack at it yourself!
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Funniest Possible "Parents" for Tarn/Damus/Glitch that ignores timelines and ages and reproduction for amusement.
MegOP, classic, divorced, Optimus originally had custody until Megs got him and he wound up hating both by the end. Especially in TFP.
ShockOP, tragic, Orion Pax got custody his sugar daddy's kids when he mysteriously vanished, and one of them decided to join a group dedicated to destroying the government that erased Shockwave. The "your aren't my dad vibes are imaculate".
Rodiclash, the absolutely funniest reason for Damus to have originally been those colors. Also, making him younger and the baby of the DJD is hilarious conceptually. Also he's personal grudge against Thunderclash is a mistaken thought on Hot Rod's part that Thunderclash ran out on them when in reality his eveil second in command hid it leading to the break up and Roddie becoming a single parent. If he's father is "the Greatest Autobot Ever" clearly being and Autobot isn't worth much. The Lost Light is the Daddy Issue onion.
Minimus x OG Ultra Magnus, the absolute regency drama aesthetics of this and the shock and reveal would be great, and both Tarn and Minimus would be hilarious to deal with this emptionally strained revelations. Dominus pegging Tarn as his nephew and kidnapping him because he did the math and "who fucked his little brother, ran out on him, and lead to this"? Suddenly that summer abroad makes sense. Funnier if original Ultra Magnus is alone and Dominus highjacks the DJD to track him down and have a family reunion while the DJD awkwardly tries to be supportive and are confused why Vos is so murderous. Minimus, meanwhile, is having a tearful reunion with the child he gave up for adoption, thinking he'd have a better life only to find out his life wasn't great while Tarn is going through all sorts of emotions and tears up as well. Vos meanwhile has cornered Ultra Magnus saying "he just wants to talk." Adds an interesting layer to Minimus's thing with Ultra Magnus.
Ultra Magnus x Hot Rod, TFP, Ultra Magnus showing up with Hot Rod and their mildly evil baby.
RodiSound, Cyberverse. Everyone trying to figure out how to tell the mourning Rodimus, he's widow baby with Soundwave looks just like a miniature version of the guy who tried to take over Cybertron.
G1 GalvRod. Hilarious.
You're so right though
Megop divorce child Damus is always interesting yep yep
OWO on rodiclash baby Tarn, because that would have all the implications considering Tarn. Just... Considering Tarn.
The Lost Light is the Daddy Issue onion
The idea of Minimus having known the original UM has interesting implications and symbolism considering what goes down later on, and I am also gifted the idea of beastformer!Tarn who would be beautiful. Dominus would have such an interesting role in it too. Yesss.
Having Damus/glitch/Tarn as a Cyberverse Soundrod baby would be mildly hilarious because you can argue he explicitly named this kid after the guy who tried to kill them all out of spite. You can argue for reincarnation here considering how it was Soundwave that took Cyberverse Tarn out of the world, and you can argue that it was Soundwave and Rodimus who proceeded to bring him back into it. raise him right this time.
Another suggestion: tfp wavewave child Tarn. He's their passion project in so many ways of the word.
aNOTHER SUGGESTION: earthspark Glitch/Damus who was adopted/fostered by Megatron for a while. We follow with my one idea where his design is more like his "Glitch" era design but a little more eldritch
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Heyo is it alright if I ask who else has been requested for the oxygen prompt but is not yet done/posted? Im anxious about requesting things so an idea of who is alresdy asked for so I dont send in a repeat would ease me quite a bit
As my requests have finally been cleared out, nothing is in development, but here's a list of everyone who HAS been done so far! For the record, if you would like to request a bot maybe not in MTMTE or one of these bots but in a totally different pairing or with a change to the scenario, that's cool too!
Rodimus and Minimus
Swerve and Whirl
Megatron and Thunderclash
Perceptor and Drift
Fort Max
Cygate (Parents of Adopted Reader)
First Aid
Himbo King Riptide
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